“I am nine years old and I think that the Pinkstinks campaign is my voice. Two girls on my class table are obsessed with pink and makeup but I think that girls like me shouldn’t be forced to like pink. Can you think of a good name for girls who don’t want to be girly girls but arent tomboys. My mum and I have been trying to think of one for ages.
PINK STINKS!!”Sophie xxx
Labour’s pink battleaxe bus is on the road fighting for wimin’s rights and the BBC is naturally ready to explore the issues, raised by Labour, using the controversial pink colour as its ice breaker to get the converstaion going in the right direction.
That ‘controversy’ about the bus’s colour was pretty much dismissed by the BBC…can’t imagine them doing that if it had been the Torys who had come up with such a vehicle to campaign for women’s rights.
Forgetfulness is what preserves our dignity…from 2009….
“Harriet Harman was making a very serious point actually about how we ensure that we as parents give girls the best possible opportunities and that we don’t stereotype girls into forever taking a very passive and pink role in life.
The presenters I heard discussing this had obviously read Harman’s interview in the Huffington Post where she replies to one question “Well it doesn’t have big eyelashes on the front.” as they mentioned the eyelashes….they also mentioned the fact that there were three drivers, and that two were women….and they thought that Labour must have had lots of focus group discussions….all points out of the interview…..“We’ve had lots of doctrinal discussions, such as: should we be alright with a male driver?”
What they didn’t bother telling us was who provided at least one of the drivers as Harman revealed in the interview….
“Unite has provided us with a driver and blow me down they’ve managed to find a woman with one of these licenses.
So Labour’s puppet master and banker, the Unite Union, provided a driver……just how much more help is Labour getting from Unite and other Unions? And how much of this help is provided in a way that is designed to get around the rules on election funding for political parties?
One little point and it raises many more serious issues…..Labour’s favourite tactic is to make a lot of noise about Tory donors and the BBC is happy to mention that in passing…..so here is the BBC’s chance to do some investigating of just how the Union’s are funding Labour under the radar.
A discarded idea for a colour schematic for the bus….
You can’t really get a better analysis of this effort by Labour than Dan Hodges’ ridiculing of it...as he says whilst Harman is off having chats with wifies around their kitchen tables Labour’s men are at the British Chambers of Commerce, setting out Labour’s vision for business and plans for the macroeconomy....The idea the Labour Party is blazing a trail for women is one of the biggest jokes in British politics.
Just another idea for the BBC to explore.
Labour MP, Bridget Prentice, the Justice Minister, said that she was supporting the campaign because she was concerned that shops were creating Christmas gifts which were aimed particularly at either girls or boys.
She went on: “It’s about not funnelling girls into pretty, pretty jobs, but giving them aspirations and challenging them to fulfil their potential.
“We want to say to organisations like the Early Learning Centre that we rely on them to be progressive about encouraging girls to think of themselves as equal, and not to reinforce the old stereotypes.”
Surely the BBC want the conversation to move in the left direction not the right !
They didn’t like this paint job!
pink bus,red bus, you know 100% now whats coming you way if red ed and his deputy pinko harriet harman gets elected next may.but the maths are becoming more simple now ,vote millband and you get clegg and cameron,vote clegg and cameron and you get red ed,vote ukip and you get ukip,it could not be more clear now could it heading up to the election in may,vote ukip,vote for commen sense and a clean slate from these old worn out politicians.
So one of the drivers is male? Is he there to read the map?
” Is he there to read the map? “. No, he is there if they need to reverse.
Sorry, but all I could think of when I saw this was of the song : “The Wheels of the Bus ” regards the verse on mommy’s.
“The Mummies on the bus go ‘Natter,natter natter”
Which is exactly what this non story is.
more pre election hate and division by harman and her cronies.
With apologies to Orwell. ‘But surely it is a van, not a bus’.
‘Look at the van, Winston. Right now, you see indeed a van with no windows. But as you can see (O’Brien uncovers the pink van showing the Labour slogan) it is in fact a bus. That is the essence of the Party, Winston: you think you know the truth by seeing things with your senses, but as you can see, your senses can disappoint you. The Party knows everything, is everything: the Party knows that there is a pink bus here, even if you only see a van. The Party knows the truth that you cannot see from the place you are standing at, because you are weak alone. The Party is strong and omniscient, and therefore if the Party says that a pink van with no windows is a bus, and two equals three, or five, it will always be right: you, by yourself, cannot know the truth’.
So nice of you to post pictures of your toys. What do you use them for?
What, pray tell, is a ‘Seceet’..?
It’s what happens when over-eager brains and flighty fingers are caught out by autocorrect once more.
One is more blessed in this regard than most, especially when deranged more than usual by their obsessions.
Can’t tell you, it’s a secret
‘……..whilst Harman is off having chats with wifies around their kitchen tables Labour’s men are at the British Chambers of Commerce, setting out Labour’s vision for business and plans for the macroeconomy.’
Sounds a bit like gender segregation to me.
Is this the start of the inevitable Islamisation of the Left we’re seeing? What next, Harriet in a hijab?
Channel 4 have just compared Sturgeon with Thatcher in her coming to power.
And Umuna is the new Obama no doubt, once we`ve got the correct shades of Benetton on our chart to examine those fleshtones.
Sure beats policy and principles anyway.
Beyonce for EU President!
With donors like these she can afford to go gallivanting and making a fool of herself.
This will NOT be reported on al-Beeb.
I’m happy for HHarman to go around championing whatever silly cause she wants so long as it isn’t paedophilia again.
” the lady sits at the back of the bus, back of the bus. The lady sits at the back of the bus and points at all her lands. ”
” she tries to pretend she’s not what she is, not what she is, she tries to pretends she’s not what she is. She Is Lady Muck. ”
Why doesn’t the silly cow drive it herself, beyond her ?
Harriet wants to talk wimmins issues, driving a pimk\cheriz\taupe\whatever bus straight to their kitchen tables?
She really is a right wing satirist posing as a Labour MP
Fucking revolting lezza.