Alright folks, 2015 begins and here is the first new OPEN THREAD of this fresh year. It’s going to be a BIG year here in the UK as the Nation goes to the polls to elect a new Government. We can be confident of but one thing – the BBC will do everything possible to damage the prospects of UKIP and the Conservative party. The floor is yours…
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A gang of Muslims in Walsall attack a single male and his girlfriend. “Should I call the police” opines the video maker…She would probably have been arrested if she had for despicable “Islamophobia”
I’d love to see these big brave Pakis defend their actions to the Imam as Islam forbids Muslims to hit others in the face except in the case of self defence which this clearly wasn’t.
The white couple being beaten up were Polish..
I can only suppose that when the bBC get round to reporting this, they will refer to it as an islamopobic attack where the White Man offended the faithful by not respecting their feet with his head.
This is a fucking disgrace, which I really would like to see happen to white liberal cocksuckers who come out with this islamopobia shit. I’m pretty sure that after a few kicks to the head the liberal defenders of Islam will change their opinion of the religion of peace.
Hey beeboids, how about an ‘I’ll walk with you’ campaign for white folks in Walsall.
Just caught the end of Channel 4 news. A great deal of sniggering of where the road is in the Conservative election poster, could it be in Germany? It’s a metaphor for gods sake, who cares where the road is? Only the leftist media obviously.
To think that Maggie hoped that Channel 4 would serve as competition for BBC license funding, prior to it being broken up.
Utterly disastrous..we now get double bubba liberal lies…stereophonies…if the Channel 4 News lot don`t all end up like Ceausescu, then we`ll not have done our Snowjob properly.
LBC is slowly turning into 5Live too, unfortunately.
SKY News is turning into bBC News 24
THe only independent journos are on the net now.
Whatever game Murdoch is playing with Sky, it’s pretty opaque. I suppose he can’t let it drift far to the libertarian Right or the Left would kick up such a stink that he might face regulatory problems.
The trouble is the BBC has been allowed to make the weather in British broadcast journalism, so when Sky recruits it inevitably takes on board BBC attitudes.
This is just one of so many reasons why this hydra needs dead-heading.
Ex-BBC Radio 4 Today Producer, Rod Liddle, amazing comic article in Speccie, so brilliantly funny and non-PC, (ChrisH re above – Jon SNOW gets hilarious mention in this too):
Magnificently funny. Thank you for the post. If only Mr Liddle had been able to inject some of this ‘poking fun at the self righteous liberal left establishment’ when at the BBC. On this form he would certainly bring humour back to those stultified rigorously PC radio ‘comedy’ shows.
I like onions.
Election 2015.
There is a possibility that Cameron, Milliband and Clegg will all lose their Parliamentary seats.
What a possibility? Could it happen? How would we cope 😉
There is always a possibility in an electorate that a member will lose their seats. Being party leader doesn’t make them invincible.
Does a party leader have to be an MP?
In theory no, in practice yes. Loose your seat and one of two things will happen, the party MP ‘s will find a leader amongst their own and elect him/her/it (hello Borris are you available ?) or some hack will be bunged into the lords and a by election will be held double quick to get the chosen one back inside. This supposes that the electorate in the chosen seat play along with the game and do not show their disapproval for playing games and being thought of as proles who do as they are told. So in reality, lose your seat and lose the job that goes with it. Hello Prime Minister Johnson, hello Prime Minister Balls, yea gods 🙁
‘Does a party leader have to be an MP?’ ?
How about our Nigel ?
‘Our’ Nigel?
Speak for yourself.
Our local cemetery is filled with indispensable people.
Israel freezes Palestine tax funds over ICC bid
The BBC fails to mention that the PLO’s attempts in the UN and the ICC are clear breaches of the Oslo Accords Oslo I Accord–Article V
Permanent status negotiations issues
It was understood that several issues were postponed to permanent status negotiations, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and co-operation with other neighbours, and other issues of common interest. The outcome of these permanent status negotiations should not be prejudiced or pre-empted by the parties.
If the PLO chooses to breach some agreements they can’t complain that Israel breaches others.
Anyone see this on the BBc? It’s those men again apparently.
Sacre brun!
Interesting comment on the electoral prospects of the Tories, but isn’t Cameron in the first photo making the sign of ISIS ? I’m sure some photoshop wag could have a lot of fun with that.
He probably is making the sign to his Isis friends whom he very likely prefers to those white Christians he finds objectionable. But I would think he is signing to the good members of Isis who are peaceful moslems, as opposed to the ‘militants’ who are not real moslems at all.
BBC-NUJ: nothing for us to report here:-
“Germany: Journalist played ‘racist’ to smear anti-Islamization movement”
“The Pegida movement calls the media ‘Lügepresse’ (lying press), because it does not depict the consequences and dangers of Islamic mass immigration properly. The below incident, in which an undercover journalist is interviewed by other journalists and uses the interview to depict the Pegida movement as half-racist, confirms Pegida’s concern about the media’s honesty. The undercover journalist used to work at the interviewing journalists’ station, NDR, before he switched to RTL – meaning that he might know (and may even have colluded with) the interviewers who interview the fake ‘demonstrator’.”
“Senior Taliban leader used LinkedIn to boost twisted career,
listing his skills as ‘jihad and journalism.'”
Read more:
He should be assured of a place in the WI on an alliterative basis at least, jammy sod.
That, or the next QI.
I would imagine the general synod is at this very moment making attempts to contact him with a view to him addressing them on the peaceful nature of Jihad !
Of the peaceful way a beheading might be done, or a wife beating, or a gay despatched maybe?
Prince Andrew has long been known as a man who is controlled by what’s in his pants, and his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein was incredibly ill advised.
The BBC however is using this embarrassment to the Royal family to push it’s agenda on the documentary about Prince Charles – started by the Guardian – their print arm.
This morning we have heard on radio 4 whining that the Royal family is able to use the freedom of information act, but is not covered by it themselves (a little hypocritical given the BBCs history).
And then onto the blatant moan about their documentary being spiked by legal action.
You might hear this as the Royal family having ‘difficulties’ and using the Prince Andrew issue to splice the documentary onto it as one of those ‘difficulties’.
The two are in no way connected except in the BBCs minds.
The BBC news on-line country guide to Ireland (I don’t know, so don’t ask me, quite why the telly tax pays for this ‘service’) talks about a country that was once…
‘Dominated by a privileged [ ….] minority….’
The BBC guide goes on to refer to efforts to alter the local culture…
‘Despite attempts by the London authorities to impose [….], most of the country remained staunchly [….]’
Gosh, a privileged elite living it up off an over-taxed majority and then trying to alter the long-held culture of a place so as to match that of the elite… how naughty of them…
But, then again, how very BBC
‘Albert Nobbs (2011) BBC Two, 9.00pm
Cross–dressing is a bit of a drag in this Glenn Close passion project. Albert Nobbs (Close) is a 19th–century hotel butler in Dublin. He is also a woman — though his colleagues have failed to notice. Nobbs looks like death warmed up, as does the film, although Janet McTeer adds some bosomy vigour as a transvestite housepainter. Still, it received a flurry of attention during awards season, including an Oscar nomination for Close’.
“Albert Nobbs”, just dire, truly awful, and no surprise its on the BBC. As it will have all the cross dressing, ever so effeminate
gay, lesbian, and bi twitterfarties, and luvvies at the BBC cooing
into their latte s.
Andrew Marr show: Discussing the Sunday papers a comment is made about how boys are falling behind in the British education system.
Marr and guest join together in mocking tones, “Poor boys!”, meaning nothing of the sort of course. Meanwhile Trevor Phillips, Deputy ‘Chair’ of the National Equality Standard, just looks on.
Imagine the shrill calls by the Twiteratti for resignations/castrations if girls had been mocked in a similar way!
Surprised the BBC haven’t gone with this left-wing propaganda:
This isn’t left wing propaganda, and I hope the BBC do highlight it !
I pay my taxes so that I can live in a civilised country where people unfortunate enough to need support can have it. I pay NI so that should I be unfortunate enough to need that support myself I can receive it.
I do not pay my taxes so some Eton greed merchant can pay a bit less tax on his fat salary & bonus !
Equally I do not accept that law abiding people should be treated in a manner worse than they would be if they had committed some heinous crime and were in prison !
I wonder Billy have you considered joining the Labour party ? They like to make life as difficult as possible for the white working class and lets face it, when did you see a photo of a queue at a food bank with an ethnic representation?
So yet again it’s the poor whites being singled out for harsh treatment by the Greed Merchants who despise them, and the Fascists who see them as a kind of untermensch who have to be punished because of the Fascists own guilt and self loathing.
When City Link went bust at Christmas I wrote a piece about how long it would take someone to start calling them benefit scroungers and expecting their benefits to be stopped. It didn’t take long at all.
So what if benefits wreck the economy? Something has to give because we cannot keep allowing record numbers of immigrants into the country and paying them benefits like there was no tomorrow whilst allowing the government to make the indigenous Brits unemployed and then destitute.
Wake up ! Vote UKIP and stop the Fascism !
Oh, golly, one does have a lot to say for oneself. I don’t visit this site too often as I have a life, but every time I do visit I find ‘Thoughtful’ telling everyone how it is. He seems to be an expert on everything – from the comfort of his chair in his bedsit, that is!
I’ve noticed that also.
He is a she. I think she takes an independent position that is neither right nor left, Con nor Lab, a position I tend to occupy myself. That doesn’t always chime with those on here who have a fixed position on everything. I don’t always agree with what she says but she has the right to say it.
She has that right, yet isn’t this blog about the bBC?
Within that there has to be a discussion as to what constitutes bias and what does not. It might be said that a Guardian article which has not been reported by the bBC does not meet those criteria.
News items which are likely to be reported strike me as being worth posting however as a heads up. Just that on this occasion I didn’t view this article as biased to the left.
Yes, it’s about BBC bias but there is also the all pervading liberal bias exemplified by BBC and almost everything else in our current society. Dave s has talked about it on here. Anyway, most things posted off-topic are labelled as such. I always view the open thread as a way of getting a few things off our chests, it makes us feel a bit better and keeps our blood pressure down.
A few things worth considering over the Prince Andrew affair.
The BBC pulled the documentary on Charles this week under legal pressure from Buckingham Palace. It’s very hard to find out what is happening here: there is a chance that all media have been hit with an injunction which prevents them even mentioning there has been an injunction (gagging writ).
Is it a coincidence that the BBC was sat upon? I would be very surprised if the Palace was not aware of the Florida legal proceedings by early last week. They also knew that the Mail was sitting on an interview with the girl and has been for years: any earlier attempt to publish would would have been hit with a gagging writ.
The BBC is pushing the Palace line including all the denials from the Harvard lawyer. He is going to take legal action. We’ll see. Still waiting for Cliff Richard to take action despite his threats.
So we have the BBC caving into Palace pressure and doing its best to cast doubt on the girl’s story. She responded today:
“These types of aggressive attacks on me are exactly the reason why sexual abuse victims typically remain silent and the reason why I did for a long time. That trend should change. I’m not going to be bullied back into silence.”
The BBC seems to be leading the attacks.
Am I alone in being reminded about Saville? Or the silence on the muslim rape gangs? And is there any difference between very wealthy men grooming and taking advantage of young girls and the scum operating in our cities?
In one sense the BBC is acting as normal. Ignoring reality.
Even if Princess Andrew had sex with the woman, she was over 16, it was consensual and in the UK – so no offence was committed.
The Moslem rape gangs also used the over 16 and consent as defences. The similarities don’t end there:
1. Both were sex rings preying on underage girls. Jane Doe was groomed from 15.
2. They were ‘bought off’ with presents. But also fear
3. They had no free will. That’s what grooming does to you.
4. I’ve teenage daughters. To think of a middle aged man even touching them makes my blood boil.
5. The final irony. Reports tonight suggest Andrew has immunity from prosecution. Like the moslem rape gangs enjoyed.
Jesus wept.
Sorry, you’re wrong….very wrong.
If the statement made by this woman is true, a criminal act has been committed under US law and he w(sh)ould be arrested on arrival in the US. Indeed, if this was any ‘normal’ pleb, I would expect the US authorities to demand his extradition to the US to face charges
What is your view on Assange? He is wanted in Sweden for, in effect, not using a condom with a girl friend. That, too, is not illegal in the UK and yet he is sitting in the Ecuadorian embassy under political asylum.
You can’t have it both ways.
‘In one sense the BBC is acting as normal. Ignoring reality”
As so often happens when the BBC finds itself the story rather than holding others to account, their grasp of reality can falter further. Especially when a FUBAR becomes a royal one, at the same time as another hoves into view.
And people do notice.
‘And if, as the BBC spins, the problem is over the use of some archive footage, put the show out with a graphic and voice-over explaining what’s missing and why’
The trouble with spin is that when it is thin, no one is buying, and that simply opens up new cans of worms as to what else is going on, and with editorial integrity respected at the BBc as it is from above and without, the credibility just burrows further.
As it stands it’s like a W1A/Babylon mash-up with a tiara on top, and much popcorn is being reserved.
“There is a vicious streak in modern Left-wing politics,
I have worked it out. Left-wing people are inherently emotional, not rational in nature (which explains why more women vote Labour). They therefore let their hearts rule their heads and are inherently more susceptible to demagogy.
This emotional nature also manifests itself when considering anything with which they disagree. Instead of trying to argue against it (rational), they hate it (emotional).
How the bBC which refuses to refer to Terrorists as Terrorists, to refer to any Muslim found guilty of under-age rape as a Paedophile, which remained silent on Jimmy Saville and the rest of the bBC gang who used their bBC status to rape and pillage and then in an attempt to dodge the finger of blame tried to stitch up an innocent man of being a nonce (But he fought back and sued them) are at it again with Prince Andrew by throwing as much mud as possible by keeping this Prince Andrew story in the spotlight. (Unlike Assange/Islamic Rape gangs/ and leftwing film directors)
Prince Andrew sex claims ’emphatically denied’ by palace
Buckingham Palace has “emphatically denied” Prince Andrew had sexual contact with a woman who claims she was forced to have sex with him under age.
Underage bBC, five mins on the net tell me the so called victim is 31 year old American Virginia Roberts.
She was 15 in 1998 and states she met the Prince in 2001 and then got married in 2002. all of this she revealed to the National Enquirer in 2011. She also claims she was paid £10K for shagging the Prince by Epstein, but the Prince was unaware of this
So she wasn’t underaged and if she was a sex slave, then how did she manage to get wed in 2002?
Contrast all of the above with how the bbC covered up Savilles actual pedopillia, still covers up Islamic Pedophillia (Anybody ever seen the bBC refer to a Muslim child rapist as a Pedophile? )
The bBC ,The traitors within our midst.
As usual from Pounce, one of the more sensible comments on this.
The National Enquirer, for God’s sake!
Actually I picked up on that from the leftwing Daily Mirror
and the rightwing Daily Mail
So take your pick and discard the one which doesn’t suit your political preference.
I’m not suggesting you got it from the National Enquirer. I was just referring to her revelations of 2011.
I believe that the minimum age for consent to sex in Florida is 18 and as she was 17 legally she was underage.
Whether the reporting of this as being underage sex, and the implication of Paedophilia which Epstein has served time for qualifies as bias I don’t know.
Thoughful wrote:
I believe that the minimum age for consent to sex in Florida is 18 and as she was 17 legally she was underage.”
Good point, but hang on PA is supposed to have fucked her in…..London which is in…Great Britain. Its a shame this isn’t about Prince Charles as a quasi Muslim the bBC wouldn’t bother its arse on reporting on him.
Also don’t forget that neither the girl nor her lawyers have made an official complaint to the Police or the court.
The allegations appear in some supporting documents which seem to be a technique used by certain lawyers to cause embarrassment and sound out the chances of a further claim against those named.
Attacking Dershowitz was a major mistake as he was never going to take this lying down.
There can’t actually be an issue of whether she was past the age of consent yet, because a complaint hasn’t been made. Having said that the USA seems to believe that its courts have jurisdiction worldwide, especially where its citizens are concerned.
Prince A ought to have ‘browned up’ and taken her for a day trip to Rotherham, the police would have formed a guard of honour, the taxi from the station would have been free, the council would have arranged a room at the local children’s home.
R5 is following what the Sunday Times printed this morning that Ched Evens is going to sign with a League 1 club tomorrow.
Expect the pressure to start building up today to find out which club and start bringing out all the ‘Wimmins Rights’ groups in their righteous indignation. We will also see any and all local worthies, Labour MPs , members of the intelligentsia who have some passing connection with the club, some 60s pop group survivor who pays for a club box to get their 5 minutes on air saying how terrible and it must not be allowed.
Funny don’t remember such wailing and nashing of teeth over the failings of other footballers of who there is a very long list.
The obvious case to bring to mind is that of Marlon King, a not terribly wonderful role model who has served 3 sentences, had 14 convictions, involving theft, fraud, wounding, attacking various women leading up to getting 18 months for sexual assault on a 20yo in 2007. On release he has played for at least five clubs. Not as serious an offence as rape, no. But a definite serial offender who likes using his fists. Evans on the other hand is clean apart from the rape, in which no claim of force or violence was made. Strange, how one offender is vilified the other is not, is it because he had refused to admit guilt and is planning an appeal ? Is it because he is white ( unlike King) and a more acceptable target ?
Anyway the massed media luvvies will be raring to go when the club has been found, ‘serve your time and rehabilitate ‘ ? You have got to be joking, this is a Sex, class and race war against the white working class, there will be no quarter given
Oldham Athletic.
Huddersfield………….. Shall we play a game of ‘Mornington Crescent’ till it’s confirmed ? 🙂
I don’t need to google Marlon King to know his skin colour, the name is a giveaway. If Ched Evans had been black he would’ve been allowed to get on with his life like this fella. The feminazi’s wouldn’t have dared to criticise him for fear of being called racist. Odd, how there’s lots of talk of rehabilitation (for other people even those convicted of more serious crimes) but they won’t leave this poor bugger alone so he can get on with his job and pay his taxes. They just want him to admit his guilt so they can go, ‘ahhhh … we were right all along about him’. He can’t win anyway cos then they’ll say he’s an admitted rapist and they still wouldn’t leave him alone. When asked about Evans playing, Beeboid Leroy Rosenior said that it was too early indicating he thought that his punishment (that he had already served) was not enough and that he should be frozen out of the game for longer. If the punishment wasn’t enough then blame our useless politicians and their liberal laws, don’t persecute this guy for their failings.
‘Expect the pressure to start building up today to find out which…”
Maybe said club should take a leaf out of Glasgow council’s book or indeed that of the BBC, and wheel out an anonymous spokesperson to intone that they are not saying anything to anyone, as they don’t have to any more. Then promote him (droid and Ched) after a secret inquiry at public expense exonerates everyone
Precedents, even selective ones, do have a funny way of backfiring.
I see the bbC have opened up a HYS on the story about how the US have placed more sanctions on North Korea:
Sony cyber-attack: North Korea calls US sanctions hostile
The editors pick is most revealing of the bBCs mindset:
89. Bastiat
2 Hours ago
If sanctions worked, how come the regime in North Korea persists, and indeed the one in Cuba?Sanctions do not work. They only harm the citizenry, who are have little to 0 say over their country’s affairs, and already suffering a brutal regime’s impoverishing edicts. USA should export things like free trade commerce etc, things that beget individual freedom, such as we’re seeing in China.
Comment number 73. Robert
2 Hours ago
The West in general believes in innocence until proven guilty. Where is the proof America? Slinging allegations around with punitive actions without supporting evidence makes you no better than those you condemn. No wonder they do not want to be a member of the International Criminal Courts.
57. Great Comment
2 Hours ago
SK is currently seeking to engage NK in reconciliation talks and the US should support both sides in this. Far more constructive than this puerile grandstanding.
Comment number 32. nutgone
The only sanctions that are necessary are to completely ignore N K and give it no publicity.
Speaking of the BBC, HYS, and comments, someone kindly highlighted this the other day and I was reminded to pop back:
FIRST – 1. tenpintlanky 3RD JANUARY 2015 – 9:44
LAST – 1186. kevin 3RD JANUARY 2015 – 15:20
Phew, some folk may have got back from work, or shopping, and spoiled things further.
I think this is yet another stunt like the immigration limit they lied about.
When someone has a contract which says they are entitled to X amount on redundancy then a cap would be a breach of that contract. On top of that where the minimum redundancy exceeds the cap then it would be illegal to short change the person in receipt.
I expect that these examples will be kept very quiet should it ever happen.
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FIRST – 1. Edward 6 HOURS AGO
LAST – 375. abdulx 1 HOUR AGO
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How the bBC loves to demonise the US every chance it gets:
Pakistan Taliban: US drone ‘kills militants’ in tribal region
Pakistan officials say a US drone strike near the Afghan border has killed at least six militants.
Wow those nasty Americans killing 6 innocent Militants in Pakistan.
Here is a much bigger story, from the same neck of the woods which the bBC hints at but doesn’t mention:
Air strikes wipe out 31 terrorists in Tirah Valley
It appears to the bbC, that 6 Islamic terrorists killed by the infidel is a much bigger story than 31 by the faithful.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism.
Have just had the misfortune to catch 5 minutes of the Unbelievable Truth hosted by David Mitchell. Had to switch off as the point at which I joined it was as the God-awful Susan Calman was banging on about something or other. She is a lesbian don’t you know. Some people will have difficulty working that out as she only directly mentions it, or hints at it, in every sentence. The show seems to revolve around sneering at everything that pre-dates the glorious age of PC, leftie, comedy. Dire stuff.
While we are on the subject of comedy, can any BiasedBBC reader or contributor honestly name an Al Beeb comedy currently being broadcast that is actually funny?
Merched Becca wrote:
“Can any BiasedBBC reader or contributor honestly name an Al Beeb comedy currently being broadcast that is actually funny?”
The News?
Actually last night and the pathetic tribute to Frank Sinatra masquerading as another bloody singing competition (only another week to wait for the new series of The Voice chaps….) so glad my telly tax is being well utilised….
As far as actual bBC comedy goes Steptoe and Son series 6, but that was made in 1970 and is currently only on UK Gold.
Talking ‘new’ bBC comedy I guess there has been nothing genuinely funny since the last episode of Only Fools And Horses in 2003 and that was not a patch on the 80’s & 90’s episodes.
Well they keep broadcasting ‘Dads Army’. That’s funny !
Family Guy. It’s the only ‘factual’ programme as well.
Ed Reardon’s Week, on the radio, is alright too.
Claire in the Community is OK most of the time too, although I expect the BBC view it as extreme right wing, and balancing all their mass left wing output.
‘the BBC has also not carried out any follow-up work on this issue’
It’s the cuts, ‘innit?
Oddly, if anyone remotely ticking the BBC icon box pops off, or finds themselves slotted whilst in possession of maybe more than the necessary hue, half the BBC’s finest will be Club Classing to the nearest boutique hotel balcony to ‘report’ before you can say greenhouse gasbags.
Nigel Farage on Sky News today re the NHS:-
1.To work in the NHS you should be able to speak English.
2. It’s the NHS not the International Health Service for foreign patients without insurance.
3. Cut out layers of management from the NHS.
4. Train British Doctors and Nurses rather than importing them.
I agree with all the above. In BBC terms, I am therefore an extreme right wing fascist. So what….
And Murnaghan asks how do you test if someone can’t speak English!!
It is leftie Dave who has cut the numbers of doctors & nurses the UK trains so in the next 3 – 5 years there will be the usual call that the NHS cannot survive without immigration. This is of course a lie.
This year there were thousands of young people hoping to train as nurses who could not find places on training schemes.
More evidence that the Tories hate the people of this country and are quite content to see them unemployed rather than productive and qualified.
For anyone whose interested there is a huge amount of analysis on the Polling site
Far too much to cover here, but the Lib Dems horror story, the rise of UKIP and the reasons why and where their voters are coming from.
All told in a dispassionate and matter of fact way.
It’s worth comparing the way this site presents the facts with the biased BBC choses to present them, also with the benefit of this analysis you will be better placed to recognise when someone is trying to pull the wool !
An American website recently published a disturbing news report to the effect that Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al al-Sheikh has argued that it is acceptable for men to marry children, which in the West we would regard as paerophilia and rape. This statement was made no doubt in response to the failure of that country’s Justice Ministry to set a minimum age of 15 before a girl can be married in the Kingdom. There is a reported case of an 8- year-old girl being killed on her “wedding night” due to her husband’s rape. Apparently a number of rich Saudi Arabian men – some connected with the Saudi royal family – have been purchasing young Syrian girls among the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war. Most of these men are said to be in their 60’s or 70’s, and when they tire of these girls, they pass them off to other men. Shades of Rochdale? The question is why has the BBC not spoken out about this issue? Surely, there are enough women employed by that organisation, who feel strongly enough about this issue, to demand that it dominates the news headlines? Or is it that their feminism has been compromised by political ideology i.e. the imperative to sustain the idea of the multi-cultural society? Where is Harriet Harman and why has she not appeared on the BBC to voice her disgust? Does she also feel that this failed experiment needs to be supported, despite the level of barbarity shown to these young girls in Saudi Arabia? Unfortunately, the BBC is largely displaying the attitude of the political class, which is to abase ourselves before these Sheikhs with their medieval attitudes in order to buy their dirty oil and to sell them arms, which no doubt end up in the hands of ISIL! Don’t these idiots realise that our Western values will disappear if we continue to appease these ghastly Saudis? No doubt the BBC feels that the public can be bought off on a diet of football and dancing, but hey, won’t those scantily clad girls and bare-chested young men offend our fellow Moslem citizens? The BBC should be careful.
I have heard the stories of the girls being sold to wealthy old men, by Syrian refugees in Jordan.
It was however very much in accordance with the ‘see no Islam’ policy and very much the point of view that it was just dirty old men which exist in all societies.
We of course know different.
As for the condemnation of Saudi religious practices, that’s a little difficult for an elite whose mouths are stuffed with petro dollars. Nothing overt you understand, nothing which might give sufficient evidence for a court case for bribery & corruption, but plenty of circumstantial evidence to point to it.
Like the £500K pa paid to Tony BLiar to supposedly act as an oil salesman, or the millions paid to Jonathan Aitken. And what exactly were the prominent Saudi Bin Laden family doing at the Bushes ranch on 9/11 ?
Even Yasmin Alibhai Brown has noticed ! and the New York Times has published a piece on the more legitimate, but still questionable practice of influence buying.
Can`t Mr T have his own page , everyone else is being elbowed out ,others are not bothering any more .We need to read other peoples views too . Its not a dictatorship , on views .
I’m all ears old son, go ahead make a point I’ll listen.
The BBC and its pals at AP try to pass of the burning of some 940 cars in France on New Year’s Eve as nothing to get excited about, Why, the total number was (slightly) down this year!
Neither ‘news’ organisation cares to probe in the who, where or why, nor admit that this quaint ritual is far from confined to a single night of the year.
I can’t imagine why.
Also, for Beeboids: CALAIS:-
“Police break up mass migrant brawl in Calais”
“Mass brawl between 200 migrants in Calais”
(inc video clip.)
“Mass brawl between 200 migrants in Calais”. Maybe this chap has the answer?…
Talking about the future of our neighbours, the French
(which Beeboids are disinclined to)-
“Scare Tactics: Michel Houellebecq on His New Book”
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Enfant terrible’s literary vision of an Islamic France”
If someone English had written that they would be in a re-education camp now.
A very interesting interview. I will read it again. First impressions are that the French way of looking at culture and history is quite different to ours. Still stuck in the 1789 view of life .
Given that it is madness for us to continue tied to the EU .
There is so little in common between the Anglo Saxon and Franco/German views of the world.
It really is time for us to go as much for their sakes as ours.
“it is not known what sparked the trouble,”
Detectives are probing whether a man who was stabbed to death near a private party in Manchester city centre was targeted in a revenge attack.
Take a look at the photos on the Manchester evening News and decide for yourselves whether the world is a better place without him !
As usual with the BBC there is no reference to what is blindingly obvious in the photographs.
He will be sorely missed by the local community, as was another black youth who was recently stabbed to death in a Gorton housing estate, at night, whilst riding a mountain bike for a ‘meeting’? These yoof are just misunderstood and have been badly let down by us white folk.
No doubt the bbc were digging deep to see if the police had anything to do with the deaths and, if not, they didn’t do enough to prevent the deaths and are racist.
“Take a look at the photos on the Manchester evening News and decide for yourselves whether the world is a better place without him!”
“Yesup, we luv it wen dem ugly nigros get a lynchin”
Not seen any of this on the BBC !
No doubt as in the Trojan Horse case they will adopt the ‘See no Islam’ if they do report it, but segregation of the sexes was deemed wrong there, and also at London Uni so how can it be right now?
one of the replies on the MEN id rather funny, although how long it survives on their boards at the rate they’re deleting them is anyone’s guess.
“Can gay men sit together or do they get stoned to death by the first class?”
“Don`t be so barbaric gay men are not stoned to death in Saudi Arabia I worked in Riyad for many years and never once saw a gay man stoned, they were all be-headed as is the law ascribed by this barbaric offensive religion and oppressive sub human regime and area of the world.
Don`t think there`s much chance of the M.E.N allowing this post due to their obsession with political correctness and pandering to the ethnic minorities.”
Will we be seeing less of Mr Brand on Labour Party-supporting Beeboid TV after this?:-
“Russell Brand calls Labour’s Ed Balls a ‘clicky-wristed snidey c***’ in foul-mouthed rant on Channel 4.”
Read more:
Why doesn’t Russell do everyone a favour and f*cky wucky off.
Because the man is an attention seeking fop !
Very true, we can but hope.
Just watched bbc2’s ‘into the volcano’ with Kate ‘ever so’ Humble. The programme visited a volcano on the South Pacific Island of Tanna where the very lucky Kate had the pleasure to meet a local tribe voted the happiest community in the world who, ironically, have Prince Phillip as a tribal god like figurehead!!
She went native and was dressed in traditional wear (although she didn’t go topless as the locals do) and took part in a local ceremony where she stated that the tribe fiercely protected their culture from outside influences which was the reason they were so content, Kate, with her usual fluffy bunny way, said how welcome she felt by the people and how wonderful the community was! Unbelievable.
Maybe when Kate is in her next ‘free holiday’ meeting with the bbc bigwigs she can educate them to the ways of this contentment and maybe then they’ll understand why so many British voters are turning to UKIP
Exactly! The Beebs cannot or will not see both sides of the political coin.
Strains at A&E depts.
Note how the BBC distorts the facts:
“The trust spokesman said another factor contributing to the problem in Gloucestershire was the high number of “elderly patients being admitted, whose needs are often more complex”.
So clearly not the main factor then, yet the BBC with its evil hatred of elderly ethnic Brits attempts to point the finger of blame at them rather than the real problem.
The hospitalised elderly are often described by the BBC as being ‘bed blockers’.
I would describe the BBC as being ‘a loathsome organisation’.
Looks like those ever variable ‘Editorial Guidelines’ are unwell and truly at play.
In classic BBC style, in the editorial these poor souls are described as ‘so called’, propelling them to that safe place (for the BBC at least) of one degree of separation reference that excuses all. As with ‘Additional Room Fee’.
Of course on twitter there is no room for truth, so “quotes” then serve.
It is only professionally accurate semantically.
I doubt any of the individuals have much say on where they are left, so throwing the onus on them for the inability of the NHS and social services seems the ultimate betrayal of all who have paid in all their lives.
What became of that FOI on BBC private medical perks, or analysis on how pensions that get topped up from the licence fee when they under perform, and how that ensures a unique few are spared what awaits those who were compelled to fund them?
BBC eh, how many “thought blockers” congesting its output … give them 7 days.
R4 News leading with the latest PR release from Labour. As usual. Other news headlines include ebola (I wonder how many people here have died of flu compared to ebola?) and that footballer who served a sentence for rape.
The 70 000+ deaths reported in Syria for last year has soon been allowed to sink into insignificance.
And now something which everyone will be interested in, and of great relevance to the people of the UK
The rebirth of the cinema industry in Cote D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), of how they are showing the film at the Cannes film festival, etc etc. Loads of gushing praise, despite the fact the film is in French and of extremely limited interest to a UK audience.
But that’s the BBC all over. It doesn’t matter what interest the lumpen proletariat, or the ignorant Philistines, it’s of interest to a handful of luvvies at the BBC and the art house cinema movement and that’s enough for the BBC to consider it newsworthy.
Coming back on Eurostar last week I would qualify you belief that the story would not be understood by the target audience. The train was about 60/70 % French young professional types coming back to their jobs in London. As they live here, have young children ( never seen so many pregnant women on a train, the French seen to have them young and not wait until it’s too late as we do) and probably live next door to beeboids then they are the target audience ! After all does not the bbc only exist to serve those inside the M25 ? ‘ The bbc, making news and programmes of interest to itself and it’s neighbours’
“Coming back on Eurostar last week I would qualify you belief that the story would not be understood by the target audience. The train was about 60/70 % French…”
Never watched a film with subtitles D1004?
“…young professional types coming back to their jobs in London. As they live here, have young children…”
Must of been a busy journey for you; walking up and down the carriages, interviewing every passenger on the train.
Hilarious, Thoughtful! I just can’t wait to read Scott’s review of this film …
“And now something which everyone will be interested in, and of great relevance to the people of the UK. The rebirth of the cinema industry in Cote D’Ivoire…”
Ruddy Nora, a whole four minutes of the Today programme was spent reporting something which you personally aren’t interested in. OH THE HORROR!
Fintona, County Tyrone: 80-metre wind turbine collapses
Oh well, wave goodbye to another half million quid’s worth of ‘cutting edge technology’ subsidised by the tax payer on behalf of the ‘Watermelons’ (see Delingpole) and the BBC pension fund. There weren’t even any high winds needed to bring the thing down, I think it must have committed suicide. Weasel words from BBC report describe the loss of the turbine as representing ‘a major financial cost for the company operating this site’ but I think we all know who really pays the bills. Still, look on the bright side, at least it’s one less disfigurement of our countryside.
As a child I used to spend happy summers up in the hills of Tyrone, but nowadays when I’m driving up there, all I see is eyesore windmills all across the landscape.
One has crashed to the ground? We should be thankful for small mercies.
Any one suggesting it was brought down by Isis or Alkieda – or bad people pretending to be muslims?
Well, finally after it closed in 1957 Fintona has something to be famous for apart from the Horse Tram, I wonder what ‘Dick’ would have made of it…?
The new minority scapegoat that has no voice.
‘The elderly’
They are the root cause ‘some say’ of the following:-
1. The rise of UKIP
2. Destruction of the NHS
3. Failing Tory Economy
4. Pension collapse
5. Racism
6. Sexism
7. Ageism
8. Global Thingy
(From the ‘Extrapolation of Research Data’ provided by Professor Paymeelots of Swindle University).
The Liverpool Pathway is in danger of being widened into a dual-carriageway…
They are also blamed by some Scottish nationalists for voting No in the independence referendum.
Will this increase the mass immigrant flow from Bangladesh to Britain
(and swell the Labour Party potential vote)?:-
“Two Bangladesh opposition supporters shot dead in clashes with ruling party supporters, police say”
“Activists shot dead in Bangladesh”
both members of the BNP too? …
… Bangladesh Nationalist Party 😀
And the sacrificial goat that is Ched Evens is being thrown to the liberal, twitterarti ‘concerned’ local population by bbc r5.
Top of their news at 1 pm , note not the election kick off (comrade Wallace will be upset ) nor any number of sunk ships, missing airliners, or dead bodies being found in Shrewsbury.
A man after a job is being vilified from all sides, the local labour MP sticks her big gob in it by saying it would be all wrong to rehabilitate an offender, ( wonder what her views are on all the other rapes up North ?). Bbc wise to the idea that they might be seen to be leading this vilification is cleverly using local plebs as stooges to spout the required line ( wonder how many locals 30 seconds of fame fell on the cutting room floor when they thought it might be right to give a man a chance?).
Big noise made over the fact that 24000 have signed a petition against him (all the twitters, must be busy ) and right in to a club sponsor to put him on the line , pressure ? What pressure ? Not us gov, we only report not lead the population by its nose.
Cue for more BBC-NUJ campaiging for Mass Immigration into Britain?
Will BBC-NUJ step up its political campaign for even more
open-door unlimited mass immigration into Britain from Syria,
given that Lebanon is apparently saturated?
“Syrians entering Lebanon face new restrictions”
the paris attack today on charlie hebdo shows clearly that the bbc and its attitude towards free expression is wrong and cowardly . This gutless institution prevents free discussion of islamification of uk and europe . BBc deserve condemnation for their affective support for the sensitivities of a minority of religious extremists that exist in uk and europe .charlie hebdo magazine should now become a beacon for freedom of expression and having the guts to stand their ground and not stop expressing views held by many