The BBC never fails to disappoint. I caught BBC radio 4 “Today” mocking the Conservative’s claims regarding Labour’s budget busting spending plans should they get back into power; then turned on BBC1 News to hear them give weird Ed Miliband a chance to rubbish the Conservatives. Not a sniff of bias there, no sirree. Anyway here is a NEW Open Thread.
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I see Newsshite had Ayaan Hirse Ali on as a guest. Considering she was a former colleague of Geert Wilders, her contribution was very muted. I supposed constant Muslim death threats do make make you err on the side of caution. There was much windy, bluster about “freedom of speech”. Unfortunately, it takes more courage than most people can muster to criticise the religion of peace, as there is a real chance of being murdered.
The leftwing cartoonist, only brave enough to criticise Thatcher,
seemed to be pretty certain that “freedom of speech had its limits”.In his case, when there was any personal risk .
The presenter asks “Is it right to deliberately set out to hurt someone?” These French cartoonists have obviously brought all on themselves.
They should have invited Geert Wilders to talk about his encounters with the ROP. Too dangerous as reality might break through. The media and the political elites seem to be completlely under the spell of Islam. One particularly vile example is mentioned in Wilders’ book Marked for Deatn: Islam’s war against the West and Me. The former Amsterdam police chief Joop van Riessen said this about Wilders during a televised debate in October 2007: “Basically, one would feel inclined to say: let’s kill him, just get rid of him now and he will never surface again”. There is no hope with idiots like these in positions of authority.
I’m looking forward to this weekend’s massive demo in Paris. Thousands of Muslims will parade through the streets with banners saying “Not in my name”. It’s a cert that this will happen. How could it not? The BBC has told us repeatedly that the Muslim population are as horrified as we are by the recent murders.
The BBC ‘Today’ program is interviewing people in the crowd in Paris, and either they have chosen to interview only those whose views accord with theirs or they’ve been busy in the editing suite.
Almost every one mentioned that they do not want Marine Le Penn to derive any benefit from this, and all they want is some wishy washy version of freedom of speech.
Yet again the BBC are operating its ‘See no Islam’ program to make sure that no blame is attached to the religion. They are talking about ‘self censorship’ media not daring to publish anything which might offend Muslims. They don’t mention their own vicious Fascist attacks on anyone who dared to question Islam or Muslims, and the fact that on every single occasion when it has happened, the BBC has leapt to the Muslim side against the people of this country.
As I’ve said elsewhere, that demonstrated to me that the establishment intends to learn nothing from this episode. They are more concerned with “right-wing extremists” shouting nasty words than religious extremists murdering people for their opinions.
I once remember the BBC interviewing people in the street, and they were still there two hours later.
So looking on Look North the following evening, that would be editing two hours of interviews down to a two minute slot.
That’s a 60:1 ratio needed by the BBC, to find and interview at least one middle-class Guardian reader, one scruffy and dopy looking Tory/UKIP type and one respectable none derogatory looking ethnic.
And that was in Hull, in Beverley they would have had to spend all day to find that type of Politically Correct line up.
It’s Breakfast it’s the BBc it’s still A&E horror shock crisis. Doctor is on telling us some months she has no income at all to run her surgery.
Oh dear, it is not until 22 minutes after the hour that BBC Breakfast is able to concentrate sibling support for their fellow failing internationalised* treasure. Yep at last it is time for another update on the casaulty free crisis disaster emergency grab for funding NHS thingy.
* Internationalistion : the process established under the Blair government of taking British public assets into international ownership through the imposition of political correctness. Internationalised organistions are funded by the British tax payer for the benefit of the international community at large. Prime examples are the NHS and BBC.
The future writ large.
”Has the British media not learnt the lesson of the Danish cartoons, you cannot use freedom of speech as an excuse to attack Islam through humour. ”
”Firstly the BBC needs to be congratulated on the right decision they have made, for once they are listening.
However, the BBC need to ensure that at commission stage these Islamophobic programmes are thrown out, how many more times will they offend Muslims and Islam.”
”The Ramadhan Foundation is the UK’s leading Muslim youth organisation that is working for peaceful co-existence and dialogue for all communities. Based in Greater Manchester and working to also create the platform for human unity amongst our communities in the UK.” 2006
Says it all really. Freedom of speech/expression/thought died at the BBC years ago, the licence fee should have died with it.
‘The Ramadhan Foundation is the UK’s leading Muslim youth organisation that is working for peaceful co-existence and dialogue for all communities’
On their terms, no doubt.
If UK society crosses their red lines, no peace?
“We support and defend the right of freedom of speech but this right ends when other human beings are offended and hurt.”
So not really any sort of freedom at all then? No doubt the BBC will show similar sensitivity to jokes about the late Princess Diana.
Are the BBC now going to inform their viewers, every single time a ‘convicted rapist’ get employment, or gets the offer of employment, or is that privilege just reserved for footballers?
Likewise, if a woman footballer is convicted of making a false report of rape, can we expect her to be treated in the same fashion?
Wednesday’s Guardian
US extradition request to Poland
Request follows continued attempts to bring film director back to face sentencing over child sex charges, with Poland previously not ruling out the possibility of a successful extradition
Roman Polanski says 2009 rearrest left him feeling persecuted.
Immense double standards here. Of course, in this case, the convenient dictum “innocent until proven guilty” applies.
No one refers to Polanski as “famous actor, director and alleged child sodomizer”.
He could always seek work as a taxi driver or takeaway shop manager.
Breaking news in Paris. 2 police 1 male, 1 female shot by male (North African looking?). The woman has died.
Oldham sources now say Ched Evans signing is off due to ” pressure from sponsors and THEATS TO STAFF AND THEIR FAMILIES “. My use of capitals, Well now, how is beeb going to report this one? Satisfaction it gets it’s own way ? Hmmm, threats to staff and families, not very nice is it ? It this going to glossed over as sad but nessesary in its sexual war ?
ADDED. Just heard ‘threats’ included daughter of board members address had been published and threatened with rape. How wonderful, the bbc with its assult on Ched Evans seeking a job has now got a young woman threatened with rape. The bbc and all it’s reporters involved ought to be charged with inciting rape. Beeboid now on R5 a woman, says threats of rape are “ironic”. Words fail me yet again with these people, “ironic” , wonder if she would use that word if she found herself in the middle of a Muslim attack on her place of work ?……. No probably not.
I note a certain triumphalism in their reporting.
The sports journalist signed off his report with a totally unnecessary pointed emphasis;
‘To put things into context Evans was released after serving …HALF…of his sentence’
The pauses and intonation (capitals) are the BBC’s
Beeboids reach a collective decision; forget what has passed for justice before, we now require that a sentence must be served to its conclusion, I.E. The judges must be told that no serving only half a sentence and the rest on probation or licence will be allowed.
Realising this will upset the brown eyed boys who are serving time for crimes against young white girls a sacrificial goat is chosen from 5Dead, to go and pass on the bad news in person. Award of life time pension given to his recently married husband, Henry Doubley-Thick for his sad loss.
I see the habit of ‘name checking’ David Cameron has been dropped. For those unfamiliar with the term this when a person’s job description is included with his name, viz David Cameron, the Prime Mininister. It may seem unimportant but to those who are politically involved it is vital as it associates that person with the position. Red Ed is always introduced as either Ed Milliband, the labour leader or the Labour leader , Ed Milliband. I have not heard David Cameron, the Prime Minister for a very long time, just his name.
Pienaar doesn’t even bother with the ‘David’. Much of the time he simply refers to him as ‘Cameron’.
I’m sure in the interest of balance, one day, sometime in the future, he will address Weird Ed as ‘Miliband’
No just call him , `The Evil Millipeed Twat`,aka `Tosser`.
Its those men again, “Crooked policeman caught after arriving for work in Ferrari” “”Car worth £170,000 prompts anti-corruption team to launch investigation into Sergeant Osman Iqbal, from Birmingham, that uncovers him as lynchpin of mob.
When oh when are the PTB going to realise that this just don’t work, they don’t integrate and operate Taquiyya in every instance. Is it any wonder that ‘certain’ crimes are not being investigated?
PS can we have a new thread please, this one is a bit of a mess!
BBC have done all they can to ruin this man’s chances of getting his life back on track… along with extremist feminazis they ensured that wall-to-wall coverage has basically consigned this man to the scrapheap. As far as I can see he did his time, but they just won’t let it go.
Pity the BBC don’t attack Muslim terrorists with such zeal… or highlight the awful treatment of women by followers of this religion.
Cameron just been on TV………his thoughts are with the victims and their families but he is in Manchester to sell his long term plan……..then some waffle about ‘our values’. He didn’t even announce that they have increased the security at the UK ports……………….
Absolutely pathetic
Seem to have lost this one if it’s somewhere else sorry. The Breakfast team return to the shock horror crisis at A&E. Nice to know they had time o shoehorn this in despite the events in Paris. A Doctor on the sofa tells us that some months she has no money for her surgery. And what did I hear her say her friend only earns £35 a hour (Mrs Dave said she thought it was £45 an hour) and wasn’t worth her while.
BBC shocking level of propaganda Re Paris. on 5Live
20 mins of Paree “Grand Mosque” victim mongering
from various cult members, then added even poorer me from Algerian cult members. …
oops goodness … you nearly forgot, it … was
cartoonists who were the victims wasn t it?,
oh and police seeing as more have been killed today? !
Oh! here we go 10 mins of BBC 5Live Islamofauxbia reports
… on now
… Cowardice has bought us here.
Not by the “ordinary joe”, but by those supposedly running the show, or as has been consistently shown by those quislings … running from it.
Now we have the most galling, incompetent, silver spoon
idiots supposedly in charge … in memory, abject capitulation from No10 down.
Look at the newspaper headlines, bleating the orchestrated crock, the lie of “Islamofauxbia” …
Look at the BBC this very morning, the handwringers on display on one of the very few daytime opportunities
for that ordinary voice to be heard, 5Live Your Call.
Twenty minutes in we ve had, Islamic forum, Ibrahim Mogra, some shameless simpering apologist, Abdul,
and Hasan along with N Campbell being the worst he has
ever been … 25 minutes now … another “plant” bleats the narative calling for “limits”, on free speech
“Je suis Charlie” ? … oh really?
Where are the cartoons then?
Which newspaper? … which TV channel?
Cowardice! … until ordinary Germans want to peacefully
march against such infringement on their lives that is.
Then counter demo s get, political support, orchestrated
lighting switch offs, landmarks put into darkness, political intervention etc.
Abject, Political and Media Cowardice.
5Live s latest “plant” … bleats we don t know what or whose behind the murders
……….. off switch!
Islam? Germany not sure? De Maizière warns against panic-mongering,”
“Fox News has ‘no plans’ to air Charlie Hebdo cartoons,”
Fox, CNN, NBC (and the BBC) won’t show Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cartoons
New York Times:
“What What We Don’t Know: The reason Charlie Hebdo was targeted”
Breaking news from Paris, as France’s top cop is assigned to the Charlie case….
BBC? … show any of these cartoons?
Guidance on Stills, Photographs and Images appended to the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines
“Political, Religious and Topical Sensitivities”,%20Religious
I’ve just heard on 6 Music news that “armed police with weapons” have been deployed around Paris. As opposed to unarmed police with weapons, or armed police without weapons presumably. Oh, how pleased I am to be forced by law to pay for this rubbish.
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile – hoping it will eat him last” Winston Churchill…
… NOT the BBC
Perhaps another one for ‘in their own words’
Tweets by mikewills_sport
“mike williams
Sports Reporter for Radio 5live and assorted other BBC stations, Reading Fan, House Music Champion, Class Warrior. ”
That culture of ‘leave your personal politics at the door’ seems to be working none too well. BBC 5 Live is the hot bed of sports/leftist campaign politics.
One has to wonder, does David Cameron ever have time to listen to the BBC? What with all that chillaxing he probably only ever gets to hear from a class warrior across the despatch box on Wednesdays.
Trying to crack the 500 barrier eh?
Anyhoo, my inbox has two intriguing insights into who is elected, who is not, and who has power. There can be mutual exclusivity involved.
BBC Breaking News Alert
PM urges TV debate rethink on Greens
David Cameron says he will not take part in TV leader debates unless Green Party involved, the BBC learns (well, reads off a press release. I wonder if it was… ‘exclusive’*?)
‘I find it enormously depressing that unelected Ofcom and BBC functionaries are left to make rules about democratic debate in this country.’
Me, too matey. And not just rules about debates they are trying to rig. Try most of their editorial, too.
‘Just extraordinary: an exhibitor at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas demonstrates his new gizmo to the BBC and then disappears from the sight of all other journalists….’
Israeli too. Maybe it was ‘balance’, as for once the BBC was the only one to actually see something from that neck of the woods?
Further to the above, this just in…
‘Looks that way but as it happens I’ve been on story for days.’
Uh-huh. That darn watertight oversight, eh?
Popcorn duly broken out.
In my humble opinion, Cameron really is ‘running scared’ of a debate with Nigel Farage ….
Watch the video at the bottom of the page reckon you would see this interview on BBc? I reckon not.
Nick Robinson ‘BBC has learned’ (but in reality it was from watching ITV report by Tom Bradbury – i.e. learned from ITV) that Cameron might not take part in TV Debates if Greens not included-
Big Media bitch fight – becasue BBC did not admit learning from ITV resources rather than their own!
BBC R4 PM news reporting from a Syrian refugee camp after announcing that the Arab League has asked for more assistance to the refugees. Also we are told that the UN doesn’t have enough money.
Here’s a crazy thought. The Arab gulf states could stop funding the rebels, the Iranians could stop supporting Assad. UN Permanent Members of the Security Council, Russia, could stop supplying Assad, the US could stop supplying the rebels and China could dig deep. That would help. However I think the BBC would prefer that the UK increase its already massive aid effort.
BBC News seems happy to keep pushing the meme: “Have the gunmen got a grievance about the way France handles muslims?”
I mean, WTF?
French police haven’t caught the murderers and the BBC has already conducted a psychological investigation into all the mitigating factors for their crime.
A lot of rumours going around about the lack of blood spatter from the Police officer shot on the video of the Paris streets. I’m no expert on ballistics, but the photos I’ve seen of people who have been shot with this kind of rifle have significant trauma, and masses of blood when they’re shot in the head. With the Paris Policeman there’s not even a drop of blood visible.
I’ve tried to reason this away with the clothing preventing wounds to his body from leaking onto the pavement, but that doesn’t work with a headshot.
Can anyone explain this? how can someone be shot in the head with an AK47 and not bleed?
Thoughtful, when I read your post I was puzzled. Someone shot in the head with an AK47 at point blank range would have no head. Note when the terrorist walks toward the scene he has his rifle in the ‘Belfast cradle’…..a stance developed by the British Army in Northern Ireland conflict. Odd?
Deep in speculation – which is justified given the nature of Islamic terrorism and the cover ups, and the extent to which steps are taken to counter the backlash – one might be permitted to conclude that we have an example of a hero Muslim killed too moment played out by the authorities .
Also makes me wonder why it is that the video from other people has the gunmen yelling the obligatory ‘goodnight blessing’ Allahu Akbar when the shoot the Police officer, they are silent, despite not being in some tearing hurry.
Take a look at what these bullets do on the Telegraph website.
There are numerous issues with the shooting of the Muslim Police officer such as the seeming lack of proper recoil and a lack of flying spent cartridges (so I’m told).
It’s an interesting point you raise that they could have staged this bit for a Muslim Police officer to have also been killed, and nothing would surprise me.
One of the more funny comments this week has been
Shots heard in Paris, Francois Hollande announces Frances surrender !
Don’t go there with this one, note the puff of smoke to the right of the policemans head as the shell hits, or the second shell in a double tap, hits the pavement beside his head. Did the bullet go through his skull and then hit the pavement ? Dunno. Were there two bullets one hitting the pavement another going through his head and burying itself in the pavement out of sight under his head ? Dunno. Can you see his head after he is shot ? No, does his head or body move after being shot ? No. Was the top of his skull missing after being shot ? Cannot see. Not all bullets blow heads off, that’s Hollywood.
I remember I think Douglas Bader, if not him some other Battle of Britain memoir recounting a missing pilot who’s plane is eventually found pancaked on top of a tree. Someone climbed up and found a cannon shell ( 20mm) hole in the side of the canopy.
Inside the body of the pilot with the top of his skull neatly removed, rest of his head intact.
I have read some of the conspiracy theories. The usual false flag rubbish. It is Mossad to blame or us or French intelligence. Absolute garbage.
I don’t know about false flags and may never know. But raising questions regarding the absence of damage following a shooting of this nature should not be dismissed as garbage too quickly.
More. Best let the BBC decide; they are the investigative truth seekers.
BBC news website lead story
“But elsewhere in France a number of attacks on Muslim targets have been reported, with shots fired at a Muslim prayer hall in the southern region of Aude and a mosque in Poitiers, central France, vandalised.”
Note the weasel word ‘reported’, to cover the BBC if the stories are unsubstantiated or false.
Weasel words, eh?
By chance from TellMama?
They were credited with a graphic of kicking offs all round France. It looked like the Ardennes Offensive; all grenades and guns. No obvious symbols for nasty tweets or ill-placed charcuterie.
Seems TellMama are again a trusted source for the BBC.
One thing I really HATE with the biased media is the use of the term ‘prophet’ when referring to Mohammed. They never seem to stop and think how offensive that might be to other religions or if they care.
If Mohammed IS a prophet, then all the rest are wrong ! We never hear them refer to ‘The Saviour Jesus Christ’ Or Moses as Moshe Rabbeinu. Never hear of the Hindu Gods referred to as Lord if we ever get to hear about them at all.
This for me is proof of the Islamophilia of the Fascist left. Treatment different on the grounds of religion is the definition of discrimination, so why are organisations like the BBC indulging in it?
Should the BBC broadcast such a biased program as “The Super-rich and Us” which featured wellknown extreme Leftwing economists as Thomas Piketty?
Even North West tonight is getting in on the act. Taqiyya – nothing to do with us guvnor.