Here you go, a new Open Thread for you to complete. The BBC has been quite hysterical in recent days, wallowing in the Senate Democrat attack on the CIA, trying to suggest that Miliband’s woeful speech on the economy could represent a leap forward for the glorious leader in waiting…..and the rest. The floor is yours.
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Well would you Adam and Eve it?
The BBC running a revolving door sacking 700 with total of 10 million quid of Golden goodbyes and then re-hiring more than 400 of them as free-lancers!
When are the Government going to ‘reign-in’ this prolific shower.
There is no end to their abuse of the taxpayer!
For ‘free-lancers’ read lumpers (bogus self-employed) as you say ‘There is no end to their abuse of the tax payer’
Islamists in Sydney now, with hostages in Cafe…
Al Beeb news reader appears to be spluttering her words out about this news! She mentions people with hands up against the window and some black flag with Arabic writing?
It must be those men again ?
Yeah, I noticed that. Currently watching the news and the bBC is not only able to discern that a black flag with Islamic writing on it is the ISIS flag. But they are promoting the view that actually the Australian government is to blame.
The bBC bitch has just reported that the police have not mentioned any hostages while the picture shows 2 people with their arms pressed against the window. With an ISIS flag in front of them.
Let’s be honest, here Muslims are behind this, they are prepared to die and will murder all they can. They do so in which to get their way. To do so they terrorise people yet the bBC calls these Islamic fuckers ….Militants.
Al Beeb trying to play it down ?
Got to laugh, the bBC has been spending the last hour or so shouting out let’s not jump to conclusions. And now they are interviewing the leader of Australian Muslims and he is allowed to bitch for peaceful Muslims, allowed to state that tensions were already high due to a cofronttation between police and an Islamic youth. ( yeah left out he stabbed. 2 coppers before getting shot dead) and then was asked by the bBC reporter if sending Australian forces to fight Isis was to blame.
Jon Donnison reporting from Sydney,
Workers will not be allowed to leave their place of work until this situation is resolved. Meanwhile the TV picture shows hundreds of office workers leaving their place of work.
Funny enough every else is reporting 13 hostages, donnison reports 40 and then goes on to report that everybody in Syndney will know one of the hostages . The stupid bitch then reported that Syndey airspace has been closed down, then mentioned that aircraft are taking off and landing as usual. Yet the airport is at the other side of the city.
It’s as if the bBC is spreading terror or allah
jon Donnison is now reporting this act might have been carried out by an Islamic state supporter, because of police arrests a few months backs
A quick check reveals that the Pakistani consulate is just across the way from the chocolate shop.
Oh dear ! The Arctic ice fields are no longer shrinking, perish the thought they are even experiencing “bounce back”
2014 ice up a massive 12% above the five year average.
Blame it on that “Weather Bomb” ?
Apparently, the “ice melt” isn’t as much as the “experts” thought it to be, and it has, in fact, been fairly stable for the last five years.
That’s a mealy-mouthed admission that the sea ice isn’t melting at all, hasn’t done, and is, in fact increasing.
Does this mean that all those polar bears are going to freeze this Christmas ?
They hope so…
BBc on the Sydney siegetells us there was a flag with “Arabic writing” I can’t read that but one internet site says it reads “There is no God but Allah” and “Mohammed is the messenger of God”
BBC again wanting to rub the rights nose in it by rubbishing Thatcher with BBC 4 Book at bedtime novel about her assassination!
What a surprise! But in reality just what we have come to expect from the BBC, since following Labour agenda they really cannot help themselves any more and just do not care for the majority of the nation that does not vote Labour, the nation that pays their exorbitant salaries!
The red mist takes over, just like their class war on ‘Millionaires’ , notwithstanding all their own front bench and supporters, the likes of Blair, Milliband, Mandleson, Kinnocks, Toynbee, BBC Executives hypocritcally all belong!
Just like the Private Schools, notwithstanding they choose this for their own children but wish to stop it for anyone else!
There is rightly an uproar from the media, which represents the 65 to 70% of the Nation that does not vote Labour: