Just caught a film on BBC News 24 which owed more to the adman’s art than the journalist’s, it being pure propaganda with soft music and images and sentiments designed to induce guilt and sympathy for immigrants. It was solely designed for one purpose…..to tug on your heart strings and persuade you with a large helping of emotional blackmail to fling open the borders and let the world in. This was not News, this was something the likes of Michael Moore, Ken Loach or Adam Curtis would be proud of producing…..a very one sided, emotive message based not on reason or anything resembling sense but on a willing suspension of reality and disbelief in the sentimental hope that it will all turn out all right in the end.
Here the film maker, Darius Bazargan, writes it up in back and white, but you have to view it through rose tinted glasses for the full effect….
The huddled masses besieging Fortress Calais
He ends with this ‘plea’ to our better nature….
Mustafa the statistician from Aleppo, on the road with his 10-year-old son Izeddine. Ahmad, a video editor from Kabul. Hussein, an English teacher from southern Iran. And Osman, the engineer from Khartoum.
They know what it is like when the roadblocks go up, when the fires of war get closer every night, or when there is a knock on the door in the middle of the night.
These things happen somewhere in the world every single day of the year, and the fortress port of Calais is a testament to the instinct to flee in search of safety.
The whole is infused with a good dose of mawkish romanticism of the ‘refugee’ escaping from dire circumstances combined with the brute force of rhetoric backed up with the usual BBC clincher…the child in ‘peril’.
As I said not news but pro-immigration propaganda that pays no heed to the realities of life and the consequences of allowing in unhindered, large, unlimited, numbers of immigrants.
Ironically Bazargan says…
It feels as though the realities of the rest of the world are slowly encroaching on a Western European daydream.
Reality isn’t really encroaching in Bazragan though.
The ‘realities of the rest of the world’ have always been there…what’s new is fools like Bazargan who advocate and proselytise for anyone and everyone to come to the UK if they want to.
Which is strange really…Bazargan should know better, after all he made this film about the ‘realities of the world’ in Lebanon where sectarian violence is never far away in a nation divided by politics, religion and tribe…
You can go to any country in the world and film endless stories that are tragic and pitiful, many you could film in the back streets and estates of the Uk…..millions of these stories exist out there in the ‘rest of the world’……billions in fact. Is Bazargan with his sanctimonious and blinkered preaching suggesting we should scoop them all up and bring them here? Just what does he think would happen? Where are the BBC programmes exploring the real issues that arise from importing the problems of the world to this small island?
I guess when race riots, bombings and mass murder don’t effect you in your BBC bubble you can afford to be setting yourself up on the moral high ground…but how long will that last? Importing the world’s rivalries, the world’s sectarianism, the world’s internecine and very vicious fights can only end one way…..
The future of bright sunny uplands? Nah…more like a war zone with warlords and their private armies running the show…back to the dark ages then…..
The BBC…charged with promoting civil society and social cohesion……lol.
Agitprop they don’t even try to disguise it. The use of sentimental vision with simplistic answers. Stockholm syndrome writ large
It is all the left have. Emotive entreaties. They cannot rationalise.
” Emotive entreaties. They cannot rationalise.”
Oh the irony. It’s a blog post on immigration that features pictures of riots, Madrid and the London bombings.
Oh the relevance, riots and bombings as a result of importing alien cultures.
I agree i am often saying the same thing to my wife. You see it all the time on QT, the left using sentiment as an argument and to hell with the hard facts. How many times have you heard someone of the left say ‘how dare you’ with fake outrage and waffle on about hard working nurses or teachers but completely ignore a broken system.
It is a calculated tactic, it is one of the Rules for Radicals.
12. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
The other question they don’t ask – and the one which would sink their arguments in one is “Why are they all at Calais?”
If they were just genuine refugees they would be stopping at the first safe country they come to. To be desperate to come to England despite crossing France and any number of other suitable countries shows them to be nothing other than economic migrants. To ask the question is to answer it – BBC misinformation as ever.
“Mustafa the statistician from Aleppo, on the road with his 10-year-old son Izeddine. Ahmad, a video editor from Kabul. Hussein, an English teacher from southern Iran. And Osman, the engineer from Khartoum.”
Statisticians, video editors, English teachers and engineers, eh? Makes a change from Mustafa the car washer, Ahmad the shelf stacker, Hussein the burger flipper and Osman the Beeg Ishyoo Pleeze seller. Just the sort of people we need to help us grow the country after decades of Tory Kutz. Let’s hope they can make it here in time for the General Election so they can vote for Red Ed.
All these wonderful highly qulified people. Great.
But when the call of “Taqbir” sounds, how will they respond?
‘…pure propaganda with soft music and images and sentiments designed to induce guilt and sympathy’
Recently Channel 4 News produced a similarly styled film report on boat migrants attempting to enter Italy. It had everything – the tinkling emotional soundtrack, well-educated apparently westernised heroic migrants – and yet soft-focus and lack of detail on certain important facts.
The part that really repelled me was when a migrant was retelling a story of drowning relatives the film makers inserted sound effects of waves – toe-curling.
Such a great piece of work was this report that Jon Snow gave an on-air credit to the director of the film – which rather gave the game away – this was not news but carefully crafted propaganda.
We think they should be ashamed – I’m afraid Beeboids and Channel 4 types are proud of themselves.
Was that really a news report from Channel 4? I thought they had finally started filming The Camp of the Saints and it was an extract from it.
For anyone not familiar with this book, you need to be. It’s an apocalyptic tale of Westerm society destroyed in a matter of months through hyper-immigration, written more than 40 years ago and frightening in its prophesy. But for the likes of the BBC and Channel 4 it’s a guidebook.
The thing that fascinates me the most is that the left was the power behind the dismantling of the Empire.
The same people sitting in Calais are the ones that demonstrated utter contempt of the British and Britain. The Empire invaded their lands, stole their natural resources, denied them the right to democracy and stole their freedom.
Now they have their freedom, control their natural resources and have democracy (normally one-man, one-vote, once) they want to live in a country they have always hated.
And their champion throughout has been the BBC. The BBC agitating against the colonists and their exploitation of the natives. When things go pear shaped they don’t point the finger at the new regime and their citizens but want to demonstrate how inclusive we are by allowing them to migrate here bringing all the joys of their cultures with them..
Here is an article I thought was interesting
This bit caught my eye “David Cameron, Jeremy Hunt and Bob Geldof are all supporting her campaign.” David Cameron and Jeremy Hunt I can understand, but Bob Geldof…… WTF?
Presumably Bob Geldof needs the publicity, what with Bland Aid 30 having fizzled out. One trick pony and all that.
Re People in Calais…
I’m not that’s actually true in all but a handful of cases. Most of the people who want to come here want to do so because of the economic opportunities, whether that’s through employment or handouts. They see Britain as a free, fair and welcoming country – few hate the country and few have a concept of the British Empire or what it meant, as it is several generations in the past. But they do know their own countries are often unmitigated shitholes – always were and always likely to be so. It is very much the BBC and Left that promote the false consciousness of imperial problems. Some even believe it; few have sufficient knowledge of history to know that the Empire was largely run at a loss during the 20th Century, or that the huge infrastructure investments abroad (e.g. Indian railways, the largest civil engineering project of the 19th Century) were often to the detriment of the UK population, or that the amount of silver being exported to India in the 18th Century nearly bankrupted this country. Just doesn’t fit their narrative, does it.
I don’t necessarily agree with you Ian. I am aware of dozens of Zimbabwe nationals here as “asylum seekers”. These asylum seekers brag on forums of their support for Robert Mugabe. They admit being here because they are fully supported by the state and have a better way of life than they would have in Zimbabwe. They openly state their hatred of Britain and like Mugabe blame their situation on Britain.
Britain benefits/benefited massively, financially from mining operations in South Africa. This was not necessarily through the state but publicly owned companies. Massive wealth was transferred and continues through ownership of mining operations there.
So whilst Governmental operations may have been a drain on the exchequer the tax gains from business operations are huge.
Interesting and unacceptable about the Zimbabweans – rather suspect they were better off prior to 1980 (well they were, in strictly economic terms). The only two territories that returned an absolute profit during the 20th Century were Malaysia (tin and rubber) and New Zealand (lamb!), otherwise the costs of instrastructure, military operations, policing and subsidies exceeded the direct financial benefits. South Africa ceased to be part of the Empire after 1910, although clearly very profitable to the private sector ever since, as you highlight. Always interesting to compare the financial performance of the Empire (run at a loss) with our activities in South America, which were hugely profitable even though not part of the Empire (Guyana and the odd island aside).
The BBC are irresponsible as they never allow an honest debate on the awkward questions i.e. any that would disrupt the leftist world view that the UK should impose no limits whatesoever on immigration.
Questions like:
What is the maximum population the country could sustain?
What impact is current immigration having on our services and infrastructure?
What impact is it having on the economy?
What impact is immigration having on the host nation and its culture? What value should we be placing on our culture and what should we be doing to preserve it?
Is ‘multiculturalism’ working?
Nor do they honestly challenge the corruption and savagery of countries that are constantly fighting civil wars and creating massive refugee and starvation problems. How long have they been at it? How long ago was the first Live Aid?
Instead the prevailing impression you get from the BBC is that any level of immigration is ‘Not a problem’ and all of these foreign cultures are, of course, superior to our own so should not only be welcomed, but encouraged to flourish.
“Mass immigration will affect general election results
“THE liberal metropolitan elite might like to prattle about the benefits of mass immigration but most of the British public know that the wilful destruction of our borders has been a catastrophe for our country.”
No politician seeking office openly states that he or she wants to destroy the family, promote the rights of criminals, privatise the NHS, bring in sufficient numbers of immigrants to try and change the character of the country, or transfer responsibility for law-making to unelected European officials. The fact that all of these things are happening is testament to the fact that Britain’s politicians have largely been operating without a democratic mandate for more than a generation. An interesting question is: At what point does the election process lose its legitimacy altogther? Followed by: And what happens next?
French novel on Islamisation of France-
“The overlooked detail about the most recent cover of the magazine at the center of the Paris attack”
(‘The Blaze’ 7 Jan).
“Its title is ‘Soumission’ or ‘Submission in English (‘submission’ being the literal definition of the Arabic word ‘Islam’), the newest work of celebrated and controversial French author Michel Houellebecq.
“’Soumission’ was released in bookstores today, January 7, with one Bloomberg writer already questioning whether the attacks on Charlie Hebdo are linked to the book’s publication.
“The Paris Review describes the novel as follows:
“It’s 2022, and France is living in fear. The country is roiled by mysterious troubles. Regular episodes of urban violence are deliberately obscured by the media. Everything is covered up, the public is in the dark … and in a few months the leader of a newly created Muslim party will be elected president. On the evening of June 5, in a second general election—the first having been anulled after widespread voter fraud—Mohammed Ben Abbes handily beats Marine Le Pen with support from both socialists and the right.
“The next day, women abandon Western dress. Most begin wearing long cotton smocks over their trousers; encouraged by government subsidies, they leave the workplace in droves. Male unemployment drops overnight. In formerly rough neighborhoods, crime all but disappears. Universities become Islamic. Non-Muslim teachers are forced into early retirement unless they convert and submit to the new regime.”
There is only one solution. We have to return to colonial times where the white man runs the show.
It would also benefit the BBC to follow that.
The thing that worries me (And no doubt others) is that the vast majority of people waiting in Calais are from countries which won independence from the West (if not the UK). Having won their so called freedom, they ran their countries not by the rule of law, but by ruling by the law of the koran. Years down the line and having ruined their country, won payouts from Whitey for their guilt (Slavery, torture,rape, been denied a visa,Global warming etc…) the very same people who danced in the streets when whites are killed for allah come to the west in which to earn a living. Yet in doing so they recreate the very same conditions in their new countries that forced them to move in the first place. Walk down any western city where immigrants live and you’d think you were in a third world shit hole. Rape gangs, disease , intimidation, FGM, murders and as we have seen intolerance towards those who don’t subscribe to their bigoted way of life.
And the left think it is a good thing in which to import these people into our midst.
I agree Pounce. It seems to amaze our do gooders that when you import a quarter of a million Somalis to your country, they do not morph overnight into latte sipping intellectuals, but remain qat chewing, female genital mutilating, tribal layabouts. Who’d have thought it?
“Is Britain’s Impending Catastrophe Avoidable?”
Interesting programme on Radio 4 Extra tonight at 20.30 – The Funny Thing About Muslims. A programme from 2008 investigating the apparent lack of the humour gene suffered by Muslims.
The inability to laugh at themselves being a major problem in my book.
Apperently Canadian moslems, who are well absorbed into the community, have developed a fair sense of humour. Look out for the brief clip from “Little mosque on the prairie” where the topic is where women fit in in the mosque!
Seemingly the problem in other countries is that they have not felt so welcomed so struggle a bit, feeling they are hard done by.
Canadian Muslims are I believe there by invitation and therefore tend to be the better educated might have something to do with it.
On a different topic PLEASE can the site owners change the order of the messages to newest first not last. Anyone else agree?
Pounce February 2, 2015 at 4:23 pm
“And the left think it is a good thing …. to import these people into our midst.”
Perhaps it’s just me but I get the impression that when Beeboids announce that the non-native population of the UK will be x millions in 25 years they sound like a naturalist welcoming an exotic rare species to our shores. We should feel honoured that they have chosen to live here and brighten up our dull lives.
“European ‘No-Go’ Zones: Fact or Fiction?
Part 2: Britain.”
by Soeren Kern.