A little earlier listening to 5Live I was urged to keep listening as I would be treated to an investigation into the hidden child hunger epidemic sweeping the land.
Who knew?
It must have been very well hidden as I have always been led to believe that the problem was one of an epidemic of child obesity….sweeping the land….from the Telegraph…
Schoolchildren refused second helpings at lunch in obesity crackdown
Schoolchildren are being refused second helpings at lunchtime, it has emerged, as councils launch a crackdown on child obesity.
Education chiefs in parts of Wales have stopped kitchen staff giving out an extra portion to teach children sensible eating habits.
Some local authorities are also preventing pupils from having extra puddings because of their high sugar content.
Cardiff Council has started giving children slices of dry bread if they are still hungry after lunch.
It comes as figures showed children as young as 14 are undergoing obesity surgery on the NHS.
From the BBC:
Rise in child obesity-related hospital admissions
The UK has the highest rate of child obesity in Western Europe, which is estimated to cost the NHS about £4.2bn a year.
The paradox is of course that we are told that ‘poverty’ is the cause of the hunger epidemic, and ‘poverty’ is the cause of the obesity epidemic….and the very same class of children, the poor, are victims of both these epidemics.
Poverty driven by government policies on welfare of course.
Guess there must be an election coming.
The BBC had better be careful, if they keep churning out these scare stories, as they have been doing daily, they’ll run out before the election and will have to start looking for real news stories instead of feeding us press releases from charities, NGO’s, think tanks and the Labour Party.
As there are nearly 200,000 charities in the UK I am guessing the BBC thinks that won’t happen.
Was it Friday on the Today programme that I heard McDonalds was responsible for the breakdown of society, its cohesion and communal life?
Don’t know about fat kids, but certainly a lot of fatheads around.
Yep, it’s Climate Change Redux. Whichever way the dial moves, the answer is Big Government, and more especially the Beeboids’ pals from Islington on £80,0000 pa plus benefits working for OFFAT
i have to admit,there seems to be an awful lot of fat people around these days even where i live,either there is an epidemic of fatness that is sweeping the country like the ebola virus or as i suspect people just like filling there stomachs up with chips and beefburgers because they enjoy eating themselves into fatness.
For a small island, we always seem to have the maximum of everything in Europe if not the world. Now the highest rate of childhood obesity. Possibly so, but it’s a bit like the Met Office where it’s always the most something since records began. One gets a little disbelieving. It’s a lot to do with charities becoming political activists, isn’t it? (Thanks Gordon)
Speaking of the Met Office, and “since records began”, this winter, apparently, is going to be the wettest since records began, which will be even wetter than last year, which was the wettest since records began…
…and so it goes on.
The Daily Mail says it’ll be the wettest for 33 years. If that’s the case, presumably that 33 years includes last year, which was the “wettest since records began” – that doesn’t seem to correlate with 33 years, does it?
The Met Office – blinding us with sceance.
The BBC – believing it.
On Friday, my local forecast said that this week would be wet and windy, yet last night they said that after today its going to be dry but cloudy – WTF?
The only thing they do get right, although not sure why they insist on telling us is what the weather has been today.
Often they come near to getting tomorrows weather right, but that’s about it, so how the hell they can predict the weather for the winter heaven knows, now where’s my seaweed…..
The rise in obesity levels seems to be correlated with the rise in food banks. Something doesn’t seem quite right here.
Down here in sunny Portsmouth and its Costa Bel Buoy, I know of plenty “vulnerable” young persons who find that if they “provide” the “required daily supplements” as students “reach out to them” from passing vehicles “in the process of getting their car tax sor`ted mate!”-then kwashiorkor seems not to require that Bird flu vax that the HomeX Dept are “in the process of developin`…chillout yeah?”
These supplements seem to keep the children from “being hungry” through most of the school day-but “the Munchies” do occur and “impedes the learning experience for the students”. Hence the dining experience as required by Cleggy Foggy and Compo needing to be “rolled out earlier”-at 10.45 to be precise! The timetable is indeed a moveable feast these days
Thankfully the local school Head Shop is stepping into the breech, and providing a “talcum/Bob Martins” alternative at competitive rates. Which the staff and their OFSTED overseers seem to have positive experiences of, and certainly would appear to destress all concerned in the “evaluation” of the “school”.
Dude Roolz!
So no overeating here-unless all the wasted food being skinned and dipped in the Waste Parnerships toy boxes is being removed before the Chinese get to land fill it all on our behalf.
Drugs(especially tobacco) prevents over eating-will Cardiff put their ciggie machines back in?>..with that Acapulco Gold option , now Wurzel Brand has decided it`s KOsha!