The BBC’s flirtation with radical politics and ideologies continues…whilst still promoting radical Islam as an antidote to supposed Western hegemony the BBC also continues its experiment in promoting extremist left wing politics, having backed Occupy, student riots and recruited Giles Fraser to their ranks, as they put a great deal of time and effort into brand Brand.
It looks like the BBC are trying to create and shape him into a political figurehead for all the Marxist malcontents in Britain spouting all that good stuff about bankers, capitalism and overturning democracy and the social order so often heard on the BBC.
They brought him onto Question Time last night where he got a good drubbing from the audience…but you’d hardly know that from this piece of puffery from the BBC….
Russell Brand: Can an outsider challenge the status quo?
Rather disingenuously, and as the last line in the article, the BBC only admits to this:
Many in the audience seemed dissatisfied with the response but it seems unlikely the flamboyant firebrand will ever put that claim to the test.
Try a different perspective:
Russell Brand Was Terrified on Last Night’s Question Time
Brand left the studio having lost much of the audience, sunken into his chair, almost reclusive compared to his usually extrovert eccentricities.
What happened? Put simply, Russell Brand was frit. Worse than that, he looked terrified. After Brand strayed from his notes – which at times he clung onto for dear life – and accused Farage of attacking the disabled, the microphone came to a gentleman in the audience wielding a walking stick.
He demolished Brand’s ill-judged smear and called his bluff: if he is the saviour of the masses, why doesn’t he have the nerve to stand for parliament? Brand stuttered. This was the question he feared most.
“Because I’m afraid I would become one of them,” he whispered, barely convincing himself. Howls of derision from the room. They all knew the truth, audience, panel and Brand together.
For all his bravado, this is a man scared of having to face the scrutiny of the people at the ballot box, scared that his hackneyed, teenage ideology will be resoundingly, humiliatingly rejected by the people he claims to represent.
Why can’t people take drugs and know what a genius he is ?
Should Brand ever become become part of a real political party (God forbid!), they won’t need a press office. They’ve already got one. The BBC.
Don’t give James Harding any excuse to hire more ‘reporters’ bypassing even BBC rules.
Nice to see his ‘mum’ turn up to support him (I know that Ms La Roche isn’t really his Mum, btw). Purple-haired harridan she is! Did she threaten to “get” Mr Farage? I assume the BBC knew who she was (SWP & UAF) or they wouldn’t have invited her.
Wouldn`t her threat be a criminal offence, had she uttered it to , say Yasmin Alibiah-Brown?
So hope come she`s getting away with this threat to an elected MEP…or are we all to treat Nigel like the Tartan Trolls who roughed him up last year in Edinburgh.
Seig heil eh, liberal luvvies?
Incidentally, I have just noticed that the guy with the walking stick (that had a go at Brand) is the brother of West Midlands MEP James Carver. Sloppy work by the BBC. He certainly slipped through the net. Talk about the biter bit!
“Try a different perspective:”
Alan of BiasedBBC quotes Alex Wickham of Brieibart. And there was I thinking “The Human Centipede” was just a film.
Let’s not forget it was Alex Wickham (Guido’s tea-boy) who pretended to be an attractive woman (picture used without permission) sexually interested in half a dozen Tory MP’s. And when one of the poor sods was naive enough to be duped (Brooks Newmark), immediately sold the story to the press in a flurry of moral self-righteousness.
Such charming company you keep Alan.
How typical of Dez, let us not talk about the BBC overly promoting a nope hoper such as Brand or Brand himself and discuss something else. Such charming company Brand keeps.
You must admit that Brand argues like Dez – no logic , no real arguments: just insults. The terms Bankers, Fat cats, The corruption in the City (There was some under Labour) Calling people racists. It was all there in QT, The Lady at the back with the mauve hair; member of the SWP. The left and the BBC have no real arguments.
Play the ball, not the man!
A simple concept Dez. Get it sorted.
“The night Question Time turned into Jeremy Kyle:
“BBC faces backlash over Brand and Farage’s ‘farcical’ clash.
“Russell Brand clashed with UKIP leader Nigel Farage on the BBC show.
“Labour MP Ian Austin said the once great BBC had become a ‘farce.’
“Farage accused Brand of having his chest hair straightened before show.”
Read more:
It’s no accident that the Bised B BBCand the craven Press (now including the Daily Fail AND the used-to-be Torygraph) casts around for a way to dismiss Nigel Farage and UKIP.
One favoured approach is to pit the UKIP representative against a rabid nutcase (e.g. Brand or Hardy) and then dismiss BOTH of them after the event as ranting nutters -guilty by ‘association’ , even when the event showed UKIP in a sensible light against the libleft nutcases.
The liblabcon junta ,led by its cheerleader AlJabeeba, is DESPERATE to smear UKIP .Every time they try, they think they are putting the Slime Machine into gear , they are really engaging REVERSE gear.
It’s going to be more Fun than we’ve had for years in moribund
British politics.
Here we go again!
This ‘populist’ Russell Brand agenda is so reminiscent of the ‘sinful Saville promotions’, which for all the denials, the sheer scale and regularity of sexual abuse, the BBC could not have failed to have known all about.
Sex, Drugs, Rock n Roll combined with truck loads of ‘Left self serving support and Bias’ from it’s Metro- Sexual Champagne Socialist staff, purposely recruited for the sole purpose of undermining the natural conservative traits of the Nation.
This is just what our State Broadcaster is so eager to promote in its undemocratic, unwarranted ‘TV power’, gained historically and laughably through our taxes and agreed by our ‘cowardly politicians’ just so fearful of the publicist power to ruin their lives should they not support.
Just what public service broadcasting should be about!
I wonder where Russell Brand keeps his money: not with one of the bankers surely.
Maybe he should put his money where his mouth is and invest it all in food banks. That would be “Oh so right on” wouldn’t it?
Brand has yet to face any sanctions for his appalling sexual predatory nastiness towards Andrew Sachs, his family and granddaughter in particular.
The Curse of Savile rests upon him, and all who share his pedalo.
As soon as he reverts to panto, Plod will surely be after him…a sex pest or an addict?..behaves the same in both cases.
“Media: Question Time ”
well,i said this last week that the socalist workers party was bragging on there website last week that they would target this weeks question time and pack out the audience with the usual left wing layabouts and losers because nigel farage was on.yes the usual hissing and booing and hysterical left wing garbage made up i would say about 80% of the audience and that must of pleased the bbc producers last night,yes the ugly middle class socalist workers party women plant who looked about 80 with her pink dyed hair shouted abuse at nigel farage and threatened were coming to get you mate.blah blah blah the violent lefties hate democrasy,but there was one thing missing from question time last night and that was russell brand,am i alone in thinking that when he got exposed by that true working class east end londoner and disabled chap with the walking stick for what the fake and wannabe working class tax avoiding millionaire russell brand for what he is and that silenced brand for the rest of that question time farce last night as was plainly obvious.
More on ‘blue hair and her links to the Stundent W#nkers Party
‘Race play’ you really couldn’t make it up