As tens of thousands of Germans take to the streets to protest the Islamification of their Country, the BBC does all it can to downplay this movement and tar it with a Nazi type image. The BBC has a problem with any Nation showing patriotism and has been quick to support Merkel’s demonisation of the Pegida movement.
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The reporting could be worse. On Sky’s website they are claiming that the record PEGIDA turnout was ‘dwarfed’ by opponents’ marches – an interesting new use for the word:
Frau Merkel is reported as saying that “Islam belongs to Germany”. Nothing new there, then. Here’s a picture of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem meeting with Muslim Nazi volunteers in Berlin in 1942:,_Berlin,_Besuch_Amin_el_Husseini.jpg
I think Merkel got confused in her new authoritarian guise. I’m sure she thinks Islam can “belong” to Germany but I don’t think that such an ambition will be received well in the Islamic world. I think that states cannot contain Islam but Islam can contain states. Islam may well be given a ride into the future by Germany but at some point the nature of Islam will express itself and Germany itself will “belong” to Islam. Similar to the accession of Turkey into the EU; they think that the EU will “consume” Turkey and become this secular dual faith paradise. I think that Turkey believes that it consuming the EU as it Islamises. And there are many Turks in Germany hoping for that.
I’ve never thought the BBC had a problem with the patriotism of Pakistanis.
In fact when they have been flying Pakistani flags from their homes, they have backed them to the hilt. When British taxi drivers were warned they risked losing their licences over union jacks on the windows, and Pakistani drivers were not they again took the side of the Pakistanis.
It didn’t seem to have a problem with any of the Middle East either especially during the so called ‘Arab Spring’, and when it comes to Palestinian ‘Statehood’ the BBC is fully behind nationalistic feelings.
Well the BBC is a well known Islamist organisation. Look how the BBC supported the 7/7 bombers.
“Record numbers of anti-Islamist PEGIDA supporters march through Dresden”
But, overall in Germany there were more than that demonstrating in favour of the Islamisation of Europe, with slogans such as- ‘Munich is colourful.’
PEGIDA – “Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident”
Merckel, the archbish of Cologne, the MSM , vehemently oppose PEGIDA.
Does it follow that they support the Islamisation of the West.
Will Merckel look better in a burqa?
Does the archbish have a clue?
In answer to your questions:
1) Yes
2) No
Thank you Rob.
Again, the real story is that thousands in a civilised Western democracy marched against creeping Islamification. The BBC cannot help itself but report the other side of the coin.
From the reports I have not been able to glean exactly who comprised the anti-PEGIDA crowds. Last week the Telegraph noted that the counter-demonstrators comprised in part Turkish . . er . .Germans. This week? Nothing except contempt for the 25,000 (compared to last week’s 18,000) who turned up. Obviously – and it is obvious – a tacit agreement has been reached in the UK paper and broadcasting press to downplay PERGIDA and concentrate on the unspontaneous and state-backed counter demos (thus does Germany revert to the good old ways).
BTW credit to the Guardian (and Independent?) for publishing the new Mo CH cartoon. The Times and Telegraph both thought better of it (or await tomorrow’s “official” CH publication?). (Almost) needless to say AFAIAA the BBC refused to be tempted into showing its audience a glimpse of the cartoon.
I see that the BBC are celebrating the demonstrations against PEGIDA in Germany. What is not mentioned is that these demonstrations are organised by the state. Now my understanding is that only totalitarian states do this organising. For a state to put itself in this position has not occurred in Germany since the 1930s and that history should have made politicians hesitate. It is popular in dictatorships. A demonstration is meant to be a spontaneous ouptpouring of a concern by certain people. I know that this may well be naive seeing a demonstration as somehow representing the “people”, but it does say something. Also that the demonstration ultimately is meant to influence the state and its policies. Now, for a state to effectively lobby itself or personify itself through clothing itself in a “demo” will be see by historians quite coldly: not an expression of popular concern, but a manipulation of the population and ostracis
The sodding bbc is doing to pegida what it did to the USA Tea Party and our own UKIP. Same mindset, same tactics. The bbc is too bigotted and too stupid to do otherwise. The only consolation for me is that one day, the bbc will no longer exist; I just hope I live long enough to see that day come- I shall dance in the street and hand out sweets to children.
You forgot the EDL. EDL was lambasted as a bunch of Nazis. They hope to do so to PEGIDA.
What is disturbing is that the German government has come out against the Pegida marchers.
This is a bad portent and I fear when an elected government strikes out at what is a popular and peaceful movement ( particularly in the old East) then the next step is to use the state as an oppressor.
This is what I call the inevitability of liberalism turning into tyrrany.
That said the old East Germany is not like the rest of Western Europe and those there are made of sterner stuff.
As for our liberal media they cannot even begin to understand Pegida and will automatically demonise it and the people of Dresden .
Having no love for their own country and culture the liberals cannot understand those who have.
Great comment.
liberalism turning into tyrrany.
The late Laurence Auster was a trenchant critique of liberalism.
Ed West writing in the Telegraph states the left’s quandary which no leftists will admit: leftists believe both in equality and diversity, but diversity, introduced into a society by mass non-European immigration, increases inequality, by increasing the number of poor people. The more diverse a Western society becomes, the more poor and unequal it becomes. West even quotes Steve Sailer on this point. This is progress.
But, I ask, progress toward what? Presumably toward that day when Western countries see the truth that mass Third World immigration is a catastrophic folly, and halt it. However, while an increasing number of individuals such as Ed West may come to recognize this truth, I no longer believe that Western societies as societies will come to recognize this truth. They cannot let themselves recognize it, because their very identity and legitimacy in their own eyes is based on non-discriminatory openness to nonwhites and the resulting diversity. Modern, liberal, Western peoples are therefore incapable of saying to themselves, “Diversity is a mistake, we must stop increasing our diversity.” The only thing that can make them stop it, is not the rational thought that diversity is a catastrophic error (a thought they are incapable of having), but the actual experience of catastrophe. Only actual catastrophe, making them feel that diversity is a catastrophe, will lead them to stop welcoming more diversity. But by then it will be too late to save the Western countries in their historical form. White Western civilization will survive in some form, but not in its current and historical form.
oops – “critic” not “critique”
Thank you DP111, the future all plainly set out in all it’s likelyhood, I suspect you might be horribly correct. As our continent dies in front of our eyes where do we go ? Where is our lifeboat ? New Zealand too small, Australia just as infected. Where do we go ?
The lifeboat may come in the form of regional identity such as Saxony where Dresden is. As the national identity is washed away then it might find refuge in regional pockets, or even ghettoes/enclaves.
There’s also parts of the USA, Russia and Israel.
Somehow I don’t fancy living in a European version of Israel, a small state surrounded by those “friendly Muslims ” .
A great tragedy is unfolding before our eyes. Europe is the birthplace of what Naipaul called “Universal civilisation”. All you have to do is to go to any town in Italy, and see what the West is. These towns will be destroyed. Art galleries containing the work of the greatest works of art, will be destroyed, as they are all Harraam in Islam.
Then there is France. Some of the pre-revolution art survived the Revolution, they too will be torched. We know that Muslims have a desire to torch the symbols of what they regard as Infidel religions.
England is itself a great repository of the culture of the West. Why are our rulers so keen to destroy everything. Its as if the politicians who rule us, have been taken over by the soul of Nero – they wish to burn it all down.
Why are we allowing people into the country, who will destroy anything they label as un-Islamic. Through history, Islam has been the destroyer of civilisations. Have we forgotten that the Taleban destroyed the Bhumiyan Buddhas, despite all pleas from the UN. What will happen to the works of Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Giotto, etc . The devout Muslims of IS destroyed the tomb of Noah. Why? What was so provocative that it deserved destruction.
Havnt we figured out, that the present attacks of churches in England, France, Germany, or the attacks on the monuments that celebrate our civilisation, presage a destruction on a grand scale?
Atlantis maybe. I cant think of anywhere else except Russia.
Ed West’s book “The Diversity Illusion” is excellent.
He is one of the few guests on the Moral Maze who didn’t talk drivel. Anne McAlvoy asked him “Are you prejudiced?” and he answered “No”. This suprised Anne greatly as most media types think they are without prejudice, in much the same way as Christ was without sin. In fact prejudice is the modern form of original sin. I think this is the real reason why BBC types believe that “Islam has nothing to do with terrorism”. To believe otherwise would mean that they were prejudiced and so not morally perfect beings. So I was moved to buy the book of someone on the Moral Maze. I bet that does not happened very often!
Very well put. Reality cannot be evaded and this makes the future of the West very uncertain.
Short of a complete change of heart by the Western elites and educated classes I can no longer see how catastrophe can be avoided.
It is time to look to your own future and the future of your family.
In other words be ready to leave as the Jews are leaving for Israel.
Once you have accepted this premise then you can start to look to the future.
Now where and when is the question.
The question arises why the the entire MSM/BBC and the ruling elite wish to Islamise the West, or the former Christendom.
My guess is that, having made the biggest mistake in the history of the West, a mistake that threatens to extinguish Western civilisation, they have no alternative to continue denying that there is a problem. If they admitted the mistake they have made, they become traitors to civilisation.
They hope though, that long before that catastrophe, they will be out of power, or better still, not around.
The other more sinister reason is that an Islamised West is better suited to rule the peasants (now Muslims), from a central caliphate based in Brussells. There is no separation between the mosque and state, which is convenient. The new imams will enforce EU caliphate directives as coming from allah. Resistance will be futile/harram, and lead to punishment in the usual Islamic manner.
Amazing statement by Turkish PM Davutoğlu to the Frankfurter Allgemeine, comparing PEGIDA to IS terrorists. “When terrorist groups in Mossul destroyed churches, they claimed that Mossul was an Islamic city for Muslims alone. That is the logic of PEGIDA who proclaim Germany as a state exclusively for Christians ….and they both have a medieval mentality”.
Why ordinary Germans put up with this crap is beyond me.
The political elite in Germany must be really worried by the atrocity in Paris. Another anti-PEGIDA piece on ARD’s Tagesschau. Apparently, some “impartial jury”(blinkered leftist loons) of linguists has declared “Lügepresse” = lying MSM to be the “Unwort” of the year. This is because “Lugepresse” was used to describe the leftist press by the Nazis. (Picture of Goebels shown). Speaking head opines “PEGIDA is anti-democratic because it is criticising the MSM in general terms like the Nazis” Unbelievable!
The German people ,like ourselves have been sold out to the EU , but slowly the penny is beginning to drop ,far from dominating Europe they are dominated by it ,forever being bled white to prop up the failing Euro , the day will soon arrive when the taxpayer in Germany realise they have been taken for fools , the whole corrupt stinking mess will then implode into deserved chaos , the EU apparachniks will have nowhere to hide !
Another conclusion might be that the liberal elite HOPE that the Multi-Culti Dream will work , despite ALL evidence to the contrary and recent history around the world.
They can see that it is a Disaster , but they continue to parrot the Party Line in the vain hope It Will All Turn Out Right IN The End.
Note that their persistence in the Wrong Turn is at the incalculable loss and expense of our society in England (and the West).
At last there is there opportunity to read through some comments which do not instantaneously slate the PEGIDA movement in Germany as one of radical right wingers, Nazis, etc.
I currently live in Germany and have the comfort of being able to stand one step further back than my German colleagues and take in the full picture of what I believe is really is going on.
OK, PEGIDA – as the name states – was initially established as a way for ordinary citizens to express concern at their fears of a creeping Islamification of their area/state/country. These people, a few hundred at first and slowly building to tens of thousands, are not all rabid right wingers, nationalists or nazis. They are 95%+ normal folks who are worried that their country:
a) in part due to weaknesses of character and mettle shown by their own country’s Politicians,
b) in part due to the over-arching immigration rules imposed by the EU Parliament /(those who must be obeyed, but as such will never be accountable for decisions that they reach) and
c) the in-bred fear of making any type of statement or expressing an opinion in public that would imply that they are a ‘Nazi’
– is unable to handle the issue of excessive immigration that they are currently experiencing.
Regardless of the fawning of all main party Politicians (not just here but elsewhere in Europe), these large numbers of economic immigrants and war zone refugees are very difficult to cater for and to absorb into economies and cultures in Europe.
PEGIDA’s message is slowly changing, as I am sure the name will in due course, because they are moving the focus away from the initial message of ‘creeping Islamification fears’ and including many more issues that are now being represented at the demonstrations.
However, the German MSM and all the main political players – except the AfD (Alternativ fur Deutschland) – have launched into a public and bitter attack on the PEGIDA movement. Yes, all main parties have actively drummed up support for the anti-PEGIDA demos, using Party Funds to bus participants to Dresden to get numbers on the ground, plus using every Media Outlet going to de-cry the movement. They stifle many other citizen’s rights to demonstrate and to exercise their right to freedom of expression using every trick in the book, in a poor show of what it is to be a modern democratic society.
More often than not, the incorrect point of view that “all PEGIDA supporters are Nazis” is all that they wish to get out on the airwaves and this punchline is more than enough to mobilise whole segments of German society to come out on the streets. All over Germany, new demonstrations stating “(Enter town or city name) ist Bunt”, i.e. we are colourful, are launched to stem the PEGIDA follow up demos. The two sides are actually not debatting or demonstrating the same causes, but the MSM and German Politicians are not too quick to point this out!!
No one in Germany (nor the rest of the world, for that matter) wants a return to the dark days of 1933-45, and people are generally too idle to look closer at an issue to seek out the truth.
The German Politicians and German Mass Media know this, so mass manipulation of population opinion is easy to achieve.
PEGIDA are not offered the same unbiased Media Platform afforded to the Main Stream Parties, Amnesty International and a plethora of other ‘shout louder’ liberal organisations in order for them to state their case on a level playing field.
Welcome to German Democracy in the 21st Century, where Freedom of Speech and Expression is the cornerstone of their constitution, as long as you agree to not disagree!!
(Apologies for any spelling/grammar errors in the above article)