Here you go, a new Open Thread. BBC in a bit of a spot – they are delighted a hard left bunch of communists and other assorted leftists have won power in Greece but then concerned this could lead to the unravelling of the EU! Anyway, the floor is yours…
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Maybe they are ‘Radical Gunmen’ rather than Terrorists in the eyes of the BBC?
No, they are just armed ‘men’.
BBC radio 4 Today news programme in full Labour electioneering mode. This morning’s top news story was Labour’s latest nhs policy announcement. However by 11 o’clock this news item was no longer even mentioned in the radio news headlines. This seems to be a regular event with Labour having a direct line to the Today programme editorial team.
Yes, it’s sickening, and so obvious. By the 1 o’clock bBBC TV
Labour Party Political Broadcast‘news’ the NHS had been replaced by the economy, with ten seconds of George Osborne followed by 5 minutes of Ed Balls. Thankfully, Balls digs himself deeper into the mire with every sentence he utters, so the longer time given to the Shadow Chancellor may actually work to Osborne’s advantage.Similarly on Labour Party-Beeboid Radio 4 ‘World at One’ today:
-all about Labour and NHS, as preparatory for pro-Labour Party General Election bias.
The latest from the filthy disease that is the BBC.
The Big Questions @bbcbigquestions
Our one big question this morning: Is the time coming to lay the Holocaust to rest? #BBCTBQ
Sort of a ’12 Years A Concentration Camp Inmate’ thing?
It was a different time.
Oh… no.. that’s good for centuries. And everyone from Lenny to Bonny would be on the direct line to Lord Pantone before you could say ‘special access’.
One is sure Benedict Cumberbach can explain the difference in that special way of his.
And yet after 1000 years the bBC still continue to bitch about the evil crusades, the crime of how Islam was kicked out of peaceful Spain.
I hope you guys are all ready for the next liebour government……After what I have seen and heard on bbbc radio and TV today there is no chance of any member of the public being actually exposed to the facts. Its probably better for the prols anyway to let bbbc make the important decisions as to what is best for us. Mind you, Sky is just as biased these days. I found today quite a scary demonstration of the power of the media
I listened to Jeremy Vine interviewing Cameron today, God what a lightweight! Mr Slippery ran rings round him, J.V. hasn’t the mental acuity to interview politicians as cunning as ‘Call me Dave’, his brother would probably have done a better job.
“Two days before Holocaust Memorial Day,
BBC asks: ‘Is the time coming to lay the Holocaust to rest?'”
“As Islamic anti-Semitism drives Jews out of Europe, the BBC eagerly carries water for the Jew-haters. But what else would you expect in today’s cowed, subjugated Dhimmi Britannia? They’re cavalier about the mass murder of Jews seventy years ago, just as they’re cavalier about the calls from their Muslim masters for a new genocide of the Jews.”
Credit where credit is due… R4 PM decent coverage of Auschwitz anniversary tonight; straight factual reporting.
The concern for me comes with :-
A. the repeated term “where 100,000s lost their lives … mostly Jews” …
they just happened to be there? deliberate downplaying of the stated aims and goal.
B. Al BBC the bleating repetition of the commission being set up
cue N Kaplinsky, and this reps of … “all faiths” twaddle
… could that include a certain ideology that
oft denies the last holocaust?
whilst vowing to reign in the next?
that has UK reps that have repeatedly refused to attend previous holocaust days?
I would like to see this chap Pat Condell, appear on Question Time.
All in favour …..
…strange state of affairs when I find myself commenting that something on the BBC isn’t grotesquely biased! Shouldn’t that be the norm?
I was half expecting to hear a report on how the “real victims of the holocaust were the Nazis, and we should guard against the dangers of Naziphobia”… etc
Before you get too excited – here’s the BBC notion of ‘balance’, as reported by Honest Reporting.
BBC’s Holocaust Tweet Shocker
January 27 is International Holocaust Memorial Day and the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. With this in mind and the aftermath of the Paris terror attack on a kosher supermarket, there has been a great deal of discussion and commemoration in the media.
But could the BBC have asked a more crass, insensitive and downright offensive question on Twitter?
The Big Questions @bbcbigquestions
Our one big question this morning: Is the time coming to lay the Holocaust to rest? #BBCTBQ
10:00 AM – 25 Jan 2015
46 Retweets 16 favorite
I don’t consider myself to be hard hearted but I’ve little sympathy for liberal luvvie Benedict Cumberbach. There he was spouting the usual pc clichés about the plight of black British actors when he made his dreadful faux-pas. His apology has been so gut wrenchingly obsequious and ott that I’ve had trouble keeping my lunch down. Blimey Benders, it’s Holocaust Memorial Day, please try to keep some sense of perspective.
And when he says that “coloured” actors are under represented on British telly, well…
Hasn’t he ever seen Crimewatch?
A white man talks about colour:
“When it’s cold, I turn blue. When it’s hot, I turn red. When I’m sick, I turn green. Leave me out in the sun and I turn brown.
When you’re cold, you stay black. When it’s hot, you stay black. When you’re sick, you stay black. Leave you out in the sun and you stay black.
And you have the nerve to call yourself a Person of Colour”
bbc5live have covered Holocaust Memorial day in some detail.
The irony being that criticism of antisemitism and of the genocide of the jews , coming from the bbc , who would who deny Jews the right to live freely in their ancestral homeland, rings hollow.
Twenty years ago the metropolitan elite would have sneered generally at remembrance of the wars and, in particular, at the industrial slaughter of Jews. But somewhere along the line they decided it could be used for their own purpose of pushing ‘progressiveness’. Today, even Call Me Dave got in on the act, praising multi-faith, multi-ethnic, Britain. I was waiting for him to eulogise the Religion Of Peace.
As you say; the Jewish descendants are under threat of being pushed into the sea, and the Beeb are propagandists for their oppressors. What hypocrites!
BBC News 24 should have put that little shit Tim to cover the memorial in Auschwitz, might have given him some perspective.
where is he nowadays, gardening leave?
I’m an ordinary chap in his fifties. 9-5 job which I have held for 32 years, wife, dog and mortgage. I abide by the law and feel tremendous pride in my country’s institutions and traditions. I am proud to be English.
The BBC would have you believe that I am “far right”.
Extreme right; radical left. Bias.
Sounds like you’ll be voting UKIP then!
Not just the BBC.
Are the Guardian in melt down?
This day was a day when people had to hear. And listen. To know what did happen. To know what can happen. A day, when I made myself listen, again, and when this angry man cried, again. On a day when survivors of the Holocaust, frail yet strong, show the magnificence of the human condition with their wisdom and humanity, Ms Lindy West and Mr Vikram Dodd of the Guardian clearly had other matters on their minds.
One wonders what ball of cotton wool the professional offendee Lindy West has been wrapped in and for how long judging by the response of Guardianista’s to her article today. That her article is not a parody is the real shock:
Its always intrigued me as to how Ms West’s brand of fascism ever got a foothold in our country, let alone how it became so virulent and prevelent in ‘polite society’. Today the Guardian has another piece of reverse-fascism, as the Guardian hijacks the tragic death of a young girl in London as an anti-anti-immigration ploy, as Vikram Dodd tries to justify:
If Vikram wishes to write positively about multiculturalism and mass immigration, he could surely do so and spell out the case with reason and rationale, rather than the old ‘I’ve found somebody who sees it my way’ non-argument. If he wishes to report on the horrific murder of a young girl, he should do do with respect and accuracy. To wrap the murder of a young girl in the politics of immigration is beneath contempt.
I’m totally at a loss. Why all the manufactured outrage at what this left person said about coloured people when the coloured people in the United States have an organisation which purpiirts to represent them and which is called the NAACP. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Now where’s all the manufactured outrage over that!!!
A few posters have explained this. In Orwellian manner such words are tools. Revising the definition of offensive words keeps people wary so as to not cause offence and makes that the prime concern, not anything of substance. It also keeps alive the sense of grievance in the ‘offended’ and also justifies the continued need for those guardians in the ‘grievance’ industry who would otherwise need to look elsewhere for work and a cause.
You’re quite right. And this doesn’t happen by accident. Much of this nonsense is cooked-up for far Left activists on the US college scene, drawing on the principles laid down by Gramsci, the Frankfurt School and Saul Alinsky.
It is filtered into the language by the media and made commonplace by journalists and writers who, in many cases, are not actually party to the conspiracy but are just rather dim camp followers (Guardian writers, BBC hacks prominent among them).
About as close as you will get to hearing the actual sound of the engine working, would be to listen to R4’s Thinking Allowed where the insane ramblings of sociologists are presided over by one of their own kind – the impossible smug Laurie Taylor.
A mad conspiracy theory? Google the links between Obama,. Hilary Clinton and the US far Left.
Thinking Allowed did a piece where Laurie Taylor invited Psychologist to comment on Climate Change. The insane ramblings involved Psychologists seemingly to be saying that they thought that if an expert in Planetary Atmospheric Physicists disagrees with a Psychologist on scientific points in the Atmospheric Physics of Climate Change, then they must be diagnosed as a loony. I did not mind being called a loony by the BBC’s psychiatrists, but I did realise that it was no longer advisable for me to tune into Laurie Taylor’s Thinking Allowed. As it reminded me of a Film set in an insane asylum, were the inmates were calling everyone they disagreed with, a loony. It must be getting that bad in the BBC bubble, and if it gets worse, then on the example of past history, it usually turns to violence. I was told that the name of the top loony advising the BBC is called Bob Ward.
I think calling you loony would be very rude Richard. But clearly you do have issues. Has your place on the autistic spectrum been diagnosed?
It’s a shame you were tempted to comment on Richard Pinder’s post.
All you have succeeded in doing is proving you are incapable of understanding what he wrote.
What is more disturbing is that three people have actually ticked up his comment.
Presumably himself, Scott and Laurie Taylor.
And possibly Bob Ward, but at least six BBC environmental activists read my posts.
Keep the insults coming – says more about you than it does Richard.
The Guardian woman has to be a parody.Does she even exist?
No she cannot. It would be an offence against good taste.
The article was not even amusing or instructive just banal. No wonder the Guardian is going down. No doubt the massed beeboid pods loved it. Maybe one of them even wrote it.
Sometimes I think none of them are real.
Just read this article and thought about Scott
“Ian Brown: ‘TV weatherman Fred Talbot gave masturbation practice as homework while he was my teacher'”
Newsnight – Kirsty Squawk
Movie American Sniper –
BBC puffing up its “Islamofauxbia” angle
with the help of latest go to guys …
Muslims have suffered oppression for hundreds of years…
Equality Struggle
With such rampant injustices perpetrated against the Muslims all around the world”
… etc etc etc
an outfit, sounding like terrorist sympathising aggressive bigots last seen her being annihilated by D Murray here.
Yes, MPACUK seems to have be doing the rounds recently spreading their pernicious poison. I suppose the Heseltine woman is intended to be the acceptable face of ISIS.
At the time of the Jyllands-Posten Mohammed cartoons controversy, Asghar Bukhari, a founder member of MPACUK, also went on television to confront the editor of a German newspaper that had reprinted them:
“I would have thought that someone from Germany would understand the danger of these type of images,” he said, “Haven’t you learned a lesson from the past?”
Bukhari is clearly alluding to the Holocaust (and implying that publishing the cartoons is the first possible step toward an eventual genocide of Europe’s Muslims). However, in 2005, MPACUK published an article entitled “Zionists Behind Terror Attacks,” along with a cartoon of a grotesque “Jewish” devil, obtained from a neo-Nazi website. The next year Bukhari sent funds and messages of support to neo-Nazi-connected Holocaust denier David Irving, encouraging him in his “fight for the Truth.”
It’s clear who the real neonazis are.
They really don’t like this film “American Sniper”.It seems to be very popular in flyvover country in the USA. Not that our liberals think that that vast land is worth a light. Just like they don’t like us shire people. Oh they come down patronising at weekends but that is about it.
What is with these people?
What is it? Simple really, these days they are mostly not chosen from a pool of people working in the area they represent, but are parachuted in from a London self replicating elite, Blair in Sedgemoor, milliband in Doncaster, mandelson In Hartlepool etc. they come up for your vote holding a large hanky over their noses, YOU disgust THEM with your local demands, needs, and wishes, they are made for a far larger stage, you are just something they have to put up with to get on that road.
The political process no longer represents the people, the people are used to further the needs of the metro elite, with their multi-kulti builders, bakers and rent boy takers ( up the ****). The system now is for those with a PPE 1st from Ox/Cam and related to the party to build a career on the back of those plebs out in the shires. Any wonder the people are pissed off ? To return democracy to its roots and get some locality I propose that no one standing for parliament can be born outside a 50 mile limit of the seat, that they must have spent at least 10 years working within a 100 radius and have no married or blood connection with any other MP. Do that and you might see some change, anything else is window dressing by the metro elite, of all colours.
OT, but you raise an interesting point, going to local vs. national (and to an extent, international politics), plus the associated aspects of representation, especially once an MP gets to Ministerial level.
My local MP is about as good as it gets… locally. He’s actually a bit of a maverick in the party too, but push comes to shove he can be whipped into shape for the good of the party too.
Come the election I would have no trouble giving him my proxy on local matters and consideration for the community he represents.
However…. given his party overall, and leader, would I ever like to ‘send a message’.
Conversely, to your point, it is clear that there are constituencies that would vote in an absentee sea cucumber if the rosette ensured a vote in Parliament to keep the benefits flowing.
And no matter which party, the minute the MP has ‘other duties’, I very much doubt their man, lady or felon-in-waiting in the chamber gets near the place except to be snapped ny the local rag casting their vote.
Thank you for your critique, all views are useful. The issue of locality in representation in Westminster is I feel a crucial matter. The public we know are disillusioned with the current system by their low voter turn out. My MP is a metro bloody sexual big time, lots of photos in the local rag, just rents a place here, no family connection with the place, we are just a means to an end. Change is required, I have floated an idea to remove the party hand from running the system for its own ends, other ideas are available ! My point again, we need local democracy, we need locals in parliament who work together for the good of all, not just the parties abusing the people for their own ends, this is leading to total disconnection between the people and their ‘leaders’ . Rant button now switched off, I thank you for reading.
INBBC Arabic’s political chums, Islamic Al Jazeera, adopts same censorship-
“Al Jazeera America Bans The Words ‘Terrorism,’ ‘Islamist’ And ‘Jihad’”
According to Sky News , Sinn Fien is going to form a coalition with Millipeed & the SNP . They only predict 2 kipper MP`s , but Millipeed will have the largest party .
Sky News is a lost cause. Polls are utter rubbish.
I think the establishment must have secret polls. I read that “The Tories (like Labour) are heading for the graveyard” And that with Labour down to people voting UKIP to keep out the Tories, and the Tories down to people voting UKIP to keep out Labour, as well as Magna Carta now inspiring pro-British patriots to vote UKIP for its own merits. Then the secret polls show a UKIP majority of 587 seats, with Labour on 35, the Tories just six and the LibDems with one MP. A nightmare that the careerist establishment would obviously hide from the electorate. But the “Essex Man” from Yorkshire, Eric Pickles would know about that possibility in the analyses of the secret polls.
This is another reason for closing down INBBC Arabic TV, apart from-
1.)-the political Islam bias of it,
2.)- and the cost to we British taxpayers,
-there is-
3.)-the Islamic Al Jazeera already provides for global Islamic interests.
This is how politically close the censoring Beeboids are to similarly censoring
Islamic Al Jazeera: a recent demo (on U.K taxpayers’ money?) outside INBBC HQ recently-
All credit to the bBBC’s Kirsty Wark on Newsnight for skewering Labour liar Andy Burnham on his plans for the unions to control the NHS regardless of what is best for patients. Apart from mentioning mid-Staffs hospital she couldn’t have done a better job of dismantling his ‘policies’.
Labourites like Burnham get rather tetchy when they don’t get their usual soft ride, hand me the megaphone, BBC interview.
Tories and UKIP are of course well used to the normal heavy flak from our bent national broadcaster. Labour not so much – and it showed there.
He seemed to ask ‘How dare you question me’
The mistake appeared to be to presume the default softball and get defensive aggressive when it doesn’t pan out.
Saying ‘l’m answering the question’ when clearly doing anything not to just looks silly. And that can knock a pro interviewer offside, even with the studio producer screaming the agreed tack from that weaponising meeting Labour and BBC top brass had down the earwig.
He also compounded the error by getting very tetchy and patronising. Red rag and blood in the water combined. She was going to rip him a new one no matter what the narrative.
I also got the impression there was some personal experience at play, which can really undermine idealistic waffle from on high.
Loved this comment:
“Ed Miliband has weaponised the NHS. Andy Burnham just took that weapon and shot Labour in both feet with it.”
There’s hardly a pol these days who isn’t so schooled in media they say nothing worth hearing. There’s always the risk of the gaffebite that any media, especially foes, will pounce on, but Mr. Farage seems to score by actually being honest on what he thinks and stands for, even when the liberal establishment freaks out at the very notion.
It’s at times like this I wish I kept a diary.
Last year, I think that it was Maitlis asking the questions of either Harman or Flint.
It was, as expected, only a moderately tough question, but the response was quite telling, as I remarked on these pages at the time. It was something along the lines of, ‘ I’m surprised that you, of all people, should ask that.’
Labour expect it to be all nice, cosy and ‘right-on’ in their Newsnight studio.
It’ll be interesting to see the impact of last night’s interview and how the sisters will respond to Burnham’s testosterone fuelled aggression.
hypocrisy folks … don t let it slip into parody
all credit to newsnight erm “skewering” the labour politician.
yet squealing like a bitch, when its the other way around.
I think that people here are just revelling in that for once a top Labour pol is being put on the spot by the BBC. This is so rare it doesn’t get close to equalising the constant partizan attacks on the Conservatives but it’s good to see. People would stop complaining of bias if all left-wing politicians were treated like this, i.e. the same as all Conservative and UKIP representatives.
And didn’t Burnham show what an arrogant &%*! he is. If it had been a Conservative doing that Wark would have been over him like a rash, and it would be repeated ad nauseam on every news bulletin this morning to remind people what a “nasty” party the Conservatives are.
Burnham is only looking to impress 35%, not 85%. We can assume that he impressed the core 30%; I wouldn’t be too sure that his bluster didn’t sound OK to another 5%.
Andy ‘Div 2 Football Manager Soundalike’ Burnham.
Make that Vanarama Conference North – he goes from bad to worse.
Yep. I notice this all the time…
Bill Turnbull this morning leaves viewers in little doubt as to where BBC Breakfast’s sympathies lie….
“We JOIN campaigners doing all they can to stop fracking”
My written emphasis, his verbal bias.
Campaigners = the same half a dozen eco-nutters who seem to be able to make themselves available to every BBC local news programme in the country – amazingly.
And the question they never get asked after their set-piece rant in favour of 100% ‘renewables’: ‘What would happen when the wind isn’t blowing?’
Any mention on the BBC, over holocaust anniversary of the Islamic SS squads, (admired for their penchant for Jew murder).
The reason for rapidly rising anti-Semitism in Europe again today?
The Islamophile BBC omitting any facts on the ideology that :-
oft denies the last holocaust?
whilst vowing to reign in the next?
that has UK reps that have repeatedly refused to attend previous holocaust days?
surely pertinent? … following the murders in Paris?
the BBCs “concern” airtime and column inches over
the wickedness of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust.
… the real reasons why, such things happen?
more? check out
“Is the Quran Hate Propaganda?
What the Holiest Book of Islam Really says about Non-Muslims”
… Has the BBC aired any of this? … I may have missed it?
We are hearing constantly of the rise of anti semitism in Europe. But who are the anti semites? The MSM, which includes the BBC, is eager to warn against a repeat of the holocaust, but will not inform as to the direction of the new anti semitic forces. I look to Jewish sources, but constantly find references to rabbi’s and jews engaged with persecuted mulsims in the interfaith councils. So who is responsible the anti semitism?
Just been reading the Daily Mail website and Mo Lipmann saying that she is considering leaving the UK, and no, not because of Milliband. The antiSemitism of the comments make me wince.
My comments for the last two days on the DM website on Auschwitz articles that it is the BBC, the Left and the CofE to blame for antiSemitism in the UK have not been published. Today I have posted only that it is the BBC and the likes of Tim Willcox, Jon Donnison, Sarah Montegue and Mishal Hussein and we will see it that is allowed. Makes me wonder who is moderating at the DM. I haven’t mentioned the Muslims once.
The BBC are a big part of the problem. Anyone who is not ‘progressive’ is hounded for the most minor slip of the tongue. Rabid denunciation every half hour; presenter excitedly interviews their own ‘expert’. Just last weekend, some unknown Kipper got the treatment. Compare that with outrageous comments by David Ward MP. He does it all the time, but only warrants low-key matter-of-fact reports from the Beeb.
Guido is on the case, though:
David Ward MP
BBc Breakfast incorrect asthma diagnoses as the main story. Or if you’re cynical lets keep the NHS in the foreground. Anti fracking migrates from it’s natural home on North West tonight to breakfast. A bunch of not in our back yard housewife’s no voice of dissent to say we want cheaper energy and less reliance on foreign suppliers of course. No need to fear about the story going away on North West because surprise they are also running a fracking story on the regional breakaway. Care costs also come under analysis with some bint staying we should start preparing for our care provision in early life. What kind of life will the kids have? All their part time minimum wage will be going into paying for pension provision, health care provision and more expensive foods.
The BBC’s silent service indeed:
Haven’t found anything about this yet on Albeeba.
Here’s Michelle Obama blurred out on Saudi TV, as she refused to cover her hair….don’t get any ideas Al Beeb!
Whatever anyone thinks of the Saudi regime (and I consider it to be one of the very worst in the world), those visiting the country to pay ‘respects’ to the new Saudi king are duty bound to follow protocol and show basic common courtesy. The refusal of M. Obama to wear a simple head covering is grossly discourteous at the very least, and it says a great deal about her. I believe it is true to say all other female leaders have worn a head covering – certainly the Queen and Mrs Thatcher did. One does not have to agree with a regime to behave politely.
Agreeing in principle (don’t like; don’t go), maybe one that would fit was not on the market?
Obeying local customs is respectful, although it’s a pity that some visitors to our country do not reciprocate. You know, little things like not dressing up like pillar boxes and not murdering the locals. By way of information, powerful Western women (politicians, businesswomen etc) are often treated as “honorary men” in Middle Eastern societies and are recognised as having different standards and customs.
Yes, I agree. And furthermore, if the Saudis want to stone people to death for walking on the cracks in the pavement, then they should do so.
None on my business, none of your business. Leave them to it. But by the same token, we shall draw cartoons of a human for whom there isn’t even any proof he ever existed, if we want to.
it’s supposed to cut both ways, but doesn’t.
Eastenders to become first horror soap
Thought it already was.
Patiently, I await Mr. Harrabin to come and explain this:
A vital General election is soon upon us – so the BBC and the Electoral Commission are busy tip-toeing through the tulips
Electoral Commission warns of ‘ethnic kinship’ voting
Electoral Commission chairwoman Jenny Watson said: “We have long known that, when fraud is committed, candidates and campaigners are the most likely offenders and voters are the victims. The research we have published today confirms this.”
No-shit-Sherlock Award for the lady
“This political void is filled by the ethnic kinship networks, which perform a role of a mediator between the British electoral system and immigrant origin communities”.
“Mainstream political parties were deemed by our interviewees to be only too happy to accept this middle-man role of kinship networks”.
Hmmm, I wonder if that’s all mainstream political parties or just one in particular……..?
“The elections watchdog has warned that a lack of campaigning by mainstream political parties in British Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities makes those areas vulnerable to electoral fraud. ”
Oh, it’s a lack of campaigning that makes them vulnerable. And here was I thinking it might be the importation of a foreign culture.
If I may, in complement, my thinking was more it was the imposition of a clearly flawed system in the first place, and zero will to correct those flaws.
It is unfit for purpose and anti-democratic. One person, in person; one vote.
Only exceptions being armed forces or those vetted unable for medical reasons, and helped in all ways to vote by prior arrangement.
The encouragement to get those who would not otherwise argument is way outweighed by the abuses.
I’m fed up with the best of the worst democratic systems being rigged downwards.
I hate just to say “Me too!” but I couldn’t agree more.
The postal voting system must be the most abused part of our electoral system.
What is really galling is the complete failure of the Tories to reform this in the ways ChrisH suggests. I think this yet again displays their complete moronic-ness (if that is a word).
I wonder if they just haven’t got the guts to tackle it as they think it will be attacked by the usual lefties such as the BBC, all the charities etc.
Voting in Pakistan (sorry, don’t know enough about Bangladesh but may be similar) is done on tribal and clan lines. Political parties are not broad associations of like minded individuals, but rather are dominated by or controlled by powerful families to represent their interests. These are generally wealthy land owning and/or aristocratic families, known as rajputs in that part of the world. For instance, the Pakistan Peoples Party is the party associated with the Bhutto family, who are rajputs from Sindh province. These Pakistani parties have large scale operations in this country and are organised on a group voting basis. So, a prospective MP will hold joint membership of, say, both the Labour Party and the PPP. All PPP members in the constituency will be told to vote for the Labour candidate. Alternatively, the vote may be withdrawn en masse for a non-South Asian candidate who has offended them in some way (e.g. by being found to be a homosexual or have Israeli business interests). Despite the quaint and ‘sensitive’ language used by the Electoral Commission and the BBC, this is the reality of how things operate in a number of British towns and cities and a number of (predominantly) Labour MPs owe their seats to this system.
Case hijacked by group with pro-immigration agenda
‘Emma Norton, legal officer for civil rights group Liberty, which is representing Alice’s family at her forthcoming inquest….”The family is aware that this is a sensitive and difficult subject, and is concerned to ensure that it is not hijacked by groups with an anti-immigration agenda.”
ensure that it is not hijacked by groups with an anti-immigration agenda.
Those scoundrels have the nerve to suggest that we shouldn’t allow people previously convicted of brutal murders into the UK. It’s good we have a ‘group’ to counter them.
Question Time next week from Finchley will include on its panel one George Galloway
One day after paying the required bullshit for the Jews the bbc gets back to business as usual with the friend of Hamas put up in a place with a large Jewish population. Will they bus in his pals from the East end ? Is the bbc hoping George will get attacked thereby showing the Jews up for the nasty people they are ? Come on bbc tell us, why are you trying to stir up racial disharmony here ? Any trouble outside and the producer ought to be arrested and charged for intent to provoke a riot.
And lo, that ubiquitous, anonymous (cue calls for an outing from the weekend Flokker Staffel? This is the paid, professional, held-to-accountable end of media, after all) entity, the BBC spokesdroid utters, as always…
‘”Subjects for discussion are chosen by our audience ahead of each show and this edition of Question Time will be no different.”
This is interesting. I have a question or two, if aware that Hugs and a raft of ‘purposes of’ lawyers exist on standby to impose an exemption in answering before you can utter ‘trust and transparency’: if these questions are chosen by ‘the audience’, given there seem a fair few of them, how many get actually posed as a % of total, who then filters that selection, and prior to this who filters the audience and hence question selected?
As it seems the BBC pretty much controls every aspect before this supposed representative sample gets posed.
Which smacks of propaganda backed by censorship from start to finish.
And as to ratings and/or agenda-based provocation. Galloway, in Finchley… now? It’s like John Ware’s Panorama never happened. #jesuisentirelyunsurprised
Trouble In Eden
In a shock announcement, the Eden Project has revealed that it is going to start hydraulically fracturing rocks beneath its site in a bid to extract geothermal energy. They are keen to emphasise the differences between what they are going to be doing and shale gas operations but a glance suggests these are largely distinctions without a difference.
I wonder how the BBC will explain this ? Especially the Radon gas and Radioactivity produced.
Just read and the comments are fascinating.
The level of scientific and/or engineering insight one gets, plus a healthy dollop of wit, for free, puts the BBC ‘reporting’ in these areas to shame.
I wonder if this will be ‘news’, ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) or ‘consigned to the ‘covered somewhere obscure, once’, for balance’ news?
Apparently, though I cannot verify this, the RSPB makes a good income from allowing fracking on its reserves and has done for the last 30 years.
Who’d’a thunk it?
No tits were harmed during the making of this post …
Not even Bearded Tits ?
Do you mean Bill Oddie?
Last nights One Show, the vacuous duo introduced Rory Bremner, I said the Mrs G, ‘wait for the UKIP jibe’. I wasn’t disappointed within two minutes, we were asked for photo’s of lookalike leaders from all parties, Bremner added ‘and UKIP’ which everyone found so funny, especially the smug Bremner laughing at his own quip. Of course the implication being that UKIP aren’t a proper party.
edit: Farage has just been called an extremist on The Vine show by some talking head during a discussion on Apple.
Drip, drip, drip…..
Why is there no Judy garland films on the BBC?
“Care spending ‘cut by fifth in 10 years’ screams the headline on the BBC’s ‘news’ website this lunchtime, followed by: “Spending on care for people aged 65 and over has fallen by a fifth in England over the last 10 years, an analysis by the BBC shows.”
Regardless of the truth, or otherwise, of its claim, it is hard not to note that the BBC’s choice of which issues to investigate and which it ignores (fraudulent affairs in Tower Hamlets, complicity in events at Rochdale, the list is long) inevitably favours the Labour Party.
And just took at the timing, too…
Still, I’m sure that one of the resident Marxist thinkers will be along soon to reassure us that there is no bias at the BBC.
‘Population of the UK increased by a fifth over the last ten years’
Does the BBC forget that the West went to war to save the lives of Muslims in 1992?
Remember the Serbian ‘ethnic cleansing’ of thousands of muslims?
Yes, I seem to remember that was a war the Guardianistas and Bebboids were all in favour of, too.
Beeboids want more taxpayers’ money for its politically biased local and global broadcasting empire:
“BBC ‘should improve local and World Service news'”
‘Guardian’ needs to change a word in its following headline-
“World Service cuts will reduce UK’s global ‘soft power’, BBC report warns”
‘World Service cuts will reduce Beeboids’s global “soft power”, BBC report warns’
At BBC local/regional broadcasting level, the strict political implementation
of BBC-NUJ pro-Labour Party, pro-Islam, anti-fracking, is very apparent.
At global level, the Beeboid broadcasting empire does NOT represent
the interests of the British taxpayers who finance it ,
but represents the Islamic bloc (OIC) of the United Nations,
and the Eurpean Union Commission.
Beeboids are concerned about competitive threat to their global politically biased broadcasting empire, and demand that we British licencepayers pay more tax to finance them!
“BBC World Service ‘under threat from Al Jazeera and nationalist news'”
-Close down politically biased Beeboid global broadcasting empire!
‘Lord Hall will be glad that he didn’t attend last night’s Costa Book Awards’
Maybe he did and scooted? Certainly seems odd that one of his cohort of Praetorian Spokesdroids wasn’t to hand to offer a brush-off.
“Lord Pantone’s Bookie-Wookie Review wiv’ Russell” could only be ratings dynamite.
For information of all Beeboids-
‘Daily Mail’-
“BBC editor warns of terror threat to staff.
“Laurie Margolis, the BBC reporter who broke the news of the Argentine invasion of the Falklands, using an amateur radio kit, has identified a threat closer to home.
“He is worried about the guided tours of the Corporations’s London HQ, New Broadcasting House. ‘Just above us, groups of tourists were taking the guided tour,’ says Laurie, now a BBC News editor. ‘They took a long, leisurely look into the newsroom. They took phone-camera stills and video. I am unclear what, if any, level of security surveillance they undergo.’
“He adds: ‘For anybody wishing us ill, this, I suggest, is where you start. I have to say it makes me increasingly uncomfortable. These are dangerous times.
A BBC spokesman says: ‘Tour visitors undergo a security check prior to the start of the tour.’”
Read more:
(Of course, there is no indication from Beeboids as to who the security threat may be from.)
Could they be wabid weactionary wight wing white waycists?
Maybe they could create a workplace ‘gated community’ effect which, combined with the eyewateringly money-hoovering, GHG-blowing addiction to not-public-transport, could complement home nicely, and spare them any contact with the outside world they keep informing all less blessed is so triffic?
Reading a bit further down I notice also…
‘TV star gazer Brian Cox has set his sights on an earthly target. The 46-year-old physicist wants to be chief of the BBC.
‘I’d like to become Director-General,’ he tells guests at the Debrett’s 500 party at the Cafe Royal in London, to polite laughter. But the former pop star insists he is serious.
‘It’s my passion for the BBC that spurs me on,’ he tells me. ‘I would like it to do more to support the educational sector, put more science on TV and encourage youngsters.’
Blown that at the first hurdle, Bri; what’s with this speaking direct to the mortals? Distance, man… distance! A BBC spokesman says.
Radio 5 interviewed Irish author Colm Toibin. The conversation turned to freedom speech and recent events in France. Toibin is all in favour of free speech of course, but we have to be mindful that Moslems in France are oppressed, disenfranchised etc. And then he says, as if by way as an example of this oppression, “There are no mosques in Marseilles”.
There are at least six mosques in Marseilles.
With a population of around one million, it would be astonishing if Marseille didn’t have several mosques. Even Blackburn has about 100 of them.
At least Blackburn won’t become 100% Muslim while Thwaites’ brewery is still there.
Ah, but you see, it’s not the facts that matter anymore – for the Left/BBC – a supposed ‘fact’ is just a narrative device used to tell a broader truth
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies…
‘A tale of two claims: one Broadly right, the other by Peston broadly wrong’
‘Take Robert Peston’s trailer this morning for his new documentary on inequality’
Coming soon at:
‘We therefore appear to be in a bizarre situation where someone is castigated by the egalitarians for saying something that is factually true, but there’s complete silence when people make bold claims about inequality which are clearly false’.
The Americans: Were the KGB the good guys?
Moral equivalency reigns. No wonder the BBC reviewer seems to love it.
Radio 5 interviewed some bloke from Oxfam about poverty. Six out of ten people in Britain are on benefits, he says. Might only be true if you include all those in receipt of a state pension as a benefit claimant, and include relatively well off people who receive things such as child benefit. None of this was explained.
Religion of Peace
Rest In Peace
Just another tale of ‘ordinary ‘ everyday folk. Mothers of him and his wife, cousins, well you keep it in the family don’t you ? Married her when she was 16, well nothing wrong there but would be seen as a bit young by the ‘host’ community. Regretted marrying her as found out later she had a progressive disease, well happens to a lot of folk, especially when there is a lot of ‘keep it in the family’ marriages, don’t it ? So all that then lost his job at Lidl for some reason and well, you can see a blokes going to get angry and lash out yeh? As I said, happens every day to folk, just don’t expect to see it on the bbc.ok?
They have just put up the trial result
No mention of her being his cousin, her having medical issues probably enhanced by this fact, marrying her at 16 or anything which might cause you to question arranged marriages and back door immigration in general, or of him thinking he had been sold a ‘pup’.
“Her life was cut short in the most brutal manner by a barbaric man with out-dated and backward ideals.”
Wow. Where are the PC police to re-educate this judge on Islam?