Up to now, the head of a household has been responsible for registering everyone who lives at their address.
People registering to vote in England, Scotland and Wales will now register as individuals instead, using a new, more secure system.”
So some of the loss may well be due to a cut down in fraud, might it not.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live was debating the implications of last night’s events in Belgium and Germany. Just before nine o’ clock Claire Macdonald interviewed a so-called expert, whom I believe was of North American extraction, who had the gall to say that the reasons for the violence committed by certain members of the Moslem comunity was due entirely to “low level discrimination (whatever that means) and marginalisation by society. As a former lecturer at a university in Birmingham, a large proportion of the students at that institution were Moslems and the university authorities went out of their way to provide special facilities for their religious practices, as opposed to other students who followed other faiths. No attempt was made by the programme to counter these ridiculous excuses. At ten o’ clock the same channel under the unbiased chairmanship of Peter Allen had a round the table discussion involving various “representatives” of the Moslem community to discuss again the implications of last night’s events. Where were the representatives from other communities in this country? Mr. Allen a Co. need to realise that the Trojan Horse has already crossed the English Channel and unless the BBC stops pandering to the view that Isalm is a peaceful religion, we are going to suffer the same fate as Troy!! These presenters all claim to be university graduates, and so they must be conversant with Homer’s story. But are they? When I finished teaching as a university lecturer, I was shocked to realise how much academic standards have fallen in our universities over a twenty year period.
Why oh why oh why can’t the BBC and the rest of the swivel-eyed, do-gooding left understand that simple premise.
Can’t believe I’m saying this, but…. a reasonable piece in the BBC’s Newsprint off-shoot, the Grauniad, by ….cough, splutter… Polly Toynbee! Who’d have thunk it? The comments to her piece are more reassuring too.
Tide turning? Brains’ engaging? A start? Somebody has to drag leftard brains into the real world and it has to be from characters ‘of the left’. Go Polly!
Considering that she has spent 40 years working for the current dilemma, she is in no position to complain.
But hypocrisy is Polly’s middle name. She is on the roll-of-shame list of scumbags who pontificate against grammar schools for ordinary folk, but send their own little darlings to private/posh schools
All true but our angry rep from up north is right.
A good article from Polly…got to be a sign of the four Norsemen of the apocalpyso.
A Road to Domestos conversion…and a first as far as i`m concernded. More Polly More!..boy, I`ve never said THAT before.
She’s up to something…. most likely trying to recover some of the voters switching to UKIP in May. When I see her standing beside Nigel, both sporting big grins, I’ll believe it!
Now what do you think the BBC’s reaction would be to this piece of news:
“Britain’s economy is ‘leading the way’, head of IMF says
Christine Lagarde says that ‘from a global perspective’ the UK’s growth is ‘exactly the sort of result that we would like to see’ ”
The fanfare of jubilation would be nonstop. Every BBC “news” channel covering it every hour, on the hour. A phalanx of David Blanchflower clones wheeled into the studios to cover the in between bits with fawning sycophancy, ably backed up by a procession of never ending Labour mouthpieces all abasing themselves before the man who almost singlehandedly ruined the British economy.
“IMF chief’s stunning endorsement of the British economy: Christine Lagarde says UK is setting an example to rest of the world during talks with Cameron.
The IMF director delivered a glowing endorsement of the British economy. Christine Lagarde has called on other countries to look to UK’s example. She cited its record of reducing the deficit and lowering unemployment. Miss Lagarde said: ‘This is exactly the sort of result we would like to see'”
In other words, sweet FA!
The sooner this steaming turd pile is moved over to funding by subscription the better. Hopefully it would then learn the lesson of ‘fair and balanced’ news
‘So what was the editorial reasoning behind the promotion of this article on the BBC News website’s main Middle East page as a ‘top story’? It couldn’t possibly have been ‘we’ve run a lot of reports in the past few days about Muslims demanding censorship of images’ – could it?’
Uh-oh… a question? As Lord ‘Exempted’ Hall Hall has channeled from the previous Trust Chair, Lord ‘I Was Exempted too’ Patten, ‘the BBC doesn’t answer questions… it only gets to ask them’.
Even the Guardian has the story (with video). The BBC’s failure to cover this is beyond belief.
Perhaps the Beeboids think that they can get away with it as their new leader Lord Hall has given them carte blanche to ignore their obligations and be as biased as they want….and the new Chair of the BBC ‘Trust’ seems as useless as the last one.
Add this to the long list of all of the other positive stories that the BBC has ignored.
LALALALA – Can’t hear you Starkey….LALALALA – Bigot, racist. Can’t rebutt his argument? Call him a racist and a bigot. Getting boring.
Helen Nianias seems to think Richard Starkey was commenting on ‘islamaphobia’, rather than free speech and the attack on the foundations of our civilised world. The arrogance of youth.
Re the Starkey “gaffe”…”catastrophe”….”disaster”…”humiliating scandal that may yet signal the end of the likes of thinking dissidents” to the BBC…just one phrase…well four
1. Mote and beam
2. Straining at gnats
3. Playing the fiddle/being on the fiddle as Rome burns.
4. “Majoring on minors”.
The last one is most pertinent-for the BBC, Islam and Labour up in Rotherham …Savile and PIE etc…majoring on minors is what the liblabmozzy sackshits do best of all-at our expense, using their laws, their lawyers to shut the likes of Griffin and whistleblowers up.
Witness Chilcott, witness Mid-Staffs, witness Falkirk, witness Tower Hamlets.
But still eh?…Starkey gets a name wrong-and “this debate is now therefore closed…verboten!”
Typical Lefty tardies….but no-one else gives a stuff about their crap.
We know Hasan said all that Starkey accused him of saying-and as a lying oily taqqiya son of Shaitan, Hasan knows he`s F888ed!
Call Me Dave is electioneering in Washington with an Obama love-in. He’s playing Mr Tough On Bad Guys – as usual – yet more spying on the Queen’s subjects. Of course, good folk have nothing to fear; he’s only after terrorists…..
Er… we know you Dave… same old b*llshit:
The BBC is using anti-terror spy laws to trap licence fee dodgers in Northern Ireland, the Belfast Telegraph can reveal.
It has invoked the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) to catch viewers evading the £145 charge.
The Act, which regulates the powers of public bodies to carry out surveillance and investigation, was introduced in 2000 to safeguard national security.
But a series of extensions mean it can now be applied to investigate minor offences, including not paying the licence fee.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Marc Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
“The way we register to vote is changing
Up to now, the head of a household has been responsible for registering everyone who lives at their address.
People registering to vote in England, Scotland and Wales will now register as individuals instead, using a new, more secure system.”
So some of the loss may well be due to a cut down in fraud, might it not.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live was debating the implications of last night’s events in Belgium and Germany. Just before nine o’ clock Claire Macdonald interviewed a so-called expert, whom I believe was of North American extraction, who had the gall to say that the reasons for the violence committed by certain members of the Moslem comunity was due entirely to “low level discrimination (whatever that means) and marginalisation by society. As a former lecturer at a university in Birmingham, a large proportion of the students at that institution were Moslems and the university authorities went out of their way to provide special facilities for their religious practices, as opposed to other students who followed other faiths. No attempt was made by the programme to counter these ridiculous excuses. At ten o’ clock the same channel under the unbiased chairmanship of Peter Allen had a round the table discussion involving various “representatives” of the Moslem community to discuss again the implications of last night’s events. Where were the representatives from other communities in this country? Mr. Allen a Co. need to realise that the Trojan Horse has already crossed the English Channel and unless the BBC stops pandering to the view that Isalm is a peaceful religion, we are going to suffer the same fate as Troy!! These presenters all claim to be university graduates, and so they must be conversant with Homer’s story. But are they? When I finished teaching as a university lecturer, I was shocked to realise how much academic standards have fallen in our universities over a twenty year period.
Why oh why oh why can’t the BBC and the rest of the swivel-eyed, do-gooding left understand that simple premise.
Can’t believe I’m saying this, but…. a reasonable piece in the BBC’s Newsprint off-shoot, the Grauniad, by ….cough, splutter… Polly Toynbee! Who’d have thunk it? The comments to her piece are more reassuring too.
Tide turning? Brains’ engaging? A start? Somebody has to drag leftard brains into the real world and it has to be from characters ‘of the left’. Go Polly!
Considering that she has spent 40 years working for the current dilemma, she is in no position to complain.
But hypocrisy is Polly’s middle name. She is on the roll-of-shame list of scumbags who pontificate against grammar schools for ordinary folk, but send their own little darlings to private/posh schools
Cheri Blair
Harriet Harperson
Emily Thornberry
Diane Abbott
The people’s flag is deepest red…… yeah, right.
All true but our angry rep from up north is right.
A good article from Polly…got to be a sign of the four Norsemen of the apocalpyso.
A Road to Domestos conversion…and a first as far as i`m concernded. More Polly More!..boy, I`ve never said THAT before.
One swallow…. summer?
She’s up to something…. most likely trying to recover some of the voters switching to UKIP in May. When I see her standing beside Nigel, both sporting big grins, I’ll believe it!
Wind the clock back ten years.
Now what do you think the BBC’s reaction would be to this piece of news:
“Britain’s economy is ‘leading the way’, head of IMF says
Christine Lagarde says that ‘from a global perspective’ the UK’s growth is ‘exactly the sort of result that we would like to see’ ”
The fanfare of jubilation would be nonstop. Every BBC “news” channel covering it every hour, on the hour. A phalanx of David Blanchflower clones wheeled into the studios to cover the in between bits with fawning sycophancy, ably backed up by a procession of never ending Labour mouthpieces all abasing themselves before the man who almost singlehandedly ruined the British economy.
Well here we are today with this very piece of news:
“IMF chief’s stunning endorsement of the British economy: Christine Lagarde says UK is setting an example to rest of the world during talks with Cameron.
The IMF director delivered a glowing endorsement of the British economy. Christine Lagarde has called on other countries to look to UK’s example. She cited its record of reducing the deficit and lowering unemployment. Miss Lagarde said: ‘This is exactly the sort of result we would like to see'”
Meanwhile over at “the envy of the world” here is the sum total of the BBC’s coverage:
In other words, sweet FA!
The sooner this steaming turd pile is moved over to funding by subscription the better. Hopefully it would then learn the lesson of ‘fair and balanced’ news
‘In other words, sweet FA!’
Or, as A Newsroom Tealady (c) would advise with years of experience: ‘not news’.
Very defo ‘news’ across the BBC platforms, especially the ‘get ’em young’ ones, Neil, is this:
‘So what was the editorial reasoning behind the promotion of this article on the BBC News website’s main Middle East page as a ‘top story’? It couldn’t possibly have been ‘we’ve run a lot of reports in the past few days about Muslims demanding censorship of images’ – could it?’
Uh-oh… a question? As Lord ‘Exempted’ Hall Hall has channeled from the previous Trust Chair, Lord ‘I Was Exempted too’ Patten, ‘the BBC doesn’t answer questions… it only gets to ask them’.
They are coming for the BBC. Staff told to hide their badges to avoid reprisals, Guido informs us.
What did Churchill say about feeding crocodiles?
Will Mishael snotty voice complain that not enough of her colleagues have been killed?
. http://order-order.com/2015/01/16/bbc-staff-told-to-hide-badges-in-public/
Well spotted TPO.
Even the Guardian has the story (with video). The BBC’s failure to cover this is beyond belief.
Perhaps the Beeboids think that they can get away with it as their new leader Lord Hall has given them carte blanche to ignore their obligations and be as biased as they want….and the new Chair of the BBC ‘Trust’ seems as useless as the last one.
Add this to the long list of all of the other positive stories that the BBC has ignored.
The Fucwittery of the left.
Not the BBC, but The Independent, reporting on QT.
More evidence of the infection of moral relativism. Again, the commenters have something to say to Helen Nianias (who she?):
In all its glory! Leftard methodology:
LALALALA – Can’t hear you Starkey….LALALALA – Bigot, racist. Can’t rebutt his argument? Call him a racist and a bigot. Getting boring.
Helen Nianias seems to think Richard Starkey was commenting on ‘islamaphobia’, rather than free speech and the attack on the foundations of our civilised world. The arrogance of youth.
So this ‘labelling’ and ‘hot watering’ orginated from… well, the author’s twitter circle, it appears. How very ‘critics are saying’.
And the ‘ism/igot in question was the ‘gaffe’ of getting a name wrong?
Obama better watch out.
(ps: comments not going Helen’s way, really)
Re the Starkey “gaffe”…”catastrophe”….”disaster”…”humiliating scandal that may yet signal the end of the likes of thinking dissidents” to the BBC…just one phrase…well four
1. Mote and beam
2. Straining at gnats
3. Playing the fiddle/being on the fiddle as Rome burns.
4. “Majoring on minors”.
The last one is most pertinent-for the BBC, Islam and Labour up in Rotherham …Savile and PIE etc…majoring on minors is what the liblabmozzy sackshits do best of all-at our expense, using their laws, their lawyers to shut the likes of Griffin and whistleblowers up.
Witness Chilcott, witness Mid-Staffs, witness Falkirk, witness Tower Hamlets.
But still eh?…Starkey gets a name wrong-and “this debate is now therefore closed…verboten!”
Typical Lefty tardies….but no-one else gives a stuff about their crap.
We know Hasan said all that Starkey accused him of saying-and as a lying oily taqqiya son of Shaitan, Hasan knows he`s F888ed!
Call Me Dave is electioneering in Washington with an Obama love-in. He’s playing Mr Tough On Bad Guys – as usual – yet more spying on the Queen’s subjects. Of course, good folk have nothing to fear; he’s only after terrorists…..
Er… we know you Dave… same old b*llshit:
The BBC is using anti-terror spy laws to trap licence fee dodgers in Northern Ireland, the Belfast Telegraph can reveal.
It has invoked the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) to catch viewers evading the £145 charge.
The Act, which regulates the powers of public bodies to carry out surveillance and investigation, was introduced in 2000 to safeguard national security.
But a series of extensions mean it can now be applied to investigate minor offences, including not paying the licence fee.