The frustrated utopian schoolmarm that is Breakfast BBC takes us TV Licenced kiddies for a trip to the Science Museum.
What foods SHOULD and SHOULDN’T we eat, Miss? We didn’t ask but Beeb-Bee is telling us anyway.
And how very telling that Auntie happily assumes we have no will power or sense of choice and latches on to psyhcological tricks and triggers to fool us into eating the CORRECT foods.
“What is the BEST material from which to make cutlery?” ask the righteous on behalf of the Taxed.
“Gold” comes the answer from the diversity box ticking female expert.
I wish I had been able to make some kind of a bet on that answer.
‘I have a (BBC Breakfast) dream – that one day that the little children will eat from gold spoons, and go to school in driverless pink minibuses…’
Talking about “pink minibuses” – there have been hoots of laughter about Harriet Harman’s pink minivan aimed at getting out the Wimmins’ vote. “No it is not pink – it is cerise. ” No it’s not – it is magenta”. And criticism that the whole jape is patronising to women.
Somehow all the mirth – and the protests — seem to have been omitted from any coverage by the BBC. Not even a bleat from Jenni Murray.
Continuing yesterday’s theme of hit and run additions to the BBC’s comments regarding the failure to report that march at the weekend, I have added one here.
27.You Just now
I find it shocking that the Obama administration might try to keep the governed uninformed. Fortunately in the UK we have the BBC to ensure that things do not march on unreported.
Surprisingly, my two efforts yesterday have survived any purges. So far.
The BBC hasn’t reported on the dreadful Muslim anti-free speech demonstration because it knows damn well that the response from the vast majority would be :
(a) what, that’s in London ENGLAND?
(b) if they want to live under sharia blasphemy laws they can sod off to an Islamic shit-hole of their choice.
But by censoring it the BBC has created a huge disconnect between what millions of us now know about it and what we were told about it (or rather, not told about it) by our supposedly national, objective news broadcaster.
a) Who thinks Lyse Doucet has an anti Israel agenda?
b) Who thinks she is simply too lazy to do research?
c) Who thinks she reports that way to allow her to continue to jet around the world and emote sympathy?
Why isn’t she with ISIS reporting on how many supposed ‘civilians’ have been killed by Jordan’s recent whupping of their ass — sorry, ‘totally disproportionate response to the death of only one pilot’?
Some lines scattered apparently randomly from the article: •Stewart’s show has often been cited as a leading news source for young people, with an average audience of one million viewers. •Jon Stewart has come to enjoy much the same status among younger viewers that anchors like Walter Cronkite achieved in the eyes of their grandparents. •A much-quoted online poll once showed that 44% of respondents looked upon him as the best source for trustworthy news.
Doesn’t the BBC see this as dangerous that a comic is considered a trusted news source? If so, what obligation does he have to accuracy and the consequences of his reporting?
Personally, I think Stewart has shat enough times on Israel that I can’t say I am sorry to see him go.
That number would be initial audience, His Internet audience, reruns and out of the US audience would boost that figure. According to Wikipedia: By the end of 2013 The Daily Show’s ratings hit 2.5 million viewers nightly. In demographic terms, the viewership is skewed to a relatively young and well-educated audience compared to traditional news shows. A 2004 Nielsen Media Research study commissioned by Comedy Central put the median age at 35. During the 2004 U.S. presidential election, the show received more male viewers in the 18–34 year old age demographic than Nightline, Meet the Press, Hannity & Colmes and all of the evening news broadcasts. Because of this, commentators such as Howard Dean and Ted Koppel posit that Stewart serves as a real source of news for young people, regardless of his intentions.
Turned on Sky News for headlines at 8am – Driverless cars. Quick switch to BBC NHS News Channel. Somebody was out-of-synch, because they were just ready to go. ‘Shocking accounts’ of ill-treatment of NHS whistleblowers.
The propaganda is relentless.
In all of this, there is no recognition that the core structure of Common Purpose management with militant unions guarantees suppression of dissent.
“…In all of this, there is no recognition that the core structure of Common Purpose management with militant unions guarantees suppression of dissent.”
True, but common purpose is a virus that has spread much wider than unions – you’ll find it at work everywhere from local education through to msm (especially the BBC). Common purpose is a sly, dissembling snake in the grass, but busy…always very busy. The EU is stuffed full of CP footsoldiers, as is the UN and many NGOs. They’re all at it.
Pretty sure its in the private sector as well. I’ve a friend who worked in management at M&S, he claims some of the courses he attended there were CP and is convinced NLP was used.
Company courses we all attend may not be CP, but course tutors could well of attended CP courses. I’ve lways disliked courses that challenge my way of thinking and have fallen out with many a tutor, my last was on a speeding awareness course!
I guess, no matter how bad we think it is, it’s probably worse. I came across this article by Common Purpose stalwart Robert Peston having a rant for political correctness. So far, so bad; Peston would be better employed watching the world economy tank. But look to the bottom and you read:
Robert Peston is the BBC’s Economics Editor and the founder of Speakers for Schools
Speakers for Schools.. What the… What’s that?
Open the website and you will be faced with a bunch of lefties and luvvies:
The ‘About Us’ shows that the Executive director is Ashley Hodges. ‘In 2008 she left her post as a Communications Specialist to become a staff member for the Barack Obama Presidential Campaign in the city of Pittsburgh…’
Engagement Coordinator Abe Simons ‘…organised education projects with the United Nations…’
I was on a media course with the military. The first question asked by the presenter was who reads the Daily Mail? I put my hand up and that was it. I was shat on for the remainder of the course. I did say in my defence that I would read The Guardian but why bother when I have it read out aloud to me by the BBC
Radio Five “gets much worse” Live has still failed to mention the Rotherham abuse scandal, despite the fact that the latest report on the sexual abuse was published on the 4th February. This morning the listeners’ attention was diverted by such life-defining subjects as food cravings and whether we are proud of the Premier League! You couldn’t make it up! As Victor Meldrew would have said, “I don’t believe it.” It is a sobering thought that if we did not have the internet, this subject would have been long forgotten, with the 1400 abused children unlikely to obtain a suitable remedy. The BBC is playing fast and loose with these children’s futures in the hope that the public will get bored with the subject, thereby ensuring that the various agencies who turned a blind eye to the harm being suffered by the children will be able to carry on with their well-paid careers in the public sector, oblivious to the fact that future generations of children in care in Rotherham and elsewhere will probably sufferthe same fate. In return for this “unbiased” and “informative” news service, we are required to pay an annual punitive tax called the licence fee!! As Cicero would have said, “O tempora, O mores!” – the country is going to the dogs.
… BBC News … NOT! and reports are its nearer a million little girls gang raped by Islamic Paedo gangs
now … if Carlsberg made the BBC do a Rotherham News report?
– Islamic jihad trial (or for INBBC: its “militant” trial)-
Another INBBC euphemistic ‘report’ relating to its Islamic State “militants” and “foreign fighters.”
“Sharia4Belgium trial: Belgian court jails members”
Of course, Beeboids are stum for years about the rising threat associated with the Islamisation of Belgium- even though INBBC has permanent presence in Brussels (to say nice things about E.U ). MARDELL, who was there for years, had nothing to say, and HEWITT has been little better.
Some context of Beeboids on Belgium and Islamic jihad threat, which INBBC has relegated over the years-
“Belgium Delivers Verdicts in Massive Trial of Alleged Islamist Extremists”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It might seem like an unlikely place to begin a jihadi war with the West, but Antwerp, Belgium, is at the center of Europe’s biggest trial of young men accused of plotting violence in the name of Islam.
“The trial began in September and verdicts were being delivered Wednesday in the prosecution of 46 alleged jihadis who are accused of travelling to Syria to fight for ISIS. Eight of them were arrested in Belgium while 38 others are still believed to be in Syria.”
Following the positive response to Harriet Harm-men’s Pink van, it is being rumoured that a buraq will be used for getting around places such as Rotherham, Bradford, Oldham and Luton. Here are some pictures:
I’m a bit late with this one, since it was broadcast on Monday, but I think I am right in saying that “A Cook Abroad”, featuring Edinburgh Sikh chef, Tony Singh, repeatedly pictured the map of India and Pakistan with Kashmir marked as belonging to neither. I doubt if Mr Singh had any say in the matter, which has the hallmark of beebyanka central.
I found the choice of whose speech to subtitle odd. Most of the Indian speakers were subtitled, although not the Maharajah, whlst Tony Singh wasn’t. I could understand everyone without subtitles, Mrs NotaSheep said she had more problems penetrating Tony Singh’s Glasgwegian brogue than most of the Indians talking.
The Graun thread linked elsewhere is up to 1400+ unhappy campers. Here’s the first, well-named at least:
EndangeredSpecies This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.
‘News of the Police interest in readers of Charlie Hebdo came on the same day that thousands of Muslims marched on Downing Street warning British people not to insult Mohammed.’
Meanwhile, elsewhere, here’s what £4B and 30k staff gets you:
Migrant sinking in Med ‘kills 300’
NHS needs ‘whistleblower guardians’
Police sorry over child abuse cases
Casualties climb before Ukraine tal…
No mention yet of a spot of bother with South Carolina men in the North. It will come, unless Glasgow rules apply.
Is there no end to the promotion of Sarah Champion by the BBC. Matthew Parris on Newsnight was allowing Chumpion to emote how she cares more than anybody has ever cared. Sarah Champion has decided on a strategy to avoid hard questions about Rotherham and her very late response to the scandal, to concentrate on the victims and to suggest some bond she has with them. We have no idea of what that bond is. But this “victim” approach is pretty cynical. In effect she is telling us to move on, think of the future. Now Orwell would cast such a creature as the perfect politician. I’ve crashed my car into you but let’s not get into that, let’s concentrate on your suffering. A politician with integrity would address the culture and legalities of corruption that has allowed wholesale exploitation of under-age girls right under the nose of the local authority, all of the agencies and the police. The Chumpian approach is to steer the electorate away from the actual institutional corruption that has been known for decades in northern towns, including Manchester in the 1980s. The BBC has been aware of it but, well, the class sexually exploited are not of interests are they? And the predators are a protected “vulnerable” group that were not to be criticised or even reported by the BBC as this might cause Hitler to get out of his grave and lead that bogeyman group, the “Far Right”.The great reformers of the past understood that braying about caring for tor the victims changed nothing; what changes things is addressing what created the victims. Chumpian wants better care, but does not address the system that created them and abandoned them. Including herself? Chumpian has some brass neck.
Mark Krantz who started this petition, Perhaps we should just kick back and wait until the loons amongst them have brought them to extinction ?
Amazing comments with Muslims saying the Palestinian flag shouldn’t be flown without the democratic consent of the people of the city, and lunatic Jews who support Palestine.
Did I miss something, or did the BBC release a list of Tory HSBC Swiss account holders just minutes before the start of Prime Minister’s Questions? Any half-competent Labour leader could have crushed Cameron, given such an advantage. Any half-competent…
Here’s a new twist – maybe it is BBC staff that are the true Islamophobes ?
That is – the BBC fears Islam. Indeed you could argue it is shit-scared of Islam. That is why it distorts or suppresses the news or just plain lies. Fear of Islam embedded across the BBC, plus a strong leavening of Muslim staff within the news organisation – editing, presenting, researching, producing – and it is easy to see why the BBC is so spineless.
Mark Reckless ex Tory and now UKIP MP makes a good point.
Poor people on benefits are come down on like a ton of bricks if there is anything wrong with their benefits claim, and yet the HMRC let people walk free without even prosecution when they are avoiding tax, although the amounts concerned can be enormous.
Well…. it is up to the politicians to change the tax system, and they can, with ease…….but there is no will, to chase the high profit, tax avoiding big boys is there?…..none of the parties will do anything….they puff and pose, but the politicos do nothing, just chase pennies, and let the pounds slip away…..wasters the lot of them…..
Avoiding tax is legal, evading tax isn’t. HMRC have actually decided to collect the o/s tax (with a 200% penalty) on a civil basis rather than go through the courts on an (expensive) criminal basis – which would probably cost them any money saved.
As a shareholder in UKPLC I would rather the company collected £130 million with no prosecutions rather than £140 million with prosecution costs of £30 million. Those who have been caught will obviously be on their radar for the future – which should mean increased tax benefits from the repenting sinners.
Ah but HMRC is the beneficiary of years of corrupt government in the UK.
Corruption not in the form of cash in brown envelopes, but rules which make laws favourable to the government public services.
For instance the Royal Mail enjoys ‘Crown Immunity’ which means even if they’re screamingly negligent you aren’t allowed to sue them – not ever!
HMRC have a nice little twist. They can sue you or bring charges, either criminal or civil, but while they can claim their costs from you the citizen, the reverse is not the case and HMRC never have to pay costs when they lose !
Therefore it only costs them the cost of Crown Solicitors which they employ anyway – so effectively nothing.
Yes Thoughtful. That’s not quite true. If it is that you are suggesting that benefits claimants are always prosecuted.
First; You are conflating legal tax avoidance with illegal tax evasion.
Second; For years now (under Labour as well) HMRC have chosen to make a pragmatic judgement about who and who not to prosecute. The objective has been to recover the tax due plus interest, plus penalties of up to 200%. A bird in the hand
Third; HMRC does prosecute in the worst cases, but only where it has the evidence, can use it in court, and there is a reasonable chance of a conviction. The complexity of our tax system and the admissibility of evidence does not make a prosecution a cut and dried decision. Better to take the Civil recovery route
Fourth; The government (and the tax authorities) are getting to grips with this. Cases reported for prosecution were;
165 in 2010-11
565 in 2012-13
1165 in 2014-2015
With regard to benefit fraud exactly the same considerations and judgements are made.
First: In the vast majority of cases, people who have made false claims to benefits are investigated and are required to repay the money. They do not go to court. Better to recover what has been dishonestly claimed than convict.
Second: only in a very small minority of cases are benefit claimants prosecuted. This is will only be:
where the sums are particularly large
or where a court judgement is required to recover the money
or where there is large scale serious organised crime involved. In these latter cases a prison sentence is often the outcome and a confiscation order under the proceeds of crime legislation obtained to recoup money embezzled.
It’s interesting that the BBC are so lathered-up by their HSBC excitement that they are quite happy to misrepresent the steps that are actually been taken to address tax crime.
BBc 13:00 proclamation. The BBc has learned the names of public figures and donors who have a Swiss bank account. Of course having a Swiss bank account is not illegal nor does it imply impropriety they quickly issue the disclaimer. Can’t spout a bunch from the cult in Downing Street though can they?
I woke up to my Facebook friend in London wondering why the murders of 3 Muslims in North Carolina wasn’t a bigger news story. He said that it wasn’t on the front page of the BBC news, and I told him that it was a major headline story in the U.S.
I suppose the BBC folks are shocked that an atheist committed the murders and are working to tie him to the Tea Party or something.
What, you mean like the MoToon rally in London was not given enough coverage by al Beeba?
Peculiar that when the victims are Muslim that fact is considered newsworthy even where there is no evidence that it was significant.
“Investigators have not said what led to the shootings, but the fact that all three students were Muslims has led to speculation on social media over whether their faith played a role in the shooting.”
First of all, the usual inadequate platitudes must be accorded the families of innocents (as far as known) cruelly taken.
However, in the new era of news vs. not news, at least here, one must try and sift through the little that is passed on or known to understand what happened enough to ask a few questions, or provoke responses in speculation.
For instance, which community is/should be now living in fear, and where?
This global outrage seems.. muted, at best, here in the UK, as for one the national broadcaster is, currently, coy. Why?
At least the perpetrator seems well and truly identified, and quickly.
‘Investigators have not said what led to the shootings, but the fact that all three students were Muslims has led to speculation on social media over whether their faith played a role in the shooting.’
This speculation being, presumably, of a kind some find acceptable? Especially the BBC, who can point at ‘social media’.
I guess we will just have to wait and see what was going on. If via the BBC, on past and current performance, that may depend on whether the circumstances suit.
Al Beeba has covered itself by referring to what’s being discussed on social media. No doubt we can now expect the BBC to report alien abductions, Mossad did the Charlie Hebdo shootings, Obama is not American and that the Holocaust didn’t happen – according to social media you understand.
The High Court has been presented with expert evidence suggesting one in four postal ballots cast in the re-election of Mayor Lutfur Rahman in one ward in Tower Hamlets were completed by the same person. Robert Radley, senior consultant at the Radley Forensic Document Laboratory, examined ballot papers and postal voting slips to analyse handwriting and ink.
Reminds me of the old days of personation in Northern Ireland where people would vote early and often. Coming back to bamboozle the local electoral agents with a cunning new wig or cap.
You may think this was carried out by Sinn Fein supporters. I couldn’t possibly comment.
I saw a documentary in which members of the UK security services admitted that they were the ones voting multiple times. They were desperate to get Sinn Fein onto the expenses bandwagon, so that they’d have something to gain/lose from the peace process. From memory, this admission of election rigging didn’t even raise an eyebrow from the interviewer.
Giles Fraser (a humble “parish priest” according to Sarah) has been on the Today air twice this week. Both times he issued an anathema concerning those who wish to keep their own money away from the tax man. In this morning’s attack on private property, Fraser had the chutzpah to preach the Divine Right of Kings (OK it’s 2015: the Divine Right of the State). In this doctrine more or less everything done in the name of the state is sacred. For Giles’ purposes The State represents God on earth. Thus all hitherto “private” property theologically (his word not mine) belongs only contingently to the citizens of the state ie your and my assets are held at the pleasure of Giles and any of his mates who can get hold of the levers of state power.
This isn’t just Giles preaching his usual BBC-approved marxism, he’s preaching something (the Divine Right of Kings) over which the Civil War was (partially) fought and (by 1688: the Glorious Revolution) was lost . More practically, he’s also preaching the wholesale expropriation of private property (of which, for instance, the mansion tax – beloved by the left including the BBC, Labour, LibDems, Greens and SNP – is only the first nibble). The BBC and, completely uncoincidentally, Labour are seeking the establishment of the Divine Right preached by Giles using (among a lot of other crapola) the trojan horse of eliding the hitherto clear distinction between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
I notice that Iain Martin on the Capx website has highlighted the same phenomenon of unconditional “Frazer-love” on the BBC and comments accordingly.
…he’s preaching something (the Divine Right of Kings) over which the Civil War was (partially) fought and … was lost
It’s worth remembering what, only last week, Fraser informed us about the God who devolved power to the LibLabCon:
For God is the story of human dreams and fears. God is the shape we try to make of our lives. God is the name of the respect we owe the planet. God is the poetry of our lives.
Oliver Cromwell was as devout as Giles Fraser, but never doubted the possibility of corrupt leaders. The King was ‘Charles Stuart, that man of blood‘. Cromwell had biblical backing for his approach:
And thus said Shimei when he cursed, Come out, come out, thou bloody man, and thou man of Belial: The LORD hath returned upon thee all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose stead thou hast reigned; and the LORD hath delivered the kingdom into the hand of Absalom thy son: and, behold, thou art taken in thy mischief, because thou art a bloody man.
—King James Bible 2 Samuel 16:7,8
It is remarkable that we are discussing this, 360 years on, especially given that few people these days believe in the God of the Bible. Even Fraser’s God seems to be little more than environmentalist sentimentality.
12 noon Tuesday, Radio 2. It’s OK I didn’t last long on that channel. But Vine was in full attack mode about political fund raising and the shadowy folk attending the Conservative fund raiser. Bit like the Labour one July 2014 where a Grayson Perry pot stating Vote Labour was sold for £42,000, a figure by Antony Gormley sold for £105,000. I don’t remember the BBC criticising the expensive dinner with tables costing £15,000. Does the BBC have short memories? I think I am heading towards short term memory problems when I cannot remember why I have gone upstairs, but nothing like the BBC collectively.
“The incident I wrote about Monday was not isolated. Clearly it was a planned initiative, ordered by …..
… whom?
Will there be an investigation now?
Or will Sharia UK slip just this much further into the darkness? … and let these officials who are collecting information on violators of Sharia blasphemy laws pass un-rebuked?”
“Police from several UK forces seek details of Charlie Hebdo readers”
R Spencer
Where is this on the BBC? … same rabbit hole as Motoon London protest?.. or the million victims of Muslim Paedo gangs?
or latest Rotherham information.
also from that link – the last part wouldn’t surprise me at all especially with the new “online asbos” on the way
” couple of years ago, in my job, I won’t say what it was, the police came round to brief us on the latest intelligence that they had and were gathering regarding terrorism, the threat level had been raised and they were out and about giving updates, it was a couple of female cops and they were quite enthusiastic about their role in the local anti terrorist section/squad. Instead of as we thought they might have done, talked about Musloom extremism, no, they just barked on about right wing extremists and how they gathered their information, how they monitored and even infiltrated these groups, kept lists of names gathered from sites such as this. So, don’t think for one second that you are not being monitored by plod, cos’ you are, they have your names and mine and all our details, IP addresses the lot, just remember that ladies and gentlemen and say a nice hello to those watching this site from behind a police computer screen and give them a nice smile and a wave.”
The police are not that bright so they will do as they are told even if what they are told is absurd. Sadly they are now of an age so that their education has been woeful and their lack of general knowledge mirrors that of their generation.
Today I asked a middle mamager type what side were Russia on in WW2.
He replied that he did not know but thought we had fought them. Incredible but far from unusual.
They do as they are told and have now reached the happy state ordained by our vicious ruling elite. That of willing automatons.
Mostly they are benign but the potential is there for the slippage into oppression and tyrany.
Of course they will monitor us. For we are what the elite really fears.
Any doubts about this should have been dispelled by the recent censorship over Sunday’s march and the attempts to find out who bought the magazine.
That the EU elite had the nerve to attend the Paris demonstration recently is worrying. It shows us just how duplicitous it is. Eventually the elite will become tyrants. A special sort of soft tyrany at first but tyrany all the same. Harsh times ahead for us all.
I wonder what old Tom Paine and Thomas Jefferson would have thought of what we face now in England and Europe.
There are conflicting stories doing the rounds concerning this murdered US aid worker. The BBC has the resources to sort out the truth from the lies but don’t hold your breath.
‘ Kayla Mueller, who went to Israel and the so-called “West Bank” and Gaza to help HAMASnik Jew-haters. From the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a terrorist group that aided and abetted Al-Qaeda, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade terrorists (including two British Muslims who blew up “Mike’s Bar” in Tel Aviv):’
BBC WS – world have you say
microphone fairy, and caller/host double teaming , quick subject changing, in full effect
it is an Al BBC Islamophile car crash
oh! … and great fun
The bBC has been quick to cast the blame for the reason why illegal immigrants sailing from Africa are dying in their hundreds, on the fact that Italy ended an operation known as Mare Nostrum, which was launched in October 2013 in response to a tragedy off Lampedusa in which 366 people died. The year-long operation was aimed at rescuing seaborne migrants, with Italian vessels looking for ships carrying migrants that may have run into trouble off the Libyan coast. Get that The operation was aimed at patrolling off the coast of Africa in which to rescue these poor people. What happened, is that with the knowledge that all they had to do is sail a few miles off the african coast and they would be taken to Europe and a new life, hundreds of thousands of people did just that, which is why the EU put a stop to it. The bBC doesn’t mention that , instead they scream think of the people.
Apparently the survivors were French speaking West Africans. Shame really, because that’s just what our country needs right now – 300 ebola infested parasites.
Yes apparently not the fault of the traffickers who locked the ” migrants” up in a warehouse and herded them at gunpoint onto their rubber rings , nor the fault of any thing that passes for an authority in Libya. Perish the thought that the dead are dead through their own stupidity. It’s all the fault of the horrid white Europeans, still when the ethnics are a European majority they will have to take the blame.
So regards the bBC reporting on those 3 Muslims who were murdered in NC USA not getting enough coverage, because they were Muslims
Is that the same bBC which didn’t report on the murders of the fogel family in Israel, which has downplayed every Islamic murder in the West, yet when the poor victims are Muslims, then according to the bBC, the west can only be fucking racist. Pity the bBC didn’t show the same compassion when Kriss Donald was murdered in cold blood as was Ross Parker, as was Charlene Downes never mind the numerous attempted murders carried out by Muslims
Lynn Homer back in front of the Parliamentary Accounts Committee to have a strip torn off her for the failure to prosecute tax evaders.
The BBC described her as ‘incredibly defensive’ which again is not a surprise given her past performances.
Yet where is the examination of this train wreck of a woman who destroys every government department she’s promoted to, and then miraculously seems to be promoted into an even more high profile role?
Couldn’t have anything to do with the Common Purpose background could it ?
Even the BBC is struggling to make any of the recent Labour charges on Hedge Funds and Tax Evasion hold water. On both the Daily Politics and PM experts have as good as said that the Labour charges were at best grossly overstated . On the Hedge Fund issue Labour were made to look totally incompetent when their allegation that Hedge Fund managers had been given a big tax break by the Tories was shown to be totally wrong. Mr Milliband is hiding behind Parliamentary Privilege to avoid being sued by one of those he accuses of being a ‘ Dodgy Donor’.
But the fact that the BBC run these groundless allegation for days on end is serving Labour’s purposes. Mud is being thrown about and some of it will of course stick. The BBC are playing Labour’s game as usual.
This piece of Fascist scum, as the UAF so eloquently describe anyone whom the Socialist Worker Party dislike, was quoting allegations that are made in the BBC report that you cite. Perhaps the UAF NAZI’s might wish to declare the BBC part of the fascist scum. Nice try, now go and tell Comrade Bennett of your efforts.
Says the BBC:
Labour-led Rotherham council has been accused of wholesale failings in child protection after an inquiry last year found that 1,400 children were abused by gangs of men, mainly of Pakistani origin, from 1997 to 2013, in the town.
A. A home to fascists who think that its OK to imprison people for talking. Racists who condone the rape and trafficking of white women and girls by muslims of Pakistani origin and will muzzle those who speak out about it.
Q. What is the Police Service?
A. A home to fascists who think that its OK to imprison people for talking. Racists who condone the rape and trafficking of white women and girls by muslims of Pakistani origin and will muzzle those who speak out about it.
Downboy. 3 and a half is about right. Sarah Wollaston. Left wing Tory. Medical professional. Lovely lady – not your typical politician (she has a doctor’s manner), but not an economist.
The excellent Suzanne Evans will be representing common sense.
Sadly, Sarah Wollaston’s views on UKIP are somewhere to the left of George Galloway, so I’ll be looking on it as one against four. But, hey! – that’s OK. It’s the zero against five I don’t like.
My guess is Sarah will play the ball not the man (on in this case woman) because, as I say, she’s a nice lady. But I note your comments (left of GG?!) and will be watching with interest.
I take your point, four to one. My money’s on Suzanne to shine and to keep her composure. Hopefully Chris Bryant will take a kicking. Or should that be a fisting?
Its four quarters against one whole person. So the BBC is recognising the superiority of UKIPers in its assumptions about an impartial balance between four quarters of fantasy against one whole piece or reality.
What’s not in doubt is that British Muslims can be proud of their contribution to more fear of terrorism in our country and its government agencies destruction of Magna Carta and our Freedom of Speech, than did Luftwaffe bombs.
It seems that Hedley has taken his lessons in semantics from the bBC who have been using that line of questioning against the British public for years: ‘Have you stopped practising racism / Islamophobia / homophobia / sexism / transphobia / … ?’ If you answer the question directly then you’re guilty whichever way you go, if you don’t they pull the plug.
It pretty much sums up the BBC idea of balance as we know it to be. with the trolls trying to convince readers that we are crazy.
Labour £141.110
Tory £39,233
Lib dem £19,025
Green £2,100
Plaid Cymru £1,501
Total £202,969
I notice UKIP don’t get an invite where any rep will get richer.
To be fair to Rory Stewart, he did produce an interesting history program about the England Scotland border, Hadrian’s wall and all that, and his fees account for nearly half the Tory total. Clever fella is Rory. And he answers Brillo’s questions with consideration, humility and a dose of wisdom.
And Rees Mogg is better entertainment value than the whole of the BBC ‘comedy stars’ team put together, so he’s f*&king cheap!
No surprise who the top two troughers are though. Postman and the Fatbot.
Liberal MP Jenny To was sponsored by BBC’s Radio 4’s Today programme to a weeks trip to Israel ” because in a democracy her views should be tested” ( She had said “if I had been a Palestinian I would also have been a suicide bomber”) see the BBC’s answer to the complaint
Liberal MP Jenny Tonge was sponsored by BBC’s Radio 4’s Today programme to a weeks trip to Israel ” because in a democracy her views should be tested” ( She had said “if I had been a Palestinian I would also have been a suicide bomber”) see the BBC’s answer to the complaint
The BBC is most upset by the lack of US coverage of the murder of three Muslim students in North Carolina.
The BBC asks: “Was the murder of three students in the US given enough media coverage?”
What about the times they fail to mention attacks and murders of white people by non whites? How long did it take them to pick up the grooming of white girls, by Muslims, in northern towns and cities?
What he BBC appears to be too clueless to have worked out is that the alleged perp was almost certainly a Leftie – which may account for the fellow travellers in the US media having decided to, um, do what the BBC did about the muslim demonstration last weekend!
No doubt the NYT, WaPo etc cursed when they saw, among his Faceboook ‘likes’: Rachel Madoow, The Southern Povery Law Center, Neil deGrasse Tyson, gay marriage groups and a host of anti-Tea Party pages.
Then again, it might have been a parking dispute.
In any case, the BBC is in absolutely no position to throw stones about people suppressing stories. As anyone in Rotherham will attest.
The Angryman (in association with the BBC) Cock of the Day award goes to ……….. Jolyon Rubenstein!
What a cock.
Tweets and trending on lying. A moral relativist knob with BA’s and MA’s from various universities of pseudoscience fuckwittery. What a c*^t.
So according to the moral leadership of the youth (the video’s great!) lying is bad if politicians do it. But it’s OK if other, normal folk do it! No you f*&ker! Lying is bad whoever does it! Cock.
And UKIP are of course racist, BNP etc. etc, because a serious politician (Farage) won’t talk to this cock who has acted the cock in the presence of Farage before.
But the young Beeboids who watched “An Idiot’s Guide to Politics” on BBC 3 2100-2200Hrs 11/2/15 know this: UKIP are baddies.
“A Cock’s guide to Politics”. There you go Ruben. I fixed it for you.
‘A richer world’ is not a series; it is a three month ‘season’, pushing out propaganda up to…. let’s see… early May. Interesting. I wonder why they scheduled for this period.
“Before you know it, they’ll be doing a comparison between council estate scroungers and “that family down the road with a Mercedes”. ”
Interesting you should say that. There are more Mercs and BMWs in our nearest council estate than in the (dare I say) more upmarket estate that I live in. They’re not particularly new, but cars like that are expensive to run and maintain. Interesting priorities.
I have come to the conclusion over the last few years (as a landlord of several properties) that the priorities of the younger generation (under 40) are to mobile phones, satellite tv, luxury cars, foreign holidays, cigarettes, nights out, etc. These are the life essentials and what I would have described the esssentials – electric bill, rent, council tax, gas bill, etc are way down the priority list.
As an insurance broker, specialising in landlord insurance, I know which areas insurance companies don’t like.
They don’t like areas prone to flooding. They tell us that.
They don’t like areas prone to subsidence. They tell us that.
They don’t like certain other areas (BD, OL, LE, L, M). But they don’t say why not. The thing is: more and more postcodes are being declared as ‘no go’ or ‘high risk’
yep – and then they moan when they don’t have any money before payday and listen to fools like Miliband talking about a “cost of living crisis” – nobody knows how to cut their cloth anymore
In posting this I stress at the moment that, as far as some in the BBC are concerned, there seems an odd mix of uncritical adulation in guise of ‘reporting’ (take a bow, Norman Smith), and what appears to be po-faced reporting that Mr. Miliband somehow manages to turn into yet more rope.
Yes, our Ed is a pervasive sayer of Labour things, especially via Norm’s cut and paste tweets, but if he ends up communicating other than one way via handlers and filters, namely live in a conversation, no matter how anodyne the questioning, he ends up digging a freaking copper mine.
I can’t fault Nic R here; it’s just what Ed does. The problem comes with the ‘Labour says’ edit in the spin afterwards, or the sudden ‘non news’ editorial integrity when he places foot in mouth again. He seems to have no thought other than what his people have told him will get him elected, and to hell with anyone or thing used to get him there, no matter how crass.
I just wish the BBC would recall this man is on track to lead this country. Maybe they do, and that’s why they are giving him endless airtime?
Because by heavens, doing all this to usher him in must be hard to live with at the end of the professional day.
I worked with a Nigerian. For him, brands were everything. He paid £4000 for an Apple laptop and joined the company car scheme paying £4800 a year for a new BMW 1 series. I suggested it might not be a wise use of his money (young family, etc), but for him it was ‘living the dream’
“But grimer, the way it makes me feel to be driving a brand new BMW!”
Tim Iredale and the hapless ill-informed Harry Gration. Amjad Bashir has spoken to the BBC. He will not sand down as an MEP. (surprise! surprise!)
What a slimy c&^t. Oh, and a member of the Conservative Party. Evidently the official Party line from the Tories is there is no reason for him to stand down! How is this skidmark still in a job, suckling off the teat of the state, funded by us idiotic c&^ts.
Vote UKIP. Get Muslim Tory? Democracy British style! I hope UKIP are learning.
Len Tingle and Harry manage to give Ed Miliband a plug! Such a nice guy! According to lefty lovey Reece Dinsdale.
Oh, and Len informed us that the national media have arrived in force in South Yorkshire. To look into the dirty world of Liebor and rapists in Rotherhamistan? No, no, no. To see a re-hash of a socialist’s play, a wet dream of Marxism inspired ‘art’ at the Crucible in Sheffield. So will these journo’s be popping along the road (less than 6 miles) to Rotherhamistan to do some relevant reporting tomorrow?
Watch out for the reviews of this play with ‘Reece Dinsdale’ in the starring role in tomorrows or Friday’s papers, and watch for the flood of reports from Rotherham.
Or Oxford, Halifax, Newcastle, Dewsbury, Rochdale, Blackburn, Oldham………..
Communities secretary Eric Pickles has taken steps to appoint five commissioners to oversee Rotherham Council. But that would mean that they may have the same reception as those UKIP people, because they have been appointed by a Tory.
The evidence is that you would only be safe from these protesters in Rotherham if you support Labour or Asian Paedophiles.
That must mean that the protesters are paedophiles who support the Labour Party.
7 times in this ” reporting” by a “trained journalist ” we get the word, and the word is TANK, apparently a British Army TANK has come off a German road and gone through ( very, very slightly ) a hedge.
Trouble is………’s not a TANK, it’s an Armoured Personnal Carrier, otherwise known as a battlefield taxi, something you put a squad of solders in and carry them around avoiding rifle fire in a serious punch up ( ask Ponce).
It has tracks ( but so does a Tractor, is it a tractor mummy ? ) it has a small turret carrying a 30mm gun for self protection but a tank it is not. All modern tanks look like WW 2 tanks on serious steroids, especially the British Army Challenger. Now a 10 second check on google would point out this basic cock up to the beeboid writing this dross, but hey ho, us “professionals ” know what we need to know, I E, everything, we are beyond checking our basic FACTS because we do not make cock ups. Another clue to the gormless beeboid is the fact that the APC is little bigger than the German Police Car alongside it. They even name the Vehicle correctly, a Warrior, just not the fact that it’s not a TANK. Fact free, we know better, we don’t need to check our facts BB bloody C………..Imbeciles
Still there now. And Dave S’s reply. (As is mine at 27)
However posts 160, 165 and 166 are all “removed”. What unspeakable blasphemy must that poster, or posters, have come up with to have all their posts removed? Did anyone notice?
I merely share from a source clearly no longer close to the BBC:
@MeirionTweets BBC reports NHS persecuting whistleblowers – shocking!. Wonder what BBC does about whistleblowers? In unrelated news I’m leaving BBC Feb 20
Oh the subtlety of the BBC News editorial team! On Radio 4 8:00 News this morning the bit of news chosen as the daily sign-off “gossipy” item was the information that the annual Alaska dog-sleigh race (yes it’s that important!) is to be held hundred of miles north of its usual route because of a lack of snow (with the unspoken chorus “because of global warming/climate change). Just as “gossipy” would have been the information (not mentioned) that the race could have been held on the other side of America, in New England, because of the unusually massive snowfall. The warmist propaganda purveyed by the BBC is so crass and so blatant it’s (almost) laughable.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img]
The frustrated utopian schoolmarm that is Breakfast BBC takes us TV Licenced kiddies for a trip to the Science Museum.
What foods SHOULD and SHOULDN’T we eat, Miss? We didn’t ask but Beeb-Bee is telling us anyway.
And how very telling that Auntie happily assumes we have no will power or sense of choice and latches on to psyhcological tricks and triggers to fool us into eating the CORRECT foods.
“What is the BEST material from which to make cutlery?” ask the righteous on behalf of the Taxed.
“Gold” comes the answer from the diversity box ticking female expert.
I wish I had been able to make some kind of a bet on that answer.
‘I have a (BBC Breakfast) dream – that one day that the little children will eat from gold spoons, and go to school in driverless pink minibuses…’
The BBC should tell us what diet Jenny Murray and Eamon Holmes are on; that one is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
Talking about “pink minibuses” – there have been hoots of laughter about Harriet Harman’s pink minivan aimed at getting out the Wimmins’ vote. “No it is not pink – it is cerise. ” No it’s not – it is magenta”. And criticism that the whole jape is patronising to women.
Somehow all the mirth – and the protests — seem to have been omitted from any coverage by the BBC. Not even a bleat from Jenni Murray.
Perhaps the BBC have a comic who can comment on this photo of the pink van – from Guido’s page.
That picture should be reproduced and sent on a flyer to every household in the U.K. Brilliant effort from Guido!
Continuing yesterday’s theme of hit and run additions to the BBC’s comments regarding the failure to report that march at the weekend, I have added one here.
27.You Just now
I find it shocking that the Obama administration might try to keep the governed uninformed. Fortunately in the UK we have the BBC to ensure that things do not march on unreported.
Surprisingly, my two efforts yesterday have survived any purges. So far.
There’s a famous book about the Cola Wars, called ‘the other guy blinked’.
The BBC seems to be holding firm.
Ironically, looking at their new spiritual home, twitter, they may be sweating a bit now.
20,000 of them seeing nothing here, and millions who now know they are sticking to this deceit and pointing it out or asking why.
What was it about the coverage.. excuse me, lack of coverage, that gets you?
Is there a link to Twitter complaints about the BBC’s deliberate avoidance of any coverage of the big march in Whitehall ?
The BBC hasn’t reported on the dreadful Muslim anti-free speech demonstration because it knows damn well that the response from the vast majority would be :
(a) what, that’s in London ENGLAND?
(b) if they want to live under sharia blasphemy laws they can sod off to an Islamic shit-hole of their choice.
But by censoring it the BBC has created a huge disconnect between what millions of us now know about it and what we were told about it (or rather, not told about it) by our supposedly national, objective news broadcaster.
And not even a mention on Woman’s Hour of the gender segregation in the crowd!
Amazing lack of BBC feminist interest in the RoP (but we knew that already).
Still there. I added my little effort but am not hopeful it will get through.
Still there is my comment. number 66.
The moderators are slipping.
They’ve actually opened comments on Harpys PINK bus I kid you not . Quick EVERYONE get over there.
I’ve been removed for being off topic just for mentioning Rotherham and Labour looking after women there. Oh well next.
Freedom of speech, alive and kicking.
BBC Watch skewers Lyse Doucet. BBC’s Lyse Doucet reports from Rawabi: inaccuracies and omissions
a) Who thinks Lyse Doucet has an anti Israel agenda?
b) Who thinks she is simply too lazy to do research?
c) Who thinks she reports that way to allow her to continue to jet around the world and emote sympathy?
Why isn’t she with ISIS reporting on how many supposed ‘civilians’ have been killed by Jordan’s recent whupping of their ass — sorry, ‘totally disproportionate response to the death of only one pilot’?
Jon Stewart to leave The Daily Show
Some lines scattered apparently randomly from the article:
•Stewart’s show has often been cited as a leading news source for young people, with an average audience of one million viewers.
•Jon Stewart has come to enjoy much the same status among younger viewers that anchors like Walter Cronkite achieved in the eyes of their grandparents.
•A much-quoted online poll once showed that 44% of respondents looked upon him as the best source for trustworthy news.
Doesn’t the BBC see this as dangerous that a comic is considered a trusted news source? If so, what obligation does he have to accuracy and the consequences of his reporting?
Personally, I think Stewart has shat enough times on Israel that I can’t say I am sorry to see him go.
One million viewers in a population of 300m? Wow he is so successful in reaching out.
That number would be initial audience, His Internet audience, reruns and out of the US audience would boost that figure. According to Wikipedia: By the end of 2013 The Daily Show’s ratings hit 2.5 million viewers nightly. In demographic terms, the viewership is skewed to a relatively young and well-educated audience compared to traditional news shows. A 2004 Nielsen Media Research study commissioned by Comedy Central put the median age at 35. During the 2004 U.S. presidential election, the show received more male viewers in the 18–34 year old age demographic than Nightline, Meet the Press, Hannity & Colmes and all of the evening news broadcasts. Because of this, commentators such as Howard Dean and Ted Koppel posit that Stewart serves as a real source of news for young people, regardless of his intentions.
Even 1,000,000 is high for a cable show.
Turned on Sky News for headlines at 8am – Driverless cars. Quick switch to BBC NHS News Channel. Somebody was out-of-synch, because they were just ready to go. ‘Shocking accounts’ of ill-treatment of NHS whistleblowers.
The propaganda is relentless.
In all of this, there is no recognition that the core structure of Common Purpose management with militant unions guarantees suppression of dissent.
“…In all of this, there is no recognition that the core structure of Common Purpose management with militant unions guarantees suppression of dissent.”
True, but common purpose is a virus that has spread much wider than unions – you’ll find it at work everywhere from local education through to msm (especially the BBC). Common purpose is a sly, dissembling snake in the grass, but busy…always very busy. The EU is stuffed full of CP footsoldiers, as is the UN and many NGOs. They’re all at it.
Pretty sure its in the private sector as well. I’ve a friend who worked in management at M&S, he claims some of the courses he attended there were CP and is convinced NLP was used.
Company courses we all attend may not be CP, but course tutors could well of attended CP courses. I’ve lways disliked courses that challenge my way of thinking and have fallen out with many a tutor, my last was on a speeding awareness course!
I guess, no matter how bad we think it is, it’s probably worse. I came across this article by Common Purpose stalwart Robert Peston having a rant for political correctness. So far, so bad; Peston would be better employed watching the world economy tank. But look to the bottom and you read:
Robert Peston is the BBC’s Economics Editor and the founder of Speakers for Schools
Speakers for Schools.. What the… What’s that?
Open the website and you will be faced with a bunch of lefties and luvvies:
The full list:
They’re not 100% Labour; Baroness Warsi is there!
The ‘About Us’ shows that the Executive director is Ashley Hodges. ‘In 2008 she left her post as a Communications Specialist to become a staff member for the Barack Obama Presidential Campaign in the city of Pittsburgh…’
Engagement Coordinator Abe Simons ‘…organised education projects with the United Nations…’
Is it any wonder young people seem naïve?
Peston’s Evening Standard article:
‘Men often tweet pictures to female BBC presenters of their genitals. By contrast, I get off lightly’: Robert Peston on being objectified
I was on a media course with the military. The first question asked by the presenter was who reads the Daily Mail? I put my hand up and that was it. I was shat on for the remainder of the course. I did say in my defence that I would read The Guardian but why bother when I have it read out aloud to me by the BBC
Radio Five “gets much worse” Live has still failed to mention the Rotherham abuse scandal, despite the fact that the latest report on the sexual abuse was published on the 4th February. This morning the listeners’ attention was diverted by such life-defining subjects as food cravings and whether we are proud of the Premier League! You couldn’t make it up! As Victor Meldrew would have said, “I don’t believe it.” It is a sobering thought that if we did not have the internet, this subject would have been long forgotten, with the 1400 abused children unlikely to obtain a suitable remedy. The BBC is playing fast and loose with these children’s futures in the hope that the public will get bored with the subject, thereby ensuring that the various agencies who turned a blind eye to the harm being suffered by the children will be able to carry on with their well-paid careers in the public sector, oblivious to the fact that future generations of children in care in Rotherham and elsewhere will probably sufferthe same fate. In return for this “unbiased” and “informative” news service, we are required to pay an annual punitive tax called the licence fee!! As Cicero would have said, “O tempora, O mores!” – the country is going to the dogs.
… BBC News … NOT! and reports are its nearer a million little girls gang raped by Islamic Paedo gangs
now … if Carlsberg made the BBC do a Rotherham News report?
Three very different angles to the news that your Samsung TV can listen to you here…
Guess which one carries the most positive report?
Guess which one carries the most positive report?’
Over to Mrs. Merton for that one, possibly?
“What was it about unrestricted intrusion into the private home that first attracted you?
Hope Samsung, at least, may pay a market choice price for this quaint notion.
– Islamic jihad trial (or for INBBC: its “militant” trial)-
Another INBBC euphemistic ‘report’ relating to its Islamic State “militants” and “foreign fighters.”
“Sharia4Belgium trial: Belgian court jails members”
Of course, Beeboids are stum for years about the rising threat associated with the Islamisation of Belgium- even though INBBC has permanent presence in Brussels (to say nice things about E.U ). MARDELL, who was there for years, had nothing to say, and HEWITT has been little better.
Some context of Beeboids on Belgium and Islamic jihad threat, which INBBC has relegated over the years-
“Belgium Delivers Verdicts in Massive Trial of Alleged Islamist Extremists”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It might seem like an unlikely place to begin a jihadi war with the West, but Antwerp, Belgium, is at the center of Europe’s biggest trial of young men accused of plotting violence in the name of Islam.
“The trial began in September and verdicts were being delivered Wednesday in the prosecution of 46 alleged jihadis who are accused of travelling to Syria to fight for ISIS. Eight of them were arrested in Belgium while 38 others are still believed to be in Syria.”
‘Gatestone Institute’-
“Belgium: Jihad Mega-Trial Begins”
by Soeren Kern
October 6, 2014.
“The Islamization of Belgium and the Netherlands in 2013”
by Soeren Kern.
January 2014.
Following the positive response to Harriet Harm-men’s Pink van, it is being rumoured that a buraq will be used for getting around places such as Rotherham, Bradford, Oldham and Luton. Here are some pictures:
I want the BBC to show this series.
I’m a bit late with this one, since it was broadcast on Monday, but I think I am right in saying that “A Cook Abroad”, featuring Edinburgh Sikh chef, Tony Singh, repeatedly pictured the map of India and Pakistan with Kashmir marked as belonging to neither. I doubt if Mr Singh had any say in the matter, which has the hallmark of beebyanka central.
I found the choice of whose speech to subtitle odd. Most of the Indian speakers were subtitled, although not the Maharajah, whlst Tony Singh wasn’t. I could understand everyone without subtitles, Mrs NotaSheep said she had more problems penetrating Tony Singh’s Glasgwegian brogue than most of the Indians talking.
If Beeboids were supporters of liberty in Britain, they would investigate this:-
“Sharia UK: Police in 3 counties sought names of Charlie Hebdo buyers”
The Graun thread linked elsewhere is up to 1400+ unhappy campers. Here’s the first, well-named at least:
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.
Here’s another URL, with a nice last para:
‘News of the Police interest in readers of Charlie Hebdo came on the same day that thousands of Muslims marched on Downing Street warning British people not to insult Mohammed.’
Meanwhile, elsewhere, here’s what £4B and 30k staff gets you:
Migrant sinking in Med ‘kills 300’
NHS needs ‘whistleblower guardians’
Police sorry over child abuse cases
Casualties climb before Ukraine tal…
No mention yet of a spot of bother with South Carolina men in the North. It will come, unless Glasgow rules apply.
Is there no end to the promotion of Sarah Champion by the BBC. Matthew Parris on Newsnight was allowing Chumpion to emote how she cares more than anybody has ever cared. Sarah Champion has decided on a strategy to avoid hard questions about Rotherham and her very late response to the scandal, to concentrate on the victims and to suggest some bond she has with them. We have no idea of what that bond is. But this “victim” approach is pretty cynical. In effect she is telling us to move on, think of the future. Now Orwell would cast such a creature as the perfect politician. I’ve crashed my car into you but let’s not get into that, let’s concentrate on your suffering. A politician with integrity would address the culture and legalities of corruption that has allowed wholesale exploitation of under-age girls right under the nose of the local authority, all of the agencies and the police. The Chumpian approach is to steer the electorate away from the actual institutional corruption that has been known for decades in northern towns, including Manchester in the 1980s. The BBC has been aware of it but, well, the class sexually exploited are not of interests are they? And the predators are a protected “vulnerable” group that were not to be criticised or even reported by the BBC as this might cause Hitler to get out of his grave and lead that bogeyman group, the “Far Right”.The great reformers of the past understood that braying about caring for tor the victims changed nothing; what changes things is addressing what created the victims. Chumpian wants better care, but does not address the system that created them and abandoned them. Including herself? Chumpian has some brass neck.
She’s a c*nt
INBBC avoids words: ‘Islamic jihad’ and ‘Muslims’ on this.
Word “Islamist” (whatever it means), is restricted to one mention in final paragraph-
“Yemen crisis: US, UK and France close Sanaa embassies”
Some context for INBBC:-
“Terrorists who attacked French magazine displayed professional training”
(Jan 2015)-
Read more:
Yet another stupid Jew who believes Hitler was right and the Muslims are peaceful !
Mark Krantz who started this petition, Perhaps we should just kick back and wait until the loons amongst them have brought them to extinction ?
Amazing comments with Muslims saying the Palestinian flag shouldn’t be flown without the democratic consent of the people of the city, and lunatic Jews who support Palestine.
Did I miss something, or did the BBC release a list of Tory HSBC Swiss account holders just minutes before the start of Prime Minister’s Questions? Any half-competent Labour leader could have crushed Cameron, given such an advantage. Any half-competent…
The BBC effort for this election is remarkable.
Here’s a new twist – maybe it is BBC staff that are the true Islamophobes ?
That is – the BBC fears Islam. Indeed you could argue it is shit-scared of Islam. That is why it distorts or suppresses the news or just plain lies. Fear of Islam embedded across the BBC, plus a strong leavening of Muslim staff within the news organisation – editing, presenting, researching, producing – and it is easy to see why the BBC is so spineless.
They definitely hold Muslims to dufferent standards than everyone else which is pure in-your-face racism.
Mark Reckless ex Tory and now UKIP MP makes a good point.
Poor people on benefits are come down on like a ton of bricks if there is anything wrong with their benefits claim, and yet the HMRC let people walk free without even prosecution when they are avoiding tax, although the amounts concerned can be enormous.
Well…. it is up to the politicians to change the tax system, and they can, with ease…….but there is no will, to chase the high profit, tax avoiding big boys is there?…..none of the parties will do anything….they puff and pose, but the politicos do nothing, just chase pennies, and let the pounds slip away…..wasters the lot of them…..
Well you may like to search online to find out what tax avoidance schemes have been closed down by the current Coalition, before mouthing off.
Gary Linekar got done for £1.3 million didn’t he?
You can look on Lineker as the fool guy in the same way Harris, Clifford and Stuart Hall are the fool guys with paedophilia.
All these guys are used to tell the plebs ‘we’re on top if this’ whilst the big boys in tax evasion and the big boys in paedophilia are ignored.
Avoiding tax is legal, evading tax isn’t. HMRC have actually decided to collect the o/s tax (with a 200% penalty) on a civil basis rather than go through the courts on an (expensive) criminal basis – which would probably cost them any money saved.
As a shareholder in UKPLC I would rather the company collected £130 million with no prosecutions rather than £140 million with prosecution costs of £30 million. Those who have been caught will obviously be on their radar for the future – which should mean increased tax benefits from the repenting sinners.
Ah but HMRC is the beneficiary of years of corrupt government in the UK.
Corruption not in the form of cash in brown envelopes, but rules which make laws favourable to the government public services.
For instance the Royal Mail enjoys ‘Crown Immunity’ which means even if they’re screamingly negligent you aren’t allowed to sue them – not ever!
HMRC have a nice little twist. They can sue you or bring charges, either criminal or civil, but while they can claim their costs from you the citizen, the reverse is not the case and HMRC never have to pay costs when they lose !
Therefore it only costs them the cost of Crown Solicitors which they employ anyway – so effectively nothing.
Yes Thoughtful. That’s not quite true. If it is that you are suggesting that benefits claimants are always prosecuted.
First; You are conflating legal tax avoidance with illegal tax evasion.
Second; For years now (under Labour as well) HMRC have chosen to make a pragmatic judgement about who and who not to prosecute. The objective has been to recover the tax due plus interest, plus penalties of up to 200%. A bird in the hand
Third; HMRC does prosecute in the worst cases, but only where it has the evidence, can use it in court, and there is a reasonable chance of a conviction. The complexity of our tax system and the admissibility of evidence does not make a prosecution a cut and dried decision. Better to take the Civil recovery route
Fourth; The government (and the tax authorities) are getting to grips with this. Cases reported for prosecution were;
165 in 2010-11
565 in 2012-13
1165 in 2014-2015
With regard to benefit fraud exactly the same considerations and judgements are made.
First: In the vast majority of cases, people who have made false claims to benefits are investigated and are required to repay the money. They do not go to court. Better to recover what has been dishonestly claimed than convict.
Second: only in a very small minority of cases are benefit claimants prosecuted. This is will only be:
where the sums are particularly large
or where a court judgement is required to recover the money
or where there is large scale serious organised crime involved. In these latter cases a prison sentence is often the outcome and a confiscation order under the proceeds of crime legislation obtained to recoup money embezzled.
It’s interesting that the BBC are so lathered-up by their HSBC excitement that they are quite happy to misrepresent the steps that are actually been taken to address tax crime.
BBc 13:00 proclamation. The BBc has learned the names of public figures and donors who have a Swiss bank account. Of course having a Swiss bank account is not illegal nor does it imply impropriety they quickly issue the disclaimer. Can’t spout a bunch from the cult in Downing Street though can they?
They actually released it just before 12 noon, as PM Questions was due to start. Really ‘lucky’ timing for Milipede, if he wasn’t utterly useless.
‘Does Giles Fraser have something on the producers of the Thought for the Day slot?’
Pure speculation there. Some here will be livid.
No goats were seduced in the making of this teasing post.
Maybe, after cruising Whitehall un-noticed, the flock could hit Bond Street to pick out some nice jewelry. Nanny state indeed.
I woke up to my Facebook friend in London wondering why the murders of 3 Muslims in North Carolina wasn’t a bigger news story. He said that it wasn’t on the front page of the BBC news, and I told him that it was a major headline story in the U.S.
I suppose the BBC folks are shocked that an atheist committed the murders and are working to tie him to the Tea Party or something.
Relax, al Beeba is on the case ..
“Was the murder of three students in the US given enough media coverage?”
What, you mean like the MoToon rally in London was not given enough coverage by al Beeba?
Peculiar that when the victims are Muslim that fact is considered newsworthy even where there is no evidence that it was significant.
“Investigators have not said what led to the shootings, but the fact that all three students were Muslims has led to speculation on social media over whether their faith played a role in the shooting.”
Bias, what bias?
First of all, the usual inadequate platitudes must be accorded the families of innocents (as far as known) cruelly taken.
However, in the new era of news vs. not news, at least here, one must try and sift through the little that is passed on or known to understand what happened enough to ask a few questions, or provoke responses in speculation.
For instance, which community is/should be now living in fear, and where?
This global outrage seems.. muted, at best, here in the UK, as for one the national broadcaster is, currently, coy. Why?
At least the perpetrator seems well and truly identified, and quickly.
‘Investigators have not said what led to the shootings, but the fact that all three students were Muslims has led to speculation on social media over whether their faith played a role in the shooting.’
This speculation being, presumably, of a kind some find acceptable? Especially the BBC, who can point at ‘social media’.
I guess we will just have to wait and see what was going on. If via the BBC, on past and current performance, that may depend on whether the circumstances suit.
An update that might upset some people:
“Police said ‘an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking’ may have been a factor in the shootings Tuesday evening.”
If that is true then expect al Beeba to lose interest in the story.
Oh it was on the BBC news site you just needed to know where to look !
What about ‘don’t jump to conclusions’ as we are told at every muslim atrocity?
Al Beeba has covered itself by referring to what’s being discussed on social media. No doubt we can now expect the BBC to report alien abductions, Mossad did the Charlie Hebdo shootings, Obama is not American and that the Holocaust didn’t happen – according to social media you understand.
Not on The One O’Clock News
1 In 4 Votes In Tower Hamlets Ward ‘Completed By Same Person’
The High Court has been presented with expert evidence suggesting one in four postal ballots cast in the re-election of Mayor Lutfur Rahman in one ward in Tower Hamlets were completed by the same person. Robert Radley, senior consultant at the Radley Forensic Document Laboratory, examined ballot papers and postal voting slips to analyse handwriting and ink.
Reminds me of the old days of personation in Northern Ireland where people would vote early and often. Coming back to bamboozle the local electoral agents with a cunning new wig or cap.
You may think this was carried out by Sinn Fein supporters. I couldn’t possibly comment.
An outrageous slur and it is purely coincidental that the authorities brought in the requirement for photographic id when voting in Northern Ireland.
btw is the telly tax compulsory in Northern Ireland or is it still optional? I think that fuel duty and cigarette tax are still optional.
It is compulsory, flex, but I’m not sure the enforcement in parts of South Armagh is any better than police vigilance in Rotherham.
I saw a documentary in which members of the UK security services admitted that they were the ones voting multiple times. They were desperate to get Sinn Fein onto the expenses bandwagon, so that they’d have something to gain/lose from the peace process. From memory, this admission of election rigging didn’t even raise an eyebrow from the interviewer.
what a load of bollox
Giles Fraser (a humble “parish priest” according to Sarah) has been on the Today air twice this week. Both times he issued an anathema concerning those who wish to keep their own money away from the tax man. In this morning’s attack on private property, Fraser had the chutzpah to preach the Divine Right of Kings (OK it’s 2015: the Divine Right of the State). In this doctrine more or less everything done in the name of the state is sacred. For Giles’ purposes The State represents God on earth. Thus all hitherto “private” property theologically (his word not mine) belongs only contingently to the citizens of the state ie your and my assets are held at the pleasure of Giles and any of his mates who can get hold of the levers of state power.
This isn’t just Giles preaching his usual BBC-approved marxism, he’s preaching something (the Divine Right of Kings) over which the Civil War was (partially) fought and (by 1688: the Glorious Revolution) was lost . More practically, he’s also preaching the wholesale expropriation of private property (of which, for instance, the mansion tax – beloved by the left including the BBC, Labour, LibDems, Greens and SNP – is only the first nibble). The BBC and, completely uncoincidentally, Labour are seeking the establishment of the Divine Right preached by Giles using (among a lot of other crapola) the trojan horse of eliding the hitherto clear distinction between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
I notice that Iain Martin on the Capx website has highlighted the same phenomenon of unconditional “Frazer-love” on the BBC and comments accordingly.
…he’s preaching something (the Divine Right of Kings) over which the Civil War was (partially) fought and … was lost
It’s worth remembering what, only last week, Fraser informed us about the God who devolved power to the LibLabCon:
For God is the story of human dreams and fears. God is the shape we try to make of our lives. God is the name of the respect we owe the planet. God is the poetry of our lives.
I don’t believe in the God that Stephen Fry doesn’t believe in either
Oliver Cromwell was as devout as Giles Fraser, but never doubted the possibility of corrupt leaders. The King was ‘Charles Stuart, that man of blood‘. Cromwell had biblical backing for his approach:
And thus said Shimei when he cursed, Come out, come out, thou bloody man, and thou man of Belial: The LORD hath returned upon thee all the blood of the house of Saul, in whose stead thou hast reigned; and the LORD hath delivered the kingdom into the hand of Absalom thy son: and, behold, thou art taken in thy mischief, because thou art a bloody man.
—King James Bible 2 Samuel 16:7,8
It is remarkable that we are discussing this, 360 years on, especially given that few people these days believe in the God of the Bible. Even Fraser’s God seems to be little more than environmentalist sentimentality.
12 noon Tuesday, Radio 2. It’s OK I didn’t last long on that channel. But Vine was in full attack mode about political fund raising and the shadowy folk attending the Conservative fund raiser. Bit like the Labour one July 2014 where a Grayson Perry pot stating Vote Labour was sold for £42,000, a figure by Antony Gormley sold for £105,000. I don’t remember the BBC criticising the expensive dinner with tables costing £15,000. Does the BBC have short memories? I think I am heading towards short term memory problems when I cannot remember why I have gone upstairs, but nothing like the BBC collectively.
“The incident I wrote about Monday was not isolated. Clearly it was a planned initiative, ordered by …..
… whom?
Will there be an investigation now?
Or will Sharia UK slip just this much further into the darkness? … and let these officials who are collecting information on violators of Sharia blasphemy laws pass un-rebuked?”
“Police from several UK forces seek details of Charlie Hebdo readers”
R Spencer
Where is this on the BBC? … same rabbit hole as Motoon London protest?.. or the million victims of Muslim Paedo gangs?
or latest Rotherham information.
just spotted this story and is shocking….we are crossing into really nasty territory but the bbc stays silent
also from that link – the last part wouldn’t surprise me at all especially with the new “online asbos” on the way
” couple of years ago, in my job, I won’t say what it was, the police came round to brief us on the latest intelligence that they had and were gathering regarding terrorism, the threat level had been raised and they were out and about giving updates, it was a couple of female cops and they were quite enthusiastic about their role in the local anti terrorist section/squad. Instead of as we thought they might have done, talked about Musloom extremism, no, they just barked on about right wing extremists and how they gathered their information, how they monitored and even infiltrated these groups, kept lists of names gathered from sites such as this. So, don’t think for one second that you are not being monitored by plod, cos’ you are, they have your names and mine and all our details, IP addresses the lot, just remember that ladies and gentlemen and say a nice hello to those watching this site from behind a police computer screen and give them a nice smile and a wave.”
The police are not that bright so they will do as they are told even if what they are told is absurd. Sadly they are now of an age so that their education has been woeful and their lack of general knowledge mirrors that of their generation.
Today I asked a middle mamager type what side were Russia on in WW2.
He replied that he did not know but thought we had fought them. Incredible but far from unusual.
They do as they are told and have now reached the happy state ordained by our vicious ruling elite. That of willing automatons.
Mostly they are benign but the potential is there for the slippage into oppression and tyrany.
Of course they will monitor us. For we are what the elite really fears.
Any doubts about this should have been dispelled by the recent censorship over Sunday’s march and the attempts to find out who bought the magazine.
That the EU elite had the nerve to attend the Paris demonstration recently is worrying. It shows us just how duplicitous it is. Eventually the elite will become tyrants. A special sort of soft tyrany at first but tyrany all the same. Harsh times ahead for us all.
I wonder what old Tom Paine and Thomas Jefferson would have thought of what we face now in England and Europe.
Doesn’t excuse the BBC, but quite a lot of people are staying silent TBH.
Shocking, agree.
Beeboids: self-congratulations on viewing figures for INBBC Urdu
in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
“BBC Urdu is watched by millions on TV and has highest radio reach among international broadcasters in Pakistan”
Of course, INBBC Urdu is part of Beeboids’ global broadcasting empire, ‘World Service,’ which is paid for by British licencepayers.
Does financial expansion of e.g. INBBC Urdu have priority of provision over programmes for British licencepayers?
Sometimes the BBC considers a person’s religion irrelevant.
Search BBC website – “Sorry, there are no results for Kayla Mueller christian.”
“Ms Mueller worked with a number of humanitarian organisations at home and abroad.”
“Obama confirms death of Christian hostage”
Still, what relevance could this poor American aid worker’s Christianity be to her murder by Islamic State?
There are conflicting stories doing the rounds concerning this murdered US aid worker. The BBC has the resources to sort out the truth from the lies but don’t hold your breath.
‘ Kayla Mueller, who went to Israel and the so-called “West Bank” and Gaza to help HAMASnik Jew-haters. From the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a terrorist group that aided and abetted Al-Qaeda, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade terrorists (including two British Muslims who blew up “Mike’s Bar” in Tel Aviv):’
I don’t like some of the language in Schlussel’s article but I can share the sentiment. Do people still remember this woman?
Is it only Muslims who kill even the hand that feeds them?
BBC WS – world have you say
microphone fairy, and caller/host double teaming , quick subject changing, in full effect
it is an Al BBC Islamophile car crash
oh! … and great fun
The bBC has been quick to cast the blame for the reason why illegal immigrants sailing from Africa are dying in their hundreds, on the fact that Italy ended an operation known as Mare Nostrum, which was launched in October 2013 in response to a tragedy off Lampedusa in which 366 people died. The year-long operation was aimed at rescuing seaborne migrants, with Italian vessels looking for ships carrying migrants that may have run into trouble off the Libyan coast. Get that The operation was aimed at patrolling off the coast of Africa in which to rescue these poor people. What happened, is that with the knowledge that all they had to do is sail a few miles off the african coast and they would be taken to Europe and a new life, hundreds of thousands of people did just that, which is why the EU put a stop to it. The bBC doesn’t mention that , instead they scream think of the people.
Apparently the survivors were French speaking West Africans. Shame really, because that’s just what our country needs right now – 300 ebola infested parasites.
Yes apparently not the fault of the traffickers who locked the ” migrants” up in a warehouse and herded them at gunpoint onto their rubber rings , nor the fault of any thing that passes for an authority in Libya. Perish the thought that the dead are dead through their own stupidity. It’s all the fault of the horrid white Europeans, still when the ethnics are a European majority they will have to take the blame.
So regards the bBC reporting on those 3 Muslims who were murdered in NC USA not getting enough coverage, because they were Muslims
Is that the same bBC which didn’t report on the murders of the fogel family in Israel, which has downplayed every Islamic murder in the West, yet when the poor victims are Muslims, then according to the bBC, the west can only be fucking racist. Pity the bBC didn’t show the same compassion when Kriss Donald was murdered in cold blood as was Ross Parker, as was Charlene Downes never mind the numerous attempted murders carried out by Muslims
Lynn Homer back in front of the Parliamentary Accounts Committee to have a strip torn off her for the failure to prosecute tax evaders.
The BBC described her as ‘incredibly defensive’ which again is not a surprise given her past performances.
Yet where is the examination of this train wreck of a woman who destroys every government department she’s promoted to, and then miraculously seems to be promoted into an even more high profile role?
Couldn’t have anything to do with the Common Purpose background could it ?
Even the BBC is struggling to make any of the recent Labour charges on Hedge Funds and Tax Evasion hold water. On both the Daily Politics and PM experts have as good as said that the Labour charges were at best grossly overstated . On the Hedge Fund issue Labour were made to look totally incompetent when their allegation that Hedge Fund managers had been given a big tax break by the Tories was shown to be totally wrong. Mr Milliband is hiding behind Parliamentary Privilege to avoid being sued by one of those he accuses of being a ‘ Dodgy Donor’.
But the fact that the BBC run these groundless allegation for days on end is serving Labour’s purposes. Mud is being thrown about and some of it will of course stick. The BBC are playing Labour’s game as usual.
The Muslims are the new Jews.
Did you find that in an old Xmas cracker Scotty ?
Scott the ISIS denier.
Let’s hope they set an example and send this piece of Fascist scum to prison for life!
This piece of Fascist scum, as the UAF so eloquently describe anyone whom the Socialist Worker Party dislike, was quoting allegations that are made in the BBC report that you cite. Perhaps the UAF NAZI’s might wish to declare the BBC part of the fascist scum. Nice try, now go and tell Comrade Bennett of your efforts.
Says the BBC:
Labour-led Rotherham council has been accused of wholesale failings in child protection after an inquiry last year found that 1,400 children were abused by gangs of men, mainly of Pakistani origin, from 1997 to 2013, in the town.
Q. What are UAF?
A. A home to fascists who think that its OK to imprison people for talking. Racists who condone the rape and trafficking of white women and girls by muslims of Pakistani origin and will muzzle those who speak out about it.
Q. What is the Police Service?
A. A home to fascists who think that its OK to imprison people for talking. Racists who condone the rape and trafficking of white women and girls by muslims of Pakistani origin and will muzzle those who speak out about it.
Q. What is the Labour Party?
A. You get the idea.
Vote UKIP. Purge this cancer.
I would like to sit on his jury
The BBC is a boil on the anus of humanity.
We need Lance Armstrong and Lance Price to do their thing.
One MILLION Child Victims of Muslim Rape Gangs in the U.K.?
I wonder why the bBC isn’t mentioning this snippet, it has no problem reporting false ‘Tell Mamma’ claims
A big carpet and a big brush are currently being readied….
The panel for QT tomorrow evening. Three lefties out of five, maybe three and a half, I don’t know much about the Conservative.
Downboy. 3 and a half is about right. Sarah Wollaston. Left wing Tory. Medical professional. Lovely lady – not your typical politician (she has a doctor’s manner), but not an economist.
The excellent Suzanne Evans will be representing common sense.
Shame James Blunt wasn’t invited on!
Sadly, Sarah Wollaston’s views on UKIP are somewhere to the left of George Galloway, so I’ll be looking on it as one against four. But, hey! – that’s OK. It’s the zero against five I don’t like.
My guess is Sarah will play the ball not the man (on in this case woman) because, as I say, she’s a nice lady. But I note your comments (left of GG?!) and will be watching with interest.
I take your point, four to one. My money’s on Suzanne to shine and to keep her composure. Hopefully Chris Bryant will take a kicking. Or should that be a fisting?
Its four quarters against one whole person. So the BBC is recognising the superiority of UKIPers in its assumptions about an impartial balance between four quarters of fantasy against one whole piece or reality.
Anybody know why the bBC isn’t reporting this pro Islamic News Story as reported by the Guardian:
Muslim population in England and Wales nearly doubles in 10 years
From Pounce’s link, this is an extract voiced by Clegg:
“What’s not in doubt is that British Muslims can be proud of the contribution they make to our country.”
What’s not in doubt is that British Muslims can be proud of their contribution to more fear of terrorism in our country and its government agencies destruction of Magna Carta and our Freedom of Speech, than did Luftwaffe bombs.
Vote UKIP not for the LibDem fantasy World.
Anybody know why the bBC isn’t reporting this story of a Union boss getting kicked off national radio:
Union boss thrown off radio for bizarre rant over breath test Tube driver as he berates host Nick Ferrari repeatedly ‘Have you stopped beating your wife?’
It seems that Hedley has taken his lessons in semantics from the bBC who have been using that line of questioning against the British public for years: ‘Have you stopped practising racism / Islamophobia / homophobia / sexism / transphobia / … ?’ If you answer the question directly then you’re guilty whichever way you go, if you don’t they pull the plug.
The Daily Mail is running with an article about how much money has been paid to MPs by the bBC, talk about a biased agenda.

It pretty much sums up the BBC idea of balance as we know it to be. with the trolls trying to convince readers that we are crazy.
Labour £141.110
Tory £39,233
Lib dem £19,025
Green £2,100
Plaid Cymru £1,501
Total £202,969
I notice UKIP don’t get an invite where any rep will get richer.
To be fair to Rory Stewart, he did produce an interesting history program about the England Scotland border, Hadrian’s wall and all that, and his fees account for nearly half the Tory total. Clever fella is Rory. And he answers Brillo’s questions with consideration, humility and a dose of wisdom.
And Rees Mogg is better entertainment value than the whole of the BBC ‘comedy stars’ team put together, so he’s f*&king cheap!
No surprise who the top two troughers are though. Postman and the Fatbot.
Scrap the telly tax.
Labour more than double all the others put together.
I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
Liberal MP Jenny To was sponsored by BBC’s Radio 4’s Today programme to a weeks trip to Israel ” because in a democracy her views should be tested” ( She had said “if I had been a Palestinian I would also have been a suicide bomber”) see the BBC’s answer to the complaint
So who got Nigel’s appearance fee on HIGNFY?
Diane Abbott: £43,380
Good grief! Is she paid by weight?
No….she is paid because of her looks…………after all she is real crumpet…………
She’s paid in KFC buckets.
I think the cash she gets goes straight into her school fees fund. Private education isn’t cheap you know.
Liberal MP Jenny Tonge was sponsored by BBC’s Radio 4’s Today programme to a weeks trip to Israel ” because in a democracy her views should be tested” ( She had said “if I had been a Palestinian I would also have been a suicide bomber”) see the BBC’s answer to the complaint
The BBC is most upset by the lack of US coverage of the murder of three Muslim students in North Carolina.
The BBC asks: “Was the murder of three students in the US given enough media coverage?”
What about the times they fail to mention attacks and murders of white people by non whites? How long did it take them to pick up the grooming of white girls, by Muslims, in northern towns and cities?
Yes – for instance, how much did WE hear about the murder of the Fogel family?
What he BBC appears to be too clueless to have worked out is that the alleged perp was almost certainly a Leftie – which may account for the fellow travellers in the US media having decided to, um, do what the BBC did about the muslim demonstration last weekend!
No doubt the NYT, WaPo etc cursed when they saw, among his Faceboook ‘likes’: Rachel Madoow, The Southern Povery Law Center, Neil deGrasse Tyson, gay marriage groups and a host of anti-Tea Party pages.
Then again, it might have been a parking dispute.
In any case, the BBC is in absolutely no position to throw stones about people suppressing stories. As anyone in Rotherham will attest.
Ain’t that right, Scott?
Indeed. They spread like a fucking cancer on society.
Jolyon Rubenstein! What a cock.
New propaganda for the youth, biased BBC style.
The Angryman (in association with the BBC) Cock of the Day award goes to ……….. Jolyon Rubenstein!
What a cock.
Tweets and trending on lying. A moral relativist knob with BA’s and MA’s from various universities of pseudoscience fuckwittery. What a c*^t.
So according to the moral leadership of the youth (the video’s great!) lying is bad if politicians do it. But it’s OK if other, normal folk do it! No you f*&ker! Lying is bad whoever does it! Cock.
And UKIP are of course racist, BNP etc. etc, because a serious politician (Farage) won’t talk to this cock who has acted the cock in the presence of Farage before.
But the young Beeboids who watched “An Idiot’s Guide to Politics” on BBC 3 2100-2200Hrs 11/2/15 know this: UKIP are baddies.
“A Cock’s guide to Politics”. There you go Ruben. I fixed it for you.
he is just a typical middle class leftie – from a well off background, well off himself but spouts the usual textbook crap they all do
Nice to see the BBC ratcheting up the politics of envy with this one.
Before you know it, they’ll be doing a comparison between council estate scroungers and “that family down the road with a Mercedes”.
They sicken me with this non-stop garbage.
Maybe they’ll move on to BBC salaries?
Head of Radio 4 at almost £200,000 a year for example. And her career life has been much longer than a footballer’s.
She joined the BBC in 1976 straight after Uni and has been there ever since. Life experience? Don’t make me laugh…
‘A richer world’ is not a series; it is a three month ‘season’, pushing out propaganda up to…. let’s see… early May. Interesting. I wonder why they scheduled for this period.
“Before you know it, they’ll be doing a comparison between council estate scroungers and “that family down the road with a Mercedes”. ”
Interesting you should say that. There are more Mercs and BMWs in our nearest council estate than in the (dare I say) more upmarket estate that I live in. They’re not particularly new, but cars like that are expensive to run and maintain. Interesting priorities.
I have come to the conclusion over the last few years (as a landlord of several properties) that the priorities of the younger generation (under 40) are to mobile phones, satellite tv, luxury cars, foreign holidays, cigarettes, nights out, etc. These are the life essentials and what I would have described the esssentials – electric bill, rent, council tax, gas bill, etc are way down the priority list.
As an insurance broker, specialising in landlord insurance, I know which areas insurance companies don’t like.
They don’t like areas prone to flooding. They tell us that.
They don’t like areas prone to subsidence. They tell us that.
They don’t like certain other areas (BD, OL, LE, L, M). But they don’t say why not. The thing is: more and more postcodes are being declared as ‘no go’ or ‘high risk’
yep – and then they moan when they don’t have any money before payday and listen to fools like Miliband talking about a “cost of living crisis” – nobody knows how to cut their cloth anymore
‘fools like Miliband’
In posting this I stress at the moment that, as far as some in the BBC are concerned, there seems an odd mix of uncritical adulation in guise of ‘reporting’ (take a bow, Norman Smith), and what appears to be po-faced reporting that Mr. Miliband somehow manages to turn into yet more rope.
Yes, our Ed is a pervasive sayer of Labour things, especially via Norm’s cut and paste tweets, but if he ends up communicating other than one way via handlers and filters, namely live in a conversation, no matter how anodyne the questioning, he ends up digging a freaking copper mine.
I can’t fault Nic R here; it’s just what Ed does. The problem comes with the ‘Labour says’ edit in the spin afterwards, or the sudden ‘non news’ editorial integrity when he places foot in mouth again. He seems to have no thought other than what his people have told him will get him elected, and to hell with anyone or thing used to get him there, no matter how crass.
I just wish the BBC would recall this man is on track to lead this country. Maybe they do, and that’s why they are giving him endless airtime?
Because by heavens, doing all this to usher him in must be hard to live with at the end of the professional day.
I worked with a Nigerian. For him, brands were everything. He paid £4000 for an Apple laptop and joined the company car scheme paying £4800 a year for a new BMW 1 series. I suggested it might not be a wise use of his money (young family, etc), but for him it was ‘living the dream’
“But grimer, the way it makes me feel to be driving a brand new BMW!”
Different priorities, I guess.
BBC Look North.
Tim Iredale and the hapless ill-informed Harry Gration. Amjad Bashir has spoken to the BBC. He will not sand down as an MEP. (surprise! surprise!)
What a slimy c&^t. Oh, and a member of the Conservative Party. Evidently the official Party line from the Tories is there is no reason for him to stand down! How is this skidmark still in a job, suckling off the teat of the state, funded by us idiotic c&^ts.
Vote UKIP. Get Muslim Tory? Democracy British style! I hope UKIP are learning.
BBC Look North 11/2/15 2225Hrs.
Len Tingle and Harry manage to give Ed Miliband a plug! Such a nice guy! According to lefty lovey Reece Dinsdale.
Oh, and Len informed us that the national media have arrived in force in South Yorkshire. To look into the dirty world of Liebor and rapists in Rotherhamistan? No, no, no. To see a re-hash of a socialist’s play, a wet dream of Marxism inspired ‘art’ at the Crucible in Sheffield. So will these journo’s be popping along the road (less than 6 miles) to Rotherhamistan to do some relevant reporting tomorrow?
Watch out for the reviews of this play with ‘Reece Dinsdale’ in the starring role in tomorrows or Friday’s papers, and watch for the flood of reports from Rotherham.
Or Oxford, Halifax, Newcastle, Dewsbury, Rochdale, Blackburn, Oldham………..
Communities secretary Eric Pickles has taken steps to appoint five commissioners to oversee Rotherham Council. But that would mean that they may have the same reception as those UKIP people, because they have been appointed by a Tory.
The evidence is that you would only be safe from these protesters in Rotherham if you support Labour or Asian Paedophiles.
That must mean that the protesters are paedophiles who support the Labour Party.
7 times in this ” reporting” by a “trained journalist ” we get the word, and the word is TANK, apparently a British Army TANK has come off a German road and gone through ( very, very slightly ) a hedge.
Trouble is………’s not a TANK, it’s an Armoured Personnal Carrier, otherwise known as a battlefield taxi, something you put a squad of solders in and carry them around avoiding rifle fire in a serious punch up ( ask Ponce).
It has tracks ( but so does a Tractor, is it a tractor mummy ? ) it has a small turret carrying a 30mm gun for self protection but a tank it is not. All modern tanks look like WW 2 tanks on serious steroids, especially the British Army Challenger. Now a 10 second check on google would point out this basic cock up to the beeboid writing this dross, but hey ho, us “professionals ” know what we need to know, I E, everything, we are beyond checking our basic FACTS because we do not make cock ups. Another clue to the gormless beeboid is the fact that the APC is little bigger than the German Police Car alongside it. They even name the Vehicle correctly, a Warrior, just not the fact that it’s not a TANK. Fact free, we know better, we don’t need to check our facts BB bloody C………..Imbeciles
They truly are USELESS
Joining in on the subverting their little comments pages prank I have managed to get a comment posted here
Comment 161 has been up for 21 min, thanking god for the bbc to tell us the truth and not lie to is ! Ho ho bleedin, ho.
It’s still there.
Still there now. And Dave S’s reply. (As is mine at 27)
However posts 160, 165 and 166 are all “removed”. What unspeakable blasphemy must that poster, or posters, have come up with to have all their posts removed? Did anyone notice?
I’m still there at 102 , phew I thought “they won’t let that stay ” but there it is!!!
Harriet would look lovely in a pink burkha. I’d give it one in the pink and the stink.
I’d perform a self-castration for less.
I merely share from a source clearly no longer close to the BBC:
@MeirionTweets BBC reports NHS persecuting whistleblowers – shocking!. Wonder what BBC does about whistleblowers? In unrelated news I’m leaving BBC Feb 20
Oh the subtlety of the BBC News editorial team! On Radio 4 8:00 News this morning the bit of news chosen as the daily sign-off “gossipy” item was the information that the annual Alaska dog-sleigh race (yes it’s that important!) is to be held hundred of miles north of its usual route because of a lack of snow (with the unspoken chorus “because of global warming/climate change). Just as “gossipy” would have been the information (not mentioned) that the race could have been held on the other side of America, in New England, because of the unusually massive snowfall. The warmist propaganda purveyed by the BBC is so crass and so blatant it’s (almost) laughable.
Interesting to compare a lack of snow in Alaska, with the extent of ice in the last Ice Age – it seems that Alaska was spared, then, too: