The BBC is very concerned…13,000 people are working as slaves in the UK….most will be foreign immigrants but the BBC chose to illustrate its ‘package’ on Today with the plight of an English slave…and didn’t mention who the slavers were…Travellers…yet another favoured ‘minority’ given an easy ride by the BBC.
I’m not sure why the BBC is so concerned, after all they are coming here ‘to work’ aren’t they? Coming here to work seems to be the phrase of the moment especially in relation to immigrants…they’re ‘coming here to work’ so it doesn’t matter that they work for low pay, for long hours, and undercut the British workers and burden the state.
It’s surely a short leap to then justify slavery or bonded labour on that very same principle…they’re coming here to work and they surely don’t claim tax credits…what’s not to like?
I presume the slave traders are included in the government statistics for new entrepreneurs from abroad .
Some comming in with “employers” claiming diplomatic immunity.
And what else are these “Diplomats” bringing in?
They could have an armoury by now.
cf the Libyan Embassy ‘siege’ in 1984.
Diplomatic ‘bags’ can be twenty-foot containers.
OTish, but speaking of favoured minorities and official blind spots building up heads of steam, I am watching a neat example build up in my ‘hood.
The nearest town centre has one major carpark serving it. There are also a bunch of road bays around and about.
Naturally these latter have always caused problems as the council does like zapping old dears dropping off donations to the charity shops, and in any case retailers see the charges as driving away folk to the supermarkets outside the place.
Last week the council bragged about the revenue in the local rag.
That same day (well evening), a troupe of diverse caravanists arrived to set up camp, using up approximately half the town car park. Bays treated as more ‘guidelines’, in the BBC sense.
In fact it seems to have been more created as a ‘no-go area’.
And it has worked. Not a policeman or, more crucially, parking warden has gone near.
Interestingly, they have still ventured in enough to issue tickets to people who have used bays but overstayed by ten minutes.
This has been noted, and is not going down too well. Especially as there is an Xmas Fayre tomorrow and half the space is ‘off limits’, occupied by folk more likely to be flogging lucky heather wreaths without paying for a pitch, than strolling around buying local fare.
Official hypocrisy, cowardice and head-in-sand bovine reaction can only endure so long.
‘Last week the council bragged about the revenue in the local rag.’
Yes, the Mad Gordon McRuin mentality.
It’s far better we plunder your money and piss it away on our pet schemes rather than let you keep it to spend or save as you see fit.
As Alan’s latest post puts it, lol. And add an ‘arrgghh’ too.
We’ve just had a carnival in our work’s car park by a canny troupe of diverse caravanists – and not for the first time. They also avoided our editorial guidelines, in the BBC sense, before moving on (apparently of their own accord), leaving one hell of a mess behind (like Gordon Brown). And nothing official was done about it.
It’s very frustrating. And, Dale Farm-wise, we know the BBC isn’t exactly rooting for us. Or even impartial.
Reporting Slavery in U.K-
Periodically, (on a slow news day?), U.K government and media put up a report on slavery in U.K.
E.g. in May, 2014, ‘Sky News’ has a report almost identical to what media and BBC-NUJ is running today:-
“Slavery Becomes ‘Big Business’ In Britain”
Of course, media is disinclined to link any slavery problems to mass immigration into U.K; and there is no comparison made with e.g. the widespread existence of slavery in Islamic countries.
A considerable number of slaves are likely to be brides brought in from Pakistan, and other culturally advanced societies. These women are promised a life of luxury. What they find is rather more grim.
I think this component of slavery is far larger then the quoted 13,000.
As if FGM, mass rapes of Infidel women, habitual cheating on Benefits, vote rigging, and terrorism was not enough cultural enrichment.
Look, these travellers need somewhere to go having left Ireland , there are families and old folk among them , children need schools, they’re amongst their friends , moving them would be inhumane and against someone in the UN , the UAF and Socilist Workers want to nail their colours to something and it would cost money to move them on .
Have I covered all the angles or is there another one the BBC can think up ?
Hasn’t the bbc been telling us all these years that slavery only happens to those of African descent?
Funny how the most abhorrent of crimes are on the rise under liberalism, what else is to expected when crime goes unpunished, minorities are left to their own devices to commit such crimes and the poodle force daren’t go near them because of racism accusations!
On the bbc report many of these ‘slaves’ were prostitutes of Eastern European descent yet they have to question a white British man…a little like the reports on food banks and ‘povurteh’ where they always show a pretty respectable looking white English family in need of tins of beans after falling on hard times!
The real surprise was the fact that the bbc were actually surprised that this is happening in our fair and diverse society.
The benefits of the EU , unfettered immigration and multiculturalism , slavery, child rape and our prisons full of foreign criminals. Again our leader makes promises to change all this by announcing new curbs, but he’s just pissing in the wind.
slaves heh,the only bloody slaves in this county is 11 year old white english childen who are being gang raped,abused,tortured and trafficked all over the country by pakistani and somalian paedophile dirty pervert child grooming rings,that is the slavery that bloody upsets me and the majority in england.
And the majority of the BBC’s 13000 will be enslaved by non Brits, you can bet your bottom dollar on that, but we will never be told that by the BBC. I’m surprised they don’t see exploitation and abuse of little girls and boys as enriching our tired old society and want to celebrate it along with all the other un British stuff in their multiculti Utopia.