Middle of the week and time for a new thread. I noted that Jeremy Bowens was referring to the Islamic savages that burned the Jordanian pilot alive as “fighters” last night, although on the Today programme this morning I heard the word “terrorist” used, which was welcome if overdue. Anyway, here’s a thread for your use!
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Bollox to the Beeb
Another tawdry propoganda anti-Pegida article by “BBC Trending”(whatever that means).
The bias is breathtaking!. The article is about a new British based Pegida Facebook page and other Pegida FB pages that are appearing in Europe.
Even the headline reads “Pegida in the UK: Don’t believe the ‘likes'”!!.
its not often i say this, in fact i cant ever remember saying it before, but thank god for the BBC, without it i wouldnt have known there was such a thing as Pegida UK
The BBC wouldnt post the link to Pegida UK because Pegida isnt very politically correct and doesnt tow the marxist line that islam is the religion of peace, so i’ll post it instead. Its sad that the BBC sees the truth as hate speech
Once again thanks very much to the BBC, its trending blog and BBC blogger Mike Wendling who posted it. Im quite sure we can add some “likes” that the BBC cant say were not from the UK
It is noteworthy that Russia has fallen ouit of favour with the BBC since its rejection of homophilia.
According to them their are only 6000 likes based in the UK the rest being German, and the first march is going to happen in Newcastle later this month, anyone up for hiring a few coaches ?
The Beeboids are in denial about the genie being out of the bottle. They manipulated a multicultural, politically-correct zombie nation for years; now they are finding it difficult to cope with newly-restless natives who won’t tug the forelock any more. Who cares if they don’t publicise Pegida UK, or can prove it has only X thousand clicks; the latest polls show UKIP sitting at an incredible 15%:
UK Polling Report
We can guess that the Kippers are mostly Pegida sympathisers. Add to them a goodly proportion of Conservatives and Labour voters. The Beeboids can write what they like; they are just pissing into the wind.
Ooops…its crumbling around them. The plebs have had a gutfull and the beeb can’t stop them.
Buy the way anyone notice the reluctance of the beeb to say that Rotherham council is Labour? Would they be so quiet if they were UKIP I wonder? Also the Beeb did the old “threat of the far right” again. Yada Yada Yada…
Also did the “Honourable” Denis McShane (then local MP) do about the abuse? NOTHING. Zilch. Zero. Too busy lining his pockets to worry about the dirty proles being abused in his own constituency one wouldn’t wonder. At least he served his time in Belmarsh and Brixton. Vile W*nker.
No – The ruling council IS NOT Labour. The ruling council WAS Labour.
Stand corrected.
BBC Facebook page – great comments under Rotherham Council “Not fit…..” breaking news:
Comment Quote:
‘As there is an election coming up it would be good for the people of Rotherham to know which Party the resigning Cabinet belong to, since the article breaking news on BBC website does not tell us? They must be Conservative and UKIP I think?’
I imagine Cameron’s UAF will be hiring a few, plus the public sector unions who don’t believe anyone should have freedom to speak unless its what they approve of.
Well done Jordan, executing two today. Such backward hardcore sadists understand nothing less than experiencing fear themselves.
Time for Cameron to take a hard line on the families of those who fight for ISIS, expel the entire family. That will make excamples of them and incentivize parents to prevent their sons joining
Anyone supporting ISIS in any form should be treated as an accessory to the murder and extradited to Jordan for them to deal with.
As an OT aside, was Jordan not where Theresa May got Abu Qatada deported back to on account of eventually convincing everyone of the benevolent justice system there?
If so… respect.
Might make the next effort a wee bit trickier.
Qatada did receive justice through a fair trial in Jordan, after stalling and prevaricating on the UK legal aid budget for years, even though he argued such an event was improbable. The al queda terrorists killed in reprisal by Jordan were already under a death sentence, imposed by the same justice system. Arguably, the ISIS action merely moved their appointments up the timetable.
Treason as well insofar as they are fighting for a declared enemy of the UK state. As was traditional if they are beyond jurisdiction, they should be exiled from the state. Once beyond UK borders the UK can rescind any citizenship. As for the unlawful killing they are jointly involved in the UK state has a choice to hunt down and seek extradition. They problem with this is that unlike, say, the USA who locks them up forever, when they returned here there is a strong faction here who both sympathise but also see them as vulnerable young people so will get minimum sentencing. Thus exile is best though if we had a Mossad there would be an other option. They chose this.
Aerfen, I understand your frustration – but where do we expel the ISIS families to? Who would have them? Islamic State I guess.
As far as I am concerned they should be crammed in the back of a Hercules and flown over the arctic and thrown out at 30,000 ft. Let their sky fairy save them.
It should not be that difficult to deport them, even if they have lived here for generations. Laws passed to relocate those who have made it known that they and their families support terror. Then a plane to a base in an ME country staffed by us or our allies. They get off the plane and are pointed in the direction of the nearest friendly mosque where all their needs will be met. It would show greater respect for their human rights than keeping them here to suffer all of the kinds of abuse we hear from Tell Mama and the Beeb.
Be careful what you ask for.
How long, if such a law was made, would it be before some arse or false flag chucked a petrol bomb into a Mosque? Then everyone who has visited this site would be in the queue for deportation.
As always laws made by the ‘elite’ to ‘protect’ us proles are used against us instead.
I was thinking along the same lines C18 , faster ground speed , higher payload , & make it mid Atlantic !
Marine le Pen to speak at the Oxford Union on Thursday. BBC quiet at the moment, but their favourite anti fascist thugs are arranging free bus fare to the demonstration to prevent her speaking, backed of course by the TUC, NHS workers, NUJ, and the outspoken film maker, Kenneth Loach..
FREE Birkbeck coach TOMORROW to anti Le Pen demo @Oxford Union! e mail info@uaf.org.uk,call 0xxxxxxx
It is quite surreal seeing fascists protesting about fascism. I blame the education system.
Marine le Pen is not a fascist she just wants her country back .
Isn’t is always the case, the Left champion free speech – along as it is their speech. “The position of the Left is they don’t want to win the argument, they’d rather cancel the argument.” Mark Steyn.
The BBC had better get used to reporting on Marine le Pen, especially after the next presidential election in France.
‘Vote Labour,’ BUT-
“Rotherham Council ‘not fit for purpose’ over child abuse failings”
A question for Beeboids-
By Paul Weston, ‘Liberty GB,’
(Sept, 2014)-
daily mail have a story on this with comments – everyone is pi$$ed off
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-31130750 No hypocrisy at the BBc then? Just watched this on the 13:00 hour news footage of lots of Rotherham establishment saying “sorry” but not from the BBc According to the reporter it was uncovered last year. So how come some of us who don’t even live there know what was going on in my case @7 years ago. The BBc as far as I’m concerned were complicit in the cover up even when the “asian men” were going to court they continued to suppress the story, so where’s the apology BBc?
The first episode of the major four-part BBC production Inside The Commons aired last night:
Inside The Commons
Labour’s record in Rotherham is woeful, with the Islamic child abuse scandal and their honourable member Denis Macshane going to jail for false accounting. UKIP are neck-and-neck with them in the polls. The BBC made their new MP, Sarah Champion, the central ‘actor’ in the programme, with a core thread being her ‘determined struggle’ against old, out-of-touch, male MPs to update child abuse laws. That was certainly a lucky PR break with the election coming up!
You old cynic, you. 😉
The promotion of Sarah Champion is pretty outrageous. She was gifted the disreputable Den McShane’s seat after a contentious short list process and became MP only in 2012. There is no evidence of her condemning the abuse prior to its emergence. Post the election she was concerned with wooing the Muslim community in a UKIP threatened seat, as the now absent pictures on her blog testified. Allowing an MP a free pass on rewriting her role the past is pretty underhand. Champion is typical modern MP from the New Labour Third Sector without principle but plenty of front. Anybody got any evidence of Champion trying to break through the PC blockage on his issue.
Champion is typical modern MP from the New Labour Third Sector without principle but plenty of front.
That about nails it. Masses of front. No shrinking violet, Ms Champion. The BBC are enchanted; we can expect to see a lot more of her. She has that smug saintliness that Oona King used to ooze. George Galloway did for King; maybe we need him to stand in Rotherham. Those types just can’t cope with old George.
Same on C4. At the end of the interview that allied her to dissemble and go full PC, she did a broad smile in huge satisfaction. Soviet politicians had it harder from their media. C4 and BBC should get the Bad Journalism award for their pandering to favoured politicians and imbibing without challenge everything they say. Disgraceful and shows the British media and the government are going to shut down this issue so that the Peace Religion can walk quietly away without challenge.
I saw it. She’s a smooth operator. Quite happy to dump on everyone else – including Labour colleagues – to enhance her own standing. At least Jackie long asked if she could have done more. She was evasive, but you had to be watching closely to spot it. Long didn’t follow up. I was reminded of how Brian Walden used to say ‘Let me just press you on that’. He was so good, Spitting Image used ‘Let me just pwess you on that’ as his trademark and the victim would go ‘Eek!’ like a squeaky rubber toy. It seems unlikely that Ms Champion will ever be subjected to that sort of scrutiny.
I remember the great Brian Walden, rightly regarded as one of the best political interviewers ever to grace the TV. He was a Labour MP for 10 years and that is what made him so good; he knew what politicians were trying to hide and how they were trying to hide it.
Modern interviewers, like the egregious Humphreys, think being aggressive makes them a good interviewer, it does not.
Brian Walden was brilliant at lulling politicians into traps and suddenly switching to a killer question. Most politicians were terrified of him.
Absolutely right. He listened to the answers rather than hectoring the MP, then went back over what they had said and picked it to pieces.
The only Sarah Champion I have heard of, is a DJ on Absolute Radio, & indeed is “fragrant” along with Leona Graham . Both in the Anne Nightingale mode , unlike the shrieking banshee female DJ`s, al bbc now employs.
The fragrant Sarah Champion:
I can think of several words “fragrant” isn’t one of them.
The bbc web site’s report into Louise Casey’s Report of Inspection of Rotherham (re the 1400 child rapes) says it found “found a culture of bullying, sexism, suppression and misplaced “political correctness”. It lays the blame at the feet of Roger Stone – who does not come out of the report well.
However, despite giving a single page to sexism, out of over 150, the report hammers at the fact that ludicrous political correctness and race sensitivity prevented the council from taking action. Rather than spending its time on Roger Stone the report constantly returns to two councillors who constantly parried attempts to deal with the problem neither of whom earns a mention on the BBC web site.
Here are some quotes from the report:
“Staff felt that Jahangir Akhtar and Mahroof Hussain suppressed discussion …”
Of Jahangir Akhtar the report states that staff “spoke about him with a level of fear. Some were concerned when speaking to Inspectors that what they said would get back to him. Even though he was no longer on the council , he continues to have a presence and some felt he would be returning.”
It goes onto say Akhtar had been arrested for assault and was being investigated with reference to one of the abducted girls .
“Some claimed that Jahangir Akhtar’s influence extended to the police:
There was once a situation where a girl from a Pakistani heritage family went
missing, they [Asian Councillors] went straight to the Chief Superintendent and that influenced our operations, they held a lot of power.”
I guess the BBC news web staff hasn’t had time to read the report before commenting upon it. Or perhaps they saw the words ‘sexism and bullying’ in the press hand-outs and had all they needed to write up their take on it.
BTW well done Louise Casey for being so straight forward and hard hitting on a subject the BBC dances around.
Click to access 46966_Report_of_Inspection_of_Rotherham_WEB.pdf
And ‘Rotherham Politics’ has some interesting info here:-
“Mahroof Hussain the un-authorised version”
As INBBC knows-
Rotherham Council: the Labour Party-Islamic political alliance in action.
“Rotherham Council cabinet to resign over child abuse report”
All. Please read p. 9, the executive summary of scribblingscribe’s second link.
Time to eject the Liebor cancer.
For all the children, vote UKIP.
remember it is only white working class children so they are expendable for the multicult dream
ends justify the means with the left but they are still the cuddly, green fields politics
If these poor kids came from Islington, Hampstead or Highgate it would have been dealt with years ago.
If they came from Islington, Hampstead or Highgate it wouldn’t have happened in the first place, but I do understand the sentiment.
True. It says, to me at least, that Labour hates the white working classes. Despises them utterly.
Rod Liddle is the best I’ve read on Labour hating the working class. I couldn’t find a link, but found this Grauniad link mocking him; he clearly gets to them:
Selfish, Whining Monkeys by Rod Liddle – digested read
So there were Islamic Pakistani people in the police and the council who were actively covering up and aiding and abbetting Jihad rapes of children, and the BBC decide to pick on a middle aged white man?
Sounds about par for the course.
The problem is that if you were appointing somebody to get to the heart of this failure of a Labour stronghold like Rotherham, you would not appoint somebody who is compromised by being at the centre of the New Labour machine of Blair and Brown. Louise Casey is a labour stalwart and is perceived as such. Pickles, in appointing her, was being very political. It makes you wonder what the report would have been if a really independent person was in charge of the inquiry. My reading is that due to those “sensitivities” the purpose was that it was going to be obviously bad but they wanted to contain the issue politically. A sign of this is Pickles using the PC term “sexist” incongruously when in the same sentence he said PC was the problem. Now that’s a spin.
Take a look at the Sky interview with Dermot Monaghan Ms Casey said that the victims had “fallen were in love” with their assailants. Is this a new theory?
Remember when Tom Watson & co tipped off the BBC about a Tory Grandee who was a kiddie fiddler and the delight they took in exposing him? Remember how it all turned out to be a tissue of lies? Remember how long it was on the BBC news, every bulletin, even once the wheels started to come off the story?
Now compare and contrast to today where the Rotherham story, not political smear but a bone fide scandal, has not even been relegated to the England page on the web site, but is AWOL without a search. It has gone very quiet on the Radio and TV. There is of course, on the front page, still a link to Labour’s smear of Leon Brittan.
It’s almost as if there is an agenda there isn’t it?
Yup. And it didn’t even warrant a mention on Question Time tonight. But they did make time for a pointless LabCon ding-dong on who was going to hose the most money up the wall on 3rd rate schools and who was most popular with crony capitalist tax exiles.
What INBBC relegates:
the growth of interlocking Islamofascists in Middle East and in Europe (and U.K.)-
“‘Just wait…’ Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of jihadis into Europe”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/02/just-wait-islamic-state-reveals-it-has-smuggled-thousands-of-extremists-into-europe.html/#sthash.mfCzNIhb.dpuf
Today’s little gem on Woman’s Hour was a piece about an Islamic opera singer, born in Norway. I cannot tell you anymore about the lady, because I switched off. I am so fed up hearing/seeing these BBC items to show that Muslims are nice people, just like you and me. There is no finesse, the propaganda is blatant. I assume it is to counteract the backlash after Paris.
Interesting to note that the BBC are now sending personal Tweets, to the hard left grouping “Hope not Hate”, on the subject of Pegida…
So a ‘views someone else’s (but they are our own too, so that’s ok)’ kind of deal?
Too much to wonder whose research may not have fallen within the width of their scope.
‘especially if you believe what you see on Facebook. But does it really?’
Raising questions on what… or who lies behind the likes is… brave, for the BBC, given their FaceBook to mainstream pick up and of course in-house HYS rating system.
Or they saying don’t believe anything only if it doesn’t suit the narrative?
That’s certainly a singular way of looking at anything, which is becoming rather a BBC forte.
It’s remarkable that the BBC are making so little fuss about how an Argentine prosecutor who died in mysterious circumstances was planning to arrest President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Fernández de Kirchner ticks all the right diversity boxes for the Beeb; you have to wonder if that explains their reluctance to highlight this extraordinary set of events.
If you look hard enough, you find that the BBC does have the story – it’s just hidden away under World / Latin America & Caribbean:
Imagine that a murdered Russian prosecutor was found to have been planning to arrest President Putin – do you think the BBC might find space for that story? I suggest that they would run it on the telly; morning, noon and night… for weeks.
So true. The BBC spends much time on historical coverage of the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazi monsters but almost nothing on the current attempt by Islamist monsters to engineer another Holocaust.
And especially where Iran is involved. For some obscure reason, the BBC is deeply in love with the foul Iranian regime and the last thing its ‘journalists’ will do is report on Iranian involvement in the slaughter of over a hundred innocents in the Buenos Aires terror attacks on the Jewish cultural centre and the Israeli Embassy.
Once upon a time the BBC could do it well. I took time this afternoon to watch AJP Taylor on Churchill.
Very good indeed. Just him talking straight to the camera. No fancy music or fancy directorial conceits.
Made in 1976 and there is the clue. Long before most of today’s presenters and producers were of an age to think let alone work for the BBC.
if any were watching I expect the attention needed would have really taxed them. Two minutes seems their limit. It also lacked inclusivity and diversity and, blessed relief, the horrible background soundtrack.
dave s,
Agree entirely. Would also recommend Jacob Bronowski’s ‘The Ascent of Man’ as another example of how good the BBC used to be. Again, you have to go back to the 70s to find it. That series was an intelligent look at science where the content and clarity trumped all else. What do we get now? Brian Cox…I rest my case.
I totally agree Steve, The Ascent of Man was an absolute tour-de-force along with Alistair Cooke’s ‘America’. I doubt we will ever see anything as good again sadly, as they didn’t involve anyone ballroom dancing or baking a bloody cake. I fear that the viewing public and society as a whole are dumbed down beyond redemption.
‘The Commentator’:-
“Political correctness raped Rotherham’s children.”
“The latest investigation, sanctioned by the government, has finally come out and said it: political correctness was at the heart of the appalling sex abuse scandal in Labour Rotherham where the cries of thousands of children, who were raped and sexually abused, were ignored because the perpetrators were mainly of Pakistani Muslim origin, and that just didn’t fit the narrative.
“Whose narrative? Let’s be clear. Political correctness is quintessentially an ideology of the political Left. It has been pushed, mainly, by the Guardian newspaper, and then given a far wider audience through mainstream media, the BBC at the head of the field.
“From there, this pernicious ideology spread like a virus through all sections of society, including local councils and the police.
“What happened in Rotherham may well, therefore, be the tip of the iceberg. This was a case of mass abuse. But on how many occasions have the pleas of children been ignored in one-off cases which won’t make it to the headlines?
“The government has launched an inquiry. That is the right thing to do. But unless we as a society now renounce this evil ideology, rooted in the ideological Left’s multiculturalist prejudices, there won’t be any progress.
“This is a battle for justice. But it is also a battle of ideas.
“For the sake of our children, it is one we must win.”
Paul is a lone voice to date on this terrible problem, he deserves support….Pat Condell is another…..wake up people….and you on this site who think the creature Galloway is a great guy…..pathetic.
I always thought that people like Louis Casey were the classic example of a politically correct person through the Blair and Brown years. How is she the solution and not part of the problem?
mind you there is always, examples like this
‘Is this a Muslim thing?’” He recalls how after the Rochdale case, someone called the Radio 4 Any Answers programme. “He said the Qu’ran supports paedophilia. I’m not paraphrasing, that is what he said. He wasn’t cut off, he was allowed to say all manner of things.”
“There is no religious basis for this. These men were not religious.
Islam says that alcohol, drugs, rape and abuse are all forbidden? 😀 yet these men were surrounded by all of these things. So how can anyone say that these men were driven by their religion to do this kind of thing?
WHAT ? … unbelieeevable!
Sheesh! this guy isn t a Pak Muslim is he?
… oh! … he is?
.. are the victims filled with confidence then?
Another political reason why Beeboids like Greece’s Syriza-
“Hugo Chavez Coming to Europe.”
A delight to see the lesser-spotted Shami on Channel 4 News.
Introduced as an author, so she was.
By Cathy Newman-and no mentions of that mosque day rejection then!
And what was Shami on to speak about?
Rise of IS?….threat to Greek democracy via the EU after the Syriza result?
Not a bit of it-about dear old Harper Lees new book!
Collective sighs and damp gussets all round from the liberal left.
Apparently “To Kill A Mocking Bird” turned them all into bleeding heart do-gooders on state salaries, with endless scope to agonise on prep schools…whilst denying the rest of us those same choices.
Funnily enough-no peeps re the “harsh measures” taken by Jordan in executing its Al Queda trash that clogged up its prisons way too long.
Thought the liberal left opposed the death penalty-but then again, only when the USA uses it…therefore no Gareth Peirce or Matrix Chambers minibuses being sent with BBC camera persons to Amman then.
And no more talk of the Jordanian hostage please-he was a brave pilot fighting for us…and he was murdered in the worst way possible to suit the sikfux that get their jollies on the new barbarism…like most of the BBC so it turns out, given how much they choose to blame everybody but Islamic evildoers for what we see still in the 21st Century.
When I post as Lobster my comments are referred for moderation – who have I upset and why?
Je suis lobster!
Je suis lobster et ainsi est ma femme!
It’s a law unto itself. I’ve mentioned before that I can’t post from my normal account from some computers, so have to use a dummy account. It seems to be a combination of account and IP address that’s got onto a naughty step for me. I actually think it was collateral damage from when someone posted personal details of He Who Must Not Be Named. Try posting from a different computer to see if it’s your IP address.
Thanks Roland, I used my normal computer but used a different name and e-mail address. I have never had this problem before and there was nothing in my post that could possibly have caused offence. I see that the post in reply to Steve Jones has now been allowed – I thought for a minute or two that I was the subject of a Fatwa! Or is it cuz I is gay?? LOL
Will BBC-NUJ fully support this Dutch journalist against the Turkish government?
(Or is its interest confined to supporting al Jazeera journalists?)
“Frederike Geerdink: The Dutch journalist facing five years in prison in Turkey for ‘terrorist propaganda’ after highlighting the struggle of the Kurds.”
Rolling 5pm news on the BBC brings us Emily Maitlis.
She is having a little water cooler goss with one Sarah Champion(but what else?)….Labour skirt since Denis McShane went to jail in 2012.
Emily wonders what exactly IS the mix that gives us a Rotherham-she could have used mid-Staffs, David Kelly and Bradford/Flowers…but let`s stick with Rotherham?
Sarah says there`s a toxic mix when vulnerable young persons go awol and police/social services are indifferent.
I think it simpler to say that Rotherham is the perfect storm when Islam meets Labour meets Council Labour meets charity quangos meets the Co-op meets the chattering Guardianistas meets PC Islam suckering meets the BBCs weird obsession with avoiding a non-existant backlash-whilst condoning a very real wipeout of white Jews, gays women and soldiers…hideously white or FGM fodder maybe?…but still somebodys parents, kids or human.
Typical Maitlis and Labour babe irrelevance-blame Labour, blame Islam, blame the professional Pilates that attend the courses but won`t draw any conclusions…might look like Muhammad you see.
…a little water cooler goss Brilliant – that’s exactly what it was. Champion should have been there on the back foot, apologising for outrageous negligence by her party over the years. Instead, she was brought on to pontificate! She had talked to Cameron today and Maitlis even invited her to say whether Call Me Dave’s response was adequate – you couldn’t make it up. No mention all afternoon that it is/was a Labour council.
This comes on top of Champion’s ‘starring’ role in the Commons documentary on BBC2 last night. Priceless PR portrayal of how she was battling to improve abuse laws against the opposition of tired old dinosaur male MPs. Cliché orgy.
On the Rotherham disgrace
I listened to Five Live for two hours driving home today and whilst it mentioned that the Cabinet had resigned en masse no political affiliations were mentioned.
I flicked onto the web just now and again not a breath (“Labour group” is mentioned many paragraphs down)
I looked at the Telegraph and this immeadiately tells me “Rotherham’s ruling Labour cabinet”
So what the fuck is this if not huge, unadulterated bias?
Shall report the reply to my complaint.
‘…no political affiliations were mentioned…’
It’s called ‘policy’, but it only applies to Labour politicians in trouble.
Now if Rotherham was being run by Tory child eaters….
Beeboids will continue their political advocacy of political correctness, multiculturalism, and unlimited mass immigration; and they will not allow their ideological tenets to be affected by the tragedy of the Labour Party-Islamic political alliance in Rotherham.
Like the Labour Party there, Beeboids remain in denial about it all.
In the same way that the BBC pushes its message via all programming, by slipping comments in here and there, we should do the same via HYS. Go to every HYS, regardless of the subject, and state that the recently disgraced Rotherham council was Labour. It might open a few eyes.
I have mentioned the Chief Crown Prosecutor before. Is he still going to prosecute all the cases that are likely to come up in Rotherham?
I noted that Jeremy Bowens was referring to the Islamic savages that burned the Jordanian pilot alive as “fighters” last night
Come on we are talking Abu Bowen here.
In relation to Rotherham and the council being out on it’s ear, the same thing should happen to the senior officers at South Yorkshire Police who failed in their duty to protect so many young children, they are an absolute disgrace.
I’m afraid that “being out on their ear” isn’t nearly enough. All of those officials that turned a blind eye, FOR DECADES, to the industrial scale rape of those young girls should be charged as accessories. By ignoring the endless pleas from their poor families they have actively aided and abetted these vile perverts. Remember that the police were quick enough to prosecute Nick Griffin who warned us about these crimes. He could have gone away for seven years.
Surely a similar term wouldn’t be amiss?
Quite right, I agree. They should be – but they wont.
Three words.
Hillsborough. Sir Cliff.
No South Yorks police accountable.
One word: Heysel.
But that isn’t in South Yorks.
On the BBC radio Devon news segment tonight at 17.30, they gave extended coverage of the happenings at Rotherham. The piece last about 8 minutes and NEVER during those 8 minutes were the words “LABOUR COUNCIL” mentioned. Council yes, Labour no. I reminded them of their error on their facebook page. Radio Devon is so full of lefties these days it has simply become a Labour Party broadcast and becoming difficult to listen to without shouting at the radio!
Like the now sad city of Exeter .Once a wonderful place full of independent minded Westcountrymen . I remember it well. What is it now? A nowhere place full of nowhere people. Radio Devon is just about it’s level.
Take a child, put it in a school till 18 fill its mind full of left wing mush. Move child to a “university ” where it’s brain is further filled with rubbish until the child has become a man. Put man back into the “community” .
Result ? A nicely turned out, independent thought free zombie who can safely be allowed to “think” for itself, work, and most importantly vote in the right manner.
Time ? Around 50 years of ” Common Purpose ” teaching.
“UK: Hundreds more Muslim rape gang cases discovered; authorities still hiding them for fear of ‘racism’ charges”
It’s late in the day, but are Beeboids on to these cases?
Or part of the cases ?
I fail to see what the issue is with Islamic State. They are not terrorists in any way and should not be described as such. They are practicing Muslims doing as their religion commands. In this regard there is very little difference between them and their beliefs and the Saudis. Come to that several other Muslim states in that part of the world.
Why do people find the concept of practicing Islam so difficult to accept? The killing of the Jordanian pilot was sanctioned in the Qur’an even if the method was not.
5:33 The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter
This is Islam not terrorism, despite how similar they might appear, and some would say that Islam commands its followers to commit acts of terror, but surely we should not concentrate on the acts themselves, but the bigger picture.
I’m not a great believer in conspiracy theories but we are living in an age where all our problems have been actively created by post-WW2 politicians. Not only that they all are designed to be without solution.
We didn’t have a ‘race’ problem in the UK; they did in the US but we didn’t learn the lesson, we imported our own problem which we can never ‘solve’ without ethnic cleansing, (deportation doesn’t work for people born here).
We used to trade around the world, that is how we gained our empire. We used to be able to make our own bilateral arrangements. Now we are locked into the EU and in a whole host of matters we can no longer ‘act’ but have to wait for the EU to impose its will.
We didn’t have a problem with Islam, apart from the one that Richard the Lionheart brought back we were free of that curse. It was something they did in Pakistan and the Far East and not something that any sane government would want anywhere near here. But no we bring it in, we allow it to concentrate and use our ‘democracy’ against us. If a school is 100% Pakistani-heritage why shouldn’t the governors go for full-blown Islam? I’m sure the parents in St. John’s Wood get what they want. Can we fix this problem? Of course not! It is embedded now!
And our politicians all sing from the same hymn sheet, “Lah, Lah, Lah, there is no problem, you just don’t understand”. Too right we don’t.
My question to all this is simple, “Why?” But no doubt they would have to shoot any politician that told the truth.
Politicians have been too busy clinging to power by any means available. Thankfully, it appears that the electorate is waking up to the fact that this clinging to power has been at the expense of this once great country. We probably have one generation to save the UK.
well, peirs morgan ex of daily mirror watched that video he said in the daily mail article he wrote yesterday of that poor but brave jordanian pilot being burned alive to death by these nazi isis bastard islamic terrorists cowards, so i decided to do the same and watch that video,to say the suffering that poor lad went through was a horrific was an understatement,it was true horror,here is the problem here with the bbc and the rest of the cowardice media,they blank out images of this burning to death of this jordanian pilot but there journalists like frank gardner and jeremy bowen has viewed them,why is it ok for them to view this video but not ok for the rest of the public,the true horror of what these nazi isis scum are doing is being hidden from us by the media even though you can freely view these horrors on the internet.i say this video should be shown on prime time bbc and other media outlets to show what isis heirs to hitler and the gestapo are doing to the people of iraq and syria,can nazi isis sink any lower people might ask,well here is the thing,there has been a news blackout in america untll today that isis nazis are holding a 26 year old female american journalist hostage,i dread to see her face the same fate as that jordanian pilot and if so the west should carpet bomb these isis bastard into the stone age with napalm with the vultures eating and feeding of the bones and flesh of these isis dead vermin in the deserts of iraq and syria.
Do you work for the BBC Stuart?
The reason I ask is that you managed a full post calling ISIL all the names under the sun while all the time avoiding to actually name the real motivation – Islam !
So anyone who doesn’t use the same form of words as you works for the BBC eh?
Do YOU work for the BBC thoughtful? You certainly sound like them …
Just a clue for you BTW ISIS & ISIL are abbreviations which both contain the word ‘Islamic’. Given that stuart is unable to even punctuate his comments I think his use of abbreviations is forgivable don’t you?
A brief insight into the nature and attitude of Labour Councillors in Rotherham today,
via Channel 4 TV:-
“Rotherham council: ‘tell us what’s been going on?'”
( 3 min video)
“Racist, sexist and in denial:
“Now police will investigate Rotherham Council over child sex abuse at hands of Asian gangs as entire cabinet resigns.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2939129/Two-local-councillors-corrupt-police-officer-accused-having-sex-victims-Rotherham-abuse-scandal.html#ixzz3QoN5aUSS
Click like if you utterly detest the Marxist far-Left.
I’m afraid my utter detestation is reserved for the Jew hating Muslim loving Fascist liberal left who are far more dangerous than the Marxists.
Won’t work!?
The very same Council ?
Are the BBC still bleating , Asian? giving the throwback scum culture the”Pakistani heritage” tag?
Omission of fact, wilful deceit, and part of the cover up.
Scrap the BBC.
Scrap the liars
A lot of people find the term “heritage” as used by the BBC very offensive. It is more commonly used in a positive sense, as in “he had a fine heritage” or “this wine is of fine heritage”, or even “this hand-made Pakistani carpet is of fine heritage”. But by describing criminals of “Pakistani heritage” it is trying to imbibe them with a false nobility and dignity. In such instances it would be more appropriate to describe them as “of Pakistani origin or background”.
I’m sure the BBc did mention this briefly. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2940065/Moussa-Couilibally-stabbed-three-French-soldiers-pictured.html
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Rotherham council ignored child abuse by Asian gangs because of ‘misplaced political correctness’, report concludes.
“Damning report into the Rotherham child sex exploitation scandal finds council riven by ‘bullying, sexism, suppression and misplaced political correctness’.”
[Note for ‘Telegraph’ (and for Beeboids): “Muslims” not “Asians.”]
Tory MP Bob Blackman’s ‘inaccurate mileage claims’
Hmmm… “Tory” literally the first word in that story…
In this one though, “Labour” appears only once
A councillor said: “He is a bully, in my opinion. In Labour group he would impress himself on people, male or female. A lot of women have felt a sense of suppression and macho culture.”
“Labour Group?” What is that whatr is the connection with Rotherham council? Certainly the BBC is not enlightening me
But my favourite bit in the BBC report was this excrescence,
“But the investigators said that by failing to take action against the abusers of Pakistani heritage, the council had “inadvertently fuelled the far right and allowed racial tensions to grow”.
Wow – is that the real issue here? Not the fact that this ‘failure’ allowed the ongoing rape, debasement and abuse of 1,400 children. Remember this was the council that managed to mobilize resources to protect children from the evil influence of foster carers who were members of UKIP…
Two phrases new to BBC News Channel this afternoon, to wit : Political Correctness and Group Think.
My goodness, have they been reading this blog?
Fret not, it’ll all be forgotten by tomorrow.
Normal service will be resumed.
“Fret not, it’ll all be forgotten by tomorrow.”
And the Mystic Meg award goes to…. AsISeeIt.
“Fret not, it’ll all be forgotten by tomorrow.”
And the Mystic Meg award for accurate predictions goes to… AsISeeIt.
I love the phrase “This implies that as we approach a Pliocene-like future…” in this nonsense. I for one am really looking forward to the return of huge glyptodonts, ground sloths, sabre-toothed tigers, holmesina, the giant titanis bird and various other extinct animals from the Pliocene.
The only U.K newspaper to have a page 1 lead on Rotherham is, apparently, on Thursday, ‘The Times’ (£)-
Andrew Norfolk, Chief Investigative Reporter-
“Whitehall-appointed commissioners are to take over Rotherham council after a report exposed a culture of complete denial about the town’s child sexual exploitation scandal as well as ‘bullying, sexism, suppression and misplaced ‘political correctness’. The damning report found that men of Pakistani origin were allowed to abuse hundreds of young white girls in the town in part because council staff were terrified of being labelled racist if they challenged the sex crimes. The inspection also found that the council was failing in its duties, in particular ‘to protect vulnerable children and young people from harm’.…”
‘The Times’ also features reports on-
-“Rotherham: politicians and police ‘joined abuse of girls.’
-“Politicians and police ‘abused girls.’
-“Police dismissed victims of abuse.
-“Council lost details of girls’ claims.”
-“Rotherham timeline: a victim’s story.”
This could hardly be more serious. It strikes at the heart of civil society, the rule of law and the trust placed in those charged with safeguarding children .
There are no excuses for anyone involved and prices must be paid by all.
Well Dave, I totally agree.
Shame the BBC don’t feel the same way. This Rotherham story has seemingly disappeared down the memory hole, as there is not a mention of it on the BBC News main website, nor the UK pages, nor the Yorkshire pages.
Did I dream that the whole Labour council was stood down yesterday for their appalling and complicit lack of action regarding a massive amount of organised child abuse?
No, I didn’t! Because it is still front page news for ‘many’ other news peddlers!
There should be hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, of searching questions that a multi-billion pound broadcasting corporation like the BBC should be asking or investigating in relation to these events.
But what have they done? They’ve dropped it like a hot potato. I guess it is just not newsworthy.
I have been reading this site for about a year now, and this, to me, is the biggest example of BBC bias/scumduggery I have yet found. It speaks volumes to me about what is wrong with society today, and until these problems resulting from political correctness are dealt with properly, we are on a downward spiral to self-destruction.
Alarm bells should be ringing, and the Britain that was once great will shortly cease to exist, unless people wake up and do something about it.
Vote UKIP. Scrap the BBC.
Well we all know that the Times is a far-right neo-con, neo-fascist, climate-change denying, homophobic, Islamophobic newspaper.
@thoughtfull,i wished i worked for the bbc,£100,000 a year for sitting on my backside twidding my fingers as a producer for nicky campbell,nice license fee paid house in manchester,plenty of perks and holiday time to hook up with stephen nolan in his never ending trips to las vegas,boy,a job at radio 5 live would be my dream.
I just wonder what all those British people that fought and lived through the First and Second World War would think and say now if they were still with us….
‘What a bloody mess the politicians have made!’
Lions led by donkeys.
BBC 2 Newsnight. 4.2.15
I am sorry to say, Newsnight have exhibited blatant political bias tonight to avoid shining a light on the repository of human failure that is the local Labour party mafias in Rotherham Council (and elsewhere in England). Failed also on scrutiny of our Police ‘Service’. The pictures of Labour councillor weasels avoiding legitimate questions from the C4 interviewer show the calibre of people who infect the Labour Party, the length and breadth of this country.
The ‘Rotherham’ (read one of many towns throughout our once great nation) scandal is covered with one mention of the word Labour in about 15 minutes of coverage. A really painful attempt to disassociate the inherent cancer within the Labour party at local level from the symptoms of this cancer – in this case, the industrial scale abuse of young girls and their families. What has our country come to? Labour needs replacing. It’s the only way to purge this disease, to protect our children, to support upstanding hard working fellow countrymen and women who have been so badly let down.
A clear, rational and knowledgeable lady was interviewed by Evan and said what she thought. And what she thought encapsulates the reality of what we now have in England: malfunctioning institutions feeding immorality, corruption, crime and the degradation of our once common values. Evan chose to lead the lady into discussing the politics of the case, which clearly she didn’t wish to. Nice lady. I can’t work Evan out. Maybe he genuinely is thick/blind/cossetted? I hadn’t thought of it that way before.
Simon Danczuk and Tom Watson need to stand up and take a lead, or move on. How can they not see that many of their party associations are diseased, whether by incompetence, indifference or worse? The move to UKIP would be painful. Loyalty, even when honestly misplaced, has its down side. But the morning after, they would feel free, happy and reinvigorated. Watson won’t. Danczuk seems a real good guy and this will be his litmus test. I hope he acts wisely.
The BBC will drop this ‘uncomfortable truth’ story ASAP so they can climb back in their cotton wool lined protective bubble, report on page three, or the proportion of women on the boards of the FTSE 100, or interface with ‘Hopenothate’ ‘research’.
BBC stinking the house out again. Vomit encouraging again. Those poor children in Rotherham. I’ll not forget. There but for the grace of ……
Vote UKIP.
And we are forced to keep this organisation in being with an unjust tax called a Licence Fee!
Where the hell is our so-called leader, The Prime Minister?
Vote UKIP.
Simon Danczuk and Tom Watson
Are you mad? Watson ran Labour’s smear unit and Danczuk is only interested in cases that can be used against political opponents or people he can associate with them. Neither of them give a shit about children who have actually been abused. As always with Labour the victims are there to be used and discarded afterwards.
Neither of them give a shit about children…
Poor Tom Watson gets a bad press. There was hysteria some years ago when it was claimed that he visited Gordon Brown to plot against Tony Blair. In fact, as Tom later explained, he only drove from Birmingham to Glasgow to deliver a present for the Browns’ new baby!
Poor Tom Watson my arse!
He was deeply involved in the smear unit when it was inhabited by ‘Dolly’ Draper and Maguire and then run by Balls and in the run up to the 2010 election he was caught out smearing Tories a number of times. The man is vile – just like the rest of that squalid lot.
NB All these, except Watson, people were implicated in the Red Rag Blog scandal where there were caught out smearing not just Tories but each other!
Scum, the lot of ’em!
Sorry; it was my feeble attempt at a joke – back then the press were derisory at Watson’s claim to have driven from Birmingham to Glasgow to deliver a present.
I’ve followed Guido Fawkes over the years, so I know what sort of individual Watson is. Here’s a post from the time of the ’emails’:
Tom Watson Has Previous
You are forgiven dear boy! Pax Vobiscum and all that.
Has the Member of Parliament for Rotherham made any comment yet ?
Isn’t he suing UKIP for slander?
“Champion the wonder horse” trying desperately to deflect the fact that Rotherham has been labour since the start of time.
She is currently the “star” of the new documentary on Whitehall. Pays untold time on her appearance whilst moaning and complaining of “sexism” from the horrible male members (no pun intended, I wouldn’t ). The free PR from this tv programme could help her tiny majority keep UKIP out.
Rotherham, home of lord ahmed the M1 car killer driver.
She has. She claimed that it nearly caused her to have a nervous breakdown and she blames the tories for not doing or spending enough to tackle it!!!
Wonder if Orla has got Leni on the hand-cranked HD video camera. A triumph of the won’t, if you will.
Certainly it will be interesting again to discover when boys become men in Beebworld, as it seems to vary depending on the context of their deployment.
Maybe a senior commander walking unsteadily down the line in a greatcoat, holding one shaking hand behind his back as he pinches chubby cheeks to inspire them to defend his bunker?
I wonder whether the BBC will report this story?
Doubt it.
Adult men of particular ethnicity and religion (again) r@pe children?
Not newsworthy.
Now, if the Halifax courier printed a picture of Tracy, 23 from Northowram with pert nipples and an alluring smile, that would be newsworthy and what is more, the moralista feminazis would be interested too.
Look at the comment under the photo in this report (the bBC even manage to get a policeman sneering as he walks past). What a pathetic report from the anti-semitic pro-Muslim terrorist BBC. We all know the reason behind the increase in anti-Semitis and it is nothing to do with right-wing Christian extremists!
The BBC is reporting the deplorable upsurge in anti-semitic incidents in Britain during the past year (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31140919). It correctly states that much of this is in response to reactions over the conflict between Israel and Gaza. But reading the article, one gets the impression that the real culprits are the “extreme right-wing”, a theme supported by the careful choice of illustrations including a swastika and a handwritten note stating that “Hitler was right”. Now, it is certainly true that there are some Hitler fantasists out there who hold some deeply unpleasant views and occasionally act on them. But for the most part, these people do not care at all about Gaza, other than to use it as a pretext for their own anti-semitism. Rather, it’s another group of people altogether who are responsible for the majority of the nastiness. By way of example – and one not quoted by the BBC today – here’s a report from the Daily Mirror less than two weeks ago: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/going-jew-bashing-teenage-gang-5043288. And here’s a not-untypical picture of a Palestinian supporter expressing admiration for Hitler: http://www.jewishnews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/hitler-right2.png
The BBC might also care to ponder on the role of broadcasters – particularly itself – in inciting anti-semitism through inflammatory and one-sided reporting about Israel. As a first step, they could publish their own supressed Balen Report on the matter so fair minded people could judge for themselves.
Couldn’t agree more with the above two comments. This is typical of the slick propaganda pumped out by the BBC as it minimises, deflects or simply ignores the racism and bigotry of so many of the adherents of the Religion of Peace:
Last week one far-right activist said he was planning a protest there next month – against “Jewification”, according to a poster he put on Facebook.
A leading figure in the Haredi community, Rabbi Avraham Pinter, said some in the community feared it might inflame tensions.
But he said they had been “overwhelmed” by support from all quarters, especially other faith groups.
That’s a fine example of the output of a bunch of propagandists.
I used to live across a road from a synagogue in West London. Nice quiet little street with the only real disturbance being when the faithful came to pray.
Except for the times when there was shouting and breaking glass outside, often at night, when the usual suspects were venting their hate. Nine times out of ten it was not shaven headed Combat 88 types but occasionally it was.
Both sets of scum bags need sorting but I’ll let you guess which one should be prioritised.
The not news (c) with this one strong is.
Maybe A. Newsroom Tealady could be teased back to offer professional insight as to why?
Edit: meant as a reply to the Rotherham Editorial by Omission comments below. Not sure how it jumped up here. Apols.
I’ve noticed some problems too; maybe connected with the crash problems recently?
However, if you find that you’ve posted in the wrong place, you can Edit, cut all the text, and Save. The software will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the entire post. Confirm… and it will be gone. Then you can re-create it in the proper place and paste the text you copied.
tx. Noted.
Obviously got my thick head on today as I can’t work out how to edit my posts. There is no edit option. Should there be?
It is only available for a short time – 4minutes? – after you hit Post Comment. Then it disappears. After that you are not able to edit. But the initial 4 minutes gives you time to check that all is good.
Really? This is news to me. An experiment is called for …
Nope, still no edit option. Where is it supposed to be as I could be just blind as well as senile ?
OK; I think I know now. Sometimes it doesn’t show after you post and you need to refresh the page. Hopefully that should fix it. If not, you can try a different machine, different browser, etc.
(You should see the ‘Click to Edit’ link just below the ‘thumbs-up’ likes icon.)
Thanks for taking the time to help.
Is it working now? I’m at my limit here, but the site technical support might help – there is a link at the top.
The Edit system will involve some scripts. It could be that you have your security set to be very secure and the scripts are being blocked. Or something else; there’s a lot of variables, machine, operating system, browser, etc., before you think of a glitch.
Interestingly, I have no ‘Reply’ link under your last post, so have to post here. I’ve noticed this a few times before. Maybe the number of levels of posting is at a limit.
No, its not working but what you never had you don’t miss etc.
I don’t think it is anything to do with security as the other scripts (post, cancel etc) work fine. It’s not browser or machine dependant either (Ipad and chrome & firefox show the same).
The no reply option issue is down to the tabbing of the posts – we’ve reached the limit – I’m guessing.
I’ll just have to be more careful with my posts …
That’s odd. I’m using Internet Explorer 11. Might be worth trying that if you have it. I do mostly have to refresh the page to get the Edit link. There could be variation in how a refresh is done for different browsers. Clutching at straws at this point, I’m afraid.
BBC Breakfast this morning. Lead story Rotherham obviously. Er, no. OK then, second or third? How about not mentioned at all… What a deeply biased and bigoted organisation. AS many posters have said imagine if this was a Tory or UKIP run council. The BBC kept Plebgate running for weeks as the main story. Rotherham should be a turning point and a rallying call instead it will be swept under the carpet. As usual we are doomed. Complaint on its way to BBC yet again. This organisation is rotten and corrupt from top to bottom.
Five Live didn’t even mention the word Rotherham, with one sole exception. The word came from the lips of the New Zealand Judge being brought in by the Home Secretary when she was interviewed circa 07.45. That was it.
Amusingly, their review of the papers didn’t mention it either. I suppose pages 1-5 of nearly every national newspaper today was mysteriously missing.
That is absolutely standard practice for Five Live. The morning after the Woolwich trial ended you’d never have known it had ever happened. Literally not a word.
Your call is however made of sterner stuff tackling the vexed issue of… acne.
Close Five Live. Get in some journalists.
‘The Times’ (£), Page 1 today-
“Finally, the truth behind Rotherham’s lies”
It’s also been relegated off the front news page of their website. The only mention of it is that it’s number in the top 5 read articles. Disgraceful.
They’re in full carpet-sweeping mode.
You should have listened to Today then, where they gave it full attention and probed the culpability of Labour and third-world attitudes allowed to fester through political correctness.
OK, I lied. I heard nothing about it. Whatsoever. No time, obviously. Or perhaps it was on when I wasn’t listening, but a scan down the running order suggests not. However they did find time during peak listening at 8:20 to give a prolonged plug for lefty David Hare’s play “The Absence of War”, which is going on national tour, don’t you know. I wonder what the commercial rate for getting that much advertising space would be?
Instead, we suffered God knows how long of Naughtie “questioning” the new chairperson of the Children Abuse “enquiry” – (Lowell Goddard). Other than continually talking over the top of the woman (he loves the sound of his own voice, doesn’t he?), the questions he was asking were just so asinine, and the poor woman hasn’t even got to England, yet. I think she gave him short shrift.
Mind you, if it lasts as long as people suspect it will, it’ll “outcost” Chilcot, and Ms Lowell will do quite well, too, no doubt, what with all-expenses paid trips to and from New Zealand.
All right-thinking people are horrified by what happened in Rotherham and are probably suspicious that this has been going on in all muslim ghettos in this country………………but Rotherham is Labour MP, Labour Council, so why are Labour still repeatedly voted into these places?
They’re close to being unseated by UKIP; I guess that’s why the BBC go to such extreme lengths to spin and obfuscate on their behalf.
Council election 2014
UK Independence Party 30084 votes; 44.3% 10 seats
Labour 27793 votes 40.9% 11 seats
(No other party has a seat)
European Election 2014
1. Jane Collins (UKIP) 403630 votes 31.1%
2. Linda McAvan (Labour) 380189 votes 29.3%
With a large Islamic population that overwhelmingly votes Labour, you can deduce that the overwhelming majority of the indigenous population votes UKIP.
The BBC have just started a major four-part documentary on the Commons on BBC2. The Labour MP for Rotherham, Sarah Champion, got a starring role in the first part, which presented her as a smart, modern woman, struggling to improve child abuse legislation against old, out-of-touch male MPs. Yesterday, the BBC gave her a platform regularly through the day; she was billed as the moral adjudicator, instead of the representative of the party responsible.
Does anyone think this BBC2 programme will have enough viewers to make a difference at the next election? If ” The Musketeers” can only manage 3.3 million viewers at peak time just imagine the number of people who will bother to watch this political bore-fest.
For sure it will make a difference. The number of viewers may be relatively small, but their influence on non-viewers is great. Marketing people know the value of ‘opinion formers’. In any general chat, someone says ‘It was Labour’s fault’ but a viewer may reply ‘Oh, but the new MP is totally different; she is… blah, blah..’ When those who interact with lots of people – hairdressers, shopkeepers, lecturers, etc., have this knowledge, they pass it on widely. In Rotherham, where the polls say Labour and UKIP are neck-and-neck, having an edge like this is priceless. Ms Sarah Champion is no fool.
As you note, we had almost 10 minutes of navel gazing by Labour supporters Hare and Naughtie to publicise an unsubtle piece of “real” Labour propaganda weeping for the “lost leader” (Lord Kinnock of all people). This is not a “cultural event” like, for instance, Stoppard’s first (as it happens, crap) play for almost 10 years. This is purely publicity for the revival of a contentious load of lefty tripe. As I’ve commented before, BBC bias is so blatant and ubiquitous that it’s become part of the wallpaper.
Sorry – it wasn’t Hare on with Naughtie – it was another Labour luvvie (no shortage of those despite the “cutz”) – the play’s director, Jeremy Herrin. According to this quote in an interview for The Stage “Little wonder that Sloane Square [ie the egregiously right-on Royal Court] has always [been] his spiritual home”.
I counted four reference to the ‘US led coalition’ in this article. Just to remind Arabs and others that the US are waging war in moslem lands
BBC-NUJ-Labour are always demanding more spending on NHS, so-
do they approve of getting foreigners to pay for using NHS?-
“At last! A crackdown on foreign patients abusing NHS:
Sick visitors from EU cost us £400million a year.
“EU nationals will need European Health Insurance Card to register with GP.
“Will flag up patients whose home countries should pay for their treatment.
“Citizens can be treated free of charge as long as governments repay cost.
“But UK only collects £1 for every £15 paid for Britons to be treated abroad.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2940320/At-crackdown-foreign-patients-abusing-NHS-Sick-visitors-EU-cost-400million-year.html#ixzz3QrV05UaH
All that will happen is that they will go to A&E where they have instant access to free medical services provided at the hospital, no need for a referral. Another area that the BBC has been unable to investigate despite running the – labour – NHS in meltdown meme for months, and despite them having £4bn to spend…
A&E provides uncontrolled access to the NHS I am therefore unsurprised that it is under pressure. “Hello, my name is x from Newham (false address), no I am not registered with a gp and i don’t pay for prescriptions…..” There was case of a Nigerian a couple of weeks ago where she used the identity of a settled Nigerian to have free maternity services in London, give birth to a child in Britain and then spring the right to family life gambit… this was only detected because the women had different blood groups
Tesco investigated by new regulator – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-31143452
This is a puff piece for the new quango.
There’s nothing here about how Tesco’s customers might benefit from lower prices as a result of Tesco not paying its suppliers more than it has to, or about the dangers of big government messing with the free market.
Another ornament of the acceptable face of faux-business – Christine Tacon (apparently she ran the Co-operative’s farming unit for 11 years) – helps to hammer another nail into freedom of contract. IMHO Tesco (and other big companies) who bully suppliers should be outed. Armed with that info shoppers can make their decision to shop or not shop at Tesco as they see fit.
Tesco is indeed the largest supermarket chain in the UK but it’s not a monopoly: no-one, I believe, has to shop there. FFS within a 2 mile radius of my house in North London there are a half a dozen giant supermarkets (only one of which is Tesco) and, literally, dozens of small grocers. I don’t think they’re all gouging their suppliers.
I – and the 60 million other consumers in this country – don’t need a Competition Commission created “code of conduct” quasi-judicial process in which Tacon can splurge £800,000+ per year at, I assume, the taxpayers’ expense. Just let the “little people” know and they’ll adjust (or not) their shopping habits. Tesco will soon (and quite genuinely) “learn lessons”. What is not required is yet another bureaucratic drone throwing her weight about to approbation from the BBC and – to be fair – the rest of the MSM.
Nicky Campbell’s Your Call this morning.
Plenty of juicy topics to choose from, lets see…..
Rotherham/Child Sex Abuse enquiry ? Nope.
FGM ? Not a chance.
Dramatic rise in anti-Semitic attacks in the UK ? Absolutely not.
The continued barbarity of Islamic State ? In your dreams sunshine.
Today, the topic being discussed is “Living with acne” and how acne can devastate people lives.
What planet are these people on……
They are on Planet Nero, busy fiddling whilst Rome burns. And hoping nobody notices the boxes of matches they are holding.
Great comment Mary, by the way are you related to Betty Swallocks ?
I believe they live on the same planet as Nick Clegg. Literally.
Will Al-Beeb report on this today from Calderdale? Perhaps not…
25, ‘men’ charged with sex offences against under age girls. See if you can spot the common denominator in the names at the bottom. Just take a wild guess:
That Halifax Courier story….
25 “men” against 2 girls. That’s a ratio of 25:2.
If there are 1,400 victims (not “survivors” ffs) in Rotherham, and the same ratio of 25:2 is applied, can anyone help me with the maths here, working out how many “men” might be involved there…..?
Look, the BBC and the other organs of the left-wing press (and a fair proportion of the right-wing press) inform us incessantly that this is nothing to do with Islam. I can’t believe that you are not getting the message. All these unfortunate happenings, although committed by individuals who hail from the subcontinent, are actually the responsibility of the host community which has not adapted fast or far enough to accommodate the culture of the “new Britons”. Please realise that this has nothing to do with Islam which, as I’m sure you know, is the Religion of Peace.
Don’t forget that not only is it nothing to do with Islam, it is nothing to do with Labour, either. It is entirely a coincidence that all the Muslim rape gangs are operating in pin-a-red-rosette-on-a-donkey Labour strongholds and that Rotherham council rejected the previous reports as being “a politically motivated attack on a Labour authority by the Murdoch press”. Also a coincidence that the bBBC doesn’t think this is newsworthy.
Absolutely and if only the Tories had provided Rotherham Council with enough money none of this would have happened. That should be patently obvious.
As we all no there is no problem that cannot be solved by more taxes.
Islam. The only religion that has nothing to do with itself!
I am prepared to bet that I can make the connection without reading the names.
Yes the BBC have reported it.But for some reason have chosen to hide the names of those charged?