Tim Wilcox is feeling the heat:
The Daily Mail explains:
BBC reporter faces calls to resign after he tells daughter of Holocaust survivors after Paris attacks: ‘Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well’
Not badly chosen words at all…just the usual BBC mantra that the Jews in Europe somehow bring retribution upon themselves by Israel’s policy of defending itself when under attack.
That’s one ‘backlash’ that the BBC seems to approve of.
Perhaps Wilcox should apologise to his fellow ‘Tim Wilcox’ who hasn’t been impressed by the attention he’s receiving:
Fair enough.
Its amazing that no one seems to mention the 11000 rockets fired from schools. housing centres and hospitals at Israel over the past 10 years. Some may come back at me and say ‘that’s a lie!’ it was only 10000. But the BBC never tells us about the rockets and tunnels they just tell one side.
Not much of a backtrack. Interview with good moslems in Paris who says that the Joos get the best property and the media is on their side. Poor Moslems want to integrate . Joos bombarded Gaza, but are protected by the CRS. The kind of jumbled argument here one expects from the sixth form socialist society
Being always interested in the glory that is the BBC complaints system, given a few recent stellar efforts by corporation and staff, I was presuming the fall out from this one would see replies well and truly kicked to summertime as they regret not answering due to the high volume of foul-ups they need to dispose of in the long grass as long as possible.
Not so.
Speed, of course, does not translate into anything good usually, and so it is here. Oil nicely poured on an already blazing row in the form of a considered, well, default blow off that manages to be all too familiar deflection and cherry picking in not answering the actual issue. And offering an ‘answer’ that says nothing bar a template ‘tx now sod off’.
The cynicism to this is as breathtaking as it is deliberate.
What does the complainant now do?
The BBC sort of acknowledged something untoward, but have admitted zippy and didn’t even attempt the usual faux claim it’s going up on the secret internal board in the gents to laugh at.
But even if so who, actually, does SEE it? Not the public, clearly (other than shares such as this, which can mark a person for expediting – see the ‘we note’ Taxi threads here from a few years back), as for that to happen officially it needs to go through the whole CECUTT labyrinth up to Rona and crew, and to be published they need to see merit. In maybe 6 months. All moved on from and forgotten, mea culpa in any case tucked nicely away in a screed of offcialese on an obscure link.
Otherwise… memory hole.
Meanwhile, in oth… all to familiar news on this farcical state of affairs, from CECUTT’s sister snake pit, the FOI dept..
They of course point folk back into the labyrinth. Who will likely then hide behind semantics, insincere apologies, lost archive or evolved transcripts, and if originals are requested will fire up Hugs and the team for an exemption.
Feel the trust; see the transparency.
Propaganda backed by such a vastly resourced obfuscation to censorship system is very unhealthy. And as the foul ups increase, as they will by virtue of causes not being addressed by favouring ever-thicker Band-Aids, their only solution will be to staff up on the public tab… or claim they are so messed up they can’t reply any more.
The Leopard escapes the Basement to jump the Shark.
Then, like the No. 38 bus, comes another, rather neatly linking those two above…
I wonder if Tone, Danny, Hugs, Mary, Rona & malice have figured out what to do about that rather extended page downtime?
That would still be a ‘non’ then.
Je suis unsurprised.
Love this comment on the Bishop Hill post:
‘Vacant looking Martine Croxhall does the newspapers late each weekday evening.
When one of the many stories about how much windfarms cost us not to generate anything was brought up by one of the London based media luvvies they have on each night she was clearly spooked.
She immediate asked him “You’re not one of those climate skeptics are you ?” like it was obviously a bad thing.’
It’s like she knows what line she’s got to take but doesn’t really understand why she’s taking it.
So he tweets a non-apology and that’s the end of the matter, eh?
Compare and contrast the fate of Carol Thatcher:
“We understand she has not made the unconditional apology that they sought, and as a consequence of that, her position on The One Show is no longer tenable.
“As far as we understand she believes that it wasn’t racist, it was meant in jest.”
And that’s her fate sealed.
excellent comparison.
I bet half the people at the BBC do not even recognise what the fuss is about – whereas they all went apeshit over the Carol Thatcher incident.
Where’s dezzz?
Could you believe someone would fake a BBC website to give credibility to his equally fake BBC video? What’s the world coming to?
False flag
5 words,resign tim wilcox ,and now,you have crossed the line into anti semitism andif you did not believe in what you said why did you say it,resign now tim wilcox.
He (and all the other Israel haters at the Beeb and Grauniad, etc) should read and reflect on this
So let’s contrast this with another recent story from yesterday. This concerns a terrorism expert appearing on Fox News in the USA who stated that Birmingham was a Muslim only city and no go area for anybody else.
Following complaints he admitted his overstatement and apologised. Here are the articles that the BBC have run on this story since yesterday.
Apology for ‘Muslim Birmingham’ claim 12 JANUARY 2015, BIRMINGHAM & BLACK COUNTRY
Our city: Real life in Birmingham 12 JANUARY 2015, BIRMINGHAM & BLACK COUNTRY
Nine real facts about Birmingham 12 JANUARY 2015, BIRMINGHAM & BLACK COUNTRY
Could Fox News comments hit tourism? 12 JANUARY 2015, BIRMINGHAM & BLACK COUNTRY
Fox News terrorism commentator Steven Emerson donates £500 to hospital 13 JANUARY 2015, BIRMINGHAM & BLACK COUNTRY
Besides the number of articles published on the subject, look also at the length of any of them and how the BBC are using this for a variety of issues that match their agenda, not least doing their best to demean Fox, and of course promote Islam.
They really think that what this man said about Birmingham is far more important than Wilcox’s shameful muttering to a woman grieving over what just happened in France,
This is our ‘fair, balanced and impartial’ broadcaster.
Steve Emerson really is an expert on Islamist terrorism, an author and a constant critic of Obama’s flaccid policies. That’s President Obama – “leader of the FREE world” who failed to send a single senior US figure to Paris on Sunday. Probably because he still tries to kid everyone that the war on terror finished years ago.
If Steve Emerson appeared on, say, Newsnight, he could tell the idiots there what real threats we face. As could Mark Steyn, another persona no grata at the BBC.
Before Scott, Dez or Albaman are tempted to swoosh out if their current silence, Steyn has been on the BBC.
The malice was palpable,his intention was to be hateful–
Just another example of pernicious anti-semiism tricked out as anti-zionism,or somesuch.Little man—-
Sounds like left-wing liberal anti-semitism.
The bbc have been found out, looking at the HYS comments I think they are totally rattled. Hopefully this is the beginning of the end.
It was not a poorly phrased question it was an anti Jewish statement.
As somebody at BBC Watch noted, if what he asked was a poorly phrased question, what would a rephrased question have been like?
Made my own comment and observations on Comrade Wilcox’s Twitter feed yesterday, in regards to this very Tweet….
Wilcox must be a fan of Nicholas Cage because it was gone in sixty seconds…
“gone in sixty seconds”
Shame he won’t be.
Heres the thing…
This Wilcox bloke has said sorry….but not for the meaning, just that it was poorly phrased….meaning, he means what he is saying, he could have phrased it a little more…delicately.
So, on that, the BBC and lefty progressive tossers want us all to forget about it…
The chap on Fox news?….ohhhh no, you cannot be allowed to forget about him, the progressive tossers are banging, wall to wall about him….even though he said sorry for a badly phrased statement…no, Mr Fox news, and the entire organisation are filthy racists according to the liberal progressive tossers…
But, for something more inflammatory, and GENUINELY racist from Wilcox, said on the BBC…during the “Unity March” of all times…neither are?
Hypocritical wankstains.
Most here monitoring usual BBC coverage of Israel would be forgiven for thinking that at best, news reports by Israeli newspapers are never examined by BBC staff to gain ‘the other side’.
So here’s something to show you that they do, but choose to ignore it if it conflicts with the story they way they want it to be seen.
Clearly they’ve been scouring Mid-East newspapers to see how they’ve been reporting on events in France. So out of all of them, and no doubt quite a few which would have been supportive of the terrorists, which one did the BBC choose to focus on?
Well here it is – the third most important story on their Mid-East webpage:

Jewish newspaper removes women from photo of leaders
Notice the article is in Hebrew, and is from an orthodox Jewish newspaper Hamavaser, that nobody will have heard of before, or likely to again. But the BBC think that the fact that the editors photoshopped the photo from France to remove all women leaders was worthy of mention.
However, if they would have looked at some of the main stories in the Israel media about events in France they would have seen
Hamas Publication Praises Paris Terrorists
But this kind of stuff is not worth a mention.
Any wonder the BBC excuses Willcox for his viewpoint?
The BBC’s Israeli paper of choice is Haaretz a paper whose politics closely resemble that of the Guardian and whose share of the Israeli media market is around 5%. Partly this is a political decision because Haretz always provides copy that can be used to damage Israel but mostly because they have an English language edition . The opposition English-language Jerusalem Post — Formerly The Palestine Post (before 1950) has a political line considered centre-right and is rarely referenced by the BBC despite a circulation arguably larger than Haaretz English edition.
Haaretz wrote this story and the BBC arguably took it from them.
Ha Mevasar, a paper I have never heard of, has a circulation below that statistically significant to mention. That said it is hardly surprising that it removed the women and doing it had nothing to do with Netanyahu. Some of the Haredi (ultra Orthodox) newspapers never show a woman under any circumstance.
Haredi publications tend to shield their readership from objectionable material and perceive themselves as a “counterculture”, desisting from advertising secular entertainment and events. The editorial policy of a Haredi newspaper is determined by a rabbinical board and every edition is checked by a rabbinical censor. A strict policy of modesty is characteristic of the Haredi press and pictures of women and girls are generally not printed. In 2009, the Israeli daily Yated Ne’eman doctored an Israeli cabinet photograph replacing two female ministers with images of men, and in 2013, the Bakehilah magazine pixelated the faces of women appearing in a photograph of the Warsaw Ghetto. The mainstream Haredi political party Shas also refrain from publishing female images. Wikipedia
In other words NO STORY.