The BBC’s reputation has taken one hell of a beating over Al Sweady having indulged in ‘reckless speculation’ aimed at smearing the British Army.
It has spent years giving a platform to the likes of lawyer Phil Shiner so that they can peddle their lies and have them given a bit of credence by virtue of being on the BBC.
But suddenly the BBC has gone quiet on the allegations of abuse and ill-treatment.
I didn’t listen to Today this morning but having a look at the running order the Al Sweady inquiry doesn’t get a mention, which would be extraordinary if so.
5Live, which has been Shiner’s second home, along with Moazzam Begg’s father, also failed to mention the inquiry…..the likely programmes all seem to have found other things far more interesting such as Sony’s cyber attack and obesity.
Not a peep from the news bulletins.
Surely one of the biggest stories around and yet suddenly the BBC has lost interest.
Does the BBC provide news or propaganda? Looks more and more like agenda driven propaganda.
There was a news incident that was way more important..the pakistan taliban school shooting, why report on something that is of no value to the biased corporation.
I saw a lawyer involved in this on the bbc the other day, he flat refused to apologize as he believed what they had done in investigating the allegations was the correct thing to do..millions of taxpayers’ money wasted, lie upon lie told, reputations tarnished and the army almost disgraced. All so the liberals could have their pound of flesh.
Talking of which, I’ve just sat aghast at the latest utter garbage from the EU morons regarding fat people.
So now they can be classed as disabled!! Unbelievable, they have given the blessing for people to stuff themselves stupid without a care because our liberal society will make allowances for’s utter madness, the loonies have truly took over!
On their example, a person can look after himself, go to a football ground and pay the going rate for one seat yet a fatty can have two seats for the same price as not doing so will be classed as being prejudiced!
One minute we are all starving and wasting away in 1930s style poverty and the next there is a obesity problem?
I could hardly believe my ears when I also heard this. One of my jobs during a long, hard-working life involved working offshore and one of the terms of this employment was that you would undergo a strict annual medical check, *no exceptions*, which among other things included your weight.
Now, I have always been prone to put on weight at a mere glance at a cream cake (or even a nice pint & whisky chaser) but most of us, some three or four months before our medicals were due would go and see the rig medic who would weigh us, check our blood pressure etc., and give the verdict.
What happened then was quite a few of us went on and stuck to fairly rigorous diets so we were back down to fighting weight before we saw the company doctor. We knew we had put on the weight through various excesses over the previous months and it was time to pay the bill.
Nowadays I suppose that after this verdict, we could just tell the company doctor to get stuffed, order us up larger survival suits, excuse us from various strenuous tasks which the overweight/unfit could not accomplish, and send us our pay cheques every month without fail or we would sue ’em!
I shake my head in disbelief at more and more that I hear reported by the BBC with never, ever much of a counter argument. And though I am listening less and less, on the few times I do switch on to R4 “Today”, “WAO”, “PM with EM”, my head is definitely shaking more and more. I have acquired the symptoms of St. Vitus’ dance brought on by over exposure to the BBC.
Henry, I’ve got to admit that over the winter months I’ll put on a bit of timber, as most will do, but I won’t sit and stuff myself sick because ‘I can’ and because the liberal health gestapo have basically give up on trying to educate them to living a more healthy lifestyle!
My mountain bike will be out as much as the weather allows because I’ve got a bit of pride in myself and don’t want to take up two seats on a bus or a plane and want to be able to provide for myself and my family.
The liberals give everyone else an excuse because mugs like us will pay for the “I’ve got the right to live how I want” brigade to do nothing. It’s what they do, stick their fingers in their ears and shout la,la,la until the problem goes away, the bbc is full of it, a saturation of pathetic ‘news’ designed to wear you down!
I hope you’re not suggesting that people take responsibility for their own actions?
Nobody will take responsibility. It obviously must be the fault of those vile right wingers, for saying things that liberal progressives can get themselves all stressed and “offended” over until they are in a state where they must comfort eat themselves into a more passive state… /sarc.
With the passing of each new day, we see more and more cases of shocking bias. It’s a disgrace that we are coerced into subsidising this treacherous sh*t.
That’s correct and what’s worse is that the bbc is about the only huge corporation that hasn’t been hit by the monopolies commission. Every major player in every part of business has been smashed so that the little players can have a share..all except the bbc.
Protected by successive governments who are corrupt to the core and who also benefit from robbing the taxpayer blind..the phrase ‘pissing in the same pot’ springs to mind.
There obviously isn’t room to run stories like this when there is UKIP tittle tattle that must be aired. The BBC is the broadcasting arm of Hello! magazine these days. What a shame.
i put on newsnight on last night thinking that the al-sweady lies and smears of the british by the bbc and these left wing lawyers against the british army would be there top story for debate,not a mention,then i thought i would switch over to radio 5 lives phil williams show hoping that he would hold a debate about this,not a mention,they buried this story because they was exposed for what they are and that is liars,you know what i think,i think the bbc was hoping that this £30 million inquriy found the british army guilty of these smears and lies,what would of happened then .oh yes,newsnight and radio 5 would of invited all these human rights defenders of terrorism on to spew there bile out against the army and moazaam begg would of been sitting in the newsnight studio whacking on about how badly he was treated when he was in gitmo bay,you are cowards bbc for ducking this al- sweady inquiry last night on newsnight and radio 5 live and you have proved beyond to he public doubt how biased you really are.
Well said. I really enjoy reading your comments, Stuart. Honest and you tell it how it is.
Had the report found British soldiers guilty of mistreating Iraqi prisoners, do you think we would be told: “Well, this was just a tiny minority of soldiers, most soldiers would never do such things”? I think we all know the answer to that one.
Apparently Phil Shiner has yet more claims to take through the court. His firm is currently representing 1500 Iraqis . The other law firm involved has donated £33,00 to the Labour party in the past two year. Phil Shiner is connected to Cherie Blair through their Matrix Chambers association. And Ed Milliband had the nerve to be present at the Millis Last Night
Yes. Odd isn’t it how the BBC and Newsnight in particular crawl back under their rocks when they get egg on their face.
It was exactly like this when the McAlpine story blew up in their faces. Even Andrew Neil remarked on the absence of their response – only to be castigated by Newsnight’s Comrade Mason.
Interesting isn’t it that the same has happened with the ‘UKIP sex scandal’, as the BBC like to call it, when Newsnight’s star witness and ‘trusted’ chum of Tom Mangold turned out to be something she wasn’t. Not a peep from the BBC since…no update (except for a snide reference to the scandal and a bit of mud slinging – pretending it was all still alive – from the hideously biased Norman Smith).
The problem is not so much the Muslim nutjobs that hate us but us.
Our finest legal brains cheerled by the Beeb.
Look how that ridiculous partisan Senate “torture” report was received by the BBC. It was like Moses had come down from the mountain with the report engraved on stone.
There’s a witty post on the media’s reaction to the “torture report” called “Can’t Take Much More” at:
Strange how the report found that torture didn’t work and no useful information came from torture suspects. Then how do you account for all those witches being found in the 17th century? How many witches have been found since we stopped torturing people and proding them with needles? I rest my case…
My girlfriend used to be a Weight Watcher Leader and she couldn’t believe the nonsense that has come out of the E.U. concerning people being classed as disabled because of their BMI (in other words, fat). She has always stated that being over weight and thereby “fat” was a lifestyle, not a disease, or now, a disability.
To lose weight, you change your lifestyle, simples.
true, but I’d much rather drink real ale and eat pie and chips than eat something that looks as though it was swept out of a pigeon loft (Muesli)!
AMEN brother. Only one thing worse than seeing someone sweat it sweating yourself.
I was really skinny and could never ever gain weight until I was about 25, then my metabolism changed. I started putting on weight and added 10 inches to my waist size. To be fair, I did need most of those extra inches… But, that was when I first had to diet. It was a shock how tough it was to stick to a diet, but now, a few decades later, with a reasonable 36 inch waist, I now always eat what I like until I cannot fit into my jeans, and then apply a little discipline to lose weight until they are a bit loose. No it is not “easy” but it is very doable. There is really no excuse for obesity.
There is no excuse for going up so many sizes. People who are going up that many must realise that it is happening and it is a lot harder to loose 10 sizes than only one. So what obese people should do is loose the weight, then stop, and then only diet temporarily when those clothes get tight. STOP BUYING BIGGER SIZES AND LOOSE THE LITTLE BIT OF EXTRA WEIGHT INSTEAD!
One of the cheapest, most nutritious and easy to cook food is oatmeal which actually reduces cholesterol and hence helps reduce obesity.
Yet when a Tory politician says that those who are less well off should eat porridge she is immediately shot down and lambasted by the MSM and the permanently whinging loony left.
Love it mate. Makes you fart something rotten, though!
phil shiner is a @@@@
Shiner’s been attacking the military for years. Remember the allegations of British soldiers raping local girls in Kenya? The BBC made a huge song and dance about those allegations which Shiner actively solicited. The subsequent enquiry found those allegations to be lies also. It seems to be the standard operating procedure for Shiner’s law firm – trawl foreign outposts for complaints about the British Army ( probably by promising the complainants they’d win huge compensation payouts), force an official Inquiry for which the firm will be paid six figure sums in Legal Aid. It’s criminal but I doubt anything will be done about these shysters. The Law Society looks after its own and Parliament is stuffed to the gunnels with these legal sharks.
Lawyers view themselves as being above the law and also call each other ‘honourable’ in Court.
They drain the NHS with ambulance chasing ‘no win no fee’ claims.
A minority are decent, honest and hard working. This minority is about 5%. But becomes 0% once their greedy and unscrupulous bosses discover this virtue and fire them.
If proof was ever needed that the Labour party is the ‘unpatriotic party’ you only have to look at the recent cash donations (£33,000 by Leigh Day and co to Labour MP’s) in this £31 million pound public legal inquiry (cost to the public) that was based false ‘human rights’ allegations. Sir Nicholas Soames has asked that all the Labour (legal) donations should be offered to wounded military personnel rather than Labour MP’s coffers. On top of that we learn that the same company (Leigh and Day) gave slush money to Emily Thornbury (she of Rotherham picture tweet fame) as if that was not enough, the same Labour run ‘Human rights’ bogus outfit gave £18,250 for a Labour part ‘PARTY’ whilst prosecuting our soldiers for human rights allegation of torture and brutality. Of course Labour Shadow defence (Vernon Cloake) now has to declare that it ‘accepts’ the conclusion of the ‘Al-Sweady’ inquiry and has had to admit that the serious allegations made against service personnel were ‘without foundation and that failure of legal representatives to disclose evidence gave significant cause for concern’. Meanwhile this shoddy Labour ‘Human rights’ legal outfit is under investigation itself for mis-reprenting the facts and its clear sponsored ‘cashback’ links to Labour on its false ‘human rights’ allegations says it all about Labour and its failures to protect this country from harm.
The BBC was complicit in these false allegations contriving a ‘Panorama special’ which is now thoroughly discredited. Where does that leave the BBC claiming journalistic integrity and independence? As Little John states (below) this is another act of Treason.
Angry Little John lays into to them with his a featured article in The Daily Mail today (Friday).
The BBC has no real journalists. Only political activists doing the left’s bidding or guiding their hand.
The Jeremy Vine show yesterday had absolutely nothing about the vindication of the British soldiers or the abuse of the Legal Aid system by these traitorous lawyers; more interested in the surrender of Obama to one of the few remaining communist dictatorships on earth. The BBC just gets worse and worse.
BBC trust is conducting a survey into listeners views. Pile in and tell them what you think of their output!!
And whose side is INBBC on in war between Islamic jihad Taliban and British troops?:-
‘Sunday Telegraph’ (£)-
“Soldier investigated ‘for touching Taliban suspect on nose with piece of paper.’
“A former interrogator tells of his anger over investigation into a soldier for minor breach of rules during questioning of a suspect implicated in atrocity.”
“Across the globe islamic extremism threatens us all”
By Douglas Murray.
“But for non-Muslims there are also problems, the main one being that they don’t know what to do about it. Having fought the Taliban for more than a decade the massacre in Peshawar shows that it hasn’t made much difference. The main problem lies in the fact that the ideology of Boko Haram is not only in Nigeria but in the UK, that the ideology of IS is not only in Syria but in Sydney and that Hamas finds support not only in Qatar but in Kensington.
“Dealing with this is going to be a generational challenge but the first step will be recognising our worst fears and facing up to them.”
There’ll be no INBBC outrage over this:-
“EXCLUSIVE: Outrage over £1million legal aid bill for TERROR suspects.”
The story has also been excised from the digital teletext pages. No mention of our soldiers being found innocent of abusing Iraqis, but space to run a story on a court case involving Hellmans Mayonaise, and some z-grade celebrity winning a dance contest!