Craig at Is the BBC Biased has watched Panorama and is praising it for its honesty in discussing Islam in the UK….
Panorama: The Battle for British Islam
Credit where credit’s due.
Tonight’s Panorama by John Ware was an outstanding piece of reporting.
It fully faced up to the fact that Islam is the problem, and that a radical reformation of Islam is needed
I haven’t watched it yet but I will take Craig’s word for it that John Ware, usually reliable on this subject, has done the business. Let’s hope I don’t appear on tomorrow’s Today programme ala Fox News and Birmingham for relying on other people’s research.
From the BBC blurb:
John Ware hears from Muslims facing an angry backlash for trying to promote a form of Islam which is in synch with British values. They believe that the way Islam has been practised here has more in common with extremist ideologies than some police officers, politicians or Muslim leaders have been prepared to admit.
An extreme but non-violent form of Islam pushes Muslims into the arms of the extremists…a version of Islam that can’t exist with core British values…and one that is growing.
Here’s the issue though…all very well a specialist BBC programme making these waves and digging into the subject to unearth the truth…but as always how does that translate into the everyday presentation of these events when it is filtered through the likes of Nicky Campbell, Peter Allen and Adrian Chiles?
Kind of suspect, as long experience tells me, that it will be completely ignored and the ideas and information within that programme will not get disseminated to other programme makers.
If you don’t watch the programme, and how many do watch Panorama now?, you will be left the unsuspecting victim of a tidal wave of pro-Islam programming that talks about the threat from the Far Right and makes Muslims the victims of that mythical backlash.
The BBC has long treated us to Muslim propaganda programming designed to make us love Muslims and Islam….Friday we had yet another…Hip in a Hijab.
Listen and groan…it’s pure propaganda…listen to how free and powerful Muslim women are…how the hijab empowers them and is a symbol of freedom and feminism….however the idea that Muslim women can wear alluring and eyecatching Hijabs and Burkhas is ridiculous…it defeats the purpose of those devices which is to cover their modesty and stop them attracting unwanted (by their husband/father/brother) male attention.
O/T but the Daily Mail and Daily Mirror are reporting that French police commissioner, Helric Fredou, shot himself on Wednesday night following the atrocities in Paris.
I can find no corroboration for this story from any credible media outlets (only on conspiracy and woo sites).
Is this true? Anyone know what’s going on with this story?
It seems true but it doesn’t seem to be linked to the attacks.
“Colleagues said Mr Fredou had been deeply affected by the suicide of the number three of the Limoges judicial police in 2013 after he discovered the body. His colleague had left a note citing “personal reasons”
Thanks flexdream. It does seem to be unrelated although the Mail and the Mirror seem to want to tie it in somehow.
I was rendered speechless to be honest, because the BBC finally faced head on, what the rest of us have been saying for years….
The tipping point may be closer than we think..
Will the BBC now start air brushing its own part and complicity in the appeasement of and, collaboration with militant Islam?
I don’t think we should get too excited, the BBC hierarchy may yet turn on this and snuff it out. There is no change anywhere else.
I was rather shocked by that programme. Shocked in a good way. Finally we had Muslims on screen admitting that there is a vile level of extreme bigotry and prejudice within Islam.
Where were the diversity police these past decade? Attacking any and all imagined expression, no matter if entirely unintentional, of any perception of racism or bigotry that any white Brit came out with, whilst simultaneously completely blinding themselves entirely to the tidal waves of bigoted prejudice and hate that flow out of Islamic communities every day!
Now can we start treating everyone EQUALLY under the law please? Y’know, for a change!
A reprise.
Yes, John Ware’s ‘Panorama’ is in sharp political contrast to INBBC’s usual
daily pro-Islamic propaganda.
Many kafirs viewing the programme should have learnt something about Islam,
and the global and national threat.
The references to France Islamic jihad massacres, and to Islamic State barbarians,
were well made.
Ware made clear the growth of the threatening ‘non-violent Islamic extremism’
(less cumbersomely ‘Jihadwatch’ calls it ‘Islamic supremacism’); but while he seemed to warm to a Muslim trying to sell the idea of ‘British Islam,’ it was not clear how small a group this was.
It is a start. Let us all hope, and demand, that it not be the end. Islamic supremacism is every bit as vile as the KKK’s white supremacism, Nazi Arian supremacism or any other form of supremacism. It must be tackled head on.
The other oversight still due from the BBC is the rehabilitation of those it has ridiculed and criticised for years and years who have been warning against the Islamist threat, and yes that includes even the BNP. It certainly includes the EDL and Israel.
A fantastic programme by John Ware. Not said explicitly but wahhabi islam as funded by the saudis (hamas, isis, boko haram , muslim brotherhood , taliban etc) was identified as the problem. The “victim narrative” was ripped apart for the sham it is.
The bbc, our government, the guardian and the saudi ambassador will be very upset that we got to see this type of programme on mainstream tv.
Watching this programme. First mention of ‘backlash’ is about the backlash against the Happy Muslims video, and guess what .. the backlash came from other Muslims.
For years and years and years ‘we’ have been saying that no-one kills and persecutes muslims more than other muslims. Maybe Paris has marked a tipping point. Let’s hope so.
this country is like living in a madhouse with all this islamic extremism,just when you think it cant get any worse it does.what the hell is happening.whats next.
The BBC are reporting that the cover of the next issue of Charlie Hebdo magazine will feature a picture of the Muslim prophet Mohammed (see It will be interesting to see whether this picture subsequently appears on the BBC, or whether we have a case of #JeSuisBBCharlatan.
some dick reporter (didn’t catch his name) on bbc breakfast just now,reporting on the new cover of Charlie H mag, said he had it in front of him ,but wouldn’t show it to the camera!
I just watched this and, yes on the surface, this is an astonishing volte face by the BBC but I wonder how sincere they are. What has triggered this epiphany is certainly not a magazine’s staff being butchered.
This is either one of those rare instances where ‘the other side’ of the story is told in order to ‘prove’ balance or it is to aid Labour in getting votes back from the white working class.
As to the programme itself the chap from the Deen Foundation said that apostasy killing was the height of irrationality but of course that is nonsense. Apostasy killing is the perfectly rational as it allows the violent to kill those who turn their backs on Islam or, more likely, the extremist version of Islam. What better way to encourage the ‘faithless’ to stay quiet? What better excuse to use when you bump off a rival than ‘well he’s turned his back on islam and we all know the punishment for that.’ An age old solution to an age old problem for religious leaders.
True to form the reporter also had a go at the Tories for introducing laws which we all know won’t be used against Muslims but against the majority. Just as Labour did, but shush, mum’s the word eh?
No, I’d hold off the celebrations for now until it is clear whether the BBC has changed policy or is just blowing smoke.