Here you go, a new Open Thread for you to complete. The BBC has been quite hysterical in recent days, wallowing in the Senate Democrat attack on the CIA, trying to suggest that Miliband’s woeful speech on the economy could represent a leap forward for the glorious leader in waiting…..and the rest. The floor is yours.
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cant watch question time or listen to any questions anymore,its the same old same old with left wing packed out howling and shrieking audiences and the panel with the exception of ukip are no better.last nights left wing biased edition of question time should be the death nail for that farce of a programme,yes,the socalist workers party boasted last week on there commie website that they would target that programme because nigel farage was on,boy was that true last night by judging the audience,yes we had that loonie socalist workers party plant ugly middle aged women with the pink dyed hair screaming and shouting abuse at nigel farage,she will move on to to shouting abuse outside the isreali embassy tonight,the whole show is a farce and a waste of taxpayers money,i think the time has come to pull the plug on question time and any questions,they have had there for russell brand,he might as well be not on question time last night,he spent most of his time grumbling in the corner after he got a toungue lashing of that disabled chap from the east end with the walking stick who exposed him for what he is and that is a fake and a working class wannabe.
Well said, Stuart. 100% agree.
Yes, Stuart, you can only take so much platitudinous, arrogant drivel from the leftwing media. I have also been foolish enough to watch the German equivalents of QT and AQ this week. Usually, what is referred to as the Nazi-Keule (Nazi club) is used to shut down any criticism of mass immigration, Islam, etc. What was interesting this week was that the topic was PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West). Apparently, 10,000 or so people have been demonstrating in Dresden, and fewer numbers, in other cities on Mondays, emulating the demonstrations that preceded the Fall of the Wall. Obviously, the “powers that be” are worried by this overt criticism of the multicultural paradise they want Europe to become, as otherwise the movement would not be discussed on TV at all. As PEGIDA enjoys some popularity, theZDF/ARD can’t simply dismiss them all as Nazis. What is interesting is that smug German media types defame PEGIDA in exactly the same way as the BBC defame UKIP. People who critisize vibrant diversity are either swivel-eyed, old Nazi/ colonialist /imperialists who can’t cope with the modern world or, if they belong to the indigenous working class, are thick, or lazy losers left behind by the new vibrant society. This supposedly, reduces them to a state of high anxiety or rage and so irrationality. Surely, only the unhinged could fail to comprehend the superior moral and intellectual purposes of society’s progressive vanguard. Like old fashioned colonialists, the media elites of Europe, think the “natives” are cattle to be herded or children too simple minded to understand what is going on around them.
Great post!
Are these the people referred to on HIGNFY last night? They were crowing about how some Neo-Nazis had done a sponsored goose step or something but the money had gone to anti-Nazi causes. How stupid those Nazis are eh?
Of course Nazis aren’t stupid. Evil yes, but not stupid. In fact it’s stupid to think so.
No, if the place referred to is Wunsiedel, then the neonazis are in fact old Nazis on their annual pilgrimage to the place where Rudolf Hess was buried (I think he was dug up some time ago and disposed of appropriately ). PEGIDA is more like Geert Wilders party in Holland. They are focusing on the islamification of Europe over the heads of the peoples of Europe. The AfD (Alternative for German) is more like UKIP as it is against the Euro as a currency but still pro EU. The European elites’ inability to comprehend rational objections to immigration and Islam remind me so much of Ceaucescu on his balcony in a state of disbelief, waving away the shouts of disagreement from the people.
Thanks for the info.
I’m still undecided about UKIP but I am currently inclined to vote for them just to kick the BBC given the smears they are running day in, day out. That can’t be allowed to stand.
As to Geert Wilders I have definite qualms about him. Probably just prejudice as he has the looks and attitude that suggests he thinks tomorrow belongs to him. What I’ve read of him doesn’t allay that fear either but then there is little objective material available, unless you know a source perhaps?
Wilders’ book “Marked for Death: Islam’s War against the West and Me” may confirm your suspicions somewhat. But I haven’t read it, so I can’t judge. But I can understand why it is ‘personal” for him after the murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh who was shot, stabbed and partially beheaded in 2004 foreshadowing somewhat the Rigby murder. Wilders also still needs protection himself because of Islamic death threats. Wilders show trial is also interesting. I don’t know the details but it went ahead despite being opposed by the prosecution authorities. There had to be a retrial as one of the judges contacted a defence witness and tried to convince him that it was correct to bring the prosecution.
Looked like “blue dye” to me there stuart…as if her blue rinse at half-cooked at Greenham Common 1983 never got completed.
Imagine she`s head of a union or Surestart these days-or else on the sick now since Pat Arrowsmith left the GLCs ranting platform in 1984.
Ar least we know now what the Left are in essence-the likes of her threatening MEPS about “getting them”…very Judge Freisler after a days awareness course on Eugenics.
The BBC is one long “groaning buffet” that we pay for.
They merely bitch about us using their poncey rags like the Guardian and all Radio 4 approved outlets for their guilt and bile lime In Touch, Thinking Allowed(eh?) and YOu and Yours.
One groaning buffet…one bitchfest and grievance slow cooker…time to get a halal certificate for them and pack it all off to Jeddah for “rendering”.
Two contrasting headlines:-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“GUILTY: First picture of Muslim pensioner, 80, who arranged for acid to be thrown in his 20-year-old Islamic convert ex-girlfriend’s face.”
Read more:
2.) INBBC-
( regional report)
“Mohammed Rafiq, 80, guilty of acid revenge attack on teenage ex.”
And the missing word from the BBC report is …. ?
Clue – usually begins with ‘Musli’, ends in ‘m’.
“Mary Konye jailed for acid attack on Naomi Oni”
“Life term for acid attack rapist”
And the missing word from these BBC reports is …. ?
Clue – it begins with ‘Christ’.
1. Was she a devout Christian then, Dez?
2. It’s a spurious comparison as the Rafiq case could be construed as yet another violent misogynous act we’ve come to associate with Islam.
3. Do you have any proof that 2 is also true of Christianity in this country.
Or maybe I’ve misunderstood your point, in which case please be more specific.
“It’s a spurious comparison as the Rafiq case could be construed as yet another violent misogynous act we’ve come to associate with Islam.”
You mean you have come to associate it with Islam. Shock horror -Violent misogynous acts are prevalent in every culture.
Mohammed Rafiq was a controlling jealous boyfriend. Katie Piper’s attacker was a controlling jealous boyfriend. Mary Konye’s attacker was a jealous ex-school friend. Mohammed Rafiq’s accomplices were two White-English men in their twenties.
Religion had absolutely nothing to do with any of these crimes. Yet according to people on this blog it does. But only if your a Muslim.
Dez, get your facts right! Katie Piper’s attacker was NOT her boyfriend. As I understand it he was an acquaintance who had the hots for her and was pissed of with her when she turned him down for a date. One thing we can agree on, though, is that he was an enricher. Feel the vibrancy.
Andy S.
“Katie Piper’s attacker was NOT her boyfriend.”
Yeah, right, as if that makes any difference.
“One thing we can agree on, though, is that he was an enricher.”
Ah yes…
The Complete Philosophy of Biased-BBC:
If an ‘Asian‘ person commits a crime it’s because of their religion.
If a ‘Black‘ person commits a crime it’s because of their skin colour.
If a ‘White‘ person commits a crime it’s because they’re a socialist.
And if a ‘White, Right-Wing, Christian‘ commits a crime it’s because of the BBC.
That’s it. All tied up with a neat little bow. No thought required. Just trot out one of those mantras and you’ll have a welcome audience here.
Straight out of the SWP Guide to Right Wing Thinking.
Must do MUCH better, Dez, as those tired old mantras you refer to belong to nobody except you and your leftist friends, including the BBC where we know certain ethnic and religious groups are totally beyond criticism (the real point of bias which you have obviously struggled to grasp). How many black voices have you heard on the BBC which haven’t been with ‘the narrative’, voices like this black guy who is very angry indeed with the perpetual griping and violence and who wants change to come – from his fellow blacks?
What tosh. In neither cases is religion a factor.
Must try harder.
Ah Pah is telling us that this is a cultural thing and we must all feel ‘enriched’ by the ‘vibrant’ crimes of the Pakistani and Africans.
Far from it. What I posted was to Dez and his two examples of ‘Christian’ violence. Not easy to tell on this format especially if you are distracted by a jerking knee. The word ‘neither’ would have been a clue, though, don’t you think?
From the looks of George R’s examples the dodgy old rapist don’t seem religiously inspired either. He’s just a piece of shit and would be no matter what religion he belonged to, if any.
Doesn’t make me particularly enriched either way.
If you lie down in dog shit you get covered in it, her own damned fault.
I tried my hardest not to post but I succumbed after watching HIGNFY……..What utter, utter shite this programme really is. It has descended to the lowest level possible. Of course, we have one where one section of this (alleged) comedy was purely devised to have a huge pop at UKIP and their ‘latest gaffs’ where they just rehashed the latest 14 days of non news items about UKIP which were manufactured by the bbbc in the first place and they then went on to then manufacture further unfunny moments all at the expense of UKIP.
The rest of the programme was just as unfunny
Surely someone has to bring the bbbc to book regarding this. Their bias just seems to be endless. Are they not supposed to be a politically unbiased organisation?
I agree with ‘An English Gentleman’ totally.
I was in Sainsburys this morning having a spot of breakfast and overheard a couple saying that all the comics want to do on television is bash Nigel Farage and his party. And it’s not even funny they said.
It’s not just us on this forum who feel this way.
They had a choice of five or six people including Russell Brand and Nigel Farage. The first person to light up was one of the two I did not recognise, he was described as a UKIP Chairman, and then Clues went on and on and on about him and some romantic dalliance with a lady, or something. Then he only had time for one more, then it landed on Farage. Then he went on about something like, how it should be illegal for anyone who was offended or embarrassed about a Mother getting her tits out in public. Presumably these lefty morons would make exceptions for Muslims, in fact you would think that Breastfeeding in public would be an offence against the Multicultural sensitivities of more decent cultures.
The News Quiz on Radio 4 tonight was just as bad. UKIP was in the cross hairs for half of the programme, then the conservatives for most of the rest. Strangely enough, not a peep about the Labour Party or dead Ed. I wonder why?
I am so glad I gave up paying for this utter crap fest 7 years ago. I now have an additional £1015 in my bank account, I only listen to the BBC for the blatant bias and it is on virtually every programme now. Even Front Row ticks all the PC boxes and that really is saying something.
Surprised the BBC isn t dripping all over this, nothing this kid does
escapes them.
Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai donates $50,000 for UN Hamas launch pads oops I mean, “schools” in Gaza?
Malala giving money for erm education? ………
or bases which were, & will be used again, as armoury & batteries to fire rockets?
Why not use this money to build new schools in other poor countries outside Gaza?. after all it is a money pit, run by Islamo-fascists
how about in Nigeria as an example, surely the need is glaring
It doesn t stand up to even the slightest scrutiny, playing to “anti Israel ” Muslim dollar.
Another example of Muslim “charity” that always begins, (and ends) at home?
The BBC news pages are currently carrying a story of a Muslim councillor posing with an AK47 being dismissed as a Magistrate, and refusing to resign as a councillor. Just so the BBC can maintain compliance with PC ness it has another story link to a Tory who posted what most would regard as a satirical comment to Labours all women shortlist, a row of women in lingerie with the title Labours new shortlist.
Unfortunately like all authoritarian Fascist state controlled bodies, humour is strictly controlled and only that which is approved is allowed.
Meanwhile I along with many others have been continuing the struggle against Islamisation by drinking rather a lot of wine !
I see this story has been buried in the local Latin American section, I wonder why ?
Nothing to do with believing everything Greenpeace does is the right thing to do and like the beeb it cannot make mistakes ?
‘Not News’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady)
Further to yesterday’s posting I see beeboid Central is at last having to give enhanced coverage to the destruction caused by their chums greenpeace.
However perhaps not giving it the seriousness that other organisations do;
Perhaps they can see that this silly little escapade which damaged a unique world heritage site would have been more easily done with a little photoshopping rather than 20 ‘activists ‘ laying out slogans which would only have been seen by the great and the good in the worlds environmental premier league as they flew in to the ‘ Save The Planet’ conference in their personal jet transport, (other forms of transport are available, but a spokesperson said ” yeh, but, you know, it would take a long time to get there with ships and donkeys right ? ).
If the Peruvians stick to their word and chuck them inside for six years perhaps we can look forward to el beeb starting a campaign to ‘ Free The Nazca 20 ‘ sometime soon ?
SWP woman frightened my dog
I was watching Question Time with one of my spaniels on my knee. The dog is normally quite stoic in the face of lunatics, since she is used to them because we meet them in the woods, but when the blue-haired commie woman started shouting and screaming my dog fled upstairs. It took several Cumberland sausages to restore her mental equilibrium.
What a load of sycophantic drivel… This crap is oozing with lefty orgasmic gush:
Hallmark Channel was offered the script.
Turned it down as it would cause mass diabetes.
‘David Miliband’s glittering career in frontline politics is over – for now.’
Spot the bias.
Newswatch head of world service interviewed. Asked what was his best news story he answered the 1997 election (Tony Blair won) asked what was the worst he replied the previous election (Tories won)
At least he didn’t say anything stupid.
Don’t worry GW, Todd has indeed said “something stupid” Why don’t you watch the programme and see if you can spot it?
Basically man in charge of election programme on landslide night found it exciting. (“Whatever your politics”) Not a complete surprise.
Man who missed the first result in the previous election thought that was a particular professional low point.
Where’s Dez?
Or John Simpson, for that matter.
(Maybe they’re one and the same. Ed.)
I see the Political Correctness enforcement squad have decided that the Tom Jones classic ‘Delilah’ is described as ‘unacceptable’ because of its theme of the murder of a woman who was unfaithful.
(I felt the knife in my hand & she laughed no more)
Of course the BBC are never going to criticise the nutters behind such idiocy:
but others don’t seem quite as sure:
Hopefully the crowds at the next Welsh Rugby match the crowd will belt it out even louder than usual, and the opposing supporters will also join in, 50 000 people sending a message to the PC brigade? but when did the wishes of the people ever bother them?
I could understand Stoke City supporters being more miffed about the Welsh rugby using it as they’ve had Delilah as their theme song since the 80s.
What it’s got to do with anyone else f*** only knows. And why stop there? Why not ban it from radio? Oh sorry, brain not totally in gear – that’ll be next.
Violence against women, eh.
BBC has for thirty years being inflicting on us the ‘vital’ dross that is ViolentEnders where purely in the name of ‘edgy’ and ‘challenging’ drama women are routinely shah’ed a’, referred to as ‘slags, given ‘a good slep’, or possibly even ‘topped’.
Only ‘drama’ of course, but a nice primer for the lumpenproles in what to do if your wife, girlfriend, or bitch annoys you.
Yeah, droids, take a bow, take a bow.
Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies
BBC tv Breakfast this morning where sofa warmers Charlie and Naga are thrilled to bits that some new EU regulations have arrived governing allergy information that must now be displayed by UK restaurants.
It is the BBC’s handling of the testimony of the mother interviewed in the studio that I find interesting.
The woman merily lists her offspring’s many and comprehensive allergies as if they were prize possessions. Clearly this unfortunate woman has passed on “one of the worst cases we’ve ever seen” – as many a PR trained copper has exclaimed to the media.
Call me lacking in human empathy but I can surely feel out there right now many impressed parents keen that their own sprogs too ought to join this new modern exiting and upwardly mobile social group.
I digress. It the questions and answers elicited that are the point here.
When asked “how do you manage to eat out?” The answer is “we couldn’t before this legislation. The children would become sick” or words to that effect. I think I heard a Beeboid use the buzzword ‘life threatening”.
Now that suddenly laws are here and all is rosy (this only happened today) we have the woman say in answer to the Beeb questioning “will you be taking them out for meals now?” “Oh my kids love going out to eat”
Good answer. Even though she just said they can’t eat out and when they do there is the constant stress of extreme allergy reaction?
Let me be clear; I’m not picking on this woman or allergy suffers in general but rather on the BBC and the ease with which they can create a narrative supported by using pliable people who give the answers and testimony expected.
Think BBC welfare and benefits themed interviews.
One of the ‘Indian’ restaurants run by Pakistanis so greedy for money swapped their Almonds which are expensive, for peanuts. They can also buy an Almond / Peanut mix for a cheaper price.
When a mother with a child with a peanut allergy asked if the food contained peanuts the owners said ‘no it’s almond’. As a result the child died from an allergic reaction, and the Pakistanis were taken to court, although I never did hear the outcome of that.
That is tragic.
However in case of such a risk, placing trust in competence, much less integrity, seems an odd thing for a mother to commit to for a curry.
Yes, this does sound like an urban myth.
If a child was at such mortal risk from peanuts, the parent would surely be briefed and realise that even almonds would be a risk as they quite likely came into contact with peanuts or peanut dust during their packing and processing.
Even a competent waiter can not be expected to know the history of every almond they sell!
I wouldn’t mind if information wasn’t so easily accessible if a silly post like this was made, but it’s so easy to do a Google search before putting fingers on keys !
“Pakistanis so greedy for money swapped their Almonds which are expensive, for peanuts”
Ah yes, must be the same Indian restaurant that was butchering stray cats, dogs, rats, gypsies & Katie Pricie to bulk out the Rogan josh. Right next door to the KFC which served a deep fried “slight feeling of regret” on a bun, to a vegan pensioner who fought in the war.
Good to see you’re still enthusiastically continuing the struggle against Islamisation Thoughtful.
Dez on nightshift again I see. Shouldn’t you be doing your rounds with the time clock or something? Does your boss know your using his computers to post messages on this site?
As he’s on the nightshift at the Guardian, it’s in his objectives…
Dez on nightshift again I see.
Says the person posting at 2:17am. But I suppose it’s okay to post in the early hours if you’re a Biased BBC monkey?
Dez posts from behind a proxy server too, not quite sure how that affects the timestamp, if at all.
It was a different time.
Feeding time?
As thoughtful already pointed out this is a real case not one made up in the back room of a seedy pub by the BNP. In fact if you had bothered to check you would find that all sorts of things end up in a curry house pot as Environmental Health keep finding out.
That’s what happens when you import Third World sensibilities into the First World and don’t insist they play by the rules. You could, if you were soft hearted, blame the politicians for not insisting that such eateries were policed more pro-actively, cultural sensitivities aside, but then that might send the wrong message eh? Better for a kid to die than to upset a minority community?
Perhaps you shouldn’t stay up so late Dez? It’s making you less morally coherent than normal.
You never see a white person working in their kitchens – ever wondered why, Dez?
Personally I am allergic to restaurants where the kitchen staff wash their feet in the sink five times a day.
‘BBC tv Breakfast this morning where sofa warmers Charlie and Naga’
Naga, actually a coal-miner in drag, is a member of the cosy little droid wimmin’s club , Drearyshire, Gameshow Nikki, Rachel Boredom et al, who shriek and howl whenever anyone refers to a female over the age of 16 as ‘a girl’.
Naga cranked her wail up to 11 last week when Daniel Craig did the rounds…
‘…apart from the fact that they refer to grown women as “Bond girls”‘ smugged the sarcastic coal-miner in drag.
Here’s a thing, treacle. If Bond girls object to being called ‘Bond girls’, then let *them* complain about it.
*You* can stfu (and get back down the pit).
My daughter is allergic to gluten. How does she manage to eat out? She asks the waitress. If the waitress doesn’t know she asks the chef.
Newsnight and Channel 4 News are competing to see who can run the most anti-UKIP stories. Indeed C4 News now appears to have a slot called ‘Bad Week for UKIP – the Round-up’.
Newsnight broke the most basic BBC rule when it allowed the UKIP candidate accusing the general secretary of misbehaviour to choose her own interviewer, one Tom Mangold said to be her friend. (It showed).
This is a sign of ‘normal’ BBC journalism being scrapped in favour of abnormal special measures in face of the direst of threats.
As soon as I catch sight of Crick’s miserable visage on Channel 4, I can see that he’s bursting to gleefully impart some snippet of gossip about UKIP, and I’m usually right. I hate that creature with a vengeance. Not content with one evening a week, he has to drag something up every night. He and his sanctimonious cronies, including Snow, Frei, Guru-Murthy, and the awful Newman woman should be deported to a labour camp somewhere nasty.
‘to choose her own interviewer’
That renowned BBC editorial integrity at play again, then?
Except when it isn’t.
BBC “Today” – woke to news of the Climate Summit in Lima having “worked into the night” because, surprise, surprise, they can’t come to a satisfactory agreement. Didn’t we all forecast that? Why, yes, I believe we did – as we did for all the previous conferences, too. Never mind, 9,000-oidd delegates had a nice time, no doubt, and chucked plenty of CO2 about in their respective journeys to and from the venue, having told us that we shouldn’t produce any, ourselves, in case we damage the planet.
Then there was the dwarf lady suing the Post Office because she couldn’t reach their PIN machine.
Followed, later by some claptrap about Tom Jones’s song Delilah, and its nasty, misogynist lyrics, followed by a (very short) list of songs which, over the years, we’ve come to know and enjoy, without really noticing the dreadfully un-PC, racist and misogynist lyrics contained within them. We must steel ourselves against listening to these songs, in the future, lest we stray from the righteous track and act upon the lyrics.
Lastly, an old colleague, Clippy (having taken early retirement from NATS), ‘explaining’ why yesterdays flop incident at Swanwick happened, without really telling us anything. I think anyone off the street could have given an equal performance.
Enough, already. Switched to “Sounds of the Sixties”, listening for all those norty lyrics…
Oh, almost forgot – the mayor of NYC wants to ban horse-drawn tourist vehicles from Central Park, because the poor horses have to “work”. Then we had some foolish woman interviewee who told us our domestic animals (e.g our cats) were being ‘worked’, and it was so very wrong. She said that cats used to be given room in our houses to catch mice – if that’s not ‘working’, I don’t know what is.
Is this Saturday unique in this, the Age of Stupid, or is it every Saturday, now – or even every friggin’ day?
Are people REALLY this daft, or is it all just a bad dream?
Suspect the stupid was always there; it just needed an outlet.
And as a million monkeys with a million typewriters can’t really produce Shakespeare, 20,000 cubicle garden warriors can surely discover dead air content filler to justify their salaries.
No mention that one of Mayor de Blasio’s big money backers wants to redevelop the stables into more valuable real estate? Of course not, he’s a Democrat after all.
Well done Sir…Brian Matthew is the man to follow on Sat am.
No ulcers follow-just good music and an “avid” membership card.
I`ve also added Desmond Carrington to my “stable”…a joy to hear DJ pour scorn on records that he is made to play( as he does sometimes).
Could be a trend at the BBC-imagine if they didn`t ALL just read out what Marx implied were nuggets-when it was all pellets from a fat owl!
‘Clippy’ was back on this evening.
‘Austerity, and ‘cuts’ apparently the cause of the air-traffic control problems. Of course. What else could it have been.
By Clippy’s Twitter account shall ye know him.
Doesn’t follow too many Tories.
Does follow Salma Yaqoob, (sp?), Dennis Skinner, Tony Benn, Owen Jones, Mehdi Hassan, Polly Toynbee.
A disinterested former employee giving a professional opinion or …
Over to you, BBC, you corrupt bag of shite.
“It just needed an outlet”..that would be the BBC and the Guardian then.
So Brand ‘brands’ Farage a ‘Poundshop Enoch Powell’ on Question Time Thursday and today a pathetic smear attempt linking Farage to Powell appears in the DT, coincidence ?
If anything this can only be good for UKIP giving Farage even more credibility and worth a few thousand more votes, maybe inversely the DT are really supporting UKIP? Strange they should now castigate someone as ‘toxic’ they once described as “One of the most brilliant political figures of the 20th century” in their obituary to him, but that was back in the day before they become Guardian lite….
It’s a measure of how out of touch with Tory opinion the Telegraph has become that it believes an association with one of the sharpest minds ever to have graced the Conservative and Unionist Party would disadvantage Farage.
What is so saddening is that this is the sort of shoddy rubbish that formerly would have been the province of the BBC.
On the bright side, take it as a sign of how scared the ‘elite’ have become that the Telegraph and the BBC are now all but indistinguishable.
The Times’ chatterati at it too.
It has become so frequent, so obsessive, it has turned into white noise, mainly by being so snarky and blatant, not to mention fact-free. Or plain inaccurate.
A pity, as it means sensible holding to account will get lost in the dross, and Ukip will not learn from actual mistakes.
Just as Labour has become a creature of the BBC’s self interested ‘protection’.
Now to see Brand try “failed actor faux social hero” try his patter with one Mr E Powell that I would have liked to see 😀
… how would you arse handed back to you Mr Brand one slice or two?
Powell was a fluent Urdu speaker, not something that is normally associated with ‘racists’ – at least, not with white ones.
I recieved a reply in relation to an Official Complaint I submitted regarding an horrendously biased article about the Officer Wilson story.
I must have hit a severely raw nerve because the “how dare you” attitude in the reply is palpable.
There is evidantly no cure for the BBC and it’s obvious they have no intention of changing.
“Thanks for contacting us regarding the BBC News website.
I understand you feel it was biased and racist to include Police Officer Darren Wilson’s ethnicity. I note you feel the article to contain inaccuracies and you’re unhappy with the use of the image used of Michael Brown.
We refer to ethnicity, race or sexuality only where we believe there is a direct relevance to the case in hand or where this is specifically referenced in court or by the police as part of a witness appeal. Otherwise, we would not consider this a detail that should automatically be included in our reports.
Regarding the BBC’s Washington correspondent Tom Esslemont, he made it clear that “to many in Ferguson, it was only a matter of time before Mr Wilson resigned.”
The picture used was provided and credited to the family, finally, regarding your suggestion that you haven’t seen reports that “the decision not to charge Mr Wilson triggered a nationwide debate over relations between black communities and law enforcement.” This was widely reported by the BBC for example within the following article:
We are well aware of our commitment to impartial reporting. We seek to provide the information which will enable viewers to make up their own minds; to show the political reality and provide the forum for debate, giving full opportunity for all viewpoints to be heard.
Thank you, nevertheless, for your feedback about BBC News. Please know complaints are sent to senior management and news teams every morning and we’ve included your points in our overnight reports. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensure that your complaint has been seen quickly, by the right people. This helps inform their decisions about current and future reporting”.
Oh the BBC thinks it’s found a way to discredit the man on question time who had a go at Brand.
They do seem quite smitten with him.
Not sure it’ going to help ‘balance’ the QT audience selection much if it turns out taking on the BBC’s favoured guests results in the hounds being released later on. Kind of ensures compliance.
All sounds a bit North Korean, frankly.
Funny how the BBC only found space on its website to ‘suggest’ that it could have been a UKIP MEP brother planted in the QT audience!
The authentic plant was of course a Socialist Worker screaming UKIP are ‘RACIST’ which is all over the media.
But then of course the Blue Haired Madhatter was from the ‘left’, so move along now, nothing to see here!
Just as we have come to expect from the Biased BBC. For example, they also never put on their website about the National outrage and comments about the Labour Plant last year:
In their article the BBC also doesn’t mention the fact that he ‘was once reportedly asked to stand as a Ukip candidate’, which we glean from a Telegraph article on the subject.
Since he obviously declined this invitation suggests he doesn’t have political ambitions in this department, and is therefore not a plant.
Unlike Bunny La Roche, who not only does much of the media report about some of her previous and present allegiances, but actually the BBC showed back in 2004 HAD stood for election as an MEP with Galloway’s Respect Party.
The BBC also claim in their article:
The BBC said the programme’s audiences were selected “in accordance with the BBC’s guidelines on fairness and impartiality”.
It said the production company which makes the show was “extremely careful to select audiences which reflect a broad political balance”.
Applicants must fill in a form about their political views, they said, and each is personally interviewed “to ensure they do hold those views and that they are willing to express them on air. “
We’re well aware of the BBC interpretation of fairness and impartiality, as well as the ‘broad political balance’ they want to present as actual. I’ve also twice been in the QT audience and was never ‘personally questioned to ensure I held the views I stated in the application’.
The BBC’s record for keeping out what it doesn’t like and in what it feels is settled rather renders their credibility as objective gatekeepers of accuracy, objectivity or integrity laughable.
The very notion of the BBC vetting anything to represent a fair balance is a joke.
Frankly just about every po-faced, patronising line they have uttered reads as downright creepy anyway.
I have a vision of a BBC drone running an interview like the opening of Blade Runner, only the fear would be they let a non-Borg through to mess with the purity of the hive audience.
“Are you, or have you ever been..”
Dont eve forget, that Rutter the Nutter polled all of 14% in the council election.
Slightly o/t, but how would the British a Government react if I decided to go to Syria to fight and attempt to kill Jihadis?
You get arrested – has recently happened.
Any Answers: 2nd call is a campaigner for someone held at Guatanamo.
Amazing how they get on. Oh and many tweets supporting the call. Within seconds they have support. What a load of Bollox.
Note the Food Bank Executives and cashiers that seemed to get onto the show to plead for more like themselves to “help the poor”.
Usual slurry of bias and pre-loading of liberal goo from all concerned-the first bloke on obviously was off-message so the whole of the rest of the show was moulded to suit the liberal BBC party line of choice.
Any Questions Anita?
Yes-who`s paying you, and why do they stuff your mouth with Richard Bacons old tissues-when you COULD actually think for yourself , albeit at a lower pay grade, and no hope of promotion.
But you COULD maybe sleep at night, knowing you`ve been true unto thyself(to quote Babe!).
The Craig Index for who she harried, who she cut off and who was able to spout off unchallenged was most helpful…Anand presents at the Lying Hound Scale of Media Toady.
Yes a bit like how the camera found that Bunny La Rouche woman so quickly during QT…..
Oh i should have said, loads of tweet support. Obviously orchestrated.
Sorry if this has been posted already but ive only just checked it out on ‘order order’ and thought it might be of interest
Just spotted that one. The more surprising part of the story is that the BBc actually answered a freedom of information request.
I thought the same
I note Mr Staines has moved to Disqus for commenting. Can’t make my mind up whether to sign up for an account or not. Apparently he has had the police in the office over some comments. It might stop some of the more extreme comments over there. But it will also scupper most of the fun too. Let’s face it these days the only thing Westminster is good for is as an object of fun it isn’t worth serious comment.
In the spirit of justice taking a peak from behind the blindfold enough to appear to be running a dual track system, in righting all wrongs I wonder if Plod will be turning over the BBC anytime soon for what it too often hosts on its FaceBook pages?
I have an account and it has some advantages but I find it highly temperamental when browsing on Android.
“Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual to load.” Aargh!
A lot of excellent comments; PG tapping a seam of frustration here. Others noting the BBC’s usual ‘we hold others to account; we don’t get held’ default looking shakier by the day. When you are public body with the history the BBC has, ‘it’s our little secret’ not the best association for them to maintain.
Otherwise the fact that there are so many editors but so much editorial to omit also neatly observed:
wrinkledweasel •
Strange, then, that nobody was free to follow up the Natasha Bolter story with an update, in order to include quite a lot of evidence that Ms Bolter mis-spoke during the Newsnight interview.
Maybe such evolutions to stories that have done their bit becomes ‘not news’ ((c) A. Tearoom News lady)?
Will Beeboids report this?:-
“Radical Leftists Go On Rampage in Central Zurich”
“Left-wing extremists run riot in upscale Zurich, Switzerland”
[ inc video clip].
Switzerland is in a siege situation. Free movement means all and sundry now walk their streets. There has been an upswing in street crime and violent crime. Berlin, sorry, Brussels seem to have them over a barrel. The Swiss aren’t stupid I can’t see them allowing themselves to become another statistic.
Seems Radio 4 has scored another own goal over it choice for Book at Bedtime.
Let’s hope there’s a sequel involving one T Blair based on real events.
I’ve not posted for some time, that is because I have not watched anything on the BBC that competes with (say) Aljazeera for news (other freeview channels are avalable), and I avoid the BBC talk shows to such an extent I turn ‘off’ any nearby radio with BBC (R4) twattle. But I do read the papers (too much) which also mentions the BBC often. I don’t always agree with what’s written in the Press either – but the difference is that the PRESS is cleary defined and accountable for it’s own ‘errors and ommisions’ and is (electioneering time) clearly biased towards it own core readers. The BBC is supposed to be unbiased towards public reporting but then it clearly is not – and has never has been ‘independant’ of left wing dogma and theory. I have noted that in between the BBC usual self ‘pay-awards’ exposures and the racial (English) stereotyping, the NHS gender cross dressing (all clear BBC objectives), there is an element of public deception and obvious ommission(s), an inclination to censure, to ridiucle those that think ‘different’ to The Guardian reader (presumed average publically employed council official).
Its ability to manipulate ‘the news’ (political advantage) in much the same way that the banks managed to deceive bank lending LIBOR inter-bank rates. The PBS media (in any country) may fail for the same reason – lack of impartiality. And yet there is hope amongst the BBC chaos – which it reigns supreme. It is being ignored by the very young who it whishes to gain influence and exposure to its many (poltical) left causes. Despite all its success in the dark arts of ‘normalising’ perversity and paedophila to the public, the young (now technically literate) have no history of what the BBC was or stood for. They now fully expect the BBC to be establishment ‘biased’ with ‘old skool’ establishment values of old hat Labour grandees. In short they see the BBC as ‘victim led’ losers and ‘ambulance chasers’ with a few celebrities mouthing off obscenities (for the BBC news).
On another level the BBC is losing the plot as the way news is delivered had changed. The BBC cannot dictate (despite their best efforts to ‘buy’ the digital radio, TV and internet to promote its mandate. The BBC monoply is crumbling although it still cannot be bought to account by our polticians. We may campaign for it to have less taxpayers money but it has former ‘civil servants’ who have worked in the BBC they exploit and use the connection (particularly for civil service pay awards) and gain political influence (particularly amonst Labour MP’s). The BBC is a deception. It had a use once and that was to misinform and propagandise and it had a monopoly. The trouble is there are millions of others Digital Internet based Media outlets all selling the same ‘soap powder’ for a lot less than the BBC charges. It only has it’s historic credibility left and that is in tatters, even amongst it own stage setters. To ‘believe’ in the BBC you have to believe that Santa and Karl Marx were spirit twins. Add that to (recently convicted Saviils driver) and you get the picture that the young think the BBC is irrelevant, redundant and suspect. No trust there. Full of distrurbing massage enrolled ‘victims’, that become a familiar tune within 10 mins of turning the BBC on. My choice is turn the BBC ‘off’ at any opportunity. Real news is elsewhere. Also I feel a lot happier since leaving the BBC airwaves to those who think the sun shines out of Labor coffers. I just wish we (UK) did not have to pay for the media abuse. The BBC cannot survive the next ten years without EU handouts and Saudi money. That is the truth of it and they know it. The license fee is a sticking plaster and the young won’t pay for it. They don’t pay for news when it is effectively free elsewhere.
Good post, I too find it increasingly difficult to comment as my bBC consumption is also seriously decreasing.
One has to actively seek out an alternative view with the press or other news outlets, but the bBC is able plant seeds with their output, ie most people in the UK listen to one bBC radio station or another, a captive audience and every hour one is subjected to the bBC world ‘view’ unquestioning souls take that view as ‘read’ drip, drip, drip… Move along nothing new here.
I didn’t watch as I suspected it would be what it was. Who would have thought Gregory Porter would have been on, well not surprising really as he’s been on the breakfast sofa wearing his hat. Completely irrelevant for the thousands of fans like me who drag themselves out month after month year after year to the dark normally sticky floored venues to see musicians with real talent
BBC-NUJ’s political agenda via Radio 5, this morning:-
‘News’ items, in BBC-NUJ sequence-
1.) anti-CIA item;
2.) pro-Labour Party stance on immigration (via Marr earlier);
3.) Scottish Labour Party plans.
4.) Lima: ‘climate change’.
True to what I said a few days ago when the CIA torture report came out, the BBC has done a sterling job at glossing over the Nu Liebour involvement in all of it.
A few guests have mentioned Jack Straw, but they have been quickly shut down, with intimations of potential legal action. We know that this is a falsehood, and something no politician in their right mind would contemplate, as they don’t know what evidence might come out in court, which might lead to criminal proceedings against them
So now the Mail is running a story that both Straw and BLiar were fully aware of what was going on and either turned a blind eye or more actively condoned it.
We need to support the CIA report and to push for the nasty Liebour party to accept what it did and to bring those who knew what was going on to justice.
The levels of corruption in the BLiar government were staggering, this is a man who should be in prison for numerous crimes when in office, maybe, just maybe this might be the issue which brings him down.
The BBC-brave sir Robins when it comes to a dying Tory like MacAlpine…but kitten hearts when it comes to their boys Blair, Straw, Blunkett, Reid and especially Miliband(D).
The BBC-evil corrupt and fit only for a Jeddah hog roast.
INBBC (and political ‘left’ inc Chakrabarti) are so politically concerned with ‘rendition’ of Muslim Islamic jihad suspects, but not so concerned with this:-
“UK foreign aid millions helped Iran hang 3,000… including women and children:
“Shocking report reveals how drugs war cash funded reign of terror.
“Millions from Britain linked to ‘control’ operations and hangings by regime.
“Reprieve says UK gave £6m to 12 Iranian anti-drug projects over 14 years.
“2,917 executions of alleged offenders were confirmed during that period.
“British residents Zahra Bahrami hanged after joining anti-regime protests.
“Human rights groups say deaths carried out on ‘scapegoats’ to spread fear.
“Many are held in public but one prison has beam that can hold 60 nooses.
“Britain quietly cut off aid in 2012 amid concerns of rise in death sentences.
“But Reprieve accuses Coalition of pouring money into similar schemes in Pakistan.”
Read more:
Seeing as Russell Brand seems to have come up short as far as the BBC are concerned (in rolling out the red carpet for the revolutionary forces of progress anyway)…it seems that the BBC are back to the Celtic fringes-and the wilder shores at that-in order to spotlight the coming forces that will ensure the continuation of the license fee…and allow the BBC to wring lavender hankies over the XXXL size coffins of the obese, the workshy and the criminals who hide in mosques.
So we get little else but the coronation of JIm Murphy up in Scotland-the coming man,the new face of old Labour/SNP spats to enliven and refresh the tired old, corrupt old, incompetent old Labour Party, and its SNP wraith of evil.
This is not to scorn Murphy-who I happen to think is both decent and able-but to mock the liberal agitprop postures of the BBC in a contest none of us give a XXXX about.
UKIP will trounce wherever it gets a run…the rest can f*** off!
Thin-lipped boyish cutivated northern tones with an angry undertone pontificating as to how Labour would be tough on immigration – yeah, right! Ok so employ a dozen or two more unionised border inspectors and hold your breath for the human rights appeal cases.
Wheelchair racer insistently telling us which words and phrases she will and won’t allow us to use this week – BBC frantically taking notes so as to comply.
A musical interlude to plug their own upcoming show.
Superannuated Liberal augur of doom telling us he has single handedly ‘kept the Tories on a leash’ and were it not for his truly (straight face) then we would have a state the size of the 1430s – or some such there abouts. Don’t expect any push back from the sofa Vince you’re clear to go, man. Bugger me, St Vincent says the conservatives might even get ‘ideological’ on our arse (see Tarantino)and then where would we all be?
Andy Marr keeps lobbing them up and his guests keep knocking them for home runs.
I wouldn’t watch but lift a stone every now and then just to wonder at the amazing creepy crawlies that dwell there.
Pay for view would be like slug pellets for these Beeboids and their pals.
Radio 2 2pm News, the absolutely shocking story that a UKIP candidate once used the terms poof, peasant and chinky trumps even Jim Murphy and the UN Climate talks as well as the Japanese election for main point.
The non story has even slipped down the Daily Mail website, no one is listening any more, such stories only reinforce UKIP support, yawn.
Well whatever they are trying to do its having the ‘desired’ effect…
more lies, this time in the context of the nhs –
why are we waiting? , why are nhs waiting lists so long? why is the nhs failing?
simple, nhs resourcing is based on population estimates, which the bbc knows, but censors, wilfully underestimates population size.
underestimations is directly due to false immigration statistics and indirectly by the use of the nhs by to immigrants’ rellies who come over for the `hossie`.
so why not expose this racket, why not indeed?
If INBBC is thinking of becoming serious about the global threat of Islamic jihad,
it should recognise this:-
“The Perpetuity of Jihad”
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“BBC are ‘wrong’ and insensitive to broadcast book about Margaret Thatcher’s assassination, Tory MP says.”
The BBC appears to have bought into race hustler Al Sharpton’s message ( aided by the selective criticism of both the President and Attorney General of the USA) I offer this powerful excerpt from last weeks Glen Beck radio show as a counter point of view
Where’s Dez?
Dez? Nightshift at aljabeeba mate.
John, f****ing ace !, well spotted that man, I have rarely watched and read such a powerful message as this one about the number of black people being killed everyday by other black people. Where is that woman Diane Abbott ?, why is she not leading a demo having a ‘death in’ about these people ? , Where is the beeb’ s anguish about these lost lives ? ……..yeah, only useful to the cause when they get killed by white people I guess, talk about racist.
This won’t deter BBC-NUJ, Labour Party, Lib Dems, Tories campaign to get 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U, so as to speed up the Islamisation of Europe-
“Turkey police raid opposition media with Gulen links”
“Turkey and EU:
The Kodak-Moment”
“Turkish imam joins the Islamic State”
“Germany: Thousands take to the streets to protest ‘Islamization'”
Why should BBC-NUJ report this?
– It goes against BBC-NUJ political agenda of Islamising Europe.
Plaintive BBC anchor on the News Channel cries “But won’t the public vote for Sports Personality (sic) of the Year just favour the most popular (grrrr) sportsman (dratted blokes)?”
Well yes aye! Says BBC Scotlander (the show is coming to us from Glasgow so a local accented reporter is de rigueur – such BBC regional sensitivity will not apply to England).
Och aye, well that’s the nature of a public vote.
Right pain in the post-democratic butt eh BBC? Oh for a Common Purpose BBC PC panel that could give it to a really worthy candidate on an annual all top trumps minority rolling basis. OK buggies v wheel chairs, under staters orders and they’re off!
Big F1 fan here so I’ll be voting for Rory McIlroy …
“New ‘Islamic doll’ with no facial features has been launched in Britain. The ‘Deeni Dolli’ has no eyes, nose or mouth whatsoever in a bid to comply with Islamic rules governing the depiction of faces”
what next? … just a black cushion, or a erm … “niquabi dolli”
BBC … “Adam the Prayer Bear” and … no I m not joking
BBC … Dara and Sara
“I think every Barbie doll is more harmful than an American missile”
BBC … The good old Mohamhead Teddy Bear?
‘My Little Voodoo’?
And for the little male nutjob in the house, ‘GI Jihadi’?
Get ’em young.
have army/cadets not wearing uniforms
BBC … or restrict swimming, or black out the windows?
“Primary schools may need to consult local mosques”
Islamization of Britain gallops on: “Subway … removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores
or … you can STOP … all this nonsense, once and for all
… Pork or nothing
Another plus: Mr.O’Briain & Ms. Millican have the kid comedy market sewn up.
But Omid & Shappi may feel aggrieved that their turf’s being raided.
I well remember an RE class at a local secondary school having to do a cartoon strip about key stages in Muhammads life.
They`d already done the same for Jesus and Buddha…so clearly they had to do MO as well.
Trouble is of course that you can`t draw him.
So basically he was four black rectangles as he lay in a cot, rode a horse got married and then died.
And no humour-no mockery or no self-awareness about how ludicrous the whole exercise was…po-faced teachers and Council wallahs never allow THAT.
But the kids knew…and Islam dies a bit on its arse each time Islam is seen as craven joke, with no comedy allowed.
Someone has got the Islamic theology wrong on this one. It isn’t the depiction of the face which is banned, it’s the reproduction of one of ‘Allahs’ creations.
In the Ten commandments the law about graven images and the worship of idols is the root of it. Whether the doll itself is Halal is open to debate.
If you look at Islamic art you will notice that there are no paintings of people or animals, just patterns or text, and that’s all.
re Noggin’s links:
“What can’t be named Muhammed?” asks the headline in this BBC article. ‘Men’ in BBC reports about those accused of child sex grooming?
Well, the BBC seem keen to keep this UKIP bloke who`s been taped by the Mail On Sunday at the very TOP of their news.
Incredible-so transparent, and obvious hoop-la over somebody none of us have ever heard of…but its top of the bulletins, and has been all day.
Yet more votes to UKIP then…for only public sector nonces and Labour union landfill would see this as mattering…and that the plebs like us would think it`s worth a damn.
Still-at least the BBC show themselves up to be wet sock slugs without even a veneer of impartiality…1000% biased scum.
The attempted establishment assassination of UKIP is both astounding and worrying, the manipulation of the DM comments is incredible yet obvious.
In the rare event of the DT allowing comments the same is happening, with the poster ‘everhardus’ (or similar) who can suddenly garner hundreds of upvotes. The mention of UKIP will also get a number of auto downvotes on Disqus.
Mis-speaking can happen to anyone tired or under various influences.
He should go for ‘I’m only human’, and forgiveness will surely follow.
Jasmine on ‘What is news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) back room duty again?
PS: guy seems a bit of a tool, but now this seems nearly a requirement to enter politics. I simply ponder why some party nutjobs get the full cross-platform spotlight and some get assisted to convenient online backwater oblivion.
I’ve been busy for a couple of days but wanted to congratulate Robert Peston on Thursday for skewering Ed Miliband over his ridiculous ‘back to the 1980s’ claim following Osborne’s projection of reducing public sector spending to 35% of GDP. In his one-to-one interview, Peston pointed out that it had been 36% when Gordon Brown was Chancellor in 1999, so what was wrong with a figure of 35%? Miliband looked stunned, just like he did when Myleene Klass said “you can’t just point at something and tax it” and blustered about nasty Tory cuts … NHS … (2:00 in video clip at Ed obviously wasn’t expecting a tough, factual question from the bBBC.
Brown inherited an economy in surplus and stuck with Tory spending plans for 2 years.
The rest, as they say, is history (or, in the case of the BBC, Memory Hole fodder).
In an otherwise typically po-faced report on the ‘climate’ summit in Lima today’s Telegraph surpisingly revealed that this year’s delegates had generated a record amount of ‘carbon’ – more, in fact, than many small countries produce in a year. One of the reasons is that the organisers insisted the temporary conference centre be powered by diesel generators as solar panels are ‘too unreliable’.
Don’t recall hearing this on Today, and what splendid comic fodder for The News Quiz! It’s like a real life, double-plus-good version of Animal Farm, just waiting to be satirised or ridiculed by the world’s top radio comedy shows/investigative journalists!!
Wonder how long we’ll have to wait?
Any idea, Dez?
I haven’t heard any of the so called BBC comedians make anything about the fact that Brand has won this years, Plain English, Gobbledygook Award. It proves the point that W1A was a factual documentary masquerading as a comedy, a factual documentary about the unusually low intellectual standards of middle-class white people at the BBC, the W1A writer was revealing to the viewer, why they vote Labour. Like all people with low intelligence, if they hear something they cannot understand with lots of big words strung together, they think of it as a lecture by an intelligent person.
Top story currently on the BBC website?
Deal reached at UN climate talks
Meanwhile, the rest of the world shrugs and says ‘Yeah, whatever.’
FFS, BBC. You give new meaning to the phrase flogging a dead horse. Morons.
Watching you on Sky News DV .. kicking arse!
What? How can I see this? Will it be on YouTube?
DV was giving his opinion on the CIA torture story on Sky News channel. Channel 132 on Freeview. Don’t know if they’ll repeat it but they might. DV might have recorded it but I didn’t.
File under Credit Where Credit is Due
Fascinating and reasonably balanced report here from Hugh Schofield
‘There is a new intellectual force in France – giving shape and weight to ideas that challenge the disastrous post-1968 left-wing consensus.’
‘For their enemies they are rabble-rousers, providing spurious philosophical cover for the extremism of the National Front’
“It is what I call ‘le grand remplacement’ – the great replacement. If there is a new population in France, then we will no longer have our own history. It will be another people’s history, and another people’s civilisation.”
The parallels with this country are obvious but I very much doubt the liberal media will get it.
Change the people and then the country becomes some place else.
To the liberal the country , that is the physical land mass it covers, is just that . A land mass that can be filled any way you like. It is impossible to convey to the liberal the notion of country or nation that I hold along with millions of others. The age old understanding of what a nation is.
The liberal cannot understand the ties that bind the generations and the importance of a shared history and culture. So from now on cease to engage with them. This is too important a matter to be discussed on the liberal’s terms.
The French are realising this and it is a good and hopeful sign. That it will spread here is inevitable and must happen or this country will cease to be England and become someplace else.
The French now realise the extent of the betrayal by the liberal elite. Our elite has been more devious but as destructive of an ancient culture and a people. This elite cannot make amends. it has to go.
That is why so much is riding upon UKIP. It is essential to the survival of our form of democracy.
Last week, the north of G.B. got a bit of a battering from a winter Atlantic storm. The Met Office, through the BBC broadcasting across our nation, informed all and sundry that a “Weather Bomb” was taking place and that we should all be worried. I pointed out on this forum (and to many other weather bloggers around the U.K.) that I thought it was not a “weather Bomb” and that the met Office might have misinterpreted what they saw concerning the pressure charts. Obviously, from their terse response from the Edinburgh News, my friends in weather weather land might have been giving them grief. But look who they blame? Social Media for creating the hysteria. Pardon me Met Office! It was YOU who gave us all the info concerning the “Weather Bomb” not social Media!!!!!!!
“Not me guv”, so typical of the public service in this country and just like the BBC.
Remember BBC championing Labour Ummuna & Eds cause on Royal Mail Share price undervalued?
All seems to have gone very quiet now! I wonder why?
Royal Mail PLC
LON: RMG – 12 Dec 17:08 GMT
393.604.30 (1.08%)
Maybe because the Coalition got it right again and Labour and BBC got it wrong yet again the joined up Muppets!
Just two organisations working in tandem you can never ever trust!
Looking back to something which happened so long ago does not have any relevance to what happened at the time.
If the price of gold had fallen back to a new low, would you be using the new price to vindicate Gordon Brown?
Many things can affect a share price one way or another, ask the directors of Tesco !
Of course Thoughtful the nature of the Stock Market is always ‘gambling’ and ‘risky’.
The point here though is that the Coalition did the ‘due diligence’, looking forward to the possible fall in share price, which has actually happened. But the Government did not make a loss since they priced it correctly, in my view.
Instead of the Government receiving profits now, the Labour party would not have sold Royal Mail in any event, and would still be subsidising the Royal Mail, (remember it made 120 million loss just couple years ago, before privatisation).
Remember it was Labour shouting the Coalition had priced the shares to low! Had they done so we would possibly now be making losses again – the point is Labour got it wrong, as they always do on economics!