Tony Robinson’s Ch4 Sedgemoor prog last night (don’t know whether a repeat or not) duly polluted by national leftie treasure Billy Bragg, happily ensconced miles from the enrichment and diversity he so adores.
“Dear droids,
people from other religions also write books.”
Dear uncle bup,
Previous authors of ‘Book of the Week’ in reverse chronological order:
Margaret Forster
Alan Cumming
Val McDermid
Alan Johnson
Yuval Noah Harari
Omid Djalili
James Booth
Adam Thorpe
Dianne Hales
James Nestor
Matt Lewis
Chris Stewart
Laurie Lee
Rebecca Front
Leonard Cohen
Linda Cracknell
Anjan Sundaram
Tim Moore
Rachel Holmes
Richard Benson
Helena Attlee
Deyan Sudjic
Thomas Brother
John Carey
Ben Macintyre
The BBC is a massive organization, well funded, so it should be capable of putting together some meaningful statistics on race issues in th US. So why produce this mindless crap?
“Here are six statistics that help tell the story”
Tells me that the BBC is stuffed with moronic lefty school kids deluding themselves that they are journalists. However, I already know this but thanks for further irrefutable evidence.
Much as I doubt the BBC consider the source of this claim. RT is a Russian state-funded cable and satellite television channel directed to audiences outside of the Russian Federation. It has frequently been accused of being a propaganda mouthpiece for the Kremlin. Ofcom has threatened RT with sanctions because of repeated violations of its rules on impartiality.
I stopped watching when they invited George Galloway to comment.
I believe the technical term is pot calling the kettle black.
As an OT FYI, my browser and tablet not having changed since yesterday, on log in I now get a ‘security certificate not recognised’ warning that needs to be overridden to proceed.
Why is “persecution” in quotation marks? Is there any dispute that Chrisitan populations across the ME have been devastated by persecution? Does the BBC think that this is only someone’s opinion and not a fact?
The sort of ‘diverse’ ‘Britons’ who so politically endear themselves to INBBC?:-
‘Daily Mail’-
“British Muslim ‘band of brothers’ leaves Britain to join Islamic State terrorists
fighting in Syria.
The four believed to have flown together to Istanbul via Milan in September.
It is believed they are the most members of one British family to join IS.
Wednesbury pair may have been radicalised by extremist at local mosque.”
So how is it that he is blind to just how the BBC follow this meme?
Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch identifies his claim in a more realistic vein – both for the BBC and teachers, and all those responsible – including the Church.
Funny that, it just shows how little they know about the Islamic faith, because the nativity story in both theirs & Christianity are almost identical, other than a talking baby Jesus telling the Jews what **** they are !
Spencer is wrong though. The fear is not of offending Muslims, but of offending the Fascists who cannot tolerate anything of British culture being taught and use ‘offence’ as a weapon when someone they don’t like transgresses their deliberately unwritten rules.
Makes me wonder if we wouldn’t all get on a whole lot better if the Fascists didn’t just shut up, but there’s no way that’s going to happen !
This story shows several elements about the BBC mindset.
First is that they commissioned this drama to be made regardless of whether it might be controversial and likely to offend or anger viewers. This shows that this element does not feature in their initial thinking about whether a programme is suitable or not.
Second that after realising that it would be scheduled to be shown around the time when the licence fee review was about to take place, they decided to postpone or drop this drama to avoid any outcry affecting it.
It shows their charter and its purpose has little or nothing to do with what the BBC feature, just where they think it might affect them getting their money.
The cart is before the horse!
A warning to MPs, if you are going to go by polls run by the BBC as to whether the licence fee is desirable by the public, then you are going to find that the real public view is entirely different. Just like those voters showed recently with UKIP, despite the BBC spin and attempt to make illusions to the contrary.
Like the jeering audience consistency on Question Time the same night of the recent elections where UKIP had around double the votes of Labour, Lib Dems and Greens combined.
Interesting to again witness that renowned iindependence that production and editorial enjoy, free of executive intervention.
As constantly advised by BBC production, editorial and management.
It is however possible that nothing escapes the dead hand of the BBC narrative filter, and the single guiding rule is that the BBC is soley here to look after the BBC.
“This story shows several elements about the BBC mindset.”
“According to The Sunday People, a source said…”
“Corporation chiefs are thought to have halted production due to fears…”
“Now BBC bosses are believed to fear…”
Or in other words the whole story is a crock, based on nothing more than the supposed opinions of a mysterious, unnamed “source” (tabloidesque for, “some bloke I met down the pub”).
The hypocrisy of the Daily Mail & Sunday People criticising a TV Drama about Shannon Matthews for being ‘inappropriate’ whilst using this made up opportunity to remind their readers of all the gory details (and hopefully sell more papers), also seems to have passed you by.
Really, your innocent gullibility is a delight Teddy Bear.
For somebody who supports this vile organisation where it has been shown they purposefully shelved the exposee of Savile, knowing it would put them into a bad light, and instead screened a glowing account of his time with them, to bring up gullibility is really very bizarre.
Actually Dez, I don’t think you are gullible, I believe the reasons you do actively support the BBC is for a far more vile and insidious purpose.
“Like the jeering audience consistency on Question Time the same night of the recent elections where UKIP had around double the votes of Labour, Lib Dems and Greens combined.”
Serious question Mr Bear,
Do you think the Question Time audience should reflect the political opinions of the constituency where the programme is hosted, or the political opinions of the country as a whole?
If audiences were selected fairly, without an attempt to manipulate the numbers, then I would expect them to reflect the area where the show is taking place. It would be the BBC’s duty to make sure they are properly reflecting the British public as a whole by those areas selected.
At the end of the day, one would expect the audiences to reflect the country as a whole. The balance would pretty much match the circulation figures of our daily newspapers.
Now Dez, I doubt you need me to point out just what the political leanings of the following newspapers are, but perhaps you can direct me to any Question TIme programme that you saw reflected these figures.
I’ll make it easier – perhaps you can point to ONE Question Time panel that had a majority right wingers to left.
Of course, there is no INBBC mention here of the many massacres of Christians by the Muslim Islamic jihadist barbarians of Boko Haram. (Of course, the history of the spread of Islam in Africa is the history of Islamic jihad.)
INBBC doesn’t regard the killing of Muslims as more significant than the killing of Christians, does it?
The reality is simple; Marxist filth, since the end of the Second World War have been hellbent on dismantling national pride through incessant lies and an insidious immigration agenda. I pray that they will be prevented from doing so. War be coming; whose side will you be on?
What in that article makes it “palpable” that the BBC approves of this result? That is entirely your interpretation of it, not what is actually written.
Seems a perfectly balanced article to me, with both sides’ cases put forward.
ChrisL, if you’re implying that the BBC are anything other than a pro-EU, Leftist immigrant loving hive of Labour luvvies than you’re a bigger pillock than your comment alludes to.
I would wager my mortgage on the BBC rooting for this result. It is beyond all reasonable doubt that the BBC is a most harmful and anti-British institution. It lives and breathes Euro-metro trendy elitism.
Funny, I thought it was only the Left that resorted to telling its oppnents to shut up, or to calling them “pillocks” when they couldn’t come up with a counter argument. At least that’s what this site tells me.
Oh we are a wee smartarse aren’t we. I think the majority come on here for a bit of anti-leftist fun in between glasses of wine. We have enough intellectual stresses from Monday to Friday without concerning ourselves with an opinionated little fart such as yourself.
Why do the BBC deem it so important to highlight ethnicity in the Ferguson shooting? They rarely highlight ethnicity when Muslim gangs rape white girls or beat people up.
Predictable bias.
“Tributes are being paid in Germany to student Tugce Albayrak who was killed after defending two teenage girls reportedly being harassed by a group of men…
Ms Albayrak, who was from the town of Gelnhausen, also near Frankfurt, was Turkish by origin.
Her attacker, named only as Senal M from the Sandzak region of Serbia, has confessed to striking Ms Albayrak”
A couple of things, according to Die Welt she was born in Germany (doesn’t that make her German?) and according to Deutsche Welle the attacker was from the Muslim Sandzak region of Serbia.
So the BBC story describes a ‘Turkish woman killed by a Serb’, while it could be described as a ‘German woman killed by a Muslim’. Any reason to favour one over the other? Given he comes from a Muslim region of Serbia there is no less reason to assume he is Muslim than that he is Serbian.
BBC shelves controversial plans for drama based on kidnap of schoolgirl Shannon Matthews ‘amid fears it could scupper licence fee deal because of public anger’
BBC report coverage of this ‘role model woman’ who was killed.
But Sky don’t.
The ‘woman’ is half Turkish and in Germany.
‘Around’ 150 people attended her vigil. Not a big number.
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 11:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Ed Miliband: we only use the smaller of our two kitchens This article is more than 9 years old Labour…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 11:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 NOTHING TO SEE HERE Fury as fake windows painted on £48million Port Glasgow ferry Glen Sannox Kevin DUGUID Published: 21:28,…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 11:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “Let me start off today, if I offend anybody then I don’t give a site” @0:20
ZephirFeb 24, 10:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 “Ed Miliband’s net-zero plan exposed as fantasy but Labour already knew it was ‘b*****t’ ” We should be just five…
Lefty WrightFeb 24, 10:56 Start the Week 24th February 2025 As Mr Punch would say—–That’s the way to do it!
StewGreenFeb 24, 10:56 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Nicola Sturgeon laughing hugging & kissing Kirsty Wark who’s private company was paid 100s of thousands of £s to make…
ZephirFeb 24, 10:56 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More from the lying bastards… “Ed Miliband blackout gamble backfires as EU rules threaten UK’s energy lifeline. Ed Miliband has…
diggFeb 24, 10:49 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I believe that a large proportion of those youngsters marching on our streets and baying for support for Hamas are…
Why dol all the lefties live abroad or in little Brittans suburbs and gated communitees?
I have a Director at work: He used to say, What man can concieve, man can achieve.
he was not impressed when he was told to achieve what he concieved.
Tony Robinson’s Ch4 Sedgemoor prog last night (don’t know whether a repeat or not) duly polluted by national leftie treasure Billy Bragg, happily ensconced miles from the enrichment and diversity he so adores.
Billy Bragg, that well known socialist who occupies a rather large residence in the West Country. How typical and, nowadays, unexpected.
‘And now a preview of next week’s Book of the Week…’
‘I remember my first day in Pakistan blah blah blah’.
Dear droids,
people from other religions also write books.
Hope this helps.
uncle bup,
“Dear droids,
people from other religions also write books.”
Dear uncle bup,
Previous authors of ‘Book of the Week’ in reverse chronological order:
Margaret Forster
Alan Cumming
Val McDermid
Alan Johnson
Yuval Noah Harari
Omid Djalili
James Booth
Adam Thorpe
Dianne Hales
James Nestor
Matt Lewis
Chris Stewart
Laurie Lee
Rebecca Front
Leonard Cohen
Linda Cracknell
Anjan Sundaram
Tim Moore
Rachel Holmes
Richard Benson
Helena Attlee
Deyan Sudjic
Thomas Brother
John Carey
Ben Macintyre
You are beyond help.
The BBC is a massive organization, well funded, so it should be capable of putting together some meaningful statistics on race issues in th US. So why produce this mindless crap?
“Here are six statistics that help tell the story”
Tells me that the BBC is stuffed with moronic lefty school kids deluding themselves that they are journalists. However, I already know this but thanks for further irrefutable evidence.
“Context? We ain’t got to provide you no steenkin’ context!”
What a breathtaking piece of simplistic, 6th form agitprop brainwashing from the BBC. Gobsmacking.
This is interesting:
The BBC getting it in the neck.
Much as I doubt the BBC consider the source of this claim. RT is a Russian state-funded cable and satellite television channel directed to audiences outside of the Russian Federation. It has frequently been accused of being a propaganda mouthpiece for the Kremlin. Ofcom has threatened RT with sanctions because of repeated violations of its rules on impartiality.
I stopped watching when they invited George Galloway to comment.
I believe the technical term is pot calling the kettle black.
As an OT FYI, my browser and tablet not having changed since yesterday, on log in I now get a ‘security certificate not recognised’ warning that needs to be overridden to proceed.
Latest bit of fun from the glitch gremlins?
Dunno if anyone has reported on this yet but I find this headline extraordinary
Why is “persecution” in quotation marks? Is there any dispute that Chrisitan populations across the ME have been devastated by persecution? Does the BBC think that this is only someone’s opinion and not a fact?
Are Beeboids actually familiar with sites such as that of Raymond Ibrahim?:-
They should check: ‘Muslim persecution of Christians’ there-
What does INBBC religious correspondent Ms WYATT do all day?
I am convinced given the voice tone that Caroline Wyatt may be transgender.
John W..
It’s so they don’t upset the ‘persecutors’, and also so they do not appear to be ‘racist’.
The sort of ‘diverse’ ‘Britons’ who so politically endear themselves to INBBC?:-
‘Daily Mail’-
“British Muslim ‘band of brothers’ leaves Britain to join Islamic State terrorists
fighting in Syria.
The four believed to have flown together to Istanbul via Milan in September.
It is believed they are the most members of one British family to join IS.
Wednesbury pair may have been radicalised by extremist at local mosque.”
Read more:
Can’t wait for the BBC anonymous spokesdroid waffle denial of this one.
Especially the factual bits about which there can be no argument.
Rather sweet the author refers to BBC rules and how the BBC should obey them, like there is any history of this happening.
Teachers ‘scared to teach about Jesus’: Fear of offending other faiths prevents children learning true meaning of Christmas, BBC presenter claims
While this hypocritical BBC presenter observes that modern day children know little about Christianity, he apparently hasn’t observed anything amiss in the way his employers fail to educate in this department. Instead he focusses blame on teachers, claiming ‘fear of offending other religions lies at the root cause’.
So how is it that he is blind to just how the BBC follow this meme?
Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch identifies his claim in a more realistic vein – both for the BBC and teachers, and all those responsible – including the Church.
UK: Teachers “scared to teach about Jesus” for fear of offending Muslims
Funny that, it just shows how little they know about the Islamic faith, because the nativity story in both theirs & Christianity are almost identical, other than a talking baby Jesus telling the Jews what **** they are !
Spencer is wrong though. The fear is not of offending Muslims, but of offending the Fascists who cannot tolerate anything of British culture being taught and use ‘offence’ as a weapon when someone they don’t like transgresses their deliberately unwritten rules.
Makes me wonder if we wouldn’t all get on a whole lot better if the Fascists didn’t just shut up, but there’s no way that’s going to happen !
‘….some secular teachers are also ‘unsympathetic to religious education’.
They have a choice???!!
BBC drops controversial plans for drama based on kidnap of schoolgirl Shannon Matthews ‘amid fears it could scupper licence fee deal because of public anger’
This story shows several elements about the BBC mindset.
First is that they commissioned this drama to be made regardless of whether it might be controversial and likely to offend or anger viewers. This shows that this element does not feature in their initial thinking about whether a programme is suitable or not.
Second that after realising that it would be scheduled to be shown around the time when the licence fee review was about to take place, they decided to postpone or drop this drama to avoid any outcry affecting it.
It shows their charter and its purpose has little or nothing to do with what the BBC feature, just where they think it might affect them getting their money.
The cart is before the horse!
A warning to MPs, if you are going to go by polls run by the BBC as to whether the licence fee is desirable by the public, then you are going to find that the real public view is entirely different. Just like those voters showed recently with UKIP, despite the BBC spin and attempt to make illusions to the contrary.
Like the jeering audience consistency on Question Time the same night of the recent elections where UKIP had around double the votes of Labour, Lib Dems and Greens combined.
Interesting to again witness that renowned iindependence that production and editorial enjoy, free of executive intervention.
As constantly advised by BBC production, editorial and management.
It is however possible that nothing escapes the dead hand of the BBC narrative filter, and the single guiding rule is that the BBC is soley here to look after the BBC.
Teddy Bear,
“This story shows several elements about the BBC mindset.”
“According to The Sunday People, a source said…”
“Corporation chiefs are thought to have halted production due to fears…”
“Now BBC bosses are believed to fear…”
Or in other words the whole story is a crock, based on nothing more than the supposed opinions of a mysterious, unnamed “source” (tabloidesque for, “some bloke I met down the pub”).
The hypocrisy of the Daily Mail & Sunday People criticising a TV Drama about Shannon Matthews for being ‘inappropriate’ whilst using this made up opportunity to remind their readers of all the gory details (and hopefully sell more papers), also seems to have passed you by.
Really, your innocent gullibility is a delight Teddy Bear.
For somebody who supports this vile organisation where it has been shown they purposefully shelved the exposee of Savile, knowing it would put them into a bad light, and instead screened a glowing account of his time with them, to bring up gullibility is really very bizarre.
Actually Dez, I don’t think you are gullible, I believe the reasons you do actively support the BBC is for a far more vile and insidious purpose.
Teddy Bear,
“Like the jeering audience consistency on Question Time the same night of the recent elections where UKIP had around double the votes of Labour, Lib Dems and Greens combined.”
Serious question Mr Bear,
Do you think the Question Time audience should reflect the political opinions of the constituency where the programme is hosted, or the political opinions of the country as a whole?
If audiences were selected fairly, without an attempt to manipulate the numbers, then I would expect them to reflect the area where the show is taking place. It would be the BBC’s duty to make sure they are properly reflecting the British public as a whole by those areas selected.
At the end of the day, one would expect the audiences to reflect the country as a whole. The balance would pretty much match the circulation figures of our daily newspapers.

Now Dez, I doubt you need me to point out just what the political leanings of the following newspapers are, but perhaps you can direct me to any Question TIme programme that you saw reflected these figures.
I’ll make it easier – perhaps you can point to ONE Question Time panel that had a majority right wingers to left.
Isn’t it strange that I know you can’t?
INBBC drops its word ‘militants’ to describe Boko Haram’s mass murder in mosque:
Days late, INBBC comes up with some sort of analysis which at least uses the word ‘jihadists’ three times-
“Boko Haram Kano attack: Loss of life on staggering scale”
By Will Ross.
Of course, there is no INBBC mention here of the many massacres of Christians by the Muslim Islamic jihadist barbarians of Boko Haram. (Of course, the history of the spread of Islam in Africa is the history of Islamic jihad.)
INBBC doesn’t regard the killing of Muslims as more significant than the killing of Christians, does it?
update for INBBC to report on latest Islamic jihad on Christians-
“Nigeria: Islamic jihadists raid Christian town, throw bombs into houses”
The BBC’s happiness is almost palpable as the Swiss vote for cultural and national suicide…
The reality is simple; Marxist filth, since the end of the Second World War have been hellbent on dismantling national pride through incessant lies and an insidious immigration agenda. I pray that they will be prevented from doing so. War be coming; whose side will you be on?
What in that article makes it “palpable” that the BBC approves of this result? That is entirely your interpretation of it, not what is actually written.
Seems a perfectly balanced article to me, with both sides’ cases put forward.
shut up.
ChrisL, if you’re implying that the BBC are anything other than a pro-EU, Leftist immigrant loving hive of Labour luvvies than you’re a bigger pillock than your comment alludes to.
I would wager my mortgage on the BBC rooting for this result. It is beyond all reasonable doubt that the BBC is a most harmful and anti-British institution. It lives and breathes Euro-metro trendy elitism.
Funny, I thought it was only the Left that resorted to telling its oppnents to shut up, or to calling them “pillocks” when they couldn’t come up with a counter argument. At least that’s what this site tells me.
Oh we are a wee smartarse aren’t we. I think the majority come on here for a bit of anti-leftist fun in between glasses of wine. We have enough intellectual stresses from Monday to Friday without concerning ourselves with an opinionated little fart such as yourself.
Why do the BBC deem it so important to highlight ethnicity in the Ferguson shooting? They rarely highlight ethnicity when Muslim gangs rape white girls or beat people up.
Predictable bias.
“Tributes are being paid in Germany to student Tugce Albayrak who was killed after defending two teenage girls reportedly being harassed by a group of men…
Ms Albayrak, who was from the town of Gelnhausen, also near Frankfurt, was Turkish by origin.
Her attacker, named only as Senal M from the Sandzak region of Serbia, has confessed to striking Ms Albayrak”
A couple of things, according to Die Welt she was born in Germany (doesn’t that make her German?) and according to Deutsche Welle the attacker was from the Muslim Sandzak region of Serbia.
So the BBC story describes a ‘Turkish woman killed by a Serb’, while it could be described as a ‘German woman killed by a Muslim’. Any reason to favour one over the other? Given he comes from a Muslim region of Serbia there is no less reason to assume he is Muslim than that he is Serbian.
BBC shelves controversial plans for drama based on kidnap of schoolgirl Shannon Matthews ‘amid fears it could scupper licence fee deal because of public anger’
Read more:
Accidentally just caught a few minutes of BBC2 Russell Howard’s Good News.
It was as though I had just slipped into a time warp with Ben Elton circa 1981
Does this guy do anything other than lame dumb hateful adolescent jokes aimed at right of centre politics?
I hope he realises the signature on his BBC Licence Fee pay cheque was signed under duress.
Bet the Scots Nats thank their lucky stars they did not win referendum, since Oil Price sunk over like a stone!
This is strange.
BBC report coverage of this ‘role model woman’ who was killed.
But Sky don’t.
The ‘woman’ is half Turkish and in Germany.
‘Around’ 150 people attended her vigil. Not a big number.
She went to the defence of two other women who were being harassed.
Why national news here? Not a big impact in Germany.
Posts vanishing.