The BBC has been warning us for years of the huge threat posed by the ‘Far Right’, battalions of whom were ready to strike at any moment with panzers rolling down the Mall and stormtroopers rounding up undocumented citizens for deportation.
Seems it was all a bit far fetched.
Far right in UK ‘weakest for 20 years’
Interesting to note how they conflate the BNP, the EDL and UKIP all into one ‘Far Right’ group.
Not all Muslims are terrorists remember but all people who talk about immigration are Nazis according to the BBC.
Firstly, the BNP are nationalist socialists, so are left wing.
Secondly, EDL are not any wing and have supporters from completely across the political divide, from left to right, and they expressly reject all aspects of NAZIsm which they demonstrated by burning the NAZI flag. They are only and solely in existence to tackle Islamic extremism, because the state is too scared to.
Thirdly, UKIP are not left or right wing. They are a pragmatic party who want to do the best for this country and all her people. They want to implement policies that work to benefit the lives of the British people, whether those individual policies happen to be left wing or right wing is irrelevant to UKIP. What matters is “does the policy actually work and make Britain better?”
The fact that the BBC has to blatantly lie to make the “far right” white racist bogeyman exist at all speaks volumes. And why does the BBC likewise lie to downplay the real and present “far right extremist” actions of Islam in this country? If the BBC are looking for examples of “far right extremism” in the form of racist attacks, sexism, homophobia… Then they can find loads of it in Islamic society. Funny how the BBC need to lie to invent it within UKIP and the EDL etc..
What matters is “does the policy actually work and make Britain better?”
That reactionary notion went out of fashion years ago. We have a managed state now. Social engineering is the order of the day, with quotas the tool of choice. Doesn’t the BBC charter include a rule to ‘promote diversity’?
The LibLabcon establishment will need to ruthlessly stamp out any nostalgia for ‘common sense’.
The BBC didn’t invent the political spectrum, you can read about the subject in a book though. Give it a go.
Anything not to be associated with the Nazis eh? Get over it.
The National SOCIALISTS? you mean? Lefties the lot of them as the name suggested.
An Infinitesimally miniscule threat is posed by the erm … “far right” in comparison to that posed by the totalitarian ideology Islam … there simply is no equivalence.
The BBC and indeed Ch4 are just lackies in this respect to the Political class, and thus are deceivers, at least Ch4 will on occasion run an objective piece.
The biggest threat by far is cowardice, in dealing with the real and present and deadly threat posed by this ideology, that will lead directly to a vacuum, remember … politicians, media, elites don t have it outside their steel gates (yet) … like communities in towns and cities all over the UK do …
The ~ je suis charlatan” s were an embarrassment!, the erm France “unity” march that omitted a third of the electorates representatives?
… don t need satire in Mecca, they have a good belly laugh just watching, especially at Abbas s inclusion.
The faux intellectual hoops being jumped through to justify such cowardice, provide them with even more added comic relief.
This abject cowardice, it will eventually lead to very nasty conclusion.
Hmm… A report by Hope Not Soap and the BBC jump all over it. I’m surprised they allowed comments.
Oh, wait a sec:
7 Hours ago
118.know all
3 Hours ago
This entry is now closed for comments
For night owls only.
I haven’t heard the Bbc warning of panzers coming down the mall but……anyway
You may have noticed in the first line its a report about the research that suggests that, not the BBC. Maybe you missed that.
And the conclusion of said reseach is that’s its because both groups are leaderless…..a fairly recent development. See how news works? ……the clues in the ‘new’ part of ‘news’.
I think you’ve misused the word ‘conflate’ there, as BNP and EDL are both far right, but again, you might notice it was the research that did that.
A clear headed, intelligent and coherent comment Jerry.
Cheers Al, you could learn something from me.
Jerry did you know that a large proportion of the founders of the EDL were actually Sikhs. The EDL was formed by parents concerned about the widespread rape of their daughters in places like Rotheram. When the Police failed to act, a group of Sikh parents confronted them at a kebab shop where the children were being raped and were promptly arrested by the same Police for public order offences.
You can read the report at;
Click to access Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf
The EDL is not right wing but against what it sees as the “islamification” of British towns. There are a number of Asians and blacks on EDL marches. The EDL is unfortunate but an understandable reaction by largely, almost exclusively, working class who feel ignored by the establishment parties on immigration.
Also I would suggest the best way to get people on side with an argument or point is not not by patronizing them Jerry.
Since when has wanting a mass re-nationalisation ever been far-right policy? The BNP are far left. They support most of the labour party’s manifesto from 1983!
The EDL are solely there to oppose radical, extremist Islam. They do not follow any other political affiliation. They are very opposed to Nazism, the National Front and all that racist bollocks.
The EDL have done a lot for charities who are supporting and promoting racial integration. They have supported Hindu, Sikh and Jewish charities. Hardly the acts of the fabled “far right extremists”
The EDL oppose the cruelty of Halal slaughter and the lack of choice in purchasing, due to the lack of labelling. They oppose the oppression of homosexuality. They oppose the oppression of women. Their founders are both lefties and grew up supporting labour.
But hey, don’t let actual facts get in the way of your regurgitating of utterly false statist propaganda.
Neither the BNP, nor the EDL, are “far right”. Having perused the BNP manifesto, Lord Tebbit said it was like old Labour with a bit of racism thrown in. They want to renationalise the railways and all utilities; it’s hardly what anyone (sane) would perceive as right wing at all. As for the EDL they’re a reaction to the appalling conduct they have witnessed from those who follow the violent superstition of Mecca. Just because the Guardian and the BBC use this patently incorrect shorthand there’s no need for the rest of us to follow their blatant propaganda.
Here’s how the BBC responded when one of my posters complained about their referring to BNP as right wing:-
Thanks for your e-mail.
I understand you have concerns with our presenters and reporters referring to the BNP or similar parties as “far-right” when you feel that this description is inaccurate.
I can assure you that we carefully consider the terminology before referring to any organisation or person in our news reports.
The BNP was born out of the National Front – a “national” party, who like many parties purporting to represent the national interests of a particular country, claim themselves to be national socialists. NS is an extremely left wing form of political belief – Hitler’s Nazi party were national socialists, and therefore technically left wing – but so left wing as to appear right wing in their extreme and racist views. The same can apply to the BNP.
Now why would anybody think the ‘impartial’ BBC don’t want to refer to the BNP as left wing? (rhetorical)
That’s the greatest load of garbage I’ve ever read. Just when you think the country can’t get any more crazy…
Dennis Skinner is a Republican. The Irish Republican Army was a terrorist organisation, so Skinner must be a terrorist. But Ed Milliband is in the same party as Skinner, so he must be a terrorist?
In contrast, the far-left INBBC, Labour Party, and Al Qaeda are as politically hostile to ‘Islamophobia’ as ever.
I wish the BBC would make up its small mind about what constitutes ‘far-right’.
If the ‘far-right’ is doing very poorly at the moment then UKIP cannot be ‘far-right’ as they are doing extremely well. So does this mean the BBC has to stop trying its hardest to make the UKIP/far-right non-existent connection? The BBC has got its knickers in a right old twist.
Given that the BBC considers itself to be in the centre everything to the right is right-wing
Anything which cannot be safely described as “progessive liberalism” AKA cultural Marxism, including corrupt corporatism, extreme racism (so long as it is carried out by people of dark skin), extreme bigotry in the form of homophobia and lethal sexism (so long as it is carried out by Muslims) is all OK.
Multiculturalism and all it’s associated division, segragation, oppression is fine. Anything that opposes that and wants integration, unity and equality is “far right!”
If the ‘far-right’ is doing very poorly at the moment then UKIP cannot be ‘far-right’ as they are doing extremely well.
The BBC would like UKIP to be doing poorly.
A Google search of the BBC website returns 21,600 hits for the term “far right” and only 2,420 hits for the term “far left”.
The BBC have re-branded the far left as being now known as “the centre left”
How is it that this apparently ever-present threat from the ‘Far Right’ has no counterpart on the ‘Far Left’ in the BBC’s curious little goldfish bowl?
Or, to put it another way, why are the words ‘Far’ and ‘Left’ kept in strict isolation from one another in the BBC’s lexicon?
Far-right is BBC code for racist. To be thrown at the BBC’s ideological enemies as often as possible because it sticks even more than mud.
The fact that many – perhaps all – ‘far-right’ parties like for example France’s Front Nationale have socialist economic policies is considered irrelevant.
The logical thing to do would be to describe political parties with socialist economic policies that are nationalistic as ‘National Socialists’.
This is problematic because in BBC land Left always = good and the Nazis genuinely were evil.
Basically it’s a classic case of cognitive dissonance and getting hoist by your own petard or something.
I did notice this tawdry “article” and also noticed how quickly the comments sections was closed. This article really was just a load of BBC tripe.
I read through a couple of pages of the comments(enough to get a general picture) and it was obvious the comments were not going the way the BBC wanted with approx 95% giving the BBC and their argument a kicking.
Did you notice how they used a picture that has St George flags in it?. In other words, the “Far Right” are white and English.
I’m guessing what the BBC are trying to say is that the “Far Right” are intolerant of others and bigoted.
Now who or what would fit into that category?.
Oh, that’s right, Islam….!.
Prior to my retirement in 2005 I had spent a number of years in intelligence gathering work. One of the offices I worked in had staff from several different organisations working together to a common end.
One of my colleagues was a Special Branch Officer who returned to the Met Police at the conclusion of his secondment to the unit.
I bumped into him walking along the Albert Embankment a couple of months later and we had a chat to catch up. He was a bit peed off as he had moved into a branch of SB looking at “right wing extremism”. He was at pains to explain that it just didn’t exist to level that it was drummed up to be and that it was a political decision as a sop to the socialists who were currently in power.
We both knew that the real threats came from the likes of the SWP, their fellow travellers and from Islamic fundamentalism. He and his team were often diverted from trying to find the non existent threat to operations where the real threats existed.
Given the finite resources that we had at our disposal at the time this was a wicked waste of manpower looking at people like the BNP who were overt in their actions and who could be followed on open source media.
Thanks for that confirmation, TPO. What a shame no one from the BBC has the courage or integrity to read it and respond.
Oh they’ll read it, their employed trolls read it all.
Thanks GC.
My colleague remarked about the pressure put on his team to “find evidence” of “right wing extremism”. Meanwhile other units dealing with the real threats were deluged with information coming in. So much so that their was a “bidding” process where intelligence and threats were prioritised and assessments were made as to where resources should be allocated. (This goes on even today).
The reality is that resources are very much finite. Much is made by the likes of the Lib Dems about civil liberties and intrusiveness. The truth is that no one ever, ever had the time to worry about looking at emails or phone calls from Mrs. Smegma of 2 Railway Sidings, East Cheam because she’d attended a WI knitting club making balaclavas for the ANC. The sheer volume of information coming in was often overwhelming.
As a parting shot, Hope not Hate sounds very pink and fluffy doesn’t it. Unfortunately that doesn’t apply to some of those behind it, but trust the BBC and Dominic Casciani to go all gushy over it.
all of the MSM are at it…total disgrace
The far left is a much bigger threat to freedom than the far right. The far left controls most of the major media outlets in the West. They are more able to promote their own brand of bigotry and oppression.
The HYS on the beeb was closed down after only 115 comments. Read them and find out why…
hope not hate have got it back to front,the real far right fascists operating all over europe and the uk at the moment was exposed on panorama on bbc 1 monday night and they went under the banner of radical fascist islam,countless other far right fascists going under the banner of islam have been exposed on no end of documentarys on channel 4,bbc,sky news etc,here is the propblem with left wing appeasers of violent radical islam like the far left hope not hate and these other left wing groups,they try to smear anybody who is opposed to radical islam and terrorism as far right and extremist,if that is the case david cameron,nick clegg and ed millband must be far right extremists because they are opposed to radical violent islam,i take hope not hate with a pinch of salt and dont take them seriously.they have a obvious leftist agenda and that is to blame the victims of radical islam for there own deaths as we see all over the world and in europe as seen in france last week.hope not hate,not really,more like haters and hopelessness.