The Media’s hypocrisy is quite stunning, the BBC’s most of all of course as it tells us it holds itself to a higher standard and is the news organisation that sets the standards for the rest of the pack to follow.
Recently they have been shouting a lot about how dishonest politicians are, asking why politicians, especially the Tories, won’t tell us about the true state of the nation’s finances.
Of course, in reality, that is the last thing the BBC wants you to know as it would be hard to justify its barrage of anti-austerity propaganda that it pumps out daily if the economy is ‘utterly terrible’.
Similarly the same goes for immigration and Europe…the BBC has hidden the truth about immigration for years, steadfastly refusing to examine it in detail and consistently ignoring the downsides to immigration…only recently having to tackle the subject with any degree of honesty because many politicians have had to at least pay lip service to the concerns of the population about immigration……and forced to do so by one man and his party…Nigel Farage and UKIP.
Now when you hear the BBC moaning about the ‘dishonesty of politicians’ just remember this is the BBC that tried, still tries, to undermine and finish off UKIP as a political force, that tried to shut Farage and UKIP up.
The BBC had no interest in talking about immigration until forced to do so…..and will rapidly revert to that position given half a chance.
Farage forced the pace and set the ball rolling on immigration.
All of which is backed up by this revelation from a BBC insider, an ex-insider, Paul Lambert who has jumped ship to become the communications guru at UKIP and says…..
“Over the past few years I have been following the work of UKIP and Nigel Farage and I feel that he is changing British politics for the better. I am delighted to be able to add my experience to his team. He has been one of the best, most hardworking and most normal political figures I have worked with, and trust me I have seen the lot”.
“UKIP is today the place to be if you want to be a part of a party that is changing the face of British politics for the better, and providing a new, clear and honest voice”.
The BBC are being nice to him at present but as one commenter says at Guido it won’t last long…..
Watch the remaining featherbedded stooges turn on him now.
Facebook post by Nigel Farage:
Britain’s national infrastructure *is* affected by the hundreds of thousands of migrants coming to the UK every year.
This fact was observed just last month by Govt Minister James Brokenshire, as well in August’s Telegraph, by the Emeritus Prof of Economics at Cambridge University, who said this year that “Unrestrained population growth would eventually have a negative impact on the standard of living through its environmental effects such as overcrowding, congestion and loss of amenity.”
The police, Home Office and NHS staff across the country have already reflected on this fact.
But when *I* say it, the Mail, Telegraph, Independent, and other newspapers seem to have to report it as some sort of scandal. Do you see what they’re doing here?
I was just reading your post – CUE James Naughtie at 724am to talk about what he appeared to be scorning as a faux pas by Farage. You could “see” Naughtie’s lip curling.
Bloody relentless !!!
I thought that Nick Robinson seemed a little wistful over the departure.
Farewell then Gobby. You shouted at politicians but they trusted you. They offered you jobs but only one came with a fag & a pint & a grin— Nick Robinson
It would be impossible for someone who did support UKIP to express that within the BBC, I imagine their lives would be made a misery, or just sacked. I think this is as close as someone in Robinsons position could come.
Was Paul Lambert a (very) secret UKIP supporter while employed at the BBC or is he a media professional working for whoever provides the larger pay check?
I can sympathise with both positions but it is hard to applaud either.
Watch out U KIP!
There has to be a chance that this guy is a 5th columnist.
How easy it would be for him to ‘spill the beans’ on the so-called Inner Workings of U KIP just before the election next May-he would be hailed as a hero by the LiberalLeft Junta and he would be set for life.
Keep your Friends close and your enemies closer Nigel.
Whilst on that subject , the best way to confound the LibLabCon Media is for U Kip to have a known hierarchy and succession plan-it all depends too much on one man…although he is a Good ‘Un!
WE can’t lose this war to the Leftist elite and their friends in Aljabeeba -this may be our Last Chance.
Yes Mr Farage should be wary of this new hire. In common with Paxo and others who left the BBC and then declared that the corporation had a left wing bias that they disagreed with and that they themselves were in fact not of the left, he kept it all very quiet when he was there.
I assume that was because he valued his salary and knew that if he did let it come across that he wasn’t of the liberal left he would be victimised by the BBC machine. At least I hope that this is the case and that he won’t go running back to Auntie and telling tales!
But as well as doing the country a service by helping UKIP, he would also help by spilling the beans about the BBC and how it propagandises on behalf of the liberal left whilst being funded from taxpayers money.
I think that the media bosses still think that, if they kick a political party hard enough, eventually it will die.
What they are discovering with UKIP is that, thanks to Google, fooling the people isn’t as easy as it once was, and all they are doing is giving UKIP the kind of publicity that money can’t buy.
The BBC last night were discussing the SNP – and the last phrase was “the last time the SNP against the Government in 1979, we got Margaret Thatcher”.
We didn’t “get a change of Government”, or even “The Conservatives gained power” – no we got “Margaret Thatcher”.
It seems that generations of Loony lefties, when children, are being threatened with Margaret Thatcher should they be naughty.
Seems like some realise that UKIP is essential to the survival of democracy in this country.
The wailing BBC does not get it yet. Destroy UKIp and then the whirlwind comes.
The Tory and Labour parties have tampered with the very basis of our identity as Englishmen. They have set out to destroy our identity. To destroy our old freedoms and hand us over to a foreign power to rule over us. This is the heart of the matter and only UKIP can defuse the growing rage. We have no right to hand over our freedom to others. . To do so breaks the bonds that unite past present and future generations.