It goes without saying that the BBC appeasers would be front and centre of those far more concerned about “Islamophobia”.
I appreciate there will be a multitude of examples from which to choose but just have a listen to this one. It’s Burden on Five Live this morning seeking the opinions of three men – all called Mohammed, natch.
And listen to her almost breathless response to the claim that actually more people are now taking an interest in the backwards death cult that is Islam.
What an idiot ! Nothing was done to prevent the Holocaust at the time by either Britain or North America! Something I’ve heard before from ungrateful and unreasonable Jews !
What did they expect us to do ? Most of these camps were in Northern and Eastern Europe well beyond the range of even the biggest bombers.
In addition any attempt to destroy these camps would have alerted the Germans to the fact we cracked their codes. We sacrificed Coventry for that very reason.
Millions of young men gave their lives in the defeat of Hitler and it is unacceptable that comfy academics can spout lies which demean their sacrifice because a favoured group has suffered.
Most of these camps were in Northern and Eastern Europe well beyond the range of even the biggest bombers.
Well…that is the argument. It is a fact, though, that we regularly managed to bomb the I G Farben factory, on the other side of the fence from Auschwitz. Perhaps the ‘ungrateful and unreasonable Jews’ feel that if we had the range for I G Farben, we might just have struggled on twenty feet to the other side of the barbed wire? It’s hard to see where they’re wrong?
So rather than wait for the Germans to kill them, our bombers should have done the job for them?
It was the USAF not the RAF which bombed IG Farben and then the first proper raid wasn’t until 20th August 1944, the camp was liberated only 6 months later.
This question wasn’t even asked until mischief makers looking for someone to blame begun asking it in the 1970s
It’s not hard to see where they’re wrong! They’re totally and utterly wrong !
Bombing a concentration camp full of prisoners and expecting there to be any surviving is cloud cuckoo land.
Years ago, I watched some moving interviews with survivors. Day after day they waited, hoping for the Allies to bomb the place, but they never came. No doubt the prisoners would have expected them to bomb the industrial slaughter facilities, rather than accommodation huts.
It’s all in the past. But, from time to time, you hear a clamour from the great and the good seeking a disarmament solution where Israel would give up its nukes and agree to trusting the US and the UK as the guarantors of its security. If I was an Israeli, and you told me to give up my nukes and trust Messrs Obama and Cameron to protect me, I would roll on the floor, laughing.
The factory you talk about was Monowitz concentration camp aka IG Farben plant at Waldenburg.
It was bombed a total of 4 times;
Aug 1944
Sept 1944
Dec 1944
Dec 1944
The creation of the camp was a result of an initiative by the German chemical company IG Farben to build the third largest plant to produce synthetic rubber and liquid fuels.The camp was supposed to be located in Silesia, out of range of allied bombers.In January 1945, the majority of the prisoners were evacuated and sent on a death march to Gliwice, and then carried by train to the Buchenwald and Mauthausen camps.
While it is questionable why the allies didn’t bomb the camps, one of the main reasons was nobody actually believed that man could be so evil, yes information filtered through, but nobody believed it, not until we liberated the camps and saw with our own eyes. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
It was 10K from Auschwitz. Hey I’m just pointing out the facts, Such as the primary Allied effort in the west at the time was France (D-day was June 1944) which means the allies concentrated on targets close to the FEBA. Now if you look up the history of the time the allies hit lines of communication, up to Berlin. However that route was prohibitively expensive in terms of aircraft lost , it wasn’t until the North American P1B mustang was fielded in late 1943 did the US have the means to escort their bomber fleets all the way there and and back with top cover. This was further helped with the opening up of airfields in Normandy after Dday.
A further explanation is that the US bombed on mass and it took 1000 bomber raids to knock out targets, targets which today can be taken out by 1 aircraft. The RAF didn’t bomb during the day so they couldn’t exactly see what they were bombing.
But here’s a question. say if the camp had been bombed, where would the prisoners have gone? when the RAF hit Amiens Prison in German-occupied France 18 February 1944. A total 255 prisoners escaped, though 182 were recaptured the Nazis in turn carried out 260 reprisal executions. That was a attack in France in which to release French resistance prisoners. How would Non Poles have fared inside Poland .
Another later raid agaisnt a Gestapo HQ inside Copenhagen ended up killing 86 school children.
BTW, the Mosquito didn’t have the legs to get to Poland. Funny enough the Russians were a lot closer
30-31 Mar 1944 – In a disastrous attack on Nuremberg, Germany, Bomber Command suffers its heaviest losses of the entire war; 95 aircraft fail to return from 795 dispatched after being heavily attacked by German night-fighters.
1 Aug 1944 – Polish partisan forces attempt an uprising against the Germans in Warsaw. RAF forces in Italy attempt resupply missions with heavy losses – particularly amongst Polish and South African crews. The uprising collapses and resistance ends in October.
I am sick to death of hearing this sort of tripe! Bombing the camps indeed. Image the outcry after the war if we had helped the Nazi kill Jews by deliberate bombing!
Another old load of bollocks is the crap the Poles were taught by the Communists after the war about Britain betraying Poland after promising to help them. That’s betraying them by declaring war on Germany then? A war which cost us many, many lives, our industry and our empire? Some betrayal!
Surely the reason for wanting Auschwitz to be bombed was because it was gassing and then burning more than 4000 people EVERY day.
Had Auschwitz been destroyed then certainly the more than 400,000 Hungarian Jews from Budapest would have been saved.
I am well aware at what went on at Auschwitz and elsewhere – industrial genocide.
However it takes only the flimsiest knowledge of WW2 bombing practice to understand that there was no precision bombing available and even during the day with the site visible from the bombers they would have flattened the whole camp killing a high proportion of the inhabitants – not everyone in Auschwitz was Jewish and or Hungarian BTW.
Now imagine how the Soviet Union and its useful idiots in the UK would have used that information after the war. In fact don’t image it look at how they present the use of nuclear weapons and the bombing of Dresden – as war crimes. You can times that by ten if we’d bombed the camps – why stop at Auschwitz?
That’s the selfish English POV of course. As to the Jews and others dying – well Jerry would have found another way to dispose of them – by bayonet if Operation Barbarossa is any guide.
No, even if it were possible it would have been unthinkable. The blame stays fairly and squarely with the Nazis. Any attempt to shift it onto the British is shameful bullshit.
Imagine, you want to destroy, a camp full of people. It is a long way away. It will have to be daylight to have any hope of precision. Therefore it would have had to be the USAAF and probably flying from. North Africa or Southern Italy depending on the time of the raid. The raid on Ploesti oil refinery in Romania in 1943 was a bloody affair, 53 out of 178 shot down so 530 men dead or prisoners. So you plan a daylight unescorted raid, you gather the crews, you tell them you think Jews are being murdered and you want to destroy the camp with the prisoners inside it…… That I would imagine would go down like a lead balloon. You tell them they will have heavy causalities, that the raid will not really affect German war production only slow down their killing of Jews. You must deliberately try to kill women and children. After the war you will be blamed and hounded for doing it by the Russians and the stupid left. I would imagine an awful lot of crews even if they agreed to do it would ‘accidentally’ miss. Lots of people now and for the last fifty years are guilty of being wise after the event for suggesting this. The guilt was the Germans, we do not set out to kill civilians in prison camps deliberately, that would make us as bad as them for whatever reason the raid was planned.
I realise that the BBC is still overwhelmingly biased in favour of Islam despite recent events. However, there have been a handful of programmes, recently This Week, when the programmes were very clearly against militant , fundamentalist Islam and showed heartfelt outrage against apologists for Islam who tried to say that, even though they deplored the killings ,the publication of the cartoons was an inflammatory act and shouldn’t have happened.
Clearly within the BBC a few of the people, though perhaps not yet the editorial staff, are realising the truth , long held by many of us, that Islam and Western values cannot coexist peacefully. Unless Islam undergoes rapid development and enters the present era rather than remain stuck in Medieval barbarism, the tensions will continue to grow .
I am sure that most politicians know this to be the truth but lack the courage to start the necessary policies to address the problem. Their life is not made easier by the idiots who run the BBC and still don’t grasp the threat that Islam poses to the West and think it is the Religion of Peace of the oppressed. But I think that the seeds of doubt about Islam are beginning to germinate in their simplistic leftist minds.
The poor sod being slowly flogged to death in Saudi Arabia has not had his sentence carried out today because the wounds from the previous flogging had not healed sufficiently.
Imagine the unending barbarity of having to wait until you were healed sufficiently before you went through it all again for an eternity – a living hell.
Yet the world says very little about this latest Muslim atrocity from the heart of Islam, only that it of course has nothing to do with Islam. A little like going to the Vatican and being told some pronouncement has nothing to do with Christianity !
We do have to question why we still have diplomatic relations with a country like this.
No doubt the liberal has one thousand and one excuses but I can think of none that are worthy of the name.
” second meeting included a presentation to the minister, Lord Hill, about concerns that Muslim hardliners were trying to take control of Birmingham schools. The meeting was held THREE YEARS before a letter – now widely assumed to be a forgery – alleging a “Trojan Horse” plot was sent to Birmingham council.”
“It’s farcical that central government can dodge responsibility when it wants to, that ministers feel that such stark warnings could be ignored and neither immediate action nor policy change needs to take place.”
NO! It’s because Saudi Arabia has most of the leaders in the Western world well & truly in its pocket, and they do what ever Saudi wants.
Apologies and promotion of Islam
Wars against countries Saudi doesn’t like
tolerance of Islamic ‘hate preachers’
Keeping quiet about human rights abuses
Support for the Royal Family
All regardless of what the public thinks in return for a fat reward when the politico leaves office.
After Khomeini turned Iran into an Islamic republic, the Western leaders wanted to make sure Saudi Arabia did not go the same way.
Hence the outrage over the “Death of a Princess” TV programme in 1980, and the subsequent grovelling to the Saudi rulers – “they may be a vile theocracy but they’re OUR vile theocracy”.
Trouble is they are not ours they are theirs. Personally I’d be happy with no Saudi oil going to the West; let ’em sell it to China and see how far they get with that.
In forty years time there will be hardly any Saudi oil and we, if we don’t wimp out, should have both fracking and South Atlantic Oil aplenty. And if thet turns out as so much dust we will have worked out a way to use less or get power another way. Why? Because we have the capacity of scientific industry something the Saudis will not have with out a Reformation.
So best of luck Saudi Arabia your power will soon be gone and you will be back to begging junior British Army officers to help you ‘liberate’ Mecca again.
Bugger acknowledging it how about a few extracts ?
Obviously they’ll have to miss out the chopping bits but I think they could get the gist of Saudi justice…….yeh, fast chance, more chance of getting them to stop supporting liebor .
see hear is my problem with that bbc left wing biased farce called question time,.last nights edition followed a recent pattern where they invite a guest on with moderate right wing views to be attacked and shouted down by all the fellow panelists and the left wing invited audience,last night was dr david starkeys turn,did you notice when dr david starkey pointed out that medhi hasan but a few years ago desrcribed non muslims in a you tube video as dirty kuffars and filthy animals he was attacked by all.when he desrcribed islam as a barbaric religion the lynch mob was out to hang him,did david dimbleby press medhi hasan on that that disgusting you tube video he made,no he totally ignored it but imagiine if that was nigel farage or a ukip member who made those comments about muslims,shit would of hit the fan in the question time studio,medhi hasan got away with it,finally,did you notice last when david dimbleby announced next weeks guests on question time,when it came to paul nuttal of ukip name being read out there was boos and jeers from the left wing question time audience,what did the david dimbleby say then,i wonder what member of next weeks panel the audience was booing in his smug way with a chuckle,question time is left wing biased and like the x factor has had it day and should be replaced with a decent film on thursday nights.
Thing is… a small but significant section of the population have their antenna tuned to this now; every example just makes them more angry. Dr Matthew Goodwin, on the Daily politics yesterday, said that UKIP have a firm 15%. We can only hope that Cameron doesn’t chip that away in the last few days.
It’s rather sad, given the dilemma we’re in, that it’s only 15%. But the generation that grew up under Labour feel guilty that we, unfairly, have the best tooth fairy, that we selfishly keep her to ourselves and that utopia will arrive when we share her out to the rest of the world. The poor deluded fools will come to their senses in a few years. By then a sizeable part of the population may have allegiance to foreign countries and all will be lost. We can but hope.
What , decent film , the Bbc ,stealth edits lots of them . I fancy a British Film Season ,starting with “The Dambusters” , continuing on with “Zulu”,etc . Those films will “never” be shown on a Bbc channel ,ever again, unless highly slashed to pieces . Or in their eyes burnt ,so no one can ever view them again .
The Dambusters was on CH5 over the Christmas Holiday and that pesky racist, Wing Commander Guy Penrose Gibson VC DSO DFC, still insists on calling his dog Nigger.
Would the BBC even dare to try to PC up (if there is such a word) one of the finest films ever made relating to one of the most courageous acts carried out during WW2
It was striking that Dimbleby failed to take Hasan to task for his “kuffar cattle” remarks and demand an explanation. As you note, had someone such as Farage said something equally derogatory about Muslims Dimbleby would have shot him down in an instant. If you haven’t listened to the recording of Mehdi’s rant, it’s worth a listen, especially for those “people of no intelligence” such as myself who refuse to embrace Islam. Any ideas as to how he conducts himself as editor of the Huffington Post?
He usually hands out the same theme; Islam, good, peaceful, misunderstood, sinned against whilst other religions are not, and have never been, cartooned-against, media biased against it … ad nauseum. With just a little more effort he could be utterly unbearable.
You appear to denigrate and insult stuart for his posting, inferring that he needs ‘care in the community’.
Perhaps most readers of his post are not so judgemental as to dismiss his thoughts and opinions on the basis of his skills in constructing sentences, punctuating them etc. Perhaps bBBC readers make a genuine attempt to understand one another, and encourage open expression of opinion – (We call it free speech), without dismissing opinions from those who are less skilled in the use of written English than you would wish them to be.
Your posts displays an unwelcome bigotry, and a cerebral approach that will prevent you from accomplishing any understanding. Comprendez?
I think the clue lies in the last 3 letters of the poster’s name – y’ know, He Who Normally Defends The Religion Of Peace but who, for some inexplicable reason, has gone all shy on us over the past week or so.
I wondered when you’d be back, my demented little stalker. I wish I could say I’ve missed your inadequacy and inability to engage with anything approaching an adult intellect.
Angrymanupnorth, can I thank you for the sense of our communal values which you highlight in your message. I strongly believe we in this community cherish in a very old fashioned British way those who honestly ( something beeboids and their fellow travellers do not understand, honesty ) wish to communicate with their fellow members to uncover the crimes of beeboids in their deluded search for a multi sexual, multi racial, fantasy shangri-la. At the expense of the indigenous population who are being ignored and steamrollered into an unwanted nirvana.
Few of us, me for one, have well paid jobs in the media, have little training in the ways of weasel words, but what we share is a belief in our cause, our people and our god given land. We the true people of this land will never surrender it, our cause is just, our enemies many, for the sake of our unborn descendants we will prevail.
And for the record, whilst Scott refers to me as ‘right wing’, I do not associate myself with this term. I don’t know what ‘right wing’ and ‘left wing’ mean anymore. There’s just right and wrong, shrewd and dumb, considered and ill-considered, civilized and barbarous, polite and rude, sincere and insincere, truthful and dishonest, impartial and biased.
How leftards like Scotty don’t even accidentally associate themselves with any of the more noble of human characteristics, I’ll never know.
I don’t know what ‘right wing’ and ‘left wing’ mean anymore…
… How leftards like Scotty
So you don’t understand terms when used about you, but immediately use the same terms when you’re happy to insult people. And your accusation is that they’re rude.
So many hypocrisies in one small post. Well done. Biased BBC commenters will be proud of you – self-righteous, pompous, hypocritical and with absolutely no self-awareness. All you need now is to be a lying xenophobe and unable to interact with people in the real world, and you’ll be the perfect Biased BBCer.
Eastenders-wow, nights out in the eastend eh, who d have thought, three Muslims, three gays, a transgender entertainer, just so realistic eh? Even the mrs was embarrassed by it!
I stopped watching Eastenders years ago because watching it made me feel as if I was living in a dustbin. I felt dirty. I wonder what kind of deviants they are who make up the bizarre plots and dialogue. It is not normal.
I stopped watching Eastenders because it’s badly written, badly acted bollocks that’s even more depressing than real life with the added dullness of the BBc agenda running through it. Basically it’s f*****g cr*p. Bring back Eldorado or Howards way.
Meanwhile, 9pm bbbc3, radio 1dj ,b.traits-?, finds out whats in your drugs. More people than ever are taking them apparently, so b.traits is going to find out what users and dealers know about them. Im guessing now that the “dealers ” shown will not be “them men”
I have tried to comment on the article, but, as always with my comments, it’s down the memory hole…my rebuttal to the Mail’s caption “Islamic State’s radical interpretation of Sharia law” is:
“It is not a radical interpretation of Sharia law, it IS Sharia law”…the very same Sharia law the BBC’s darlings want to impose upon US.
I have a theory that the DM allow one comment a day. But I also suspect the moderators have an agenda and the comments are allowed to fit it. However today’s article (Friday) that it is the hottest year ever has scarcely a comment that believes it but that is maybe because those comments are not being moderated.
Probably on here somewhere but came across this on a certain well known site…..
Barbara Plett’s tears for Yasser Arafat
During the BBC programme From Our Own Correspondent broadcast on 30 October 2004, Plett described herself crying when she saw a frail Yasser Arafat being evacuated to France for medical treatment.[94] This led to “hundreds of complaints” to the BBC, and suggestions that the BBC was biased. Andrew Dismore, the MP for Hendon, accused Plett of “sloppy journalism”, and commented that “this shows the inherent bias of the BBC against Israel.” In response to Plett’s report, Lord Janner, the Labour peer, lamented, “We should shed tears for those who suffer… because of Arafat’s intifada… this sort of coverage is exactly what we have come to expect from the BBC.”[95][96][97]
BBC News defended Plett in a statement saying that her reporting had met the high standards of “fairness, accuracy and balance” expected of a BBC correspondent.[98] Initially, a complaint of bias against Plett was rejected by the BBC’s head of editorial complaints. However, almost a year later, on 25 November 2005, the programme complaints committee of the BBC governors[96] partially upheld the complaints, ruling that Plett’s comments “breached the requirements of due impartiality”.[97][98] Despite initially issuing a statement in support of Plett, the BBC director of news Helen Boaden later apologised for what she described as “an editorial misjudgment”. The governors praised Boaden’s speedy response and reviewed the BBC’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.[96]
Jeremy Bowen
In April 2009, the Editorial Standards Committee of the BBC Trust published a report on three complaints brought against two news items involving Jeremy Bowen, the Middle East Editor for BBC News.[99] The complaints included 24 allegations of inaccuracy or partiality of which three were fully or partially upheld.[99][100][101] The BBC Trust’s editorial standards committee found that Bowen’s radio piece “had stated his professional view without qualification or explanation, and that the lack of precision in his language had rendered the statement inaccurate”. They opined that the online article should have explained the existence of alternative views and that it breached the rules of impartiality. However, the report did not accuse Bowen of bias. The website article was amended and Bowen did not face any disciplinary measures.[102]
Pro-Muslim bias
Hindu and Sikh leaders in the United Kingdom have accused the BBC of pandering to Britain’s Muslim community by making a disproportionate number of programmes on Islam at the expense of covering other Asian religions.[103]
In the seminar there was a hypothetical discussion including senior BBC executives about what they would allow controversial Jewish comedian Sacha Baron Cohen to throw into a dustbin on the satirical television show Room 101. It was imagined that Baron Cohen would wish to throw into Room 101 kosher food, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Quran, and the Bible. Most at the summit agreed that all would be permissible – except for the Quran. There was also a hypothetical discussion about whether a Muslim BBC newsreader should be allowed to wear a veil.[8]
In the seminar former BBC business editor Jeff Randall claimed he was told by a senior news executive in the organisation that “The BBC is not neutral in multiculturalism: it believes in it and it promotes it.” The Daily Mail claimed in 2006 that Andrew Marr stated, “The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It’s a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias”.[8]
What interests me is, yet again, clear evidence of how bad the CECUTT system is.
Think of how much BBC effort was put initially into denial and obfuscation, and how long and how much persistence was required to get the top brass to confront and grudgingly concede what was clear as day.
The above atrocity exhibitions and Islamic “incidents” in Saudi and in Nineveh-scene of Jonahs biblical story-shows us how evil, barbaric and debased we`ve all got in the cringe before Muslims.
And as for the Now Show?…well who else gets the barbed wit and unfunny sledghammers?…well UKIP and the French of course.
Can`t be seen to address the REAL stories of the week can we?
This was only on a two minute sample…imagine Starkey, that Birmingham non-story took up the other twenty odd minutes of dead time to fill.
On went the telly-and Bonnie Greer had strong-armed the great Summertime” for the Civil Rights lobby…and for now.
Who else to read the script that The Selecters token few hits wonder?…Pauline Black of TwoTone fantasies?
How to ruin a song…let the race hustlers of the new century get their revisionism and airbrushes out?
That was my five minutes dip into the BBC tonight…Islamic binbags that crave body parts to feel alive.
Back to Brian Matthew.
10pm News on BBC1 Young woman vox pop saying that the events in Belgium were nothing to do with religion. How many people did the BBC have to ask to get the words they wanted.
The BBC U-turn on images by David Keighley (former BBC News producer)
David Dimbleby mentioned the straitjacket approach on the Thursday night edition of Question Time, rightly noting that this was now rather a hot potato. Presumably, he did that off his own bat, because the Corporation reacted like a scalded cat. By next morning, the relevant key guideline had been taken down from the BBC website and the re-writing message emerged from both the BBC press office and online.
What’s strange therefore about the Thursday night decision is that it seems a sudden retreat from everything the Trustees have set in train in terms of BBC orthodoxy since 2007. Who took the decision? The speed at which it happened and the potential implications suggests it must have been at the very top, by Tony Hall, the director general. Has he suddenly seen the error of the BBC’s ways? I somehow doubt it. Once the immediate fall-out from Charlie Hebdo evaporates, it will be business as usual in the Corporation’s pursuit of their version of ‘right’.
The BBC seem extremely seem on NHS stories at the moment. Perhaps they’ll investigate it and ask some serious questions of Andy Burnham when he makes one of his daily visits to their studios.
Or perhaps not! (The BBC seem particularly efficient at filtering the news at the moment).
This sort of deception is pure evil. People’s health and lives are at stake but that is of no consequence to the Left where any political advantage can be gained.
And the failure of the BBC to report it is equally evil.
How many people died at Hitchinbrook as a result of neglect? perhaps Mr Burnham , who should be on trial for neglect of duty, should ponder this before spouting off.
Surely it is no surprise to anyone that there is an Unholy Alliance of the BBC, the BMA ( merely a highly successful trade unions for the doctors but masquerades as defending medical standards etc) and other NHS Unions. All of these organisations support the state funding v alleged privatisation because they know that they will get higher salaries and better terms and conditions from the state than from a private organisation.
1035 -look east tells us that tonight, after events in Europe, muslim leaders have told their followers not to “react”. Good to know that they have to be told not to react then.
It was pure taqiyya from Medhi Hasan on Question Time, how Mohammed had entered Mecca and forgave everyone who had spoken against him or mocked him in the past; no he didn’t: he killed them.
I am afraid I have to repeat this message again for the employees and Duty Officers of Al Beeb that search this site for their masters …
‘ You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time’.
I believe that any hope of getting the BBC under control or completely shut down rests with how much support UKIP gets in the next election. Not that UKIP can win but if they get enough support they could join the CONS to form a government and possibly give Dave a spine. Does anyone know if UKIP is doing the hard work of recruiting and vetting viable candidates for the GE.
”Does anyone know if UKIP is doing the work of vetting candidates for the GE. ”
I can assure if UKIP don’t that hag from Hell Kirsty Squawk will find any dirt on them, dropping litter, stealing a paperclip, etc etc. Nigel Farage was in the Waffen SS when he was 14, here’s the proof.
I see large swathes of the Islamic world in Asia and Africa, including Rage-boy and his pals in Pakistan, are on the streets burning things and whipping themselves up into a frenzy over the latest Charlie Hebdo portrayal of their beloved prophet. I don’t see much coverage of these riots on BBC World, especially the ones in Niger. Is there a weekly quota for just how much Islamist violence can be reported ?
Never mind, the BBC have more important things to cover on their news broadcasts, such as the lesbian couple thrown out of a Vienna coffee shop for kissing each other. I just hope Rage-boy and his pals weren’t watching.
…. and how Israeli newspapers have photoshopped women out of the photo of world leaders in Paris. Of course, time pressure means they don’t explain that it was just one paper, from a small, extreme group .
But the BBC would never publicise news for example that the first female Bedouin Dr Rania Okby is Israeli or that Israeli women are making hi-tech history or that Captain Or Cohen is the first woman to be appointed as the Israeli Navy’s ship commander. See weekly newsletter of positive news from Israel for more at
Islam is to terror as rainfall is to flooding.
Some have tried to contend that the onset of modernity and globalization has created a sense of threat to Islamic values, which has precipitated the tensions with the West.
Thus, in Cairo, Obama suggested that “the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to Islamic traditions.”
This too is difficult to accept.
After all, Islam is the youngest of all major religions, founded centuries – even in some cases, millennia – after Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity. Why would the newest religion find that the developments of modernity threaten its traditions in a manner that, apparently, does not threaten the traditions of faiths far more ancient? Why do they not generate the same tensions with the West that we find in the case of the Muslim faith? Could it perhaps be that Islam is fundamentally incompatible not only with modernity but with anything that is not Islam, and that many cannot – or worse, refuse to – recognize this?
A clarion call
Europe in general and France in particular are on the cusp of a grim, probably gruesome, future.
European leaders would do well to heed the clarion call from someone who has intimate knowledge of Islam – the Somalian-born former Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who was forced flee to the US because of threats from Muslims who objected to her criticism of Islam. She warned: “Islam is not a religion of peace. It’s a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can. Every accommodation of Muslim demands leads to a sense of euphoria and a conviction that Allah is on their side. They see every act of appeasement as an invitation to make fresh demands.”
Europe had best heed this dire caveat and tailor its policies accordingly, for if not, the consequences will be dire.
“They see every act of appeasement as an invitation to make fresh demands.”
And if they win this one on cartoon censorship the next will most likely be ‘Any future reference to Mohammed by anybody, written or spoken, must be phrased thus: “The prophet Mohammed (peace be to his name)”. And following that it will be…..(add your own suggestions)
We have ‘Islamic militants’…’More than 20 ‘people’…………Increased concerns anout ‘young europeans’..The actual common link seems to be the attack ‘on our values’………..There is mention of ‘incidents’ in France and Belgium.
The only time terrorism is mentioned is when the authorities are quoted.
Now, I thought that these incidents were all connected in that the creatures responsible were all extreme muslims who had illegally gone to wage jihad in Syria and then come back to maim and murder law abiding citizens in the name of ‘Mo’.
As usual the bbbs just water down the facts and very subtly change the language so the reader is left with thoughts of ‘freedom fighters’ being harangued by the over zealous police.
On Friday, the Belgian government also announced new measures to deal with terrorist suspects.
They include making travelling abroad for terrorist activities a crime and expanding the cases where Belgian citizenship can be revoked for dual nationals who are thought to pose a terror risk.
There was an article some days ago telling why Merkel wasn’t interested in Call Me Dave’s restrictions on sending child benefit to the home country. Seems that Germany tried that in the 70’s, so the Turks just brought their kids with them, rather than leave them at home.
Our leaders just indulge in tokenism to keep us quiet.
Europe on high alert due to another expected outbreak of peace.
Just so that I can be a good citizen and help the authorities, who should I be looking out for? I think it must be elderly people in wheelchairs as I have seen them being searched at airports.
What always amuses me is when I come back through Heathrow or Gatwick to the land of my birth where I have lived for half a century . My passport is scrutinised by somebody in a Hijab
On returning from a trip to India, there were four immigration officers on duty at Heathrow – all of them ‘Asian’. Being early morning and slightly dazed after the overnight flight, I thought for a brief moment that the plane must have developed a fault and returned back to Bombay!
“I sound like an advert for the Green Party, and that’s ok…”
Bishop Stephen Lowe (churchman and broadcaster) reviewing the newspapers for BBC 1 tv Breakfast this morning.
Never mind Bish, wait until you get to your second story of choice Banker Bonuses…. for balance, now you sound like a Labour Party political broadcast.
“I feel as though there should be some balance…. next time I come on, I want a story from the opposite point of view… for balance”
Did you think he was talking there about his global conning story or his bash the rich article? Oh no. This last comment was in response to his third story – on what men find baffling about women. The lefty old codger in a purple shirt just wants to make sure he ticks a feminist box. Fool.
Meanwhile on Radio 4 the Thought for the Day was delivered by the Rev Roy Jenkins – bigging up some Guantanamo prisoner.
How can a “Rev” – in the shadow of umpteen Islamist murders and threatened atrocities – bring up Gitmo at this moment ? Can’t he remember why Gitmo was set up ? Bloody fool – but an honoured BBC guest, of course.
If you would like to hear the dear old Bish meet a worthy opponent try the Stephen Nolan Show (R5 Midnight Sunday) when he is up against Charlie Wolf, the former Communications Director of Republicans Abroad UK, a gentleman that does not take prisoners. Probably one of the few occasions on Nbbc when you will hear the pathetic winging of an out and a leftie being allowed to be effectively demolished without interference from a presenter when Charlie goes “off message, which he does most of the time.
Re the above so called “Church Leaders” who spout tolerance.
Has any one of them ever been curious enough to wonder why there`s no “Anglican Communion” in places like Saudi, Pakistan or Yemen?
Any of them ever visited the Religion Of Peace`s big black ashram in Mecca?…or ambled over to Medina for “ecumenical” green tea and baklavas?
More like balaclavas.
No these Radio 4 dupes, shills suckups and quislings are precisely WHAT the “Beautiful people” want by way of “religious massages”…now Saviles gone, they`re probably doing better than of old on the tables/Green Rooms.
UseLESS(not Useful) idiots all-and no doubt Barabbas won the democratic vote….so well done Cherch!
Now Jesus-well Islam ride him like a surfboard, and the Church won`t make any waves…just oil, wax and grease the cadaver, as insisted on by Islam.
Like Blair shanghai`d the Labour Party, and didn`t demur…so Jesus has been co-opted by islam, and the Christian Church have neither the brains nor the backbone to…er…”Stand Up for Jesus”.
Sheep, goats?-as long as they`re halal the Cherch don`t give a XXXX.
But I do…as does my Mate, and His Dad!
Point of correction: there is an Anglican church in Pakistan. Christians are regularly persecuted; for instance here’s a report of the bombing of the Anglican church in Peshawar in September 2013, from The Guardian, no less:
Although all the other points are valid of course.
Ta Ian…just assumed there`d no longer be one after recent events.
That sainted bloke in Baghdad( Andrew White is it) seemed to be the one to turn off the lights across Asia and the Middle East, so am pleased if there is even a sliver of hope that Islam will tolerate a church or two in its bailiwick.
Thanks again-will return to praying for Pakistan then!
Yes, Charlie is good and Stephen Nolan does let him express his opinions fairly I think.
The bishop is always bashed, if you’ll excuse the expression, missus 🙂
Al BBC Any “Islamic” Questions – barely 2 mins old
before a bleating “PROPHET” Mohamhead with added PBUH
and the obligatory simpering “perversion” of Islam
insulting the “teachings of … the “PROHET” – ya da ya da ya da,
Once again the BBC “trained seal audience”.
1st question … wild applause
2nd question … wild applause
before the 3rd
slipping in the Fox news/Bham/No Go # … wild applause
onto “political correctness” .. is a good idea … wild applause
No “prophet” that I … one could, or would ever wish to acknowledge,
The “prophet” claim obviously false … the actions of this abhorrent
child raping, murderous, Jew hating, power crazed individual …
Not in my presence … I always pull anyone up on this, immediately
as I do if they slip the lazy and incorrect “Abrahamic faith” – all faiths and non c-ap.
Really? Surely it would be the simple explanation that black people and women aren’t acting well enough, or writing good enough screenplays to be winning academy awards.
No, the BBC chooses instead to amplify the ‘lack of diversity’ mantra spewed out by Cheryl Isaacs, the black president of AMPA.
Maybe white males should be prevented from winning academy awards due to their skin colour or gender?
And that promotion by the BBC of the hashtag #oscarssowhite…
Just a couple of observations/suggestions for the BBC..
1) How about more diversity in, say, BBC’s own Asian Network? Perhaps we could hear the views of a white person saying The Asian Network is hideously Asian and there should be more white people on there simply because they are white and diversity quotas SHOULD be fulfilled as they are elsewhere on the BBC.
2) How about a shout out for the hashtag #MOBOsoblack?
Has nobody ever thought about making a movie about Nelson Mandela? Or one about that bloke who was a slave for 12 years? How about remaking the children’s film ‘Annie’ with a little black girl in the lead role? Or making a black man one of the main characters in over 50% of Hollywood’s 100 top grossing movies in 2013? No – wouldn’t happen would it. Absolute zero diversity in Hollywood, just like there isn’t any in the BBC.
On QT the great intellectual, Vince Cable contributed to the discussion on Charlie Hebdo with the ‘shouting fire in a crowded theatre argument’ and was duly applauded for his wisdom.
Perhaps it is time to confront this argument.
Did Rupert Murdoch lose control of Sky News? Recently it seems to be worse than the Beeb. Most new reporters seem to be ethnic lefties. First time I watched Sherine Tadros report from Gaza, I thought she was speaking for Hamas. Her colleague, Hind Hassan, likes to tweet Sherine’s Gaza stories. And tell us, in huge text, about ‘Glaring lack of racial diversity amongst those involved in the debate on #immigration on #bbcqt’. Notably, there are no tweets about the killings by the RoP. No posts, either, supporting Freedom Of Speech by a journalist. Strange,that?
Murdoch, contrary to what the BBC, The Guardian, Labour, Miliband, Underpants Bryant, Hacked Off and all the other wasters say, has never had editorial input or veto into Sky News output.
Unlike their newspapers, Sky News, editorially, operates completely independently of the Murdoch family.
That’s interesting. Maybe the timing is co-incidental. When the Lenny Henry ‘ethnic’ fuss blew up before Christmas, someone said the broadcasters had got together last year to discuss the ‘problem’ but agreed that there ‘was still a lot more to be done’. Channel 4 detailed guidelines are published here; it implies the others will follow:
‘BSkyB has pledged that by the end of next year at least 20% of the stars and writers of its UK-originated TV shows will come from a black, Asian or other minority ethnic background…..
BSkyB said that the on-screen talent target is well in excess of the 14% of the UK population that is BAME.’
The problem for Sky is that of the “journalists profession” or rather the BBC’s massive share of employment of news journalist jobs. For at least the last 15 years it has been career suicide to be a “right wing journalist” (with the barest handful of exceptions like Dellers) Its a lefty club.
The same goes for newspapers like Times, FT , The Economist, all now equally stuffed with lefty journalists – there aren’t any other stripe to choose from. The people move from one job to another, pretty soon the compass only points one way – Left.
Fox in the US has a great talent pool – commentators/ news journalists – Bill Oreilly, Sean Hannity, Charles Krauthammer, and great right of centre guests. We have….. no-one. The BBC, ITN, Sky, the print news media and agencies are all part of the giant suffocating Red Blob ™.
You have to laugh at this thread on Digital Spy, a load of Beeboids ‘fearful for the future of the BBC if the Conservatives win the next election”
Loads trying to defend it, even asking for the licence fee to be raised and comparing it to the NHS! One quote…. “Both the BBC & NHS are national institutions and need saving. This “government” must not be voted back in!
Have a laugh at those trying to defend the indefensible …
I have always thought that the BBC’s presentation is as polished as its propaganda. But lately I’ve been noticing World Service staff fumbling and umming and aahing to such an extent that if there are not a few ums, aahs, ers, and uh-uhs for every minute of propaganda I begin to think something is wrong.
I don’t know if this is just me or the BBC has always been like this and I simply haven’t noticed it. One can understand the occasional um or er while the reporter is marshalling his/her thoughts but there does not seem to be any conscious thought involved here; it’s simply the way they speak.
This is not limited to the core of fossilised BBC staff but has spread like a virus throughout the planet: now we have BBC reporters from Asia and Africa umming an aahing like nobody ever evaluated them for clarity of speech and presentation. Well, I guess being evaluated by their fellow ummers and aahers wouldn’t help. The main qualification for the job, of course, is to mirror the BBC’s bias.
Thing is, once you are aware of it, it’s so distracting that it’s almost impossible to follow what is being said. Come to think of it, that may not in itself be a bad thing.
I found this so irritating that I went to the extent of counting these impediments to speech uttered by a reporter in Indonesia. She came up with one every two or three seconds.
So I figured those who still pay the license tax have a reason perhaps as relevant as the endless propaganda to cease paying it or at least demand a discount. They could do a survey and if ums, aahs, ers, and uh-uhs are found to constitute 20% of BBC output – and that’s not unlikely – insist that the BBC deduct that amount from the tax.
After all, it’s one thing to have to pay for propaganda, but to have to pay for meaningless sounds?
The BBC sees its prime mission to be social engineering; not news or entertainment. In the old days, they selected the ‘best’ people on merit. That approach is now considered taboo; little better than Nazism. Everyone is born equal; if some appear to be ‘better’ it must be down to privilege. So the Beeb dumbs down everything; quotas for minorities, regionalism, etc. The resulting low standards are hard to explain if you believe the ‘nurture’ argument, for some of the dumb ones you complain about have had every positive discrimination advantage the BBC can devise. Unlike those in the past who grafted hard to achieve excellence, they just adopt the swagger of ‘a person from a disadvantaged background’. The funny thing is… the ultra-privileged – white, heterosexual males who grew up in the 50’s/60’s and went to grammar schools – experienced greater levels of ‘poverty’ than any of the pampered minorities of today. But you wouldn’t think it.
Everyone is born equal; if some appear to be ‘better’ it must be down to privilege
Which is ironic considering virtually everyone with power and influence at the BBC comes from ‘privilege’. Even most of their comedians were privately educated.
Makes you wonder if it is not just a game the ‘elite’ play to keep us poor sods down, doesn’t it?
Here is a little nugget of information that the BBC would prefer you not to look at. The BBC HQ in London (and you though they had moved to plush offices in Birmingham?). Revealed in the Times this Friday; our ‘unequally publically funded quango’ residing at BBC HQ (Portland Place in London) costs a cool 11 million pounds on business rates alone! They are now fifth in the BIG league – and the ONLY one that is ‘publically funded’ by a TV license. Here are the TOP London business rates (in order are; HMG (Home Office) £12.5 million, HARRODS £12 million, HSBC Bank £12 Million, CITIGROUP £12 million and the BBC at £11 million. So that is what Lord Tony Haw Haw means when he says BBC ‘value-for-money’ If he meant it he would have moved the BBC to Bradford and asked Mark Byford to return his £1 million ‘pay off’ . But then that would mean it is ‘independent’ of Politics when in reality it is a charter ‘protected’ branch of the corrupt left wing civil-service establishment that has embedded itself since the last war. Lies and more damn lies (and our money) funds corruption and media misinformation on an industrial scale. ‘Times up BBC’ – move to Birmingham (or Bradford).
Others can expect more than £1 million a year, (despite Lord Haw Haw’s years of efforts to cut wages (untrue).
I think whenever BBC salaries are mentioned they should be given not just in pounds but also how many TV licence payers are needed to fund the salary. Using this measure, the average newsreader is funded by 675 licence payers.
Graham Norton is funded by 17,600 licence payers…a bargain.
Heard an extraordinary thing on The Newsroom on the World Service the other day. I forget the context but I imagine it was something to do with the Islamic terrorist threat, oops, sorry, militant threat from those who have nothing to do with the true, peaceful Islam.
Nearly fell off my chair as the reporter said that Israel went into Gaza in reaction to the rockets fired on Israel from Gaza.
At the risk of stating the obvious, it’s violating BBC holy ground to even suggest that Israel is legitimately defending itself against attacks by Islamic terrorists and yet here she was (the reporter was a she) trampling all over it with boots on.
I imagine this might have something to do with the savage attack on the BBC’s fellow-journalists of the left in Paris. Perhaps that is what it takes to get the BBC to raise one questioning eyebrow at radical Islam.
In the normal course of events I would have noted date and time and provided a link for my esteemed colleagues on this site to access, but I was stunned into utter helplessness by the revelation of a BBC reporter telling the truth about the Israeli-Arab conflict, however briefly and almost in passing.
On reflection, it’s perhaps better that way. If BBC managers get to know about this, they’ll fire her in the time it takes her to say, “But I was only doing my job.”
Reminds me of the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war. A BBC reporter expressed consternation when told by a Hezbollah propagandist that only a handful of its terrorists had been killed in the fighting.
Well, he obviously never read the memo forbidding BBC reporters from ever questioning the veracity of an Islamic terrorist.
I never heard any more from him, at least not on the World Service.
“Next stop, El Dorado UK!
“Last month this boatload of migrants was cynically abandoned in the Med – now they’re right on Britain’s doorstep.
“Mohammed Solebi risked his life to get to Calais from war-torn Middle East.
“He was one of 700 Syrians on board a ship which docked in Gallipoli.
“It had been boarded by Italian authorities in order to avert a shipwreck.
“Most of the migrants on board have now dispersed across Europe.
“Mohammed is now in Calais, from where he hopes to get into Britain.”
I listened to Any Answers with the seemingly obligatory raving do-gooder arguing that Islamic terrorism (though like the Beeb he used neither word) was purely down to the Tories and their policy of social inequality and unemployment. To be fair to Anita Anand, an ethnic Pakistani (though a Hindu), she rattled off a list of well-educated middle class terrorists to his spluttering consternation. He obviously was not expecting other than complete agreement from his spiritual home. I wonder if Anita will last much longer – though she does tick two of the three boxes for BBC presenters
Anita Anand has been there for ages and I imagine she is a fixture. Could be that she is one of a few BBC people who appear to be fed up with the prevailing dhimmi attitude to Islamic terrorism, especially post Charlie Hebdo.
If her background is Pakistani Hindu then she will appreciate the kind of ‘peace’ and ‘diversity’ that the Hindus there are subjected to, along with the Sikhs and the Christians.
I am sick of her simpering tones – and I object to the extent to which she inserts her own comments and views, even after the “filtering” of callers has cut the common-sense input to a minimum.
“Al BBC Any “Islamic” Questions – barely 2 mins old
before a bleating “PROPHET” Mohamhead with added PBUH
and the obligatory simpering “perversion” of Islam
insulting the “teachings of … the “PROHET” – ya da ya da ya da,
Once again the BBC “trained seal audience”.
1st question … wild applause
2nd question … wild applause
before the 3rd
slipping in the Fox news/Bham/No Go # … wild applause
onto “political correctness” .. is a good idea … wild applause”
1st big question – Charli Hebdo fall out
2nd big question – Oxford Univ Press bans images of piggies or mention of pork
Laughably … BBC News still hasn t even acknowledged the story
yet. Ciick onto BBC England/Oxford still … squat
Every BBC cloud? :- D … finds space for this though.
… Harvester to be built at Milton Gate …
Charles Moore, ex-editor, has a piece in the Torygraph defending Cameron’s avoidance of the election debates. Four hundred and twenty comments; I thought this was good:
‘Dear ‘Sir’ Charles Moore – your nose is now so brown your dream must surely be coming soon…’
This is another quote from the Digital Spy forum I linked to earlier, I’m guessing from a bBC employee or someone very close, it clearly demonstrates their inability to understand the world outside of bBC Towers and their supercilious attitude towards the telly tax payer, their sense of entitlement and also their lack of intelligence, it would be quite funny were it not serious….
“tories hate the bbc because its the only news most people see (most uk citizens read only tabloids) and its balanced, not right wing. But it will be destroyed, because privateers can make loadsa cash by “moneytising” what the bbc does and charging several times more …….”
If an American blogger can show the true statistics of French Jews fleeing to Israel since 2012 – why does it take atrocities in 2015 to cause the French state to start to defend against Islamic violence and hatred towards Jews ?
Has anyone seen anything like this chart on the BBC ? If Scott Ott can find it – why not one of those 4000 BBC “journalists” ?
But France may at least have had a wake-up call, and the folk memory in France of being under the fascist jackboot may strengthen their resistance to Islamist demands for changes in their way of life, in their beliefs. Britain has no such folk memory, we may be less able to see the fascist intolerance in our midst. Especially when the BBC refuses to call it fascism, but porefers to make excuses for it or hides it..
Not the sort of thing that the liberal media likes to deal with.
I have no doubt the taking of the murdered Jews’ bodies to Israel was not lost on the French. It was barely noticed here.
It seems that Jewish leaders along with the conniving faith organizations are going along with the post Hebdo muslims as victims narrative. It worked. All the news bias from BBC, Sky, Ch 4, and the promises to tackle extremism by Bro Dave and Appeaser May point to tough laws against Islamaphobia – whatever it is.
@BBC put up a deliberately apocalyptic picture while telling us the world is on course for the warmest year on record. What they failed to tell us was that the more accurate satellites, which monitor atmospheric temperatures over nearly all of the globe, say no such thing. Figures from UAH are out for November, and these show a drop from the October anomaly of 0.27C to 0.33C. This means that at the end of November, this year is only in a tie for 3rd with 2005, and well below the record year of 1998, and 2010.’
‘According to the Nasa global temperature database 2014 was technically a record “beating” 2010 by the small margin of 0.02 deg C. The NASA press release is highly misleading saying that 2014 is a record without giving the actual 2014 figure, or any other year, or its associated error.
In reality of course it is no record at all as the error of the measurements is about +/- 0.1 deg C showing NasaGiss’ statement to go against the normal treatment of observational data and its errors. Talk of a record is therefore scientifically and statistically meaningless.’
Inconvenient detail for the BBC, not to mention a tad too complex for their arts-grad environmental correspondents to understand.
Solar Cycle 24 is predicted to be 17 years long, ending in 2026. Astronomers are not experts in Oceanic temperature lags, but past correlations point to cooling not being noticeable until the Winter of 2018-2019 at the earliest. In the mean time, the pause remains a peak. I would see what David Archibald is doing, for any updates on correlations, but we have to wait four years before we even start to get any real cooling, and that comes with increased cloud cover which traps incoming heat, making the night warmer, and the Arctic winter warmer. Also, Oceanic temperature lags can be up to 1,000 years long, which means that the morons can still find warming trends in a mini ice-age, at some depth in the Oceans.
I’ve just taken a look at Channel 4’s schedule for the coming week. The implication of this document is that they are clearly going to have to reduce the number of LGBT types by 2020 to meet their own charter.
Does your percentage include children?
Perhaps that is a superfluous question because 110% of the total population must obviously include little boys, little girls, all s*d*mites of any age, shape or form, and any and *every* perversion you choose to practice.
Is this the future we must look forward to, Scotty, if we ever come under your foul, perverted, left-wing rule?
Perhaps you might mention this all to your Muslim chums, eh? I’m sure they will be thrilled to hear you have 110% aims on all their little Mo’s.
Pending a long-term resolution of the problem, shouldn’t the government take emergency corrective action in the worst cases. I’m think of the total absence of hijab wearers who self-identify as lesbian. I don’t recall ever seeing a single one. Maybe Call Me Dave or Millipede could ring-fence £20m investment for a standing committee that would sit down to discuss this anomaly. After all, biology is no respecter of religion; if 6% of women are lesbian, we have to assume that 6% of hijab wearers are lesbian. Maybe we could consult with representatives of the RoP in countries like The Kingdom to find how they have promoted fairness for the LGBT community in their countries.
Hi again, “Scotty”
Did you just happen to miss by accident my question about this post of yours? I found it a very intriguing post from you:
i.e. You seem to be saying you *want* 110% homosexuality by 2020.
What do you mean by this, Scotty?
Do you mean that every single living being in the UK by the year 2020 must be homosexual? (plus another 10% of anyone left out!)
Come on, Scotty, don’t be shy! Tell us what you really, *really* mean!
In this 110% of the population of the UK you wish to see as gay by 2020, are *all* children included?
Scotty, if you do mean this, do you know what that makes you? You seem to be suggesting that *everyone* from babes-in-arms, through infants, through pre-pubescents, through teenagers, through young adults, through *all* adults right through to old-age pensioners, *MUST*, under your very own stated *wants” in the post above, where you declare you *want* 110% of the population to be homosexual … well … like I say Scotty,
… it simply makes you a 100% pervert, does it not?
I’m still waiting for your answer, Scotty.
Scotty is asking all UK members of the ROP to become 100% gay…..? Think we’ll have to be careful here, we don’t want to force those unwilling to come out to do something which might upset their fellow religionists in IS land, we know what will happen to them then don’t we ?
Yes that’s the story I was thinking about. Now if I rub my lamp three times scott(y) might come out and give us his views on this demonstration of Islamic ‘backing’ for the rights of his fellow homosexuals in a land where the Koran is the rule of law. Looking forward to this in Tower Hamlets, Scott(y) ?
I don’t think ‘Scotty’ is anything to do with Scott, unless I’ve missed something?!
He sounds more like somebody who used to post on here with a London pseudonym – which I’m struggling to remember – most times going off on a pseudo-religious rant.
The following observations on CNN anchor Jim Clancy are perhaps relevant to this site because CNN and BBC share a typical appeasement of Islamic terrorists along with hostility to Israel and any Jews who support the country:
I was astounded to read Clancy’s infantile Twitter comments on the subject because I recall that he not only remained mute when chastised for a full two minutes by a passionate David Horowitz over CNN’s anti-Israel bias during the Second Intifada but appeared to concede that Horowitz was right:
Horowitz was then Editor of the Jerusalem Report and is now Editor of the Times of Israel, not a bad place to go to for reliable news on Israel and beyond.
Clancy appeared to be a decent man, stuck in an unforgiving CNN environment. I guess it got to him over the years.
As usual, the great Mark Steyn keeps us always up to date with the latest bended-knee, grovelling, bowing-over, schlurping and schlocking to the religion of peace which intends to devour us all. It features stars of music, screen, politics and … and … every single particle of celebrity you could ever imagine.
Watch it and weep!
Question: What do Paul Gribben, John Harrison, Amber Dawson, Mark Smith, Daniel Boettcher and Peter Whittlesea have in common?
Answer: They are all BBC reporters who had their Saturday afternoon disturbed by the Channel Tunnel closure and actually had to do some work by running and contributing to this appalling web page:
Six of them – and these are in addition to all others involved in TV and radio broadcasts spouting rolling b0110ck5.
The BBC is using anti-terror spy laws to trap licence fee dodgers in Northern Ireland, the Belfast Telegraph can reveal. It has invoked the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) to catch viewers evading the £145 charge.
The Act, which regulates the powers of public bodies to carry out surveillance and investigation, was introduced in 2000 to safeguard national security.
But a series of extensions mean it can now be applied to investigate minor offences, including not paying the licence fee.
The BBC confirmed its use of RIPA in Northern Ireland after enquiries from this newspaper.
However, the publicly-funded broadcaster refused to give details of what way and how often it applied the legislation.
The Telegraph’s revelation has led to calls for the BBC to justify its use of the controversial powers. DUP MP Gregory Campbell said: “The purpose for which the anti-terror legislation was introduced was pretty clear – the clue is in the name. It should be used for that purpose, and if the BBC is using legislation for a purpose that it wasn’t originally intended, then they should explain this to the public.”
RIPA was introduced by the Labour government in 2000 to catch terrorists and prevent serious crime. However, in recent years it has been used for minor offences such as littering and making sure parents are sending their children to school.
A document obtained under Freedom of Information legislation confirms the BBC’s use of RIPA in Northern Ireland.
It states: “The BBC may, in certain circumstances, authorise under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and Regulation of Investigatory Powers (British Broadcasting Corporation) Order 2001 the lawful use of detection equipment to detect unlicensed use of television receivers… the BBC has used detection authorised under this legislation in Northern Ireland.”
Only a week after the Paris shootings and attack on free speech and the UAF are organizing buses to prevent Marine le Pen speaking at the Oxford Union on February 5. The UAF have had frequent appearances on the BBC of late and, together with the NHS unions and NUJ, operate a no platform policy to protect the ROP and others from being offended. I am sure the BBC will cover the event. Picture of one of the UAF’s no platform events
Hmmm, guy on his knees is not exactly showering himself in glory, is he, about to be booted up the wrong end by a hush puppy & anorak wearing beardy weirdy do gooder and captured on film for all eternity.
I saw these Russell Brand loving shithouses on ‘Angry, white and proud’ the other night, most of them had the usual black face coverings on so they can’t be identified.
When the ‘right wing bigots’, or, as I like to call them, ordinary people who are fed up of being force fed shit by the left wing, confronted them they backed off and hid behind their friends the poodle force.
Look at their cause in this case…free speech my arse, unless it’s something they want to hear that is.
Tonights casualty – nurse concerning herself with foodpoverty. “Its not just today,its everyday, what am i supposed to do,patch them up and send them home to scurvy” ffs,sounds likeedmillipede wrote the script
You can’t get a train to France for a day and the BBC have scores of staff ‘across’ the story PDQ as if anybody north of Watford Gap really gives a shit. You can’t get a train to Penzance for six months and it’s a global warming story.
And why can’t reporters ‘report’ on a story without feeling the need to be ‘across’ it.
Listened to this on R5 in the car tonight, my shaking head is going to be very sore tomorrow listing to the bullshit angst being peddled. The spokesman from Euro tunnel gave a concise , thoughtful explanation for their closure of the tunnel;
Sensors informed them smoke was coming from a train.
The train was stopped at a safety point 17 miles inside the tunnel where a number of heavy duty sprinklers would stop any fire.
The safety of all passengers and crew was paramount.
A fire and rescue crew was very quickly scrambled and reached the scene and found a heavily smouldering artic load.
A close check of the train on which the fire was, the tunnel lining and the track and overhead 25Kv power cables was needed before allowing trains to run again.
The beeboid was demanding that if more “resources ” were available then the tunnel would be back up and running in a hour or so.
What part of 17 miles inside a tunnel did the bbc not understand ?
Who would be the first to scream for blood if there had been a disaster?
Behaviour worse than the lowest of the tabloids.
wonder how many will reply about the top concern Immigration, or the economy, or Islamisation or other things the BBC don’t want to broadcast a single syllable about.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
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Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Shabbat Shalom
Have a good weekend 43.
Why has the comment to which this was a reply been removed?
The magnificent James Delingpole suggested how the west would react to the Charlie Hebdo massacres;
It goes without saying that the BBC appeasers would be front and centre of those far more concerned about “Islamophobia”.
I appreciate there will be a multitude of examples from which to choose but just have a listen to this one. It’s Burden on Five Live this morning seeking the opinions of three men – all called Mohammed, natch.
And listen to her almost breathless response to the claim that actually more people are now taking an interest in the backwards death cult that is Islam.
From 02.26
“So potentially this could lead more people to Islam, I wonder?” She practically creams her knicks.
Yep that’s right. 17 dead but hey an increase in people reading about dear ole’ Mo – a fair payoff I’m sure you’ll agree? Seems Rachel does.
Delingpole could not have been more right could he?
Islam has its converts .. so did /does hitler
it calls them reverts … I actually prefer retards
unthinking droning autotrons
What an idiot ! Nothing was done to prevent the Holocaust at the time by either Britain or North America! Something I’ve heard before from ungrateful and unreasonable Jews !
What did they expect us to do ? Most of these camps were in Northern and Eastern Europe well beyond the range of even the biggest bombers.
In addition any attempt to destroy these camps would have alerted the Germans to the fact we cracked their codes. We sacrificed Coventry for that very reason.
Millions of young men gave their lives in the defeat of Hitler and it is unacceptable that comfy academics can spout lies which demean their sacrifice because a favoured group has suffered.
Most of these camps were in Northern and Eastern Europe well beyond the range of even the biggest bombers.
Well…that is the argument. It is a fact, though, that we regularly managed to bomb the I G Farben factory, on the other side of the fence from Auschwitz. Perhaps the ‘ungrateful and unreasonable Jews’ feel that if we had the range for I G Farben, we might just have struggled on twenty feet to the other side of the barbed wire? It’s hard to see where they’re wrong?
So rather than wait for the Germans to kill them, our bombers should have done the job for them?
It was the USAF not the RAF which bombed IG Farben and then the first proper raid wasn’t until 20th August 1944, the camp was liberated only 6 months later.
This question wasn’t even asked until mischief makers looking for someone to blame begun asking it in the 1970s
It’s not hard to see where they’re wrong! They’re totally and utterly wrong !
Bombing a concentration camp full of prisoners and expecting there to be any surviving is cloud cuckoo land.
so late for farben! by that time they obvioudly knew the russians would get there first and get the booty.
so whatabout the railway line then?
You really do need to think clearly before posting comments you may later regret. Bombing concentration camps would achieve what, precisely?
Years ago, I watched some moving interviews with survivors. Day after day they waited, hoping for the Allies to bomb the place, but they never came. No doubt the prisoners would have expected them to bomb the industrial slaughter facilities, rather than accommodation huts.
The arguments are well made here:
It’s all in the past. But, from time to time, you hear a clamour from the great and the good seeking a disarmament solution where Israel would give up its nukes and agree to trusting the US and the UK as the guarantors of its security. If I was an Israeli, and you told me to give up my nukes and trust Messrs Obama and Cameron to protect me, I would roll on the floor, laughing.
The factory you talk about was Monowitz concentration camp aka IG Farben plant at Waldenburg.
It was bombed a total of 4 times;
Aug 1944
Sept 1944
Dec 1944
Dec 1944
The creation of the camp was a result of an initiative by the German chemical company IG Farben to build the third largest plant to produce synthetic rubber and liquid fuels.The camp was supposed to be located in Silesia, out of range of allied bombers.In January 1945, the majority of the prisoners were evacuated and sent on a death march to Gliwice, and then carried by train to the Buchenwald and Mauthausen camps.
While it is questionable why the allies didn’t bomb the camps, one of the main reasons was nobody actually believed that man could be so evil, yes information filtered through, but nobody believed it, not until we liberated the camps and saw with our own eyes. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
The factory you talk about was Monowitz concentration camp aka IG Farben plant at Waldenburg.
aka Auschwitz III
An Israeli today has to think that if we underestimated the Nazis, then we’re liable to underestimate the Iranians, etc., as well.
aka Auschwitz III
It was 10K from Auschwitz. Hey I’m just pointing out the facts, Such as the primary Allied effort in the west at the time was France (D-day was June 1944) which means the allies concentrated on targets close to the FEBA. Now if you look up the history of the time the allies hit lines of communication, up to Berlin. However that route was prohibitively expensive in terms of aircraft lost , it wasn’t until the North American P1B mustang was fielded in late 1943 did the US have the means to escort their bomber fleets all the way there and and back with top cover. This was further helped with the opening up of airfields in Normandy after Dday.
A further explanation is that the US bombed on mass and it took 1000 bomber raids to knock out targets, targets which today can be taken out by 1 aircraft. The RAF didn’t bomb during the day so they couldn’t exactly see what they were bombing.
But here’s a question. say if the camp had been bombed, where would the prisoners have gone? when the RAF hit Amiens Prison in German-occupied France 18 February 1944. A total 255 prisoners escaped, though 182 were recaptured the Nazis in turn carried out 260 reprisal executions. That was a attack in France in which to release French resistance prisoners. How would Non Poles have fared inside Poland .
Another later raid agaisnt a Gestapo HQ inside Copenhagen ended up killing 86 school children.
BTW, the Mosquito didn’t have the legs to get to Poland. Funny enough the Russians were a lot closer
I wonder why they didn’t free the jews?
A concise history of the RAF during 1944
Note the following:
30-31 Mar 1944 – In a disastrous attack on Nuremberg, Germany, Bomber Command suffers its heaviest losses of the entire war; 95 aircraft fail to return from 795 dispatched after being heavily attacked by German night-fighters.
1 Aug 1944 – Polish partisan forces attempt an uprising against the Germans in Warsaw. RAF forces in Italy attempt resupply missions with heavy losses – particularly amongst Polish and South African crews. The uprising collapses and resistance ends in October.
Well said.
I am sick to death of hearing this sort of tripe! Bombing the camps indeed. Image the outcry after the war if we had helped the Nazi kill Jews by deliberate bombing!
Another old load of bollocks is the crap the Poles were taught by the Communists after the war about Britain betraying Poland after promising to help them. That’s betraying them by declaring war on Germany then? A war which cost us many, many lives, our industry and our empire? Some betrayal!
Surely the reason for wanting Auschwitz to be bombed was because it was gassing and then burning more than 4000 people EVERY day.
Had Auschwitz been destroyed then certainly the more than 400,000 Hungarian Jews from Budapest would have been saved.
I am well aware at what went on at Auschwitz and elsewhere – industrial genocide.
However it takes only the flimsiest knowledge of WW2 bombing practice to understand that there was no precision bombing available and even during the day with the site visible from the bombers they would have flattened the whole camp killing a high proportion of the inhabitants – not everyone in Auschwitz was Jewish and or Hungarian BTW.
Now imagine how the Soviet Union and its useful idiots in the UK would have used that information after the war. In fact don’t image it look at how they present the use of nuclear weapons and the bombing of Dresden – as war crimes. You can times that by ten if we’d bombed the camps – why stop at Auschwitz?
That’s the selfish English POV of course. As to the Jews and others dying – well Jerry would have found another way to dispose of them – by bayonet if Operation Barbarossa is any guide.
No, even if it were possible it would have been unthinkable. The blame stays fairly and squarely with the Nazis. Any attempt to shift it onto the British is shameful bullshit.
Imagine, you want to destroy, a camp full of people. It is a long way away. It will have to be daylight to have any hope of precision. Therefore it would have had to be the USAAF and probably flying from. North Africa or Southern Italy depending on the time of the raid. The raid on Ploesti oil refinery in Romania in 1943 was a bloody affair, 53 out of 178 shot down so 530 men dead or prisoners. So you plan a daylight unescorted raid, you gather the crews, you tell them you think Jews are being murdered and you want to destroy the camp with the prisoners inside it…… That I would imagine would go down like a lead balloon. You tell them they will have heavy causalities, that the raid will not really affect German war production only slow down their killing of Jews. You must deliberately try to kill women and children. After the war you will be blamed and hounded for doing it by the Russians and the stupid left. I would imagine an awful lot of crews even if they agreed to do it would ‘accidentally’ miss. Lots of people now and for the last fifty years are guilty of being wise after the event for suggesting this. The guilt was the Germans, we do not set out to kill civilians in prison camps deliberately, that would make us as bad as them for whatever reason the raid was planned.
I realise that the BBC is still overwhelmingly biased in favour of Islam despite recent events. However, there have been a handful of programmes, recently This Week, when the programmes were very clearly against militant , fundamentalist Islam and showed heartfelt outrage against apologists for Islam who tried to say that, even though they deplored the killings ,the publication of the cartoons was an inflammatory act and shouldn’t have happened.
Clearly within the BBC a few of the people, though perhaps not yet the editorial staff, are realising the truth , long held by many of us, that Islam and Western values cannot coexist peacefully. Unless Islam undergoes rapid development and enters the present era rather than remain stuck in Medieval barbarism, the tensions will continue to grow .
I am sure that most politicians know this to be the truth but lack the courage to start the necessary policies to address the problem. Their life is not made easier by the idiots who run the BBC and still don’t grasp the threat that Islam poses to the West and think it is the Religion of Peace of the oppressed. But I think that the seeds of doubt about Islam are beginning to germinate in their simplistic leftist minds.
The poor sod being slowly flogged to death in Saudi Arabia has not had his sentence carried out today because the wounds from the previous flogging had not healed sufficiently.
Imagine the unending barbarity of having to wait until you were healed sufficiently before you went through it all again for an eternity – a living hell.
Yet the world says very little about this latest Muslim atrocity from the heart of Islam, only that it of course has nothing to do with Islam. A little like going to the Vatican and being told some pronouncement has nothing to do with Christianity !
It took the Beeb a long time to pick up on that; we’ll see if they ever acknowledge this one:
We do have to question why we still have diplomatic relations with a country like this.
No doubt the liberal has one thousand and one excuses but I can think of none that are worthy of the name.
Why? … wilful ignorance, and cowardice
BBC? and the rest.
” second meeting included a presentation to the minister, Lord Hill, about concerns that Muslim hardliners were trying to take control of Birmingham schools. The meeting was held THREE YEARS before a letter – now widely assumed to be a forgery – alleging a “Trojan Horse” plot was sent to Birmingham council.”
“It’s farcical that central government can dodge responsibility when it wants to, that ministers feel that such stark warnings could be ignored and neither immediate action nor policy change needs to take place.”
Why? Because Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest oil exporter, dear boy…
NO! It’s because Saudi Arabia has most of the leaders in the Western world well & truly in its pocket, and they do what ever Saudi wants.
Apologies and promotion of Islam
Wars against countries Saudi doesn’t like
tolerance of Islamic ‘hate preachers’
Keeping quiet about human rights abuses
Support for the Royal Family
All regardless of what the public thinks in return for a fat reward when the politico leaves office.
After Khomeini turned Iran into an Islamic republic, the Western leaders wanted to make sure Saudi Arabia did not go the same way.
Hence the outrage over the “Death of a Princess” TV programme in 1980, and the subsequent grovelling to the Saudi rulers – “they may be a vile theocracy but they’re OUR vile theocracy”.
but they’re OUR vile theocracy
Trouble is they are not ours they are theirs. Personally I’d be happy with no Saudi oil going to the West; let ’em sell it to China and see how far they get with that.
In forty years time there will be hardly any Saudi oil and we, if we don’t wimp out, should have both fracking and South Atlantic Oil aplenty. And if thet turns out as so much dust we will have worked out a way to use less or get power another way. Why? Because we have the capacity of scientific industry something the Saudis will not have with out a Reformation.
So best of luck Saudi Arabia your power will soon be gone and you will be back to begging junior British Army officers to help you ‘liberate’ Mecca again.
Oil trumps all moral objections. Which is why we need shale oil and gas plus a lower dependency on fossil fuels.
Bugger acknowledging it how about a few extracts ?
Obviously they’ll have to miss out the chopping bits but I think they could get the gist of Saudi justice…….yeh, fast chance, more chance of getting them to stop supporting liebor .
see hear is my problem with that bbc left wing biased farce called question time,.last nights edition followed a recent pattern where they invite a guest on with moderate right wing views to be attacked and shouted down by all the fellow panelists and the left wing invited audience,last night was dr david starkeys turn,did you notice when dr david starkey pointed out that medhi hasan but a few years ago desrcribed non muslims in a you tube video as dirty kuffars and filthy animals he was attacked by all.when he desrcribed islam as a barbaric religion the lynch mob was out to hang him,did david dimbleby press medhi hasan on that that disgusting you tube video he made,no he totally ignored it but imagiine if that was nigel farage or a ukip member who made those comments about muslims,shit would of hit the fan in the question time studio,medhi hasan got away with it,finally,did you notice last when david dimbleby announced next weeks guests on question time,when it came to paul nuttal of ukip name being read out there was boos and jeers from the left wing question time audience,what did the david dimbleby say then,i wonder what member of next weeks panel the audience was booing in his smug way with a chuckle,question time is left wing biased and like the x factor has had it day and should be replaced with a decent film on thursday nights.
Thing is… a small but significant section of the population have their antenna tuned to this now; every example just makes them more angry. Dr Matthew Goodwin, on the Daily politics yesterday, said that UKIP have a firm 15%. We can only hope that Cameron doesn’t chip that away in the last few days.
It’s rather sad, given the dilemma we’re in, that it’s only 15%. But the generation that grew up under Labour feel guilty that we, unfairly, have the best tooth fairy, that we selfishly keep her to ourselves and that utopia will arrive when we share her out to the rest of the world. The poor deluded fools will come to their senses in a few years. By then a sizeable part of the population may have allegiance to foreign countries and all will be lost. We can but hope.
What , decent film , the Bbc ,stealth edits lots of them . I fancy a British Film Season ,starting with “The Dambusters” , continuing on with “Zulu”,etc . Those films will “never” be shown on a Bbc channel ,ever again, unless highly slashed to pieces . Or in their eyes burnt ,so no one can ever view them again .
When was the last time you saw any Gilbert and Sullivan on the BBC?
Too patriotic.
There’s enough Gilbertian silliness going on in real life.
Thanks to equal opportunities, “everyone is somebodee, but no-one’s anybody !” (Gondoliers)
Thanks to our leaders’ venality, “Compared to respectability, our profession is still reasonably honest.” (Pirates of Penzance)
“There’s that terroristic savage who just now is rather rife,
The crazy Islamist – I’ve got HIM on the list ! ” (The Mikado)
The Dambusters was on CH5 over the Christmas Holiday and that pesky racist, Wing Commander Guy Penrose Gibson VC DSO DFC, still insists on calling his dog Nigger.
Would the BBC even dare to try to PC up (if there is such a word) one of the finest films ever made relating to one of the most courageous acts carried out during WW2
It was striking that Dimbleby failed to take Hasan to task for his “kuffar cattle” remarks and demand an explanation. As you note, had someone such as Farage said something equally derogatory about Muslims Dimbleby would have shot him down in an instant. If you haven’t listened to the recording of Mehdi’s rant, it’s worth a listen, especially for those “people of no intelligence” such as myself who refuse to embrace Islam. Any ideas as to how he conducts himself as editor of the Huffington Post?
He usually hands out the same theme; Islam, good, peaceful, misunderstood, sinned against whilst other religions are not, and have never been, cartooned-against, media biased against it … ad nauseum. With just a little more effort he could be utterly unbearable.
How could 59 people even decipher this gibberish to like it. Some form of care in the community is it?
You appear to denigrate and insult stuart for his posting, inferring that he needs ‘care in the community’.
Perhaps most readers of his post are not so judgemental as to dismiss his thoughts and opinions on the basis of his skills in constructing sentences, punctuating them etc. Perhaps bBBC readers make a genuine attempt to understand one another, and encourage open expression of opinion – (We call it free speech), without dismissing opinions from those who are less skilled in the use of written English than you would wish them to be.
Your posts displays an unwelcome bigotry, and a cerebral approach that will prevent you from accomplishing any understanding. Comprendez?
I think the clue lies in the last 3 letters of the poster’s name – y’ know, He Who Normally Defends The Religion Of Peace but who, for some inexplicable reason, has gone all shy on us over the past week or so.
Perhaps bBBC readers make a genuine attempt to understand one another, and encourage open expression of opinion
And who says right-wing comedy is dead. The fact you clearly think you’re being serious makes it all the funnier.
Don’t feed the troll
Nice to see the 3 likes comments back again….Yawn.
I wondered when you’d be back, my demented little stalker. I wish I could say I’ve missed your inadequacy and inability to engage with anything approaching an adult intellect.
Angrymanupnorth, can I thank you for the sense of our communal values which you highlight in your message. I strongly believe we in this community cherish in a very old fashioned British way those who honestly ( something beeboids and their fellow travellers do not understand, honesty ) wish to communicate with their fellow members to uncover the crimes of beeboids in their deluded search for a multi sexual, multi racial, fantasy shangri-la. At the expense of the indigenous population who are being ignored and steamrollered into an unwanted nirvana.
Few of us, me for one, have well paid jobs in the media, have little training in the ways of weasel words, but what we share is a belief in our cause, our people and our god given land. We the true people of this land will never surrender it, our cause is just, our enemies many, for the sake of our unborn descendants we will prevail.
You’re welcome D1004.
And for the record, whilst Scott refers to me as ‘right wing’, I do not associate myself with this term. I don’t know what ‘right wing’ and ‘left wing’ mean anymore. There’s just right and wrong, shrewd and dumb, considered and ill-considered, civilized and barbarous, polite and rude, sincere and insincere, truthful and dishonest, impartial and biased.
How leftards like Scotty don’t even accidentally associate themselves with any of the more noble of human characteristics, I’ll never know.
I don’t know what ‘right wing’ and ‘left wing’ mean anymore…
… How leftards like Scotty
So you don’t understand terms when used about you, but immediately use the same terms when you’re happy to insult people. And your accusation is that they’re rude.
So many hypocrisies in one small post. Well done. Biased BBC commenters will be proud of you – self-righteous, pompous, hypocritical and with absolutely no self-awareness. All you need now is to be a lying xenophobe and unable to interact with people in the real world, and you’ll be the perfect Biased BBCer.
Don’t feed the whining troll
I concur (with D1004)
Eastenders-wow, nights out in the eastend eh, who d have thought, three Muslims, three gays, a transgender entertainer, just so realistic eh? Even the mrs was embarrassed by it!
Top marks for sitting through thirty minutes of that load of diverse twaddle, haven’t managed to do that since 1988 and the first gay kiss!
I stopped watching Eastenders years ago because watching it made me feel as if I was living in a dustbin. I felt dirty. I wonder what kind of deviants they are who make up the bizarre plots and dialogue. It is not normal.
I stopped watching Eastenders because it’s badly written, badly acted bollocks that’s even more depressing than real life with the added dullness of the BBc agenda running through it. Basically it’s f*****g cr*p. Bring back Eldorado or Howards way.
Meanwhile, 9pm bbbc3, radio 1dj ,b.traits-?, finds out whats in your drugs. More people than ever are taking them apparently, so b.traits is going to find out what users and dealers know about them. Im guessing now that the “dealers ” shown will not be “them men”
Wonder if the BBC are going to report on this…
I have tried to comment on the article, but, as always with my comments, it’s down the memory hole…my rebuttal to the Mail’s caption “Islamic State’s radical interpretation of Sharia law” is:
“It is not a radical interpretation of Sharia law, it IS Sharia law”…the very same Sharia law the BBC’s darlings want to impose upon US.
I have a theory that the DM allow one comment a day. But I also suspect the moderators have an agenda and the comments are allowed to fit it. However today’s article (Friday) that it is the hottest year ever has scarcely a comment that believes it but that is maybe because those comments are not being moderated.
I know what you mean Deborah, makes you wonder who is doing the moderating over at the Mail…maybe it’s a job share scheme with the BBC.
Probably on here somewhere but came across this on a certain well known site…..
Barbara Plett’s tears for Yasser Arafat
During the BBC programme From Our Own Correspondent broadcast on 30 October 2004, Plett described herself crying when she saw a frail Yasser Arafat being evacuated to France for medical treatment.[94] This led to “hundreds of complaints” to the BBC, and suggestions that the BBC was biased. Andrew Dismore, the MP for Hendon, accused Plett of “sloppy journalism”, and commented that “this shows the inherent bias of the BBC against Israel.” In response to Plett’s report, Lord Janner, the Labour peer, lamented, “We should shed tears for those who suffer… because of Arafat’s intifada… this sort of coverage is exactly what we have come to expect from the BBC.”[95][96][97]
BBC News defended Plett in a statement saying that her reporting had met the high standards of “fairness, accuracy and balance” expected of a BBC correspondent.[98] Initially, a complaint of bias against Plett was rejected by the BBC’s head of editorial complaints. However, almost a year later, on 25 November 2005, the programme complaints committee of the BBC governors[96] partially upheld the complaints, ruling that Plett’s comments “breached the requirements of due impartiality”.[97][98] Despite initially issuing a statement in support of Plett, the BBC director of news Helen Boaden later apologised for what she described as “an editorial misjudgment”. The governors praised Boaden’s speedy response and reviewed the BBC’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.[96]
Jeremy Bowen
In April 2009, the Editorial Standards Committee of the BBC Trust published a report on three complaints brought against two news items involving Jeremy Bowen, the Middle East Editor for BBC News.[99] The complaints included 24 allegations of inaccuracy or partiality of which three were fully or partially upheld.[99][100][101] The BBC Trust’s editorial standards committee found that Bowen’s radio piece “had stated his professional view without qualification or explanation, and that the lack of precision in his language had rendered the statement inaccurate”. They opined that the online article should have explained the existence of alternative views and that it breached the rules of impartiality. However, the report did not accuse Bowen of bias. The website article was amended and Bowen did not face any disciplinary measures.[102]
Pro-Muslim bias
Hindu and Sikh leaders in the United Kingdom have accused the BBC of pandering to Britain’s Muslim community by making a disproportionate number of programmes on Islam at the expense of covering other Asian religions.[103]
In the seminar there was a hypothetical discussion including senior BBC executives about what they would allow controversial Jewish comedian Sacha Baron Cohen to throw into a dustbin on the satirical television show Room 101. It was imagined that Baron Cohen would wish to throw into Room 101 kosher food, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Quran, and the Bible. Most at the summit agreed that all would be permissible – except for the Quran. There was also a hypothetical discussion about whether a Muslim BBC newsreader should be allowed to wear a veil.[8]
In the seminar former BBC business editor Jeff Randall claimed he was told by a senior news executive in the organisation that “The BBC is not neutral in multiculturalism: it believes in it and it promotes it.” The Daily Mail claimed in 2006 that Andrew Marr stated, “The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It’s a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias”.[8]
Perhaps Lord Hall needs reminding of this?
What interests me is, yet again, clear evidence of how bad the CECUTT system is.
Think of how much BBC effort was put initially into denial and obfuscation, and how long and how much persistence was required to get the top brass to confront and grudgingly concede what was clear as day.
And it happens all the time.
The above atrocity exhibitions and Islamic “incidents” in Saudi and in Nineveh-scene of Jonahs biblical story-shows us how evil, barbaric and debased we`ve all got in the cringe before Muslims.
And as for the Now Show?…well who else gets the barbed wit and unfunny sledghammers?…well UKIP and the French of course.
Can`t be seen to address the REAL stories of the week can we?
This was only on a two minute sample…imagine Starkey, that Birmingham non-story took up the other twenty odd minutes of dead time to fill.
On went the telly-and Bonnie Greer had strong-armed the great Summertime” for the Civil Rights lobby…and for now.
Who else to read the script that The Selecters token few hits wonder?…Pauline Black of TwoTone fantasies?
How to ruin a song…let the race hustlers of the new century get their revisionism and airbrushes out?
That was my five minutes dip into the BBC tonight…Islamic binbags that crave body parts to feel alive.
Back to Brian Matthew.
10pm News on BBC1 Young woman vox pop saying that the events in Belgium were nothing to do with religion. How many people did the BBC have to ask to get the words they wanted.
It’s not difficult Deborah. Just look for a woman wearing a hijab and pop the question.
The BBC U-turn on images by David Keighley (former BBC News producer)
David Dimbleby mentioned the straitjacket approach on the Thursday night edition of Question Time, rightly noting that this was now rather a hot potato. Presumably, he did that off his own bat, because the Corporation reacted like a scalded cat. By next morning, the relevant key guideline had been taken down from the BBC website and the re-writing message emerged from both the BBC press office and online.
What’s strange therefore about the Thursday night decision is that it seems a sudden retreat from everything the Trustees have set in train in terms of BBC orthodoxy since 2007. Who took the decision? The speed at which it happened and the potential implications suggests it must have been at the very top, by Tony Hall, the director general. Has he suddenly seen the error of the BBC’s ways? I somehow doubt it. Once the immediate fall-out from Charlie Hebdo evaporates, it will be business as usual in the Corporation’s pursuit of their version of ‘right’.
Well, where is our Prime Minister on this?
This biased organisation is not doing him any favours.
Wonder if the BBC will have enough space to do a bit of investigating into THIS:
Ouch!…I am sure Alan actually posted something similar (or one of our other esteemed contributors, who does not command £4bn PA.)
The BBC seem extremely seem on NHS stories at the moment. Perhaps they’ll investigate it and ask some serious questions of Andy Burnham when he makes one of his daily visits to their studios.
Or perhaps not! (The BBC seem particularly efficient at filtering the news at the moment).
This sort of deception is pure evil. People’s health and lives are at stake but that is of no consequence to the Left where any political advantage can be gained.
And the failure of the BBC to report it is equally evil.
How many people died at Hitchinbrook as a result of neglect? perhaps Mr Burnham , who should be on trial for neglect of duty, should ponder this before spouting off.
Surely it is no surprise to anyone that there is an Unholy Alliance of the BBC, the BMA ( merely a highly successful trade unions for the doctors but masquerades as defending medical standards etc) and other NHS Unions. All of these organisations support the state funding v alleged privatisation because they know that they will get higher salaries and better terms and conditions from the state than from a private organisation.
1035 -look east tells us that tonight, after events in Europe, muslim leaders have told their followers not to “react”. Good to know that they have to be told not to react then.
I think it is probably a case of ” No..No…No….Yes.”
You will have had to have watched The Vicar of Dibly to understand the above.
It was pure taqiyya from Medhi Hasan on Question Time, how Mohammed had entered Mecca and forgave everyone who had spoken against him or mocked him in the past; no he didn’t: he killed them.
It’s those pesky Quaker ‘extremists’ again
I am afraid I have to repeat this message again for the employees and Duty Officers of Al Beeb that search this site for their masters …
‘ You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time’.
I believe that any hope of getting the BBC under control or completely shut down rests with how much support UKIP gets in the next election. Not that UKIP can win but if they get enough support they could join the CONS to form a government and possibly give Dave a spine. Does anyone know if UKIP is doing the hard work of recruiting and vetting viable candidates for the GE.
”Does anyone know if UKIP is doing the work of vetting candidates for the GE. ”
I can assure if UKIP don’t that hag from Hell Kirsty Squawk will find any dirt on them, dropping litter, stealing a paperclip, etc etc. Nigel Farage was in the Waffen SS when he was 14, here’s the proof.
I see large swathes of the Islamic world in Asia and Africa, including Rage-boy and his pals in Pakistan, are on the streets burning things and whipping themselves up into a frenzy over the latest Charlie Hebdo portrayal of their beloved prophet. I don’t see much coverage of these riots on BBC World, especially the ones in Niger. Is there a weekly quota for just how much Islamist violence can be reported ?
Never mind, the BBC have more important things to cover on their news broadcasts, such as the lesbian couple thrown out of a Vienna coffee shop for kissing each other. I just hope Rage-boy and his pals weren’t watching.
…. and how Israeli newspapers have photoshopped women out of the photo of world leaders in Paris. Of course, time pressure means they don’t explain that it was just one paper, from a small, extreme group .
But the BBC would never publicise news for example that the first female Bedouin Dr Rania Okby is Israeli or that Israeli women are making hi-tech history or that Captain Or Cohen is the first woman to be appointed as the Israeli Navy’s ship commander. See weekly newsletter of positive news from Israel for more at
Islam is to terror as rainfall is to flooding.
Some have tried to contend that the onset of modernity and globalization has created a sense of threat to Islamic values, which has precipitated the tensions with the West.
Thus, in Cairo, Obama suggested that “the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to Islamic traditions.”
This too is difficult to accept.
After all, Islam is the youngest of all major religions, founded centuries – even in some cases, millennia – after Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity. Why would the newest religion find that the developments of modernity threaten its traditions in a manner that, apparently, does not threaten the traditions of faiths far more ancient? Why do they not generate the same tensions with the West that we find in the case of the Muslim faith? Could it perhaps be that Islam is fundamentally incompatible not only with modernity but with anything that is not Islam, and that many cannot – or worse, refuse to – recognize this?
A clarion call
Europe in general and France in particular are on the cusp of a grim, probably gruesome, future.
European leaders would do well to heed the clarion call from someone who has intimate knowledge of Islam – the Somalian-born former Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who was forced flee to the US because of threats from Muslims who objected to her criticism of Islam. She warned: “Islam is not a religion of peace. It’s a political theory of conquest that seeks domination by any means it can. Every accommodation of Muslim demands leads to a sense of euphoria and a conviction that Allah is on their side. They see every act of appeasement as an invitation to make fresh demands.”
Europe had best heed this dire caveat and tailor its policies accordingly, for if not, the consequences will be dire.
“They see every act of appeasement as an invitation to make fresh demands.”
And if they win this one on cartoon censorship the next will most likely be ‘Any future reference to Mohammed by anybody, written or spoken, must be phrased thus: “The prophet Mohammed (peace be to his name)”. And following that it will be…..(add your own suggestions)
BBC Policy ….Nothing to do with Islam!
bbbc.,…don’t you just love ’em………….
The word terrorists hardly gets a mention.
We have ‘Islamic militants’…’More than 20 ‘people’…………Increased concerns anout ‘young europeans’..The actual common link seems to be the attack ‘on our values’………..There is mention of ‘incidents’ in France and Belgium.
The only time terrorism is mentioned is when the authorities are quoted.
Now, I thought that these incidents were all connected in that the creatures responsible were all extreme muslims who had illegally gone to wage jihad in Syria and then come back to maim and murder law abiding citizens in the name of ‘Mo’.
As usual the bbbs just water down the facts and very subtly change the language so the reader is left with thoughts of ‘freedom fighters’ being harangued by the over zealous police.
On Friday, the Belgian government also announced new measures to deal with terrorist suspects.
They include making travelling abroad for terrorist activities a crime and expanding the cases where Belgian citizenship can be revoked for dual nationals who are thought to pose a terror risk.
There was an article some days ago telling why Merkel wasn’t interested in Call Me Dave’s restrictions on sending child benefit to the home country. Seems that Germany tried that in the 70’s, so the Turks just brought their kids with them, rather than leave them at home.
Our leaders just indulge in tokenism to keep us quiet.
Europe on high alert due to another expected outbreak of peace.
Just so that I can be a good citizen and help the authorities, who should I be looking out for? I think it must be elderly people in wheelchairs as I have seen them being searched at airports.
What always amuses me is when I come back through Heathrow or Gatwick to the land of my birth where I have lived for half a century . My passport is scrutinised by somebody in a Hijab
Yes, and do they have the same love for the country? ie do they care who they let in?
Its the foxes guarding the hen house, such a thing was unthinkable as little as 20 years ago.
On returning from a trip to India, there were four immigration officers on duty at Heathrow – all of them ‘Asian’. Being early morning and slightly dazed after the overnight flight, I thought for a brief moment that the plane must have developed a fault and returned back to Bombay!
Gatwick recruitment of staff depends a lot on the population of Crawley, which is, as you might guess, heavily Muslim.
Steve according to the bbbc you need to be on the alert for ‘men’ and ‘people’
Thanks for that. So far today I have seen thousands of suspects.
I hope you won’t be indulging in any racial profiling as you sift your suspects, Steve. That’s a thought crime, don’t ya know?
Thought crime or not, keep a close eye on members of the ROP who hove into sight. It might save your life one day, I do.
“I sound like an advert for the Green Party, and that’s ok…”
Bishop Stephen Lowe (churchman and broadcaster) reviewing the newspapers for BBC 1 tv Breakfast this morning.
Never mind Bish, wait until you get to your second story of choice Banker Bonuses…. for balance, now you sound like a Labour Party political broadcast.
“I feel as though there should be some balance…. next time I come on, I want a story from the opposite point of view… for balance”
Did you think he was talking there about his global conning story or his bash the rich article? Oh no. This last comment was in response to his third story – on what men find baffling about women. The lefty old codger in a purple shirt just wants to make sure he ticks a feminist box. Fool.
One way traffic on BBC One this morning.
Meanwhile on Radio 4 the Thought for the Day was delivered by the Rev Roy Jenkins – bigging up some Guantanamo prisoner.
How can a “Rev” – in the shadow of umpteen Islamist murders and threatened atrocities – bring up Gitmo at this moment ? Can’t he remember why Gitmo was set up ? Bloody fool – but an honoured BBC guest, of course.
No welation to Woy Jenkins of the SDP then ?
If you would like to hear the dear old Bish meet a worthy opponent try the Stephen Nolan Show (R5 Midnight Sunday) when he is up against Charlie Wolf, the former Communications Director of Republicans Abroad UK, a gentleman that does not take prisoners. Probably one of the few occasions on Nbbc when you will hear the pathetic winging of an out and a leftie being allowed to be effectively demolished without interference from a presenter when Charlie goes “off message, which he does most of the time.
Re the above so called “Church Leaders” who spout tolerance.
Has any one of them ever been curious enough to wonder why there`s no “Anglican Communion” in places like Saudi, Pakistan or Yemen?
Any of them ever visited the Religion Of Peace`s big black ashram in Mecca?…or ambled over to Medina for “ecumenical” green tea and baklavas?
More like balaclavas.
No these Radio 4 dupes, shills suckups and quislings are precisely WHAT the “Beautiful people” want by way of “religious massages”…now Saviles gone, they`re probably doing better than of old on the tables/Green Rooms.
UseLESS(not Useful) idiots all-and no doubt Barabbas won the democratic vote….so well done Cherch!
Now Jesus-well Islam ride him like a surfboard, and the Church won`t make any waves…just oil, wax and grease the cadaver, as insisted on by Islam.
Like Blair shanghai`d the Labour Party, and didn`t demur…so Jesus has been co-opted by islam, and the Christian Church have neither the brains nor the backbone to…er…”Stand Up for Jesus”.
Sheep, goats?-as long as they`re halal the Cherch don`t give a XXXX.
But I do…as does my Mate, and His Dad!
Point of correction: there is an Anglican church in Pakistan. Christians are regularly persecuted; for instance here’s a report of the bombing of the Anglican church in Peshawar in September 2013, from The Guardian, no less:
Although all the other points are valid of course.
Ta Ian…just assumed there`d no longer be one after recent events.
That sainted bloke in Baghdad( Andrew White is it) seemed to be the one to turn off the lights across Asia and the Middle East, so am pleased if there is even a sliver of hope that Islam will tolerate a church or two in its bailiwick.
Thanks again-will return to praying for Pakistan then!
Yes, Charlie is good and Stephen Nolan does let him express his opinions fairly I think.
The bishop is always bashed, if you’ll excuse the expression, missus 🙂
Charlie use to do a weekend overnight show on Talksport, in the 80`s he was on the “Pirate” radio station Laser 558 .
Laser 558…You have just transported me back to a great time. Thank you.
Al BBC Any “Islamic” Questions – barely 2 mins old
before a bleating “PROPHET” Mohamhead with added PBUH
and the obligatory simpering “perversion” of Islam
insulting the “teachings of … the “PROHET” – ya da ya da ya da,
Once again the BBC “trained seal audience”.
1st question … wild applause
2nd question … wild applause
before the 3rd
slipping in the Fox news/Bham/No Go # … wild applause
onto “political correctness” .. is a good idea … wild applause
No “prophet” that I … one could, or would ever wish to acknowledge,
The “prophet” claim obviously false … the actions of this abhorrent
child raping, murderous, Jew hating, power crazed individual …
Not in my presence … I always pull anyone up on this, immediately
as I do if they slip the lazy and incorrect “Abrahamic faith” – all faiths and non c-ap.
‘More diversity needed in the Academy Awards’.
Really? Surely it would be the simple explanation that black people and women aren’t acting well enough, or writing good enough screenplays to be winning academy awards.
No, the BBC chooses instead to amplify the ‘lack of diversity’ mantra spewed out by Cheryl Isaacs, the black president of AMPA.
Maybe white males should be prevented from winning academy awards due to their skin colour or gender?
And that promotion by the BBC of the hashtag #oscarssowhite…
Just a couple of observations/suggestions for the BBC..
1) How about more diversity in, say, BBC’s own Asian Network? Perhaps we could hear the views of a white person saying The Asian Network is hideously Asian and there should be more white people on there simply because they are white and diversity quotas SHOULD be fulfilled as they are elsewhere on the BBC.
2) How about a shout out for the hashtag #MOBOsoblack?
Scrap the telly tax! LOL.
Has nobody ever thought about making a movie about Nelson Mandela? Or one about that bloke who was a slave for 12 years? How about remaking the children’s film ‘Annie’ with a little black girl in the lead role? Or making a black man one of the main characters in over 50% of Hollywood’s 100 top grossing movies in 2013? No – wouldn’t happen would it. Absolute zero diversity in Hollywood, just like there isn’t any in the BBC.
Considering the number of Chinese in Asia does the Asian Network do much Chinese music? This page would suggest that they don’t.
So exactly how Asian is the Asian Network? Or don’t the half million or so Chinese people in Britain count anymore?
On QT the great intellectual, Vince Cable contributed to the discussion on Charlie Hebdo with the ‘shouting fire in a crowded theatre argument’ and was duly applauded for his wisdom.
Perhaps it is time to confront this argument.
Hind Hassan – Sky News
Did Rupert Murdoch lose control of Sky News? Recently it seems to be worse than the Beeb. Most new reporters seem to be ethnic lefties. First time I watched Sherine Tadros report from Gaza, I thought she was speaking for Hamas. Her colleague, Hind Hassan, likes to tweet Sherine’s Gaza stories. And tell us, in huge text, about ‘Glaring lack of racial diversity amongst those involved in the debate on #immigration on #bbcqt’. Notably, there are no tweets about the killings by the RoP. No posts, either, supporting Freedom Of Speech by a journalist. Strange,that?
Does anyone know if this is the same Hind Hassan who wrote for the BBC as a student active in student politics?
Or the hind Hassan who was treasurer of Unite Against Fascism at Leeds University?
Or the Hind Hassan, communications officer for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign , who chaired a Respect rally at Leeds University?
Good post from ‘I Can’
Just one point.
Murdoch, contrary to what the BBC, The Guardian, Labour, Miliband, Underpants Bryant, Hacked Off and all the other wasters say, has never had editorial input or veto into Sky News output.
Unlike their newspapers, Sky News, editorially, operates completely independently of the Murdoch family.
That’s interesting. Maybe the timing is co-incidental. When the Lenny Henry ‘ethnic’ fuss blew up before Christmas, someone said the broadcasters had got together last year to discuss the ‘problem’ but agreed that there ‘was still a lot more to be done’. Channel 4 detailed guidelines are published here; it implies the others will follow:
Back in August:
‘BSkyB has pledged that by the end of next year at least 20% of the stars and writers of its UK-originated TV shows will come from a black, Asian or other minority ethnic background…..
BSkyB said that the on-screen talent target is well in excess of the 14% of the UK population that is BAME.’
I’d guess the increase in ethnic presenters/reporters on Sky News is part of that initiative.
The problem for Sky is that of the “journalists profession” or rather the BBC’s massive share of employment of news journalist jobs. For at least the last 15 years it has been career suicide to be a “right wing journalist” (with the barest handful of exceptions like Dellers) Its a lefty club.
The same goes for newspapers like Times, FT , The Economist, all now equally stuffed with lefty journalists – there aren’t any other stripe to choose from. The people move from one job to another, pretty soon the compass only points one way – Left.
Fox in the US has a great talent pool – commentators/ news journalists – Bill Oreilly, Sean Hannity, Charles Krauthammer, and great right of centre guests. We have….. no-one. The BBC, ITN, Sky, the print news media and agencies are all part of the giant suffocating Red Blob ™.
You have to laugh at this thread on Digital Spy, a load of Beeboids ‘fearful for the future of the BBC if the Conservatives win the next election”
Loads trying to defend it, even asking for the licence fee to be raised and comparing it to the NHS! One quote…. “Both the BBC & NHS are national institutions and need saving. This “government” must not be voted back in!
Have a laugh at those trying to defend the indefensible …
I have always thought that the BBC’s presentation is as polished as its propaganda. But lately I’ve been noticing World Service staff fumbling and umming and aahing to such an extent that if there are not a few ums, aahs, ers, and uh-uhs for every minute of propaganda I begin to think something is wrong.
I don’t know if this is just me or the BBC has always been like this and I simply haven’t noticed it. One can understand the occasional um or er while the reporter is marshalling his/her thoughts but there does not seem to be any conscious thought involved here; it’s simply the way they speak.
This is not limited to the core of fossilised BBC staff but has spread like a virus throughout the planet: now we have BBC reporters from Asia and Africa umming an aahing like nobody ever evaluated them for clarity of speech and presentation. Well, I guess being evaluated by their fellow ummers and aahers wouldn’t help. The main qualification for the job, of course, is to mirror the BBC’s bias.
Thing is, once you are aware of it, it’s so distracting that it’s almost impossible to follow what is being said. Come to think of it, that may not in itself be a bad thing.
I found this so irritating that I went to the extent of counting these impediments to speech uttered by a reporter in Indonesia. She came up with one every two or three seconds.
So I figured those who still pay the license tax have a reason perhaps as relevant as the endless propaganda to cease paying it or at least demand a discount. They could do a survey and if ums, aahs, ers, and uh-uhs are found to constitute 20% of BBC output – and that’s not unlikely – insist that the BBC deduct that amount from the tax.
After all, it’s one thing to have to pay for propaganda, but to have to pay for meaningless sounds?
The BBC sees its prime mission to be social engineering; not news or entertainment. In the old days, they selected the ‘best’ people on merit. That approach is now considered taboo; little better than Nazism. Everyone is born equal; if some appear to be ‘better’ it must be down to privilege. So the Beeb dumbs down everything; quotas for minorities, regionalism, etc. The resulting low standards are hard to explain if you believe the ‘nurture’ argument, for some of the dumb ones you complain about have had every positive discrimination advantage the BBC can devise. Unlike those in the past who grafted hard to achieve excellence, they just adopt the swagger of ‘a person from a disadvantaged background’. The funny thing is… the ultra-privileged – white, heterosexual males who grew up in the 50’s/60’s and went to grammar schools – experienced greater levels of ‘poverty’ than any of the pampered minorities of today. But you wouldn’t think it.
Everyone is born equal; if some appear to be ‘better’ it must be down to privilege
Which is ironic considering virtually everyone with power and influence at the BBC comes from ‘privilege’. Even most of their comedians were privately educated.
Makes you wonder if it is not just a game the ‘elite’ play to keep us poor sods down, doesn’t it?
Almost as. Annoying. Are the. Presenters of. The weather. Forecasts.
Here is a little nugget of information that the BBC would prefer you not to look at. The BBC HQ in London (and you though they had moved to plush offices in Birmingham?). Revealed in the Times this Friday; our ‘unequally publically funded quango’ residing at BBC HQ (Portland Place in London) costs a cool 11 million pounds on business rates alone! They are now fifth in the BIG league – and the ONLY one that is ‘publically funded’ by a TV license. Here are the TOP London business rates (in order are; HMG (Home Office) £12.5 million, HARRODS £12 million, HSBC Bank £12 Million, CITIGROUP £12 million and the BBC at £11 million. So that is what Lord Tony Haw Haw means when he says BBC ‘value-for-money’ If he meant it he would have moved the BBC to Bradford and asked Mark Byford to return his £1 million ‘pay off’ . But then that would mean it is ‘independent’ of Politics when in reality it is a charter ‘protected’ branch of the corrupt left wing civil-service establishment that has embedded itself since the last war. Lies and more damn lies (and our money) funds corruption and media misinformation on an industrial scale. ‘Times up BBC’ – move to Birmingham (or Bradford).
AS if THAT was not enough consider those poorly paid BBC ‘STARS’ presenters, Newsreaders (as revealed in The Standard in 2011) are in excess of £100,000 per year for everybody in the newsroom team.
Others can expect more than £1 million a year, (despite Lord Haw Haw’s years of efforts to cut wages (untrue).
So why do the BBC need our TV license money at all??? Is it is just a public FIG-LEAF of former respectability (there is no patriotic responsibility left). Plus they have OTHER funding streams in place for ‘common purpose’ socio-economic and cultural objectives’ leading towards EU integration.
I think whenever BBC salaries are mentioned they should be given not just in pounds but also how many TV licence payers are needed to fund the salary. Using this measure, the average newsreader is funded by 675 licence payers.
Graham Norton is funded by 17,600 licence payers…a bargain.
I like that concept.
Equally, government spending should expressed in units where 1 unit = the average tax paid p.a. by a UK worker.
Heard an extraordinary thing on The Newsroom on the World Service the other day. I forget the context but I imagine it was something to do with the Islamic terrorist threat, oops, sorry, militant threat from those who have nothing to do with the true, peaceful Islam.
Nearly fell off my chair as the reporter said that Israel went into Gaza in reaction to the rockets fired on Israel from Gaza.
At the risk of stating the obvious, it’s violating BBC holy ground to even suggest that Israel is legitimately defending itself against attacks by Islamic terrorists and yet here she was (the reporter was a she) trampling all over it with boots on.
I imagine this might have something to do with the savage attack on the BBC’s fellow-journalists of the left in Paris. Perhaps that is what it takes to get the BBC to raise one questioning eyebrow at radical Islam.
In the normal course of events I would have noted date and time and provided a link for my esteemed colleagues on this site to access, but I was stunned into utter helplessness by the revelation of a BBC reporter telling the truth about the Israeli-Arab conflict, however briefly and almost in passing.
On reflection, it’s perhaps better that way. If BBC managers get to know about this, they’ll fire her in the time it takes her to say, “But I was only doing my job.”
This will be the first case where the BBC suddenly finds it has a disciplinary procedure – drawn up by Common Purpose and signed off by Hope Not Hate.
Reminds me of the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war. A BBC reporter expressed consternation when told by a Hezbollah propagandist that only a handful of its terrorists had been killed in the fighting.
Well, he obviously never read the memo forbidding BBC reporters from ever questioning the veracity of an Islamic terrorist.
I never heard any more from him, at least not on the World Service.
A non-Beeboid report on unending threat of illegal mass immigration via CALAIS:-
“French farce over immigration is no laughing matter, says STEPHEN POLLARD”
“Next stop, El Dorado UK!
“Last month this boatload of migrants was cynically abandoned in the Med – now they’re right on Britain’s doorstep.
“Mohammed Solebi risked his life to get to Calais from war-torn Middle East.
“He was one of 700 Syrians on board a ship which docked in Gallipoli.
“It had been boarded by Italian authorities in order to avert a shipwreck.
“Most of the migrants on board have now dispersed across Europe.
“Mohammed is now in Calais, from where he hopes to get into Britain.”
Read more:
have you noticed the vast majority of these ‘refugees’ are FAM (Fighting Age Males)? Makes you wonder where they will take the fight to next
Lorry catches fire in the Channel Tunnel. No details of the driver yet. Not a Bin Laden lorry surely.
I listened to Any Answers with the seemingly obligatory raving do-gooder arguing that Islamic terrorism (though like the Beeb he used neither word) was purely down to the Tories and their policy of social inequality and unemployment. To be fair to Anita Anand, an ethnic Pakistani (though a Hindu), she rattled off a list of well-educated middle class terrorists to his spluttering consternation. He obviously was not expecting other than complete agreement from his spiritual home. I wonder if Anita will last much longer – though she does tick two of the three boxes for BBC presenters
Anita Anand has been there for ages and I imagine she is a fixture. Could be that she is one of a few BBC people who appear to be fed up with the prevailing dhimmi attitude to Islamic terrorism, especially post Charlie Hebdo.
If her background is Pakistani Hindu then she will appreciate the kind of ‘peace’ and ‘diversity’ that the Hindus there are subjected to, along with the Sikhs and the Christians.
I am sick of her simpering tones – and I object to the extent to which she inserts her own comments and views, even after the “filtering” of callers has cut the common-sense input to a minimum.
“Al BBC Any “Islamic” Questions – barely 2 mins old
before a bleating “PROPHET” Mohamhead with added PBUH
and the obligatory simpering “perversion” of Islam
insulting the “teachings of … the “PROHET” – ya da ya da ya da,
Once again the BBC “trained seal audience”.
1st question … wild applause
2nd question … wild applause
before the 3rd
slipping in the Fox news/Bham/No Go # … wild applause
onto “political correctness” .. is a good idea … wild applause”
1st big question – Charli Hebdo fall out
2nd big question – Oxford Univ Press bans images of piggies or mention of pork
Laughably … BBC News still hasn t even acknowledged the story
yet. Ciick onto BBC England/Oxford still … squat
Every BBC cloud? :- D … finds space for this though.
… Harvester to be built at Milton Gate …
In this ‘report’, Beeboid Connolly mentions words: ‘Jews’ and ‘Jewish’ many times, but words ‘Muslims’ and ‘Islam’ not once? Why the omissions?
“‘Not safe’: French Jews mull Israel emigration”
By Kevin Connolly.
“Wake Up: It’s War.
“Dear jihadists, we’re all Jews now. ”
By Quin Hillyer.
Charles Moore, ex-editor, has a piece in the Torygraph defending Cameron’s avoidance of the election debates. Four hundred and twenty comments; I thought this was good:
‘Dear ‘Sir’ Charles Moore – your nose is now so brown your dream must surely be coming soon…’
This is another quote from the Digital Spy forum I linked to earlier, I’m guessing from a bBC employee or someone very close, it clearly demonstrates their inability to understand the world outside of bBC Towers and their supercilious attitude towards the telly tax payer, their sense of entitlement and also their lack of intelligence, it would be quite funny were it not serious….
“tories hate the bbc because its the only news most people see (most uk citizens read only tabloids) and its balanced, not right wing. But it will be destroyed, because privateers can make loadsa cash by “moneytising” what the bbc does and charging several times more …….”
any idea why, in an election year, the bbc is running a must watch comedy based on the suffragettes?
any idea which type of elector this is designed to remind to vote?
any idea which parties this type of elector is most, and least, likely to vote for?
If an American blogger can show the true statistics of French Jews fleeing to Israel since 2012 – why does it take atrocities in 2015 to cause the French state to start to defend against Islamic violence and hatred towards Jews ?
Has anyone seen anything like this chart on the BBC ? If Scott Ott can find it – why not one of those 4000 BBC “journalists” ?
But France may at least have had a wake-up call, and the folk memory in France of being under the fascist jackboot may strengthen their resistance to Islamist demands for changes in their way of life, in their beliefs. Britain has no such folk memory, we may be less able to see the fascist intolerance in our midst. Especially when the BBC refuses to call it fascism, but porefers to make excuses for it or hides it..
Not the sort of thing that the liberal media likes to deal with.
I have no doubt the taking of the murdered Jews’ bodies to Israel was not lost on the French. It was barely noticed here.
It seems that Jewish leaders along with the conniving faith organizations are going along with the post Hebdo muslims as victims narrative. It worked. All the news bias from BBC, Sky, Ch 4, and the promises to tackle extremism by Bro Dave and Appeaser May point to tough laws against Islamaphobia – whatever it is.
Interesting comparison between France and the UK.
If Islamic brutality succeeds in driving all the Jews from Europe, Islam will have succeeded where even Hitler failed.
@BBC put up a deliberately apocalyptic picture while telling us the world is on course for the warmest year on record. What they failed to tell us was that the more accurate satellites, which monitor atmospheric temperatures over nearly all of the globe, say no such thing. Figures from UAH are out for November, and these show a drop from the October anomaly of 0.27C to 0.33C. This means that at the end of November, this year is only in a tie for 3rd with 2005, and well below the record year of 1998, and 2010.’
‘According to the Nasa global temperature database 2014 was technically a record “beating” 2010 by the small margin of 0.02 deg C. The NASA press release is highly misleading saying that 2014 is a record without giving the actual 2014 figure, or any other year, or its associated error.
In reality of course it is no record at all as the error of the measurements is about +/- 0.1 deg C showing NasaGiss’ statement to go against the normal treatment of observational data and its errors. Talk of a record is therefore scientifically and statistically meaningless.’
Inconvenient detail for the BBC, not to mention a tad too complex for their arts-grad environmental correspondents to understand.
Solar Cycle 24 is predicted to be 17 years long, ending in 2026. Astronomers are not experts in Oceanic temperature lags, but past correlations point to cooling not being noticeable until the Winter of 2018-2019 at the earliest. In the mean time, the pause remains a peak. I would see what David Archibald is doing, for any updates on correlations, but we have to wait four years before we even start to get any real cooling, and that comes with increased cloud cover which traps incoming heat, making the night warmer, and the Arctic winter warmer. Also, Oceanic temperature lags can be up to 1,000 years long, which means that the morons can still find warming trends in a mini ice-age, at some depth in the Oceans.
Channel 4 Diversity Charter
Some time ago the broadcasters met to discuss positive action on diversity. Channel 4’s Diversity charter has just been published;
Click to access Channel4360DiversityCharterFINAL.pdf
Social engineering rules!
There needs to be more homosexuals on television.
C4 have a target of 6% LGBT by 2020. Is that enough?
Click to access Channel4360DiversityCharterFINAL.pdf
I’ve just taken a look at Channel 4’s schedule for the coming week. The implication of this document is that they are clearly going to have to reduce the number of LGBT types by 2020 to meet their own charter.
I don’t want homosexuals on my television in case they break it.
110% by 2020 is what I want.
Does your percentage include children?
Perhaps that is a superfluous question because 110% of the total population must obviously include little boys, little girls, all s*d*mites of any age, shape or form, and any and *every* perversion you choose to practice.
Is this the future we must look forward to, Scotty, if we ever come under your foul, perverted, left-wing rule?
Perhaps you might mention this all to your Muslim chums, eh? I’m sure they will be thrilled to hear you have 110% aims on all their little Mo’s.
p.s. Scotty – No “bless” from me!
Pending a long-term resolution of the problem, shouldn’t the government take emergency corrective action in the worst cases. I’m think of the total absence of hijab wearers who self-identify as lesbian. I don’t recall ever seeing a single one. Maybe Call Me Dave or Millipede could ring-fence £20m investment for a standing committee that would sit down to discuss this anomaly. After all, biology is no respecter of religion; if 6% of women are lesbian, we have to assume that 6% of hijab wearers are lesbian. Maybe we could consult with representatives of the RoP in countries like The Kingdom to find how they have promoted fairness for the LGBT community in their countries.
Hi again, “Scotty”
Did you just happen to miss by accident my question about this post of yours? I found it a very intriguing post from you:
i.e. You seem to be saying you *want* 110% homosexuality by 2020.
What do you mean by this, Scotty?
Do you mean that every single living being in the UK by the year 2020 must be homosexual? (plus another 10% of anyone left out!)
Come on, Scotty, don’t be shy! Tell us what you really, *really* mean!
In this 110% of the population of the UK you wish to see as gay by 2020, are *all* children included?
Scotty, if you do mean this, do you know what that makes you? You seem to be suggesting that *everyone* from babes-in-arms, through infants, through pre-pubescents, through teenagers, through young adults, through *all* adults right through to old-age pensioners, *MUST*, under your very own stated *wants” in the post above, where you declare you *want* 110% of the population to be homosexual … well … like I say Scotty,
… it simply makes you a 100% pervert, does it not?
I’m still waiting for your answer, Scotty.
Scotty is asking all UK members of the ROP to become 100% gay…..? Think we’ll have to be careful here, we don’t want to force those unwilling to come out to do something which might upset their fellow religionists in IS land, we know what will happen to them then don’t we ?
we know what will happen to them then don’t we ?
Like this, you mean?
Yes that’s the story I was thinking about. Now if I rub my lamp three times scott(y) might come out and give us his views on this demonstration of Islamic ‘backing’ for the rights of his fellow homosexuals in a land where the Koran is the rule of law. Looking forward to this in Tower Hamlets, Scott(y) ?
I don’t think ‘Scotty’ is anything to do with Scott, unless I’ve missed something?!
He sounds more like somebody who used to post on here with a London pseudonym – which I’m struggling to remember – most times going off on a pseudo-religious rant.
The future of Al Jazeera-supporting, Islam Not BBC (INBBC) TV?:-
“Death to America”
( 4 min video clip, 2007).
The following observations on CNN anchor Jim Clancy are perhaps relevant to this site because CNN and BBC share a typical appeasement of Islamic terrorists along with hostility to Israel and any Jews who support the country:
I was astounded to read Clancy’s infantile Twitter comments on the subject because I recall that he not only remained mute when chastised for a full two minutes by a passionate David Horowitz over CNN’s anti-Israel bias during the Second Intifada but appeared to concede that Horowitz was right:
Horowitz was then Editor of the Jerusalem Report and is now Editor of the Times of Israel, not a bad place to go to for reliable news on Israel and beyond.
Clancy appeared to be a decent man, stuck in an unforgiving CNN environment. I guess it got to him over the years.
I found the Times of Israel very useful during the last Gaza conflict
And it appears to be quite a flexible paper politically.
Schlock & Awe –
As usual, the great Mark Steyn keeps us always up to date with the latest bended-knee, grovelling, bowing-over, schlurping and schlocking to the religion of peace which intends to devour us all. It features stars of music, screen, politics and … and … every single particle of celebrity you could ever imagine.
Watch it and weep!
If you have the time to watch (or dip into), this is exceptional:
Question: What do Paul Gribben, John Harrison, Amber Dawson, Mark Smith, Daniel Boettcher and Peter Whittlesea have in common?
Answer: They are all BBC reporters who had their Saturday afternoon disturbed by the Channel Tunnel closure and actually had to do some work by running and contributing to this appalling web page:
Six of them – and these are in addition to all others involved in TV and radio broadcasts spouting rolling b0110ck5.
BBC uses RIPA terrorism laws to catch TV licence fee dodgers in Northern Ireland
The BBC is using anti-terror spy laws to trap licence fee dodgers in Northern Ireland, the Belfast Telegraph can reveal. It has invoked the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) to catch viewers evading the £145 charge.
The Act, which regulates the powers of public bodies to carry out surveillance and investigation, was introduced in 2000 to safeguard national security.
But a series of extensions mean it can now be applied to investigate minor offences, including not paying the licence fee.
The BBC confirmed its use of RIPA in Northern Ireland after enquiries from this newspaper.
However, the publicly-funded broadcaster refused to give details of what way and how often it applied the legislation.
The Telegraph’s revelation has led to calls for the BBC to justify its use of the controversial powers. DUP MP Gregory Campbell said: “The purpose for which the anti-terror legislation was introduced was pretty clear – the clue is in the name. It should be used for that purpose, and if the BBC is using legislation for a purpose that it wasn’t originally intended, then they should explain this to the public.”
RIPA was introduced by the Labour government in 2000 to catch terrorists and prevent serious crime. However, in recent years it has been used for minor offences such as littering and making sure parents are sending their children to school.
A document obtained under Freedom of Information legislation confirms the BBC’s use of RIPA in Northern Ireland.
It states: “The BBC may, in certain circumstances, authorise under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and Regulation of Investigatory Powers (British Broadcasting Corporation) Order 2001 the lawful use of detection equipment to detect unlicensed use of television receivers… the BBC has used detection authorised under this legislation in Northern Ireland.”
Only a week after the Paris shootings and attack on free speech and the UAF are organizing buses to prevent Marine le Pen speaking at the Oxford Union on February 5. The UAF have had frequent appearances on the BBC of late and, together with the NHS unions and NUJ, operate a no platform policy to protect the ROP and others from being offended. I am sure the BBC will cover the event. Picture of one of the UAF’s no platform events
Hmmm, guy on his knees is not exactly showering himself in glory, is he, about to be booted up the wrong end by a hush puppy & anorak wearing beardy weirdy do gooder and captured on film for all eternity.
LOL….nothing worse than being on the receiving end of a loafer, worn by a beardy weirdy…..i’d imagine.
If it were me, i’d have smacked the shit out of all of them…being a hard arsed Manc and all that…and probably been arrested for inciting violence.
I saw these Russell Brand loving shithouses on ‘Angry, white and proud’ the other night, most of them had the usual black face coverings on so they can’t be identified.
When the ‘right wing bigots’, or, as I like to call them, ordinary people who are fed up of being force fed shit by the left wing, confronted them they backed off and hid behind their friends the poodle force.
Look at their cause in this case…free speech my arse, unless it’s something they want to hear that is.
Tonights casualty – nurse concerning herself with foodpoverty. “Its not just today,its everyday, what am i supposed to do,patch them up and send them home to scurvy” ffs,sounds likeedmillipede wrote the script
Which ofcourse,in a roundabout way,he did
You can’t get a train to France for a day and the BBC have scores of staff ‘across’ the story PDQ as if anybody north of Watford Gap really gives a shit. You can’t get a train to Penzance for six months and it’s a global warming story.
And why can’t reporters ‘report’ on a story without feeling the need to be ‘across’ it.
F&%k the BBC. Scrap the telly tax.
Listened to this on R5 in the car tonight, my shaking head is going to be very sore tomorrow listing to the bullshit angst being peddled. The spokesman from Euro tunnel gave a concise , thoughtful explanation for their closure of the tunnel;
Sensors informed them smoke was coming from a train.
The train was stopped at a safety point 17 miles inside the tunnel where a number of heavy duty sprinklers would stop any fire.
The safety of all passengers and crew was paramount.
A fire and rescue crew was very quickly scrambled and reached the scene and found a heavily smouldering artic load.
A close check of the train on which the fire was, the tunnel lining and the track and overhead 25Kv power cables was needed before allowing trains to run again.
The beeboid was demanding that if more “resources ” were available then the tunnel would be back up and running in a hour or so.
What part of 17 miles inside a tunnel did the bbc not understand ?
Who would be the first to scream for blood if there had been a disaster?
Behaviour worse than the lowest of the tabloids.
BBC News 2222hrs.
BBC run an advert, requesting viewers to contact them with stories about the NHS this Winter.
I guess the BBC News editors got the memo from red Ed about weaponising the NHS.
I wonder if they’ll be interested in all the stories of people who have been given excellent service by their local clinicians? Hmm…
wonder how many will reply about the top concern Immigration, or the economy, or Islamisation or other things the BBC don’t want to broadcast a single syllable about.