The Telegraph tells us [The BBC website doesn’t]:
Survey shows anti-Semitic views are common among Britons
Antisemitic views have been shown to be rampant among British people according to the results of a new polls.
Of course it doesn’t say which ‘British People’ are the ones who predominantly hold such views.
Of course one of the factors in generating antipathy towards the Jews in those surveyed must be the media reporting from Gaza, one powerful media group in particular.
As Tony Hall said he wanted to be completely honest, transparent, open and accountable perhaps he should now disclose what the Balen Report said concerning BBC reporting from the the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.
If it is completely anodyne why hide it?
If it is utterly damning then it must be laid open to inspection.
If the BBC’s reporting has resulted in the creation of an anti-Semitic ‘backlash’, to coin a phrase, then it should be held to account.
If the BBC fails to publish the report then perhaps it is time for government to force an inquiry into the BBC’s behaviour if it has had such seriously detrimental consequences for a particular community in the UK, and around the world.
BBC News kills Jews?
Let’s find out.
“Who’s responsible for these anti-Semitic attacks? Give me one guess…
“Just pretend for a moment that of, say, 200 anti-Semitic attacks in the UK, a study discovered that 198 of them had been committed by Methodists…”
By Rod Liddle,
August 2014.
Fear of an Anti-Muslim Backlash
January 13, 2015 by Daniel Greenfield
It used to be that the media would at least wait a day before sweeping the latest victims of Muslim terrorism into the trash to refocus on the looming “anti-Muslim backlash” that never actually comes.
The increase in Muslim terrorism however has made it risky for the media to wait that long. 24 hours after a brutal Muslim terrorist attack, there might be another brutal Muslim terrorist attack which will completely crowd out the stories of Muslims worrying about the backlash to the latest Muslim atrocity.
The massacre at Charlie Hebdo was quickly followed by a massacre at a kosher supermarket and somewhere in between them the Islamic State in Nigeria had wiped out the populations of sixteen villages.
With so many Muslim attacks crowded together, the media had no choice but to take a deep breath and dive in with its “Muslim backlash” stories.
News Flash:
Imams condemn the Jihadi attacks next week, and the following weeks in 2015. They request that the BBC proivide them with a regular slot each Friday titled “Nothing to do with Islam”.
Such a progarm will balance BBCs “Songs of Praise”, and assure the Muslim community, that they are not being marginalised and oppressed.
‘Of course it doesn’t say which ‘British People’ are the ones who predominantly hold such views.”
It was a poll of more than 3,400 UK adults. Were you expecting them all to be named? Polls by Ipsos Mori are usually conducted using traditional, tried and tested polling methods. I doubt they were all Muslims, which is your insinuation.
And if they were all Muslims, presumably your argument that anti-semitism in the UK isnt down to the BBC’s coverage of Gaza?
The article, and the poll itself, curiously don’t mention the BBC though. Odd.
‘If it is completely anodyne why hide it?’ (The Balen report)
This reminds of me of that saying ‘Insanity is repeating the same questions and expecting different answers’.
You know the reason, or should by now. Why don’t you tell us why you disagree with the BBC, the Information Comissioner, and every court in the land including the supreme court? Lazy much?
‘If the BBC fails to publish the report then perhaps it is time for government to force an inquiry into the BBC’s behaviour if it has had such seriously detrimental consequences for a particular community ‘
And not one iota of evidence ever produced by you or anyone else to support such an assertion. That’s before one even considers whether any BBC report about BBC coverage would extend to examining whether anyone had ever killed a Jew because of its coverage.
In attempting to justify your irrational hate of a broadcaster and the effort you put into the project (when there are more noble and worthy causes) you must assert that it does more than make factual errors, or slanted reporting or even besmirches reputations. It has to ‘kill Jews’.
Or as I call it; ‘The BBC kills babies and small furry animals’.
You surely know that the legal position regarding the Balen Report is summed up by this:
“when Mr Justice Irwin ruled in the BBC’s favour. His decision was that the information requested was held ‘significantly’ for the purposes of journalism and therefore was exempt under the Freedom of Information Act”
The CONTENT of the the report has never been revealed or approved of, (which is what you imply), by ‘the highest court in the land’. The actions in law have been restricted to the PURPOSE of the report.
At the BBC they think that FOI stands for Friends of Islam!
Good point.
Anti-semitism is also rife among Left wing people, media organisations and political parties.
You have not learned to use rigorous BBC logic.
It’s obvious who’s meant.
The Nazis didn’t want the Jewish population to increase because they hate Jews.
UKIP wants to stop unlimited mass immigration
Therefore UKIP doesn’t want more foreigners
Israelis are foreigners
Most Isrselis are Jews
Therefore UKIP don’t want the population of Jews to increase.
The Nazis didn’ want the population of Jews to increase
Therefore UKIP are Nazis
Nazis hate Jews,
Therefore UKIP hates Jews
It obvious who the anti-semites are.
I have 5 years of complaints to the BBC only some of which I have documented at which show the slander, defamation of character and lies that the BBC broadcast against the Jewish people in Israel . Some were outright lies but others were subtle examples of anti Semitism – snide remarks or images eg showed fat Jews or Jews feasting . These were more than just “factual errors or slanted reporting” Before 2002 Trevor Asserson did a detailed account and study of the BBC programmes that contained lies and innuendo’s against the Jewish State. But this site itself has given many examples of damaging and hateful stories which are simply not true and can be proved not to be true and this can and does incite hatred and even violent behaviour.
A concrete example was when my daughter was working at a summer school as a play worker in 2001 when nasty programmes about Israel were on the BBC a lot.. She said she was Jewish and two or three children aged aged about eight started kicking and punching her. She asked why they were doing that and the reply was ” because you said you are a Jew”
‘It was a poll of more than 3,400 UK adults. Were you expecting them all to be named?’
No, but unlike many other polls, it makes you wonder whether they ran scared of running a demographical analysis. See Rod Little article linked above.
John Player I have two words for you, ‘Jon’ and ‘Donnison’
I rest my case.
Add Tim Willcox and Mishal Hussein.
Think ,”Jerry Fletcher” & “John Player” might be Alias Scott & co , or straight from Bbc news 24 caliphate .
The BBC spent a quarter of a million pounds on resisting a freedom of information request for the names of 28 of ‘the best scientific experts’. After a slip up in BBC censorship, it was found that the seminar was made up of environmental activists without a single causational or attributional climate scientist present. Not a single atmospheric physicist or solar scientist was present at that seminar. That means that many hundreds of the thousands of complainants, including myself, where better qualified than any of the BBC’s ‘best scientific experts’ now still advising the BBC, presumably because of some secret injunction covering up the secret service agents involved with this seminar. I presume this is also the case with the Balen Report, or as one of the purposes of journalism at the BBC is for propaganda, possibly also for covering up political bias.
Satire on BBC and media bias over charlie Hebdo reporting
Very good.
A brilliant clip – and so true. With the BBC at the top of the list of the spineless lying media.
I was abroad last week and could only watch CNN for the Paris news. That channel seems to be half-funded by Middle East Arab states, most of the adverts and sponsors were from there. The bias of CNN was nauseating – straight into the “beware of backlash” against those poor Muslims etc). But if anything, the BBC on my return has been even worse – along with Channel 4 and also much of Sky TV.
“Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad”. Sleepwalking towards more tragedies.
Perhaps the survey was taken in Birmingham.
May I also point out that reports on the BBC of increasing attacks on Jews in Britain, predate the recent Gaza controversy by at least twenty years! And they wouldn’t say which ‘British’ people were responsible then either.
I watched a few minutes of this thinking it was supposed to be satire but I gave up when I realised they were actually just crazy bigots.