Not BBC bias – just hopeless BBC. Mr D has been moaning that the only things we have watched over the festive period on the BBC have been nearly 40 years old (he fell asleep during Still Open All Hours). Master D and I tried to watch Miranda but felt it so awful we switched off after 10 minutes. Last night we ended up with TOTP from 1976 on a minor station. Just what do I pay a license fee for?
Be careful what you wish for. There are many non-PC programmes from the past we don’t get to see, there will be more as they keep tightening the rules of their definition of acceptabilty.
Been watching BBC adaptations of MR James ghost stories on DVD myself. They were fine until the 2010 adaptation of Whistle and I’ll Come to You which
[spoiler alert]
doesn’t actually have a whistle in it, and the ghost isn’t actually dead, just making a point about dementia. Well, I suppose the BBC was fulfilling its social responsibility remit there so can’t really complain.
Yesterday I watched The Stone Tape and each night I am watching 2 episodes of The Omega Factor. I might do the same next Christmas with some other classic TV.
Fast forwarded through Dr Who. Oh and the weather, but I blame Sky for doing away with proper forecasts for me having to do that chore,
I know, the TV has been utterly appalling. Miranda, like many other contemporary BBC comedies, is appallingly weak garbage, it’s just infantile and not funny. Comedy at the BBC has bee become either PC or egotistical and middle-class, and not naturally funny. I find Mrs Brown’s boys pathetic and cliched as well. Maybe it’s just me. I also find a lot of music is derivative and weak…. I think, as Russell Brand epitomises, younger generations are more interested in looking the part these days with their big lefty egos, but they don’t have the life experiences that the likes of Billy Connelly and John Sullivan (creator of Only Fools and Horses) did.
To exemplify my comments above, just compare Keith Floyd with that unbearable snob, Nigella! Just shows how standards have plummeted.
I got a set of ‘in sickness & in health’ remarkable that the BBC could never bring itself to even repeat these but is quite happy to make money out of selling the recordings.
Of course Alf Garnet is made out to be a completely manipulative bigot, but that’s how most people felt back then & were as opposed to immigration back then as we are now.
But that’s the point, we don’t live in a democracy and those people who believe we do are fooling themselves. The ruling classes do as they please and they don’t even bother to tell us prior to an election what they plan to do.
We are expected to vote for a government without having the first clue as to what they are planning to do.
This from a guy whose obsessional book, has 29 chapters that begin with cascades of random letters … the fact is that a fifth of the Qur’anic text is just incomprehensible
These mysterious letters. Starting 29 separate chapters of Islam’s holy text, including the first, seemingly disjointed, totally random, and very confusing.
hmmm … so a fifth incomprehensible nonsense?
no wonder he works at the BBC!
Yes, so come on Aquil, more literacy please
and a great idea for your next moneypit documentary 😀
Was, Mohamhead a schizophrenic, epileptic?
or … is it coded language perhaps ?
… All characters in this book are fictional and any similarities to true events are purely coincidental
… I mean exploding brethren, flying donkeys and … no bacon! 😀
Debs wrote: “Just what do I pay a license fee for?”
What are you moaning about we had Mr Khans ‘Ramadan special where a load of white 10 year olds slags are befriended by nice Pakistani Taxis drivers, given lots of Eid presents such as Alcohol, drugs and Mobile phones and then given a room at the Inn where lots of other Pakistani males arrive like the three kings of old and lie down next to these poor white victims.
We had a White boy in a dress. Where in the only inner city school in London where nearly everybody is white- the hero Heroine has a Sikh and a black girl as best friends. Not a white boy, defiantly not a black boy or even a Muslim. Then to the sounds of “I want to break free” Billys boots Heels wearing heroine wins the game. And not a Burka or Hijab in sight.
And finally on todays News web site we have this modern day story of no room at the mosque: Deportation story: One man’s journey from London to Zimbabwe
Last year more than 13,000 people were deported from the UK – but what happens if you can’t even pronounce the name of the place they’re sending you back to?”More than anything I feel cheated out of my life. They’ve taken everything I had – my family, my friends, my dignity.”A loud noise interrupts Shadreck Mbiru mid-flow on the phone from his new home; it doesn’t stop. I have to ask and it turns out it’s a very noisy cockerel, not something Shadreck was used to having around at his previous home in London. The 26-year-old hasn’t yet adapted to life in Chitungwiza, a town in Zimbabwe around half an hour from Harare that the locals say he pronounces strangely. He left Britain on a plane from Heathrow escorted by UK border staff in November.
13000 deportations a year woks out around 35 a day.
Mugabe his President and his brother cadres fought the White man for 20 years to free him and his family from the yolk of White oppression and gave him freedom and democracy.
Shadreck, think of all the lives that your brothers sacrificed for your “freedom” and rejoice that you are now free in true democracy. Rejoice and be thankful! 🙂
Watched the Ladykillers yesterday, even though I’ve seen it a dozen times I still end up watching it, now I watch it not for the story but to observe the social cultural aspect of it, how London looked in the 1950s, no effniks, no mosques, no yoofs, etc etc. Gosh, how did they manage before we got enriched ? The locations of the Ealing Comedy now and then, the house used has since been demolished.
Fantastic file, Mrs NotaSheep and I settled down to watch it for the xx time. Loved it from start to finish as always. Almost as enjoyable as Kind Hearts and Coronets. Also watched Blithe Spirit on DVD. These two films were more enjoya ble than all of BBC’s Christmas fare, Doctor Who excepted!
Actually, I thought the opposite. As soon as I heard, this morning on bBBC News 24, that Kim Jong Un had called Obama a monkey, I knew that the bBBC wouldn’t be able to leave it alone. Most normal people would see it as a silly insult but the beeboids think it is ‘deeply racist language’ and have hardly stopped talking about it all day.
Except, the funny thing is, North Korea did not actually call Mr Obama a monkey, as reported by the BBC in paragraph 2 of the above report:
The National Defence Commission (NDC) also accused the US of shutting down North Korea’s internet – and described Mr Obama as “reckless” and “a monkey”.
Further down the article (way further down) is North Korea’s monkey quote, in full:
“Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest.
Looking at the statement and the words in it, I fail to see why it being trumpeted as ‘racist’. It is not saying Mr Obama is ‘a monkey’ because of his race. It is quite clearly saying that monkeys may be considered to go about their deeds and actions without thought as to their recklessness, as indeed does Mr Obama in North Korea’s opinion.
But no. They’ve only gone and ‘called him a monkey’, shock horror.
Yes, how to explain the Beeboids’ ‘leftist’ pursuit of national suicide?
Their political contradictory elements abound.
They apparently have only a politically negative view of British global history; they seem to feel that the present mainly white population (but not for long) of Britain should somehow be punished for any historical ‘sins’ of their British forebears. Many Beeboids and their ilk see Britain’s past global presence as evil imperialism, not recognising positives to the contribution of the British to the world and civilisation.
In contrast, Beeboids are inclined to view non-white people of much of the world as somehow more deserving than British white people. Non-white racism is censored. 1,400 years of Islamic imperialism through Islamofascist violent jihad and slavery (and continuing) is not recognised as such by Beeboids.
Beeboids (as ‘the left’) now appear to be increasingly oppositional to the very notion of the nation-state, being disdainful of British culture and traditions, and unswervingly enthusiastic about the undemocratic, federalising European Union, as reflected in pro-E.U National Union of Journalists.
I wonder if Obama and his lefty bum-lickers would be banging on about freedom of expression and speech if Sony’s film ‘The Interview’ were about Mohammed?
Sony did the wrong thing when it backed down and pulled The Interview in the face of North Korean hacker threats, President Obama said at his new conference Friday.
“I wish they had spoken to me first,” he said. “I would have told them do not get into a pattern in which you may feel intimidated by any of these kinds of criminal attacks.”
that’s told them eh! …
“But the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
Call me a sceptic, but this could just be a marketing ploy by Sony.
The film will be released online in February, no details on download costing AFAIAA; nothing more than a test for future releases, saving on all those cinema distribution costs?
I wonder if Obama and his lefty bum-lickers would be banging on about freedom of expression and speech if the North Koreans made a spoof “Planet of the Apes” type movie about his presidency.
I seem to be mainly watching CBS Action today. For some reason the BBc seems to think “Gary Lineker presents a celebration of the best moments of sports relief 2014” and how the money has been spent as the choice for Saturday afternoon. Wow awesome value for money yet again…not.
Yes CBS action , been watching the digitally remastered Star Trek , just brilliant .Although I did catch a bit of a sci -fi series on Bbc 2 , which seem to indicate they thought Star Fleet was a copy of the US Navy sending their ships to sort out, the `natives` on other planets . Imposing a sort of space, white man`s colonization of the universe. Ditto the Royal Navy ,as the US Navy is based on the RN , & the RN probably had more conflicts with the `natives`than anyone else . But even the Bbc want to bring their PC crap, into a good sci -fi programme .
Not a lot of fact but a lot of conjecture. Viewing figures for overnight are down, However after catch up is added in they suddenly shoot up again. Also the author doesn’t seem to understand that Freeview isn’t free! Someone has to pay for the infrastructure. Through the licence fee…
The BBC just undid the belt and braces, slopped out in front of whatever came up from Saviles laundry hamper as well as old Birts filofax.
They just phoned the schedule in, and it`s pretty clear there was not one programme worthy of a damn throughout the season.
Bet they`ll up their game for Eid though.
Time to roll them up in a Damascus flying carpet and send them to Jeddah with neck exposed, there`s simply no call for their pastel treachery.
Not the BBC (but it just as well be), the 5.00pm news report from Global News on “Classic FM” had the news that police gathered to the funeral of their two colleagues shot in their patrol car last week. The news item said that the officers were killed by “a man” in retaliation for the killing of a Black man by police officers earlier in the month. Complete airbrushing out of history that the offender that killed the two officers was black, but only too happy to inform us that the guy killed by police officers was Black.
I do not know who Global News are but obviously racist when it suits their agenda, much like the way the BBC broadcast their news.
Sadly, the problem is endemic. Journalism now recruits almost solely from the output of university arts departments, as do most trades and professions. Since the Left completed Rudi Dutschke’s ‘long march through the institution’ if is almost impossible to find a journalist (or a lawyer, or a teacher, etc) who hasn’t had his or her brain removed, reprogrammed and reinserted.
You are quite right. Channel 4 seems determined to beat the BBC in a headlong rush into some leftie nirvana. C4 news has just covered the story of the 14 year old boy who gave himself up rather than become a suicide bomber. According to the report, being forced to re-enact the process he went through, in order to highlight the plight of those like him, by the authorities was as bad as the original exploitation by IS. In what sort of warped world are these two experiences remotely equivalent?
Somehow Ch 4 often manages to be actually worse than the BBC! I suspect that even the Corporation would balk at the nakedly Left wing antics of that perpetual sixth former, Jon Snow.
Of course, what they have in common is that they both depend on public money to survive, so are the perfect nesting ground for talentless political activists to make homes and comfortably parasitic lives for themselves.
I read this about the lack of and as for the BBC, absence of Scientific investigative Journalists.
Professor Lockwood was involved with the production of the bogus rebuttal of the Svensmark theory using low energy cosmic rays rebutting a theory based upon high energy cosmic rays, which seems to have been successful in fooling all known journalists with the exception of Nigel Calder. This seems to be an issue with scientists at CERN, which has put a politically induced lid on this, solar scientists at CERN have placed the politically incorrect and therefore secret results of the CERN CLOUD experiment on the Internet, but I have not noticed that any journalists have picked up on this?
Nigel Calder has now died of old age, earlier this year. I think he was editor of “New Scientist” magazine in the 1960’s. With Michael Buerk, Peter Sissons and Jeremy Paxman also sensing something very fishy about the BBC’s Climate science censorship policy, the lefty recruitment policy has caused a very steep decline in the intellectual quality of the BBC’s Journalists.
There are a few intelligent Journalists still alive, but these are the ones classed as right-wing by the BBC, so are censored. Journalists such as Andrew Montford, Christopher Booker, Christopher Monckton, Donna Laframboise and Martin Durkin.
But due to widespread censorship in Journalism, scientists are finding that they are having to do their own Journalism when it comes to Climate Change.
Can you imagine what would have occurred if the two NYC cops had had time to defend themselves and shot the murderous little thug before he could shoot them. Of course in a similar situation last week a cop did exactly that in Berkley St Louis and all hell broke loose.
Incidentally, it isn’t just the main BBC TV schedules that have been appalling this Christmas. BBC 4 seems to have given up the challenge without a struggle and Radio 4 has continued its headlong rush to utter irrelevance.
It has become normal for the main two BBC TV channels not to care at this time of the year. They know they will get an audience come what may. But there have usually been oases of sanity (though few and far between) elsewhere in the BBC’s output.
I see the bBC is reporting on the funerals of those two murdered (By a black man) and they report it as somehow justice for the blood thirsty blacks of America who prefer to murder death kill instead of working for a living; “Mr Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot after weeks of anti-police protests.”
Hundreds of people murdered by Blacks in the US and the bBC remains silent, report on one getting killed and its a fucking hate crime. The Cock sucking liberals at the bBC who salivate at the prospect of a seeing a huge black penis in front of them and castigates anybody who objects to bending over and talking it as a fucking racist.
The BBC loathe Christmas because of it’s Christian background.
Over the past 10 years there has been a steady but rapid decline in the quality of programmes broadcast and the actual effort they put into the Christmas schedule but this year it seems to have hit an all time low.
You can almost feel the disdain the BBC have for Christmas.
What the numpties can’t see though is that it just causes people to question even more what they’re paying the License Fee for, so once again the BBC shoots itself in the foot.
I suggest you look at the schedules of 30 years ago. It was mostly crap Christmas specials and the Big Film. And Bruce. And Rolfie and probably Saville at a Hospital…
whatever you think about barack hussein obama as a president, to attack him for his race and the colour of his skin is just abhorent,for this left wing racist communist president kim jong -un of north korea to describe obama as a monkey parading around a tropical forest is truly shocking,but here is the thing.if david cameron or nigel farage( which they would not because they are not racist) made these disgusting racist comments about obama the left wing press and the bbc and radio 5 like would go into overdrive over this story,so i ask this question,why are the leftists and the bbc not coming out to openly condemm this left wing communist racist leader of north korea kim jong -un for stepping over the .line in his obvious racist attitudes he hold against black people,where is dianne abbott when you need her obama.why is that i wonder,.i hope stephen nolan has a phone in about this tonight on his show to expose this blatant racism that goes on within left wing and communist circles.but i wont hold my hopes on that
“Yet another w*g given power by the socialsts sh*t of this country. Mrs. W*g sh*t. f*ck off because if you don’t we, the indigenous peoples of this country will surely f*ck you up. you and your immigrant sh*tstock will be extirpated without mercy. You fucking w*g sh*t. you are not fit to live in a civilised society. Long live the anglo-saxon, celtic gene pool.goddamn the ethnic contamination.”
Oh, we know there is, Dez. And I’ve no idea where you dug that up from but, as you are only too aware, it is not representative of the wider views expressed on this site. So another fleeting and futile visit – or maybe you are here more than we think and you just can’t find much to argue with?
We also know from relentless BBC coverage that racism is an exclusively white crime, don’t we – unless you can point to something broadcast by the BBC which tells us otherwise, of course…
Lefties moaning today over reports that the Tories and Farage support fox hunting… they seem to be very quiet on the vile and barbaric ritual of halal slaughter though.
Perhaps evilly I did find myself sniggering at the woman (I think) proclaiming on the 22:00 news that there were “sick children” in the deep crisis at the train station. No doubt fluffy kittens in baskets as well. Well I could swear that I saw that there were going to be delays in the rail works before Xmas. That’s not to say that there tend to be travel disruptions around this time of the year anyway. Yes the latest BBc shock horror outrage story. If I had to travel I wouldn’t be using the trains instead I’d be in our Land Rover with a shovel and sleeping bags in the back. I’m not sure if it was BBc but one station was going with their usual leading questions technique to a member of I assume the public and not someone on the BBc payroll “Do you feel safe” to which of course they replied that they didn’t. On top of that snow! Yes snow in December who would have thought brings the rods I some areas to a halt. So it’s a bit like winter then all in all.
Be careful using this as an example of global warming not being real.
They’re stuck because they’ve had hardly any snow this year which is very unusual, and now it has come, despite being warned about it, they have done what the UK motorists do, and utterly failed to prepare.
At this stage, best to keep an open mind. Nobody knows anything and there was bad weather.
The main thing is the hope of rescue vs. recovery still, and consideration for those on board and families either end. Must say the intrusive imagery of ‘un-named relatives arriving’ in some reports still feels insensitive. What’s needed in news are facts, not emoting.
What is remarkable is how quickly, in terms of hours, a full manifest of all aboard was released, including those at the controls.
Israeli girl, 11, seriously hurt in West Bank firebombing
Ayala Shapira suffers life threatening injuries after vehicle hit by Molotov cocktail outside Maaleh Shomron settlement; IDF searching for suspects
Ayala Shapira and her father Avner were driving home near a West Bank settlement in the northern West Bank when their car was struck by a Molotov cocktail.
The girl suffered third degree burns over the majority of her body and face and was placed in an induced coma.
Professor Zeev Rotstein, director of the Sheba Medical Center, said that she suffered life threatening burns to her torso, head, arms and legs, and that “we will do everything in order to save her life.
The attack happened two days ago and the BBC has not yet reported the incident..
Reminds me of the Fogel family attack
Who is Tamar Fogel? The chances are that you will have no idea. She is a 12-year-old girl who arrived home late on Friday, March 11, to discover her family had been slaughtered.
” I found out about the barbaric attack not on BBC news, but via Twitter on Monday. I followed a link there to a piece by Mark Steyn entitled “Dead Jews is no news’. Horrified, I went to the BBC website to find out more. There I discovered only two stories: one a cursory description of the incident in Itamar, a West Bank settlement, and another focusing on Israel’s decision to build more settlements, which mentioned the killings in passing. “
Black Mob Violence at Christmas, All Over the Country (USA)
Holidays are a special time for practitioners and deniers of black mob violence. The Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Labour Day and of course New Year’s are among the most popular.
But not Christmas. Not usually. Not until this year: Black mob violence and resentment erupted across the country during the 72 hours before, during and after Christmas. And not the “carry signs and send out a press release” kind of political violence.
Now where is the BBC report as in WHITE police officer shoots BLACK teenager!!?
Maybe Police Scotland’s ‘thorough inquiry’ will provide the answers?
The precedent of withholding names of those involved in a tragedy does seem an unusual one if authority and/or media are going to claim potential sensitivities as a reason.
Identity protected. Then rumours will spread. There have been many similar incidents in other countries and people might draw certain conclusions. Suppose, just suppose, that a certain incident took place in a totalitarian country unrelated to ours, where there was a political reason to suppress the truth, and extended trauma counselling of witnesses was designed to ensure their silence. Thank goodness we live in a democracy where the police will uphold the law and conduct an honest inquiry and our media will never be complicit in any cover up. I am sure there are good reasons to withhold identity in this case.
Yes, it seems rather ridiculous in the current climate, not to allow the reasonable suspicions to be either confirmed or put to rest.
I would prefer to assume this is simply a tragic accident, where I’m sure everyone would have complete sympathy with the driver.
However, the way that this incident is being treated, only makes the suspicions that this could be another Muslim Terrorist attack more credible.
Similarly accounts could come from the other two cab occupants, or the driver, even if they remain anonymous.
I do not understand why they would want to be anonymous in these circumstances. I can only see that any trauma they suffer would only be made worse by having to keep the events a secret for ever.
How will the Glasgow City Council enforce this ‘shield of secrecy’? I don’t know how many binmen are employed by the GCC, but surely it’s only a matter of time before ‘pub talk’ outs the individuals concerned.
This is bizarre. The names will surely have to be made public at the inquest (or Scottish equivalent). So far no-one has been blaming the driver, assuming he really did have a heart attack, but such secrecy only leads to suspicions that there is something the authorities do not want us to know.
Well, if the driver relied on medication for a condition, i hope he took it that day……if not , he will face a charge, probably manslaughter….there are cases gone before with this result.
This is about an hour long. It is Tommy Robinson’s speech to the Oxford Union. It is relevant here as it contains several examples of BBC bias. You can also hear in the early stages the chants from some of Cameron’s street thugs from the UAF and Kenneth Loach’s left Unity Nazis, who tried very hard to have the speech banned.
The establishment is in league with Muslim extremists. This man, though he may be a jack-the-lad, is a working class hero. He speaks the truth. We’re in real trouble. The establishment wants islam to take over.
Calm, common sense approach about issues that have been pushed under the carpet by those whom we look to for representation, protection and information.
Those so-called Police that detained him, then arrested him on that charity march were a disgrace. The woman officer is not fit to wear her uniform, what those officers did was a dereliction of duty. The appeasement of muslims goes on, and the police will get no help or support from me until they grow up and apply the law equally.
Did I really hear on the BBC radio news this morning, that the dopey, Popey person was going to involve himself in the climate change farrago in 2015? Has he been “got at” by Wankymune, do you think? Perhaps Catholics may have more influence upon the climate than scientific things…
One only has to read the comments section of that disgusting rag, The Independent, to realise the calibre of deluded asshole that saturates the left. It’s pathetic! I was on there this morning reading some lefty article about how Churchill was thinking about converting to Islam, and yep, you guessed it, the comments section is awash with orgasmic slush from lefties stating things like ‘islam is so peaceful compared to Christianity’ and so on.
Well said Alex, just take a look at some of the comments that that left-wing piece of toilet paper the Independent allows on stories about our British soldiers…
”Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
‘Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
‘No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.’
A few weeks ago it became clear that the only platform on which Labour could put up any sort of fight in the general election campaign is the NHS. They are stuffed on everything else. The BBC have dutifully included an NHS problem in almost every news bulletin since and no doubt will continue to do so. They also relentlessly plug their dedicated web pages where you can check how (badly, they hope) your local NHS is performing.
Cold weather excess deaths this winter will no doubt be blamed on the Tories and NHS failings rather than the lunatic Climate Change Act (introduced by E. Miliband, authored by a greenie campaigner) and being put into effect by econut E.Davey.
The NHS in Wales is under the total control of the Labour-controlled Welsh Assembly. Let’s just say that there is *plenty* of ammunition to be easily found by any other political party looking to criticise Labour’s handling of the NHS.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live featured an item on the delays caused this Christmas on Network Rail due to the engineering works not being completed on time . The Oppposition transport spokesperson was invited onto the programme to give his viewpoint as was the Chairman of Network Rail, who did issue an apology and stated that “this must not happen again!!!” However, there was no spokesperson from the Coalition Government to present their interpretation of these events or indeed from any other political party. This type of once sided presentation also occurred last week regarding so-called local government cutbacks. The impression one gains is that the BBC, despite its Charter, is only prepared to present one political viewpoint on any event of national interest. The result is that the BBC is slavishly behaving as if it was the media arm of the Labour Party. This is bad for democratic politics in this country, because the BBC is simply behaving like a media organisation in the old Soviet Empire. The BBC is required by its Charter to present its news coverage in an impartial manner, so that the general public can receive an unbiased and objective viewpoint of national politics. Unless the BBC is prepared to abide by the requirements of its Charter, then the licence fee needs to be scrapped and to be replaced by some form of voluntary payment by those members of the public that still wish to subscribe to its programmes. If I hear another politician state that Auntie is a national treasure that needs to be preserved, I shall climb up the wall! At the moment we are not getting value for money if the BBC’s Christmas schedule was anything to go by!!”!
I see the far-Left extremist BBC manage to blame the rise in drinks-related A & E visits on those nasty Tory cuts. I’m sick of this Marxist brainwashing/propaganda machine.
bbbc are soooo predictable…………….I note that being unable tio devise a negative strategy for presenting the news that Nigel Farage has been voted ‘Briton of the Year’ by the Times Newspaper they have just ignored it…..
Strange because hey seem to have space to publicise the death of an actor by the name of David Ryall (I had never heard of him)
Sky news don’t seem to have a problem mentioning ‘Briton of the Year’.
‘Sky news don’t seem to have a problem mentioning ‘Briton of the Year’.
Hmmm that would be Sky News (prop. R. Murdoch) publicising Briton of the Year, an accolade awarded by the Times (prop. R. Murdoch). Definitely a sign of their impartiality and nothing to do with commercial concerns then!
‘Strange because hey seem to have space to publicise the death of an actor by the name of David Ryall (I had never heard of him)’
That would be the actor with 149 film and TV credits on IMDB including numerous starring roles. Does the fact that you haven’t heard of a very famous person make him less worthy of an obituary? What do you expect? Should they phone you to check you’ve heard of a dead person before announcing his death?
No, it’s a newspaper drumming up publicity for itself. Why should the BBC automatically be complicit in News UK’s marketing just because you get a hard-on for Farage?
Hello Scott, when are you going to respond to my request to just stop wasting your time tilting at windmills ? Am I not seen as worthy of a reply eh Scott ?
In case you’re wondering, I read The Times, and I quite like it as a newspaper. I also have no problem with them naming Farage Briton of the Year as he has clearly had a big impact on the news.
“Hmmm that would be Sky News (prop. R. Murdoch) publicising Briton of the Year, an accolade awarded by the Times (prop. R. Murdoch). Definitely a sign of their impartiality and nothing to do with commercial concerns then!”
That was the point at issue.
Your point, in so far as you have one, seems to be that it is a non-story?
If that were true, there are plenty of newspaper awards, comments and commentary from newspapers that the BBC would ignore. Instead of rolling around in them gurgling with pleasure, as it regularly does.
Why should something decided by a bunch of editors of the nations 8th most popular newspaper be covered on the BBC?
The BBC has never reported on the Times’ Briton of the Year, regardless of who has won it. It’s not a news story, it’s something one newspaper has decided to do in a move they know will help increase sales, or at least get more people talking about it.
If it were a war on Murdoch then surely they would report on the Telegraph’s (and any other newspapers’) Briton of the Year. They haven’t.
Can you honestly not tell the difference? The Guardian *sponsors* the First Book Award, just as Man sponsors the Booker. And it’s judged by a panel, not by a bunch of deputy editors deciding which possible winner will get them most publicity the next day. You are the ideal gullible punter. Media organisations that don’t cover these silly-season stunts are the smart ones. And I write that as a Times reader of 30 years’ standing.
I not aware that the Telegraph has a MOTY, so that’s a non sequitur .
As I say, the BBC is quick to pounce on most other table droppings (especially those from ts favoured sources, the Guardian and the Independent). So my suggestion is either Marsh is right and it singled-out the Times due to its ownership, or it is turning up its delicate nose at praise for Farrage.
You not being aware that the Telegraph has a BOTY (it does) proves my point – it’s not news, and it’s only because the Times has decided to make it Farage this year that everyone’s talking about it. It also proves that the BBC isn’t singling out the Times.
And MB – there’s a difference between having a book published and being well received so as to win a literary award, decided partially by public discussion groups, and the editors of Times choosing someone.
This is not the BBC snubbing Farage. Remember that he has appeared lots of times on the BBC, including at least 2 appearances on HIGNFY.
So you think the BBC should base its news stories on what Lefties are kicking up a fuss about on Twitter? Isn’t that exactly the opposite of what this site says?
I like that you’ve decided to make up what I think about Nigel Farage. I harbour no ill will towards him. I don’t think that he or his party are racists.
Are your feelings towards him not also clouding your judgement here? I presume when The Times named George Osborne BOTY in 2013 or Seb Coe in 2012 and the BBC didn’t report it you were similarly outraged?
If you think an annual publicity stunt by a newspaper is ‘news’ you are hopelessly naive. There are dozens of such awards every year – the Guardian has just done a Media Power List which went entirely unreported by the BBC. You made the comparison with the obituary. It is you who has missed the point entirely.
Marsh, you seem to be wilfully missing the point, The Times has made Nigel Farage ‘ Briton of the year ‘ . Your quoted ‘Guardian media power list’ is a list of quote ” 100 top media persons from around the world ” and places Google’s Larry Page as no 1. I hate to tell you that he is an American and this poll is world wide and is hardly to do with the matter of Nigel Farage being voted ” Briton of the Year ” is it ?. I could quote to you the list of sportsman of the year, spaceman of the year or train driver for First Great Western of the year but what would be the point eh ? All of these are of importance in their own little world but not of national interest to the British Public are they ? Likewise your little list of media types, all very interesting in itself but not to the British Public. The bbc ought to report things of interest to the British Public, not your list of whoever’s , understand ?
Let me reiterate the point you appear too obtuse to comprehend:
If you think an annual publicity stunt by a newspaper is ‘news’ you are hopelessly naive.
He was not named Briton of the Year by the Queen or by Parliament or by the Nobel Foundation. He was given this meaningless title by some underpaid hacks in a newspaper office IN ORDER TO SELL NEWSPAPERS. By failing to grasp that this is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a news event you’re only illustrating the way in which newspapers manipulate gullible readers. (The irony of all this, by the way, is that the accompanying article was actually pretty snide about Farage – to the extent that plenty of UKIP supporters were quite upset about it.)
Since you are the sort of simpleton who can’t tell the difference between sponsorship and editorial I’m going to leave you to it. You are the reason that newspaper editors continue to report their own publicity stunts rather than actual news.
Tell me you really think there’s no difference between sponsoring something judged by professionals (as in your examples) and a few editors picking Farage for what is, in all honesty, a pretty insignificant award without serious criteria.
And tell me, as you said earlier, that the BBC should report things based on Lefties on Twitter getting worked up about things.
Furthermore, tell me that when the Times made Alex Salmond BOTY in 2011 and the BBC didn’t report it you made a similar amount of fuss about it as you are now.
Marsh, you are missing the point yet again, the point was that the bbc (which this site is aimed at investigating ) ignored The Times ‘Briton of the Year’ instead running a story about the death of a bit part actor. If Wallace had made man of the year ? You bet your last pound they would have led with it ‘ comrade millibollocks ‘ Times man of Year’ yada, yada, yada. We know papers employ hacks to sell papers, thanks for telling me, would never have worked it out myself, being a common peasant and all. Further if you bought said paper you would have seen the magazine was running the papers cartoonist pictures of the year which included some very anti Farage ones, I have no problem whatsoever with him or what he does, they make me laugh. I believe in FREE speech for ALL, not just the bloody left as pushed by your favourite purveyor of lies and half truths otherwise know as the bbc. Subject closed.
Really? Because most of the time it seems to spend its time shoring up the fragile egos of a group of social inadequates who think that being belligerent, ignorant dullards on the internet will somehow make up for the fact that their empty, shallow lives are of their own making and not, as they loudly and inaccurately complain, the fault of the left/gays/Muslims/immigrants/etc etc.
…ignored The Times ‘Briton of the Year’ instead running a story about the death of a bit part actor
Didn’t run a story on a newspaper promotional tool, consistent with its approach to the same tool in previous years. Did run the sort of notification of the death of an actor that is suitably appropriate and fairly standard, regardless of whether or not you have heard of them. Do keep up.
You bet your last pound they would have led with it ‘ comrade millibollocks ‘ Times man of Year’ yada, yada, yada.
Standard Biased BBC: “can’t think of a valid argument, so let’s make up a situation that hasn’t happened and never will, and state with unerring determination what the outcome would be.” I suppose if you’re incapable of intelligent thought, witless fiction is all you have left…
‘..most of the time it seems to spend its time shoring up the fragile egos of a group…
Any data to support that? Non witless-fiction, quiet and accurate variety preferred (guessing you are giving up the civilised debate and embracing the scatter-gun generalisations again?).
Oh, hello Scott ! Still waiting for my reply to my missive advising you against the old tilting at windmills routine of yours…… You know I did spend a lot of my precious time on that letter saying you were coming across a bit needy by returning to your own personal Waterloo on this site which, I’m sure you’ll agree is somewhat biased against Napoleonic figures in all their forms, anyway happy new year Scott. And to be honest best move on in life to pastures new in 2015
Marsh, David Ryall is an actor who I have also never heard of, looking at his photo and cv I still don’t know him, he is obviously a modern day bit part actor. As a child of the 60’s I used to see many many character actors and bit part players who moved from one series to the next, all no doubt will now be dead but I have very rarely seen a death notice for them. That can be seen in two ways, in the past valuable space would not be ‘wasted’ on the death of a minor actor and that in modern days with far more space available, more of these ‘minors’ can be reported on. It can be said that it’s all well and good that these events are reported, however the fact that the bbc does not report that a (in times past, THE ) national newspaper reports the naming of a leader of a small political party as ‘man of the year ‘ in spite of leading a party that is having a big effect on the polls speaks volumes for its desire to close both him and the party he leads down. That is the point being made as you very well know.
‘I haven’t heard of him either’ is not the same as ‘he isn’t important’. You are one person out of 61 million and it’s just self-important to assume that your tastes and knowledge are representative of the population at large. Anybody who has watched Outnumbered (average audience: over 2.5 million) will know who he is. The Times (circulation: less than 700,000) reaches far fewer people.
Marsh, might I suggest that the readers of The Times are a group which will include rather more raw political and business power than any little viewing rating either you or I can find ? You have lost your little argument , get over it and move on to some other point of interest to the readers of this group, that is if you have any, eh ?
Errrr….because he is an figure of national interest who (hopefully) will play a major role in next year’s general election. I’ll say it again for you, it is the lack of reporting of a ‘UKIP good news story’ by the BBC, when they are so quick to jump ony any ‘UKIP bad news story’ that is being called into question here, and rightly so.
Is this really a good news story for UKIP? Look at what the Times journalists are saying on Twitter about why the chose to make him BOTY as well as the accompanying article.
I don’t think it’s a news story at all. As I’ve repeatedly said, the BBC has never reported who the Times or the Telegraph decides to make their BOTY, so why should they report it this time?
Have a listen to this preening leftie loon. He clearly has not the first clue what he’s talking about, but he so desperately wants it to be true.
He can’t even manage to quote the Islamic greeting Alikum Salaam correctly, and his speech is so littered with lies & inaccuracies that it’s difficult to know where to begin.
A typical Scouser ! No matter how much evidence was produced to this 6th form snot he would never allow truth and reality to enter his distorted world view, and I would suggest that this is exactly the sort of person who will in the fullness of time end up working for the BBC !
How would he know whether Islam is peaceful? That’s one of my central problems with these middle-class lefties. They all seem to be experts on Islam even though they don’t follow. I argued with some wooly jumper hair dreaded Labour class warrier-type in the pub once as he was spouting how we don’t understand Islam and that it’s peaceful etc etc. I said to him before I punched him ‘How the hell would you know?’ And he really aggressively shouted the reply ‘Becaus….’ My fist slammed into his hooter before he could finish!
I think you’ve missed the point Noggin. It isn’t about the subject, but rather the way he puts it, without any knowledge what so ever, and with no facts to support it. The threats he makes to people if they fail to see it the way he does, and a bar set so high (by him) that it’s impossible to meet in the time allowed.
We all know about Islam being violent and that during the debate the other side was put not just by this speaker, but in this case it was more his naivety and fantasy world beliefs which were of interest.
hmm bet he had a tough childhood delivering newspapers in the snow at 14 years of age at 6.30 in the morning like the rest of us then having to get through school on merit – does sweet fa gets to go to a top uni and decides to turn against his own country – bravo
Wife shouting “There’s nothing on…what do we pay our license for!” Rare accord in our home over that one this Christmas. Watched old Carry On films anf thankfully thought ahead and bought a Film-Noir box set. But really…Why?
Noticed that the UKIP ex NF member’s “news” piece stays stubbornly on the Beeb’s News Website over the Yuletide. Didn’t when a prominent Labour member was exposed as ex BNP…Funny that.
Will be livid when we get our next demand for for our TV Poll Tax when I’m paying roughly the same for HBO box sets that offer demanding and intelligent drama.
Yes, and I think there may have been yet more allegations of paedophile activity by leading members of the big three parties, too. Of course, such things are of far less importance than any muck that can be raked about a minor member of UKIP
Ricky Tomlinson, one of the bBBC’s favourite Marxists, was a member of the National Front when he was young. The bBBC must know that, because it is reported in The Grauniad.
Well worth reminding them when they think that the youthful indiscretions of a minor right-wing politician are front-page news day after day.
“According to a report published by the BBC Trust, three complaints were made against BBC One show Doctor Who, accusing it of ‘promoting homosexuality’.”
If that is true then it only shows how little trust anyone has in complaining.
I think Dr Who is great TV, but it has paraded the gay agenda for years. Only an idiot could fail to see it.
The BBC PR Dept must be thrilled with what the DM decided to run with.
Reads like one of those monthly ‘see what excuses TVL has to contend with’ that local rags cut and paste when there’s not enough stories about dog poo.
I had to wade through a bunch of dross to get to this:
Of the 13,688 complaints made to the BBC between last February and this September, 12,000 were serious enough to go through a formal internal process – but hundreds were dismissed at an early stage.
The trust said this occurred when there was a lack of evidence – or the complaint in question was deemed too trivial.
A BBC spokesman said: ‘The complaints framework that the BBC Trust put in place in 2012 allows the BBC to close down, after an initial response, complaints that for example are hypothetical, use abusive language, fail to cite any evidence or breaches of the BBC’s editorial guidelines.
‘Only about 10 per cent of complaints fall into this category and if complainants are unhappy they can appeal to the BBC Trust.’
So nearly 90% of the complaints were not trivial (as above, but clearly then trivial enough to fall at the first unspecified BBC hurdle, below) or vexatious, yet did not get aired or discussed. Bit of a result for the BBC there, DM.
In addition to how these were treated, internally.
Reasons for dismissals secret and doubtless covered by ‘purposes of’ exclusions, so the BBC can claim what it likes and no one is any the wiser.
I’d be keener on knowing about BBC Trust-style, evidence-based complaints that ‘fall into the category’ of ECU and ‘Trust’ rejection on the basis of “we believe Jon Donnison is an editor of integrity, so you showing stuff he says or writes to the contrary makes us stick our fingers in our ears and go ‘la-la-la'”.
Also the FACT that complaints are default rejected by the first few complaints and ECU levels but can on rare occasion make it to Trust who can on rarer occasion find in favour…without comment as to why the system failed to that point or what measures will serve to prevent repeats.
Complaint An item on John Kerry’s first year as US Secretary of State referred to “the Israeli government calling him an anti-Semite”. A listener complained that this was untrue, and that in fact no Israeli politician had accused him of anti-Semitism.
‘ it was misleading for the item to present their views as those of the Israeli government.
I’d say that is rather more significant than Miranda being a big lass in some eyes.
I also have my doubts that those listed back through the year are all there were, or are representative.
In an idle daydream I thought how about Dr Who doing a story set on a future Earth where the Muslims win and rule the planet. Behaving like Daleks, running around shouting ‘ exterminate ‘. In fact they could even be seen as being what the Daleks grew out of. Anyway, the thread of the show could be the Dr helping out the surviving unbelievers by overthrowing the Musleks and restoring freedom and justice. Do you think if I wrote a script they might think it a runner ?
BBC R4 trailer for a programme featuring extracts from government papers from the mid eighties, we are reminded that this was Mrs Thatcher’s cabinet.
The studio guests will be Heseltine who flounced out of selflessly resigned from the cabinet, and Callaghan, the unelected Labour PM ousted by Mrs Thatcher.
So that’ll be BBC balance then, with one Tory and one Labour, giving a balanced view on Mrs Thatcher’s government?
Flexdream, i’m all for a bit of debate using tired old politicians but digging up Jim Callaghan from his grave is going a bit far don’t you think ? ( Sunny Jim died in 2005 ). Is it an imposter ? Not Dennis Healey by any chance ?
No, Hattersley.
Heseltine and Hattersley eh?…the BBCs version of balance when it comes to the Thatcher era.
Bet The USSRs take on Benn won`t be getting a mention even though Hattersley clearly hated him( if his “tributes” to Benn earlier in the year are anything to go by)
I for one would love to hear Roy Hattersley’s views on recent events in Rotherham and other Northern towns with ‘diverse’ populations. Seeing as he was old school Labour and from working class background in Sheffield, his views might be ‘diverse’ from the current received opinion.
A former deputy leader of the Labour party and a former deputy leader of the Conservative party in a studio together? Shocking bias! As a matter of interest, which surviving Thatcher ministers would not be deemed unsuitable? Major, Portillo, Clarke, Lamont and Rifkind are obviously pinko, and Howe is ruled out for the same reasons as Tarzan. Norman Tebbit, I suppose. Or are there other Conservatives of the era who are sufficiently right-wing? (By the way, I voted Conservative in every election from 1983-2010. And am mystified by the idea that Hezza is not a ‘proper’ Tory).
I think the problem is that Heseltine spectacularly fell out with Thatcher in the period mentioned.
Suitable alternatives I think would include Lawson, Britten, Major, Hurd, Rifkind, Portillo, Parkinson and Tebbit. I think the hyper-intelligent Rifkind could be trusted to give a reasoned account. I’d agree Howe like Tarzan could be too embittered even after all this time, but given a choice I’d prefer Howe to Hezza.
Then you are probably similarly baffled that Cameron is regarded as a wet, cannot understand why Heath’s name is anathema to so many and are deeply puzzled by the animus shown to such ‘Tories’ as Letwin, Clark, Bercow, etc.
Not at all. Though of the names you cite, only Bercow is persona non grata as far as I’m concerned. Parties are loose coalitions of people with often quite differing views, that’s the way politics works. As a centrist Tory myself I am amused and sometimes bemused by the bile often heaped by commenters on mainstream Conservative figures – people who are loathed by the Left simply for being Tories. As a Conservative I’d rather support a party that included Clarke, Major, Heseltine and Cameron rather than some Monday Club member’s wet dream that excluded half the party’s most talented and popular figures.
Good to see the BBC and the C of E are dealing with the really important issues on the Sunday morning religious programme. Gay priests and women bishops.
Meanwhile in the real world Christianity is being systematically erased from the Middle East after two thousand years. No matter as I am sure the liberal minded are much more concerned with their reality. After all women bishops and gay priests are absolutely the main point of the church now.
The BBC report states “Several nations, including Israel and the United States, count Hamas as a terrorist organisation due to its long record of attacks and its refusal to renounce violence.”
Might be of note from elsewhere on the BBC that it was only this month that an “EU court takes Hamas off terrorist organisations list” but that “European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic said the EU continued to “consider Hamas a terrorist organisation” and would consider its response to the ruling.”
Hamas” military wing is also a terrorist organisation according to the UK
I know it’s not the BBC but “It Was Alright in the 1970s” at 9.00pm on More4 might well have been. We were shown clips of popular shows of that decade, such as ‘The Black and White Minstrals’ and ‘It AintHalf Hot Mum’ but what did we get as well? comments from the usual Labour Lovies, Arthur Smith, Bill Oddie. Jenny Eclaire etc. and a bunch of ‘comics’ of whom I’ve never heard. We got all the, to be expected, shocked expressions of disbelief, head shaking and soforth. They complain about stereotyping when they themselves are todays stereotypes.
As if we`ll not all be squirming a few years hence about the likes of Jeremy Hardy and Noel Fielding getting livings from their monobrow unfunniness.
Russell Brands so-called comedy comes stillborn from his fetid trap…and simply cannot be funny…yet the smug gits asked to pour scorn on a Garnett or a Croft don`t realise that -at least they weren`t captive to the lime green thought police like Brigstocke or Cohen.
The new PC liberals have no comedy, no originality…just JIm Davison type poses at UKIP and the Daily Mail.
But Davidson actually is a patriot, and has made his money his own way-not as kindertransport pipers for the Gauleiters of Kultur as paid for by our license fees.
We will squirm as we`re asked how come Prescott, Abbott, Brands and Howard, Gilberts and Jupitussies were able to open a vein and bleed us all dry…AND groom our kids into the bargain.
I stopped watching after 10mins of mock-shock and mock-disgust by spotty ‘comics’ who have never been funny and never will be. I thought the whole thing contrived and pointless.
Have you seen Mrs Slocombes pussy?…. I must get a little hand put on this watch … etc
I was, and still am, a big Goodies fan. However, before Bill Oddie agreed to feature on the awful ‘It Was Alright in the 1970s’ he should have watched some of his own output from that period. Had he done so, his eagerness to don the PC cap might have been reduced somewhat.
Isn`t Sarah Montague a little treasure?
Her “Review of The year” tells me that the Peshawar massacre was “done in the name of God”.
Really Sarah?…and not in the name of ALLAH?…of Islam?
Nah, course not…bloody Jew and Christian God in the Islington House of Correction…Allah, Boko Haram and Al Shabab?…merely a bit keen.
She has mentioned “Bring Back our Girls” as a hashtag triumph for political activists…but seems to have forgotten her “This Is What A Feminist looks like”…which she, Womans Hour and Martha Kearney seemed rather pleased with (and berated the neanderthal Cameron for not wearing the £40 T-shirt).
Oh-and Sarah seems to have forgotten about Rotherham…bloody reasonably seeing as it`ll only be payback for Orgreave.
F888Off Monty you dumbcluck!..Vote UKIP, and make Sarah happy!
Mind you, it was in The Times, so the Strictly pinhead angel judges still beavering away above will doubtless deem it ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).
However if it gets as far as that dominant press representative of the nation, the Guardian… dilemma.
BBC tv news at nine this morning promises me that in half an hour they will bring me a report ‘on the year when weather became news!’
When BBC management drones did their PPE at Oxbridge, boy did they enjoy that hackneyed old thought experiment “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
Or, as I would ask, “when the weather is fairly blinking usual and just because everyone now has a mobile phone camera and news channels are stuck for something to fill the air time, does that help push the man-made global warming agenda?”
Takes a special something to po-faced ‘report’ that setting the news agenda in turn gets to be ‘news’.
Of course one might ask what drives this, but then Hugs and a half dozen lawyers will be waiting to blow another few thousand licence fees’ worth to ensure this too stays their little secret.
“Islamic State ‘has executed 116 foreign fighters who were members of group in past six months after they tried to return home.’
“Figures compiled by the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
“It admits that the numbers are probably underestimates of the true toll.
“In all, at least 1,878 people were executed in six months by the Sunni group.”
‘The survey for the thinktank Demos showed the top three policies that would make young people more likely to vote were guaranteed jobs for young people in long-term employment, reducing the cost of higher education, and raising the national minimum wage’
In other words they want a secure job given to them, someone to pay for their education and more pay. Fair enough, they are human.
‘The report also finds young people closer on a spectrum to individual responsibility and away from state assistance, when given a choice. This was particularly true for young women: 52% of young women said individuals should take more responsibility for providing themselves’
Which tends to contradict the gimmie gimmie aspect of the poll.
Heard a report about that on R4 this morning. As soon as it started I knew there would be a UKIP bashing point to it all. Guess what?
The BBC really is so tediously predictable.
I heard it too and couldn’t but marvel at how, though these young people are largely undecided on who to vote for, they seemed tuned in to Ed Miliband’s views on priorities i.e. living standards, minimum wage, NHS, reduced tuition fees. There was no mention at all of their view that they should be taking more responsibility for themselves – doesn’t fit the BBC big government agenda, does it?
Similarly the piece comparing US and UK electoral boundary governance was a complete sham – the 20-seat starting advantage that Labour have was given just a passing mention by some prof, apparently the last boundary review was just ‘shelved’ in 2013 – no reference at all to the Lib Dems blocking it in a fit of pique – and the constituency they chose that would have been split in half had recommendations been implemented was a Tory one in Portsmouth, with no worthwhile analysis of what it could mean – just a dangling suggestion that the Tories wouldn’t be happy.
If this heralds the start of the BBC’s coverage of the election run-up then we’re in for an even bigger bias frenzy than normal.
Next Monday/Tuesday looks interesting in the great big back to work day. keep an eye on the weather folks, it could be very interesting for many.
The Central England Temperature maximum AKA the BBC’s take on the “Why has the year been so hot?”…”The hottest year yet” mantra has just been blown out of the water by the lowest temperatures of the year. But then the CET is all but a computer model anyway, yet another hypothesis over reality. I have the paper which created the modern CET, what a fudge, truly laughable and straight from Jackanory Land. I do despair.
The confusion lies in converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit. The actual outside temperature might be 5°C, or 41°F, but if it were to rise by 5°C, then we would have 10°C or 50°F. The temperature increase is 5°C, or 9°F, but certainly not one of 41°F.
ZephirMar 28, 19:39 Midweek 26th March 2025 “Am I overweight ?” Boomers: “You could lose a few pounds” Millenials: “No, you’re beautiful” Gen Z: “We don’t body…
tomoMar 28, 18:44 Midweek 26th March 2025 [img][/img]
ZephirMar 28, 18:37 Midweek 26th March 2025 Ha ha, you can have so much fun with some people.
ZephirMar 28, 18:36 Midweek 26th March 2025 Probably close to true in one of Lord Ali’s rooms…
tomoMar 28, 18:14 Midweek 26th March 2025 Hope this embeds… seems not ….
tomoMar 28, 18:07 Midweek 26th March 2025 Apparently the Gary bloke is being aggressively punted into the media space…. (BBC QT I saw…. ‘ees a wrong ‘un)…
tomoMar 28, 18:01 Midweek 26th March 2025 [img][/img] His net positive achievements would struggle to fit on the pointy end of a pin?
popeyeMar 28, 17:18 Midweek 26th March 2025 SpecSavers on Classic FM (I won’t listen to or watch the BBC) joining the “woke” advertising parade. A cockney-sounding guy…
popeyeMar 28, 17:15 Midweek 26th March 2025 But we still use steel, it’s just produced elsewhere, probably with lower environmental standards, so there is absolutely NO effect…
Not BBC bias – just hopeless BBC. Mr D has been moaning that the only things we have watched over the festive period on the BBC have been nearly 40 years old (he fell asleep during Still Open All Hours). Master D and I tried to watch Miranda but felt it so awful we switched off after 10 minutes. Last night we ended up with TOTP from 1976 on a minor station. Just what do I pay a license fee for?
Be careful what you wish for. There are many non-PC programmes from the past we don’t get to see, there will be more as they keep tightening the rules of their definition of acceptabilty.
Watched James May’s Toy Stories. That’s about it.
Been watching BBC adaptations of MR James ghost stories on DVD myself. They were fine until the 2010 adaptation of Whistle and I’ll Come to You which
[spoiler alert]
doesn’t actually have a whistle in it, and the ghost isn’t actually dead, just making a point about dementia. Well, I suppose the BBC was fulfilling its social responsibility remit there so can’t really complain.
Yesterday I watched The Stone Tape and each night I am watching 2 episodes of The Omega Factor. I might do the same next Christmas with some other classic TV.
Fast forwarded through Dr Who. Oh and the weather, but I blame Sky for doing away with proper forecasts for me having to do that chore,
Well worth the £12 it costs me per month, not.
I know, the TV has been utterly appalling. Miranda, like many other contemporary BBC comedies, is appallingly weak garbage, it’s just infantile and not funny. Comedy at the BBC has bee become either PC or egotistical and middle-class, and not naturally funny. I find Mrs Brown’s boys pathetic and cliched as well. Maybe it’s just me. I also find a lot of music is derivative and weak…. I think, as Russell Brand epitomises, younger generations are more interested in looking the part these days with their big lefty egos, but they don’t have the life experiences that the likes of Billy Connelly and John Sullivan (creator of Only Fools and Horses) did.
To exemplify my comments above, just compare Keith Floyd with that unbearable snob, Nigella! Just shows how standards have plummeted.
License fee? I prefer the term ‘Living Room Tax’ 😀
Somehow I don’t think that phrase will catch on at the Beeb,
I got a set of ‘in sickness & in health’ remarkable that the BBC could never bring itself to even repeat these but is quite happy to make money out of selling the recordings.
Of course Alf Garnet is made out to be a completely manipulative bigot, but that’s how most people felt back then & were as opposed to immigration back then as we are now.
But that’s the point, we don’t live in a democracy and those people who believe we do are fooling themselves. The ruling classes do as they please and they don’t even bother to tell us prior to an election what they plan to do.
We are expected to vote for a government without having the first clue as to what they are planning to do.
You pay for a licence (correct non-Yank spelling) fee?
You spoilt that with the last word.
BBC’s head of religion Aaqil Ahmed calls for more ‘literacy’ at the top”
This from a guy whose obsessional book, has 29 chapters that begin with cascades of random letters … the fact is that a fifth of the Qur’anic text is just incomprehensible
These mysterious letters. Starting 29 separate chapters of Islam’s holy text, including the first, seemingly disjointed, totally random, and very confusing.
hmmm … so a fifth incomprehensible nonsense?
no wonder he works at the BBC!
Yes, so come on Aquil, more literacy please
and a great idea for your next moneypit documentary 😀
Was, Mohamhead a schizophrenic, epileptic?
or … is it coded language perhaps ?
… All characters in this book are fictional and any similarities to true events are purely coincidental
… I mean exploding brethren, flying donkeys and … no bacon! 😀
Debs wrote:
“Just what do I pay a license fee for?”
What are you moaning about we had Mr Khans ‘Ramadan special where a load of white 10 year olds
slagsare befriended by nice Pakistani Taxis drivers, given lots of Eid presents such as Alcohol, drugs and Mobile phones and then given a room at the Inn where lots of other Pakistani males arrive like the three kings of old and lie down next to these poor white victims.We had a White boy in a dress. Where in the only inner city school in London where nearly everybody is white- the
heroHeroine has a Sikh and a black girl as best friends. Not a white boy, defiantly not a black boy or even a Muslim. Then to the sounds of “I want to break free” BillysbootsHeels wearing heroine wins the game. And not a Burka or Hijab in sight.And finally on todays News web site we have this modern day story of no room at the mosque:
Deportation story: One man’s journey from London to Zimbabwe
Last year more than 13,000 people were deported from the UK – but what happens if you can’t even pronounce the name of the place they’re sending you back to?”More than anything I feel cheated out of my life. They’ve taken everything I had – my family, my friends, my dignity.”A loud noise interrupts Shadreck Mbiru mid-flow on the phone from his new home; it doesn’t stop. I have to ask and it turns out it’s a very noisy cockerel, not something Shadreck was used to having around at his previous home in London. The 26-year-old hasn’t yet adapted to life in Chitungwiza, a town in Zimbabwe around half an hour from Harare that the locals say he pronounces strangely. He left Britain on a plane from Heathrow escorted by UK border staff in November.
13000 deportations a year woks out around 35 a day.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Pounce, looks as though you have been watching more than was good for you.
Actually I haven’t watched much TV this year. I prefer to read and listen to my music.
(Currently listening to the orchestral version of Visage)
Fade To Grey Visage?
I didn’t believe it either but it’s true:
Mugabe his President and his brother cadres fought the White man for 20 years to free him and his family from the yolk of White oppression and gave him freedom and democracy.
Shadreck, think of all the lives that your brothers sacrificed for your “freedom” and rejoice that you are now free in true democracy. Rejoice and be thankful! 🙂
Just for fun, see how much you know about the TV licence fee with this quiz.
Also read about how the BBC is losing support for the licence fee here.
Watched the Ladykillers yesterday, even though I’ve seen it a dozen times I still end up watching it, now I watch it not for the story but to observe the social cultural aspect of it, how London looked in the 1950s, no effniks, no mosques, no yoofs, etc etc. Gosh, how did they manage before we got enriched ? The locations of the Ealing Comedy now and then, the house used has since been demolished.
Yeah, I saw it again, too. Never tire of these old films, set in London, and other parts of the Former UK, for the same reasons.
And life was so much slower, and more pleasant then – I was around in the early fifties.
“Genevieve” also brings back memories, as much of it was filmed around West Drayton, where I used to live.
Fantastic file, Mrs NotaSheep and I settled down to watch it for the xx time. Loved it from start to finish as always. Almost as enjoyable as Kind Hearts and Coronets. Also watched Blithe Spirit on DVD. These two films were more enjoya ble than all of BBC’s Christmas fare, Doctor Who excepted! racism,silence from the bbc on this big story.why ?
Actually, I thought the opposite. As soon as I heard, this morning on bBBC News 24, that Kim Jong Un had called Obama a monkey, I knew that the bBBC wouldn’t be able to leave it alone. Most normal people would see it as a silly insult but the beeboids think it is ‘deeply racist language’ and have hardly stopped talking about it all day.
Now… How can the BBC link this story to UKIP?
Or Israel
It’s easy.
Kim Jong-un is an admirer of HItler which makes him “far-right” (according to BBC Panorama, he definitely is not left-wing in any way).
Nigel Farage is like HItler.
Therefore Kim Jong-un calling Obama a monkey is like UKIP.
There you go.
Except, the funny thing is, North Korea did not actually call Mr Obama a monkey, as reported by the BBC in paragraph 2 of the above report:
The National Defence Commission (NDC) also accused the US of shutting down North Korea’s internet – and described Mr Obama as “reckless” and “a monkey”.
Further down the article (way further down) is North Korea’s monkey quote, in full:
“Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest.
Looking at the statement and the words in it, I fail to see why it being trumpeted as ‘racist’. It is not saying Mr Obama is ‘a monkey’ because of his race. It is quite clearly saying that monkeys may be considered to go about their deeds and actions without thought as to their recklessness, as indeed does Mr Obama in North Korea’s opinion.
But no. They’ve only gone and ‘called him a monkey’, shock horror.
Yet more racism-based shit stirring by the BBC.
Yes, how to explain the Beeboids’ ‘leftist’ pursuit of national suicide?
Their political contradictory elements abound.
They apparently have only a politically negative view of British global history; they seem to feel that the present mainly white population (but not for long) of Britain should somehow be punished for any historical ‘sins’ of their British forebears. Many Beeboids and their ilk see Britain’s past global presence as evil imperialism, not recognising positives to the contribution of the British to the world and civilisation.
In contrast, Beeboids are inclined to view non-white people of much of the world as somehow more deserving than British white people. Non-white racism is censored. 1,400 years of Islamic imperialism through Islamofascist violent jihad and slavery (and continuing) is not recognised as such by Beeboids.
Beeboids (as ‘the left’) now appear to be increasingly oppositional to the very notion of the nation-state, being disdainful of British culture and traditions, and unswervingly enthusiastic about the undemocratic, federalising European Union, as reflected in pro-E.U National Union of Journalists.
A couple of references to above-
1.) Roger Scruton-
“England and the need for Nations”
Click to access EnglandAndTheNeedForNations.pdf
“The BBC and its bias towards pro-immigration lobby:
Report accuses ‘left-wing Corporation of downplaying violence by Islamists’ ”
Read more:
3.) Ed West’s report (70 pages) referred to in ‘Daily Mail’ above-
“Groupthink: Can we trust the BBC on immigration?”
Click to access bbc_immigration_report.pdf
I wonder if Obama and his lefty bum-lickers would be banging on about freedom of expression and speech if Sony’s film ‘The Interview’ were about Mohammed?
Sony did the wrong thing when it backed down and pulled The Interview in the face of North Korean hacker threats, President Obama said at his new conference Friday.
“I wish they had spoken to me first,” he said. “I would have told them do not get into a pattern in which you may feel intimidated by any of these kinds of criminal attacks.”
that’s told them eh! …
“But the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
Call me a sceptic, but this could just be a marketing ploy by Sony.
The film will be released online in February, no details on download costing AFAIAA; nothing more than a test for future releases, saving on all those cinema distribution costs?
I wonder if Obama and his lefty bum-lickers would be banging on about freedom of expression and speech if the North Koreans made a spoof “Planet of the Apes” type movie about his presidency.
I wish I had your literary skills and turn of phrase. Magnificent.
I seem to be mainly watching CBS Action today. For some reason the BBc seems to think “Gary Lineker presents a celebration of the best moments of sports relief 2014” and how the money has been spent as the choice for Saturday afternoon. Wow awesome value for money yet again…not.
Yes CBS action , been watching the digitally remastered Star Trek , just brilliant .Although I did catch a bit of a sci -fi series on Bbc 2 , which seem to indicate they thought Star Fleet was a copy of the US Navy sending their ships to sort out, the `natives` on other planets . Imposing a sort of space, white man`s colonization of the universe. Ditto the Royal Navy ,as the US Navy is based on the RN , & the RN probably had more conflicts with the `natives`than anyone else . But even the Bbc want to bring their PC crap, into a good sci -fi programme .
Support For BBC License Fee Falls Along With Viewing Figures.
Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock
Not a lot of fact but a lot of conjecture. Viewing figures for overnight are down, However after catch up is added in they suddenly shoot up again. Also the author doesn’t seem to understand that Freeview isn’t free! Someone has to pay for the infrastructure. Through the licence fee…
The BBC just undid the belt and braces, slopped out in front of whatever came up from Saviles laundry hamper as well as old Birts filofax.
They just phoned the schedule in, and it`s pretty clear there was not one programme worthy of a damn throughout the season.
Bet they`ll up their game for Eid though.
Time to roll them up in a Damascus flying carpet and send them to Jeddah with neck exposed, there`s simply no call for their pastel treachery.
Not the BBC (but it just as well be), the 5.00pm news report from Global News on “Classic FM” had the news that police gathered to the funeral of their two colleagues shot in their patrol car last week. The news item said that the officers were killed by “a man” in retaliation for the killing of a Black man by police officers earlier in the month. Complete airbrushing out of history that the offender that killed the two officers was black, but only too happy to inform us that the guy killed by police officers was Black.
I do not know who Global News are but obviously racist when it suits their agenda, much like the way the BBC broadcast their news.
Sadly, the problem is endemic. Journalism now recruits almost solely from the output of university arts departments, as do most trades and professions. Since the Left completed Rudi Dutschke’s ‘long march through the institution’ if is almost impossible to find a journalist (or a lawyer, or a teacher, etc) who hasn’t had his or her brain removed, reprogrammed and reinserted.
… many cases, the brain is not reinserted.
You are quite right. Channel 4 seems determined to beat the BBC in a headlong rush into some leftie nirvana. C4 news has just covered the story of the 14 year old boy who gave himself up rather than become a suicide bomber. According to the report, being forced to re-enact the process he went through, in order to highlight the plight of those like him, by the authorities was as bad as the original exploitation by IS. In what sort of warped world are these two experiences remotely equivalent?
Somehow Ch 4 often manages to be actually worse than the BBC! I suspect that even the Corporation would balk at the nakedly Left wing antics of that perpetual sixth former, Jon Snow.
Of course, what they have in common is that they both depend on public money to survive, so are the perfect nesting ground for talentless political activists to make homes and comfortably parasitic lives for themselves.
I read this about the lack of and as for the BBC, absence of Scientific investigative Journalists.
Professor Lockwood was involved with the production of the bogus rebuttal of the Svensmark theory using low energy cosmic rays rebutting a theory based upon high energy cosmic rays, which seems to have been successful in fooling all known journalists with the exception of Nigel Calder. This seems to be an issue with scientists at CERN, which has put a politically induced lid on this, solar scientists at CERN have placed the politically incorrect and therefore secret results of the CERN CLOUD experiment on the Internet, but I have not noticed that any journalists have picked up on this?
Nigel Calder has now died of old age, earlier this year. I think he was editor of “New Scientist” magazine in the 1960’s. With Michael Buerk, Peter Sissons and Jeremy Paxman also sensing something very fishy about the BBC’s Climate science censorship policy, the lefty recruitment policy has caused a very steep decline in the intellectual quality of the BBC’s Journalists.
There are a few intelligent Journalists still alive, but these are the ones classed as right-wing by the BBC, so are censored. Journalists such as Andrew Montford, Christopher Booker, Christopher Monckton, Donna Laframboise and Martin Durkin.
But due to widespread censorship in Journalism, scientists are finding that they are having to do their own Journalism when it comes to Climate Change.
Can you imagine what would have occurred if the two NYC cops had had time to defend themselves and shot the murderous little thug before he could shoot them. Of course in a similar situation last week a cop did exactly that in Berkley St Louis and all hell broke loose.
Incidentally, it isn’t just the main BBC TV schedules that have been appalling this Christmas. BBC 4 seems to have given up the challenge without a struggle and Radio 4 has continued its headlong rush to utter irrelevance.
It has become normal for the main two BBC TV channels not to care at this time of the year. They know they will get an audience come what may. But there have usually been oases of sanity (though few and far between) elsewhere in the BBC’s output.
Not this year!
I see the bBC is reporting on the funerals of those two murdered (By a black man) and they report it as somehow justice for the blood thirsty blacks of America who prefer to murder death kill instead of working for a living;
“Mr Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot after weeks of anti-police protests.”
Hundreds of people murdered by Blacks in the US and the bBC remains silent, report on one getting killed and its a fucking hate crime.
The Cock sucking liberals at the bBC who salivate at the prospect of a seeing a huge black penis in front of them and castigates anybody who objects to bending over and talking it as a fucking racist.
Nice!….The thugs are out in force – but it’s the wrong sort of ‘thug” and so you’ll hear nothing about this from the BBC…
The BBC loathe Christmas because of it’s Christian background.
Over the past 10 years there has been a steady but rapid decline in the quality of programmes broadcast and the actual effort they put into the Christmas schedule but this year it seems to have hit an all time low.
You can almost feel the disdain the BBC have for Christmas.
What the numpties can’t see though is that it just causes people to question even more what they’re paying the License Fee for, so once again the BBC shoots itself in the foot.
I suggest you look at the schedules of 30 years ago. It was mostly crap Christmas specials and the Big Film. And Bruce. And Rolfie and probably Saville at a Hospital…
whatever you think about barack hussein obama as a president, to attack him for his race and the colour of his skin is just abhorent,for this left wing racist communist president kim jong -un of north korea to describe obama as a monkey parading around a tropical forest is truly shocking,but here is the thing.if david cameron or nigel farage( which they would not because they are not racist) made these disgusting racist comments about obama the left wing press and the bbc and radio 5 like would go into overdrive over this story,so i ask this question,why are the leftists and the bbc not coming out to openly condemm this left wing communist racist leader of north korea kim jong -un for stepping over the .line in his obvious racist attitudes he hold against black people,where is dianne abbott when you need her obama.why is that i wonder,.i hope stephen nolan has a phone in about this tonight on his show to expose this blatant racism that goes on within left wing and communist circles.but i wont hold my hopes on that
Images of Bush as a monkey were widely used by the left. No one complained of racism.
" rel="nofollow ugc">
And in the Huff Post
There’s no such thing as ‘racism’.
john in cheshire;
“Yet another w*g given power by the socialsts sh*t of this country. Mrs. W*g sh*t. f*ck off because if you don’t we, the indigenous peoples of this country will surely f*ck you up. you and your immigrant sh*tstock will be extirpated without mercy. You fucking w*g sh*t. you are not fit to live in a civilised society. Long live the anglo-saxon, celtic gene pool.goddamn the ethnic contamination.”
“There’s no such thing as ‘racism’.”
Oh, we know there is, Dez. And I’ve no idea where you dug that up from but, as you are only too aware, it is not representative of the wider views expressed on this site. So another fleeting and futile visit – or maybe you are here more than we think and you just can’t find much to argue with?
We also know from relentless BBC coverage that racism is an exclusively white crime, don’t we – unless you can point to something broadcast by the BBC which tells us otherwise, of course…
A great poll by YouGov – reported on Breitbart – shows that the British public are sick of the Biased BBC –
Hilarious that the BBC’s ‘favourite’ people – the working class like the Beeb less than anyone else!!
And reported by the BBC’s fellow travellers at YouGov! Whatever next?
Lefties moaning today over reports that the Tories and Farage support fox hunting… they seem to be very quiet on the vile and barbaric ritual of halal slaughter though.
How many times eh! Dave …
That is because … ” its a religion of pe …
…….. thud! (as head hits the floor)
Quiet also about the ritual slaughter of the enemies of Islamic jihad.
Again I admire your veracity. Hala slaughter. Ha Ha. BTW did you wat Turkey over Christmas? How did it die….
#Libya #Syria #Ukraine
Perhaps evilly I did find myself sniggering at the woman (I think) proclaiming on the 22:00 news that there were “sick children” in the deep crisis at the train station. No doubt fluffy kittens in baskets as well. Well I could swear that I saw that there were going to be delays in the rail works before Xmas. That’s not to say that there tend to be travel disruptions around this time of the year anyway. Yes the latest BBc shock horror outrage story. If I had to travel I wouldn’t be using the trains instead I’d be in our Land Rover with a shovel and sleeping bags in the back. I’m not sure if it was BBc but one station was going with their usual leading questions technique to a member of I assume the public and not someone on the BBc payroll “Do you feel safe” to which of course they replied that they didn’t. On top of that snow! Yes snow in December who would have thought brings the rods I some areas to a halt. So it’s a bit like winter then all in all.
Why isn’t there more gay friendly programmes on the BBC.
There should be more ABBA, Kylie, Judy Garland etc.
Because its already bursting at the seams with them now – there is no more room any more, sorry.
Try Al Jazeera?
They keep repeating old Top of the Pops episodes re-packaged as “TOTP2”, with Jimmy Savile’s links edited out obviously. Will that do?
Hey, don’t let the gay appropriate “ABBA, Kylie, Judy Garland etc. ” They have their straight fans too.
But your general point is well made!
Al Beeb reporting 15,000 cars stranded in the French Alps because of snow. Roll on Global Warming I say – let’s have some.
Be careful using this as an example of global warming not being real.
They’re stuck because they’ve had hardly any snow this year which is very unusual, and now it has come, despite being warned about it, they have done what the UK motorists do, and utterly failed to prepare.
Seems to me a fair example of too many hyperbolic warnings causing folk to ignore those that needed heeding.
It will be interesting to discover which ‘official’ bodies (gritting, etc) did prepare and which lacked faith in colleagues and were caught out too.
Despite our area being dry and sunny still, I am glad I put winter tires on the car, as it is… winter. And conditions can change quickly.
Woke up early to hear of the AirAsia missing flight…….
Let’s hope this is only a scare, but doesn’t look that way.
Thoughts with families.
It’s a bit of a coincidence with MH370 isn’t it?
“Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation, at 87.2% in 2010”. Wikpedia.
It doesn’t look good to be honest.
At this stage, best to keep an open mind. Nobody knows anything and there was bad weather.
The main thing is the hope of rescue vs. recovery still, and consideration for those on board and families either end. Must say the intrusive imagery of ‘un-named relatives arriving’ in some reports still feels insensitive. What’s needed in news are facts, not emoting.
What is remarkable is how quickly, in terms of hours, a full manifest of all aboard was released, including those at the controls.
What a vile bigoted troll you must be. Oh sad loser in life.
I must get idea that the ‘Brit’ on board that the bBC keep telling us about is a generic John or Jane Smith out of my head, probably not…
Israeli girl, 11, seriously hurt in West Bank firebombing
Ayala Shapira suffers life threatening injuries after vehicle hit by Molotov cocktail outside Maaleh Shomron settlement; IDF searching for suspects
Ayala Shapira and her father Avner were driving home near a West Bank settlement in the northern West Bank when their car was struck by a Molotov cocktail.
The girl suffered third degree burns over the majority of her body and face and was placed in an induced coma.
Professor Zeev Rotstein, director of the Sheba Medical Center, said that she suffered life threatening burns to her torso, head, arms and legs, and that “we will do everything in order to save her life.
Read more
The attack happened two days ago and the BBC has not yet reported the incident..
Reminds me of the Fogel family attack
Who is Tamar Fogel? The chances are that you will have no idea. She is a 12-year-old girl who arrived home late on Friday, March 11, to discover her family had been slaughtered.
” I found out about the barbaric attack not on BBC news, but via Twitter on Monday. I followed a link there to a piece by Mark Steyn entitled “Dead Jews is no news’. Horrified, I went to the BBC website to find out more. There I discovered only two stories: one a cursory description of the incident in Itamar, a West Bank settlement, and another focusing on Israel’s decision to build more settlements, which mentioned the killings in passing. “
Maybe there’s a trigger level set by Mishal Husain before coverage kicks in?
Black Mob Violence at Christmas, All Over the Country (USA)
Holidays are a special time for practitioners and deniers of black mob violence. The Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Labour Day and of course New Year’s are among the most popular.
But not Christmas. Not usually. Not until this year: Black mob violence and resentment erupted across the country during the 72 hours before, during and after Christmas. And not the “carry signs and send out a press release” kind of political violence.
Now where is the BBC report as in WHITE police officer shoots BLACK teenager!!?
Wonder why, and whether this is normal?
Maybe Police Scotland’s ‘thorough inquiry’ will provide the answers?
The precedent of withholding names of those involved in a tragedy does seem an unusual one if authority and/or media are going to claim potential sensitivities as a reason.
Can’t recall it happening too often elsewhere.
The media NEVER report the names of those who survive crashes. Just the victims.
You know very little but like an empty vessel fart into the wind daily. Sad tosser
‘The media NEVER report the names of those who survive crashes’
Happy New Year.
Identity protected. Then rumours will spread. There have been many similar incidents in other countries and people might draw certain conclusions. Suppose, just suppose, that a certain incident took place in a totalitarian country unrelated to ours, where there was a political reason to suppress the truth, and extended trauma counselling of witnesses was designed to ensure their silence. Thank goodness we live in a democracy where the police will uphold the law and conduct an honest inquiry and our media will never be complicit in any cover up. I am sure there are good reasons to withhold identity in this case.
“A spokesman for Glasgow City Council…said it would “never release the names” of the…other two individuals who were in the cabin when it crashed.”
So we will never know that the driver definitely didn’t shout “Allahu Akbar”…
Canada, France, Israel, and possibly England. I think the state broadcaster here might have something worth saying about cars for Jihad.
Yes, it seems rather ridiculous in the current climate, not to allow the reasonable suspicions to be either confirmed or put to rest.
I would prefer to assume this is simply a tragic accident, where I’m sure everyone would have complete sympathy with the driver.
However, the way that this incident is being treated, only makes the suspicions that this could be another Muslim Terrorist attack more credible.
Similarly accounts could come from the other two cab occupants, or the driver, even if they remain anonymous.
I do not understand why they would want to be anonymous in these circumstances. I can only see that any trauma they suffer would only be made worse by having to keep the events a secret for ever.
There is no reasonable suspicions. Just bigoted tossers with nothing to do who dream of fantasies.
How will the Glasgow City Council enforce this ‘shield of secrecy’? I don’t know how many binmen are employed by the GCC, but surely it’s only a matter of time before ‘pub talk’ outs the individuals concerned.
This is bizarre. The names will surely have to be made public at the inquest (or Scottish equivalent). So far no-one has been blaming the driver, assuming he really did have a heart attack, but such secrecy only leads to suspicions that there is something the authorities do not want us to know.
Well, if the driver relied on medication for a condition, i hope he took it that day……if not , he will face a charge, probably manslaughter….there are cases gone before with this result.
my thoughts exactly was speaking to my mum who is a 72 year old glaswegian last night and she was more skeptical than I
Why withold the name of the driver when the names of the dead have been made public? Is anyone blaming the driver?
This is about an hour long. It is Tommy Robinson’s speech to the Oxford Union. It is relevant here as it contains several examples of BBC bias. You can also hear in the early stages the chants from some of Cameron’s street thugs from the UAF and Kenneth Loach’s left Unity Nazis, who tried very hard to have the speech banned.
The establishment is in league with Muslim extremists. This man, though he may be a jack-the-lad, is a working class hero. He speaks the truth. We’re in real trouble. The establishment wants islam to take over.
Every MP should watch this.
Calm, common sense approach about issues that have been pushed under the carpet by those whom we look to for representation, protection and information.
Those so-called Police that detained him, then arrested him on that charity march were a disgrace. The woman officer is not fit to wear her uniform, what those officers did was a dereliction of duty. The appeasement of muslims goes on, and the police will get no help or support from me until they grow up and apply the law equally.
Did I really hear on the BBC radio news this morning, that the dopey, Popey person was going to involve himself in the climate change farrago in 2015? Has he been “got at” by Wankymune, do you think? Perhaps Catholics may have more influence upon the climate than scientific things…
One only has to read the comments section of that disgusting rag, The Independent, to realise the calibre of deluded asshole that saturates the left. It’s pathetic! I was on there this morning reading some lefty article about how Churchill was thinking about converting to Islam, and yep, you guessed it, the comments section is awash with orgasmic slush from lefties stating things like ‘islam is so peaceful compared to Christianity’ and so on.
Well said Alex, just take a look at some of the comments that that left-wing piece of toilet paper the Independent allows on stories about our British soldiers…
The enemy and traitors really are among us, and the Guardian, The Independent, Huff and Puff Post and the BBC are their aiders and abetters!
Yo Bro, well said. Dat Alex is da man.
Big Brother finally caught up with me 😉
Churchill liked islam!
Oh Alex, you have risen to new heights in my estimation. My hero!
Wot, like this you mean….
”Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
‘Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
‘No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.’
Read more:
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A few weeks ago it became clear that the only platform on which Labour could put up any sort of fight in the general election campaign is the NHS. They are stuffed on everything else. The BBC have dutifully included an NHS problem in almost every news bulletin since and no doubt will continue to do so. They also relentlessly plug their dedicated web pages where you can check how (badly, they hope) your local NHS is performing.
Cold weather excess deaths this winter will no doubt be blamed on the Tories and NHS failings rather than the lunatic Climate Change Act (introduced by E. Miliband, authored by a greenie campaigner) and being put into effect by econut E.Davey.
The NHS in Wales is under the total control of the Labour-controlled Welsh Assembly. Let’s just say that there is *plenty* of ammunition to be easily found by any other political party looking to criticise Labour’s handling of the NHS.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live featured an item on the delays caused this Christmas on Network Rail due to the engineering works not being completed on time . The Oppposition transport spokesperson was invited onto the programme to give his viewpoint as was the Chairman of Network Rail, who did issue an apology and stated that “this must not happen again!!!” However, there was no spokesperson from the Coalition Government to present their interpretation of these events or indeed from any other political party. This type of once sided presentation also occurred last week regarding so-called local government cutbacks. The impression one gains is that the BBC, despite its Charter, is only prepared to present one political viewpoint on any event of national interest. The result is that the BBC is slavishly behaving as if it was the media arm of the Labour Party. This is bad for democratic politics in this country, because the BBC is simply behaving like a media organisation in the old Soviet Empire. The BBC is required by its Charter to present its news coverage in an impartial manner, so that the general public can receive an unbiased and objective viewpoint of national politics. Unless the BBC is prepared to abide by the requirements of its Charter, then the licence fee needs to be scrapped and to be replaced by some form of voluntary payment by those members of the public that still wish to subscribe to its programmes. If I hear another politician state that Auntie is a national treasure that needs to be preserved, I shall climb up the wall! At the moment we are not getting value for money if the BBC’s Christmas schedule was anything to go by!!”!
I see the far-Left extremist BBC manage to blame the rise in drinks-related A & E visits on those nasty Tory cuts. I’m sick of this Marxist brainwashing/propaganda machine.
Are you Alex>
The use of English is spellbinding!
One of Alex’s many aliases no doubt.
Pseudonymous posting> Surely not>
And > for a question mark in use… novel.
But you two do seem on the same wavelength.
Any time you feel like tackling bbc-related topics, feel free to share..
Jim Dandy to the Rescue!
bbbc are soooo predictable…………….I note that being unable tio devise a negative strategy for presenting the news that Nigel Farage has been voted ‘Briton of the Year’ by the Times Newspaper they have just ignored it…..
Strange because hey seem to have space to publicise the death of an actor by the name of David Ryall (I had never heard of him)
Sky news don’t seem to have a problem mentioning ‘Briton of the Year’.
‘Sky news don’t seem to have a problem mentioning ‘Briton of the Year’.
Hmmm that would be Sky News (prop. R. Murdoch) publicising Briton of the Year, an accolade awarded by the Times (prop. R. Murdoch). Definitely a sign of their impartiality and nothing to do with commercial concerns then!
‘Strange because hey seem to have space to publicise the death of an actor by the name of David Ryall (I had never heard of him)’
That would be the actor with 149 film and TV credits on IMDB including numerous starring roles. Does the fact that you haven’t heard of a very famous person make him less worthy of an obituary? What do you expect? Should they phone you to check you’ve heard of a dead person before announcing his death?
Far, far more people have heard of Farage than Ryall.
That’s the point being made.
You can’t see the difference between someone dying and someone being named Briton of the Year by a newspaper?
It’s stupid to compare these two stories.
What were David Ryall’s ‘numerous starring roles’ i.e. where he played a lead?
LBC gave extensive coverage to Farage as Briton of the Year. Are they in Murdoch’s pocket?
Nothing but negativity from the BBC I am afraid . ‘UKIP chair regrets past’ .
I too have never heard of David Ryall?
Really? So you’re confirming that the BBC is so openly at war with the Murdoch-owned Press that it censors its news bulletins accordingly?
And you’re admitting this?
So not reporting one thing, of questionable importance, that another news broadcaster is reporting is a sign of being ‘openly at war’ with it?
Admitting that that’s your logic is a tad more embarrassing I would say.
When the Times names someone ‘MOTY’ it is news. Not reporting it, simply because the Times is owned by Murdoch, is even bigger news.
When the Times names someone ‘MOTY’ it is news.
No, it’s a newspaper drumming up publicity for itself. Why should the BBC automatically be complicit in News UK’s marketing just because you get a hard-on for Farage?
Scott, did you have a ” white ” Christmas ?
Hello Scott, when are you going to respond to my request to just stop wasting your time tilting at windmills ? Am I not seen as worthy of a reply eh Scott ?
I’ll reply to you. I love your posts. I never miss your incisive comments.
Careful, that might be taken the wrong way 🙂
How do you know the reason the BBC hasn’t reported it is because it’s The Times?
As far as I can tell, the BBC has never reported who The Times gives the Briton of the year to. Why should a completely symbolic award, decided by the editors of a newspaper which is only the 8th most popular in the UK by circulation ( ) be worthy of coverage? They’ve never reported the Telegraph’s Briton of the Year either.
In case you’re wondering, I read The Times, and I quite like it as a newspaper. I also have no problem with them naming Farage Briton of the Year as he has clearly had a big impact on the news.
Are you ‘avin a larf?
A freshly-landed alien listening to the BBC would conclude that The Guardian is the biggest selling newspaper on the planet by some light years.
In other words, had it been The Guardian’s ‘Man of the Year’……
…or had The Times’ “Briton of the Year” been given to Wussel Bwand…
Let me remind you what comrade, Marsh wrote:
“Hmmm that would be Sky News (prop. R. Murdoch) publicising Briton of the Year, an accolade awarded by the Times (prop. R. Murdoch). Definitely a sign of their impartiality and nothing to do with commercial concerns then!”
That was the point at issue.
Your point, in so far as you have one, seems to be that it is a non-story?
If that were true, there are plenty of newspaper awards, comments and commentary from newspapers that the BBC would ignore. Instead of rolling around in them gurgling with pleasure, as it regularly does.
Why should something decided by a bunch of editors of the nations 8th most popular newspaper be covered on the BBC?
The BBC has never reported on the Times’ Briton of the Year, regardless of who has won it. It’s not a news story, it’s something one newspaper has decided to do in a move they know will help increase sales, or at least get more people talking about it.
If it were a war on Murdoch then surely they would report on the Telegraph’s (and any other newspapers’) Briton of the Year. They haven’t.
How about the Guardian then ?
Can you honestly not tell the difference? The Guardian *sponsors* the First Book Award, just as Man sponsors the Booker. And it’s judged by a panel, not by a bunch of deputy editors deciding which possible winner will get them most publicity the next day. You are the ideal gullible punter. Media organisations that don’t cover these silly-season stunts are the smart ones. And I write that as a Times reader of 30 years’ standing.
I not aware that the Telegraph has a MOTY, so that’s a non sequitur .
As I say, the BBC is quick to pounce on most other table droppings (especially those from ts favoured sources, the Guardian and the Independent). So my suggestion is either Marsh is right and it singled-out the Times due to its ownership, or it is turning up its delicate nose at praise for Farrage.
Given its biases, either seems likely.
You not being aware that the Telegraph has a BOTY (it does) proves my point – it’s not news, and it’s only because the Times has decided to make it Farage this year that everyone’s talking about it. It also proves that the BBC isn’t singling out the Times.
And MB – there’s a difference between having a book published and being well received so as to win a literary award, decided partially by public discussion groups, and the editors of Times choosing someone.
This is not the BBC snubbing Farage. Remember that he has appeared lots of times on the BBC, including at least 2 appearances on HIGNFY.
The fuss made by outraged Left wingers on Twitter alone justifies the story receiving coverage, ChrisL.
Lord knows, the slightest disturbance in that goldfish bowl usually warrants endless ‘analysis’ from the BBC.
I suggest your feelings about Farage are clouding your judgement.
So you think the BBC should base its news stories on what Lefties are kicking up a fuss about on Twitter? Isn’t that exactly the opposite of what this site says?
I like that you’ve decided to make up what I think about Nigel Farage. I harbour no ill will towards him. I don’t think that he or his party are racists.
Are your feelings towards him not also clouding your judgement here? I presume when The Times named George Osborne BOTY in 2013 or Seb Coe in 2012 and the BBC didn’t report it you were similarly outraged?
‘Let me remind you what comrade, Marsh wrote’
Oh my aching sides. Comrade? You don’t have to be left leaning to find conspiracy theories funny. Card carrying Thatcherite, me.
Thatcherites don’t carry cards, comrade.
Marsh……….you have missed the point entirely. If it is news they have a duty to inform the public. Good luck in your world.
If you think an annual publicity stunt by a newspaper is ‘news’ you are hopelessly naive. There are dozens of such awards every year – the Guardian has just done a Media Power List which went entirely unreported by the BBC. You made the comparison with the obituary. It is you who has missed the point entirely.
Marsh, you seem to be wilfully missing the point, The Times has made Nigel Farage ‘ Briton of the year ‘ . Your quoted ‘Guardian media power list’ is a list of quote ” 100 top media persons from around the world ” and places Google’s Larry Page as no 1. I hate to tell you that he is an American and this poll is world wide and is hardly to do with the matter of Nigel Farage being voted ” Briton of the Year ” is it ?. I could quote to you the list of sportsman of the year, spaceman of the year or train driver for First Great Western of the year but what would be the point eh ? All of these are of importance in their own little world but not of national interest to the British Public are they ? Likewise your little list of media types, all very interesting in itself but not to the British Public. The bbc ought to report things of interest to the British Public, not your list of whoever’s , understand ?
Let me reiterate the point you appear too obtuse to comprehend:
If you think an annual publicity stunt by a newspaper is ‘news’ you are hopelessly naive.
He was not named Briton of the Year by the Queen or by Parliament or by the Nobel Foundation. He was given this meaningless title by some underpaid hacks in a newspaper office IN ORDER TO SELL NEWSPAPERS. By failing to grasp that this is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a news event you’re only illustrating the way in which newspapers manipulate gullible readers. (The irony of all this, by the way, is that the accompanying article was actually pretty snide about Farage – to the extent that plenty of UKIP supporters were quite upset about it.)
In which case perhaps you could explain to us why the following headlines have all recently appeared on the BBC?
No doubt as the endless ‘…of the year’ columns appear over the next few days, there will be more. Equally carefully selected by your pals at the BBC.
2014 Time ‘Person of the Year’ goes to Ebola workers
Stephen Crabb named Welsh Politician of the Year
Edge Hill named University of the Year in Times Higher Education Awards
Jessie Burton’s The Miniaturist voted Specsavers Book of the Year
Rory Mcllroy secures top RTE Sport award for 2014
Gillian Anderson and Tom Hiddleston win at Evening Standard Theatre Awards
Brodies wins UK Law Firm of the Year award
Kasabian, Royal Blood and Jamie T lead NME nominations
Ben Prater: Old Sarum discovery, young carers and South West Tourism Awards
Since you are the sort of simpleton who can’t tell the difference between sponsorship and editorial I’m going to leave you to it. You are the reason that newspaper editors continue to report their own publicity stunts rather than actual news.
You mean like the ”publicity stunts’ I’ve noted above and which the BBC has faithfully reported?
I take being called a ‘simpleton’ as a compliment, coming as it does from a purblind supporter of this thoroughly corrupt organisation.
Tell me you really think there’s no difference between sponsoring something judged by professionals (as in your examples) and a few editors picking Farage for what is, in all honesty, a pretty insignificant award without serious criteria.
And tell me, as you said earlier, that the BBC should report things based on Lefties on Twitter getting worked up about things.
Furthermore, tell me that when the Times made Alex Salmond BOTY in 2011 and the BBC didn’t report it you made a similar amount of fuss about it as you are now.
I take being called a ‘simpleton’ as a compliment
Happy to compliment you in such a manner any time you like. After all, there’s a significant body of evidence to confirm you deserve such an accolade.
Marsh, you are missing the point yet again, the point was that the bbc (which this site is aimed at investigating ) ignored The Times ‘Briton of the Year’ instead running a story about the death of a bit part actor. If Wallace had made man of the year ? You bet your last pound they would have led with it ‘ comrade millibollocks ‘ Times man of Year’ yada, yada, yada. We know papers employ hacks to sell papers, thanks for telling me, would never have worked it out myself, being a common peasant and all. Further if you bought said paper you would have seen the magazine was running the papers cartoonist pictures of the year which included some very anti Farage ones, I have no problem whatsoever with him or what he does, they make me laugh. I believe in FREE speech for ALL, not just the bloody left as pushed by your favourite purveyor of lies and half truths otherwise know as the bbc. Subject closed.
(which this site is aimed at investigating )
Really? Because most of the time it seems to spend its time shoring up the fragile egos of a group of social inadequates who think that being belligerent, ignorant dullards on the internet will somehow make up for the fact that their empty, shallow lives are of their own making and not, as they loudly and inaccurately complain, the fault of the left/gays/Muslims/immigrants/etc etc.
…ignored The Times ‘Briton of the Year’ instead running a story about the death of a bit part actor
Didn’t run a story on a newspaper promotional tool, consistent with its approach to the same tool in previous years. Did run the sort of notification of the death of an actor that is suitably appropriate and fairly standard, regardless of whether or not you have heard of them. Do keep up.
You bet your last pound they would have led with it ‘ comrade millibollocks ‘ Times man of Year’ yada, yada, yada.
Standard Biased BBC: “can’t think of a valid argument, so let’s make up a situation that hasn’t happened and never will, and state with unerring determination what the outcome would be.” I suppose if you’re incapable of intelligent thought, witless fiction is all you have left…
‘..most of the time it seems to spend its time shoring up the fragile egos of a group…
Any data to support that? Non witless-fiction, quiet and accurate variety preferred (guessing you are giving up the civilised debate and embracing the scatter-gun generalisations again?).
Oh, hello Scott ! Still waiting for my reply to my missive advising you against the old tilting at windmills routine of yours…… You know I did spend a lot of my precious time on that letter saying you were coming across a bit needy by returning to your own personal Waterloo on this site which, I’m sure you’ll agree is somewhat biased against Napoleonic figures in all their forms, anyway happy new year Scott. And to be honest best move on in life to pastures new in 2015
My Hero.
Of course the BBC is so out of touch with the public as represented by you, that NOBODY watches it. Noone. They all get the TRUTH from this site.
Marsh, David Ryall is an actor who I have also never heard of, looking at his photo and cv I still don’t know him, he is obviously a modern day bit part actor. As a child of the 60’s I used to see many many character actors and bit part players who moved from one series to the next, all no doubt will now be dead but I have very rarely seen a death notice for them. That can be seen in two ways, in the past valuable space would not be ‘wasted’ on the death of a minor actor and that in modern days with far more space available, more of these ‘minors’ can be reported on. It can be said that it’s all well and good that these events are reported, however the fact that the bbc does not report that a (in times past, THE ) national newspaper reports the naming of a leader of a small political party as ‘man of the year ‘ in spite of leading a party that is having a big effect on the polls speaks volumes for its desire to close both him and the party he leads down. That is the point being made as you very well know.
‘I haven’t heard of him either’ is not the same as ‘he isn’t important’. You are one person out of 61 million and it’s just self-important to assume that your tastes and knowledge are representative of the population at large. Anybody who has watched Outnumbered (average audience: over 2.5 million) will know who he is. The Times (circulation: less than 700,000) reaches far fewer people.
Marsh, might I suggest that the readers of The Times are a group which will include rather more raw political and business power than any little viewing rating either you or I can find ? You have lost your little argument , get over it and move on to some other point of interest to the readers of this group, that is if you have any, eh ?
‘You have lost your little argument’.
Breathtaking arrogance there.
Tell me why Nigel Farage being named BOTY by the country’s 8th most popular newspaper is of interest to the British public.
Errrr….because he is an figure of national interest who (hopefully) will play a major role in next year’s general election. I’ll say it again for you, it is the lack of reporting of a ‘UKIP good news story’ by the BBC, when they are so quick to jump ony any ‘UKIP bad news story’ that is being called into question here, and rightly so.
Is this really a good news story for UKIP? Look at what the Times journalists are saying on Twitter about why the chose to make him BOTY as well as the accompanying article.
Twitter schmitter.
Is it not a good news story then, pray tell? (In your own words).
I don’t think it’s a news story at all. As I’ve repeatedly said, the BBC has never reported who the Times or the Telegraph decides to make their BOTY, so why should they report it this time?
Have a listen to this preening leftie loon. He clearly has not the first clue what he’s talking about, but he so desperately wants it to be true.
He can’t even manage to quote the Islamic greeting Alikum Salaam correctly, and his speech is so littered with lies & inaccuracies that it’s difficult to know where to begin.
A typical Scouser ! No matter how much evidence was produced to this 6th form snot he would never allow truth and reality to enter his distorted world view, and I would suggest that this is exactly the sort of person who will in the fullness of time end up working for the BBC !
How would he know whether Islam is peaceful? That’s one of my central problems with these middle-class lefties. They all seem to be experts on Islam even though they don’t follow. I argued with some wooly jumper hair dreaded Labour class warrier-type in the pub once as he was spouting how we don’t understand Islam and that it’s peaceful etc etc. I said to him before I punched him ‘How the hell would you know?’ And he really aggressively shouted the reply ‘Becaus….’ My fist slammed into his hooter before he could finish!
Islam is a religion of peace? … peace?
simple then … prove it!
I think you’ve missed the point Noggin. It isn’t about the subject, but rather the way he puts it, without any knowledge what so ever, and with no facts to support it. The threats he makes to people if they fail to see it the way he does, and a bar set so high (by him) that it’s impossible to meet in the time allowed.
We all know about Islam being violent and that during the debate the other side was put not just by this speaker, but in this case it was more his naivety and fantasy world beliefs which were of interest.
an eloquent rebuttal my good sir!
I bet he never had a crowd of Islamics and UAF, Left Unity, Hope Not Hate, Nazis outside trying to deny him a platform
hmm bet he had a tough childhood delivering newspapers in the snow at 14 years of age at 6.30 in the morning like the rest of us then having to get through school on merit – does sweet fa gets to go to a top uni and decides to turn against his own country – bravo
If Milliband or Russell Brand had been voted Briton of the Year, I strongly suspect that the BBC would have covered it in detail.
Farage? Not likely. Only worthy of the term ‘controversial’ in BBC world, along with Lady Thatcher and Norman Tebbit.
Wife shouting “There’s nothing on…what do we pay our license for!” Rare accord in our home over that one this Christmas. Watched old Carry On films anf thankfully thought ahead and bought a Film-Noir box set. But really…Why?
Noticed that the UKIP ex NF member’s “news” piece stays stubbornly on the Beeb’s News Website over the Yuletide. Didn’t when a prominent Labour member was exposed as ex BNP…Funny that.
Will be livid when we get our next demand for for our TV Poll Tax when I’m paying roughly the same for HBO box sets that offer demanding and intelligent drama.
Yes, and I think there may have been yet more allegations of paedophile activity by leading members of the big three parties, too. Of course, such things are of far less importance than any muck that can be raked about a minor member of UKIP
Ricky Tomlinson, one of the bBBC’s favourite Marxists, was a member of the National Front when he was young. The bBBC must know that, because it is reported in The Grauniad.
Well worth reminding them when they think that the youthful indiscretions of a minor right-wing politician are front-page news day after day.
Only Dr Who has a ‘gay agenda’?!?
“According to a report published by the BBC Trust, three complaints were made against BBC One show Doctor Who, accusing it of ‘promoting homosexuality’.”
If that is true then it only shows how little trust anyone has in complaining.
I think Dr Who is great TV, but it has paraded the gay agenda for years. Only an idiot could fail to see it.
The BBC PR Dept must be thrilled with what the DM decided to run with.
Reads like one of those monthly ‘see what excuses TVL has to contend with’ that local rags cut and paste when there’s not enough stories about dog poo.
I had to wade through a bunch of dross to get to this:
Of the 13,688 complaints made to the BBC between last February and this September, 12,000 were serious enough to go through a formal internal process – but hundreds were dismissed at an early stage.
The trust said this occurred when there was a lack of evidence – or the complaint in question was deemed too trivial.
A BBC spokesman said: ‘The complaints framework that the BBC Trust put in place in 2012 allows the BBC to close down, after an initial response, complaints that for example are hypothetical, use abusive language, fail to cite any evidence or breaches of the BBC’s editorial guidelines.
‘Only about 10 per cent of complaints fall into this category and if complainants are unhappy they can appeal to the BBC Trust.’
So nearly 90% of the complaints were not trivial (as above, but clearly then trivial enough to fall at the first unspecified BBC hurdle, below) or vexatious, yet did not get aired or discussed. Bit of a result for the BBC there, DM.
In addition to how these were treated, internally.
Reasons for dismissals secret and doubtless covered by ‘purposes of’ exclusions, so the BBC can claim what it likes and no one is any the wiser.
I’d be keener on knowing about BBC Trust-style, evidence-based complaints that ‘fall into the category’ of ECU and ‘Trust’ rejection on the basis of “we believe Jon Donnison is an editor of integrity, so you showing stuff he says or writes to the contrary makes us stick our fingers in our ears and go ‘la-la-la'”.
Also the FACT that complaints are default rejected by the first few complaints and ECU levels but can on rare occasion make it to Trust who can on rarer occasion find in favour…without comment as to why the system failed to that point or what measures will serve to prevent repeats.
Despite what gets shared on such as BBC Watch, here, etc, this is currently what the BBC sees as representative in terms of complaint:
20 NOVEMBER 2014
Nick Conrad, BBC Radio Norfolk, 17 November 2014
We received some complaints unhappy with comments made by presenter Nick Conrad.
ECU more interesting, but you need to go there;
An item on John Kerry’s first year as US Secretary of State referred to “the Israeli government calling him an anti-Semite”. A listener complained that this was untrue, and that in fact no Israeli politician had accused him of anti-Semitism.
‘ it was misleading for the item to present their views as those of the Israeli government.
I’d say that is rather more significant than Miranda being a big lass in some eyes.
I also have my doubts that those listed back through the year are all there were, or are representative.
In an idle daydream I thought how about Dr Who doing a story set on a future Earth where the Muslims win and rule the planet. Behaving like Daleks, running around shouting ‘ exterminate ‘. In fact they could even be seen as being what the Daleks grew out of. Anyway, the thread of the show could be the Dr helping out the surviving unbelievers by overthrowing the Musleks and restoring freedom and justice. Do you think if I wrote a script they might think it a runner ?
BBC R4 trailer for a programme featuring extracts from government papers from the mid eighties, we are reminded that this was Mrs Thatcher’s cabinet.
The studio guests will be Heseltine who
flounced out ofselflessly resigned from the cabinet, and Callaghan, the unelected Labour PM ousted by Mrs Thatcher.So that’ll be BBC balance then, with one Tory and one Labour, giving a balanced view on Mrs Thatcher’s government?
I strongly object to seeing Michael Heseltine described as a ‘Tory’.
I can think of a few other descriptions, though…
Flexdream, i’m all for a bit of debate using tired old politicians but digging up Jim Callaghan from his grave is going a bit far don’t you think ? ( Sunny Jim died in 2005 ). Is it an imposter ? Not Dennis Healey by any chance ?
No, Hattersley.
Heseltine and Hattersley eh?…the BBCs version of balance when it comes to the Thatcher era.
Bet The USSRs take on Benn won`t be getting a mention even though Hattersley clearly hated him( if his “tributes” to Benn earlier in the year are anything to go by)
I for one would love to hear Roy Hattersley’s views on recent events in Rotherham and other Northern towns with ‘diverse’ populations. Seeing as he was old school Labour and from working class background in Sheffield, his views might be ‘diverse’ from the current received opinion.
Doh! Thanks for the corrections D1004 and ChrisH. Appreciated.
A former deputy leader of the Labour party and a former deputy leader of the Conservative party in a studio together? Shocking bias! As a matter of interest, which surviving Thatcher ministers would not be deemed unsuitable? Major, Portillo, Clarke, Lamont and Rifkind are obviously pinko, and Howe is ruled out for the same reasons as Tarzan. Norman Tebbit, I suppose. Or are there other Conservatives of the era who are sufficiently right-wing? (By the way, I voted Conservative in every election from 1983-2010. And am mystified by the idea that Hezza is not a ‘proper’ Tory).
I think the problem is that Heseltine spectacularly fell out with Thatcher in the period mentioned.
Suitable alternatives I think would include Lawson, Britten, Major, Hurd, Rifkind, Portillo, Parkinson and Tebbit. I think the hyper-intelligent Rifkind could be trusted to give a reasoned account. I’d agree Howe like Tarzan could be too embittered even after all this time, but given a choice I’d prefer Howe to Hezza.
Ok fair point.
Then you are probably similarly baffled that Cameron is regarded as a wet, cannot understand why Heath’s name is anathema to so many and are deeply puzzled by the animus shown to such ‘Tories’ as Letwin, Clark, Bercow, etc.
Not at all. Though of the names you cite, only Bercow is persona non grata as far as I’m concerned. Parties are loose coalitions of people with often quite differing views, that’s the way politics works. As a centrist Tory myself I am amused and sometimes bemused by the bile often heaped by commenters on mainstream Conservative figures – people who are loathed by the Left simply for being Tories. As a Conservative I’d rather support a party that included Clarke, Major, Heseltine and Cameron rather than some Monday Club member’s wet dream that excluded half the party’s most talented and popular figures.
Good to see the BBC and the C of E are dealing with the really important issues on the Sunday morning religious programme. Gay priests and women bishops.
Meanwhile in the real world Christianity is being systematically erased from the Middle East after two thousand years. No matter as I am sure the liberal minded are much more concerned with their reality. After all women bishops and gay priests are absolutely the main point of the church now.
This story seems never destined to receive much coverage ?
Any possible idea’s why not ?
The BBC report states “Several nations, including Israel and the United States, count Hamas as a terrorist organisation due to its long record of attacks and its refusal to renounce violence.”
Might be of note from elsewhere on the BBC that it was only this month that an “EU court takes Hamas off terrorist organisations list” but that “European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic said the EU continued to “consider Hamas a terrorist organisation” and would consider its response to the ruling.”
Hamas” military wing is also a terrorist organisation according to the UK
Click to access ProscribedOrganisations.pdf
The BBC wouldn’t be trying to suggest only the US/Israel alliance really has a problem with Hamas would it?
In the BBC’s ‘several nations …’ quote, they are saying that they do but we don’t.
I know it’s not the BBC but “It Was Alright in the 1970s” at 9.00pm on More4 might well have been. We were shown clips of popular shows of that decade, such as ‘The Black and White Minstrals’ and ‘It AintHalf Hot Mum’ but what did we get as well? comments from the usual Labour Lovies, Arthur Smith, Bill Oddie. Jenny Eclaire etc. and a bunch of ‘comics’ of whom I’ve never heard. We got all the, to be expected, shocked expressions of disbelief, head shaking and soforth. They complain about stereotyping when they themselves are todays stereotypes.
As if we`ll not all be squirming a few years hence about the likes of Jeremy Hardy and Noel Fielding getting livings from their monobrow unfunniness.
Russell Brands so-called comedy comes stillborn from his fetid trap…and simply cannot be funny…yet the smug gits asked to pour scorn on a Garnett or a Croft don`t realise that -at least they weren`t captive to the lime green thought police like Brigstocke or Cohen.
The new PC liberals have no comedy, no originality…just JIm Davison type poses at UKIP and the Daily Mail.
But Davidson actually is a patriot, and has made his money his own way-not as kindertransport pipers for the Gauleiters of Kultur as paid for by our license fees.
We will squirm as we`re asked how come Prescott, Abbott, Brands and Howard, Gilberts and Jupitussies were able to open a vein and bleed us all dry…AND groom our kids into the bargain.
I stopped watching after 10mins of mock-shock and mock-disgust by spotty ‘comics’ who have never been funny and never will be. I thought the whole thing contrived and pointless.
Have you seen Mrs Slocombes pussy?…. I must get a little hand put on this watch … etc
I was, and still am, a big Goodies fan. However, before Bill Oddie agreed to feature on the awful ‘It Was Alright in the 1970s’ he should have watched some of his own output from that period. Had he done so, his eagerness to don the PC cap might have been reduced somewhat.
Welll done the BBC on Top Gear. I thought the 2 parter was well made and there seemed no sign of BBC interference or backtracking with the broadcast.
Isn`t Sarah Montague a little treasure?
Her “Review of The year” tells me that the Peshawar massacre was “done in the name of God”.
Really Sarah?…and not in the name of ALLAH?…of Islam?
Nah, course not…bloody Jew and Christian God in the Islington House of Correction…Allah, Boko Haram and Al Shabab?…merely a bit keen.
She has mentioned “Bring Back our Girls” as a hashtag triumph for political activists…but seems to have forgotten her “This Is What A Feminist looks like”…which she, Womans Hour and Martha Kearney seemed rather pleased with (and berated the neanderthal Cameron for not wearing the £40 T-shirt).
Oh-and Sarah seems to have forgotten about Rotherham…bloody reasonably seeing as it`ll only be payback for Orgreave.
F888Off Monty you dumbcluck!..Vote UKIP, and make Sarah happy!
bring back our girls a triumph? How does that work considering none have been set free
The BBC coverage of Danny Cohen’s success in getting more women featured will be interesting:
Women hit hardest by courts for failing to buy TV licence
Mind you, it was in The Times, so the Strictly pinhead angel judges still beavering away above will doubtless deem it ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).
However if it gets as far as that dominant press representative of the nation, the Guardian… dilemma.
BBC tv news at nine this morning promises me that in half an hour they will bring me a report ‘on the year when weather became news!’
When BBC management drones did their PPE at Oxbridge, boy did they enjoy that hackneyed old thought experiment “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
Or, as I would ask, “when the weather is fairly blinking usual and just because everyone now has a mobile phone camera and news channels are stuck for something to fill the air time, does that help push the man-made global warming agenda?”
The answer, of course, would be “Yes”.
Takes a special something to po-faced ‘report’ that setting the news agenda in turn gets to be ‘news’.
Of course one might ask what drives this, but then Hugs and a half dozen lawyers will be waiting to blow another few thousand licence fees’ worth to ensure this too stays their little secret.
INBBC goes lightly on reporting the following, as it continues its political attempt to separate Islamic State, from Islam.:-
“Islamic State executed nearly 2,000 people in six months”
‘Daily Mail’-
“Islamic State ‘has executed 116 foreign fighters who were members of group in past six months after they tried to return home.’
“Figures compiled by the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
“It admits that the numbers are probably underestimates of the true toll.
“In all, at least 1,878 people were executed in six months by the Sunni group.”
Read more:
Poll suggests young voters are schizophrenic
My headline, the Guardian’s poll report
(not BBC bias as such – but always beware BBC use of opinion polls and perhaps also beware the leftist push for lowering the voting age)
‘The survey for the thinktank Demos showed the top three policies that would make young people more likely to vote were guaranteed jobs for young people in long-term employment, reducing the cost of higher education, and raising the national minimum wage’
In other words they want a secure job given to them, someone to pay for their education and more pay. Fair enough, they are human.
‘The report also finds young people closer on a spectrum to individual responsibility and away from state assistance, when given a choice. This was particularly true for young women: 52% of young women said individuals should take more responsibility for providing themselves’
Which tends to contradict the gimmie gimmie aspect of the poll.
The yeah, but no, but yeah generation….
Heard a report about that on R4 this morning. As soon as it started I knew there would be a UKIP bashing point to it all. Guess what?
The BBC really is so tediously predictable.
I heard it too and couldn’t but marvel at how, though these young people are largely undecided on who to vote for, they seemed tuned in to Ed Miliband’s views on priorities i.e. living standards, minimum wage, NHS, reduced tuition fees. There was no mention at all of their view that they should be taking more responsibility for themselves – doesn’t fit the BBC big government agenda, does it?
Similarly the piece comparing US and UK electoral boundary governance was a complete sham – the 20-seat starting advantage that Labour have was given just a passing mention by some prof, apparently the last boundary review was just ‘shelved’ in 2013 – no reference at all to the Lib Dems blocking it in a fit of pique – and the constituency they chose that would have been split in half had recommendations been implemented was a Tory one in Portsmouth, with no worthwhile analysis of what it could mean – just a dangling suggestion that the Tories wouldn’t be happy.
If this heralds the start of the BBC’s coverage of the election run-up then we’re in for an even bigger bias frenzy than normal.
Next Monday/Tuesday looks interesting in the great big back to work day. keep an eye on the weather folks, it could be very interesting for many.
The Central England Temperature maximum AKA the BBC’s take on the “Why has the year been so hot?”…”The hottest year yet” mantra has just been blown out of the water by the lowest temperatures of the year. But then the CET is all but a computer model anyway, yet another hypothesis over reality. I have the paper which created the modern CET, what a fudge, truly laughable and straight from Jackanory Land. I do despair.
I have 6 deg C and 8 for Tuesday, what’s interesting about that?
Pedants corner alert:
Deg C is a temperature interval.
So, increasing from 10°C to 20° C is an interval of 10 deg C.
An actual temperature is 6°C.
Just saying, Happy New Year to all on the blog, even Scot!
Or it’s a way of saying 6 above zero !
‘Zero’ as in 0°C, or, ‘zero’ as in Absolute Zero (−273.15 °C)?
To out-pedant a pedant:
K (kelvin) is a temperature interval.
So, increasing from 10°C to 20°C is an interval of 10K. (Never deg K.)
An actual temperature is 6°C.
No it aint Joe, not exclusively, it’s 10 Deg C.
Oh yes it is, Dysgwr_Cymraeg December 30, 2014 at 2:32 pm
To copy from & agree with your yesterday’s post of 4:04pm: An actual temperature is 6°C.
Your post of 2:32pm today relates to the numeric difference in deg C, which is 10. (I didn’t mention temp difference in my final sentence.)
The confusion lies in converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit. The actual outside temperature might be 5°C, or 41°F, but if it were to rise by 5°C, then we would have 10°C or 50°F. The temperature increase is 5°C, or 9°F, but certainly not one of 41°F.