The Standard reports that Islington is banning pork in schools due to it being “too expensive to check whether pupils in its primary schools can eat sausages, bacon and pork chops due to their religious beliefs.”
It will interesting to see if the bBC report on this as its the thin edge of a bloody big wedge. I’ll take a guess that it’ll be more bias by omission.
Tricky one, especially when cost factors creep in.
In our family pork features a fair bit as it is one of the cheaper sources of meat. Now one could argue being restricted in this way is healthier on body if not budget. Or try to.
I remain confused as to why it is incumbent upon anyone serving free meals to check on behalf of those being offered them, other than in the case of unusual medical concerns (allergies). A non-halal sticker on the serving tray must be recognisable surely to any kid of faith?
If a kid doesn’t know, or want the non-pork or veggie option, and heads for the bacon butties, that really should be for the parents to resolve within the family, not default via a compo lawyer to the school or authorities.
And if an error is made… don’t head straight to the BBC to scream about something that really won’t hurt you.
is the child hungry / tick
no allergies /medical reason / tick
then eat, pork – don t eat go hungry
Parents can provide erm halal food
1/. It will ease their phobic minds
2/. The onus is on them then to provide it.
Remember, It is not about food … it is about imposition
and …
A little reminder about Halal
if there is no other food available then a Muslim is allowed to eat non-halal food, even the mind warping Quran says so …
Surah 2:173 states:
If one is forced because there is no other choice, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin on him
Remember, It is not about food … it is about imposition
The Mayor in Bezier (South of France) has banned Halal from the municipal canteen, imposed a curfew for the under 13s and had a new poster campaign for the local Police “From now on the Police have a new friend” next to a picture of a 7.65 caliber handgun. All on the Left are having a hissy fit, if you couldn’t guess he’s Far Right . We’re loving it watching the Left wringing themselves into knots, they don’t know what policy of his to condemn first. Wonderful Man.
The Qur’an actually says that Muslims can pretty much eat anything other than pork and pig products or road kill and specifically they can eat whatever Christians and Jews eat: “Today, all good food is made lawful for you. The food of the people of the Scripture (Jews & Christians) is lawful (halal) for you ……” 5:5.
Nor does it says anything about slaughtering animals in a specific manner, other than during communal meals during Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). Rather, food is made Halal by the person serving or preparing to eat the food saying a short prayer over it.
As with much of what passes for BBC and Salafist (Wahhabi, Saudi Arabian) orthodoxy, it’s about rulings and cultural conventions developed in the centuries after the Qur’an was written and largely unsupported by it (there is, of course, a lot of stuff relating to violence, slavery and general unpleasantness that is in it). But as has been pointed out, this is about imposition. Most Muslims in this country bar nut-jobs would not eat a pork sausage but have no objections to non-Muslims doing so – it is usually the BBC and liberals that affect to be “offended” on their behalf.
The problem with the Muslims is that not only will they not eat non halal food, but that they won’t even eat halal food if it’s been prepared in a kitchen where non halal food has been prepared in case of ‘contamination’.
What they expect to happen if they do inadvertently swallow some I dread to think, but they know that when they make these demands fawning Fascists will leap to obey their every whim.
I agree with DS….I saw and heard this aswell……..Sky News had already cut short Mr. F’s speech so I turned over to watch the rest of it on the bbbc. Immediately they cut short their presentation of Farage’s speech without uttering another word she stated the words as DS has posted……..Clearly, straight from her director. So, a perfect example of bbbc anti UKIP bias..This BEFORE he had finished speaking.
Apalling, open, unadulterated bias. It is disgraceful
Ditto here… I was expecting to see a Beeboid doing analysis and the usual guff, but nothing. Brillo put Farage’s jibe about Tories being a ‘South Of England party’ to Michael Howard.
What struck me was how Farage was on top form and what a force he is going to be between now and May. There’ll be no enthusiasm from the rivals for debating with him and we can expect the Beeboids to be sour about his performance, like today.
I think it was Carole Walker, on the BBC News Channel, at about 11.55am.
Sky had cut away about 11.45 – as they do for adverts – but I expected the BBC to stay, as Farage was in full flow. The cut seemed abrupt. I think Carole Walker said something like: ‘Nigel Farage there in Thurrock. As we were told it would be, long on rhetoric and short on policy’.
I missed the ‘telling’ but the analysis here from Robin Brant suggests it might have been him:
It was heavy on the rhetoric and made no attempt to hide the fact that UKIP is a party tugging at the heart strings, perhaps learning a lesson about the power of emotion from the (ultimately unsuccessful) Yes campaign in Scotland.
The word “believe” was uttered dozens of times in Mr Farage’s short speech; believe in Britain, believe in change.
But it was light on weighty policy. Everything mentioned from the podium, in a cinema by the Thames Estuary, has already been announced and it was mostly low level “retail” policies, such as ending car park charges in NHS hospitals.
You can see what the BBC strategy is to be; they know UKIP is a new party, popular for its principles, so they will seek to choke it constantly with claims of ‘still no detail’.
The Ten Commandments were written on two tablets of stone. If the most important rules for humanity can be distilled down to that then a single sheet of A4 should be sufficient for the manifesto of any political party. Something like:
1. Leave the European Union.
2. An immediate end to mass immigration.
3. Abandonment of multi-culturalism and political correctness.
4. Clampdown on criminality, de-politicise the police, bobbies back on the beat, scrap the CPS, make judges electable, re-establishment of principle of one law for all.
5. Scrapping of European Human Rights and Diversity and Equality Acts.
6. An end to interfering in other people’s countries.
7. Legal requirement for public bodies to promote national unity and Britishness.
8. Withdrawal from Global Warming scam and international bodies associated with its promotion.
9. Achieve self-sufficiency in energy and basic foodstuffs.
10. Scrapping of BBC and television poll tax.
Probably ‘not enough detail’ for the BBC but they probably think that about the Ten Commandments as well.
The ‘modern’ approach is to produce ‘rules’ like the EU treaties, far to complex for anyone to bother to read or understand and with as much internal contradiction as the koran to ensure that any given interpretation is both ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.
Of course where ‘Big G’ went wrong was putting the ten commandments on stone; that made it ‘hardware’ and obsolete as soon as it was made. Now if it had been ‘software’… ‘code’, however bad, never dies.
What exactly is ‘Britishness’ because the government is completely different to the definition I had.
I’d like to see a reinstatement of a Christian assembly where a short service is held and children are instilled with the Christian values this country was built on.
Those who do not wish their children to attend will not be forced to, but they will be expected to leave the UK.
British history will be taught in schools in a positive way without the revisionist lies, nor the NUT slant that whitey is responsible for everything !
Councils must be made to respect British festivals ahead of all others, by a factor of three so if they spend £100K celebrating Eid then they have to spend at least £300 K celebrating each of the major Christian festivals.
An absolute definition of ‘Racism’ must be drawn up, and any false accusation would be a criminal offence. Anyone in the public sector guilty of this would be barred from future employment.
Self sufficiency in basic foodstuff is unfortunately an impossibility, and so is energy as well.
No doubt Beeboids have noticed that the police investigation of Charlie Hebdo masgazine buyers has not received a full apology by the police.
But Beeboids won’t mind because police are looking for a species of ‘Islamophobes’!:-
“Asking newsagents for names of people who bought Charlie Hebdo magazine was ‘overzealous and unnecessary’, admits anti-terror police chief.
“Sir Peter Fahy is now urgently clarifying guidance to all UK forces.
“Wiltshire Police requested details of people who bought Charlie Hebdo.
“Officers in Wales and Cheshire have also approached shopkeepers.
“Distributor John Menzies passed details of magazine stockists to police.
“Police chiefs then told specific forces where magazine was being sold.
“But chiefs say they never advised officers to take down names of buyers.
“Local officers may have understood advice or taken the guidance too far.
“Controversial issue featured cartoon of Prophet Mohammed on front cover.”
I find this excuse difficult to believe (as is a lot which comes out of the PC Gob of Peter Fahy).
Someone told these local plod which newsagents had been supplied and there are too many reports of the same action being taken from diverse areas of the country.
Very easy for them to bat this away by blaming local plods but I fear that this was a centralised command that they’ve had to row back on now they’ve been found out.
It is possible the police wanted to know where the magazine would be on sale so they were ready for Muslim protests.
But whoever thought that meant taking the names of those who bought the magazine needs to be disciplined.
Maybe I live a sheltered life, but I haven’t heard of PACT before:
Since 2007, Pact has had a Diversity Pledge in place where member companies signed up pledging best practice and positive action approaches to diversity, both in front of and behind the camera.
Two years later, Pact joined forces with the Creative Diversity Network (CDN) to launch a new diversity pledge with the aim of covering the entire industry including broadcasters’ in-house production departments. The CDN Pledge is a great opportunity for broadcasters and independent production companies to work collaboratively to take measurable steps to improve diversity across the production sector.
The CDN/Pact Pledge is supported by an updated version of Pact’s Diversity Toolkit and C4’s Diversity Genius, which both contain practical advice for independent production companies on fulfilling the commitments in the pledge.
Funded by the BBC, C4 and a cohort of the leading indies, Pact has also created the role of Diversity Adviser to help production companies deliver against the CDN Pledge by offering bespoke advice and specialist help in identifying and fulfilling various diversity commitments set out in the pledge.
To date, Pact has assisted over 300 independent production companies sign up to the pledge, pledging their commitment to increase diversity within their business.
Beeboids continue campaign for open-door, unlimited mass immigration into Britain today with pro-illegal immigrant report on ‘World at One’ today- and with no voice opposing the Beeboid pro-mass immigration political line.
“Migration control ‘is hampered by meagre funding and BBC bias’:
“New report claims foreign aid budget SIX times greater than money available to secure British borders.
“Government spends £1.8 billion a year in security British borders.
“Britain spends an estimated £12 billion on foreign aid – six times more.
“MigrationWatch claim efforts to control immigration are being hampered.
“The think tank claims the budget is ‘clearly inadequate’ to cope.”
For Beeboids’ ‘Education & Family’ news page online?-
“Only one in 10 pupils at east London primary speaks English as first language – down from nine out of 10 in 1999… and now they speak SIXTY different languages”
“MigrationWatch UK says the BBC’s ‘strong bias’ in favour of immigration has limited the Government’s options in strengthening Britain’s borders, along with other bias in the civil service.”
By David Barrett.
[Opening excerpt]:-
The BBC’s bias in favour of immigration has been a key block on the Government’s ability to tighten control on Britain’s borders, a report has claimed.
MigrationWatch UK, which campaigns for tougher migration rules, said the Corporation was guilty of a “strong bias” and even a reluctance to address issues raised by immigration.
A report also warned there was pro-immigration in parts of the Civil Service including the Treasury, irrespective of the impact of immigration on population growth and on the lower paid’.”
The BBC will just deny everything as usual. It has become an overmighty subject .
With it’s resources I have no doubt it knows full well exactly who posts here and on other anti liberal sites.
It has long ago abandoned impartiality . My prediction is that as the situation in England deteriorates the BBc will become what it was always going to be. An oppressive arm of a authoritarian state. A ministry of Truth
Liberalism was always going to end that way. That is because the liberal cannot accept that anyone has a moral right to opposition. To oppose the liberal state is by definition to be perverse or bad.
Modern liberalism is based on a perception of a revealed truth. PC is it’s sacred text. In that it has much in common with authoritarian religions.
No doubt our gulags will be more benign than in the USSR but they will still be gulags and destroyers of freedom and the human spirit.
In a generation or so it will be as if the age of reason never exisited.
Notice that the left think something is wrong with a person if they disagree “islamaphobe” -questions Islam. “Racist” – questions immigration. “Little Englander” questions European Union. “Daily Mail reader” when they can’t think of any of the above. No debate just shutdown.
By the way I was a dinner party with my partner, who works in the media, and 3 posh TV types a couple of months ago, lovely people, but they were appalled that I was UKIP donater. I told them they, UKIP, were the best thing for democracy in years. Maybe they were being polite but they did agree…eventually. One said she needed Europe to sell her programmes. I said UKIP’s policy was still to trade with Europe. She didn’t know this.
What was interesting here was their reaction was as “Knee jerk” as my dads (a working class Tory) except he had the excuse of having an indifferent education till he was 15. And these, very likable people, with private educations, intelligent and making factual TV programmes had little understanding beyond “Labour is good. Right-wing is bad” mindset.
The media types I have met are, unsurprisingly, left wing and middle class Grammar/privately educated. Odd that… but so is the front bench of the Labour party and the BBC and erh well you get the picture…
And of course a mate of mine who was privately educated, top university, “Young Socialist” (I went to meetings with him in my wayward youth) who now has a major role, and according to my partner a very high salary, at the BBC. I heard him talking on Radio 6 a year ago. He now sports a hilarious “Mockney” accent and shortened his name so it doesn’t betray his comfortable suburban background. So funny I stalled my car.
(By his twitter account his left wing views have not gone…Mine have.)
I regularly find other people assume that Ukippers are beyond the pale, and don’t expect someone like me to support Ukip. Most common misconception is tihat Ukip are racist, followed by the idea that Ukip are anti-immigrant and anti-Europe. It just confirms the power of the media to influence.
“guilty of a “strong bias” and even a reluctance to address issues ”
on immigration? … sounds like the whole political class, the self serving lot of them.
There’s nothing new. Back in the mid-1970s the Cabinet Office ran a Population Panel review of what the UK population might reach over coming decades – up to 2000. There was deliberate understatement of the effects of immigration and the birthrate of immigrants.
Hilarious. Migration Watch is like Biased BBC – the mere presence of any voice that doesn’t treat them as being the fount of all knowledge is, of course, heavily biased. Rather than, say, the far more reasonable explanation of “not falling for the crackpot conspiracy theories that so excite the likes of George R so”.
Unfortunately for the liberal demographics is a precise science not wishy washy hopey changey stuff.
The birth rates for the indigenous Londoners have fallen and for the ethnic minorities risen. In 2011 64.9% of births were to minorities. Source HM Gov.
This figure is one which by it’s very nature will only increase. White British are leaving and this is now unstoppable.
Now you may say so what. But a wise man pauses to think. Not a liberal trait I fear.
London will become someplace else as the people change. That is now inevitable and has occured largely without any thought.
Maybe it will work out but looking at the past there is no precedent for such a change occuring peacefully.
London is not England and not the shires and in this fact is the seed corn of possible disaster,
It is possible that to preserve peace and harmony that :London be turned into a city state and the country split in to the old kingdoms- Wessex, Mercia etc.
All this is possible and increasingly likely. What a sad end for an ancient country and people.
Never consulted and never asked if they minded to lose their nation.
And what does the liberal cling to? A belief in fantasy and in the essential niceness of people.
The world has never been like that and never will be.
The true conservative understands this and accepts the reality of the world.
Yes, Scott, Just like the dissenting voice of anyone who doesn’t agree that immigration or any other staple of the liberal mindset is simply splendid, is shouted down as racist or islamphobic or far right, etc etc. Or told that they are ‘excited by crackpot theories’.
Why don’t you ever, ever, make an objective argument against the points raised? Why do you always call everyone a ‘sad little man’ etc etc? There are many valid points raised on this website, none of which I have ever seen you respond to with anything other than playground mud slinging.
Play the ball, man, for flip’s sake, or don’t bother wearing your keyboard (and my eyes) out for the sum total of nowt.
I would have thought the BBC does not like being called part of the luegenpresse. As far as I am concerned the word fits.
After the failure to report the March on Sunday what other word fits.
Funny, isn’t it, how you don’t have a problem with people not “playing the ball” when they’re doing so in line with the prevailing prejudices of this site.
Why is that? I mean, it’s not as if you’re the only sanctimonious, patronising little hypocrite on this site – it’s riddled with the pathetic blighters. But none of you ever seem able to answer the very basic question of why you’re incapable of even attempting to live up to the standards you demand of others.
.. none of you ever seem able to answer the very basic question of why you’re incapable of even attempting to live up to the standards you demand of others.
Er… The British Broadcasting Corporation is awarded £5bn of public money and has a legal obligation to provide a fair and balanced service. When this huge organisation has a political bias and is linked to other massively powerful organisations like Common Purpose that exist to push a particular view, it’s odd that you would expect a few individuals here to constantly balance examples of bias with some factual story, like a football score, that isn’t biased. I have always acknowledged that there are some notable exceptions; Andrew Neil being the obvious one. But the exceptions only serve to prove the rule. As an example, Sarah Champion has hardly been off the screen over the last ten days. Neil’s interview showed that she is completely devoid of substance, yet a dozen other puff-pieces served only as PR opportunities for her.
Your argument would have more traction if you didnt cherrypick your issues or your people. What you are doing is merely filtering out issues that you dont necessarily agree with and then generalising that across the whole BBC content . I’d ask you to consider how many times ‘The Guardian front page is considered on BBC Breakfast (hardly ever ) or how many times the Mail’s front page taken as true.
My suggestion to you is that BBC news coverage is just awful and the yardstick is whether you actually come away understanding what has happened in the news and most importantly why. I guarantee in 9 out of 10 cases the answer will be no. This kind of presentation is willfully destructive because the narrative is that ‘stuff just happens’ or it happens for the most simple of reasons. Its guaranteed to disinform and disarm the public. The worst possible of worlds.
Your argument would have more traction if there was not an obvious pattern of bias in addition to the general falling standards you mention. I attribute the falling standards to recruitment based on diversity rather than merit which is in pursuit of the left-wing ideal that all are equal and only appear not due to disadvantage.
Your use of the Guardian and Daily Mail for illustration suggests you accept media organisations can be biased.
The Guardian may not be shown on TV, but Peter Sissons informed us that when he asked for a brief, that’s what his producer routinely handed him. Can I be accused of cherry-picking? Only if you think the producers handed different papers to other newsreaders. I’d suggest that it’s likely they handed the Guardian to them all.
Scott openly displays his prejudices and bigotry in every post he makes. Nasty little man whose only talent is in getting up everyone’s nose. He’s the inspiration for the saying ” He’s about as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool.”.
Your antipathy had nothing, of course, to do with those occasions where I’ve countered your own false assertions with facts. The latest being your claim that Alan Turing was arrested for cottaging, which fitted your anti-gay narrative but was completely untrue.
Oh, and in the days where I used a gravatar to identify my posts, you would come on to threads and do nothing except criticise my appearance, in behaviour that was childish even by this blog’s standards.
So forgive me if the only thing I get out of your sanctimony is the humour from seeing a shameless hypocrite try to pretend that he’s anything but. And fail.
I never use personal insults .I would like you to tell us all if you have any idea why the BBc did not cover the March on Sunday ( as I call it now).-last Sunday if you need reminding
This is to my mind a major matter worthy of investigation. Personalities do not come into it.
I cannot get any sense out of official BBC channels at all.
Funny, isn’t it, how you don’t have a problem with people not “playing the ball” when they’re doing so in line with the prevailing prejudices of this site.
Why is that? I mean, it’s not as if you’re the only sanctimonious, patronising little hypocrite on this site – it’s riddled with the pathetic blighters. But none of you ever seem able to answer the very basic question of why you’re incapable of even attempting to live up to the standards you demand of others.
Calling someone a sanctimonious little hypocrite is not playing the ball.
Let’s see you ignore the small minority of posters on this site who persist with ad hominems, and let’s see you objectively and maturely discuss the many, many examples of BBC and left wing bias provided by the majority of posters. That’s why I’m here. I certainly don’t come here for your keyboard rage, which is frankly a waste of bandwidth, although it’s kind of fun to read your evaluation of me and my personality from no more evidence than a few posts on the t’internet.
Crack on, son. Or have you nothing constructive to say?
Listened to the Today programme at about 7.45 am this morning,Humphys and Shadow Education Sec, Tristram Hunt.
Labour pledge,re class size was the agenda. On a day when figures regarding the numbers of Muslim children in primary schools is published,taken together with the numbers of children from around the world and of course eastern Europe, I might have expected a proper journalist to challenge Hunt on the reasons for the rapid increase. After all, when Labour last got in they were closing schools on the basis of declining numbers! That was until the Prime Purpose Act was removed, it would only result in a small number of marriages of convenience we were told by Jack Straw, last I saw it was 50,000 extra migrants a year. Then we have 2004, but, luckily for us only 13-17K eastern Europeans were likely to come here.
Why did Humphrys not raise these issues and go after Hunt for answers?
I suppose that would count as racism or islamophobia in the BBC
The BBC are not very good at seeing elephants in the room.
In the election – it will be UKIP’s task to draw a direct link between excessive immigration and consequent population growth – and acute pressure on schools, social housing, health services etc. It is not just a “Europe” problem – it is a whole range of local problems.
Around here – as elsewhere – even in a leafy suburb the primary schools are full to bursting, a new school is urgently needed – and Ofsted standards have started to fall. This needs to be pinned on Labour as much as anyone.
Given that Hunt was there to answer questions about education why should Humprys ask him about immigration. As regards the mangement of schools I think youll find that the Labour administration did exceptionally well in raising education,health and social standards throughout their period office by well targeted policies toward the young and the old. Thats after Thatcher/Major left those areas in a mess after having ushered in the ‘loads of money’ era. Sadly the Tories today have done what exactly.Ah yes wrecked education through Gove’s vanity projects to the extent there are now insufficient primary school places,wrecked the health service through Lansley’s disasterous and unmandated health reforms and cut social care. The Tories are also directly responsible for the 2008 crash which we in all probability will never recover from. Humphrys could have asked him about that too!
“Given that Hunt was there to answer questions about education why should Humprys ask him about immigration.”
Thanks for saving me the time of reading any more of your post. After all, what has immigration to do with rising school numbers and diversity in the classroom?
The Beeb and C4 have done to death the story of the US news anchor bad memory. Strange, then, that they have failed to mention the humiliation of Cathy Newman for saying she was ushered out of a mosque.
Newman has now made a grovelling apology:
1/4 I have written to South London Islamic Centre and offered my sincere apologies for tweets sent in haste after I visited there in error.
2/4 I accept my tweets were inappropriate and regret the use of the word “ushered”.
3/4 My language was poorly chosen and has caused a great deal of offence. I deeply regret that this happened.
Is probably because the anchorman story is more news worthy than Cathy Newman. I am surprissed you anti muslimites dont come to the rescue . I would have thought that a poor white girl left helpless amongst all those foreigners lends itself to common narrative amongst this site. Some folks just cant organise their hate efficiently I guess.
Simon Danczuk’s wife who is seeking some sort of media career has been telling of a comment made to her by fellow loony Harriet Harman.
“When I first met Harriet Harman she said I was far too pretty to be interested in politics and should be in Girls Aloud. KD.”
So girls who are attractive shouldn’t even be interested in politics, but should go and fill their ditzy little heads with mindless pop music?
Can you imagine the reaction from the Fascist left if someone in UKIP had said this? Let alone the fact that Harman is constantly banging on about ‘equality’ for women.
Oh this is really building up into a right old left wing bitch fight as Harman denies ever saying it and Danczuk responds on twitter by posing in a red bra & claiming it shows she’s Labour to the core, and that Harman did indeed said it !
I expect this will make the nationals but the BBC will decline to discuss it on Wimmins hour
I have noticed that on PM the ‘in depth’ items and the news headlines about them are at significant variance. On the Milliband Fink row the in depth item reported that both sides had rowed back from their stances yesterday. But on the news it was said that Fink had made a U turn but Milliband had stuck to his guns. Don’t the news editors listen to their own programme? Aren’t they concerned that their output should be consistent? Or is that the BBC just want to be able to say that they were impartial on the item, whilst at the same time supporting Milliband on the news headlines that people are more likely to remember.
‘On the Milliband Fink row the in depth item reported that both sides had rowed back from their stances yesterday’
Apparently it was a victory for Ed:
Snowmail (it’s a ‘news’ source, apparently):
Lord Fink: ‘Everyone does tax avoidance at some level’
Lord Fink blinks first. After threatening to sue Ed Miliband yesterday, today the former Tory treasurer admits he has avoided tax. But only, he says, on the “vanilla end”. Just a spot of light tax avoidance between friends. He goes on: everyone’s at it, apparently. A rare good day for Mr Miliband who’s demanded an inquiry.
Pork Ban.
“But make no mistake: this isn’t happening because of the Jewish students.
Jews have lived in the UK for centuries and neither demanded nor received such accommodations.
This is all about the Muslim students and their parents, and is yet another example of the society-wide policy of appeasing Islamic supremacism. ”
R Spencer
is the child hungry / tick
no allergies /medical reason / tick
then eat, pork – or don t eat, go hungry
Parents can provide erm halal food
1/. It will ease their phobic minds
2/. The onus is on them then to provide it.
Remember, It is not about food … it is about imposition
and …
A little reminder about Halal
if there is no other food available then a Muslim is allowed to eat non-halal food, even the mind warping Quran says so …
Surah 2:173 states:
If one is forced because there is no other choice, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin on him
Remember, It is not about food … it is about imposition
and where is it on the BBC News?
…same rabbit hole as 1 million little girl victims of Islamic paedo gangs, or motoon protest, or latest from Rotherham.
Does have this though
Muslim pupils ‘double since 2001’
with helpful headers like
from , the BBC Asian Network, with “Dr Sundas Ali, analyst for the Muslim Council of Britain report, said it was a “frank snapshot” of Muslim life.”
‘Myths about Muslims’ (what myths? … it doesn t say)
“Dr Ali said there were many positives from the report “but also many challenges”. (what challenges? … it doesn t say)
“Omar Khan, from the race equality think tank the Runnymede foundation, said the report made it clear Muslims do not have a problem with “British values” or identifying with Britain. ”
(Runnymeade! … sheesh, so no erm, “Muslim problems” then?
thank goodness for that BBC eh! …… JUST A MINUTE!)
For Beeboids: does their Islamophilia trump liberty?
‘Daily Mail’ has:-
“Are the police at war on terror or with free speech?
“National anti-terror unit handed list of Charlie Hebdo stockists to local forces who then went round demanding to know who bought copies.
“Distributor John Menzies passed details of magazine stockists to police.
“Police chiefs then told specific forces where magazine was being sold.
“Details were intended to ‘provide community reassurance.’
“But local officers went to shops and demanded details about customers.
“Britain’s anti-terror police chief said it was ‘overzealous and unnecessary.’
“Controversial issue featured cartoon of Prophet Mohammed on front cover.
”Of course it is the BBC’s right to make programmes which take the Islamic view of history. And it is The Times’s right to publish reviews which use the Muslim interpretation of history to dismiss the Christian one. But isn’t it a problem when this can happen one way round and not the other? Don’t you end up teaching a generation of people that there is only one religion which is really persuasive and only one religion that is beyond doubt? And it isn’t any of the ones most people are brought up with.”
Not the bBC, but Channel 4’s attempt at making a series about the joys of a multicultural street have failed miserably…
“Bosses at Love Productions said production workers also had rocks and stones thrown at them and their tyres slashed as they tried to film in Derby Road for the new ‘Immigration Street’ series for Channel 4.
The bBBC is in full-on ‘holier-than-thou’ mode over tax-avoidance, emphasising that it’s only those terrible rich Tories that do it.
Each year at least £1billion in tax is avoided on cigarettes smuggled into Britain and sold on back-streets. Those terrible rich Tories again?
Each year at least £1billion in tax is avoided on alcohol illegally distilled. Those terrible rich Tories again?
Each year countless £billions in tax is avoided by people paying black-market tradesmen cash-in-hand. Those terrible rich Tories again?
Each year several £billions in tax is avoided by people buying counterfeit goods. Those terrible rich Tories again?
What BBC are doing relentlessly is conflating ‘tax avoidance’ (legal) with ‘tax evasion’ (illegal). Nobody seems to be challenging that.
Most of the dumb asses out there gawping at the box will now have the impression that ‘avoidance’ is a criminal act even though many of them use have ISAs to avoid tax or take advantage of other tax relief opportunities.
I think the general issue relates for certain individuals to move money about thus avoid tax and the manner by which institutions in this case HSBC and HMRC have facilitated it. This is also the second time HSBC have been caught trading in Drug money to the extent that the US may take the banks trading licence away. The tax avaoidance issue is particularly acute in relation to Corporations and throws up questions about the ability of the state to ultimately maintain civil society. It is perhaps particularly precient given that by next year half of the world’s wealth will be owned by 1% of individuals.In this country 5 families alone own as much as the bottom 20% Such disparities underline not only social consequences such as educational attainement/social inclusion/longevity etc but ultimately the issue of economic collapse due to lack of demand,a point made by both the Govenor of the Bank of England and the IMF.
The government is trying to attract US tech companies to the UK by tempting them with the prospect of being treated on the NHS as part of the “expat experience”.
Might not be representative, but the Americans I’ve spoken to would take some persuading. The people concerned will probably have private US healthcare already and will not be overwhelmed by NHS standards of service if they end up in the wrong area.
Good luck in Stafford. A bit like a Swiss company trying to lure talent with free membership of Dignitas.
I dipped in to Question Times last night. Not expecting a balanced debate on the issues – because the BBC trailer for the show promised MPs would be ‘grilled’.
What more can one say about this tired format? The only new item on show was a rumble from the Left – with the BBC as willing (on this issue not grilling) platform for selling us another pup.
Votes for 16-year-olds.
A young audience member – selected for a moment with our national broadcaster’s microphone – plaintively called for more “political education” The poor 18-year-old apparently felt she was ill-equipped to decide which way to vote. I was inclined to think – ‘best leave voting untill you have made up your mind’. Even Dimbles commented “well you were interested enough to join the QT audience”.
Political Education for state schools and 16-year-old voting.
May as well get NUT teachers filling in on-line election papers for their classes.
Quite a paradox isn’t it? Lefties see it OK that 16 year olds are responsible enough to vote (for them). But not responsible enough to drive, smoke, or drink among other things.
Given most of the people on this site do not appear to have a clue about politics , I think it was very courageous of the individual to stand up and admit it. Ultimately she should not be that concerned. Most people who vote have very little influence in the overall outcome of the election. Moreover most people cannot generally discriminate between the parties or have any idea of their respective policies. That assumes the parties are going stick with their mandate ,like the Tories didnt over health, or indeed make rational decisions based on evidence ,like Gove and Patterson(the man who drowned Somerset )
Serious issues like the economy,climate,snooping etc are firmly kept out of view, and for very good reason.
The estimate is based on the amount of marginal seats as opposed to seats with a solid majority for one party. Its the same estimate that political parties use to target particular seats. The Conservatives have for example recently and without parliamentary scrutiny changed the agreed rules on funding to allow them to put extra resources into those areas where they think they can change the vote.
In respect of knowlegde of respective policies ,I made that comment in relation to polling after the leaders debates which showed that people attributed policies to the wrong parties or couldnt discern any difference between them.Vox pop tends to bear this out as do the numerous yougov polls, showing favour to certain policies although not to the party presenting them.
In relation to this site I have seen very little in the way of informed discussion . Who has a clue? Those that tend to look at structural issues rather than day to day news stories or general political chit chat or meaningless epithets at the end of messages.
‘In relation to this site I have seen very little in the way of informed discussion.’
Like… I’m guessing, you are currently providing, in both volume and calibre?
‘Who has a clue? Those that tend to look at structural issues rather than day to day news stories or general political chit chat or meaningless epithets at the end of messages.’
At least you appear cool on pseudonymonous posting, though, which is a blessing.
I bet you’d love to have paid a visit it the Lubyanka prison wouldn’t you Scotty ? All the leather, the cosh’s, the rough peasant boys in uniform, god I bet you’re salivating now.
And now Wimmins Hour the very left leaning program for Socialist and Communist wimmin have invited Harriet Harperson on to do some damage limitation on the pink bus campaign. They’ve also got some harpy from the Grauniad to back her up.
Shocking bias in the run up to an election. Nothing said about the comments from Karen Danczuk despite it making the mainstream media yesterday.
Given that women have long kept the Tories in business I doubt that Woman’s hour is likey to do much.
The State Broadcaster is doing just fine and just how the Tories want it. Remember they didnt postpone the BBC licence agreement till after the next election for nothing!
News is coming in that Harriet Harman has been spotted jumping out of a pink bus and approaching unsuspecting female shoppers in ASDA.
On the plus side the local Sainsbury’s is doing a roaring trade…
StewGreenJan 22, 21:57 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Telegraph : One in 12 in London is an illegal migrant London is home to as many as 585,000…
Up2snuffJan 22, 21:56 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Scrobie, think they were called ‘Teddy Boys’ with DA hairdos and drainpipe trousers pre-beatniks & hippies although ‘Teddy Boys’ were…
Eddy BoothJan 22, 21:53 Midweek 22nd January 2025 New government licence revealed: [img][/img]
StewGreenJan 22, 21:42 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Why would libmob want Twitter banned ? [img][/img]
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiJan 22, 21:37 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Whosoever refuses to obey the General Will shall be constrained to do so by all the others; which means nothing…
Fedup2Jan 22, 21:34 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Seems that president trump is going to refuse mandelson as ambassador …. Meaning – presumably milliband senior will get the…
StewGreenJan 22, 21:32 Midweek 22nd January 2025 James O’Brien the genius [img][/img] ..
LoobylooJan 22, 21:31 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Male models used to be handsome – now they look like crime watch mugshots. As the Don would say, shame!
Lefty WrightJan 22, 21:13 Midweek 22nd January 2025 JohnC The BBC believes that white Britons need to have their noses rubbed in diversity as prescribed by the Bliar…
BBC ‘bias’ hinders immigration crackdown, says report – Telegraph –
A BBC spokesman insisted there were no problems with its coverage.
“We believe our coverage of immigration is in the right place and we cover this complex issue in depth,” he said.
Oh well, that’s OK then…
I’ve got a youtube video people here will love.
Thanks but I found a great one of a cat playing a piano so will be watching that
It’s actually a really good video.
I am beginning to warm to this Scotty fella.
Scott can take a hike though.
What’s the phrase… ‘two cultures separated by a common language? So true, often.
Then there is what unites. The reaction to the word ‘trust’, for example, especially in the hands of those who think just saying it makes it happen.
By coincidence, this seems a feature of uniquely funded media a fair amount.
The Standard reports that Islington is banning pork in schools due to it being “too expensive to check whether pupils in its primary schools can eat sausages, bacon and pork chops due to their religious beliefs.”
It will interesting to see if the bBC report on this as its the thin edge of a bloody big wedge. I’ll take a guess that it’ll be more bias by omission.
Tricky one, especially when cost factors creep in.
In our family pork features a fair bit as it is one of the cheaper sources of meat. Now one could argue being restricted in this way is healthier on body if not budget. Or try to.
I remain confused as to why it is incumbent upon anyone serving free meals to check on behalf of those being offered them, other than in the case of unusual medical concerns (allergies). A non-halal sticker on the serving tray must be recognisable surely to any kid of faith?
If a kid doesn’t know, or want the non-pork or veggie option, and heads for the bacon butties, that really should be for the parents to resolve within the family, not default via a compo lawyer to the school or authorities.
And if an error is made… don’t head straight to the BBC to scream about something that really won’t hurt you.
This isn’t really about pork or cost (that’s just a convenience) its about the agenda behind it.
What next? A greeny council stipulating that all school meals will be vegetarian?
is the child hungry / tick
no allergies /medical reason / tick
then eat, pork – don t eat go hungry
Parents can provide erm halal food
1/. It will ease their phobic minds
2/. The onus is on them then to provide it.
Remember, It is not about food … it is about imposition
and …
A little reminder about Halal
if there is no other food available then a Muslim is allowed to eat non-halal food, even the mind warping Quran says so …
Surah 2:173 states:
If one is forced because there is no other choice, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin on him
Remember, It is not about food … it is about imposition
The Mayor in Bezier (South of France) has banned Halal from the municipal canteen, imposed a curfew for the under 13s and had a new poster campaign for the local Police “From now on the Police have a new friend” next to a picture of a 7.65 caliber handgun. All on the Left are having a hissy fit, if you couldn’t guess he’s Far Right . We’re loving it watching the Left wringing themselves into knots, they don’t know what policy of his to condemn first. Wonderful Man.
The Qur’an actually says that Muslims can pretty much eat anything other than pork and pig products or road kill and specifically they can eat whatever Christians and Jews eat: “Today, all good food is made lawful for you. The food of the people of the Scripture (Jews & Christians) is lawful (halal) for you ……” 5:5.
Nor does it says anything about slaughtering animals in a specific manner, other than during communal meals during Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). Rather, food is made Halal by the person serving or preparing to eat the food saying a short prayer over it.
As with much of what passes for BBC and Salafist (Wahhabi, Saudi Arabian) orthodoxy, it’s about rulings and cultural conventions developed in the centuries after the Qur’an was written and largely unsupported by it (there is, of course, a lot of stuff relating to violence, slavery and general unpleasantness that is in it). But as has been pointed out, this is about imposition. Most Muslims in this country bar nut-jobs would not eat a pork sausage but have no objections to non-Muslims doing so – it is usually the BBC and liberals that affect to be “offended” on their behalf.
The problem with the Muslims is that not only will they not eat non halal food, but that they won’t even eat halal food if it’s been prepared in a kitchen where non halal food has been prepared in case of ‘contamination’.
What they expect to happen if they do inadvertently swallow some I dread to think, but they know that when they make these demands fawning Fascists will leap to obey their every whim.
BBC Bias
11.45 this morning. Nigel Farage was addressing an audience in Canvey Island, Essex.
The BBC cut away from him speaking and the anchor woman looked at the camera and said, There’s Nigel Farage, long on rhetoric, short on policy.
It’s not her job to make comments like that.
I agree with DS….I saw and heard this aswell……..Sky News had already cut short Mr. F’s speech so I turned over to watch the rest of it on the bbbc. Immediately they cut short their presentation of Farage’s speech without uttering another word she stated the words as DS has posted……..Clearly, straight from her director. So, a perfect example of bbbc anti UKIP bias..This BEFORE he had finished speaking.
Apalling, open, unadulterated bias. It is disgraceful
Ditto here… I was expecting to see a Beeboid doing analysis and the usual guff, but nothing. Brillo put Farage’s jibe about Tories being a ‘South Of England party’ to Michael Howard.
What struck me was how Farage was on top form and what a force he is going to be between now and May. There’ll be no enthusiasm from the rivals for debating with him and we can expect the Beeboids to be sour about his performance, like today.
‘the anchor woman looked at the camera and said, There’s Nigel Farage, long on rhetoric, short on policy.
It’s not her job to make comments like that.’
Indeed it is not.
That’s three of you as direct witnesses.
Presumably one of those nifty youtube captures will soon be available, and I look forward to the BBC’s response.
Maybe now even onscreen talent’s views are their own? Or what Jasmine tells them they are.
Which programme was it? Is it on iPlayer?
I think it was Carole Walker, on the BBC News Channel, at about 11.55am.
Sky had cut away about 11.45 – as they do for adverts – but I expected the BBC to stay, as Farage was in full flow. The cut seemed abrupt. I think Carole Walker said something like: ‘Nigel Farage there in Thurrock. As we were told it would be, long on rhetoric and short on policy’.
I missed the ‘telling’ but the analysis here from Robin Brant suggests it might have been him:
It was heavy on the rhetoric and made no attempt to hide the fact that UKIP is a party tugging at the heart strings, perhaps learning a lesson about the power of emotion from the (ultimately unsuccessful) Yes campaign in Scotland.
The word “believe” was uttered dozens of times in Mr Farage’s short speech; believe in Britain, believe in change.
But it was light on weighty policy. Everything mentioned from the podium, in a cinema by the Thames Estuary, has already been announced and it was mostly low level “retail” policies, such as ending car park charges in NHS hospitals.
Nigel Farage says other parties ‘fear’ UKIP
You can see what the BBC strategy is to be; they know UKIP is a new party, popular for its principles, so they will seek to choke it constantly with claims of ‘still no detail’.
The Ten Commandments were written on two tablets of stone. If the most important rules for humanity can be distilled down to that then a single sheet of A4 should be sufficient for the manifesto of any political party. Something like:
1. Leave the European Union.
2. An immediate end to mass immigration.
3. Abandonment of multi-culturalism and political correctness.
4. Clampdown on criminality, de-politicise the police, bobbies back on the beat, scrap the CPS, make judges electable, re-establishment of principle of one law for all.
5. Scrapping of European Human Rights and Diversity and Equality Acts.
6. An end to interfering in other people’s countries.
7. Legal requirement for public bodies to promote national unity and Britishness.
8. Withdrawal from Global Warming scam and international bodies associated with its promotion.
9. Achieve self-sufficiency in energy and basic foodstuffs.
10. Scrapping of BBC and television poll tax.
Probably ‘not enough detail’ for the BBC but they probably think that about the Ten Commandments as well.
The ‘modern’ approach is to produce ‘rules’ like the EU treaties, far to complex for anyone to bother to read or understand and with as much internal contradiction as the koran to ensure that any given interpretation is both ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.
Of course where ‘Big G’ went wrong was putting the ten commandments on stone; that made it ‘hardware’ and obsolete as soon as it was made. Now if it had been ‘software’… ‘code’, however bad, never dies.
What exactly is ‘Britishness’ because the government is completely different to the definition I had.
I’d like to see a reinstatement of a Christian assembly where a short service is held and children are instilled with the Christian values this country was built on.
Those who do not wish their children to attend will not be forced to, but they will be expected to leave the UK.
British history will be taught in schools in a positive way without the revisionist lies, nor the NUT slant that whitey is responsible for everything !
Councils must be made to respect British festivals ahead of all others, by a factor of three so if they spend £100K celebrating Eid then they have to spend at least £300 K celebrating each of the major Christian festivals.
An absolute definition of ‘Racism’ must be drawn up, and any false accusation would be a criminal offence. Anyone in the public sector guilty of this would be barred from future employment.
Self sufficiency in basic foodstuff is unfortunately an impossibility, and so is energy as well.
I don’t want my children indoctrinated in the sky fairy. I certainly don’t feel that I should have to leave the UK because I have a brain.
For INBBC to relegate:-
“UK: 1 In 4 Votes In Muslim-Dominated Tower Hamlets Ward ‘Completed By Same Person’”
– See more at:
Hebdo repression in England.
No doubt Beeboids have noticed that the police investigation of Charlie Hebdo masgazine buyers has not received a full apology by the police.
But Beeboids won’t mind because police are looking for a species of ‘Islamophobes’!:-
“Asking newsagents for names of people who bought Charlie Hebdo magazine was ‘overzealous and unnecessary’, admits anti-terror police chief.
“Sir Peter Fahy is now urgently clarifying guidance to all UK forces.
“Wiltshire Police requested details of people who bought Charlie Hebdo.
“Officers in Wales and Cheshire have also approached shopkeepers.
“Distributor John Menzies passed details of magazine stockists to police.
“Police chiefs then told specific forces where magazine was being sold.
“But chiefs say they never advised officers to take down names of buyers.
“Local officers may have understood advice or taken the guidance too far.
“Controversial issue featured cartoon of Prophet Mohammed on front cover.”
Read more:
I find this excuse difficult to believe (as is a lot which comes out of the PC Gob of Peter Fahy).
Someone told these local plod which newsagents had been supplied and there are too many reports of the same action being taken from diverse areas of the country.
Very easy for them to bat this away by blaming local plods but I fear that this was a centralised command that they’ve had to row back on now they’ve been found out.
They (the police) have been caught with their pants down – just like in Rotherham.
It is possible the police wanted to know where the magazine would be on sale so they were ready for Muslim protests.
But whoever thought that meant taking the names of those who bought the magazine needs to be disciplined.
Beeboids still censoring out words “Muslims” and “Islamic” from headlines , as in this case in Australia:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Australia: Two Muslims arrested for ‘public beheading’ plot”
2.) INBBC-
“Sydney terror suspects ‘threatened stabbings'”
Maybe I live a sheltered life, but I haven’t heard of PACT before:
Since 2007, Pact has had a Diversity Pledge in place where member companies signed up pledging best practice and positive action approaches to diversity, both in front of and behind the camera.
Two years later, Pact joined forces with the Creative Diversity Network (CDN) to launch a new diversity pledge with the aim of covering the entire industry including broadcasters’ in-house production departments. The CDN Pledge is a great opportunity for broadcasters and independent production companies to work collaboratively to take measurable steps to improve diversity across the production sector.
The CDN/Pact Pledge is supported by an updated version of Pact’s Diversity Toolkit and C4’s Diversity Genius, which both contain practical advice for independent production companies on fulfilling the commitments in the pledge.
Funded by the BBC, C4 and a cohort of the leading indies, Pact has also created the role of Diversity Adviser to help production companies deliver against the CDN Pledge by offering bespoke advice and specialist help in identifying and fulfilling various diversity commitments set out in the pledge.
To date, Pact has assisted over 300 independent production companies sign up to the pledge, pledging their commitment to increase diversity within their business.
What a load of utter bolloks.
Beeboids continue campaign for open-door, unlimited mass immigration into Britain today with pro-illegal immigrant report on ‘World at One’ today- and with no voice opposing the Beeboid pro-mass immigration political line.
“Migration control ‘is hampered by meagre funding and BBC bias’:
“New report claims foreign aid budget SIX times greater than money available to secure British borders.
“Government spends £1.8 billion a year in security British borders.
“Britain spends an estimated £12 billion on foreign aid – six times more.
“MigrationWatch claim efforts to control immigration are being hampered.
“The think tank claims the budget is ‘clearly inadequate’ to cope.”
Read more:
And then there’s CALAIS, where Beeboids only represent the illegal immigrants, unlike ‘Daily Mail’ which sees the wider issues-
“30,000 migrants heading for UK are held in Calais:
Record numbers have been stopped at borders since April last year”
For Beeboids’ ‘Education & Family’ news page online?-
“Only one in 10 pupils at east London primary speaks English as first language – down from nine out of 10 in 1999… and now they speak SIXTY different languages”
Read more:
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“BBC ‘bias’ hinders immigration crackdown, says report.
“MigrationWatch UK says the BBC’s ‘strong bias’ in favour of immigration has limited the Government’s options in strengthening Britain’s borders, along with other bias in the civil service.”
By David Barrett.
[Opening excerpt]:-
The BBC’s bias in favour of immigration has been a key block on the Government’s ability to tighten control on Britain’s borders, a report has claimed.
MigrationWatch UK, which campaigns for tougher migration rules, said the Corporation was guilty of a “strong bias” and even a reluctance to address issues raised by immigration.
A report also warned there was pro-immigration in parts of the Civil Service including the Treasury, irrespective of the impact of immigration on population growth and on the lower paid’.”
-What many of us have been pointing out on ‘Biased BBC’ for many years.
hello? Trolls? Anyone?
The BBC will just deny everything as usual. It has become an overmighty subject .
With it’s resources I have no doubt it knows full well exactly who posts here and on other anti liberal sites.
It has long ago abandoned impartiality . My prediction is that as the situation in England deteriorates the BBc will become what it was always going to be. An oppressive arm of a authoritarian state. A ministry of Truth
Liberalism was always going to end that way. That is because the liberal cannot accept that anyone has a moral right to opposition. To oppose the liberal state is by definition to be perverse or bad.
Modern liberalism is based on a perception of a revealed truth. PC is it’s sacred text. In that it has much in common with authoritarian religions.
No doubt our gulags will be more benign than in the USSR but they will still be gulags and destroyers of freedom and the human spirit.
In a generation or so it will be as if the age of reason never exisited.
It has long ago abandoned impartiality
& leftie Dave’s mock Tory party long ago abandoned complaining about it.
Notice that the left think something is wrong with a person if they disagree “islamaphobe” -questions Islam. “Racist” – questions immigration. “Little Englander” questions European Union. “Daily Mail reader” when they can’t think of any of the above. No debate just shutdown.
By the way I was a dinner party with my partner, who works in the media, and 3 posh TV types a couple of months ago, lovely people, but they were appalled that I was UKIP donater. I told them they, UKIP, were the best thing for democracy in years. Maybe they were being polite but they did agree…eventually. One said she needed Europe to sell her programmes. I said UKIP’s policy was still to trade with Europe. She didn’t know this.
What was interesting here was their reaction was as “Knee jerk” as my dads (a working class Tory) except he had the excuse of having an indifferent education till he was 15. And these, very likable people, with private educations, intelligent and making factual TV programmes had little understanding beyond “Labour is good. Right-wing is bad” mindset.
The media types I have met are, unsurprisingly, left wing and middle class Grammar/privately educated. Odd that… but so is the front bench of the Labour party and the BBC and erh well you get the picture…
And of course a mate of mine who was privately educated, top university, “Young Socialist” (I went to meetings with him in my wayward youth) who now has a major role, and according to my partner a very high salary, at the BBC. I heard him talking on Radio 6 a year ago. He now sports a hilarious “Mockney” accent and shortened his name so it doesn’t betray his comfortable suburban background. So funny I stalled my car.
(By his twitter account his left wing views have not gone…Mine have.)
I regularly find other people assume that Ukippers are beyond the pale, and don’t expect someone like me to support Ukip. Most common misconception is tihat Ukip are racist, followed by the idea that Ukip are anti-immigrant and anti-Europe. It just confirms the power of the media to influence.
“guilty of a “strong bias” and even a reluctance to address issues ”
on immigration? … sounds like the whole political class, the self serving lot of them.
There’s nothing new. Back in the mid-1970s the Cabinet Office ran a Population Panel review of what the UK population might reach over coming decades – up to 2000. There was deliberate understatement of the effects of immigration and the birthrate of immigrants.
Hilarious. Migration Watch is like Biased BBC – the mere presence of any voice that doesn’t treat them as being the fount of all knowledge is, of course, heavily biased. Rather than, say, the far more reasonable explanation of “not falling for the crackpot conspiracy theories that so excite the likes of George R so”.
Unfortunately for the liberal demographics is a precise science not wishy washy hopey changey stuff.
The birth rates for the indigenous Londoners have fallen and for the ethnic minorities risen. In 2011 64.9% of births were to minorities. Source HM Gov.
This figure is one which by it’s very nature will only increase. White British are leaving and this is now unstoppable.
Now you may say so what. But a wise man pauses to think. Not a liberal trait I fear.
London will become someplace else as the people change. That is now inevitable and has occured largely without any thought.
Maybe it will work out but looking at the past there is no precedent for such a change occuring peacefully.
London is not England and not the shires and in this fact is the seed corn of possible disaster,
It is possible that to preserve peace and harmony that :London be turned into a city state and the country split in to the old kingdoms- Wessex, Mercia etc.
All this is possible and increasingly likely. What a sad end for an ancient country and people.
Never consulted and never asked if they minded to lose their nation.
And what does the liberal cling to? A belief in fantasy and in the essential niceness of people.
The world has never been like that and never will be.
The true conservative understands this and accepts the reality of the world.
Yes, Scott, Just like the dissenting voice of anyone who doesn’t agree that immigration or any other staple of the liberal mindset is simply splendid, is shouted down as racist or islamphobic or far right, etc etc. Or told that they are ‘excited by crackpot theories’.
Why don’t you ever, ever, make an objective argument against the points raised? Why do you always call everyone a ‘sad little man’ etc etc? There are many valid points raised on this website, none of which I have ever seen you respond to with anything other than playground mud slinging.
Play the ball, man, for flip’s sake, or don’t bother wearing your keyboard (and my eyes) out for the sum total of nowt.
anyone who doesn’t agree that immigration … is simply splendid, is shouted down as racist or islamphobic or far right, etc etc.
Credit where it is due; when referring to Pegida, they usually add ‘Not all of the far right are Nazis’ – just so you assume that most are.
I would have thought the BBC does not like being called part of the luegenpresse. As far as I am concerned the word fits.
After the failure to report the March on Sunday what other word fits.
But we need mass immigration to rid this country of its racism, sexism and homophobia.
Play the ball, man, for flip’s sake,
Funny, isn’t it, how you don’t have a problem with people not “playing the ball” when they’re doing so in line with the prevailing prejudices of this site.
Why is that? I mean, it’s not as if you’re the only sanctimonious, patronising little hypocrite on this site – it’s riddled with the pathetic blighters. But none of you ever seem able to answer the very basic question of why you’re incapable of even attempting to live up to the standards you demand of others.
.. none of you ever seem able to answer the very basic question of why you’re incapable of even attempting to live up to the standards you demand of others.
Er… The British Broadcasting Corporation is awarded £5bn of public money and has a legal obligation to provide a fair and balanced service. When this huge organisation has a political bias and is linked to other massively powerful organisations like Common Purpose that exist to push a particular view, it’s odd that you would expect a few individuals here to constantly balance examples of bias with some factual story, like a football score, that isn’t biased. I have always acknowledged that there are some notable exceptions; Andrew Neil being the obvious one. But the exceptions only serve to prove the rule. As an example, Sarah Champion has hardly been off the screen over the last ten days. Neil’s interview showed that she is completely devoid of substance, yet a dozen other puff-pieces served only as PR opportunities for her.
Your point is simply wrong.
Your argument would have more traction if you didnt cherrypick your issues or your people. What you are doing is merely filtering out issues that you dont necessarily agree with and then generalising that across the whole BBC content . I’d ask you to consider how many times ‘The Guardian front page is considered on BBC Breakfast (hardly ever ) or how many times the Mail’s front page taken as true.
My suggestion to you is that BBC news coverage is just awful and the yardstick is whether you actually come away understanding what has happened in the news and most importantly why. I guarantee in 9 out of 10 cases the answer will be no. This kind of presentation is willfully destructive because the narrative is that ‘stuff just happens’ or it happens for the most simple of reasons. Its guaranteed to disinform and disarm the public. The worst possible of worlds.
Your argument would have more traction if there was not an obvious pattern of bias in addition to the general falling standards you mention. I attribute the falling standards to recruitment based on diversity rather than merit which is in pursuit of the left-wing ideal that all are equal and only appear not due to disadvantage.
Your use of the Guardian and Daily Mail for illustration suggests you accept media organisations can be biased.
The Guardian may not be shown on TV, but Peter Sissons informed us that when he asked for a brief, that’s what his producer routinely handed him. Can I be accused of cherry-picking? Only if you think the producers handed different papers to other newsreaders. I’d suggest that it’s likely they handed the Guardian to them all.
Scott openly displays his prejudices and bigotry in every post he makes. Nasty little man whose only talent is in getting up everyone’s nose. He’s the inspiration for the saying ” He’s about as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool.”.
Your antipathy had nothing, of course, to do with those occasions where I’ve countered your own false assertions with facts. The latest being your claim that Alan Turing was arrested for cottaging, which fitted your anti-gay narrative but was completely untrue.
Oh, and in the days where I used a gravatar to identify my posts, you would come on to threads and do nothing except criticise my appearance, in behaviour that was childish even by this blog’s standards.
So forgive me if the only thing I get out of your sanctimony is the humour from seeing a shameless hypocrite try to pretend that he’s anything but. And fail.
I never use personal insults .I would like you to tell us all if you have any idea why the BBc did not cover the March on Sunday ( as I call it now).-last Sunday if you need reminding
This is to my mind a major matter worthy of investigation. Personalities do not come into it.
I cannot get any sense out of official BBC channels at all.
I’m the real SCOTT not the other one.
He is only causing trouble on this because he has a small penis.
and how do you know that?
We were lovers once.
Funny, isn’t it, how you don’t have a problem with people not “playing the ball” when they’re doing so in line with the prevailing prejudices of this site.
Why is that? I mean, it’s not as if you’re the only sanctimonious, patronising little hypocrite on this site – it’s riddled with the pathetic blighters. But none of you ever seem able to answer the very basic question of why you’re incapable of even attempting to live up to the standards you demand of others.
Calling someone a sanctimonious little hypocrite is not playing the ball.
Let’s see you ignore the small minority of posters on this site who persist with ad hominems, and let’s see you objectively and maturely discuss the many, many examples of BBC and left wing bias provided by the majority of posters. That’s why I’m here. I certainly don’t come here for your keyboard rage, which is frankly a waste of bandwidth, although it’s kind of fun to read your evaluation of me and my personality from no more evidence than a few posts on the t’internet.
Crack on, son. Or have you nothing constructive to say?
Listened to the Today programme at about 7.45 am this morning,Humphys and Shadow Education Sec, Tristram Hunt.
Labour pledge,re class size was the agenda. On a day when figures regarding the numbers of Muslim children in primary schools is published,taken together with the numbers of children from around the world and of course eastern Europe, I might have expected a proper journalist to challenge Hunt on the reasons for the rapid increase. After all, when Labour last got in they were closing schools on the basis of declining numbers! That was until the Prime Purpose Act was removed, it would only result in a small number of marriages of convenience we were told by Jack Straw, last I saw it was 50,000 extra migrants a year. Then we have 2004, but, luckily for us only 13-17K eastern Europeans were likely to come here.
Why did Humphrys not raise these issues and go after Hunt for answers?
I suppose that would count as racism or islamophobia in the BBC
The BBC are not very good at seeing elephants in the room.
In the election – it will be UKIP’s task to draw a direct link between excessive immigration and consequent population growth – and acute pressure on schools, social housing, health services etc. It is not just a “Europe” problem – it is a whole range of local problems.
Around here – as elsewhere – even in a leafy suburb the primary schools are full to bursting, a new school is urgently needed – and Ofsted standards have started to fall. This needs to be pinned on Labour as much as anyone.
Given that Hunt was there to answer questions about education why should Humprys ask him about immigration. As regards the mangement of schools I think youll find that the Labour administration did exceptionally well in raising education,health and social standards throughout their period office by well targeted policies toward the young and the old. Thats after Thatcher/Major left those areas in a mess after having ushered in the ‘loads of money’ era. Sadly the Tories today have done what exactly.Ah yes wrecked education through Gove’s vanity projects to the extent there are now insufficient primary school places,wrecked the health service through Lansley’s disasterous and unmandated health reforms and cut social care. The Tories are also directly responsible for the 2008 crash which we in all probability will never recover from. Humphrys could have asked him about that too!
“Given that Hunt was there to answer questions about education why should Humprys ask him about immigration.”
Thanks for saving me the time of reading any more of your post. After all, what has immigration to do with rising school numbers and diversity in the classroom?
I think youll find that the Labour administration did exceptionally well in raising education… standards throughout their period office
Perhaps you meant to say that Labour raised exam grades by lowering education standards?
Labour did a great job at edacation.
Everyone gets degree now like wot i hav.
Not on The One O’Clock News
The Beeb and C4 have done to death the story of the US news anchor bad memory. Strange, then, that they have failed to mention the humiliation of Cathy Newman for saying she was ushered out of a mosque.
Newman has now made a grovelling apology:
1/4 I have written to South London Islamic Centre and offered my sincere apologies for tweets sent in haste after I visited there in error.
2/4 I accept my tweets were inappropriate and regret the use of the word “ushered”.
3/4 My language was poorly chosen and has caused a great deal of offence. I deeply regret that this happened.
4/4 I shall now be taking a break from Twitter.
Mosque ‘deeply disappointed’ by Cathy Newman’s reaction
Of course; her excuse is that it was a male-only mosque. No fuss, either, that such things exist in modern Britain.
I wish she’d take a lengthy break from Channel 4 News, too.
I am a member of a male-only masonic lodge – I think it is baring the naked left breast that puts off the females.
The first duty of a Western liberal is to abase his or herself when confronted with any other culture or people. it is in their DNA.
Is probably because the anchorman story is more news worthy than Cathy Newman. I am surprissed you anti muslimites dont come to the rescue . I would have thought that a poor white girl left helpless amongst all those foreigners lends itself to common narrative amongst this site. Some folks just cant organise their hate efficiently I guess.
Simon Danczuk’s wife who is seeking some sort of media career has been telling of a comment made to her by fellow loony Harriet Harman.
“When I first met Harriet Harman she said I was far too pretty to be interested in politics and should be in Girls Aloud. KD.”
So girls who are attractive shouldn’t even be interested in politics, but should go and fill their ditzy little heads with mindless pop music?
Can you imagine the reaction from the Fascist left if someone in UKIP had said this? Let alone the fact that Harman is constantly banging on about ‘equality’ for women.
This is complete jaw dropping hypocrisy !
Oh this is really building up into a right old left wing bitch fight as Harman denies ever saying it and Danczuk responds on twitter by posing in a red bra & claiming it shows she’s Labour to the core, and that Harman did indeed said it !
I expect this will make the nationals but the BBC will decline to discuss it on Wimmins hour
Beeboids, reflecting their own social and political priorities, all next week on Radio 4 ‘PM,’ concentrate on:- cannabis.
I can see HSBC buying into that one.
I have noticed that on PM the ‘in depth’ items and the news headlines about them are at significant variance. On the Milliband Fink row the in depth item reported that both sides had rowed back from their stances yesterday. But on the news it was said that Fink had made a U turn but Milliband had stuck to his guns. Don’t the news editors listen to their own programme? Aren’t they concerned that their output should be consistent? Or is that the BBC just want to be able to say that they were impartial on the item, whilst at the same time supporting Milliband on the news headlines that people are more likely to remember.
‘On the Milliband Fink row the in depth item reported that both sides had rowed back from their stances yesterday’
Apparently it was a victory for Ed:
Snowmail (it’s a ‘news’ source, apparently):
Lord Fink: ‘Everyone does tax avoidance at some level’
Lord Fink blinks first. After threatening to sue Ed Miliband yesterday, today the former Tory treasurer admits he has avoided tax. But only, he says, on the “vanilla end”. Just a spot of light tax avoidance between friends. He goes on: everyone’s at it, apparently. A rare good day for Mr Miliband who’s demanded an inquiry.
Who knew?
And the BBC (well, not the private contractor end, anyway)?:
Didn’t take long, now lets see if the BBC run with it.
Pork Ban.
“But make no mistake: this isn’t happening because of the Jewish students.
Jews have lived in the UK for centuries and neither demanded nor received such accommodations.
This is all about the Muslim students and their parents, and is yet another example of the society-wide policy of appeasing Islamic supremacism. ”
R Spencer
is the child hungry / tick
no allergies /medical reason / tick
then eat, pork – or don t eat, go hungry
Parents can provide erm halal food
1/. It will ease their phobic minds
2/. The onus is on them then to provide it.
Remember, It is not about food … it is about imposition
and …
A little reminder about Halal
if there is no other food available then a Muslim is allowed to eat non-halal food, even the mind warping Quran says so …
Surah 2:173 states:
If one is forced because there is no other choice, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin on him
Remember, It is not about food … it is about imposition
and where is it on the BBC News?
…same rabbit hole as 1 million little girl victims of Islamic paedo gangs, or motoon protest, or latest from Rotherham.
Does have this though
Muslim pupils ‘double since 2001’
with helpful headers like
from , the BBC Asian Network, with “Dr Sundas Ali, analyst for the Muslim Council of Britain report, said it was a “frank snapshot” of Muslim life.”
‘Myths about Muslims’ (what myths? … it doesn t say)
“Dr Ali said there were many positives from the report “but also many challenges”. (what challenges? … it doesn t say)
“Omar Khan, from the race equality think tank the Runnymede foundation, said the report made it clear Muslims do not have a problem with “British values” or identifying with Britain. ”
(Runnymeade! … sheesh, so no erm, “Muslim problems” then?
thank goodness for that BBC eh! …… JUST A MINUTE!)
For Beeboids: does their Islamophilia trump liberty?
‘Daily Mail’ has:-
“Are the police at war on terror or with free speech?
“National anti-terror unit handed list of Charlie Hebdo stockists to local forces who then went round demanding to know who bought copies.
“Distributor John Menzies passed details of magazine stockists to police.
“Police chiefs then told specific forces where magazine was being sold.
“Details were intended to ‘provide community reassurance.’
“But local officers went to shops and demanded details about customers.
“Britain’s anti-terror police chief said it was ‘overzealous and unnecessary.’
“Controversial issue featured cartoon of Prophet Mohammed on front cover.
Read more:
by Douglas Murray”
Quote from above:-
”Of course it is the BBC’s right to make programmes which take the Islamic view of history. And it is The Times’s right to publish reviews which use the Muslim interpretation of history to dismiss the Christian one. But isn’t it a problem when this can happen one way round and not the other? Don’t you end up teaching a generation of people that there is only one religion which is really persuasive and only one religion that is beyond doubt? And it isn’t any of the ones most people are brought up with.”
Its interesting that the same tack applies to antisemiticism.
No mention of UKIP, kicking off their election campaign tonight on bBC 6 o’clock news.
More bias by omission.
Not the bBC, but Channel 4’s attempt at making a series about the joys of a multicultural street have failed miserably…
“Bosses at Love Productions said production workers also had rocks and stones thrown at them and their tyres slashed as they tried to film in Derby Road for the new ‘Immigration Street’ series for Channel 4.
That has been a tough rough area for ever. Not at all surprised.
Fergal Keane on Ten News: ‘There is no moral equivalence between the death camps and the bombing of Dresden, but …..’
No ‘buts’ required, Fergal. BBC up to its tricks again.
The bBBC is in full-on ‘holier-than-thou’ mode over tax-avoidance, emphasising that it’s only those terrible rich Tories that do it.
Each year at least £1billion in tax is avoided on cigarettes smuggled into Britain and sold on back-streets. Those terrible rich Tories again?
Each year at least £1billion in tax is avoided on alcohol illegally distilled. Those terrible rich Tories again?
Each year countless £billions in tax is avoided by people paying black-market tradesmen cash-in-hand. Those terrible rich Tories again?
Each year several £billions in tax is avoided by people buying counterfeit goods. Those terrible rich Tories again?
What BBC are doing relentlessly is conflating ‘tax avoidance’ (legal) with ‘tax evasion’ (illegal). Nobody seems to be challenging that.
Most of the dumb asses out there gawping at the box will now have the impression that ‘avoidance’ is a criminal act even though many of them use have ISAs to avoid tax or take advantage of other tax relief opportunities.
I think the general issue relates for certain individuals to move money about thus avoid tax and the manner by which institutions in this case HSBC and HMRC have facilitated it. This is also the second time HSBC have been caught trading in Drug money to the extent that the US may take the banks trading licence away. The tax avaoidance issue is particularly acute in relation to Corporations and throws up questions about the ability of the state to ultimately maintain civil society. It is perhaps particularly precient given that by next year half of the world’s wealth will be owned by 1% of individuals.In this country 5 families alone own as much as the bottom 20% Such disparities underline not only social consequences such as educational attainement/social inclusion/longevity etc but ultimately the issue of economic collapse due to lack of demand,a point made by both the Govenor of the Bank of England and the IMF.
Ed Miliband accuses Fink of U-turn in tax avoidance row –
A key quote from Stanley Fink is missing from the BBC’s article:
‘The only way I have ever sought to depress my income tax liability is by giving a lot of my income to charity’.
Copied from
Does Red Ed really begrudge a man reducing his income tax bill by giving money to charity?!?
And why is the BBC silent on Grommit’s own tax avoidance?
Miliband Thinks Fink Tax Issue “Milly Dowler Moment” –
Silence from the BBC about this.
Imagine if some minor UKIP councillor had reportedly made such a gaffe…
A factoid for Albaman….
The government is trying to attract US tech companies to the UK by tempting them with the prospect of being treated on the NHS as part of the “expat experience”.
NHS Used to Lure US Tech Firms to Britain
Might not be representative, but the Americans I’ve spoken to would take some persuading. The people concerned will probably have private US healthcare already and will not be overwhelmed by NHS standards of service if they end up in the wrong area.
Good luck in Stafford. A bit like a Swiss company trying to lure talent with free membership of Dignitas.
I dipped in to Question Times last night. Not expecting a balanced debate on the issues – because the BBC trailer for the show promised MPs would be ‘grilled’.
What more can one say about this tired format? The only new item on show was a rumble from the Left – with the BBC as willing (on this issue not grilling) platform for selling us another pup.
Votes for 16-year-olds.
A young audience member – selected for a moment with our national broadcaster’s microphone – plaintively called for more “political education” The poor 18-year-old apparently felt she was ill-equipped to decide which way to vote. I was inclined to think – ‘best leave voting untill you have made up your mind’. Even Dimbles commented “well you were interested enough to join the QT audience”.
Political Education for state schools and 16-year-old voting.
May as well get NUT teachers filling in on-line election papers for their classes.
Quite a paradox isn’t it? Lefties see it OK that 16 year olds are responsible enough to vote (for them). But not responsible enough to drive, smoke, or drink among other things.
So I presume you believe that doctor’s who dont advocate smoking and drinking must ,in the main, all be lefties
Head – Point – Over.
Given most of the people on this site do not appear to have a clue about politics , I think it was very courageous of the individual to stand up and admit it. Ultimately she should not be that concerned. Most people who vote have very little influence in the overall outcome of the election. Moreover most people cannot generally discriminate between the parties or have any idea of their respective policies. That assumes the parties are going stick with their mandate ,like the Tories didnt over health, or indeed make rational decisions based on evidence ,like Gove and Patterson(the man who drowned Somerset )
Serious issues like the economy,climate,snooping etc are firmly kept out of view, and for very good reason.
Care to de-sweep that ‘most’ statement with an estimate? Or what ‘a clue’ is? And who you think has one?
Seems the POETS Borg box is early and active, even heading back to archive to crank up the quota. It’s going to be a long weekend, clearly.
All are bored, ding-ding.
The estimate is based on the amount of marginal seats as opposed to seats with a solid majority for one party. Its the same estimate that political parties use to target particular seats. The Conservatives have for example recently and without parliamentary scrutiny changed the agreed rules on funding to allow them to put extra resources into those areas where they think they can change the vote.
In respect of knowlegde of respective policies ,I made that comment in relation to polling after the leaders debates which showed that people attributed policies to the wrong parties or couldnt discern any difference between them.Vox pop tends to bear this out as do the numerous yougov polls, showing favour to certain policies although not to the party presenting them.
In relation to this site I have seen very little in the way of informed discussion . Who has a clue? Those that tend to look at structural issues rather than day to day news stories or general political chit chat or meaningless epithets at the end of messages.
Tx for that.
‘In relation to this site I have seen very little in the way of informed discussion.’
Like… I’m guessing, you are currently providing, in both volume and calibre?
‘Who has a clue? Those that tend to look at structural issues rather than day to day news stories or general political chit chat or meaningless epithets at the end of messages.’
At least you appear cool on pseudonymonous posting, though, which is a blessing.
Thank you for supporting my assertions with your vacuous rejoinders.
So not welcome:)
Tx for your charming one-liners.
Be careful on overdoing the assertions; some here are not keen and can demand satisfaction.
I think you’ll be OK, though.
Most people on this site think anyone who doesn’t treat the daily mail like the Bible is a COMMUNIST.
Worse than that – Marxist Jews!
Yes don’t forget what ex-BBC employee David Icke says about JEWS.
They are really shape-shifting giant green lizards from the planet Nirbu.
I bet you’d love to have paid a visit it the Lubyanka prison wouldn’t you Scotty ? All the leather, the cosh’s, the rough peasant boys in uniform, god I bet you’re salivating now.
Plenty of places like that in Soho.
And now Wimmins Hour the very left leaning program for Socialist and Communist wimmin have invited Harriet Harperson on to do some damage limitation on the pink bus campaign. They’ve also got some harpy from the Grauniad to back her up.
Shocking bias in the run up to an election. Nothing said about the comments from Karen Danczuk despite it making the mainstream media yesterday.
has this story got any significance and if so ,what?
State broadcaster continually running puff-piece PR for one party certainly seems significant. Implications for democracy?
Given that women have long kept the Tories in business I doubt that Woman’s hour is likey to do much.
The State Broadcaster is doing just fine and just how the Tories want it. Remember they didnt postpone the BBC licence agreement till after the next election for nothing!
How can you trust someone who bleeds a day a month.
News is coming in that Harriet Harman has been spotted jumping out of a pink bus and approaching unsuspecting female shoppers in ASDA.
On the plus side the local Sainsbury’s is doing a roaring trade…