Here you go, a new Open Thread. I see the BBC are virtually orgasmic about the latest UKIP “revelation” and I heard them discussing on the Today programme whether there was a core UKIP support that is indeed homophobic and racist. Plus ca change. Meanwhile, BBC doing all they can to suggest that a devout Muslim has been taken hostage by coffee extremists in Sydney! The floor is yours…
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Listening to the LibLabDems recent promises to address the ‘immigration problem’, they appear to be acting ‘like chickens running around with out heads’ – UKIP leads and the rest follow.
If I was in the privileged position of being an MP in this country and wanted to keep my job, I would move to UKIP before the next general election.
I think MP’s are going to eat the Chickens at Xmas, and then move to UKIP in the new year.
The usual and predictable damage limitation, just like they did with Lee Rigby, 9/11 and 7/7 etc. It’s wearing thin and is a desperate attempt by the BBC and the Left to salvage their infantile and badly miscalculated understanding of Islam:
No other religion gets this type of protection from the BBC.
Those that can’t, report; those that shouldn’t appear to become lecturers in journalism.
“… did not justify the Telegraph’s unverified and highly inflammatory headlines”
If that was to or in hearing of JonDon, it is to be hoped he had the grace to blush.
There is a thread on the BBC’s website about the “radical” left preparing for power in Greece. It’s funny how the BBC never accuses anyone on the left of ever being “far left” because, as we all know, the privilege of being labelled as extreme (i.e. “far”) is specially reserved for those with more conservative political opinions. Expressing concerns about Islam or immigration will immediately have you labelled as “far right” by the left-leaning BBC.
I had to laugh when on I Haven’t A Clue Jack Dee said “… and on my right, Susan Calman.
To a penguin everywhere is ‘north’ and to the BBC everyone they disagree with is ‘right-leaning’, ‘right-wing’, ‘extreme right-wing’ or ‘far-right’. The implication is that anyone with this label has a pair of jack-boots by the door and a gas chamber at the bottom of the garden.
I expect the unnamed ‘extreme left’ are those that provide the ‘balancing’ criticism, that self-justifies the BBC, that basically says, “Why aren’t you pushing our agenda enough?”
Susan Calman – she got where she is due to her comic genius. Nothing at all to do with being a lesbian and friends with Toksvig.
The BBC is busy destroying ISIHAC, the last remaining comedy worthy of the name on R4, by drip feeding the talentless into the show.
Something to put in your child’s Christmas stocking this year:
Can we be sure it is not a sex toy?
Next time Del Boy gets a batch of faceless dolls, he’ll just have to wrap them in black tissues and flog them off to the Muzzie punters. Lovely Jubbly !
BBC tv news coverage of the events in Sydney is strict to the template.
All emoting and long range sympathy for a moment Then, as Bill Turnbull warns – ‘questions will be asked’. The ‘authorities’ will have to explain a thing or two – they will have to satisfy the BBC as to the pertinent questions the BBC wants to ask of them. Not, we perceive, why was this man given asylum? Why was his refugee status not withdrawn? Oh no no no no. Those questions will not be asked.
In the BBC worlds of moral equivalence and blame, damning for doing and damning for not doing is a no lose.
There are many questions to be asked about the BBC’s past and ongoing contributions, not least importing JonDon in to sow discord, but of course they can claim exemption from answering. Uniquely.
And while our thoughts are Downunder we see held up to us for our edification what looks to be a perfect mirror image
‘Conservative commentators have lambasted the ABC for its skewed coverage but a range of figures dispute that’
Oh the research.. the figures… here they come again to contradict the evidence of our own eyes and ears
‘The prime minister, Tony Abbott, said the ABC took “everyone’s side but Australia’s” and should show “some basic affection for the home team”.’
And of course this drip drip drip of anti-Western agit prop could have no effect whatever on the minds of the susceptible and in any case malicious in any way at all – no questions ever to be asked thereabouts.
So I guess it’s just us plebs left rooting for the home teams.
Just watched Newsnight on the Iplayer. Evans interviewed a muslim from Australia on the programme. The muslim stated that Monis was Shiite muslim several times,Evans let this stand as fact. Although it is not true as Monis was Sunni muslim. Why not just tell people the truth?
‘…stated that Monis was Shiite muslim…’
An interesting lapse by Evans in not correcting this assertion. I note Channel 4’s Krishnan Guru-Murthy was correcting one of his interviewees on this very point earlier in the day – showing the liberal media was up to speed on the issue – so no excuses for Evans letting the lie go out on Newsnight.
You have to remember that the Fascists only want to see life through rose tinted glasses, allowing the truth, reality or facts in might destroy that romantic vision.
Shiite / Sunni? What’s the difference? They’re all lovely lovely lovely and they all vote Labour !
Evans’ move to Newsnight has, depending on one’s fealties, worked out pretty poorly, not least for him.
Tethered by a very short earwig to Katz and hence management that does not interfere with editorial integrity, oh no, he seems mostly as effective as a rabbit in headlights. Certainly any sense he is on top of his brief is noticeable in its absence.
The whole Sunni/Shia conflict within that of radical Islam is a massive, and fascinating one.
Strange then that it is an area many in the BBC either seem unaware of or, for some reason, avoid.
Given the vast majority of sectarian or terrorist violence and death is beard on beard or beard on innocent, it seems an extraordinary area to leave vague.
Especially as it clearly matters to the loons on each side of this factional Islamic civil war that drags way too many others into its sky fairy spats.
Perhaps he misheard and thought it meant that Monis wasn’t a very good Muslim.
Boom boom !
I hope our security people have learned a lesson.
If there’s a hostage situation and a nutter with a gun, and you’ve got two or three blokes forty yards away with guns that can kill someone from a mile-and-a-half away then use them. Quickly.
Sure it may upset the BBC, the Guardian and a few da yoots in Bradford who (apparently) guide our foreign policy these days but tuff tooties.
so far as I’m aware the Police aren’t issued with high powered sniper rifles, and there’s the problem with deflection if you fire through a window.
Then there’s the destructive power of a .5 calibre bullet which is considerable.
In addition there’s the issue of how many terrorists there actually are in a building, because they don’t always make themselves known.
Trained snipers know all about how to shoot safely and effectively. Leave it to the experts.
BBC copywriters (as tends to be their wont) speaking for themselves here, I think.
‘The Now Show returns, saving you from the trouble of keeping up with the news by providing a topical mix of stand-up, sketches and songs that tell you everything you need to know. ‘
Try to imagine a national political discourse – informed not by any other news source other than exclusively the sketches on The Now Show – just imagine.
“tell you everything you need to know”
Says a fair bit about the BBC, those who work within it and those they appeal to. Ironically.
Agree, though the latter would still be marginally better than listening to Russell Brand or “The News Quiz”.
Saves you the trouble of turning the radio on, more like.
Re the placement of minorities in programs such as the One Show.
We have been over this a few times and in fairness its not just the bBC, all channels are as guilty as each other as are advertiser’s. There is a plethora of ads this Christmas doing exactly the same thing.
I think I would be right in saying that absolutely nobody incuding myself has a problem with such appearances on merit, but it is the rampant and obvious positive discrimation that is actually leading to much more disharmony than it is designed to placate. The bBC and others march on with their multicultural wet dream oblivious to the damage they’re actually doing, but unlike before people have now woken up to it.
The issue is that we just cannot ask the ‘merit’ question because of course that would be racist.
The ‘1-in-4’ type of advertisement is very prevalent. This is where you have a group of 4 people doing something social together (men going to the football, women shopping etc). Three of them are white, one is black (but not too black…). The message is that the whites cannot be racist as they have a black friend. For blacks the message is very patronising, implying that they need white friends to somehow ‘legitimise’ their existence (and that they don’t have/shouldn’t have black friends?). You can sometimes watch a sequence of, say, half-a-dozen advertisements and every single one has this formulaic approach. It is, in many ways, the mirror image of what went on in Nazi Germany, where every character had to be blonde haired and blue eyed (i.e. use of race to promote the state’s ideology).
Sickening! The naivety of the PC doctrine is beyond compare!
The Western World really is building up its own funeral pyre.
‘I’ll ride with you’ – but not in a taxi in Rotherham
Maybe Harry Harperson may be persuaded to take one for the team like Gummo’s sprog, but only with a full film crew and Kevlar Chastity Belt.
‘..[wearing] a stab-proof jacket during a police walkabout in her own constituency – claiming it was like donning a hard hat on a building site.
The Labour Party’s deputy leader rejected claims it suggested she did not feel safe on the streets.’
The Sydney terrorist was a terrorist. And an Islamic terrorist.
But the BBC teases out every aspect of his terrorist factors and dismisses them. By the end of their dissection….voila! No longer a terrorist! And not in any way representative of Islam!
At the end of the BBC article, it states that CCTV failed to stop him. How the ‘ell was CCTV supposed to stop him? Was he walking up and down wearing a sandwich-board stating Stop Me- I’m almost a Terrorist?
A terrorist is a person who uses violence for political ends. Simple??
“At the end of the BBC article, it states that CCTV failed to stop him. How the ‘ell was CCTV supposed to stop him?”
Like most things not precise but maybe better than nothing. However, the image is useless if not processed and that, best I am aware, requires profiling.
And the merest hint of that would have JonDon down the local community centre to tell them how angry they are before penning his 5th column du jour.
Re: Then a sympathetic piece on Women without Borders having a get together of jihadist mums to work against radicalisation. The view summed up by the woman saying she didn’t think she was guilty for her son becoming a jihadi, but considered herself and her son as victims! No sympathetic BBC ear though for the mothers of the real victims of jihadi violence.
Has the BBC reported the following…No I don’t think so: (
A Palestinian mother openly defines her existence as a Palestinian based on a vicious act of murderous violence perpetrated against praying Jews.
What does it mean to be a Palestinian? According to the mother of the Arab terrorist who committed the vicious terror attack in a Jerusalem synagogue in November, being “Palestinian” means butchering four rabbis in cold blood with knives and axes while they prayed in a synagogue.
The Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reports that two days after the massacre, an Israeli Arab news site posted a video of the mother of one of the terrorists, who is also the aunt of the other terrorist, praising the murderers.
Both terrorists were killed by Israeli police who arrived at the scene of the attack. One of the officers, a Druze, was killed in the ensuing gun fight. The day after the murders, mother of terrorist Uday Abu Jamal recited a poem honoring the killers while receiving guests in her mourning tent:
“I’m wearing the embroidered gown.
How beautiful is your Martyrdom.
You have placed a crown [upon my head] and a star upon my shoulders.
O Ghassan and Uday, who carried out the operation [i.e., murder of five innocent people],
Blessed be your hands and the tips of your fingers.
Blessed be the womb that bore you,
Blessed be the breasts that nurtured you.
The daughter of Gaza said:
The people of Jerusalem sacrificed their blood,
Children and wives for the cause.
I, daughter of Jerusalem, am giving Gaza the most beautiful gift.
The mother said:
I brought up my children on the religion of Islam.
Yesterday [I gave] the most beautiful gift.
The Martyrs’ blood was not spilled in vain.
I am a Palestinian.”
I believe it’s going to be ‘Thought for the Day’ on the 25th, to… ‘investigate all avenues of expression’.
Peace and Goodwill to all Me.. Persons is so last Charter review.
And our politiciansstill want to grant those murderous, neo-Nazi Islamist scum their own country of Nazlestine !
Very concerned this morning at the tone of the EV4EL discussion with John Prescott on the Today programme.
He was allowed constantly to put up the idea that EV4EL is simply a Tory stitch up, an idea that seems less of a stitch up than Scots MPs having voting power over issues that do not effect their constituents.
The preceding piece on the South West (in support of Prescot’s balkanisation program to keep Labour in control in the metropolitan dominated ‘Regions’) was one eyed nonsense too. Complaining that central government is making them build houses against their wishes (when their biggest complaint is that there is never enough housing in the SW), and that the Environment Agency was trying to turn certain areas into habitats rather than farmland – (sorry folks, that’s the EU attempting to implement Agenda 21 style policies, not government policy – and by the way Environment is Lib Dem territory and you lot in the SW voted for them in huge numbers).
There was hardly a salient fact in there to hang any of it on.
I heard that, E. Prescot was allowed to get away with murder.
The ‘Balkanisation of England is exactly that, Labour’s attempt to hang on to power when they know that without Scottish votes, they will have difficulty in passing legislation on, education and health and on other devolved issues .
Prescott’s argument for regional assemblies is completely irrelevant to the EVEL argument – Humphrys should have called him out.
You mention the piece from the West Country that preceded it – but the even earlier editorialising from the controversial and troubling filter of Norman Smith was even more annoying. The one-dimensional Smith, who routinely only gives only gives part of the story, managed to do an opinion piece, his narrative being that Cameron had failed to get an agreement and that Tory MPs were determined to strip Scottish MPs of their powers. Once again Smith never mentioned why and who Cameron was being obstructed by, never even mentioned Labour, Labour’s position, Labour’s difficulty with this or challenge their justification for objecting to EVEL.
Perhaps all this had something to do with Labour’s weakness on EVEL and the BBC knowing that Cameron, on this matter, has the overwhelming support of the electorate.
One final point. This was yet another example of what seems to be an increasing trend in the BBC giving voice to opposition figures without a right of reply. It happened on a couple of occasions last week when Andy Burnham was given a platform to criticise the government’s handling of the NHS, without a government response.
As the election approaches,keep you eyes and ears out for more of this, bBBC’ers.
Something that Harrabin, and the blindfolded duffers at the BBC may benefit from watching, absorbing, and otherwise considering:
I see the Religion of Peace has been busily going about its genocidal business. This time it chose to murder up to 100 school children.
Pakistan Taliban ‘kill 100’ in assault on Peshawar school
Strangely, the BBC make no reference to Islam in it’s story. I can only assume that’s because Islam can’t have had anything to do with it. I wonder who these ‘Taliban Fighters’ the BBC refers to could be..?
Death toll now 140, as if we needed another reminder that the threat to muslims is not ‘islamofauxbia’ or the ‘backlash’ but is other muslims.
Pak “terror expert” on 5Live, tells A Chiles the biggest problem in the Pak is that “has recently got more religious”, in fact “extremely so” … hmmm massacres, murder, sex slavery, and persecution?
what! … The truth bell about to go off at the BBC?
… and its all the fault of? ………. wait for it
Russia invading Afghanistan?
“its all been going on since the 80s”, (inferring the 1980s) you see”.
In actuality the 680s would be nearer.
1980’s? That’ll be ‘Thatcher’ then!
I think you will find that UKIP are the ones to blame, it is alll their fault
One of the most telling facts in the massacre of the school children in Pakistan, is how similar to Britain it looks. Liebour & their fascist mates must be cock a hoop at the vibrant way the Taleban have ‘enriched’ everyones lives.
It’s coming here. Just a matter of time before one of these Islamic nutters decides to attack a school, and our hopeless spineless politicians will tell us that it has nothing to do with Islam, just a few rogue extremists.
All we can hope is that it happens to the politicians & their families, because that’s the only way these self seeking assholes will finally admit there’s a problem.
‘massacre of the school children in Pakistan, is how similar to Britain’
Bar, as you point out, the reaction of the establishment and media here. Plus those of the public who dance to the tune they are played. The reaction has been… underwhelming, compared to Sydney.
Domestically I am unsure how well the realities would see a hashtag campaign greeted or embraced.
I can just see an I’ll ride (on a mule) with you, for the poor misunderstood Taleban. After all, ‘They’re not all like that’ !
Worth pointing out, for those who may not know, that Jewish schools already have guards, barriers, checkpoints, bomb proof glass, bollards to prevent carbombs being parked too close. Regular lock-down exercises are performed, in which classrooms are locked from the inside, windows closed, children taught to sit down quietly (even in nursery schools). And I’m not talking about Israel – this routinely takes place throughout the breadth of Britain and not just in what you might think of as “high risk” areas.
the BBC will start up, a
# support Jewish children end Islamic fascism
and give it lots of page space
get it erm … “trending”
with all its er twitterfarties …
then again …
what! … have I been smoking
I walk past a synagogue now and again when visiting my doctor in centralish London. All the windows have mesh over them.
Tolerance – a great thing, eh.
I also have a synagogue just about opposite my house. It’s in mufti though, looks like any other house. Windows thus safe from stone-happy muzzies and their leftie chums.
But it’s not just synagogues. From the Telegraph earlier this year:
[polycarbonate sheeting] would be far less intrusive than the rusty wire mesh which had been in place before and is a common sight in churches, particularly in inner city areas, to protect windows against vandalism.
Truth is, stained glass of the type used in churches and synagogues is more delicate than a plain glass window would be, and substantially more expensive to repair should anything cause it to be damaged.
So the mesh you have seen is nothing to do with your own prejudices against “Muzzies” and “lefties”. But you feel free to keep telling yourself that you’re in the right, regardless.
Feel free to chip in on areas of BBC accuracy, objectivity or integrity, all currently active and topical, when you get a mo’.
Feel free to not be a patronising dick.
Beyond an impressive ability to forget your own previous efforts (which will be a real boon scrambling to the upper echelons of sack ‘o rats central) that won’t help with future ‘paragon of civilised debate’ claims.
Especially whilst still steering clear of the BBC’s current more woeful than average efforts, in particular with news coverage across the board.
How much do they pay you for those Friday Film reviews on News 24 ? Filmfan / Mark Kermode
Oh grow up filmfan.
There’s probably thirty churches in my vicinity, not one of which has mesh, polycarbonate, or a force-field to protect the windows.
You’ll be telling us next that Islam is the religion of peace.
I still suspect a hidden agenda. bBC news24, reporting the result of the G4S people who were accused of manslaughter during deportation. The result was read, all not guilty. Then went onto name all threes innocent men; then remind the viewers of the so called witness statements, ‘your killing me’.
If found guilty give them the treatment, but innocent. The report gave me the impression ‘ The bBC reluctantly announce’s that the guilty men have by a travesty of justice been found innocent’.
Australia reacts Cameron/May style to the hostage crisis. Get tough with the ‘far right’.
From what I am reading the latest #illconsideredhashtag to salve the Liberal conscience was not only rushed out to support potential victims of hypothetical discomfort over actual victims of death or maiming a bit too soon for good taste, but may even have a backstory that will sour what ‘could’ have been an OK symbol of tolerance big time.
‘Ben Rich, a researcher into political violence at Monash University, says some Australian Muslims could face reprisal due to the incident’
Despite another ‘could’ and wasps-nest poking, wish-fulfilment rhetoric, at least this guy has a name, unlike the BBC’s pet anonymous Home Office source they used to plaster the entire network with during a UKIP-dominated election recently, screaming darkly about right wing mayhem that so far seems to extend to a few nasty tweets and inappropriate charcuterie-deployment (nothing to do with UKIP anyway. In fact some possibly set-up false flags, dropped by BBC investigators when evidence heads that way).
After Nigeria, and now Pakistan, I really hope Dave, Theresa, POTUS, FLOTUS & other assorted flotsam may at last get around to pondering what actually is versus what they ostrich-like desperately try and spin it isn’t.
Yes, Ben Rich has a name, but is politically ignorant with his comment about the backlash against muslims after the murder of Lee Rigby.
As the Mail says:
‘He pointed to reprisal attacks against Muslims following recent terror acts in Chechnya and in England after the killing of British soldier Lee Rigby in 2013.’
What reprisals? Did Ben Rich obtain his information from Tell Lies to Mama?
Good point.
Seems a fully-paid up member of the ‘tell it often enough’ jerk circle of the righteous that sees the Graun quote the BBc who then quotes the Graun back.
Accuracy so last Charter Review.
Assault with a streaky rasher apparently qualifying as a ‘reprisal attack’.
If (and hoping not) there is at last a reaction beyond a nasty tweet, this crowd having expended every hyperbolic adjective and noun already, one can only wonder what they will deploy and for how long.
If anyone listens to them any more.
Sometimes the BBC actually prints some bad (for it) news.
Witness this about global warming
Of course you could look here and see how the current 15% coverage compares with the last 12 years.
BBC idiots exposed again.
BBC duped again (or were they?).
Not everything is as it seems.
Even before the siege in Sydney was over the BBC was gushing with the “I’ll ride with you” nonsense which has now been exposed.
Some loon female green Nazi saw a muslim woman trying to fix her garb and thought, “Gosh I can invent something here”.
The cry was taken up be the rest of the loons. One of the loons, “professor” Anne Ally (muslim graduate from Cairo University) was allowed to run round the TV studios screeching that everyone was a victim when a sensible person pointed out that the real victims were the hostages.
Seems like the loon who kicked this off is filled with hatred herself towards all white people.
So what exactly was the motive of the BBC in rushing out this guff before the blood had even dried? Why didn’t they research further before airing this puerile drivel.
‘On Monday the Enlightened nitpicked about whether the flag Monis forced his hostages to hold up was an IS flag or just a generic flag used by the Taliban and al-Qaeda.’
Frank getting a call-out then.
They knew fine well the attack was in support of IS even if the police had got the incriminating videos pulled from YouTube
Unfortunately for the censors some parts of the internet are still free
“So what exactly was the motive of the BBC in rushing out this guff before the blood had even dried?”
Point of order. I’m pretty damn sure they were highlighting this when blood had yet even to be spilt. Even when there were hostages in fear for their actual lives the BBC was more interested in those who were in fear for their attire.
Just read some of the linked lady’s polemics.
It is to be hoped she and Mr. Parklife here stay separated, or it could get hairy.
Today featured an interview with the Muslim nutjobs lawyer.
Apparently he was quoted in the Times as well to day, so we can hardly complain that the left wasn`t out and about covering up all dabs and tracks that might link the psycho to …er…”political extremism”…or Islam by a Muslim as we on planet earth might call it.
The Aussie apologist for the Muslim murderer gave us many reasons why his client might have wanted to blow whitey away. Racism ,stood in shit, wife trouble etc.
One obvious one did NOT crop up though-that our Islamic Nutjob had only recently converted from a Shia Muslim to a Sunni one.
Oh dear-out of bounds, inappropriate, irrelevant, clear the streets!
Yet not a peep from our incurious BBC…whereas the death of a cricketer MIGHT be a factor!
AND another thing that grinds my gears…
Anybody able to tell me who`s paying for the Godawful Krishna Guru-Murphy to fly to Oz, only to speculate about what happened in a cafe 300 yards down the road…he could have done the same idle gossip bitching from the desk next to Snows-and no airmiles, no abuse of mother Gaia too.
I mean-he`s travelled 12, 000 miles-and only to refuse to use the M-word or the I-word in any connection with the actions of this convert from Shia to Sunni…a “refugee” and “asylum-seeker” who repays the host nation that let him in, with the usual Muslim response.
Time to send a few of the bigger gobshites back to their Islamic State…bit of constructive nation building never went amiss.
Here’s a little food for thought.
Israel the only country in the world which has been fighting for its survival agaisnt the neighbours since it was born. Its children are taught in bomb proof schools, its citizen are issued with gas masks and taught to seek cover on sound of a warning. It treats its blood thirsty enemies like they treat the Non-Muslim , however for all that Israel does not have the Death penalty and yet to the fucking left, Israel and not bloody thirsty Islam is the enemy.
Yet Yesterday we saw a another Muslim murder 2 people,
Today the same gay death cult murdered around 144 people of which 133 were children. The bBC has the audacity to post this on its news coverage of the above:
“A Taliban spokesman told BBC Urdu that the school, which is run by the army, had been targeted in response to army
At a stroke the bBC excuses the followers of the gay death cult by giving them the oxygen of freedom of speech (Contrast that to how the left including the bBC try to silence anybody from UKIP/EDL or even the Tory party)
And then to follow up the above I hear this:
Central Yemen car bomb attacks ‘kill 25’
Yet to the bBC, the people who carry out all of the above are the real victims.
I tell you what, Its a disgrace how the bBC whitewashes the excesses of Islam as somehow the fault of the West. All last week all we saw from the bBC was that somehow the UK was guilty of torturing Islamic terrorists, well I’m sorry but any Islamic cunt who feels the need to murder children deserves to be tortured and lets be honest here, what the Yanks did to them pales in insignificance to what Muslims do to their victims. Me, I want each and every Muslim who is agaisnt our way of life to be deported along with his/her entire family, drop them into Syria, (Hopefully from 10,000 feet) and let them live in a pure Islamic state.
And the bBC tries to tell me these people are the real victims. Not Israeli victims (when you hear about them) Not American Victims and certainly not Australian victims, because as we have seen, Muslims are the real victims down under.
You must know it is perfectly acceptible for Liberal progressives to smear and tar an entire group of millions of people, based solely on the unrepresentitive actions of one member of that group….
Providing that that group is not a lefty, liberal progressive group, or one of the liberal progressive’s pet groups.
For example, in spite of there being no written policy position, nothing in their constitution and there being no racist, homophobic evidence against UKIP as an organisation at all, ALL of their members MUST be smeared as being at least secretly homophobic and racist, because one member was outed as such.
Labour, on the other hand, despite having members locked up for fraud, racist and homophobic crimes, must never ever be smeared even by the ‘almost’ representitive actions of a few. From their overt support for PIE in the 70s and 80s, through the offences outlined by, through to the expenses fiddles, promotion within labour of BNP members etc… Vile and repeated actions of racists and homophobes within labour must never be mentioned, and if ever such topics raised? They are the exception, not the rule…
Muslims, must never ever be smeared for the actions of sizeable minority of them, even when those few are actually implementing the word of Allah, according to Mohammad, and take extreme and lethal action in both the name of Islam, and by directly following Islamic texts in such Islamic tomes as the Haddith of the Qu’ran and the Sunnah, kill people. Their fellow Muslims and their religion, (in whose name they were acting), must never get the blame.
Clearly, not only have extremely violent Islamic terrorism by Islamic Terrorists from the Islamic State got NOTHING to do with that extremely violent religion of peace known as Islam… But surely the Qu’ran has nothing to do with Islam either!
For that is the Liberal progressive’s way. Smear all your enemies, and excuse all others, even when they commit, fraud, rape and mass murder.
Two slaughtered in Australia and 141 adults and children slaughtered in Pakistan.
Religion of peace ?
According to our occasional guest and good friend Dez, all religions have their violent elements. Coincidentally, it’s a view you’ll often hear on the BBC, too.
Yet another of those ‘whenever I switch on Radio 4 there’s always some lefty cause being discussed’ moments.
This time that 4.30 book programme. I would guess they were discussing ‘Little Women’ (I didn’t hang around long enough to find out) and the first words I heard were (presumably about the author – Louisa May Alcott?) – paraphrased: ‘She was an independent woman when idependence for women was neither promoted nor celebrated’. They then when on to discuss – at length – whether or not she was a feminist, with lots of observations that in those days women were expected to just sit around and look attractive.
Apart from briefly tuning into the Today programme this morning, this was the first time I’d listened to R4 since my previous ‘‘whenever I switch on Radio 4 there’s always some lefty cause being discussed’ moment yesterday afternoon (see above).
The BBC: relentlessly promoting the left’s agenda – and you’re paying for it.
You’ve done it now!
Your name will be put on Laura Bates’ ‘sexism’ list!
Woo hoo! Result.
Oh the irony! PM [0:08] The BBC queries Pakistan’s apparent inability to come to terms with their home grown terrorism. The Army supports the Taliban in Afghanistan and their PM supports the Taliban in Pakistan.
Clearly there is the right and wrong Taliban. Perhaps Imam Cameron could pop over and advise?
Personally I would be inclined to disbelief anyone who said that they had been visited by angels and travelled on a flying donkey. I certainly wouldn’t use it as an excuse to go around killing people.
Apparently, INBBC cannot see, or denies, the Islamic connection betwen the motivation of the Sydney Muslim Islamic jihad murderer, and the Muslim Pakistan Taliban jihad massacre of children today.
“Pakistan: Jihadis burn teacher alive in front of students, behead children”
No euphemisms for the horror and barbarity of this latest of unending
Islamic jihad massacres, driven by the tenets of Islam:-
“‘Children were forced to watch as their teacher was burned alive’: Survivors reveal horror inside Pakistan school as nine Taliban gunmen bomb and shoot to death 132 children.”
Read more:
And, desperately trying to tear away from other parts of the world, in other news…
It’s all relative of course, but those who serve in oversight do seem to be well remunerated. Maybe that’s what keeps them honest. I wonder where Ed will pitch up next?
To any who has experienced the mandatory deadline advisories of BBC CECUTT or FOI, the shock at the delay must be palpable.
Still, better redac… right than never, eh?
The 6 O’clock news you might have thought that the Sydney siege would be high up on the running order…No. The story appears more than half way through and concludes without mentioning the m word once.
1. Do you think overseas Muslim fighters are actively encouraged by the constant excusing of their ever degenerating behaviour and brutality by the governments in the West?
2. Do you think these individual acts of violence and terrorism in the West carried out by indigenous or immigrant Muslims will continue to escalate as despite every effort on their be behalf to let everyone know that their actions are all in the name of Islam? Yet no matter how plain and clear they make their motivation, the authorities refuse to believe them, and in my opinion infuriate and enrage them further.
I can’t believe I’m writing this given what has happened in the West over the last few years, but how bad an atrocity would need to be committed before someone in authority actually acknowledged that it was a Muslim doing it in the name of Islam as commanded in his Koran?
Rabbis stabbed to death in a synagogue. Christians separated out on a bus and shot. School children shot.
All unarmed victims and attacked by jihadists but even when they shout Allah Akbar and use koranic verses on their flags and to justify their acts, it’s still according to the BBC et al nothing to do with Islam.
Those in authority currently will never acknowledge any atrocity as being committed by a muslim as they define Islam and muslims as being against atrocity.
So…..I am suspecting that the brutal killing of 130 people in a Pakistani school, mostly kids, must have been a rampaging “backlash” from the Aussies, in response to the Chocolate Cafe incident….or maybe it was UKIP?
Oh, hold on….it might have just been those “Men” again…but nothing to do with Islam, right?
Anything to add Mr Donnison?
…. not the BBC, and very incisive
Why can bbbc deliver news in this way?……..
Because they don’t want to, and no one has the backbone to stop them.
Pakistan: INBBC’s ‘report’ on the massacre of 141 schoolchildren and teachers refers to perpetrators as ‘militants’ and ‘gunmen,’ with the words ‘Islamic jihadists’ and ‘Muslims’ censored out.
The Taliban Islamic jihadist barbarians shouted: “Allahu Akbar,” (‘Allah is greatest’),
as they executed the children.
It’s NOT the surviving, injured schoolchildren in hospital after the Islamic jihadists’ massacre who call the perpetrators of the barbarity: ‘militants’; it is the INBBC’s deliberately distorting misnomer.
indeed one wonders quite what a muslim must do to earn the description of ‘terrorist’; non BBC types would consider that spreading terror might be a good reason.
BBC hate the idea of English votes for English matters. Their heroes, Liebour, also hate and are petrified of the idea because it will curtail their power south the border. BBC and Labour are anti-English – it’s classic Marxism; any powerful nationalistic race must be opposed and dismantled, hence the multicult swindle and devolution for all but England, but yet the other nations of the UK can still affect English laws. I am praying for the day the mighty English – what’s left of us – rise up and reclaim our land!
I`ll back taking to the streets if Labour / SNP try to rule England next May . It would be a force of occupation .
It would be a serious matter. The government would not have real legitimacy and that would mean trouble.
I doubt it would happen but then the politicians are really stupid.
I think the fag-end of Major’s government had the Ulster-Unionists effectively holding the balance of power.
As a ‘Sweaty’, I fully agree that purely English matters should be dealt with by English MPs. It would square the circle of devolution. The beauty of using MPs from existing constituencies is that they’re already bought and (over)paid for.
No new layers of ‘politicians’ with another supporting coterie of civil servants required, just a simple adaptation of the existing system.
Of course, this would mean the current mob of villains ‘running’ the country (aka rubber-stamping EU diktats) may have to put in a full week in the HoP to allow time to debate matters on UK and English matters as they arise. It’s a small price to (over)pay for democracy.
Whatever the Left think of this site and DV, at least we can all sleep easy knowing that we weren’t afraid to speak the truth about fundamentalist Islam and the Islamo-Marxist hatred that is spreading across the globe. I hope that if we’re remembered at all, we’ll be recognised as those who spoke out against evil. Long live this site and freedom of speech, because –
‘”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
“Let the lie come into the world but not through me”
In the end reality always wins. You can deny it for a while but not for ever. So BBC liberals take note lest you end up being the last to understand what is real.
‘”The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
It’s not good men that are doing nothing – it’s the half-wit, libby-wibby pretrendy-left.
A “lone wolf”, i.e. muslim extremist, commits a barbarous act of terrorism in Sydney and the left/BBC asks, ‘why was this “man” allowed to walk free?’ Had the self-same “lone-wolf”, i.e. muslim extremist, been arrested, the left/BBC would have asked, ‘why has this innocent “muslim” been arrested?’ There would then be a follow-up article: Islamophobia on the rise in Australia since right-wing Tony Abbot became Prime Minister.
I would like to know how the BBC and other assorted lefties conclude that this piece of excrement was acting alone. I’d say he’s just another part of a global network of jihadi scum waging war on those who don’t subscribe to the foul beliefs that he tried to impose on others.
R. BRAND & Beeboids:-
Will Beeboids give him their political support here, and honour
his instinctive ‘leftist’ mentality?
Will it ensure him an early place on ‘QT’, etc?:-
“Russell Brand causes fury for accusing USA of terrorism as Taliban target Pakistan school.
“Russell Brand has faced an online backlash after accusing America of terrorism on the day that the Taliban launched a deadly attack on a school in Pakistan.”
I see the droids gave Russy Wussy his own platform yesterday to publicise his opinion on whether drugs should be legalised.
Dear droids this drivel-merchant has nothing to say and he keeps saying it – on your crap channels, and on our dollar.
“Fury at Brand’s Twitter rant as kids are slain in Pakistan.
Russell Brand triggered a storm yesterday by accusing the US of terrorism as the Taliban massacred more than 100 schoolchildren.”
This one is fun, from twitter:
A few gems, but for here this seems the best:
“Although I can’t help but notice that you have no qualms about appearing on the BBC in return for money raised through one of the most regressive taxes in the country, a tax which leads to crippling fines and even jail time for thousands of poor people and zero rich people. But never mind. I appreciate that it’s difficult for a celeb to avoid the BBC, even if they’re already a multimillionaire and can totally afford to turn the work down.”
I wonder who this film crew he had in tow was from? If not the BBC, it may be interesting to see how they’d fare seeking an impromptu audience with Lord Pantone, Danny, Hugs, James or Rona in Salford, London or wherever.
Holding to account in Beebworld does often appear unidirectional.
BBC Newsnight’s science correspondent attempts to explain quantum mechanics and quantum computing. Utterly hilarious. Anyway it’s all to do with cats, somehow.
The BBC is so stuffed with arts and humanities grads that they can’t seem to get a grip on science anymore and they assume their audience is as thick as they are.
To think this was the outfit that gave us the superb Horizon documentaries of the 1970s.
France and Islamic jihadists.
Beeboids have decided that this news can have no relevance for we nearby British kafirs:-
“Police raids dismantle French jihadist network.
“French police launched nationwide raids early on Monday to dismantle a network that was sending jihadists to Syria, a police source said. The raids were focused mainly near Toulouse but also around Paris and Normandy.”
Blimey. Mishal ‘not enough dead Israeli kids’ Husain is blundering around a crime scene taking war porn snaps and the BBC is crowing she’s the first person ‘to get the chance to do so (presumably evidence gathering already complete in record time?).
Not going down too well on twitter on any basis, from sensitivity to naked media competitiveness.
Also few clear on why she is there and what value she brings.
If it’s to highlight the scale and merciless nature of the assault OK, but with the BBC the suspicion of selective agenda and crisis management can never be far away.
Radio 4 ‘Today’ brings back one of the most distasteful left wing groups ever to pollute the airwaves, Public Interest Lawyers. A group committed to prosecuting the British Military and the soldiers who fought for us.
So there’s a report due to be published today that one of the incidents PIL tried to bring to court was nothing but a tissue of lies. The allegation that after a battle in Iraq British army personnel massacred their captives and mutilated their bodies should have been obvious to anyone as a lie, but obviously not PIL, who will believe any slur against the nasty white people.
There are plenty of people available to put the alternative point of view, why the BBC chooses to allow this bunch of far left traitors can only be down to their continuing bias.
The Church of England takes yet another step towards its inevitable demise with the appointment of a woman bishop for Stockport Manchester.
Devoid of all spiritual belief, they have vicars who no longer believe in God, but some wishy washy feel good lovey religion which has no theological basis.
There is no right & wrong, no standards, no morals, no good & bad. People who went to church 50 years ago would no longer recognise it.
Instead they have decided to worship at the altar of Political Correctness, and left wing stupidity.
Contrast this with Islam which strongly holds views which are anathema to any civilised society. It has great respect from the politicians and the Prime Minister appears to have even converted himself!
The BBC report with glee that the church has become like they are and is doing their bidding. The only thing is that the lefties there don’t go to church.
In another 50 years an increasingly irrelevant church will be much smaller than it is now, and many more parish churches will have closed. That can only be a good thing as more & more people reject utterly the mixing of left wing politics with their religious beliefs.
Just take a look at this woman and decide for yourselves if this isn’t someone with some gender ‘issues’.
She wears sensible shoes, I’m sure.