In the past few days, I caught a couple of BBC stories which did little for my blood pressure.
On BBC NI, they ran an item explaining the the “traveller” community was the most discriminated against in Northern Ireland. This was based in feedback from..the travelling community! Honestly, you couldn’t make it up although I suspect the Travellers do.
I then heard another story elsewhere on the BBC network explaining that the Arts Council was DEMANDING that those who it sponsors (with taxpayers money) MUST ensure more racial “diversity” or else funding will be cut. This was portrayed as a “good thing” with no contrary opinion expressed. It appears quality comes second to diversity and the pursuance of inverted racism.
Watching the BBC is not good for your spirit or your health!
Perhaps a group of “Travellers” should encamp outside broadcasting house.
Then, when they depart, BBC Trustees should clear up the crap (literal & metaphorical) they leave behind.
For a group with ‘rights’, it’s strange how their mobile brethren pay so little ‘Council Tax’. The very revenue that house dwellers pay, that is used to decontaminate their vacated sites.
They don’t much like paying for the leccy either.
Surely each traveller site should be equipped with a food bank generously supported by the local community.
That’s a good idea. Its unreasonable to expect them to have to travel across town in their Range Rovers and Mercedes to get to get to the food bank!
If the travelling community are being discriminated against in Northern Ireland then there will be measurable data to show it so why rely on zombie surveys unless to perpetuate a myth of victimhood.
Those cheeky little travellers that hate travelling! Now where did we put that bit of left over tarmac for the BBC Driveway?
Here’s the link to the arts council story, yet something else that will be assessed on “diversity” rather than merit. Although the arts has a pretty low threshold when it comes to merit. Maybe the Beed should have addressed the more important issue of why have public funding to the arts.
Breitbart on it:
Welcome to Soviet Britain
Maybe they want to see more white folk playing reggae?
I’m sure the presumably thousands of little Mustaphas who are desperate to sing Tudor polyphony will now be taking their chance and joining choirs.
Please don’t get me started!
Used to own a tea room/shop and kiosk in a country park. Serious ‘Travellers’ problems re-occurred, (on average bi-annually):
Abuse of my facilities, (connecting to my water for example).
Loss of trade – had to close kiosk when surrounded by Travellers vans.
Leaving Rubbish around.
Closing of local council sports pitches, where I used to cater.
Quite a lot that came my way were Irish. They pay no rates, taxes or insurance whatsoever, yet cost local authorities and small businesses like mine loads.
Another wrong that needs righting for sure.
One man’s rubbish, thieving and abuse is another man’s culture, as they say.
The Arts Council is absolutely bursting with pride in announcing the soon to be sold out concert at the Royal Festival Hall.
The Sowetan Boys Vuvuzela Symphony Orchestra (Now renamed The Winnie Mandela United Band).
Hear the wondrous Beethoven’s Choral Symphony as you’ve never heard it before (vocal backing – The Ronettes).
Their rendering of Clare de Lune will astound you.
Will include such loveable favourites as Awuleth’ Umshini Wami (Bring me my machine gun).
Surprise guest appearance of Thabo Mbeki to explain why AIDS does not exist.
Compere for the night, if he’s not robbing another bank, Peter Hain.
Live coverage will be given by all BBC channels, both TV and radio with hourly coverage over the next week just in case you missed it the first time or were stupidly watching Sky. (Who said we don’t do repeats)
Attendance for Islington loonies compulsory
I’m only surprised that we don’t hear more of the Black Dyke Band on the BBC.
It seems that every despicable cretin has rights these days. What about the law abiding majority? Do we not have rights? These vile undesirables set up their foul hovels near my parents’ house on a scenic field. What used to be a lovely spot to sit and have a picnic with your girlfriend or a nice walk turned into a turd assault course where a mere stroll of a few hundred yards would see the sole of your shoes encrusted with huge turds. They left their dregs everywhere and when at long last their filthy abodes were evicted, we were left with their crap. They should not be allowed to squat anywhere, but to the left they are heros.—swearing-racist-abuse-7692369
Just a domestic incident. Nothing to see. Move along please. No further action required.
I happened upon a traveller camp quite by accident once and was astounded to hear them all singing that favourite by Gerry Adams……….
“Tie me dissident down bhoy”
I am by no means right wing, but I too was outraged by this announcement about arts funding.
I happen to think that European civilisation, in terms of art, literature, music, philosophy, scientific discovery etc., etc., is the greatest civilisation the world has ever seen. Yet to even express such views openly would immediately elicit charges of eurocentrism (what a stupid word) at best, and outright racism at worst. How did this happen? When exactly was it that the liberal elite decided that we had to ashamed of our own culture?