Don’t worry…they can’t be racist coz they’re black (h/T Jo Brand)…
Bahamas fends off critics over new migrant rules
On the first day new immigration rules took effect this month in the Bahamas, officers in green fatigues swept through poor sections of the capital filling two yellow school buses with dozens of people who couldn’t document their right to be in the island chain.
The government, amid fierce criticism of the raid, later insisted the timing of the operation was coincidence. Still, the message of the surprise morning raid, in which the officers were accompanied by local media, couldn’t be clearer: The Bahamas aims to become less hospitable to its swelling population of migrants lacking legal status.
“The fact is that illegal migration is a huge problem for us,” Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell said in a recent interview. “We spend enormous resources for it. It is a drain on our social services, health care and education and we need to get the matter under control.”
Government officials say the new restrictions remain popular among Bahamian citizens. “It’s becoming a national security issue for us and for our neighbors and we have to do something about it,” Mitchell said.
Nothing on the BBC about this. Wonder why they’re being so coy at this time.
And where is all the fuss about Cameron saying he will deport immigrants in his latest speech?
We will extend our new policy of ‘deport first, appeal later’ to cover all immigration appeals where a so-called right to family life is invoked.
Mark Reckless was hung out to dry for mentioning that word.
Listening to Today we heard that Cameron had run his speech past the European great and the good for their approval…
Angela Merkel forces David Cameron to retreat from EU migrant cap
What was notably missing was a comment that this quite starkly illustrates how membership of the EU takes away all control of the borders and only leaving the EU political structure will succeed in controlling immigration.
Even an immigrant recognises and admits that:
If he [Cameron] wanted to start a real, honest debate he could have said to the British public: look, we cannot bring the number down, that is the reality and there are real benefits for us. But we can, if you want, just get out of the EU, with everything that entails, so let us have that discussion, have that referendum.
Most factories must have closed down yesterday as the immigrant work force were too busy doing interviews with the BBC and the Guardian to turn up.
Hardly an approach that is designed to give us an impartial view of the subject….they are hardly likely to say reduce immigration…as indeed they did not.
Did hear a BBC set up yesterday with several immigrants voicing their opinions of Cameron’s speech..again why is that relevant…Turkeys voting for Christmas?
We heard that they had no thoughts of claiming benefits, they came because they loved Britain…and they’ve never claimed a benefit in their lives…never mind that one had 3 kids, 2 born in the UK and the oldest she brought over from Poland with her…so immediately she would have been a priority on the housing list and been given benefits.
Here is the Guardian doing a similar job:
A migrant’s verdict on immigration plan: ‘there is a war against us’
Cameron’s speech makes the UK feel less open, less safe, less friendly – and he is not the only politician to do so. All the main parties seem to be following Ukip in this debate and it is having dangerous consequences for us as we try to go about our day-to-day lives.
That is the BBC’s excuse for not talking about immigration honestly…there will be blood on the streets if we acknowledge there is a problem with immigration…or Islam.
I would have thought it more likely there would be blood on the streets if the majority’s views are continually dismissed and maligned as racists and bigots. UKIP is in fact the saviour of the BBC’s grand project to preserve civic order and community cohesion as it is giving a voice to that majority long ignored and insulted.
Without UKIP what would happen as the elite continue to preserve their own privileges and entrenched power systems?
As Chomsky said:
The right to lie in the service of power is guarded with considerable vigour and passion.
The BBC has been the handservant of the rich and powerful guarding their privileges and despotism, allowing them to impose policies that run against the interests and wishes of the population.
The BBC is far from independent and does indeed lie in the service of power….as long as that power also aligns with the BBC’s own moral and ethical compass.
It amazes me that some people say (and write letters to newspapers ) that they met a foreigner and he was NICE !
As though they expected something else . They then want the country to base its immigration policy on their little experience .
When I was a teenager, these type of people would join the forces so as to travel the World, and experience the exiting exotic foreign people. Now youngsters stay at home, and want the world to come hear.
Its why when the naivety turns into experience in the forces, they are more likely to support UKIP. Also studies show that naive liberal middle-class morons are just as likely to follow UKIP voters into White flight from areas suffering from large scale immigration.
Rod Liddle pointed out to Eddie Mair on P.M. last week, that the BBC, and the left in general, have constantly been wrong in their reporting of immigration, by suggesting that it’s the immigrants themselves that people resent, when in fact it’s the governments that have allowed it to happen, and the negative affects it has on services and society that people really have a problem with.
What gets me is that the foreigners that they meet who are “nice” tend to be professionals, not the dregs who drive taxis, run kebab shops or are just benefits tourists.
Until we have an effective points system in place, we will remain the worlds dumping ground.
Are we short of taxi drivers, fast food workers, factory workers?
Could an English person do the job just as well (without raping, mugging, burglarizing)….answer, yes.
The UKIP Dream already exists in reality: Switzerland is having three Direct Democracy referendums tomorrow, one vote is on reducing immigration to a maximum of 0.2 percent of the population per annum.
Wow, a country that actually delivers on what it promises!! The chances of the UK getting a choice on the EU is virtually zero, camoron is a liar, milipede is a joke who will hand the EU the keys to the treasury as we are the only country capable of dragging europe out of the mire…again.
Can we make the spelling ‘Ça-Moron’, officially?
I mean, it has such a nice continental, Europhile touch, n’est-ce pas?
Oui, mais ‘ad hominem’ c’est latin.
god almighty,and peace be upon him,but peace not be upon that ugly fat boring islington boring daily mail hating ed miiliband luvvie jo brand who the bbc thinks is worthy of having a political opinion that we all know will get the bbc lefty marxist audience going into fits of howls against anybody who does not agree with the labour partys love of mass immigration,boo hoo jo brand stick to telling jokes about womens tampons because that is about as funny as you are darling.
One of the first BBC departments to be taken over by the rabid left was “Comedy”. The young tittering urbanites with their ex-Uni certainties that Left is right thrive on “comedy”. Comedians like Dara O’Brien all know that is what puts bread on their table, and the BBC is the biggest employer in town. Who wants to face the Apollo audience with home truths? They won’t laugh, you won’t eat.
The Beeb monopoly on comedy employment is a crime against the British population, paid for of course by us.