The BBC are VERY excited about the banning of page three girsl!
Given the amount of ‘indecency’ they’ve promoted over the years, including depiction of homosexuality before the watershed, regular snide double entendre with sexual innuendo and sexual acts its rank hypocrisy to be so prudish about the exposure of the female body in a national newspaper.
Does anyone care either way?
Hypocrisy from the feminists, its not OK for an attractive woman to be willingly paid to display her assets in a publication that only those to choose to pay for it see, yet its OK for them to get them out to breastfeed anytime, anyplace, anywhere regardless if anyone wants to see them or not….
Nope, couldn’t care less. If I want to see bare breasts, I just need to Google it.
However, one thing you can guarantee. It won’t be enough for the feminists, who will shriek that it doesn’t go far enough. Which is why you should never give in to these types, because they just go on to something else.
Ah but you forget that a woman’s body is hers and hers alone. Even her unborn child is part of it and may be aborted without shame. She can tattoo it and pierce it where ever she likes, she can wrap it in a black shroud, she can even mutilate her own genitals.
But god forbid she should give others pleasure by displaying it. The Whore!
“Islamic State plans 24-hour jihad TV channel
Why? … CNN, MSNBC and the BBC not enough for them? “
The Islamic State Plans own TV Channel”
Japanese PM:
“Extremism and Islam are completely different things”
The imam (Not-Quite-Honest Abe) joins his fellow imams Barack Obama, John Kerry, Joe Biden, David Cameron, Theresa May and others in explaining that what the Islamic State is doing has “nothing to do with Islam”
R Spencer
sheesh! (the puns are coming thick and fast this morning)
Anyway … on the day that 800, 000 join protests, NOT protesting against the murder of twelve cartoonists for drawing Mohamhead. … protesting AGAINST the Mohamhead cartoons,
Whilst in Niger: Muslim mobs torch 45 churches in Motoon riots
And nothing but whining complaints after a letter asks Imams to “do more” about extremism, led by “offence monger central”
“Bradford mosques leader demands apology over terror letter”
… erm Muslims and Demand, anyone see a pattern emerging?
A prescient point indeed.
What do we get as a phone in on BBC radio?
by N “the offended” Campbell?.
Birthpool experiences
‘does anyone else feel a tad queasy that the murderous activities of Boko Haram have been graced with a corporate logo by BBC News – a nice clean branding better than anything these thugs could create ?’
Endorsing the author’s point, not within the BBC clearly. And one is sure CECUTT will take a year to decide that they are cool with it too.
Still, good propaganda has always involved neat graphics. Ask a T-shirt vendor near you. Or Cuba.
OT other than as possible EBO (Editorial by Omission), but it will be interesting to see whether the goldfish in that bowl decided this was news or not (currently the UK home page feels ‘Kiss and ride’ is defo… ‘news’) given all the contacts the staff must have made as they grieved all over the shop…
BBC news – “Tel Aviv bus passengers stabbed
A Palestinian man is shot and injured by security officers
after stabbing at least 10 people in an attack on a Tel Aviv bus”
“The Islamic State has called for jihad attacks against Infidel civilians, and we see them increasingly, in Israel, Europe and the U.S.
But authorities are content to wave their hands and insist it has nothing to do with Islam, which means they have no clue as to the motive of these attacks … and don’t want one.
Which means there will be many more such attacks”
R Spencer
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
The BBC are VERY excited about the banning of page three girsl!
Given the amount of ‘indecency’ they’ve promoted over the years, including depiction of homosexuality before the watershed, regular snide double entendre with sexual innuendo and sexual acts its rank hypocrisy to be so prudish about the exposure of the female body in a national newspaper.
Does anyone care either way?
Hypocrisy from the feminists, its not OK for an attractive woman to be willingly paid to display her assets in a publication that only those to choose to pay for it see, yet its OK for them to get them out to breastfeed anytime, anyplace, anywhere regardless if anyone wants to see them or not….
Lefty Top Trumps – FEMEN topless women or Self-Empowered topless models ?
Nope, couldn’t care less. If I want to see bare breasts, I just need to Google it.
However, one thing you can guarantee. It won’t be enough for the feminists, who will shriek that it doesn’t go far enough. Which is why you should never give in to these types, because they just go on to something else.
Ah but you forget that a woman’s body is hers and hers alone. Even her unborn child is part of it and may be aborted without shame. She can tattoo it and pierce it where ever she likes, she can wrap it in a black shroud, she can even mutilate her own genitals.
But god forbid she should give others pleasure by displaying it. The Whore!
“Islamic State plans 24-hour jihad TV channel
Why? … CNN, MSNBC and the BBC not enough for them? “
The Islamic State Plans own TV Channel”
Japanese PM:
“Extremism and Islam are completely different things”
The imam (Not-Quite-Honest Abe) joins his fellow imams Barack Obama, John Kerry, Joe Biden, David Cameron, Theresa May and others in explaining that what the Islamic State is doing has “nothing to do with Islam”
R Spencer
sheesh! (the puns are coming thick and fast this morning)
Anyway … on the day that 800, 000 join protests, NOT protesting against the murder of twelve cartoonists for drawing Mohamhead. … protesting AGAINST the Mohamhead cartoons,
Whilst in Niger: Muslim mobs torch 45 churches in Motoon riots
And nothing but whining complaints after a letter asks Imams to “do more” about extremism, led by “offence monger central”
“Bradford mosques leader demands apology over terror letter”
… erm Muslims and Demand, anyone see a pattern emerging?
A prescient point indeed.
What do we get as a phone in on BBC radio?
by N “the offended” Campbell?.
Birthpool experiences
A few ‘in other news’ before the tail-end Charlie ‘weekend’ thread evolves:
Nice to see how what is ‘news’ and ‘not news’ gets decided, at least for one day. Sure the rest are just like that.
‘listening post to radio services around the world, recording, transcribing, translating and analysing bulletins in search of intelligence’
So, a filter in, and a filter out, serving the filter above. Not news to many students of BBC watertight oversight and editorial omission.
Still, a picture is worth a thousand words:
‘does anyone else feel a tad queasy that the murderous activities of Boko Haram have been graced with a corporate logo by BBC News – a nice clean branding better than anything these thugs could create ?’
Endorsing the author’s point, not within the BBC clearly. And one is sure CECUTT will take a year to decide that they are cool with it too.
Still, good propaganda has always involved neat graphics. Ask a T-shirt vendor near you. Or Cuba.
‘The BBC appears to be having some trouble counting the number of its staff working’
There, fixed that for you, Mr. Rogers.
OT other than as possible EBO (Editorial by Omission), but it will be interesting to see whether the goldfish in that bowl decided this was news or not (currently the UK home page feels ‘Kiss and ride’ is defo… ‘news’) given all the contacts the staff must have made as they grieved all over the shop…
‘In Cape Town, the state does not exist to serve political parties.’
Is there a state media by chance? Like here?
Labour Party (with Beeboid support) stop gas exploration in Lancashire.
The next time they feign to complain about unemployment, and economic growth levels in North West England, they should be reminded of this:-
“Cuadrilla Lancashire fracking application ‘should be refused'”
BBC news – “Tel Aviv bus passengers stabbed
A Palestinian man is shot and injured by security officers
after stabbing at least 10 people in an attack on a Tel Aviv bus”
A… typical BBC headline, yet again.
Miss out the third line.
Tel Aviv bus passengers stabbed
Palestinian man is shot and injured by security officers
“The Islamic State has called for jihad attacks against Infidel civilians, and we see them increasingly, in Israel, Europe and the U.S.
But authorities are content to wave their hands and insist it has nothing to do with Islam, which means they have no clue as to the motive of these attacks … and don’t want one.
Which means there will be many more such attacks”
R Spencer
Have a good physique and coordination skills? Use those attributes to earn money as an athlete or tennis player? No problem!
Have a good brain and fortunate enough to have a good education? Use those attributes to earn money as a MP or journalist? No problem!
Have a pretty face and shapely figure? Use those attributes to earn money as a model? Never!
The ‘goodness’ of such a brain is by what measure?