BBC reports on Tommy Robinson’s Oxford union speech, giving space to his UAF opponents, who affirm the racist accusation. But what are the over worked, oppressed, NHS workers doing outside with their Socialist Worker comrades? Have the NHS unions taken it upon themselves to determine what should be allowed for debate at the Oxford Union?
The BBC report on Robinson’s speech includes comments from the leader of the UAF, Weyman Bennett who wanted the speech banned to prevent Robinson’s views given respectability.
Bennett is not a good example of a respectable person. In the photo he is being arrested on conspiracy to cause violence
Ah, but the UAF itself is a very respectable organisation. Why else would someone like David Cameron be a signatory to its founding statement? After all, a man is known by the friends he keeps. See
One problem with Radio 4’s policy of news on the hour every hour, is that quantity does not equate to quality. Having frequent news slots of three minutes (e.g. at 10 a.m. and then 11 a.m) on top of the more detailed coverage (e.g. ‘Today’ up to 9 a.m., ‘TWATO’ from 13:00, ‘PM’ from 17:00) does not necessarily constitute good news coverage. There is an argument for fewer news slots which are longer and thus allow more in-depth coverage; if it’s a big story such as a terrorist attack or a ministerial resignation, then Radio 4 could always resort to a special news flash on the hour, even if it meant interrupting or delaying one of the standard 30-minute broadcasts.
If a complaint is made about alleged bias in an item from a 2-3 minute bulletin, a plausible defence will be available: namely that the need for brevity means that ‘difficult editorial decisions have to be made’, ‘some listeners will always feel that we didn’t get the balance quite right’, etc. The biased item can also be repeated more often than if there were fewer on-the-hour updates. Abbreviation is of course useful but likely to result in oversimplification and the fitting of new stories into an existing narrative.
I thought there was an example of this at 10 a.m. today, with the report of two recent arson attacks on mosques in Sweden. With no time for much context, the item showed Muslims as victims; yet Radio 4 has been very silent on many Muslim crimes in Sweden, such as violent assaults, rape, arson, attacks on emergency services, no-go areas, etc. The same item was not included in the 11 a.m. bulletin.
‘…a plausible defence will be available: namely that the need for brevity means that ‘difficult editorial decisions have to be made’, ‘some listeners will always feel that we didn’t get the balance quite right’, etc.’
Agree with all you write, excepting perhaps the ‘plausible’.
It is not. It is in fact no excuse and a pretty poor reason at best. One maybe good enough for BBC CECUTT to let the BBC of the hook but not enough under the spotlight of the real world.
The BBC is becoming defined by it’s ‘no space for accuracy (and, often, truth)’ editorial.
If they go near (editorial by omission being another corporate staple), imagine how they may treat this from another diversity quota gob-they-like…:
Faced with those tricky space constraints, which bits are likely left in, and which damning context sadly space-constrained?
This woman should be vilified for her naked faith-baiting.
And the attempt to weasel out of responsibility by trying to cram spaces and times they have pre-dictated to ‘reach’ their expanding media platform ambitions is pathetic:
They have completely prostrated themselves at the altar of narrow social media bubbles they inhabit, trying to pretend that “quoting” what they have ‘selected’ from what others they follow say somehow distances them enough to be seen as impartial.
Now the means exist to quantify often subjective posts by the ideology of those posting them, even RTs can be firmly nailed at the door of too many BBC ‘views my own’ very definitely as stupid as they are partial, BBC staff.
““What we like, share is now influencing everything – including the news.”
This ‘we’ being who now, Graham? Maybe Stuart Hughes could be asked to comment, given his expertise with campaigni… social media.
Of course with tongue firmly stuck in cheek they will claim the ‘we’ is all the BBC speaks for, or presumes to. And in part they may be right.
Trouble is, despite presumptions and claims, they no longer do. So they are only speaking for their echo chamber.
Hopefully the move to subscription can render that accurate in the near future.
This deluded extract sums the Greek party of the far left in a nut shell:
—“After decades on the defensive, the left is staging a comeback. Not just in Greece, but in Europe and Latin America as well,” said Mr Samanidis, a top official of Syriza in the country’s second city. —–
“Will Greece’s Crisis Mean Tragedy For The Euro?
Sky’s Ed Conway sees the latest hurdle in the country’s recovery as surmountable but much depends on the patience of voters.”
Having watched The Glenn Miller Story and Dambusters today, I am reminded, not for the first time, of the heroism, self-sacrifice, and ingenuity of the people who defended Britain against the Nazi hordes, and thus gave us the freedom we enjoy today.
After all their sacrifice, what would those people have thought, had they known that only a hundred years after their valiant struggle Britain would be over-run by people with a culture totally alien to our own, with values and customs that are anathema to all decent people?
What will become of the indigenous peoples of these islands? Will we finally be living in ghettoes, fearful of the invaders’ ‘final solution’, as is the case now with the Middle Eastern Christians, who it seems will soon be wiped out?
It is an intolerable thought this betrayal of our forefathers. It shames us all.
My uncle, the brother of my father , served from 1939 to 1945 and in campaigns even my father could not ask him about.
A quiet countryman who never was happy away from living things and nature. I never asked what England meant to him but possibly there was no need.
These liberal oh so empathetic 68ers and their offspring amongst our people have no care for England and it’s people only for their insane desire for what- a land where only their needs and desire matters.
They are nothing to me or to the future and it is time to stop listening to or voting for them.
Have a good New Year and stay resolved to try to restore our land.
It was those forefathers who caused all this or have you forgotten your history?
The 1945 election saw a landslide Labour government and the beginning of mass immigration with the ‘celebrated’ (by the left) Windrush.
That generation went on strike after strike after strike until they wrecked the countries manufacturing industries and eventually bankrupted the country.
They voted in the Labour government of Harold Wilson which knowingly decided to betray them (the working man is racist and we represent him, shouldn’t we be? No !)
They brought in millions of immigrants under the guise of industry needing workers and instead of giving them temporary work permits allowed them to settle here permanently, and then to bring over their wives children and extended families.
They took huge unfunded pensions and expected their children to fund them, and those of us still left are still paying for that.
As that generation began to die off Thatcher was elected, and put a stop to it all, but the greedy bastards in grey suits wanted rid of a turbulent woman they couldn’t control and elected Major who was a real Europhile sneak who signed the Maastricht treaty paving the way for the European influx.
BLiar managed to deceive the British people as to what he intended and what he did. Our generation simply didn’t know what he was up to, and the greed merchants were in such disarray they couldn’t have formed a government.
The war generation had the best years of this country, and in the process of them ‘eating all the pies’ they wrecked it for the rest of us. They owe us a great debt because it’s difficult to see life would have been worse under the Nazis.
Read this and then decide if your last sentence stands.
The following is a chilling testimony of the plans Hitler’s Third Reich had for our future, had they won the Battle of Britain:
Speech by SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Richard Darre – 1940
Richard Darre’s infamous speech made in 1940, detailed the fate of the British people, and makes chilling reading.
“As soon as we beat England we shall make an end of you Englishmen once and for all. Able- bodied men and women between the ages of 16 and 45 will be exported as slaves to the Continent. The old and weak will be exterminated.
All men remaining in Britain as slaves will be sterilised; a million or two of the young women of the Nordic type will be segregated in a number of stud farms where, with the assistance of picked German sires, during a period of 10 or 12 years, they will produce annually a series of Nordic infants to be brought up in every way as Germans.
These infants will form the future population of Britain. They will be partially educated in Germany and only those who fully satisfy the Nazi’s requirements will be allowed to return to Britain and take up permanent residence. The rest will be sterilised and sent to join slave gangs in Germany.
Thus, in a generation or two, the British will disappear.”
Do you have a linked source for that?
This is all I can find so far-from wikiquote
Alleged speech (1940), as reported in Life magazine. (No German source known; could be allied propaganda. Richard Walther Darré was also cited as having pro-English views, and attended King’s College in Wimbledon as an exchange student in his younger years.) Quoted in “Women in Air Force Blue” – Page 213 – by Beryl E. Escott – History – 1989’
Thanks but doesnt help much
‘Darré is also believed to have delivered an infamous speech as reported in Life Magazine:’
Like hitlers christianity ,it’s verasity seems to depend on who you ask.
If you visit Bletchley Park, there is a small museum dedicated to Winston Churchill. Within the collection is a letter from, if I recall correctly, a German aristocrat to a (related I think) British aristocrat, intimating similar plans for the genetic extermination of the British/English. When I visited the museum, it was ‘staffed’ by volunteer pensioners who are happy to direct visitors, and this exhibit truely shocked me.
If you want to see first hand evidence of the Nazi ‘plans’ for the English, then you will find it there. It certainly made an imprint on the mind of this Freeman of England.
It might have been chilling, but the fact that Himmler was calling for his dismissal in 1938 meant that this speech had little realistic chance of ever being adopted as policy.
The reality of Hitler’s ideas to the contrary are proven by the failed trip of the deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess in a vain attempt to negotiate a peace with Britain.
This is not the action of a regime which wishes to do what Darre uttered, and all the evidence points to Hitler having a grudging regard for the British people.
Offensive rubbish. I will no longer debate with you. I thought I made that clear last time. The war generation owe you nothing. Why should they? As for the last sentence I suggest you ask those of us with Jewish blood if ” it’s difficult to see life would have been worse under the Nazis”
You have seen posted here links to the Jewish people of this country who are moving to Israel because they see no long term future in Europe.
You think that the Muslims in this country are going to allow the Jews to remain here without killing them or worse?
That is why life would have been no worse under Nazi rule, because it’s going to be a kind of Nazi rule in the next few decades when Sharia law is implemented !
Older BBC female news anchor – you know that what’s-her-name low down on the staff holiday quota wish list – well whoever she is she’s so very grateful to Chuckie Umunna for coming into the studio.
Oh that’s quite alright, the least I could do….
I guess his name was also pretty low down on the Labour Party holiday quota wish list or maybe he’s taken up the axe you just gave him to grind, luv?
Perhaps he’s getting a little long in the tooth to be raving all Xmas and New Year in Ibiza? London can be ghastly.
Big shout out from MC Ummm at the would be Ministry of Cool. Last one to self edit their Wikipedia entry with a flattering Obama analogy is so last year.
Anyway by happy happenstance Chuckie gets to emote and waffle on and on about the City Link failure. Now Chuckie’s not the brightest of bears so it’s as well that our matronly Beebette is not exactly a bull terrier in her cross examination. Chuckie’s daft enough to tie himself in knots all by himself thank you very much. Because afterall everyone in the BBC studio is a firm believer in the church of ‘The Government should do somethink’ (sic).
Chillout Zone Chuckie practically suggested he’d like to see Royal Mail nationalise City Link – or some such balderdash. Rave on like it’s 1976, people.
But he digesses. Chuckie has put pen to paper – how very low tech of him. Official channels and all that. Somewhere at the back of the stationery cupboard at Labour HQ he has found a piece of corrigated cardboard and hasw written a stiff letter to Vince Cable Business Secretary, no less. Well, us viewers will call it a ticket to ride the bandwagon the BBC has rolled out of the garage this holiday.
Our Beebwife is anxious to move the story on for her editors and asks Chuckie a real life question : “Why don’t you phone Vince?”
In fact there were two questions from the BBC – both the same question!
Shucks, Chucks mumbles and burbles something about official channels. You’ll have keep this one spinning on yer own till the new year, BBC.
BBC Today programme this morning, and Mervyn King (former Governor of the Bank of England, 2003-13) was the guest editor. Just before 09:00 a.m. we had the Beeboids circling like crazy, and basically inviting (strongly) Mr King to absolve completely the Labour Governments of Blair/Brown from any blame whatsoever for the only recession we have had this century, and to criticise the current goverment for anything they could think of.
I have found out that the BBC’s non-scientifically qualified Environ Mental Harrabin moron is doing a documentary on “Acid Oceans”.
The BBC’s brainwashing propaganda is mainly constructed from the censorship of science, rather than scientific fraud.
The censorship of these facts.
(1) At least 96 percent of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide is proven not to be man made, but the Oceans dominate the system due to a mass of over 270 times that of the Atmosphere.
(2) At least 84 percent of the increase in carbon dioxide in the Atmosphere in the last 200 years therefore must be Oceanic outgasing of CO2.
(3) Ice Core records show that this must be caused by the 800 year deep Ocean thermal lag after the Medieval warm period, as is in line with the 800 year lag in CO2 levels in the Atmosphere found in these records.
(4) If Global cooling has started, then you would expect cooling of the Oceans to cause an increase in absorption of CO2 from the Atmosphere to increase, and therefore a detection of what they call “Acid Oceans” would increase for the Oceanic surface depth of first few feet of the Oceans.
Harrabin is in good company regarding a total lack of science qualifications. It is a characteristic he shares with the vast majority of his Science/Environment colleagues. He is a shameless champion of man-made global warming.
‘Feely’s chart, first mentioned, begins in 1988—which is surprising as instrumental ocean pH data has been measured for more than 100 years since the invention of the glass electrode pH (GEPH) meter. As a hydrologist, Wallace was aware of GEPH’s history and found it odd that the Feely/Sabine work omitted it. He went to the source. The NOAA paper with the chart beginning in 1850 lists Dave Bard, with Pew Charitable Trust, as the contact.
Wallace sent Bard an email: “I’m looking in fact for the source references for the red curve in their plot which was labeled ‘Historical & Projected pH & Dissolved Co2.’ This plot is at the top of the second page. It covers the period of my interest.” Bard responded and suggested that Wallace communicate with Feely and Sabine—which he did over a period of several months. Wallace asked again for the “time series data (NOT MODELING) of ocean pH for 20th century.” Sabine responded by saying that it was inappropriate for Wallace to question their “motives or quality of our science,” adding that if he continued in this manner, “you will not last long in your career.”
Also look at another paper that uses the old fashioned method of observational science, and therefore is censored, as it seriously damages the Multi-Billion Pound Man-made carbon dioxide religion.
“180 years of Atmospheric CO2 gas analysis by chemical methods” (2007) by Ernst-Georg Beck.
It answers the puzzle of why Mauna Loa in Hawaii holds such an unquestioned monopoly for the scam.
BBC delighted. Pope condemns capitalism, markets, and wants the UN to get tough on tackling climate change.
Deification of Caroline Lucas MP and the anti frackers likely in the foreseeable future?
What a useful idiot the Pope is. Does he not realise the future world eco-socialist government he is not-so-subtly backing with his Club of Rome/Common Purpose/UN/IPCC/EU/Church of England etc etc friends won’t have room for religion other than, possibly, the Religion of Peace?
The Pope ought to scoot now he`s told the EU that it`s a toothless and irrelevant granny in the attic.
Pretty much how the EU sees God, so just desserts for Europes elite.
JP2 and Benedict got right up the Guardians nose, hence their great service to Western Capitalism and to our Western Culture…and their being unforgiven by the liberals.
This Francis is basically a Malvinas liberal with some good points-but an eco greenie and Food Bank loon with unhealthy doses of liberation theology up his cassock.
He`s in the process of doing a Rowan and turning his church into a green irrelevance…but Stourton and Longley will like him…which seems to be all that the attention seeking prelates seem to desire these days.
Being ‘forced’ to sit through last nights Last Tango In Paris,
Just 14 minutes in quite a lot has happened…lesbian kiss, proposal of gay marriage, lesbian couple having baby (men are useless) and anti UKIP jibe, bBC going to town on this one!
Best go walk the dog before the remote somehow gets lodged in in my large screen !
The bBC continuing with their sterling effort of sh1te Christmas TV.
Halifax. It’s very different really: much less Marlon Brando, and nary a mention of butter.
Just 14 minutes in quite a lot has happened…lesbian kiss,
Or as it’s known, a kiss. In a happy relationship that happens to be between two women. You do know what happy relationships are, don’t you? They’re what Mrs Geoff dreams of having once you pop your clogs.
proposal of gay marriage
Or just proposal of marriage – between the same couple.
lesbian couple
Yes, the same ones. There’s only one lesbian couple in a drama that’s otherwise full of straight relationships. Just one, no matter how many times Geoff mentions them. One might easily assume he’s getting very excited at the thought of a lesbian couple. Or maybe he’s just upset that they’re obviously having better sex, and a happier relationship, than he’s ever had.
having baby
Yes, as established in the previous series.
(men are useless)
Well, the ex-husband (John) is, as has been well-established in previous series, an alcoholic waster. But he’s pretty much the only useless man in the series: all the others are pretty decent, if flawed to the same degree that the women are.
anti UKIP jibe
Oh dear. A throwaway remark (completely in keeping with the established politics of the character) in response to a vague “you’ll never guess what’s happened” from his (politically opposite) wife. You are a sensitive soul, aren’t you?
Best go walk the dog
Yes, Geoff, you “walk the dog”. You walk it long and hard, thinking of all those lesbians…
Scott, you seem determined to get back to your snotty ways, and you still don’t honour me with a reply , downright rude to be honest. Still expect no better from one of the luvvies who worship the ministry of lies. I really think we need to institute a do not feed the troll notice when you now appear.
I was too busy laughing at your attempt at logic: apparently I’m the needy one, but you need the validation of having me treat your own rude comments towards me with some sort of urgency.
Of course you won’t realise or acknowledge your own hypocrisy – as so often on this site, people seem to lack the intelligence to realise that they’re not living by the rules they seem to assume they have the right to impose on others.
Ah, well. D1004 and whatever other names you’ve used in the past, present and future – your pathetic need for validation will have to be sated by this reply. If you want any others, try not being such a massive dickhead in future, there’s a love.
Scott, your comments on ‘Last Tango in Halifax’ are an interesting contrast with Geoff’s, but then you spoil it with yet more personal abuse. You seem to want to take offense and to receive attention by being abusive, whenever anyone mentions LGBT issues.
Don’t upset Scott! He’ll find out where you live, pay you a visit and criticise your soft furnishings. That sad little man is obviously so insecure he needs to attack every criticism or negative connotation referring to homosexual lifestyles. He’s become hugely boring and predictable. He’ll never change opinions of contributors to this site just as we’ll never change his biases and prejudices. A hypocrite who can dish out the abuse and insults but screams bloody murder when his targets return his comments in kind. Give him the cold shoulder in future, it seemed to work last time. It’s just a pity he’s been tempted to return and spout his poison.
Don’t engage with him – I’m sure regulars to this site wouldn’t wish to talk to him in a pub. He’d start an argument in an empty room.
Glad you think this is beyond the pale, as do I. Funny how you kept quiet when one of your fellow loons posted my home address, work address and details of my daily commute on this site, though, isn’t it.
He’s become hugely boring and predictable
Ah, well, coming from you, that should hurt – if only you weren’t such a consistent hypocrite (decrying Dez for posting after midnight, in a post you wrote at 2:40am, for example).
No, I pretty much don’t give a flying toss what you think of me. In common with much of the rest of the world, I’d wager – probably one reason why you attempt to be such an insufferable little arse online, in order to try and convince yourself that you matter.
A hypocrite who can dish out the abuse and insults but screams bloody murder when his targets return his comments in kind.
Hilarious. Hypocrisy in spades. What a pathetic excuse you are.
I rarely agree with your drivel, hate and abuse, but if what I’m quoting from you below is actually true (I never saw it) then in this one instance you are totally correct and it was completely unacceptable…
“Funny how you kept quiet when one of your fellow loons posted my home address, work address and details of my daily commute on this site, though, isn’t it.”
Have I missed something Scott?
I presume that this website was published to allow the licence fee paying public to discuss and voice their criticism of the BBC. Can I ask – what is your agenda?
Thanks, Becca
Ouch! Well thanks for the honour of the reply Scott(y), only what I’d expected I suppose.
2 points, last time I talk to you, one, what’s it all for, you hate us we dislike you, you get up people’s noses, do you get off on that, really ? How sad. Why not just go back to the welcoming arms of the guardian where you will be loved ?
Two, I have, and always will post only as D1004, no hiding behind other names, believe me or not, up to you, goodbye troll.
Scott you make the mistake of only looking at the world in a gay way and projecting your prelidictions on others (the vast majority) that are in no way inclined in such ways.
You assume that lesbians ‘do it’ for me, you assume my sex life and relationships are somewhat lacking, when in reality its you that is missing out and frustrated by the probable sadness of your existence.
I can take your assumptions and rudeness, but rest assured that if I were to cast aspersions on yourself I have no doubt the ‘victim’ card would immediately be played and you’re somewhat protected in that respect and you know it.
Frankly I don’t give a dam what the bloody program is called and pleased to say I don’t know the story lines, but as a casual Christmas viewer I saw what I saw, that there is no denying.
Keep up the oh so smart retorts if you wish, but their despiration and manicness is bordering on obsessional.
Remember the Scrote see’s the world very differently where as most people define themselves in this order
Human ,sex,age ,name ,job , sexual preference.
He and his chorus girls go
Gay,love BBC ,gay ,hate anyone not like me,gay,mock ‘breeders’ ,gay
Amazing how you and Geoff seem to be able to dissect my psyche from afar.
If only your skills in psychoanalysis had any basis in fact. Or, to be frank, weren’t written with such appalling grammar. If you want to come across as intelligent, try not writing like a deranged lunatic, there’s a love.
Hang about, you speak of hypocrisy in your posts and claim we’re ‘dissecting your psyche’ now what were you doing to me in your earlier with reference to lesbians and my personal relationships?
I make no excuses for my grammar, unlike all lefty liberals like yourself I suffer no illusions of grandeur or suffer an ‘oh so’ superior faux intelligence always used in an attempt to make ones point more valid, protected and hiding behind ones ‘minority’ status, all too ready to shout, racist, homophobe or whatever other word is flavour of the day in case the argument don’t go their way…
You really are a humourless so and so, aren’t you Geoff?
rest assured that if I were to cast aspersions on yourself I have no doubt the ‘victim’ card would immediately be played
Yeah, I’m sure. Or is this another of those cases where Biased BBC commenters use “no doubt” to mean “in the deranged fantasy world that my brain cooks up because I don’t know what I’m talking about”?
I see Glasgows got its first ebola case.
How come they`re sending the patient down to London?
Thought Scotland was the home of good medical training, had a suitably-great NHS; and that it was an independent country, happy to go it alone.
First tickly throat though, and Sturgeon goes weak at the knees and sends for Dr Kildare down in the UKs “Centre for Treatment”…as she called it.
Couldn`t bear to admit that the British NHS somehow deals with big things better than her local Polyclinics do…reckon said patient needs to stay up there to see if Scotland under Salmond and Sturgeon actually CAN deal with a potential outbreak…or is England just the place where the Scots can dump their medical waste when it gets tough to handle?
London Centre for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Been there for years as a specialist repository for the treatment of things Englishmen caught in Africa.
Because they’re not the common or garden things people in this country catch it makes sense to keep the specialism all in one place rather than to try to spread it around.
Obviously the supposed checks at the departing African airport are not being carried out properly or they would have picked this up.
I wonder how the passengers on both her flights feel now they know what dread disease she has.
All correct and logical-but the BBCs constant trumpeting of the SNP just gets my goat.
The Scots maybe need to know how much the BBCs constant sucking up to the SNP removes any logic, decency and thought from the English at times like this.
Of course, I wish the patient well-don`t intend to slag off the Scots as a people…it`s the likes of the BBC and Sturgeons role with them that galls me.
Really? In which case can you explain why a number of SNP MSPs are English born. Yes, Englsh born and selected to stand by their local branch membership and then elected by their constituents – kind of a strange way to show a “hatred of the English” is it not?
A few points:
# Scotland is not yet independent.
# Primacy in responding to a case of Ebola lies with the UK government and their plan is being followed
# Scotland is part of the UK
# There is no such thing as the British NHS – differentiating between the UK, Britain and its constituent parts seems to challenge you.
# Your description of the patient as “medical waste” is beneath contempt.
So the Welsh Labour Party have no part in the NHS omnishambles that has skewered its own -like Ann Clwyd for example.
You telling me that the Scots have no autonomy re health policies they carry out north of the border…obesity, drink to name but two?
You also saying that the SNP-Sturgeon etc-don`t play the “better off independent and away from bloody London”-but come an Scot with Ebola( she is Scottish isn`t she, not that it matters)…and it`s left to the Tropical Medicine exotica in the pith helmets from Empire Days-that re expected to pay for it all, as well as cure it.
Albaman-guess the clues in the name…but no need for aimless controversies at this time of Christs birthday festival!
Bless you sir!
PS-medical waste last time I looked referred to sharpies, swabs and suchlike…have you not seen enough soaps from here and the US…or are you still stuck at the Dr Findlay Stage from the 60s?
Beneath contempt is your effort to get the high ground in you attempt at a lowland clearance…and this while you cleared Glencoe for Saviles shellsuit sort outs as he lived and dwelt amongst us.
So Albie…don`t deliberately anthropomorphise what I said…the only waster here is you, and -not being a doctor-you`re not a medical waster.
Now go and bother someone else…you`re just being obtuse as Andy Dufresne once said.
Funny, ‘Albaman’ (one of your many system aliases on this site) how you immediately pop up the minute the SNP are mentioned. I know a few English up here who, as a result of being bullied (nasty comments in the pub, at work and in the community – children bullied etc) have bowed to pressure and in an attempt to feel welcome and wanted have joined in with the bigoted, anti-English nationalists; my neigbour, Andrew, is one of them… a nice guy but a little impressionable and who was vulnerable after a move up from down south and not knowing anybody… he was was bullied at work and tried to be one of them by voting ‘Yes’. Disgusting behaviour which you and your lot will no doubt want to wash your hands of, but which is happening to thousands of English who move up here. I, on the other hand, was always lucky with my fists and have (I still have a scar on my index finger from when I broke one’s nose!) punched the lights out of several loud-mouthed nationalist, both in school and in the pub!
The SNP’s whole ‘us the victims’ philosophy is based on childishly adopting the antithesis of whatever the English do and a seething hatred which extends right back to 1707; I know idiots who’ve never set foot in England and they still hate, evidence perhaps of the way in which this vile loathing is inculcated into Scottish mindsets by parents and wider family and folklore from an early age. It is designed. It’s a nationally fostered bigotry.
And what a provincial and self-obsessed little nation the SNP would like to turn Scotland into; still banging on about Bannockburn (it’s like the English going on about the Normans FFS!), AND what about the NHS being devolved to Scotland and yet Salmond and his minions were lying through their teeth about funding shortfalls right through the referendum; interestingly, when things are going well across Scotland’s healthcare system the successes are claimed by the SNP, yet the opposite is true when, due to their profligacy and mismanagement, services are cut. It’s then the fault of being part of the British NHS.
And how about oil forecasts? Based on Swinney’s voodoo economics, we’d currently all be enjoying a 15 billion deficit . Any apologies for threatening the economy of the UK? No, I didn’t think so. The whole independence movement was predicated on the infantile socialist utopia of oil and anti-Englishness; you were all waxing lyrical about it being ‘our oil, keep your hands off’ and ‘we’ll be one of the wealthiest nations on earth die to our oil resources’ and now the Sturgeon is bemoaning the UK government for not doing more to protect the industry; it’s a f**king disgrace! Part of me wants to see you lot rot, but the majority of lovely and salt-of-the-earth Scots I know and work with prevent me from ever adopting such an -SNP-like bigoted stance. You and your nationalist pals are an utter disgrace, Albaman.
However, thankfully in one way, you lot have gone very quiet and I’m not surprised. You’re very existence is a menace not just to Scotland but the rest of the UK.
Nice rant about “anti-English nationalists” by someone who admits to having ” punched the lights out of several loud-mouthed nationalist, both in school and in the pub!”.
As usual when a “stalwart” of this sit is challenged we get the “one of your many system aliases on this site” assertion.
Are you going to apologise for supporting a political movement that came very close to dismantling the UK economy? How could Swinney and his tellytubbies get their forecasts so badly wrong? The Scottish government is no better than a county council who whine when their pocket money doesn’t cover the cost of the puerile fantasies they wish to implement.
In which way did the SNP come “close to dismantling the UK economy”? How could Swinney get his forecasts so wrong – a question that could equally be asked of Westminster and the OBR etc.
Good to see that you acknowledge that the Scottish Government gets “pocket-money” – clearly the answer to your NHS query where Holyrood have operational control within the fiscal arrangements set out by Westminster!!
In true bBBC style you I note you have not identified my “aliases”.
It wasn’t just the English living in Scotland that had to put up with the abuse, accusations of traitor, chanting, spittle-flecked in your face screaming, and all the other left-wing SNP ‘campaigning’
Yes, indeed, well said Alan! The whole ‘you’re not as Scottish as us’ nationalist rant was risible and revolting in the extreme.
And Albaman, too much pocket money in comparison with what other UK citizens get! Based on ‘Honest’ John’s calculations, I suppose Westminster just cannot trust the Scottish Government with any significant sums of money. Mind you, even one so proud as yourself, Alba, must be breathing a sigh of relief that the little ‘Yes’ wet dream is over, when considering plummeting oil revenues. A bit like you must have felt when RBS went pear-shaped and the collective tax base from the UK citizenry bailed your non-existent economy out. Hang on, haven’t we been doing that bailing out thingy ever since the Darien venture? Better Together, I say!
I love Scotland and am thankful for the incredible amount it’s given to the UK, but I loathe the SNP politics of resentment and envy, each being the hallmarks of far-left ideology.
The one thing that the SNP succeeded with was to set the whole of the UK against each other. The saddest thing was to see Scots tearing each other apart. Even sadder is that it’s still going on and the ones to blame (the politicians) will be going away with nice fat pensions, paid for by all of us.
Albaman’s almost immediate appearance at the very mention of anything related to Scottish Nationalism tells us that he must have some overarching view of who posts what on a regular basis; something to do with the helping to run this site perhaps? Or, a regular contributor with access to administration? Thus, in light of such reasoning I’d induce that he is in fact, Alan. We now have a new theory on potential aliases.
‘Guess the pseudonym owner’ is always a good game, but the hall monitors don’t like it much, until they do, which makes it alright, or something.
But be it false flagging or simply assigning topics around the cubicles, it should be applauded for making identifying an off-topic derailment pretty obvious and allowing those less minded to wade through daft narcissistic whinges or flounces or spiteful grammar pedantry to skip to actual BBC lack of accuracy, objectivity or integrity.
Well, he only made a current remark, although it was rather powerful and highly charged, still best not acknowledge that as resistance is futile I guess.
Perhaps he was impeding the flow of the argument then?
‘He rarely does. Thankfully, it doesn’t matter one way or the other, since his utterances are of worth to no-one.’
Hurtful, if beautifully-crafted, which is what matters. Apparently. Not too sure on the validity of the claim. Maybe that needs substantiating? In a non-Newsnighty kind of way, preferably.
Still, you have a new soul-mate in tandem again to spark off, which is nice. Especially to take over not answering the questions and not responding to what doesn’t matter aspects of variable engagement.
“False flagging” – no!
“assigning topics around the cubicles” – no, never have worked or intend to work in a cubicle!
“off-topic derailment” – take that up with the original poster!
In 2009 the FBI reported 6,604 hate crime incidents involving 7,789 offenses. Of these 48.5 percent were motivated by racial bias.
In 2014 the FBI reported 5,928 criminal incidents involving 6,933 offenses (for year 2013). Of these 49.3 percent of victims were targeted because of the offenders’ racial bias.
That’s about a 10% drop in incidents but a 1% rise in those motivated by race.
Of the 5,814 known offenders (2013), 52.4 percent were white, and 24.3 percent were black or African American. The race was unknown for 14.8 percent. 13.6% of U.S. population are considered Black. 77.7% of total U.S. population are considered White while 62.6% of total U.S. population are considered non Hispanic White.
BBc running “catch up on Christmas” on the I player adverts. Why, I didn’t want to watch that crap first time round. And do my eyes deceive me yes after mentioning it on Saturday they are repeating “Sports relief” the final score again tonight. Not very final then! .
the Socialist Workers (never done a days work in their lives) Party, UAF and Hopeless and Hate are nazis dressed up as peace-loving hippies; but their act is wearing thin. These revolting scum are in league with Muslim extremists and are hell bent in seeing this country fall to Islamic fundamentalism. They are the real threat, not Tommy Robinson.
Clearly an attempt at balance, or a less than subtle fig lea.. suck up to the guy handling the Charter chat.
The comments so far are ‘robust’, especially from what the BBC usually define as the ‘Asian’ community. Plus some young ones. ‘Gifted’ being more a matter of political fealty.
Not sure trying to tune diversity and ‘ isms between editors and guests to this degree is really working out. Though doubtless Pres. Obama would see it as a triumph.
Hope the BBC, and Mr. Javid, feel it was worth it.
Race card playing bigot Popular comedian Lenny Henry has somehow deservedly landed the gig as guest editor on R4 Today. Defying stereotypical assumptions be queries a UKIP MEP who is not white on how he can be in a party with so many horrible racists who despise him and wouldn’t even share a meal with him. Naturally a UKIP MEP has had some experience with UKIP members and in 2 1/2 years has encountered no such racism. The bigot then has another go and affects hilarity that the UKIP MEP would support England at cricket rather than Pakistan.
At least the BBC broadcast this #tiredracismslurfail.
Can’t quite figure out how long the BBC and its faithful ‘tell it often enough’ warriors are going to persist with the ‘old, white, racist’ meme when the evidence of audiences’ own lying eyes and ears may start leading some to think Jasmine is in full control of the pre-pro as well as edit.
Just so long as she no longer tweets anything stupid in public, at least.
The hypocrisy of this fading comedian(?) is breathtaking. On the supporting article on the BBC’s website he is quoted as saying: “the percentage of BAME people in the creative industries was ‘appalling… because the majority of our industry is based around London where the black and Asian population is 40%’.” Firstly, note the inbuilt London-centric approach (Mr Henry… London is not England). Secondly, where I live the ethnic population is around 3% – does that entitle me to watch programming where 97% of the staff are not from ethnic minorities? Can we have that 97% quota enforced in newsreaders, childrens television presenters, sports presenters (probably not – it would cause a lot of unemployment at the BBC)?
Lenny-providing anti comedy solutions now since his Tiswas triumph…and that relied on Spit the Dog in large part.
Lenny would be far better served reminding us all of David Bellamy…not only was the impression fair enough for this limited Brumboy, but Bellamys global warming defenestrations would keep this great man in the public consciousness.
But-wrong message-so Lenny would lose a few FOE gigs and the grooming hand of Harrabin , Shukman, Monbiot and Nanny Stern.
So Lenny stays schtum and goads an Asian Tory, to assuage the multikunti Gods of the BBCs elite.
Good Boy Lenny-your Bafta will follow.
But Gervais has him set …forever..and if he won`t remember Bellamy when we need to, he`s far more of a used shill that Javid ever could be.
Javid never had to black up for the BBC to earn a crust, nor had to play patsy with Derek Hobson before discovering his new Falstaff within.
Lenny the Lion…the Bruce?…more like the Lenny of Mice and Men more like!
Albeit with a Premier Inn lie-in!…Lenny the Lie-in…yes, that`ll do!
Context here sir!
Henry has no right to accuse a fellow successful child of an immigrant of being -in effect-an uncle Tom.
Lenny was happy enough to play HIS race card, which got him work when others might not have held it-let alone an Equity one.
His Bellamy impression is the point of the piece-if he were really brave and radical he`d stick it to the BBC and their green fascists(that racist too, then seeing they see themselves as people of colour forever marginalised?).
Big difference between racist, racialist and the other forty shades between them…don`t limit yourself with lazy ejector words that mean nothing.
Lenny Henry has played on his colour since he started out-don`t mind that, we Irish did the same.
but to use the BBC to hustle a successful Tory =-or indeed the coming bile that will be aimed at UKIP candidates of the “wrong colour(as the BBC will allege) is disgusting…so no more race card crap eh.
I leave that to Abbott,Howe,Jaspers, Sharpton, Obama, and the likes of Bragg, Livingston, Hague and Neather.
So Lenny Henry’s theme on Today was to be about ‘race and diversity’.
No it wasn’t. It was about giving poor old whitey yet another kicking for not showing enough positive discrimination towards minorities because, as black Labour MPs and female leftist comediennes have told us in no uncertain terms and as the BBC narrative dictates, you can only be racist if you are white.
So poor old whitey can only look on helplessly at the real racism going on in his multicultural Nirvanah – Muslim industrial-scale gang rape of underage teenage white girls, ‘tensions’ between Eastern Europeans and Asians, gang violence between blacks and Asians, gang violence between black Carribbean and black African, anti-British hatred preached by Imams and in Islamic schools, contempt for our electoral system, victimisation of Jews by Muslims and the Israel-hating Left etc. etc. – fails to grab Our Lenny’s attention.
So a message for the BBC and its Today stooge: ‘issues around race and diversity’ is a tougher topic than you think and is about more than preferential treatment of minorities.
But then I might be jumping the gun because, in all likelihood, another of your ‘guest editors’ will have that covered later in the week, won’t they – you know, in the interests of ‘balance’?
‘It’s about making people from all backgrounds think of this as a career opportunity for them.’ @sajidjavid on diversity in media #r4today
Not the whispering corridors of the hideously market rate top floor or Trust so much, but bylines and tweets suggest the cubicle gardens of the bbc are already a welcoming home.
Egypt court bans Jewish festival for ‘moral offences’
It’s not terrible bias but visiting the grave of Yaakov Abuhatzeira is not actually a Jewish festival but an event for some Jews of Moroccan descent. Despite the ‘scare quotes’ consuming alcohol and mingling of the sexes is permitted for Jews (and Christians) by both Egyptian and Jewish law.
I suspect the real reason is that Egyptian Muslims don’t like Jews.
If this was an article about Israel half or more of the content would be about ‘background’. I suppose it too much to ask to inform the reader that Moroccan Jews constitute an ancient community, immigrating to the region as early as 70 AD. In the 1940s, Morocco’s Jewish population exceeded 250,000. Today, there is approximately 2,000-2,500 Jews.
Jews have been recorded in Egypt from about 650 BC. Between 75,000 and 80,000 Jews lived in Egypt in 1948. Today there are less than 40 and possibly as few as 12.
One of the absurdities liberalism has created in the world. Try and point this out and abuse follows. This is how a civilisation ends – in absurdity and incoherent rage.
It is not just over Islam it applies to most things dear to the liberal mind.
BBC website banner for the Governments plan to stop people defrauding the NHS is
“Prescription fraud plan criticised”
and then the headline
“Prescription fraud clampdown plan heavily criticised”
From the article it seems it is only being heavily criticised by one person, David Branford chairman of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society who states
“This move to make pharmacists police the Government’s unfair charging system is totally unacceptable to us.”
What is unfair about the charging system? Nothing as far as I can see as all vulnerable people get free prescriptions.
“Our job is to put the needs of vulnerable people first and make sure they get the care they need.”
No it is not, it to hand over medicines! Also do not ask me stupid questions every time I buy a packet of Disprin.
Any attempt to stop the NHS leaking cash from abuse of the system is surely good news.
He also said they were not going to act as ‘tax collectors for the government’ – a typical leftist distortion of reality and that it would lead to a ‘loss of trust’ with the patient – presumably that would include those he ‘trusts’ to fleece the NHS of £200miilion-plus per year.
I’d guess – but it’s only a guess – it’s part of an agenda to make prescriptions free to all.
The government needs to get tough: any pharmacist refusing to use the new system should be struck off the NHS list of providers.
The Mail says that the lawyers have been involved although everyone is in denial as to the reasons. Must have have a touched a royal nerve. And a pretty supine reaction as usual from the BBC.
‘It is said to be critical of Prince Charles’ attempt to rebuild his reputation’
In the spirit of ‘it is said’, I’d heard from sources close to the BBC carpark that it was actually a scoop from Rog Harrabin involving payoffs from Big Wind laundering passing the Duchy cash his way through organic marmalade bulk orders, but those top floor types who never mess with editorial integrity until they do pulled it on the basis of 28 Days being another time. Or a gate. Or something.
Maybe it was just a p*ss-poor history of getting accusations stick-worthy before rushing to air?
‘The BBC2 documentary is presented by Steve Hewlett’
That would not by chance be the same one who ‘comments’ objectively on media issues, and was a key impartial witness to ‘The Future of the BBC’ inquiry where he was apparently unaware of such as Climategate, but if he had known, was sure the BBc was in the clear.
Dorchester Hotel breastfeeding rumpus on Twitter and Womans Hour?
But of course.
Shooting of “unarmed and vulnerable young black students” in a foreign land…the USA?
But of course-takes a village to raise a child and all that..barbaric and send for Piers.
Send for Womans Hour, Cathy Newman ready to go to camera?
Yet when it comes to Islam…vulnerable young women feeding her baby in public somewhere foreign and with darker skins than us?
Oh dear-tumbleweed, silence, omerta and total subservience and supplication to the Patriarchal Bastard in the Black Flag.
Oh dear-the sistas have gone all Tessa Jowell on us.
Still-there must be a few “This is What A feminist Looks Like” T-shirts still going-extend the hemline and you`ve got a new grey burqa so Jenni, Jane and Mishal can keep their own counsel when it comes to any REAL courage over how women suffer under Islamic barbarians.
Still-though Russell Brand eh-boxers or briefs?
PS…do those T-shirts allow for breast-feeding then…hardly feminist if they don`t , even if all you get are vinegar mounds from bitter old lefties behind them?
Just read the article on punishment for breastfeeding. Don’t expect any outrage from the media feminists who went for Farage on the subject: they are too busy wetting their knickers with fantasies about romance with those black shrouded ‘militants’ who usually appear in heroic (socialist realism) poses in BBC photos.
Something about ‘global happiness’ on BBC Radio Manchester this morning – Andy Crane gleefully tells us that despite ‘fears’ of benefit tourism, ‘only’ 4% of the world want to come and live here. That’s only about 300,000,000 people by my reckoning. Funny how he didn’t put it in language we can all understand, eh? No doubt the BBC will actively campaign for entry for those people as they do for all the flotsam and jetsam of the world. First up, that Zimbabwean who was miraculously deported.
The BBC’s Obamalove again: no coverage of this act of supreme selfishness where Obama’s need for another round of golf meant a shift of venue for a US service couple’s wedding. AFAIAA this is nowhere on the BBC website nor on BBC TV/radio. Just imagine if any of the Bush family had been involved! BBC24 would have still been issuing special bulletins.
Our Clive Myrie has been out in the Pacific on dodgy satelite link ups on Tsumani Watch for the chattering classes this winter holiday.
He was looking like the little boy who cried wolf in the Philipines a couple of weeks ago when Hurricane/Typhoon/Big Tropical (or should that be Topical Storm, Margaret/Teresa/Sarah Palin [delete hate figure as applicable] failed to devastate on cue.
Now the plucky lad with the air miles turns up in the Java Sea (or thereabouts) for the Air Asia crash. Be fair – it’s a Lenny Henry approved job of work placement, and all this disaster porn don’t fluff itself.
Roll up roll up…. to see the distraught relatives and get your incomprehensible farce of a press conference by head honcho guy in dayglow military sleeveless shirt and egg yolk baseball cap – and all those medals – don’t ask who these guys have been fighting but they must have won big.
Made the mistake of waking early and putting R4 Today for the first time in ages. Good God it’s getting worse – Big platform given to Piketty (some French communist), then a spot of race hustling with Lenny Henry. It’s either that or the gay angle on this or the feminazi point of view on that..
I’m sure we used to have bog standard radio ‘news’ years ago, or was that some false memory implanted in me?
news to me that libdems are in alliance with fianna fail, Ireland’s bnp and unashamedly extremist nationalist party. how odd that this poisonous alliance isn’t given the ukip treatment?
This is why we need the B-BBC off the government meal ticket. In the UK, the widely scorned ‘Mail’ outsells the establishment ‘Guardian’ by 10 to 1.
In the USA where channels compete for viewers, Fox has beaten the others for the 13th year in a row –
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025
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MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 machete attacks and drug-fuelled brawls and tasty kebab shops!
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:15 Weekend 22nd February 2025 [img][/img]
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MarkyMarkFeb 23, 16:12 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Most of Europe is struggling with how to reduce spending, but not Norway. It has invested the income from its…
BBC reports on Tommy Robinson’s Oxford union speech, giving space to his UAF opponents, who affirm the racist accusation. But what are the over worked, oppressed, NHS workers doing outside with their Socialist Worker comrades? Have the NHS unions taken it upon themselves to determine what should be allowed for debate at the Oxford Union?
The BBC report on Robinson’s speech includes comments from the leader of the UAF, Weyman Bennett who wanted the speech banned to prevent Robinson’s views given respectability.
Bennett is not a good example of a respectable person. In the photo he is being arrested on conspiracy to cause violence
Ah, but the UAF itself is a very respectable organisation. Why else would someone like David Cameron be a signatory to its founding statement? After all, a man is known by the friends he keeps. See
Funny how the BBC fails to mention the UAF’s most famous spokesman the Woolwich Butcher.
Yea. Weyman.
Check out Weyman on the Tommy Boyd Play radio show, Can’t get a link but it’s on You tube weyman bennet tommy boyd.
He reminds me of King Kong …
… though not as intelligent.
One problem with Radio 4’s policy of news on the hour every hour, is that quantity does not equate to quality. Having frequent news slots of three minutes (e.g. at 10 a.m. and then 11 a.m) on top of the more detailed coverage (e.g. ‘Today’ up to 9 a.m., ‘TWATO’ from 13:00, ‘PM’ from 17:00) does not necessarily constitute good news coverage. There is an argument for fewer news slots which are longer and thus allow more in-depth coverage; if it’s a big story such as a terrorist attack or a ministerial resignation, then Radio 4 could always resort to a special news flash on the hour, even if it meant interrupting or delaying one of the standard 30-minute broadcasts.
If a complaint is made about alleged bias in an item from a 2-3 minute bulletin, a plausible defence will be available: namely that the need for brevity means that ‘difficult editorial decisions have to be made’, ‘some listeners will always feel that we didn’t get the balance quite right’, etc. The biased item can also be repeated more often than if there were fewer on-the-hour updates. Abbreviation is of course useful but likely to result in oversimplification and the fitting of new stories into an existing narrative.
I thought there was an example of this at 10 a.m. today, with the report of two recent arson attacks on mosques in Sweden. With no time for much context, the item showed Muslims as victims; yet Radio 4 has been very silent on many Muslim crimes in Sweden, such as violent assaults, rape, arson, attacks on emergency services, no-go areas, etc. The same item was not included in the 11 a.m. bulletin.
‘…a plausible defence will be available: namely that the need for brevity means that ‘difficult editorial decisions have to be made’, ‘some listeners will always feel that we didn’t get the balance quite right’, etc.’
Agree with all you write, excepting perhaps the ‘plausible’.
It is not. It is in fact no excuse and a pretty poor reason at best. One maybe good enough for BBC CECUTT to let the BBC of the hook but not enough under the spotlight of the real world.
The BBC is becoming defined by it’s ‘no space for accuracy (and, often, truth)’ editorial.
If they go near (editorial by omission being another corporate staple), imagine how they may treat this from another diversity quota gob-they-like…:
Faced with those tricky space constraints, which bits are likely left in, and which damning context sadly space-constrained?
This woman should be vilified for her naked faith-baiting.
And the attempt to weasel out of responsibility by trying to cram spaces and times they have pre-dictated to ‘reach’ their expanding media platform ambitions is pathetic:
Rhetorical of course, but waaaaay too late.
They have completely prostrated themselves at the altar of narrow social media bubbles they inhabit, trying to pretend that “quoting” what they have ‘selected’ from what others they follow say somehow distances them enough to be seen as impartial.
Now the means exist to quantify often subjective posts by the ideology of those posting them, even RTs can be firmly nailed at the door of too many BBC ‘views my own’ very definitely as stupid as they are partial, BBC staff.
““What we like, share is now influencing everything – including the news.”
This ‘we’ being who now, Graham? Maybe Stuart Hughes could be asked to comment, given his expertise with campaigni… social media.
Of course with tongue firmly stuck in cheek they will claim the ‘we’ is all the BBC speaks for, or presumes to. And in part they may be right.
Trouble is, despite presumptions and claims, they no longer do. So they are only speaking for their echo chamber.
Hopefully the move to subscription can render that accurate in the near future.
I believe it is disputed whether at least one of those mosque ‘attacks’ was arson, let alone who the perpertrators might be.
INBBC: unwatchful on Islamic assaults on we European infidels, e.g.-
1.) Germany.
“Germany: Muslims storm church on Christmas Eve, shout ‘shit Christians'”
2.) Denmark:
“Denmark: Muslims beat non-Muslim couple with chains on Christmas Eve”
3.) U.K.
“UK: Palace sentries retreat behind gates for fear of jihad attacks”
and also-
“Jihadis call for attacks on UK airlines to crush the enemy’s economy’”
For INBBC to censor: re-opposition to the Islamisation of Europe-
“Finding PEGIDA”
If Christians had stormed a mosque it’d be on the Islamic BBC News.
The Beeb have found their saviour for Greece and Europe. He looks like a balcony idol. The Left is rising.
Thanks for the link.
This deluded extract sums the Greek party of the far left in a nut shell:
—“After decades on the defensive, the left is staging a comeback. Not just in Greece, but in Europe and Latin America as well,” said Mr Samanidis, a top official of Syriza in the country’s second city. —–
Sky News:-
“Will Greece’s Crisis Mean Tragedy For The Euro?
Sky’s Ed Conway sees the latest hurdle in the country’s recovery as surmountable but much depends on the patience of voters.”
Having watched The Glenn Miller Story and Dambusters today, I am reminded, not for the first time, of the heroism, self-sacrifice, and ingenuity of the people who defended Britain against the Nazi hordes, and thus gave us the freedom we enjoy today.
After all their sacrifice, what would those people have thought, had they known that only a hundred years after their valiant struggle Britain would be over-run by people with a culture totally alien to our own, with values and customs that are anathema to all decent people?
What will become of the indigenous peoples of these islands? Will we finally be living in ghettoes, fearful of the invaders’ ‘final solution’, as is the case now with the Middle Eastern Christians, who it seems will soon be wiped out?
Happy New Year
It is an intolerable thought this betrayal of our forefathers. It shames us all.
My uncle, the brother of my father , served from 1939 to 1945 and in campaigns even my father could not ask him about.
A quiet countryman who never was happy away from living things and nature. I never asked what England meant to him but possibly there was no need.
These liberal oh so empathetic 68ers and their offspring amongst our people have no care for England and it’s people only for their insane desire for what- a land where only their needs and desire matters.
They are nothing to me or to the future and it is time to stop listening to or voting for them.
Have a good New Year and stay resolved to try to restore our land.
It was those forefathers who caused all this or have you forgotten your history?
The 1945 election saw a landslide Labour government and the beginning of mass immigration with the ‘celebrated’ (by the left) Windrush.
That generation went on strike after strike after strike until they wrecked the countries manufacturing industries and eventually bankrupted the country.
They voted in the Labour government of Harold Wilson which knowingly decided to betray them (the working man is racist and we represent him, shouldn’t we be? No !)
They brought in millions of immigrants under the guise of industry needing workers and instead of giving them temporary work permits allowed them to settle here permanently, and then to bring over their wives children and extended families.
They took huge unfunded pensions and expected their children to fund them, and those of us still left are still paying for that.
As that generation began to die off Thatcher was elected, and put a stop to it all, but the greedy bastards in grey suits wanted rid of a turbulent woman they couldn’t control and elected Major who was a real Europhile sneak who signed the Maastricht treaty paving the way for the European influx.
BLiar managed to deceive the British people as to what he intended and what he did. Our generation simply didn’t know what he was up to, and the greed merchants were in such disarray they couldn’t have formed a government.
The war generation had the best years of this country, and in the process of them ‘eating all the pies’ they wrecked it for the rest of us. They owe us a great debt because it’s difficult to see life would have been worse under the Nazis.
Read this and then decide if your last sentence stands.
The following is a chilling testimony of the plans Hitler’s Third Reich had for our future, had they won the Battle of Britain:
Speech by SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Richard Darre – 1940
Richard Darre’s infamous speech made in 1940, detailed the fate of the British people, and makes chilling reading.
“As soon as we beat England we shall make an end of you Englishmen once and for all. Able- bodied men and women between the ages of 16 and 45 will be exported as slaves to the Continent. The old and weak will be exterminated.
All men remaining in Britain as slaves will be sterilised; a million or two of the young women of the Nordic type will be segregated in a number of stud farms where, with the assistance of picked German sires, during a period of 10 or 12 years, they will produce annually a series of Nordic infants to be brought up in every way as Germans.
These infants will form the future population of Britain. They will be partially educated in Germany and only those who fully satisfy the Nazi’s requirements will be allowed to return to Britain and take up permanent residence. The rest will be sterilised and sent to join slave gangs in Germany.
Thus, in a generation or two, the British will disappear.”
Do you have a linked source for that?
This is all I can find so far-from wikiquote
Alleged speech (1940), as reported in Life magazine. (No German source known; could be allied propaganda. Richard Walther Darré was also cited as having pro-English views, and attended King’s College in Wimbledon as an exchange student in his younger years.) Quoted in “Women in Air Force Blue” – Page 213 – by Beryl E. Escott – History – 1989’
Try these:
Thanks but doesnt help much
‘Darré is also believed to have delivered an infamous speech as reported in Life Magazine:’
Like hitlers christianity ,it’s verasity seems to depend on who you ask.
Hitler hated Christianity, that is agreed by most historians. Once he’d killed off the Jews and the Gays, he intended to go for the Priests.
Hitler was a great admirer of Islam, and may have converted, although we will never know for certain, but there are ‘pointers’.
If you visit Bletchley Park, there is a small museum dedicated to Winston Churchill. Within the collection is a letter from, if I recall correctly, a German aristocrat to a (related I think) British aristocrat, intimating similar plans for the genetic extermination of the British/English. When I visited the museum, it was ‘staffed’ by volunteer pensioners who are happy to direct visitors, and this exhibit truely shocked me.
If you want to see first hand evidence of the Nazi ‘plans’ for the English, then you will find it there. It certainly made an imprint on the mind of this Freeman of England.
It might have been chilling, but the fact that Himmler was calling for his dismissal in 1938 meant that this speech had little realistic chance of ever being adopted as policy.
The reality of Hitler’s ideas to the contrary are proven by the failed trip of the deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess in a vain attempt to negotiate a peace with Britain.
This is not the action of a regime which wishes to do what Darre uttered, and all the evidence points to Hitler having a grudging regard for the British people.
See above
Offensive rubbish. I will no longer debate with you. I thought I made that clear last time. The war generation owe you nothing. Why should they? As for the last sentence I suggest you ask those of us with Jewish blood if ” it’s difficult to see life would have been worse under the Nazis”
You have seen posted here links to the Jewish people of this country who are moving to Israel because they see no long term future in Europe.
You think that the Muslims in this country are going to allow the Jews to remain here without killing them or worse?
That is why life would have been no worse under Nazi rule, because it’s going to be a kind of Nazi rule in the next few decades when Sharia law is implemented !
Beeboid ears burning?
Older BBC female news anchor – you know that what’s-her-name low down on the staff holiday quota wish list – well whoever she is she’s so very grateful to Chuckie Umunna for coming into the studio.
Oh that’s quite alright, the least I could do….
I guess his name was also pretty low down on the Labour Party holiday quota wish list or maybe he’s taken up the axe you just gave him to grind, luv?
Perhaps he’s getting a little long in the tooth to be raving all Xmas and New Year in Ibiza? London can be ghastly.
Big shout out from MC Ummm at the would be Ministry of Cool. Last one to self edit their Wikipedia entry with a flattering Obama analogy is so last year.
Anyway by happy happenstance Chuckie gets to emote and waffle on and on about the City Link failure. Now Chuckie’s not the brightest of bears so it’s as well that our matronly Beebette is not exactly a bull terrier in her cross examination. Chuckie’s daft enough to tie himself in knots all by himself thank you very much. Because afterall everyone in the BBC studio is a firm believer in the church of ‘The Government should do somethink’ (sic).
Chillout Zone Chuckie practically suggested he’d like to see Royal Mail nationalise City Link – or some such balderdash. Rave on like it’s 1976, people.
But he digesses. Chuckie has put pen to paper – how very low tech of him. Official channels and all that. Somewhere at the back of the stationery cupboard at Labour HQ he has found a piece of corrigated cardboard and hasw written a stiff letter to Vince Cable Business Secretary, no less. Well, us viewers will call it a ticket to ride the bandwagon the BBC has rolled out of the garage this holiday.
Our Beebwife is anxious to move the story on for her editors and asks Chuckie a real life question : “Why don’t you phone Vince?”
In fact there were two questions from the BBC – both the same question!
Shucks, Chucks mumbles and burbles something about official channels. You’ll have keep this one spinning on yer own till the new year, BBC.
BBC Today programme this morning, and Mervyn King (former Governor of the Bank of England, 2003-13) was the guest editor. Just before 09:00 a.m. we had the Beeboids circling like crazy, and basically inviting (strongly) Mr King to absolve completely the Labour Governments of Blair/Brown from any blame whatsoever for the only recession we have had this century, and to criticise the current goverment for anything they could think of.
Blatant Biased Crap.
I have found out that the BBC’s non-scientifically qualified Environ Mental Harrabin moron is doing a documentary on “Acid Oceans”.
The BBC’s brainwashing propaganda is mainly constructed from the censorship of science, rather than scientific fraud.
The censorship of these facts.
(1) At least 96 percent of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide is proven not to be man made, but the Oceans dominate the system due to a mass of over 270 times that of the Atmosphere.
(2) At least 84 percent of the increase in carbon dioxide in the Atmosphere in the last 200 years therefore must be Oceanic outgasing of CO2.
(3) Ice Core records show that this must be caused by the 800 year deep Ocean thermal lag after the Medieval warm period, as is in line with the 800 year lag in CO2 levels in the Atmosphere found in these records.
(4) If Global cooling has started, then you would expect cooling of the Oceans to cause an increase in absorption of CO2 from the Atmosphere to increase, and therefore a detection of what they call “Acid Oceans” would increase for the Oceanic surface depth of first few feet of the Oceans.
Harrabin is in good company regarding a total lack of science qualifications. It is a characteristic he shares with the vast majority of his Science/Environment colleagues. He is a shameless champion of man-made global warming.
Acidifying oceans – yet more climate fraud based on selective use of historical data.
‘Feely’s chart, first mentioned, begins in 1988—which is surprising as instrumental ocean pH data has been measured for more than 100 years since the invention of the glass electrode pH (GEPH) meter. As a hydrologist, Wallace was aware of GEPH’s history and found it odd that the Feely/Sabine work omitted it. He went to the source. The NOAA paper with the chart beginning in 1850 lists Dave Bard, with Pew Charitable Trust, as the contact.
Wallace sent Bard an email: “I’m looking in fact for the source references for the red curve in their plot which was labeled ‘Historical & Projected pH & Dissolved Co2.’ This plot is at the top of the second page. It covers the period of my interest.” Bard responded and suggested that Wallace communicate with Feely and Sabine—which he did over a period of several months. Wallace asked again for the “time series data (NOT MODELING) of ocean pH for 20th century.” Sabine responded by saying that it was inappropriate for Wallace to question their “motives or quality of our science,” adding that if he continued in this manner, “you will not last long in your career.”
Got it, Harrabin, you moron?
Try this one Harrabin:
Also look at another paper that uses the old fashioned method of observational science, and therefore is censored, as it seriously damages the Multi-Billion Pound Man-made carbon dioxide religion.
“180 years of Atmospheric CO2 gas analysis by chemical methods” (2007) by Ernst-Georg Beck.
It answers the puzzle of why Mauna Loa in Hawaii holds such an unquestioned monopoly for the scam.
BBC delighted. Pope condemns capitalism, markets, and wants the UN to get tough on tackling climate change.
Deification of Caroline Lucas MP and the anti frackers likely in the foreseeable future?
What a useful idiot the Pope is. Does he not realise the future world eco-socialist government he is not-so-subtly backing with his Club of Rome/Common Purpose/UN/IPCC/EU/Church of England etc etc friends won’t have room for religion other than, possibly, the Religion of Peace?
At least we now know that CAGW is a Religion & not based on Scientific evidence. H/t Galileo.
The Pope ought to scoot now he`s told the EU that it`s a toothless and irrelevant granny in the attic.
Pretty much how the EU sees God, so just desserts for Europes elite.
JP2 and Benedict got right up the Guardians nose, hence their great service to Western Capitalism and to our Western Culture…and their being unforgiven by the liberals.
This Francis is basically a Malvinas liberal with some good points-but an eco greenie and Food Bank loon with unhealthy doses of liberation theology up his cassock.
He`s in the process of doing a Rowan and turning his church into a green irrelevance…but Stourton and Longley will like him…which seems to be all that the attention seeking prelates seem to desire these days.
Bloody hell… worrying stuff:
Being ‘forced’ to sit through last nights Last Tango In Paris,
Just 14 minutes in quite a lot has happened…lesbian kiss, proposal of gay marriage, lesbian couple having baby (men are useless) and anti UKIP jibe, bBC going to town on this one!
Best go walk the dog before the remote somehow gets lodged in in my large screen !
The bBC continuing with their sterling effort of sh1te Christmas TV.
last nights Last Tango In Paris
Halifax. It’s very different really: much less Marlon Brando, and nary a mention of butter.
Just 14 minutes in quite a lot has happened…lesbian kiss,
Or as it’s known, a kiss. In a happy relationship that happens to be between two women. You do know what happy relationships are, don’t you? They’re what Mrs Geoff dreams of having once you pop your clogs.
proposal of gay marriage
Or just proposal of marriage – between the same couple.
lesbian couple
Yes, the same ones. There’s only one lesbian couple in a drama that’s otherwise full of straight relationships. Just one, no matter how many times Geoff mentions them. One might easily assume he’s getting very excited at the thought of a lesbian couple. Or maybe he’s just upset that they’re obviously having better sex, and a happier relationship, than he’s ever had.
having baby
Yes, as established in the previous series.
(men are useless)
Well, the ex-husband (John) is, as has been well-established in previous series, an alcoholic waster. But he’s pretty much the only useless man in the series: all the others are pretty decent, if flawed to the same degree that the women are.
anti UKIP jibe
Oh dear. A throwaway remark (completely in keeping with the established politics of the character) in response to a vague “you’ll never guess what’s happened” from his (politically opposite) wife. You are a sensitive soul, aren’t you?
Best go walk the dog
Yes, Geoff, you “walk the dog”. You walk it long and hard, thinking of all those lesbians…
Scott, you seem determined to get back to your snotty ways, and you still don’t honour me with a reply , downright rude to be honest. Still expect no better from one of the luvvies who worship the ministry of lies. I really think we need to institute a do not feed the troll notice when you now appear.
you still don’t honour me with a reply
I was too busy laughing at your attempt at logic: apparently I’m the needy one, but you need the validation of having me treat your own rude comments towards me with some sort of urgency.
Of course you won’t realise or acknowledge your own hypocrisy – as so often on this site, people seem to lack the intelligence to realise that they’re not living by the rules they seem to assume they have the right to impose on others.
Ah, well. D1004 and whatever other names you’ve used in the past, present and future – your pathetic need for validation will have to be sated by this reply. If you want any others, try not being such a massive dickhead in future, there’s a love.
Scott, your comments on ‘Last Tango in Halifax’ are an interesting contrast with Geoff’s, but then you spoil it with yet more personal abuse. You seem to want to take offense and to receive attention by being abusive, whenever anyone mentions LGBT issues.
Don’t upset Scott! He’ll find out where you live, pay you a visit and criticise your soft furnishings. That sad little man is obviously so insecure he needs to attack every criticism or negative connotation referring to homosexual lifestyles. He’s become hugely boring and predictable. He’ll never change opinions of contributors to this site just as we’ll never change his biases and prejudices. A hypocrite who can dish out the abuse and insults but screams bloody murder when his targets return his comments in kind. Give him the cold shoulder in future, it seemed to work last time. It’s just a pity he’s been tempted to return and spout his poison.
Don’t engage with him – I’m sure regulars to this site wouldn’t wish to talk to him in a pub. He’d start an argument in an empty room.
He’ll find out where you live, pay you a visit
Glad you think this is beyond the pale, as do I. Funny how you kept quiet when one of your fellow loons posted my home address, work address and details of my daily commute on this site, though, isn’t it.
He’s become hugely boring and predictable
Ah, well, coming from you, that should hurt – if only you weren’t such a consistent hypocrite (decrying Dez for posting after midnight, in a post you wrote at 2:40am, for example).
No, I pretty much don’t give a flying toss what you think of me. In common with much of the rest of the world, I’d wager – probably one reason why you attempt to be such an insufferable little arse online, in order to try and convince yourself that you matter.
A hypocrite who can dish out the abuse and insults but screams bloody murder when his targets return his comments in kind.
Hilarious. Hypocrisy in spades. What a pathetic excuse you are.
I rarely agree with your drivel, hate and abuse, but if what I’m quoting from you below is actually true (I never saw it) then in this one instance you are totally correct and it was completely unacceptable…
“Funny how you kept quiet when one of your fellow loons posted my home address, work address and details of my daily commute on this site, though, isn’t it.”
Have I missed something Scott?
I presume that this website was published to allow the licence fee paying public to discuss and voice their criticism of the BBC. Can I ask – what is your agenda?
Thanks, Becca
Ouch! Well thanks for the honour of the reply Scott(y), only what I’d expected I suppose.
2 points, last time I talk to you, one, what’s it all for, you hate us we dislike you, you get up people’s noses, do you get off on that, really ? How sad. Why not just go back to the welcoming arms of the guardian where you will be loved ?
Two, I have, and always will post only as D1004, no hiding behind other names, believe me or not, up to you, goodbye troll.
Scott you make the mistake of only looking at the world in a gay way and projecting your prelidictions on others (the vast majority) that are in no way inclined in such ways.
You assume that lesbians ‘do it’ for me, you assume my sex life and relationships are somewhat lacking, when in reality its you that is missing out and frustrated by the probable sadness of your existence.
I can take your assumptions and rudeness, but rest assured that if I were to cast aspersions on yourself I have no doubt the ‘victim’ card would immediately be played and you’re somewhat protected in that respect and you know it.
Frankly I don’t give a dam what the bloody program is called and pleased to say I don’t know the story lines, but as a casual Christmas viewer I saw what I saw, that there is no denying.
Keep up the oh so smart retorts if you wish, but their despiration and manicness is bordering on obsessional.
Happy New Year.
Remember the Scrote see’s the world very differently where as most people define themselves in this order
Human ,sex,age ,name ,job , sexual preference.
He and his chorus girls go
Gay,love BBC ,gay ,hate anyone not like me,gay,mock ‘breeders’ ,gay
Amazing how you and Geoff seem to be able to dissect my psyche from afar.
If only your skills in psychoanalysis had any basis in fact. Or, to be frank, weren’t written with such appalling grammar. If you want to come across as intelligent, try not writing like a deranged lunatic, there’s a love.
Hang about, you speak of hypocrisy in your posts and claim we’re ‘dissecting your psyche’ now what were you doing to me in your earlier with reference to lesbians and my personal relationships?
I make no excuses for my grammar, unlike all lefty liberals like yourself I suffer no illusions of grandeur or suffer an ‘oh so’ superior faux intelligence always used in an attempt to make ones point more valid, protected and hiding behind ones ‘minority’ status, all too ready to shout, racist, homophobe or whatever other word is flavour of the day in case the argument don’t go their way…
Do not feed the troll !
You really are a humourless so and so, aren’t you Geoff?
rest assured that if I were to cast aspersions on yourself I have no doubt the ‘victim’ card would immediately be played
Yeah, I’m sure. Or is this another of those cases where Biased BBC commenters use “no doubt” to mean “in the deranged fantasy world that my brain cooks up because I don’t know what I’m talking about”?
” I don’t know what I’m talking about”?
I seriously don’t think you do!
I see Glasgows got its first ebola case.
How come they`re sending the patient down to London?
Thought Scotland was the home of good medical training, had a suitably-great NHS; and that it was an independent country, happy to go it alone.
First tickly throat though, and Sturgeon goes weak at the knees and sends for Dr Kildare down in the UKs “Centre for Treatment”…as she called it.
Couldn`t bear to admit that the British NHS somehow deals with big things better than her local Polyclinics do…reckon said patient needs to stay up there to see if Scotland under Salmond and Sturgeon actually CAN deal with a potential outbreak…or is England just the place where the Scots can dump their medical waste when it gets tough to handle?
London Centre for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Been there for years as a specialist repository for the treatment of things Englishmen caught in Africa.
Because they’re not the common or garden things people in this country catch it makes sense to keep the specialism all in one place rather than to try to spread it around.
Obviously the supposed checks at the departing African airport are not being carried out properly or they would have picked this up.
I wonder how the passengers on both her flights feel now they know what dread disease she has.
All correct and logical-but the BBCs constant trumpeting of the SNP just gets my goat.
The Scots maybe need to know how much the BBCs constant sucking up to the SNP removes any logic, decency and thought from the English at times like this.
Of course, I wish the patient well-don`t intend to slag off the Scots as a people…it`s the likes of the BBC and Sturgeons role with them that galls me.
the snp are pure scum. they’re lower than the shit on my shoe. their whole existence is based on hatred of the english.
Really? In which case can you explain why a number of SNP MSPs are English born. Yes, Englsh born and selected to stand by their local branch membership and then elected by their constituents – kind of a strange way to show a “hatred of the English” is it not?
A few points:
# Scotland is not yet independent.
# Primacy in responding to a case of Ebola lies with the UK government and their plan is being followed
# Scotland is part of the UK
# There is no such thing as the British NHS – differentiating between the UK, Britain and its constituent parts seems to challenge you.
# Your description of the patient as “medical waste” is beneath contempt.
So the Welsh Labour Party have no part in the NHS omnishambles that has skewered its own -like Ann Clwyd for example.
You telling me that the Scots have no autonomy re health policies they carry out north of the border…obesity, drink to name but two?
You also saying that the SNP-Sturgeon etc-don`t play the “better off independent and away from bloody London”-but come an Scot with Ebola( she is Scottish isn`t she, not that it matters)…and it`s left to the Tropical Medicine exotica in the pith helmets from Empire Days-that re expected to pay for it all, as well as cure it.
Albaman-guess the clues in the name…but no need for aimless controversies at this time of Christs birthday festival!
Bless you sir!
PS-medical waste last time I looked referred to sharpies, swabs and suchlike…have you not seen enough soaps from here and the US…or are you still stuck at the Dr Findlay Stage from the 60s?
Beneath contempt is your effort to get the high ground in you attempt at a lowland clearance…and this while you cleared Glencoe for Saviles shellsuit sort outs as he lived and dwelt amongst us.
So Albie…don`t deliberately anthropomorphise what I said…the only waster here is you, and -not being a doctor-you`re not a medical waster.
Now go and bother someone else…you`re just being obtuse as Andy Dufresne once said.
Funny, ‘Albaman’ (one of your many system aliases on this site) how you immediately pop up the minute the SNP are mentioned. I know a few English up here who, as a result of being bullied (nasty comments in the pub, at work and in the community – children bullied etc) have bowed to pressure and in an attempt to feel welcome and wanted have joined in with the bigoted, anti-English nationalists; my neigbour, Andrew, is one of them… a nice guy but a little impressionable and who was vulnerable after a move up from down south and not knowing anybody… he was was bullied at work and tried to be one of them by voting ‘Yes’. Disgusting behaviour which you and your lot will no doubt want to wash your hands of, but which is happening to thousands of English who move up here. I, on the other hand, was always lucky with my fists and have (I still have a scar on my index finger from when I broke one’s nose!) punched the lights out of several loud-mouthed nationalist, both in school and in the pub!
The SNP’s whole ‘us the victims’ philosophy is based on childishly adopting the antithesis of whatever the English do and a seething hatred which extends right back to 1707; I know idiots who’ve never set foot in England and they still hate, evidence perhaps of the way in which this vile loathing is inculcated into Scottish mindsets by parents and wider family and folklore from an early age. It is designed. It’s a nationally fostered bigotry.
And what a provincial and self-obsessed little nation the SNP would like to turn Scotland into; still banging on about Bannockburn (it’s like the English going on about the Normans FFS!), AND what about the NHS being devolved to Scotland and yet Salmond and his minions were lying through their teeth about funding shortfalls right through the referendum; interestingly, when things are going well across Scotland’s healthcare system the successes are claimed by the SNP, yet the opposite is true when, due to their profligacy and mismanagement, services are cut. It’s then the fault of being part of the British NHS.
And how about oil forecasts? Based on Swinney’s voodoo economics, we’d currently all be enjoying a 15 billion deficit . Any apologies for threatening the economy of the UK? No, I didn’t think so. The whole independence movement was predicated on the infantile socialist utopia of oil and anti-Englishness; you were all waxing lyrical about it being ‘our oil, keep your hands off’ and ‘we’ll be one of the wealthiest nations on earth die to our oil resources’ and now the Sturgeon is bemoaning the UK government for not doing more to protect the industry; it’s a f**king disgrace! Part of me wants to see you lot rot, but the majority of lovely and salt-of-the-earth Scots I know and work with prevent me from ever adopting such an -SNP-like bigoted stance. You and your nationalist pals are an utter disgrace, Albaman.
However, thankfully in one way, you lot have gone very quiet and I’m not surprised. You’re very existence is a menace not just to Scotland but the rest of the UK.
Nice rant about “anti-English nationalists” by someone who admits to having ” punched the lights out of several loud-mouthed nationalist, both in school and in the pub!”.
As usual when a “stalwart” of this sit is challenged we get the “one of your many system aliases on this site” assertion.
What other “aliases” do I use Alex?
Are you going to apologise for supporting a political movement that came very close to dismantling the UK economy? How could Swinney and his tellytubbies get their forecasts so badly wrong? The Scottish government is no better than a county council who whine when their pocket money doesn’t cover the cost of the puerile fantasies they wish to implement.
In which way did the SNP come “close to dismantling the UK economy”? How could Swinney get his forecasts so wrong – a question that could equally be asked of Westminster and the OBR etc.
Good to see that you acknowledge that the Scottish Government gets “pocket-money” – clearly the answer to your NHS query where Holyrood have operational control within the fiscal arrangements set out by Westminster!!
In true bBBC style you I note you have not identified my “aliases”.
It wasn’t just the English living in Scotland that had to put up with the abuse, accusations of traitor, chanting, spittle-flecked in your face screaming, and all the other left-wing SNP ‘campaigning’
Yes, indeed, well said Alan! The whole ‘you’re not as Scottish as us’ nationalist rant was risible and revolting in the extreme.
And Albaman, too much pocket money in comparison with what other UK citizens get! Based on ‘Honest’ John’s calculations, I suppose Westminster just cannot trust the Scottish Government with any significant sums of money. Mind you, even one so proud as yourself, Alba, must be breathing a sigh of relief that the little ‘Yes’ wet dream is over, when considering plummeting oil revenues. A bit like you must have felt when RBS went pear-shaped and the collective tax base from the UK citizenry bailed your non-existent economy out. Hang on, haven’t we been doing that bailing out thingy ever since the Darien venture? Better Together, I say!
I love Scotland and am thankful for the incredible amount it’s given to the UK, but I loathe the SNP politics of resentment and envy, each being the hallmarks of far-left ideology.
The one thing that the SNP succeeded with was to set the whole of the UK against each other. The saddest thing was to see Scots tearing each other apart. Even sadder is that it’s still going on and the ones to blame (the politicians) will be going away with nice fat pensions, paid for by all of us.
Albaman’s almost immediate appearance at the very mention of anything related to Scottish Nationalism tells us that he must have some overarching view of who posts what on a regular basis; something to do with the helping to run this site perhaps? Or, a regular contributor with access to administration? Thus, in light of such reasoning I’d induce that he is in fact, Alan. We now have a new theory on potential aliases.
‘Guess the pseudonym owner’ is always a good game, but the hall monitors don’t like it much, until they do, which makes it alright, or something.
But be it false flagging or simply assigning topics around the cubicles, it should be applauded for making identifying an off-topic derailment pretty obvious and allowing those less minded to wade through daft narcissistic whinges or flounces or spiteful grammar pedantry to skip to actual BBC lack of accuracy, objectivity or integrity.
What more inducement can one need?
What? That doesn’t make any sense.
Generally or just to you, you well-coiled new visitor, you?
That doesn’t make any sense.
He rarely does. Thankfully, it doesn’t matter one way or the other, since his utterances are of worth to no-one.
Well, he only made a current remark, although it was rather powerful and highly charged, still best not acknowledge that as resistance is futile I guess.
Perhaps he was impeding the flow of the argument then?
‘He rarely does. Thankfully, it doesn’t matter one way or the other, since his utterances are of worth to no-one.’
Hurtful, if beautifully-crafted, which is what matters. Apparently. Not too sure on the validity of the claim. Maybe that needs substantiating? In a non-Newsnighty kind of way, preferably.
Still, you have a new soul-mate in tandem again to spark off, which is nice. Especially to take over not answering the questions and not responding to what doesn’t matter aspects of variable engagement.
“False flagging” – no!
“assigning topics around the cubicles” – no, never have worked or intend to work in a cubicle!
“off-topic derailment” – take that up with the original poster!
‘“False flagging” – no!
If you say so.
“assigning topics around the cubicles” – no, never have worked or intend to work in a cubicle!
Ditto. Good to know. May be worth noting I wasn’t referring to you, rather the new first half of the latest schizophrenic tag-team?
“off-topic derailment” – take that up with the original poster!
Would that be ‘Inductive’? If so, as a matter of interest, why are you responding to me when I was replying to/addressing his/her claims?
But good to learn of your pride in being able to read. Have a Tony Blair Gold Star.
Either that or I have an ability to read!!
i hate the bbc’s constant anti-ukip campaoign of hate. it’s so biased. .
“President Barack Obama has said race relations in the US are better now than when he took office, despite nationwide protests over police actions”
BBC News latest.
In 2009 the FBI reported 6,604 hate crime incidents involving 7,789 offenses. Of these 48.5 percent were motivated by racial bias.
In 2014 the FBI reported 5,928 criminal incidents involving 6,933 offenses (for year 2013). Of these 49.3 percent of victims were targeted because of the offenders’ racial bias.
That’s about a 10% drop in incidents but a 1% rise in those motivated by race.
Of the 5,814 known offenders (2013), 52.4 percent were white, and 24.3 percent were black or African American. The race was unknown for 14.8 percent. 13.6% of U.S. population are considered Black. 77.7% of total U.S. population are considered White while 62.6% of total U.S. population are considered non Hispanic White.
BBc running “catch up on Christmas” on the I player adverts. Why, I didn’t want to watch that crap first time round. And do my eyes deceive me yes after mentioning it on Saturday they are repeating “Sports relief” the final score again tonight. Not very final then! .
the Socialist Workers (never done a days work in their lives) Party, UAF and Hopeless and Hate are nazis dressed up as peace-loving hippies; but their act is wearing thin. These revolting scum are in league with Muslim extremists and are hell bent in seeing this country fall to Islamic fundamentalism. They are the real threat, not Tommy Robinson.
WTF are the BBC doing giving voice to these foul leftist extremist groups? Labour stooges the lot of ’em.
Well done to Oxford Union for upholding free speech, something the Left is determined to outlaw.
BBC News has just not stupidly at all tweeted this:
Young, gifted and black Rising Tory star Sajid Javid talks to Today guest editor Lenny Henry
Clearly an attempt at balance, or a less than subtle fig lea.. suck up to the guy handling the Charter chat.
The comments so far are ‘robust’, especially from what the BBC usually define as the ‘Asian’ community. Plus some young ones. ‘Gifted’ being more a matter of political fealty.
Not sure trying to tune diversity and ‘ isms between editors and guests to this degree is really working out. Though doubtless Pres. Obama would see it as a triumph.
Hope the BBC, and Mr. Javid, feel it was worth it.
Race card playing bigotPopular comedian Lenny Henry hassomehowdeservedly landed the gig as guest editor on R4 Today. Defying stereotypical assumptions be queries a UKIP MEP who is not white on how he can be in a party with so many horrible racists who despise him and wouldn’t even share a meal with him. Naturally a UKIP MEP has had some experience with UKIP members and in 2 1/2 years has encountered no such racism. The bigot then has another go and affects hilarity that the UKIP MEP would support England at cricket rather than Pakistan.At least the BBC broadcast this #tiredracismslurfail.
Hignfy is going to be a stormer this week.
Can’t quite figure out how long the BBC and its faithful ‘tell it often enough’ warriors are going to persist with the ‘old, white, racist’ meme when the evidence of audiences’ own lying eyes and ears may start leading some to think Jasmine is in full control of the pre-pro as well as edit.
Just so long as she no longer tweets anything stupid in public, at least.
The hypocrisy of this fading comedian(?) is breathtaking. On the supporting article on the BBC’s website he is quoted as saying: “the percentage of BAME people in the creative industries was ‘appalling… because the majority of our industry is based around London where the black and Asian population is 40%’.” Firstly, note the inbuilt London-centric approach (Mr Henry… London is not England). Secondly, where I live the ethnic population is around 3% – does that entitle me to watch programming where 97% of the staff are not from ethnic minorities? Can we have that 97% quota enforced in newsreaders, childrens television presenters, sports presenters (probably not – it would cause a lot of unemployment at the BBC)?
Lenny Henry, “As an Asian UKIP spokesman, you are being used by UKIP. Can’t you see that?”
Says Lenny. On the BBC
Just posted on twitter. Is this a quote, or paraphrase?
Either way, a transcript of Lenny’s racial harmony and political objectivity car crash seems well worth the investment.
Lenny-providing anti comedy solutions now since his Tiswas triumph…and that relied on Spit the Dog in large part.
Lenny would be far better served reminding us all of David Bellamy…not only was the impression fair enough for this limited Brumboy, but Bellamys global warming defenestrations would keep this great man in the public consciousness.
But-wrong message-so Lenny would lose a few FOE gigs and the grooming hand of Harrabin , Shukman, Monbiot and Nanny Stern.
So Lenny stays schtum and goads an Asian Tory, to assuage the multikunti Gods of the BBCs elite.
Good Boy Lenny-your Bafta will follow.
But Gervais has him set …forever..and if he won`t remember Bellamy when we need to, he`s far more of a used shill that Javid ever could be.
Javid never had to black up for the BBC to earn a crust, nor had to play patsy with Derek Hobson before discovering his new Falstaff within.
Lenny the Lion…the Bruce?…more like the Lenny of Mice and Men more like!
Albeit with a Premier Inn lie-in!…Lenny the Lie-in…yes, that`ll do!
Umm, think l fancy a condensed milk sandwich, Thanks our Chris.
When all’s lost career wise, there is always the old race card.
Context here sir!
Henry has no right to accuse a fellow successful child of an immigrant of being -in effect-an uncle Tom.
Lenny was happy enough to play HIS race card, which got him work when others might not have held it-let alone an Equity one.
His Bellamy impression is the point of the piece-if he were really brave and radical he`d stick it to the BBC and their green fascists(that racist too, then seeing they see themselves as people of colour forever marginalised?).
Big difference between racist, racialist and the other forty shades between them…don`t limit yourself with lazy ejector words that mean nothing.
Lenny Henry has played on his colour since he started out-don`t mind that, we Irish did the same.
but to use the BBC to hustle a successful Tory =-or indeed the coming bile that will be aimed at UKIP candidates of the “wrong colour(as the BBC will allege) is disgusting…so no more race card crap eh.
I leave that to Abbott,Howe,Jaspers, Sharpton, Obama, and the likes of Bragg, Livingston, Hague and Neather.
Lenny Henry Britain’s answer to Robert Mugabe. About as funny as anyway.
So Lenny Henry’s theme on Today was to be about ‘race and diversity’.
No it wasn’t. It was about giving poor old whitey yet another kicking for not showing enough positive discrimination towards minorities because, as black Labour MPs and female leftist comediennes have told us in no uncertain terms and as the BBC narrative dictates, you can only be racist if you are white.
So poor old whitey can only look on helplessly at the real racism going on in his multicultural Nirvanah – Muslim industrial-scale gang rape of underage teenage white girls, ‘tensions’ between Eastern Europeans and Asians, gang violence between blacks and Asians, gang violence between black Carribbean and black African, anti-British hatred preached by Imams and in Islamic schools, contempt for our electoral system, victimisation of Jews by Muslims and the Israel-hating Left etc. etc. – fails to grab Our Lenny’s attention.
So a message for the BBC and its Today stooge: ‘issues around race and diversity’ is a tougher topic than you think and is about more than preferential treatment of minorities.
But then I might be jumping the gun because, in all likelihood, another of your ‘guest editors’ will have that covered later in the week, won’t they – you know, in the interests of ‘balance’?
‘It’s about making people from all backgrounds think of this as a career opportunity for them.’ @sajidjavid on diversity in media #r4today
Not the whispering corridors of the hideously market rate top floor or Trust so much, but bylines and tweets suggest the cubicle gardens of the bbc are already a welcoming home.
Egypt court bans Jewish festival for ‘moral offences’
It’s not terrible bias but visiting the grave of Yaakov Abuhatzeira is not actually a Jewish festival but an event for some Jews of Moroccan descent. Despite the ‘scare quotes’ consuming alcohol and mingling of the sexes is permitted for Jews (and Christians) by both Egyptian and Jewish law.
I suspect the real reason is that Egyptian Muslims don’t like Jews.
If this was an article about Israel half or more of the content would be about ‘background’. I suppose it too much to ask to inform the reader that Moroccan Jews constitute an ancient community, immigrating to the region as early as 70 AD. In the 1940s, Morocco’s Jewish population exceeded 250,000. Today, there is approximately 2,000-2,500 Jews.
Jews have been recorded in Egypt from about 650 BC. Between 75,000 and 80,000 Jews lived in Egypt in 1948. Today there are less than 40 and possibly as few as 12.
So, whilst the West is forced into embracing multiculturalism, the Muslim world is actively pursuing Islamic monoculturalism.
One of the absurdities liberalism has created in the world. Try and point this out and abuse follows. This is how a civilisation ends – in absurdity and incoherent rage.
It is not just over Islam it applies to most things dear to the liberal mind.
BBC website banner for the Governments plan to stop people defrauding the NHS is
“Prescription fraud plan criticised”
and then the headline
“Prescription fraud clampdown plan heavily criticised”
From the article it seems it is only being heavily criticised by one person, David Branford chairman of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society who states
“This move to make pharmacists police the Government’s unfair charging system is totally unacceptable to us.”
What is unfair about the charging system? Nothing as far as I can see as all vulnerable people get free prescriptions.
“Our job is to put the needs of vulnerable people first and make sure they get the care they need.”
No it is not, it to hand over medicines! Also do not ask me stupid questions every time I buy a packet of Disprin.
Any attempt to stop the NHS leaking cash from abuse of the system is surely good news.
He also said they were not going to act as ‘tax collectors for the government’ – a typical leftist distortion of reality and that it would lead to a ‘loss of trust’ with the patient – presumably that would include those he ‘trusts’ to fleece the NHS of £200miilion-plus per year.
I’d guess – but it’s only a guess – it’s part of an agenda to make prescriptions free to all.
The government needs to get tough: any pharmacist refusing to use the new system should be struck off the NHS list of providers.
Charge the chemist the fee if they dont check the prescription,they will soon check them when it costs them money
Something for the consideration of the BBC’s Aaqil Ahmed, Commissioning Editor Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics
Buried in the press today is news that the BBC has dropped a documentary on Prince Charles detailing the PR he undertook after Diana’s death.
The Mail says that the lawyers have been involved although everyone is in denial as to the reasons. Must have have a touched a royal nerve. And a pretty supine reaction as usual from the BBC.
‘It is said to be critical of Prince Charles’ attempt to rebuild his reputation’
In the spirit of ‘it is said’, I’d heard from sources close to the BBC carpark that it was actually a scoop from Rog Harrabin involving payoffs from Big Wind laundering passing the Duchy cash his way through organic marmalade bulk orders, but those top floor types who never mess with editorial integrity until they do pulled it on the basis of 28 Days being another time. Or a gate. Or something.
Maybe it was just a p*ss-poor history of getting accusations stick-worthy before rushing to air?
‘The BBC2 documentary is presented by Steve Hewlett’
That would not by chance be the same one who ‘comments’ objectively on media issues, and was a key impartial witness to ‘The Future of the BBC’ inquiry where he was apparently unaware of such as Climategate, but if he had known, was sure the BBc was in the clear.
That Steve Hewlett?
Dorchester Hotel breastfeeding rumpus on Twitter and Womans Hour?
But of course.
Shooting of “unarmed and vulnerable young black students” in a foreign land…the USA?
But of course-takes a village to raise a child and all that..barbaric and send for Piers.
Send for Womans Hour, Cathy Newman ready to go to camera?
Yet when it comes to Islam…vulnerable young women feeding her baby in public somewhere foreign and with darker skins than us?
Oh dear-tumbleweed, silence, omerta and total subservience and supplication to the Patriarchal Bastard in the Black Flag.
Oh dear-the sistas have gone all Tessa Jowell on us.
Still-there must be a few “This is What A feminist Looks Like” T-shirts still going-extend the hemline and you`ve got a new grey burqa so Jenni, Jane and Mishal can keep their own counsel when it comes to any REAL courage over how women suffer under Islamic barbarians.
Still-though Russell Brand eh-boxers or briefs?
PS…do those T-shirts allow for breast-feeding then…hardly feminist if they don`t , even if all you get are vinegar mounds from bitter old lefties behind them?
Less fuss from the anti-BBC about this than Farage’s comments on breastfeeding?
Just read the article on punishment for breastfeeding. Don’t expect any outrage from the media feminists who went for Farage on the subject: they are too busy wetting their knickers with fantasies about romance with those black shrouded ‘militants’ who usually appear in heroic (socialist realism) poses in BBC photos.
Something about ‘global happiness’ on BBC Radio Manchester this morning – Andy Crane gleefully tells us that despite ‘fears’ of benefit tourism, ‘only’ 4% of the world want to come and live here. That’s only about 300,000,000 people by my reckoning. Funny how he didn’t put it in language we can all understand, eh? No doubt the BBC will actively campaign for entry for those people as they do for all the flotsam and jetsam of the world. First up, that Zimbabwean who was miraculously deported.
Beeboids’ New Year political resolution, already enacted under politbureau boss Tony HALL’s not innocuous ‘DIVERSITY.’
‘Diversity,’ as politically enforced by Beeboids, means:
a.) campaigning for open-door, unlimited mass immigration,
b.) imposing anti-white, pro-black discrimination,
c.) preferential treatment and non-criticism of Islam,
and relegation and denigration of Christianity.
Three current snippets relating to above-
“Is the media industry sufficiently diverse?”
“Diane Abbott on becoming one of the first four black MPs in 1987”
“BBC’s head of religion Aaqil Ahmed calls for more ‘literacy’ at the top”
Will Beeboids give programme editing over to National Black Police Asssociation next?:-
All in the phoney name of ‘diversity.’
The BBC’s Obamalove again: no coverage of this act of supreme selfishness where Obama’s need for another round of golf meant a shift of venue for a US service couple’s wedding. AFAIAA this is nowhere on the BBC website nor on BBC TV/radio. Just imagine if any of the Bush family had been involved! BBC24 would have still been issuing special bulletins.
And at least a series worth of ‘jokes’ on The News Quiz, HIGNFY etc etc
It’s an ill wind …
Our Clive Myrie has been out in the Pacific on dodgy satelite link ups on Tsumani Watch for the chattering classes this winter holiday.
He was looking like the little boy who cried wolf in the Philipines a couple of weeks ago when Hurricane/Typhoon/Big Tropical (or should that be Topical Storm, Margaret/Teresa/Sarah Palin [delete hate figure as applicable] failed to devastate on cue.
Now the plucky lad with the air miles turns up in the Java Sea (or thereabouts) for the Air Asia crash. Be fair – it’s a Lenny Henry approved job of work placement, and all this disaster porn don’t fluff itself.
Roll up roll up…. to see the distraught relatives and get your incomprehensible farce of a press conference by head honcho guy in dayglow military sleeveless shirt and egg yolk baseball cap – and all those medals – don’t ask who these guys have been fighting but they must have won big.
Made the mistake of waking early and putting R4 Today for the first time in ages. Good God it’s getting worse – Big platform given to Piketty (some French communist), then a spot of race hustling with Lenny Henry. It’s either that or the gay angle on this or the feminazi point of view on that..
I’m sure we used to have bog standard radio ‘news’ years ago, or was that some false memory implanted in me?
Turns out Black Betty was a crow all along.
thanks for clearing that up bBC.
news to me that libdems are in alliance with fianna fail, Ireland’s bnp and unashamedly extremist nationalist party. how odd that this poisonous alliance isn’t given the ukip treatment?
Now there’s a surprise…
Blimey comments ,given leftist nature of ‘indy’, bit of a surprise
Yes, Stewart, I just had a quick look and some great comments!! lol
Good link, thanks.
Would a muslim country have a Christian in charge of religious affairs and ethics on their State television? I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.
So, why here?
This is why we need the B-BBC off the government meal ticket. In the UK, the widely scorned ‘Mail’ outsells the establishment ‘Guardian’ by 10 to 1.
In the USA where channels compete for viewers, Fox has beaten the others for the 13th year in a row –
This is what will kill the B-BBC – competition! Not really tough competition – just ANY competition!
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