Two New York Policemen have been shot dead whilst sitting in their patrol car by a black man who proclaimed he aimed to kill some police in revenge for the death of Eric garner and Michael Brown.
It is not clear yet why the officers, both men, were attacked.
But it is perfectly clear why he killed the police officers as the New York Daily News points out and the killers Instagram entry makes obvious:
Two NYPD officers dead in ‘ambush’ while sitting in patrol car in Brooklyn by gunman who boasted on Instagram about killing cops for ‘revenge’
You have to ask whether inaccurate, one sided, anti-police reporting of the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner contributed to the belief that it is acceptable to kill police officers….the BBC was as guilty as any in misreporting those deaths and encouraging the anti-police atmosphere and feeding the ‘all police are racist’ narrative:
Will black Americans finally get a fair deal?
Well, slavery may have long gone, but apprehending someone because they could be up to no good, simply because they’re black is still police policy in much of the land.
The usual race hustlers played their part in whipping up the anti-police hsyteria…..but now they rush out to deny any association with these murders:
Al Sharpton said in a statement: ‘I have spoken to the Garner family and we are outraged by the early reports of the police killed in Brooklyn today.
‘Any use of the names of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, in connection with any violence or killing of police, is reprehensible and against the pursuit of justice in both cases.
The BBC’s irresponsible and misleading reporting may have played its part…..and no doubt such reporting has transferred across to the UK and has added to the same anti-police sentiments here amongst some in the Black communities.
And it is noticeable how slow the BBC are to get any facts about the killings…hours after the event…the Mail has extensive coverage.
Ironic perhaps after James Harding’s boast that the BBC news will provide:
What you need to know, wherever you are, whenever you want it.
Wonder why this time the BBC has dropped its practice of reporting the race of the shooter and the victims?
Possible Religion of Peace link also?
Need to double check, but it seems there is a link to the ROP
More here
and in France Car Jihad
and again in in France, French police a Muslim Berserker
We are inexorably moving to a civil war.
The report about the race of the shooters (perhaps the first time they referred to a Chinese as an Asian) was relegated to 14 sentence/paragraphs down after three videos and five photographs.
When I read the BBC report it made no mention of the race of either the attacker or the victims. That has been added since.
I don’t blame the media nor the Mayor (as did the president of the police officers union in New York) for this. The gunman killed his ex-girlfriend and himself as well as an Asian (Chinese) and a Latino police officer. Perhaps surprisingly he didn’t opt for a shoot-out with police — the so-called suicide by cop.
It sounds to me that he wanted to go out in a blaze of publicity, if not glory.

Presumably if the Chinese Americans and/or Latin Americans start rioting against the innocent black population, in revenge for these murders, then the BBC will have to side with the rioters or else they would show (yet again) that impartiality is just a meaningless word in their charter.
The rate the Latin Americans are filling up the US…..things look grim for the Afro Americans……..i hope.
His choice of way out was directly influenced by them. It wasn’t their intention but if you create a meme you have to expect that some nut might use it to justify their actions.
This gunman killed 2 NYPD officers after posting anti-police comments online, the anti-police stance by the Major and other so called community leaders has directly contributed to these murders.
What is revealing is the rush by the left-wing media to try and defend these killings, surely the fact that the gunman has shot dead two officers from other ethnic groups shows that this was a racist shooting and that the left should be demonstrating about the killers religion and colour……….
Not sure that he checked the ethnicity before shooting. Probably he identified the the car and possibly the uniforms. There is no evidence he identified the officers. What would have happened if one or both officers were black is unsure. We shouldn’t imitate the BBC and jump to conclusions.
Can I go and shoot some socialists because I am angry about Stalin’s murders?
Thought not.
Just do it, anyway…
That would be a very long list Old Goat, have you enough ammo?
Shooting is far too benign a punishment for the crimes committed by Stalin, Mao and Hitler – all of them genuine diehard socialists.
We’d better get organising some more protests in this country.
Bloody hell, how many ethnicities can the BBC squeeze into one report?
They’re relieved that this has nothing to do with their beloved religion of peace, no doubt.
Look closely at the BBC report on the killing. Most of the article refers to the police killing of the two which sparked off the media driven protests. It is so clear from the BBC that despite condemnation of this murder, ultimate blame must lie with the police. Same style of reporting with Israel.
BBC reports condemnation from the Mayor of New York.
But see how the cops react to him by turning their backs. He has been banned from attending cop funerals.
The police have their belief, and are entitled to it.
That silent rejection is as potent a protest as I have seen in a long time.
Maybe the Mayor can compel them to support him using some kind of compulsory fee?
The BBC may see that as justified. As they continue to propagandize for those using planned or threatened violence to push their interests.
“What you need to know, wherever you are, whenever you want it”
So far, clearly, even with £4b at their disposal, the BBC’s empire-building has managed only the second.
The last, given the watertight oversight funk anything off-narrative sends them into, is a self-delusional joke.
The first is downright creepy, and revealing, if perhaps unintentionally so.
That BBC promise is only half a sentence isn’t it, what it really means is:
“What we think you need to know, wherever you are, whether or not you want it”.
I’ve just listened to the *Global* news report on Classic (yes I know it is not the BBC, but the news output contains the same narrative) and they failed to mention that it was a Black gunman and two white offices murdered. How different it was just a couple of weeks ago when every minute of the day we were being told that it was an unarmed black man gunned down by a white police officer?
The Left Wing media, including the BBC are dangerous, very dangerous.
What a surprise the BBC do not mention that the killer was a Muslim:
Ismaaiyl Brinsley murdered two policemen in Brooklyn today, as they were having lunch. The murders are being reported as revenge for the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. However, there appears to be more to the story. His Facebook page contains a photo of Qur’an 8:60, which includes the phrase, “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah.”
He must so misunderstand that peaceful religion!
They also failed to mention the RoP aspect.
Pamela Geller has:-
“Brooklyn cop killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s FB page has Qur’an quote: ‘Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah’”
– See more at:
Another lone wolf, nothing to do with Islam. But the quote from the Koran….?
10am. BbcR5. Policemen shot, no details about the ‘man’.
10am, World Service. Paraphrasing “Policemen shot by Black man who announced on his Facebook page he was going to do it as a reaction to the shooting of Eric Garner”.
So one part of the bbc knows and reports, another does not…….
Good point Alan. This is the first thing I thought. The Liberal media by lying and acting hysterically is a factor.
The same goes with the BBCs hysterical anti-Asad coverage, and then they wonder why young men go off to fight in Syria.
The BBC faces a terrible dilemma over this type of thing. On the one hand, certain ethnic groups and religions are disproprionately responsible for certain types of violent crimes not commonly found in Western countries. Those perpetrators are often here through immigration and the BBC does not wish to highlight the fact that these are thus crimes that should not, in the natural cause of events, have occured at all, but rather are a consequence of something they support. On the other hand, their ideological position is that such crimes are in some way justified or at least understood as a response to racism, islamophobia, foreign policy, legacy of slavery etc., and therefore “we” (however you define it – white, western, Christian, whatever) have to be constantly reminded of our dreadful legacy.
Tut Tut. Don’t you remember the days, not that long ago, when there were larger instances of beheadings, gang rapes and FGM.
Rejoice that the RoP has tuaght us that women must be respected, and human life is sacred.
A summary.
At 2am GMT the BBC said ‘It is not clear yet why the officers, both men, were attacked.’ and made no reference to the race or religion of those involved.
At the same time thanks to this site I thought it likely that a black Muslim had murdered an Asian and a Hispanic policeman and his motive was revenge for a perceived ‘white on black’ killing by NYPD.
Some of that still to be confirmed, if ever, by the BBC but I understand how difficult reporting events from New York is and that the BBC does not have the same resources as Alan has.
Biased BBC may have played its part in these killings through its usual race hustling.
Yes Biased BBC is clearly a must read for racist American cop killers…
Beyond the idiotic attempted comparison you rightly mock between an online discussion forum of bbc activity and a global news entity proud of its billion-pound reach and ability to shape narratives wherever it sets up a bureau or flies a team to, there is also a classic BBC backside cover in that ‘may’ to his latest one line and scoot drive by.
That four others have so quickly shared the warped attempt at assigning logic-free blame is unsurprising given usual weekend staffing cover.
BBC 24 lead headline is about delayed ambulance responses.
Next down the list is the shooting of the police officers:
Yes, news about ambulance response times is worthy, but not more so.
If the circumstances had been two black men sat in a car when a police officer shot them…. well…. let’s think about that…
The news is now 5th on BBC 24 list of features.
Two below the news of Elton’s marriage. Who already has a civil partnership anyway.
Anything to blunt a ‘bad news day’ for the beeb.
When my FiL was taken ill they sent 2 first responders and an ambulance. When he died they sent 3 first responders, an ambulance and a police car. The cops then searched the house to check for signs of a suspicious death!
The fact that he died 4 hours after being discharged from hospital doesn’t seem to have affected the overkill of 8 public servants attending an 87 year olds death.
The shameless Biased Broadcasting corporation is always quick to criticise certain state institutions on ill-thought out and politically correct grounds, but is subsequently reluctant to apologise when the truth finally emerges. Remember the Al Sweady Inquiry and the dedacted version of the Michael Garcia Reports? Need I say more!
Have BBC-Democrats emphasised in ‘reports’ any white police officers as murdered victims?
Have BBC-Democrats emphasised that the murderer was black?
Have BBC-Democrats emphasised the Islamic connections of the murderer?
I find it very disturbing that the bBC is promoting this story as somehow a reaction to the POV(Of the left and black people) that the Police in the US can only be racist towards black people. This can be substantiated by how the bBC is screaming out the fact the murderer tweated this was for the death of Eric Garner.
Now lets look at the facts on the ground (And other tweets which the bBC isn’t airing:
The Murderer 28 year old Ismaaiyl Brinsley had form.
in 2006, when he was arrested in Georgia for carrying a concealed weapon, a knife, as well as shoplifting, according to online records.
The next year he was nabbed in Dekalb County, Ga., for criminal trespass, and by 2009, he was indicted in Ohio for robbery
In 2011, he was arrested again in Georgia for reckless conduct, tampering with evidence, criminal proper.
Now I don’t know if he did time for the above, but yesterday at 5am he shot his former girlfriend in the stomach and then did a runner. He then tweeted this, a tweet I should add the bBC hasn’t mentioned:
“I Rather Die a Gangster Then Go To Sleep A Coward,”
So he decided to go out shooting, but in order to make himself a folkhero he came up with a lame excuse which the bBC uses to whitewash the fact he had just shot his ex in Marlyland which while it doesn’t have the death penalty does have the three strike one.
In otherwords he knew, he was fucked and so instead of being written off as a thug, he remade himself (With thanks to the bBC) as a Hero fighting back for black justice.
The bBC, a leftwing school boy news agency which panders to murderers, relgious bigots and rapists unless of course they are white.
Maybe this latest rebel with a new cause could have helped the BBC analysis by having a flag sporting dubious typography?
Then a BBC security and heraldry expert could gnaw on this to avoid again considering the apparent last refuge of immortality to what appears a growing series of psychotic criminal losers seeking their 15 minutes of (often posthumous) fame in a way that ensures headlines.
I think we should fund Pounce to the sum of £4bn per year…
We get more in depth news and analysis from him that the filth at the BBC.
We sure do, plus common sense and realism – but does it have to be the full 4bn?
Just heard the Radio 3 news bulletin at 1300 today.
Didn`t get the “mans” full name-but it`s Muslim isn`t it?
They have told us were it not so.
The reader implied that these armed coppers maybe were fair game, whereas the killing of “unarmed black men” is not…fair`s fair and all.
Need I repeat that the Islamic black psycho that did this left Sura 8.60 up on his MSM before going out to kill…but-as ever-NO ISLAMIC context whatsoever…got that Kuffar?
My fear is that even a good station like Radio 3 draws its news from the same cesspool as do the rest of the BBC…and many listeners won`t be checking all this, but will trust the BBCs “take on events”.
Still-after Vivienne Westwood chuckling at her old muse enjoying the idea of policemen getting decapitated a few minutes earlier…and telling we fracker-deniers that the world is ending…those tainted roots of the Good Rebellion and putting wings on pigs clearly go as deep as Japanese Knotweed.
That these two NYPD policemen were Chinese and Hispanic clearly counts for f***all…Black Islam trumps all!
More a summary of trends noted here, but useful as such.
Trying to be ruthlessly objective, it remains hard to grasp what professional motivations may have influenced so many media reports in the ways described.
It’s never going to be good, but such dissembling will ultimately make things much worse.
For motivation, I think we need to look towards the EU, the UN and multinational corporations and their drive towards globalism. In Britain racism has been, and is being, used as a cudgel against a people who have demonstrated themselves to be among the most racially tolerant in the world. This tolerance has been wildly abused by the BBC, politicians, and the media in general. We are now waking up to what has been done to us and have realised that it is not us, the British people, who have been the racists but the arrogant ‘liberal elite’ that have ruled our country for too long. They have attempted to distort and nullify our cultural history by using racism as a weapon. There is an election next year, let’s make it count.
“the arrogant ‘liberal elite’”
And they do get about with their tired little cudgels, as evidenced above by the resident weekend one-liner drive by and drive off specialist. Who appears to have crashed after his latest attempt.
Guest Who, you seem to find it hard to grasp ‘what professional motivations may have influenced so many media reports’, I am offering a hint of a suggestion and you are free to take it or leave it as you please. There’s evidence for a lot of motivation out there if you care to look for it.
regag, I don’t think he’s referring to you. I would guess he would agree wth most of what you say. I think he was probably referring to jerry fletcher who is renowned on this site for one line ad homs.
He wasn’t. He did. He was.
Sorry to regag it was not made clear enough.
Thank you Demon for clarifying.
Cheers Demon, Guest Who and all at biasedbbc. Hope you have a great Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you too.
Another cop is shot dead in USA:
Shooter drove off and crashed his car.
The MSN seem to have memory-loss over the 3 French cops stabbed by a Muslim yesterday.
Mark Steyn’s fiercely intelligent analysis of the Sydney Lindt Café horror and the mass-media’s fanatical miss-reporting.
For free, unlike the garbage served up to us at our expense by the noxious and nauseating Islam- apologist , BBC
this racist shooting of these 2 defenceless nypd police officers by this armed black man is a disgusting cowardly crime,if that was not bad enough, it is reported tonight that ismaaiyl brinsley was a black muslim member of the racist black group called the black guerrilla family (bgf) puts a whole new slant of this atrocity,there is more to this story than we are being told.i hope the media does its job and does not spin this out as another case of a lone gunman with with mental health problems.
The chants for dead cops were also strangely missing from the BBC website.
It appears this ‘white’ policeman who ‘murdered’ a defenceless ‘black’ youth story is going to go on and on for a very long time.
Does anyone know how BBC ‘journalists’ and executives are able to masturbate and punch their keyboards at the same time?
Do they, er, sort of help each other out a bit?
The author blames Al Sharpton and Mayor deBlasio for inciting the ‘revenge’ killings. As much as I disprove of the BBC cheerleading the rioters they are more obvious targets for reproach (in this case) than the Beeb.
Even today, Beeboids censor out that the murderer of two non-black NY police was
a black Muslim.
It must be a political rule of Beeboid ‘diversity’ propaganda broadcasting that
blacks can only be victims, not perpetrators, even when they are.
Black Beeboid, Clive MYRIE, asks:
” Will black Americans finally get a fair deal?”
Myrie does NOT ask:
‘Will non-black Americans (including police) finally get a fair deal?’
This black Beeboid editorialising for blacks globally is all part of Beeboids’ global ‘diversity’ political propaganda broadcasting service, which unwittingly licencepayers finance.
”Myrie: Will black Americans finally get a fair deal?”
No, there will never be a ‘black’ American President.
A mental case with a history of violence. Not an ROP type is he?
Check other sources as facts emerge actor is james woods.
Woods aced his SATs, got into MIT (but dropped out to pursue acting) and has a reported IQ of 180
Compare and contrast here.