A new week and the BBC starts early. On the Today programme this morning we had someone on to defend the good reputation of North Korea followed by someone demanding even MORE street lights be turned off. Detail the bias here folks.
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Can’t the bbc just close down for the xmas period, I’ve got a serious case of propaganda fatigue.
Well their new team in Australia are on top of the big stories downunder.
Seems Tony Abbott has been ‘accused’ of something again and the BBC can’t get enough of what seems a daily diet of partisan whinges from local activists and opposition pols.
So, a bit like here then.
Today the papers are carrying stories of Theresa Mays naked ambition to become Tory leader, and her thinly disguised views that David Cameron is completely incompetent and freewheeling down to the election.
Her views are of course interesting and newsworthy, but the BBC have grabbed what they are calling dissent in Tory ranks.
Yet the rift in Labour which Millipede caved into this week when Chris Bryant threatened to resign over Labours more strict immigration policy hasn’t even merited a mention
Anyone want to place a bet on this being a set up staged stunt for the publicity value?
This is not a traditional Muslim wedding, not a tradition couple, fully Westernised if they are even Muslim I have serious doubts this is as it appears.
Unusually the BBC doesn’t seem to have picked up on it as yet, but then it’s early days.
This a typical Hamas wedding in Gaza

Funny! but be aware that the underlying story is a hoax. See http://www.snopes.com/photos/politics/masswedding.asp for explanation.
Even Al Jazeera beg to differ with you Ian.
That picture may be a hoax, yet the fact remains Muslims love to rape little girls in which to get their kicks. FGM is designed to give Islamic males a tight a hole as possible for sexual gratification. Maybe that is why they get their older women to cover up, and force their men to wear baggy trousers, shave their arses and grow facial hair .
Lol, those girls are groom maids, I know their culture is a bit weird. The actual brides are in the background covered in burkas.
Groom maids how very apt
She could have been laying the flowers for the terrorist I did mention this on several news papers website but somehow none got published.
Is this an appropriate report to put under the story about two police officers being gunned down?
The BBC are OBSESSED with race, often seeking racism where none exist. I, for one, a, sick to death with their race peddling on an industrial scale.
Me, too, and the transgender rubbish, AND the homophobia rubbish, AND the female sports personalities. In fact, I’m just about sick of the BBC. My listening/watching diet is becoming more and more slanted towards Classic FM, and Russia Today, with news comment and blogs on Breitbart.
There ARE alternatives…
> and the transgender rubbish, AND the homophobia rubbish, AND the female sports personalities
Yes, because trans people, gay people and women should know their place! How DARE they have any representation on national media! Don’t they know the only people who should be shown on the BBC are grey-haired, lumpen, doolally old men who sit on their arses all day whining into the internet?
AAAGGGHHHH! Someone mentioned the G-A-Y word and LGBT in less than reverential tones and triggered a Scott diatribe under his new moniker “Filmfan”. In Scott’s world gays are beyond criticism and should be worshipped. No one is allowed to hold views that offend the poor boy’s delicate sensitivities. I do wish he’d piss off back to the wind blown empty spaces of his own website where he can spend all his time looking at the photos he’s posted of himself creeping around gay celebrities in the hope of benefiting from their reflected glory. Instead he trawls through websites like BBBC so he can affect to be offended when he sees a post he doesn’t like. It’s what sad little losers like him do in order to boost their self esteem.
Andy S,
“Instead he trawls through websites like BBBC so he can affect to be offended when he sees a post he doesn’t like. It’s what sad little losers like him do in order to boost their self esteem.”
You should be a little bit more wary of “self-projection” Andy. Admittedly it’s a very easy trap to fall into; but inevitably (as above) it just confirms that you think of yourself as a “sad little loser”.
And you know best.
I’m here to help 🙂
Dez, shouldn’t you be putting new batteries in your torch and checking the premises you guard are secure? What would your boss say about using his computers to troll this site when you should be looking after his building. Or does the BBC sanction use of its computers by its security staff as long as it’s in defence of the Corporation?
“In fact, I’m just about sick of the BBC.”
May I suggest that you stop trying to watch and listen to the BBC from France? Where you live. Because to get irate about the national broadcaster of a country you don’t actually live in… is a little bit weird. Not Pinder or GuestWhatI’mSaying weird. But pretty odd.
Although not as odd as Andy S’s contribution. He clearly hates gays shoving it down his throat. Pushing their opinions deep into his mouth. Really forcing his jaws apart with their thick, meaty opinions before spurting their warm views right into him. He hates that.
“It’s Chriiiiiiiiistmas!!!!!”
And out they come. Have to say Sixpence short of a Bob from the Borg box is nicely apposite in complement to Noddy’s bff cruising by to loose off a few.
In the spirit of the season, could you offer a few tangibles to define ‘weird’ in BBC terms?
I have a few from the BBC then for you to explain.
Once you have answered Judge Dread’s rather key questions first.
Old Goat,
“Me, too, and the transgender rubbish, AND the homophobia rubbish, AND the female sports personalities. In fact, I’m just about sick of the BBC.”
Jeez, you really are an eternally miserable, sad old bastard. You don’t even live in the UK but appear spend most of your life moaning about it whilst constantly wallowing in self pity.
What happened to you Old Goat?
So you need to live in the United Kingdom to have an opinion on the BBC do you ?
If that’s the case why is so much of the Licence payers money (tax), spent on BBC programmes’ broadcast to the world ?
You can listen, but don’t dare voice your opinion, is that it ?
Filmfan… one really can’t take your contribution very seriously. Once you’ve reduced yourself to the level of childish personal insults any point you make lacks substance, i.e. ‘grey haired, lumpen, doolally old men’. So in your world it’s an offence to be grey haired, old and a man is it?
Dez… Likewise How do personal insults enhance your case ?
> Once you’ve reduced yourself to the level of childish personal insults any point you make lacks substance
Funny how none of the usual suspects on Biased BBC who regard insulting behaviour as perfectly acceptable ever receive such admonishment. “Do as I say, not as I do…”
What a lame response. I am not a ‘usual suspect’ SIC, by descending to the level of others, you lose your argument. I am not admonishing you. You obviously deem the words ‘grey haired old man’ as an insult, why ; might not you become one one day, if you are lucky?
I read the item. It was not a report but pure partisan writing and contentious in many ways. . I have no problem with the writer having his views but in a tax funded organisation this is wrong.
News yes opinion no. It is that simple and the BBC needs to understand this.
All opinion pieces need to be clearly labelled as such and should not come from BBC staffers .
‘..should not come from BBC staffers’
That applies to much of their output.
Sadly, ‘should’ seems to BBC staff to be an invitation to honour in breach, like their Charter and Guidelines.
Note how the BBC interviewed Jackson after the Ferguson shooting , giving him opportunity to do his race baiting unopposed. Perhaps they might follow his claim that calling him a race-baiter is racist.
Duane Pipe wrote:
“The BBC are OBSESSED with race, often seeking racism where none exist.
Its funny you should say that as they made a huge song and dance about how Rugby player Laim Williams decided to dress up as black man in fancy dress. Oh the shock horror at the open racism to found on the streets of the UK. Yet a simple butchers at the so called offensive photo shows not only Williams dressed up as a white man, but a black man dress up as a …White woman.

Not only is nobody mentioning that, but you’d think that if anybody was going to complain about Williams blacking up, it would have been the coloured gentleman.
The Left wing media (looking at the bBC here) and its faux allegations of racism
The player the chap on the right is trying to be is Wilfred Bony, Swansea City’s star striker and probably destined for greater things, he’s a damm good player and well respected in South Wales
Not bias but BBC arrogance.
Last Christmas I bought a simple to use internet radio for a relative. Half the preset stations were BBC the rest from mainland Europe.
I was told that now half the programmes ‘don’t work’ – guess whose?
Looks like yet another change to the iplayer services has disconnected the ‘future’ of broadcasting in the UK.
Over the years I have bought three internet radios, each with a different chipset and maker and over the years the ability of them all to play BBC material has been progressively degraded. Is it all a plan to force us onto the BBC’s preferred Apple-supplied devices?
You should return it to who ever sold it to you as it is not fit for purpose.
Thanks to EU law which the shops don’t like to tell you about, the things they sell might have some form of warranty for six years !
The BBC asks: Is Tunisia a role model for the Arab world?
Well, now that polling in the elections is over let’s have a look….
‘Moncef Marzouki has refused to admit defeat in Tunisia’s first free presidential election after exit polls suggested Beji Caid Essebsi had won. The caretaker president, a former exile, said his rival’s declaration of victory was “undemocratic”‘
‘A group of at least three attackers targeted a polling station near the city of Kairouan on Sunday morning. Security forces say they killed one attacker and arrested three’
Yep, that’s about par for the course.
Note for INBBC: Tunisia is not an Arab country.
How do you explain that remark? Tunisia is a member of the Arab League, it’s language is Arabic and its constitution dotted with references to Arab identity. It’s true that most of the population did not descend from the Arabian peninsula but that is true of North Africa, or as the constitution describes it Arab Mahgreb.
For INBBC: the continuing Islamic jihadist presence in Tunisia.
“Jihadists claim murders in 2013 of Tunisia secularists”
The BBC, Sky and many other media outlets seem to be every quiet on the slump in oil prices in relation to that Caledonian windbag, Salmond; the consequences of a 50% drop in the price for a barrel of oil would have been catastrophic for the infantile, bigoted and self-obsessed Bravefart SNPers’ beautiful vision of a new and brave socialist world, should they have won the referendum. These Nationalist scum are not just a hazard to Scotland but the rest of the UK, and the media should be reporting on the disgraceful lies they were peddling to get the yes vote.
Instead we get sycophantic media coverage of the toad Salmond and his desire to be an even bigger pain in the ass should he worm his way into Westminster. This man and his minions would have screwed with my finances if their lies had succeeded in brainwashing the public into voting yes, but the media fall silent and let him off with it. Yes, the price of oil will probably return, but that’s neither here nor there; the SNP’s flagship guarantee for their little socialist dream was predicated on a highly volatile resource, the current price of which would have destroyed the finances of millions under independence; 15 billion would have been added to an independent Scotland’s deficit within the first year. Frightening that these telly tubbies were so close to destruction!
If the SNP are able to combine with labour to govern after the election and the SNP vote on English only matters then we are in for a constututional crisis.
The government would forfeit legitimacy and that is a recipe for trouble. I hope Milleband will resist the temptation. Salmond is purely a trouble maker.
There will be riots in the streets if this unthinkable scenario were ever to see light. This is what the divisive SNP want; if Liebour collude it will be their death knell. The SNP really are a destructive force. I thank the Lord so many of my Scottish brethren sent the SNP homeward to think again during the referendum. Let’s hope the constituents of Gordon do the same!
The SNP have in the past declined to vote on English only matters (which tells the lie to Labour’s argument that it is impossible to differentiate what Bills are UK and which are English matters – but, hey, what do Socialists know about democracy).
The biggest threat to Britain isn’t the SNP forming a coalition to vote on EVEL matters, but to vote on UK issues.
A Hard Left Labour / SNP, Marxist wedge would be a complete disaster for this country, reducing it even further to a basket case, with Miliband completing the job that Gordon Brown started.
The thought of Salmond as king-maker, striding through Westminster is sickening.
Yes, well said. It is an appalling prospect; I fear such a revolting Leftist coalition could finish Britain forever, and would sow the seeds of conflict later on in this century.
Look on the bright side – we may get Con minority supported by UKIP and DUP.
It is Salmond’s and the SNP’s plan to make England, and the UK ungovernable.
The British political establishment are happy to play into his hands, and continue with the appeasement of his demands, but if they do they will only increase the demand for a true English parliament which they and the BBC opposes, although in the short term it will cause chaos.
It is the same mindset which opposes restriction on immigration; a hatred of England and English values.
“This man and his minions would have screwed with my finances…”
They may yet. One thing they haven’t done up here since the referendum is go away and shut up for a while. Which was entirely predictable, as was the result of giving the SNP the platform of a Scottish Parliament in the first place, and this goes back to the days of the Thatcher government and the BBC giving Labour all the time it wanted to fan Scottish grievances.
If Eck were standing in my constituency, I would actually vote Labour if it meant keeping him out, because he will cause no end of trouble at Westminster if he gets there.
Yes, very true. I live in Stirling and was very surprised when over half of the constituency voted against separation; always thought Stirlingshire was a nationalist stronghold. I would vote Labour, too, to keep these Jacobite wannabes out. I shudder at the thought! 🙂
Sterling Castle , doubled for Colditz in the TV serial of the the same name . Wonder who play the German`s these days ? Salmond , Brown , Millipeed , Sturgeon , & a host of Bbc journo`s playing the `Gestapo` . ” For You Englander ,The Election is Over ! Ve are zee Masters now over you English Shwine ! You will obey us ,& then vee vill raze England into the Inferno! He,He “
‘It”s alright,’ quoth Nicola Dwarf, ‘most analysts predict the oil price will be back over $100 by next year.’
Straight lie. Contemptible lie, but you’re the little people so it’s all you deserve.
Try and find a 100 anywhere on this page.
Of course *independence* would have initially been a disaster for West Albania/ Scotland, but then the IMF post-bailout would impose terms that ensured the benighted country would live within its means for the first time in 70 years. And that would be tremendous for the country.
Watched a bit of the Marr show yesterday morning. Mandelson was on – I cannot think of a politician I despise more. Vaz maybe. Or Blair. Or Straw. Actually…….
Anyway, back to the point. Mandy’s highlight of 2014 was that he and his “partner” had managed to find a place to rent in “rural Wiltshire” – oh what rapturous joy for them both.
Now this is the bastard who freely admitted that the Labour Party sent out search parties to bring immigrants to these shores.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I can’t imagine there being a high proponent of our multi-culti enrichers in rural Wiltshire.
Did self-confessed leftie Marr broach this?
Aww, but wasn’t it lovely to be told in considerable detail on the national news last night that Elton John had married his civil partner and all the great and good who had attended as guests. So nice of them to make the time when there must have been so many things going on in the world that they’d have liked to tell us.
Thankfully the bBBC didn’t tell us who took who up the aisle.
I found this notable quip from Jack Straw. “The English as a race are not worth saving”‘. So that is from the inner circle of the Labour (not unlike Milliband I suspect), or the culturally challenged BBC – to exterminate the English culture from within – is never far away.
I keep hearing on Twitter that UKIP is a racist, sexist, homophobic and Islamphobic party of bigots.
Last night, I was looking through a list of UKIP’s policies: http://www.ukip.org/policies_for_people
I must have missed something, as I can’t find anything there that even that gay rights bloke who used to troll here whose name I forget would find bigoted. That won’t stop him or the BBC from painting UKIP as closet bigots though.
And the Huff Post regards ukip as extreme – it was implicit in one of its headlines only this morning.
So basically a political movement that seeks merely democratic legitimacy for an unprecedented transfer of sovereignty is extreme.
How could you ever,possibly forget “Scott”
That creepy little avitar is forever burnt into my mind.
Scott maybe hiding under `FilmFan` ,but I suppose `Musical Theatre Fan` too obvious .
That creepy little avitar [sic]
Bless. Thanks for taking time out from your international modelling career to remind everybody what an unpleasant man you are.
Never mind, though. You get back to thinking that you’re worthy of sitting in judgement over me if you like. You’re far from the only Biased BBCer who thinks that being offensive to me or others will somehow validate their own existence. They, and you, are of course wrong, but that’s hardly a rare occurrence, is it?
“You’re far from the only Biased BBCer who thinks that being offensive to me or others will somehow validate their own existence”.
You would be more credible if you avoided personal abuse yourself and tried to refute poor arguments with reason.
Just trying to fit in.
Do let me know how dementedly right-wing I’d have to be before you and the others stop being such hypocrites.
‘More (intellectual) thrust, Scotty!’
Given this site’s most frequent commenters have no problem exaggerating, making stuff up and just downright lying in order to portray “lefties”/gays/Muslims/the BBC/anybody who isn’t them as badly as possible because that’s the only way they can appear superior, I’m surprised you actually want intellectual argument. Here’s hoping you push for that from some of Biased BBC’s usual perpetrators of gibberish nonsense.
Well , Well , right on cue ,up pops “The Ghost of Christmas Past” bringing us all the joys of the Season.
When I referred to him in my post, I had no idea that he read the forum anymore, yet alone that he’d actually reply!
If he’s been lurking in the background for months and months, reading posts but never replying, you have to wonder what his game is…
When I referred to him in my post, I had no idea that he read the forum anymore, yet alone that he’d actually reply!
Yes, who’d have thought that someone whose name Biased BBC’s resident halfwits regularly drag through the mud would keep an eye on what’s being said?
Why, we should all let Biased BBC commenters say what they like with impunity. I mean, they already think that traits such as honesty, compassion towards others and basic human decency are somehow beneath them…
Bear in mind that someone on Biased BBC – I have a fair idea who – posted details of where I live, where I worked, and the route I took between in an attempt to intimidate me. Not only that, but he attempted to harass my work colleagues and posted details on how others should do the same.
What did David Vance do? Nothing. Because he’s more concerned with protecting the identity of nutjobs who provide him with the page views that fuel his ego than he is with behaving like a responsible adult.
And you wonder why I keep an eye on what goes on here?
Bear in mind that someone on Biased BBC – I have a fair idea who – posted details of where I live, where I worked, and the route I took between in an attempt to intimidate me. Not only that, but he attempted to harass my work colleagues and posted details on how others should do the same.
What did David Vance do? Nothing.
I’m not sure what you expect David to do.
If someone is engaging in menacing communications towards you, I suggest you take it up with the police. It’s a matter for them, not a guy who runs a political forum.
I’m not sure what you expect David to do.
Behave like an adult and agree to help the authorities, instead of a petulant little adolescent who protects his mates, no matter how obscenely they behave, for a start.
But you know what they say about leopards and spots.
I’ll be as offensive to you as I damn well like you ugly little trolling toad, my right to free speech is just as worthy as yours cupcake.
P.s. I am f*cking gorgeous, thanks for noticing.
Still can’t quite work out just how ‘COUNTRYfile managed to shoehorn a Polish Christmas meal into the program last night, very convoluted.
perhaps because it’s tradition for Poles to eat Carp on Christmas Eve.
Because it was very difficult to find in the UK (as is most decent food) they took to poaching it (and not in the sense of steaming gently!). Some of the methods they used were not conducive to ‘sustainable’ fishing, such a dynamite !
‘such as dynamite’
Our local B&Q is pretty rural, but I must confess this product line seems missing from the recreational crime aisle.
Diverse views on legal matters plus access to high explosives. What’s not to feel warm and cosy about?
Hope others from more inner urban areas don’t get wind as they make take a healthy interest, and not just on a dietary supplement basis.
There seem to be two ‘Thoughtfuls’ / ‘thoughtfuls’. One with a capital and one without. One and the same? Or merely a careless typo resulting from the changing back and forth between different aliases?
Given it appears possible to be anyone desired, capital or not, it’s a subterfuge hardly necessary, but indeed one played a lot.
Best to focus on the value of what is written more than being over-concerned by the provenance of who is or may or may not be writing it?
Of course when the flag is false, that is hardly fair to the original being misrepresented.
Should start using “DISCUS”.
It could simply depend upon which device she logs in from. For instance, my preferred login is mysteriously barred if I do it from this computer, so I use an alternative. Hence the upside-down logo to differentiate, and register in a small way my irritation.
It keeps losing the sign in details as said depending on the computer & I’m so lax as to use a dropdown without checking.
As said though it should be the content which matters most.
Carp is the easiest fish in the world to catch. You can literally hit them on the head with a stick. Why dynamite and how did they get it?
It was hilarious watching Adam trying his best to look as if he was enjoying the “feast” as he called it.
Yet another report of bBC bias.
Good article.
Once their pensions are secure, their gentle arc into a comfy retirement assured (and then re-recruiting as “consultants or lecturers” by the selfsame BBC)they suddenly go all brave for an occasional foray into a safe off piste musing.
And the article is right-no evidence, no consequences-if Farage or Sir Andrew, Murray or IDS pop up in his studio , it`ll be the same old sneers, smears and abuse…same researchers, same highlighter pens, same chip, nip and pin for the zombie ciphers that now pass as “presenters on current affairs BBC output”.
24/7 unreconstituted slurry aimed at the right, or indeed anybody who thinks outside the liberal fascist mindset…and we`re paying for the wood and rope that comprise our kids future gallows , as things stand.
The BBC needs to be Saddam, albeit without his indefatiguability..
‘Sir Andrew presented these findings to then BBC news chief boss Helen Boaden soon afterwards – but she did nothing, to the point that (I am told) Sir Andrew now believes that any form of protest to the BBC news management is pointless.
That would be the Helen Boaden who bragged that she had an email to nowhere in case a complaint got past the usual defensive perimeters? The Helen Boaden who was chief amongst the astoundingly uncurious to the extent she needed to side step on here already vast salary before coming back to continue here great work? That Helen Boaden?
Whatever could have given Sir Andrew the impression he now has, shared only by anyone who has experienced the joys of the CECUTT attrition labyrinth?
An absolutely fabulous wonderful big warm seasonal THANK YOU is much deserved for David Cameron and the BBC
I sense you ask why?
Sir Elton John and David Furnish ‘marry’
[my scare quotes not theirs]
Well isn’t this all just fine and dandy
Afterall it is the traditional panto season and as a special treat this year our Prime Minister has delivered the gift of Pantomime Marriage. Birthdays and Xmas come together! Goodness what on earth shall we put down on Santa’s List next time?
But I think the warmest praise must really go to the BBC because I doubt Dave could or would have done it without the BBC’s relentless lobbying prior to the Act and the promise of their happy approval afterwards which we know was so very much desired by David.
But let’s leave the last kind and profound words to Hugh Grant (as quoted by the BBC) – who normally buys his blowjobs rather than gives them – but was so moved that he Tweeted his approval (NB I think he means ‘David’ Furnish not Cameron and for ‘enlightened UK’ read instead ‘BBC-Showbiz-Media Nexus’)
“Groom Groom – Britain races into the future. Congrats Elton and David. Congrats enlightened UK.”
Mr Furnish is credited as the producer of a movie called “It’s a Boy Girl Thing” (no, me neither). Well, it clearly isn’t for him and Sharon, sorry, I mean Elton. Or Reg, whatever he calls himself in private these days. Still, a ringing endorsement of wonderful BBC-Cameron Britain.
I vaguely recall the gay marriage debates before they passed the legislation. The anti arguments seemed to be that the EU would immediately force churches to conduct gay weddings and/or God would express His wrath by striking us all down with a plague of bad Euro-disco and good dress sense, or similar. Incredibly neither seems to have happened and there’s just been some nice people (and allegedly unpleasant 70s rock stars) getting hitched.
Could it be that the antis were actually just people on the wrong side of history who should mind their own business?
Don’t recall the God striking us down bit Cockney.
But as far as the “forcing” bit goes, just give it time.
You do recall when “civil partnerships” were approved? That was all that was sought – there’d be no push for same sex “marriage” we were assured.
And yet, only 10 years later we have the very same.
You may rest assured that within the coming decade there will be manifold legal actions brought against churches that refuse to “marry” same sex couples and the first jailing of priests won’t be far off.
Naturally the Religion of Peace and its Imams will be left well alone.
It’s a bit of a long read and from an unexpected source, but this article gives an excellent appraisal of what same sex marriage is really about (i.e. an attack on tradition by the political elite to make society more malleable):
Can`t see what all the fuss is about , Elton once married a `girl` , now he is marrying a` boy` . It was only a matter of time before same sex marriage would of been allowed , just let them get on with it , doesn`t affect me , or bother most people I know .
Wrong side of history. There is no such thing. A meaningless phrase again.
We have free will and that is the end of it (apologies to Dr Johnson I think).
At every moment it is we who decide the future not some impersonal entity. Once again the liberal fantasy of some predetermind destiny for the human race.
That is a trite phrase admittedly – “wrong” side isn’t the right word.
But if a point of view is almost exclusively held by the ageing demographic and doesn’t have a logical basis that the younger demographic will come round to with experience then it’s a turkey on Christmas Eve. If there is a logical basis as to why gay people shouldn’t have a non-religious marriage (marriage long preceded Christianity remember) I’d be interested to hear it.
Don’t be too harsh on Hugh Grant. At least when he purchased his blow job he did it ‘multiculturally’.
Didn’t the Sun run the headline when they got ‘civil partnered’ of,
‘Sir Elton takes David up the aisle’?
I tend to be relaxed about homosexual “marriage”. You can legislate that a cat will henceforth be a dog, but it won’t make it so. A cat will remain different to a dog.
Sorry you will have to be re educated. If our elite says a cat is a dog then it is a dog. Get it.
The cat can have the right to think that it is a dog….
l refer you to the “from no on I want to be called Loretta” scene in the Life of Brian.
There’s no conspiracy here or, rather, there’s no mystery here. It’s down to SamCam and her . . er . . flamboyant brother. As well as twisting the law to create gay “marriage” in the family interest, there can be little doubt that the maintenance of SamCam’s father’s publicly subsidised £1,000 per day from wind energy influences government policy on the “climate change” scam. So not only is Dave the heir to Blair, Sam is the heiress to Cherie.
Writing of Panto matters;-
“Watch out, he’s behind you!”
Thank to Elton, Primary schools will soon be teaching that your Mother and Father do not exist and children are toys passed between two adults who can then adopt them. The new morality is describes as follows:
1) Explore pornography in school lessons
2) A bingo-style LGBT homework project for children as young as 11
3) An online tool being advertised to schools that suggests that ‘sex at 13 is normal’
That Santa is ‘dead’ and that childhood boy/girl identity will be removed will herald us into this new unisex winter wonderland that Cameron and his team are blindly about to introduce. It’s not conservative is it? Gender reassignment is the next frontier on the NHS. Of course they can use it on Children and prisoners first. Who needs the threat of Russian Communism when we have EU Socialism to take us into a brave new world of anti-darwin unisexism with no national parenting program or a child birth rights to have and know his biological mother and father. Marriage effectively is dissolved, very much the UN Agenda 21 thinking the unthinkable. This is all artificial construct.
Have you ever thought of writing fiction? Because you’re pretty much there already.
I mean, nobody’d buy it, because it’s atrociously written and dull as ditchwater. But you’ve got that whole “detached from reality” thing down pat.
> the gift of Pantomime Marriage
Oh dear. You may think it’s pantomime marriage, but those who are marrying don’t. Their opinions and those who are celebrating with them are, thankfully, worth far more than some sad old man who has to denigrate gay people in order to feel better about himself.
There you go again using the term ‘old man’ as a term of insult.
I suspect if he was black, disabled, female, or a fellow queer, it would be unacceptable to talk of them in an insulting manner.
It was a ‘Pantomime ‘ marriage, with two pantomime dames milking it for all to see, and of course the MSM bought into it.
Has Al Beeb gone OTT with the ‘PC’ brigade again ?
Its Welsh Rugby Players in fancy dress now . Will it be English Morris Dancers next ?
The BBC doesn’t show this picture.
How many Fijians have blonde hair, and what about those two animalists?
I see the Mail quoted the champion of all persons of colour,
‘And Weyman Bennett, secretary of Unite Against Fascism, added: ‘This picture is absolutely not appropriate. It is racist to black up.’
" rel="nofollow ugc">https://kafircrusaders.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/socialist-wanker.jpg?w=474&h=593
Well Al Beeb, how about these guys then ?…
or even these ?
Great Britain’s own cultural heritage is under attack from within .
We get so used to the BBCs slurry-and so used to sitting in it all without thinking-that we miss stuff.
So it was this morning that I hear about some bloke dying after being Tazered in Staffs.
Listen again-and the word “BURGLAR” is barely audible, but it is there.
So-a Burglar in somebody elses house, having broken in at night and entered with the intent to attack and/or to nick stuff before Christmas-gets a tazer, presumably because he was an arsehole or unwilling to comply with the police orders-and he dies.
But all the BBC require is an “unarmed vulnerable young man beign killed by the Feds”…very De Blasio, very Noo Yawk.
Oh where is our Sharpton, or Jesse…did Duggan or Moaty die in vain?
Look-someone elses house intent on violence or theft?…WGAF…only the BBC and Phil Shiner, Shami or Stafford-Smiffy?
Still-another IPCC and another few Panoramas and “Files on 4″…result all round for the Lavender Hilllock Tendency that run politics,media, unions, public services and academe…and naturally get their fairy stardust sprinkled on themselves by the f***in BBC!
Come on Branson-a free trip to Mars for all the BBC stiffies that want to go!
“Remember we`re all fireworks”_Russells ex sings this!
Shame he wasn’t breaking into a well of BBC journos house
Bit of a weekend catch up…
‘Keith Blackmore,.. He’s James Harding’s sidekick, brought to keep him company from the Times. Keith had some business … minutes out of Keith’s busy day.’
OK, other than another gilded courtier role, given even a BBC insider feels his contribution to be ‘vague’, what does this chap do?
‘“If you take current affairs as a whole it doesn’t have sufficient presence at the moment. I am not alone in thinking that.”
Rather depends on who ‘you’ are, perhaps?
Some may feel it is not quantity but quality that counts, and as the latter is clearly not a BBC concern, reducing the former is no bad thing.
In the unlikely but dream-come-true event that UKIP come into power, will they be willing or able to curtail the BBC? Or even destroy it and send all its radicals to go and work in North Korea?
Slash the BBC budget by two thirds, that would be a start.
I see your two thirds and top you with nine tenths!
Ukip won’t win, they won’t have any candidates or councilors to stand as they kick them out at every complaint from the media. Another UKIP councilor goes.
Another winner for Ed Davey:
Nice ‘work’ if you can be quietly handed it.
Doubtless an FOI exemption would greet an enquiry as to what made the fair Dianne such a valued BBC pundit?
Or maybe along with Strictly and Eastenders she is just another vital aspect of BBC programming that licence fee needs preserving to fund. Uniquely?
I read the article – note that it covers about 8 years of fees – it’s not as if it’s her weekly retainer for her tete-a-tete with Michael Portillo.
Noted. As pocket money goes, not bad on top of all the rest.
Along with the duration of her tenure in the hearts of BBC bookers.
The qualifications for such loyalty remain unclear, given the calibre of her insights.
Err – sorry, it IS her weekly retainer, adding up to £110k. Shall we pay political leaders to appear on TV?? Shall we pay Cast-iron Cameron and Miliband when they appear on PMQ? The BBC guidelines are quite clear Abbott is a front-bencher and is given an hour every week to sprout her parties policies – a privilege that you will notice is denied the Conservatives! Outrageous for the B-BBC to pay her for that!
I noticed today’s Times is laudably candid about the precedent behind ISIS’ satanically brutal rape and enslavement of women and children:
“Girls as young as 12 and their mothers have been seized and raped by Isis as part of a programme drawn from the earliest examples of Islamic slavery”
Don’t expect our friends at the Beeb to be so honest.
The interesting thing the BBC managed to come out with was “sold to be a servant” ! servants get paid and can choose to leave their employment.
To be fair I think their clumsy use of language was to differentiate from those sold into sexual slavery, which they did cover.
“LABOUR SAYS” It’s the street lights being turned off story.
Information which Beeboids are censoring:-
“France: Muslim who stabbed cop had Islamic State flag, Qur’an verses on FB page”
[Excerpt by Robert Spencer]:-
“The Muslim who murdered two policemen in New York had the Qur’an verse “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah” (8:60) on his Facebook page.
“The Muslim who stabbed a policeman in France had many Qur’an verses on his Facebook page.
“Are you starting to see a pattern?”
More of the pattern. This story appears to have been dropped by the BBC. Its the lone wolf driver of Dijon – another lone but known wolf – just a driver when the BBC reported it, but it turns out he was acting for the children of Palestine. Like all the others he was mentally imbalanced. ‘They would say that, wouldn’t they’. Eleven injured, some seriously, nothing of interest here, move on.
Information for Beeboids, re- their Islamising Erdogan, who they support, in BBC-NUJ campaign to get Turkey into E.U.
“Turkey: Erdogan vs. Gulen”
I’ve just watched the BBC News at 1pm.
At approximately 1.20 they “covered” the story relating to the two New York police officers shot and murdered while on duty.
I say “covered” but it was just about measures that have been put in place since the crime took place i.e officers are now only working in twos etc.
The article lasted all of 30 seconds then they swiftly moved on as if it wasn’t important.
In other words they’ve been running a mile from it since it happened.
I’m guessing this is because the man who shot the two officers was black.
How strange, a white police officer(Wilson) shoots a black, violent thug in self defence of his life and the BBC go into meltdown.
A black man shoots dead two police officers in cold blooded, premeditated murder and it’s a case of “nothing to see here”.
‘…measures that have been put in place since the crime took place i.e officers are now only working in twos etc.’
As measures go, given what inspired them, I am unsure if this will help much, sadly.
Luckily these days as I have said before we have the internet I was able fairly easily to find the identity of the killer. The BBc news propaganda becomes increasingly irrelevant as I, and I’m sure many others take to the internet every time BBc runs one of these thin on facts stories to find the real story with real facts as opposed to the speculation to the benefit of their agenda the BBc likes to follow.
The BBC are overjoyed at what they’ve caused re UKIP
The woman’s obviously an idiot; first for having anything to do with a BBC “documentary” which is bound to be a hatchet job and second for going off on a questionable rant (if that is what she did) while BBC sharks were present. BTW I suspect that this will have no influence one way or the other on UKIP’s popularity.
Love to know what these ‘jaw dropping’ comments were.
Sadly for the bBC and MSM despite prominently running the story it seems to have died, that is unless these ‘comments’ will be ‘saved’ and suddenly surface an inopportune time for UKIP.
More worrying as I said yesterday is the all round manipulation of comments relating to UKIP story’s which I hope UKIP are investigating.
‘Love to know what these ‘jaw dropping’ comments were.’
That likely falls under a ‘sources who claim’, ‘critics are saying’, ‘purposes of’ exclusion, meaning the BBC made it up or were passing on what their PR clients required. ‘..understood to have used highly racially offensive language’ currently means anything, or nothing.
This would appear to be another minnow in the political pond, so they are going for quantity over… anything really.
Per Umbongo’s comment she seems no great loss, so maybe the BBC is unwittingly serving to cull the herd?
Even as CECUTT does the exact reverse, setting the BBC up for ever more inbred foul-ups they will never learn from.
And, of course, LibLabCon, whose ranks still seem swelled with the odd inopportune lad or lady still.
She had previously stood as a Conservative candidate.
It is also interesting how many UKIP self-detonators turn out to have recently been in altogether much more interesting, established warm embraces. I wonder how many still are, or if the BBC can find them too?
Most would think it odd that someone would have an interview in which they make comments that ,to the sane, could be used against the party they belong to. The exception would be if they had some kind of mental issue or if they are just a mole placed there to make “controversial” comments in a bid to damage that party.
35 mins
After 1000s massacred, double murders, lone wolf killers, religious persecution, slavery, child gang rape and ethnic cleansing.
ISIS, Hamas, Al Nusra, Al Quaida, El Shabab, Boko Haram etc
Is there a problem with intolerance, violence in Islam?,
to obfuscate at length is F Gardiner, (shot 6 times by the Taliban).
Well … erm, not sure?, who knows? after all Christianity is more violent! … when I was shot I think it was probably political, even racist, there s a sort of revenge culture, etc
Seems the mantle of great power but no responsibility have passed from Astoundingly Uncurious Hugs to Danny ‘Or Else’ Cohen.
Not much of a change, with admissions of minor imperfection drowned out by arrogant self-justification and a total failure to grasp the farce that is the complaints process, ensuring whatever is wrong will never be learned from, as it doesn’t need to be.
‘the standard answer to the effect that ‘we annoy both sides so we must be doing it right’.
This guy comes across more an more like a 20’s commissar each time he is allowed out in public. On top of being a world-class hypocrite.
When he’s not spouting… er… this…
‘…it’s made me think about, you know, is it our long-term home, actually. Because you feel it. I’ve felt it in a way I’ve never felt before actually”
This morning Radio Five “Gets Much Worse” Live broadcasted an item on local authorities reducing the level of street lighting in their areas. The programme arranged for the opposition spokesman Hilary Benn to talk about the issue, although no government spokesman was apparently asked to take part in the interview. You could almost believe theat the Labour Party was still in power!!! Claire MacDonald immediately made a statement to the effect that the cut in street lighting was obviously linked to far more accidents taking place at night. Benn to his credit did make the point that the research on this matter conducted by the AA and the RAC was out of date and no longer useful. Young Benn is obviously not as politically savvy as the old man!!. Benn admitted that when he was a minister he had asked local authorities to reduce their lighting through the use of more energy effective lighting in view of the pressure regarding energy supplies. Claire, you are a silly girl, because this is not ther way to win the favour of the Labour Party if you wish to go into politics in the future! In exasperation Claire Macdonald turned to to a spokesman from the Campaign for the protection of Rural Engalnd. He state it was pleasant to see a few stars at night, to which MacDonald snorted in derision . He made a similar point to Benn regarding low energy lighting, as well as arguing for better relecting road surfaces and pedestrian access. At that point MacDonald gave up! Claire, it pays to do your research beforehand, rather than relying on your limited knowledge to always attack the government.
Low energy’ LED lighting is dangerous in itself, we haven’t heard this from the greenies….
“multiple high intensity point sources with poorly executed optics, giving spotty road illumination, gross side spillage (driver glare) and inappropriate colour spectrum with excessive blue/ultraviolet both of which lead to poor visibility in mist/fog and affects drivers night vision. Low and high pressure orange sodium lamps provide near ideal illumination in poor weather conditions due to their spectral properties”
Cheap maybe, an improvement?
They have installed LED lighting in Bath, I drove through there the other foggy night, the dimness of the place resembled Ripperesque London , the LED lamps giving almost no light at all. It was a relief to hit South Gloucs and the old style orange sodium lights. No wonder so many students have fallen in the river in Bath recently…
Round here, the Council and NHS Trust are running similar green-eco friendly lights that don`t happen to actually LIGHT things.
Merely allow us all to enjoy the Space Station.
Meanwhile if you`re a nurse, trying to find your car again in the deserted car park at 4 am before running the gauntlet to get home?…well any rape or assault will be a worthwhile sacrifice in the cause of Al Gore.
Goes without saying of course that the Council building is lit up gaily 24/7…lights full on, all year round.
Thank you Prince Charles and Caroline Lucas…
Same where I live. Very dark streets and although this is a quiet market town it is very intimidating .My wife no longer dares walk at night.
One more example of how things are starting to fall apart whatever the pathetic excuse is this time.
Yep they’ve spent millions to save pence and all in the name of Global Warmin’ its impossible to cost the potential injuries or lost lives cased by ineffective lighting.
I could have sworn not so long ago all councils were trumpeting their switch-offs/downs as more a commitment to greenery.
Now it seems they seek all counties to be bathed in the midnight sun, and are being thwarted by those awful cuts which take out libraries but leave climate change advocate positions and CEO pensions intact.
Awful Awful accident in Glasgow, but it doesn’t phase the BBC in their hunt for Political Correctness as they manage to find possibly the only Pakistani Muslim witness to give an opinion !
There must be some kind of instruction for them to do this, because it simply can’t be co-incidence it happens so often. I know there’s a lot of them, but not that many !
“Red-faced BBC news man gets so high next to stack of burning drugs he can’t finish his report – and warns viewers ‘Don’t inhale!’
“Quentin Sommerville posted link to video on YouTube page earlier today.
“BBC’s Middle East correspondent tried to report beside burning drugs.
“But he struggled to get through broadcast without bursting into laughter.
“The video, entitled ‘Don’t inhale’, has since been removed from YouTube.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2883792/Red-faced-BBC-reporter-Quentin-Sommerville-gets-high-reporting-stack-burning-drugs-warns-viewers-Don-t-inhale.html#ixzz3MeH0BZuQ
[Note: Sommerville is based in Jerusalem:
such a convenient base from which to politically criticise that nation’s hosts.]
And Beeboid, Mark EASTON, may be red-faced with envy that he wasn’t there to inhale. (Where is he these days? The quiet life.)
Easton was an embarrassment this morning on ‘Today’ (‘What else is new?’ I hear you cry) towards 8:45. Superannuated Lefty and occasional quiz master Humphrys did a Mastermind-style two-minute interrogation of those three BBC giants Peston, Robinson and Easton (…on, …on and …on) covering their own special subjects i.e. BBC reporting areas. Easton scored just two points and Humph even had to help him get one of those. He is pathetic.
And don’t Beeboids politically support Guardianistas in this?:-
Beeboids do report this Islamic jihad barbarity, but under the guise of the Islamic State, not explicitly reporting with reference to the tenets of the religion of Islam which it is.
“Islamic State: Yazidi women tell of sex-slavery trauma”
‘The Long War Journal’ indicates how Islamic State’s relates Islamofascism towards women, to aspects of Islam-
“The oppression of women and girls in the Islamic State’s ‘caliphate'”
Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2014/12/on_december_2_a_fema.php#ixzz3MeKnwsmK
Slightly surprised that BiasedBBC hasn’t picked up on this:
‘Two men charged with PC Neil Doyle’s murder’
There is no mention whatsoever of their ethnicity. Isn’t the BBC supposed to highlight it in these cases, as is so often said here? Or does that only apply when those arrested are non-whites?
Well, given that 85% of those in Britain are White (I know, ain’t it awful?!), I would expect Whites to commit 85% of all crime, assuming of course that they were no more or less likely to offend than any other group …
‘Police warn pickpockets targeting Christmas shoppers with sign written in Romanian’
‘This year it was revealed that half of the pickpockets caught on the Tube were from Romania.’
The Romanian pickpockets need to raise their game then, because over 90% of the ATM ‘amateur technicians’ are from there, including the one who did a machine half a mile from here!
BBC London tv news where ‘Face of London’ http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/london/hi/tv_and_radio/newsid_9357000/9357605.stm news anchor Riz Lateef (prn. Rizla Teeth) promises that Charlton Athletic boss Katrien Meire (prn. Katrin Meh) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29130982 will tell us why there ought to more women in football, in business and generally in executive positions.
This should be interesting.
Seems she got the job at Charlton because she had previously helped the owner Mr Duchatelet with another club he owned in Belgium (ahem).
“He also believes that women are better than men at managing budgets”
Careful luv, the BBC wouldn’t want to apply that think to – let’s say – politics.
Nothing to do with islam, right?
Happening on an almost weekly basis, but the BBC refuse to link the incidents to an undeniable underlying motive….
Man drives van into shoppers in Nantes France.
The bBC’s report lacking in some details that the DT does report, namely the “Allahu Akbar” reference, compare…
“France: Another Muslim screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ plows truck into pedestrians, injuring a dozen people”
The series of attacks have left France baffled, the BBC’s Lucy Williamson in Paris reports”.
Can you imagine it? Thousands of Frenchmen and women, dressed in striped jerseys, wearing berets, garnished with onions and with baguettes under their arms. All muttering: “Sacre bleu! What can it be? Merci beaucoup that is is nothing to do with – how do you say on the BBC – the Islam? Zut alors!”
I’m sure many of us will have noted that the authorities, and much of the broadcast media’s response to these attacks, comes largely under two headings;
a) that there is no evidence that there is any link to extreme Islam, and the attackers and killers are acting alone.
and, in an attempt to excuse them and Islam further
b) that the individuals concerned have a history of criminal behaviour or are mentally unstable.
This is a clearly nonsense, and a co-ordinated and planned attempt to deceive us.
Not that I read Pink News on a regular basis, but this ‘Christmas tree’ has to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Just try looking at it and keeping a straight face !
It was reported by the BBC at the time but it was so far before Christmas I must have missed it.
Anybody else wondering if the terrible incident in Scotland is somehow related to the very similar attacks in France.
Beginning to after reading an eye witness account that he drove down the pavement on one side of the road and then crossed over and drove on the pavement on the other.
Suggests a degree of control someone having a heart attack or a fit just wouldn’t have.
I think the authorities here will be in full cover up mode if it is a Muslim, and it is part of an ISIS action then no doubt we’ll hear the usual lies about mental illness and lone wolf, and a token Muslim will be sent with a bunch of flowers for the papers to make their excuses with.
I guess the authorities may want to cover it up if (big if) it were a terrorist attack. Could the economy stand empty shops on Tuesday and Wednesday in our main towns and cities?
In reality it sounds like a heart attack or seizure, but quite a coincidence in view of events in France.
Thoughts of the well being of the nasty white people will be the furthest thing from their minds!
They will want to cover it up because if the murderous religion of peace has taken the lives of people including children, on the run up to Christmas, then maybe, just maybe, the British people might wake up and do something, and that terrifies the elite.
A heart attack has already been ruled out, and it’s very odd that certain posts from witnesses have been removed from sites like Twitter.
Posts which through a friend who knows how to do these things say that the truck reversed onto the pavement first.
If you don’t think this was deliberate then consider how it was possible for some to drive 300 yards down a pavement without crashing into one of the shops, or veering back onto the carriageway. How did he manage to slow down enough from 30 – 50mph to save his own life when he crashed into the hotel?
If this had been a clear cut case of someone having a medical emergency then I believe there would have been some kind of announcement.
Can you think of another example where something like this has happened?
Has INBBC decided to stop reporting on Islam jihad barbarians of Boko Haram, in case any reporting detracts from the image of Islam which INBBC wants to portray?
INBBC doesn’t even have a ‘report’ from its Islamic Hausa Radio (which Beeboid Harding is so proud of) on this:-
“Nigeria: Islamic jihadists massacre civilians, say they’re being killed because they’re infidels”
Can we have this guy on Thought For The Day?
You filthy stinking Kuffars.
Breaking news
Got to laugh (Not)
Pakistan suffers terrorist attack after terrorist attack (the last agaisnt a school) Country brings back the Death Penalty, Islamic terrorists start getting a taste of their own medicine and Human rights groups complain.:
The human rights organisation Reprieve has warned that innocent people could be executed as a result of the government’s decision to lift its moratorium.
I wonder if the bBC would ever contemplate asking the families of the victims of the bBCs fav Pakistani terrorist group how they feel about this
Any comments Harrabin, Shukman or any of you other BBC climate change useful idiots ?
You know those gas fires and boilers you have in your homes making it very efficient and cheap to heat your homes? Well, guess what? You will soon have to get rid of them. Ed Davey wants you to get rid of them pretty sharpish as you are destroying the planet. He wants you to go all electric from renewable sources but with a back up a couple of nuclear power plants. You have two decades to get used to the idea. He also wants to end the use of gasoline by 2050. Is it April 1st? NO. Just more lunacy from the Liberal fanatics who now run our country. let us see how the BBC run with this news, but we can guess. The planet is cooling as we look to the sun to predict our climate and inherent weather. Think I joke? No, from all the data sets I have recently been studying, (supplied by the met Office) Great Britain has been cooling since 1989, and one thing the BBC will not tell you is that we are now having more frosts across the U.K. than ever since 1965. It is getting colder. Fancy a power cut anyone? Where is Ted Heath? God help us all from these lunatics.
Take a look at Christopher Monckton at Wattsupwiththat:
Ed Davey becomes irrelevant next May along with the rest of the LibDems. Hopefully, so will greenery in general. We all know who to vote for.
We do get to hear about the van attack in Nantes on bBC Ten O’clock news, but with certain details omitted. Firstly the screaming of “Allahu Akbar” but we do get the English translation, which of course implies his God is the same as ours.
Secondly the fact that he then stabbed himself, seriously why omit that fact? is the grim truth too much for the libtards and appeasers to hear, what time is their watershed ?
Is France under attack? Why? And by who?
Don’t ask the team behind the 10pm news because they avoided (again ) the use of the M word or the I word, just nameless ‘men’ attacking France.
Yes, but motives appear unclear, just like the motives of the lone wolf attacker in Dijon a couple of days ago or the motives of the lone wolf European airman (or two) who caused a little bit of bother in London in the early 1940s.
BBC asks. Could the Sydney siege have been prevented?
Sadly, PM Abbott has rather handed the baton to the BBC to run with here.
Hence the victims of a deliberate decision to murder will be lost in handwringing over societal responsibilities for the choices of an evil man using now all too easily acquired justifications.
Ahh another morning dawns at BBc Breakfast. Another NHS “Under pressure” report. A report from France the French President has told the people not to panic after three attacks in 3 days. The attackers all allegedly shouted an “Islamic slogan”. What the f**k would that be then sofa sloths?
Confused..They have just shown a Morrisons now at 06:20 and asked a random bloke why he’s shopping. We are just about to go shopping (guess where). However when I check the store opens at 07:00 Breakfast is supposed to be in Brasdford and on line they are also supposed to be open at 07:00. In fact a random look around seems to show opening at 07:00-08:00.
Breakfast…. surely one of the worst programmes on television. Blue Peter MK Two.
Headline from Sky (my quotation marks):
Pakistan To Execute ‘500 Terror Convicts’
Headline from BBC (my quotation marks):
Pakistan ‘death row inmates’ face imminent execution
Oh, yes – the patronising “Breakfast” programme was long abandoned in MY household, long, even, before I left the Former UK for France, eight years ago. Haven’t bothered with it for years.
By the sounds of it, it’s still as childish, if not more so. Do they still have that silly, giggly Scottish “weather girl”? What a bunch of muppets, who think we are all on the same level as they are.
Yes they still have the Scottish weather woman she was at St. Pauls this morning. Her hair was blowing all over the place being a weather forecaster you would have thought she would have predicted it and worn a hat.
Beeb strangely muted on the marches in Germany. I thought they liked protests.
Well Outsider, they are reporting it on their news24 channel.
Very quickly adding a qualifying comment about the ‘rise of the far right’ of course.
Someone ought to tell them the German Nazi Party arose from the far left !
Not the ‘far’ left, just the ordinary everyday left, and that where it’s rising from again.
It might be helpful if the beeb, as well as telling us islam has nothing to do with anything bad, told us about its merits.
Being just a stupid prole, I’ve fully on-boarded the beeb’s message that the ROP has never so much as harmed a fly, but I’m still struggling to see its positive effects on British society.
Dare say the beeb could quite easily demonstrate a massive net contribution to the economy from the muslim population, or indeed the increased harmony that islam brings to inner cities.
I need some positivity at Christmas!