I see the BBC are delighted at Obama’s roll-over to Cuba. I caught an interview this morning on the Today programme with a Labour MP who enjoyed a travelling to Cuba to have a chinwag with ol’ Fidel and who was able to inform us that the REAL cause of Cuba’s woes was….yes, America. The BBC never changes — sighs. A new thread for you!
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Yes indeed, I had a day off on Thursday, and had the misfortune to hear a few snippets of Jeremy Vine on R2 (not my choice); naturally the phone calls were from people who had visited Cuba and thought it was wonderful (none of that wicked western materilaism); strangely none of them wanted to actually swap their hellish existence in capitalist democracices for the simple life in a socialist police state. Apparently Cuba has the best health and sports facilities in the world, there is no torture in Cuban prisons, in fact the only “political” prisoners are people who have spied for America; oh and the Cuban missile crisis wasn’t Soviet aggression, but purely a defensive action…..
The sports facilities are excellent.
Look at the number of Cubans who are able to swim shark infested waters to Florida.
I know a Cuban woman who married a friend of a friend. She and her British husband met through dating over the internet, and then he met up with her in Cuba and now she lives and works here, though the paperwork was difficult and she had to pass an English test, which she only just managed. She has two friends who did the same thing, i.e. met a European over the internet and married, one in Italy and the other in France I think.
These three have certainly voted with their feet.
It won`t happen overnight , & the Republican majority in congress will slow up the `normalising` of diplomatic relations ,although Barry will use the President`s executive orders to speed things up . Once the Castro Bro`s have kicked the bucket, it will become a capitalist paradise . Then watch out for Bbc reports on how Cuba is crumbling under the new capitalist system .
White men marry women in far away places where there is oppression. They marry the oppressed.
White women do the opposite they marry the sociopaths of these same countries
Yep, more true than you think, what is it with white women and our coloured brothers…..no, don’t answer that!!!!!!
When eventually the regime gives up in Cuba it will take no time at all for Cuba to become like Florida. The Cuban diaspora is rich and just waiting. Then the lefties won’t be smiling. Cuba just like the hated USA .What a thought.
All that choica and freedom.
Cuba is brilliant. That is why so many desperate people risk their lives in tiny boats on the open seas to get from Florida to Cuba.
Absolutely correct – in fact, the same as East Germany, that socialist paradise whence the local population manually destroyed the militarised barrier that prevented them from spreading the gospel of state socialism to the rest of western europe.
The amazing thing is that I’m listening to a play on the feminist Radio4Extra by Michael Frayne about journalists visiting Cuba and takes the mickey out of socialism and their apologists in the Western liberal elite. The only sympathetic people are those Cubans who have to endure the enervating consequences of socialism. I’m probably missing the point but it seems to me it’s a kick in the teeth for all bbc employees.
Yep, and it seems it’s time to give Israel a little kick again.
“Israel launches Gaza air strike” the main BBC link headline says.
Click on it and you get the article headline “Israel launches Gaza air strike on ‘Hamas target’.
Even the first line of the article says “Israeli aircraft have bombed a site in Gaza”.
It’s only in the second paragraph that we learn that it was in response to a rocket fired from Gaza. Some online reports say it was a training camp.
Notice the wording though further down in relation to the Palestinian rocket “The rocket struck an open field and did not cause any casualties or damage”. Ach, it was just a little home-made firework that that plopped into the field..
Then the Israeli side “There were no casualties from the air strike in Gaza, according to local officials”. Ooh, a precision AIR STRIKE no less.
Notice also “Hamas fired thousands of rockets and mortars towards Israel during the 50-day conflict this summer”. TOWARDS Israel!!.
I don’t have any problem with the use of “towards”. Keep in mind the number that didn’t make it to the border but dropped early, killing Gazan civilians instead. Of course BBC blamed Israel for them so using “towards” is their little wink to the truth.
Typical BBC headline to your linked article:
Israel launches Gaza airstrike on ‘Hamas target’
The quotation marks serve the same purpose as the endless use of “Israel says” in the BBC’s ‘reporting’ on the Israeli-Arab conflict – to cast doubt on any info from the Israeli perspective.
If the BBC had any actual journalists covering the conflict they would find out what actually happened and report it honestly, rather than hiding behind their “Israel says” from a safe distance.
This is a continuation of the BBC’s traditional last-first reporting on Israel. This apparently the third time missiles were fired towards Israel but Israel’s first response.
The BBC promoting the Gaza rocket to 2nd paragraph is an improvement to the BBC’s normal abuse of the inverted triangle technique. Usually important information, as this, would be relegated to the bottom half of the article as it was in earlier versions of BBC coverage. In version 1 of the story it was relegated to sentence/paragraph 6. In that version the rocket launched from Gaza was only something the IDF spokesman said. Now it is a statement from the military. The Israeli attack on Gaza has no such disclaimer.
The BBC hasn’t reported that Hamas has fired more than a dozen missiles out to sea in tests. Hamas drones are also not newsworthy. Nor are the rebuilding of tunnels using cement donated for rebuilding.
Doesn’t this remind us of BBC failure to report Hamas activities before the last war? Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
I’m not so sure the BBC will be quite so pleased about Cuba when it inevitably becomes as Americanised as it was before.
Other countries have normalised relations but they haven’t managed to import new cars or computers etc.
There might be a lot to be said for the whole of humanity slowing down a little instead of pursuing the relentless culture of long hours for no extra pay all for the benefit of a wealthy few at the top.
Some American pundits of the left persuasion are already concerned that the workers paradise will be despoiled by KFC’s and new car dealershps. “Oh, the humanity”.
Cuba will retain its socialist principles, such as high taxation.
OMG, the sheer depravity of having the choice as to whether or not to go into macdonalds, or buy a car…
Shame there isn’t a choice about the tv licence.
Anyone one catch ITV’s Text Santa last night?
Along the lines of bBC’s Children In Need but in the 1/2 hour I watched it was refreshingly diversity free, or at least to a degree that was a fair reflection of the UK today, not the bBC’s mutlicultural consensus.
So much so that I actually felt part of proceedings and contributed £20, something I would never do in the case of CIN. Thats twice this week I’ve contributed if you also include a small contribution to Mr Reckless…
Ah, but be careful.
Who’s in charge of the money and will they then spend it on projects deemed ‘PC ‘ enough??
“…Who’s in charge of the money and will they then spend it on projects deemed ‘PC ‘ enough??”
Ah, but unlike the BBC’s Children In Need, ITV’s Text Santa effort was specifically targeted at raising money for children here in the UK (unless I am mistaken). I know your point still stands (e.g. we don’t know how the money raised will be allocated), but for those of us fed up with handing money over to crooked African despots and their off-shore bank accounts, seems to me ITV have the right idea.
“Ah, but unlike the BBC’s Children In Need, ITV’s Text Santa effort was specifically targeted at raising money for children here in the UK (unless I am mistaken)”
You are mistaken. Every penny raised by Children in Need supports projects in the UK.
Actually it is you who are mistaken.
Children in need is hoarding around £100+ million in investments including arms, alcohol and tobacco
and paying out £17 million in running costs
their pay bill alone is over £13 million the Chief executive Kevin Cahill’s had his pay increased from £111,000 to £131,000 since 2008 and CIN has five directors earning more than £80,000 each.
Remember ‘Every penny raised by Children in Need supports projects in the UK. ‘
Well, thank you, Mat, for pointing out my error. I did mean Comic Relief, not Children In Need, so my mistake.
I wonder why you didn’t mention Comic Relief in your reply – you know, just to clarify which of the two BBC fundraisers sends a large proportion of its money overseas..?
Did I imagine all those celebs travelling to Africa to make sanctimonious and patronising film shorts about local projects then?
It appears Mat and Steve you are confusing Children in Need with Comic Relief.
Oh yes I was dam so CIN is all OK as they are only sitting on £90 million in investments
‘Children in Need has £87,705,000 invested in a range of portfolios, up from £81.2million last year. Another £2.2million is sitting in its bank accounts, up from £864,000 last year.
The accounts reveal it paid £9,000 in fees to fund managers and made £893,000 in investment income.’
My mistake your loss !
You mean a charity doesn’t just hand over all the cash it raises every year and instead monitors and assesses the grants it hands out to make sure the money is used correctly? Meanwhile investing the cash to boost donations further? Shocking!
So let’s go over what you’ve learned. Children in Need doesn’t send money overseas so you can donate without worrying you might end up helping any brown babies in far off countries.
We’ve also learned Comic Relief was massively hypocritical and invested money in tobacco and arms manufacturers. In fact it was a bit of a scandal that one. But in the year since it all came to light the charity sector in general (and Comic Relief) has become much more open and the people behind that expose can rightfully say they helped improve things for the better.
And the journalists who exposed Comic Relief?
BBC Panorama.
Finally, Children in Need has the leanest costs of any charity (because obviously they pay no advertising) So it is a really effective way to help kids here in the UK.
But dammit, I just can’t guarantee one or two brown ones won’t slip through.
Which is really what this is all about for you.
Happy Christmas.
Cuba: Beeboids and Guardianistas politically favourite country in the Americas since 1959.
And it shows.
Castro cleared the prisons of all those gays he was collecting, by way of preventative custody then?
Or are the Pinksters at the BBC oblivious to the Tehran Crane logic test that they apply elsewhere.
F888`ing hypocrites-the Left steers clear of its championing of gay, feminist causes in only the very places where such issues are literally “life and death” matters.
Yes-we all know what feminists look like now…same as how homophiles look when it`s a wristband or nail bar issue…as opposed to where gays and feminists actually DIE for those issues the BBC spits upon.
Gutless tourists in leisure gear…the BBC and the Guardian types that supply it.
Chavez’ death means that the competition from Venezuela for that proud title has been seen off, though there’s always a warm leftie glow for Argentina whenever they start rattling their box over the Falklands.
Just tried to post this on NHS meltdown thread, but did not work so try here:
There can be absolutely no doubt about it now!
The only plausible explanation is the BBC are part of the ‘Labour’ ploy, not to discus immigration as a deliberate indoctrination of the masses:
The BBC wrongly still think that their traditional reach into every home still allows them to indoctrinate us with the ‘left’ debunked positive view of immigration, not understanding that this myth has been well and truly blown out of the water with the rise of UKIP, social media and our personal experiences!
The days are over of promoting the ‘Racist’ and ‘Bigots’ labels to be successfully deployed on those who understandably, logically, wanted to discuss the real negative issues of immigration costs and problems.
On this one the BBC is riding into the valley of death like the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava, since the odds have now changed:
The BBC just does not get it about what an increasing amount of us really see as results of mass immigration: You know the affects of:
Overwhelming numbers – 300,000 per year average over a decade.
J IHAD – against us – being taken up by those we welcomed here!
Housing shortage/high prices – Labour building programme took us back to the 20s (average 20,000 per year housebuild starts during their time in office)!
GPs, A&Es waiting times – exacerbated by Labour disastrous changes to Doctors contracts:
Enormous pressure on schools:
Social cohesion,
Trojan Horses,
M uslim abuse of non-M uslim girls.
FGM – those poor millions of M uslim girls.
HALAL – terrible animal cruelty – where are the ‘lefts’ animal rights brigade now?
Unskilled and blue collar wage depression:
PC – Being labelled racist by lefty rentagobs!
S haria Courts.
Benefit abuse.
Social Housing prioritising immigrants!
Muslim Patrols.
Our Prisons disproportionately full of immigrants.
Child Benefit being paid to children not even living in the UK.
Importing foreign criminals.
Tower Hamlets.
M uslim radicalisation – 7/7 – Lee Rigby etc.
Blind dogs not allowed in M uslim taxis, buses, supermarkets.
100s Roma sleeping in London Parks and shop doorways.
Sham Marriages by the thousand.
The True negative cost of immigration:
“The 10 most desirable places to live in England”
And barely a sign of “diversity” in any of them.
Bradfordistan?, Birmingabad?, Islamic Republic of Tower Hamlets?, Londonistan?
Or Brisomalia ?
They’re odd things these surveys, in that there’s never any account taken of (for want of a better and less-abused term) ‘localism’. Unsurprisingly, here’s the kicker in the report:
“However, Hart residents pay a premium to live there as the average house price is nearly seven-and-a-half times the typical local annual income.,”
What this actually means, is the places like Hart are actually colonies of our beloved (snark) national capital, full of itinerants who barely see the place during the week and who, having few local ties, will cheerfully move somewhere else if/when they become less ‘desirable’, for instance when the number of houses being built to accommodate the population growth they’ve actually caused makes the neighbourhood a little less sylvan or chi-chi. The criteria actually applied in the survey mean that it’s more or less weighted to put at the top places within commuting reach of London, so the results are hardly surprising: depressed if ‘they’ve’ started colonising Rutland though: suppose Wiltshire is ‘soooooo over now, really so 2011’.
I wonder which places would come top of the list if the feelings of those who’ve lived in these areas for more than five minutes and have actual family background there were taken into account, how satisfied they are to be invaded by thousands of incomers who are every bit as alien to us as Somalians and Poles: pretty sure the likes of Hart would disappear down the list like the proverbial lemming, probably to be replaced by somewhere in the north without a nearby fast rail connection to the Smoke: lucky so and so’s.
// Rant Over //
Buggy, I’ve lived in a village in Hart for 17yrs. You are talking b*****ks.
If you’d care to actually specify the areas of my self-admitted rant you regard as rowlocks, Bob, I’ll gladly play along. I’d point out, though, that (unless you’re only aged seventeen) living somewhere for 17 years means you’ve only been there since Blair was elected: not exactly eons.
Have at it, then.
Sorry, Buggy. Knee-jerk reaction.
It’s just that I don’t recognise where I live as being anything like your para 3 description. Far from it.
No-one in Blackpool complains that ‘incomers’ have driven up the price of housing.
No-one in Blackpool benefits from the wealth that ‘incomers’ bring either.
Yer pays yer money and yer takes yer choice,
A few fun comments.
And a few commenting on some already ‘lost’.
I wonder how much longer it will remain open?
Restore’s one’s faith a little, doesn’t it?
Although not deleting all of them is probably the BBC’s way of ‘discussing immigration.’
“All” being the operative word.
Didn’t stay open long either.
I sometimes wonder if they simply get caught out by what offers an opportunity to prick their deluded bubble and inevitably make things worse rushing to clamp back down.
If Millipeed & co ever come to power, that would change , every effnick would get a free house in such `Hideously White Area`s`. They are going to have a Scorch Earth ,policy on English White`s .
I see Sony are getting it in the neck over kow-towing to Pyongyang.
And now that Obama has weighed in, the BBC can now launch its spiel about ” backing down before terrorists, craven appeasement etc”.
Indeed-if only they`d had got a backbone and steer from Obama, then we`d all be whistling Dixie now.
Err-as for YouTube clips on the life story or Muhammad, or Danish cartoons though?…well that`s culturally insensitive, casues ill-will among our friendly Muslim chums…and who gave the enmies of Islam the right to shout fire in a theatre then?
Err…yes, that`ll be their fames corkscrew logic.
Yet no mention of these Islamic suckup sentiments now coming home to roost in the case of Pyongyang.
No, folks…no memories of all that please…we are where we are, the only way is up.
F*** Bazz and his plastic population there at the BBC, NBC and all the rest of them.
if there`s only ONE Koran in North Korea-we surely can`t risk giving offence to the Muslims can we?
So thanks to Pyongyang for showing us all where Obama and the BBCs craven acquiescence leads us to…to this shambles of a dogs dinner…Pyongyang and Islamabad no doubt share the recipe.
Any questions was really funny this afternoon.
When the question was asked about Sony pulling the film the two Fascists on the panel cried that freedom of speech was being surrendered, and it was up to everyone to defend freedom of speech ! Breath taking hypocrisy from the party who brought in section 5 of the public order act which attack speech never mind free speech !
Then there was a question about UKIP and ‘Chinky’ and all the thoughts about freedom of speech went out of the window !
It was ‘unacceptable’ ‘racist’ (whatever that is). In my view it’s no more ‘racist’ than making a film about the death of a North Korean !
It seems however that the Fascist left only want freedom of speech so long as its within the framework of their own beliefs!
Needless to say this kind of dichotomy of views went unremarked and no response on any answers was allowed.
S`pose the likes of Wilders, Geller, Spencer, Balen, Chilcott and the Axminster rug that is the BBC for the Islam slipper weren`t mentioned.
Axminster Rug-Baghdad magic carpet…the BBCs craven response (and those of the Liberal left) have caused this.
Imagine if the chatterati had shown Mo at a gay orgy or shown him blown up…would the BBC be so keen on free expression?
Need I ask?…hypocritical Ononists all.
Anybody able to tell me why there has never been a decent critique of the “right of centre” philosophy?
I get sick and tired about the agonising of the left( SNP/Greens-Benn v Blair crap etc) when I myself would like to hear the likes of Hannan, Redwood, Scruton and Murray dissect the current issues and the Rights response to them.
Their philosophy has roots deep in the British soil, from the likes of Locke and Burke all the way up via Powell, Joseph and the like-and I get sick of it all seeming to be a dirty secret.
No wonder the Left have it all their own way-those thick fux haven`t had an argument in forty years.
And the Right has been silenced and kept as a private vice at one and the same time as the Lefties have been screwing us all over.
The Right have all the thinkers-always has done since Foot scooted-and the BBC had better start to address this-or else there`ll be real trouble ahead.
UKIP are the Dads Army for what will supplant them, if the BBC don`t give voice to the likes of Hannan and Murray,Scruton and Booker, Daly and Redwood.
Too true. We do have the internet and access to the best of the USA and European writers.
I find one of the faults of the English right is a tendency to compromise and argue with the liberal left. Basically we are too polite .
Pointless in my opinion now as the situation deteriorates.
We should make our case firmly and without qualification. This means that the liberal dominated media will ignore and attempt to ridicule but no matter. Gradually the words will be heard and minds changed.
It would be useful if we had a reading list of the best writers in the US and the rest of the world. They will never get a hearing on the BBC or C4 or any liberal dominated news media so it could be a way of getting their names known.
It’s a War alright with the liberal elite-they know it and they are willing to stoop to any nastiness to ensure they win(dodgey postal votes, altering constituency boundaries, bribery of the Celts and their own voter bases at English expense).
The Tories , unfortunately, will not acknowledge it’s a War ,and continue to engage the duplicitous left as if it’s an Oxbridge Debating Club (see Mellor and Livingstone on L BC Saturdays).
Well , here’s the News ,People…..It IS a War and the Right will have to learn to fight dirty to beat this leftist elite that has developed such an iron grip on England.
It is such a pity Rupert Murdoch burned his bridges here in the UK, since we have nothing nationally to offset the BBC bias. Ideally we need a UK version of the popular Murdoch US cable and satellite ‘Fox News’, received in nearly 100 million homes in the States.
The almost unrestricted, covert, access Rupert and Rebecca were given to Blair, in return for News International backing of the Labour project, was another extraordinary abuse and dilution of our Parliamentary democracy introduced under New Labour. This is another wrong which Cameron, after initially following Blair’s example, finally made an attempt to put it right with Leveson.
Unbelievably Rupert even had a back door key to Downing Street to enable personal covert discussions on all the major issues. What a treacherous monster that Bliar!
Like the BBC, Fox News understandably gets labelled ‘biased’ by the lefty ‘rentagobs’, who over the last century have been so used to having it all their own way, but at least with a ‘centre right’ broadcaster we would have some balance.
A recent poll by US Robert Morris University finds that Fox News is the most trusted for accurate reporting among the major television news organizations.
One can only dream about Nigel Farage’s backers grasping the nettle on this and putting in to Ofcom for a licence!
Oh hang on a minute! Just remembered, Ed Richards is the regulator chief, (appointed under Blair), another Labour place-man! On reflection, OFCOM would probably find a million excuses not to grant such a broadcaster a licence!
Richards was previously a Senior Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair and before that Controller of Corporate Strategy at the BBC. He has also worked in consulting at London Economics Ltd, and as an advisor to Gordon Brown. So you see what I mean about the possibility of being granted a licence?
I agree with you completely. But the first step in returning the UK to a democracy where people could choose which news they wished to see and hear ,rather than having the liberal left version of events rammed down their throats, is to get rid of the BBC. If that were done the country would be released from the iron grip of the liberal left establishment .
Wonderful comment. Where indeed is the nuanced debate featuring the Adam Smith Institute, the Institute for Economic Affairs etc. I doubt if most of the under 40’s in Britain now have ever heard of Locke, Burke or Powell (other than that he was, of course, an unspeakable racist).
Back in the 70’s I tried quoting Popper to a lecturer, closely followed by Hayek. Strangely enough, I got failed for that paper.
You will never hear their names on MSN, but as for Che, Fidel and Karl, well you can count for yourselves.
Russell Brand’s first wash in five years doesn’t go down well.
Pity about the absence of piranhas…
Not much for the little toothy flappers to chomp on really, skinny, druggie wretch……
Gotta love the way he goes prancing after his assailant like a right tit.
What a wanker.
Notice he made sure he had his minders between him and his assailant.
Brave man.
Does the BBC know now that he doesn`t seem able to walk on water, contrary to all their hype over this Satanic phoney?
Maybe Owen Jones would do the “ducking stool challenge” now-all our duckies in a row and all that….
Couldn’t someone have put a giant hair dryer in the fountain with him? Oh to see brand being frazzled!!
Civil disobedience – not quite so much fun when yer on the receiving end, Russie Wussie – eh.
A medal for that man!!
PS. The way the bloke tossed him in the water, I think it is lucky Brand never caught up with him!!
Thanks HR.
Just H/T’d you over on Guido Fawkes
I notice the Beeb wheeled on a rehabilitated Cuban expert within hours of the announcement, one Richard Gott.
Was he not exposed as an (admitted) East German agent?
Yes he was.
Call me waaaaaaycist, but is Jason Roberts the worst co-commentator in the history of co-commentators?
Not sure why the Beeb don’t just draft in Tinchy Stryder or some such Souf London rap artist from the current hit parade innit?
I noticed that not only has the Al Sweady report vanished off the website and you have to search for it, but also the report of Mark Duggan’s family losing the challenge to Police procedures. 2011 Duggan the gangster who keeps on giving.
“BBC Lets Its Moral Colors Show”
By David Pryce-Jones.
Anyone watching the London International Horse Show from Olympia on the red button this week ? Or as I did last night catch the Royal Opera House Alice In Wonderland Live in the local Cinema, both seem to be “horribly white ” events, I noticed one dancer and one minor part at the Opera which were non white, the rest of the 80! performers were yucky white, ditto the Horse Show, all seem so far to be that vile colour again. Like wise all the audience at both events seem to be the usual non ethnic colour.
When is Greg Dyke and fellow travellers going to stand up and demand change at these premier London events ? Where is the famous London diversity eh Boris ? Quite shocking, obviously the plebs football must be changed to reflect the colours we are now but not apparently the events of the richer and higher classes.
The horses were all brown though ,to be fair 🙂
In point of fact the horses did seem to reflect the London populace, mainly brown, a large slice of black and just a few whites…………sorry 🙂
Aww bless a basic attempt at humor and mockery ! dear Pro BBC lover when you understand real comedy could you pass it on to your moron masters at Salford !
Will Beeboids issue an apology?:-
“Freed Lockerbie bomber WAS guilty:
“Al-Megrahi inquiry finds ‘not a shred of evidence’ to doubt Libyan’s conviction.
“A review of the Lockerbie bombing case confirms the basis for conviction.
“Libya’s Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi was convicted of the plane attack in 2001.
“Campaigners have long claimed his conviction was a miscarriage of justice.
“But a new review of the case has only underlined the evidence against him.
“He died three years after being released on compassionate grounds.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2881724/Freed-Lockerbie-bomber-guilty-Al-Megrahi-inquiry-finds-not-shred-evidence-doubt-Libyan-s-conviction.html#ixzz3MSilQCFq
Will Beeboids issue an apology?:-
No because he was not guilty. The crime undertaken by Iranian agents for the earlier crime of shooting down an Iran Air Airbus. An eye for an eye.
D1004, and your evidence that Iran was guilty and Megrahi was innocent is?
Evidence ? Well, if you look at the crime of shooting down a civilian airliner by a incompetent and reckless US Navy captain, and it was and he was, and the anger and calls for revenge from all levels inside Iran you can see who was the most likely to mount a revenge operation. And since the loss of PA 103 ? Did Iran mount it’s own out in the open attack on the US and to hell with the consequences ? No. Sometimes the best evidence is the very lack of any, see Sherlock Holmes and the dog which did NOT bark in the night. Circumstantial evidence points to an operation using one of the Palestinian groups based in Syria who were using West Germany as a base and who put the bomb on the plane in London. Any smoking gun ? No. ? But best fit with what is know about desire and opportunity and ability.
Oh so none just your rantings !
Ask Jim Swire, have a look around, google is your friend. You could just believe the spin that Libya brought it all down on its head…………………but………..why ? ……….Iran was the party that suffered a war crime with the west turning away from it……..I am old enough to remember the news live on channel 4 when it happened, at the time I thought it was Iran, I still do, don’t let that bother you if you want not to learn the truth. This is not some stupid conspiracy theory as posted by the likes of David Ike but Middle Eastern politics, harm someone or some country and they WILL have their revenge, simple as.
Of course al-Megrahi had “only months to live” when he was released on “compassionate grounds” by the Scots.
Then, embarrassingly, he went on to live for years after his release.
Slimy Salmond squirmed a bit on that one, I recall.
It was the Iranians who instigated the plot and Palestinians who constructed and planted the device.
Salmond and the SNP know this and if Megrahi had testified this would have come out.
The SNP are well known supporters of Palestinian terrorist organisations to the extent of giving hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money to Islamic terrorist groups.
The last thing they wanted was this to become mainstream just as their political fortunes were changing.
Sorry but my moneys on the baggage handling at Heathrow, with the crazy diversity led lack of security which meant that people of a certain religious persuasion could not be given more strict vetting let alone barred altogether from access.
The broken padlock on the baggage storage area might have rung a few alarm bells, but then they were dead set on blaming Libya, I prefer an Iranian involvement.
Remember Al Megrahi was released on medical grounds he was never found not guilty, nor was he released with the slightest question that he might not be by the Scottish legal system. He has since died and gone to his grave denying his involvement.
Jim Swire knows more about the Lockerbie bombing than anyone outside the security services. He doesn’t believe that al-Megrahi was guilty. I have no reason to disbelieve him.
Inconveniently though a panel of Scottish judges heard the evidence and convicted Megrahi but acquitted another Libyan. And Libya also paid compensation for the bombing.
Bit like Ched Evens getting time for rape whilst having sloppy seconds after the first guy having a bunk up got found not guilty, judges eh ?
Libya paid compo to get the west off its back and to curry favour and allow them back in the international fold, much good it did him. Any proponent of the Libyans being the guilty has to say why ? What would they have gained by the action, apart from endless grief.
Will BBC-NUJ members have another demo for Islamic Al Jazeera and Emir of Qatar at Broadcasting House/Arabic TV, London, and at Media City, Salford, this time against Barcelona’s ending of Qatar sponsorship?:-
“Barcelona soccer team ‘set to cut ties with terror-financing Qatar.’
Israeli TV report says club has received $200 million from gulf state in recent years, but won’t extend sponsorship deal.”
Read more: Barcelona soccer team ‘set to cut ties with terror-financing Qatar’ | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/barcelona-soccer-team-set-to-cut-ties-with-terror-financing-qatar/#ixzz3MSoLZv2q
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook
Meanwhile Spains Rael Madrid football club pockets 400 million Euros in a deal with an undisclosed Arab Bank. I guess the two are unconnected. Although I note that the deal means removing the ‘cross’ from its logo as it disturbs the peace of Islam which as we all know is very deep and corruption free.
Qatar and Kuwait have overtaken Saudi Arabia as the worlds largest financiers of international terrorism.
This should be of great concern as both Qatar and Kuwait have bought out huge amounts of the media in the UK as well as giving large donations to universities and colleges which come of course with strings attached. This is why anti Semitism and the promotion of the Islamic cult has become such a problem in our education establishments and why our media are so keen to promote a death cult which no normal establishment would even think of defending.
Who decides what is & what isn’t ‘racism’ partly my reason for saying such a thing doesn’t exist.
A prospective parliamentary candidate UKIP can be a ‘racist’ for saying in a private conversation that he is ‘going for a chinky’. Meanwhile an entire corporation can make a film about the murder of a Korean head of state and it’s perfectly OK. It’s not ‘racist’ !
The question of course comes down to who is judging what is and what is not ‘racist’ and this is why I say there’d no such thing as ‘racism’.
What should be ‘racist’ suddenly isn’t what isn’t is, because this word has no definition, is as fluid as water and can mean whatever the person using it wants it to mean, at the time they use it, because at a later time it might mean something different.
There is no such thing as ‘racism’
spread it around guys the more it gets heard the more it will catch on.
Quis judicabit ipsos judices
Who judges the judges? Why, the court of public opinion and oh boy have those judges been found wanting.
Anybody else able to find any mention of Kenny Dalglish getting plastered in the court room in regard of the “new narrative” over Hillsborough 1989 yesterday?
Funny that-where the drama of the court room meets the great God Sport and the iconic son of Scouseland. Kenny Dalglish…wouldn`t you expect Alan Hansen to be partnered with Joshua Rozenberg for a cracking collaborative story on this grand `evenement` of 1989?
But no…not a peep, certainly nothing about Dalglish`s autobiography being quite clear on the nature of bunking into grounds without paying, the propensity for violence at that time as well as Heysel etc?
Bet if the Mirror had said what McKenzie at the Sun said…this would long ago been “closed”.
Dalglish`s autobiography getting used by S.Yorks defense lawyers?…and Kenny hoist on his own words?…no wonder the BBC won`t tell us anything about it.
But-that Cliff Richard eh?
Are you blaming the 96 for their own deaths ? Are you going down the same path as the sun did ? Were the teenage boys and girls the agents of their own deaths ? Did Jon-Paul Gilhooley booze him self up and then con his way into the ground and his death ? Are you really say that about a 10 year old ? really ?
I think you need to take a long hard look at what you have written and think again.
The guilt lies in South Yorkshire, the Police and Sheffield Council being the main agents. Keep your sun lies for the gutter where they belong.
It wasn’t the 96 who came without tickets. They really were the innocent victims. But there were many, many who came without tickets (and I know it was still happening years later, shockingly) who thought that they could still get in.
The police thought there would be an incident outside the ground and thought by opening the gates it would relieve some of the pressure. There was a surge and the poor innocents at the front were slaughtered as there was no way for them to get on the pitch due to fences erected against previous hooligans.. The police made some cover ups later as they realised that thdre would have been no tragedy if those outside had not been let in.
The 96 were the real victims as thery had bought their There was a catalogue of factors including the fault of those trying to steal into the ground, police miscalculations and unforgiveable later cover-ups and the inflexibility f the hooligan-proof fences. But no, the 96 victims were completely innocent. May they rest in peace.tickets and had taken their places well before kick-off.
“tickets” seems to have moved from the 5th last line to the last one to make nonsense of both lines. I never got the chance to edit it.
No one has EVER blamed the 96 victims for being responsible for their own deaths. That piece of myth-making can be laid at the feet of the political activists and professional grievance mongers who wanted to shut down any criticism (however legitimate) of the drunken and aggressive behaviour of the Liverpool fans who regularly charged the gates of football grounds in order to obtain free admission. They did the same at Chelsea’s ground only a couple of weeks later, but without the injuries or fatalities. Those who died were the REAL fans who entered the ground in good time and didn’t spend all afternoon getting pissed in local pubs. The Liverpool supporters and, it has to be said, some members of the bereaved families used this bit of myth-making to divert attention away from the culpability of drunken fans. I seem to recall the pleas of innocence from the families of Liverpool fans blamed for the Heysel Stadium disaster.
I can understand the desperation of Liverpool fans needing to assuage their guilt for being partially responsible for the deaths of their own people.
No I`m not.
But you need only read what Kenny says in his book about the culture at the time…and the fact that a lot of tanked up freebie merchants could have played a part in it all, which seemed to be the received wisdom of all concerned at the time.
I just feel a lot of guilty people are using the airbrush -the compo and the excuse to rewrite events-to exonerate themselves. And not all of them were in uniform.
I`m not doing as you allege-but your rush to smother the whole scandal bothers me too…did you check reports of the court case with what Dalglish openly alleges even up to 2010 when he wrote it?
My point is the media hush up-and your reflex response only gives the likes of Andy Burnham an escape clause?
I mourn the needless deaths of many good people at Hillsborough, but Liverpool fans clearly must have played a part in what happened. Are you saying that they didn`t D1004?
Piers Morgan did worse than McKenzie-but the BBC seem to continue to like him.
The Sun is crap-but so is the Mirror.
You are quite right, as is Andy above, but the “results” of the reports into this tragedy were decided before the interrogation. The results were to be 1. All Liverpool fans to be found innocent. 2. All blame to be placed on the police and Conservative government.
The millions spent interviewing people and taking testimonies was just window-dressing trying to obscure the whitewash. Yes, the police did make mistakes, as did the designers of the fences, the authorities who didn’t delay kick off by half an hour. etc. But the main blame was on the late and possibly half-drunk fans who tried to get in without paying.
I’ve lost all faith in all public enquiries as they all seem to have to fit an agenda (nearly always left-wing irrespective of current governments) and have the results decided beforehand with the enquiry chairman told the result and given the remit to only accept testimonies that fit the requirements.
Hillsborough; Stephen Lawrence; The Birmingham 6; Bloody Sunday; Phone Hacking etc.
The truth is sacrificed for expediency. i.e. the BBC, if satisfied that the wrong (Left-wing) decision is reached will lay off the politicians. Terrible for freedom and democracy, and the BBC still keep attacking the politicians, Police, Army, Murdoch etc. So all is lost for illusion.
Can the people who write their comments on this site all draw back from casting the dead 96 in the same place as Lawrence, Bloody Sunday etc. the root cause of the deaths was the appallingly run down state of British football grounds at the time. The grounds had, like much of British infrastructure been allowed to drift and then to fall into being not fit for purpose. I remember the grounds of the time and the vast majority of them were shitty death traps. Hills bough could have happened many times and to many clubs, it was NOT some evil that lurked in Merseyside people that caused it but the neglect that was rampant at the time in this country. Not the fans fault that day neither the fans fault at Rangers nor at Bradford City , you can mock modern health and safety practices as much as you like but these events happened when you do not have them.
No one least of all me is chasing compo culture here, good people died that day, get your political views out of this case, thank god you did not lose a child that day, blame a society that had drifted for many years gambling that it would never happen, it did.
Nobody here, or anywhere else I’ve ever seen, has blamed the 96 victims. In fact the complete opposite. I also remember the football grounds of the time including Hillsborough and find agreement with you on that point. But please don’t excuse those who charged in, ticketless, which was the main catalyst for the tragedy. Something they were still doing years later, despite Hillsborough (or even because the thugs had been excused and the whole blame was laid on the police.)
As far as linking the Hillsborough report with the other travesties. It is a fair comparison. Maybe you should have read the whole post before making your accusations!
Nobody here, or anywhere else I’ve ever seen, has blamed the 96 victims. In fact the complete opposite. I also remember the football grounds of the time including Hillsborough and find agreement with you on that point. But please don’t excuse those who charged in, ticketless, which was the main catalyst for the tragedy. Something they were still doing years later, despite Hillsborough (or even because the thugs had been excused and the whole blame was laid on the police.)
As far as linking the Hillsborough report with the other travesties. It is a fair comparison. Maybe you should have read the whole post before making your accusations!
Is “Loose Ends’ the absolute worst show on R4?
It is dire but Womens hour still for me is the worst
‘Call you and yours’ is ghastly.
Full of humourless busybodies sweating the small stuff.
Thinking Allowed`s an absolute stinker.
With In Touch and its incessant whining on behalf of Peter White and fellow-ingrates a close second.
Maybe there`s an award here-because I can certainly see how all the ones above would top a list as well.
Oh-and Libby Bloody Purvis and her awful sinecure on Wednesday mornings…how the hell has SHE escaped the axe?
And the old trout seems never to take a holiday either!
Wish they had stuck to the original working title
‘Only approved thinking allowed ‘
At least it would have been honest !
I raise you “the life scientific”
Competition is keen.
‘Costing the Earth’ is basically just climate alarmism. The one thing they never look at is how much their greenie schemes actually do cost.
There are a few Booker pieces on how these chickens are coming home to roost, for both incompetent or venal pols, and media who failed to hold them to account, and in fact propped them up.
The BBC and the Left always excuse wrong doing.
Be it mass murder or shop-lifting.
It’s never the fault of the perpetrator.
It’s always the fault of some one else.
Go to a criminal court. How many official supporters of the accused are present compared to the victim?
Islamic crimes against Humanity? Always the fault of western foreign policy.
West African fraud? It’s a rejection of British Imperial excesses in the 19th Century.
And so on and so on. It’s formulaic.
BBC Four – Diamonds are Forever: The Don Black Songbook
Don Black, expected full orchestra, those classic songs, … and classic vocalists … impossible to ruin?
… this however, is the BBC
what we end up with is full orchestra, Don s songs …
and gender neutral diversity night at BBC stage school,
Second rate choonsters complete with a white suit and (I kid you not) a balaclava, and (use the term loosely) … singers???
A chest thumping Jones/Thunderball rendition, not really … by erm … Marc Almond.
The Carreras/Brightman Olympics, “Amigos Para Siempre”
ruined by … Only men aloud … just back from their fairy palace
and wheeling out f–kin Micheal Ball again.
The ‘balaclava’ guy is the much bBC touted Gregory Porter omnipresent on Radio 2, currently wrecking Julie London’s classic Fly Me To The Moon with the unnecessary addition of his vocals.
The guy is never seen without the ridiculous hat with flaps, but hey he is er…hatted…
Apparently as I said last week he was a “surprise” addition on the BBc music awards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptk_5h6SHQc
Thought he was suffering from the mumps or a trip to the dentist .
Has Marc Almond ever hit a right note?
Yet the fact that he coins a living out of being a tuneless fop gives us all encouragement…and at least he`s no grow your own tribute act like Gregory Porter…worrafake!
I quite liked some of his early stuff particularly with Soft Cell. Not a great fan but odd bits were very good.
This is just the beginning.
They wont stop now.
Three French police officers stabbed by a Muslim.
At least they dealt with him the right way unlike our pathetic poodle force did with the murderers of Lee Rigby. The only way to deal with these islamic zombies is to give them their free pass to paradise.
Unfortunately, in liverpool this week, one of our poodles found out the hard way what their capitulation to the ways of the liberals has come to, they are a target in the street to any revengeful moron, they are a target to any terrorist who wants to pay the ultimate price for the cult of nazislam.
It begs the question..if they can’t protect themselves what the hell are we supposed to do?
In the very early moments after the police response to the killing of Lee Rigby, there were reports that the police had shot and killed his assailants. Immediately the BBC went in to handwringing mode and were reporting tweets that the cops had gunned down (innocent) men and had questions to answer. It was a reflex
This was probably one of the reasons why, while the rest of the world was reporting the truth of what happened in Woolwich, the BBC spent an hour deciding HOW to report it.
The free french might be leftish and Communist but they still hate Hollande and his like. If that clip from Sky is reported in France then French sentiment could flip and join the right fighting Holland and his marxist entourage. France is going down the tubes and the free French are making the same discoveries as we have. They don’t want them either as they cause nothing but trouble. The French Police have a lot of work keeping things under control that don’t get reported here (except when it happens at Calais). The French dream of multi-cultural landscaping in the EU is a bloody reminder that communism will never work peacefully.
Not anywhere near top of the list on the BBc web page http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-30563920
The BBC shilling for trouble causing Muslims again, only this time they’re Thai. Imagine just how much you have to piss peaceful Buddhism off before they want to kill you !
So they runaway to America to try to claim asylum, not that they claim is viable, and then moan that it’s cold !
The lefties rush to assist them and the BBC to report it – Typical !
How many nationalities can the bbc fit into one report? I liked the bit where it stated; America welcomes ‘TENS of thousands of refugees from all around the world’.. as if to drop a hint!!
Then came the namby pamby bit about refugees being taught how to survive in the cold with absolute gems such as ‘wear two pairs of socks’ and ‘get a big coat’..and here’s me thinking humankind has been able to do that since Neanderthal man’s days?
No doubt the refugees from the warmer climates who used to watched the bbc world service, before being saved by the U.S.A, wondered just what had happened to global warming!
Nevermind they can put on Dads Army & the Good life instead……
And It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum.
‘The BBC’s remit is NOT to compete against all these devices and devices. Their Remit is to be a British Broadcasting SERVICE. A service that INFORMS the public, it is suppose to be Independent, Unbiased and Non Political. If it wants to be like all the other Corporations, they should not have the luxury of the British public being FORCED to pay to view. £145 per year (over £13 per month. If they went back to doing what they are suppose to do, we would NOT NEED to pay £145 per year.
Daily Mail online comments from above link. I think we would all agree with that. Not that we ever as a nation get asked!
This megalomaniac is tipped for next DG?
Good luck with that.
When I heard the fury of the Hollywood types at Sony deciding not to release the film which has so upset the North Koreans: curtailment of free speech; capitulating to terrorism etc etc.
It put me in mind of this from Diana West in “No Fear” (a collection of her superb articles) regarding the double standards of those very same people.
“Hollywood and the media may be “brave” and “bold” in fearlessly depicting sexuality, violence and the perversions therein, but they’re cultural cowards when it comes to depicting, even mentioning, matters of war, Islam and Jihad. Call it dhimmitude, Hollywood-style.”
Yes, Diana West is an interesting American writer.
Her site:-
“…Hollywood and the media may be “brave” and “bold” in fearlessly depicting sexuality, violence and the perversions therein, but they’re cultural cowards…”
…And they are all mugs for the The Church of the Holy Consensus. Especially the internationally-renowned and UN-endorsed climate experts Drs Leonardo DiCaprio, George Clooney and Cate Blanchett. With experts like that aboard the CAGW gravy train what could go wrong..?
10pm Sky news, bugger the beeb, these are just as bad, 2nd story “breaking news”. Shock Horror ! Hartlepool ( bottom of league 2) new manager says he want to sign Ched Evens, the “rapist” the “horrible criminal who still denies his guilt ” local labour MP Iain Wright poles In with rent a quote saying its a bad day and horrible thing to do, blah, blah, blah.,
For Gods sake what do they want this lad to do ? Lick the streets clean ? Do skydiving without a parachute ? Go and fight for ISIS ? ( nah, only joking for the last one, he’s not a pure and innocent follower of old Mo’ who is just being mislead by other naughty boys, no Ched Evens is pure evil ).
So, found guilty, check.
Served his time, check,
Released and free to resume his life, check,
Able to resume his previous career and the only job he ‘s ever done ? No way whatsoever…….Ched Evens has to be made to suffer for his entire life, no rebuilding his life, no allowing a criminal to rehabilitate himself with well paid work and be no longer a drain on society, no the gruesome left want him to suffer and suffer and then suffer some more, they want him to rot in the gutter until he dies.
Where is they Christian charity in this case ? missing believed lost to leftie belief that a rapist is the vilest creature under the sun ( Rotherham examples are excused ) and must be not allowed redemption.
Sky, just as bad as the worst in the bbc.
BBC Website have the Ched Evans non-story ranked as more important than the three French Police officers stabbed by a Muslim.
Did I say Muslim? Yes.
“France: Muslim enters police station, screams “Allahu akbar,” stabs officer in the face”
Pamela Geller has:-
” Muslim attacks police, stabs one in the face, yells ‘Allahu Akbar’ ‘Takbir’! ”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/12/france-muslim-attacks-police-stabs-one-in-the-face-yells-allahu-akbar-takbir.html/#sthash.UtLjDvbr.dpuf
Am I right in thinking that Evans is appealing against his conviction? If he is sucessful in that appeal and his conviction is overturned, will he be getting any apologies from those who are hell-bent on ruining his livelihood?
Hmmmm. Not many details to go on here, but my insticts tell me that two white officers have been shot dead by a black man. I am sure that in the view of the BBC this will be due to the events at Ferguson, MO, i.e. because a whitecop shot dead an ‘unarmed black teenager’.
I hope the BBC provesme wrong, but…….
And who has wound up some easily wound up people so as they have to have some ‘revenge’ ? Who is going to say they were guilty of leading the rabble in the street to this conclusion ? If is as we suspect, if I were the officers families I know who I would accuse of causing this tragedy.
There are pictures of the alleged attacker who was wounded on the internet already the one I saw was up a couple of hours ago.
It’s a backlash.
We need a ridewithme campaign.
“Experts call for BBC Alba subtitles in Gaelic”
Beeboid response?:-
‘Certainly. We Beeboids are all for automatically imposing the costs of such ‘diversity’ on the British licencepayers.’
As an indigenous language spoken by a significant population I do think the BBC should provide services in English, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic and Irish Gaelic.
Perhaps Red Bee Media will provide them as they do most of the BBC’s subtitling?
They also provide endless amusement in this household for their constant hilarious mistakes.
…did someone order a “tacsai” ?
bbc Alba, what’s it for exactly ? Who is the target audience, they seem to have some very strange programmes, is it just a finishing school for the beebs techies to play with ? How much does it cost to run ?
I’m actually a Gaelic speaker. I grew up in the Outer Hebrides where Gaelic was the only language spoken.
Well rebel, you deserve your opportunity to enjoy your mother-tongue, which predates English by a long way of course, as does Welsh.
No reason for the rest of us to pay for it. Shut down the BBC. If you want to listen to some whatever language, start a radio station. If enough people listen, advertisers will pay to keep it going. It is called Capitalism. simples.
Is this on BBc?
The fact that Sweden has turned itself into the world’s newest Islamic state hasn’t stopped them being bombed. Maybe the anti-semitic mayor of Malmo might think again about which side he supports in the Arab / Israel conflict.
An odd tribute to Rick Mayall tonight on BBC2.
One thing I noticed. Whenever the 1980s came up it was always to deplore the horrors of- yes you have guessed it -Thatcher!
Look you morons on the BBC. She was elected with large majorities and she did what we, the voters, wanted.
These liberals infecting the media just cannot get it.
Their attitude to Mrs Thatcher is replicated in their sneering at Nigel Farage., As out of touch and as pathetic.
I have to keep pointing out to my brain-washed student nephew that the ‘controversial’ hated ‘Thatcher’ won three elections and had share of the popular vote that today’s facsimile fascist fools can only dream of.
Not only that but try to get them to actually show how they or anyone else really suffered under her government i mean to the level these morons bleat about! the ones I know all spent the 80’s sh&tfaced and growing dope while robbing anything they fancied and were all middle class and well off! yet me the hated ‘Tory Boy ‘ was broke and working my ass off to pay for my new GPZ550 , they did sod all political in the 80’s and god they won’t shut up about it !
I had a GPZ550 as well.
An odd tribute indeed.
Did you get the same feeling as me that Roland Rivron didn’t like Mayall that much?
Didn`t Rik do a New Labour B`stard as well in the late 90s?
AND a PPB for UKIP re “One Euro, One Volk” type of thing re the Referendum a few years back?
Yet-funnily enough-these would not get a mention would they?-would hate to confuse the viewers, thick mid 30s and all ready for the Fatch Blitkreig version of events.
As posted 24/7 on all Beeb outlets…it`s as if Labour didn`t fuck the country over 74-79 and 97-10 as is said below,
Yes, what these Liberals fail to mention (including the BBC) or remember is that the country was a basket case when she got her hands on the keys to No10. Just the same as when the coalition got their keys to No10 a couple of years back, the country was a basket case once more. The common denominator in these two events? The Labour Party. Amazing how easily the BBC can airbrush these little details out of their narratives isn’t it?
If anyone is travelling around the U.K. next Friday and Saturday, watch out for heavy rain on Friday followed by a blast of very cold air with snow on Saturday. Gritters at the ready, I trust?
of course not it doesn’t snow anymore . I just travelled across the fens today Cambs and all the way up we passed wind farm after wind farm and they were all turning .Quite amazing they are as there was not a breath of wind to be seen in the trees nor bushes wonder what they were using to be turning at such a rate ? Do they just plug them into the mains
Labour NHS spokesperson Andy Burnham gets free rein on BBC Radio 4 this morning to air his little homily on evil Tories wanting to endanger stroke victims with nasty secret cut backs to the abulance service. Gosh it’s all so black and white in BBC Burnham world. His most over used phrases were ‘winter crisis’ and ‘to be honest’. Two harmless verbal ticks that went unremarked by polite Paddy O’Connell.
Didn’t listen to the genocidal fuck but I’m guessing three words were missing from the interview:
and ‘Stafford.’
And Harold Shipman maybe?….certainly an early enthusiast for assisted dying, a la Falconer..if possibly a bit exuberant at times.
The Primrose Path turns out to be the Liverpool Care Pathway in another guise…more fragrant maybe
BBC1 10.00 “Fern Britton Meets Richard Coles”
…and she’s very likely to meet him on lots of other days too since he’s now on the BBC nearly as often as Polly and Owen.
Well well well, It took just 1 minute to find this? What about you the BBC?
Make of it what you will. This captured from the cop killers Facebook page before it got taken down. Allegedly.
Re – recent expediential increase in Islamic terror, Islamic mass murders, Islamic mass child rape, Islamic slavery, Islamic religious persecution, and Islamic ethnic cleansing …
BBC own in house “scaredy cat” Frank “ironsides” Gardiner bleats what s religion got to do with it?, blaming any of it on “faith”
… an absurd idea – apparently!
Sun 9.30am R4
Anyone watching Al Beeb’s ‘marred’ show this morning get the impression that it was totally biased to being pro Europe and pro migration yet again?
The bumbling ‘Kenny the clerk’ even mentioned the fact that the nation’s housing and health problems were nothing to do with immigration. So where do all the extra migrants in the country get to live and get their A&E from?
Who are the ‘clowns’ now Kenny?
Yes, they seemed to be “scraping the bottom of the cesspit” with Lord Mandy and the Old Buffoon on Marr. The Old Buffoon seems incapable of grasping that increasing the population by a quarter of a miillion, year on year, can only mean that more and more houses need to be built to reduce the shortage. Maybe the Old Buffoon thinks immigrants bring their houses with them. Simple arithmetic is too difficult for him.
Chukka Ummoomoo when asked on QT if immigration had a negative impact on the housing shortage replied “I’m not going to blame immigrants” What a stupid reply! No one was asking him to blame immigrants. Politicians are so anxious about the unstability of the “multicultural society” , so scared that any negativity might lead to racial violence, that they even have to deny the laws of arithmetic. This is why the use of the word “chinky” for Chinese restaurant makes the BBC news. The media is always accusing the public of being in a state of anxiety or rage which makes them blind to the joys of cultural enrichment, but it is really the progressive elites that are anxious and worried. Reality is bound to break through some time.
Well it sounds like Ken the new ‘clown’ has reinvented mathematics.
For a minute there, I was beginning to harbour concerns at the total absence of a democratic mandate on the EU, and indeed the staggering level of imm these isles have endured.
But then Ken Clarke pointed out that our economy would immediately collapse if we left Europe (like a reverse Phoenix, presumably). He added that imm has nothing to do with anything. What actually needs to happen is the debate needs to change.
So now I’m entirely clear – it was stupidity on my part all along.
The EU is in fact just dandy, and really we should now just stop mentioning imm altogether.
I started my Sunday thinking, ‘it’s people like Ken Clarke and Andy Marr who make this country great!’
Ken Clarke – the greatest leader Labour never had.
Which, of course, is why he’s the darling of the BBC.
“Those awful hush puppies! I always knew he was a socialist at heart.”
Margaret Thatcher on Ken Clarke.
Aged BBC interviewer John Freeman dies age 99. A typical BBC type even back then, ex public school, he was elected the Labour member for Watford in the 1945 election.
He presented Panorama and was editor of ‘The New Statesman’.
Nothing really changes !
Only the BBC give a damn about their old staged “moments in 60s rebellions”.
Black and white history of Hancocks interview…who gives a flying fig?..only media studies shits at the BBC, and their linen-suited bears on the top floor at the BBC.
Let them buy their own wreaths or wicker baskets for the humanist funeral…they`re BBC ex stiffies-and should curl up and die of shame long before they reach 99.
Who gave Mike Smith a million to pass on , wasn`t he Noels coffee carrier for years, until they killed someone on his show?
See-I can do history too-but the BBC won`t be publishing mine anytime soon.
“who gives a flying fig?..only media studies shits at the BBC, and their linen-suited bears on the top floor at the BBC.”
What a mean-minded comment. Well, he was British ambassador to Washington, a junior minister in the UK government, chairman of LWT and one of the greatest TV interviewers of all. So a great many people will give a fig. More deserving of an obituary than an embittered keyboard warrior who thinks an appropriate response to the death of a 99-year-old is to wish a premature death on those who work for his old employer.
No, it`s by no means any reflection on the bloke himself.
All I know-which was my only real point-is that the media studies hagiographers will only know Mr Freeman from making Tony Hancock cry…all the rest you mention isn`t on the culture vultures list of things worth a fig.
In short-the onset of the therapeutic, Freudian confessional probably begins with Freeman, and ends up at Bashir via Anthony Clare.
I also intended to point out that some deaths matter far more to the BBC than others-their old boys always make it to “Last Word” and get the usual fawning ululations…the likes of David Rathbone, Sophie Lancaster, NYPD policemen and Sydneysider cafe customers less so.
Maybe if we all told the BBC NOT to mention when we die, things would be better-as things stand, the BBC use anybody only in as far as it serves their agenda.
Believe you me-they`ll care less about Freeman than they ever would over Thatchers family, Camerons or Farages…but it`s their “cheap grace at taxpayers expense” they`re assuaging in naming an old boy who`s not been seen or heard of in the current era.
God Bless and Speed him…but don`t let the BBC rise the coffin as if it were a surfboard.
Sorry marsh-it`s a Biased BBC website-and the BBC won`t let a death go by without it suiting them…99 is a good old age, and the BBCs coverage of news is intended to prevent the rest of us ever reaching it.
Maybe if we all told the BBC NOT to mention when we die
Somehow, I suspect the chances of the BBC needing to be told that are slim to none.
“their old boys always make it to “Last Word” and get the usual fawning ululations…the likes of David Rathbone, Sophie Lancaster, NYPD policemen and Sydneysider cafe customers less so.”
Not familiar with the concept of obituaries, then? You’ve given no plausible reason for NOT mentioning the death of somebody who was by any standards a remarkably interesting and accomplished man. The fact that his achievements were before your time is hardly relevant. Would you object to a WW2 war hero being overlooked for an obituary because he was 99 and you hadn’t heard of him? Thought so. Oh, by the way, Freeman was a war hero.
There is a difference, actually. Freeman was good at his job.
Getting out when the going looks bad for Beeboids’ global empire.
Even more political ‘diversity’ expected to be imposed at Open University.
“BBC World Service director Peter Horrocks is appointed OU Vice Chancellor”
BBC, pushes the boat out, attempting to orchestrate a UKIP
Farage-gate type palava .. spies, private dicks etc –
smacks of desperation
Yes its, 9 am BBC R4 and – Broadcasting Bullsh-t … oops I mean House.
Yes, and the “newpaper critique” after the 8am news continued the bile at UKIP.
But-not Labour bias…funnily enough the BBC are happy to cite the Mail On Sunday in their hatchet jobs on Farage.
Who knew that the BBC would be so happy to quote their hated “Daily Mail”-types?
Still-as we all know-the more the BBC trash UKip, the less UKIP will have to account for their hopeless policies(largely) and lack of principles, decent candidates etc.
All they have to do is absorb the liberal hatred, and watch their votes roll in-we all hate the BBC/Labour and Guardian types THAT much, we`d maybe vote for Anjem Choudhury if they treated him as they do Nigel.
But they don`t…roll on UKIP!
Both the Daily M(F)ail and the former Torygraph aro no longer RealTory papers-they have both gone soft left.
They probably see that their stance is ‘progressive’ T ory ,
but to the paying public ,they have sold out on their heritage.
Vote with your feet people, don’t buy their fauxcialist rags-the Express will have to up its game and become a more serious paper.
The papers are scared stiff after the press regulation inquiry, they know that if they don’t toe the line then it’s curtains and with the rise of instant media news the pressure is on..what better way than to chummy up to the liberals!
Even the Daily Fail has joined the anti UKIP stance, the comments are full of scorn from people who know better. It’s so easy to expose the lies of the left and find an alternative view…t’interweb, it’s brilliant.
“Immigration is Now The Most Important Topic to Voters Today”
(-Not if Beeboids have their political way.)
It is the most important topic to ‘boids, too.
Nothing is more important to them than telling us thickos how flippin’ brilliant it all is!
“AP here describes the Rosengaard district as “multiethnic,” and then says that … it is “dominated by immigrants from Iraq, Kosovo, Bosnia and Lebanon. that some adherents of that religion tend to set off car bombs in pursuit of their religious and political vision elsewhere, AP does not see fit to mention”
oop s! meant to be a reply higher up
BBC bosses spend thousands on week-long stay at luxury Los Angeles ‘rock star’ hotel Sunset Marquis
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2879588/BBC-bosses-spend-thousands-week-long-stay-luxury-Los-Angeles-rock-star-hotel-Sunset-Marquis.html#ixzz3MXK000eS
Come now, Jeff. You don’t go putting world class broadcasters in travel lodges.
These people are not like you and me, they are – by a not inconsiderable margin – our betters.
As such we give them money and they spend it as they see fit. And I for one am profoundly grateful for their selflessness in educating, informing, and entertaining us.
All they ask is a generous salary, an expense account, an iron-clad pension, extensive travel and daily pilfering opportunities.
Strictly Come Dancing: Caroline Flack lifts glitterball trophy – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-30536720
The top Have Your Say comments all criticize the BBC. I can’t imagine why none of them makes it into the Editor’s Picks…
This Caroline Flack:
In 2009, Flack won the BBC Three series Dancing on Wheels with disabled partner James O’Shea[13] and together the pair represented Great Britain in the 2009 Wheelchair Dancing European Championships in Tel Aviv, finishing 16th in their category.[14]
This comment warms the cockles of a BBC heart
“Gosh, what a miserable bunch of Scrooges on this HYS. We’ve certainly had plenty of truly terrible news in the past few days and our hearts go out to those suffering. But it’s Xmas, so we’re allowed some light entertainment. How many critics here would dare to dance live on TV? This is a quality family show”
Terrible news? News rather implies events out of the ordinary. I’ve only heard of well known rabid dogs barking and biting men – in terms of that old news proverb, but hey ho.
Oh, in case you were wondering – that thumbs up the bum comment in favour of the BBC was from “Denmark”
BBC : The most popular British national broadcaster – to those outside of Britain that is – who incidently don’t have to pay for the crap.
And a big hello to all those in Legoland this Christmas. Give the little mermaid a kiss for me.
they used to beg for soap bars at all tourist hotels do they still do that?
But I got it all upside down of course, having watched not enough BBC: they just want to prevent the tourists to overuse on soap which is bad for the skin
soap is good for healthcare you see, but too much is too much which is why the benign dictators, with the anointment of bbc propagandists , try to limit it you know
BBC TV 24 hour News (newspapers discussion) last night – guests entirely horrified by suggestion in Sunday Times that Home Secretary may require non-EU graduates of British universities to leave the UK once they have finished their course.
The two ‘commentators’ plainly believed (a) they don’t return and (b) they shouldn’t, even if the rules suggest otherwise.
Metropolitans gone mad, as well as stupid, but they are never countered in argument on the Beeb, or could be.
Ballsachingly pc.
So now you know why universities don’t want ‘students’ included in immigration figures.