“Some hand-wringing, PC, public-school broadcaster on the BBC puts it all down to ‘extremists’ — point them in the direction of the millions of people in the Islamic world who rather fervently disagree with that flip and patently delusional diagnosis.”
Ah…. but… Flip and delusional diagnosis that is as vital as Strictly and EastEnders, and tremendous value at just a compelled few pounds a week.
Meanwhile, on a thread near here…
“…self-appointed Muslim leaders have reacted with the usual mixture of petulance and confected outrage.”
BBC just telling me it’s National Mosque day oh thats good to here as a middle-aged white Englishman that’s exactly the news I was looking for this fine morning . I have the radio on 4 to listen to the evenings propaganda bulletin before I go to sleep. Missus switched it on Friday during the day and told me she thought she was listening to a station dedicated to Isl£m
They are going to offer refreshments. Were I to go could I insist that they do not serve meat that has been ritually slaughtered and that I do not eat food that has been prepared with prayers to a God I do not believe in.
Nothing to do with our beloved BBc I haven’t watched it this weekend. I’m wondering if any of my fellow bloggers can answer this. Yesterday I had a letter posted through the door addressed to me. On the front it informs me “Important information about the future of local NHS services” Of course it’s actually a liebour party election leaflet http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2934778/How-Labour-s-NHS-leaflets-plugged-private-healthcare-MPs-privately-vent-fury-party-s-goal.html I don’t know if BBc news has covered this one or not. However I am annoyed that these scum bags have obtained my name and address as I’ve only lived here 2.5 years we are on the supposed non divulagablevoters register & I’m very careful who I give out my address to. Does anyone know if I can use data protection / FIA legislation to force these toads into telling me where they obtained this information as it is clearly now on their databse.
Tories got me and my misses names from somewhere. We are off the roll. So how I don’t know. No one bothers to come to our door from any of the parties. Not interested in the punters views . That’s why this house won’t vote for for the main three. That and their endless bullshit and self serving agendas. I hope others will do the samee. The LIBLABCONS first then the Beeb. Institutions that have served their purpose and now its time for them to go. Will you tolerate more of them? I won’t.
The scumbags who murdered another journalist yesterday are generally known as the ‘Islamic State’. But the followers of Islam in the UK feel that this name is bad PR and so they object. They should be told that the national broadcaster is not in the business of sanitising news, but no – the BBC usually comply with ‘the so-called Islamic State’.
This morning the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom, a PR professional, who is on record as saying ‘Islam is a religion of peace’, repeatedly used ‘ISIL’. So ‘ISIL is the embodiment of evil’, but that no reflection on Islam, of course.
This morning’s newspaper review on the bBBC breakfast sofa. “Let’s start with a piece that no other paper is carrying, from the Observer about more problems with the NHS.”
The bBBC, true to its self-defined remit of broadcasting whatever Labour and their newspapers want us to swallow.
‘The man who saved thousands of Jews then disappeared ‘
A long long way down the BBC report we eventually read :
‘Despite saving so many people, Wallenberg’s own life had a sad and unexplained ending. In January 1945, after the Soviet Union captured eastern Budapest, Wallenberg was detained by Soviet troops. It was the last time he was seen in public’
And the BBC omitted to tell us that the Soviet Communist system not only liquidated those who survived Auschwitz and the other camps( being suspect as possible collaborators)…but that they used the camps themselves to enforce the Communist stranglehold over its newly-captured East Germany?
Not a peep from the BBC-or indeed the liberal crocodile tearfunds that “remembered Auschwitz and the camps” last week.
National Socialism turned out to be less cancerous a version of Socialism than its “Internationale” mutation…which is what we still live with today.
Sssh-don`t tell the people though!
Immigration Street, Derby Road, Southampton. Aren’t there any sailors around who can recall this area as the red light district? Prostitutes sitting half naked in the front windows advertising their services. It was a world famous call for sailors and others. Just an ordinary street says the Guardian. Rubbish. Several years ago cops tried to seal off the area issuing on the spot fines for kerb crawlers and tourists who went to take in a few snaps of the whores before visiting the Titanic Museum. Muslims now dominate the area with the usual band of Interfaith dhimmis. It is wise to stay clear, and with fast roads separating it from the civilised part of the city the main access is via subways lined with rapists and muggers.
A rather modest picture below of one of the local working girls. Google images of Derby Road for more.
I am aware of Derby Road a friend of mine used to live in a squat there in the early 1980s. Whilst being the “red light” district it was not a place you would feel intimidated by walking through. My friends party piece was to approach the plain clothed plod and ask them for a light. Funny how these people object to having the attention turned on them you would have thought they would welcome he opportunity to show us how well they are fitting into the English way of life.
The second link is not working. Anyway, any totty is unlikely to be more ‘delectable’ than the author of the Guardian article, Rowenna Davis. If you recall; she was the eager young leftie who popped up on the BBC regularly before she went off to concentrate on getting elected in that area. Most lefties are naïve, but she was the ultimate schoolgirl naivette. Guido Fawkes exposed how even Derek Draper was more interested in her looks than her politics:
Oh great, Prince Charles to the rescue: http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/uk_news/National/royalwedding/article1513830.ece
Apparently, he has decided to be an outspoken, activist, King. If so, he should be subject to a public grilling about his opinions. He could explain, for instance, how you feed a population the size of the UK’s with organic farms. Then he could explain how someone leading his extravagant lifestyle should be telling others to reduce their carbon footprint. Finally, he can explain why his companies are exempt from corporation tax.
After all that, he can spout off as much as he likes because nobody will be listening to the hypocrite.
Charles should follow the excellent example of his great uncle (?) Edward and abdicate as he’s married to a divorcee. A worthy act with a hall-marked precedence, what’s not to like?
Notice how the writer uses facts and examples to prove his points. Compare that to, say, this Guardian blog which just harps on about Western arrogance and tries to portray everyone else as a victim of Western colonialism, typical of the Guardian’s content in general and utterly devoid of reason in most cases.
I did watch this, and enjoyed it a lot.
Of course it`s selective, silly and avoids all those elephants in the room like Islam, Islam and Islam.
But it`s stylised and entertains at least.
Where are the “right wing thinkers” that`ll try to deal with big themes and be so polemical?…apart from Durkin, there`s hardly anyone that comes to mind.
Not that they`d get commissioned, but Curtis is at least ambitious.
If only we could get Jonathan Meades to do a takedown of the liberal mindset that turned from Churchills funeral to Lady Dis.
That would be the era that defines the decline of this nation.
Tea, Citizen Khan and other good reasons to visit your local mosque … The Grainard
Mosque open days to ease ‘tensions around terrorism’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31076194
just what … planet? … eh
reasons to go, re the Grainard
Listen to a sonorous call to prayer -The call to prayer – or adhan – is a beautiful expression of Islamic belief.
(A translation of the 1st recited every day could be just a little off putting) … the only “faith”, that starts with, “there is no god”
Meet a real community leader – This is an opportunity not to be missed: having an “Islam means peace” chat with a Citizen Khan-type character ( ?…………… errr! right.)
See a ritual washing area like no other – This is an interesting experience that Muslims go through every day which you may like to see ???
Witness a congregational prayer … ????
hmm … looks a lot like proselytising to me, on a Sunday
So its a bottoms down to that one, sorry, discrimination against women, questionable hygiene, and the consistent weekly reminders of organised Islamic child gang rape through court cases
… I ll give it a miss
… then again my “support Israel, end Islamic fascism” t-shirt along with copies of Charlie Hebdo cartoons under my arm
… would be a great, “icebreaker”
Reciprocal ‘open days’ to be arranged at football grounds, cricket grounds, pubs and other places of proper ‘community cohesion’ in cities like Leicester, Bradford, Luton etc.
‘Mosques across the country are opening their doors to the public today
Organised by the Muslim Council of Britain to show people how they run.’
Like every hospital the Queen visits smells of fresh paint.
Still, Cathy Newman knows how they’re run – some of them anyway.
Can’t wait for the Channel 4 follow-up, complete with welcoming mat, burka accessory and……whatever the fresh paint equivalent is (a visiting spittle-flecked Imam trussed and gagged in a cupboard?)
I m sick of seeing, supposedly intellectual fem journo s
from Al BBC or Ch4 Hijab-ing up?,.
Have they no self respect or integrity?, knowing how women are treated in Islam, or indeed every mosque?
… do they think Islamic women will ever get freedom of thought and action, while they keep pandering at every opportunity?
Mishal Hussain on BBC Six News: Australian journalist has been freed. He was convicted of…., charges he denied. followed by He and his colleagues denied all charges against them. Lots more emphasis on the denials than on the convictions.
Standard BBC template we’ve got to know, remember: Footballer Ched Evans has been released. He was convicted of rape, but has always denied the charges.?
OK, I jest….rather it was Convicted rapist Ched Evans…
And people say the BBC isn’t biased? What would it take to convince them?
The sofa slugs are running this as their main story this morning. Could it be he worked for…, oh he worked for the BBc no mention the fact he was of accused of news reporting which was “damaging to national security”.
Only the BBC and liberal media that feeds it would possibly blame the Japanese for what befell their second national.
The whole grisly ritual and torture as passed onto us by the liberal media simply blame the “authorities”..the “government”…the “policies”-and (craven conniving scum that they are) refuse to lie the blame where it lies.
With IS, with Islam, with Muslims, with Sunni Arabs…take any moniker you like and you`ll not be far wrong.
Of course-like Sydney, Boston or Paris-it`s always the Jews, the scribblers, the politicians and the police/intel-that get the blame.
Never the Islamists and that Book of theirs.
Craven snivelling pondlife who dare to blame Japan for what our exported nutjobs do to other human beings.
Sometimes it`s the BBC that serve as Jihadist whetstones.
Only wish that the Japs could revisit some of that barbarous cruelty that THEY used to dish out. These IS scum deserve those practices practiced on them-for medical research purposes only though.
Can anybody please explain why the bBC hasn’t mentioned the fact that the Jordanian Government has informed ISIS that if their captured pilot dies then so do each and every ISIS captive in Jordan. Instead the bBC have this to say on the situation: “Jordan has vowed to do all it can to secure the release of a pilot captured by Islamic State, after a video was released appearing to show the beheading of a Japanese hostage. Jordan echoed Japan in strongly condemning the murder of Kenji Goto. The pilot, Lt Moaz al-Kasasbeh, was captured when his plane came down in December on a mission to support the US-led, anti-IS military coalition.Jordan says it is willing to exchange an Iraqi prisoner for his safe return. Government spokesman Mohammed al-Momeni told the official Petra news agency the administration was doing “everything it can to save the life and secure the release of its pilot”.”
The bBC, the political mouthpiece for intolerant IS-lam
Bit unpleasant and -er well-a bit beneath the likes of Shami and Clive, Gareth and Geoffrey.
This vengeance stuff-best not to mention that!
Out comes the air freshener when it comes to the barbaric IS.
Hope Jordan takes full revenge-and maybe the Japanese could send them a few techniques from WW2.
If the Japanese had stuck with those methods re IS…like the Russians, the cowardly Muslim jihadists wouldn`t go near them.
Islam is never braver than when it has the BBC slavering over its flip flops, a trussed up victim and a big brave stanley knife.
The old, women and kids preferably.
Putin is the only leader who won`t stand for IS…the spineless spongiform west and its media are leading ISIS on and over here.
Best offer them the BBC…might stay over there then.
It wasn’t the Nationalism that caused the Nazis to murder, it was the Socialism. Socialism always kills, so a target has to be found: The Aristos in the French Revolution, the Kulaks by the Russian communists, and the Jews by the Nazis. They also had lesser targets too in case the original ones run out: the French targeted the Church and the religious, the Russians targeted the Jews and Ukrainians, and the nazis used the Gypsies and Slavs.
The nationalism of the nazis allowed them to pick on the Jews as the main target because of the historic anti-semitism that is again prevalent. Not on the extreme right who tend, say, to support Israel but the left wing socialists who call their anti-semitism by another name – normally anti-Zionism. They also ascribe others of their pet hates – e.g. apartheid to Israel which is probably the only country in that area where that is a false claim. Their anti-Semitism goes far too far when they accuse Israel of Genocide. Something Israel’s enemies aim for – but not, repeat not, Israel. The current left are virtually indistinguishable from their nazi forebears.
Of course, the reason why the left have to single groups out to receive their full hate is to unite the masses in the “grand projet”. Obviously the targets are currently EDL, UKIP and the Conservatives – but add to that bankers and corporations, plus Israelis as their foreign hate target.
If you keep the propaganda flowing – courtesy of the BBC, the teaching profession and the union bosses – then all non-thinking people will eventually feel aggrieved by these groups and actually believe that e.g. Margaret Thatcher was evil and tried to kill the working class despite her helping more from there to improve their lot than any other prime minister.
The above two comments seem to be in th wrong place. They should have been in the other thread where the Beeboid was saying that far left looks more like far right than itself.
No obvious byline, but BBC Australia’s new beavers certainly busy, if donning a singular focus.
An interesting ‘journalistic’ precedent, especially for a guest medium. I wonder if the obsession with what leaders elsewhere are not doing is reciprocated? ABC would be non-stop on asking Ed when he’s off.
But we would be unlikely to pick up on it much here. However, played out by proxy via FB, trending, magazines, etc, it seems to serve the BBC one degree of separation technique well.
And they do have a small, if loyal audience looking at the comments, who make the Flokkers here seem coherent.
Not sure how many countries this division is in (the one I saw was in the USA), it appears to be based on yet more young hipster staff given a video, car and name card with ‘Journalist’ written on it, and encouraged to roam about doing snappy spots on nothing the locals recognise if the Facebook comments are anything to go on.
That is, those not threatening death or trying to flog Toyotas.
The Torygraph published the story on its site at 9.07 pm on Saturday. Boots boss: Ed Miliband would be a ‘catastrophe’ for Britain
Sky News picked it up and broadcast it as a straightforward news item all day Sunday. To my hearing, the BBC never ran the straightforward story. First I heard was on The Westminster Hour on R4 at 10pm Sunday – it was dressed up as a ‘Labour says..’ piece. Basically, Labour says the guy shouldn’t comment because he is a tax exile.
Being a UKIP voter, I have no dog in the Labour v Tory fight; but this seemed pretty blatant.
On the last “Today” news bulletin of this morning, we learn from the WMO, that 2014 was the warmest year ever, due to man-made addition of CO2 to the atmosphere.
This, after the last load of old bollocks was disproved last week.
It’s the hottest. No, it ain’t. It’s the hottest – next?
Who heard the Green MP interviewed on ‘Toady’ at around 8.30 this morning? Christ, that was a total car-crash. I’ve heard some disastrous interviews before, but that was simply staggering.
These people are insane. They make the others look highly rational.
Yes the loony Caroline Lucas. Almost (but not quite) as mad as her Antipodean leader. However, people allegedly are converting to the greens, in droves…
You ought to look up their policies on the Green Party website – absolutely fucking terrifying. And to think this is what our schoolkids are being driven towards….
Fighting Bigotry? … over one of Hitlers most trusted allies?
… asking for an end to Jew hatred? (a cogent point today)
… bigotry? asking for an end, to hatred is bigotry now?
who are these misguided dudes, who don t understand the
definition of bigotry?
Cheer up Andy Murray…. and well done Shona Thomson
Sadly, since coming out for the SNP at the very last minute of the Independence Referendum (on Twitter – natch) just before the polls closed – our Andy hasn’t won much.
He lost my support with his ‘anyone but England’ quip about his football allegiance. Many a true word said in jest – and it seems when it comes down to brass tacks – Scots Nationalism is mainly based on the ‘anti-English ‘ factor. No wonder the SNP stirs the loins of the BBC. And no wonder anyone from the further fringes of these isles of ours who does anything at all of note gets a nice big up from the BBC about not being English.
Aside from telling us how we feel about the weather we learn that these days the act of simply ‘being’ Scots is one heck of an achievement!
‘One woman who knows all about braving the elements is Shona Thomson. As well as being from Scotland, she has gone on to be one of only 16 women worldwide to have run marathons on all seven continents, as well as the North Pole’
The BBC website is running a competition to decide who killed Lucy Beale on Eastenders. May I suggest that everyone enters and gives Leslie Grantham as the answer.
Peter McKay, ‘Daily Mail’ (as with many on ‘BiasedBBC’ blog here), rightly criticises Beeboids’ dangerous euphemisms about our Islamic jihadist enemy-
“Why is the BBC being so polite to terrorists?”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“According to the BBC, Japanese hostage Kenji Goto was beheaded by Islamic State ‘militants’. This has the effect of suggesting Islamic State has ‘moderates’ opposed to the terrorist organisation’s spectacularly violent acts.
“‘Militant’ is a word we use to describe union leaders, feminists, or anyone arguing fiercely for their cause. Those who murder to spread fear, in the hope of destabilising governments, are terrorists.
“Is that too simple for the BBC?”
‘a commenter on The Guardian website suggested his children murder him.’
Well, comment is free. Except those the CiF mods don’t like, when it isn’t. So as speech goes… selective at best.
Bit like the BBC.
And that ‘know where you live’ thing… bet a horde of outraged Graun regulars are on to whoever you tell such tales to, whilst holding the editors to account, bless ’em. Aren’t they?
“Three BBC journalists questioned for using drone in Davos no-fly zone.
Corporation faces possible fine for journalists’ breach of security with launch of unmanned aircraft at World Economic Forum last month.”
Similarly – don’t you love it when the BBC constantly claim that pensioners aren’t sharing the hardship; they should lose their free bus passes to save taxpayers money. No acknowledgment that the subsidised bus companies would immediately suffer a shortfall and would hold out their hands to the government to make it up.
I very much doubt the money will be sourced solely from within the BBC.
It would be interesting what discussions there were between these experienced professionals in international geo-politics as they prepared to launch a potential IED delivery system within a 25mile exclusion zone…. ‘”Tee-hee… we’ll just say that we were getting it about right again”
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Missed this until now…
“Some hand-wringing, PC, public-school broadcaster on the BBC puts it all down to ‘extremists’ — point them in the direction of the millions of people in the Islamic world who rather fervently disagree with that flip and patently delusional diagnosis.”
Ah…. but… Flip and delusional diagnosis that is as vital as Strictly and EastEnders, and tremendous value at just a compelled few pounds a week.
Meanwhile, on a thread near here…
“…self-appointed Muslim leaders have reacted with the usual mixture of petulance and confected outrage.”
Mo… BBC on the blower for you again.
BBC just telling me it’s National Mosque day oh thats good to here as a middle-aged white Englishman that’s exactly the news I was looking for this fine morning . I have the radio on 4 to listen to the evenings propaganda bulletin before I go to sleep. Missus switched it on Friday during the day and told me she thought she was listening to a station dedicated to Isl£m
Shouldn’t national mosque day be on a Friday?
What a load f**king drivel!
They are going to offer refreshments. Were I to go could I insist that they do not serve meat that has been ritually slaughtered and that I do not eat food that has been prepared with prayers to a God I do not believe in.
Quoted from the article:
“More than 20 mosques were expected to take part.
The figure is a small proportion of the total number of mosques in Britain, which is estimated to be 1,750.”
A little over 1% of the mosques in Britain then. 1%! And yet this makes headline news on our National Broadcaster’s news service?
BBC doing the Muezzin’s job again. Suits you, sir.
Shame that more did not participate. Poor Cathy Newman was ushered out of one.
Nothing to do with our beloved BBc I haven’t watched it this weekend. I’m wondering if any of my fellow bloggers can answer this. Yesterday I had a letter posted through the door addressed to me. On the front it informs me “Important information about the future of local NHS services” Of course it’s actually a liebour party election leaflet http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2934778/How-Labour-s-NHS-leaflets-plugged-private-healthcare-MPs-privately-vent-fury-party-s-goal.html I don’t know if BBc news has covered this one or not. However I am annoyed that these scum bags have obtained my name and address as I’ve only lived here 2.5 years we are on the supposed non divulagablevoters register & I’m very careful who I give out my address to. Does anyone know if I can use data protection / FIA legislation to force these toads into telling me where they obtained this information as it is clearly now on their databse.
Tories got me and my misses names from somewhere. We are off the roll. So how I don’t know. No one bothers to come to our door from any of the parties. Not interested in the punters views . That’s why this house won’t vote for for the main three. That and their endless bullshit and self serving agendas. I hope others will do the samee. The LIBLABCONS first then the Beeb. Institutions that have served their purpose and now its time for them to go. Will you tolerate more of them? I won’t.
The scumbags who murdered another journalist yesterday are generally known as the ‘Islamic State’. But the followers of Islam in the UK feel that this name is bad PR and so they object. They should be told that the national broadcaster is not in the business of sanitising news, but no – the BBC usually comply with ‘the so-called Islamic State’.
This morning the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom, a PR professional, who is on record as saying ‘Islam is a religion of peace’, repeatedly used ‘ISIL’. So ‘ISIL is the embodiment of evil’, but that no reflection on Islam, of course.
This morning’s newspaper review on the bBBC breakfast sofa. “Let’s start with a piece that no other paper is carrying, from the Observer about more problems with the NHS.”
The bBBC, true to its self-defined remit of broadcasting whatever Labour and their newspapers want us to swallow.
‘The man who saved thousands of Jews then disappeared ‘
A long long way down the BBC report we eventually read :
‘Despite saving so many people, Wallenberg’s own life had a sad and unexplained ending. In January 1945, after the Soviet Union captured eastern Budapest, Wallenberg was detained by Soviet troops. It was the last time he was seen in public’
The BBC : never knowingly malign the communists
And the BBC omitted to tell us that the Soviet Communist system not only liquidated those who survived Auschwitz and the other camps( being suspect as possible collaborators)…but that they used the camps themselves to enforce the Communist stranglehold over its newly-captured East Germany?
Not a peep from the BBC-or indeed the liberal crocodile tearfunds that “remembered Auschwitz and the camps” last week.
National Socialism turned out to be less cancerous a version of Socialism than its “Internationale” mutation…which is what we still live with today.
Sssh-don`t tell the people though!
Ah yes, those hallowed seats of learning – Coventry University and the University of Tasmania.
Here’s my impartial and critical analysis of this ‘study’:
What a load of f**king drivel!
INBBC lobbies for Islamic interests in Southampton, and against Channel 4-
“Immigration Street protesters gather outside Channel 4 offices”
Immigration Street, Derby Road, Southampton. Aren’t there any sailors around who can recall this area as the red light district? Prostitutes sitting half naked in the front windows advertising their services. It was a world famous call for sailors and others. Just an ordinary street says the Guardian. Rubbish. Several years ago cops tried to seal off the area issuing on the spot fines for kerb crawlers and tourists who went to take in a few snaps of the whores before visiting the Titanic Museum. Muslims now dominate the area with the usual band of Interfaith dhimmis. It is wise to stay clear, and with fast roads separating it from the civilised part of the city the main access is via subways lined with rapists and muggers.
A rather modest picture below of one of the local working girls. Google images of Derby Road for more.
I am aware of Derby Road a friend of mine used to live in a squat there in the early 1980s. Whilst being the “red light” district it was not a place you would feel intimidated by walking through. My friends party piece was to approach the plain clothed plod and ask them for a light. Funny how these people object to having the attention turned on them you would have thought they would welcome he opportunity to show us how well they are fitting into the English way of life.
The second link is not working. Anyway, any totty is unlikely to be more ‘delectable’ than the author of the Guardian article, Rowenna Davis. If you recall; she was the eager young leftie who popped up on the BBC regularly before she went off to concentrate on getting elected in that area. Most lefties are naïve, but she was the ultimate schoolgirl naivette. Guido Fawkes exposed how even Derek Draper was more interested in her looks than her politics:
Rowenna Davis
Oh great, Prince Charles to the rescue:
Apparently, he has decided to be an outspoken, activist, King. If so, he should be subject to a public grilling about his opinions. He could explain, for instance, how you feed a population the size of the UK’s with organic farms. Then he could explain how someone leading his extravagant lifestyle should be telling others to reduce their carbon footprint. Finally, he can explain why his companies are exempt from corporation tax.
After all that, he can spout off as much as he likes because nobody will be listening to the hypocrite.
They will listen if they can hear over leadspeakers broadcasting the call to prayer for this Defender of Faiths.
Charles should follow the excellent example of his great uncle (?) Edward and abdicate as he’s married to a divorcee. A worthy act with a hall-marked precedence, what’s not to like?
Just read this excellent article utterly deconstructing Adam Curtis’s latest anti-West hit piece, exclusively available on BBC iPlayer.
Notice how the writer uses facts and examples to prove his points. Compare that to, say, this Guardian blog which just harps on about Western arrogance and tries to portray everyone else as a victim of Western colonialism, typical of the Guardian’s content in general and utterly devoid of reason in most cases.
It’s no wonder many wrongly assume the Guardian is the BBC’s print wing.
I did watch this, and enjoyed it a lot.
Of course it`s selective, silly and avoids all those elephants in the room like Islam, Islam and Islam.
But it`s stylised and entertains at least.
Where are the “right wing thinkers” that`ll try to deal with big themes and be so polemical?…apart from Durkin, there`s hardly anyone that comes to mind.
Not that they`d get commissioned, but Curtis is at least ambitious.
If only we could get Jonathan Meades to do a takedown of the liberal mindset that turned from Churchills funeral to Lady Dis.
That would be the era that defines the decline of this nation.
Tea, Citizen Khan and other good reasons to visit your local mosque … The Grainard
Mosque open days to ease ‘tensions around terrorism’
just what … planet? … eh
reasons to go, re the Grainard
Listen to a sonorous call to prayer -The call to prayer – or adhan – is a beautiful expression of Islamic belief.
(A translation of the 1st recited every day could be just a little off putting) … the only “faith”, that starts with, “there is no god”
Meet a real community leader – This is an opportunity not to be missed: having an “Islam means peace” chat with a Citizen Khan-type character ( ?…………… errr! right.)
See a ritual washing area like no other – This is an interesting experience that Muslims go through every day which you may like to see ???
Witness a congregational prayer … ????
hmm … looks a lot like proselytising to me, on a Sunday
So its a bottoms down to that one, sorry, discrimination against women, questionable hygiene, and the consistent weekly reminders of organised Islamic child gang rape through court cases
… I ll give it a miss
… then again my “support Israel, end Islamic fascism” t-shirt along with copies of Charlie Hebdo cartoons under my arm
… would be a great, “icebreaker”
Reciprocal ‘open days’ to be arranged at football grounds, cricket grounds, pubs and other places of proper ‘community cohesion’ in cities like Leicester, Bradford, Luton etc.
Didn’t you just know ?
Serves her right – it’s not just me that can’t stand the leftie, feminist bint.
Heh! Heh! Sweet ironic justice.
‘Mosques across the country are opening their doors to the public today
Organised by the Muslim Council of Britain to show people how they run.’
Like every hospital the Queen visits smells of fresh paint.
Still, Cathy Newman knows how they’re run – some of them anyway.
Can’t wait for the Channel 4 follow-up, complete with welcoming mat, burka accessory and……whatever the fresh paint equivalent is (a visiting spittle-flecked Imam trussed and gagged in a cupboard?)
I m sick of seeing, supposedly intellectual fem journo s
from Al BBC or Ch4 Hijab-ing up?,.
Have they no self respect or integrity?, knowing how women are treated in Islam, or indeed every mosque?
… do they think Islamic women will ever get freedom of thought and action, while they keep pandering at every opportunity?
Mishal Hussain on BBC Six News: Australian journalist has been freed. He was convicted of…., charges he denied. followed by He and his colleagues denied all charges against them. Lots more emphasis on the denials than on the convictions.
Standard BBC template we’ve got to know, remember: Footballer Ched Evans has been released. He was convicted of rape, but has always denied the charges.?
OK, I jest….rather it was Convicted rapist Ched Evans…
And people say the BBC isn’t biased? What would it take to convince them?
The sofa slugs are running this as their main story this morning. Could it be he worked for…, oh he worked for the BBc no mention the fact he was of accused of news reporting which was “damaging to national security”.
Only the BBC and liberal media that feeds it would possibly blame the Japanese for what befell their second national.
The whole grisly ritual and torture as passed onto us by the liberal media simply blame the “authorities”..the “government”…the “policies”-and (craven conniving scum that they are) refuse to lie the blame where it lies.
With IS, with Islam, with Muslims, with Sunni Arabs…take any moniker you like and you`ll not be far wrong.
Of course-like Sydney, Boston or Paris-it`s always the Jews, the scribblers, the politicians and the police/intel-that get the blame.
Never the Islamists and that Book of theirs.
Craven snivelling pondlife who dare to blame Japan for what our exported nutjobs do to other human beings.
Sometimes it`s the BBC that serve as Jihadist whetstones.
Only wish that the Japs could revisit some of that barbarous cruelty that THEY used to dish out. These IS scum deserve those practices practiced on them-for medical research purposes only though.
Can anybody please explain why the bBC hasn’t mentioned the fact that the Jordanian Government has informed ISIS that if their captured pilot dies then so do each and every ISIS captive in Jordan. Instead the bBC have this to say on the situation:
“Jordan has vowed to do all it can to secure the release of a pilot captured by Islamic State, after a video was released appearing to show the beheading of a Japanese hostage. Jordan echoed Japan in strongly condemning the murder of Kenji Goto. The pilot, Lt Moaz al-Kasasbeh, was captured when his plane came down in December on a mission to support the US-led, anti-IS military coalition.Jordan says it is willing to exchange an Iraqi prisoner for his safe return. Government spokesman Mohammed al-Momeni told the official Petra news agency the administration was doing “everything it can to save the life and secure the release of its pilot”.”
The bBC, the political mouthpiece for intolerant IS-lam
Bit unpleasant and -er well-a bit beneath the likes of Shami and Clive, Gareth and Geoffrey.
This vengeance stuff-best not to mention that!
Out comes the air freshener when it comes to the barbaric IS.
Hope Jordan takes full revenge-and maybe the Japanese could send them a few techniques from WW2.
If the Japanese had stuck with those methods re IS…like the Russians, the cowardly Muslim jihadists wouldn`t go near them.
Islam is never braver than when it has the BBC slavering over its flip flops, a trussed up victim and a big brave stanley knife.
The old, women and kids preferably.
Putin is the only leader who won`t stand for IS…the spineless spongiform west and its media are leading ISIS on and over here.
Best offer them the BBC…might stay over there then.
It wasn’t the Nationalism that caused the Nazis to murder, it was the Socialism. Socialism always kills, so a target has to be found: The Aristos in the French Revolution, the Kulaks by the Russian communists, and the Jews by the Nazis. They also had lesser targets too in case the original ones run out: the French targeted the Church and the religious, the Russians targeted the Jews and Ukrainians, and the nazis used the Gypsies and Slavs.
The nationalism of the nazis allowed them to pick on the Jews as the main target because of the historic anti-semitism that is again prevalent. Not on the extreme right who tend, say, to support Israel but the left wing socialists who call their anti-semitism by another name – normally anti-Zionism. They also ascribe others of their pet hates – e.g. apartheid to Israel which is probably the only country in that area where that is a false claim. Their anti-Semitism goes far too far when they accuse Israel of Genocide. Something Israel’s enemies aim for – but not, repeat not, Israel. The current left are virtually indistinguishable from their nazi forebears.
Of course, the reason why the left have to single groups out to receive their full hate is to unite the masses in the “grand projet”. Obviously the targets are currently EDL, UKIP and the Conservatives – but add to that bankers and corporations, plus Israelis as their foreign hate target.
If you keep the propaganda flowing – courtesy of the BBC, the teaching profession and the union bosses – then all non-thinking people will eventually feel aggrieved by these groups and actually believe that e.g. Margaret Thatcher was evil and tried to kill the working class despite her helping more from there to improve their lot than any other prime minister.
The above two comments seem to be in th wrong place. They should have been in the other thread where the Beeboid was saying that far left looks more like far right than itself.
Christopher Booker gives Beeboids an appropriate reference here-
“Which ‘environment’ do ‘environmentalists’ really care about?
“The anti-frackers are the same people who support gigantic wind farms.
” What is going on?”
BBC Midlands Today…tomorrow…Monday 2nd February…an ‘NHS special’ from a hospital in Wolverhampton.
That ‘secret’ meeting that Miliband had with BBC executives and editors (when he told them he would weaponise the NHS) was certainly time well spent.
It’s about time that the NHS ‘Trust’ stepped in and sorted this lot out.
BBC ‘Trust’. Crikey…did I really sat NHS Trust? Must have been the Peroni.
Top of my Facebook feed too, from BBC World:
No obvious byline, but BBC Australia’s new beavers certainly busy, if donning a singular focus.
An interesting ‘journalistic’ precedent, especially for a guest medium. I wonder if the obsession with what leaders elsewhere are not doing is reciprocated? ABC would be non-stop on asking Ed when he’s off.
But we would be unlikely to pick up on it much here. However, played out by proxy via FB, trending, magazines, etc, it seems to serve the BBC one degree of separation technique well.
And they do have a small, if loyal audience looking at the comments, who make the Flokkers here seem coherent.
Soft power indeed. In the head.
Then there’s a new one to me: ‘BBC Pop-up’
Not sure how many countries this division is in (the one I saw was in the USA), it appears to be based on yet more young hipster staff given a video, car and name card with ‘Journalist’ written on it, and encouraged to roam about doing snappy spots on nothing the locals recognise if the Facebook comments are anything to go on.
That is, those not threatening death or trying to flog Toyotas.
Two of the latest from Norm (no idea how he gets his nickname):
“Ed Balls says Boots boss “brought forward by Conservatives” to attack Labour economic policy @bbcr4today”
“Labour have “much more pro business agenda” than David Cameorn says @edballsmp @BBCr4today”
Here’s Nick R, already being accused of being a Tory stooge for using numbers and stuff (still on the sources, though):
“Labour source insists tuition fee cut will be fully funded not paid for by “accounting wheeze”. So @edballsmp still has £2bn to find”
The Torygraph published the story on its site at 9.07 pm on Saturday. Boots boss: Ed Miliband would be a ‘catastrophe’ for Britain
Sky News picked it up and broadcast it as a straightforward news item all day Sunday. To my hearing, the BBC never ran the straightforward story. First I heard was on The Westminster Hour on R4 at 10pm Sunday – it was dressed up as a ‘Labour says..’ piece. Basically, Labour says the guy shouldn’t comment because he is a tax exile.
Being a UKIP voter, I have no dog in the Labour v Tory fight; but this seemed pretty blatant.
On the last “Today” news bulletin of this morning, we learn from the WMO, that 2014 was the warmest year ever, due to man-made addition of CO2 to the atmosphere.
This, after the last load of old bollocks was disproved last week.
It’s the hottest. No, it ain’t. It’s the hottest – next?
By 0.02 degrees, since 1880. Perhaps. Or then again, maybe not.
Great stuff. Looking increasingly pathetic.
By 0.02 degrees when the margin for error in global temperature measurement is acknowledged as 0.1 degree.
Not that the BBC should worry it’s pretty little head about such fine detail.
Oooooh, those nasty carbon emissions – let’s go get ’em girls!
Tom Heap was at it again on Country File yesterday evening.
Hottest year ever, since records began yada yada yada.
Who heard the Green MP interviewed on ‘Toady’ at around 8.30 this morning? Christ, that was a total car-crash. I’ve heard some disastrous interviews before, but that was simply staggering.
These people are insane. They make the others look highly rational.
Yes the loony Caroline Lucas. Almost (but not quite) as mad as her Antipodean leader. However, people allegedly are converting to the greens, in droves…
You ought to look up their policies on the Green Party website – absolutely fucking terrifying. And to think this is what our schoolkids are being driven towards….
Fighting Bigotry? … over one of Hitlers most trusted allies?
… asking for an end to Jew hatred? (a cogent point today)
… bigotry? asking for an end, to hatred is bigotry now?
who are these misguided dudes, who don t understand the
definition of bigotry?
The Bay Area Art Queers? oops sorry “unleashing power” ?
who is erm “unleashing” Jew hatred in spades at the moment?
who “unleashes” erm “queer” hatred almost as much?
do the “Bay Area Queers” even know?
from the BBC website
Is he British? Is he Scottish?
Cheer up Andy Murray…. and well done Shona Thomson
Sadly, since coming out for the SNP at the very last minute of the Independence Referendum (on Twitter – natch) just before the polls closed – our Andy hasn’t won much.
He lost my support with his ‘anyone but England’ quip about his football allegiance. Many a true word said in jest – and it seems when it comes down to brass tacks – Scots Nationalism is mainly based on the ‘anti-English ‘ factor. No wonder the SNP stirs the loins of the BBC. And no wonder anyone from the further fringes of these isles of ours who does anything at all of note gets a nice big up from the BBC about not being English.
Still, I say cheer up Andy.
Just read this BBC tosh about the cold weather
Aside from telling us how we feel about the weather we learn that these days the act of simply ‘being’ Scots is one heck of an achievement!
‘One woman who knows all about braving the elements is Shona Thomson. As well as being from Scotland, she has gone on to be one of only 16 women worldwide to have run marathons on all seven continents, as well as the North Pole’
Well done Shona. Cheer up Andy.
In similar four legs good, two legs bad vein thanks to the BBC and HMRC we learn…
‘Recent analysis by HMRC suggested that women were more likely to submit their tax returns on time than men’.
Not sure how that dovetails with the gender breakdown of prosecutions for non-payment of TV Tax, but bravo and go girls!
Well it was either that or “men were more likely to submit their tax returns on time than women”. A story whatever happens.
PS – I submitted my tax return at 7.00pm on 31st January. It took all of 10 minutes. Men KNOW this.
The BBC website is running a competition to decide who killed Lucy Beale on Eastenders. May I suggest that everyone enters and gives Leslie Grantham as the answer.
Peter McKay, ‘Daily Mail’ (as with many on ‘BiasedBBC’ blog here), rightly criticises Beeboids’ dangerous euphemisms about our Islamic jihadist enemy-
“Why is the BBC being so polite to terrorists?”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“According to the BBC, Japanese hostage Kenji Goto was beheaded by Islamic State ‘militants’. This has the effect of suggesting Islamic State has ‘moderates’ opposed to the terrorist organisation’s spectacularly violent acts.
“‘Militant’ is a word we use to describe union leaders, feminists, or anyone arguing fiercely for their cause. Those who murder to spread fear, in the hope of destabilising governments, are terrorists.
“Is that too simple for the BBC?”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2935783/PETER-MCKAY-BBC-polite-terrorists.html#ixzz3QarKcg7w
“Biased BBC Avoids ‘Loaded’ Lingo Like ‘Terrorism’ to Describe Charlie Hebdo Massacre”
– See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2015/02/01/biased-bbc-avoids-loaded-lingo-terrorism-describe-charlie-hebdo-massacre#sthash.WdjPM1EU.dpuf
Will Beeboids spring to his defence?-
“Journalist David Rose subjected to ‘vile online abuse’ for questioning severity of man-made climate change”
By Dominic Ponsford.
True, Mr Rose doesn’t write for Islamic Al Jazeera.
‘a commenter on The Guardian website suggested his children murder him.’
Well, comment is free. Except those the CiF mods don’t like, when it isn’t. So as speech goes… selective at best.
Bit like the BBC.
And that ‘know where you live’ thing… bet a horde of outraged Graun regulars are on to whoever you tell such tales to, whilst holding the editors to account, bless ’em. Aren’t they?
Beeboids: and a law unto themselves?:-
“Three BBC journalists questioned for using drone in Davos no-fly zone.
Corporation faces possible fine for journalists’ breach of security with launch of unmanned aircraft at World Economic Forum last month.”
And who would pay any fine? We British taxpayers.
Oh…snap, sorry!;)
Good point!
Similarly – don’t you love it when the BBC constantly claim that pensioners aren’t sharing the hardship; they should lose their free bus passes to save taxpayers money. No acknowledgment that the subsidised bus companies would immediately suffer a shortfall and would hold out their hands to the government to make it up.
‘the BBC is facing a possible fine’
I very much doubt the money will be sourced solely from within the BBC.
It would be interesting what discussions there were between these experienced professionals in international geo-politics as they prepared to launch a potential IED delivery system within a 25mile exclusion zone…. ‘”Tee-hee… we’ll just say that we were getting it about right again”