Phew!!! What a relief eh? The barbarians have been defeated, the takeover of Greek politics by the nazi scumbags of the Far Right hasn’t happened…the BBC’s warnings from history about Hitler’s ressurrection as an Ouzo drinking, plate smashing immigrant basher were just so much paranoid delusion.
Instead we have the delightful prospect of a radical far left group in charge…and in charge of that group…
Alexis Tsipras, “the most dangerous man in Europe”
….which must come as a bit of a surprise to anyone who has watched the BBC over the last few years since the big crash. Who knew eh? Whatever happened to that neo-Nazi group that was set to storm, according to the BBC, the Greek parliament and take Europe back to the Golden Dawn of a new Dark Ages?
We’ve seen the BBC’s flexible moral relativism when it comes to defining what is or isn’t terrorism when carried out by adherents to the religion of peace but when it comes to anyone who even gives a hint of having dubiously unacceptable thoughts about limiting immigration suddenly the gloves come off, the moral relativity goes out the window and the firm smack of the liberal intelligentsia’s very own Inquisition is felt far and wide as they mobilise to stop the thought crimes before they can ‘pollute’ the public conversation, the very one sided public conversation, about immigration.
The BBC that won’t call a spade a spade or a terrorist a terrorist, the BBC that refuses to acknowledge that Islam is the divine guide and sanction for those terrorists, is the same BBC that has absolutely no problem labelling UKIP as the ‘Far Right’ or even associating them with Nazis purely on the basis that they want to control, not stop, immigration…and today we have further evidence of that attitude…mention immigration and you’re of the ‘Far Right’….Syriza in Greece have formed a coalition with the Independent Greek Party…the BBC tells us ..…
What unites Greece’s new coalition partners is fierce opposition to budget cuts. Alexis Tsipras and Independent Greeks leader Panos Kammenos are anti-bailout to the core.
Earlier, he [Tsipras] formed a coalition with the centre-right Independent Greeks.
The ‘centre-right party’? Sounds almost moderate and progressive. However all day on the radio we’ve heard that they are the next closest thing to having the SS marching into Greece again…and indeed a few sentences down we’re told that they are ‘hardline right-wingers’…..and just for good measure they throw in ‘conservatism’….
a hardline right-winger on issues such as immigration….The problem for Mr Tsipras is that many of his own supporters revile Mr Kammenos’s conservatism
Remarkable that the BBC is so ready to denounce anyone who does not follow its own agenda on immigration as the ‘Far Right’ or ‘Hardline Right -wingers’…or subtly associate them with Nazis…..even when they have quite moderate immigration policies…..just wonder how they describe Labour’s Frank Field when he too reveals he wants immigration to be controlled.
But this has been the story we have been fed by the BBC since the crash…the Far Right are set to make overwhelming gains in Europe bringing back the prospect of ethnic cleansing, Nazism and worse.
The BBC has steadfastly refused to accept or admit there is any threat from the Islamisation of Europe or indeed from the Left….and has often not just looked away but actively attempted to persuade you that there is no threat, that it is all an illusion dreamt up by racists, Islamophobes and ‘right-wing’ politicians ‘capitalising’ on tragedies such as Charlie Hebdo.
There are , thankfully, more reliable, more honest sources of news, sources of the truth, than the BBC.
Muslim attempts to subvert and undermine the democratic, secular nature of Europe are well known and don’t need re-running here at this time but a few examples of the Left’s dark underbelly might be in order.
The BBC has invested a great deal of time and money in warning us of the dangers of the growth right wing movements and has expressed great fear of their success in elections across Europe….going so far as to air ‘The Nazis: A Warning From History’ just before the European elections…the message obvious…the EU is good…it keeps the peace….vote UKIP and leave the EU and the Nazis will rise again.
On the other hand the BBC has also invested a great deal of time and money in promoting the interests of left wing revolutionaries and radicals….going so far as to employ them, Occupy’s radical priest, the bigoted and ‘Christian’ fraud Giles Fraser, or give them so much airtime as if they were ‘employed’ on the BBC shilling…such as Russell Brand. The BBC devotes little if any time to exposing left wing violence and the consequences of their ideology being implemented.
Such left wing extremism and violence is deliberately ignored…where have you seen the BBC investigating the UAF in a similar way that it did the EDL. The UAF is, despite its name, a Fascist organisation led by an extremist Muslim paid at the behest of its paymasters the far left Unite Union….which also pays for a certain Ed Miliband & Co and has expressed a belief that ’non-democratic’ methods should be used to further its political aims. Surely a tangled web of extremist interests that should be investigated.
Looking the other way when it is politically convenient is a habit for those on the left and in government especially when events involve certain communities who have been given a special status and immunity from political and social censure by virtue of their race or religion…
In the US a black man executes two police officers in a racially motivated attack….apparently he is ‘mentally unstable’.
In France there are many attacks by Muslims on the Public…again dismissed as not being terrorist events but the result of ‘mental instability’.
In Australia the hostage taking Muslim was also labelled ‘mentally unstable’.
Jihadis heading off to Syria or those generally attracted to fighting for the cause of Islam are often labelled ‘mad’, ignorant and not real Muslims.
Everyone knows the truth…and official attempts to deny the real motives of these people fool no-one…..even the BBC has raised a sceptical eye:
The French authorities are reluctant to say anything to encourage the idea that there is any kind of pattern behind the three attacks.
This was not terrorism, is the official line. Similarly in Nantes, there is a strict embargo on speculation about the motives for the attack.
All of which is perfectly understandable. But many people will be asking themselves if there is not some copycat effect being played out. Also, even if it is established the car attacks were the work of unbalanced individuals, might not Islamist propaganda have played some role in pushing them to the act?
However that doesn’t stop the BBC which, as well as denying any link to Islam, is conversely more than ready to make spurious speculative links to the Far Right for any attack on Muslims or other such ‘victims’ as the BBC sees them.
The Boston Bombs were, according to the BBC, the work of right wing white supremacists….as ‘all the evidence pointed to’ according to Evan Davis and Mark Mardell.
Similarly a mosque is allegedly firebombed in Sweden and the culprits are ‘far right, anti-immigration, neo-nazis’…never mind no one had been arrested and there was absolutely no evidence yet that indicated this….and what is more the BBC refuses to investigate the well known violence of the left in Sweden…or that of Muslim immigrants…instead we have one sided, and highly inaccurate, reports such as this:
Swedish mosque hit by arson in Eskilstuna, injuring five
An arsonist set fire to a mosque in the Swedish town of Eskilstuna on Thursday, injuring five people, police said.
The incident comes amid a fierce debate in Sweden over immigration policies.
The far right wants to cut the number of asylum seekers allowed into Sweden by 90%, while mainstream parties are intent on preserving the country’s liberal policy.
Police are treating the incident as arson but no arrests have been made so far, Mr Franzell added.
And this…..
However the Mosque fire was in fact an accident…but that didn’t stop the BBC leaping to the conclusions it wanted to about Muslims under attack from Far Right extremists….
The BBC continued to concentrate on the ‘threat’ from the Far Right in Sweden…..
Swedish neo-Nazis: Moves to de-radicalise amid far-right rise
Sweden is still home to an active and at times violent neo-Nazi movement, and there are fears that rising popularity of the Sweden Democrats will also benefit the extremists.
This is the BBC that brought us Muslim propaganda in the shape of cartoons...hope you didn’t find them offensive…if you did perhaps a bit of ‘non-terrorism’ might be in order! The BBC seems to think it is just fine to do so.
Back in the UK Mark Mardell tells us that certain sectors of the population are unhappy with politics as they are now….but who does he concentrate on?…the Right…….comparing UKIP to the Tea Party who are apparently ‘malcontents’…a dismissive term of abuse from Mardell……
Disconnected generation ready to make Westminster pay
And in the south of England it is the rise of UKIP that has forced Team Westminster to examine what the future might hold.
It is a situation that has been reflected by events in the US.The Tea Party, which is not a party, but a hydra-headed movement of like-minded malcontents.
Far right
In Europe the far right are on the march. They have increased their vote, most recently in Sweden.
But it is France that worries many in the political centre, not only in Paris, but even more in Brussels and Berlin.
Ah yes, the Far Right eh! No mention of Muslim terrorists and extremists subverting democracy.
No, no Muslims….but there is that looming Far Right threat again……
France shaken up by Zemmour and ‘new reactionaries’
By Hugh SchofieldThere is a new intellectual force in France – giving shape and weight to ideas that challenge the disastrous post-1968 left-wing consensus.
That at least is the hope of the so-called neo-reactionnaires (new reactionaries) – a loose group of writers and thinkers who want to shake up debate on issues like immigration, Islam and national identity.
Of course others see the group rather differently.
For their enemies they are rabble-rousers, providing spurious philosophical cover for the extremism of the National Front (FN).
Surely abit of left wing violence can’t be all that hard to find……and you know what, it isn’t….so let’s have a look at some examples of the Left and its violent, militant tendencies….
“Red Flora”, as Hamburg’s leftist community centre is named, sticks out like a sore thumb in the city’s hip, alternative yet increasingly upmarket Schanzenviertel district. Last week it prompted police to declare the centre of one of Europe’s richest port cities a “danger zone” and caused the US embassy to issue travel warnings to citizens contemplating a visit.
“If stopped without proper identification, persons may be detained by Hamburg police without further justification,” Berlin’s American embassy cautioned last Wednesday. The draconian measures would appear to have turned posh Hamburg and its famous if less smart Reeperbahn red light district into the Teutonic equivalent of Belfast during the Troubles.
The entrance to the Reeperbahn’s Davidwache police station was festooned with police barricades last week. Police helicopters circled above the city. Uniformed officers conducted stop-and-search operations. Last Wednesday, police were involved in skirmishes with left-wing protesters who pelted them with fireworks. “Many people who live here are fed up with the violence and destruction,” was how Hamburg’s police trade union president, Joachim Lenders, justified the new measures.Jump in left-wing violence in Germany ‘alarming’
Black-clad crowds stormed past closed and boarded banks, businesses and stores, shouting anti-fascist and anti-capitalist slogans in Berlin’s trendy Kreuzberg district.
But leftist protests like this one on May Day have for many years ended not in song but riots, car burnings and broken shop windows.leftist crimes rose 40% to 8,673 acts in 2013, nearly half of which were property damage. Violent crimes by leftists rose 28% to 1,659 – largely altercations with police and right-wing groups during demonstrations.
“The increase in politically motivated crimes is alarming,” said Germany’s interior minister, Thomas de Maizière, earlier this week.
“Violence by extreme left-wing offenders increased and the number of anti-foreigner crimes increased last year, too,” he said. “More people were injured through politically motivated crimes than in previous years.”The Return of the Radicals: Crisis Fuels Rise in Left-Wing Extremist Violence
Following the 2007 protests at the G-8 meeting in Heiligendamm, the number of attacks by leftist extremists has risen dramatically in Germany. The government is increasing its focus on the autonomists, but authorities know little about a new generation that is torching cars, and worse, in its fight.
German Interior Ministry crime statistics for 2009 show a 53 percent jump in the number of left-wing attacks, the largest increase seen in many years. Police recorded a total of 1,822 left-wing acts of violence in all of Germany, considerably more than those committed by right-wing extremists.
Leftwing Acts of Violent Extremism
Left-Wing “Stop The Violence” Organizers Arrested For Nearly Beating Roommate To Death…
Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) in India
It has become almost a cliché to say that the LWE situation is the most serious internal threat facing the country.
And never mind all that old fashioned Communism in the USSR and Commie China. How many millions died, were killed, casting off their chains?
Yep…the threat is definitely from the Far Right and Nigel Farage.
Watch out. You have been warned.
Meanwhile in a galaxy not so far away (unfortunately)
The ‘rise of the far-right’; do they imagine that in every country in Europe there is some secret underground bunker where Nazi shock troops have been quietly bred and trained, ready to rise up to form the new Reich?
Or could it be that ordinary men and women, the sort they went to school with, play with or work with, just decide to put their cross in a different box to the one preferred by the promoters of entropy?
It’s called democracy.
Ve av vays of making you pay your tv licence
It’s just labels to differentiate skirmishes between violent totalitarian groups trying to seize power.
There are just three words you need to know to understand the aims of would-be mass murderers:
Fascism: state control of the individual
Socialism: state control of commerce
Communism: state control of both
It’s an old cliche amongst the critics, but there were really no differences between Stalin, Hitler, even the French revolutionaries. They defined the enemies of the new progressive state and put them to death. Once an enemy becomes a category (rather then troublesome questioning individuals) then the carnage will begin.
If Winston Churchill were here now, would political left label him ‘far right’?
The historic recording of his funeral 50 years ago, is to be broadcast this FRIDAY, (in HD), from 9:15 a.m, UK time, on Parliament channel.
This will not affect continuing BBC-NUJ political support for entry of Islamising Turkey into European Union, so as to speed up the Islamisation of Europe-
“UN harshly criticises Turkey for deterioration of human rights”
When are people going to stop talking about the NAZI’s as the far right. The clues is in the name, National Socialist. People should do some research or actually read Hitler speeches. He was a socialist who admired Karl Marx. Stalin called him a fascist after he joined the allies as an insult.
Read this from the not exactly right wing Indy
Fascism is a form of left wing extreme nationalism who lied to call themselves ‘the third way’ as did New Labour.
If the far right want to control immigration , the far left as proved by those countries that were run by it eg ceauscu s Romania want to control emigration . Which is worse , BBC ?
Nicolae Ceauşescu.
With the end of the cold war, I actually think that the appalling failure of communism is slipping out of people’s consciousness. How many times do young people say “why should I know this, it was before my time” and “dead people don’t matter”. Well, it’s inevitable that more and more people with that tendency are going to be working for the BBC. Reagan should have kept the Communist Bloc emaciated, not destroyed them.
Controlling immigration is too late. Islamisation of Europe is inevitable unless Islamic immigration is reversed.
Who or what is the UAF
i hate that word far right,what does it mean, in fact it was made up by the vicious nasty left to smear people who are not fascist or racist to be judged exactly as that,now if i was to describe anybody as far right these lot in isis and there supporters in the uk would certainly fit that profile,whenever you hear the left use that word far right you can bet your bottem dollar they always wheel out that insult when they are losing the argument and want to stifle free speech and expression.
I understand it was called “smear and jeer” recently. That sounds about right (ie; correct). It must be a terrible burden for Socialists to believe in a doctrine that has never, ever, been successful.
I also detest the way a good word such as “gay”, has been taken over by a homosexuals.
I note that share prices in Greece (especially the banks) are collapsing faster than the WTC and interest rates on Greek Bonds have gone up.
And the cabinet haven’t even met yet!
“In Defense of Europe’s So-called Far Right”