A new week and the BBC starts early. On the Today programme this morning we had someone on to defend the good reputation of North Korea followed by someone demanding even MORE street lights be turned off. Detail the bias here folks.
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Seasonal Thought for the Day – but in fact Desert Island Discs
At this time of year when BBC thoughts turn to Santa, Public Spending Cuts, Reindeer, NHS Winter Crisis, Baubles, Charity, Africa, The Two Ronnies, in fact just about anything but the birth of Christ – then it must be good for the Beeb to know that their output is ringing bells with (at least a certain quarter) of its audience.
Take for instance that hardy perenial BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs .
This resounding (should I say gushing) note of approval from the Evening Standard:
“Hearing Justin Welby on Desert Island Discs yesterday made me come over all funny. How humane, intelligent and articulate a man he sounded; acquainted with grief and sorrow but outward-looking and without self-pity. Good taste in music, too. He’s now the second Archbishop of Canterbury in a row I’ve developed a crush on.”
I was just slightly disconcerted with that last phrase but am happy to assume an adult woman writes this Evening Standard ‘Comment’ pages piece – editorial journo comment, not reader comment, you understand. She (as we assume) goes on:
“As an atheist, one hopes in a childish way that senior believers would seem a tiny bit less sane that the rest of us.”
I’m sorry to say that what I take from this comment is that where the Church of England are coming up with leaders who please atheists – indeed atheists who can develope a ‘crush’ on them – then the Church should have no surprise as to its empty pews. Are Football clubs seeking to appoint coaches of whom the opposing fans approve? Dare I extend the analogy to the world stage – ought countries not think twice about electing leaders about whom the rest of the world approves?
Well, it is no secret that in BBC world – yes, football coaches ought to be appointed on a basis so as to please some non-football interest groups or identity campaigners. And, yes, world leaders who appeal over the heads of their own nations and aspire to outside popularity do seem to be rather more to the BBC’s liking.
And by the way, have you noticed how so many of those who would once have described themselves as agnostics are now suddenly full on atheists? Language and ideas develop over time I’m sure – but often with a subtle nudge just here and there from our national broadcaster.
So I think – at this time of year in particular – we must thank the BBC for the part they have played in making a place for this Archbishop, for their part in upping the ante in terms of the general Godlessness of the nation and let’s not forget Pantomime Marriage (see my earlier seasonal post).
Well done BBC – you’ve played a blinder.
Has anyone notice how there are absolutely no Christmas decorations on any bbbc presentations…………we are still a christian country where we celebrate christmas. I do remember that they used to have a Christmas tree in the background when the presenters spoke and I do remember the christmassy introduction graphic in between programmes.
What happened to all this, did I miss something? Am I no longer allowed to celebrate Christmas or do I just enjoy the ‘winter lights’?
Please send replies on a non offensive post card and if it has a picture of Santa Claus on it please make in non gender specific, thanks.
I have no doubt this is due to the ‘rise of UKIP’………..
All true, and I have yet to see or hear one single reference to what Christmas is about and who’s birthday it is. All we are given is that we celebrate ‘it’ and spend a lot of money in the run up to ‘it’. Any mention of Christ, Christianity, our national religion is completely missing. I am old enough to remember it wasn’t always like this, we used to get visits to The Holy Land ( obvious dangers with this now ) , stories about how the birth of Christ used to be celebrated in the past and how it is celebrated in different Christian countries abroad. Obviously with the ever increasing numbers of non Christians here and our right on laws on inclusivity this is a problem. A problem the bbc and others mark by total avoidance.
We all of us have access to the four Gospels preferably in the King James Bible. The words of St Luke’s Gospel are some of the very founding blocks of our civilisation.
I also recommend T S Eliot’s wonderful poem- The Journey of the Magi”.
None of us need nor should want the BBC or Archbishops.
I hold the only problem the PTB have with mass imm. is that they can’t impose it at an even higher rate.
I’m not being sarcastic. I genuinely believe that.
And bbc breakfast this morning goes big time with the sad news of the scottish bin truck disaster, lots of free air time for the bride of wee ‘eck to come all over all states person like and tell us her thoughts are with everybody. In other news, Bill quickly tells us that the French President has warned the population not to panic after 3 “incidents ” in 3 days, the latest being something to do with a van and a crowd, apparently the man was alleged to have shouted a “Islamic slogan ” . What the slogan was and it’s relevance to the “3 incidents” is we are not told as fellow sofa hugger Louise quickly informs us about the memorial to the Sydney attack and Sofa Time with Bill And Louise moves very quickly on in less than 30 seconds for these two stories. One wonders how they will deal with the inevitable when it happens here, a quick 30 seconds and over to “call me dave” to hear about how his “thoughts” are with all the families before the camera moves quickly over to the far more palatable sight of weather girl Carol’s older woman’s large, but still firm breasts. Never say the bbc does not know its audiences likes and dislikes …………………..
Forgive me for I am just a numpty prole, ripe for re-education beeb style, but I have a question if anyone cares to respond.
It’s not that unusual in this country for migrants to have children. Those children, whose parents might have been in the country two weeks, are then brit citizens.
If so, does the non-native population grow further (ie than just the newly arrived), without any impact on the migration stats?
It’s not that unusual in this country for migrants to have children. Those children, whose parents might have been in the country two weeks, are then brit citizens.
Not true. Children born in the UK would only gain immediate citizenship if their parents are ‘settled’ – i.e., free from immigration conditions and with leave to remain in this country. Neither of which would apply in the example you provide.
This is just one example where the scaremongering which so easily finds traction on this site and elsewhere doesn’t have much relevance to factual matters.
He was only asking a question, Scott, not scaremongering! Who is the ‘petulant teenager’ now? You do overreact at times and yet can’t understand when others overreact to what they see as BBC bias.
He was only asking a question
“Those children, whose parents might have been in the country two weeks, are then brit citizens.” was not a question, but presented as a statement of fact. One which is wrong.
And it was that sort of mistaken belief which is a result of scaremongering, as I said.
Xmas greetings, Scott.
Well, I did say I was just a numpty prole with a question.
Sorry if my question wasn’t informed – I’ll watch more beeb news so I’m up-to-speed and more inclusive, going forward.
Anyway, I’m sure it’s all my imagination that the country is being transformed before our eyes.
Yes you forgot Scott is highly intelligent, so ‘intelligent’ that like all the other libtards that they cannot see it is they who are causing the problem, for you see that every action has a reaction.
That reaction is UKIP, is Marches in Germany, is the rise of the far right in France and is websites like this.
Now go away Scott and post away to your hearts content on the many libtard websites that are welcoming of your libtard views and ways.
Scott, hello, now not wanting to get off on the wrong foot etc, but I do wonder why you have returned to posting to a site whose general drift does not reflect apparently your belief system ?
I saw you missive the other day stating that it was necessary for you to keep up with various slings and arrows chucked in your direction since you retired from your daily battles with the dissenters who congregate here away from the mainstream beliefs. Now, I agree that this is your right and if I was in your shoes I would also want to see if my name was being besmirched, but honestly Scott your name quickly faded from view with your disappearance. So why return to posting rather than a weekly read of what’s going on ?
I in all honestly think that you get some kind of pleasure from baiting others with different views and to be quite honest with you I have done it myself on the Guardian comments pages for a few weeks before getting quite tired baiting those would not see things as I do and retiring to the pavilion. So, again I ask you why? Is it kicks ? Is it frustration that we do not see the liberal light and like a missionary in the jungle you must keep on trying to get us on message and saved ? What’s the deal Scott ? Is it you just can’t let go ? Because you are coming across as a little needy and a bit sad and I really think it’s not in your best interest to carry on this dance, just let go Scott. Happy Christmas.
Renewed beeb contract?
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: So the BBC denies it has a Left-wing bias? Just take a look at this austerity-laden Christmas schedule…
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2866340/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-BBC-denies-Left-wing-bias-Just-look-austerity-laden-Christmas-schedule.html#ixzz3Mii620qI
Scott, I concede you’re right.
I remember now that I saw Ken Clarke on Marr show and he said the same thing – the immigration debate needs to move on. Those who dwell on it are scaremongerers.
Then Yvette Cooper left me in no doubt when she recently added that ukip needs to be ‘exposed’.
So that’s you, the bbc, ken clarke and yvette cooper all telling me that any discussion of imm is essentially scaremongering.
Thank you for disabusing this prole of another of his many ridiculous misapprehensions.
Keep up the good work in 2015!
So that’s you, the bbc, ken clarke and yvette cooper all telling me that any discussion of imm is essentially scaremongering.
Any “discussion” where outright falsehoods are presented as facts is scaremongering. If you’re going to have a serious discussion, stick to facts and not the sort of inaccuracies which only serve to bolster the prejudices of people who mindlessly repeat them.
‘Any “discussion” where outright falsehoods are presented as facts is scaremongering’.
It was an honest mistake on my part. You people are very touchy on the subject, at any rate.
And your reference to ‘outright falsehoods’ is an apt description of all the alleged benefits of mass imm.
Facts facts facts. Facts are sacred as I well know from listening to the BBC. Militants not terrorists. Isis is nothing to do with Islam . All attacks are lonewolf and nothing to do with the ROP. Israel is worse than South Africa under apartheid The poor are starving in this country and a hedgehog is a squirrel if I say it is.
Also I had better get used to living on the right side of history as the liberal elite has described the whole sorry awful mess they have created in this once most pleasant and peaceful of lands.
I am looking forward to a fact full 2015. Let us make a fact full prediction.
UKIP is a very nasty facist , racist, right wing barely human party representing the very worst elements of England. I will know this to be true because the BBC will tell me it is true and every BBC commedian will also tell me it is true.
(A reply to Scott, three places above here.)
Facts are what are usually lacking from your comments: there are very few dates, figures, percentages, timings of BBC programmes, quotes, analysis or anything. More often it’s petulance and narcissism, disagreement for its own sake, always full of personal abuse and a sense of victimhood.
Since you like facts:
> 5 million immigrants settled in Britain in 1997-2010.
> 500,000 came in every year 2003-2010.
< 50,000 settled annually just before 1997.
Source: official figures from the ONS, which understate the scale of the problem. Is it any wonder people want to talk about immigration?
Bbc…half the story, all the time…that’s what I call a falsehood.
Happy Christmas and A peaceful New Year to David, Alan and the team behind BBBC. As one of the many lurkers who rarely comment but enjoy the exposure of the BBC, I look forward in anticipation to the comments here in 2015.
Christmas shopping awaits…
A small example of the BBC’s unique contributions to calming waters, especially with its modding skills on forums they run:
BBC World News
Blazers flecked with blood – One week after the #Peshawar school massacre in Pakistan, the BBC’s Lyse Doucet finds old wounds and old troubles have yet to fade away.
Khrawkupar Ranee Pakistan will never change unless they remove their ‘good terrorists bad terrorists’ mindset.
Muhammad Awais Kamran You indian dont poke nose in every matter.
Mr. Kamran channeling his inner Ref:456 there.
It is tradition at this time of year to stop, reflect and give thanks.
So as we rush head-long into multicultural nirvana, with 2015 promising only more of a good thing, I trust you will all be joining in me in raising a glass to the much-admired british elite who have made all this possible for us.
And special thanks to the beeb, without whom us idiots would still be labouring under the misconception that multicultural societies may not be entirely sustainable or desirable.
BBC – Rise in Australia ‘terror chatter’
BBC – French PM assures public after series of attacks
BBC 5live, how visit reveals Islamic State, A German, met child fighters bearing arms for the “caliphate,” and encountered recruits from all around the world, including the UK, US, Canada, France, Sweden and Trinidad and Tobago.
Educated lawyers, engineers, professional trades abound
They are self assured, confident, and have no qualms about murdering 100, 000s for Allah.
Mr Todenhoefer said he was struck by their brutal zeal, and the scale of their ambition to carry out “religious cleansing” and to expand their Caliphate territory.
“There is an enthusiasm that I’ve never seen before in warzones”
Posters with Quranic rulings, on how to treat slaves, to pray, Islamic law on women, and infidels are all around.
… Welcome to “pure” Islam …
Now … put that harsh reality, with this
35 mins – BBC R4,
After 1000s massacred, double murders, lone wolf killers, religious persecution, slavery, child gang rape and ethnic cleansing.
ISIS, Hamas, Al Nusra, Al Quaida, El Shabab, Boko Haram etc
BBC Radio4 asks
Is there a problem with intolerance, violence in Islam?,
to obfuscate at length is F Gardiner, (a man shot 6 times by the Taliban! his colleague killed in front of him), BBC terrorism security expert
Well … erm , he s not sure?, who knows? after all Christianity is more violent! … when I was shot I think it was probably political, even racist, there s a sort of revenge culture, etc
Yes, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) plays its propagandist role of censoring and euphemising the global reality of the negative impact of Islamic jihadist barbarism, and the imposition of utterly repressive and violent Sharia law.
Suppose Gardner told the truth or, rather, interpreted what happened to him with a bit of common sense ie that his injuries were the result of some loonie infected with a primitive and widespread creed of hatred and violence. His feet wouldn’t touch the ground on the way out of BBC-land.
OTOH I don’t think Gardner consciously exculpates Islam for the evil it visits on the world. Rather he is both a victim and perpetrator of BBC groupthink and, frankly, were the benignity of Islam not part of his world-view he wouldn’t have been recruited in the first place.
As I’ve commented before, Gardner’s unsuitability for his role of impartial reporter was instanced by his initial comments on the Rigby murder. Gardner attempted to shift responsibility for the outrage onto the security services on the basis that he – Gardner – had been informed by a “hitherto reliable tweeter” that one of the perps was known to the security services which had tried to recruit the perp. I can remember the eagerness and barely surpressed triumphalism with which Gardner conveyed this information on BBC 24.
The evil of the belief system behind both the shameless brutality of the Rigby murder and the attempt on Gardner’s life (and the death of his cameraman) is not something Gardner wishes to raise or question. Of course, Gardner is an Arabist of the type widely represented in the Foreign Office and, as such, Islam is beyond Gardner’s criticism. Moreover, Gardner both reflects and reinforces the BBC line in which frequent and unpleasant manifestations by those adhering to Moslem belief (eg 7/7, IS, Boko Haram, Rochdale etc) are due to a “perversion” of Islam rather than – as those of us less in thrall to the wonders of diversity and less tolerant of manifest evil realise – the direct and predictable results of its mainstream teachings.
The most laughable and galling facet of this “expert” is that he s read the Quran, studied it even.
Open-ended passages of violence against unbelievers, “idolaters,” polytheists, Jews and Christians are found in the Qur’an, and … Verse 9:29 tells Muslims to fight and subjugate non-Muslims simply on the basis of … their disbelief! … open ended, yep! for ever.
Not too many people are losing their heads,(sorry 😀 )
to fanatics screaming praises to Jesus, or to Moses, or Buddha or the many Hindu gods …
It is literally inconceivable that erm … he hadn t noticed.
Pleading ignorance, will not wash … it is therefore deliberate.
Not BBC bias, but more a sad reflection of how their crazy beliefs have destroyed our freedoms.
It appears that some idiot on twitter has made a very poor taste joke about the accident in Glasgow.
In a free society which believed in freedom of speech this would be passed over as the scribbling’s of some uncouth yob, but no longer.
Using the anti freedom legislation brought in by Nu Liebour, the Police are now looking for this hapless fool, and when they get him he will almost certainly be getting sent to prison.
All for exercising freedom of speech.
And then the Fascist Labour MPs have the nerve to tell us that we have to defend freedom of speech. Freedom, but only with the framework which they lay down for us = no freedom at all.
‘…sad reflection of how their crazy beliefs have destroyed our freedom’
I am beginning to think there is strategy in this odd clamour for the public pillory of some sad individual with apparently wrong thoughts. Firstly, the right thinkers can narcissistically bask in the expression of their own right thoughts. Meanwhile all means of public discourse can be made safe for right thoughts only as those who transgress are seen to be crucified. Brave will be the future transgressors.
If I have read his tweet correctly it is in poor taste only. I cannot for the life of me see how it broke any law. You regularly get sicker comments by Beeb “comedians”. Maybe he will be a guest on HIGNFY.
Beeboids’ broadcasting empire expansion: Wales.
“New BBC Wales HQ plans go forward to Cardiff council”
Note: Beeboids don’t tell us how much this will cost we licencepayers.
This Beeboid Cardiff public spending is a microcosm of political ‘left’ economic policy:
1.) massive, unnecessary, undemocratic public expenditure;
2.) the employment of too many staff;
3.) production of an output of little use.
This comment is with regard to a question posted earlier in the thread about how children of migrants are treated in immigration statistics. Some of you may be surprised to learn that Scott was spouting utter cr*p in his sanctimonious reply:
“Immigration is responsible for 84 per cent of the surge in Britain’s population this century, a report claims today.
It suggests the true impact of immigration has been ‘substantially understated’ because the Office for National Statistics did not count 1.3million children born to foreign parents as migrants.
The report concludes that of the 4.6million population rise between 2001 and 2012, 3.8million is due to the biggest wave of immigration the country has faced. Not including children born in the UK meant net migration was recorded at a much lower 2.5million. […]
An ONS spokesman said: ‘In accordance with the UN international standards, the ONS does not define children who are born in the UK as immigrants.”
Scott was spouting utter cr*p
Actually, I was referring to official rules for documenting children as British citizens. The infromation’s quite freely available on Gov.UK.
If you choose to confuse a tabloid paper’s slanted reporting on how the ONS collates its statistics to deal with adults only (which seems to be fairly standard internationally) with actual rules on how people’s citizenship is treated, then bully for you.
‘Facts on a plate: our population is at least 77 million’.,,
‘The 2001 census, already hopelessly out of date and easy to avoid for those who find filling in forms a trifle inelegant, numbered us at a little under 59 million. But as statistics go, that one’s most definitely a damned lie.’..
Now even the BBC are commenting that there has been a total lack of information surrounding the appalling accident in Glasgow.
The problem with the Useless Brigade keeping quiet about the facts is the speculation and the rumours this generates as people without information wonder what awful facts the authorities are hiding.
There hasn’t even been a statement as to the name of the driver and his condition, nor the usual ‘holding’ statement of what the authorities are doing.
This is highly unusual, it might be that there is a fear of the rage the country would feel if indeed this is yet another Muslim attack on our country.
With luck it is either pre-Xmas added sensitivity or a desire to lock down facts before speculating.
Trouble is, this is the the twitter age, with CCTV on every lamp-post, so it seems odd to find no one knows anything yet. It wasn’t exactly outside of public view.
If they are holding off for any political reasons that is unlikely to make any eventual clarifications more palatable, for sure.
In any case, dual track responses seldom make anyone happy. Hope who ever is in charge knows what they are about.
FWIW here is Ch4’s latest report:
The order of facts known suggests extraordinary restraint being shown on what must be some itching journalistic instincts.
Won’t make the tragedy any less, but it is to be hoped it was… just… an accident.
But this is a very odd way to start off: ‘died after the council vehicle drove through streets packed full of Christmas shoppers’
300m of carnage and such a lorry being there going at such speed with an ‘ill at the wheel’ driver unaided by colleagues in the cab suggests a lot that could have gone wrong did so.
And quite why a berk tweeting ‘offensively’ elsewhere is included, or worth anyone’s time, lord knows.
Know what you mean, but if something had happened it would be all over Twitter. The Woolwich Butcher and the Edmonton beheader were only found out because of Twitter.
Have you seen all of the pages which have been removed from Twitter?
Anything giving an account different to the official one is being removed pronto.
Either it’s a very slow news day or this tasteless teen is the unluckiest twitter casualty in history.
Every single msm report so far has full victim emoting only (seems no one is interested in anything else surrounding the accident), plus as much as they can stir up on this hapless twit.
Poor sod seems the only thing they feel confident offering full glare upon. Given he is irrelevant, an odd focus compared to other avenues usually pursued to the nth degree.
Don’t expect to see this on the bBBC, and get your sick-bag (or preferably a bucket) ready if you’re going to watch The 17 Most Ed Miliband Moments Of 2014.
A reprise-
One-minute impression of Ed Miliband-
For INBBC: a comprehensive review-
“The Islamization of France in 2014”
by Soeren Kern.
The BBC would only get upset if it was their own chauffeured cars being burnt. Obviously the fault of The right wing Conservatives (or UKip). This is an extract from that above link…. and the same ghettos are emerging!
‘Car burnings, commonplace across France, are often attributed to rival Muslim gangs that compete with each other for the media spotlight over who can cause the most destruction. An estimated 40,000 cars are burned in France every year.’
The bBBC ‘news’ today is relentlessly pushing the Labour propaganda about the NHS. A&E is ‘in crisis’ because a few drunks aren’t being seen within four hours of over-indulging, or silly kids haven’t bothered to register with a GP and don’t know what A&E stands for.
Endless opportunities for the bBBC to give free pre-election publicity for Andy Burnham, although somehow the churnalists never find time to ask him about mid-Staffordshire, Tameside, Furness, Basildon or all the other centrepieces of Labour’s Nationalised Death Service.
He’s known as bullshit Burnham round my way, for what it’s worth.
…same alma mater as me, more’s the shame.
Christmas is the time for celebrating the birth of our Saviour and for enjoying the company of friends and families. Not so for the beleaguured Christian and other religious minorities in the Middle East, Pakistan and other Moslem countries. This morning I read a report in the Daily Telegraph about the Christian minority living in the suburb of Dora in Baghdad, who have declined in number from 150,00 to just 1500 in a decade. Due to the problems of living in a Sunni dominated area, a local priest, Father Timothaeus Issa, has stated, “I think all our families are thinking of emigrating now. They think of their lives here as temprary.” You would not think that the Christian population of Iraq was facing any problems to listen to the BBC. Even though this is the time of Christ’s birth, the BBC has made little if any mention of this problem, preferring to entice audiences to their channel this Christmas with a programme of a special edition of Strictly Come Dancing (when we have only just had the final!) and the usual round up of Premier League fare. I suspect that the hierachy of the Church of England take their cue from the BBC, because when I go to Midnight Mass tomorrow night, I will expect to hear the usual secular and quasi-political platitudesa uttered. I may be wrong, but I won’t hold my breath. Why can’t the BBC hace a special programme this Christmas on the plight of the minority Christian and other faiths in the above countries, in view of the fact that this is the season of our Saviour’s birth? To paraphrase the Bandaid song, “Don’t they [i.e. the BBC and the Church of England] know there won’t be snow in the Middle East this Christmas” Does the BBC really care about the fate of these people and their inability to properly celebrate the birth of their Saviour? The tragedy is that the Organisation does not, knowing that most of the population will be bought off with a diet of dancing and football. This is reminiscent of Ancient Rome where the emperors used to keep the populace quiet with a menu of bread and circuses. May I wish all readers a happy Christmas and to spare a thought over the next few days for those unfortunate minorities in the Middle East and elsewhere. God bless you all.
BBC radio 4 PM are reporting about the protests about the Islamisation of Europe, an of course they’ve found the inevitable judgmental Fascist to say the right PC words. So they’re ‘far right’ ‘Islamophobic’ ‘Xenophobic’, and there is no investigation into the anxieties of those protesting and whether they might actually have a point.
They do have a point and it’s different to that of the Fascist left so it’s not allowed to be heard.
Given that a potential major schism is appearing in the largest member of its beloved EU, surely the bbc should be all over it.
It’s clear many of the issues in Germany pertain in this country, yet for some reason the silence is deafening.
Seems to be growing.
Charles Napier, a former teacher, has been sent to prison for abusing young boys, a la Saville (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30591158). The BBC helpfully tells us that he is “the half-brother of Conservative MP John Whittingdale”. Not sure how that is particularly relevant or even noteworthy – are they making some sort of implication here or is it just anti-Conservative nastiness?. They also point out that Napier was one time treasurer of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange. Would that be the same organisation that seeked solace and support from the National Council on Civil Liberties when present day deputy leader of the Labour Party, Harriet Harman, worked there as a legal officer? Does that rate anywhere on the relevance scales, BBC? Just asking. See http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2575505/Letter-paedophile-group-links-Harriet-Harman-Patricia-Hewitt-AFTER-said-marginalised.html
I too wondered about this link to Whittingdale.
Don`t quite see how this relates to the MP…half brother?…different name?…no clear connection given?
Still-if the liberals at the BBC and Labour HQ can put the word `Tory¬somewhere close to the word `paedophile`…then the plebs can pick the bones out of that.
A MacAlpine moment then, unless Tom Watson and the BBC are able to successfully link Whittingdale to what`s to come…I imagine the BBC are happy enough to let the stench ooze through the Tory Brand if poss.
Notice too that the UKIP stories tend to follow this one-maybe we might care to link UKIP to paedos?
Me?…vote Labour get peado people back into power…Labours top brass is full of apologists and old campaigners for PIE.
Can we still get those T-shirts?…this is what a Paedos Ally looks like?…paid pretty well back in the late 70s too.
If I were the BBC, I`de be careful…Saviles chains might rattle once again…he seems to only get one mention in the TOTP 50th anniversary book I saw at WHS…and there was me thinking that he was instrumental in getting the show going..AND the last one to turn out the lights on it in 2006?
Spiritual amnesia and Alzheimers seem to run concurrently there at the PBC!
Ian – well spotted – that is so blatant BBC bias it riled me so much I have put a complaint in straight away!
I do hope people on this site will support this by putting their own complaint in. It is the only way things will change.
I will of course copy to the Media and Sport Committee.
Incorrect political connection.
Complaint description:
Re; Charles Napier jailed for 13 years for child sex abuse: You mention in the article that this criminal is the half brother of Conservative MP John Whittingdale, for some reason making a CONSERVATIVE MP connection. You also mention NAPIER being a past Treasurer of Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), but totally omit the real political connection of interest to the public, of the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Harriet Harman, used to be the Legal Officer of NCCL, working for and affiliated with PIE, plus Labour shadow minister Dromey, her husband, was also an officer of NCCL and former LABOUR Cabinet minister Patricia Hewitt was also senior officer of NCCL. Why have you highlighted a CONSERVATIVE connection in this Paedophile story when there is not one one, but fail to make a LABOUR connection of which there are three high profile front bench connections? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2575505/Letter-paedophile-group-links-Harriet-Harman-Patricia-Hewitt-AFTER-said-marginalised.html I am copying this to the MPs concerned, since I feel they need to know that this sort of political bias is happening within a public funded body and people like me do not wish to pay for such blatant bias on serious issues from my taxes.
Sent copies of my BBC complaint to all members of the Committee (found email addresses on Gov website – clicked on each member)
Dear Culture and Media & Sport Committee Members
I feel you should be made aware of the BBC complaint that has just been filed which the BBC mentions the leader of your committee in a very politically biased way:
My complain submitted today 23rd December 2014 (approx 1940 hours):
Yours sincerely,
Name address supplied
Multiculturalism: born in Frankfurt, slain in Dresden?
Multiculturalism wasn’t born in Frankfurt, it began in Birmingham when ‘professor’ Stuart Hall (no not the sports commentator in prison for being a bit too touchy feely), invented it.
The BBC went into purdah when he died and so did the Grauniad as per this article:
Multiculturalism emerged from cultural marxism which originated in Frankfurt (or at least Frankfurt academics before they were forced to flee).
Critical theory predates your man Stuart Hall by quite a few years.
But if that’s the case then it isn’t multiculturalism as the OED has its first recorded use in 1957.
Cultural pluralism was the buzz word before that, but multiculturalism doesn’t properly emerge as a concept until the 1970s.
Everything I’m reading is taking me to the other side of the Atlantic and showing beginnings in the black civil rights movement. I put into Google multiculturalism history Frankfurt, and get no relevant returns.
the fundamental tenets of multiculturalism originated in Critical Theory, thus it was born in Frankfurt.
Ah well if it comes to that Marx & Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in Manchester which led to the Frankfurt school, it depends how tenuous you are prepared for the links to be.
Thoughts may have developed in Frankfurt but they were developed in other places until the final nut casery was revealed.
Indeed. But Marxism didn’t focus with gusto on cultural elements until the Critical Theorists came to the fore. Merely the relations to the means of production determine social order in classical Marxism, as I’m sure you’re aware.
My point is multiculturalism was conceived in the Frankfurt School, since it was there that the fundamental principle of multicult was first articulated: that no culture should have seniority in any given society. Their motivations were social chaos in order to rebuild society in the interests of the proletariat, ie undermine the existing order by means of attacking established cultural conventions.
Perhaps I should have originally said ‘conceived in Frankfurt’ rather than ‘born’, as I take your point it hadn’t been codified and articulated in Frankfurt.
The latter is nonetheless its spiritual home.
Perhaps some readers here might like to help me out with the reasons behind this inexplicable decision Camoron has made.
It would appear that last year the EU offered the UK £22 Million to feed the hungry from a fund called European Aid to the Most Deprived.
The excuse given was that he didn’t want the EU to appear to have more control than it really had.
This year he’s been forced to accept the minimum amount of £3.1 when he could have received £22 million again.
Here’s how the money will be spent and the alternatives which have inexplicably been refused.
Here’s a report from the BBC which contains a reason given by Bill Cash which to be honest is risible.
The failure of this government to take money off the EU when we have to pay so much in is again inexplicable, but the ideological taking the bread from the mouths of the starving is unforgivable.
Propaganda exercise or not this is truly disgraceful and I can’t imagine why a BBC which we usually criticise for its blatant left wing bias has failed to pick up on this gem !
I’d like to help.
Take a closer look at the dates of the documents. They are two years apart. Mark Hoban / Bill Cash were saying (in 2012) that the concept of the fund was flawed, and national governments should address these matters independently of the EU. I think you’re being unfair to Bill Cash.
The sums mentioned in last weeks document of “£1m over two years (£0.5m/yr) and £3.1 over seven years (0.45m/yr)” won’t even cover the salaries of the extra bureaucrats they’ll employ to ‘distribute’ the funding.
Result? More Eurocrats and UKocrats get fatter. Angryman et al get taxed more. Fewer workers in the productive economy. Poor people get poorer. Nobody gets less hungry. The magic of our journey to multicultural federalism in Europe.
F@£K that and vote UKIP.
Not the BBc but I couldn’t help but see how BBc Shappi did on celebrity 15 to 1. I didn’t have to wait long first off. Surprised, I’m Not.
This Christmas spare a thought for those caught working overtime at the BBC. It is a thankless task for those at the top – forced into merciless schedule of public broadcasting. Having to create positive spins on the EU, Labour policy or Islam entertainment is so demanding and many have fallen. Responding to all the ‘hate mail’ from the public is a major factor. These BBC executives, performers and producers find themselves in reduced circumstances with few friends. Shunned and humiliated – If only the general public knew that the meager BBC salaries barely cover their drugs bill. Whilst others BC employees are simply thrown in jail for sexual perversion. It is a sorry, torrid life…. But it need NOT be like this… you can make a difference. So spare a thought this Christmas for those invited to Christmas parties at her majesty’s pleasure…
People of interest (to the police) include:
Jimmy Saville (BBC TV presenter) – deceased so spared jail
Ted Beston (BBC producer) – jailed
Wilfred De’Ath (BBC producer) – spared jail
Rolf Harris (BBC TV presenter) – jailed
Stuart Hall (BBC TV presenter) – jailed
Derek McCulloch (BBC TV entertainer) – jailed
John Leslie (BBC TV presenter) – jailed
Michael Souter (BBC Radio presenter) – jailed
Paul Gambarccini BBC Radio presenter) – spared jail
Peter Rowell (BBC Radio presenter) – jailed
David Smith (BBC chauffeur) – jailed
Dan Penteado (BBC TV presenter) – jailed
Dave Lee Travis (Radio presenter) – jailed
Ray Teret (BBC Radio presenter) – jailed
Chris Denning (BBC Radio presenter) -jailed
A small donation of £150 TV license fee can make all the difference to those arrested on the job. When you think ‘BBC corrupt abusers’ remember they are all just UK media ‘victims’, many have history going back 40 years. Send your money (cash only in used notes) to BBC PIE+ CRISIS APPEAL, TV Licensing extortion, Pie slush-fund Quay, Islamacheter. The BBC wishes you a seasonal jihad.
PIE Appeal/Fundraiser in conjunction with Childrn in Need next year?
They like balance at the bbc.
Wasn’t John Leslie acquitted? He’s a presenter on my local radio station now.
“The BBC World Service is not an arm of the Foreign Office”
-no, it is a global broadcasting arm of the political ‘left,’ and of Islam.
Whatever it is, its a bloody waste of money !
“Al-Jazeera Shuts Down Egypt Channel.
“Qatari-owned Al-Jazeera news network shuts down its Egypt channel, quieting a major source of tension between the two countries.”
-Will INBBC fill the political void with even more of its own output devoted to pro-Muslim Brotherhood propaganda?
-Will there be more BBC-NUJ demos (on licencepayers’ time) at BBC HQs, in favour of Al Jazeera, Emirate of Qatar, and Islamic jihad Hamas?
What is this? Apologies if already covered on here:
Just seen this #occupybbc tweets trending:
Do not think it was massively supported – only about 100 anti-BBC protesters turned up apparently!
Video quite interesting though:
Presumably posted by a SNP supporter of Anonymous in November, and does not reveal anything more than is already in the mainstream media. So nothing serious has started yet.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2885201/Wife-suspected-jihadi-leader-cleared-charge-funding-Syrian-terror.html…..depressed ?.one law for muslims and one law for the rest of us.
welcome to sharia … UK
and there will be more of course
In the interests of bringing you the ‘news’ – who knew there was a protest last night in central London?
“Anonymous protest march against BBC’s protection of paedophiles”
It may be Christmas eve but the agenda at BBc breakfast carries on relentlessly. Back to OBESITY for the umpteenth time this year. Report says 2/3 of Britons are obese. Then without a hint of irony straight on to kids not getting free (nothing is free BBc someone is paying) school meals when it’s the school holidays. Yes despite we are apparently mainly obese, despite food banks, despite parents widely being paid benefits for their little darlings. So here we are another charity I’ve never heard of feeding kids in the school holidays. It relieves pressure on hard pressed parents at this time of the year and gives them an opportunity to spend money on other things apparently.
More whining from the BBC about “Poverty”
“Unlike other customers, those with pre-payment meters cannot spread their payments throughout the year.
As a result they spend twice as much on winter gas bills as in the summer – and are therefore prone to debt.”
Anyone spot the elephant? Those who spread their payments pay more than the cost of the energy in the summer. They save up for winter. There is nothing to stop people putting an extra 10 quid in a jam jar next to the meter in the summer months so wtf should I have to pay higher bills so that people who think paying bills ( and railway fares ) is an optional extra can get their winter energy for free. As soon as people get power for free how many will suddenly find themselves in fuel (but not X Box 4) poverty and have to tootle off to the foodbank to read a labour party press release about the cruel choice between heating and eating to the BBC
whining … Poverty
there but for the grace of god go I
It is not the grace of god, I am noy in that position because I plan, budget and above all because I have worked for decades, never had a day unemployment paid my way and my mortgage, never had a freebie from the state. WTF should I work long hours plus an f***ing awful commute to permit others to sit around doing f**k all?
there are 9 million economicalli inactive people aged 15 – 65 in the UK. Please don’t tell me that none of them are capable of looking after themselves….
Always excuses. They have prepayment meters because they are completely incapable of managing their money, and what ever they have in their pocket they will spend. They live a very different life to most other people.
How can it be that come benefits day they have not a single penny to their name? Because in the pub the night before, they throw their change into a pot to buy a last drink and each take a swig from it !
Of course there is one group who are given gas & electric for free – asylum seekers, and this was done by Labour so they could say that asylum seekers receive less money than UK residents which isn’t true. The lie was perpetuated by the Tories who don’t want the unemployed to receive any money at all! especially if they’re white.
They pay more money for their utilities because it costs more to administer the system, so the lefties moan about that too!
Will anti-Gitmo political campaigners at INBBC, and at Chakrabarti’s ‘Liberty,’ report the following, and learn any lessons from it?:-
“US government offering $5M reward for jihadi freed from Gitmo”
[Comment from Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’]:-
“Those who advocate for the closing of Guantanamo have never dealt with the problem of recidivism. So many former Gitmo inmates have returned to the jihad. More will join them. More non-Muslims will be killed. Does this matter to ‘human rights campaigners'”?
Do thieves at BBC pause to view ‘Crimewatch’?
“More than 620 laptops and 83 iPads stolen from BBC staff, figures reveal just days after they complained new Broadcasting House was ‘swarming with petty thieves.’
“Figures also included 109 phones, 98 cameras and 34 desktop computers.
They covered five years and were revealed by Parliament Street think tank.
Director: ‘Taxpayers should not pick up the bill for sloppy management.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2885949/More-620-laptops-83-iPads-stolen-BBC-staff-figures-reveal-just-days-complained-new-Broadcasting-House-swarming-petty-thieves.html#ixzz3MnpVihzR
Thanks for this, George, more grist to the mill.
In your second sentence, might we replace the Mail’s “from” with the word “by”? The use of the passive voice helps to keep it all vague but, I ask, WHO HAS BEEN DOING THIS THIEVING? I repeat the question, WHO? Contractors and cleaners? (Very convenient, i.e. ‘it’s not really us’.) The fairies? ‘The Little People’?
Those familiar with yesterday’s NOAAgate scandal over Ocean Acidification and data fiddling/omission will have found it rather insulting to have heard a very young researcher from Glasgow Uni on Today R4 insisting that OA was thinning mussel shells.
This must clearly be the BBC giving the latest revelations the middle finger. At least Humphries got her to admit that effects may not be clearly evident for 30-50 years but she needed more funding – obviously.
Those not familiar with the OA pHraud see below:-
or here
Once again I find it interesting that the data plots start in 1988. I have all the Met Office data from their weather reporting stations and working through them. These are now showing that across the U.K. since 1988/89 the U.K. temperature has been declining. Other charts from around the world concerning temperatures/ice flows etc all seem to start from the 1988’s! I’m going to have completed the research from all the met Office data by the end of the Christmas period and then compare it with further actual recorded data from allotment holders and other weather followers across Dartmoor.
As a footnote, the CET (central England Temperature) anomaly is proving an interesting exercise, more on this later!
This sounds useful and important. Do please keep us informed. Perhaps posting your findings also on Bishop Hill might be possible?
The protests in Germany are being covered again on BBC radio 4, and yet again the BBC have gone for the single rent a gob who speaks their language and blows their opinion out of all proportion.
Again all the fascist lefts bully words are deployed, and we are left without any insight at all from the protestors save that which the BBC deign to give us.
The German protests are of significance.
There’s a very large proportion of ‘ordinary’ Germans taking to the streets.
This is probably of great concern to Merkel.
Has she commented?
If it happened here, Dave C would be banging on about the great Religion of Peace as he wept into his double shot latte.
I see the bbbc are still doing their best to wind up racial tension with their one sided reports of police activity…………..
Of course, for the bbbc it fits in magnificently with their agenda. They absolutely hate the police under any circumstances and the incidents they always highlight are the ‘rights of black people’….
No one ever asks the question ‘Why is it always black people that seem to have a problem with the police?’ I suppose it might provoke the answer, ‘Well, they commit the majority of the crime.’
I have not once heard on any bbbc format, particularly with regard to the Ferguson shooting – ‘Well, if you hadn’t robbed a liquor store at knifepoint and then threatened the store keeper and then attacked the police when they come to arrest you, the idiot might still be alive.
Of course, that just does not fit in with their agenda…..They still run with ‘Black youth shot dead at the hands of white police officers.’
This is now some two weeks after the event……..
I just wish someone would close the bbbc down but it will neveer happen