Adrian Goldberg has a Jewish father and a Catholic mother…is he Jewish? No idea…but he is married to a Muslim…..or rather someone who presumably was a Muslim as such marriages between a Muslim girl and a non-believer are forbidden in Islam…unless the non-believer converts to Islam. So either Goldberg has converted or his wife has given up her faith for love.
Why the family history?
Goldberg himself has raised the issue….his latest programme being introduced with him as having a personal interest in the subject…that of mixed marriages.
You may think this was yet another BBC attempt at social engineering, and you’d be right. The programme I heard, the second one, the real purpose of the programme seemed to be to highlight and point out the bigotry of Jews and Christians than in being really concerned about the difficulties in a ‘mixed marriage’.
The subtext of the programme was intended to tell us that it is not just Muslims who are intolerant and bigoted….so stop worrying about Islam and the Islamisation of Europe.
Now Muslims didn’t get a mention…but you know that is the message we are meant to take away…hence the importance of Goldberg’s identity and marriage….he has a horse in this race…a Trojan Horse.
Think not? Goldberg is well known as an anti-EDL campaigner writing articles against them and for campaigning to ban them from Birmingham…so much for democracy and freedom of expression.
Here he is in ‘The Stirrer’…a journal he started and edited until he went back to work for the BBC when he declared such an interest was incompatible with his new job….however, of course, he still holds those views.
How ironic that plans for a proposed new mosque in Dudley were withdrawn on the same day as four protesters from the English Defence League staged a rooftop protest on the site. Stirrer editor Adrian Goldberg argues that while the decision was pragmatic, it was also a bad day for tolerance.
They appear to be not just anti-Jihadist, but anti-Islamic, and having scented blood can now be expected to step up their protests against wider expressions of the faith, not just its violent fringe elements.
The pressure they exerted in Dudley helped persuade a respectable religious community to dramatically change its plans despite having the full weight of the law behind it – and their climbdown had the collusion of supposedly respectable mainstream politicians.
We should all mourn the decision and fear the consequences.
At stake is nothing less than freedom of worship and expression – English values which the English Defence League appears not to value.
Goldberg joined forces with Islamist Respect politician Salma Yaqoob to ban the EDL from Brimingham…here he is pressing his point home….

Adrian Goldberg, Khalid Mahmood MP and John Hemming MP also attended the public meeting calling for an EDL ban. Pic: John Tyrrell
Just so we know who’s behind the mike and what they really think on these issues when interviewing others on the subject.
“Harpreet is Sikh and married to a Muslim – she loves him and says she won’t leave him but fourteen years into marriage feels marrying outside of her faith was the wrong thing to do. Glyn is agnostic and lives with Orthodox Jew David. Their marriage involves balancing David’s strict religious observance with their gay lifestyle. Tauseef grew up Muslim but has been atheist since he was a teenager. He ended up married to a Muslim woman who has become increasingly strong in her faith and says he will do anything to keep their struggling marriage alive – including taking Islamic classes”
From that summary it would seem one historic religion in Britain does not participate in mixed marriages. Or maybe as this is the BBC Asian network it feels it can ignore Christianity as it is not an ‘asian’ religion (ignoring the major exceptions of China, Korea, India and the Philippines)
Also a women who marries a Muslim man must convert to Islam so must her children. Hence Princess Di and Paris. Prince William becomes king and is the head of the Church of England and a Muslim? I think not!
“Adrian Goldberg has a Jewish father and a Catholic mother…is he Jewish? No idea…but he is married to a Muslim…”
I congratulate you Alan for laying out your bigotry quite so clearly for once.
You can’t just judge a programme by it’s content, or it’s producer by what he has to say. No, at all times you must remember he is MARRIED to a MUSLIM. [Ignore for the moment that he said he was married to someone of “Muslim heritage”; it’s close enough to consider him tainted.]
“…the real purpose of the programme seemed to be to highlight and point out the bigotry of Jews and Christians than in being really concerned about the difficulties in a ‘mixed marriage’.”
That is just complete bullshit Alan. The concerns of the respective families were treated entirely sympathetically, not least by the couple in the centre of it all.
But never mind because any programme about Christians, or any programme about Jews, and especially any programme about Christians and Jews; is actually about MUSLIMS.
Everybody knows that EVERY tv or radio programme is about MUSLIMS (apart from programmes about Muslims; which are actually about JEWS.)
“…hence the importance of Goldberg’s identity and marriage….he has a horse in this race…a Trojan Horse.”
”Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. ”
Dez my friend, you sound like a mental patient.
He’s not a patient, yet.
If he is his doctor needs retraining.
Just ignore the tiresome troll
On that Dudley mosque? …
The people of Dudley said a definite NO to the proposal TWICE in petitions organised by UKIP (hurrah?)
one 36,000 and
second over 70,000 signatures – the LARGEST EVER in Dudley history
As a commenter states “HOW OFTEN DO YOU HAVE TO SAY? : NO MEANS NO?”
When local councils are infiltrated by Islam? the answer?
“A controversial planning application for a mega mosque that will dominate the skyline in Dudley was given the go ahead by council planners, then only a short distance away, Muslims in Smethwick revealed plans to knock down their own single storey mosque and replace it with an imposing 3 storey mosque”
On Mr Goldberg
“Adrian Goldberg on how running a website helped uncover police surveillance of muslim areas”.
I ask Dez … Why would that be a concern? … if anything it should be lauded, particularly in light of recent events, the folly of NOT doing it will be bought into sharp focus … I just hope it isn t too soon
“One investigation in particular – into the employment of CCTV cameras in largely muslim areas of the city without consultation – was picked up by The Guardian’s Paul Lewis, who discovered its roots in anti-terrorism funds. The coverage led to an investigation into claims of police misleading councillors, and
… the eventual halting of the scheme”
I travel around the UK a lot with work and there are CCTV cameras following me all the time. But as Im not a suicide bomber or harbour any ideas of beheading the police or armed forces I don’t feel threatened or feel the need to start my own website
Der Der Dez’s post reminds of the film ‘The Princess Bride’ starring Cary Elwes.
In a particular scene Elwes’ character is having a duel of minds with his kidnapper foe over who has actually got some poison in their cup of wine.
Elwes outwits his foe and after both drinking their wine, his foe, thinking he has won the duel, breaks into a ridiculously inane laugh, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah……and then promptly drops dead…if only in this case!
adrian goldberg has always tried to hide his jewish heritage,they call people like him self hating jews who side with and have empathy for the enemy of isreal and within the left who want to hurt and denounce the isreali state which he has done many times working in local radio for the bbc,the left seem to attract alot of people like him who work in the media.why that is anybodys guess, i just call the guy out as a turncoat traitor not only to the state of isreali but to the uk as well.simple as that.
Gavin Esler is another one.
..the left seem to attract a lot of people …who work in the media. why that is anybody’s guess
No need to guess; the big HR idea these days is Values Based Recruitment, VBR:
The core event in the process is the Values Based Interview:
The old emphasis on skills and abilities is long gone.
I haven’t found any links to Adrian Goldberg as anti Israel nor, thankfully, lecturing as-a-Jew on how Israel should behave. Anyone have any references?
All those child rapists now belatedly arrested ,are also known in MSM parlance as of “Pakistani” heritage. In reality they are hard core Muslim Pakistanis, following the example set by — Charlie?
The word “heritage” is becoming vogue.
there is a lot of them about, the whole of the BBC is staffed with them.
Is Kirsty Squawk jewish ? she doesn’t look Scottish.
I don’t think thE JC (Jewish Chronicle) has found Kirstey and they are normally very good at identifying Jews.
”At stake is nothing less than freedom of expression – English values which the English Defence League appears not to value.”
”Adrian Goldberg also attended the public meeting calling for an EDL BAN.”
Hmm, so no hypocrisy there then.
Maybe we have reached “Peak Islam”. I am sick to death of hearing of this medieval cult from the BBC, day after day, non-stop, story after story. You would be forgiven for thinking the BBC have employed a lot of religious activists, who then use their position as a pulpit.
Enough is enough. You can’t fight the BBC, those that pay for the BBC have no say in anything, their moderators will see to that.
So, from now on, first mention of the M word or I word, first sight of the bearded-ones, the off switch.
Whilst the off switch may (I doubt it) register on the ratings meter, the unique funding spigot remains on unless that rejection extends to the licence poll tax DD.
For how long this last avenue of protest will exist is in doubt now as the notion of opt-out immune levies on unavoidable payments are floated more and more for ‘vital’ civic services such as Sherlock & Strictly.
Food banks and circuses, plebs.
Do the folks at the BBC realise that in the caliphate Strictly will be banned ,as will dancing ,even when fully clothed, along with many other things we now take for granted eg gay rights, female equality, to name but two. I just can’t understand how even the most stupid lefty doesn’t realise that the biggest threat to those ideals which they supposedly hold dear, is Islam.
They are using a so-called “religion” Islam, to destroy the West. Once they have achieved that, they hope to destroy Islam and Muslims.
When it comes to genocide on a grand scale, socialists/communists/ Marxists have no equal.
Do the folks at the BBC realise that in the caliphate Strictly will be banned
So what about all those Muslim countries that have bought the format and produced their own versions? Or is this just another one of those pesky “facts” that Biased BBC commenters have heard rumours of, but ignore lest it get in the way of their own little fantasy world?
“So what about all those Muslim countries that have bought the format ”
I think you’ll find that those countries are not considered to be ‘proper’ Islamic states by the fundamentalists of ISIS ,Al-Qaeda or Boko Haram, they make their inclusion into the caliphate (wether Sunni or Shia) a priority and are not shy about shedding their coreligionists blood to achieve that end. If you believe that there will be space for you in an Islamic future you are sadly mistaken.
hey scott, heres another pesky “fact” for you. this is what islam says should happen to you, and you defend it!!!!!!!!
Radio goes off when he is on. He has a horrible grating voice, which seems to be the norm now for many of the new R5 presenters.
Nearly smashed the radio, when, a week or so before christmas the world’s stupidest woman, on the Breakfast Show, asked us all – “Is Christianity a necessary part of a Nativity Play?”. God help us.
… a horrible grating voice, which seems to be the norm now for many of the new R5 presenters.
The Beeb shudders with shame about the years when it only employed people who could speak properly. Such elitism denied fairness to people with poor voices.
Judaism is traditionally only transmitted through the female line. Some groups such as the Reform Movement have adopted a bilineal policy: one is a Jew if either of one’s parents is Jewish, provided that either (a) one is raised as a Jew, by Reform standards, or (b) one engages in an appropriate act of public identification.
So Adrian Goldberg would not be Jewish by either criteria (at least as much as I can find in a Google search. He seems to avoid making any mention of being Jewish which is a good sign that he is not). That hasn’t stopped him being described as Jewish, often disparagingly.
A moment’s research would show that Jewishness is conferred through the maternal line, not the paternal. The Roman Catholic also insists on children of a marriage between Catholic and non-Catholic parents being brought up in the Catholic faith.
By rights, he ought to describe himself as a lapsed Catholic.
Having been raised in a largely Jewish area I was always given to believe that being Jewish is conferred from one’ smother, not one’s father. Therefore, he is not, strictly speaking, Jewish…although he may have been raised practising that faith.