Alright folks, 2015 begins and here is the first new OPEN THREAD of this fresh year. It’s going to be a BIG year here in the UK as the Nation goes to the polls to elect a new Government. We can be confident of but one thing – the BBC will do everything possible to damage the prospects of UKIP and the Conservative party. The floor is yours…
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At last the BBC made me laugh for once.!!
This morning I turned on BBC4 Extra, the announcer warned that the next program was made some time ago and standards weren’t the same at that time as they are now and listeners were warned that the expression “Old Boiler” would occur. I had to switch off because a few of the women I used to know would have been offended.
Bbc finds that Japan’s shrinking population is a cause for concern
No mention of Japan’s refusal to take any economic migrants, or of the fact that this in effect a very green policy, a country shrinking its population so as to live within its food and power production limits. Japan will weather the drop in population until the numbers balance out around 2050. It will then be living within its economic and environmental means with a population which all speak and sing from the same hymn sheet ( if you pardon the expression ). Japan will be a blessed place, free from the ravages of third world locusts, safe on its island, independent of the EU and it’s ilk. Well able to weather any political, economic and environmental storms. I wonder if we on this similar island will be in such a happy place in 2050 ? Somehow I doubt it.
Japan is still a nation in the real sense of the word and will remain so. I have no doubt modern Western liberalism is as incomprehensible to the Japanese as is Japan to us. Long may Japan continue to thrive and survive. When Europe is a wasteland the Japanese and a few other East Asian countries will inherit the world and continue to preserve the arts of civilisation.
Incidentally I would not want to be a country that tried to interfere with Japan. May have one of the most formidable navies in the world and certainly the armed forces of Japan would cause any Western army to take fright and run.
All in all an enviable nation.
That would be the very enviable monocultural Japan. A lesson for us all.
Japan and other East Asian countries will continue to preserve the arts of civilisation? The only thing they’ll be interested in preserving is their own civilisation and culture, not the world’s. They weren’t so cultured or honourable when they starved and killed numerous P.O.W. I’m not sure where you’re from, but unless you’re Asian yourself you don’t seem too concerned about your own culture – in fact you seem to anticipate the ending of it with glee. Hey, perhaps you should get a job with the BBC. Your type are right up their alley.
Not wanting to start a row or to totally agree with what others have added to my original post, however I do have a few comments. My original point in drawing attention to the beebs story was their lack of seeing a drop in population in Japan, or indeed anywhere in this crowed world as a good, sustainable aiming point for all of us. The greens et al are all for sustainability but no one seems to see the only route to this is a zero population growth. The Japanese do have an ancient civilisation, and a culture all of their own, I would not pretend they have any great desire to adopt ours or to offer any help to save it, in fact the only thing they can do is to show us a shining example of what course to follow to survive the coming mass die off when the planet catches up with humans trying to pull a ponzi scheme on it.
They were rather nasty in the war and I am glad I did have to fight them as my late father in law did. He fought them in Burma as a Chindit, one time meeting them head on on a jungle trail! However the war is long over, we drive their cars, we are spending a lot of money on their new trains, they no longer cause trouble in the world so as far as I’m concerned they deserve to survive what’s probably coming in this century.
Excellent post D1004, how could the Green Nazis dispute it…..but they will, calling migrants locusts, tut tut, actually very apt, can i use it? Our population should be around 45M for us to be self sustaining…… we approach 70M plus….utter madness…….and our simple leaders just sigh and shrug……we need a hard man like Putin now, he told the muslims to, in effect, go f*** themselves….damn right.
Personally, I blame the big pink seahorse in the sky…
Only a matter of time until this story travels south of the border.
As a former teacher and principal teacher who has worked in both state and private schools, I can tell you that bad behaviour is almost purely to do with Left-wing policies over the last few decades. But, as the Left’s policies fail, they resort to blaming everyone else.
Mark Mardell says it’s going to be an interesting year in politics.
The article is as deep as a childrens’ inflatable garden pond but the problem I have with the bias in his article starts before I’ve read the first word.
It begins with the picture they’ve used which only shows the three tired old political leaders and parties – Cameron(Conservative), Miliband(Labour) and Clegg(Liberal).
The picture mentioned is not only outdated politically due to the fact the vote is now split “a thousand different ways” but it also takes no thought for the political force of UKIP which is THE single biggest change taking place in British politics.
I’m sure a better and more representative image could be made and used with these articles which reflects the political landscape but it seems the BBC are bent on clinging to and pushing the same bland, wishy-washy, won’t rock the boat parties.
I notice that “Nihal”, has turned up on BBC 5Live … replacing the morning dose of VD?.
A sideways shift?, from BBC “Asian”,(promoting Islamic interests and propaganda), to BBC 5Live,(often … promoting Islamic interests and propaganda)
Sheesh! … he should feel right at home
I’ve only heard Nihal once and thought he was very fair in his handiling of a debate between Nick Lowles of the group Hope Not Hate, Robert Spencer and Iman Dudwallah. You can find the interview and my comments here.
NotaSheep – Just listened to your link re Nihal. Thanks for that. We need more interviewers like him on BBC questioning the Muslim Jihad deniers.
He gave Robert Spencer decent slots to counter that ‘leftie’ bigot from ‘Hope-not-hate’, Nick Lowles, plus he well challenged the Iman on many points.
Definitely well worth a listen, especially the bit where robert Spencer can quote from the Koran and the Iman found great difficulty being as competent! Nihal said, “well you are the Iman”!
Yes that ‘Well you are an Iman” remark was radio gold. It does make you wonder what the levels required of Imams are.
Turned on Radio 5 this morning at 10.10am, Nihal was discussing some ship with no crew, sounds like the Mary Celeste, but packed with immigrants off the coast of Italy with a Guardian ‘journalist’ and a Labour MP.
It’s business as usual, they just can’t help it.
I feel very sorry to a ship of migrants having to share room with a Labour MP and a ‘Guardian Journalist ‘ truly a horrible fate has befallen them 🙂
Curious piece on BBC R4 Today programme today by China editor Carrie Gracie. It seemed to suggest that Islamic extremism and Islamic terrorism is the inevitable and justifiable result of people’s grievances. The word “appeasement” comes to mind.
Yes, very curious. One of the reasons quoted for Uiga grievance was “economic marginalisation” by Han Chinese. In others words “these Han are coming over here and taking our jobs”. None of the usual BBC clichees seem to apply. The Uiga are racist or xenophobic, the Uiga are too stupid or lazy to compete with the Han, the Uiga are in some unspecified “state of anxiety” which prevents them from acting rationally and welcoming the Han with open arms. If this is one of the reasons that justifies Uiga terrorism (it could not be the ROP) then why do the BBC find it so difficult to accept that ” economic marginalisation” would not have the same effect on the indigenous English population. Clearly, the Chinese government have adopted the policy of “Hanification” to destroy the cultures of Tibetans and Uigas. Mass immigration to marginalise an indiginous culture. The British government adopts a mass immigration policy and the BBC denies that cultural or economic marginalisation will result. The inescapable conclusion must be that the British government wants to destroy the indigenous British population or suffers from some form of collective stupidity that prevents it from seeing the consequences of its policy as clearly as the Chinese government does.
Just seen the rest of the Boy In A Dress.
I`m changing my opinion of it….whereas I know it`s all PC race affirming codswallop by the BBC Liberati….here`s why I`m changing my mind( if only Eurovision voting was so easily altered).
1. The teachers are accurate…the ditzy faux liberal Eurofrizz, the thick PE teacher on his mobile wanting a CV boost and the uniform creepy obsessions of Senior Management and duped up, jumped up admin support staff is easily observable in most Scholls these days( don`t tell Dez, Albie or Scott that there`s a pun there).
2. The Great God football gets a terminal hit here…the idea of fusing fashion with football deserves further mockery…and shafts the Olympix crapola over sports participation…hyper competitive “gyzangals” get the money, awards and attention…those who just want a bit of exercise and to learn table tennis get banished to the drinks machine and fatty foods outlets in school or (better still) outside.
Both these things need saying and doing-and if Walliams is Gods chosen vehicle for that, then fine by me.
That said-the crap about “expelling” anyone at the school is a lie-even Ann Maguires killer could not have been expelled without the usual bullshit and excuses to keep him “suitably provided for in terms of his life chances”…so that heads “actions” were very way off beam…typical privately-educated BBC scriptwriters to blame for that, I`m sure…
Are we allowed to turn turtle?…gloop, gloop!
Oh Goody.
St Joan Rivers of New Jersey(RIP, Peace Be Upon Her!)…gets her revenge post-death.
Our God Reigns…and a joy to see Selena Gomez(no, me neither) getting her come uppance…doing a Katy Perry, I`ll call it.
Compared to
God Bless Joan-God Bless Israel…and stuff the poppets who simply reflux what John Stewart tells them to.
ChrisH, God does Bless Israel (and Christians), as we know from the Bible. It’s all the others who should be fearful for their future existence. I just hope I don’t have to spend eternity in the company of bbc employees, regardless of my final destination. Oh and Happy New Year to you and everyone else.
Right back at you John.
The Good Guys DO win…I`ve read the Book to the End, and it`s pretty clear for anybody who bothers their arse to read it.
“Some People won`t be told you know, they have to learn the hard way”@Elvis Costello “Tokyo Storm Warning”/1989.
Last decent line he wrote…
John, all BBC employees will go straight to Hell, along with their Muslim friends.
Joan Rivers on race hustler Darcus Howe.
One of my audio highlights of last year…and thanks to you for putting this masterclass up.
I`m wondering if I write the useless Darcus obituary in advance, it might get him to reflect and make his peace with life…a serial grievance monger who gave us Terry Christian-and ( to be fairer) Johnny Marr.
Who could forget his getting his car nicked on Tyneside whilst doing some hustling on Channel 4…and his comedy gold as he negotiated with the ” borrower of his wheels” by phone?
Haway the lads!…and Joan splatters the faux-phonie all over the portakabin in this clip.
A timeless repeat that gets better with age…you listening Citizen Khan?
My bin-men must be recent social science graduates
One of the recycle compartments on their wagon has a label that caught my eye….
not ‘mixed’ or ‘various’
or even ‘miscellaneous’
nope, this greasy trash aperture is stencilled – ‘co-mingled’
I blamed social science pretentions for taking on airs here when a common usage would have been more suitable. I dread to think what might happen if the language of the liberal arts essay is to be applied ever more liberally to our local council street furniture.
Come on Radio 4 satirists, don’t you ever notice this stuff?
By the way, ‘co-mingled’ turns out to be a perfectly acceptable real English word. Shakespearean, no less. Hamlet iii. ii. 67 Blest are those, Whose Blood and Judgement are so well co-mingled.
So I may have misjudged. There may be rogue English Lit fan at the council depot.
Perhaps I can expect to read a new council leaflet : to recycle or not to recycle, that is the question…
Or even “Much ado about nothing”!
Clandestine litter incidents, so we`ll be calling them soon.
And not a BBC comedy writer will see what gutless unfunny arses they`ve all become.
And how do I classify my halogen lightbulb now its popped?…I`ll not sleep, having buried it in the back garden in a black jiffy bag and a 50 year warning notice.
ChrisH you’re on fire, mate! More power to yer elbow, and a hap-hap-happy new year to you and yours.
I have been a refuse and recycling analysist transporter in my time and know the problems that can be encountered.
Well I drove a dustcart and said ” yeah , that looks like it could go in ‘
Then moved gear lever and onwards 7 yards .
Well, ths bbbc seems to have managed it!!!!
I have been watching out throughout the whole of the Christmas period and I cannot recall one reference made by any bbbc presenter (news, that is) where they have actually referred to the fact that it is Christmas…there are no Christmas lights, no Christmas Tree in the background and I’m sure that if someone was watching the news if they didn’t know it was Christmas they would’nt realise it was so. All I can recall is the programme they showed on either Christmas or Boxing Day evening at prime time about some boy that wanted to dress up as a girl and the other thing was Eastenders a programme which I cannot even view without vomitimg.
How can this be the case in what is supposed to be a Christian country. Why does everything have to be so passive? Why do I have to defer to other cultures? Why do I pay so much for a crap state news media?
I expect the bias to become more extreme and more desperate as the genral election approaches.
Happy New year to all (except Scott….lol).
Really? The Christmas idents for BBC One were composed entirely of Christmas trees! News presenters wished people Happy Christmas and “Happy Christmas” appeared on screen. There’s a massive Christmas tree in the Newsroom and it’s in almost every shot. Staff even danced round it!
How on earth can you say there were no Christmas trees on the BBC? It’s just bizarre. Almost as bizarre as 30 people agreeing with you.
Are you the Scott Bryan in the link? The name Scott rings a bell…
You are missing the point. The BBC pays lip service at best to the Christian celebration. Your link shows episodes that I’ve never seen. Were they internal acts?
The BBC broadcast:
Carols from King’s on both TV and Radio (also the first ever TV broadcast of it from 1954)
‘On Angel Wings’, an animated adaptation of the Nativity.
Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve on BBC Radio 4
‘Fern Britton Meets…’, reflecting on faith at Christmas.
‘Good Morning Christmas’
‘The Christmas Big Sing’
Live worship on BBC1 from Arundel cathedral and St George’s Parish, Leeds
Plus lots more, all of which can be seen here:
You really think that is the BBC “paying lip service” to the Christian celebration of Christmas?
My only complaint with idents, what I saw of them switching over away from the BBC!, was why don’t they do as they did in the past and only use them during Christmas? Not the entire 12 days, the length of the festival is forgotten by the majority, but from Christmas Day to “shutdown” on New Year’s Day. Shame they spread them out over the entire month now. Different era I suppose before the BBC went bonkers and it was the majority of the available viewing, made nice programmes, etc. etc. etc. and so on. 😉
But yes lots of trees. Quite pretty.
BBC3’s FA Cup’s 50 Greatest Moments and with Russell Brand, Rio Ferdinand and half a dozen others, it seemed like it was a ‘who’s got the stupidest voice competition’. Brand won but it was tough competition. Is it possible to turn on the BBC and not see this twat? Some dubious inclusions if you ask me – The Anfield Rap, Elton John crying – he wasn’t there cos he ticked the gay box was he? Come to think of it, Ferdinand ticked two boxes – black and disabled (he has a wonky gob). Space for botters but where was Charlie George, for example? It mainly consisted of people I’ve never heard of, too young to have been possibly there, commentating on things they’ve never heard of. Quick watch this and say something funny. Blah, blah, blah, bow tie. If that wasn’t bad enough, they continually pissed themselves at their own lame jokes. Awful, awful, shit … a programme that encapsulates today’s BBC.
How did Rio get that gig?…a right woodentop, who can hardly read his autocue and with all the personality of Phil Nevilles air freshener.
Right shade of course-drugs test dodging of course…and guessing that will come in handy at the BBC now Stuart Hall has vacated the medical room.
But as a United fan…Rio`s a right tool…hope Yeovil turn them over, and get the fancy dans to turn a spade and deal with that residual flooding…looking like a load of European navvies with those hi-viz training bibs…Wazza the gangmaster eh?
“Glovers All Around”(RIP Reg Presley!)
I was hoping I’d seen the back of Ferdinand when he left United but I suppose it was inevitable that he should wash up on the Beeb as he ticks a couple of boxes – blackish, Liverpool fan (oh, yes he is), rapper and film-maker (Jeeezus H) and not forgetting his extra-curricular activities which make Giggs look like a choirboy. Usually, his homophobic and racist statements would get him banned from the Beeb but he gets a pass cos he’s sort of black. Red Issue used to call him the ‘wonky-gobbed tosser’ … I couldn’t agree more. Him and the BBC, a match made in heaven.
I was surprised. Tranmere’s comeback form 3-0 down to 4-3 from the noughties, (I forget the exact year) was not included, and as a Newcastle fan I had to sigh when I saw Ronnie Radford.
Beeboids seem to have missed the significance of this:-
“Europe’s Year of the Jihadist”
Read more: Family Security Matters
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Does anyone know the original setting of Dahl’s Esio Trot?
Was it really Bethnal Green, or was this just an opportunity to give the story added diversity in last nights bBC adaptation?
The usual local suspects ably support by El-beeb are deeply upset by preparations for terrorist attacks
But finds no space for this story which shows that the preparations might be well founded,
Strange old world , eh ?
And in another story, the fate of an ex beeb white man
is obviously of far more interest than the fate of women in another part of the Islamic world who step out of line,
Have they run their editorial priorities past the sisters in Salford Towers ? Probably not. The bbc, all for diversity apart from when it affects one of their own kind.
Not forgetting the plight of Asia Bibi, who at least the Beeb seem to have heard of, even if she doesn’t make any headlines.
Chutzpah! The hypocrisy of the BBC has no limits. An article on the website (see tells us ten interesting things we have learned, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, which is 10 years old. The article helpfully explains: The law, which came into force on 1 January 2005, gives everyone the right to obtain much of the information held by public authorities (with numerous substantial exceptions). What it doesn’t mention is that aside from the obvious exceptions (e.g. relating to matters of national security) the main public authority that doesn’t have to provide information or simply refuses to do so is the BBC itself. A nice little get-out cause citing “journalistic reasons” is sufficient for them to ignore any FOI requests directed at themselves. And they use it over and over again – Climategate 28, Balen report, TV licensing, expenses, etc etc…
Well spotted Ian.
They featured this on Five Live yesterday in one of those hypocritical moments that makes you want to drive into a ditch.
Not just the hypocrisy of it, but most of the examples they broadcast were designed to embarrass the government. I recall that the Labour Party were accused of using FOI requests at last election, delving back in time to pre 1997 to show how nasty the Tories were when they were in government.
Clearly the FOI act is being used as a weapon by both Labour and their colleagues in the BBC. It would be interested to find out from the BBC what FOI’s they have requested, why and when.
Balen anyone?
I sought information from a London council under the Freedom of Information Act.
I was told that it would take too long so I couldn’t therefore have it.
It would in fact have taken less than 1 minute. I knew this because they didn’t have the data anyway.
The Act protected their failings.
Who brought the Act in? Labour under Blair.
Freedom of Information Act? Oxymoron big time!
I came across this in a book I was reading. Written long ago but far more relevant now
“Uneasiness in our souls”
This is what the liberal elite’s policies of the last 50 years have bought us to in England. A nagging uneasiness that will only increase and never go away.
Now it is no business of politicians to create this ,That is a dereliction of their duty. That the state media and the liberal media been complicit goes without saying.
There is no certainity that this country will survive in the way it has for generation upon generation.
There is some sickness in the liberal mind that he cannot bear the thought of the endless flow of generations rooted in the nation and it’s shared memory.
This year must begin the fight back against liberalism. This site is about BBC bias but much more. It is, I hope , part of the fightback and a place where the conservative can express his or her’s views.
Give the liberal no time and no respect. The liberal will give you none and is on the other side in the battle for this nation’s future.
spot-on, dave.
bbc ‘news’ reporting on the Italian case: described as ‘migrants’.
Nothing illegal about it, obviously.
What the BBC and the Left simply leave out of the reports is the fact that this is planned and organised; they all know that no country in the EU will refuse a drifting boat full of men, women and children… it’s a ploy which the organisers know the sopping wet, sandal wearing EU liberal dhimmis will fall for every time. Expect more of the same and thousands more immigrants arriving in the EU. They’ll all start to make their way here as soon as possible.
I think Al Beeb have now camouflaged them as ‘clandestine migrants’ now …
Whatever you call them,you can bet that some of these will be heading this way as we are part of the EU. I find it odd that they don’t head to the rich middle eastern countries ?
why would they? this is dar al-islm now.
R4 this evening, talking to a beeboid in Turkey, who has been able to find a cafe in Istanbul where ‘someone’ can arrange a trip on a boat for $500.
So we know that it’s common knowledge in Turkey who is arranging this, and as the ship is leaving Turkey then we know the ‘Government’ is turning a blind eye to this illegality upon the high seas. These pricks are a part of NATO and want into Europe, they are taking the piss. Any questions of who is allowing this to happen ? No. Any questions of what happens when the inevitable happens and a dodgy ship carrying 1000 sinks with all hands in a storm ? No.
Like I said on another thread, Europe is under attack by slow speed cruise missiles UNTIL someone bites the bullet and turns them round on the high seas and points them back to the bloody Turks to sort out.
Why isn’t the option of towing these ships back to Africa never voiced let alone considered?
The Australian Navy does it – so can the Royal Navy. We are being invaded. The next five months should be interesting as we head to general election . What will Cameron and Farage promise ?
Well it didn’t take long for them to have a pop at UKIP:
The Last Days of Farage
A series of satirical, barbed, bittersweet fifteen-minute comedy musicals.
With over thirty musicals selling out in the West End night after night – the British public (and the Radio 4 audience) cannot get enough of them, therefore …
In true West End style, artistic licence is well and truly taken and stretched, as easily identifiable public figures are dressed up, gilded, fabricated and placed against a random musical backdrop for sugar coated consumption. The stories are simple and engaging but with an edge – allowing the audience to enjoy all the conventions of a musical (huge production numbers, tender ballads and emotional reprises) whilst we completely re-interpret events in major celebrities’ lives.
Beautifully crafted with astronomically high production values 15 Minute Musical does for your ears what chocolate does for your taste buds. All in fifteen minutes!
Winner of the Writers Guild of Great Britain Radio Comedy Award this series provides an energy boost and a seasonal treat at 1815 over the Christmas week.
Other episodes include:
Ra Ra It’s Puti
A camp look at Russia’s greatest love machine.
Half A Sixth Form
Michael Gove has a licence to teach.
Julian And The Assanging Technicolour Download
An overly dramatic and musical look at Julian Assange.
It’s A One-Hit-Wonderful Life
Simon Cowell contemplates ending his career until his guardian angel Susan Boyle appears to show him life without Cowell – It’s A Wonderful Life.
Heaven Knows I’m Middle-Aged Now
Morrissey looks for a new musical collaborator.
Notice the people they are having a go at are all hate figures of the Fascist left, there isn’t a left amongst those they’re denigrating. Satire is one thing but this crap isn’t even funny (in true BBC comedy style)
I’d complain but the BBC doesn’t have a complaints department so what’s the point?
Well posted
So, when can I expect to see a similar programme entitled
‘The Last Days of Ed Milliband’ or ‘The last days of Nick Clegg’ or ‘The Last Days of David Cameron’ and especially ‘The Last Days of Alex Salmond’
This identifies the very great problem with the bbbc. If one could expect any of the above it would demonstrate less bias but the bbbc is SO biased that they just churn out propaganda rather than bias. They will become more and more biased and extreme in the days ahead, I am convinced
I’m glad they came out .
Like a drug abuser or alcoholic , the darlings in the BBC try to hide their prejudice , but this time of the year they usually let slip .
Well said. It’s as likely as the Pakistan State Television allowing a Christian to be their Religious Affairs chief.
To coin an apt RAF phrase, the flak is always heaviest when directly over the target. Is this overtly biased output indicative of the fact that the BBC thinks it is now in the corporate equivalent of a war of national survival? I do hope so.
Thoughtful, I agree with you that most are among their hate figures, but Assange and Morrissey are of the left (Assange especially so – I would imagine his would be a lot more sympathetic than the rest).
Have you heard Morriseys views on Pakistani’s and Bangladeshi’s?
In his own words ” I don’t hate them but I dislike them with a passion”. He sued the New Musical Express when they accused him of ‘racism’ and the cowardly Fascists settled on the courtroom steps.
Although he is an aggressive vegan, and started off as a right old leftie, as he became older & wealthy he moved to the states and his political beliefs moved to the right.
Assange is wanted for Rape and as far as the left is concerned that is a crime that any white male is guilty as soon as the accusation is made. A few conspiracy theorists are supportive, but mostly the Fascists want him to face the music regardless of judicial bias. . Comments to the shows’ producer perhaps? I found it in a few minutes of Googling.
Good God, you would not believe how abysmal this is;
I listened for two minutes. Did it really go on for 15 minutes?
I lasted just over 2 minutes. What utter crap.
And Dead Wringings afterwards smelt like Arthur Askeys slippers!
Utter bilge…and so nasty…the likes of Patrick Stewart at least earned their luvviedom by having some hinterland and some talent-the likes of Culshaw are Yarwoods ventiloquists…and, again, he at least had some kindness to him.
The Left are truly ugly people…to mock real people (Gogglebox)-or the likes of Caroline Ahearne(who is a gifted writer and comedian) just shows how the end of Rag Week coincided with the explosion of anti-comedy like “Dead Ringings”…f***in useless.
An Israeli defense analysis center on Thursday released the names of 50 Gazan terrorists killed in combat with Israel this summer, whose identities were kept by Hamas from Palestinian casualty lists.
The Tel Aviv-based Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center said all of the combatant casualties were members of Hamas’s military wing, the Izzadin Kassam Brigades.
“The names did not show up on other casualty lists publicized by organizations affiliated with Hamas and the Palestinian Authority,” said the center, which is a part of the Israeli Intelligence and Heritage Commemoration Center, founded by leading members of the Israeli intelligence community.
According to the study, 52% of Palestinian casualties from the conflict were terrorists and 48% civilians.
BBC please note…( I know…Pigs might fly) The attempt to censor the names “stem from Hamas’s policy of deliberate concealment, in order to serve the diplomatic, media, and legal campaigns against Israel,” Dr. Reuven Erlich, head of the Terrorism and Intelligence Center, told The Jerusalem Post. He urged international bodies that cite Palestinian casualty lists to be wary, calling such lists “not serious.”
Presumably the 48% civilians killed includes those dragged behind trucks, those stood up against a wall, those children killed by misfiring rockets, those children forced to dig tunnels, those made to stand next to buildings used to store weapons and killed by air strikes, fuck it, how many were real causalities caught in the middle of a war, 10% ?
I was browsing Youtube tonight when I noticed this video.
It’s not often I would post a Youtube clip on here but what we see in this video is, for me, the end result of the left-wing dogma that is crippling this world.
What you’re about to see is a decent, caring, humane Police Chief who is broken by the politics of the left-wing loudmouths and left-wing MSM.
Listen carefully to the statistics that he fires off in relation to crime.
Maybe I’m turning soft in my old age(41!) but watching the emotion and frustration coming from Police Chief Edward Flynn left me heart-broken.
I don’t need to explain how the BBC fits into this.
Kudos to him!
What a star that Chief is, all power to him.
I am not a UKIP supporter but I am watching the anti UKIP nasty digs slipping into all sorts of programmes of the non political variety. Watching Room 101 and already 2 nasty remarks including Ronnie Dancona suggesting that someone should stand on Nigel Farage’s windpipe. I couldn’t imagine anyone suggesting the same for either of the two Eds. They would never work on the BBC again.
Yes, heard that comment myself.
She was actually encouraging someone to effectively choke him, cause bodily harm. Nice. Still, it does show that yet another “comedian” employed by the BBC turns out to be a raging lefty, this time one happy to incite violence.
I didn’t notice any other “political” joke in the programme aimed at other parties, other than the 2 anti UKIP ones. Anyone keeping a tally of these “under the radar” snippets of bias? I can understand if not, because most, like me, probably try to avoid as much BBC as possible, making it harder to keep accurate records!
It’s going to ramp up now, 5 more months to throw everything at fighting for Labour. I am surprised they haven’t yet got the weather presenters slipping in the odd anti-Tory/UKIP pro-Labour bit. (Vote Labour for better weather etc). BBC scum.
“Where do you stand on Nigel Farage. On his windpipe. Preferably”. That was after a rant about not wanting to talk to the little people cos they bored her and another about some wanky enclave in Peckham. To say she came across badly is an understatement. Oh well, at least we were spared her god-awful Ruby Wax impression.
She’s got cracking norks, though.
UKIP; Why is everyone so politically incorrect? Let’s poke fun at everyone! EXCEPT UKIP YOU RACIST BASTARDS
I haven’t seen the show, but that question was a bit of a setup wasn’t it? “Where do you stand on….”. Wonder if there was collusion with Skinner in planning the programme?
Let’s have a libleftyw*nkerlist of all the luvvies who give us the benefit of their political wit and wisdom.
You know, all the ‘comics’, actors, presenters ,’journalists’ and other assembled Great and Good types whose political and economic wisdom extends to Arts degrees, ‘community service’ experience, and expertise in the OPM (Other People’s Money)principle:-
Here’s some to start:
Jeremy Hardy
Lenny Henry
Russell Brand
Jo Brand (no relation??)
Mark Steele, Susan Calman, Marcus Brigstocke…
Didn’t see it myself, being telly-free (and in the pub anyway). But didn’t someone not long ago mention having to rip the windpipe out of the Alibai-Brown woman if he ever found himself on the same programme as her, and all hell breaking loose?
Sause, goose, gander.
Anyone recall how Yasmin Alibi Brown reacted to Fabricant suggesting that she should be ‘punched in the throat’. Nasty and stupid thing to say but outrage and blanket coverage of that outrage is only for the left/
She should be sent back to Africa with only the clothes she stands in and a toothbrush……..whining, racist bitch.
Anybody read the bBC coverage of the Jeffrey Epstein affair which has of today dragged in Prince Andrew:
Prince Andrew sex case claim denied
Buckingham Palace has denied “any suggestion of impropriety with underage minors” by Prince Andrew, after he was named in US court papers. A woman named him in documents she filed in a Florida court over how prosecutors handled a case against financier Jeffrey Epstein. She claims that between 1999 and 2002 she was forced by Epstein to have sex with the prince when she was a minor.
God forbid, a paedophile within the ranks of the Royal Family, tell you what really glad the bBC have brought this to my knowledge. But hang on what s this, that the bBC doesn’t mention:
It is alleged that Epstein “forced” an unnamed girl to sleep with the Prince at three locations – Ms Maxwell’s London flat, an unspecified location in New York and on the banker’s private island in US Virgin Islands “in an orgy with numerous other under-aged girls”. The girl is believed to have been aged over 16 at the time.
And here’s a few more snippets the bBC conveniently left out:
Epstein counted Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Kevin Spacey and Naomi Campbell among his associates, and frequently lent his private jet to powerful contacts All of the above are left wing arseholes yet the bBC makes no mention of them . Gee I wonder why?
The bBC, the outer of pedophiles unless they aren’t leftwing arseholes, bBC employees or even Muslims.
I thought Donald Trump was a Republican supporter .
I believe he is an indepedant.
the bbc is now using dershowitz’ fight back to insinuate that Andrew must be guilty because he isn’t fighting back like dershowitz.
also, in his interview this morning, dershowitz mentioned that `a former prime minister` had been accused – do we know who he is?
Got to love the bBC according to them Muslims can only be victims:
Sweden protest after three mosque fires in one week
India outrage over mock ‘Muslim’ terror drills
The images used to teach soldiers to kill
Xinjiang: Has China’s crackdown on ‘terrorism’ worked?
BBC visits China’s Xinjiang province – home of the Uighurs
More from me on all of the above later
Beeboids’ WATERLOO?
Looking ahead to an important historical event in 2015- two hundred years since
the Battle of Waterloo, will be on 18 June, 2015.
How will Beeboids commemorate it? Will they, as ‘leftists’ pay their political homage to Emperor Napoleon, political son of their beloved French Revolution, including the beheading era of the Reign of Terror?
Will Beeboids concomitantly deprecate Britain’s Wellington, and all he stood for?
Actually I caught the last few minutes of an interview on the Toady Prog, a few days back, with a descendent of Napoleon.
It was both interesting and surprising in that there was no apparent political angle .
I did though wonder whether Five Live would do a follow up with claims that Wellington’s men mistreated their French Prisoners, or didn’t fight fairly….and that Public Interest Lawyers were now on the case on behalf of several thousand French men and women, left distraught after their ancestors had got their cumuppance!
And don’t forget Agincourt !
I image they will either ignore it, beyond mention of the commemoration events when they happen, or play it down.
If the do bother with a documentary, or God forbid a ‘drama’ on the subject you can bet that they’d plump for Peter Hofschroer over Gareth Glover, if they bother with an expert that is and don’t rely on Schama or Dan Snow.
Either way you can bet the meme will be Wellington was evil, the British cowards and the battle either a draw or won by the Prussians.
see the bbc and radio 5 live think we are all a bit stupid,all day there presenters have been describing these illegal immigrants trying to break into italy via boats as migrants,that is a very nice word migrants but it is hiding the truth,these people are illegal immigrants and chancers who want to get into europe and no doubt england by the back door for a better life,also they dont seem to lack money when they are paying up to £10,000 to the smugglers to book there places on these boats,migrants they are not bbc,they are illegal immigrants simple as that.
The Italians will give them European passports. This has happened before.
The Italians cannot cope with the influx.
Their next destination will be…. Dover! As always.
And they cannot be refused entry into Britain under European Law.
If they are wholly from the E.U. then they are migrants. If they are trying to enter the E.U. illegally then they are illegal immigrants. Got that BBC?
If they are fleeing war in Syria they are technically refugees. The Italian authorities are screening the passengers to find out how many are economic migrants or asylum seekers. At least have a little compassion Old Bloke.
I own up, I got it wrong..well sort of. The bad weather I had hinted at last week for Monday and Tuesday of next week is arriving tomorrow. The Jetstream did a wobble and dropped south by 100 miles Wednesday and yesterday, allowing the Atlantic weather system to arrive early and run over us tomorrow. (Oh fiddle) The lowering of the Jetstream pushed the very cold air away from us, so we will have the weather system early. Rain in the South, Snow in the far North and Scotland. Europe not so lucky as it turns to much snow through Sunday and Monday.
Old Bloke ,you sound like the headline writer for the Daily Express .I just look at the Met Office weather radar instead.
Just to be clear. You have no idea what you are talking about?
You mean unlike the BBC/MET Office weather forecasts that are so woefully inaccurate for my location that few of the farmers/fisherman take much notice of them. Save to have a good laugh in the pub, of course.
The difference being, they get paid a fortune and never apologise. Old Bloke at least had the good grace to say sorry and explain.
Thanks GCooper, but there still will be some in trouble over the Monday into Tuesday back to work period, just not as many as I had thought or had tried to work out eleven days ago. 😎 And to Essex man, please, anybody but the Daily Express!!
Well, I am very sceptical , of extreme weather predictions , from both amateur & semi professional forecasters ,for general day to day weather & Global Warming fanatic`s. The Daily Express forecast`s are just total fantasy & have no value to anyone apart from Cpl Jones . `Don`t Panic ` it might be wet & windy tomorrow or the next day its going to be -5C overnight , well that`s just weather .
My basic question.
The British Government wants to promote Multiculturalism and Diversity.
Does any Muslim country wish for this? Why not?
Is the British Government saying that they are better than Muslim countries?
Yes or No?
A basic answer:
The govt manifestly thinks its better than mslm countries, hence its interventionist policy in the mid east.
However, that policy, like its promotion of multicult and diversity, has little democratic legitimacy.
Thank god Dover sentry is there. Please tell me you’d keep guest who’s slightly asian looking kids out? #englandfortheenglish
You (Yes!) are a total tw*t!!
“Please tell me you’d keep guest who’s slightly asian looking kids out? ”
1) How do you come to believe you know where my kids are and what they look like, even slightly?
2) Why choose my family to make such a point?
3) Do you also know where they go to school?
4) You may have obliterated the moral high ground one of your less pseudonymously-variable Alter egos likes to play from in making generic sweeping statements conflating all from a few
5) As the precedent has been set, and a corporation can be held to account for the action of individuals, the BBC must be thrilled by such an association in ‘protecting’ their interests too
6) Do the site owners know who this poster is, should a new trend in police attention become necessary?
At Guest Who. Point 6.
No police attention thanks, police have proper work to do (even if they don’t do it). Those with brains will judge the postings by Yes!/Scott/Scotty for what they are.
The ignorant spiteful babblings of a child.
Happy new year Guest Who.
‘No police attention thanks’
None intended. Simply making a point:) Though what information the site owners hold that could be required be made available (as twitter and Facebook are under the free speech gun today… wondering how the BBC would respond to such demands of its HYS files or BBC World News followers?) is of interest when people, especially BBCphilic ones, refer to children.
As the furore around Miliband Snr. revealed, it seems the BBC and fellow travellers believe family to be off limits, and when no part of the topics or debate I agree.
But it does seem some exceptions, possibly unique ones, can be made.
I agree that serves only to damn them in their own words, and raise questions at least about those they support who appear to encourage if not support back. And I don’t just mean the two or three heroes ‘liking’ that post. The law of unintended consequences (often more potent than our no laughing stock plod service) can be as capricious as it can be ironic, as Hacked Off just discovered.
Happy New Year to you too.
I have just seen an item on the BBC News for the West Midlands about the trials of a new type of travel card similar to the Oyster card.
Two members of the public were asked for their views and guess what? They were both Asian females, one wearing a hijab. It’s never ending isn’t it?
Shellfish is haram so they had better not go do that route for the name of the new card.
I hope whomever came up with the name Oyster Card for London went to re-education. 🙂
“Shellfish is haram”
This is disputed: some types of Saracen think shelffish is OK, some don’t. Oysters definitely aren’t kosher, though, However, I don’t remember the residents of Stoke Newington and Golders Green going on the rampage and calling for beheadings over the naming of Oyster Cards. Maybe some communities have a more developed sense of proportion than others . . .
I’ve just had a thought as to why the media is not naming people in articles anymore (eg. Glasgow bin lorry driver).
The “right to be forgotten” controversy has made the media very aware that when somebody is named in an online article it will stay easily accessible for many years on the internet. This is as opposed to the days of printed newspapers, where you would never see somebody’s name in a historic article unless you visited a library and deliberately looked for it.
So I think journalists are now being advised to avoid naming anybody in articles.
The trouble is that this does make it more difficult for researchers of the future who may be trying to piece things together from newspaper articles.
Nothing to do with BBC bias, it’s just that this has just occurred to me as I have noticed that people are not being named in articles in all media outlets now.
So Mr Blair, your Judgement Year has arrived.
You stand before me, after the largest demonstration ever, in the history of your land, against going into Iraq, yet you ignored the thousands of years of good sense of the British people. Why?
Did you not think that millions of people dead, disabled or displaced would have any repercussions? If not why when history consistently tells us such a different story, going right back to the Magna Carta?
So you thought you could manage the media to cover?
You mean just like the Open Door immigration policies of your Government and the wrecking of your economy for example?
One would assume your state broadcaster could easily explain the worst legacy ever, which was left by Labour for the incoming Coalition in 2010, particularly on the economy since the BBC have an army of some of the highest paid economic analysis experts, courtesy of our taxes.
Unfortunately though, the BBC are now so entrenched and infected with their ‘left’ ethos, (backed up by you and decades of recruitment placements to match), they can no longer penetrate the ‘red mist’ resulting in political biased reporting as a matter of course, including subtly re-writing history in aid of the cause where necessary.
Even in this critical period in the run-up to the BBC Licence review, where one would think they would try and ‘screw the bobbin’ with more balanced reporting, without fear or favour, the BBC are so addicted with comprehensive ‘left infection’ and complacent ‘metro’ isolation, that they are just no longer able to help themselves anymore in spewing out Labour propaganda!
I am just a mere Saint but the 2008 financial crash too is all pretty clear to me, with Labours part in the downfall being so obvious and fact based.
In 1997, the Conservatives bequeathed Labour a growing economy and impressive projected positive finances, the best ever handed over to an incoming Government in this land.
Labour, in part, got elected somewhat on this promise not to ‘screw it up’ by inputting in their 1997 manifesto to continue these sound Conservative financial policies for the first few years in power.
Once bitten and twice shy, just like today Labour needed to counter the polls showing the electorate fear of a repeat of their economic history.
With good reason, since the public has not forgotten when Labour were in power in the 70s, when they handed over to Thatcher such a dire, desperate situation of our nation degraded to the ‘sick man of Europe’, even requesting an IMF bailout like a poor third world African nation, solely due to the horrendous Labour Political and Economic incompetence.
Such was the gigantic scale of your Blair and Brown deficit and debt legacy, it would not matter which Government was in power from 2010 onwards, things were again so desperate, (for the second time Labour were in power in my lifetime), austerity and financial prudence was again rapidly needed or we go Zimbabwean.
Predictably, as soon as they got into opposition, Labour got it wrong all over again with ‘TOO FAR – TOO FAST’ advice. They voted against every welfare Bill reform put through. Had we followed Balls, Milliband, McCluskey and the party’s traitorous propaganda we certainly would not now be EU and world leading growth champions, but instead facing a ‘Greek Tragedy’?
Under Labour, our country contributed greatly to the world financial crisis. London, the World Financial centre infection tempted so many other nations to take advantage of easy leverage and corrupt dealing under the auspices of the UK Governments ‘light touch’ regulation. Gordon’s message from the world’s premier financial centre was come here to London and we will let you do what you want basically – let us call it light touch!
In London, so many other nations’ banks and international financial transactions were conducted under our rules and they too became infected, suffered or took advantage of LIBOR scandalous rate fixes and FOREX scams for example. Just look at the evidence of infection resulting from the collapse of the Icelandic banks – Kaupthing, Landsbanki and Heritable – and the impact on UK depositors where the UK Treasury decided to freeze the UK assets of Landsbanki held in London when it became apparent they might not pay out to UK depositors.
It is of course accepted that the USA initiated the suicidal scaled up sub-prime, CDOs and other lax and related corrupt banking practices, which London under Labour light regulation followed and duplicated with gusto. It is clear Brown and his Treasury cohorts failed spectacularly in their dereliction of duty to regulate the City of London to our National credibility detriment. This LABOUR induced scandal has shamed the nation.
Labour, who were the only ones with the power to regulate, stress test and ensure ‘No more boom or bust’ let these London based banks run riot, impacting most of us through pension funds, bank charges, savings, PPI and derivatives and also allowed the other Nations banks in the City to follow our ‘world class’ London example.
One should never forget it was Brown Balls & Milliband, more than any other MPs who were in the treasury and are most to blame for not regulating and the recession legacy they left.
The country was basically on the brink of bankruptcy after 13 years of Labour. They certainly ‘did not fix the roof whilst the sun was shining’, borrowing to the hilt even during those financial good times when they should have been building the reserves, (not selling off 400 tons of gold at bargain basement prices) and leaving notes to their successors that there was ‘nothing left’.
Even, now Labour has the brass neck to ‘slag off’ the other parties for wanting to privatise the NHS!
They really think us ‘plebs’ did not notice PFI, for example, which is going to require our children and grandchildren to pay off £300 bn PFI Labour Privatisation – YES £300bn to be repaid – for the NHS over the next generation. This is causing great hardship in the NHS already!
Add to that their illegal wars, where literally millions lie dead or displaced and importing 4 extra million people into the country, depressing the working mans wage and putting enormous strain on our NHS, Housing, Doctors, Schools, cultural cohesion, turning a blind eye to the likes of Rotherham, Labour’s legacy is criminal, pathetic and shameful!
The Nations decent people live in hope that most others can see what I can see with the Labour propaganda dished out by the BBC and just pray the Broadcaster Licence review will right an obvious wrong for the future benefit of our nation.
Happy New Year, from a regular contributor!
Well said, yet you forget some of the worst: since English Charter of Liberties over 900 years ago, then Magna Carta (1215). Bill of Rights Act (1689) etc English and then UK citizens have enjoyed certain freedoms under Common Law. New labour trounced all that. The Serious Organised Crime & Police Act 2005 + The Terrorism Act 2000, abolish habeas corpus, compromise trial by jury, Civil Contingencies Act 2004, secret Courts, detention without charge, unlawful Imprisonment etc: all done “for our own security”…
Happy New Year, from a once regular contributor!
Great article in the Telegraph yesterday supporting St Peter’s claims above about Labour legacy:
Saw that report, and decided to have a look at what the BBC made of all this, after all, even the slightest hint of an anti-Tory leak turns them into an orgasmic herd of killer ‘journalists’, determined to find any juicy morsel with which to splatter the headline news reports for days on end – and given Balls’ comments over the past week or so, even a tiny examination of flaws like these would challenge his ability to be even a credible MP, never mind a credible Shadow Cabinet member, and even, god forbid, a credible chancellor of this country.
Guess what…… nothing on the BBC Home page, the UK page or the Politics page…. funny that ?
The response from CECUTT if tasked to support Ms. Wyatt’s assertions would/will be interesting to hear.
Oh Dear, it hasn’t taken the Labour supporting media to pull the Tories first election poster apart, and to be honest if you’re so silly as to photoshop out imperfections then someone is going to come along and find out exactly what was there before.
Here’s what the photo looked like before the Tories PA company ‘modified’ it.
I expect that this poster issue will at some point be raised by the BBC as it’s a gift.
Following on from that there is a set of previous election posters including ‘demon eyes’ which carried much more truth than we knew at the time.
I don’t remember the Tory poster from 2005 but it just shows the nature of lying from what they said and what they did:
“It’s time to put a limit on immigration”!
“I’ve asked the Tories where it was originally taken, but have had no reply so far.”
It’s probably a stock photo from Getty or somebody else as this journalist will be well aware.
The article does not accept comments so this can’t be pointed out. A clever trick.
The BBC are playing this up a fair bit.
Not directly, you understand; just quoting what others close to them are saying. Totally staying above it all. Hands clean.
Maybe a Conservative spokes person should either ignore the MEN or issue a default ‘got it about right’ reply before clamming up on a ‘purposes of’ basis?
Works for others. A lot.
And if photo shopping a stock photo to assist typography is going to be subject to peurile ‘investigation’ of this caliber, the media really have too many people with not enough to write about.
It is a photo of a road for Gawds Sake to make a point!
What pathetic fuss over nothing to try and discredit the Tories!
What a load of rollox!
You’re looking at this the wrong way round. The right hand image is the one that has been photoshopped. Some very unrealistic cracks have been added to the road.
I don’t think it matters, the point is that there isn’t a road that smooth in the UK and whether the Manchester Evening News has found the correct stretch or not, someone is going to, and it isn’t going to need any photoshopping to destroy the ad and turn it against the Tories.
I expect that this is going to happen.
The only newsworthy point about the photo is that there aren’t dozens of useless windmills ruining the landscape. Why not?
All the Tories have to do is say Gene Hunt, I remember that poster with great affection at how the Liebours shot themselves in the foot.
As a photoshop expert myself, I can tell you that the “Original” has been highly edited, badly.
The cracks and blemishes are way too dark, there is evidence of over use of the cloning stamp all over it, the resolution of the so called original image is shockingly low quality, and over saturated, in comparison with what the tories are using.
Of course, the conservative poster image has been edited, it has had to have been to create a composite image, and there is no doubt that it has been cleaned up here and there, but i’d say it has been less manipulated than the one that the MEN are claiming to be original.
A very poor attempt to discredit by our progressive chums…they arent even arguing the point that is made on the poster!
The MEN are claiming it was taken from Google Earth which does have some off colours and effects.
There’s no saying this is the original, but as you probably know you can use Google image to find similars if not the original.
I’m not so certain it has come from Google Earth though as I was under the impression all media use has to be credits by stamping the image and it isn’t there.
@ Thoughtful:
The MEN does not say it is a google Earth image, it says it is a “google image search”, i.e the same picture I posted…a fake version, probably made by some retard at Labour HQ in an attempt to discredit an image that the tories made….”Oh…oh…look, that road can’t have been in England, all our roads are full of potholes…..Snigger”
Problem is, the roads fell into massive disrepair under Labours reign…remember “Darlings dollops” the method they were going to use to patch up our 3rd world roads?
BBC radio 4 ‘Today’ program reports that social media internet companies are failing to remove “Islamophobic” comments reported to them by extremist left wing Fascist groups, who it appears are trawling the web looking for comments at which they can take offence.
One of the things they have been moaning about was comments that Muslims are paedophiles which is of course true – but in the minds of the Fascist, truth cannot be allowed if it impinges on their insane vision of what the world should be.
There was also a view that some comments have called for the murder of a Muslim in revenge for all the murders they have caused. This of course in unacceptable, but I do wonder if this was a single unrepresentative comment as it appears it hasn’t been removed either.
Social media have replied that freedom of speech and expression is important to them when they refused to delete the posts, but as we know, freedom is something the Fascists hate with a passion.
The government is going to consult on whether the BBC should be included in their new £95,000 cap on public sector redundancy payments.
Why is that necessary as the BBC is a public sector employer?
(It has a public sector pension scheme that needs a billion a year of licence fee money when in deficit.)
Be assured that the Beeb will go to the end of the earth to stop this proposal happening.
Six figure payoffs are an entitlement where thousands of inadequate or unnecessary BBC staff, including journalists, are concerned.
Why can they not stick to the same formula as the rest of us : namely one weeks pay for each year of service aged under 41 then 1 week and a half for each subsequent year, 1 weeks pay considered to be at the moment about £ 400.
Because all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. As the BBC likes to tell us, it is financed in a unique way. And that extends to the (ex)employees.
My New Year’s “BBC complaint” Non-Resolution
On 13th October last year I lodged a complaint about a BBC news broadcast through their normal complaints channels concerning a particular and apparently – to me at least – glaring example of bias on their News 24 Channel.
They aim to reply within 10 working days.
Imagine my initial satisfaction when, just two days later, on 15th October into my email in box pops a reply. But imagine, if you will, my dissatisfaction when I read a reply which was quite clearly a cut and paste fob off with vague promises to pass on my thoughts internally and some off pat reassurances that the BBC were of course not biased. As to answering or even addressing a specific question I had raised in my complaint – there was not even a sign.
The following day 16th October I escalated my complaint using the system provided. The corporation hopes to reply within 20 working days.
Over 50 days later and there was nothing. No reply at all from our national broadcaster.
I searched through the on line complaints system becoming increasingly frustrated. All links came back to the familiar regulation complaints format. There seems to be a deliberate straitjacketing of any adverse comment into the narrow confines of the system. I was advised here and there that I must leave it to the BBC to get back to me. There was no clear way to chase up my complaint. Bending the rules – and, it would seem – ineffectually I initiated a new complaint on 7th December about the non-reply to my original complaint. Presumably already timed-out to be valid after the initial broadcast and perhaps also ruled out of order as a non- relevent category of issue – who knows? Now it is probably my own fault that I have no reply.
Should I email Franz Kafka?
Looks like you been listed as a trouble maker! Snap!
Ha Ha join the club! My last complaint was ignored as well
Dear Mr *********
Reference CAS-3074488-NJV88W
Thanks for contacting us regarding the BBC News website.
I understand you believe a report titled ‘Charles Napier jailed for 13 years for child sex abuse’ mentioned a Conservative MP to shed the Conservative Party in a negative light and didn’t associate him to the Labour Party’s Harriet Harman.
This article was not intending to associate Charles Napier to all political parties and was not intending to shed the Conservative Party in a negative light. This was to offer some quick information on Charles Napier being the half-brother of John Whittingdale who is a senior Conservative MP.
Complaint Summary: Incorrect political connection.
Full Complaint: Re; Charles Napier jailed for 13 years for child sex abuse: You mention in the article that this criminal is the half brother of Conservative MP John Whittingdale, for some reason making a CONSERVATIVE MP connection. You also mention NAPIER being a past Treasurer of Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), but totally omit the real political connection of interest to the public, of the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Harriet Harman, used to be the Legal Officer of NCCL, working for and affiliated with PIE, plus Labour shadow minister Dromey, her husband, was also an officer of NCCL and former LABOUR Cabinet minister Patricia Hewitt was also senior officer of NCCL. Why have you highlighted a CONSERVATIVE connection in this Paedophile story when there is not one one, but fail to make a LABOUR connection of which there are three high profile front bench connections? I am copying this to the MPs concerned, since I feel they need to know that this sort of political bias is happening within a public funded body and people like me do not wish to pay for such blatant bias on serious issues from my taxes.
I’d sent a follow-up email to the chief executive of the BBC, and CC your email to your local MP and the Culture, Media and Sport Committee (
If their local MP is like ours he won’t touch it with a barge pole, as I have previously commented on the blog.
Quite possibly, but it may embarrass the BBC into responding.
You could also CC the email to a couple of conservative journalists.
I once got and immediate and non-cut and paste reply by using the most popular name for new babies in the UK. Needless to day it was not mine
One of the ways I found effective to get the BBC to take my complaint seriously ( I must admit it was nearly 10 years ago now – how time flies!!) was to write to my MP to write to the BBC . My local MP only drew the attention of the BBC to the fact that they had not dealt with my complaint within the time stated on their Charter.He would also send on my letters to the Culture , media and sports Minister (as he was known then) and I have at least three similar general replies from that department
Despite all this I do feel that it worth it in 2015 as it was in 2005 to persevere and pursue your complaints , the more people that do this the more people the BBC has to employ to work for them. And the pack that comes through from the BBC Trust (as it now is )when your complaint finally gets through to the top must also cost a fortune in time, effort and manpower.
I have posted details before of the complaint before .Further details and complaints at amongst other writings.
Lynette, I have already copied to my MP and all members of Culture Media and Sport Committee and you are right it normally gets a response, (if not at least it gets logged in the input for BBC Licence Renewal File).
Found your blogspot very factual and interesting.
A US lawyer alleged to have had sex with a minor has denied the claims – and said allegations against Prince Andrew must also be “presumed” false. –
This the lead story on the news website.
If Professor Dershowitz weren’t a prominent liberal, I wonder whether the normally politically correct BBC would be so actively promoting his claims.
Normally, when a co-accused says, ‘I’m innocent so he must be too’, the liberal media would basically shrug their shoulders and say, ‘Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he? It’s for the courts to decide.’
Maybe it’s different if the person is one of their own.
Completely right!
The current website headline reads “Prince Andrew claims ‘unbelievable'”. What the BBC is doing is requiring its readers to dismiss these vile claims against our sacrosanct royal family out of hand. I’ve suspected that the BBC have for some years now been very pro-royals and this toadying story confirms it for me.
There’s a big problem with this.
The accusations have been made in court documents in a different case, and there is no recourse to the libel courts for this.
It has been done this way deliberately by the woman’s lawyers and it’s not the first time it’s happened to famous people.
You have to question the wisdom of attacking a Harvard Law Professor who has all the means to defend himself when attacked, and now he’s going to go for the law firm, the lawyers and the woman who is accusing him. If successful the lawyers would be disbarred for life, wrecking their careers.
The BBC will be dancing on eggshells with this because either side might easily decide to sue if they put a foot wrong.
Dealing with liberals is one thing, but senior figures of the law is another.
“Survey finds one in three Germans supports anti-Islamisation”
“It is extremely foolish and short-sighted of Angela Merkel to dismiss this movement as “racist” and “xenophobic.”
The refusal to acknowledge legitimate concerns cannot end well. At very least, it should lead to the end of Merkel’s political career, and her retirement to private life.”
R Spencer
“Should” … being the operative word.
… 1 in 3? … hmmm
do you seriously think it would be any different here?
On the islamophile BBC, as always, downplays numbers, of both marches, and participants … and like a “broken record” goes all out
searching for the “far right”.
BBC – Anti-Islam ‘Pegida’ march in German city of Dresden
BBC – Germany adapts to immigrant influx
BBC – Far right link’ in Germany fires
and … in the virtually lost cause that used to be Sweden, the BBC
goes all out looking for …………………….. the “far right”
BBC – Sweden protest against mosque fires
BBC – Swedish anti-racism campaigners rally in central Stockholm BBC – three arson attacks on mosques in just a week.
BBC – Mosque set on fire in Sweden
BBC – De-radicalising Sweden’s neo-Nazis
a few headlines the Al BBC have conveniently missed.
Sweden swings to left in parliamentary election…
Swedish artist goes to prison for “offensive” art…
Cowardly Swedish “police” reveal 55 no-go areas controlled by Muslim criminal gangs. Silence from media.…
Idiot Swedish police on rioting Muslims: “It is some kind of statement against society, but exactly what that statement is, we don’t know”…
Rioting Muslims not arrested in case it “provokes” them…
Top 5 countries with the highest rates of rape – includes Sweden…
Swedish TV report on left wing violence…
Sweden – a haven for terrorists and traffickers…
Sweden emergency services ambushed by stone-throwing Muslim thugs…
Swedes being culturally enriched by Muslim immigration; i.e. beaten up in the street…
Sweden to get 100,000 refugees in 2014: report…
Sweden: The new Donald Duck government…
Sweden: New law to make it easier to prosecute those who insult immigrants, politicians…
Denmark worried about Sweden’s asylum influx…
Danes want Swedes to break ‘spiral of silence’…
Scandalous constitution passed…
A constitution for a non-existent people…
Sweden tops European rape league
Muslim rape wave in Sweden…
Amnesty International: Immigrants enjoy freedom and impunity to rape Swedish girls…
Victims of rape – Domestic refugee in Sweden…
Immigrants behind most cases of aggravated sexual assault in Oslo, Norway…
Muslim rape epidemic in Oslo, Norway…
Immigrant rape epidemic in Sweden and Norway…
The crisis in Swedish media…
Why Iraqi Christians are running scared – in Sweden…
Easy targets? Sweden deporting Iraqi asylum seekers: Just not Muslims…
Christians attacked again in Iraq as gunmen kill two…
Anti-Semitism on the rise in Sweden
Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes…
Malmo mayor concedes ignorance on Jew attacks
Jew hatred in Sweden and Norway…
Jewish dance group stoned in Hanover, Germany
Copenhagen: Jews take off kippas in Muslim areas to avoid harassment…
Caught on hidden camera: Muslim Jew hatred in Amsterdam…
Synagogue service in the Netherlands cancelled due to threats…
France: Threats and bullets to Jewish community in Drancy…
The Jewish community of Sweden 2010
Muslim and Jewish Nobel Prize winners
When Sweden surrendered…
The Swedish earthquake – Bruce Bawer…
Summing up the Swedish election campaign…
The absurdities of multiculturalism
ahem … NOT the BBC …
BBC-NUJ, Qatar, Al Jazeera, Muslim Brotherhood and Islam.
BBC-NUJ keeps up its political campaign (including demos outside BBC in ‘worktime’) for
‘Al Jazeera 3’ jailed in Egypt for propagandising for Muslim Brotherthood, etc.
There’s to be a re-trial.
But is BBC-NUJ also politically opposed to what Egypt’s President Sisi has to say here?:-
“Egypt’s Sisi: Islamic ‘thinking’ is ‘antagonizing the entire world’”
By Raymond Ibrahim.
Much adoo on BBc about capping redundancy. It’s been a while but to earn over £27k you would probably need to be a senior executive officer SEO, that was the grade that used to run an office when I was in Pensions Agency so the vast majority of the civil service wouldn’t be effected. However the beeb managed to get some bloke on to rant about this proposal. Hey let’s face it as far as I can see it’s aimed straight at the BBc . Illegal immigrants get a sob sob spin (as usual) with latest influx on the “abandoned” apparently it had children and women on board some of whom are pregnant. Heartbreakingly though no mention of whether there were any fluffy kittens in a basket on board as well.
My only criticism of the proposal is that the £95,000 cap is so high (and that it wasn’t implemented years ago).
We are talking here about highly paid executives.
If someone has in-demand skills, then they won’t be out of work for long. The cap therefore won’t put off top people from applying for public sector jobs.
And if someone would struggle to get similarly paid work elsewhere, then why the hell are we paying them top dollar in the first place? We should pay them the market rate for their skills.
Either way, the cap will save the taxpayer money without causing us to get less capable civil service staff than we have at present.
Also, I think one of the comments on the BBC article - – hit the nail on the head:
Having worked in local government, I can advise that anyone earning over £100,000 is surplus to requirements. London councils are full of suited and booted who see themselves as almost presidential type figures. No serious work gets done above team leader level. beyond that its just all strategising, preening and talking balls
I once worked for a council’s IT dept. If the top brass in IT had all gone on holiday for six months, very little would have changed, whereas if the low paid IT technicians had all walked out, the council would have been in serious trouble.
Still open. We’ll see for how long.
£27K is HEO pay now and SEO more like £35K.
Don’t forget that this cap includes absolutely everything and is almost certainly illegal with the law in its current state.
Any pension contributions, redundancy pay, holiday pay, bonus entitlement etc etc.
Don’t forget either that there are many many people in government employ who are qualified to degree level or higher and for them £27K is quite a low salary.
I think the guy from the first division organisation was right when he said the Tories are planning to decimate much of the skilled employment and want to make the bill for doing it as low as possible.
Don’t forget that the Tories are Greed merchants of the first order, and have no compunction or morals when it comes to depriving someone of what should rightfully be theirs.
Thoughtful –
AFAIK, that £95K doesn’t include pension payments.
How does it benefit the taxpayer to hand over nearly £100K to someone? If it doesn’t, then should we be doing it?
What you have is a situation where a consultant can get made redundant from an NHS trust, collect £100K, and then go and start working the following month for another trust a few miles down the road. There’s something profoundly wrong with that.
Er….thoughfull……these public sector workers can always leave and find other work……tax-payers, ie the private sector, provide the money to government to employ these people…..public sector bods do not really pay tax…..the tax they pay is from the income of the govt from the private sector….no private sector, no income, no money for civil servants. A concept hard to grasp by public sector people, so conditioned by their crass entitlement mentality……
SWEDEN, and Beeboids’ pro-Islamising political stance.
The Swedish political ‘left’s is enacting rapid Islamisation of Sweden via open-door, mass immigration, largely from Islamic countries.
Beeboids are pro-Islamic, and critical of Swedish political opposition to social democrats.
In recent times, INBBC ‘reports’ on trends in Sweden and Islam have largely censored the following items :-
But INBBC breaks its silence for a pro-Islam slant here-
‘Tundra Tabloids’ has a different view, not reflected in INBBC propaganda-
And the following is likely to be legally enacted in U.K in near future,
given the appeasement of Islamic interests-
“ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF SWEDEN passes law to criminalize any criticism of
Muslim immigration”
(April, 2014).
(Includes 4 min ‘RT’ video on Swedish elections and Malmo.)
I thought it already is against the law to criticise muslim immigration. Not on the statute books but the plod will visit you if you speak out.
Be careful of this site as it is certainly being monitored by the authorities, and there are reports of reprisals being taken against people who reference it.
Loss of benefits, warnings in public sector, etc etc.
Good link – thanks –
“BBC jobs only open to insiders:
“Half of all vacancies at the Corporation are never publicly advertised.
“Only 52% of BBC job vacancies are advertised externally, new figures show.
“The rest are advertised on an internal jobs website meaning that only current BBC employees can apply.
“Experts warn the Corporation could be liable to claims of discrimination.
“But the BBC says it has to advertise jobs internally to avoid redundancies. ”
Read more:
Update on Beeboids’ chum, ASSANGE:-
“Taxpayers’ bill for policing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s two-year stay in Ecuadorian embassy soars to £9MILLION.
“Julian Assange has claimed asylum at Ecuador embassy since June 2012.
“Metropolitan police officers have been standing outside building ever since.
“Has cost taxpayers £9million as police officers stationed round the clock.
“He is wanted in Sweden after allegedly sexually assaulting two women.
“Fears he could be sent to US on charges of leaking government documents.”
Read more:
To me this shows more how out of control our useless Police force has become.
£4.5Million for 6 Police officers for a year ??????
That’s three quarters of a million for each officer per year !
How on earth have the useless bunch allowed such costs to be run up?
Like i mentioned to you earlier Thoughtful, its the public sector entitlement mentality……the money comes from the trees, in their view.
He could wear a burka and just walk out, of course it would look more authentic if he was behind someone who looked like a Jihadist. Cops would wet themselves grovelling to him.
Watch out for this – coming soon to a national broadcaster near you
If I know the BBC, they’ll be onto this like a rat up a drainpipe…
‘He breaks off, looking anxious….
[that’s plagiarist, Independent star columnist, prolific polemicist, darling of the left, Russell Brand ghost writer and self-admitted malicious sock-puppeteer Johann Hari]
[re his latest scribblings about drugs]
“But I didn’t tell their stories, because I thought they were a better way of persuading people of an argument. It’s a book of stories about people, because I think stories are a fundamentally better way of thinking about the world.” Nevertheless, these stories build a compelling case for the legalisation and regulation of drugs. [Decca Aitkenhead, the Guardian]’
BBC : legalise it, we’ll advertise it.
‘I think stories are a fundamentally better way of thinking about the world’ – now didn’t I hear Paul Mason say just that?
Brilliant Jackde
Here is more news that you will never see on the Biased BBC – during the coldest part of the year, when we utilise the maximum power of the year, instead of getting power from our offshore turbines, we are sending power to them to keep them turning and from icing up.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“-Wind farms paid £1m a week to switch off.
“New figures show £53m was given to the wind industry last year to keep turbines switched off to regulate electricity supplied to National Grid.”
A word of praise for the BBC and its “Correspondents Look Ahead” show on Radio 4 last night(2.1.15@8pm).
I think they`re all getting used to the fact that their predictions are invariably wrong-and some humour and self-deprecating broke out.
Most rare for the BBC.
They always see the start of Jeb Bushes career and the rise of Hillary Clinton…never happens.
They never saw the rise of ISIS( a pretty big development, you`ll agree)…never saw Ukraine or Hong Kong…nor ebola(for which I`ll not blame them-neither did anybody else).
So a bit of decency and humility cropped up..Brigid Kendall is a cut above most BBC correspondents I think…and Lyse Doucett seems to have invoked GOD as being “the thing to watch for in 2015”.
Ye Godz!…so well done Lyse and Brigid-and indeed the others who-for once-had to agree that they keep getting it wrong…so maybe if they predict that God will be doing “stuff worldwide” in 2015-then they`ll finally be proved right.
True, but not that Allah excuse for butchery and slavery that goes by the “name of God”…if you`ve the brain power of Ed Stourton or Billy Connolly at least.
Yes-safe to say that God will be “doing stuff worldwide in 2015″…d`ya think He`ll get another namecheck on Radio 4 in 2015 in such an open-handed way?
Lettuce spray!
I used to enjoy the reports when Bridget Kendall was in Moscow, but not long after she was posted to the US of A she seemed to become very ‘hard boiled’ and critical.
She appears to have softened a little in her new job.
I enjoyed the programme but felt that the predictions were what anyone could have made.
Yes it was an enjoyable piece, done in a chatty way without hectoring and a bit of a laugh about how poor their predictions often are. I would have liked to hear what they actually predicted for 2014 on last year’s show – I thought they used to do that? Also a criticism of the geopolitics – very heavy on China and Russia, weak on UK, US and nothing at all about the calamitous Eurozone. Do they not have a specialist editor in Brussels any more?
Sum up the coming year in one word:
Lyse Doucet – One world Just about sums it up The BBCs thinking not as the UK, but a world without any borders.
I found the program to be just about as biased as any on radio 4 with Doucet being a particular egregious offender.
Her crazy assertion that Ebola is affecting the whole world and has even ended up on our shores in a weak attempt to show disease has no borders was typical of a group of BBC lefties in a studio musing on how they see the world.
The usual ‘See no Islam’ in any and all situations was very visible. So when talking about ISIS it was always the very PC “the group which calls itself” (but we can’t even accept that there is any Islam directing it) .
There was an enormous bias to the liberal left that left me with the distinct impression that none of them were able to view world events in an unbiased objective manner, but only through a distorting lens of left wing (Il)liberal bias.
I’ll make a prediction for the coming year, and that is that the BBC will carry on in as biased a manner as it has for the previous one. That it will not be able to admit the bias because it cannot see it itself. That reports will continue to be little more than propaganda, and that “see no Islam” will continue despite all evidence to the contrary.
Take all the points above, but to hear the word “God” used in such a context was a…er…”Revelation”.
Maybe I`m pathetically grateful for small mercies…crumbs for dogss from the BBCs table an` all…but maybe the miasma of Baileys gave me undue comfort from those cited,
Reasons to be Cheerful?…With Or Without You?…in any event, these are interesting times…life is a rollercoaster after all.
Yeovil 1 United 1?…