OK folks, we approach Christmas and it would be remiss of me if I didn’t take a moment to wish you all the compliments of the season. Thank you all for coming here to visit and comment and engage on the topic that we all share an interest in – namely BBC bias! Here’s a thread to keep things moving over the next few days. I caught the Today programme this morning bemoaning the protests taking place across Germany at the Islamisation of their society. Naturally the State broadcaster here would be horrified if such displays and assertions of OUR culture were to take place in the UK! Anyway, over to you…..and have a good one!
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Thank you, David and all your colleagues, for making this Blog possible and keeping it all live this year. I, personally, have learned (and continue to learn) from the insights of other contributors too and look forward to this continuing well into 2015.
Here’s wishing you and all other visitors to this place a Happy Xmas and healthy and prosperous New Year.
Me too. Thank you David.
May you all have a wonderful Christmas and here’s hoping that 2015 sees the BBC’s Charter cancelled and the whole operation made subscription based and then see if they survive. Like the Guardian without a “sugar daddy” with very deep pockets they have no chance. Then perhaps we will all have a more balanced media when the others stops trying to out-left the BBC.
Yes, can I just wish all the best over the festive season to all contributors and everyone who frequents this blog. And yes, Scott, that includes you.
We have some breaking news from the district adjacent to Ferguson Missouri this morning.
I see that the early report as depicted on the BBC link says “St Louis County police said the man who was shot had pulled a gun at a petrol station and pointed it at an officer.” but have no doubt that this will be changed as the day goes on…
St Louis police kill ‘armed’ black teenager – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-30596531
‘A black teenager has been shot dead by police in the US city of St Louis, near where Michael Brown was killed in August’
Why his his race relevant, BBC? I have to wonder if you are trying to stir up feelings of injustice towards a police force you probably see as institutionally racist.
‘The victim of the Berkeley shooting was named as Antonio Martin, 18, by local media citing his mother.
Police spokesman Sgt Brian Schellman said in a statement that an officer had been conducting a routine check at a petrol station on Tuesday evening when he saw two men and approached them.
He said that one of the men pointed a handgun at the officer, who then fired several shots.’
The victim?!?
Someone who gets shot after pointing a gun at a police officer is a victim only of their own stupidity!
Note the scare quotes, too.
No doubt the usual race baiters will be howling about police killing people with black skin. So what if the perp was pointing a gun at the cops. The officer could have shot the gun out of his hand like they do in the movies. Or he could have surrendered to the assailant in a state of guilt over years of white oppression. Just for once, can the BBC ease up on the bias?
Note ‘armed’ in quotes in the BBC story.
No serious attempt by the liberal media to look at why Dresden is the centre of Pegida.
The old East Germany knows what it is like to live under a tyranny and that was not very long ago. I do not think they are about to allow Islamic fundamentalism and Sharia law to surface in their city.
As far as I can see Pegida is standing up for what it believes in that is Western culture and civilisation. They are facing reality there. Don’t expect the liberal media here to give Pegida a fair hearing. It will not because it cannot.
Fans of irony might note that on this occasion Germany may actually save Europe..
Did anyone see Wallander Boxing day BBC 4 1 1/2 hours of misery It was suspected that Immigrants had committed a murder: but guess what? It now suspects the far right ‘ Swedish defence league’? Not those lovely visiters. Just up the BBC’s street. Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe but the BBC does not know that.
“…Don’t expect the liberal media here to give Pegida a fair hearing. It will not because it cannot.”
Correct. PEGIDA is ‘the enemy’ to the liberal fascists. All we can expect from the left wing msm (so, most of it) is hatchet-job ‘churnalism’; petty-minded point-scoring and, of course, the implication that anyone who supports the aims of PEGIDA is a ‘racist’.
Because, as we all know, standing up for democratic values, for freedom of thought and of expression, sexual equality and the fair rule of law are somehow ‘racist’ aspirations in the face of a totalitarian, brutally medieval ideology masquerading as a religion.
PEGIDA represents a call to arms against Islamic Fascism and anyone who answers that call is standing up in support of democratic freedom, regardless of race or colour.
But the BBC and all its common purpose fellow-travellers will still point the finger at you and call you a ‘racist’ for daring to do so.
I couldn’t believe it last night; News at Ten reported three separate incidents of Muslim violence in France without ONCE mentioning the words ‘Muslim’, ‘Islam’ and ‘Terrorist’. It’s a disgrace that the bBC are censoring anything to do with their beloved religion of peace. The BBC were perhaps hoping that we’d all think it was a right-wing Christian Front National-supporting extremist.
My kids were watching that and, without any prompting from me, said “that sounds like what happened in Glasgow”.
Why do the BBC feel obliged to let everyone know the race in the shootings in America (every other sentence has the words Black and White etc) whilst they remove all reference to Islam in reports of Muslim violence? Ahh, I forgot; it’s the old classic textbook Marxist ‘we the minority and the victim ‘ crap. Talk about disgusting hypocrisy.
The socialists appear to want fundamentalist Islam as the new religion; they want Christianity to be replaced. What they fail to realise is that they’ll be the first to be turned into a kebab if Isis ever get here en masse.
A lot of people are thinking that…
It was the same story on the brief Radio 4 news bulletin at 4 p.m. (on 23/12/2014). We were told that a few hundred troops were being deployed on the streets in France, after three “attacks” in as many days … but not all the basic journalistic questions – known since Roman times – were answered by the often selectively incurious BBC.
If I remember correctly, the Romans called them: QUIS, QUEM, QUID, UBI, QUANDO and CUR, i.e. Who? Whom? What? Where? When? Why? “Attacks” by itself is meaningless without answers to most of these questions. The “where” was France and the “what” was the ‘attacks’, the “when” was the last three days, answering only three of these six questions.
I usually just turn over to RT news, Channel 135. Its quicker than logging on to look on the Internet to find out what the BBC has censored.
You don’t get much balanced reporting at RT though, they may mention some stories that the BBC and others don’t cover but they are relentlessly subversive of our democracy.
Errr – what?? Compared to what?? You must be kidding!! RT has it’s own slant, sure, but it is predictable, it delivers news fast and shares details that the MSM does not. Essential viewing IMHO, especially if you watch it in conjunction with a more mainstream channel eg. Sky News.
Tbh, it’s almost too blatant now.
And as the need to spin becomes more frequent, the absurdity of the bbc’s ‘impartial reporting’ on the world’s most peaceful religion will be fully exposed for all to see.
2014 Dishonest Reporting Awards and the BBC miss out (except peripherally in the The 2014 Dishonest Reporting Award Winner category: The 2014 Dishonest Reporting Awards: Why the Gaza War Correspondents Won).
‘Technically, Hollander’s original caption was “up front” about the flag’s “lack of depth,” but that detail didn’t make it into the captions in the Los Angeles Times or BBC. After readers contacted the editors, the Times updated the caption, while the Beeb dropped the photograph. A BBC spokesman explained why to the Jewish Chronicle:
“We realised quickly that the picture could be misunderstood and misrepresented, and given the sensitive nature of the story, we updated it with a different picture.”
The default lack of vetting initially one for Mr. Cohen (on the next thread) to ponder, perhaps?
It can also be interesting how slowly the BBC can ‘realise’ things when contracted by readers.
Just a general observation. The BBC subeditors who illustrate articles, usually from the picture libraries of press agencies, are notable for their lack of knowledge about the areas they layout. They are even less knowledgeable than the BBC reporters parachuted in to remote trouble spots.
Hanlon’s razor, Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
An observation of my own, if I may?
Accepting stupidity can work its magic at any level, might I offer that a budget of £4 billion pounds per annum for a staff or 20,000 supposedly professional media personnel, reporter or editor, written or pictorial, represents quite a generous resource to be deployed not to see the ill-prepared or ignorant get paid to alight on what too often suits, and more often than not in a very specific way?
Given the volatility of that region, it seems… unlikely… that that literal flag being ‘seen’ atop that edifice in that way wasn’t viewed as a figurative one earlier than it was.
Have a listen to this little gem from Five Live Breakfast this morning (Warburton and McDonnell – oh, dear oh dear, oh dear)
The piece is about obesity and yet listen to what the second woman in the clips says;
“It’s a lot harder with the economy the way it is to literally lose weight”.
Eh? Say that again. The economy is bad and so it’s harder to lose weight? Eh? Eh? Eh?
What an absolute load of tripe. And you’d have thought that any editor worth his/her salt would have recognised this and binned that particular part of the vox pop.
Oh but hang on, if we can get a bit in about the economy being bad, no matter how ludicrous, it’s another helpful nudge in pushing our pro Labour Party agenda.
So utterly ridiculous and yet so consistently underhand.
Obesity is a regular feature on the BBC. Funny how they do not mention that the Palestinians, idealised by the BBC, are the 8th most obese in the world. Better campaign to stop those Joos from over feeding them.
I think obesity must be caused by Food Banks supplementing the MacDonald’s burgers with additional free food.
Yes, whatever British people are, the BBC are against. They tell you bad things and make you feel guilty for smoking, for drinking, for driving, for how you treat your pet, for how you treat your family, for exercising too much, for exercising too little, for being religious, for being homophobic, for being rich, for wanting cheap energy, for wanting better food and clothes, for wanting to lower taxes, for being misogynistic, for being slightly different, for intolerance. The BEEB will always tell you what you are doing is wrong. Best is to relax, all we need to do is cut them down from £6Billion to £600k pa and you will see a remarkable difference!
I think that obese woman is correct – that is why all those really poor North Africans are so enormously fat!! Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia – as unreliable as he is, maybe sir Geldorf could help with correcting that one?
May I wish everyone a very happy Christmas and peaceful New Year.
God bless us, everyone
The cognitive dissonance must be piling up high, now, at Al-Beeb. The BBC on the ISIS sex slavery pamphlet: “It is a depraved and depressing document, at odds with mainstream Islam, though well-researched with Koranic verses and hadiths, or reports of what the Prophet Muhammad said or approved.”
Beautifully done, isn’t it?
So reassuring that Paul Wood is an expert on Islam.
Robert Spencer on the Islamic-ness of the Islamic State
It’s great – “This sex slavery guide has nothing to do with Islam, but it also has everything to do with Islam”.
I can’t begin to imagine what happened to the synapses in his brain as he wrote that.
Frankly, this chopping da head off could catch on. I’m thinking a reciprocal thing here. Why should the muslims have all the fun. Cut an Inman before breakfast an a jihadi for tea and muffin. Tis fair after all in a PC world gone rampant….
Anyways, and upside down, here is the mad Saxon’s address, read and weep: http://flaxensaxon.blogspot.co.nz/2014/12/king-flaxens-annual-yuletide-address.html
5Live s yuletide Shaker Aamer – athon starts here
20mins and still running
Yes, INBBC Radio 5 spoke with one long mournful voice, (after 11:30 am) in total political support for professional legal campaigner Ms G. Pierce. The particular campaign both INBBC and Piece are pursuing now is for Gitmo Saudi jihad suspect, Shaker Aamer.
He was spoken of in such reverential terms that they gave previous Gitmo inmate Binyam Mohamed a mention.
INBBC politicallyt combining with Pierce almost said how wonderful it would be if Aamer were out for Christmas, but they would have had to have owned up that Aamer, is of course, a Muslim.
What INBBC/Pierce didn’t say:
Will anti-Gitmo political campaigners at INBBC, and at Chakrabarti’s ‘Liberty,’ report the following, and learn any lessons from it?:-
“US government offering $5M reward for jihadi freed from Gitmo”
[Comment from Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’]:-
“Those who advocate for the closing of Guantanamo have never dealt with the problem of recidivism. So many former Gitmo inmates have returned to the jihad. More will join them. More non-Muslims will be killed. Does this matter to ‘human rights campaigners’”?
Of course, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) has been blatantly running its political campaign for Gitmo’s Aamer for some time:-
‘Biased BBC blog’ 2013:-
Will INBBC & political chum Peirce now campaign for American anti-Islamic jihad activists, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, to be allowed entry into Britain?
If not, why not?
bBCnews24 11:45am Talking to 1914 war historian who helped Sainsburys with their ad. Typical presenter started with ‘outrage at making profits from the ad’. The bBC may have tried in vain to make it an issue, but failed and they keep plugging away. They are a contemptible mob.
The rolling strap line on the BBC News Channel says “An American police officer shot dead an 18 year old black teen in St Louis near where unarmed teenager Michael Brown was killed in August”. Why did it not read, “An American police officer shot dead an 18 year old who was threatening him with a gun”? Why mention that the deceased in an earlier story was unarmed, but not mention that the deceased in this story was armed?
You people just don’t seem to be getting it..
Whitey’s here to commit racism offences, and pay licence fees so world class broadcasters can report aforementioned racism offences in an impartial manner.
‘Why mention that the deceased in an earlier story was unarmed, but not mention that the deceased in this story was armed?’
A question worth posing the holiday shift at CECUTT.
I rather doubt the answer will be much different to alllll the rest, mind.
I don’t know if this extremely disturbing video will reproduce here, but it need to be shown in order to counter the evil bullshit from the BBC and MSM about whitey cops killing unarmed blacks.
" style="background-color: #fff; display: inline-block;">
Not a BBC issue, but having returned from a shop at Tesco I feel compelled to post it.
Gaggle of around three Pakistani / Bangladeshi women around the cash machine while they took turns feeding card after cards into the machine and withdrawing the maximum amount. The cash was then being carelessly thrown into a kind of shopping bag one bundle of £300 at a time.
Each of these cards had a different name on it, judging from the length of it, and the banks were all different too.
This cannot be legitimate, and must be a benefit fraud where they claim multiple personae at various addresses. Who do you report this to though? Not the Police who give you the nth degree as to what kind of ‘Racist’ you are for reporting them and daring to assume they might be up to no good !
The bank who operate the machine, there is most likely CCTV trained on it as well, don’t hold your breath…
That is not good PR for the open-borders crowd. And more people than you will have seen it I’m guessing.
Reckon awareness is now growing that no sensible economic analysis of mass imm shows net benefits for the many (as opposed to the few).
Open-borders crowd have long since lost half the argument – that multi is better than mono culturalism.
Now the lie regarding the econ benefits of mass imm is being exposed, something’s going to give.
I just find myself wanting to physically accost these people, shake them and point to the nearest big issue seller – “Does that Big Issue seller look anything like the one you saw here last year, and the year before that, and the year before that?”
Stop worrying about it and just download a PDF of Jean Raspail’s ‘Camp of The Saints’.
That will make you feel better over Christmas…
Should have grabbed the bag and run off with it and handed it in, unlikely they would have reported it!
Fascinating little story which raises so many questions but which we’re so unlikely ever to hear from the BBC. Thanks!
Yes, I’d report it to the bank. I would think if you approached the police you would get in trouble. It’s possible they were using relatives’ cards but it sounds dodgy.
Here we go……….
“France stepped up security nationwide on Tuesday as prime minister Manuel Valls ordered the deployment of up to 300 extra “military forces” around the country after three attacks in three days left one dead and scores injured.”
From: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11310330/Up-to-300-extra-soldiers-deployed-in-France-after-attacks.html
Despite our politicians, led by the Preening Peacock Cameron, telling us that the fellows from the RoP are very nice chaps and love us really, this will happen here. Our security services working quietly in the background and the stone faced police wandering round airports with their machine guns are just waiting for the next attack. But they are trying to watch thousands of suspects and whilst they are doing their best to keep us safe they will eventually fail and then it will be inevitable, the army will have to be deployed on the streets, as they are now in France.
There are already more lovely boys from the RoP in prison now for planning terrorist acts than BBC pedophiles, and that number is growing by the day.
We are a hairsbreadth away from a fully functioning police state with all of its terrible consequences and there is no plan or any determination to tackle the root of the problem other than to appease and put more security on the ground. And we the public have been ground into submission and get locked up for even speaking out or criticising our defeat by foreigners.
A bit like being locked up for watching TV without paying a tax to the very channel that most people now know is biased in favour of Labour, Muslims & gays.
We were warned of course. Churchill, Powell and many others tried to tell us and were vilified. Even Nick Griffin tried and was prosecuted for his trouble and sneered and booed at by the BBC. Like they do with UKIP now. And where is Tommy nowadays? He is not allowed to speak, his tongue has been silenced by Cameron.
Like Pakistan, after the terrible attack on its school last week, we will eventually have to tackle the problem head on. Pakistan has now decided that the punishment for terrorism will have to be execution. It will have to happen here eventually, the punishment will have to fit the crime or there is no deterrent and it will just get worse.
And for what it’s worth in my opinion the same punishment should apply to pedophiles that hurt children. Do away with them. Think on that BBC.
Sorry I nearly forgot…
‘this will happen here”,
I rather regret to note ‘it’ already has, on both individual and mass levels.
Thanks GW.
Now over a thousand soldiers on the streets of France after a spate of suspected festive-season terrorist attacks across the nation in which the assailants were reported in all cases to have shouted the Arabic salutation “Allahu Akbar” as they commenced their rampages,
When will the three wise monkeys; our glorious strutting leader, the BBC and the police wake up and realise this curse needs to be to be dealt with, now?
Merry Christmas Old Timer, thank you for a thoughtful piece. Merry Christmas to all Christians of all colours out there.
(Having just spent the afternoon in the company of a Black man who happens to be a successful Headmaster, a nicer more intergrated man it would be hard to find. He understands my desire to vote UKIP and might join me, we are fellow Christians against a bigger foe, colour of skin is immaterial).
Not BBC related but still relevant to our interest in highlighting lefty hypocrisy. A bit of Christmas fun…
Just spent a few minutes winding up Lefties on that vile Left-wing extremist rag The Independent’s facebook page and came across the following typically big sissy, sopping wet and divorced-from -reality comment from a screaming lefty on a thread about Isis (this ineffable buffoon seemed more concerned about the so-called anti-Muslim backlash than the violence of Isis) –
‘All people of goodwill should be very concerned about the growth of Hard Right and Far Right extremism across Europe – including ever more strident speech against ethnic minorites and immigrants here in Britain. We know the horrors to which it leads. Decent people must stand up and be counted.’
to which I replied –
‘I think most people are more concerned about the rise of Islamic extremism you lefty prat; how many violent terrorist acts are presently being carried out by the far-Right around the globe? None, I think you’ll find. It is you and your like who should stand up and speak out, but you’re too shit scared of offending Muslims. Bloody hypocrites!’
My comment was, predictably, removed!
I simply cannot believe the nasty Left-wing and Isis sympathiser comments that infest the Independent comment threads. The paper is a hive of Islamo-Marxist extremists.
Don’t forget the London Metro/Evening Standard comes from the same stable as The Independent (of reality) – pernicious because it is free and reckons 2 million readers a day, editorial line indistinguishable. The politics are the same and hardly a day passes without a UKIP smear, or a “but Labour says…”
Ah yes, free speech on their terms, is quite something isn’t it.
They hide behind the ” it’s never ok to shout ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre”.
Well, I beg to differ, it is when the bloody place IS on fire ( no pun intended).
And our situation is becoming more snd more desperate as the libtards ignore reality to an even greater extent.
The thing is that what they call ‘the far right’ is in reality the left, the same as them with a different set of targets.
They need reminding that Fascism came from Socialism and that Oswald Moseley was a Labour Minister prior to forming the British Union of Fascists.
They are currently promoting the division of the people into Ubermensch & Untermensch, just as the Fascists did, and they have their favourite ‘brown eyed boys’ who can do no wrong – just as the Nazis did.
They support the murder of Jews and of gays, because their brown eyed boys do.
In terms of economics the socialist underpinning of the Fascist movement is there as it ever was.
Never forget that Eugenics was seen as progressive at the time and so was Fascism !
Mark Mardell won’t give up. On World At One [0:20] following the report on the US’s latest black teenager ‘martyr’ he tells us that Michael Brown was ‘apparently innocent’.
Keep telling it often enough and the Ferguson shopkeeper and Grand Jury might eventually agree with him.
Maybe he meant it in the Hislopian sense?
Seasons greetings everyone. Must be time for a sherry, I think.
Meanwhile still no news concerning the driver in the Glasgow crash, surely this is a bit unusual, and weren’t there others in the cab with him too? I could be paranoid but I’m sensing the police are still thinking up the best way to spin the story.
I’m hearing reports on bbc cymru that he sufffered a heart attack, but the lack of details about what happened in the cab, and him being named are a bit of a puzzle.
Has to be asked why a story from Glasgow about his medical condition is being reported on BBC cymru?
Especially as the HomePage still resolutely focussing on the victims’ families.
There is some ‘BBC has learned’ info there, including a lot of ‘what is not’ quotes. Whereabouts of the two colleagues aboard remain unclear. They would seem the best source of what actually transpired once the police release their testimony.
A heart attack is a distinct possibility given the drivers age (57) and the less than healthy diet enjoyed by most Scots. Before someone decides to take offence at the diet comment (for which statistics will back me up) I actually admire the Scots’ contempt for modern dietary advice. They are exercising freedom of choice; remember that?
That diet will be changed by extra taxes on Scottish food & drink , by their SNP Marxist Government . They will Obey Furher Sturgeons Orders or else . I can see Carlisle & Berwick doing well from cross Border shopping in the future.
A report on Sky earlier on the 24th stated that the driver of the bin wagon had been released from hospital, so I think we can rule out a heart attack – unless the driver has superhuman powers of recovery. If this was just a horrible and tragic accident why have the Police or MSM not seen fit to release the driver’s details after having already released the details of the unfortunate deceased?
Oops! Seems that Sky (and later the BBC) erroneously reported the driver of the bin wagon being discharged from hospital. 24 hours later both channels are now saying the driver is still in hospital but “improving”. Misinformation or disinformation? What’s happening here?
Feels odd to be praying for a least bad option, but I have to assume there is good reason. If an unavoidable accident then the driver and his relatives will be feeling awful.
We just learned a friend in another country was involved in a car crash that took the life of another. What the heck do you say to them? It just devolves into levels of awfulness.
We found out because they posted on FaceBook, and did that because the local media had all involved, victim and others, named within hours, hence their wishing to advise any nearby personally first.
The level of lid on this, and cooperation of all media not to ask any questions, seems extraordinary given the competition that usually exists to be first with any ‘friends of’ morsel or ‘community’ spokesPR that gets served up. Not a peep from supervisor or union rep or colleague. Nor one sought.
One has to trust the reasons are sound. And if so, form the basis of a new, less 24/7, media-void driven rush by the media in future.
I heard there were two other people in the cab, couldn’t reach the handbrake? You are correct, there is something fishy about this. When the B-BBC broadcasts Cliff Richard’s name as the police are breaking his front door down, but can’t bring themselves to identify a survivor of a heart attack and a serious crash a week later, there is something afoot.
One more point – the first picture in this article shows the lorry still moving, hitting the Skoda. The driver is sitting upright, not “slumped over the wheel”. Apparently the truck drove 280 metres from where the first pedestrian was hit to where it stopped. Three people in cockpit. Could they not have – pulled the handbrake / pushed the horn / steered the vehicle??
There was a similar incident in Nantes, France on the same day, which seems like rather a coincidence:
The level of lid on this, with the apparent full cooperation of all media (it has vanished as a story, bar the grief followups) is remarkable.
One can only trust the estsblishment has its reasons, and the media for such a level of professional watertight oversight (hard to believe a source or two has not offered what usually gets the exclusive subs excited).
Mind you, I was just outside in my apparently national Boxing Day weather bombed garden… in a T-shirt.
All discrepancies with genuine explanations one is sure.
However, as time progresses, if things turn out not to be as billed, and on purpose, trust does erode.
In a lighter note, what could be more Chistmassy than penguins?
Better yet, they appear to be doing better than the BBC is inclined to advise. Make that ‘totally ignores’.
Bit of a concern given compelled funding to educate and inform in such a way..
INBBC Radio 5- Peirce-Gitmo-Begg-Aamer.
In joint political sob story this morning on INBBC Radio 5, INBBC’s Ms Sam Walker, and political Gitmo campaigner Ms Gareth Peirce joined forces dolefully, to give their full political support to Saudi detainee, Mr Shaker Aamer.
In their joint one-sided political advocacy, between them the two female advocates omitted to mention this:-
“Guantanamo and Its Critics.
“Some regard the camp as so immoral that detainees must not only be innocent, but uniquely good.”
By Robin Simcox.
There are a few hundred words of nonsense on the Huff Post today written by a progressive who employs the word islamophobic.
It’s time people who use this phrase defined their terms.
If they mean an irrational fear of the rop, then they are misapplying it to those who have a dislike – based on experience – of imported doctrinal religion which holds values inimical to the host nation.
A more accurate, but no more elegant description of that viewpoint might be islamosceptic.
“The Great Betrayal:
How Liberals Appease Islam”
A strange article from an admitted leftwinger. What Cohen fails to mention or give any evidence that he understands is the attitude of the shire English towards the left and to radical Islam.
He concentrates on the middle class world of the media, academia and the law. This world is already so heavily compromised that it is becoming irrelevant.
The Isis young men and women are dedicated tp their cause and to defeat them we will need to be as convinced of our just cause and as dedicated. The liberal middle class is not going to help. it has failed utterly and so the task will fall upon the shire and urban working people of old England. No change there .The ruling elite has never been committed to the land .
To power and money but not to the future of the nation.
Of course, any article at HuffPo carries the political imprimatur of Islam
by its Muslim UK political editor, Mehdi Hasan.
Islamo antagonistic is apparently the grammatically correct term.
As it’s a compound modifier you should really insert a hyphen between ‘Islamo’ and ‘antagonistic’.
Haven’t watched it for 10 years. Nasty Programme.
It’s Downton on ITV. Mandatory in this house by order of Her Ladyship.
ITV do a better job of most things and don’t charge me £145 a year or, Go To Jail, either.
In fact, free enterprise always does a better job.
Socialism and the unions have wrecked The railways, The car & motorcycle industry, The Hospitals, The coal mines etc, etc. Not to mention every time they get their hands on government they wreck the economy too.
And of course the BBC and the EU is run by socialists and the unions too. Along with a mix of other non-edible types.
Just think how many ships of outward bound undesirables could be funded with £4 billion. We can but dream eh?
I’ve avoided BBc most of the day as it’s been sh*te. Nice to know we were still paying for it though……Not! Breakfast was on for about 2 minutes before it got turned off, wonder if the staff get triple time working on a bank holiday. Everywhere I’ve worked at in the last few years just pays flat rate.
George, thanks.
And I’m quite serious that those who use that word explain what they mean.
Obviously deep down I realise it’s part of the great deceit: the corrupting of language.
But this is such a an egregious case that it has to be held to account.
here we go again tonight,the bbc are reporting another black man killed by white police officer in america.no mention of this black man being armed and pointing this gun at the police officer,just wait now for every news bulletin now on the bbc and radio 5 live having the narrative that white police officer shoots black man,your ears will be bursting with this for days,no bbc,the story should be man armed with gun pointed at police officer in fear of his shoots armed suspect dead in fear of losing his own life,why mention the colour of people skins bbc,what is your agenda i ask.
They’ve given up bothering to disguise their outlook. The sombre, nay disgusted, tone of the reporter left the viewer in no doubt.
There may well be record low temperatures in Germany next week (From 1st Jan) I wonder if we will get to hear about it from the BBC should it happen? The thing is, Germany has gone over to a lot of “Green” power and they might not be able to keep up with their peoples demand for warmth. The German government are already under pressure from power suppliers after they have been informed that power supply might not meet demand. Trouble is with renewables, when we do get really low temperatures, it normally means no wind, and those windmills just stop turning don’t they. Some fun and games next week folks?
I wonder if the BBC will be playing any of Cliff’s Christmas hits this year….y’know, in hindsight of what a set of tits they were to him.
My mother in law loves Cliff….the Beeb are now shite in the Chop-in-law household.
17,500 march against Islamisation, sing Christmas carols; lawmakers and media smear them as “pinstripe Nazis”
Media Smear hmm … Sound familiar
BBC ..
“his message as an indirect attack on a new anti-immigration group called Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West, or Pegida.”
“German authorities and the international media are making an utterly predictable but nonetheless inexcusable mistake by deriding these protesters as “far-right” and “pinstripe Nazis.”
Nazis targeted people — the Jews — who were completely innocent of the charges made against them. Then the Nazis committed genocide. The Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West is reacting against increasingly frequent and aggressive jihad attacks — just look at the last few days in France — and repeated declarations by Muslim leaders that they will soon conquer Europe. Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West is not in favor of genocide, but against immigration policies that threaten to overwhelm the native population and lead to the imposition of a political and social system that will destroy the freedom of speech and equality of rights for women and non-Muslims.
These are genuine concerns, and they’re held by decent people who believe in free societies that uphold the equality of rights of all people before the law. To dismiss and deride these people and lump them in with Nazis will not make their concerns go away. It will only make it all the harder to avoid civil strife and conflict in the streets”
R Spencer
Give it a rest BBC! It is Christmas eve for Christ’s sake (Pun intended). Tonight’s *Front Row*….Alabama…accused of raping a white woman…….blah blah, blah, over to Classic FM and enjoying all those Christmas Carols while I down a port and scoff my homemade fruit cake. Well it would be wouldn’t it? I support UKIP.
A very merry Christmas (not ‘Winterval’ or ‘Season’s Greetings’) to all who contribute (and host etc) at BBBC. From a constant reader and not yet a contributor.
Welcome slave of a citizen of Rome who lives in Pompeii !
How nice to see a name which brings back memories of a man who was very funny. Happy Christmas Frankie, wherever you may be.
Yea, yea and thrice yea 🙂
Where is the ode, there has to be an ode!
If Israel retaliates, the BBC will report this as a first strike by Israel.
and of course, no reporting about this one:
Would just like to wish everyone a lovely Christmas. I really enjoy sharing this platform with you lot to uncover the BBC’s loathsome lefty bias; I know it serves an important service but it’s also good fun… I especially enjoy the witty interactions and at times, the downright good-humoured buffoonery!
Hope you drink, eat and have lots of fun but most of all, give thanks to others for the joy of company and good times. Me, I’m drinking French brandy with my wife whilst typing this on my new MacBook. Blessings to all! xx
I think you mean cognac, old boy. Chin chiggedy chin!!
Well, well, well. US Central Command says the Jordanian F-16 which crashed in Syria was NOT shot down but crashed ( probably caused by engine failure, the F-16 is a single engined aircraft) . All day long el beeb and sky have been gleefully telling us that IS shot it down with their shoulder launched MANPADS and that this would change the war against them.The fact is that neither organisation has anyone capable of being called a “defence correspondent ” worthy of the name. Years ago they did employ men who knew what they were talking about, no more, now it’s all women who just regurgitate whoever’s spin is put in front of them, they would not recognise a F-16 if it fell on them. No understanding of what they are talking about, no understanding of military hardware, capability or personnel.
I had the same thoughts .
Why do I get the impression that Al Beeb always defaults to enemy propaganda whoever they are , be it the Argy’s , the Iraqi’s the Talaban or now Isis?
I am afraid Al Beeb’s reporting is becoming more unreliable and amateurish.
Well their journo fuckwitts were saying recently at a Red Arrow`s display , they were flying 100 metres above the ground . I informed them ,that is Wrong , aircraft fly in feet ,either on the regional QNH (pressure setting ) or at higher levels on flight levels set to 1013 millibars. Carol Kirkwood could of told them that let alone , Paul Hudson .
Russians still fly in meters, or would that be communists? 😎
‘Russians still fly in metres…’ Personally, I thought they flew in airplanes.
Maybe the Russians use metres , but not in the west , anyhow most of their planes crash a lot . The Concordski crashed because MI5 knew the KGB wanted to get the plans of Concorde . They substituted the real Concorde plans with fake ones , which were photographed , Concordski was built as a copy of Concorde , but the MI5 fake plans had in built flaws ,which the Russians built into their Concordski & it was totally unsafe & crashed .
Nobody flies Aeroflot. At least, not much beyond takeoff.
Reminds me of the old airline pun “Fly BOAC and see the world, fly Danair and see the next”
A very Merry Christmas to one and all. Thanks to DV, Alan etc.
Second glass of port gone down the hatch and no bbc all day!
Stand to!
Hold the line for the New Year.
If you get the chance, take a look at this:
Many, many years ago, in a land far away…
A number of men from RAF Bomber Command performed a near suicidal mission in daylight…
Their sacrifices allowed the BBC to be what it is today.
I say no more.
Is it over yet?
Sick of Black Friday, Manic Saturday, Christmas ads, Christmas carols, tales and advice about cooking turkeys, and Yuletide family strife, stupid news items – this morning, the BBC news seemed to consist of what the queen “will” say in her speech, and what the Archbishop of Canterbury “will” say in his – I wish the both of them would say something completely unexpected, and outrageous, and utterly controversial, and confound the BBC.
Classic FM, now – more carols…
It seems that Mr. Welby has cancelled, because he has a cold – so he won’t be saying anything!
Maybe he doesnt wish to comment like some of his compatriots are doing, about the persecution of Christians, now just WHO could be doing that?
Merry Christmas, one and all!
And here’s your charades clue of the day, courtesy of the BBC’s pretend news website:
“What lies behind the rise in 2014 terror attacks?”
Now, let me see… um…
Is it UKIP?
Or penguins?
Christmas Eve 1968, 3 brave, heroic men, Frank Bormann, Jim Lovell and William Anders, the crew of Apollo 8 travelling the furthest man had ever gone sent a broadcast from the Moon back to Earth. As they became the first men to pass behind the moon they finished with a reading from Genesis
As a child watching this live, the hair on the back of my head stood up, Men going into the unknown quoting from The Bible.
Apollo 8 taught us so much about the Moon and manned space travel, it showed us our first views of Earth rising in the distant black sky and paved the way for the flight of Apollo 11 which seems in the eyes of our media to have overshadowed this historic event. I search in vain every Christmas for some small little programme which commemorates this mission to no avail.
But to me and many like me watching, these men were the true Hero’s of our age, these were the pathfinders. The names Borman,Lovell and Anders are etched forever in my mind as the panicle of the post wars generations achievements before the coming liberals tried to destroy their society with multi-cultural ism , feminism and the rise of the green lobby.
So if the media won’t do it, I will do it here, thank you NASA, thank you the crews of Apollo. Hero’s of our age.
…..and in the beginning God created the BBC and a few other stations,
….and the BBC is without form, and void, and resulted in darkness upon the earth.
….as the spirit of Leftism and socialism, moved over the screens.
….and the public saw the Light and that was good, so the MPs removed the Licence….
….and the public called this heaven, and the age of unbiased broadcasting began.
Well that is my News Years wish – Merry Grimbles everyone…
I.S. will fly the same Moon mission soon. Or maybe not…. It would be far too dangerous and require expertise, education, planning, commitment, organisation and financial risk. And no opportunity to saw a prisoners head off in public…
What can we expect from I.S. next year? Execution of the Jordanian pilot on youtube?
The best thing that’s happened is the drop in oil prices. Mainly because of fracking in the USA. But certain groups here are opposed to fracking.
Hmm, now then Dover, if I may use your Christian name that is.
This oil price thingy. Do you fancy a conspiracy theory?
It goes like this…..
Once upon a time there was a great big new country (let’s call it Hamburgerica) made up of poor but hardworking people that had come from all parts of the world to make a new life for themselves and their families. They then discovered that they had lots and lots of oil under the ground which was very useful for making machines go. This made their lives much better and they made lots of new gadgets. Things like cars and aeroplanes and washing machines and life was good. So they became very rich and were the envy of the world.
Then this new country, after helping get rid of a nasty dictator somewhere else, got all uppity and thought they could now rule the world. So it started its own wars but not all of these wars went so well so it changed strategy and started paying other people to start new wars. Soon there were wars everywhere.
Then, to make it even worse, the oil ran out so they started buying it from other countries far away. Countries that were full of sand, camels and tribes that went around fighting a lot. These other countries got rich, but they didn’t invent or make anything. They just bought Rolls Royce cars and lots of young wives.
The people in the big new country of Hamburgerica now stopped inventing things and working hard and year by year got poorer and poorer.
Then, to make it worse, the folks who were at one time very good at picking cotton decided they didn’t want to pick cotton any more. They also wanted a big slice of the rich Hamburgerica people’s cake. They however, whilst being very good at singing and dancing, did not want to invent things or work hard, so they sold white powdery stuff or lived off of the money earned by other folks. So the bright new country of Hamburgerica got even poorer and everybody started shooting each other.
Are you with me so far?
Then along came a saviour who said he will change everything and would give everyone lots and lots of hope stuff. His name was Bhob and he was very plausible, well to start with anyway. The trouble was he couldn’t find his birth certificate and got very confused about who he really was. He didn’t know if he was Hamburgerican or Hafricaaan and at one time he even thought he was Irish.
However Bhob did remember that when he was a boy he did go to Hafrichaaaaa and got friendly with some chaps from a very popular cult run by a chap called Mo. Mo had lots of brothers who were also called Mo. So on the QT Bhob threw his lot in with the Mo brothers and said that he would help them run the world one day.
Which brings us to fracking. Thought I would never get there didn’t you?
Anyway just after Bhob smarmed his way to being President of Hamburgerica some clever chaps found a way of fracking well getting oil from ever so deep under the ground and so life started to become good again. Now Bhob didn’t want anyone else from getting rich from fracking so he paid people in dirty sandals to disrupt people in other parts of the world from fracking. Bhom also gave little brown envelopes to the leaders of other countries to encourage them not to frack about.
To further frack up other peoples economy he dropped the price of oil by half so no one else could make any money at it. Fracking that is.
So Bhob and all the Mo brothers ruled the world and every one in their cult had lots of money and nubile young wives with heads.
See I knew you would like a happy ending!
Have a good New Year
When can we look forward to the bbc/Sony co-production of this epic ?
“Then, to make it worse, the folks who were at one time very good at picking cotton decided they didn’t want to pick cotton any more. They also wanted a big slice of the rich Hamburgerica people’s cake. They however, whilst being very good at singing and dancing, did not want to invent things or work hard, so they sold white powdery stuff or lived off of the money earned by other folks. So the bright new country of Hamburgerica got even poorer and everybody started shooting each other.
Are you with me so far?”
Yes I think I’ve got the gist. You’re a massive racist and the sort of paranoid nutjob who can normally be found making barely literate contributions to the websites of Alex Jones or David Icke.
Marsh thinks everyone with a different belief system to himself is a “waysist ” Others might believe that Marsh lives in a deluded make believe world where money grows on trees, all the worlds religions get on in harmony, the planet can cope with an ever increasing population in the 3rd world which want to live in the 1st and enjoy the wealth built by many generations of others.
Let’s have a test of his beliefs, I challenge Marsh to walk across a US/UK city at dead of night on his own whilst showing signs of obvious wealth. If he arrives on the other side his world view might well be correct that we can all live happily ever after together, if he ends up in Hospital, in the gutter, in a morgue with his wallet and watch removed then perhaps he is guilty of that well know left wing disease, ‘ wishfull thinking’.
So, as Clint Eastwood said, “do you feel lucky punk ?”
Not at all. I just happen to believe that suggesting that black people are bad at anything other than picking cotton, singing and dancing, shooting each other and selling drugs is flagrantly racist. Or do you disagree?
First of all Marsh nowhere did I mention black people.
If you made an assumption that all cotton pickers were black then you were wrong there were many white people and children who picked cotton and worked in the cotton mills.
Please see link. http://www.criticsatlarge.ca/2011/05/witness-to-shame-visual-legacy-of-lewis.html and a little Googling will find many more web sites showing similar hardship by white people as well as of course black people. Statistically you may of course have made the correct assumption that black people were in the majority but that that was not what I said.
Similarly with singing and dancing, if you want to get hung up on who are the best at that you can.
Now for the selling drugs and shooting. Again statistics show who are the main culprits here and if you want to say those statistics are racist you are fighting the facts. It’s a shame but there we are. Nothing you or I can say or do will change the facts I’m afraid.
I do believe that the race issue is blown out of all proportion however. We are all the same race in my opinion but it is true that there are groups of people and communities, especially in America, that have been told they are a special case and try use that to their advantage. This then leads to a feeling of entitlement and then poor behaviour when they don’t get their way, and poor behaviour in a country, with no gun control to speak of, leads to too many killings.
Lastly, you have shown a tendency to jump to conclusions and to be abusive. Your first post to me was certainly abusive and seemed to come from a very angry person. It’s just a pity your anger is not directed to more important matters and there are plenty of them. What about the thousands of young girls who have been raped and abused by men of a certain religion in this country. Do they not deserve some help? Where is your anger on that matter.
What about the thousands of people now suffering because of cuts to social and disability payments. Are you channelling your anger into helping them this Christmas. I look after and support financially a disabled son who cannot hardly stand by the way and I am in my 70’s now.
So save me your politically correct clap trap and go and do something useful with your time rather than hovering over this blog to nit-pick on people like a left wing drone on heat.
“First of all Marsh nowhere did I mention black people.”
No, you carefully, and in cowardly fashion, avoided stating what you plainly *meant*.
Let’s just remind ourselves of what you wrote:
“Then, to make it worse, the folks who were at one time very good at picking cotton decided they didn’t want to pick cotton any more. They also wanted a big slice of the rich Hamburgerica people’s cake. They however, whilst being very good at singing and dancing, did not want to invent things or work hard, so they sold white powdery stuff or lived off of the money earned by other folks. So the bright new country of Hamburgerica got even poorer and everybody started shooting each other.
Are you with me so far?”
Are you seriously claiming you didn’t expect people reading this to infer you meant ‘black people’ from this description? In which case what did you mean? ‘Working class people’? ‘Working class people, most of whom were black’? Your incoherent response to mine begins by denying that you are referring to black people but then goes on to suggest (without being explicit, because you are too cowardly to go there) that blacks are indeed responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime. At best this is muddled, but the reality is that you’re being utterly dishonest. You suggest I’m expressing anger, but I’ve just pointed out your rampant anti-black prejudice. Which you then compound by bringing up the subject of Muslim men raping white girls. Why? They weren’t the subject of our disagreement or of the previous post. Your comment stinks of prejudice. And don’t you dare assume anything about me or my circumstances. I have a tough life and I spend much of my time working for nothing for people who have less than I do.
Great story. Absolutely true. Also it will bring the PC brigade out crying like babies.
Very good fairytale ,Old Timer. However, you may have confused Bhob with the leader of the land of VladiPut whose entire economy was based on selling oil and gas to those people who depended on it and when he fell out with those dependent people withdrew the supply so he could make them love him. When Bhob began with fracking, the leader of Vladiput thought that it may adversely affect his business selling fossil fuels so he started to pay people known as “Treehuggers” who were friendly with the Earth and sought Peace with the Green people who lived in Yerts and wooden houses. These “Friends of the Earth” then spread evil tidings about how “fracking” can be dangerous and would cause the world to break apart and make your water taps shoot flame. The sky would even fall. Even town criers called “Guardians” spread those terrible tales. If those terrible tales caused the leaders of other lands to put a stop to fracking then the leader of VladiPut would remain very rich and keep those lands around him friendly towards him.
Fairy tales apart , there is some evidence that Putin has been financing our favourite green groups to spread anti-fracking propaganda.
Nicely put. Apollo 8 was referenced in a question on last night’s Christmas University Challenge.
And didn`t I hear that Buzz Aldrin managed some kind of Holy Communion service whilst up on the moon as well in 1969?
Amazing how far we“ve all fallen as a culture in these last 50 years or so eh?
God Bless you all-Jesus being the sole reason for the season.
Well said, sir! A thousand upticks.
I just listened to “The Army Show” on Radio 4 Extra. It was a Spike Milligan live show, for those of you who didn’t listen to it. The announcer introduced it by saying that the programme was “made in 1965 and reflects the language and humour of that time and would not be scripted in that way if it were to be made today”. When it had finished I went back to the beginning to check on what had been said. It must have been a warning for the pc brigade or those who get easily outraged. I found nothing offensive in it, but realise that the UK branch of the Guardians of Peace needed it to be put in historical context.
I hate all these stupid warnings – films now warn of violence, sex & shagging, bad words, and all sorts. Yet you see trailers for films, the few seconds shown being chock-full of shootin’, explosions, death and destruction – we don’t get any warning, in advance for them, do we?
The other thing, whilst we’re at it, is the stupid warnings of flash photography in news reports, when many of the programmes and ads contain flashing or strobing images far more likely to send an epileptic off the rails.
Why, why, WHY has it been decided that we need so much protection?
And the Navy Show, which includes at least one use of ‘wog’. At least 4Extra replays them, albeit with a caveat to the professionally outraged, unlike telly, which will never again be graced by the likes of It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum.
Yet casual blasphemy, at least of the Christian God if not the Islamic God, is now quite acceptable on the BBC.
No trace of Tuesday’s shooting of a black teenager by a US cop on BBC News 24.
Perhaps the BBC have realised that they can’t get the same political milking from this one?
Big-brother CCTV has told the truth. Where are you BBC??
A few were keen to try another anger and protest, but that CCTV rather nipped it all in the bud.
But all they need is the next one.
That ‘firework’ footage is impressive next to the petrol pumps. Thank heavens no one was silly enough to use a mobile.
Good post in the commentator, suggests that the BBC is becoming more extreme in its biased reporting
I think that should read ‘more desperate’
The level of editorial omission certainly pretty gratuitious for a £4Bpa envy of the world news monopoly. Guess they decided some aspects were simply ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).
Top Ten Lies Told by TV Licensing
A couple of weeks ago TV Licensing filled the local newspapers with highly improbable, and totally uncorroborable, excuses offered by TV licence evaders.
In our opinion they made the story up, in a pathetic attempt to publicise their enforcement regime.
We thought we’d publish ten lies told by TV Licensing to redress the balance.
Unlike TV Licensing, we have actually provided evidence to support each comment.
Doctor Who Christmas special and it’s written by the usual left wing crew, but given all the PC crap they manage to make the ‘thick’ character have a Northern accent.
If they’d stereotyped virtually any other group there’d be hell to pay, but doing it to white British is obviously quite OK
Don’t tell me a northern white man per chance?
I try not to watch it, but I adore Jenna………..
Well I have watched it. My disclaimer is that I have been taught how to interpret propaganda so tend to see things from the BBC in a bit of a different way.
The thick northerner was a working class woman with only one parent. (Can’t have two parents that wouldn’t reflect modern Britain would it BBC?) I note this poor individual was seeking reconciliation with a man; was this done to make her look even more desperate and sad? Also I note this individual drew up an “itinerary” for the day’s events. Was this a joke? Or do the BBC don’t know what itinerary means which is a list of stopping off places on a journey? Wouldn’t surprise if the BBC weren’t sure what the word meant but hey what do words matter anyway? She was stopping in her flat all day so she would be drawing up a timetable or a programme of events. Was this done show she was ignorant of the word’s meaning? I think it is too subtle to believe that the character had any grasp of irony.
I note the expedition leader was a highly educated middle class black woman with two parents. (Can’t have one parent because we all know black families are even more stable than white ones don’t we BBC?) I remember the episode where the future queen was portrayed by a black woman. Shudder. Why do they keep pushing this idea down our throats? Such women exist in real life but are not as common as they are in BBC Land.
The second in command was a white middle class woman. I fast forwarded through her back story by mistake. My rule with BBC programmes is never go back it will only annoy!
And the third bod was a white male who had boundary issues when it comes to woman and a fat greasy foodie to boot. Again I was fast forwarding so missed it.
I think one of the elves was Pakistani. And the constant references to racism were clever too. By declaring what you are doing in the open you can disarm any criticism that you are actually doing what you are doing. It smacks of arrogance and self-righteousness, um, well it just doesn’t smack of it is. It is a technique that is becoming quite common from the Left as their narrative begins to unravel.
Finally damn the BBC but Jenna C is going to be in the next serious so I am just going to have to watch it! 🙂
Glasgow Bin Lorry Driver Out Of Hospital – Sky News
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Twitter pages which have been taken down are one thing, but Sky News?
Why is there such a heavy media blackout on the identity of the Bin lorry driver?
We know he’s out of hospital but two? days or less seems a very short time if he had suffered a health condition which was alluded to.
The authorities seem to have gone into overdrive to cover up the details of the driver, the amount of pages missing is quite extraordinary.
There was a similar incident in Nantes, France on the same day. It seems like a bit of a coincidence.
There’s something fishy going on here.
This ‘man’ had no name ,no locality, no nothing.
What possible reason could there be for obfuscation?????
Diversion and distraction everywhere.
Nevertheless, arrests are being made for malicious tweeting over the incident and certain facebook remarks. I am sure that some remarks are being made by sick individuals, but this sensitivity does seem extreme.
The commitment of police and legal resources for what is undoubtedly the poorest of taste is already a topic of some contention, but that all efforts by the establishment seem dedicated to this, with compliant or complicit media in support, cannot but seem at best odd if not excessive. Look at any timeline and associated articles will refer to emoting, funerals, eulogies… or twerps suffering from an inability to be sensitive.
What there is not… so far… Is anything else. Not a colleague. Or neighbor, or anyone who might have noticed that around three waste disposal friends or colleagues have dropped off the radar in their local community.
I am hoping against hope that there remains a good, rational explanation for all this that will come out in time. Albeit one stretched way beyond past experiences of tragic events. Usually hotels in the vicinity of hospitals crammed with reporters and analysts ready to pick at any nuance. Here… total blackout. Impressive actually that it is possible still, especially in the internet age.
Just hoping they know what they are up to. Screwed-down lids create pressure that will find an outlet. And trust is a tricky one to regain the next time round if it has been decided the public doesn’t have right to know for some reason. And next time they may need the public onside and responsive more than ever.
I remain optimistic still, but it is being tested. And given the less than stellar near histories of those in power, plus those claiming to hold them to account, we are for sure not represented by too many who inspire confidence.
BBBC1 Christmas evening at peak viewing time ‘Call the Midwife’……pure, unadulerated feminism…….
Get me out of here
Can you imagine if they brought it up to date and set it in modern day Tower Hamlets ? ‘Oh the humanity ! ‘. Crowd scenes would be available at a cut price to the bbc by using unused shots from the Oscar winning film ‘Gandi’ showing the teeming millions in Calcutta………..all the pregnant women parts could be played by the same woman dressed up in full Muslim garb, just different voices, who’d ever know ? In fact as they don’t like their women going in a studio and being surrounded by lecherous beeboids ( understandable point ) the roles could be played by a bloke, I mean it’s not like they haven’t done it before ( escape of killer of WPC Sharon Beshenivsky ) The NHS parts would have to played by bringing in some actors from Poland and Africa and there would be the issue that the indigenous population would not watch it, but hey it could be a winner with awards all round for the top floors of the hive.
I think that is why the show is popular: it depicts a vanished era.
They might be further ahead if they shot a film of Jean Raspail’s ‘Camp of the Saints’ in Tower Hamlets, but of course, that would never happen.
“Jean Raspail’s new warning”
The delivery company, City Link, calls in the receivers on Christmas Eve (not before time).
The BBC’s reaction? Maintaining its reputation for delivering the most inept and irrelevant business coverage, to whom does it turn for an informed opinion? Why, the RMT, still trying to get over the loss of its former boss, that absurd throwback to the 1970s, Bob Crowe!
Why has City Link finally been put out of its misery? The best the BBC can come up with is ‘competition’.
This epitomises the BBC’s coverage of business generally – a mish-mash of stories far too often sourced from unions, pressure groups and Labour, generally cobbled together without any insight into what business is and how it is done.
Still, what are we to expect from a State-owned broadcaster compulsorily funded and staffed by Guardian readers, few of whom have even the slightest experience of life beyond university and the Leftist media?
Correction. I said ‘receivers’ – I meant ‘administrators’.
No matter. A spot on comment from you (as usual).
Of course the witless fools know nothing about business, living as they do on the bounty of the magical money tree.
Hence their regular howls because wimmin football players with little skill, no audience, and even less sponsorship don’t get paid £200k per week.
It’s all just beyond them.
The BBC just had to get ‘far right’ in there…
Yet the churches from Nigeria to Kurdistan that are being destroyed daily by the ‘peaceful religionists’ never get a mention.
According to the BBC “On 3 December, the Sweden Democrats – a populist party with a strongly anti-immigration agenda – brought down the minority governing coalition after it had been in power for just two-and-a-half months, by refusing to support its budget plans.”
Er, what does that have to do with this story? Not guilt by association surely?
Is it now BBC policy to shoehorn anti-UKIP “jokes” into every programme that can accommodate them?
Have I Got Anti-UKIP News For You, Mock The UKIP, Only Connect With Jokes About UKIP, I’m Sorry But I Have Another UKIP Joke.
All quite tedious. All quite predicatable. All laughed at by audiences packed with BBC employees.
Quite simply, f^ck the BBC. I will never pay the licence fee and I will be voting UKIP until the BBC has f^cked off to hell.
I would hazard a guess that most of the ‘laughter’ is ‘canned laughter’, as much of Al Beeb’s so called comedy is just not funny any more .
Oh yes, and …Nadolig Llawen or a Merry Christmas to you all, from the West of these islands .
Isn’t it time for a “Religion of Peace” movie?
It can’t be too hard to get a soundtrack of Daveyboy Cameron and other world leaders saying “Islam is a Religion of Peace” , “one of the world’s greatest religions”, etc, and show in the background a variety of Islamic/ Muslim atrocities.
I am sure four or five minutes of this would go viral and spread the true message of Islam out there.
Like this?
Or this
Another message you won’t find on the B-BBC – Pope says EU is rubbish –
So when did all this beheading and terror from bad muslims begin? A few years ago says the BBC.
Dig a little deeper and one might find earlier occasions. Maybe a normal practice. According to legend and lore the name Leathernecks, given to US marines might be connected to collars worn to prevent beheadings as well as keeping their heads up on parade.