The BBC, in the shape of Caroline Wyatt, finally confronts some uncomfortable issues:
Paris attack highlights Europe’s struggle with Islamism
In rational, post-Enlightenment Europe, religion has long since been relegated to a safe space, with Judaism and Christianity the safe targets of satire in secular western societies.
Not so Islam. The battle within Islam itself between Sunni and Shia, so evident in the wars of the Middle East, and the fight between extremist interpretations of Islam such as those of Islamic State and Muslims who wish to practice their religion in peace, is now being played out on the streets of Europe with potentially devastating consequences for social cohesion.
These latest shootings may be the work of “lone wolves” but their consequences will ripple across Europe and provoke much soul-searching about the failure of integration over the past decades.
Immigrant communities are already being viewed with increasing suspicion in both France and Germany, with their significant Muslim populations, and even in the UK.
Note this which is at odds with the standard narrative of ‘psychologically unstable individuals’ that Frank Gardner for example used today to dismiss any connection to Islam:
France has already seen much more violence on its streets carried out in the name of religion over the past decades, although it has tried to write off most of its recent “lone wolf” attacks as the acts of mentally-unhinged individuals.
A hint of scepticism from Wyatt about that labelling of those attackers?
She even highlights this:
Some in its Jewish community have responded to increasing anti-Semitism and the killing of Jews in France and Belgium by Islamist extremists by emigrating to Israel and elsewhere.
Not the ‘Far Right’ then?
She states that:
Across western Europe, liberally-minded societies are beginning to divide over how best to deal with radical Islamism and its impact on their countries
But that’s not strictly true….there is a consensus that there is no problem with Islam and that it is perfectly compatible with secular, democratic societies….people who speak out in opposition to that belief are dismissed as Islamophobes and racists….just look at Germany right now.
The BBC wouldn’t be the BBC of course without the final word being along these lines:
Governments agonise over the potential for a backlash against Muslims living in Europe.
Today, mainstream Muslim organisations in the UK and France have unequivocally condemned the killings, saying that terrorism is an affront to Islam.
But the potential backlash, including support for far right parties and groups, may well hurt ordinary Muslims more than anyone else, leaving the authorities and religious leaders in western Europe wondering how to confront violence in the name of religion without victimizing minorities or being accused of ‘Islamophobia’.
Still, a fair effort. Soon to be gathering dust on some shelf somewhere long forgotten. Definitely not one for the college of journalism perhaps.
Bullshit bingo I claim ‘House’
Watching the bBC news 1946hrs… and the stupid woman asks Mr Ramadan: “are Muslims fearful of a backlash.”
The male in the chair earlier on was claiming that this was payback for Syria/Libya/Iraq
Frank Gardiner a while ago mentioned the Hijab ban in France
On the bBC news website they point in the direction that the magazine was to blame.
YUp ticks all the boxes, that only the left understand why Muslims resort to the bullet and the bomb rather than the ballot box in which to get their way.
Ballot box! postal votes surely, 100 per voter…
Why do the BBC (and others for that matter) refer to “the Prophet Mohammad” in their reporting? Unless you are Muslim, there is no need for “the Prophet” as a prefix; it is yet another example of the dhimmitude of the Western MSM. Whatever next – saying PBUH after every time the word is used?
Fox News is now referring to the Islamic cult leader as the “muslim prophet”. It’s a start.
How about “the BBC must be destroyed, inshallah!” ?
Viz “the Prophet Mohammad”
I was wondering about that exact thing this morning!.
Quite right Mr Glodstone, ” The Prophet Mohammad” has as much validity as “The Prophet Nick Griffin”.
The status is in the eye of the beholder (or Follower in this case).
6. The BBC, The Guardian and their fellow travellers will despatch reporters to Bradford, Luton, Rotherham, Birmingham, Tower Hamlets etc with a view to proving that Islamophobic incidents have increased as a result of unfortunate events in Paris. Campaign organisation Tell Mama will confirm that this has been the case, citing the fact that there have been lots of angry tweets on Twitter.
7. On a BBC youth debate programme the audience will be canvassed as to their views on the cause of the increased tensions. To a man – and regardless of whether or not they are themselves Muslim – they will blame only two factors: “foreign policy” and “Islamophobia.” A young, attractive, female Muslim on the panel will win massive applause from the audience by dissociating herself and her co-religionists from the actions of the killers, explaining that though they may have thought they were acting in the name of Islam they weren’t, actually, because they just weren’t. So that’s OK then.
“…your chances of being killed in a terrorist incident are way smaller than being, say, run over by a bus”
Good to know. Jimmy.
or a bin lorry.
In rational, post-Enlightenment Europe, religion has long since been relegated to a safe space, with Judaism and Christianity the safe targets of satire in secular western societies.
Ah rationalism, born from the Enlightenment, which itself was born from the French revolution.
Is that the Enlightenment, that gave us two world wars and the use of nuclear weapons and poison gas, and genocides of such scale and depravity that have no parallel in history – the Nazi ( National socialists) genocide of Jews, Christians and gypsies – butchers bill -20 million. The genocide of some 50 to 60 million poor peasants, teachers and anyone else by the socialists in the USSR, and upwards of 70 million by the socialists of China.
Don’t know whether anyone has linked to this already – apologies if so.
Didn’t take long to get to point 6: “The BBC, The Guardian and their fellow travellers will despatch reporters to Bradford, Luton, Rotherham, Birmingham, Tower Hamlets etc with a view to proving that Islamophobic incidents have increased as a result of unfortunate events in Paris. Campaign organisation Tell Mama will confirm that this has been the case, citing the fact that there have been lots of angry tweets on Twitter.”
Ah yes, that “backlash” that never seems to happen, even after 9/11, 7/7, Madrid, Mumbai, or Beslan.
BBC very restrained in their language here… damage limitation in full swing!
well, lets roll back one day and i think this is important in relation to what happened today in paris when 100,000 decent germans held peacefull marches against radical islam and jihadi terrorism.what did the liberals and the left do,oh yes, they smeared them as nazis,fascists and racists,how ironic that today the jihadists turned there murderous islamic anger against the liberal/left wing satirical magazine charlie hebdo and there liberal left leaning journalists who dared to depict the prophet mohammed in cartoon form.10 brave journalists and 2 brave policeman died at the hands of these cowards of islam today,i call what happened today in france as the allah hu akbar massacre as they screamed allah hu akbar as the fired bullets into the bodys of these defenceless victims,this is my message to the liberals and the left,you have spent 20 appeasing these radical muslim jihadists,today they turned on you,lets hope now you have woken up to the fact that these jihadists wont spare you no matter how much you try to appease them.lets hope you have learnt your lesson now.appeasing radical islam has failed as proved in paris today.
Oh give it a day or two-and the BBC will be using Pegida rallies in Dresden etc as being the very cause of these butchers shooting up Charlie Hebdo.
If only the EU would remove all borders, get an international force based in_oh I don`t know…Medina(to be neutral)…and take out the likes of Farage and Le Pen…THEN Islam would be “resurgent”…so rry, I meant “respected” once again in its natural turf.
Like Seville, Granada,Malta-Vienna and Poiters too…then we could embrace the full fruits of a loving Bowling Allah!
Oh-Channel 4 have just said it…mais naturellement!
Speaking of Malta. Try to get hold of
“The Great Siege” by Ernle Bradford.
Absolutely rivetting read.
Here they are….The Islamist trash that murdered innocents in Paris today…
As Islam Not BBC (INBBC) should know-
“Catching The Killers Is Trivial —
Making People Understand Qur’an And Sunnah More Important”
By Hugh Fitzgerald.—-Making-People-Understand-Quran-And-Sunnah-More-Important
Gavin Esler approves
Nice guy Gavin is often to be seen agreeing wholeheartedly with each and every film critique and indeed every pearl of wisdom that falls from the lip of former trotskyite Mark Kermode.
I guess movie reviews – from an unstintingly consistent left-liberal view point – is light relief for our Gavin whose more serious employment is chairing Dateline London – where a panel of foreign journalists provide an unstintingly consistent left-liberal commentary on world affairs. (For those not in the know about Dateline London, the panel of four were recently completely in agreement that Britian ought to ‘give back’ the ‘Malvinas’ – you get the picture).
Well this evening our Gavin is earning some overtime anchoring the BBC News Channel. A leftist in outlook French journo sums up his contribution with a worry that the ‘far right’ may benefit in the aftermath of today’s Paris terrorist atrocity.
Which comment elicits a true to form “Indeed”, from our Gavin.
You could have knocked me down with a feather
Only the liberal media like Gavin Esler, Jon Snow and Matt Frei could see the barbarous deaths of French journalists with some bite and backbone(as opposed to them and their puce lily livered lies) as being a “factor that might do Marine Le Pen/Nigel Farage/Islamophobes” some good.
GOOD-only the liberals would ever see a death-let alone twelve of them-as maybe being of good, benefit or use to anybody…but their own f***in bank balances, expenses, airmiles…AND…as ever-their love of all things edgy and oh-so certain-like Sharia Law and the deep green shag pile laid out on the furry tongue of the British elite of the Guardian, the unis and the BBC..and their political windsocks/willy warmers.
Matt Frei-reckon he will.
I was unfortunate enough to catch 20 minutes or so of Esler’s coverage here on BBC America earlier. Speaking to Rajeev somebody, a Muslim apologist, he went into full Hugh Grant mode: ‘I suppose there is a minority.. a tiny minority of Muslims who will actually approve of this attack today?’. To which Rajeev of course gave the usual ‘work together as a community in harmony’ response. I doubt the Beeb are planning a more rigorous examination of Islam, but maybe they are beginning to wake up and smell the dog shit.
I rarely tune in to their tripe and at least I don’t have to pay £145 for the privilege, but two memories of BBC America are the broadcasting of a documentary with the delightful Anjem Chaudhry, and the Boston bombing coverage. I distinctly recall a Beeboid shouting through the television immediately after that outrage that ‘there is absolutely no evidence… NO EVIDENCE AT ALL.. that this is the work of Islamic extremists’, before with no apparent irony launching into wild speculation about far right perpetrators.
Beeboids’ main political enemy remains-
the English Defence League.
And Christianity.
I wonder if the French police in their search for the mass murderers simply did a sort of random check on various parts of Paris, in the interests of ‘political correctness;’ or whether they targeted certain parts of the city which contain heavy clusters of ‘the Muslim community’?
Not sure what to make of this, but if in any way real, it would be terrifying! I think those in the photos of the bin lorry cab could be blokes checking to see if the driver is okay… what’s your verdicts?
Saw in the paper that the Libyans reckon that Syrians, Lebanese and Sudanese are too dangerous to let into the country.
They call it “to protect their oil security”…price wars an` all!
Can we use thst one?…I mean if a basket case like Libya reckons that they`ll destabilise their bomb sites and sand dunes…surely we can`t all Alex Salmond to have his hands on the spigots.
The oily fool was dumb enough to let Al_Magrabhi rave on for a few unwanted years did he not?
No-no Muslims wanted or needed from those countries, until their fellow-Muslims in Libya say they`re safe.
Ahmed Merabet was the poor Police officer shot today by the two Muslim soldiers in Paris. It appears the pair were brothers Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi and Hamyd Mourad.
How is it that every time a Muslim commits an atrocity the authorities know exactly who the perpetrators are within a few hours ?
Oh priceless..Tariq Ramadan just said that Islam needs to be “deweaponised” in effect…it`s a peaceful thing, and our BBC poppet did ask him if he feared an anti-Muslim backlash…
Those twelve grieving families no doubt feel the same, fear the same right now.
She called him “Tariq” -and that Charlie Hebdo had been antagonising Muslims now for years Phillippa Thomas is the name.
Tariq called our attention to the far more Muslims suffering right now across the world…matters far more, but the killings were “unacceptable”.
Still-yet more pix of oafs round the world with their placards and showing solidarity-not one of who will know a jot about why Islamic nutjobs and their silver tongued vipers like Ramadan get clean away with these murders…and the BBC as Islams whetstone as ever.
What INBBC routinely does: portray Islamic perpetrators as victims.
That disgusting filth, the Guardian, getting its priorities right with this pathetic tweet on their webs(h)ite:
“We cannot let the Paris murderers define Islam”
Ed Husain
It remains political reflexive for ‘leftist’ Guardianistas/Beeboids to defer to Muslims to spin to we non-Muslims what violent Islamic supremacism purports to be.
We’re talking dhimmitude here.
I see that the BBC have a ‘have your say’ on ‘UK new car sales surge to 10-year high in 2014’, but not what happened in Paris.
It’s almost like they don’t want ordinary people to be heard on the most controversial and important issues of the day…
And if ‘Have you say’ appeared, Beeboids would censor out criticism of Islam, so dishonouring Charlie Hebdo.
Both bbc and sky are now giving airtime to apologists, they really cannot help themselves, the stress of the days events just make them turn back to their default beliefs. They don’t get, they don’t want to believe, that the great post war experiment has failed and we now are at war with an alien unwanted population they in their wisdom dumped in our midst.
So where do we go from here ? More ordinary Europeans have had their eyes opened. Many say this cannot go on, including those reading this, but sadly it will won’t it ? Too many entrenched positions, too many heads of the elite buried in the sand. The media will do what it does best, spin, spin and spin again the wishful thinking, the half truths, the downright lies, the hopeful beliefs that it will turn out ok. It will sadly take more than this to change a governments, a countries, a continents, 60 year walk down the wrong path.
More blood will have to be spilt, much more, including ours before the ruling classes admit their errors, expect the norm to return with the usual attacks on UKIP, the usual ‘jokes’ at very safe targets. The name calling at the good people of Dresden will continue.
Tonight I feel very sad for all of us, we are all going to have to see more horrors in the months and years ahead.
I’m betting B-BBC will remove the link very quickly.
BBC Shropshire’s evangelist for political correctness and self-proclaimed Social Justice Warrior Jim Hawkins (who blocked me long ago) has spent the day tweeting his disapproval, not of the murders, but of inappropriate satire.
That’s just a sample. There’s also inevitable retweets from the likes of Tell Mama. Arsehole.
Remember – the BBC issued an edict banning its presenters and journalists from even describing the Mohammed edition of Charlie Hebdo in 2012.
frank gardner is a confused islamophile.
It might help if the BBC asked and analysed some questions
1; I don’t know anything about Pentecostals , Methodists , Judaism , Zorastians , Buddhists , Confucians , that religion Tom Cruise is in , and Satanists .
Why do I not feel threatened that I will be shot ,bombed, beheaded from any of them ?
But I can from Islamofascists ?
2; I travel the length and breadth of the land and deal with many of Her Majesty’s subjects, and I don’t know if they are C of E , RC , Orthodox and the others et al , but one set of people insist that they must wear their religion not just on their sleeve but in a bin bag , why ?
3 ; I notice the Chinese wear western clothing in Birmingham , as do most other groups . Which includes people from Arab lands . Why not a certain group who wish to be fanatical about a religion ( that includes western converts) ?
Let’s start from there BBC and get the full picture .
@YanniKouts Via @Dreuz_1fo 23:18 : Info still fragile, but 2 Arrested, one killed .#Kouachi #CharlieHebdo #Reims
10:29 PM – 7 Jan 2015,7340,L-4612718,00.html
Another French newspaper, Le Point, reported that police investigators identified the three suspects as 32-year-old Said and 34-year-old Sherif Kouachi, and 18-year-old Hamid Mourad using the ID cards left in the Citroen C3 with which they escaped the scene of the attack.
Seriously! How likely is it that seeming trained gunmen would even take their IDs in the getaway car, let alone leave them there?
As with other events, it may just be the fog of confusion, but certain things don’t add up easily applying professional scrutiny.
It certainly all seems to be following some perverse script.
What are the odds of a Muslim policeman being the one who Muslim terrorists murder in cold blood?
If any good can come of this latest tragedy it is there may be slim chance those non-violent types that get the kids out and distribute sweeties when the violent types do their thing in their name, may this time ponder if things are getting uncomfortably close to home.
And stop being tacitly supportive.
“What are the odds of a Muslim policeman being the one who Muslim terrorists murder in cold blood?”
More to the point what kind of Fascist idiot puts a Muslim Policeman in front of the offices of a magazine which is the target of Islamic attention?
There’s no knowing what any one of them might do at any time, after all, most people post a terrorist atrocity claim they never had a clue the perpetrator was ‘the type’ to carry it out.
My question is however a serious one, and I believe that the Qur’an 9:111 answer it.
We must not do what so many Western commentators fail to do, and try to view the world through the eyes of the Muslims themselves.
Surely Allah has bought of the believers their persons and their property for this, that they shall have the garden; they fight in Allah’s way, so they slay and are slain; a promise which is binding on Him in the Taurat and the Injeel and the Quran; and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Rejoice therefore in the pledge which you have made; and that is the mighty achievement
‘they fight in Allah’s way, so they slay and are slain’.
It would appear from reports that the murderers have returned to their apartments to await the Police, maybe it was deliberate?
If this is true the Fascist French government have a lot of explaining to do.
“According to this report, Saudi Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud delivered the warning of the impending attack against Charlie Hebdo to French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian this past Sunday, but which Paris authorities failed to act upon.”
Today there were many parallels in the BBC coverage of the Paris outrage with the coverage of the murder (not killing) of Lee Rigby.
In both cases while other media outlets were reporting, fearlessly, what was in front of their eyes, the BBC were dancing on the head of a pin. In the case of Lee Rigby we got only half of the story, today it was only at 3pm that the BBC finally caught up with Sky and the rolling print media to tell viewers that the ‘attackers’ (not terrorists, though) had shouted that ‘The prophet had been avenged’. Around 20 minutes later they eventually told us that the words ‘Allahu Akbar’ had accompanied the attack.
It is as though, while other media outlets get on with reporting the news, the BBC spends hours wringing its hands deciding what news it will report and how we will report it.
And throughout the BBC continue to censor or raise the notion that ‘Charlie Hebdo’ had it coming…or that it was a ‘security and intelligence failure’…or tonight, on Newsnight the notion that we cannot have completely free speech…or that the French state was responsible with its ‘muscular’ attitude to the veil….and then of course , the thought / question (from La Maitlis) that France was insufficiently multi-cultural. The BBC must be the only people promoting Multi-culturalism – the tired, old, discredited, divisive New Labour notion.
BTW Alan – I do have to disagree with one comment, above; ‘Cameron…this is the man who denied people a referendum on Europe’. No! Not Cameron – It was Brown that denied us a vote on Europe. But that must be an argument for another day. What happened in Paris today and the BBC’s totally unsatisfactory, but not totally unexpected response is the issue for now.
Unbeliveable a gentlemen on the Daily Politics who actually spoke the truth, our politicians have got to stand up and say this is purely down to Islam trying to enforce Sharia Law on the Western Democracy’s.
Oh hold on Diane Abbot the terrorists apologist is on, it’s all our fault. Why this woman live in a country she despises is beyond me.
As Robert Spencer put it so succinctly:
“Why do they hate us? There is the very real possibility that they hate us for reasons that cannot be resolved through our own actions. This is a disturbing prospect, for it implies that they will not stop hating us no matter what we do or what acts of kindness or generosity we display.
The unexplained possibility is that they hate us for reasons embedded within their core assumptions about who we are, who they are and what their rightful role in the world is.”
Which I’ m afraid only echo’s concerned thoughtful European travellers from at least the nineteenth century. The only long term solution is the forced removal of the sea within which the fish swim. In other words they all have to go back to where they came from. Maybe we are looking at IS from the wrong angle, let them get on with it, build their perfect Islamic state, just keep a very close eye on it and keep it behind a very high wall. With the birthrate going through the roof in all Muslim countries, sooner rather than later it will all explode in internal wars ( more so than now) in their fight for basic survival, Islamic state or not. They as individuals have to understand their belief system is only ever going to work in small desert numbers. It will never work because like communism it contains at its core beliefs which do not work within a modern, technological world. They have been on a loser for 600 years, they just have to come to terms with it, BUT they need keeping at arms length whilst they do so.
Anyone see Newsnight last night?
To remind us of similar instances of varying degrees of religious intolerance of free speech they told us of previous violent attacks on the office of Charlie Hebdo, the death threats to Salman Rushdie and the intimidatory, unruly crowd which got a play taken off at a Birmingham theatre.
And to achieve that famous BBC impartiality and balance we were also reminded of the peaceful, placard waving protest by a few Christians who didn’t approve of the screening of ‘Jerry Springer The Opera’.
As the commentator acknowledged that the Springer protest was non-violent why was it mentioned at all in a piece about religious threats and thuggery from people who hate free speech?
And those frothing foaming Sikhs with that play in Birmingham as well.
Clearly we should all be scared of pro-abortionist terror gangs, as well as those turbans then.
Islam nowhere to be found on the BBCs radar unless we rub their f***in noses in it.
The execrable liberal jogfest ended with some sandbag from the Guardian telling us about his fearless efforts to cartoon the powerful…Major with his pants?…Cameron in a condom?…but-as for any effort to draw Muhammad…well, let Hebdo or Jyllens Post carry THOSE risks.
The man was fat babbling, dull incoherent pedant, who couldn`t string a sentence together( had himself and Will Self been “Je Suis Charlie” in the Green Room?
Just the sandbagging nightwatchman, specifically tasked to block any time for the only voice the BBC hate and fear who IS a Muslim…Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Poor woman got hardly a word in…which would be just what Evan Davis would have been paid to deliver to Katz etal.
Noted same tactic on the Politics Show earlier…watch the quisling appeaser of terror-BLiars Powell creature of 97-07-turn 180 degree pirouettes in the face of St Douglas Murray…but note Neils deference to Powell, and the amount of time this terror gonk of the left gets-especially when both Murray and Nawaz were on common ground.
Typical sandbagging and dampeners applied…Islam must prevail at all times, sez the Beeb.
And as yet-no European effort, no BBC blitz, no offers to show those Hebdo cartoons that led to slaughters by way of …er “Solidarity”
Oh no…solidarity is a hashtag , wristband or a millionaires quack in Trevor Horns studio…but as for Hebdo, MO cartoons or suchlike….they can Focal off…for Islam must be cringed before…as ever…go to hell BBC!
Until you show us a cartoon that Hebdo died for-your talk of solidarity and support is for the oiseaux!