Rejoice, rejoice! Failed comedian and entertainer to guest present ‘Today’ on Radio 4 on the theme of diversity! This is the same Lenny Henry who appeared on The Black and White Minstrel show and used ‘funny’ West Indian accents on Tiswas.
When will the BBC give out these jobs to people who are not ‘fellow travellers’?
Beware: it’s 30 December.
But it’s OK because, although The guest editors will be responsible for up to half of the show’s output, … the usual Today editors will ensure the material is newsworthy and meets the BBC’s editorial guidelines.
Never ceases to impress that the BBC thinks saying the BBC is going to oversee the BBC’s own wease…. Guidelines is the stamp of professional objectivity.
BBC – Austria arrests 13 jihadi suspects
“Reports in the Austrian media said 500 police were involved in searches at mosques, flats and prayer rooms ”
… WHAT! …
So that’s …
Islamic Jihadi s in
Islamic prayer rooms,
Islamic mosques? recruiting?
Islamic adherents?,
in the Islamic place of indoctrination?
for the Islamic caliphate,
to aid the Islamic State?
and the dream of Islamic domination
… So lets put 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 together,
Any idea, what can be behind this?
any Jooo s involved
“Take your Australian content BBC and shove it – the people who comment on these threads are the worst lunatics ever and we don’t need them here. Start fulfilling your contract to your own and take that rubbish Guardian with you.”
Around seven years ago two friends and myself were in Oz to visit a good friend who had seen the writing on the wall here and emigrated.
On one of our remaining nights we went for an Indian meal with his family and friends, i think it was a Thursday night, in the restaurant was a large contingent of pakistani men accompanied by two white Australians in smart suits.
The owner wasn’t expecting another large group in and was a bit panicky, as the night wore on it became clear why. The two white Aussies were liebour politicians and were promising the pakistanis everything they were demanding…mosques, more nazislam in schools, more of a say in the community etc, etc!
It was quite surreal, all the way across the world to listen to what we had at home!! Needless to say my friend wasn’t best pleased and said as much to the liebour councillor, the group left very quickly.
The result is they are now having the same problems as every other liebour /liberal led country that has appeased the rulers of the cult of nazislam, namely the cult want to turn the place into a mini caliphate, but, what I want to know is why?
Why are the morons who rule our tolerant countries giving nazislam such a free reign? I just don’t get it, what is so important about the cult that we all have to endure their disgusting way of life?
Is it: (a) they are in the pockets of Saudi and Qatari big money? (b) they are after Muslim votes to secure their own position? (c )they hate their own kind so much they will do anything to destroy them? or (d) all of the above?
“Peter Allen might as well have included “Hitler should be given the Continental Motorways award for his work on building the Autobahns”! “
Well oddly it must be admitted (and I’m not praising him of course) that Hitler would have deserved that award much more than Obama did the now totally discredited Nobel “Peace” Prize.
Anger as Next offers jobs to Polish people first
AOL News
Next Christmas jobs offered to Polish workers before being advertised in Britain
TP Latest News
Actually, this is old news, its an absolute scandal, been happening a long time, and with full No10 traitor support.
Then again …
BBC 5Live was on the propagandathon … syphoning Eastern Europeans in the best cartel fashion?
Not an issue for the BBC of course, they ve been bloody camped out in Boston, Lincs asking erm “locals”? … Magda, Sergev, Kasha, and two farmers rich off of eastern Europeans, if cheap immigration is a good idea?
The Chairman of Next is a Tory Peer. So much for them trying to control immigration. You wouldn’t mind, but the warehouse is in an unemployment blackspot.
Yet again we are being told that white English people are too lazy to take the jobs and therefore their benefits should be cut.
As has been said earlier, even Millipede would be better than this shower & I never though I’d say that !
Nothing new. It has been happening in South Yorkshire for many years. Any Brits are forced out by bullying and intimidation by the Poles. The management chickened out of dealing with it and just sacked the locals. I discovered this when it happened to a relative of mine.
A piece this morning on the Today programme about the huge rise in modern slavery in the UK. Mishal interviewed some guy about the figures and attempts to control it.
Any examination on where this phenomenon has come from or why? Which sectors of society are engaging in this? I
A piece this morning on the Today programme about the huge rise in modern slavery in the UK. Mishal interviewed some guy about the figures and attempts to control it.
Any examination on where this phenomenon has come from or why? Which sectors of society are engaging in this? Is it those provenly racist and imperialist indigenous Brits? We can only speculate because the question wasn’t asked and we weren’t told.
Kinda think we know the answer anyway, BBC.
Just the same in The Times, where this is today’s lead news item, telling us which groups of people are most likely to be the victims, but not a word about who is doing the enslaving!
Of course, seasoned observers of ‘modern-day Britain’ know this means that we have to read between the lines and try to guess who are most likely to be the criminals and have slavery as part of their ‘culture’. They’re probably the ‘vibrant’, ‘diverse’ and ‘enriched’ ‘communities’ that the bBBC doesn’t like mentioning.
I may have missed something, but I understood that the UK is officially (like it or not) an Anglican country and that the Head of State is also head of the Church. Therefore it is silly to suggest other religions are equal because they are not, given the current set-up.
Oh dear, Richard Harris, what a fool! His liberal, woolly, limp wristed ‘inclusivity’ ideas are embarrassing, and, strangely, only included the cult of nazislam for the coronation ceremony?
He appeared to get quite flustered when faced with the reality of having to include a reading from EVERY faith to be truly inclusive! Just what is it about nazislam?
I mean, what next? The pope on his knees in a Turkish mosque??
They seem to have brains that do not think about emigrating to foreign fields or converting to Islam. But instead, have the lifestyles of hideously white bigoted hypocrites.
Its like a BBC comedy panel: They say something hypocritical, and then that makes you LOOK at a panel of hideously white Labour voting middle-class hypocrites.
No attempt to include Hindus, Sikhs and (God forbid) the Jews in Charles’ Defender of the Faiths speech? Typical Beeboid knee-jerk reaction. It’s all about that one faith
I did like the comment he made about a service at Bristol Cathedral where verses of the Koran being read out made the Muslim high sheriff feel ‘warmly embraced’, the 13 Somali rapists of little girls in Bristol also felt ‘warmly embraced’ by the purveyors of cultural suicide such as this meddling fool.
The Jews in the getto also did all they could to lick the boots and help their Nazi oppressors, it did them no good as they all ended up in the ovens. Perhaps the bishop is thinking he might get a choice position in a quisling government at some future point ?
What was it about the British ruling class ? The first son inherited the title and the land, the second became an officer in the army and if a third was born he was shunted off into the church ? Obviously at work here then.
If Charles was so foolish as to agree to any of this, in my eyes he would loose all legitimacy and would be a weak and unwanted sovereign. We have had many such over the years and it has always ended badly for them. This bishop needs defrocking.
Most church of England prelates have no belief or conviction whatsoever. They are just lefties going through the motions in a easy job preaching their vile hatred to the masses (well what ever is left of the few who bother to go to church).
The funny thing was that there was an interviewee on Radio 4 who rendered the Bishop speechless.
Which verses do you suggest he said, “Slay the infidels wherever you find them? Or Cast terror in the hearts of the disbelievers?”
Up jumps Humphries realising verses from the Qur’an have been quoted and we can’t have the people knowing what’s in it. Out comes the usual naive ignorant “but there are verses in the Old Testament which are violent”, without pausing to engage brain.
Christians do not believe the Bible is the very word of God in the way Muslims believe the Qur’an is. No Christian to my knowledge have ever been motivated to carry out an atrocity by verses in the Old Testament !
It was worth a listen to because the Bishop was torn to pieces.
My deeply sincere and most abject apologies, I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by a misguided assumption for which I had no knowledge, and for the said assumption that you are a Mr T, and not a Ms, I deeply regret any distress that my assertion may have caused you or your family, wider family and anyone who knows you … I hereby undertake not to repeat any such mishap at any time in the future.
You re not joking are you
The English ruling class have always been stupid and rarely English.. We have done well and survived as a nation despite them. Put it down to the inate genius, courage and stubborness of the English people.
When things get rough we have to come to their rescue.
There is also a very old conservative republican tradition . It took the creation of the United States to bring that to fruition. The great achievement of old England.
Being a true conservative does not make one a royalist. Our old Anglo Saxon monarchy was quite different from that of the Norman tyranny.
“Would the Muslims tolerate open prayer at a mosque? I think not.”
“The Muslims”? Who they?
Would that be like “The Christians” (all two billion of them), who wouldn’t tolerate open Muslim prayer anywhere outside a cathedral? According to their universally accepted representative, ‘john in cheshire’;
“What those entities are doing outside Westminster Abbey is an abomination.”
BBC News: Entry about Cameron, immigration etc. So in their unbiased way they get a commentator. The woman has a foreign name and goes on about how we should stay in the EU. She turns out to be the media director for a unit called
Wow, check their website and who is behind it. What was the point, are they going to say the EU is a heap of dung and should be got rid of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As the BBC appears to be creating breeding colonies of news staff with ‘Magazines’ and ‘Trending’, maybe, along with BBC HYS, they could have ‘BBC Turns Out To Be’, along the lines of those ‘Who The Hell Are You, Or Cares’ shows.
That way a whole new content stream can be created off just about every news programme, where the viewer discovers what the BBc didn’t have space to mention, despite it being in those quaint BBC (emphasis on the) Guidelines they can ignore until needing to defend a complaint to the death using them.
Peter Wilding, a face that you would just love to punch and punch again, one of the most sneering and snide liberals you will see.
What makes me laugh is that these morons talk about their new utopian ‘global city’ that we all now belong to yet are desperate to shackle themselves to a repressive, backward, in looking EU hamlet!
I know mellor is a complete shite and deserves all the stuff heaped on him. but why does the bbc insist on leading stories about him with the fact that he is a former `conservative` cabinet minister. a shitty former labour cabinet minister would not have had his party affiliation disclosed in the headline about a similar story. monstering the tories goes on.
“Britain’s STILL on Benefits Street: For years the BBC and the Left have howled about spending cuts – the truth is that welfare and public spending have barely been cut at all ”
Yeah, what are all those whiteys doing not working when they could travel to anywhere in Eastern Europe where the jobs which they could do are being advertised !
They should be starved to death, better still tortured to death in public to make an example.
Being white working class is simply unacceptable !
Oh dear: apart from a few vox pop comments on the street the entire section on immigration interviewed people with a vested interest in open borders.
The most idiotic was the studio interview with a Polish WW2 veteran who seemed to think our borders should be open most to those who aided Britain in WW2!
So based on that flawed logic (which presenter Kirsty Wark decided not to question) we should allow more Americans in than Canadians, more Canadians in than Poles and absolutely no Germans and Italians because they weren’t our allies.
Why didn’t they also invite a British WW2 veteran on to argue about what he would like to see? Why does a single immigrant veteran’s voice trump all of the British voices?
It’s the old They Fought For Us canard again . As though Polish armed forces personnel thought ” oh good , my country has been conquered , I can now fight for Britain and not Poland ” .
A fair point. If, for the sake of argument, Poland had reached an agreement with Hitler over Danzig, and allowed him to invade the USSR through their territory. no Polish airmen or soldiers would have spontaneously decided to leave Poland and join the British armed forces. We are all victims of the great courses of history, which we cannot control.
Let us remember that the Polish airmen who fought for the RAF in 1940 all came to us via France. With the fall of Poland the Poles immediately thought of getting to France, a country with which they had close ties so as to continue the fight. The fall of France brought them to join our cause as they had nowhere else to go. Given that, their hatred of the Germans brought something to the fight which was somewhat missing in Fighter Command, the desire to get in very close and kill the crew of a bomber rather than fire at the engines and allow the enemy to survive. We should also remember Josef Frantisek, a Chech,who, after fighting with the French also made his way to us and fought with the Poles in 303 Squadron. He was also an aerial killer who shot down 17 Germans in a month before his own death and was the highest scorer in the battle.
We owe these men a debt, and I am happy to do so, Christian, European, hard workers, they are no threat to us or our culture, they are not the problem, but have been used as a fake problem by all sides who including UKIP know the real problem immigrants come from further afield.
I understand the point you are making. However, I am just saying that if history had taken a different course, Hitler might have concluded a non-aggression treaty with Poland and then attacked France and Britain. I can’t see any Poles leaving their own country to fight for us in those circumstances. It happened that our country was allied to Poland, and the Polish airman who flew in the Polish RAF squadrons were fighting our common enemy. They were not fighting out of any sort of sentimental attachment to Britain. They hated Germans because the Germans had attacked Poland.
The men who came from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the rest of the Empire did feel an attachment to Britain, and were fighting for it, even when their home countries were not under attack.
We were all fighting together to try and save our own countries. The Poles helped us to help them. When Britain deterred a Nazi invasion of Britain it enabled us to continue probing away in Africa and with US forces provided an adequate invasion force for D-Day.
It was a two-way thing. Modern day Poles are just as indebted to my grandfathers for the contributions they made in pushing the Nazis towards oblivion.
I agree totally that about – say – 100 Polish airmen made maybe a crucial difference to the Battle of Britain. I respect them for that.
But in the oevrall scheme of things, Britain has done lots for Poland. I don’t see how today we owe frewe entry to millions of Poles who are mostly grandchildren of the people alive in WW! – and who overwhelmingly have nil personal connection with the specific airman who helped us. It all sounds a very spurious argument.
Oh – and I am getting exceedingly pissed off with the Czech Ambassador. Who the hell does he think he is ?
I am sensing crisis management narrative redirection in The Farce.
They, along with Dave, Ed, Nick & Titch, can no longer deny there’s a bit of an issue here, and not just on every street corner flogging magazines.
Hence, as with Doctors (the non exploding or beheading variety), Engineers (the non IED-sculpting variety), immigration must be viewed in terms to vet debts.
That most of these fine folk are recognised, valued and accepted in most proposals, and the actual focus is on those with as few skills as they have many dependents, is this neatly steered away from.
I have worked in many parts of the world. USA, Canada, Oz & Asia.
Can’t recall one that didn’t have a bunch of criteria I and/or my employer had to meet just to get in, and a bunch of ejection rules should I prove an ungrateful guest or simply proved to be a drain at a later stage.
Quite why this is a problem for the political classes and BBC here is intriguing.
It’s almost like they are trying to hobble the country and wind up the productive tax-paying classes.
But this Pole blamed us for not defending Poland before it was invaded. In fact we seemed to be to blame for everything that had happened in Europe since 1936.
I did wonder why he had chosen to live here for the last 70 years.
This chap is now a very old man and can I feel be allowed to make a few mistakes which ought to be ignored. I used to work with a Pole, (back in the 80’s when they were a small number ) whose father had been a private in the Polish Army in 1939, and who had been captured by the Russians in their joint attack with the Germans. Being a private he had been allowed to live ( as opposed to the Officers who were butchered in the Katyn Forrest ) and was sent to Siberia with his wife and 2 young children, being moved to the British for a new Polish army through Iran after we had become best buddies. He was a hard working man, and was happy being British as were his UK born children who were both married to locals, these are the kind of people who have always found a home here and deserve it. They are not the kind of 3rd worlders who Blair thought we needed.
He is quite entitled to interpret history as he sees fit and especially as he has lived through it.
What is questionable though is the BBC’s selection of Poles to challenge Cameron’s ‘policy’. I would think we have very little concern over the wartime Poles and their descendants, they have integrated well. I doubt whether current Polish immigrants are that much of a problem either, young, white, Christian and keen to work and, most likely, return home.
It isn’t Poles that have introduced an alien, supremacist social/religious cult and dress and language to our streets. It isn’t the Poles that have colonised certain of our cities to the extent that they are very much the majority, (“Oh they are only 4%, nothing to worry about”). It isn’t the Poles that have forced us to ‘mind our backs’ whenever we travel. It isn’t the Poles that have wormed their way into our ‘world class’ media, legal and political systems. It isn’t the Poles that are dominating the daily news of the latest politician induced disaster here and abroad.
The elephant is kept hidden and fed in the BBC’s green room while the benign Poles, ‘the acceptable face of immigration’ are trotted out and set up as a resentful, discriminated against set of victims to make the case for open door immigration from Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Romania and Ethiopia.
Anybody see this news article on Thursday about 13 “men” from the “Somali Community” who were convicted of child grooming and rape?.
If you didn’t, I’m not surprised because it was briefly buried in the lower section of the BBC News website(below some old woman who had died and below some jaded Plebgate story) before disappearing never to be seen again.
Curious how it appeared and disappeared like a flash while the issue of (mass)immigration was making the headlines.
As he says: ‘the BBC has the most powerfuladvertising self-promotion platform in the land”
But other than that, just chugging along, competing with no one, imposing no influence. Just £4Bpa deployed unaccountably to push narratives, as you do.
Still, at least their politics have always been left at the door.
Black Friday, but blacks in Ferguson are told not to buy because of a police officer who killed Dindo Nuttin when he held his arms up. BBC journos hanging in there milking the race issues.
But what if the rumours about Dindo Nuttin are true? Suppose his juvi record is released and it confirms a connection to second degree murder? Will the BBC, and the left alliances here respond?
And certainly to be ignored by the BBC is that the Tea Party are organising support for stores affected by the Ferguson looting. Not the racist Tea Party???
Uncle Bup, On many of the Ferguson protests are videos of white protesters. But there is evidence of media manipulation where white protesters are told to stay in the background. This has started a debate after Canadian demonstrations where whites were told to stay in the background.
I thought rioting and stealing from innocent people was an acceptable way to show your displeasure at a verdict you’re not happy with…another US phenomenon that has spread to the UK.
Right! Guys and gals.
I have come up with an idea that could save money for us and the bbc. What I am suggesting is that the government sack every single member of staff that is on the bbc pay roll, and replace them all by going through an agency to hire polish workers on minimum wage.
No more over paid beeboids with all their personal expenses, gold plated pensions all paid for by us, the tax payers.
Win! Win! For everyone! Who knows, the polish comedians could be much better than the ones we currently have. What do you think?
As long as they pass Gerard Batten’s UKIP/Mensa points test.
And all those BBC Arts and Languages Climate Change morons are replaced with Journalists with Astronomy and Atmospheric Physics PhD’s.
I hope you spotted the reference to Mensa there? Unfortunately despite being in Mensa (I am therefore better than you) I have never quite mastered the correct use of the apostrophe.
The bogus Richard Pinder doppelganger is a BBC Journalist who has many aliases on this site, and also knows the correct use of the apostrophe, because he is probably one of those BBC Oxford Language Climate Change experts.
Also, I suspect he was one of those students who not only failed a Mensa test at Oxford, but was one of those who scored below 100, the cut off point below which, people are far more likely to vote Labour.
Brilliant -Could we extend Brianism to the state education system as well?
I’m sure that Polish graduates would be better educated than our own, and have a better grasp of the English language . (based on my experience of my daughters schooling).
Some older ones might also have childhood memories of life under Marxism and therefore be less likely put propagandizing for that ahead of teaching the ‘3 R’s’.
We all know albeeb is full of crap
But has it always been so leftist and pc? During the 70s the BBC had some controversial shows like Alf Garnett, mind your language, they even had Davidson hosting generation game. Who remembers big break th e snooker gameshow? I also love the tv show bottom starring Edmondson , a show like that would never be allowed on tv in modern pc wayciss England
The 1970s was the decade when the Left really started to build on the foundations it had laid in the preceding 50 years. We may look back on 1970’s broadcasting as less inflicted with cultural Marxism (and we would be right to do so) but the seeds had been sown. Perhaps viewing the 1970s as a last gasp of freedom from political cant would be nearest the truth.
By the 1980s and 90s the juggernaut was rolling splendidly. My concern is what might be needed now for that juggernaut to be stopped.
Has the BBC reported on black Friday In which large amounts of blacks and Asians were involved in violent battles over tat like televisions and DVD players? The pics on dailymail say it all
It’s much cheaper online anyway , not that these idiots care, it’s all paid for by benefits
Just landed from a cruise where my main source of news was Sky via satellite. Yesterday Sky News broadcast the whole of Cameron’s immigration speech then led it as headlines on the hour and in the regular updates. Due to the very repetitive nature of Sky I frequently turned to BBC World News. Guess what! – nary a single mention throughout the day until late in the afternoon when it was referenced (down the order of play) by an item about the negative response of Angela Merkell, Ed Milliband and others! And before some BBC apologist reminds me that this was a domestic news story so not particularly appropriate for the World Service, item 4 throughout the day was the Black Friday sales! Obviously of more importance than a major policy statement from a senior (Conservative) politician
‘What had long been a one-man act is gradually developing into a modern political force with a handful of high-profile figures, including the leader’s niece, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, who at 24 is France’s youngest ever MP’.
Very active young woman. Worth following on FB.
I do find it hard to see on what basis the media make the persistent claim that the French NF is ‘far Right’. Most of its policies would have found absolute favour with the majority of 1950s or ’60s Labour voters – and still would with many blue collar Labourites today.
The ‘Right’. has become the bogeyman word of near brain death journalists the world over.
An excellent read with definite comparisons with the rise of UKIP and the improved political nous.
Le Pen’s father was leader at the wrong time, the left was in the ascendancy and was able to gather the political forces to put him down with the usual defamatory attacks on him, Europe was also a different place.
It is clear that the failure of the EU experiment (I don’t know how anyone can call it a success after three recessions) is causing people to see through the liberal ideology and the constant financial woes, which the left just can’t accept any blame for, is forcing people to re-evaluate their political allegiances, hence the rise of alternative parties across Europe.
It’s interesting that the piece admits that the left wing in France is stuck in its 80s stance of verbally attacking the ‘far right’ and its leaders with accusations of bigot, racist etc, etc! They have basically lost the argument, it’s ordinary people who have seen through the lies but the lefty scum like to refer to us as the ‘far right’..a final defamatory accusation which basically labels us all as racists, they can’t help themselves, and that is the problem.
Usually, after the liberals have had their way for so long and been found out they can’t accept their downfall, they can’t accept that people don’t want their warped ways of allowing paedophile gangs to roam unmolested, for crime to go unpunished in the name of ‘rehabilitation’ and for the rights of anyone to go before the indigenous population so they get nasty, it has started already with attacks on the homes of UKIP candidates, and yet it’s we who are the vicious thugs!! Oh the irony.
The morons should be happy that it’s the UK INDEPENDENCE Party, the clue is in INDEPENDENCE to any lefty wankers reading, who is gaining votes, it could get a whole lot worse if things continue as they are.
As was perfectly demonstrated by screeching antipodean harpy on Any Questions today. Despite masquerading as an environmentalist, she seemed to be so far to the Left that Chairman Mao would have had her imprisoned as a dangerous radical.
Worse, by far. The BBC acts as an unashamed propagandist for the so-called ‘Green’ movement. Programme after programme advocates ‘Green’ causes and policies, despite it manifestly being a political movement!
“One of those convicted for abusing multiple victims told the court at his trial that sharing girls for sex “was part of Somali culture” and … “a RELIGIOUS requirement”.
A RELIGIOUS requirement? … yep!, they are even telling the courts openly now … which erm “religion”? any ideas?
In keeping with BBCs quite heartless attempt to trivialise
child gang rape
This is harrowing, but now the familiar orchestrated Islamic child gang rape
Good link, thanks. Note how over 20 demonstrators objected to the UKIP shop. Over 20? Is this national news? And 19 of them probably arrived jammed in a SWP mini-bus.
Yes I noticed that a bunch of t**** objected in Penarth, Penarth, the welsh version of Chelsea ! there is no way whatsoever they came from Penarth, unless they all turned up in their personal Beamers. Muppets from Roath or Splott no doubt.
We’re not so stupid as to think that every Polish émigré is a criminal thug so why do the Fascist left have to keep pointing it out? It is however an undeniable fact that immigration played its part in the attack on this man, and the uncontrolled immigration which the government has allowed (not the EU on this occasion, Maddie opted out of the Schengen agreement).
They had multiple convictions before travelling to the UK but these were never checked on.
Because we’ve filled the prisons with people who should never be there like TV tax refusniks or Expenses fiddling MPs there won’t be any room for them, or to give a decent sentence either. Anyone here seriously think they’ll be deported on completion of sentence? Or if they are that they’ll be banned from re-entry ?
This is the face of the liberal left in this case literally !
Some people might think that there are a disproportionate number of fraudsters from Nigeria, child rapists from Pakistan, murderers from Lithuania, people smugglers from Albania and cannabis farmers from Vietnam. Most people from these countries do not commit crimes. And there are plenty of indigenous Britons who do. But the simple, undeniable fact remains: any crime committed by an immigrant is a crime that should not, in the normal scheme of things, have occurred at all.
F*****g pathetic, why don’t they ask the mother of Alice Gross if she has faith in humanity, or how about the family of the couple who have just been murdered by a Lithuanian national, or the families of the girls abused by countless asian, somali and any other nationality who fancies a bit of paedophilia because their religion says it’s ok!
Not that kohler, in his wonderfully cozy middle class life, has ever give a shit about the council estate scum in the likes of Rochdale.
The lefty morons will point score from any situation, kohler has got a long way to go with this situation, one day, when he sits and thinks how close to dying he really came even he might see that mass immigration and open borders is wrong for any civilized country to accept.
Here is an interesting piece of analysis on Dave’s immigration spiel. Seems likely that he might have an alternative agenda that will please the beeboids. No doubt we will never hear it being tabled by Katz and co though.
The BBC originally told me they ‘never ever’ pre-select the audience when I complained about a very non-representative audience at the electorally important BBC TV South East Rochester & Strood Candidates debate.
This audience was vocally so ‘left’ biased in my view it certainly appeared to be swaying and inhibiting some election candidates replies to questions.
“Firstly, I must state that my colleague was incorrect to state that we ‘never, ever’ pre-select members of our audience. He had misunderstood your question and I believe that he felt you had implied that people had been ‘planted’ so to speak.
In fact, when making a programme such as this, we aim to ensure that the live audience is representative of the electorate……….
We are satisfied that the audience was selected in this manner and in accordance with the BBC’s guidelines on fairness and impartiality.
I am of course copying this admission to the Media and Sport Committee and my MP.
Earlier today I commented on the political complexion of the Any Questions audience. I find it quite seriously hard to imagine where they could have recruited such a biased crowd. It can’t have been easy!
Since the site went down yesterday it appears to have lost all the comments from the previous 10 days.
Fortunately I have these comments recorded in the reader I use to monitor the site. I have now made a copy of them and listed them here for anybody wishing to access them or perhaps repost them again.
The time given as when posted is based on before around midnight last night. I’m afraid it doesn’t record the precise day or time, only how long before I am currently looking there.
Hope this helps anybody’s frustration at losing their posts.
However, no one in this household gives a flying fandango for prancing celebs, so that is 80p we devote by choice to nice but hardly essential entertainment elsewhere.
This may be hard for the BBC, and its uniquely funded legions of weekend PR social media staff to grasp as a free choice some may prefer to enjoy.
In quiet moments I wonder how many years of global saming we’ll have to get (20 so far and counting) before the eco-fascists eventually agree that perhaps the globe isn’t warming.
I don’t expect it’ll be this side of a thousand (or the collapse of funding, whichever comes first)
Indeed – they are only interested in fractions of a degree in order to jump on the “see, it’s warmed” bandwagon. Over recorded history, nobody ever measured temperature to such a degree of “accuracy”.
But in those twenty years that you mentioned, the warmist brigade have made Lord knows how many “predictions” and ” forecasts”, all doom-laden with scares of a nearing Apocalypse, if we don’t stop living our normal, everyday lives – and nothing has happened – none of it came to fruition. Eggy faces, all round, you would think. Not a bit of it.
Now, of course, there is a whole raft (66, I believe, at the last count) of “reasons” and excuses why the planet just hasn’t co-operated with them, and performed as they said it would.
Yet they continue with their nonsense, and wonder why it becomes harder to convince us, with every day that passes.
And the politicians constantly fall for it. Funny, that…
I watched my seventh and eighth minutes year-to-date of The Ian Katz Comedy Hour in the week. There was a nice left-wefty top trumps as the discussion centred on the fact that men who beat their wives are not getting prison sentences.
Imagine that Venn diagram –
Set 1. Libby-wibbies who believe that men who assault their wives should go to prison.
Set 2. Libby-wibbies who believe prisondoesn’twork.
Rather a fat intersection there methinks.
Or for those not of a maths bent. Typical rancid hypocrisy of the left.
INBBC, and INBBC ArabicTV service, are giving greater political priority to serve (on our money) what it sees as the interest of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, today, under the misleading top headline on INBBC Middle East page-
“Egypt Anger As Mubarak Cleared.”
In comparison, INBBC appears to ignore the “Sunday Mirror’ report on the interlocking of Islamic jihadists in Britain with the Islamic State barbarians.
Is this contrast in INBBC ‘reporting’ indicative of the lack of interest INBBC has in the real and growing internal threat to British people by Islamic jihadists?
“Pope prays in Istanbul mosque in new ‘outreach’, prays facing Mecca”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Looks like the leader of the Catholic Church is preparing his flock for the next step. he Pope faced …Mecca while submitting in the Blue Mosque. Why face Mecca? Have we ever seen a cleric from Al Azhar University face the Vatican. Ever? Even when they slaughter Christians they never face Bethlehem or the Vatican. Why doesn’t this craven qusisling just convert already and millions of his followers out of their collective misery. ”
Constantinople and Rome are the two golden cities that Islam has always coveted. Constantinople fell in 1453 and when will Rome fall?
The Byzantines knew all about the clash of civilisations. Western liberalism just cannot find what it takes to stand up for the Christian West. Why is this?
That Christianity has been marginalised in our lands is self evident but we are the inheritors of a Christian civilisation not a Muslim, Hindu. Buddhist or any other.
Our elites have lost any sense of what a civilisation is and any will to defend it. This is the way a civilsation dies not from outside forces but from a failure of belief and a taste for treachery and betrayal.
The foolish heads of the Orthodox Church were celebrating Mass in what s now Hagia Sophia so incredibly complacent, comfortable and sure of their ‘right’, they could not accept that the Murderous Muslims had taken the city. So they just ignored the men with swords and carried on! They were all slaughtered on their own altars.
It seems to me that this story from history bears striking relevance for todays leaders who are in a very similar state of mind.
“silent adoration” Istanbul Blue Mosque … give me a f-ckin break
What! … is this fraterniser, colluder, collaborator even, doing?
In Turkey!, a main supporter of ISIS! who wantonly murder Christians?
Playing lapdog, to those, who laugh at him, put him in the same
barrel as Charlie boy, and that brain cell singular Bishop and kick it over the side.
Giving suchre, to a false “Abrahamic” faith, a totalitarian ideology
worse than fascism, embarrasses any true Christian heart, he ought to be ashamed of himself.
Al Beeb reports of a 16 year old ‘child’ with mental illness being held in a police cell.
When it suites the liberal minded, a 16 year old is a ‘child’.
When it suits the liberal minded to get more votes, a 16 year old is an adult.
So is a 16 year old a child or an adult? Well it all depends on how you want to manipulate your propaganda.
Not at all! Legally a person under the age of 16 is a child and certain protections are in place for them. They cannot be named in criminal proceedings without a Judges permission for instance.
The age of majority in the UK is 18, but in the Scottish referendum they allowed 16 years to vote with the argument that they were the ones who have to live with the consequences. My feeling is that the SDP had polling information which told them that more of them were likely to vote for independence because they didn’t fully understand what they were voting for.
In the Middle East any casualty under 18 is registered as a child. No soldier faced with an AK-47 or RPG has the opportunity to check his birth certificate.
BBC Radio 4 ‘Sunday’ and there’s a discussion about homosexuality which is apparently illegal in 90 countries in the world. Of course the only ones criticised are Christian countries and the Islamic countries which are the real problem are not even mentioned.
There’s a stupid suggestion that appointing a gay Bishop was the way forward, and yet we know that the more sensible orthodox churches have said they will break from the Anglican Communion.
Then there’s a piece on The Simpsons: The Spiritual Life of the World’s Most Animated Family.” prompting a question from the drone, why haven’t you featured Islam yet?
The answer that they haven’t addressed Mormonism either is batted away and a return to Islam insisted on.
‘At the end of the 80s, free market thinkers declared “the end of history” and the triumph of capitalism. They were wrong on both counts.’
‘Capitalism has lurched into a crisis from which it still has not recovered. Yet the worn-out ideology of free markets sets the framework within which our current generation of leaders continues to think and act.’
‘I wasn’t surprised when Thatcher’s policies hardened into a closed system of ideas. That’s what happens when a party or a leader has been in power for too long. Oddly enough, Thatcher and the ideologues who were by then guiding her seem in some unconscious way to have recognised that their time was up. By pushing ahead with the deeply unpopular poll tax, they showed they cared more about clinging on to their view of the world than staying in power.’
– TURKEY, ‘British’ Islamic jihadists, and Islamic State-
“Jihadis’ lawyer springs British woman from jail to fight in Syria: Eighteen-year-old says ISIS sent legal representative to help secure her release from Turkish prison.
“Umm Khattab al-Britaniyya claims she was rescued by an ISIS lawyer.
“British jihadi, 18, had been arrested trying to cross Syrian border.
“She feared she would be sent back to Britain after she was arrested.
Now she is living in an ISIS-run Syrian city with British jihadi twins, 16.”
PM Cameron, despite his pre-General Election promise to reduce mass immigration, gives political priority to visit Islamising Turkey to support entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
Another fawning eulogy to St. Michael of Ferguson. Who would believe he could have hurt even a fly, let alone violently steal from a shop, resist arrest and attempt to assault a police officer in the moments before his (un)timely demise.. His family ‘are crushed’ by the decision not to charge the ‘white’ police officer with murder for shooting this ‘unarmed black teenager’. A ‘decision’ reached by a grand jury made up of ‘9 white members’ and ‘3 black members’.
Why does the BBC continue to remind us of the ethnic demographic of the grand jury in this way? Is it suggesting that the selection of the grand jury was racially biased in order to secure a decision not to charge Mr Wilson?
Would the BBC have been happier if 12 black people had been selected to decide on the fate of a white police officer? Why not, then, 12 white people to decide?
At the end of the day, despite what his mates said (and then subsequently unsaid), Brown was shot resisting arrest and trying to assault a police officer, as the evidence showed, and a grand jury concluded.
I have had enough of the BBC racial shit stirring on this story, and I am incandescent with rage at the fact I have to pay for them to do it.
If they feel voters, or juries, don’t deliver the results they want, the media can be relentless even with electorate wishes counted or verdicts handed down.
Sometimes they are overt, confident their professional integrity can stay untarnished, but usually they will use the one degree of separation ‘people are calling for’ weasel.
It is amazing how many of those who find twitter’s constraints leave no space for accuracy can post the respective colours of protagonists when clearly felt necessary in over-emphasis to drive racial tensions higher.
On BBC4 last night there was a documentary about art nouveau called “Sex and Sensibility”. The presenter, lauding the “sensualist” French poet Baudelaire, said with heavy sarcasm, “and at the same time, in England, Anthony Trollope was writing The Barsetshire Chronicles”. And then he mimed the act of vomiting! A gratuitous, but typical, sneer at our culture and history. The presenter was Stephen Smith, “BBC Newsnight’s Cultural Correspondent”. Newsnight Culture: now there’s an oxymoron if ever there was one.
He did act the luvvie, a bit, didn’t he? Even to the extent of suggesting that maybe he should have kissed the bloke towards the end. Not very convincing, in my view (Smith, I mean…)
Now and then BBC 4 produces just about the only programmes left on the BBC that aren’t designed to keep people with a mental of eight happily stupefied.
Sadly, too many are given to Smith, who is simply a good old fashioned pseud. His pretentious flights of fancy are genuinely funny.
Krishnan Guru-Murthy is lefty Jon Snow’s side kick at Channel 4 (Some adverts but Licence Fees still gladly received)
However, he was raised in the BBC ghetto. A liberal elite lefty through and through:
KGM on art : ‘I love Banksey’
KGM on the BBC: ‘It should challenge listeners’ assumptions – that’s what the BBC is for’ (There was me still thinking the old educate, inform & entertain applied. Doesn’t the BBC deny it has ‘views’. Doesn’t it claim it ‘reflects’ British society?)
Mr Guru-Murthy pops up as a guest of Paddy O’Connell’s Radio 4 Sunday Papers review (chalk up another BBC appearance fee)
Our Krishnan feels constrained to leap to Gordon Brown’s defence…. fair enough I’m happy for Krish to come out as a lefty. But sadly that expensive BBC training kicks in and out of habit the torturous not-me-guv phrasing is employed:
‘I guess a lot of his supporters would say….’
Oh give it a rest Krish. Just for once, say what you mean.
KGM and his fellow true believers are always super-keen on ‘challenging’ things whether ‘assumptions’, beliefs or whatever. Provided the assumptions being challenged are not their own. Latest example, the delightful little Serb fasciste at UEA who’s decided that her delicate fellow students mustn’t be ‘challenged’ by holding a debate which includes UKIP lest they be introduced to wrong thinking or (horrors !) even find themselves attracted by it.
Clearly leftie beliefs are like rhubarb: they grow better if you don’t shine a light on them.
The local segment of the politics show from Bristol did immigration but only EU immigration. With the recent revelation that Somali rape gangs have been operating in Bristol I would have thought that a discussion of immigration from say Somalia might have been appropriate.
Muslim and African anybody at the BBC must be terrified of criticising them from fear of being ostracised by their colleagues.
The BBC has been playing this shoddy game for years. It will just about allow discussion of immigration providing the immigrants being discussed are white and European. Even the merest hint of a suggestion that black or Asian immigrants could present a problem is like garlic to a vampire.
On the plus side Marr had Two Eds Flanders on. She was reasonably positive about the UK economy so Marr had to supply the negativity himself. How long before the BBC has her back?
Alarming new tactic being used by the BBC’s TV Licensing enforcers: Even when there’s no evidence of unlicensed TV reception, try to pin a search warrant obstruction charge on the occupier:
If as described, a rather astounding tale, though not outside the bounds of possibility given proven recorded history.
Seems an utterly insane policy to pursue.
Think of the negative PR, public concern and hence MP involvement already, on prosecutions involving mainly folk actually breaking the law still (even if a bad one, clogging up the court system with civil debt collections for a unique entertainment provider).
This… is another order of magnitude. Using obscure provisions to stitch-up the innocent, simply not for proving their innocence quickly enough?
Seems barking. Certainly the comments so far reflect the practical problems to police and prosecution alone, before raising Big Brother analogies that will fill non-BBC cowed media for weeks.
However, given this is the BBC we’re talking about here, which has never had to really account for anything, I can see it could well be the next wheeze a cabal of £360k market rate talents have come up with to protect their gravy train.
Maybe once they’ve finished messing with folks’ mobiles Watchdog could do an in-house investigation?
Or not. Clearly some vital news higher up the totem.
But as we’ve seen earlier in this thread, if found guilty then a prison sentence is appropriate, just to keep some moral authority !
Doesn’t matter if the truly dangerous are out & about, it’s sending a message which counts !
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Rejoice, rejoice! Failed comedian and entertainer to guest present ‘Today’ on Radio 4 on the theme of diversity! This is the same Lenny Henry who appeared on The Black and White Minstrel show and used ‘funny’ West Indian accents on Tiswas.
When will the BBC give out these jobs to people who are not ‘fellow travellers’?
Once I know the date, I will engage in some personal diversity, and listen to Classic FM, instead.
Beware: it’s 30 December.
But it’s OK because, although The guest editors will be responsible for up to half of the show’s output, … the usual Today editors will ensure the material is newsworthy and meets the BBC’s editorial guidelines.
Never ceases to impress that the BBC thinks saying the BBC is going to oversee the BBC’s own wease…. Guidelines is the stamp of professional objectivity.
Tell it often enough, usual chaps.
“Today editor Jamie Angus said: “This year’s crop has reached the very top in politics, finance, the law, and entertainment”
…speaking of telling it often enough.
Speaker Bercow defining the very top in politics being poetic (given the esteem he has brought the role; no ism of any form intended).
Nice to give new overlooked talent some exposure, rather than people who’ve already made it.
My definition of ‘made it’ may differ, especially for those deemed worthy by the BBC of being gifted a national pulpit and megaphone.
It is hard not to see Mr. Henry getting pretty much all he wants since playing various cards as the comedy career stalled.
BBC market rates appear to earn their £350kpa by simply seeking paths of least resistance.
BBC – Austria arrests 13 jihadi suspects
“Reports in the Austrian media said 500 police were involved in searches at mosques, flats and prayer rooms ”
… WHAT! …
So that’s …
Islamic Jihadi s in
Islamic prayer rooms,
Islamic mosques? recruiting?
Islamic adherents?,
in the Islamic place of indoctrination?
for the Islamic caliphate,
to aid the Islamic State?
and the dream of Islamic domination
… So lets put 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 together,
Any idea, what can be behind this?
any Jooo s involved
Ah, the fog clears on why JonDon wants to Q&A on security matters in his new crib.
Guessing the Q’s past the filter will define his A’s, what with him being an Okker expert ‘n all
This comment seems heartfelt:
“Take your Australian content BBC and shove it – the people who comment on these threads are the worst lunatics ever and we don’t need them here. Start fulfilling your contract to your own and take that rubbish Guardian with you.”
Not a fan, clearly.
Nothing to do with Islam though is it !
Around seven years ago two friends and myself were in Oz to visit a good friend who had seen the writing on the wall here and emigrated.
On one of our remaining nights we went for an Indian meal with his family and friends, i think it was a Thursday night, in the restaurant was a large contingent of pakistani men accompanied by two white Australians in smart suits.
The owner wasn’t expecting another large group in and was a bit panicky, as the night wore on it became clear why. The two white Aussies were liebour politicians and were promising the pakistanis everything they were demanding…mosques, more nazislam in schools, more of a say in the community etc, etc!
It was quite surreal, all the way across the world to listen to what we had at home!! Needless to say my friend wasn’t best pleased and said as much to the liebour councillor, the group left very quickly.
The result is they are now having the same problems as every other liebour /liberal led country that has appeased the rulers of the cult of nazislam, namely the cult want to turn the place into a mini caliphate, but, what I want to know is why?
Why are the morons who rule our tolerant countries giving nazislam such a free reign? I just don’t get it, what is so important about the cult that we all have to endure their disgusting way of life?
Is it: (a) they are in the pockets of Saudi and Qatari big money? (b) they are after Muslim votes to secure their own position? (c )they hate their own kind so much they will do anything to destroy them? or (d) all of the above?
Have a listen to Peter Allen on Five Live (01:46.30)
The item is about whether or not an award should be withdrawn from Labour’s Tony Blair because of his involvement in the invasion of Iraq.
But note how easily Allen turns it into an anti-Thatcher piece.
All to do with Blair. Fuck all to do with Thatcher. But not on the biased BBC.
Been said before, will be said many, many, many times again – there is not even an effort to disguise the bias nowadays.
Will all end in tears – Spot on.
Tony Blair’s Africa kids Award furore nothing to do with anti-Thatcher!
But not surprised. It is exactly as we have come to expect from ‘lefty’ BBC.
It is so predictable. They include her in a negative way at every possible opportunity!
Peter Allen might as well have included “Hitler should be given the Continental Motorways award for his work on building the Autobahns”!
“Peter Allen might as well have included “Hitler should be given the Continental Motorways award for his work on building the Autobahns”! “
Well oddly it must be admitted (and I’m not praising him of course) that Hitler would have deserved that award much more than Obama did the now totally discredited Nobel “Peace” Prize.
Anger as Next offers jobs to Polish people first
AOL News
Next Christmas jobs offered to Polish workers before being advertised in Britain
TP Latest News
Actually, this is old news, its an absolute scandal, been happening a long time, and with full No10 traitor support.
Then again …
BBC 5Live was on the propagandathon … syphoning Eastern Europeans in the best cartel fashion?
Not an issue for the BBC of course, they ve been bloody camped out in Boston, Lincs asking erm “locals”? … Magda, Sergev, Kasha, and two farmers rich off of eastern Europeans, if cheap immigration is a good idea?
The Chairman of Next is a Tory Peer. So much for them trying to control immigration. You wouldn’t mind, but the warehouse is in an unemployment blackspot.
Yet again we are being told that white English people are too lazy to take the jobs and therefore their benefits should be cut.
As has been said earlier, even Millipede would be better than this shower & I never though I’d say that !
‘even Millipede would be better’
Cripes. And OT. But I think the guidelines may allow.
That howl just now from somewhere in the vicinity of Chelmsford* could be heard throughout the land.
*Too good not to share in passing:
The department handling FOI requests…. respect.
Nothing new. It has been happening in South Yorkshire for many years. Any Brits are forced out by bullying and intimidation by the Poles. The management chickened out of dealing with it and just sacked the locals. I discovered this when it happened to a relative of mine.
A piece this morning on the Today programme about the huge rise in modern slavery in the UK. Mishal interviewed some guy about the figures and attempts to control it.
Any examination on where this phenomenon has come from or why? Which sectors of society are engaging in this? I
A piece this morning on the Today programme about the huge rise in modern slavery in the UK. Mishal interviewed some guy about the figures and attempts to control it.
Any examination on where this phenomenon has come from or why? Which sectors of society are engaging in this? Is it those provenly racist and imperialist indigenous Brits? We can only speculate because the question wasn’t asked and we weren’t told.
Kinda think we know the answer anyway, BBC.
Just the same in The Times, where this is today’s lead news item, telling us which groups of people are most likely to be the victims, but not a word about who is doing the enslaving!
Of course, seasoned observers of ‘modern-day Britain’ know this means that we have to read between the lines and try to guess who are most likely to be the criminals and have slavery as part of their ‘culture’. They’re probably the ‘vibrant’, ‘diverse’ and ‘enriched’ ‘communities’ that the bBBC doesn’t like mentioning.
They think we are stupid. They really do have contempt for us. Let them keep it up. They are digging their own graves.
Church of England bishop says Qur’an should be read at Charles’ coronation
just don t know … speechless
and the picture from the R Spencer site … priceless!
… no words can express
This Bishop is a regular on the platitudinous ‘Thought for the Day’ on R4. What a surprise.
I may have missed something, but I understood that the UK is officially (like it or not) an Anglican country and that the Head of State is also head of the Church. Therefore it is silly to suggest other religions are equal because they are not, given the current set-up.
2hrs 55 –
D Murray shows our Oxfordian Halfwit, no favour.
Oh dear, Richard Harris, what a fool! His liberal, woolly, limp wristed ‘inclusivity’ ideas are embarrassing, and, strangely, only included the cult of nazislam for the coronation ceremony?
He appeared to get quite flustered when faced with the reality of having to include a reading from EVERY faith to be truly inclusive! Just what is it about nazislam?
I mean, what next? The pope on his knees in a Turkish mosque??
They seem to have brains that do not think about emigrating to foreign fields or converting to Islam. But instead, have the lifestyles of hideously white bigoted hypocrites.
Its like a BBC comedy panel: They say something hypocritical, and then that makes you LOOK at a panel of hideously white Labour voting middle-class hypocrites.
Only the Qur’an?
No attempt to include Hindus, Sikhs and (God forbid) the Jews in Charles’ Defender of the Faiths speech? Typical Beeboid knee-jerk reaction. It’s all about that one faith
I did like the comment he made about a service at Bristol Cathedral where verses of the Koran being read out made the Muslim high sheriff feel ‘warmly embraced’, the 13 Somali rapists of little girls in Bristol also felt ‘warmly embraced’ by the purveyors of cultural suicide such as this meddling fool.
The Jews in the getto also did all they could to lick the boots and help their Nazi oppressors, it did them no good as they all ended up in the ovens. Perhaps the bishop is thinking he might get a choice position in a quisling government at some future point ?
What was it about the British ruling class ? The first son inherited the title and the land, the second became an officer in the army and if a third was born he was shunted off into the church ? Obviously at work here then.
If Charles was so foolish as to agree to any of this, in my eyes he would loose all legitimacy and would be a weak and unwanted sovereign. We have had many such over the years and it has always ended badly for them. This bishop needs defrocking.
Most church of England prelates have no belief or conviction whatsoever. They are just lefties going through the motions in a easy job preaching their vile hatred to the masses (well what ever is left of the few who bother to go to church).
The funny thing was that there was an interviewee on Radio 4 who rendered the Bishop speechless.
Which verses do you suggest he said, “Slay the infidels wherever you find them? Or Cast terror in the hearts of the disbelievers?”
Up jumps Humphries realising verses from the Qur’an have been quoted and we can’t have the people knowing what’s in it. Out comes the usual naive ignorant “but there are verses in the Old Testament which are violent”, without pausing to engage brain.
Christians do not believe the Bible is the very word of God in the way Muslims believe the Qur’an is. No Christian to my knowledge have ever been motivated to carry out an atrocity by verses in the Old Testament !
It was worth a listen to because the Bishop was torn to pieces.
Mr T, may I enquire, was that on toady?
Ms ! lol
I think it was yesterdays if my increasingly unreliable memory is running right for once !
My deeply sincere and most abject apologies, I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by a misguided assumption for which I had no knowledge, and for the said assumption that you are a Mr T, and not a Ms, I deeply regret any distress that my assertion may have caused you or your family, wider family and anyone who knows you … I hereby undertake not to repeat any such mishap at any time in the future.
You re not joking are you
The English ruling class have always been stupid and rarely English.. We have done well and survived as a nation despite them. Put it down to the inate genius, courage and stubborness of the English people.
When things get rough we have to come to their rescue.
There is also a very old conservative republican tradition . It took the creation of the United States to bring that to fruition. The great achievement of old England.
Being a true conservative does not make one a royalist. Our old Anglo Saxon monarchy was quite different from that of the Norman tyranny.
O/T Dave but well said. If you haven’t yet read Daniel Hannan’s book ‘How we invented freedom’ I recommend it.
The Islamisation of England-
which INBBC presumes is a benign, not a threatening development.
Perhaps this should be read against Pope in “silent adoration” in Istanbul Blue Mosque and Jewish activist Yehuda Glick shot and hurt in Jerusalem
Would the Muslims tolerate open prayer at a mosque? I think not.
“Would the Muslims tolerate open prayer at a mosque? I think not.”
“The Muslims”? Who they?
Would that be like “The Christians” (all two billion of them), who wouldn’t tolerate open Muslim prayer anywhere outside a cathedral? According to their universally accepted representative, ‘john in cheshire’;
“What those entities are doing outside Westminster Abbey is an abomination.”
Perhaps deejee, just perhaps, you should “first cast out the beam out of thine own eye”…
Now you see here, Sunny Jim, let’s not have any bashing of bishops taking place on THIS blog, shall we? This is a respectable establishment, this is!
BBC News: Entry about Cameron, immigration etc. So in their unbiased way they get a commentator. The woman has a foreign name and goes on about how we should stay in the EU. She turns out to be the media director for a unit called
Wow, check their website and who is behind it. What was the point, are they going to say the EU is a heap of dung and should be got rid of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As the BBC appears to be creating breeding colonies of news staff with ‘Magazines’ and ‘Trending’, maybe, along with BBC HYS, they could have ‘BBC Turns Out To Be’, along the lines of those ‘Who The Hell Are You, Or Cares’ shows.
That way a whole new content stream can be created off just about every news programme, where the viewer discovers what the BBc didn’t have space to mention, despite it being in those quaint BBC (emphasis on the) Guidelines they can ignore until needing to defend a complaint to the death using them.
Peter Wilding, a face that you would just love to punch and punch again, one of the most sneering and snide liberals you will see.
What makes me laugh is that these morons talk about their new utopian ‘global city’ that we all now belong to yet are desperate to shackle themselves to a repressive, backward, in looking EU hamlet!
I know mellor is a complete shite and deserves all the stuff heaped on him. but why does the bbc insist on leading stories about him with the fact that he is a former `conservative` cabinet minister. a shitty former labour cabinet minister would not have had his party affiliation disclosed in the headline about a similar story. monstering the tories goes on.
“Britain’s STILL on Benefits Street: For years the BBC and the Left have howled about spending cuts – the truth is that welfare and public spending have barely been cut at all ”
Read more:
‘almost entirely ignored by the BBC and those other organs of Left-wing opinion’
Maybe it was ‘not news’? (c) A Newsroom Tealady
Still the state maybe grateful the state media playing along, independently, holding the powerful to account, etc.
Yeah, what are all those whiteys doing not working when they could travel to anywhere in Eastern Europe where the jobs which they could do are being advertised !
They should be starved to death, better still tortured to death in public to make an example.
Being white working class is simply unacceptable !
Newsnight on 28/11/2014:
Oh dear: apart from a few vox pop comments on the street the entire section on immigration interviewed people with a vested interest in open borders.
The most idiotic was the studio interview with a Polish WW2 veteran who seemed to think our borders should be open most to those who aided Britain in WW2!
So based on that flawed logic (which presenter Kirsty Wark decided not to question) we should allow more Americans in than Canadians, more Canadians in than Poles and absolutely no Germans and Italians because they weren’t our allies.
Why didn’t they also invite a British WW2 veteran on to argue about what he would like to see? Why does a single immigrant veteran’s voice trump all of the British voices?
It’s the old They Fought For Us canard again . As though Polish armed forces personnel thought ” oh good , my country has been conquered , I can now fight for Britain and not Poland ” .
A fair point. If, for the sake of argument, Poland had reached an agreement with Hitler over Danzig, and allowed him to invade the USSR through their territory. no Polish airmen or soldiers would have spontaneously decided to leave Poland and join the British armed forces. We are all victims of the great courses of history, which we cannot control.
Let us remember that the Polish airmen who fought for the RAF in 1940 all came to us via France. With the fall of Poland the Poles immediately thought of getting to France, a country with which they had close ties so as to continue the fight. The fall of France brought them to join our cause as they had nowhere else to go. Given that, their hatred of the Germans brought something to the fight which was somewhat missing in Fighter Command, the desire to get in very close and kill the crew of a bomber rather than fire at the engines and allow the enemy to survive. We should also remember Josef Frantisek, a Chech,who, after fighting with the French also made his way to us and fought with the Poles in 303 Squadron. He was also an aerial killer who shot down 17 Germans in a month before his own death and was the highest scorer in the battle.
We owe these men a debt, and I am happy to do so, Christian, European, hard workers, they are no threat to us or our culture, they are not the problem, but have been used as a fake problem by all sides who including UKIP know the real problem immigrants come from further afield.
I understand the point you are making. However, I am just saying that if history had taken a different course, Hitler might have concluded a non-aggression treaty with Poland and then attacked France and Britain. I can’t see any Poles leaving their own country to fight for us in those circumstances. It happened that our country was allied to Poland, and the Polish airman who flew in the Polish RAF squadrons were fighting our common enemy. They were not fighting out of any sort of sentimental attachment to Britain. They hated Germans because the Germans had attacked Poland.
The men who came from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the rest of the Empire did feel an attachment to Britain, and were fighting for it, even when their home countries were not under attack.
We were all fighting together to try and save our own countries. The Poles helped us to help them. When Britain deterred a Nazi invasion of Britain it enabled us to continue probing away in Africa and with US forces provided an adequate invasion force for D-Day.
It was a two-way thing. Modern day Poles are just as indebted to my grandfathers for the contributions they made in pushing the Nazis towards oblivion.
I agree totally that about – say – 100 Polish airmen made maybe a crucial difference to the Battle of Britain. I respect them for that.
But in the oevrall scheme of things, Britain has done lots for Poland. I don’t see how today we owe frewe entry to millions of Poles who are mostly grandchildren of the people alive in WW! – and who overwhelmingly have nil personal connection with the specific airman who helped us. It all sounds a very spurious argument.
Oh – and I am getting exceedingly pissed off with the Czech Ambassador. Who the hell does he think he is ?
According to the MoD website there were 141 Polish pilots in Fighter Command in 1940 out of a total of 3000.
Not as significant as some e.g. the BBC continually make out as part of their Brit-belittling agenda.
Yeah, but they got a great part in the movie.
I am sensing crisis management narrative redirection in The Farce.
They, along with Dave, Ed, Nick & Titch, can no longer deny there’s a bit of an issue here, and not just on every street corner flogging magazines.
Hence, as with Doctors (the non exploding or beheading variety), Engineers (the non IED-sculpting variety), immigration must be viewed in terms to vet debts.
That most of these fine folk are recognised, valued and accepted in most proposals, and the actual focus is on those with as few skills as they have many dependents, is this neatly steered away from.
I have worked in many parts of the world. USA, Canada, Oz & Asia.
Can’t recall one that didn’t have a bunch of criteria I and/or my employer had to meet just to get in, and a bunch of ejection rules should I prove an ungrateful guest or simply proved to be a drain at a later stage.
Quite why this is a problem for the political classes and BBC here is intriguing.
It’s almost like they are trying to hobble the country and wind up the productive tax-paying classes.
But this Pole blamed us for not defending Poland before it was invaded. In fact we seemed to be to blame for everything that had happened in Europe since 1936.
I did wonder why he had chosen to live here for the last 70 years.
This chap is now a very old man and can I feel be allowed to make a few mistakes which ought to be ignored. I used to work with a Pole, (back in the 80’s when they were a small number ) whose father had been a private in the Polish Army in 1939, and who had been captured by the Russians in their joint attack with the Germans. Being a private he had been allowed to live ( as opposed to the Officers who were butchered in the Katyn Forrest ) and was sent to Siberia with his wife and 2 young children, being moved to the British for a new Polish army through Iran after we had become best buddies. He was a hard working man, and was happy being British as were his UK born children who were both married to locals, these are the kind of people who have always found a home here and deserve it. They are not the kind of 3rd worlders who Blair thought we needed.
He is quite entitled to interpret history as he sees fit and especially as he has lived through it.
What is questionable though is the BBC’s selection of Poles to challenge Cameron’s ‘policy’. I would think we have very little concern over the wartime Poles and their descendants, they have integrated well. I doubt whether current Polish immigrants are that much of a problem either, young, white, Christian and keen to work and, most likely, return home.
It isn’t Poles that have introduced an alien, supremacist social/religious cult and dress and language to our streets. It isn’t the Poles that have colonised certain of our cities to the extent that they are very much the majority, (“Oh they are only 4%, nothing to worry about”). It isn’t the Poles that have forced us to ‘mind our backs’ whenever we travel. It isn’t the Poles that have wormed their way into our ‘world class’ media, legal and political systems. It isn’t the Poles that are dominating the daily news of the latest politician induced disaster here and abroad.
The elephant is kept hidden and fed in the BBC’s green room while the benign Poles, ‘the acceptable face of immigration’ are trotted out and set up as a resentful, discriminated against set of victims to make the case for open door immigration from Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Romania and Ethiopia.
But don’t forget the Italians changed sides at half time.
Anybody see this news article on Thursday about 13 “men” from the “Somali Community” who were convicted of child grooming and rape?.
If you didn’t, I’m not surprised because it was briefly buried in the lower section of the BBC News website(below some old woman who had died and below some jaded Plebgate story) before disappearing never to be seen again.
Curious how it appeared and disappeared like a flash while the issue of (mass)immigration was making the headlines.
In other news, from a week’s end surf of my fave insider Beeblog…
Let’s start with the unique way the BBC being funded meaning the public is spared crass commercialism. Or… not….
‘It’s graded SENEX, which is as clear as mud.
Maybe it’s a typo, and they are looking for another BBC trainer for the paintballing lads?
‘I wonder if anyone will mention that on air.
You never know. Ask Bono. Or any Beeboid pushing a play wot they have wrote.
As he says: ‘the BBC has the most powerfuladvertising self-promotion platform in the land”
But other than that, just chugging along, competing with no one, imposing no influence. Just £4Bpa deployed unaccountably to push narratives, as you do.
Still, at least their politics have always been left at the door.
Bet she’s dahn doing da Bingo wiv’ Emily Thornbury as we speak.
But at least everyone loves them still for how the Trust looks after the licence fee payer’s interests and makes best use of their money.
Or not.
Lucky they are unique in so many other ways too.
A thank you to the BBC
Until this week I had never heard of Black Friday
Now I know it’s when black people do their shopping
Black Friday, but blacks in Ferguson are told not to buy because of a police officer who killed Dindo Nuttin when he held his arms up. BBC journos hanging in there milking the race issues.
But what if the rumours about Dindo Nuttin are true? Suppose his juvi record is released and it confirms a connection to second degree murder? Will the BBC, and the left alliances here respond?
And certainly to be ignored by the BBC is that the Tea Party are organising support for stores affected by the Ferguson looting. Not the racist Tea Party???
The people in Ferguson, who went looting, thought Black Friday had come early this year.
Yeah but come on, the police are almost exclusively white and the rioters are almost exclusively black so… er … something.
Do you see my point.
Uncle Bup, On many of the Ferguson protests are videos of white protesters. But there is evidence of media manipulation where white protesters are told to stay in the background. This has started a debate after Canadian demonstrations where whites were told to stay in the background.
I thought rioting and stealing from innocent people was an acceptable way to show your displeasure at a verdict you’re not happy with…another US phenomenon that has spread to the UK.
Presumably they won’t buy from black-owned businesses they trashed in the
lootingdemonstrations?Another Any Questions where the audience seems to have been invited solely from the ranks of the Socialist Workers Party.
The BBC doesn’t even try to conceal its contempt for the principles of free speech and balance these days.
Never any effort by Dumbleby to tell the UAF gangsters howling at any and everything they disagree with to STFU up either.
Right! Guys and gals.
I have come up with an idea that could save money for us and the bbc. What I am suggesting is that the government sack every single member of staff that is on the bbc pay roll, and replace them all by going through an agency to hire polish workers on minimum wage.
No more over paid beeboids with all their personal expenses, gold plated pensions all paid for by us, the tax payers.
Win! Win! For everyone! Who knows, the polish comedians could be much better than the ones we currently have. What do you think?
It might even reduce the number of typo errors in the BBC News ticker.
Also why not send the BBC licence fee money to worthy causes like overseas aid ?
As long as they pass Gerard Batten’s UKIP/Mensa points test.
And all those BBC Arts and Languages Climate Change morons are replaced with Journalists with Astronomy and Atmospheric Physics PhD’s.
I hope you spotted the reference to Mensa there? Unfortunately despite being in Mensa (I am therefore better than you) I have never quite mastered the correct use of the apostrophe.
The bogus Richard Pinder doppelganger is a BBC Journalist who has many aliases on this site, and also knows the correct use of the apostrophe, because he is probably one of those BBC Oxford Language Climate Change experts.
Also, I suspect he was one of those students who not only failed a Mensa test at Oxford, but was one of those who scored below 100, the cut off point below which, people are far more likely to vote Labour.
Brilliant -Could we extend Brianism to the state education system as well?
I’m sure that Polish graduates would be better educated than our own, and have a better grasp of the English language . (based on my experience of my daughters schooling).
Some older ones might also have childhood memories of life under Marxism and therefore be less likely put propagandizing for that ahead of teaching the ‘3 R’s’.
We all know albeeb is full of crap
But has it always been so leftist and pc? During the 70s the BBC had some controversial shows like Alf Garnett, mind your language, they even had Davidson hosting generation game. Who remembers big break th e snooker gameshow? I also love the tv show bottom starring Edmondson , a show like that would never be allowed on tv in modern pc wayciss England
The 1970s was the decade when the Left really started to build on the foundations it had laid in the preceding 50 years. We may look back on 1970’s broadcasting as less inflicted with cultural Marxism (and we would be right to do so) but the seeds had been sown. Perhaps viewing the 1970s as a last gasp of freedom from political cant would be nearest the truth.
By the 1980s and 90s the juggernaut was rolling splendidly. My concern is what might be needed now for that juggernaut to be stopped.
Has the BBC reported on black Friday In which large amounts of blacks and Asians were involved in violent battles over tat like televisions and DVD players? The pics on dailymail say it all
It’s much cheaper online anyway , not that these idiots care, it’s all paid for by benefits
I happened to stroll past one of BBC’s central London palaces the other day. The Langham Place one that features in their ‘idents’.
I didn’t measure it but a 2-300 sq ft Jumbotron on one of the interior walls and LCD panel after LCD panel.
Can’t they just buy wallpaper like the rest of us.
But I suppose when you have £3.5 billion of plunder to work your way through every year then needs must.
Just landed from a cruise where my main source of news was Sky via satellite. Yesterday Sky News broadcast the whole of Cameron’s immigration speech then led it as headlines on the hour and in the regular updates. Due to the very repetitive nature of Sky I frequently turned to BBC World News. Guess what! – nary a single mention throughout the day until late in the afternoon when it was referenced (down the order of play) by an item about the negative response of Angela Merkell, Ed Milliband and others! And before some BBC apologist reminds me that this was a domestic news story so not particularly appropriate for the World Service, item 4 throughout the day was the Black Friday sales! Obviously of more importance than a major policy statement from a senior (Conservative) politician
Not a BBC-NUJ report-
“Has France’s far right National Front won the battle of ideas?”
From the above link
‘What had long been a one-man act is gradually developing into a modern political force with a handful of high-profile figures, including the leader’s niece, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, who at 24 is France’s youngest ever MP’.
Very active young woman. Worth following on FB.
I do find it hard to see on what basis the media make the persistent claim that the French NF is ‘far Right’. Most of its policies would have found absolute favour with the majority of 1950s or ’60s Labour voters – and still would with many blue collar Labourites today.
The ‘Right’. has become the bogeyman word of near brain death journalists the world over.
Been said so many times it’s downright boring by now, but “BNP 2014 = Labour 1914”
An excellent read with definite comparisons with the rise of UKIP and the improved political nous.
Le Pen’s father was leader at the wrong time, the left was in the ascendancy and was able to gather the political forces to put him down with the usual defamatory attacks on him, Europe was also a different place.
It is clear that the failure of the EU experiment (I don’t know how anyone can call it a success after three recessions) is causing people to see through the liberal ideology and the constant financial woes, which the left just can’t accept any blame for, is forcing people to re-evaluate their political allegiances, hence the rise of alternative parties across Europe.
It’s interesting that the piece admits that the left wing in France is stuck in its 80s stance of verbally attacking the ‘far right’ and its leaders with accusations of bigot, racist etc, etc! They have basically lost the argument, it’s ordinary people who have seen through the lies but the lefty scum like to refer to us as the ‘far right’..a final defamatory accusation which basically labels us all as racists, they can’t help themselves, and that is the problem.
Usually, after the liberals have had their way for so long and been found out they can’t accept their downfall, they can’t accept that people don’t want their warped ways of allowing paedophile gangs to roam unmolested, for crime to go unpunished in the name of ‘rehabilitation’ and for the rights of anyone to go before the indigenous population so they get nasty, it has started already with attacks on the homes of UKIP candidates, and yet it’s we who are the vicious thugs!! Oh the irony.
The morons should be happy that it’s the UK INDEPENDENCE Party, the clue is in INDEPENDENCE to any lefty wankers reading, who is gaining votes, it could get a whole lot worse if things continue as they are.
Glen. Brilliant comment mate.
I see that the Green Party running Brighton and Hove Council is proposing Council tax rises and job losses. Marxism in practice.
Same argument Cameron uses over Jihadists who are not real Muslims. Brighton Greens are not really Green.
They are watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside.
As was perfectly demonstrated by screeching antipodean harpy on Any Questions today. Despite masquerading as an environmentalist, she seemed to be so far to the Left that Chairman Mao would have had her imprisoned as a dangerous radical.
And yet the bbc treat them as a major political force?
Worse, by far. The BBC acts as an unashamed propagandist for the so-called ‘Green’ movement. Programme after programme advocates ‘Green’ causes and policies, despite it manifestly being a political movement!
“Green movement”? I had one of those once, never eaten a curry since.
BBC – has run this story quite extensively
“One of those convicted for abusing multiple victims told the court at his trial that sharing girls for sex “was part of Somali culture” and … “a RELIGIOUS requirement”.
A RELIGIOUS requirement? … yep!, they are even telling the courts openly now … which erm “religion”? any ideas?
In keeping with BBCs quite heartless attempt to trivialise
child gang rape
This is harrowing, but now the familiar orchestrated Islamic child gang rape
The BBC headlines
Girl ‘trafficked to 200 men for sex ?
Let’s be fair. The BBC has a form on covering up child abuse scandals…
BBC-NUJ encouragingly reports big news for intolerant political ‘left’:-
“Protest held at UKIP shop opening in Penarth”
UKIP Not allowed to speak at the Univ East Anglia . Another 1000 votes for Nigel.
This is the foul pit from where the lies about climate change emanate. No surprise they don’t want to hear the truth spoken there !
Yes, otherwise known as the University Of Easy Access.
A very positive move. I hope every useless so called university bans UKIP. More votes every time. Keep it up kiddies.
Good link, thanks. Note how over 20 demonstrators objected to the UKIP shop. Over 20? Is this national news? And 19 of them probably arrived jammed in a SWP mini-bus.
Yes I noticed that a bunch of t**** objected in Penarth, Penarth, the welsh version of Chelsea ! there is no way whatsoever they came from Penarth, unless they all turned up in their personal Beamers. Muppets from Roath or Splott no doubt.
Paul Kohler, couldn’t have happened to a better liberal leftie loonie !
Just listen to the idiocy towards the end of this interview when he tells everyone it isn’t about immigration.
We’re not so stupid as to think that every Polish émigré is a criminal thug so why do the Fascist left have to keep pointing it out? It is however an undeniable fact that immigration played its part in the attack on this man, and the uncontrolled immigration which the government has allowed (not the EU on this occasion, Maddie opted out of the Schengen agreement).
They had multiple convictions before travelling to the UK but these were never checked on.
Because we’ve filled the prisons with people who should never be there like TV tax refusniks or Expenses fiddling MPs there won’t be any room for them, or to give a decent sentence either. Anyone here seriously think they’ll be deported on completion of sentence? Or if they are that they’ll be banned from re-entry ?
This is the face of the liberal left in this case literally !
Some people might think that there are a disproportionate number of fraudsters from Nigeria, child rapists from Pakistan, murderers from Lithuania, people smugglers from Albania and cannabis farmers from Vietnam. Most people from these countries do not commit crimes. And there are plenty of indigenous Britons who do. But the simple, undeniable fact remains: any crime committed by an immigrant is a crime that should not, in the normal scheme of things, have occurred at all.
Is that an example of immigrants do the jobs that indigenous population won’t?
F*****g pathetic, why don’t they ask the mother of Alice Gross if she has faith in humanity, or how about the family of the couple who have just been murdered by a Lithuanian national, or the families of the girls abused by countless asian, somali and any other nationality who fancies a bit of paedophilia because their religion says it’s ok!
Not that kohler, in his wonderfully cozy middle class life, has ever give a shit about the council estate scum in the likes of Rochdale.
The lefty morons will point score from any situation, kohler has got a long way to go with this situation, one day, when he sits and thinks how close to dying he really came even he might see that mass immigration and open borders is wrong for any civilized country to accept.
If Alan has lost “Up The Creek Without A Clue”
Then see:
Here is an interesting piece of analysis on Dave’s immigration spiel. Seems likely that he might have an alternative agenda that will please the beeboids. No doubt we will never hear it being tabled by Katz and co though.
The BBC originally told me they ‘never ever’ pre-select the audience when I complained about a very non-representative audience at the electorally important BBC TV South East Rochester & Strood Candidates debate.
This audience was vocally so ‘left’ biased in my view it certainly appeared to be swaying and inhibiting some election candidates replies to questions.
Ex-BBC Today Producer, Rod Liddle, also noticed the same BIAS:
“Firstly, I must state that my colleague was incorrect to state that we ‘never, ever’ pre-select members of our audience. He had misunderstood your question and I believe that he felt you had implied that people had been ‘planted’ so to speak.
In fact, when making a programme such as this, we aim to ensure that the live audience is representative of the electorate……….
We are satisfied that the audience was selected in this manner and in accordance with the BBC’s guidelines on fairness and impartiality.
Yours sincerely
Paul Moseley
BBC Audience Services”
I am of course copying this admission to the Media and Sport Committee and my MP.
Well done !
Earlier today I commented on the political complexion of the Any Questions audience. I find it quite seriously hard to imagine where they could have recruited such a biased crowd. It can’t have been easy!
It’s still another “we got it right because we say so” response as far as I can see.
Church of England bishop says Qur’an should be read at Charles’ coronation?
D Murray
D Mail
and the picture from the R Spencer site … is priceless!
BBC R4 erm regular Lord Harries,
from the House of Frauds
ya don t say!
2hrs 55 –
D Murray shows our Oxfordian Halfwit, no favour.
Since the site went down yesterday it appears to have lost all the comments from the previous 10 days.
Fortunately I have these comments recorded in the reader I use to monitor the site. I have now made a copy of them and listed them here for anybody wishing to access them or perhaps repost them again.
The time given as when posted is based on before around midnight last night. I’m afraid it doesn’t record the precise day or time, only how long before I am currently looking there.
Hope this helps anybody’s frustration at losing their posts.
@Aboutthebbc just posted this:
FYI – A weekend’s worth of BBC costs 80p per household (including sequins). #SCD #Strictly
Well, that is simply spiffy.
However, no one in this household gives a flying fandango for prancing celebs, so that is 80p we devote by choice to nice but hardly essential entertainment elsewhere.
This may be hard for the BBC, and its uniquely funded legions of weekend PR social media staff to grasp as a free choice some may prefer to enjoy.
I can get 2 tins of branston beans for 80p ffs!
Booker slamming the snidey, biased, non-scientific, green Royal Society here:
In quiet moments I wonder how many years of global saming we’ll have to get (20 so far and counting) before the eco-fascists eventually agree that perhaps the globe isn’t warming.
I don’t expect it’ll be this side of a thousand (or the collapse of funding, whichever comes first)
Indeed – they are only interested in fractions of a degree in order to jump on the “see, it’s warmed” bandwagon. Over recorded history, nobody ever measured temperature to such a degree of “accuracy”.
But in those twenty years that you mentioned, the warmist brigade have made Lord knows how many “predictions” and ” forecasts”, all doom-laden with scares of a nearing Apocalypse, if we don’t stop living our normal, everyday lives – and nothing has happened – none of it came to fruition. Eggy faces, all round, you would think. Not a bit of it.
Now, of course, there is a whole raft (66, I believe, at the last count) of “reasons” and excuses why the planet just hasn’t co-operated with them, and performed as they said it would.
Yet they continue with their nonsense, and wonder why it becomes harder to convince us, with every day that passes.
And the politicians constantly fall for it. Funny, that…
I watched my seventh and eighth minutes year-to-date of The Ian Katz Comedy Hour in the week. There was a nice left-wefty top trumps as the discussion centred on the fact that men who beat their wives are not getting prison sentences.
Imagine that Venn diagram –
Set 1. Libby-wibbies who believe that men who assault their wives should go to prison.
Set 2. Libby-wibbies who believe prisondoesn’twork.
Rather a fat intersection there methinks.
Or for those not of a maths bent. Typical rancid hypocrisy of the left.
I went to the same university as the great grandson of John Venn.
Not quite at the same time.
But we overlapped
Indeed sir, I am one of the 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary numbers, and those who don’t.
Will INBBC relegate this further evidence of connections of Islamic jihadists in Britain to Islamic State jihadist barbarians?
-Front-page lead story, ‘Sunday Mirror’-
“Jihadi John’s British terror ring smashed as cops uncover a network stretching across the UK”
And that’s coming from a paper of the Left !
INBBC, and INBBC ArabicTV service, are giving greater political priority to serve (on our money) what it sees as the interest of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, today, under the misleading top headline on INBBC Middle East page-
“Egypt Anger As Mubarak Cleared.”
In comparison, INBBC appears to ignore the “Sunday Mirror’ report on the interlocking of Islamic jihadists in Britain with the Islamic State barbarians.
Is this contrast in INBBC ‘reporting’ indicative of the lack of interest INBBC has in the real and growing internal threat to British people by Islamic jihadists?
Pope’s subservience to Islam in Turkey.
Pamela Geller:-
“Pope prays in Istanbul mosque in new ‘outreach’, prays facing Mecca”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Looks like the leader of the Catholic Church is preparing his flock for the next step. he Pope faced …Mecca while submitting in the Blue Mosque. Why face Mecca? Have we ever seen a cleric from Al Azhar University face the Vatican. Ever? Even when they slaughter Christians they never face Bethlehem or the Vatican. Why doesn’t this craven qusisling just convert already and millions of his followers out of their collective misery. ”
INBBC has uncritical piece:
“Pope in ‘silent adoration’ in Istanbul Blue Mosque”
Constantinople and Rome are the two golden cities that Islam has always coveted. Constantinople fell in 1453 and when will Rome fall?
The Byzantines knew all about the clash of civilisations. Western liberalism just cannot find what it takes to stand up for the Christian West. Why is this?
That Christianity has been marginalised in our lands is self evident but we are the inheritors of a Christian civilisation not a Muslim, Hindu. Buddhist or any other.
Our elites have lost any sense of what a civilisation is and any will to defend it. This is the way a civilsation dies not from outside forces but from a failure of belief and a taste for treachery and betrayal.
The foolish heads of the Orthodox Church were celebrating Mass in what s now Hagia Sophia so incredibly complacent, comfortable and sure of their ‘right’, they could not accept that the Murderous Muslims had taken the city. So they just ignored the men with swords and carried on! They were all slaughtered on their own altars.
It seems to me that this story from history bears striking relevance for todays leaders who are in a very similar state of mind.
“silent adoration” Istanbul Blue Mosque … give me a f-ckin break
What! … is this fraterniser, colluder, collaborator even, doing?
In Turkey!, a main supporter of ISIS! who wantonly murder Christians?
Playing lapdog, to those, who laugh at him, put him in the same
barrel as Charlie boy, and that brain cell singular Bishop and kick it over the side.
Giving suchre, to a false “Abrahamic” faith, a totalitarian ideology
worse than fascism, embarrasses any true Christian heart, he ought to be ashamed of himself.
London has fallen, according to the 2011 Census it’s a 55% majority effnik township.
Al Beeb reports of a 16 year old ‘child’ with mental illness being held in a police cell.
When it suites the liberal minded, a 16 year old is a ‘child’.
When it suits the liberal minded to get more votes, a 16 year old is an adult.
So is a 16 year old a child or an adult? Well it all depends on how you want to manipulate your propaganda.
Not at all! Legally a person under the age of 16 is a child and certain protections are in place for them. They cannot be named in criminal proceedings without a Judges permission for instance.
The age of majority in the UK is 18, but in the Scottish referendum they allowed 16 years to vote with the argument that they were the ones who have to live with the consequences. My feeling is that the SDP had polling information which told them that more of them were likely to vote for independence because they didn’t fully understand what they were voting for.
In the Middle East any casualty under 18 is registered as a child. No soldier faced with an AK-47 or RPG has the opportunity to check his birth certificate.
Except if a Jewish Israeli child is killed, then it’s a ‘settler’ and somehow deserves it.
BBC Radio 4 ‘Sunday’ and there’s a discussion about homosexuality which is apparently illegal in 90 countries in the world. Of course the only ones criticised are Christian countries and the Islamic countries which are the real problem are not even mentioned.
There’s a stupid suggestion that appointing a gay Bishop was the way forward, and yet we know that the more sensible orthodox churches have said they will break from the Anglican Communion.
Then there’s a piece on The Simpsons: The Spiritual Life of the World’s Most Animated Family.” prompting a question from the drone, why haven’t you featured Islam yet?
The answer that they haven’t addressed Mormonism either is batted away and a return to Islam insisted on.
Beeboid policy on homosexuality is not to tolerate it, but to advocate it.
‘At the end of the 80s, free market thinkers declared “the end of history” and the triumph of capitalism. They were wrong on both counts.’
‘Capitalism has lurched into a crisis from which it still has not recovered. Yet the worn-out ideology of free markets sets the framework within which our current generation of leaders continues to think and act.’
‘I wasn’t surprised when Thatcher’s policies hardened into a closed system of ideas. That’s what happens when a party or a leader has been in power for too long. Oddly enough, Thatcher and the ideologues who were by then guiding her seem in some unconscious way to have recognised that their time was up. By pushing ahead with the deeply unpopular poll tax, they showed they cared more about clinging on to their view of the world than staying in power.’
No bias there…
Meanwhile, for INBBC to report?:
– TURKEY, ‘British’ Islamic jihadists, and Islamic State-
“Jihadis’ lawyer springs British woman from jail to fight in Syria: Eighteen-year-old says ISIS sent legal representative to help secure her release from Turkish prison.
“Umm Khattab al-Britaniyya claims she was rescued by an ISIS lawyer.
“British jihadi, 18, had been arrested trying to cross Syrian border.
“She feared she would be sent back to Britain after she was arrested.
Now she is living in an ISIS-run Syrian city with British jihadi twins, 16.”
Read more:
As BBC-NUJ will politically approve-
PM Cameron, despite his pre-General Election promise to reduce mass immigration, gives political priority to visit Islamising Turkey to support entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
“British PM to visit Turkey”
Another fawning eulogy to St. Michael of Ferguson. Who would believe he could have hurt even a fly, let alone violently steal from a shop, resist arrest and attempt to assault a police officer in the moments before his (un)timely demise.. His family ‘are crushed’ by the decision not to charge the ‘white’ police officer with murder for shooting this ‘unarmed black teenager’. A ‘decision’ reached by a grand jury made up of ‘9 white members’ and ‘3 black members’.
Why does the BBC continue to remind us of the ethnic demographic of the grand jury in this way? Is it suggesting that the selection of the grand jury was racially biased in order to secure a decision not to charge Mr Wilson?
Would the BBC have been happier if 12 black people had been selected to decide on the fate of a white police officer? Why not, then, 12 white people to decide?
At the end of the day, despite what his mates said (and then subsequently unsaid), Brown was shot resisting arrest and trying to assault a police officer, as the evidence showed, and a grand jury concluded.
I have had enough of the BBC racial shit stirring on this story, and I am incandescent with rage at the fact I have to pay for them to do it.
Just read a comment on Facebook that I feel sums it up the whole #Ferguson brouhaha…
“People don’t want justice, they want a certain outcome”.
This also neatly sums up the underlying current in the BBC’s reporting of this issue, in my opinion.
So true, so true. They are relentless in their venom.
Did people see that the New York Times published the cop’s adress last week. That’s the NYT headed up now by the former BBC Director General.
That is gutter journalism. Deliberately putting his life at risk – there had already been threats.
If they feel voters, or juries, don’t deliver the results they want, the media can be relentless even with electorate wishes counted or verdicts handed down.
Sometimes they are overt, confident their professional integrity can stay untarnished, but usually they will use the one degree of separation ‘people are calling for’ weasel.
It is amazing how many of those who find twitter’s constraints leave no space for accuracy can post the respective colours of protagonists when clearly felt necessary in over-emphasis to drive racial tensions higher.
Just this afternoon I submitted an Official Complaint to the BBC about that Michael Brown article.
The bias was truly shocking.
I’ve also complained about the coverage. Anyone else?
Glad to hear that Dave666.
Some good reading for the BBC!!
The Myth of ‘Deradicalizing’ Islamic Radicals by Tarek Fatah
better watching, senate hearing, national security
Excellent…agreed, much better.
On BBC4 last night there was a documentary about art nouveau called “Sex and Sensibility”. The presenter, lauding the “sensualist” French poet Baudelaire, said with heavy sarcasm, “and at the same time, in England, Anthony Trollope was writing The Barsetshire Chronicles”. And then he mimed the act of vomiting! A gratuitous, but typical, sneer at our culture and history. The presenter was Stephen Smith, “BBC Newsnight’s Cultural Correspondent”. Newsnight Culture: now there’s an oxymoron if ever there was one.
He did act the luvvie, a bit, didn’t he? Even to the extent of suggesting that maybe he should have kissed the bloke towards the end. Not very convincing, in my view (Smith, I mean…)
Now and then BBC 4 produces just about the only programmes left on the BBC that aren’t designed to keep people with a mental of eight happily stupefied.
Sadly, too many are given to Smith, who is simply a good old fashioned pseud. His pretentious flights of fancy are genuinely funny.
Krishnan Guru-Murthy is lefty Jon Snow’s side kick at Channel 4 (Some adverts but Licence Fees still gladly received)
However, he was raised in the BBC ghetto. A liberal elite lefty through and through:
KGM on art : ‘I love Banksey’
KGM on the BBC: ‘It should challenge listeners’ assumptions – that’s what the BBC is for’ (There was me still thinking the old educate, inform & entertain applied. Doesn’t the BBC deny it has ‘views’. Doesn’t it claim it ‘reflects’ British society?)
Mr Guru-Murthy pops up as a guest of Paddy O’Connell’s Radio 4 Sunday Papers review (chalk up another BBC appearance fee)
Our Krishnan feels constrained to leap to Gordon Brown’s defence…. fair enough I’m happy for Krish to come out as a lefty. But sadly that expensive BBC training kicks in and out of habit the torturous not-me-guv phrasing is employed:
‘I guess a lot of his supporters would say….’
Oh give it a rest Krish. Just for once, say what you mean.
KGM and his fellow true believers are always super-keen on ‘challenging’ things whether ‘assumptions’, beliefs or whatever. Provided the assumptions being challenged are not their own. Latest example, the delightful little Serb fasciste at UEA who’s decided that her delicate fellow students mustn’t be ‘challenged’ by holding a debate which includes UKIP lest they be introduced to wrong thinking or (horrors !) even find themselves attracted by it.
Clearly leftie beliefs are like rhubarb: they grow better if you don’t shine a light on them.
The local segment of the politics show from Bristol did immigration but only EU immigration. With the recent revelation that Somali rape gangs have been operating in Bristol I would have thought that a discussion of immigration from say Somalia might have been appropriate.
Muslim and African anybody at the BBC must be terrified of criticising them from fear of being ostracised by their colleagues.
Fear of Ostracism was, I recall, the concern John Clesse highlighted recently.
I think John Cleese was concerned about a head being ostracised from the rest of the body for mocking the RoP.
The BBC has been playing this shoddy game for years. It will just about allow discussion of immigration providing the immigrants being discussed are white and European. Even the merest hint of a suggestion that black or Asian immigrants could present a problem is like garlic to a vampire.
On the plus side Marr had Two Eds Flanders on. She was reasonably positive about the UK economy so Marr had to supply the negativity himself. How long before the BBC has her back?
Ian Katz could probably find the budget to make it worth her while, what with being a market rate talent ‘n all.
Happened to listen to fatty Nolan on Five Live last night and was pleased to hear David Vance was a guest.
Never has more sense been spoken on the show.
Former Mirror editor David Banks was destroyed.
Tears the BBC’s so-called Free Speech programme to pieces.
Burn the stinking Bastards, then send em’ round Chakrabati’s house.
Alarming new tactic being used by the BBC’s TV Licensing enforcers: Even when there’s no evidence of unlicensed TV reception, try to pin a search warrant obstruction charge on the occupier:
Read more
If as described, a rather astounding tale, though not outside the bounds of possibility given proven recorded history.
Seems an utterly insane policy to pursue.
Think of the negative PR, public concern and hence MP involvement already, on prosecutions involving mainly folk actually breaking the law still (even if a bad one, clogging up the court system with civil debt collections for a unique entertainment provider).
This… is another order of magnitude. Using obscure provisions to stitch-up the innocent, simply not for proving their innocence quickly enough?
Seems barking. Certainly the comments so far reflect the practical problems to police and prosecution alone, before raising Big Brother analogies that will fill non-BBC cowed media for weeks.
However, given this is the BBC we’re talking about here, which has never had to really account for anything, I can see it could well be the next wheeze a cabal of £360k market rate talents have come up with to protect their gravy train.
Maybe once they’ve finished messing with folks’ mobiles Watchdog could do an in-house investigation?
Or not. Clearly some vital news higher up the totem.
But as we’ve seen earlier in this thread, if found guilty then a prison sentence is appropriate, just to keep some moral authority !
Doesn’t matter if the truly dangerous are out & about, it’s sending a message which counts !