How many of these people were arrested as they peacefully protested in the heart of London? How many were shot?
What if some small nosed Anglo-Saxon Freedom of Speech fundamentalists (h/t Media Hasan) had shot them all, and a couple of coppers who were protecting their right to free speech?
Any thoughts on what the BBC headlines would be? What would Tim Wilcox say?
Anyway…here’s a reminder for the media, politicians, police officers and Popes about freedom of speech……
christopher hitchens,david starkey,nigel farage all bastions of freedom of speech,beware of the motives and agendas of these radical leftists and muslims who say they believe in freedom of speech but only on there terms meaning they want to protect there freedom of speech to say what they like but restrict ares,are forefathers fought hard and laid down there lifes in world war 2 to defend are democratic freedoms and the right to lives are lives not in fear of being murdered by those who hate freedom of speech and democratic values,there are those out there to destroy those values whether they be the fascist islamists or the fascist leftists who appease them,we must not let them win, charlie hebdo.
Well said Stuart!!!
To the left the freedom of expression actually means the freedom to find offence in anything you, your parent, grandparents ,great grandparent,great grandparent (and the rest) did . It also means allowing Muslims the freedom to murder you.
As for the bBC promoting the Pope as saying there are limits to free speech would that be the leader of the Catholic church which revolves around the mantra:
“Turn the other cheek”
Its as if the bBC are promoting the rise of another Tomás de Torquemada in the fight agaisnt free speech which funny enough mirrors each and every Muslim alive today.
And today the Pope was railing against ‘social injustice’ – in other words, let’s have more redistribution of wealth (£11+ billion p.a. from the UK Excheqeur is obviously not enough).
(See also Agenda 21, ‘Climate Change’, Club of Rome, Common Purpose, BBC etc etc)
Wondering whether this pope is Catholic? Time he reads the catechism of the Catholic church and shares the contents instead of spouting environmental Agenda 21 mantra.
Having a whale of a time avoiding most BBC output….I even missed the great David Starkey-but,as a historian, he`ll know which era most sought out bear-baiting by way of pleasure, and see all the parallels.
But DID catch John Humphrys fussing himself over whether the police fired first in the Verviers case.
Been to Syria, maybe Yemen-police uniforms and plans on hand to wipe out Belgian police. likely links to what occurred in Paris-AND local people said that bombs might have gone off in the melee.
Who knows?…at 7.10 this morning few did.
But Humphrys line of enquiry-as highlighted out for him from an upper floor editing suite maybe?…is all about cricket and fair play, the rule of law and ECHR worries a la Mark Duggan.
Whereas the kuffar pigs get wings, uniforms a bonus ball merit for Allah.
What planet are these oafs on?…too much Trayvon Martin I expect…instead of our celebrating a few slottings of Islamic scum, we`re expected to wonder if the police shot first.
I hope that they did…and feck the fockle BBC!
Yes CrisH, but even on the 6pm news, the BBC claim there is no “knowable connection” between those arrested or killed in Belgium, France and Germany. Of course, if you are willfully
incurious , as with Saville, most things seem unknowable.
Cries of “Allahu Akhba” and “the prophet is avenged” mean nothing – witnesses are suffering from mass auditory hallucinations. C4 seem to think the connection might be Jihadists returning from Syria. Targets might be Jews and police. Police warned not to enter “certain areas” or patrol alone. For the BBC unsubstantiared flimflam and mass neurosis. Farage should just shut up, Insallah.
Hi Chris,
This Bill Whittle post seems apposite with respect to Humphry’s teethnashing….
Al Beeb ‘Social Engineers’ – Not honest broadcasters?
If the Belgian police had any sense they would certainly have shot first and asked questions later. Would you wait until people strongly suspected of being Jihadists shot at you before reaching for you your gun?
And there`s more…to quote St Jimmy Cricket!
How come any water cooler bitchfest between one John Vine( Home Office monkey, minding that the paperclips are halal, not greased with pig fat etc)…and supposed Home Office top kitten Theresa May gets five minutes and more on PM this evening?
Utter twaddle about bad body language and the stacking of reports to let more Muslims in,ban more Gellers, Wilders and Spencers etc.
Or was it not stacking-but parking them, staggering them, sending them to Brussels for approval?
Who gives a falafel?…well if this admin slapscratch between a eunuch and a castrato is worth a jot, let me know.
The BBC think so-guessing to get at the Tories, and hold out hope for Yvette Cooper and Jacqui Smiff once again.
Oh feck and fockal BBC…Mays “shit” or Vines “shite” now divides the nation…typical phone in phoney Friday guff from the ludicrously pointless BBC `tardies!
I look at presenters on the BBC and when i hear that they are second generation Brits an their parents come from all corners of the world and all corners of Britain, it begins to make sense.
How many are English theough their generations?
In France today, looking for copy of Charlie Hebdo post-massacre edition. Usually a print order of 60,000 this was increased to 3 million, then a complete sellout increased to 5 million, still sold out.
Then I see Sky News tried to edit out an interview where someone held up a copy of the front page of the Charlie Hebdo post-massacre edition. Sky desecrate the memory of eight dead members of their profession. Worthless British media, none will “offend Islamists”
New York Times allegedly published a Charlie Hebdo cartoon, with The Prophet pixelated out, but the hook-nosed Jew fully articulated. Now you know the mind-set of the mainstream media, utterly corrupted by political activism, in favour of failed Marxism and future tyranny of The Caliphate.
Just pay your license fee like a good little boy.
Beeboids are more concerned for Islamic jihad suspects in GITMO than they are with the current repressive cyber attack by Islamic interests to stop the operation of Pamela GELLER’s anti-Islamic jihad website:-
“Foes of free speech take down Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs with a huge denial of service attack”
Is Saudi Arabia Islamic?
Will INBBC tell us that this Sharia law punishment in Saudi Arabia is not Islamic?
“Saudi Arabia will ‘review’ the case of blogger sentenced to 1,000 lashes for ‘insulting Islam’ after worldwide outcry over the punishment ”
Read more:
This picture is genuine, but from 2006, and several of the demonstrators WERE charged. I leave it to other readers to track down what happened next. Please update your post.
No need.
The questions posed have been answered.
‘In a statement to the BBC News Web site, Asghar Bukhari, chairman of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee in London, decried the inflammatory statements as “disgraceful and disgusting” and not representative of the feelings of typical Muslims.’
Really? What about this then:
‘Asked about attitudes towards free speech, there was little support for freedom of speech if it would offend religious sensibilities. 78% of Muslims thought that the publishers of the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed should be prosecuted, 68% thought those who insulted Islam should be prosecuted and 62% of people disagree that freedom of speech should be allowed even if it insults and offends religious groups.’
NOP also found a tendency for British Muslims to believe some, well, strange things. 45% thought that 9/11 was a conspiracy between the USA and Israel. 36% thought that Princess Diana was murdered to stop her marrying a Muslim. More seriously, only 29% thought that the holocaust occured, 2% denied it happened entirely, 17% think it was exaggerated (which is the stance proposed by most of today’s holocaust deniers)…’
Still, I’m sure the prosecutions taught them the error of their ways and they are now fully-integrated, law-abiding members of British society.
Tell Mama the discredited Muslim ‘charity’ is up to its old tricks, spouting fictitious attacks and threats against Muslims. Once again they are the victims in all this. You would think because they are the victims in every terror attack they would have protested against them a little harder, a little more frequent and with a little more conviction