BBC News 24. [Sponsored by Unite, BBC staff and the Labour Party?]
Labour Party Broadcast by…..Tim Willcox and Carol Walker.
Or, to temporarily adopt the BBC’s recent habit of preceding a person’s name with superfluous adjectives and nouns, ‘Accused of crass anti-Semitism’ Tim Willcox, and ‘overt misandrist’ Carol Walker.
The pretext of Tim’s and Carol’s dialogue, ending at approximately 2117hrs, was yet another re-launch speech by Labour Party leader Ed Miliband, delivered to the Fabian Society today.
Not too sure whether Ed’s latest speech had any content worthy of serious consideration, as Tim and Carol didn’t let us know.
Instead of broadcasting pertinent extracts of his speech with a brief summary of the Labour Party expressed vision or policies, Tim and Carol instead engage in a shallow, scatter gun conversation, involving topical memes – oil prices, wages suppression, living standards – within a narrative that our country will be (mis)managed by either the Labour Party or the Conservative Party after the next general election. (Remember viewers – Tory or Labour, Tory or Labour, Tory or……. [Oh, and the Tories are nasty!]). Surely it is for the people to determine who governs (says Angryman in his juvenile naivety)?
Carol confirms as FACT that we are in an economic upturn, but perpetuates a ‘cost of living crisis’ meme. For some reason Carol feels that the Green party membership levels are also relevant to Mr Miliband’s Speech as she enthusiastically gives a plug to the Greens in reference to their claimed membership increase. The Greens have received a lot of publicity about this over the past few days from the BBC, despite consistently polling in the 5-7% range, and having membership level well below that of the SNP for example .
Tim’s take on Mr Miliband’s speech included the ‘news’ that Ed Balls has accused David Cameron of being a chicken over the election TV debates. Deep Tim. Exceptional journalism. (Ed Balls stole that ‘sound-bite’ from Nigel Farage Tim, while you were busy trying to save your job after being exposed as a heartless anti-Semite in Paris.)
A new school of BBC journalism is being launched in Manchester. It will be state funded ‘selective’ LGBT + XYZ school based on equality, diversity and gender engineering theory of everything. ‘No academic purpose at all’ is the school motto… (gasp). Sign up or be square.
I have to agree, for years the homosexual community have fought for the right to be seen as equal , and now they have it, they scream out to the world they are different and demand separate schools.
As for being sited in Manchester, I’m sure the growing Islamic community there will express their Allah ordained hatred towards them. Oh hang on ‘Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace.
It’s the idea of some nutters in Manchester. By the time I’d posted a short piece most people thought it was the most monumentally stupid idea possible!
Here’s the gist:
At a time when across Europe Jewish schools and Synagogues are requiring protection by Police and military officers, from those in the Religion of Peace who want to kill them, someone believes it would be a good idea to gather together all the gay kids in a city and put them into one place? What a target that would make !
The Religion of Peace also wants to kill all the gays and they could manage a whole generation in one attack.
The alternative would be to turn it into a near concentration camp requiring huge resources and security, and how would the kids be safe once they left?
Thoughtful, the local taxi firms will take good care of them on the way home (read into that what you will) and they won’t get lost looking for the school as it will have a nice big yellow star in a prominent position on the wall.
History does have a habit of repeating itself does it not ?
Can a gay get done for homophobic bullying then, once that inevitability crops up?
And what of the end of term dances with the local Muslim schools?
Should be fun to watch the fun furs fly?
And there`s more.
If you watch Newsnight on Friday-with some Pete Burns lookalike and some gay school bloke in NYC…from whence came this idea of apartheid/colour bars(pink compulsory then)-the American tells me that not only are LGBT kids being “reached out to”…but they can also be “Q”.
So then-the gays have co-opted our BLT butty letters, the word gay too..and now they`ve presumed to take our letter Q as well for another long and crazy aggronym.
Don`t need to check…within a couple of years they`ll be LGBTQ…and what`s to say they`ll not have a few more chunks of alphabet in their fanny packs…as we will probably be expected to call their schoolbags.
These five letters have been kidnapped and held hostage…let`s get them back…and tell Sesame St they`d better NOT assume them to be taken for good.
And as Hitchens says-how come we can segregate on sexuality in schools now-but not by ability ?
The US bloke seemed nice enough-but this is an idea that will ensure that kids will have to pretend to be gay to get taught…and presumbly will be discriminated against if they actually have a real dad. as opposed to Ms/sx Turkey Basters applicator.
A question to all you bBBC readers – Can anyone explain to me what is so special about Bonnie Greer, that Al Beeb frequently features her on our screen to give so many political comments. – Until last week, I had never heard of her?
Where have you been Merched Becca? She’s been roaming the BBC for decades, picking up her slice of our licence fee.
Bonnie Greer is what they refer to in the USA as a professional race baiter; though I think she’d refer to herself as a ‘writer’, ‘activist’, ‘journalist’ etc. The job method goes like this:
1. Pick topic.
2. Check out individuals involved.
3. Determine their genders.
4. Determine their races.
5. Evaluate their skins’ melanin contents.
6. Does a skin colour pattern exist?
7. Draw false conclusion from internal misandrist, racist, authoritarian prejudice.
8. Project Feminist statist anti-white man narrative to as wide an audience as possible.
She also has something to do with who gets a blue plaque in London if I recall correctly.
An ambassadorial job , surely worth all we white flotsam can shill out for her.
There really ought to be an award for those who get most “arts and polemical” coverage-as inversely proportional to actual talent,work produced and relevance.
Like Tom Paulin, Sarah Churchill, that Kwashe One or whatever his name is…King Sonny Ed was it in the Hawaiian shirt?….a nomark who blows hard for the arts, as the BBC like them portrayed.
Trans(Atlantic in this case), black, gay, black, commie…and preferably an edgy contact to a McGuinness, a Sharpton or a Kennedy.
Bonnie Langford knows more and has more hinterland that this agitprop do-nothing….but HER Bloomsbury Blue Plaque is assured.
Yet funnily enough, not worth a wet fart in her home town of Chicago…trust the BBC to give this nonentity a berth over here!
I have been using the Al Beeb “Off” button too many times I am afraid. While we are on the subject, we have just had an Australian bint on the same channel telling us that Britain should be taking in more Syrian refugees, comparing this country to the rest of Europe . Britain is a lot smaller country than some of those she mentioned.
Perhaps she should go back to Aus and campaign there, where there is a lot more space ?
Race Hustler Bonnie Greer is also always on SKY reviewing the newspapers, she was on last night with Times sport ‘journalist’ and wannabe intellectual Matthew Syed, he’s mixed race, father comes from Pakistan, he also stood for the Labour party at the General Election.
So, two lefties. That fits. Up until last year, Sky was good for balance. They even had Kelvin Mackenzie reviewing the papers now and again. But the broadcasters ‘got together’ to decide what to do about the diversity ‘problem’. You could, like Rod Liddle, argue that the BBC never had a problem, but the changes are noticeable at Sky. New recruits are mainly ethnic. Faisal Islam, C4 Economics Editor, got Adam Bolton’s plum Political Editor job. Eh? An Egyptian, Sherine Tadros, ex Al Jazeera, is Middle East correspondent, etc., etc., Ditto the expert talking heads and paper reviewers.
The Grauniad excitedly tell of Sky’s intentions here:
It’s interesting that, although the effnik percentage of the country is only (only?) 14%, ‘BSkyb has pledged that … at least 20% of the stars and writers of its UK-originated TV shows will come from a black, Asian or other minority ethnic background’ by the end of this year.
Hmmmmm…. if a situation is described as ‘discriminatory’ because the organisation being examined is not properly represented according to the proportions of the general public, would this not make BSkyB pursing this programme an act of direct and visible racial discrimination ?
And why would that not elicit a campaign in the media to ‘right that wrong’….. ah, but we’re now talking about indigenous people in this country being discriminated against.
This, of course, does not explain why the same people scream about indigenous peoples in almost every other part of the world being discriminated against if they aren’t ‘properly’ represented.
It must be hard being a leftie liberal in the UK these days (and that probably includes the vast majority of BBC staff), holding two diametrically opposite views at the same time – posh term – cognitive dissonance – or maybe it’s just that they can be blatantly two-faced about so many subjects in this area.
Just for the info all the Muslims who are attacking Churches regards the printing of their pedophillic founder are the very same ones the likes of the bBC say we should allow into the UK.
‘female “jihadists” coming back to Britain and inciting the males to commit terror’.
Stop them re-entering the country ! We have a natural border, we are an island.
We need some positive discrimination in favour of LGBT RoP females. We seem to have absolutely no LGBT hijab wearers at all; that’s a scandal. We should only allow in LGBT RoP females. That should keep the males a bit calmer.
The fallacy of climate change from the market oracle. We are likely to see lots of “2014 hottest year on record declared by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climatic Data Center (NOAA)” from the B-BBC in the coming days. Lots of scientists do not agree along with satellite measurements which are more accurate than surface measurement due to urban “heat sinks”.
Oh, we all already knew that 2014 was going to be the “hottest year evah”, even if (as is the case), it wasn’t.
Climate change will be “bigged up” this year, at every available opportunity, because the half-wits will all be meeting in Paris, later in the year, with the express purpose of bullying everyone into paying vast amounts of money to “underdeveloped” countries, for them to squander as they wish, whilst claiming that the rest of us are destroying the planet, just by merely existing.
We know that this money grab, and legislation has to be done on the hurry up, before it’s clear to all that the globe isn’t warming, at all, but on the cusp, after which there will be a steady cooling – and we can’t have that, can we?
In the meantime, the cessation (or “pause” as the warmists like to call it) continues, with NASA and NOAA in full fiddling mode, trying to adjust inconvenient past temperatures out of the equation, whilst pretending that their modelling is far more accurate than observation, and satellite data. Their equipment and “mathematics” are so good, they can measure in fractions of a degree, which, of course, was never possible in the past.
In the meantime, winter bites, Dr. David Viner’s invisible snow continues to fall, the elderly die, the polar ice continues to refuse to melt (but expands, instead), and we sceptics will just not go away, damn us.
I am surprised to see that the bbc is going to mark the 50th anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill’s funeral with a documentary later this month hosted by Jeremy Paxman.
For those too young to have watched it live ( such as I ) expect to see large crowds in London which were hideously white. A scene not to be seen these days apart from the occasion of the red poppies at the Tower last year. I wonder if el beeb might have a stab ( unfortunate choice of word, sorry) at a little ‘blacking up’ if that’s the phrase, of the footage so that the present generation of liberal watchers might not feel uncomfortable ?
Well; isn’t Mishal ‘Too Few Dead Jews’ Hussain the go-to acceptable face of multi-cultural broadcasting these days. She ticks the ‘effnik’ and ‘wimmin’ diversity boxes. They had her in front at the Paris ‘leaders’ march; I’m expecting to see her in all the major roles for years to come. 2020 General Election?
If I recall correctly, there was no specific wording of any single remark that brought about the ‘Too Few Dead Jews’ comments; it came about because of continuous comments on the BBC comparing the number of dead on either side of the conflict, but particularly when comparing the armaments/equipment of the two sides, and their capabilities.
So, for instance, commentators on the BBC (including Mishal Hussain) would point out that it was really ridiculous of the Israelis to complain about Hamas firing rockets at Israel, since they were obviously not much more than November 5th fireworks in the UK, that the Israelis unsportingly headed for air raid shelters at the first sniff of an ‘incoming’ shell/rocket, and such attacks from Hamas had hardly been able to kill anyone – whereas a single airstrike by the IDF could kill many Palestinians.
Now, for most people, that might seem good enough reason to point out that Hamas was stupid not to stop firing rockets at Israel, but the BBC basically implied that Israelis were ‘cheating’, because they refused to line themselves up to be killed, like good little Jews, so the IDF should just stop returning fire at Hamas terrorists until they had achieved their ‘kill quota’.
JimS – thank you very much for that link – I had not seen that relentless smirking antagonism by Husain before. Utter bias, sickening.
I have siad before – given the way anti-semitism is drilled into every Muslim schoolchild and young adult, derived from Koranic teachings, Muslims should not be presenting BBC reports on anything to do with Israel or Jews.
That interview was appalling. Perhaps “The Truth ” would like to comment. It was crude and irrelevant. The Israelis protect their people.
Are they to be criticised for not dying in large enough numbers to satidfy the liberal Western intelligentsia?
Don’t answer . Of course they are. .
The Truth is either Scott or ,someone in the News 24 /Guardian joint newsroom,or some Evil numpty from radio manchester/5 dead, its grim oop north studio .
Actually, you’re wrong – and had you done any, even minor, investigation, the following (and other articles of the time) clearly demonstrates that the sort of description used above, about Mishal Husain, has been recognised for some time. It even pre-dates where I thought it had originated.
Now, you may not like the source of the commentary, and, of course, the main stream media would shy away from the use of any such phrase about one of their own, but you have used your perceived lack of information (or endeavour to find information) as a basis to criticise other people for views they have not even expressed.
But that is very easy to do – for example, as the BBC would put it,‘…many people think Mishal Husain is biased and bigoted in her reporting of certain issues regarding her faith, and therefore challenge any claim of her being professional or competent.’.
The vast majority of contributors here could care less about her skin colour, or her sex, but do care about her clear anti-Israeli bias in her reporting.
Yup; Female, Coloured, Intelligent, Muslim, very professional and competent,…..and biased!
They’re not mutually exclusive qualities (at least if you accept today’s definition of ‘professional’)
She’s the real, goody-two-shoes, Head Girl type. I don’t assume for a minute that her bias is based on her religion; it could just as easily be a determination to align herself with the prevailing orthodoxy of the organisation. She’s a teacher’s pet. She’ll go far in today’s world.
But this site is given to discussing bias; the clue is in the name.
TheTruth. Ho ho. A leftard handle if ever there was one. Oxymorons abound. Possibly a fascist member of ‘Unite Against Fascism’.
If you think ‘professional’ means being unable to recognise that attempted murder and murder, from the perspective of a perpetrator is the same crime (one being unsuccessful the other being successful), then she is.
However, her interview demonstrates that she believes that attempted murder, is in essence, not a crime, and unless there is a numerically significant body count, Israel has no business protecting its citizens.
Misha “too few dead Israelis” might be a more appropriate ‘handle’.
Definitely a sackable offence. I’m offended at her inhumanity and her ignorance, but I have a thick skin.
Who gives a toss about her gender and skin colour?
Being the weekend, I’d presumed that handle was just one dreamt up by the site owners, like Scotty, to spice things up when events, dear boys and girls, have conspired to keep the more regular Flokkers bunker-bound for a while.
Only one has ventured out, almost legitimately, to discuss his fave off topic, that being himself. But since the dread was raised, fair do’s.
Like The Trust, the ‘Tell it often enough’ homage seemed pretty witty in putting what followed in context.
Ms. Hussain’s intriguing moral equivalence is hers to own.
The Mail appears to have overtaken the BBC with its adulation of Weyman Bennet and UAF thugs who promise to disrupt or prevent Le Pen from speaking at the Oxford Union. When a national newspaper gives uncritical support to a bunch of Nazis who seek to determine the agenda of the Oxford Union the BBC will be encouraged to follow. Obviously the Mail shares BBC concerns with the dreaded Islamophobia, but where is the criticism of the disrupters? Look in the Mail’s comment section.
its obvious that there’s a vote Bot about, but the users of it are too stupid to be able to just nudge it in the required directions, having a list of 69000 up vote and then a list of 69000 down votes would show suspicion in even the simplest minds. free speach eh ? just as long as you know who to vote for. Now where have we seen this before, North Korea, Soviet Union, every Warsaw Pact country, Cuba, etc, etc etc. Comrades we know you are busy, so we voted for you !
A quick statistical analysis shows that basically someone had arranged for 69500 up/ down arrows to be added onto the top page. It can be done by a simple computer programme.
Let’s just see how far the left’s and the BBC’s support and advocacy of the ‘Je Suis Charlie’ mantra lasts, then, shall we ?…..Ooops – too late.
Sort of like their interest in the #bringbackourgirls ‘campaign’…. some free emoting exposure on TV, then move on to the next campaign – never mind about following anything through. Typical.
Beeboids censor persecution of Christian in NHS, England.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Praying with a Muslim colleague ruined my career, says Christian NHS worker.
“Claims by Christian NHS worker that she was discriminated against on religious grounds after saying a prayer for a Muslim colleague come during a tense period in relations between Islam and other faiths, following the Paris terrorist attacks.”
And yet Muslims have no problem asking people to pray with them, be it during Ramadan when they give food to the needy, during school visits or even at council meetings. But when the shoe is on the other foot, it’s a bloody human rights crime.
The issue is not with the Muslim colleague but the bullying Fascist leftist white management – yet again.
This Muslim woman was looking to convert away from the religion of hate, and had asked for some literature on conversion.
Her father found the leaflet and it was him who made the complaint. Being one of the brown eyed boys the Fascists listened to him and began their campaign against the white woman.
If she wins her case of discrimination, and I hope she does, then the people who have harassed and discriminated against her should be subject to the same rules and suspended pending dismissal. Of course that won’t happen because a different set of rules apply to Fascists doing their masters bidding.
This morning the Radio 4 news carried a piece about Martin Winter’s book about living with Ed Milliband. Entirely praiseworthy of the glorious leader is this book written by a fellow traveller.
Funny but it’s completely the opposite of how the Mail sees it !
It seems to be a ‘given’, on all fronts and in all parties, that Ed Miliband is a complete and utter numpty who shouldn’t be put in charge of a whelk stall, never mind our country.
So there’s nothing in that aspect of this book (written by someone at the heart of Labour’s government at the time) which is really very new – except more, and perhaps more extreme, examples of his numptitude.
However, the book also discloses that both he and Ed Balls knew damned fine that our economy was on the edge of a cliff in 2007 (as did many others who were claiming that Labour’s spending policies were just completely unsustainable), and, to protect their own arisses, they urged Gordon Brown to call a snap election before it could happen.
Mr Brown refused, and, sure enough, a year later, our economy collapsed. Our heroic three, Mr Brown, and his two ‘able’ economic assistants, Messrs Miliband and Balls, did absolutely SFA to try to avert the disaster, instead they just continued to hit the spending button and hiked the top rate of tax to 50% to try and blind voters as to what was happening. They were more interested in keeping their own jobs than trying to avert, or even ameliorate, an economic disaster in the UK – no matter who that hurt, and for how long. Not only that, they are still (including Gordon – no more boom and bust – Brown) in complete denial about the whole situation during the last Labour government.
I was interested to see the BBC ‘take’ on the real issues being raised here, but……nada. Quelle surprise ! ‘Nous sommes tous les Charlies’, as far as the BBC seems to be concerned about our country and its survival, but then, unless Labour is in power, the BBC is in complete anti-government mode, as we have seen regarding, for instance, the BBC’s complicity in the ‘weaponisation’ of the NHS by the Labour party.
Meanwhile, in the absence of any exposure by the BBC, the Labour machine is grinding into action to try and bluster and smear their way out of the issues raised by Mr Winter. But it’s incredible how members of the previous ‘inner circle’ – such as Mr Andrew Neather (he who recalled Labour vowing, in private, to ‘rub the Rights noses in diversity), Mr Alistair Darling – who also warned Gordon Brown of impending disaster, but was ignored, and now Mr Winter, who is exposing the arrogance and vicissitudes of Messrs Brown, Miliband and Balls, are beginning to be heard as they point to the real source of so many of our major problems in this country today, and over the past few years (but ignored by the BBC).
And two of these pr!cks want to be elected as Prime Minister and Chancellor of this country in a couple of months ????????
I have this theory that in sticking him up front Labour were pulling a political version of ‘The Producers’ with this election which, given the poison still swirling in the chalice they passed on the last time, was not one any sane party would seek to win, at least if survival was the aim.
Trouble is, having installed Ed at the head, they reckoned without the power of the BBC to polish any dropping whilst undermining the opposition.
He may destroy the country, but the BBC need him so they can still feast on the corpse.
Labour are facing the true horror not only of getting back in, but headed up by Ed Miliband.
I thought I had reasonably trawled this blog to try to find mentions of Mr Winter’s book – but contrived to miss Charlatans’ comment at 2:13 this afternoon on the ‘Bury the bad news’ thread, which raises many of the points I have. Apologies for any repetitions.
Mark Steyn’s earlier book “America Alone” gave chilling predsictions about what would happen in the UK and Europe as Islamic immigration and population increase continued apace. And for years he has been writing in particular about the threats in France and in Belgium. The BBC has failed for years to report properly on this – has failed to give the full context, failed to “join the dots”. Too busy attacking Marine le Pen I suppose, rather than whet has given rise to her large support.
Steyn gives the background for France here – he is just a single writer, why can’t the BBC teams of hundreds of journalists provide similar INFORMATION about the long sequence of anti-Jewish attacks by French Muslims ?
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the former site of the Great Temple of the Jews – a holy site. It is now the site of the Muslim Dome of the Rock.
I would have thought that noisy French-flag-burning demonstrations on the Temple Mount – complete with black jihadi flags in the chanting crowd – might be worth a mention on the BBC ? Pretty sacriligeous, I would have thought. BUT – it is only sacriligeous towards Judaism so I suppose it is under the BBC’s radar.
Extra marks for somehow managing to force female victimisation into it as well.
The question doesn’t have a complex answer. If you’re in England, or specifically if you’re setting up a life in England, you learn English. If you don’t, you’re considered to have not bothered integrating properly. Foolish hand-wringing crap like this just makes it possible for ridiculous situations such as Islamic extremists calling for the British to succumb to Sharia Law then using Britain’s HRA to prevent being deported.
The Beeb stoops lower and lower with each passing day. Might as well get Charlie Brooker and the two Brands writing editorials for them, they would mean about as much.
When do YOU EVER hear of Jews or Christians or Hindus causing problems in the west and not integrating? In fact, when does one ever hear about Chinese people not integrating, or…. you get the idea. However, when does one hear about Muslims refusing to integrate? EVERYDAY!
But, what do the craven, grovelling Dhimmi-dummy Independent readers focus on? Islamaphobia – a non-existent term constructed by Muslim-apologist Left-wing fools to silence all debate about their masters’ religion.
There is nowhere in the BBC article to say where the antisemitism comes from. Why not ? If it was from Right wing thugs it would be waved from the rooftops by the beeb. Some types it seems are afforded special privileges by the BBC.
There’s not a chance of Theresa May doing anything what so ever to lessen the anti Semitism, she’s too frightened to even say the name of the people the threat comes from, much less do anything about it!
Instead she will use the opportunity to further oppress the white untermensch while doing nothing to annoy the brown eyed paymasters.
Clip of May’s speech was on Sky News: ‘Never thought I’d see the day when UK Jews were frightened….’. Eh? She’s been working her whole life in a system that encourages their enemies garbage as ‘cultural enrichment’. She has some nerve!
Did you see the photo, in the link above, of Pickles and May holding ‘I am Jewish’ placards. This sort of PR stunt is what passes for governing now. When Boko Haram kidnapped 200 Christian schoolgirls, Cameron’s response was to sit on Andrew Marr’s sofa and pose for a ‘selfie’ with a Bring Back Our Girls’ placard. Sometimes you need to pinch yourself to confirm that you’re not hallucinating.
When Michael Adebolajo (One of the killers of Lee Rigby) was jailed, the bBC spend an inordinate amount of time trying to paint him (and not Lee Rigby) as the victim. So we had: MI5 ‘tried to recruit’ Michael Adebolajo, friend claims
which we now know to be a falsehood.
It seems that the bBC is more than happy in which to try and paint a cold blooded murderer as a victim and is more than happy to use friends and family of Michael Adebolajo is which to reach that POV. Lets look at those friends shall we: Abu Nusaybah jailed for for three years for encouraging terrorism and holy war.
and his brother: Jeremiah Adebolajo, praises Paris jihadis who killed 12 in Charlie Hebdo attack
And yet to the bBC these racist bigots must be telling the truth. and yet everything they claimed was found to be false.
The bBC, the political mouthpiece for radical Islam in the UK
Does Jeremiah not know that his name is that of a Jewish Old Testament prophet?
Has anybody got round to translating it to -well Muhammad usually-but something not tainted with any Jewish roots?
That of course bins his Allawful “Karen” that he swallows whole at the mosque…for ALL of it is derived, blagged and half heard from Judeo-Christian babbling he`d have overheard.
Well-the halfway decent bits that don`t reward you with little boys, white trash girls and heads, hands and feet in a carpet bag by way of reward for taking on the weak, the nice and the women and kids.
If I were Jeremiah-I`d behead myself…that name is Jewish, and needs a lopping.
Might then be able to wash his own brain for himself instead of getting the bearded henna`d weirdo at his mosque to do it for him.
Update on BBC website articles available to comment.
It has been noted on these pages before, that BB website has restricted the number of articles available for comments. These restrictions are being maintained. Policy from top beeboids?
News FrontPage still has no articles for comment. Politics page has one new article for comment (two from earlier in the week that closed PDQ). The BBC have chosen to give consumers a game of ‘shooting lib-dem fish in a bucket’.
In reporting hypcrite, opportunist PM CAMERON on Islam and repression of freedom,
INBBC does not refer to this key point-
Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’-
“This is David Cameron?
This is the Cameron whose government banned me from Britain
for saying that Islam had a doctrine of warfare against unbelievers?
This is the Cameron whose government failed to do anything about Muslim rape gangs and state school takeover plots, for fear of offending Muslims?
This is the Cameron who insists that Islamic jihad terror inspired and incited by the Qur’an and Sunnah has nothing to do with Islam?
This is the Cameron whose government has been supine and submissive before Islamic supremacists at every turn?
Now suddenly he discovers free speech?”
-preface to this Beeboid report-
“Cameron: ‘There is a right to cause offence about someone’s religion.’”
Is there an election coming? … which ways the wind blowing eh!
Yay! freedom! ” and champers” at the club to that.
“Soundbite” Dave strikes again.
Just get this totally incompetent fake, this preening and arrogant grasping idiot that embodies the absolute worst of British characteristics gone, and as soon as possible.
He hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing, why he’s doing it, or the implications of anything he does, in a No10 full of self serving
silver spoon Toryboy buffoons, he stands heads above.
Yay! freedom this week …Yay! sharia finance capital, religion of peace, Tory muslim eid parties last week.
… Enough to make the British citizen, want to crawl up his own arse and die of embarrassment
“Cameron: ‘There is a right to cause offence about someone’s religion.”
Did you notice that Call Me Dave, The New Churchill, didn’t declare this right until all the UK media had decided not to publish?
‘A spokesman for The Sun said the paper had no comment to make on the latest decision not to publish a Charlie Hebdo cartoon, but directed me to previous comments by Stig Abell, managing editor of The Sun.
In a Sky News debate, Abell justified a decision not to publish Charlie Hebdo’s Mohammed cartoons in the aftermath of the massacre because free expression is about freedom of choice – including the freedom to choose not to publish something. He said the paper makes different editorial judgments each day.
“I don’t think anyone would accuse the newspaper of being timid or frightened to offend people,” Abell said, adding that this was not a decision born of fear.’
“Weyman Bennett, the joint national secretary of Unite Against Fascism, told the MailOnline:
‘We will organise a counter-protest made up of elements of our society which want to stay together.'”
what? … does he mean Muslims and the UAF bootboys?
BBC – Le Penn, many find her views “offensive”
je suis charlatan? … je suis BBC
No, Mr Parris, Mme Le Pen is not “being careful what she says”, she is only expressing exactly what she believes – and in my view, that is the truth. No objective observer can possibly disagree with her, but then again Parris is not objective. No-one will fail to notice his attempted smearing of UKIP. What a worm that Parris is! It is amusing to hear the honest Andrew Neil remind him that Le Pen’s economic policies are ‘Bennite’.
Just look at how the BBC immediately introduce the ‘Israel-Palestinian’ conflict, in my opinion as an attempt to provide subtle justification for anti-Semitism…. Even if Israel never existed, Muslim fanatics would carry on attacking followers of different faiths; it’s all in the Koran. Islam is an intolerant and supremacist ideology, the Left are just too afraid to admit it. ‘How Do You Get Women Into the Workplace?’ Written by, erm, a woman. In a workplace (the BBC) that actively discriminates against male staff, except ones from ethnic minority groups of course. You only have to look at how many women are hired in BBC’s football coverage despite many of them displaying no knowledge of the game meriting such a job. Making the question even more redundant and pointless than it already was since we know the Beeb’s answer while most employers – correctly – hire who’s best for the job instead of adhering to this pathetic PC quota crap.
Any large employer who hasn’t got a ‘diversity blueprint’ for quotas can expect a campaign of vilification any day now. If they’re still hiring on merit, they wont be much longer.
Sources close to the BBC have learned that Lenny Henry is aggrieved that he has, as yet, not been given an Oscar.
Now we know why Danny and entourage were blowing the corporate wad in Beverly Hills recently.
If his performance in the new Death in Paradise/Mrs. Doubtfire mash up, ‘The Number 2 Cross-Dressers’ Detective Agency’, does not secure at least a nomination, Lord Pantone best expect another strongly-worded missive.
Bloody hell what is the world coming to , when Islamic terrorists can’t get together and plot an attack on Israel without becoming victims of Global warming (I hear that temperatures where 8 Hezballah men died went through the roof) instigated by the jew. ‘Israel strike’ kills Hezbollah men
I suppose its going to be a black armband day (with white writing ) at the bBC tomorrow.
I notice the article relates to Hezbollah ‘fighters’.
Hmmmmm, a terrorist cabal, linked to a political group heavily funded by Syria in order to promote Syria’s dominance of Lebanon…. always ready to have a pop at Israel and Israelis, and quickly retreat to claim ‘immunity’ behind the local women and children.
Yeah, ‘fighters’ just about sums up what the BBC would label them as.
*Damn – that didn’t work – this was supposed to be a response to Pounce’s comment at 6:30 pm – sorry.
Splendid news.
Any prospect of a fund to sponsor such zaps?…money to go the IDF appeals fund or something!
Israel seems to stand alone in trying to make the world safe for the rest of us…whilst the BBC craves the Muslim jackboot to slaver over.
F8888in Fascist odor-eaters…our BBC.
So you can guess its at least double that number, in much the same way as the deliberately low “estimate” of the number rushing off to Syria has been blown out of the water, by muslim MPs and Councillors themselves.
So that in probability we have :-
– upwards of 2000 jihadi murderers who William Vague can t wait to repatriate in some “hug-a-hadi” type palava.
– along with at least the same number of “mini-me s”.
To be quite honest, the British people, the bbc and all the establishment will not wake up to the problem until we have several Paris style attacks under our belts.
Once we have upwards of 100 dead in the streets, not hidden out of the way on tube trains, beheaded policemen on you tube and footage of the SAS restoring order in Oxford Street, then and only then will thing start to change. Bring it on. Tens of thousands died in the streets in the Blitz, we won in the end, sorry for being callous but only blood will change beliefs in soft solutions to hard problems.
Closer to home I don’t see anything on this site from Alan and Thoghtfull who were certain that the establishment was covering up a terrorist attack. Then again, when you rely on the likes of the EDL Chester Facebook page as a source perhaps it is better to keep quiet.
“I don’t see anything on this site from Alan and Thoghtfull who were certain that the establishment was covering up a terrorist attack”
Not just them Albaman. This is not the first time in even recent history that, due to what appeared to be a suspicious clampdown on information, it’s walked like a duck and quacked like a duck but turned out to be something else. And let’s face it Albaman, you are quite often wrong. Although to be fair that’s only on days with a Y in.
Even Countryfile is not immune from the Labour Party’s order for the bBBC to keep talking about problems in the NHS. Tonight’s appalling party political brodcast showed us that remote Scottish neighbourhoods don’t have the same standard of GP service as cities, and that, without explanation, it has got worse since 2010.
Just heard a bit of Money Box a minute ago.
Apparently we`ll all get conned and robbed of our pensions if we ask the CAB or other charities about how best to get our pension pots.
Memories of 1991 alright.
Then File On Four will be telling us about mental health people not getting money on ESA or such, thanks to IDS and the Tories.
This will be on, later in the week.
Has the BBC ever done show on what Labour did to our economy-and why these rip offs are beyond Tories-but extended to Labours client state just as much?
The Tories are shit…but Labour are equally incompetent-but won`t bankrupt my kids to pay the unions off and the inner city Muslims payroll vote.
Yet the BBC only give it to the Tories…Labour seem to have been absent these last twenty years, other than as nice people who could do nothing.
As for Balls and Miliband being implicated for the 2007-8 crash…er,we`ll not go there.
Creeps…vote UKIP.
Ask the CAB whilst I appreciate they must get something right in my personal experience I have approached them twice with an issue in both cases they were absolutely useless. In one case they denied they had a service which I know they do. In fact a few years ago I applied to help out as I had extensive knowledge of the benefit system at the time they never even bothered to reply or acknowledge the application I gave them. Professionally my opinion of them is the same so much so it was standard practice to refer to them as cock and bull.
Wonderful new phrase on BBC One’s Six o’ clock news tonight – the need to preserve ‘cultural cohesion’ – what does that mean, shipping the English into a museum on the Isle of Wight to make room for Clegg’s Modern Britons?
The major story on the local news that followed was that the mighty Fox News had apologised for the 100% Muslim Birmingham story. The local vox pop featured three brown people, two white and two black so even the BBC believes Birmingham to be minority white! I guess it is only the fact that most Americans don’t even know where the UK is that stops them running ‘listen to what those idiot BBC Brits say about America’ stories every day. (I visited an organisation part US, part UK owned that flew the ‘stars and stripes’ and the Union Jack at the gate some years ago. We were asked if we came from France and when we said the UK we were asked if that was near Italy).
The notion of those in power curtailing those who would protest views, citing fear of violence made from those they are protesting about has a depressingly familiar ring to it.
I wonder how TellMama would classify death threats, and which communities successfully put in fear? Some may think that is little more than terrorism.
This is a really dangerous precedent, if you ban the right of peaceful protest what is there left? The poodles have bowed once more to allah’s warped zombies and if the threat continues to grow then people will take matters into their own hands as there is no other choice.
The anti islam voice is getting louder and the appeasers had better take note otherwise they will suffer the consequences. The lefty’s have got what they wanted…a united Europe, only it’s against everything they stand for.
I really enjoyed the bbc’s Sunday morning comedy corner today, otherwise known as The ‘Big’ Questions…?, hosted by gameshow Nicky, followed by Sunday Politics, only Mitch Benn could have made it funnier.
The big questions was full of the usual mish mash of bbc favourites debating science versus religion and the origin of humans and seeing as not a one of them was present at that time the whole debate was a waste of space. My sense of humour was severely tested.
It was soon back on track when I watched the paedophile protector Harriet Harman get ripped to shreds by Andrew Neil, it got so cringeworthy that I almost felt sorry for her.
Every question was answered with the mantra…’well, the cost of living crisis’, after Q4 Neil commented..’that’s 4 mentions’. On the economy she stated that Obama and Christine La Garde were wrong over their recent positive comments on the UK economy…but milipede will get it right?
Q5 was related to a graph showing that milipede was well down the % ratings on trust in fixing the economy, Harman’s answer, ‘well, the public are wrong and if you take the cost of living crisis’!!! By now it was getting embarrassing.
All in all she mentioned the so called crisis EIGHT times, yet, when asked as to how liebour would cut the defecit to help the country she didn’t have a clue barring taxing mansions? She then went on to destroy liebour’s hopes of winning any Southern seats by saying it was right to tax the ‘rich’ down south to help pay for the Scottish NHS.
It was brilliant watching her squirm, Neil destroyed both her and liebour’s claims on getting the economy right, even he must have had enough of the lies. The only thing I hate more than Harman is nazislam.
Appeaser May wants to stamp out anti semitism. I wonder if the BBC report actually indicates who is responsible?
Might we add the national broadcaster which never misses a chance to vilify Israel, continues to suppress the Balen Report and employs Donaldson and Mishail – not enough Israelis killed – Hussein to poison the airwaves. Do you really want to make Jews welcome in the UK Mrs May? Then break up the BBC or better still resign along with Cameron and make way for a government that will .
Good analysis Glen – exactly what I saw and laughingly concluded about Harman’s little grasp of facts on Daily Politics this morning.
I find it absolutely amazing the thickness of the skin of this ex-Peadophile Information Exchange legal officer who I cannot believe has not been hounded off the Labour front bench due to her and her husbands historical connection to all this Peado stuff alone:
But I suppose like Balls and Miliband’s total involvement with the disastrous 2008 economic crash legacy the whole of Labour front bench believe their supporters are stupid enough to vote for them no matter what!
Just a further reminder of my Labour Legacy list I keep posting, for those who have not seen it before:
Vote Labour – Get ROTHERHAM + most other LABOUR COUNCILS
NHS Wales
You forgot CHILDREN BEING RAISED BY SINGLE PARENTS which is one of the biggest dangers of all to social cohesion and welfare.
But your list is so long, you broke the site.
Did the site get taken down? Breakfast and another BBc pleb stood in the snow for no apparent reason other to illustrate snow and dispense obvious driving tips.
Delighted to have you back. Listen to Today this morning with two guests from the same side and I’m thinking my friends on Biased BBC would tell me who they are.
It looks as if the liberal establishment is getting scared and scared liberals are dangerous. Like scared sheep although that seems a bit unlikely.
In the end the liberal elite will get to understand the reality of it’s situation. It will lose power and wealth if it does not become a tyrrany.
So expect the liberal elite to increase anti free speech laws and to try to control the internet.
Ofsted moving against schools that fail to force feed the liberal mantras into the children is just the start
Soon the state will move against individuals it deems divisive.
Inside every expensively shod liberal’s foot is the desire to put on a steel capped jackboot.
Never has such hypocrisy been displayed by our elites than over the Charlie Hebdo affair.
What a ridiculous web server which crashes for days at a time ! There’s barely a week goes by without this happening. Is the site under some cyber attack from the Fascist left, or is it just a hopeless server?
I think consideration needs to be given to moving to a web hosting outfit which actually works !
John Forbes Kerry? Not what you would call a poor man in his own right although not in the 1% class. Forbes magazine (founded by the Forbes family) estimate his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry ‘s fortune at $750 million. Definitely in the 1% class.
Hilary Clinton?Clinton’s most recent personal financial disclosure form, filed as she was leaving her post at the State Department, shows that she and her husband held assets worth between about $5.2 and $25.5 million in 2012 (the forms require only broad ranges of assets).
That number has surely grown in the past year, as Clinton likely earned millions in a book advance for her new memoir, and she and her husband can both collect hundreds of thousands of dollars for a single speech. And that doesn’t include their two multimillion-dollar homes, which are held in trusts for tax reasons. Probably together with Bill in the 1%.
No, but what the BBC will say, on its news home page, is: US President Obama uses his State of the Union speech to pledge help for working families with the Republican-run Congress likely to resist.
Any chance of getting Salmond or Sturgeon onto TV to ask what they would do just now regarding the Scottish Oil Crisis? How they would fund the extravagant Referendum promises despite a massive additional deficit ? Anyone? Hello ?
I notice Humphrys is back in Greece again. Conveniently, there’s an election there this weekend which will allow him time to check up on his real estate investment there and, also, visit his son who is resident: and all at the BBC licence-payers’ expense. Nice! BTW he doesn’t appear to speak Greek (although I’m sure he speaks it well enough to make himself understood to those who clean his villa) which, frankly, is a bit of a disadvantage if you’re reporting from . . er . . Greece. What happened to Theopi Skarlatos whose Greek is, as you’d expect, fluent?
Biased BBC out of commission yesterday and meanwhile I turn on BBC 1 tv Breakfast and hear sofa-wallah Bill Turnball say of lefty feel-good agitprop show Made in Dagenham : “another good message”
Weaseling reporting so far … will it improve?
or disappear down the not of significance
BBC plughole.
One can assume the latter … oh no
wait a minute has an “inoocent.TM”
Palestinian been shot!
…. get our “Pally team” down there
The attack occurred near the Maariv Bridge named after Israel’s 2nd largest newspaper. It is never quoted by the BBC because a) it is written in Hebrew and b) it is like almost all Israeli Jews and not a few Arabs pro Zionist.
‘… the BBC has followed the example of the Guardian and ignored Mr Winter’s testimony. This is wretched. The fact is that over the next few months Ed Miliband is making a job application for the most important position in this country. We are surely entitled to know every available scrap of detail about him. The testimony of the man in whose house he lived for two months, and fixed him his parliamentary seat, is of vital national significance. ‘
‘One of the most telling manifestations of the pathetic self-indulgence of modern journalism is the phenomenon of the “media commentator.”
Like those at the Indy, Graun or BBC still obsessed by an American broadcaster (who apologised for a poor claim quickly, which a certain trusted one nearer home is incapable of doing)?
Or the pervasive Steve Hewlett, start witness at the Future of the BBC inquiry (now heading towards a much fairer, inescapable loading of the licence poll tax on the council tax?), so on the pulse of matters media he did not know about 28Gate, but knew enough to know the BBC got it about right, whatever it was?
‘What is more, I am quite certain that the BBC would have given prominent coverage to this..
Unless, of course, to the goldfish bowlers, it is ‘not news’ (c) A. Newsroom Tealady. Or, more crucially… ‘bury at all costs’ ‘news’.
Wretched. But in a unique way.
‘…Instead the BBC has followed the example of the Guardian and ignored Mr Winter’s testimony…’
Par for the course for the BBC, on which Greenslade regularly ‘appears’ (what is it about his commentaries and analysis that they find so interesting?)
In the last week, the BBC have ignored:
– Labour’s attempt to hide an impending crash from the electorate
– The state of the Labour run NHS in Wales
– The IMFs ‘glowing’ praise of the management of Britain’s economy.
The BBC must be increasingly ‘frit’ that the Tories might win the forthcoming election.
Now, what interest-unconflicted reason might the BBC Labour stacked market rate floor have for being ‘frit’ that their boy doesn’t get in, and knows who he owes?
The pathetic troll attrition that follows shows just how frit they are across all the boards.
‘BBC News at Six decided speculation about Page 3 was more important than ISIS, the NHS strike and even the death of Corrie’s Diedre last night.
When priority reflects obsession? And… speculation? I thought that was not allowed? Or is it only if the BBC engages in it?
Page 3 was as much an anachronism in the internet age as a rerun BBC2 Glenda Jackson outing, as the plot demanded it and the director promised it would be handled in good taste.
Where the bawagoneers alight next will be interesting.
Given the law of unintended consequences being enacted left, left and left of centre, it would be a pity and ironic if a BBC stretching of the boundaries fell foul.
It has all the right elements ,saintly Labour under attack from the evil UKIP , the heresy of islamaphobia. All grist to their racial engineering mill I would have thought.
Could they be concerned that their own leading role in that decades long conspiracy of silence might come under scrutiny in a way they can’t control or they do simply wish to push the forgotten fourteen hundred further down the memory hole?
Either way I wish this woman all possible luck in her fight against the massed ranks of the liberal inquisition (she’ll need it) and hope that one day the BBC are held fully accountable for their sin of silence
(Glad the sites back up not using same servers as Atlas shrugs are you?)
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
MarcoMar 10, 07:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney Wef candidate and green scam artist ,he ticks all the globalist boxes including the BBC but the good…
pugnaziousMar 10, 07:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It is possible to stop the flow….you just have to want to…and Labour, the Tories and France just don’t want…
tomoMar 10, 07:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 With all the Democrat funded “news” operations losing USAID money there’s a lot of “talent” looking for a safe harbour.…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe Remember partygate, well…
FlotsamMar 10, 06:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I thought the decision to appoint a foreigner to be Governor of our central bank to be a shockingly bad…
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer Just look at the length of the article the…
BBC News 24. [Sponsored by Unite, BBC staff and the Labour Party?]
Labour Party Broadcast by…..Tim Willcox and Carol Walker.
Or, to temporarily adopt the BBC’s recent habit of preceding a person’s name with superfluous adjectives and nouns, ‘Accused of crass anti-Semitism’ Tim Willcox, and ‘overt misandrist’ Carol Walker.
The pretext of Tim’s and Carol’s dialogue, ending at approximately 2117hrs, was yet another re-launch speech by Labour Party leader Ed Miliband, delivered to the Fabian Society today.
Not too sure whether Ed’s latest speech had any content worthy of serious consideration, as Tim and Carol didn’t let us know.
Instead of broadcasting pertinent extracts of his speech with a brief summary of the Labour Party expressed vision or policies, Tim and Carol instead engage in a shallow, scatter gun conversation, involving topical memes – oil prices, wages suppression, living standards – within a narrative that our country will be (mis)managed by either the Labour Party or the Conservative Party after the next general election. (Remember viewers – Tory or Labour, Tory or Labour, Tory or……. [Oh, and the Tories are nasty!]). Surely it is for the people to determine who governs (says Angryman in his juvenile naivety)?
Carol confirms as FACT that we are in an economic upturn, but perpetuates a ‘cost of living crisis’ meme. For some reason Carol feels that the Green party membership levels are also relevant to Mr Miliband’s Speech as she enthusiastically gives a plug to the Greens in reference to their claimed membership increase. The Greens have received a lot of publicity about this over the past few days from the BBC, despite consistently polling in the 5-7% range, and having membership level well below that of the SNP for example .
Tim’s take on Mr Miliband’s speech included the ‘news’ that Ed Balls has accused David Cameron of being a chicken over the election TV debates. Deep Tim. Exceptional journalism. (Ed Balls stole that ‘sound-bite’ from Nigel Farage Tim, while you were busy trying to save your job after being exposed as a heartless anti-Semite in Paris.)
How much do these people get paid?
Scrap the telly tax.
A new school of BBC journalism is being launched in Manchester. It will be state funded ‘selective’ LGBT + XYZ school based on equality, diversity and gender engineering theory of everything. ‘No academic purpose at all’ is the school motto… (gasp). Sign up or be square.
School for Gays? Year 1. Basic equations:
XX + XX = OK
XY + XY = OK
So much for diversity. A new aparteid? Whose f&*king dumbass idea is this?
I have to agree, for years the homosexual community have fought for the right to be seen as equal , and now they have it, they scream out to the world they are different and demand separate schools.
As for being sited in Manchester, I’m sure the growing Islamic community there will express their Allah ordained hatred towards them. Oh hang on ‘Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace.
It’s the idea of some nutters in Manchester. By the time I’d posted a short piece most people thought it was the most monumentally stupid idea possible!
Here’s the gist:
At a time when across Europe Jewish schools and Synagogues are requiring protection by Police and military officers, from those in the Religion of Peace who want to kill them, someone believes it would be a good idea to gather together all the gay kids in a city and put them into one place? What a target that would make !
The Religion of Peace also wants to kill all the gays and they could manage a whole generation in one attack.
The alternative would be to turn it into a near concentration camp requiring huge resources and security, and how would the kids be safe once they left?
Thoughtful, the local taxi firms will take good care of them on the way home (read into that what you will) and they won’t get lost looking for the school as it will have a nice big yellow star in a prominent position on the wall.
History does have a habit of repeating itself does it not ?
I thought it was a pink triangle ?
Can a gay get done for homophobic bullying then, once that inevitability crops up?
And what of the end of term dances with the local Muslim schools?
Should be fun to watch the fun furs fly?
And there`s more.
If you watch Newsnight on Friday-with some Pete Burns lookalike and some gay school bloke in NYC…from whence came this idea of apartheid/colour bars(pink compulsory then)-the American tells me that not only are LGBT kids being “reached out to”…but they can also be “Q”.
So then-the gays have co-opted our BLT butty letters, the word gay too..and now they`ve presumed to take our letter Q as well for another long and crazy aggronym.
Don`t need to check…within a couple of years they`ll be LGBTQ…and what`s to say they`ll not have a few more chunks of alphabet in their fanny packs…as we will probably be expected to call their schoolbags.
These five letters have been kidnapped and held hostage…let`s get them back…and tell Sesame St they`d better NOT assume them to be taken for good.
And as Hitchens says-how come we can segregate on sexuality in schools now-but not by ability ?
The US bloke seemed nice enough-but this is an idea that will ensure that kids will have to pretend to be gay to get taught…and presumbly will be discriminated against if they actually have a real dad. as opposed to Ms/sx Turkey Basters applicator.
Oh, the wonders of self-medication…
Don’t need to be treated as an out patient any longer then Scott(y) ?
A question to all you bBBC readers – Can anyone explain to me what is so special about Bonnie Greer, that Al Beeb frequently features her on our screen to give so many political comments. – Until last week, I had never heard of her?
Where have you been Merched Becca? She’s been roaming the BBC for decades, picking up her slice of our licence fee.
Bonnie Greer is what they refer to in the USA as a professional race baiter; though I think she’d refer to herself as a ‘writer’, ‘activist’, ‘journalist’ etc. The job method goes like this:
1. Pick topic.
2. Check out individuals involved.
3. Determine their genders.
4. Determine their races.
5. Evaluate their skins’ melanin contents.
6. Does a skin colour pattern exist?
7. Draw false conclusion from internal misandrist, racist, authoritarian prejudice.
8. Project Feminist statist anti-white man narrative to as wide an audience as possible.
Good work if you can get it!
Oh, I forgot:
9. Perpetuate narrow pro Afro-Caribbean-American victimhood mentality.
She also has something to do with who gets a blue plaque in London if I recall correctly.
An ambassadorial job , surely worth all we white flotsam can shill out for her.
There really ought to be an award for those who get most “arts and polemical” coverage-as inversely proportional to actual talent,work produced and relevance.
Like Tom Paulin, Sarah Churchill, that Kwashe One or whatever his name is…King Sonny Ed was it in the Hawaiian shirt?….a nomark who blows hard for the arts, as the BBC like them portrayed.
Trans(Atlantic in this case), black, gay, black, commie…and preferably an edgy contact to a McGuinness, a Sharpton or a Kennedy.
Bonnie Langford knows more and has more hinterland that this agitprop do-nothing….but HER Bloomsbury Blue Plaque is assured.
Yet funnily enough, not worth a wet fart in her home town of Chicago…trust the BBC to give this nonentity a berth over here! Take a quick look at this it will explain exactly why she is a BBc favourite
I have been using the Al Beeb “Off” button too many times I am afraid. While we are on the subject, we have just had an Australian bint on the same channel telling us that Britain should be taking in more Syrian refugees, comparing this country to the rest of Europe . Britain is a lot smaller country than some of those she mentioned.
Perhaps she should go back to Aus and campaign there, where there is a lot more space ?
Race Hustler Bonnie Greer is also always on SKY reviewing the newspapers, she was on last night with Times sport ‘journalist’ and wannabe intellectual Matthew Syed, he’s mixed race, father comes from Pakistan, he also stood for the Labour party at the General Election.
So, two lefties. That fits. Up until last year, Sky was good for balance. They even had Kelvin Mackenzie reviewing the papers now and again. But the broadcasters ‘got together’ to decide what to do about the diversity ‘problem’. You could, like Rod Liddle, argue that the BBC never had a problem, but the changes are noticeable at Sky. New recruits are mainly ethnic. Faisal Islam, C4 Economics Editor, got Adam Bolton’s plum Political Editor job. Eh? An Egyptian, Sherine Tadros, ex Al Jazeera, is Middle East correspondent, etc., etc., Ditto the expert talking heads and paper reviewers.
The Grauniad excitedly tell of Sky’s intentions here:
It’s interesting that, although the effnik percentage of the country is only (only?) 14%, ‘BSkyb has pledged that … at least 20% of the stars and writers of its UK-originated TV shows will come from a black, Asian or other minority ethnic background’ by the end of this year.
Hmmmmm…. if a situation is described as ‘discriminatory’ because the organisation being examined is not properly represented according to the proportions of the general public, would this not make BSkyB pursing this programme an act of direct and visible racial discrimination ?
And why would that not elicit a campaign in the media to ‘right that wrong’….. ah, but we’re now talking about indigenous people in this country being discriminated against.
This, of course, does not explain why the same people scream about indigenous peoples in almost every other part of the world being discriminated against if they aren’t ‘properly’ represented.
It must be hard being a leftie liberal in the UK these days (and that probably includes the vast majority of BBC staff), holding two diametrically opposite views at the same time – posh term – cognitive dissonance – or maybe it’s just that they can be blatantly two-faced about so many subjects in this area.
I think the BBC stands for Bongo Brainwashing Corporation now.
Just for the info all the Muslims who are attacking Churches regards the printing of their pedophillic founder are the very same ones the likes of the bBC say we should allow into the UK.
yeah but jooooo’s are killing muslims in palestine
Mishal ‘Too Few Dead Jews’ Hussain can confirm.
Andrew Marr, female “jihadists” coming back to Britain and inciting the males to commit terror. Great.
Maybe Danny Cohen can impose a required quota on HIGNFY? Boom-boom.
‘female “jihadists” coming back to Britain and inciting the males to commit terror’.
Stop them re-entering the country ! We have a natural border, we are an island.
We need some positive discrimination in favour of LGBT RoP females. We seem to have absolutely no LGBT hijab wearers at all; that’s a scandal. We should only allow in LGBT RoP females. That should keep the males a bit calmer.
The fallacy of climate change from the market oracle. We are likely to see lots of “2014 hottest year on record declared by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climatic Data Center (NOAA)” from the B-BBC in the coming days. Lots of scientists do not agree along with satellite measurements which are more accurate than surface measurement due to urban “heat sinks”.
Be warned!
Oh, we all already knew that 2014 was going to be the “hottest year evah”, even if (as is the case), it wasn’t.
Climate change will be “bigged up” this year, at every available opportunity, because the half-wits will all be meeting in Paris, later in the year, with the express purpose of bullying everyone into paying vast amounts of money to “underdeveloped” countries, for them to squander as they wish, whilst claiming that the rest of us are destroying the planet, just by merely existing.
We know that this money grab, and legislation has to be done on the hurry up, before it’s clear to all that the globe isn’t warming, at all, but on the cusp, after which there will be a steady cooling – and we can’t have that, can we?
In the meantime, the cessation (or “pause” as the warmists like to call it) continues, with NASA and NOAA in full fiddling mode, trying to adjust inconvenient past temperatures out of the equation, whilst pretending that their modelling is far more accurate than observation, and satellite data. Their equipment and “mathematics” are so good, they can measure in fractions of a degree, which, of course, was never possible in the past.
In the meantime, winter bites, Dr. David Viner’s invisible snow continues to fall, the elderly die, the polar ice continues to refuse to melt (but expands, instead), and we sceptics will just not go away, damn us.
I am surprised to see that the bbc is going to mark the 50th anniversary of Sir Winston Churchill’s funeral with a documentary later this month hosted by Jeremy Paxman.
For those too young to have watched it live ( such as I ) expect to see large crowds in London which were hideously white. A scene not to be seen these days apart from the occasion of the red poppies at the Tower last year. I wonder if el beeb might have a stab ( unfortunate choice of word, sorry) at a little ‘blacking up’ if that’s the phrase, of the footage so that the present generation of liberal watchers might not feel uncomfortable ?
Well; isn’t Mishal ‘Too Few Dead Jews’ Hussain the go-to acceptable face of multi-cultural broadcasting these days. She ticks the ‘effnik’ and ‘wimmin’ diversity boxes. They had her in front at the Paris ‘leaders’ march; I’m expecting to see her in all the major roles for years to come. 2020 General Election?
Please – is there a link to the Mishal Hussain “Too Few Dead Jews” remarks ? I assume it was during the last Gaza trouble ?
Incidentally – as there is not much going on in Israel and Gaza right now – what on earth are Bowen and all his crew doing ? – at our expense ?
If I recall correctly, there was no specific wording of any single remark that brought about the ‘Too Few Dead Jews’ comments; it came about because of continuous comments on the BBC comparing the number of dead on either side of the conflict, but particularly when comparing the armaments/equipment of the two sides, and their capabilities.
So, for instance, commentators on the BBC (including Mishal Hussain) would point out that it was really ridiculous of the Israelis to complain about Hamas firing rockets at Israel, since they were obviously not much more than November 5th fireworks in the UK, that the Israelis unsportingly headed for air raid shelters at the first sniff of an ‘incoming’ shell/rocket, and such attacks from Hamas had hardly been able to kill anyone – whereas a single airstrike by the IDF could kill many Palestinians.
Now, for most people, that might seem good enough reason to point out that Hamas was stupid not to stop firing rockets at Israel, but the BBC basically implied that Israelis were ‘cheating’, because they refused to line themselves up to be killed, like good little Jews, so the IDF should just stop returning fire at Hamas terrorists until they had achieved their ‘kill quota’.
There is no link except back to this site. In other words its a libel made up by one of the resident trolls.
Hardly surprising. Misha represents everything most of the keyboard warriors fear most.:
And very professional and competent.
Best get it from Mishal’s own lips then.
JimS – thank you very much for that link – I had not seen that relentless smirking antagonism by Husain before. Utter bias, sickening.
I have siad before – given the way anti-semitism is drilled into every Muslim schoolchild and young adult, derived from Koranic teachings, Muslims should not be presenting BBC reports on anything to do with Israel or Jews.
That interview was appalling. Perhaps “The Truth ” would like to comment. It was crude and irrelevant. The Israelis protect their people.
Are they to be criticised for not dying in large enough numbers to satidfy the liberal Western intelligentsia?
Don’t answer . Of course they are. .
The Truth is either Scott or ,someone in the News 24 /Guardian joint newsroom,or some Evil numpty from radio manchester/5 dead, its grim oop north studio .
It shows how these left-wing gits think. They call themselves “The Truth” and under that nick they spout lies and garbage.
If this person had any decency they would apologise for their lies. Guess what, that won’t happen.
This interview should be shown repeatedly.
All of which means to you do-gooding lefty types that she is above criticism.
Actually, you’re wrong – and had you done any, even minor, investigation, the following (and other articles of the time) clearly demonstrates that the sort of description used above, about Mishal Husain, has been recognised for some time. It even pre-dates where I thought it had originated.
Now, you may not like the source of the commentary, and, of course, the main stream media would shy away from the use of any such phrase about one of their own, but you have used your perceived lack of information (or endeavour to find information) as a basis to criticise other people for views they have not even expressed.
But that is very easy to do – for example, as the BBC would put it,‘…many people think Mishal Husain is biased and bigoted in her reporting of certain issues regarding her faith, and therefore challenge any claim of her being professional or competent.’.
The vast majority of contributors here could care less about her skin colour, or her sex, but do care about her clear anti-Israeli bias in her reporting.
Yup; Female, Coloured, Intelligent, Muslim, very professional and competent,…..and biased!
They’re not mutually exclusive qualities (at least if you accept today’s definition of ‘professional’)
She’s the real, goody-two-shoes, Head Girl type. I don’t assume for a minute that her bias is based on her religion; it could just as easily be a determination to align herself with the prevailing orthodoxy of the organisation. She’s a teacher’s pet. She’ll go far in today’s world.
But this site is given to discussing bias; the clue is in the name.
TheTruth. Ho ho. A leftard handle if ever there was one. Oxymorons abound. Possibly a fascist member of ‘Unite Against Fascism’.
If you think ‘professional’ means being unable to recognise that attempted murder and murder, from the perspective of a perpetrator is the same crime (one being unsuccessful the other being successful), then she is.
However, her interview demonstrates that she believes that attempted murder, is in essence, not a crime, and unless there is a numerically significant body count, Israel has no business protecting its citizens.
Misha “too few dead Israelis” might be a more appropriate ‘handle’.
Definitely a sackable offence. I’m offended at her inhumanity and her ignorance, but I have a thick skin.
Who gives a toss about her gender and skin colour?
Scrap the telly tax.
Being the weekend, I’d presumed that handle was just one dreamt up by the site owners, like Scotty, to spice things up when events, dear boys and girls, have conspired to keep the more regular Flokkers bunker-bound for a while.
Only one has ventured out, almost legitimately, to discuss his fave off topic, that being himself. But since the dread was raised, fair do’s.
Like The Trust, the ‘Tell it often enough’ homage seemed pretty witty in putting what followed in context.
Ms. Hussain’s intriguing moral equivalence is hers to own.
Looks like The Truth has run up the white flag on this one. No doubt there will be another drive by attack from Scott or The Truth any day now…
Some wise words from that Great Statesman …..
“If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea”
The Mail appears to have overtaken the BBC with its adulation of Weyman Bennet and UAF thugs who promise to disrupt or prevent Le Pen from speaking at the Oxford Union. When a national newspaper gives uncritical support to a bunch of Nazis who seek to determine the agenda of the Oxford Union the BBC will be encouraged to follow. Obviously the Mail shares BBC concerns with the dreaded Islamophobia, but where is the criticism of the disrupters? Look in the Mail’s comment section.
Shocking! Never seen 5 figure upvotes.
I checked this story late last night and the top comment with around 300 up votes was contrary to the ‘popular’ opinion depicted now.
I only hope people are seeing through this obvious manipulation that is also happening in the Telegraph.
It also gives me no doubt that the bBCs depiction of ‘fact’ or that the Question Time audience isn’t rigged either by them or outside influences.
its obvious that there’s a vote Bot about, but the users of it are too stupid to be able to just nudge it in the required directions, having a list of 69000 up vote and then a list of 69000 down votes would show suspicion in even the simplest minds. free speach eh ? just as long as you know who to vote for. Now where have we seen this before, North Korea, Soviet Union, every Warsaw Pact country, Cuba, etc, etc etc. Comrades we know you are busy, so we voted for you !
A quick statistical analysis shows that basically someone had arranged for 69500 up/ down arrows to be added onto the top page. It can be done by a simple computer programme.
Let’s just see how far the left’s and the BBC’s support and advocacy of the ‘Je Suis Charlie’ mantra lasts, then, shall we ?…..Ooops – too late.
Sort of like their interest in the #bringbackourgirls ‘campaign’…. some free emoting exposure on TV, then move on to the next campaign – never mind about following anything through. Typical.
Beeboids censor persecution of Christian in NHS, England.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Praying with a Muslim colleague ruined my career, says Christian NHS worker.
“Claims by Christian NHS worker that she was discriminated against on religious grounds after saying a prayer for a Muslim colleague come during a tense period in relations between Islam and other faiths, following the Paris terrorist attacks.”
Does BBC-NUJ’s campaigning political empathy only exend to their likes of
Muslims, Binyam Mohamed and Shaker Aamer, Gitmo jihad suspects?
And yet Muslims have no problem asking people to pray with them, be it during Ramadan when they give food to the needy, during school visits or even at council meetings. But when the shoe is on the other foot, it’s a bloody human rights crime.
The issue is not with the Muslim colleague but the bullying Fascist leftist white management – yet again.
This Muslim woman was looking to convert away from the religion of hate, and had asked for some literature on conversion.
Her father found the leaflet and it was him who made the complaint. Being one of the brown eyed boys the Fascists listened to him and began their campaign against the white woman.
If she wins her case of discrimination, and I hope she does, then the people who have harassed and discriminated against her should be subject to the same rules and suspended pending dismissal. Of course that won’t happen because a different set of rules apply to Fascists doing their masters bidding.
-‘Diversity’ Enforcer, Tony HALL’s top English city for ‘diversity’
(i.e. minority white Christian English)-
‘Sunday Telegraph’-
“Leicester terrorist cell that laid seeds of Paris atrocity.
“Two Algerian immigrants, one of whom is still in Britain, ran a network linked to the perpetrators behind the terrorist attacks on Paris.”
This morning the Radio 4 news carried a piece about Martin Winter’s book about living with Ed Milliband. Entirely praiseworthy of the glorious leader is this book written by a fellow traveller.
Funny but it’s completely the opposite of how the Mail sees it !
It seems to be a ‘given’, on all fronts and in all parties, that Ed Miliband is a complete and utter numpty who shouldn’t be put in charge of a whelk stall, never mind our country.
So there’s nothing in that aspect of this book (written by someone at the heart of Labour’s government at the time) which is really very new – except more, and perhaps more extreme, examples of his numptitude.
However, the book also discloses that both he and Ed Balls knew damned fine that our economy was on the edge of a cliff in 2007 (as did many others who were claiming that Labour’s spending policies were just completely unsustainable), and, to protect their own arisses, they urged Gordon Brown to call a snap election before it could happen.
Mr Brown refused, and, sure enough, a year later, our economy collapsed. Our heroic three, Mr Brown, and his two ‘able’ economic assistants, Messrs Miliband and Balls, did absolutely SFA to try to avert the disaster, instead they just continued to hit the spending button and hiked the top rate of tax to 50% to try and blind voters as to what was happening. They were more interested in keeping their own jobs than trying to avert, or even ameliorate, an economic disaster in the UK – no matter who that hurt, and for how long. Not only that, they are still (including Gordon – no more boom and bust – Brown) in complete denial about the whole situation during the last Labour government.
I was interested to see the BBC ‘take’ on the real issues being raised here, but……nada. Quelle surprise ! ‘Nous sommes tous les Charlies’, as far as the BBC seems to be concerned about our country and its survival, but then, unless Labour is in power, the BBC is in complete anti-government mode, as we have seen regarding, for instance, the BBC’s complicity in the ‘weaponisation’ of the NHS by the Labour party.
Meanwhile, in the absence of any exposure by the BBC, the Labour machine is grinding into action to try and bluster and smear their way out of the issues raised by Mr Winter. But it’s incredible how members of the previous ‘inner circle’ – such as Mr Andrew Neather (he who recalled Labour vowing, in private, to ‘rub the Rights noses in diversity), Mr Alistair Darling – who also warned Gordon Brown of impending disaster, but was ignored, and now Mr Winter, who is exposing the arrogance and vicissitudes of Messrs Brown, Miliband and Balls, are beginning to be heard as they point to the real source of so many of our major problems in this country today, and over the past few years (but ignored by the BBC).
And two of these pr!cks want to be elected as Prime Minister and Chancellor of this country in a couple of months ????????
I have this theory that in sticking him up front Labour were pulling a political version of ‘The Producers’ with this election which, given the poison still swirling in the chalice they passed on the last time, was not one any sane party would seek to win, at least if survival was the aim.
Trouble is, having installed Ed at the head, they reckoned without the power of the BBC to polish any dropping whilst undermining the opposition.
He may destroy the country, but the BBC need him so they can still feast on the corpse.
Labour are facing the true horror not only of getting back in, but headed up by Ed Miliband.
Springtime for the UK approaches…
‘Springtime for the UK approaches… ‘
And how many levels does that hit ? I bet there is at least one poster who won’t understand….
Is his name Rolf and is he from Dusseldorf?
Now, who is being a smarty :)?
I thought I had reasonably trawled this blog to try to find mentions of Mr Winter’s book – but contrived to miss Charlatans’ comment at 2:13 this afternoon on the ‘Bury the bad news’ thread, which raises many of the points I have. Apologies for any repetitions.
Mark Steyn’s earlier book “America Alone” gave chilling predsictions about what would happen in the UK and Europe as Islamic immigration and population increase continued apace. And for years he has been writing in particular about the threats in France and in Belgium. The BBC has failed for years to report properly on this – has failed to give the full context, failed to “join the dots”. Too busy attacking Marine le Pen I suppose, rather than whet has given rise to her large support.
Steyn gives the background for France here – he is just a single writer, why can’t the BBC teams of hundreds of journalists provide similar INFORMATION about the long sequence of anti-Jewish attacks by French Muslims ?
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the former site of the Great Temple of the Jews – a holy site. It is now the site of the Muslim Dome of the Rock.
I would have thought that noisy French-flag-burning demonstrations on the Temple Mount – complete with black jihadi flags in the chanting crowd – might be worth a mention on the BBC ? Pretty sacriligeous, I would have thought. BUT – it is only sacriligeous towards Judaism so I suppose it is under the BBC’s radar.
Got to chuckle at this multi-paragraph minority apologism diatribe
Extra marks for somehow managing to force female victimisation into it as well.
The question doesn’t have a complex answer. If you’re in England, or specifically if you’re setting up a life in England, you learn English. If you don’t, you’re considered to have not bothered integrating properly. Foolish hand-wringing crap like this just makes it possible for ridiculous situations such as Islamic extremists calling for the British to succumb to Sharia Law then using Britain’s HRA to prevent being deported.
The Beeb stoops lower and lower with each passing day. Might as well get Charlie Brooker and the two Brands writing editorials for them, they would mean about as much.
I ‘wonder’ from which section of our communities does this nasty anti-Semitism come?
When do YOU EVER hear of Jews or Christians or Hindus causing problems in the west and not integrating? In fact, when does one ever hear about Chinese people not integrating, or…. you get the idea. However, when does one hear about Muslims refusing to integrate? EVERYDAY!
But, what do the craven, grovelling Dhimmi-dummy Independent readers focus on? Islamaphobia – a non-existent term constructed by Muslim-apologist Left-wing fools to silence all debate about their masters’ religion.
There is nowhere in the BBC article to say where the antisemitism comes from. Why not ? If it was from Right wing thugs it would be waved from the rooftops by the beeb. Some types it seems are afforded special privileges by the BBC.
There’s not a chance of Theresa May doing anything what so ever to lessen the anti Semitism, she’s too frightened to even say the name of the people the threat comes from, much less do anything about it!
Instead she will use the opportunity to further oppress the white untermensch while doing nothing to annoy the brown eyed paymasters.
Clip of May’s speech was on Sky News: ‘Never thought I’d see the day when UK Jews were frightened….’. Eh? She’s been working her whole life in a system that encourages their enemies garbage as ‘cultural enrichment’. She has some nerve!
Did you see the photo, in the link above, of Pickles and May holding ‘I am Jewish’ placards. This sort of PR stunt is what passes for governing now. When Boko Haram kidnapped 200 Christian schoolgirls, Cameron’s response was to sit on Andrew Marr’s sofa and pose for a ‘selfie’ with a Bring Back Our Girls’ placard. Sometimes you need to pinch yourself to confirm that you’re not hallucinating.
For ‘Diversity’ enforcer, Tony HALL: – Islamic jihadists (female)-
‘Observer/Guardian’- page 1 today-
“Isis using UK female jihadis to incite terror acts back home, say researchers.
“Intensive monitoring of social media accounts of female Britons based in northern Syria reveals women’s key new role.”
I don’t seem to have heard the BBC reports on the burning to death of 2 Pakistani Christians in the name of the Koran:
Imagine if 2 Muslims had been burned alive in the name of the New Testament – would the BBC ignore it ?
When Michael Adebolajo (One of the killers of Lee Rigby) was jailed, the bBC spend an inordinate amount of time trying to paint him (and not Lee Rigby) as the victim. So we had:
MI5 ‘tried to recruit’ Michael Adebolajo, friend claims
which we now know to be a falsehood.
We had:
Michael Adebolajo ‘attacked in jail’
We had:
Lee Rigby killer’s brother criticises whole-life term
We had:
Adebolajo pushed against window, brother claims
It seems that the bBC is more than happy in which to try and paint a cold blooded murderer as a victim and is more than happy to use friends and family of Michael Adebolajo is which to reach that POV. Lets look at those friends shall we:
Abu Nusaybah jailed for for three years for encouraging terrorism and holy war.
and his brother:
Jeremiah Adebolajo, praises Paris jihadis who killed 12 in Charlie Hebdo attack
And yet to the bBC these racist bigots must be telling the truth. and yet everything they claimed was found to be false.
The bBC, the political mouthpiece for radical Islam in the UK
Does Jeremiah not know that his name is that of a Jewish Old Testament prophet?
Has anybody got round to translating it to -well Muhammad usually-but something not tainted with any Jewish roots?
That of course bins his Allawful “Karen” that he swallows whole at the mosque…for ALL of it is derived, blagged and half heard from Judeo-Christian babbling he`d have overheard.
Well-the halfway decent bits that don`t reward you with little boys, white trash girls and heads, hands and feet in a carpet bag by way of reward for taking on the weak, the nice and the women and kids.
If I were Jeremiah-I`d behead myself…that name is Jewish, and needs a lopping.
Might then be able to wash his own brain for himself instead of getting the bearded henna`d weirdo at his mosque to do it for him.
Update on BBC website articles available to comment.
It has been noted on these pages before, that BB website has restricted the number of articles available for comments. These restrictions are being maintained. Policy from top beeboids?
News FrontPage still has no articles for comment. Politics page has one new article for comment (two from earlier in the week that closed PDQ). The BBC have chosen to give consumers a game of ‘shooting lib-dem fish in a bucket’.
“No child illiteracy by 2025, Nick Clegg pledges”
Brave BBC. Brave. Nick Clegg is an easy target, but is this really the issue that people are wishing to discuss?
Scrap the telly Tax.
Child illiteracy could be drastically reduced by stopping the importation of people from the 3rd world.
Two birds with one stone there.
In reporting hypcrite, opportunist PM CAMERON on Islam and repression of freedom,
INBBC does not refer to this key point-
Robert Spencer, ‘Jihadwatch’-
“This is David Cameron?
This is the Cameron whose government banned me from Britain
for saying that Islam had a doctrine of warfare against unbelievers?
This is the Cameron whose government failed to do anything about Muslim rape gangs and state school takeover plots, for fear of offending Muslims?
This is the Cameron who insists that Islamic jihad terror inspired and incited by the Qur’an and Sunnah has nothing to do with Islam?
This is the Cameron whose government has been supine and submissive before Islamic supremacists at every turn?
Now suddenly he discovers free speech?”
-preface to this Beeboid report-
“Cameron: ‘There is a right to cause offence about someone’s religion.’”
Is there an election coming? … which ways the wind blowing eh!
Yay! freedom! ” and champers” at the club to that.
“Soundbite” Dave strikes again.
Just get this totally incompetent fake, this preening and arrogant grasping idiot that embodies the absolute worst of British characteristics gone, and as soon as possible.
He hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing, why he’s doing it, or the implications of anything he does, in a No10 full of self serving
silver spoon Toryboy buffoons, he stands heads above.
Yay! freedom this week …Yay! sharia finance capital, religion of peace, Tory muslim eid parties last week.
… Enough to make the British citizen, want to crawl up his own arse and die of embarrassment
I didn’t know the Conservatives had a Khyber Pass branch , I’m speechless.
Meanwhile what is Christianity up to ? no wonder the Churches are empty.
“Cameron: ‘There is a right to cause offence about someone’s religion.”
Did you notice that Call Me Dave, The New Churchill, didn’t declare this right until all the UK media had decided not to publish?
‘A spokesman for The Sun said the paper had no comment to make on the latest decision not to publish a Charlie Hebdo cartoon, but directed me to previous comments by Stig Abell, managing editor of The Sun.
In a Sky News debate, Abell justified a decision not to publish Charlie Hebdo’s Mohammed cartoons in the aftermath of the massacre because free expression is about freedom of choice – including the freedom to choose not to publish something. He said the paper makes different editorial judgments each day.
“I don’t think anyone would accuse the newspaper of being timid or frightened to offend people,” Abell said, adding that this was not a decision born of fear.’
“Weyman Bennett, the joint national secretary of Unite Against Fascism, told the MailOnline:
‘We will organise a counter-protest made up of elements of our society which want to stay together.'”
what? … does he mean Muslims and the UAF bootboys?
BBC – Le Penn, many find her views “offensive”
je suis charlatan? … je suis BBC
Great clip. Brave man. No one in our Cabinet comes close.
will try for the third time to post
No, Mr Parris, Mme Le Pen is not “being careful what she says”, she is only expressing exactly what she believes – and in my view, that is the truth. No objective observer can possibly disagree with her, but then again Parris is not objective. No-one will fail to notice his attempted smearing of UKIP. What a worm that Parris is! It is amusing to hear the honest Andrew Neil remind him that Le Pen’s economic policies are ‘Bennite’.
Spot the missing word
Must be those far-right Quakers again.
I was thinking ‘Nazis’, but no, it’s in there. Must be something else. Give us a clue?
Just look at how the BBC immediately introduce the ‘Israel-Palestinian’ conflict, in my opinion as an attempt to provide subtle justification for anti-Semitism…. Even if Israel never existed, Muslim fanatics would carry on attacking followers of different faiths; it’s all in the Koran. Islam is an intolerant and supremacist ideology, the Left are just too afraid to admit it.
Got to love this one. ‘How Do You Get Women Into the Workplace?’ Written by, erm, a woman. In a workplace (the BBC) that actively discriminates against male staff, except ones from ethnic minority groups of course. You only have to look at how many women are hired in BBC’s football coverage despite many of them displaying no knowledge of the game meriting such a job. Making the question even more redundant and pointless than it already was since we know the Beeb’s answer while most employers – correctly – hire who’s best for the job instead of adhering to this pathetic PC quota crap.
Any large employer who hasn’t got a ‘diversity blueprint’ for quotas can expect a campaign of vilification any day now. If they’re still hiring on merit, they wont be much longer.
Sources close to the BBC have learned that Lenny Henry is aggrieved that he has, as yet, not been given an Oscar.
Now we know why Danny and entourage were blowing the corporate wad in Beverly Hills recently.
If his performance in the new Death in Paradise/Mrs. Doubtfire mash up, ‘The Number 2 Cross-Dressers’ Detective Agency’, does not secure at least a nomination, Lord Pantone best expect another strongly-worded missive.
Lenworth George Henry should have had an Oscar for this
Still whitening up isn’t going to offend anyone is it. I do vaguely remember watching this steaming pile of dog pooh a while back maybe the BBc could re-show it for us to appreciate.
Bloody hell what is the world coming to , when Islamic terrorists can’t get together and plot an attack on Israel without becoming victims of Global warming (I hear that temperatures where 8 Hezballah men died went through the roof) instigated by the jew.
‘Israel strike’ kills Hezbollah men
I suppose its going to be a black armband day (with white writing ) at the bBC tomorrow.
I notice the article relates to Hezbollah ‘fighters’.
Hmmmmm, a terrorist cabal, linked to a political group heavily funded by Syria in order to promote Syria’s dominance of Lebanon…. always ready to have a pop at Israel and Israelis, and quickly retreat to claim ‘immunity’ behind the local women and children.
Yeah, ‘fighters’ just about sums up what the BBC would label them as.
*Damn – that didn’t work – this was supposed to be a response to Pounce’s comment at 6:30 pm – sorry.
Splendid news.
Any prospect of a fund to sponsor such zaps?…money to go the IDF appeals fund or something!
Israel seems to stand alone in trying to make the world safe for the rest of us…whilst the BBC craves the Muslim jackboot to slaver over.
F8888in Fascist odor-eaters…our BBC.
More for ‘diversity’ enforcer, Tony HALL to exult in?
“More than 1,500 British kids are being groomed for JIHAD”
So you can guess its at least double that number, in much the same way as the deliberately low “estimate” of the number rushing off to Syria has been blown out of the water, by muslim MPs and Councillors themselves.
So that in probability we have :-
– upwards of 2000 jihadi murderers who William Vague can t wait to repatriate in some “hug-a-hadi” type palava.
– along with at least the same number of “mini-me s”.
“Houston … we have a problem”
where is that Wavey Davey?.
To be quite honest, the British people, the bbc and all the establishment will not wake up to the problem until we have several Paris style attacks under our belts.
Once we have upwards of 100 dead in the streets, not hidden out of the way on tube trains, beheaded policemen on you tube and footage of the SAS restoring order in Oxford Street, then and only then will thing start to change. Bring it on. Tens of thousands died in the streets in the Blitz, we won in the end, sorry for being callous but only blood will change beliefs in soft solutions to hard problems.
Unrelated to BBc I haven’t watched any of their product this weekend, there’s value for money.
Though his name was never going to be released. Don’t see the story on the BBc news on line.
What of the other two?
Closer to home I don’t see anything on this site from Alan and Thoghtfull who were certain that the establishment was covering up a terrorist attack. Then again, when you rely on the likes of the EDL Chester Facebook page as a source perhaps it is better to keep quiet.
I pity anyone with the name of Harry Clarke from Baillieston who is on the electoral roll.
Now, sadly, I fear you may be right.
Keeping quiet can often be a poor option.
Certainly the BBC, the topic of this site, continually make such a mistake.
“I don’t see anything on this site from Alan and Thoghtfull who were certain that the establishment was covering up a terrorist attack”
Not just them Albaman. This is not the first time in even recent history that, due to what appeared to be a suspicious clampdown on information, it’s walked like a duck and quacked like a duck but turned out to be something else. And let’s face it Albaman, you are quite often wrong. Although to be fair that’s only on days with a Y in.
Even Countryfile is not immune from the Labour Party’s order for the bBBC to keep talking about problems in the NHS. Tonight’s appalling party political brodcast showed us that remote Scottish neighbourhoods don’t have the same standard of GP service as cities, and that, without explanation, it has got worse since 2010.
Key question – Did they explain that the Scottish government is responsible for the NHS in Scotland?
No, never mentioned, of course.
Just heard a bit of Money Box a minute ago.
Apparently we`ll all get conned and robbed of our pensions if we ask the CAB or other charities about how best to get our pension pots.
Memories of 1991 alright.
Then File On Four will be telling us about mental health people not getting money on ESA or such, thanks to IDS and the Tories.
This will be on, later in the week.
Has the BBC ever done show on what Labour did to our economy-and why these rip offs are beyond Tories-but extended to Labours client state just as much?
The Tories are shit…but Labour are equally incompetent-but won`t bankrupt my kids to pay the unions off and the inner city Muslims payroll vote.
Yet the BBC only give it to the Tories…Labour seem to have been absent these last twenty years, other than as nice people who could do nothing.
As for Balls and Miliband being implicated for the 2007-8 crash…er,we`ll not go there.
Creeps…vote UKIP.
Ask the CAB whilst I appreciate they must get something right in my personal experience I have approached them twice with an issue in both cases they were absolutely useless. In one case they denied they had a service which I know they do. In fact a few years ago I applied to help out as I had extensive knowledge of the benefit system at the time they never even bothered to reply or acknowledge the application I gave them. Professionally my opinion of them is the same so much so it was standard practice to refer to them as cock and bull.
Wonderful new phrase on BBC One’s Six o’ clock news tonight – the need to preserve ‘cultural cohesion’ – what does that mean, shipping the English into a museum on the Isle of Wight to make room for Clegg’s Modern Britons?
The major story on the local news that followed was that the mighty Fox News had apologised for the 100% Muslim Birmingham story. The local vox pop featured three brown people, two white and two black so even the BBC believes Birmingham to be minority white! I guess it is only the fact that most Americans don’t even know where the UK is that stops them running ‘listen to what those idiot BBC Brits say about America’ stories every day. (I visited an organisation part US, part UK owned that flew the ‘stars and stripes’ and the Union Jack at the gate some years ago. We were asked if we came from France and when we said the UK we were asked if that was near Italy).
Merkel finds an excuse to ban the German people from having their democratic right to free speech.
A former soviet citizen in league with Muslim fascists destroys a peaceful protest.
The notion of those in power curtailing those who would protest views, citing fear of violence made from those they are protesting about has a depressingly familiar ring to it.
I wonder how TellMama would classify death threats, and which communities successfully put in fear? Some may think that is little more than terrorism.
Interesting state reaction, really.
This is a really dangerous precedent, if you ban the right of peaceful protest what is there left? The poodles have bowed once more to allah’s warped zombies and if the threat continues to grow then people will take matters into their own hands as there is no other choice.
The anti islam voice is getting louder and the appeasers had better take note otherwise they will suffer the consequences. The lefty’s have got what they wanted…a united Europe, only it’s against everything they stand for.
I really enjoyed the bbc’s Sunday morning comedy corner today, otherwise known as The ‘Big’ Questions…?, hosted by gameshow Nicky, followed by Sunday Politics, only Mitch Benn could have made it funnier.
The big questions was full of the usual mish mash of bbc favourites debating science versus religion and the origin of humans and seeing as not a one of them was present at that time the whole debate was a waste of space. My sense of humour was severely tested.
It was soon back on track when I watched the paedophile protector Harriet Harman get ripped to shreds by Andrew Neil, it got so cringeworthy that I almost felt sorry for her.
Every question was answered with the mantra…’well, the cost of living crisis’, after Q4 Neil commented..’that’s 4 mentions’. On the economy she stated that Obama and Christine La Garde were wrong over their recent positive comments on the UK economy…but milipede will get it right?
Q5 was related to a graph showing that milipede was well down the % ratings on trust in fixing the economy, Harman’s answer, ‘well, the public are wrong and if you take the cost of living crisis’!!! By now it was getting embarrassing.
All in all she mentioned the so called crisis EIGHT times, yet, when asked as to how liebour would cut the defecit to help the country she didn’t have a clue barring taxing mansions? She then went on to destroy liebour’s hopes of winning any Southern seats by saying it was right to tax the ‘rich’ down south to help pay for the Scottish NHS.
It was brilliant watching her squirm, Neil destroyed both her and liebour’s claims on getting the economy right, even he must have had enough of the lies. The only thing I hate more than Harman is nazislam.
Appeaser May wants to stamp out anti semitism. I wonder if the BBC report actually indicates who is responsible?
Might we add the national broadcaster which never misses a chance to vilify Israel, continues to suppress the Balen Report and employs Donaldson and Mishail – not enough Israelis killed – Hussein to poison the airwaves. Do you really want to make Jews welcome in the UK Mrs May? Then break up the BBC or better still resign along with Cameron and make way for a government that will .
Good analysis Glen – exactly what I saw and laughingly concluded about Harman’s little grasp of facts on Daily Politics this morning.
I find it absolutely amazing the thickness of the skin of this ex-Peadophile Information Exchange legal officer who I cannot believe has not been hounded off the Labour front bench due to her and her husbands historical connection to all this Peado stuff alone:
But I suppose like Balls and Miliband’s total involvement with the disastrous 2008 economic crash legacy the whole of Labour front bench believe their supporters are stupid enough to vote for them no matter what!
Just a further reminder of my Labour Legacy list I keep posting, for those who have not seen it before:
Vote Labour – Get ROTHERHAM + most other LABOUR COUNCILS
NHS Wales
I AGREE WITH YOU. But you broke the site. 😉
You forgot CHILDREN BEING RAISED BY SINGLE PARENTS which is one of the biggest dangers of all to social cohesion and welfare.
But your list is so long, you broke the site.
Ah, the site is back again. Attracting enemy fire?
Tx for that alert. Nice to know it’s back up. Does seem to suffer 48 hr outages a fair bit. Must test the poor techies.
Did the site get taken down? Breakfast and another BBc pleb stood in the snow for no apparent reason other to illustrate snow and dispense obvious driving tips.
Of course there was a reason — to prove the BBC is neutral about Global Warming! /SARC>
DB’s post on Radio 4’s new Head of
Aaargh, it’s the Daliy MailComedy seems to have disappeared.Delighted to have you back. Listen to Today this morning with two guests from the same side and I’m thinking my friends on Biased BBC would tell me who they are.
You can generally find who’s been on by going to the Today webpage and taking a gander at the running order.
Every time this system goes down I wonder if it is a cyber attack by the anti-Free Speech Jihadophiles at the BBC or their evil henchmen.
Yes. Pamela Geller, whose site has been put out of action by a massive cyber hit, is having to operate from a temporary site, here-
Of course, she and fellow American anti-Islamic jihad writer, Robert Spencer, are still banned from U.K by Cameron & May.
It looks as if the liberal establishment is getting scared and scared liberals are dangerous. Like scared sheep although that seems a bit unlikely.
In the end the liberal elite will get to understand the reality of it’s situation. It will lose power and wealth if it does not become a tyrrany.
So expect the liberal elite to increase anti free speech laws and to try to control the internet.
Ofsted moving against schools that fail to force feed the liberal mantras into the children is just the start
Soon the state will move against individuals it deems divisive.
Inside every expensively shod liberal’s foot is the desire to put on a steel capped jackboot.
Never has such hypocrisy been displayed by our elites than over the Charlie Hebdo affair.
We joke about BBC scare quotes but surely this is a headline where this would be appropriate? Is there another way to read ‘British Parliamentarians to speak out on injustices in Palestine’ other than that the injustices are proved and indisputable?
What a ridiculous web server which crashes for days at a time ! There’s barely a week goes by without this happening. Is the site under some cyber attack from the Fascist left, or is it just a hopeless server?
I think consideration needs to be given to moving to a web hosting outfit which actually works !
State of the Union: Obama demands spread of wealth
John Forbes Kerry? Not what you would call a poor man in his own right although not in the 1% class. Forbes magazine (founded by the Forbes family) estimate his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry ‘s fortune at $750 million. Definitely in the 1% class.
Hilary Clinton? Clinton’s most recent personal financial disclosure form, filed as she was leaving her post at the State Department, shows that she and her husband held assets worth between about $5.2 and $25.5 million in 2012 (the forms require only broad ranges of assets).
That number has surely grown in the past year, as Clinton likely earned millions in a book advance for her new memoir, and she and her husband can both collect hundreds of thousands of dollars for a single speech. And that doesn’t include their two multimillion-dollar homes, which are held in trusts for tax reasons. Probably together with Bill in the 1%.
Just saying because the BBC won’t.
No, but what the BBC will say, on its news home page, is:
US President Obama uses his State of the Union speech to pledge help for working families with the Republican-run Congress likely to resist.
Nasty Republicans, won’t help working families.
Any chance of getting Salmond or Sturgeon onto TV to ask what they would do just now regarding the Scottish Oil Crisis? How they would fund the extravagant Referendum promises despite a massive additional deficit ? Anyone? Hello ?
I notice Humphrys is back in Greece again. Conveniently, there’s an election there this weekend which will allow him time to check up on his real estate investment there and, also, visit his son who is resident: and all at the BBC licence-payers’ expense. Nice! BTW he doesn’t appear to speak Greek (although I’m sure he speaks it well enough to make himself understood to those who clean his villa) which, frankly, is a bit of a disadvantage if you’re reporting from . . er . . Greece. What happened to Theopi Skarlatos whose Greek is, as you’d expect, fluent?
Biased BBC out of commission yesterday and meanwhile I turn on BBC 1 tv Breakfast and hear sofa-wallah Bill Turnball say of lefty feel-good agitprop show Made in Dagenham : “another good message”
Tel Aviv: another murderous Islamic jihad attack, with Hamas support.
Will Beeboids be applauding the Islamic jihad response to this, as they oppose Israel and support Hamas?
From Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report-
“Izzat Risheq, a senior Hamas official, praised the stabbing attack.”
Of course, to BBC-NUJ, Hamas is not a murderous Islamic jihad outfit, but merely “militant”!
‘Daily Express’-
“Tel Aviv attack: Palestinian shot after stabbing seven passengers on commuter bus.
“At least seven people were wounded after a Palestinian man stabbed them onboard a busy commuter bus in Tel Aviv this morning.”
2.) INBBC-
“Israel bus attack: Tel Aviv passengers stabbed.”
Weaseling reporting so far … will it improve?
or disappear down the not of significance
BBC plughole.
One can assume the latter … oh no
wait a minute has an “inoocent.TM”
Palestinian been shot!
…. get our “Pally team” down there
“Hamas leaders praise Tel Aviv stabbing as ‘heroic.’
“Cartoon depicting bloodied knife colored as the Palestinian flag zooms around the Internet.”
Read more: Hamas leaders praise Tel Aviv stabbing as ‘heroic’ | The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook
More aggressive vehicles?
The attack occurred near the Maariv Bridge named after Israel’s 2nd largest newspaper. It is never quoted by the BBC because a) it is written in Hebrew and b) it is like almost all Israeli Jews and not a few Arabs pro Zionist.
Yo, Cameron!
H/T Guido for the link
‘… the BBC has followed the example of the Guardian and ignored Mr Winter’s testimony. This is wretched. The fact is that over the next few months Ed Miliband is making a job application for the most important position in this country. We are surely entitled to know every available scrap of detail about him. The testimony of the man in whose house he lived for two months, and fixed him his parliamentary seat, is of vital national significance. ‘
‘One of the most telling manifestations of the pathetic self-indulgence of modern journalism is the phenomenon of the “media commentator.”
Like those at the Indy, Graun or BBC still obsessed by an American broadcaster (who apologised for a poor claim quickly, which a certain trusted one nearer home is incapable of doing)?
Or the pervasive Steve Hewlett, start witness at the Future of the BBC inquiry (now heading towards a much fairer, inescapable loading of the licence poll tax on the council tax?), so on the pulse of matters media he did not know about 28Gate, but knew enough to know the BBC got it about right, whatever it was?
‘What is more, I am quite certain that the BBC would have given prominent coverage to this..
Unless, of course, to the goldfish bowlers, it is ‘not news’ (c) A. Newsroom Tealady. Or, more crucially… ‘bury at all costs’ ‘news’.
Wretched. But in a unique way.
‘…Instead the BBC has followed the example of the Guardian and ignored Mr Winter’s testimony…’
Par for the course for the BBC, on which Greenslade regularly ‘appears’ (what is it about his commentaries and analysis that they find so interesting?)
In the last week, the BBC have ignored:
– Labour’s attempt to hide an impending crash from the electorate
– The state of the Labour run NHS in Wales
– The IMFs ‘glowing’ praise of the management of Britain’s economy.
The BBC must be increasingly ‘frit’ that the Tories might win the forthcoming election.
Now, what interest-unconflicted reason might the BBC Labour stacked market rate floor have for being ‘frit’ that their boy doesn’t get in, and knows who he owes?
The pathetic troll attrition that follows shows just how frit they are across all the boards.
BBC ignoring, or not, seems very much in the frame:
‘BBC News at Six decided speculation about Page 3 was more important than ISIS, the NHS strike and even the death of Corrie’s Diedre last night.
When priority reflects obsession? And… speculation? I thought that was not allowed? Or is it only if the BBC engages in it?
Page 3 was as much an anachronism in the internet age as a rerun BBC2 Glenda Jackson outing, as the plot demanded it and the director promised it would be handled in good taste.
Where the bawagoneers alight next will be interesting.
Given the law of unintended consequences being enacted left, left and left of centre, it would be a pity and ironic if a BBC stretching of the boundaries fell foul.
One wonders why the BBC has not gone big on this story
It has all the right elements ,saintly Labour under attack from the evil UKIP , the heresy of islamaphobia. All grist to their racial engineering mill I would have thought.
Could they be concerned that their own leading role in that decades long conspiracy of silence might come under scrutiny in a way they can’t control or they do simply wish to push the forgotten fourteen hundred further down the memory hole?
Either way I wish this woman all possible luck in her fight against the massed ranks of the liberal inquisition (she’ll need it) and hope that one day the BBC are held fully accountable for their sin of silence
(Glad the sites back up not using same servers as Atlas shrugs are you?)