Here is the latest Charlie Hebdo cover. On BBC Today, they stated that the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail were not running with it. I was contacted by a DT Journalist who said that the web version of the Telegraph ran it at 11pm last night. She also pointed out the BBC did not appear to be wanting to show it. So, has the BBC the courage to PUBLICLY run this image or were all their #jesuischarlie words simply empty?
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Nah, they’re running scared.
Yup they’re definitely running scared.
Both BBC newspapers are carrying the picture:–and-controversial-as-ever–as-its-staff-take-aim-at-powerful-new-friends-9974065.html
Link to an excellent article (also very critical of B-BBC leftist stance);
It is interesting to note that Nicky Campbell this morning admitted on Radio Five “gets much worse” Live that the hierachy of the BBC are running around like “headless chickens” in trying to decide how to approach this issue.
And not just the BBC either.
Witness Evan Davis nervously holding the cover of CH last night.
Clearly we`d not be getting a peek unless we could freeze-frame near enough.
Also think it was edited for online-I was sure that he mistranslated the “Tout Est Pardonnes” as “Lots of apologies”.
No not, just the BBC.
Do you think that there is ONE library, ONE school, ONE university or college, ONE Council that will be buying this one edition to show CH staff that we`re with them.
Not ONE public sector organ here in the UK would dare get it-not even the French departments of our schools and colleges.
These are the same people who piggy back on the dead of Paris-who claim they they TOO “stand up” for western values that they personnified.
Not a chance-these Muslim bumbags are mere shoe scrapers for the coming Muso Rebels….
Further proof?…didn`t we hear this morning that the German political class didn`t wasnt Pegida to march last night-might intimidate the Muslims, showing disrespect to those that died, an insensitive time and all that!
Remember-those who want Pegida to sign a petition or buy a wristband are their very own so-called “Leaders”.
No-the people are leading all over Europe-and we ain`t f888in getting hogtied for Ahmeds hahal butchers….despite how nice the EU would regard this.
This CH magazine is totemic, historic and worldwide news with unprecedented demand and interest-but sure as hell, none of us will see it-let alone be able to get a copy…
Goes without saying too that no church or Islamic Centre would dare break the grip of Fascist Islam…so , no -you`ll not be getting a copy in those either.
The lights are going out all over Europe…thank God for the coming glow worms…. We are Jesus indeed!