Labour has issued a document that lays out its election strategy for dealing with UKIP…here they talk about how Labour should talk about immigration……essentially only talk about it in order to raise other issues that Labour would prefer to talk about…say the NHS or cuts…change the narrative not people’s minds….
As a political party, we are more effective at changing what is discussed and debated (the salience of the issues), as opposed to changing what may be long-held and entrenched opinions of each party or views on which party has the best policies on each issue. For example, in autumn 2013 we saw a sharp rise in the salience of energy prices in the wake of Ed’s policy announcement at Annual Conference and the integrated campaigns we ran in the weeks and months that followed. More recently, we have seen a substantial increase in the salience of the NHS.
Following from this, when we embark on policy messaging around immigration, which is not an area where Labour has the strongest lead over other parties, we should ensure that this messaging is always done in conjunction with other policy areas. The purpose of this is to raise the salience of those issues in which Labour has a much clearer lead and stands to benefit more from their prominence with the electorate. This is especially true when messaging comes from the local candidate and local party, where the magnitude of this effect may be greatest.
The BBC seems to have taken that approach on board for its reporting as noted in a previous post…..
The BBC field reporter, Matthew Price, summed it up with the new pro-immigration line of defence…..whilst most studies show that immigrants bring little benefit, if any to the country, Price decided to state that the problem is that the benefits they do bring are being hijacked by national government and resources are being removed from the area they are created in….the problems are created by government not immigrants.
So the BBC presents this as a problem created by….government cuts to local services.
Just a coincidence I’m sure. Talk about immigration in terms of government cuts…the cuts being the problem not immigration.
Cui bono? Who benefits?
The Conservatives want immigration because it brings cheap workers. Labour wants immigration because it brings them new voters. The Far Left wants immigration because it brings them new foot soldiers. Globalists want immigration because it helps break down nation states (“change the people, change the country”). The BBC is a mouthpiece for at least three of those groups.
Its the one issue that unites the man in the street regardless of class or political affiliations :- “There are far too many immigrants, the numbers allowed to come in MUST be reduced and ALL illegals MUST be returned to their country of origin “.
”Globalists want immigration because it helps break down nation states”
Check out Peter Sutherland, Goldman Sachs banker and head of U.N immigration, David Rockerfellers house boy, ” The European Union must do their best to undermine each nations homogeneity.” What a slime bucket, what better way to take out a country than by mass immigration.
That reminds me of the current state of Global Football and hence regional politics. Spain’s Rael Madrid are signing away their distinctive Spanish identity for a large sponsorship deal with an Arabic state – who object to the ‘cross’ being shown. So it’s all being removed for the big sponsorship deal. This is so much like a similar Arabic ‘cash-for-Islam’ sponsorship offered to the BBC to promote the delights of Islam on the mainstream media. We all know its complete bollocks (and false) but the BBC need the money tax-free to offset Tory austerity cutbacks. Although I am not sure about Rael Madrid, they must have been impresses by the integrity and the past success of FIFA that persuaded them to take the money and run.
Peter Sutherland was head of the Bilderburgers
I thought Chukka Umunna Ebola said on Question Time a couple of months ago ” We need to have serious debate on immigration.” Oh well, that’s that then.
Chukka Umunna Ebola
good old David Brims. Never misses an opportunity to demonstrate what an old-fashioned little racist he is.
As opposed to a thoroughly modern racist? You know, the anti-whitey Diane Abbott, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown type?
I actually don’t mind Diane Abbott being a racist, provided that she is honest about it and allows White people the same right. She is entitled not to like White British people just as they are entitled not to like her and her racist bias to her own community. But she must accept that racism is natural in much of the world and that multicultural societies are bound to have problems with the community solidarity of minority groups.
”good old David Brims. ”
Thanks Filmfan.
There’s no such thing as ‘racism’.
Hey fanboy, “little”..? How can you possibly know he is “little”? Sizeist are we, as well as a namecaller?
‘A parliamentary candidate resigns having tried blaming his racist comments on taking painkillers.’ – Nick Robinson
Racist remarks in the plural?
He called a woman a chinky, although I’d be surprised if he has anything against the Chinese and he probably didn’t intend it as a racial slur.
If a mate said, ‘I’m off to the chinky to get some food’, I wouldn’t assume he was being racist. I’d think he was just using non-derogatory slang. I guess subtleties like that are lost on the thought police. But I digress.
What is the second allegedly racist comment? If it doesn’t exist, then the BBC should edit that article and apologise.
Presumably BBC would not broadcast Brit Awards as that would be similarly racist
What is telling in the nick Robinson article, is that he is telling us what to think. Arse*ole. Who the *uck are you to tell me what I should think? How much do you get paid for telling me what to think? Double arse*ole. This is why I stopped subscribing to the BBC.
“…as a political party, we are more effective at changing what is discussed and debated…”
Says a lot about my old party. They are a disgrace.
Pointless exercise by the BBC and the labour party. The debate is moving from economics to whether this country will survive being colonised without consent.
As a rider here there is no historical precendent for colonisation being a peaceful process in a settled land
Unspoken maybe but this is the argument now and the liberal elite knows it. This is not party politics but existential and for that reason very serious.
We have limited time and limited room for manouvre.
If only we had leaders who told the truth and treated the people as sovereign and served only them. .
If this lot fail then who knows what might come. Look back to the 17th century and be warned.
Couldn’t agree more Davis S. But there is more to it than that. We are being ‘homogenised’ so that patriotism for your own country becomes a crime. This is the roadmap of the EU. The BBC are just following orders which they dare not question, they are part of the larger EU conspiracy to avoid any such questions to the patriotic electorate. the fact that our UK ‘hidden’ population is a case that the BBC will never answer for as they are unaccountable to us.
BBC banging on about Islamofauxbia in the wake of the Australian hostage situation, despite all the data which shows it’s a false premise.
They probably still believe & promote tell MAMAs view of the world.
Anyone who votes Labour is one (or all) of the following: anti-English; brainwashed, or stupid.
add benefit scroungers to that list
When it comes to immigration liebour will do what liebour will always do..lie about ‘controlling’ it (notice they say control and not prevent) refuse to talk about it and then allow people in by the million.
They are liars, they are 100% committed to the EU, they know that the EU is 100% committed to free movement of people with no chance of reform therefore any attempt to hoodwink the voting public at controlling immigration is a lie.
You write as if Labour is a discrete independent party when it’s part of the single party libconlab conglomerate.
What you have typed could be true of any of the single party, in fact it’s probably more true of the Tories than it is of Labour, but seeing as they’re all one lump it really doesn’t matter.
Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Somalia, Africa, West Indies, Turkey – none of these countries are in the European Union, but represent two thirds of UK immigration. The immigration debate is not significantly an EU issue, but no no-one can speak about it for fear of the R word. The problem is the aptly-named Commonwealth. That is within our powers.
The problem is that migrants from the Commonwealth are procuring EU passports from the Mediterranean countries and sidestepping the controls under freedom of movement rules. It is the same for Moldovans on Romanian passports. Its where your 85% of ATM crime comes from.
lets get one thing straight.the subtext of ed millibands speech today on immigration was this,the labour party have no new immigration policy and its back to open borders and mass immigration if they get elected next may,not once did he mention restricting the numbers of immigrants coming here from eu or non eu countrys,what he said was we must protect workers from abroad from not being exploited by employees not paying the minimum wage,that was just codeword for more open borders and mass immigration hence that is why all these labour mps was warned not to talk about immigration on the doorsteps because they intend to do absolutely nothing about this problem if they get elected.fool on you if you vote for that fraud milliband and the labour party next year.
One only needed to look at Liebour’s panic post Scottish referendum, when discussions on `English votes on English matters emerged, to realise what a traitorous, anti-English bunch of lying filthy Marxist scum they really are. Anyone who votes for Liebour, in my opinion, is anti-English; it’s pure and simple. How anyone could vote for a party with the likes of that vile disgusting woman Harriet Harman and Ed Ballsack in it is beyond comprehension. But, as we know all those spoiled rich kid UAF benefit scroungers and enrichers will always vote for Labour, so they’ll always have a core support. Remember, those enrichers trying to climb on lorries at Calais are all potential vote winners to `Ed Rubberband and his party of socialist turds, so they’ll do anything to avoid discussing immigration…. so expect more of the most ridiculous pre-election lies imaginable.
So those’ll be the same open borders that Cameron has failed to close over the past 5 years?
Labour might have been appallingly bad but the Coalition have been worse, and immigration has risen to new record highs.
At least Millipede is honest, because Cameron simply lies that he will do something when he has no intention of doing anything.
Unfortunately there are those only too willing to believe these lies.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
UKIP secures control of £1.5m EU cash, Newsnight learns –
The BBC sure is determined to drive a stake into UKIP’s heart…
Let’s look at some of the things the article says:
‘The disclosure comes after a bruising few weeks for UKIP.’
Totally irrelevant. This can only have been included to rub salt in UKIP’s wounds.
‘Over the weekend, Kerry Smith resigned as a prospective parliamentary candidate, after he admitted making offensive remarks about gay people.’
Erm, no, he resigned after making comments about a particular group of people who happen to be gay.
‘He had succeeded the former Tory minister Neil Hamilton, who had to step aside when the party raised questions about his expenses.’
‘Had to step aside’?
Surely choosing to step aside isn’t the same as being forced to step aside?
‘Another candidate, Natasha Bolter, also withdrew as a prospective parliamentary candidate amid an investigation into allegations she made against the party’s general secretary Roger Bird.’
…which have been exposed as utter bs.
‘UKIP already secures substantial funding from the EU by virtue of its involvement with the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy group (EFDD).
UKIP received £2.1m from its involvement with the EFDD group in 2013.’
What’s your point?
And in the name of balance, can you tell us how much money the Labour Party gets from the EU? How about the BBC?
Unfortunately for the BBC and the Left-wingers this anti-UKIP crusade is going to spectacularly backfire, though, because just like the left are burying their heads in the sand over Islam, so it is with the rise of Ukip and right-wing opinions in general. I can’t wait to see a huge surge in Ukip next year; the latte-drinking, wine-bar frequenting BBC luvvies simply hate the English working class electorate with a passion and so are doing all they can to dismantle the one vehicle that can give platform to the patriots’ voice: Ukip.
Jeff – on balance that is only fair. After all the BBC have been taking a few backhanders for EU bias themselves for years. Not that they will ever declare it… they even try to hide it sums involved… as they do with Arab money.
‘Over the last three years the BBC has secretly obtained millions of pounds in grants from the European Union’.
On that Iink I find another commentators ‘mind boggling’ number of BBC money deception : ‘Actual payments to the BBC direct from EU funds … €28,968,155 (£22,949,660.40) 2007-2013’ – it says here – paid to the BBC (this is UK undeclared funding in BBC accounts)… thanks RAENorth!
The EU publishes the details on its Financial Transparency System website: (Just type in BBC in the search box). And for 2013 its 6,744,151 € alone!
Quelle suprise!
Charming, totally unbiased tweet from Emily Maitlis:
#newsnight reveals the “alliance for democracy in Europe”. A new party? Nope . A way Ukip has found to milk EU cash.
“The Jasmine with this one strong is”
Th BBC are quite happy for islamofascists to preach their hate-filled rants on UK streets and draw benefits
When UKIP find a way to fund their undermining of the EU using EU Funds that is A Bad Thing
The manufactured news on BBC Look North today was about modern day slavery, usually censored by the BBC. It coincided with a speech on it by Miliband. No one from UKIP or the Tories where interviewed, not even a LibDem from the Government. The focus was on the Miliband statement. A quite obviously coordinated job between the BBC News’s ex-Labour Party people, and the Labour Party. Manufacturing a news story with the propaganda suggestion that only Labour has the solution.
BBC, the indoctrination arm of the ludicrous Labour, Liberal ‘deceitful manufactured’ immigration benefits where the true financial implications are deliberately ignored and obfuscated.
Labour, the Liberal living lie of vanishing immigration costs, national culture and social cohesion damage and reprehensibly, insultingly, labeling the logical indigenous as ‘bigots and racists’.
How wrong can you get it?
Tweet yesterday from Lee Jasper, which I think sums up the left’s frustration towards UKIP:
It’s interesting how UKIP’s obvious racism and bigotry is making them, more, not less popular with the electorate.
It’s like they find some dirt on UKIP and wait to see them dropping in the polls, only to see them rising!
What Mr. Jasper will see as obvious is between him and his own prejudices (and evidently restricted sources of information), but there’s another rather telling insight into the views of too many on how democracy works.
He appears to feel that the electorate not following his bigoted generalisations and selective damning by association is a problem of the public to be corrected rather than his to come to terms with. Albeit ably supported currently in his totalitarian views by such as the Indy and the BBC.
If only we could have a real debate. “Having a debate out about immigration”, has become the mantra of people who don’t really want a debate about immigration at all. They just want to give a lecture on the perceived benefits of multi-culturalism. In fact it’s just another example of how any opposing view is automatically shut down.
Another bbc poll
Is immigration a Good Thing ?
More yes
It contributes 6 million per migrant per year
No I am an ignorant racist in social strata F minus