Here you go, a new Open Thread for you to complete. The BBC has been quite hysterical in recent days, wallowing in the Senate Democrat attack on the CIA, trying to suggest that Miliband’s woeful speech on the economy could represent a leap forward for the glorious leader in waiting…..and the rest. The floor is yours.
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BBC R4 headline news this am and lunchtime. “Labour says …”
Labour didn’t say much and none of it was new, but it clearly was the most important story even before Milliband had delivered the statement.
Also, a BBC scoop (i.e. several years late) that global jihadism kills thousands a month. Maybe some time they’ll reveal in another scoop the link between jihad, allah akbar and ISIS/AQ et al with the Religion of Peace(c).
“Jihadist attacks killed more than 5,000 people in just one month, an investigation by the BBC World Service and King’s College London has found.” (sic)
If anyone argues with you on the statements above, send them to this site :
Murders by Muslims documented relentlessly – it is unbelievable how many there are! (Page down past half-way for the listing – updated daily)…
And that’s from a Religion of Peace. Imagine how many people a truly violent religion might kill.
Most of you here will enjoy the comments following another BBC party political broadcast for the Labour Party. Proof the spin doesn’t work.
Truly suppressed that nearly all the editors picks are against Wallace and his pie shop economics, what’s going on ?
Damn, that means all the lefties will now be wailing that the BBC is clearly biased to the right.
Sorry, bloody predictive text, ought to be ‘Surprised’
Amazingly, given the way things were heading, another HYS that seems to have been closed for comments in record time.
Food bank growth seems to defy all seasonal adjustments. For instance during the summer one would think that these people would have more money in the household through fuel savings and so more money for food so some drop off to reflect this.also the unemployment rate has dropped significantly but still no reflection just an upward trend.inflation dropping no might come to the conclusion that maybe it is a political movement rather than a charitable movement
Smell the glove,
“For instance during the summer one would think that these people would have more money in the household through fuel savings…”
By far the biggest cause of having to resort to food banks is non payment of social security benefits, either through bureaucratic delay (the majority), or sanctions. ‘These people’ aren’t deciding between food or fuel; they aren’t budgeting unwisely; they’ve got nothing to budget with.
They’ve got no income.
They’ve got no money.
Which part of this are you having trouble with understanding?
‘……either through bureaucratic delay (the majority), or sanctions.’
‘Sanctions’ being what, Dez? Refusing work? Which part of ‘Lazy sponging bastards’ – the sort ‘Lord’ Prescott encountered in his infamous series – don’t you understand?
“‘Sanctions’ being what, Dez? Refusing work?”
In some cases yes, in other cases for entirely Kafkaesque reasons;
I notice you are ignoring the biggest cause of people visiting food banks, which is having to wait weeks or months for the social security benefits to which they are entitled.
You might be able to survive for a few months in-between jobs because you have savings or friends/family with money to spare. Some people aren’t that lucky; that doesn’t make them ‘Lazy sponging bastards’.
I was referring to those who, in victimhoodese, have been ‘sanctioned’ – but I think you knew that.
As for those who, say, have lost their job and have no money until benefits come through, I have every sympathy as I have a son who went through it. He was single at the time so had only jobseekers when the money finally did come through – not enough when you have a mortgage.
The point is, this is nothing new – there has always been a delay to some degree or other in benefits coming through. What has changed is the profusion of food banks since the evil coalition came to power. Had they been around locally when my son was in dire straits i.e. during the Brown glory years, he might have used them. The fact they are around now in such huge numbers and so many people are using thems nothing to do with austerity/poverty and everything to do with a political agenda.
They have no income.
plenty of seasonal work picking winter veg. But that is out in the cold isn’t it.
“plenty of seasonal work picking winter veg.”
Is there? Sprouts getting unpicked because of a shortage of workers? Going to be a difficult Christmas then.
Or perhaps not.
They are being picked by armies of Eastern Europeans – you really do need to get out more, Dez.
CHAKRABARTI & ‘Liberty’:
who does she think she is? Who does she think she represents?
Beeboids’ political chum, Ms S Chakrabarti, demands that the U.K Government consult her on national security, as a matter of course!:-
“Ms Chakrabarti said Liberty had been ‘completely unconsulted for rather a long time by the coalition government on any aspect of this policy – the ‘first time in some years that a government of any persuasion’ had not consulted Liberty on such legislation.”
Conclusion to Beeboids’ Chakrabarti-heavy report-
“Terrorism bill: Police ‘back bail for some suspects’
She does not democratically represent anyone. Her political purpose (which seems to appeal to Beeboids) appears to be that of only criticising the West in its resistance to Islamic jihad. Has anyone seen her criticism of barbarities of Islamic State, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, Hamas, Al Qaeda recently?
If she’d been around in WWII, one has the impression she would have specialised in criticising the Allies in our fight for liberty against the Axis powers.
If she had been around in 1940, perhaps she would have been incarcerated along with the other German citizens in the UK. One can only hope!
Chuckmybutty a truly hateful Woman.
Boy. That Brand is thick. Needs schooling.
20mins for feminazi to lose it. 30mins she loses it big time.
QT – reaching new lows. But it has to be endured.
This is an epic. Surprised to hear to little from Brand. I’m sure he thought he was get it all his own way, shouting over people and generally gobbing off. God that Creagh is in awful bitch.
Yep. Creagh’s another clone-a-leftie-spiteful-liebor-fascista-babe. Empty Barrel.
Agree with all that except ‘babe’?!
I wish posters would take the time to identify which ‘Brand’ they are posting about. There are two of them, both left wing loonies and both equally unpleasant and hypocritical.
One is ugly and overweight the other happens to be reasonably good looking !
The trouble is that a post with only the surname could be attributable to either of them.
There is another one who has managed to ruin The Film Programme with his opinions on film music and by compressing whole orchestral scores into his toy piano.
I think he first came to the BBC’s notice for his irrelevant plinking alongside silent films.
Is he the love child of her?
Sorry, but I thought we are all talking about the appearance of that famous West Ham FC supporter, Russell (I’ve sha**ed a thousand women ) Brand on last nights QT. Quite hopeless, going on about the poor and the oppressed, when put on the spot by the disabled guy as to why not put himself up for parliament he had no answer.
Brand came across as a total PRAT, how did that disabled guy get into the audience ? well done Sir
“the other happens to be reasonably good looking !”
As a man I find him repulsive to look at, and I feel a bit grubby when I just see a picture of him on the screen. Obviously he seems to attract the women, despite that stupid, little, whiny voice. Mrs Demon doesn’t think he is either.
Bit of a Mansonesque vibe going, which seems to appeal to some ladies.
Possibly ‘careful what you wish for’ territory.
Frankly Charles seems to be doing better on the loonie groupie front than Russell if Bunny is a measure.
Yesterday the BBC were running this story:
Palestinian minister dies at West Bank protest
My take on the way the BBC has covered this story is that this ‘minister’ was either ‘shot, f*cked, powder burned or snakebit’, anything and everything the Palestinians claim except what was already rumoured, and now confirmed – that he had a heart attack.
The very fact that each accusation was different, yet he died in front of a crowd. suggests something fishy. But since each version implicates the Israeli troops for murdering him, it’s a minor detail for the BBC.

Let’s have a little analysis of their article:
The first picture shows an Israeli soldier in front of Abu Ein with the caption Photographs appeared to show Ziad Abu Ein (left) being held by the throat by an Israeli soldier
Then why didn’t the BBC use one, unless they hoped that the hand near his throat might be mistaken for the soldier’s?
Let’s see the other theories that the BBC have no problem producing as fact
A Palestinian minister has died after a confrontation with Israeli troops at a protest in the West Bank. Palestinian medics told the BBC that Ziad Abu Ein died from complications related to tear gas exposure.But several witnesses said the minister had been hit and shoved by soldiers. One said he had been hit in the chest by a tear-gas canister fired by them.
So in 4 lines we have 4 different versions of what happened to him – except heart attack. BBC news at its finest.
Kevin Connolly says there are conflicting reports about what happened
Stating the bloody obvious! They actually have a film segment here with a warning of graphic images. So after everything that the BBC has reported so far there would surely be a segment showing Israeli soldiers doing something to him – perhaps I missed it. They’re probably hoping that few will actually watch the video and just assume that what is claimed is actually there.
Leading Palestinian activist Mahmoud Aloul, who was also at the protest, told the Associated Press news agency that the soldiers had fired tear gas and had beaten some of the activists with rifle butts. At one point, Mr Abu Ein was hit by a tear gas canister, Mr Aloul said. The Reuters photographer said he had seen Mr Abu Ein being struck by a hand on the neck during an altercation with two soldiers. An AFP news agency photographer said the minister had been hit in the chest.
No doubt in a day or two they’ll work out something that makes sense.
A few more lines later we get this
There are reports that he had a health condition that may have contributed to his death.
Look how far down the article we come before we read this. But the BBC are quick to show that this is unimportant with the following
The BBC’s Kevin Connolly in Jerusalem says Palestinians are likely to see the exact cause of death as a secondary issue, and it will serve to sharpen tensions.
Now back to attack mode against Israel
‘Cruel death’
Condemning “the brutal assault” on Mr Abu Ein as a “barbaric act”, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas promised to take unspecified measures and declared three days of mourning. One senior Palestinian official said the Palestinian Authority would halt security co-ordination with Israel. Hanan Ashrawi, a senior official in the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), said that she was “outraged” by the minister’s death. “It’s extremely sad that a colleague and an old friend has been killed in such a cruel way” she said. “Ziad was guilty of nothing more than planting olive trees where Israel would uproot trees.”
Mr Abu Ein once received the death sentence, commuted to life imprisonment, from a court in Israel for a 1979 bombing that killed two Israeli teenagers.He was released in 1985 as part of a prisoner exchange that saw the release of three Israeli soldiers captured in Lebanon.
Any wonder his heart might have attacked him? I think many at the BBC will go the same way.
The Irish Independent focusses on the claim that he was headbutted. I count 5 different claims as to cause of death but I don’t care. Good riddance.
Question time: well so far Nigel is doing well, a large number of the w/c audience is behind him, well done the guy with a walking stick for shooting down the muppet Brand and to the young woman who said we do not need rapists and murderers and told the looney blue haired lefty at the back to back off and shut up ! Nigel playing a restrained straight bat allows the others to show themselves up. Brand, show up as a big gob who talks over women and blames everything on the planet on ‘the bankers’ , moron.
Quite so. It’s seems the BBC have accidentally let some ordinary Kentish folk into the audience. Best audience contributions I have seen in ages. The SWP audience contingent really showing themselves up for the nasty fools they are.
this is what we need more of….the bbc usually paint the left as flowers in fields when last night showed their true colours at being nasty creatures
My goodness, how did an SWP activist and leader of Thanet’s ‘Stand Up To UKIP’ manage to find her way into the Question Time audience. It’s like they had her a place booked, and had her picked out, ready to rant…
And here ladies and Gentlemen is a prime example of that growing species known as a ‘Lefty Rentagob’.
Ha, Ha Ha – Ho Ho Ho – you have to laugh at them for their sheer hypocrisy alone!
Someone on the order order website said she was wearing a Minie the Minx outfit. Perfect
That’s the blue rinse foul mouthed ranting idjit ! When the decent working class woman stood up to her and told her what she was and where to go I gave a very big cheer ! Final score Nigel, 9/10 Tory, 8/10 labour, 3/10, Camilla Cavendish (Sunday Times) 9/10 gobby Brand ( nothing to say, knows nothing apart from ‘blame the bankers ‘ )nil points, Audience 9/10. Surprisingly one of the best QT’s for some time.
I haven’t watched now for a good few years, and didn’t see tonight’s either.
But you think I might be able to get through this one, perhaps?
Dont miss it, for reasons I cant fathom, I too chose to view after years of switching off after 5 minutes.
It’s priceless entertainment.
Russell little helper I mean it sounded good at the time ,getting your mates grandmother to shout down all those capitalist kulak cunts. And hey blue streak in yer Barnet it’s like natch . These people should go in to mainstream politics
I mean these kind of people speak for us .forget blue streak and menopausal anger and dubious nit wear she is why I can drink 2 bottles of Chablis and feel so superior. Let these people organise it what could go wrong
Well, as Nigel was on I thought I would endure it……and yes I thought it was the usual bbbc set up particularly with the creature above.
All I can say is my mum and dad would have been really proud if I had brought her (the creature in the photo above)home and said she was my new girlfriend. I would love to know what she does for a living.
Nigel did well, I thought
(Sorry, this should have gone in under Reed’s post)
Ian Katz discussing terms as we speak.
Paul Mason was so another time.
Kudos to the nameless commenter on Guido who posted this.

A real live Gargoyle. She should get back to claiming her dole money and scrounging off the state
Ugly, ugly, ugly…..the real face of the Left…..Fascists……UAF material as well as the SWP, no difference…….oh, yes Dave, you endorsed the UAF. Some judgement.
Yea as I’ve said before these parasite scum used to turn up outside our union conference. A minority who represent no-one with a discredited political belief. My response was to tell them to “f**k off” or to get a job or to confuse them tell them they were to right wing for me. These are the real fascists.
F**k me, that’s seriously ugly.
Ha ha! Bunny is busted!
Ms La Roche added she believes Mr Farage “has nothing to offer people of Thanet, except hatred, racism and bigotry”…and that’s my domain and the domain of all lefties she didn’t say
She is the living embodiment of Viz mags Millie Tant, yes ? Year 45 sociology student……
Agreed , Robert, and the templates for another Viz character, Student Grant, are running Newsnight.
the SWP are such a nasty bunch of fascists aren’t they. Well the more they push and slag off UKIP, the more people will vote for them
You are absolutely correct – Farage is on the panel, so they have the head of “Stand-up-to-ukip” in the audience. Anyone knows how hard it is to get into the QT audience – almost impossible unless you are local Liebour. So I think the BBC has to explain this remarkable co-incidence. We all know it is a pure and simple Biased BBC setup – trying to make Farage look bad, and exposing their bias in the process.
PS – it even violates the B-BBC own rules – as senior members of political organisations are not allowed in the QT audience.
Yet another QT plant. I often wonder how at ease with his conscience Dimbleby is.
Perhaps with the rise of UKIP and their readiness to be less PC than the other parties, or the recent accusations of political bias by the government, or just how many attacks by Muslim extremists have been ignored for so long that it would be very easy to show how they’ve ignored this news, but the BBC have finally run an article on the subject.
Jihadism: Tracking a month of deadly attacks
The figures they give even exceed those of the Religion of Peace website, which makes this event quite phenomenal.
I notice though that they completely ignore terrorist attacks by Palestinians on Israelis from their figures. Even though in the article I linked to above the BBC writes:
In recent weeks, 10 Israelis and an Ecuadorean have been killed by Palestinians in a series of attacks. Egypt had 5 die in November and are included, so clearly the BBC thinks the Israelis deserve it.
What’s curious too they give a link to how the data was gathered.They state this:
….We programmed news alerts and searched the BBC Monitoring system for “terrorist”, “insurgent” and “jihadist” incidents wherever they may have happened…
Since we’ve all noted, and recorded here, how the BBC avoid where possible to use the word terrorist in relation to these attacks, preferring the term ‘militants’, searching for words like terrorist, insurgent, and jihadist won’t reveal much from their ‘system’. Unless they have a more honest way of recording it for themselves.
They also state:
In an attempt to produce the most accurate figure possible the research has encompassed civilian, jihadist and other fighters or military deaths presented as one single unit. It is difficult to differentiate, even for those monitoring events on the ground, between a civilian and someone who was acting as a combatant when an attack happened.
Funny how they don’t qualify this when giving figures of Gazan civilians supposedly killed by Israel. The BBC seem quite happy to quote whatever figure their Hamas masters tell them, despite what common sense would dictate.
Finally this:
…However, no other organisation or individual has attempted to quantify this phenomenon before and so whilst the research is limited to November these figures will offer a unique insight…
I know of the Religion of Peace website, Jihad Watch for another, and no doubt many others recording these attacks. The BBC wants to present itself as the first of its kind.
Even when reporting ‘truth’ for a change – they lie.
Yes, for years Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has been systematically censoring global Islamic jihad, or reporting it euphemistically, using misleading words like ‘rebels,’ ‘militants’, ‘insurgents.’
INBBC is in denial about the Islamic motivation of jihad, ludicrously propagandising, e.g. that our enemy, the Islamic State is not Islamic.
INBBC does not criticise Islam, but INBBC does criticise Christianity.
On Islam, INBBC routinely defers to Islamic apologists for its political line.
David Dimbleby criticises “Punch and Judy” politics whilst presiding over a Punch and Judy show!
QT is not a serious politics show anymore. Three sensible adults (Sunday Times journo, Penny Mordent. Nigel Farage) two gobshites, a smug BBC leftie with a massive stash (Dimblebeeb – thanks license fee payers!) Lack of self-awareness again in a Beeboid.
QT could have been good tonight, if they hadn’t got rent-a-mob in, and had kept Mary Creagh and Russel Brand in the “Green Room” (left wing bias in room names), with a spliff and a private audience with Owen Jones. …………….Or a copy of ‘Road to Serfdom’ maybe?
Please go back to school Brand. Its painful.
On the contrary, my wife who does not like politics and only occasionally watches it though that Brand and the vapid Labour shadow minister were both in different ways “useless and poor”, Nigel and Penny were “quite good” and Camilla was “very good”.
Laughable, the lefty audience were conveniently oblivious to the fact that the multi-millionaire lefty gobshite’s wealth makes ‘Millionaire’ Farage’s wealth pale into insignificance, but were happy to continually castigate Farage as a privileged rich boy.
If they could read it, they wouldn’t understand it.
Here is the BBC giving the lowdown on the enhanced interrogation techniques used by the CIA on the Guantanamo detainees.
Taken from the article:
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, planner of the 9/11 attacks, is said to have been waterboarded 183 times
And……? Reading the rest of the article, you’d get the idea that actually, the BBC think this is in some way a bad thing, like a person who planned to fly 2 jumbo jets into a skyscraper, killing over 5000 people doesn’t deserve to be waterboarded 183 times. Like he’s been treated unfairly.
What does this message from our national broadcaster give to potential terrorists? It gives them a green light to do as they please because any kind of torture or punishment resulting is deemed wrong or unfair and the BBC will tell the world how badly you’ve been treated.
The BBC – campaigning on behalf of Islamic terrorists everywhere.
Bloody hell you couldn’t make it up , that question time, how on earth that brand creature is allowed on it. Nigel Farage exceptional again in the face of cretins and bare faced lies. Well done ‘reed’ for pointing that bunny thing out. If it had been someone, in support of ukip they would have had security kick them out.
Don’t pay bbc tax and vote UKIP.
I mean the man has profited by the system and then calls for that system to be abolished.not being able to understand that the only way that he could be heared was by that system
Sorry I was referring to brand
The worst of all in that system brand bleats on about is the bbc , the salaries and pensions they hand to each other for no responsibility. You could halve top management overnight and it would not make a blind bit of difference to what the bbc gives out, and I bet that brand has had his nose in the trough.
Russell Brand Gets More Free Ad Time on BBC! Trailer straight after Question Time on BBC1. Can’t wait – BBC in association with Russell Brand and Cops on ‘Drugs’. Pencil that one in.
Kerr-Ching!! Russell pocketing a portion of your license fee! Just to rub your nose in how stupid he thinks the public must be. Go Russell – You show them young ‘uns how its done!
Money is a human right you know!
And the BBC have a magic money tree! Rooted in your wallet.
….go to school Russell. And give our money back.
Russell Brand champion of the downtrodden is dating Jemima Khan daughter of billionaire Jimmy Goldsmith, she’s also related to the Rothschilds.
WAS dating.
A selection of items and articles from the front page of the BBC News website as of 6.30am this morning:
‘Hospitals face mounting pressure’,’Funds audit clears Islamic charity’,’How is Islamic State funded?’, ‘Could women fix broken Japan?’, ‘The surge in popularity that led to women’s football being banned’, ‘Deep breath – how could yoga fix climate change?’, ‘A tribal elders mission to keep his culture alive’
Just a bit of light reading whilst you pack your youghurt and lentil lunch pack, put on your sandals, stuff the copies of Morning Star and the Guardian into your ethnic shoulder bag and get out the bike (or 4×4 if you are management) for the journey to the BBC News Centre.
I didn’t watch QT because I just cannot stand the programme any more; it’s turned into an utter disgrace. I did manage to find the Farage and Idiot Brand clip on YouTube, so here it is:
Did Idiot Brand ever go to school?
Yes, he went to the same school as most BBC’ers: the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism.
Loon Show returns to the BBC
For his appearance on BBC Question Time Russell Brand seemed to believe that his entire raison d’être was to attack the character of one other panel member.
‘What’s my motivation in this scene, luvs?’
‘Oh, you know, you can busk it, just have a pop at Nigel every time you get to speak’
Well as far I could see and much to the chagrin of the BBC it didn’t come off.
For a supposed ‘comedian’ he was remarkably lacking in wit.
He and his supporters in the audience were frankly an embarrassment for the left. In fact I would be surprised if some leftist with a couple of brain cells might not complain that the BBC must be biased in favour of the right for putting this loon on the show.
At the risk of joining Mr Brand in addressing personality rather than policies – why does he cultivate a voice that sounds like the Goon show is back with us? Could it be something to do with the drugs?
I`m sure that blue-fringed oaf in the Alex Harvey shirt(or was she a burglar?) was a plant from UKIP.
If she hasn`t put the lefts cause back twenty years, then Russell Brand is a comic.
Brand got his face slapped by the Bisto Kid#3 for talking over women…and to refer to a woman as “love”?…well, that`s OK if done in the progressive cause,
BBC rules or none apply…still for the ordinary person, UKIP came out very well last night(lots of nodding heads in the audience)…all the whoops and hollers came from the lime-green lavender sachets of Brands “Good Rebellion” Party members-without their drug-addled God to vote for seeing as he`s too chicken to stand.
Well done the white bald bloke(disability variant no 53) who showed Brand to be the fey chickenshit that he is.
I didnt watch QT as had to be up at 3am for work, but my twenty year old daughter reports that Farage came out on top geting cheered at one point , Brand got mullered and blue hair had her fortune told to her by members of audience
I’m guessing shes right as I notice a plethora of anti -ukip stories from usuall suspects this morning
Apparently blue haired is one is called “Bunny La Roche” and is a campaigner for Thanet, stating on her twitter account “Revolutionary socialist and trouble maker”
Brand’s take on it. I couldn’t read it all. A little bit of sick went into my mouth.
It would in their interests if liberal lefties kept quiet for a space. It would be in our interests to let them go on as they are.
Every time they speak and every article they write exposes their contempt for reality and for the nation.
Change when it comes comes at a rush. I hope this time we are really going to put an end to the 68ers liberal nonsense.
One good thing about the television camera is that it is merciless in exposing a person’s real character.
Brand is finished. He has been seen for what he is- a complete fake. It was written all over his face.
When challenged he folded.
Thanks for once BBC. Or rather thanks to the camera.
The high point was when the disabled guy fronted him, he’d been riding his usual self propelled stream of bullshit when he came up against a genuine working class man with a stick and a disability, you can see the moment etched in his face when he sees his bluff being called by a real person not some media Woolley brained confection. His eyes turn from anger that he had been halted mid rant into fear that he was caught out by one from the class who he claims to come from. He retreated into a shell for the rest of the show, he now knows he cannot put himself where any real working class member can call his bluff, back to the make believe world of media fame and money for you little Hammers follower.
I read this week that American recruitment company, Egon Zehnder was given £186,000 plus VAT for unearthing ,,,,,,,, ,George Entwistle for the BBC. That worked out well.
Apologies if this is old news. I’ve only recently stumbled upon this site.
I’m surprised Russell Brand has time to appear on QT, thought he would be too busy ‘redistributing his considerable wealth more fairly’ by handing out £20 notes down at the Somali community centre.
No, but like all socialists, he’d be more than happy to hand out yours.
Yes, indeed he would. Do as I say, not as I do, that was the message spouting forth from Brand’s uncouth gob all night.
“Arh got a few quid naaar but I never used to ‘ave….so arh know aaaa all ver poor people feel….”
Hollow words, Russell.
I can’t believe someone with influence hasn’t called for him to publish his tax returns (UK and US).
While he’s campaigning about lack of housing over here, he has a Beverley Hills mansion sitting empty.
I also think that when he accuses UKIP of being ‘extreme’ that Farage should tell him to check his political history and read up about the 100,000,000 people that Communism killed last century, as well as the fact that his idol, Che Guevara, was a mass-murderer, a rapist, a sadist, a racist and homophobe.
“as well as the fact that his idol, Che Guevara, was a mass-murderer, a rapist, a sadist, a racist and homophobe.”
You’re forgetting his greatest sin – he was also a smoker. 😮
Not in public houses I hope . . . .
Che not too much of a mass-murderer rapist sadist and homophobe for a local school to have a large graphic of him on one of the walls, just opposite the one of Karl Marx.
Sad isn’t it, and a sorry reminder of how the left have managed to re-write history.
One of my (very rich) customer’s sons was wearing a Che t-shirt a few months back, so I said to him, “Is your Adolf Hitler shirt in the wash?”
This morning has seen the BBC reporting on the antics of an Islamic ‘charity’ working in Palestine. Islamic Relief Worldwide has commissioned auditors to look into it’s activities in the West Bank and unsurprisingly come up smelling of roses.
Israel accuses the charity the charity of funding terrorism, and it was clear from the news report that the BBC doesn’t believe it and fully supports the charities position.
Compare this very supportive BBC article by the BBC:
With this from the Gatestoneinstitute:
Russia the USA the UAE Israel and several other countries accuse Islamic relief of funding terrorism, but it says it isn’t and that’s good enough for the BBC. Anyone who disagrees is just Islamophobic !
Matthew Price – in his propaganda contribution to Radio 4 News at 8:00 am – unfortunately had to admit that Islamic Relief Worldwide failed to disclose which accountancy organisation did the audit. Matthew, in an excess of impariality, also added that “some” consider Hamas a terrorist organisation (that “some” includes the UK and the US by the way) implying that even if government funds reached Hamas via the IRW it’s OK because only “some” consider Hamas a terrorist organisation.
In other words, the exoneration was asserted by IRW with effectively no evidence independent or otherwise. OTOH, “evidence” which satisfies the BBC’s exoneration criteria where Moslem or Palestinian terrorism is concerned is that it was Israel that made the claim.
BTW the United Arab Emirates also made the claim but AFAIAA Matthew didn’t mention this on the news although it is included in the BBC website report.
‘Matthew, in an excess of impariality, also added that “some” consider Hamas a terrorist organisation…’
That will be impartiality as in how they should conduct themselves as the world’s (some say UN’s) official broadcaster.
Look at the headline on that BBC link: “Audit clears Islamic Relief of terror funding claim”.
Hang on though. It’s only the charity itself that says it’s been cleared. As the article itself admits, they haven’t even said who did the audit. And according to the article, the Charity Commission “says Islamic Relief has done everything it should in keeping them informed of the Israeli allegations and its inquiry”. Which is not at all the same as saying it’s cleared.
So where are the quotes round “clears”?
’It’s only the charity itself that says it’s been cleared’
Which to the BBCthinkstheBBCisgreat must be as near a papal blessing in validation as it can get.
Ask to see the actual workings and you’ll have Lord Pantone, Danny, James and Hugs round to say ‘how very dare you interfere with their independent ability to make up stuff’ before Rona can have her string pulled and utter ‘trusted and transparent’ for the nth time.
As to the “quotes” or ‘lack of’, the BBC’s use and abuse of these has long since passed into farce.
I do notice the piece has been ‘updated’ (natch) and the headline does ‘quote’ with the clears in there? Has it ‘evolved’?
Clearly, I have influence. 😉
Still says “Last updated at 04:26”. Another area of BBC reporting that has long since passed into farce.
All this bleeding heart bollox re the CIA comes easy to those who blame the USA for 9/11.
The upside down lefty world is one of true evil.
Yet -despite the “British” being involved or colluding”-the BBC don`t seem too bothered to speak to those who would have known at the time.
Instead trying to imply that Clegg has “questions to answer”…don`t they actually WANT to speak to the likes of Straw, Blunkett or Miliband(D)?…for these were the New Labour sewer pipes opened up at that time.
Or are we to redact THEM as well?
The BBC…removing all evidence of Labours evil and criminal actions as we speak…thankfully, we all know what the BBC are up to.
Come on Nigel-abolish that license fee, privatise the treacherous scum there at the Beeb…and double your number of MPs at a stroke( no jokes re Andrew Marr though eh?)
The headlong rush by the BBC to task ‘the government’ on things it sees as damaging is an interesting one.
Often a pause can be detected as it sinks in the one in the frame is the one they want back in, but then they just tweak the headlines a fraction and blunder on, secure in the knowledge that any misdeeds by previous administrations can be still used to smear those they want out.
Islamic Aid…never seem to have seen THEM ponying up for Charity records, no shopfronts(save for those that police used to raid in 2005/6 in Levenshulme or Sparkbrook).
Yet the Dark Webb on Radio 4 earlier said they were a British charity, established many moons now,,,by POST-GRADUATE students in Birmingham no less.
They tell us that they don`t fund terror gangs like Hamas-and they`ve been audited-but they`ll not say by who…commercial sensitivities you see in an area where they get “crossfire”…er but are they funding both sides that are shooting?
Or just Sharia-compliant goons like Hams and Boko Haram?
Justin Webb seemed more than happy at all this-gentlemans word is his bond, back to your lives now citizens, no further questions yer honour….
Oh-and Israel`s been so sceptical of the whole “audit”…well, how harsh is THAT?
Oh, and the UAE are too-but like the Egyptians closing the West Bank?…no…it`s only Israel who are expected to justify their actions to the BBCs feather dildos like Webb.
I imagine the “auditors” who tell me that Islamic Aids are the same ones who sign off the EUs accounts every year, fund the Dimbleby Dynasty offshore as needed…and saw the Balen Report, but didn`t think we`d want to.
They live in Justin Webbs head you know…Edward and the Jumblies…or the Numbskulls?…both firms of auditors are certified to do your self-assessment as you like.
The BBC-one long Islamic marital aids fair for the likes of Hamas.
It would be interesting to see the source of funds for Mosques properly audited. With a required donation of 10% of income and with so many Muslims, especially in the Pakistani and Somali communities according to official figures, living largely of state benefits, then the British taxpayer is funding Islamic organizations. Clearly, those giving any state aid they receive to political or religious organizations are receiving too much (I exempt paid up British pensioner) and should have it reduced by 10%.
A major source of funding for Mosques, and Indian and Sikh Temples comes from suppressed cash from sales from their businesses. This is loaned at 0% interest to enable their brethren to start up and run businesses, when paid back then loaned out again. Beats going to a bank where you have to declare your income.
Having super-normalised homosexuality, (unlike heterosexuals they get to have a choice of civil partnerships or marriage; they get to do sexual innuendo and the ‘objectification’ of men before and after the watershed), next up on the BBC’s agenda we have:
The Boxing Day Special: The Boy In The Dress
On Radio 4 Today: Becoming Myself: Gender Identity
and next week: Just A Girl
And this week…………..Just a Load of Shite
…as per usual.
We`ve all been there “mate”…or should that be “love”?
Let`s ask Russell Brand.
Truth is- the BBC is is one hell of a state of dysphoria and dipping into Jenni Murrays doggie bags…especially at this sexually-confusing time of year for them all-pantos, Boy George Retroseptix an `all.
No wonder they spent so much time in Saviles dressing up box.
This is a cri do couer from the BBC and its senior teams…let them dress up and let`s not laugh at them all…groteques yes?…perps and pervs?…well true!…but all in need of a helping heel from Izzard, and a foam bath pedalo like David Walliams`.
Bless em all…allah agbird or such.
A few weeks ago I said that if the the UKIP Facebook page reached 300,000 “Likes” it would be a milestone in British Politics.
This morning I woke to find that in the past 48hrs it has soared to 300,226.
I’ve watched the smaller videos from QT last night and against all the odds Nigel Farage remained perfectly calm and answered the questions.
On the other hand, as has been mentioned, Russell Brand “folded” when exposed and put under pressure.
I think the most telling moment of the programme was when the audience member with the walking staff told Russel Brand to “stand for election” if he felt so passionate about it.
It was a knock out blow and exposed Brand for what he is – a Champagne Socialist.
The BBC clearly thought QT would be a “hatched job” against Nigel Farage but once again it has backfired spectacularly.
They must be gnashing their teeth wondering what they can do to stop UKIP.
By obsessing about UKIP they shoot themselves in the foot. Unlike the Tories and Labour, UKIP support has a very clear ceiling – if you’re not one of the 20-25% who support them you very probably loathe them. It’s only going to go down over time due to the age profile. If they were treated fairly like all other parties they’d have a similar number of waiverers and can’t be arsed-ers within their ceiling. By making such relentless noise the liberal media just antagonises all of their potential support into voting for them which makes them such a force.
This Age-Profile analysis of voting groups is over-played.
Who’s to say that an increasing number of young people won’t warm to the UKIP message as Hard Times bite (as they will in the UK)?
The LibLabCon are all pinning their hopes of reviving the economy and reducing our accumulated debt on Economic Growth …And…..Errrr…………that’s it!!!
They might be able to fudge the figures and tinker around the edges , but their Keynesian pump-priming doesn’t work anymore and sterner measures are required, which none of them have the political stomach for ,as well as being hamstrung by and tied to the failed political soft-left disaster that is the E U.
It’s the older people who see through the BS of the LibLabCon and their craven media .They can see with their own eyes the political, economic and social disaster that E U policies are wreaking on our country and they hate it.The LiberalLeft junta and its mouthpiece AlJabeeba (and the useful idiot Tories) can tell us what to think till they’re blue in the face……..BUT, THE CON TRICK DOESN’T WORK ANYMORE. For which we say ‘God Bless Tim Berners-Lee and the InterWeb’!!!
If this ‘Age-Profile’ analysis were true , then nothing would EVER change in our country-what an absolutely depressing thought.
We want the Hopey-Changey thing in this country , but not in the way that P OTUS Ebola is bringing it in the U S i.e. just for the worse ,as far as the ‘European’ section of the population.
We see ‘Hopey-Changey’ as the prospect of getting our country back and UKIP might be one way of kick-starting the process.
Go Nigel!!!
20 to 25% is a very good base to build on.
All it takes to change a nation is “a few good men”
So Cromwell said in the 1640s and today is no different.
I hope the liberal media ratchets up it’s attacks. More more and more please.
First the current Tory party has to be defeated, demoralised whatever it takes and then the real conservative element can get going.
This is a culture war for the future of England. It is not a party political game
Defeat is not an option . Our grandchildren need to inherit the land we inherited in good sound order.
And if the liberals/tories think this is about money then they are deluded. It is about a people and a nation.
You are trying it against the wrong party , The Millipeed will take power with the SNP & go on the rampage against England . The Kippers will put Labour in power, which it seems what you want . The Tories will beat the Kippers in the end .
Essex Man
I suspect Tories that value this nation will be voting for UKIP in the next election, because the present government are selling us down the river, giving our sovereignty to the EU.
I think Blair & Brown caused most of this, signing various treaties without a referendum , Ukip will only get about 4 seats , but let in Labour, & with the SNP, rule England . Things you hate, will only get 10 times worse ,in the future ,Ukip won`t & can`t deliver what you want.
But the Tories won’t change and won’t listen to the real voice of the people-they are all too much in thrall to the LeftLiberal ethic they’ve been schooled in(as all those of working age are now).
Educashun has been completely infiltrated by the Left and its Useful Idiots since the sixties.
If we have to bear another leftist administration ,then this is the price for the complete re-organisation of the Right in this country, and So Be It.
We will not go away and we will not be fooled by their mantra of Bread and Circuses-that all we care about is ‘Skools and ‘Ospitals’ and raising the Minimum Wage for (immigrant) workers.
This is a smokescreen that is meant to hide the fact that we should have No Say in the truly important political matters that should concern us.
If millipede tries forming a pact with the SNP which will allow him to press the self destruct button on Life south of the border but allows the scots to carry on untouched then I believe there will be big trouble. He will have no mandate, no support from the vast majority of the population. Either genuine cuts or spend, spend, spend will, with the support of the scots, do for him and his party for a generation if not kill it. I for one would be prepared to undertake direct action against a government with no mandate.
Well I would join you in direct action , but the `right` are very poor on demo`s ,only in recent times ,the fuel protests & Countryside Alliance , have the `right` come out to do demo`s
So we can add the name Bunny La Roche to that of Amy Rutland and Charlie Bloom as Question Time ‘plants’ (and they’re the ones we know about), also note that they all appeared on ‘UKIP’ editions.
A quick Google of the name Bunny La Rouche (used to be Larouche) and BBC News will reveal that she has appeared in News storys going back to 2006, making me convinced that these people don’t appear by ‘accident’.
These people are aggressive ugly scum, and are favoured by the BBC. There were similar protesting outside of a UKIP meeting I attended in Bath, the local BBC reporter was far more interested in the protesters than the lengthy queue waiting to get in, his later report as one would expect was anti UKIP.
These invitees are so grotesque a part of me wonders if it isn’t the BBC using them to damn the extremes with their own excesses, but then you read about filter folk like Jasmine oozing around behind the scenes and it seems pretty clear they are either acolytes, delusional, ratings-obsessed, anti-democratic social engineers or all four, and know they need not care. Currently.
Still look on the bright side
Here’s another one you can add to the list, Geoff; Mark France.
You may remember that France worked for the Jobcentre in Bromsgrove where he set himself up as the spokesperson of a campaign to get local MP Julie Kirkbride kicked out. Not an entirely sensible thing to do, given the strict obligations that Civil Servant have to be non partisan.
France became a cause célèbre for the left; BBC News in the Midlands featured his trial and tribulations with his employer on a number of occasions (while ITV Central weren’t bothered). This culminated in him somehow finding his way onto QT, being one of the featured audience members when it rolled into town in Brum in, I think, 2009.
France was also featured in a supposedly left of centre blog, ‘The Stirrer’ (now defunct) which was edited by one Adrian Goldberg, that’s the same Adrian Goldberg of the BBC. BTW: Coincidentally ‘The Stirrer’ was also ‘guest edited’ by someone called Tom Watson MP. That name sounds strangely familiar.
Diane Abbott on This Week
The lady only seemed to get agitated into interest at two items:
1. A lie-down protest at Westfield Shopping Centre – with some connection to Police actions in the US
2. Tutting and gurning at some reported CIA activities
Interestingly both issues are not much to do with us here in the UK, but come with, I suppose, lots to do with ‘race’ and both were heavily featured in BBC news recently – ‘go figure’ as they say over the pond.
Not for this MP and Labour London Mayoral hopeful any grown up discussion of economics or deficit reduction. She seems to think Ed Miliband is some economic guru when in fact Labour do best when they simply bleat ‘it’s not fair!’
BBC bias? Well, Brillo could wipe the floor with her but is too gentlemanly to do it too often.
Diane, Russell and Ed are really their own worst enemies – bit of advice here: keep a low profile for the next 6 months and hope like heck the Beed win it for you.
Racist Diane Abbott on her Twitter account ” White people love playing divide and rule, we shouldn’t play their game.”
Abbott’s aggressive attack on Douglas Murray on last night’s This Week was a disgrace. Murray shouldn’t have to put with such boorish behaviour from a grandstanding fraud like Abbott on live TV. Thankfully, he held his own against her unmitigated vitriol and personal slurs on his character (accusing him quite clearly at one point of supporting government torture).
Abbott is a wretched specimen; but happily for us a great example of the belligerent Left in all its nasty, shouty, bullying glory.
Andrew Neil was more than happy to harry and interrupt Douglas too.
Note the camera continuing to show Abbotts rolling eyes and head shaking.
A confederacy of dunces railed against Murrya-but seeing as he`s right-he`s got Farage-type teflon….and the BBC hate that.
Roll on May!…er, not Theresa of course….
BBC World News had a feature today about “Male Idiot Theory”! The presenter, Geeta Guru-Murphy, asked the bloke she was interviewing (whose name I didn’t catch) if it has anything to do with male stereotypes of showing off and arrogance. He replied that it “may have something to do with testosterone”. To which, Guru-Murphy summed up, “thought so”.
And next week, BBC News will take a close look at Whinging Middle-Class Left-Wing Women Syndrome
‘And next week, BBC News will take a close look at Whinging Middle-Class Left-Wing Women Syndrome’
Mrs. Katz duly alerted.
She any relation to the stack heeled minime of Jon Snows on Channel 4?
And -given that Chakrabhatis abound in the liberal media…is there some old Colonial Raj tie or sari that we`ll be needing to get a pop at working for the BBGuardian?
‘….asked the bloke she was interviewing (whose name I didn’t catch) if it has anything to do with male stereotypes of showing off and arrogance. He replied that it “may have something to do with testosterone”. To which, Guru-Murphy summed up, “thought so”.’
Next week Guru Murphy asks an expert whether the female stereotypes of irrationality, brittleness and bitching have anything to do with PMT.
No, I don’t think so either.
Try being married to Mrs Expat….
BBC (deliberately?) misreport new guidance on sex education. They say ( that teachers must not endorse or promote one kind of relationship over another. Nor should they promote nor condemn any same sex or unmarried relationships .
Report ( says nothing of the kind. The bit he’s thinking of says that NO TEACHER IS UNDER A DUTY to promote/endorse any kind of relationship.
That’s a huge difference. Frankly, with one stroke of the journalistic pen the correspondent has made out that imparting Christian morality on pupils is now not allowed.
Perhaps the BBC are too obsessed with him. There were four other people on QT I remember.
Without the BBC he would be nothing.
Succinctly, the beeb is so manifestly shit and biased now it simply cannot last. Even if the masses perceive not its perniciousness, they must surely soon all acknowledge its utter hopelessness.
It would appear that The Guardian and henceforth friend at the BBC have lost “Climate Change”.
Looking at the comments, that’s not all they have lost with that one, small, wafer-thin typo.
Some serious secret meetings to settle scores needed PDQ.
Maybe a side-meeting at the next airmiles-gobbling gathering?
Apparently, the BBC thought it a good idea to publish this: (and no, it isn’t April 1st)
“…and….exhale. Er… no…don’t!”
Totally beyond parody. The BBC is rapidly morphing into a Little Britain/Monty Python crossover.
Are Beeboids quietly coming to their political senses on ISLAMIC JIHAD?
Has there been a top Beeboid politbureau meeting on this?
True, two Beeboid news online features don’t make a ‘Kafir Spring’, but the two Beeboids items on jihad, of yesterday and today are at least a start in making a critical assessment of Islamic jihad global phenomena, which is our enemy.
Of course, the big step in Beeboids’ political education on Islamic jihad would be to recognise the ideological source of jihad in the tenets of Islam. (But Beeboids would rather spin the yarn that multi-millionaire jihadists like Bin Laden were motivated by their poverty! The Islamic jihad beheaders of the Islamic State seem to include quite well-off Muslim barbarians from London base.)
And today (however inadequately) BBC does a follow up on the finance of jihad globally:-
“Finances of jihad: How extremist groups raise money”
Of course, while Robert Spencer’s site, ‘Jihadwatch’, and Pamela Geller’s site, critically report on such matters daily, on the issues of Islamic jihad financing specifically, there are sites which may interest Beeboids:-
1.) ‘Money Jihad’-
‘Shariah Finance Watch’-
Another article you will never see on the B-BBC – Liebour councillor gives false alibi to keep her killer son out of jail –
Heard a bit of Jizz Vines “post-mortem” into the defenestration of Brand last night.
The editing was done so as to repeat sneers and personal abuse at Farage from all quarters…ignored the glacial and forensic Camilla Cavendish completely…and allowed Russell to get his barbs in without the mocking and jeering that accompanied his Godawful performance last night.
Typical BBC…but we heard it all live, so no amount of cut and paste will save their fluffy druggy from himself…Brand won`t be appearing anytime soon in panto,let alone meet the chavs of Kent.
‘..The editing was done..’
Was there ever any doubt? Top that off with an early HYS closing lest folk actual do respond the wrong way and propaganda backed by censorship is stitched up a treat.
Shame t’intynet and ironically the BBC’s twitter platform of choice means what happened is done and dusted well before the edit suite in dinosaur central works their magic.
Oh Last Word is a cartoon these days.
They seem only to commemorate the deaths of liberal templates and do-gooding archetypes.
Disabled, gay, colonial, unfunny, untalented and not even household names in their own kitchens being one stock panto icon.
A Father of something stoopid-say the folding deck chair-will comprise the second iconic transfer of liberal dreamings.
A poet or musician, somebody who treated an Aids victim before becoming a Baron or such…that`ll be number three.
Usually a BBC nomark who`s not worth the pen sketch of Ariel…number 4.
If only the whole parade would fold its own tent, go off and die itself…the format is a stiffie!
Hence the BBC will make the old nag run until we all beg for mercy.
INBBC’s uncritical piece by Beeboid Mr PRICE, has this headline-
“Audit ‘clears Islamic Relief’ of terror funding claim”
Not so fast, INBBC-
‘Money Jihad’ has this:-
“Islamic charity’s terrorism denial falls short”
I’m pleased to announce my new political credo.
Anything the beeb favours, I oppose. Real simple (saves me the trouble of thinking), thus far completely reliable, and I commend it to this house!
Anything the Beeb sneers at I support .
And in other news, the week’s end brings a bumper crop…
Rather sad, in a funny kind of way.
Thrall, for sure. Not in a good way, mind. Jasmine working on less overt means to serve the hive will as those silly democratic elections loom, one suspects.
‘entertained to learn where it stands in the BBC1 2014 league table of expensive telly’
And that’s only once the pension top-ups, hush money, legals, pay-offs, etc have all been dealt with first. great if you’re on the list; less so if not.
And finally, speaking of those defo ‘on the list’…
That all said, on current performance even those remaining and cited could pretty much fall under the ‘vacant’ category.
Nice to get a banker on ‘Editorial Standards’. Could make any complaints about Mr. ‘it’s all their fault’ Brand’s efforts via his mates across lower rungs more colourful.
Or, maybe, they’ll just stay comfortable in the belief that the BBC is 110% right 115% of the time.
Trailer for self-anointed ‘humorist’ Paddy O’ Connell’s sunday morning party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party
The droid interns have hunted high and low length and breadth and found a woman who has to choose whether to feed her child or herself.
To reiterate someone else’s line – a couple with a joint income of £21,000 a year and each smoking a packet of ‘ciggies’ a day would spend quarter of their income on the habit.
There are poor people in this country but the starving millions are just a figment in the over-fertile imaginations of the libby-wibby lefty-wefties.
And Paddy, mate, I’ve had burst ulcers that have been more humorous than you.
Don’t you just love the way the BBC (predictably) selected this little segment from last night’s QT for their ‘news’ website;
A rich-kid class warrior/inarticulate, rambling moron shouts predictable lefty/Westend London pro-immigration propaganda and the usual lefty-biased audience clap uncontrollably…
The bBC are a f**king disgrace!
Air traffic control software failure ? Or hushed up Islamic terror threat ?
Lots of rumours coming out of rumour control that the ‘software failure’ is a smokescreen for a high level terrorist threat over London.
Of course the world is full of conspiracy theories, but I think this government would do anything it felt necessary to mitigate blame on Muslims and it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch of imagination for this to be believable.
No, just a “flop”. It happens. One continues, procedurally as far as one can. Things recover, eventually. No cause for alarm, or conspiracy theories.
About the time of the shutdown I saw two fighters travelling east just off the south coast- Southampton way. Low and fast. Could just be a coincidence as this is the most likely explanation.
They were either French AF Overflights or Civilian operated Hawks on excercise with the Royal Navy.Power failures can happen anytime . But with computer generated ATC displays their is no option of looking at raw radar returns, as use to happen in the old days ,when computer aids dropped out.
On the button, the Southern QRF did NOT launch during the shutdown. The observer probably saw 736 Sqn FAA flying Hawks or the Falcons of Cobham aviation, both do low level exercises with what remains of the RN.
“Air traffic control software failure ? Or hushed up Islamic terror threat ?” Or… “I along with many others have been continuing the struggle against Islamisation by drinking rather a lot of wine !”
Perhaps it’s time to give up the struggle Thoughtful.
Dimbleby started with Farage and immediately gave Brand a chance to respond. If he had started with Brand, the rant would have had no foundation. Blatant provocation by the BBC to attack Farage.
Read this and tell me it isn’t unequivocally supportive, unquestioning and unchallenging.
Just a bit silly really. The level of the BBC nowadays.
Brand is over. This writer does not yet understand this. He is a neverwas. Waste no more time on him.
This country needs hard edged men and women who are only interested in serving the nation. We will know them when they appear. We may not like them but they will do what is necessary. This is what makes a people and a nation not the likes of children like Brand.
Oh the schadenfreude when Brand thought the disabled chap in the front row was going to join him in attacking Farage; only for him to tear Russ a new one.
It completely knocked the wind out of him, after that he looked like a little boy sitting at a table full of adults discussing “grown-up things”. Great stuff; Nigel played it perfectly, gave Brand enough rope and he strung himself up with it.
Russell Brand didn’t seem to be enjoying it. I don’t dislike the chap for all his mock cockney, chav nihilism and wealth, I think he may be sincere in his own world and is simply paraded by the BBC to entertain and make the staid seem edgy for tolerating his antics, like some performing urchin.
Russell Brand is nothing but a spoilt, overpaid, modern day fop.
another guardianista radio 4 any questions biased bbc left wing love in tonight with ken livingston,polly toynbee and co..pukeeeeeeeeeeeee,
At least the three politicos have stood for office and been elected. What did Polly Tuscany do except choose the right parents?
Islamic jihad and Spain.
-If Beeboids’ interest in Islamic jihad is not a two-day wonder, they should surely be reporting the following, on the role of mosques in the spread of jihad, as in the current case in Madrid?:-
“Madrid mosque was used to recruit combatants for Syria and Iraq.
Moroccan ringleader spent four years in Guantánamo before acquittal by a Spanish court.”
The Pravda News Quiz this evening with Rosa Luxembourg (Toksvig) and Leon Trotsky (Hardy).
Which two of the following issues do you think they directed their comic genius towards; CIA waterboarding? UKIP? Milliband economics? Bloodthirsty jihad? You know the answer already I’m sure, and it ain’t Wallace or the religion of peace.
As funny as clunk clicking with Uncle Jimmy.
I suffered a bit of this while in the kitchen. That Sandi Toksvig has a wife, I never knew. Has she mentioned it before?
I wasn’t aware there were black soldiers in the German army in World War 1 until I saw the news report tonight of Prince William laying a wreath to commemorate the Christmas truce on the front line. A ‘re-enactment’ by the BBC has corrected my ignorance.
I think the only black soldiers in the German army were colonial subjects in the German Empire. Not on the Western Front.
“I wasn’t aware there were black soldiers in the German army in World War 1…”
The clue is in the name Pat. Or did you think the World was entirely White prior to 1914?
Well dez, this clip concerned the truce on the western front and having watched decades and decades of news reel film of this period I have to say that non white faces have been distinctly lacking – until now.
That’s a hilariously dezperate line even for Dezi to take.
no I think they were wearing cam-cream
It should be noted that about 13% of the American Expeditionary Force were Black Americans.