OK folks, we approach Christmas and it would be remiss of me if I didn’t take a moment to wish you all the compliments of the season. Thank you all for coming here to visit and comment and engage on the topic that we all share an interest in – namely BBC bias! Here’s a thread to keep things moving over the next few days. I caught the Today programme this morning bemoaning the protests taking place across Germany at the Islamisation of their society. Naturally the State broadcaster here would be horrified if such displays and assertions of OUR culture were to take place in the UK! Anyway, over to you…..and have a good one!
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Radio 4 ‘Today’ interviews Ang San Suu Chi who is saying that reforms are not going as quickly as she would like.
The interviewer (Commons speaker John Bercow I believe) asks the question is this because the military government is ‘reactionary’.
Most of us know Bercow is something of an odd fish, and something of the left about him making him more acceptable to the BBC.
‘Reactionary’ in not a word used by those in the centre ground, which perhaps shows just how far the current Conservative party has moved to the left.
I note the BBC are reporting very coyly this morning about a ‘man’ charged with dangerous driving in Hulme, Manchester where two pedestrians were killed, I think a couple of days ago. He was named as something-or-other Ali.
I wonder if Mr Ali was shouting “Aluha Akbar” while he drove dangerously on the pavement?
I would not put it past the BBC to cover up any sequence of accidents by sufferers of the religion of peace. Perhaps he had mental problems, poor fellow. There’s no real reason we need to know about it, after all, it’s only white working-class people being killed – the scum of the earth to the left.
Made me wonder why he hasn’t been charged with the much more serious charge of causing death by dangerous driving and failing to stop, but then he’s one of the Fascists brown eyed boys and therefore the charges are often lessened, and sentences are lower for Muslims all around the civilised world, and harsher for black people proving that all their moaning does have an effect.
I suppose, if he is a Muslim, he can always posit a defence of mental incapacity.
The rumour is much closer to that than you might think.
Messages from Rumour central say that the call has gone out from ISIS to attack the infidels using motor vehicles and this 20 year old Muslim is one who has answered that call.
Inevitably despite any prior evidence there are rumours of his mental health being used as a shield by the authorities.
People are beginning to say that ‘we are under attack and the authorities are trying to keep it hushed up’.
None of this would surprise me, nor that the bin waggon driver in Glasgow was doing the same.
It is very important that the BBC presents the news of these tragedies in such a way to prevent a backlash against the moslem community. We cannot have a situation where someone from the ‘far right’ throws a piece of bacon at a mosque.
Cars to be used in attacks
… and Mr Bercow was on again at about 5 to 9 this morning being interviewed about whether Britain was ‘falling behind’ other countries in the advance towards an electronic parliament.
His reply did not fill me with confidence that he knows what his job is. He said that of course it was up to parliament to decide whether we need any changes at all in our parliamentary system.
NO, No, No Mr Bercow!
It is up to the people to decide whether their parliament adequately serves the nation.
Plus, what a strange question from the BBC droid. What does it matter whether we are ‘behind’ other countries or ahead? Surely the question has to be what does this offer us, is it good for the country?
But just think, an electronic system of voting would remove all nasty little upstarts like UKIP from the political process. The liblabcon progressives would not need to listen to the smelly populace and would be able to rule as they are entitled to by their breeding and intellect.
The people no longer really matter to the liberal elite. Especially the English people. Which is why the elite is so keen on changing the ethnic make up of the country.
They assume, probably erroneously, that the new En gland will be more tractable and easily ruled in the correct way according to the book of liberalism.
Nothing changes . We have been mostly at war with our leaders for a thousand years . The men, mostly of British decent, who helped create the Constitution of the United States were well aware of the dangers of governing. I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would say if he could see the present state of England and the USA.
I do not think he would be impressed.
Support for the TV-tax is waning. A YouGov poll shows that 44% of people think the TV-tax is the best way of funding the bBBC while 45% prefer another method. And 39% think £145.50 is good value for money while another 39% say it is not.
Smarmy Mark Mardell, on today’s TWATO, interviewing UKIP’s Suzanne Evans got told just how biased and intolerant the liberal fascists of the BBC are. Mardell, no doubt expecting Ms Evans to answer the usual lazy ‘churnalistic’ intimations of ‘racism’ presented in the sloppy, deliberately hostile piece that immediately preceded her interview, seemed dumbfounded when the ever-capable, polite and well-spoken Ms Evans suggested ‘the main broadcasters’ were less than fair in their coverage of UKIP.
Mardell had been cock-a-hoop that it had been ‘discovered’ that the UKIP Chairman in Thanet (the seat Mr Farage intends to contest at the next General Election), Martyn Heale, had been in the past (the 70s) a member of the National Front. Mardell, barely able to contain his glee, thought he was on to a winner here.
Ms Evans, with perfect charm, wasted little time in disabusing him of his belligerent triumphalism, pointing out, quite reasonably, that it was a great shame the BBC didn’t exert quite so much time and effort in exposing past members of the BNP and the Communist Party within in the ranks of Labour, or, indeed, to reporting the transgressions and criminal offences (ranging from fraud to child pornography) of countless Labour councillors up and down the country over the past year or so.
Mardell suggested she was making accusations against ‘broadcasters’ (aka: the BBC) of ‘bias’. Ms Evans corrected him: she was making a statement of fact, and further, she suggested it was odd how the liberal press expounded the ideals of free speech – except, of course, when someone – or in this case when UKIP – happens to say things they disagree with.
Suzanne Evans didn’t just trump Mardell’s lacklustre common purpose ‘churnalism’; she owned the argument and she owned him, from start to finish. The woman is a star. Another, clueless, crass, lazy BBC moron duffed-up good and proper.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Yes, she is about the best of them, but-dear me-we`re really scraping the bottom of the barrel aren`t we?
I mean-she`s hardly the BBC Nightmare and Labour assassin that we need is she?
You always sense that the Left see power as something to lie, fight for…and do anything to get.
Whereas the Right always seem to be dabbling and see power as an accoutrement and something nice for weekends.
The future of this nation is at stake-and we need Biblical cut throats who despise the Left/Liberal consensus as the snuff movie that it is…and won`t now the knee to Islam, but help them find said lefties.
No Jesus-no comment as far as the Left is concerned. That`s my verdict. No further comment needed.
I almost turned the radio off just before Suzanne Evans came on. So glad I didn’t as I too enjoyed her shutting that tw@t Mardell up. Unfortunately, too many performances like that will make Ms Evans persona non grata as far as the BBC is concerned and I expect her invitations to dry up.
Still, it was good to hear Mardell totally outclassed despite the scene having been set by that BBC work experience clown (can’t remember the youth’s name) who trawled Ramsgate trying to do a very amateur hatchet job on UKIP.
The news that City Link have gone into administration is of course a disaster for all concerned and my heart goes out to the employees who face an uncertain time right now.
But what goes completely unreported upon by all the mainstream media, including the BBC is that it is illegal to trade whilst insolvent and that the quarterly rent day falls on Xmas day. That being so, to knowingly incur even more liabilities would have been illegal and have the Directors facing fines or worse.
Notwithstanding, they would have probably known long ago of their predicament and whilst there is no good time to make such an announcement, the point of this post is to draw attention to the poor quality of the reporting which allows the Unions to come out and make demands of the government presumably in the knowledge that there is nothing the government can do. The Unions (the RMT guy has just been on) will know all too well what the law is, but are being allowed to make a false case nonetheless. The BBC freely acquiescing in a false narrative once again.
… and here is the link (accidentally forgotten)…
“quarterly rent day falls on Xmas day.”
The quarter days have been observed at least since the Middle Ages, and they ensured that debts and unresolved lawsuits were not allowed to linger on. Accounts had to be settled, a reckoning had to be made and publicly recorded on the quarter days.
I’ve just reported this site to the Glasgow Police to monitor in the wake of the bin lorry tragedy.
In particular whoever is hiding behind ‘Thoughtful’ has probably written enough to be investigated.
Shouldn’t you be busy polishing your jackboots?
The police have a difficult time when dealing with tragedies such as this. They are not helped by people who take it upon themselves to submit material which adds nothing of value to their investigation, but merely serve some frustrated individual’s agenda. Hopefully, adequate counselling will be made available to attention seekers rather than prosecutions for wasting police time and resources.
Thank God for people like you. I am so grateful for your thought policing. It’s certainly making Britain a safer place to contribute to the suppression of freedom of speech and report those who offend/disagree with/upset your world view. Allahu akbar and merry Christmas.
(Reply to Watchit)
Get a life Watchit! Stop wasting our taxpayers money!
As far as I can see Thoughtful has not put anything on here other than wondering out loud.
Wondering whether the Islamic vehicle attacks currently happening elsewhere around the world, have spread to Glasgow, again, (remember the last event at Glasgow airport).
This is quite understandable and natural people will speculate in the absence of any official explanation, which again is understandable that Police do not wish to draw conclusions without completing their full investigation.
It would seem from the clues most of us have deduced about the driver being slumped over the wheel, the Bin lorry driver probably had some sort sort of terrible medical problem himself, resulting in the tragic results, which has touched us all.
All people on this site are appalled by your labeling. It is such a shame you feel the need to be such a ‘jobsworth’ taxpayer funds waster, doing such a silly thing like you did. Get real!
You’d better be sure and scuttle along to your local meeting of the (ironically named) United Against Fascism. I hear they’re giving out free brown shirts for their supporters this week.
You wouldn’t want to be left out now, would you?
(of course, above intended for Watchit’s name)
Oh ! Get you Watchit ! Aren’t you the one eh ! Up on the barricades flying the red flag for ‘the People’. Of course you only care about ‘the people’ who agree with your world view don’t yah kiddo ? Reporting people to be ‘investigated ‘ eh? Did that not happen to Winston Smith in 1984 ? And lots of people in both Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet Union ? I dare say you find lots to agree with in both countries ways of treating those who dispute the information coming down from those such as you who of course know better.
Ever heard of free speech you little apparatchik ? Probably does not fit in with your refined views I guess. You ought to be careful about “being monitored ” you might find you transgress some little made up rule somewhere and it’s you being watched for your views. Anyway it’s past 6pm probably your bedtime, goodbye.
On yer bike Jimmy, or we’ll heed yer – the Glasgy kiss, d’ye ken?
I hope Police Scotland have got better things to do with their time than read postings on this site. However they did find time to trace and arrest a teen who made a nasty remark online, so maybe they do have time on their hands.
The BBC are not alone in mis-reporting decisions to withdraw ventilation from a corpse as ‘switching off life support’. This mis-reporting blurs the line between ethical decisions concerning euthanasia and objective medical criteria for diagnosing death. In the case reported here the woman was diagnosed as dead almost a month ago and post-mortem management of her body involved ventilation and various other procedures in an attempt to maintain the life of the fetus. Post mortem management of remains has been conducted for over thirty years in many countries for successful organ retrieval or viable fetal outcome, yet the media persist in describing it as prolonging life.
In such cases the medical and ethical decisions rest on an evaluation of potential fetal survival against perceived indignity inflicted on the corpse. It is nothing to do with extending life support or taking decisions to shorten life. Yet the BBC and much of the media – who should know better – present the issue as akin to euthanasia, which it is not. Maintaining a corpse as an incubator is not prolonging life.
The BBC have a notorious history of confusing criteria for diagnosing death with criteria for euthanasia, which is a serious breach of their requirement to educate and inform. But, as we know, they are a campaigning pressure group for euthanasia.
I can’t wait for “The Boy in the Dress” tonight on BBC1.
I agree with the BBC that everyone would be so much better off if they were queer, muslim or, better still, muslim and queer.
No, not really. I have better things to do than watch the f^cking BBC.
I keep wondering if I missed something in the news a week or so back. There seems to have been an inordinate number of stories about transgender ‘issues’ in other areas of the media, too. Has there been some sort of campaign, or is this just the latest wave of Gramscian inversion of societal norms breaking on us?
People appear fascinated by transgender issues and it goes a long way back in TV history, with April Ashley (1960s), and Julia Grant (A change of sex 1979).
There have been several other documentaries on all the channels and they appear to attract a fairly high audience, if only out of a morbid curiosity.
Watching someone’s personal difficulties in life is one thing, but to find drama being written by someone who is not themselves transgendered and has not experienced any of the problems is a little odd.
It’s like me trying to write a play about what it’s like being a Pakistani Muslim in China !
I expect it will be full to bursting with the usual rose tinted leftie view which bears little or no relevance to the real world.
I think back to the Big Brother house where Kelly nee Frank Maloney tried to get in the bath with a perfectly reasonable & pleasant black ex boxer.
All the lefties were in full support, while all the trannies were horrified at the lack of respect, and the way it portrayed them !
The dichotomy between the two was striking, and I expect that it will be something along these lines which the BBC broadcasts.
I have a night of James Bond instead !
Perhaps, but the sudden widespread concentration on gender is suspicious. When the Left starts to march in lock step It is usually due to some sort of ‘awareness raising’ (for which read propagandising).
Last week, BBC R4 serialised a book on the subject, too. This is unlikely to have been a coincidence.
My problem with the transsexual stuff is that it becomes their reason to be on stage…as opposed to being “comedians” “,”artists” or what have you.
There`s a church nearby which presents as a Christian one-but basically, the “being gay” bit trumps the Christian bit. Jesus becomes the accessory and the add-on…as opposed to being followers of Christ who happen also to be gay.
Witness one Andrew O Neill that I heard late on Tuesday night on Radio 4…his claim to fame is being a TV like Eddie Izzard….but, in truth, he`s not funny-which rather spoils his claim to be a comedian.
Were he not a cross dressing TV, he`d not be on the radio…simple as…
Good career move?…but not comedy, just identity politics under a flag of convenience…which suits Gramscis oafs there at the BBC.
It is because they achieved gay marriage so they have had to move on to another minority issue.
The trouble is that each minority gets smaller and smaller. What are they going to do after transgender marriage is legalised?
I did read one a medical theory that treating pre-op trannies with drugs aimed at schizophrenics resulted in a better outcome than having the old jimmy sliced off.
Joan Rivers understood.
You people are so homphobic.
Perhaps you could explain Scotty, what transexualism has got to do with homosexuality, other than the fascist left grouping them all together for ease of oppression and their own ignorance.
The Rainbow Alliance.
LGBT, Feminists, IS etc, we are all standing together against you daily mail reading, Homophobic, Islamaphobic UKIP supporters.
We will win and then there will a one world government socialist utopia.
Hey! You’ve left out the (un-armed) blacks!
Down with this sort of thing.
Yes I know such as Mark Duggan killed in cold blood by the racist, fascist police.
I thought the protests that happened over this would be the start of the Communist revolution.
He’s not Scotty! This non-Scotty poster is more intelligent!
“A one world government socialist utopia” eh Scotty ? However I do think that your friendly new pals in IS might have a teensy weeny little problem with the socialist part, methinks they would prefer a one world Islamic utopia unless you of course know otherwise ? Still of course if you and your mates in the Gay, transsexual, gender wot sit, green rainbow alliance are sure, you know best, who are we plebs ( lots of scraping of boots and four lock tugging at the back ) to know better than our superiors ?
PS, is Rainbow still on the telly ? Thought it had finished years ago, what time do you watch it, let me know and we can watch together, I ‘ll get my onesie on.
PPS, you’re not related to old Scott are you Scotty ? As I did spend some of my precious time before Christmas giving him some advise about giving up tilting at windmills as he came across a bit sad. Thing is he didn’t have the decency to respond and I do so want him to get off in the new year on the right road. So if you do see him let me know if he’s taken my advise , thanks old son, oh and don’t stay up too late on new year, you know you youngsters get all ratty without a good nights sleep, bye for now.
IS are gay they have beards, only gay men have beards in 2014.
I’ll give you a hundred quid to go and say that out loud outside a mosque in the East End, I’m up for a laugh. On a more serious point are you saying that Tim Howard is gay ? 200 to say that outside Everton. The Toffees take no prisoners.
Up me beam, Scotty.
I’m not afeared of Homos, Scotty, I just avoid them, where known.
And “homphobic”? What’s that when it’s at home? Get a room.
I don’t ‘avoid them’ they don’t bother me at all, and as someone who believes in freedom so long as they don’t bother me then all’s fine.
Trouble is, trying to lump everyone together into a ‘community’ they have forgotten that gay people are just like everyone else and have a wide range of views & interests.
The attempt to create a ‘community’ makes it easier for the Fascists to control them all.
Perhaps Scotty you might explain why it is that several of these Fascist LGBT groups are completely incapable of condemning the Muslims who wish to murder them, completely unable to pass judgement on Muslim countries which execute gay people, or those who tell them they cannot enter. They cannot even condemn Muslim hate preachers who call for their deaths in the UK !
What is the point of these groups if they cannot or will not stand up for Gay people in the face of murderous discrimination?
Lets face it Fascism is a difficult master when the brown eyed boys are calling the tune.
Before the watershed, written by a non-queer, about a boy.
Have the BBC learned nothing in recent years?
BBC2 Proms ‘War Horse’ is just [17:40] treating us to mixed race ‘British’ couples on the beach – totally representative of 1914 in hive mind. Art or artifice?
Britain is a multicultural society. Britain has always been a multicultural society. Everything that Minitru tells you is correct, and that is all you need to know.
I hope that Mr. Harrabin had a nice Christmas, and I eagerly await, on tenterhooks, his long awaited report on the melting polar ice, which, of course, will be forthcoming in the next few days, as he coyly admits that perhaps his (and that of the BBC) perspective on the issue, is a little out of kilter with observations.
I anticipate a long wait.
Boy in a Dress,
White teachers checking students at the school gate. Scruffy white kids, until pristine black girl comes along. White subject of story has Asian best friend .
What tripe, typical leftwing crap . I wonder why the subject is white, why not black, or brown or hang on, anybody from that grouping would be made to pay the price for being ….different
Young lad in boy in a dress:
I now live in a house with blokes….so boring.
What fucking utter crap.
Nothing wrong with wearing a dress.
I have done it many times on a night out in old crompton street.
Why is somebody pretending to be Scott.
At least when he posts in his own name , he has the balls to admit to being himself .
Interesting couple of links:
… and another:
Boy in a dress apparently goes to a inner London school where everybody is virtually white. Maybe that explains why twinkle toes is having such a hard time. Racist white bigots. According to the program only blacks and brown skins understand him.
A vey camp Referee, makes john Inman look like Rambo.
Yeah, right.
One lot will call him a ‘batty boy’ and stab him to do death.
The other lot will chant some mumbo jumbo and behead him.
We really need another channel that gives an opposing view.
ITV is full of bbc worshiping nobs who refuse to step on its toes.
Not the other lot in Iran where the rights of transsexuals were way ahead of the UK.
The only issue was that most of the ones forced to change their gender were gay men who weren’t in the least feminine.
Still today the tolerant & peace loving Iranian republic is performing forced sex changes on gay men.
Suppose it’s better than being executed ??
I didn’t realise this show was a comedy?
Right-on BBC comedy is no laughing matter.
Left wing cock sucking agenda headmaster in boy in a dress turns out to be somebody who loves to wear a dres also. Now I know why no Muslims are depicted , in real life we would hear:
Allah ackba as the victim was behaeded.
Professor Branestawm (BBC1, 24/12/14, 8.30pm)
Classic BBC children’s drama. The opening scenes and much of what follows were a sledgehammer attack on ‘sexism’. In the second scene we had a black policeman, not impossible but highly unlikely in 1933. And so it went on.
Gave “Boy In A Dress” as much as ten minutes, before seeing it as the last desperate efforts to try to tell us what is deemed “progressive” by all good liberals…and what, here in the real world: is seen as patronising, insulting, demeaning and utterly alien.
And the fact that the liberals will pump these grotesques and parodies 24/7 towards our children in the hope that they`ll be steeped in all those correct attitudes.
Dreadful, cliched crap…but no doubt BBC Worldwide will be getting this PC slurry onto Labours next Sure start curriculum.
And of course keep Walliams profits in-house, or tax-deductible.
The brainwashing in Joe Ortons pissed in sheets is all too obvious.
Like Citizen Khan and that gay one involving McKellan….no effort required to give us a plot, a point or a purpose…just the One Hour Rant in favour of freaks, fey pretenders and PC hucksters and race hustling grifters.
And we`re paying for all this-and at Christmas too!
So sad to see the BBC come to shows like this. It does not even cause a shock. Just a weary yawn.
Like the BBC’s over promotion of long past it’s sell by date Dr Who ,Strictly Come Dancing and the appalling East Enders it is another reason to put the BBc out of it’s misery.
The metropolitan liberal media class is really now just dumb and dull. Which is worse ? Dullness or dumbness.
Either way who bloody cares anymore.
It’s possible the vital contribution of Dr. Who to a grateful nation may soon be played down, unless a really crafty ‘tell it often enough’ ratings spin can be evolved PDQ.
For me, reading the title was enough to know I was not going to sully myself seeing any of this drama. It is hardly surprising that this sort of dross and transparent propaganda is broadcast (and to my mind, is being broadcast with increasing frequency on television and radio), since Ben Stephenson, Head of Drama Commissioning, has declared his intention to broadcast more plays and drama about LGBT (is that the acronym?) issues. Well, he is a ‘proud’ member of that group himself, and intends to thrust this garbage down our throat at every opportunity, whether we like it or not.
Spot-on rant, that man!
Far better than Queen’s speech.
‘Boy in a Dress’ is a seminal drama.
This is what all children should be like in 2014.
How dare you, I am Scotty the gaylord.
I am not someone named after a tube station.
“BBC losing support over £145.50 TV licence fee as new poll reveals more would prefer alternative funding including adverts or subscriptions.
“Just 44 per cent of poll respondents agreed licence fee was good value.
“While 45 per cent would rather BBC be supported by alternate funding.
“Comes after it emerged that UK has fewer TVs and more online viewers.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2887501/BBC-losing-support-145-50-TV-licence-fee-new-poll-reveals-prefer-alternative-funding-including-adverts-subscriptions.html#ixzz3N2zQHI00
I discover that mum’s 2011 model Blu-ray DVD player has been denied BBC Iplayer’s ‘Big Screen’ version “because not many people use it”, since September 2014, so no more TV catch-up from the BBC. Iplayer. Radio on the TV was an earlier casualty.
It occurs to me that, in general, TV and DVD owners are most likely to be licence payers while computer, tablet and mobile phone users aren’t, (at least by virtue of ownership of these devices).
The result is that the BBC is delivering its leftist message to its target ‘yuff’ audience at no cost to the recipients at the same time taking away the ability of the people who pay for it all to watch what they want to see when they want to see it.
As Mr. Burns would say, “Excellent!”
The curtain is slowly beginning to fall on the freak show..
BBC past its sell by date. Conservative woman has got it dead right, including all the comments at the end too!
My eye caught this in the comments relating to the tv tax, or as it was put, ‘the living room tax.’
I can’t wait to see/hear the bBC sofa dwellers banging on about this tax forced on the great unwashed. Oh, wait…..
Maybe that’s why bbc staff love the notion of an extensive welfare state: they forsee themselves being entirely dependent on it in the not too distant.
I have not seen or heard the liberal media commenting on the ongoing persecution of Christian and minority communities in the ME.
Do you think the BBC leaders of our opinions care? Of course not. Just Christians and are they not fair game for each and every wannabee commedian and newsmaker?
Just look at the reports on the Assyrian International News Agency site and I defy anyone not to be concerned. Iraq is in a dreadful state and Christians are being systematically exterminated or expelled or converted or humiliated.
And what does our archbishop worry about? So called food poverty here in Britain.
There is only one reason for the persecution of Christians in the ME and parts of Africa and it does not need to be spelled out. The inability and now refusal of another religion to share space in this world with others.
Almost makes one miss the good old days of Chris Patten muttering darkly about how the BBC holds others to account but does not get asked questions, ever. Or they’ll set BIJ,/katz’ Klub on you.
Where The Sun accused the BBC of handing out top jobs to friends of senior executives on the basis of “who you know”, the BBC rebuttal said: “Just like The Sun, sometimes where people are uniquely suited for the role there is no need for lengthy and costly recruitment processes.”
I suppose at least here they are being half-honest, although they are really just revealing their smug, arrogant, complacency “we know best; and besides, there’s nothing you can do about it”.
It just amazes me how Dan Snow (son of BBC2s Peter Snow) was such an ideal candidate to walk into a career of documentaries, following his dad. I’m sure the round of interviews must have shown him to be the best candidate.
And there I was thinking it was just typical left-wing nepotism. uniquely suited! Silly me.
Got to give ’em full credit for getting ‘unique’ po-faced into a ‘spokesweasel says’ on their hiring hypocrisies too.
Just possible that the word is no longer meaning what they think it does between broadcast and reception.
A Question to be asked at BBC Question Time:
—-Does the panel prefer UKIP or IS? And Why?—–
Predicted Responses:-
1. Of course, IS has clearly been a unifying factor compared to the Imperialistic political divisions perpetrated by the British government after the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WW1. IS have brought prosperity and continuity to the region after a challenging period of consolidation where some hard choices had to be made.
2. Clearly, UKIP is known by many to be a racist party with hidden agendas exposed in this year of their discontent. There are those who say that their popularity is now on the wane. This has indeed been confirmed by reliable sources who are on record somewhere as saying that Farage is Thatcher’s lost family secret.
3. What exactly has UKIP promised the Palestinians? The UKIP manifesto is said by many to be devoid of hope and financial support for these wonderful and beautiful people. Additionally, It has been discovered through intrusive scientific experiments at the LSE that the name Farage has French origins and that he has wilfully hidden this from his party. This is compounded by his wife who has some would say a hidden and shameful Nazi background as an SS guard before she was born. So much for Farage’s stance on Europe!? (Pause for rapturous and lengthy applause from the audience).
For Gawd’s sake – woke up this morning to the BBC desperately trying to justify the portents of the expected “weather bomb”, with ‘amber alerts’ everywhere, only to learn that there was a pretty average 4″ of snow in some places, and some motorists were experiencing “difficulties”. Sounds like a normal winter of my youth, to me.
Then problems outside Kings Cross because engineering has “over-run” again – doesn’t it always? And it was being hoped that ‘lessons had been learned’ – the only lesson they learn these days, is to remember to go through it all again, the following year.
Then the cruncher – some sort of discussion about youngsters (and others) coming out as ‘gay’ – this seemed to be interminable, I had to switch over to Classic FM, and wipe the coffee off the duvet.
Does the average Radio 4 listener really need to be subjected to this naff drivel, all the time?
‘Some say’ lessons learned, when what they actually mean is lessons identified.
Beeboid Muslim head of religion, Aaqil Ahmed, propagandises for Islam;
and Beeboids get black Lenny Henry to propagandise for blacks,
all under the political guise of ‘diversity.’
“BBC’s head of religion Aaqil Ahmed calls for more ‘literacy’ at the top”
This is Beeboids’ political follow-up to campaigning for the colonisation of British society via unlimited mass immigration ( their ‘diversity’) from Asia, Africa, etc.
George, on your last sentence, what is your view on the reason for this?
Obviously I’ve my own views but am interested others’. I’m not questioning the veracity of your statement, merely curious as to the reasons why it’s happening.
Specifically I ask because some people see the bbc narrative on this and related matters in a vacuum. For them it must be particularly perplexing.
So the BBC’s Imam wants more literacy, but really his article calls for more moslem representation.
He says:
‘viewers from minority faiths complained that television often failed to understand their beliefs and reflect them in its output.’
I suggest that when the BBC is unbundled by a Government representing the people of this country, what is left is merely an organization limited to this man’s cultural perspective, financed by those within that community. Throw in Lenny Henry as well.
Yes, how to explain the Beeboids’ ‘leftist’ pursuit of national suicide?
Their political contradictory elements abound.
They apparently have only a politically negative view of British global history; they seem to feel that the present mainly white population (but not for long) of Britain should somehow be punished for any historical ‘sins’ of their British forebears. Many Beeboids and their ilk see Britain’s past global presence as evil imperialism, not recognising positives to the contribution of the British to the world and civilisation.
In contrast, Beeboids are inclined to view non-white people of much of the world as somehow more deserving than British white people. Non-white racism is censored. 1,400 years of Islamic imperialism through Islamofascist violent jihad and slavery (and continuing) is not recognised as such by Beeboids.
Beeboids (as ‘the left’) now appear to be increasingly oppositional to the very notion of the nation-state, being disdainful of British culture and traditions, and unswervingly enthusiastic about the undemocratic, federalising European Union, as reflected in pro-E.U National Union of Journalists.
A couple of references to above-
1.) Roger Scruton-
“England and the need for Nations”
Click to access EnglandAndTheNeedForNations.pdf
“The BBC and its bias towards pro-immigration lobby:
Report accuses ‘left-wing Corporation of downplaying violence by Islamists’ ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2332230/The-BBC-bias-pro-immigration-lobby-Report-accuses-left-wing-Corporation-downplaying-violence-Islamists.html#ixzz3N6bZUl1a
3.) Ed West’s report (70 pages) referred to in ‘Daily Mail’ above-
“Groupthink: Can we trust the BBC on immigration?”
Click to access bbc_immigration_report.pdf
Congratulations to Nigel Farage after he was named ‘Briton of the Year’ by the Times newspaper.
It was mentioned on Sky news although they couldn’t resist describing him as a ‘controversial’ figure, usually an adjective reserved for (hated) Lady Thatcher so even they couldn’t resist a liitle ‘meeja’ labelling.
Back to the bbbc and this news doesn’t seem to have made the bbbc news website…….. Perhaps, they meant to put it in but are a little short on space after they have included things like ‘Spiderman video boy dies’ and the ‘Merry Herring’ important headlines.
Yet again another perfect example of open bias by this politically corrupted national media station. Surely, what is news is news whether they like it or notand should be delivered to the public at large.
Well done, Nigel, Please close down the bbbc when you become Prime Minister.