I see the BBC are delighted at Obama’s roll-over to Cuba. I caught an interview this morning on the Today programme with a Labour MP who enjoyed a travelling to Cuba to have a chinwag with ol’ Fidel and who was able to inform us that the REAL cause of Cuba’s woes was….yes, America. The BBC never changes — sighs. A new thread for you!
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I was watching Sky News and Press Preview last night and thought it just as snooty and middle-class as the BBC. The pretentious and smug News presenter was laying into Ukip and the Tories and his middle class dinner party-type guests were spouting about Labour winning the election and so on. There is a concerted effort by the mainstream media (besides the DM, Telegraph, Express and Spectator) to promote solely Left-wing multicultural values, and it’s really p***ing me off.
I know we don’t have to pay for the likes of Sky and Channel Snore, but they’re every bit as biased, disingenuous and infuriating as the Marxist, pro-EU, pro-Islamic BBC.
It is another sign of how worried the cosy little critters are by UKIP.
We have become unpredictable and this is very tiresome to the liberal and faux conservative mind.
Stupidly they focus on UKIP not realising the UKIP is a result not a cause of discontent.
On this matter Sky ,C4, the BBc, the Mail/Telegraph/ Guardian axis of dumbness are of the same mind and hopefully making UKIP more electable.
There is much responsibilty on UKIP and Farage. AS England in particular faces an existential crisis and it’s very culture of centuries faces destruction then without UKIP things could get difficult. Not that the axis of dumbness gets this at all.
I am clear .To vote for any of the three dumb parties is to betray your grandchildren and whatever the cost cannot be justified.
I understand that C4 is making a satirical spoof documentary about the first 100 days of a UKIP Government.
I don’t think the spoof will be based on reading UKIP policy documents or the Libertarian ideology of the Freedom Association.
But if C4 has commissioned Sir Antony Jay of Yes Minister fame, to write the spoof documentary. Then it would be an intelligent and therefore pro-UKIP anti-Establishment Drama, focused on the reaction of the Civil Service morons, to wide scale sackings of Pen Pushers, Environ Mental Arts & Drama & Fuel Policy People and parasites linked to the EU & Foreign Aid, etc & ect.
The establishment are getting worried but seem to be going into overdrive and getting their act together. Anti UKIP stories in local publications are getting the DM & DT upvote/downvote treatment now.
Last night I commented on the Farage/Kerry Smith the DT was running, the comment was near the top and garnered 40 upvotes quickly and was on 60 odd with a couple of downvotes when I went to bed.
In the small hours the comment received 300 downvotes as had the others around it. Its blatant, orchestrated and giving skewed inaccurate opinion and deeply worrying to to what sort of country we’re really living in.
It’s not clear to me that this is the doing of either the Mail or the Telegarph. It could be an orchestrated campaign using social media by rabid Leftists, or it could be down to bots
However, the fact that, as with the manipulation of BBC studio audiences, nothing is being done to stop it, implicates the organisations concerned. They are at the very least complicit.
There is one vote that even the BBC can’t rig and that takes place next May. They are busy sh*tting themselves because they know what is coming.
I see the bBC is reporting on the fact that Jordan has executed 11 men Jordan ends death penalty moratorium with 11 executions
And it ends the above with this:
“A number of Middle East countries have retained capital punishment, including Jordan’s neighbour Saudi Arabia which has carried out dozens of public executions this year.”
There are 15 countries in the ME;
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Out of all those countries/states only one does not have the death penalty. It is also the only one which isn’t’ Islamic. Yet the bBC blurs the issue so as not to point out that very salient
Another USA cop shot dead:
This story was (disgracefully) hidden away at the bottom of the World Section but should be front page news considering the mayhem that Muslim zealots have been waging worldwide:
Damage limitation from the BBC?
Nothing to do with Islam, right?
Listening to the EBU Christmas Concerts as I write.
They`ve been to the Czechs, the Finns and now they`re with the Romanians.
Stunning stuff-and doubtless the Russians were every bit as good.
If anything could convince us of a United Europe-but only under the Cross of Jesus Christ, it would be this.
No doubt the cathedrals and windows, art and cultures celebrated here are as vivid and glorious as is their music.
Which brings me to my points.
`1.As Christians-how the hell are we losing this battle against the secularists and Islam, its evil twin? We`ve got the songs, pictures and over 1000 years of roots and traditions…yet Islam has no music, no pictures and a death-loving hatred of life and love itself.
Today for a few hours, the BBC and EBU are showing us our Common European Home and Heritage…but tomorrow it`ll be Anjem, Shami and Lennon if we`re lucky once again.
How come?
2. All Islam offers is Allah Abkbar wit a death sentence for imperfect pronunciation-and the Church has THIS by way of a worldwide voice, diverse and stunningly varied…yet it`s losing all battles, all areas.
How come?
I`m making the most of it-can`t guarantee that we`ll be allowed it for too many years to come as things stand.
We know part of the answer. An elite that despise it’s inheritance. Controlling education,law ,politics and media since the end of the war and convinced that it can create the heaven on earth of it’s fantasies.
That coupled with a once more vigorous rival in Islam puts Western civilisation at peril.
Islam would be no real threat to us at all if it were not for the elite’s determination to undermine centuries of Western civilisation.
Why do they want to do this? Because tradition, real conservative thought and repect for the cultural inheritance of the West have to be destroyed in order to bring about the “heaven on earth” of the fantasy.
The French Revolution has much to answer for in that it was the first concerted attempt to re order society to fit a fantasy and a flawed theory.
This time I hope the counter revolution will put an end to the elite’s destructiveness. There will be much pain and misery on the way to doing this.
More ‘diversity’: will INBBC report it or censor it?:-
“‘Next generation, God willing’: ISIS jihadist’s widow from London posts picture
of four-year-old boy posing with toy gun by Islamic flag.
“The teenager’s husband died fighting in war-torn Kobane on Syrian border.
“The Londoner proudly posted the picture of the youngster on Twitter.
“ISIS supporters offer cash incentives to encourage schoolgirls to join them.
“Use money wires to transfer cash for girls’ payment and travel expenses.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2882422/British-widow-terrorist-killed-Syria-tweets-picture-boy-4-posing-toy-gun-ISIS-flag-calls-generation.html#ixzz3MYuE8bpS
Funny but I can’t find any mention of the latest Muslim depravity on the BBC:
I can find one committed by someone white though. Obviously it’s a much more serious offence when a white untermensch rapes a woman than a Muslim Ubermensch.
Not that they’re biased or anything !
The BBC have fuelled this particular fire for years and yet now one of them is saying this…
With a cold blast from the north due for most of us next weekend, I wonder if the *Warmist* BBC (aka Harrabin) will find any time to report this news to those who listen to the BBC. As of end of November 2014:
47,402 Record Cold temps this year so far vs 33,013 Record warm temps for the USA alone. (Give or take a few)
Two contrasting headlines of same physical attack-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’-
Muslims in car screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ mow down 12 pedestrians”
2.) INBBC’s politically censoring headline:-
“Driver attacks French pedestrians”
Driver in Dijon, France shouting Allah akibar mows down 12 pedestrians. Breaking news. Can I be the first to predict that he will be reported as a lone wolf with mental problems and nothing to do with Islam.
Shucks – they beat me to it and added a bit about a mental insitution
Oh dear, I see by that article, albeeb have taken to providing us with the translated version now: ” god is great”
Somewhat mistranslated i suggest from ” allahu akhbar” which i gather is marginally different as ‘ god is greater’
Perhaps they hope we wont be able to link their translation to the ROP ?
And yes, he is a nutter in that report, quelle surprise!
Thanking Larry in retrospect for his superior knowledge.
Thank you but I have no superior knowledge (about anything). Google is thy friend as they say.
Mental institution ….. why not? In my best BBC speak – There are those who say “Islam is mass psychosis”.
Driver attacks French pedestrians
Driver shouting “God is great” in Arabic runs down pedestrians in
Dijon, France, injuring 11, French media say…
Peddant alert.
No he wasn’t
Allahu Akbar (Arabic: الله أكبر) is an Islamic phrase, called Takbir in Arabic, meaning “God is greater” or “God is [the] greatest”
Be careful with this one.
The guy was a psychiatric patient with a string of previous
A recent convert
pissed – hardly a pious Muslim
I could get in a car shouting Allahu Akbar, but it wouldn’t make me a Muslim.
In a way thoughtful, you make a fair point. However, I rather think I ought to point out that the more pious a Moslem becomes, the more violent he is.
For a good Moslem attempts to emulate the actions of the prophet, a 7th century savage.
“David Cameron told MPs he had raised with President Obama his concern about Russian news channels “pumping out a distorted picture” of events”
It seems there are a fair few folk vying to pump out pictures they appear to feel is not distorted. Their confidence that they are right and will prevail seems matched only by their confidence that escalating funds from their public will secure this.
Which all sounds wearily familiar if still presumptuous.
BBC-NUJ and ‘Guardian’-NUJ will continue to politically campaign for Islamising and censoring Turkey to get entry into federalising, Islamising European Union-
“Turkey issues arrest warrant for Erdoğan rival Fethullah Gülen”
Another aspect of UKIP’s case on E.U, which Beeboids will not acknowledge-
“UK loses bid to opt out of benefits deal with Turkey:
“Ruling could lead to higher spending on welfare payments and pensions for immigrants.
“Britain could be forced to pay benefits to more Turkish migrants.
“UK lost yet another EU court case, giving Turkish workers full EU rights.
“MPs feared ‘power grab’ could make Britain more attractive for migrants.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2882218/UK-loses-bid-opt-benefits-deal-Turkey-Ruling-lead-higher-spending-welfare-payments-pensions-immigrants.html#ixzz3MZfLUXj0
One o clock today with BBC r4
A look at immigration as ” it’s been in the news this year ” , no thanks to Al Beeb.
Start with schoolchildren . What better , don’t start at a prison, that a negative . Then happily ask how people in other lands celebrate Christmas, only they now do it here . Doubleplusgood . Are the newcomers totally at ease? No! Theirs been some talk. No murders , I would like to point out . Oh wait , some Lithuanians murdering and Poles beating up academics , but diversity and enrichment aren’t totally cost free .
A bit more round the houses and its ” if only people would understand and love they would enjoy life ” I paraphrase .
About as informative as a sat nav directions to the stairs in my own house .
Will pro-EU Beeboids report this?:-
“Majority of Brits want to quit EU – poll”
(Also- front-page headline story of Monday’s ‘Daily Express’:
‘51% want to leave EU.’)
Why are the unstable lone wolf attackers always Muslim and not Christian or Hindu etc. ?
Is it a coincidence?
– Latest Beeb technique to increase or retain the licence fee.
We have to counter Russia Today’s propaganda with, er, much of the same point of view.
Latest details on Florida Police Killer:
Avoiding the M-word like the plague:
‘Allahu Akbar’ attacker shot by French police
is ‘Allahu Akbar attacker’ the latest euphemism, to supplant ‘insurgent’ or ‘militant’?
“Investigators are reportedly focusing on whether radical Islam played a role ”
Now let me see . . . Is ‘Allahu Akbar’ a Buddhist ‘blessing’? A Jewish one? A Hindu one? A Christian one? A Shinto one?
Anyone help me out here?
I believe “Islamic benediction” is the approved term.
Today the papers are carrying stories of Theresa Mays naked ambition to become Tory leader, and her thinly disguised views that David Cameron is completely incompetent and freewheeling down to the election.
Her views are of course interesting and newsworthy, but the BBC have grabbed what they are calling dissent in Tory ranks.
Yet the rift in Labour which Millipede caved into this week when Chris Bryant threatened to resign over Labours more strict immigration policy hasn’t even merited a mention.
Yesterday a new carol sung on Andrew Marr show by a school choir practically sans white kids, as the BBC always does when it has an item on schools.
that’s the bbc fulfilling its ‘informing’ remit. It’s giving us a glimpse of the near future.
To be fair, this is likely another BBC ‘couldn’t find…’, if odd given the £4b funds and 20,000 staff, 19,000 hired specifically to ensure diversity quotas are met accurately.
Anyway, for balance, elsewhere, at a different time, the market rate top floor and Trust will be banging out their rendition of ‘White Christmas’, with guest conductor Greg Dyke.
If the BBC was culled.
Where would their staff go?
I fear they would join the other media ranks and continue their jihad.
Their infected tentacles stretch far beyond the BBC.
True, they would disperse.
However they would immediately be subject to actual competition, market forces and consumer choice, that may have a sobering effect on an awful lot that makes their activities ‘unique’.
Beyond lifting the TV poll tax imposition and all associated legal abuses, it means they would no longer ‘speak for the nation’. As one never asked if they do, that is fine by me.