The BBC wonder….
New York killings: The price of ‘anti-police’ rhetoric?
Not of coursewondering about the Media’s role in whipping up anti-Police sentiments but the role of the politicians.
The BBC has no self awareness on this and its own role in helping to generate such feelings.
That the BBC still doesn’t understand or refuses to admit its own guilt is evident in this final part of the article:
Meanwhile, protesters continue to take to the street to decry the recent high-profile incidents in which unarmed blacks have been killed in confrontations with police. They see it as representative of a larger problem of police unaccountability and a law-enforcement system that is inherently suspicious of black Americans.
It’s creating a toxic mix of fear and resentment that shows no signs of abating.
Saying they were ‘unarmed’ is highly misleading…..Michael Brown was very large and violent, he attacked a police officer and tried to take his gun….that Eric Garner was unarmed was irrelevant…he was resisting arrest and man-handled to the ground, he wasn’t shot or ‘killed’.
To use the word ‘killed’ is also misleading in the case of Garner…’killed’ is a perjorative term with connotations of deliberate violence aimed at ‘killing’ someone. In Eric Garner’s case this was not true…he was being arrested and died because of his serious medical conditions that made him susceptible to some sort of health issue under stress.
Even in the case of Michael Brown ‘killed’ can be seen as an emotive word…Brown was shot by a police officer in self defence who feared for his own life having already been attacked….’killed’ almost suggests an execution without reason.
“Michael Brown was very large and violent, he attacked a police officer and tried to take his gun”
Alan, you must try and keep up to date with the racist fantasists that validate your world view;
According to the Smoking Gun, McElroy was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 16 and has gone untreated for the condition for 25 years. She also has a history of posting racist comments on social media:
” An examination of McElroy’s YouTube page, which she apparently shares with one of her daughters, reveals other evidence of racial animus. Next to a clip about the disappearance of a white woman who had a baby with a black man is the comment, “see what happens when you bed down with a monkey have ape babies and party with them.” A clip about the sentencing of two black women for murder is captioned, “put them monkeys in a cage.” ”
Bonjour Vs The Grand Jury which saw and considered at length all the evidence…I think I’ll go with the Grand Jury….those ‘racist fantasists’….not sure what evidence you have to label them so…the only fantasy world seems to be your own where facts are only facts if they suit you.
Michael Brown was large, violent and attempted to take the gun. Proven…more than a dozen witnesses backed police version.
Black killing black – perfectly reasonable. No news there.
White killing black and all hell erupts.
If those in the media and I use that term wrongly for many put half the effort the do into blackening the name of anyone who supports the police officer into investigating the case fairly the truth might just come out. Then we might learn that like white kids black kids can be violent thugs who do stupid things and end up dead.
So you base what you say on a far left agitprop blog. Well done, clearly all the forensic evidence and the testimony of all the other witnesses can be safely ignored then.
One wonders why the culture of belligerence exhibited by black “yoofs” such as Michael Brown, and the culture of obstreperousness exhibited by petty criminals like Eric Garner, and its encouragement by the Left, in a “Stickin’ it to The Man!” sort of defiance, are not examined more closely than they are, and seem almost to be, if not outright excused, at least “empathised with” beyond any bounds of good sense.
How much of the coverage we are likely to see of such incidents is coloured (no pun) by the tacit assumption that it will always be (broadly) true that sooner or later, one black man is bound to snap when the white patrolman “disrespects him,” so the patrolman “decides to teach the uppity nigra a lesson,” and the poor little lamb will be slaughtered, in yet another sad spectacle of the racist society in America?
When some are predisposed to see the world in simple terms of the powerful suppressing the powerless, and not in terms of some behaviours being inherently self-destructive if the situation ever gets out of hand, and some people are plainly knuckleheads and cannot extricate themselves from those situations their behaviours precipitated– you tend to get the sort of tendentious coverage these racially-charged deaths due to police action command from the usual gang of handwringers.
you have hit the nail on the head with this….
“When some are predisposed to see the world in simple terms of the powerful suppressing the powerless”
this is the childlike attitude of most of the left that sees them painting the pictures they do. Grown ups can see the bigger picture but lefties with sixth form views can’t – it would be funny if they weren’t in control of the biggest media monopoly in the country that we are forced to pay for
I can imagine the late Alastair Cooke delivering a cool, lucid, truth-laden broadcast/article such as this, that elegantly scythes through all the inflammatory bullshit emanating from the USA. But then he worked at a time before BBC ‘hive-think’ had taken such a stifling hold. You certainly wouldn’t have got it from one of Mark Mardell’s or Justin Webb’s smug ‘opinion pieces’ on the unchanging core ‘racism’ of ‘Deliverance’ USA. Two good old boys who just can’t help themselves going round the outside of any inconvenient truths, & regard Obama as unquestionably divine, as opposed to criminally divisive.
The Big Lie of the Anti-Cop Left Turns Lethal
‘Since last summer, a lie has overtaken significant parts of the country, resulting in growing mass hysteria. That lie holds that the police are the greatest threat to black Americans – indeed that the police are the greatest threat facing black Americans today. Several subsidiary untruths buttress that central myth: that the criminal-justice system is biased against blacks; that the black underclass doesn’t exist; & that crime rates are comparable between blacks & whites – leaving disproportionate police action in minority neighbourhoods unexplained without reference to racism. The poisonous effect of those lies has now manifested itself in the cold-blooded assassination of two NYPD officers.’
An extract from another article, this by Thomas Sowell, a black American:
Murder of NYC policemen is a wake-up call
‘It so happens that a substantial part of the NYC police force are members of minority groups. But you might never know that from the story told by demagogues who depict the black community as a “colonial” society being “occupied” by white policemen who target young blacks…
‘Many in the media & the intelligentsia cherish the romantic tale of an “us” against “them” struggle of beleagured ghetto blacks defending themselves against the aggression of white policemen. The gullible include both whites who don’t know what they are talking about & blacks who don’t know what they are talking about either, because they never grew up in a ghetto. Among the latter are the President & his Attorney General.
‘Such people readily buy the story that ghetto social problems today – from children being raised without a father to runaway rates of murder – are “a legacy of slavery”, even though such social problems were nowhere as severe in the first half of the 20th century as they became in the second half.
‘Calling this social degeneracy “a legacy of slavery” is not just an excuse for those who engage in it, it is an excuse for the ideology of the intelligentsia behind the social policies that promoted this degeneracy.
‘Let those who have laid a guilt trip on people in our times, for evils done by other people in past centuries, at least face their own responsibility for the evil consequences of their own notions & policies. If they won’t do it, then the rest of us need to stop listening gullibly to what they’re saying.’
‘The race card is nothing to play with. It can ruin us all.’
Reaching back to April, BBC World News reports a case that is to be reinvestigated.
The lead mantra is, of course, that is was ‘an unarmed black male shot by a white police officer’.
Now if the circumstances are valid this investigation is warranted and reporting justified.
However, questions, and they are not of a ‘two wrongs’ variety, need asking.
For instance, why does the BBC get so selective, and detailed in some cases but not others, and do they not feel that maybe their focus and timing just might be designed more in cause of heat over light?
One thing is for sure; there are certain communities who really need very little to move from living in fear to creating a pervasive atmosphere of it.
Al Beeb are all too keen to use the ‘white’ card when it suits them.
Can you imagine the saying black man kills…..or X murdered by black man.
I might take some issue with the headline “they still don’t get it”
I think they do get it. They know what it is and nine times out of ten they get away with ith it. When they seemingly don’t get it, it means it/ gone seriously pear shaped and their naive little egos like those you find in children can’t take the consequences that come with such behaviour. Like a child who’s instinct is to say it wasn’t me, they too, frantically try and deflect the blame elsewhere. They are from a generation that must always be the special ones and receive nothing but praise and acknowledgement for their general righteousness. They msimply can’t handle the shame and the consequences of their rabble rousing.
you have to wonder why the bbc are not reporting these shootings as racially motivated aggravated crimes,my ears are bursting with bbc newsreaders and journalists constantly using the term unarmed black man shot by white police officers.why the mention of colour there i wonder,in contrast, this latest shooting of these in my opinion white looking nypd police officers by this armed black muslim man does not warrant any mention of colour.why is that bbc,why the double standards and hypocrisy by the bbc when it comes to reporting racially motivated crimes when its flipping obvious there is a racial link here with this armed black men shooting these 2 white looking nypd police officers in cold blood,here is my theory about why this armed black muslim man ismaaiyl brinsley shot those 2 nypd defenceless police officers, i think he thought in his own mind that they was white and that was exactly his motive for targeting them.simple as that.
The F rench gov t are blaming the motor vehicle attacks on ‘mentally unstable’ ‘men’ ……………move along , no connection with the RoP here, despite the freely available reports of cries of ‘All….Akhb…. ‘.
Also, in the light of various rumours re the Glasgow ‘driving accident’ , why are the police not revealing the name of the driver (who survived).
It may be nothing but when gov’mints start to mislead and suppress info ,people get suspicious.
As has been noted before here , Islam seems to be the ‘go to religion ‘ for the mentally ill
I was thinking along similar lines. However, it may just be that the authorities/meeja are seeking to protect the driver from the sort of mob rule they engender elsewhere in the ‘community’.
As the vehicle evidently had some of the driver’s work colleagues on board during the incident, it is likely that a fuller picture will emerge in the fullness of time.
It has been reported that the driver of the bin lorry was seen to be having a fit and/or slumped over the steering wheel. It has been reported that the drivers name was Harry. This does look like a tragic accident.
OldBloke, Can’t find a reference to the name of the driver anywhere ?
Do you have a link to that report?
Black teenager shot by police near Ferguson. BBC present this with less bias than other accounts. Are they learning? As skin colour is so important to the BBC it would be interesting to see if the colour of the police officer’s skin was reported. We shall see. There will be demonstrations: how dare the cops shoot at someone who points a gun at them. Must be waycist. Or as the left wing fascists of the LibCom blog put it – part of an epidemic of police murdering blacks. You wonder where the BBC gets it from.
And still no name or description of the driver of the Glasgow lorry which killed 6 people…………
Move along there, biasedBBC not interested.Only interested in how we ‘come to terms’ with the incident.
What are they hiding???
Not another Lone Wolf mentally-ill situation,is it??
I know what the ‘official’ line is…heart attack , yada yada…
Miraculous recovery if that is the case but ,as they say in all the cop shows, where’s the evidence?
Anyway ,and apparently (as we have NO evidence in the public domain) , he’s out of hospital?
If I’m wrong , can someone give me a link to where these details are given?????
I don’t mean to be insensitive, but my point is that ‘management of news and information’ has tipped over into suppression and mismanagement and these are crucial factors in our society, notwithstanding the terrible loss that people have suffered due to this incident.
I can’t help thinking that ,if this had been an accident involving a supposed ‘Right Wing Extremist’or even a UKIP supporter(and I know it’s Scotchland ,so the analogy doesn’t apply etc.etc.etc.) , we’d have known his name ,address and shoe size by now.
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