Just to keep the pot stirring, Today brought on Keir Starmer (a Labour drone, a Labour candidate in the upcoming elections and, BTW, a former Director of Public Prosecutions at the time HMRC were made aware of possible tax evasion enabling at HSBC) and Patrick Stevens, tax policy director at the Chartered Institute of Taxation.
Why bring on a politician who has an agenda the size of Diane Abbott’s backside to “discuss” tax avoidance/evasion? It is typical of the BBC to stage a meeting between a Labour gobshite and an apolitical technical expert who cannot be expected to match the political grandstanding of a professional politician. Also the BBC fails to tell us that the “whistle-blower” hero – Falciani – is a crook who, before he fled to France and gave the relevant info to the French authorities was unsuccessfully hawking the info around Beirut. IMHO the most fruitful debate would be between the commentator and blogger Tim Worstall and serial moron and BBC favourite Richard Murphy of the Tax “Justice” Network. That way you’d at least get a clash of informed knowledge (Worstall) and palpable ignorance and incipient fascism (Murphy).
Furthermore, in its efforts to get Labour elected, the BBC is failing to inform its listeners/viewers or downplays relevant facts concerning Labour hypocrisy. For instance why isn’t more – or anything – made of Ed’s own tax avoidance (of IHT) involving the variation of his father’s will? I note that Labour is spinning this one as something purely concerning Ed’s mum. Unfortunately for Ed the law requires that potential beneficiaries of a deed of variation (in this case the brothers Miliband) have to sign on the dotted line to agree to the variation. It’s not something that Ma Miliband could do alone. Does the BBC tell us this on air – or anywhere? At least the Fink admits that “everybody” including him avoids tax when possible. But don’t expect the BBC to let this one go. After all, for the time being, it’s probably paying Labour (tax exempt) dividends in the polls.
I heard that interview. As a matter of interest, is it acceptable to those of you south of the border that such a major figure as the DPP can go on to stand as the candidate of a political party so soon after leaving that position? It seems to pass without question at the BBC but I’d have thought that the DPP must be seen to be, and to have been, impartial.
Mr Starmer was allowed to waffle about Ed’s “tax avoidance” by saying “he’d paid the tax due” (or words to that effect) and that’s as far as it went. Yes, well, the whole point of tax avoidance is that you pay the tax due, but arrange your affairs so that the tax due is less than it might otherwise have been. I don’t have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with hypocrisy and I also have a problem with the BBC, in cahoots with Labour, attempting to muddy the waters between tax avoidance and evasion.
Earlier on, we had the BBC’s business editor Kamel Ahmed telling us he’d shown the email to Mr Falciani and that he considered Mr F to be credible. It was then flung into the mix that this wasn’t proof that anyone at HMRC had read it. I deal regularly with HMRC and would agree that there can indeed be emails to nowhere with HMRC, but surely someone in Mr Ahmed’s position knows which are the addresses to contact HMRC and which aren’t? Or can use the not insubstantial facilities of the BBC to find out. So why hadn’t someone done just that before flinging out this uncertainty?
This article displays the email sent to HMRC.
Frankly, it looks to me like one of the 100+ spam emails I clear from my mail client every morning. That’s not to say it wasn’t sent – and received. However, HMRC probably receives (and consigns to oblivion) thousands of such ill-written emails every year. Moreover that HMRC email address (which is no longer operational) was for general enquiries: it wasn’t the whistle blower address (if there was one at the time). AFAIAA HMRC prefers whistleblowers to use the telephone or write at first instance and not to email. Accordingly, HMRC provides 0800 numbers and the appropriate postal address. The same page points out that you can whistlebow online.
Tangentially some of the eminent names on the HSBC client list released by the (left-leaning) International Consortium of Investigative Journalists are shown here. As you will notice and as one of the US commenters writes ‘[it’s] very curious that they “neglected” to include any high-ranking liberals on their list.‘
Thanks. It’s certainly an HMRC address, but whether it’s one that was in use in 2008, I couldn’t say. I can’t believe the BBC wasn’t able to ask, though.
If I’d been working at HMRC and received that, I have to say I’d have put it down to another nutter and ignored it.
And, of course, when Miliband and Benn got mentioned , Webb was quick to tell us all that “it was not about Miliband”.
Wouldn`t be-not when there`s a need to whitewash the Leftie hypocrites , what with an election coming up.
The BBC now smells like Saviles shellsuit.
An interesting line of thought is developing among the dhimmis of the UAF and Kenneth Loach’s roaches. Last night’s banners read ‘Muslims lives matter’, a slogan copied from ‘Black lives matter’. But some of the faithful are saying ‘All lives matter’. Boo. That is racist.
‘As one UAFer says:
‘Stating – forcefully and often – that Muslim lives matter is a shout in the face of western supremacy and a declaration of resistance. Shouting back that all lives matter is a gutless, racist reaction.’
No point is replying that Islam is not a race. Meanwhile coptic Christians are about to be slaughtered in Libya, whatever colour their skin happens to be.
I wish when Cameron visits other countries to advance his support for human rights that someone out there will call him out for doing sod all against these Labour officials and Moslems. I wish that the army is put in to replace the police forces in these towns, and that refugee status if given to some of the victims.
Sky’s Egyptian-born Middle East correspondent, Sherine Tadros, is beside herself today telling of the release of journalists pending a re-trial. She clearly believes it is a 100% good thing. Remarkable contrast with the treatment of Ched Evans where the media mantra was ‘Well, he was convicted, WELL HE WAS CONVICTED…’
Seems convictions are absolute when you’re not ‘one of us’ but need to be queried if the criminal is a progressive.
I didnt realise Ched Evans was a progressive. What has he done to warrant that title?
In respect of the Journalists you clearly dont believe in free speech despite exercising it on this site. Why is that ?
Dave s nay bother the utter creep Morontrappedonaonibus is a fully signed up apologist he will forgive any crime no matter how disgusting ! well until the victim suits his masters cause !
That’s as may be Nick, but Red Ed’s media allies at the BBC are completely ignoring his crass comparison between a millionaire who avoids taxes by giving money to charity and a murdered teenager.
I can’t find the story anywhere on the BBC news website, although no doubt someone will pop up to show that it’s buried away in some dark recess…
Also, it was said; it got reported. And a few more than ‘media foes’ were unimpressed at the simple facts, Nick. So like when weaponising the NHS was wot you wrote, no need to atone if what happened doesn’t play as meant and a bunch of Labour activists start howling.
‘Mr Robinson subsequently used his Twitter account to…’, best I can judge, keep on digging with semantic explanations.
Not sure why, as he appears to have reported faithfully.
Still, the sophisticated political strategising by major party and national broadcast senior personnel really puts the discussions of ill-informed mere mortals on forums to shame, that is for sure
This… is to treasure for any who savour truthiness-flavoured benedictions… ‘Mr Robinson’s original blog gives the “correct flavour of the conversation”.
‘Myths about Muslims’ (what myths? … it doesn t say)
“Dr Ali said there were many positives from the report “but also many challenges”. (what challenges? … it doesn t say)
“Omar Khan, from the race equality think tank the Runnymede foundation, said the report made it clear Muslims do not have a problem with “British values” or identifying with Britain.
and hilariously “Analysis” from ,
the BBC Asian Network … with “Dr Sundas Ali, analyst for the Muslim Council of Britain report, said it was a “frank snapshot” of Muslim life.”
“frank snapshot”? eh! … hmmm well here are the bullet points
the Al BBC doesn’t want to analyse http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/11409181/Worried-about-Muslims-in-Britain-Heres-the-answer.html
Is James Kirkup of the Telegraph having a laugh here?
‘Really, turn more Muslims into fully paid-up members of the Waitrose-shopping, Audi-driving, Boden-wearing middle-classes and their values will take care of themselves’
Where once it amazed me that liberal-minded social commentators missed elephants in the room – I now see it as wilful avoidance – or to borrow terminology – evasion.
The problem is mass-immigration still running at a scale outstripping the rate at which we can afford to keep up our basic public services.
Does he really expect Britain to hand out Audis, professional incomes, semi-detacheds in the Home Counties and Waitrose clubcards to all comers on arrival at Dover?
Real world James…. think about the real world! Too much to expect of a liberal?
What is is with these people and Waitrose? Does Kirkup believe the notion of a distinct people called the English is really just about shopping?
Probably he does lacking any real attachment to the land and the history of it.
I often shop in Waitrose. Cheap stuff if you time it right for the bargains. Much better quailty and a lot cheaper than Tesco
One of the managers asked me if I had a Waitrose card the other day and I told him I had been rejected as unsuitable- not the right type for Waitrose. Sadly he took me seriously and became very concerned. I then asked him if I could stay or should I leave. His face was a picture .
Suspect a few in Establishment top slots may be reaching for the PR dept’s direct dial for a ‘not representative’ campaign if that poll result so far is a guide.
What connection to Runnymede do these very recent immigrants have, I wonder? Certainly don’t want to respect the Magna Carta as the basis of Law in Britain! I think this organisation needs to change its name
Another day, another ‘unhelpful’ story buried by the BBC. This time it’s news that the Labour supporting Mirror was also up to its neck in hacking.
While any Murdoch rag implicated in the scandal was subjected to the howling abuse of the luvvy slime at Hacked Off and hauled up for the full treatment by the BBC at its hypocritical worst, the Mirror admission is a mere footnote among today’s salvo of ‘vote Labour’ stories.
And overlooked the exoneration of The Guardian of corrupt payments to public officials, because, umm, because, err… they were on the right side (which is the left side)
No idea why the Left had it in for Murdoch. His Sky News arm is utterly useless and indistinguishable from the BBC and ITV, spineless fellow-travelling journos.
It was the same time as Murdoch was trying to buy, lock stock the whole of Sky though wasn’t it?…the left were shit scarred that he was gonna bring Fox News to the massed proles of the UK.
Friday 13th just after 7.30 am on the Today Programme a piece about how Polish immigrants can make a difference to the GE election in Southampton. Apparently the Labour incumbent has only a majority of 200. A young Polish woman was interviewed explaining her future was here in the UK and she is a Labour voter and she is encouraging all her Polish friends to register and vote. This was followed by a Polish radio presenter on community radio who has been broadcasting for the last 20 years and surprise surprise, he too is a Labour voter and encouraging all his listeners to vote. There may have been two Conservative Polish voters following on but by how the piece was going, I would be surprised. However I was feeling so cross by then, I switched the radio off and got up. Of course if you complain the BBC would explain that you cannot take one piece as evidence of bias and of course there are times when they have on Conservative voters. It is just I cannot remember when.
How are Polish citizens allowed to vote in any election except the European? That’s incredible. My father didn’t take British citizenship until 1976 (38 years a resident and a tax-payer all his adult life) and couldn’t even vote in Council elections. That is as it should be.
And Justin Webb seemed incredulous that the Polish Ambassador was telling him that Poles cover the political spectrum-and(who`d have thunk it?) some are Tories…and some are even UKIP!
Webb either feigned ignorance of these facts-or really doesn`t evel leave the confines of SW1, W1, NW3 or N1.
His continual mining of the Ambassador to tell us all that the Poles were progressive champions of the EU-and that no other opinion could possibly come from his builders/nannies/ houseboy-made for self-immolating radio.
The Left ARE genuinely like Webb! If the Tories and UKIP can`t disembowel these spongiform hypocrites on May 7th, maybe we deserve the cold shaft of Islam.
I recall there were only two types of Poles here – those that suffered more at the hands of the Germans than the Russians, and the other way around. All Poles detested Communism, which ruined their country. The idea they are natural Labour voters is La La land fantasy. Sounds like a couple of greasy-pole climbers ™ have chanced on way of climbing a dodgy ladder as “community organisers” – a successful scam that has many precedents among racial and ethnic minority chancers.
Notice the BBC is making a big deal about tax avoidance. Conflagrating avoidance with evasion. Yet the BBC are totally silent about setting up tax avoidence schemes for their employees.
It’s a great pity, they covered stories and interviewed people (fairly) who you’d never (or very rarely) see interviewed on TV over here; people like Mark Steyn, Paul Weston, Peter Brimelow, Geert Wilders and Pamela Geller, also Robert Spencer’s slot Jihad Watch with Michael Coren on The Arena was excellent.
A great loss to freedom of speech.
Agreed-some good friends on this site have been good enough to give us these links-and we can see what a decent broadcaster could do, what reasoned people could yet say about the lunacies we are told are just fine-like Islam, Immigration and the EU.
In other words-everything that the BBC is not.
Thanks for the postings-and let`s hope the seeds are stored for the new flowering of anti-liberal fora.
Sun will be proved to have been instrumental in this.
Morning routine, check what community-cohesion crap the Beeb are throwing at you, then check the world’s remaining free media. Sun Canada, Fox, Breitbart, for a take on what’s really happening.
Deborah @ 12.45pm
I heard that biased item. After you turned off, one Polish vox pop said Polish voters were quite varied and some might vote UKIP. The incredulous tone of the interviewer (?Ed Stourton) had to be heard to be believed….”REALLY? Some of them might vote for UKIP?” in tones implying they must have taken leave of their senses.
Margaret, there was something very similar on the “Today Programme” on Radio 4 (after the news headlines at ~ 07:30 and for about ten minutes) when Justin Webb interviewed the Polish Ambassador. Webb couldn’t believe it when the Ambassador said there were Poles who supported UKIP! Very revealing about the faux-liberal narrow mindedness of BBC types, who will not face certain truths.
Poles are natural UKIP – they suffered 50 years of Communist garbage, and recognise Tory blue-Labour ruling class for what it is, more of the same. Check Croydon has an excellent articulate Polish would-be MP. That’s Croydon where Labour activists tried to smear UKIP hustings by pretending to be Romanians offended by UKIP policies, only to later admit they weren’t Romanians after all. Undetered their “demo” continued holding up signs “UKIP = racist homophobic scum” .
Not that it stopped the photo-opportunity being flashed around the media by leftist Getty Images Europe. If you say it you might get sued. If you show people holding up signs saying it, well, that’s just news reporting. Hand in hand, picture agencies and news editors with an agenda.
the more I hear about left wing Labour activists and their tactics the more disgusted with them I am. I really shouldn’t be surprised by now but they always seem to come up with some new way to shock me
Oh to work in one of these publically funded places like the BBC, quangos, local authorities etc. where one can have 5 year career breaks with guaranteed jobs, six months off with “stress” on full pay, gold plated final salary pensions, and – if you are really naughty – be suspended on full pay for years. Now remind me, who is it paying for all this?
I caught a wee clip of Thursday’s left-wing anti-Ukip ‘Question’ Time. That bold f**king ‘comedian’ Armando (comedian these days is another term for Left-wing, Labour-loving, pro-multicultural twat) really got on my t*ts with his pre-conceived agenda of ripping into everything Ukip. No balanced discussion, just the usual audience flooded with lefties.
Armando Iannucci – one time honourable comic writer, long since sold out to the Left-Wing Blob, way past his write-by date Armando, another shameless political prostitute.
You are lost Armando, and no longer funny. Ever wonder why?
Random drama bits on Radio 4 these last 24 hours.
1. last night (just before 8pm) there was some excuse for a drama telling us all that intersex/boys can be girls at nursery-and only a bigot or prude would dare say other.
The “playwright” gives us “The Message” and -we the people can just swallow same shit and pay for it.
2. Lamapadusa is the new Brussels-the only judge of EU policy.
This was the take today after Desert Island Discs. A Swede in the South of France writes us a letter to tell us this.
3. The Catholics caused the rise of Franco, or certainly could not have been on the cause of right-this despite Orwell telling us what the Left were doing out in Spain during the civil war.
Goes without saying that this slurry of lefty drivel isn`t contained in fiction-the BBC bemoans Dresdens bombing as if Coventry, Plymouth and London somehow didn`t merit this…and Desert Island Discs featured a bloke who went gay and found happiness-but only after he`d learned all that he knew about gardens from a bucket brigade of women.
As if men would know about anything…oh, and some 8.25 sports crap on Radio 4 tried to tell the women that they could get more than Harriets pink minibus for their games if the blokes got less money and less attention.
Poor footy lady was embarrassed-but the bloke who interviewed her said it for her, in case she was too shy or fragrant to speak on her own behalf.
Ceaseless bitching, stirring and advocacy for all who don`t need the BBCs help one jot-but will go on to screw us all over as the BBC does.
Time to sink this lefty deadnought we call the BBC.
Blairs pirate ship under an IS flag since 1979 though to the present.
On point 4 the Marxist in Spain admitted one of the reasons they lost the civil war was their policy of the extermination of the clergy. if they hadn’t murdered over 5000 bishops and priests, it would not have pushed the vast majority of Spaniards into the Nationalist camp.
Let’s put it this way if Labour Party goons in the 1930s went out and murdered 5000 Anglican Bishops and Vicars, what would most Englishmen think of them?
Sorry mate your 4 million figure turns out to be a lie. And the four hundred thousand figure comes from a recent book written by a Stalinist. And we all know how Stalanists fake history.
So the accepted figure is around fifty thousand. And there is nothing wrong with fighting Stalinists.
Having been outed as having no Valentine he confirms it by posting a reply at 8.40 on Valentine’s and then shows that he’s actually a teen boy with repressed homosexual tendencies by posting a gay fantasy using my name at 8.53. Bless. Come out of the closet, you might find the happiness that alludes you in real life.
(I was having a meal at a top London restaurant looking forward to a great evening (and morning!) in the company of a beautiful woman. Something most posters here can only dream about.)
Good old Chop. Always so keen to demonstrate that, no matter how hard Biased BBC commenters like to think they’re morally superior, at heart they’re just childish little wannabe bullies. Poor, pathetic souls who delude themselves into thinking that being rude about people will somehow make people think of them as a better person.
I’d suggest he deserves our pity, but really he doesn’t even merit that. I suspect he knows that, too, which is why he behaves as he does. A poor little man, acting out as a means of compensating for his own sense of inadequacy.
Look everyone, Scott is sooooo livid, he has become incoherent.
By the way, I do not believe I mentioned your name Scott….paranoid much?…I could have been referring to any repugnant, toad like looking poster….yet up you pop to attract attention to yourself….
If the BBC thinks women’s football is a viable sporting spectacle why doesn’t it start showing live league matches? I’m sure they’d get the rights for peanuts. Saturday afternoons and every Tuesday/Wednesday; they only show crap in those slots anyway. It would be a delight. Wouldn’t it?
Unless they are worried about the audience figures …
thankfully someone is making a big deal of this as they should do and it is doubtful the BBC will cover it so it is left to the evil Daily Mail to look into it. The Mail is far from perfect but on this type of thing they are absolute gold and a million miles away from the disgusting bbc
Sources close the the BBC and Guardian suggest they are now jointly working on a perfect arrangement where staff are not responsible for their employer’s affairs, and employers are not responsible for their staff’s views.
A perfect storm of hypocrisy and irresponsibility, then. Quite unique.
The BBC seem obsessed with the Election countdown, I bet they will soon shut up if it is a Tory/UKIP Victory, but if Millipede and his bunch of clowns get in the wall to wall coverage will be endless.
Bbc having a wank fest over the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Dresden, it’s been on the telly with the dummies on the sofa, it’s been on every radio headline today as either first or second story. Now they’ve dragged that gormless second rater Welby on to say his party piece. Endless pushing of the message the bombing was ” controversial” and killed 25000. Well excuse me, war is nasty and kills people where was the day of bed wetting about our bombed cities, London ? Coventry ? Liverpool? Manchester ? Belfast ? Dozens and dozens of smaller towns bombed to shit by the ” friendly” Germans, let alone Rotterdam, Guernica, , Warsaw, Stalingrad and hundreds of others. Where are the Germans coming over here and saying sorry, and how sad etc
Stuff the bloody German dead, they started it, I would rather a few moments spent thinking of the brave young boys and they were mainly very young boys flying and dying over Germany for years fighting for the beebs freedom. 25000 was very small beer, ask the Russians how many civilians they raped and murdered as they crossed into Germany in 1945, strangely we hear nothing of those dead, they made sure the post war DDR concentrated on the ‘crimes’ of the west, the west they demanded do something to help them in the fight. As usual the bbc and all the useful idiots of the left swallowed it after the war and still swallow it 70 years later.
I think Bomber Harris put it best:
“I do not personally regard the whole of the remaining cities of Germany as worth the bones of one British Grenadier.”
As a corollary, can you imagine a British commander using that type of language today? It would never happen; our armed forces are expected to fight, in places like Afghanistan, under such restrictive rules of engagement and with concepts of “battlefield restraint” which hinder their every move even when fighting for their lives.
As Diana West wrote –
“Politically correct Rules of Engagement are strategically unsuited to victory.” Commanders like: Bomber Harris, Patton, Montgomery, Le May and Douglas MacArthur would think it insane to go to war under such constraints.
Harris became a little obsessed to put it mildly! He actually had to be ordered to suspend the bombing of Germany and provide air cover for the D-Day invasion. He refused to do so, in order to carry on flattening German cities, he was threatened with dismissal, presumably a dishonourable discharge, because he did as he was told.
With hindsight we are able to look at decisions made and unfortunately the Fascist left use that as an excuse to beat up whitey (yet again).
The strategic advantage of flattening Dresden is pretty iffy other than to weaken morale, which as Hitler had already found with the Blitz, doesn’t work.
The thing is that the Fascist who love to criticise anything the British have ever done have seized on this with glee as the BBC demonstrate.
I actually heard some insane leftist the other day tell me that the Allies should never have fought a war against Nazi Germany because ” they weren’t all like that” ! This is a standard left wing trope which is actually meaningless! You only need one per billion for it to be true, and bad people will do bad things in spite of what the good might think!
It is interesting that after the WW1 bombing raids on London by the Germans; by the time of WW2 they initially thought that bombing raids on cities would be ineffective but the British, after being on the receiving end, thought the opposite.
the national socialist blitz against britain didnt affect british moral because it “only” killed 70,000 ppl
the allied bombing of germany done the job destoying german moral, it killed 2 million of them. (not enough in my opinion). Research has shown by the end of 1943 the average german civvie knew they had lost the war because of the glorious bombing carried out by the RAF and USAAF
one of the the reasons why the allies bombed civilians was that the average german needed to know that they had lost the war so the “stab in the back myth” couldnt be used again like it was after the first war. Germany didnt feel defeated after WW!. The german armed forces not only had to be beaten, so did the civilian population, They had to know that had lost
Sadly, lawfare no longer allows the bombing of enemy cities. Which brings us a little problem. We can defeat Muslim barbarians who have guns, but so long as the civilian muslim doesnt feel defeated, hes ready to pick up the weapon of the fallen jihadist and carry on the fight, because he wont feel defeated.
luckily enough tho, nukes arent banned therefore we can get round the ban on bombing cities by nuking them instead.
Good post. There is nothing to talk about unless you are a self hating liberal. Nazi Germany all but destroyed Europe and we are still suffering from the effects . It helped usher in the age of the guilt ridden liberal.
Go and see the Russian war cemeteries and understand just how hard the Red Army fought and just how terrible were their casualties. Every bombing raid helped the war in the East .
WE and the USA lost many of our best young men. There can be no doubt that the war was just and that it had to be total. The crimes of nazi Germany made this inevitable.
What pisses me off about the aftermath of the bombing of Germany is the fact that we rebuilt these cities and towns back to the state they were in before the war. The American Marshall Plan and British money restored the cathedral they had their remembrance service in.
Go to Koln, Leipzig, Hanover, Berlin, Munich or Dresden and its a wonder to behold.
Now compare the Stalinist hell holes Labour created in London, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield, Manchester, Newcastle, Bristol and Coventry. The money sent to Germany should have been spent there!
“BBC branded irresponsible over Marley cannabis company story: Critics accuse corporation of celebrating drugs culture after light-hearted and uncritical report.”
In amongst the usual colonial guilt-ridden agitprop third raters, the deadbeat generation hippie marxists and liberal peace artists who would have graced a Beeb Green Room under Milne or Birt-came a Charles Townes-a physicist who developed the laser no less.
And-by all accounts-a good singer , a family bloke and -God forbid-a man of faith!
This bothered Bannister who headed the 4.00 obits on the hopeless “Last Word”-what?…a scientist WITH a faith(Christian actually, not that the C-word gets a mention anymore)?
Bannister asks his contributor-did he get into trouble with the scientists?
And-of course he did-but absolutely NO context, no REASONS and NO judgement whatsoever of the Atheist Tufty Club small minded bores that scorned a great man because he actually had a mind of his own and a reasoned belief in Jesus Christ!
Typical lame brain craps from the BBC and the likes of Bannister, who`d no more think on all this than would Russell Howard-Brand.
On went the show-to the end of the pier and then over it, as per.
God Bless you Charles Townes…now if only you`d discriminated against Mick Jagger by way of door entry policy as did Steve Strange, you`d have been a REAL legend!
Well according to the BBC interns-Saviles lappers-you would!
Maybe one day, the oafs in charge of BBC Science will have to rewrite their slavering tributes to the Green Global Spuds in the “environmental, scientific and macademic/media” worlds of effluence-as confluence!…get those airbrushes ready-and thank Charles for the inkjets!
Lest we think that all Muslims are cowed and dare not stand up to IS-and where it really IS a matter of life and eath-here comes this clip from the Daily Mail.
A true “Charlie”…her God is with her, and her Koranic quotes will put the Islam quislings like Karen Armstrong and Medhi Hasan to shame.
BBC has run a pneumatic perv weatherman story on loop today,
… the latest on Rotherham?
… the reported 1000,000 victims of Islamic child rape gangs?
… the epidemic of in Islamic child gang rape in towns and cities all over the UK?
The BBC Dresden “Apology” Drive has been ramping up all day.
The Archbishop Cant was there, and had attended meetings on the rise of Anti-Semitism in Europe.
The shameless BBC 5Live news drone quickly twisted the story around to include Islamofauxbia, by continually “namedropping” it into the report.
Who is responsible for this “Rise”? … BBC?
utterly shameless.
So one in five Muslims have a job in Bradford, whilst overall it’s a little under one in three Nationally….What a great source of hard working multiculturalism Muslims bring us, up and down this land..
“London jihadi in Syria ‘in possible link to footage of Jordanian pilot burned alive in a cage’, claims Portuguese terror unit.
“Nero Saraiva is believed to have become one of ISIS’s most senior fighters.
“28-year-old is thought to have worked with British murderer Jihadi John.
“There’s a possible link between Jihadi John videos and the footage of pilot.
“Saraiva converted to Islam, adopted extremist views and joined ISIS.”
A simple story of a town with soaring wages and shrinking unemployment hidden away in the Business section! Certainly not front page for the beeboids! Time for further education of Ian Pollock, Business Reporter.
It has to be the softest political interview of all time! Tanya Arnold interviewed Ed Milliband. Unbelievable. School chums! Fawning!You have to see it. Maybe it will be on iPlayer. Then it was followed it by a short piece apropos nothing that waffled about children who are cold because their parents can’t afford the fuel. Obviously meant to ram home the Labour good, Tories bad message. And no mention that one reason people are in fuel poverty is because of the money they have to pay to rich landowners for having windmills on their land.
Tanya needs to stick to the rugby league where her ‘matey’ style works quite well. If you need a few easy balls throwing, Tanya is the girl. Bless her.
It was almost impossible to avoid the bBBC’s revisionist view of Dresden bombing today. Peter Allen on bBBC 5-Dead, then TWAT-O on Radio 4, then bBBC TV News 24 … they were all trying to find British bomber pilots who would apologise for their atrocities, and leftie historians telling us how dreadful our leaders were for standing up for our country.
The lefties cannot comprehend that it was a war, and that nearly everyone thought it was important to avoid Great Britain being taken over by foreigners. Churchill must be turning in his grave at the way that Labour has given away our country, no questions asked.
All day long the hang wringing has gone on, the Dresden dead are obviously a higher class of dead. Probably because we killed them ( with the help of the yanks), other dead are nor so remembered, viz the dead of the Warsaw uprising, which killed around 16000 Polish Free Army and around 200, 000. Civilians, all whilst the Red Army put their feet up across the river and just watched the Germans do something which saved them the need to kill the poor Poles themselves.
But if we still need to forget the Poles and remember the dead Germans perhaps instead of the ones we bombed we ought to remember the German civillians killed in Czechoslovakia by the nice kind Czechs after their masters lost. Numbers are hard to pin down but somewhere between 15000 and 30000 were murdered because they were on the losing side and the locals wanted some revenge. In the months and years after the war many, many Germans died, 12 million were kicked out of where they lived and between 500,000 and 2 million died. Strangely these German dead are never remembered or talked about by the lefties and the beeboids, they were not the ‘useful’ dead like those who died in Dresden.
Ofsted said the school practised “unequal treatment of girls and boys” and teaching quality was “inadequate”.
older girls do not have the same opportunities to study science as “they do not have the same access to laboratory facilities that the boys have,” while a newly introduced design and technology curriculum “limits girls to knitting and sewing”.
Now imagine if this had been a Church of England School which had been doing this. The cries of the Fascists would be ringing out in every BBC program, and the Guardian would be having a meltdown !
The missing word in the article would be ‘Sexism’, but the only word to be found is ‘inadequate’. Were the school Christian there would be Labour MPs wheeled out to express their shock & disgust.
It’s happened in Tommy Robinsons town, and given the furore of the EDL it might have been expected the BBC might have had something to say, but no, they just stick to reporting the basic minimum facts.
Heard two minutes of Alec Salmond and Hari Harman on Any Point( R4) a few minutes ago…then smiled as I reread this great article,
Why listen to their likes-this bloke says its all.
Strange that the Americans who took part equally with the RAF receive no criticism at home.
It’s the British Left bashing British history as ever.
Stalin called for the attack to assist his advance into Europe.
Post war it was Stalin who grossly inflated the casualties to hundreds of thousands rather than the actual 25,000 for propaganda purposes.
They had a young German historian in Dresden on the TV News this morning. My initial reaction was “Ahh, here we go” but he actually turned out to be quite reasonable. Can’t remember what he said word for word but the gist was that it was war, that’s what happens.
You know, the BBC are now getting very predictable in their news reporting and programme promotion. My dear lady has been complaining that next week it will be *Cannabis Week* on her favourite Radio 4 station. (I listened to it for one day and felt suicidal by 20.30, but that is another story). Anyway, I pointed out to her that wasn’t it Russell Brand the BBC were over egging their pudding with a few weeks ago? And didn’t I say to her why? She had no answer, but I informed her that something is up and we will soon know about it. The BBC are good at this sort of thing. So next week, we have a whole week about cannabis. I pointed out the connection, where she simply shook her head and said “unbelievable”. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/russell-brand-delivers-emotional-plea-to-the-un-drugs-ban-leads-to-death-suffering-and-crime-9204482.html
How Did I Get Here? on Radio 4 today, billed as a comedy about dementure. What they don’t tell you is that the family’s daughter has found herself an immigrant boyfriend who is about to be deported. Naturally.
Equally naturally this crop-picker, who lives in a caravan, just happens to have a very specialist PhD qualification that is just the skill that is needed by the husband’s employer!
Behind every Roma ‘Big Issue’ seller is a brain surgeon just waiting to burst out!
For some reason this blog has not mentioned a major BBC PR disaster a couple of days ago, when a guest on a TV programme made remarks so offensive that his name was trending on Twitter for several hours afterwards.
This person suggested that mental disability was a lifestyle choice rather than a genuine affliction, prompting tweets like these:
Jesus Christ, David Vance is a wanker
David Vance is a disgrace! Disgusting man. Mental health disability again not properly recognised!
I simply can’t believe the #BBC gives David Vance a platform. His ignorance is gobsmacking
David Vance’s approach to mental health, as shown on @StephenNolan show epitomises just how out of touch he is
David Vance, I hope you step on Lego barefoot and get your car keyed.
I hope David Vance steps on a plug every day for the rest of his life. #nolan
If you search ‘David Vance’ on Twitter you’ll get some sense of just how badly his comments went down. The VAST majority of twitter users who saw that programme hold him in contempt. The sad thing is that this blog is basically right about the BBC. Unfortunately the man who runs it is a pathetic, petty little pipsqueak. If he loathes the BBC so much why does he keep taking their money? All of Belfast knows he’s a hypocrite and it’s no accident that his occasional ventures into electoral politics have resulted in humiliation for him.
On a day when David Vance’s name trended nationally on Twitter, there were a grand total of four tweets in favour of him. I think that counts as a vast majority, don’t you?
Try putting the words ‘David Vance’ into the Twitter search box and see how many positive tweets you find. Overwhelming disgust at his abhorrent comments is what you’ll actually see.
ALL of Belfast? Well, OK, maybe a little exaggeration. But last time there was a popularity contest, 95% of the local electorate chose not to vote for him. And that’s in East Belfast. If you take the rest of the city into account it’s well over 98% of us who’d be very happy if he didn’t bother to come back from Belgium.
Vance is desperate to be Ulster’s Katie Hopkins. Except he bottles out more than Hopkins as he is so desperate to get on the BBC. Hopkins realised that the more xtreme she is the more she is noticed. Vance is a worn out joker that Nolan uses to keep his listener awake.
Vance will have had the old todger out if he was trending. Success and recognition at last. Why on earth would anyone knowingly want to be so ostracised?
Vance is a considered a clown in Ulster. Had he not compromised himself so completely on his blogs, he could have been in UKIP. They will not touch him with a bargepole and his chance has gone./
One would pray for his soul. He is at the age when men’s health can suddenly decline. What’s he going to do in a NHS hospital when a muslim doctor attends him.
Die? Or repent? One hopes the latter for to go into old age with so much hatred towards your fellow man cannot be good for you.
The problem comes when we see people like ‘White Dee’ and her mates claiming she has a mental health problem like depression and agoraphobia, and then when the opportunity comes up she’s out in Spain partying like there’s no tomorrow.
That is what I would regard as mental health as a lifestyle choice, but I didn’t hear the comments so it’s difficult to respond.
The problem is that the number of mental health conditions are enormous and it really would be impossible to paint everyone with a broad brush. Even if a paranoid Schizophrenic with anger issues could work would you want to be a work colleague of theirs?
Or someone with memory issues who can’t remember what you just told them?
I could go on & on about the conditions. Some can work some can’t, some might be able to work, but there’s no way an employer would give them that chance. Since Remploy closed there are even fewer opportunities available.
As I said I didn’t hear the comments so I’m making something of a stab in the dark.
Are you seriously suggesting that anyone with even half a brain gives damn what a pack of social inadequates on ‘Twitter’ think about anything?
Funny, you never seem to pipe up when ‘DB’, ‘Guest Who’ or any other of Biased BBC’s resident whingers start complaining about the content of tweets that go against the prevailing bigotries of the majority of this site’s commenters.
Why do you not object to those social inadequates? Or are DB’s and Guest Who’s social inadequacies excusable because they reinforce your prejudices?
In so far, of course, that they are capable of thoght at all.
I genuinely cannot understand why any half way normal human being would use Twitter. It is the epitome of mindlessness. The 21st century’s tribute to the inane.
It has added precisely nothing to the sum of human happiness.
How typical of leftie agitators to deliberately twist the meaning of someone’s words in order to make a political point. This isn’t about the message, it’s about demonising opponents – pure Alinskyite tactics. They think by organising a Twitter storm they will gag the person whose views they hate. I know exactly what David Vance meant by “lifestyle choice”. I know someone who claims a fistful of benefits because of “Depression” – unable to work, can’t leave the house, unable to use public transport. Oh yes, it’s all worked out – yet this person often travels by bus to the next town to go shopping , takes six week caravan holidays in
Skegness, travelling by coach and train and has even admitted to both me and my wife that she plays the system. I’ve come across people like this all my working life. So yes, D.V. is correct in his assertions.
Guessing that this is one of those, inevitably OT, instances when simply seeking to engage in civilised, intelligent discourse has again deserted you, and sniggering kindergarten playground wingman, with yet another irrelevant ‘But, but… why aren’t you… with them?’ actual whinge.
BBC staff tweet stupid things, Scott. This is a forum about the BBC. DB and me and others often find and share them, in their own words. Damning as they can be. Deal with it. If a Stuart Hughes or Jasmine let the side down, your issue should be with them.
Your personal obsessions and prejudices are made clear by the company you keep and how you try and impress them.
That does not serve the BBC well by the association. So keep up the good work.
I’m not here to defend other commenters (or the site owner, Albaman, you dimwit). I am here to express my opinion: which is that Twitter is a vapid world inhabited by the feeble minded chirruping nonsenese at one another.
Slightly intrigued as how you know that. I am sure some or indeed many do, but have you been out with your notebook elsewhere again?
And shoehorning the kindergarden ‘does that mean?’ generic conflation snipes out rather suggest you are having another off topic day.
As a BBC shill, what do you think of so many BBC staff forever finding themselves in the spotlight and often deleting tweets, despite ‘please do not be stupid’ emails from management paid a fortune to be ignored, and BBC-supplied ‘views my own’ disclaimers to excuse commentary that would get staff at a less uniquely unaccountable entity fired?
Oh my God, you mean a (usually) left wing BBC audience took offence at somebody giving the non PC view of our society. 🙄
Here’s what David wrote about what had been said on this programme about welfare reform for all to see just what his ‘crime’ was: Yesterday, Stormont voted to bring in a form of Welfare Reform. And then a £500+ slush fund that can be used to ensure that “no one is worse off under Welfare Reform”. Now unless you create an incentive for some to work, they won’t. And that is why our pathetic smoke and mirrors approach to transforming welfare won’t work and will sustain that section of welfare parasites that feed off it here.
In tha audience, there were a few people who said they had “mental disabilities” which meant they could not work. I pointed out that was their choice. Cue mob hysteria. I was told that all those who do not work here are on sickness or have mental issues. This was the received wisdom of the baying crowd. My response – rubbish! My own brother has mental disability and has worked ALL his life. I suggest that we have a professional class of scroungers here who whilst unable to take a job can wobble their way into TV studios and boast of their awful yet unspecified illness. Welfare Reform in the UK involves an ASSESSMENT of people like this. Here in N.Ireland, there is no assessment. If you get a line from your GP, you are minted.
My lasting impression of the audience were that it contained a large number of youngish people who all DEMAND that they have a RIGHT to receive more monies in welfare than many people EARN by going out to work. Sorry, but I don’t agree and I hold that view in contempt. It insults hard working people, it encourages entitlement culture and it is WRONG. The mob can howl all they want, and jeer until they are blue in the face (possibly another raison d’être to get a different line from the doctor) but reform is fair, economically and morally.
Makes sense to me. Listening here to some callers phoning in after the show even had Nolan defending David’s comments.
You mean, Vance has drawn a conclusion about all recipients of welfare, as if they’re a homogenous group who all think and act alike, based on flimsy-to-no evidence?
What a shocker! Nearly as surprising as the brown-nosed Teddy Bear falling for his “argument” in defence of his actions hook, line and sinker.
Still, Vance will still receive his appearance fees for as long as he continues to act like an ignorant shit-stirrer for any show willing to hire this particular professional troll. So I guess his lack of common sense, decency or political ability will remain lucrative.
These’ll be all the “so many different IDs” that I’m accused of having by the same people who accuse me/they of working for the BBC, won’t they.
Unlike, say, the pathetic individual or individuals who have attempted to pose as me, or as other people who disagree with Vance et al. Which gets overlooked by Biased BBC’s self-appointed moral guardians, for some reason…
“You mean, Vance has drawn a conclusion about all recipients of welfare, as if they’re a homogenous group who all think and act alike, based on flimsy-to-no evidence?”
Bit rich coming from you, Scott.
You love nothing more than collectively grouping those who criticise Muslims as ‘right-wing nutjobs’ & ‘racist loons’.
Your comments on this site are laughable, and when they day of reckoning comes, i’d take great delight in seeing yourself strung up by the very group of people you defend.
You love nothing more than collectively grouping those who criticise Muslims as ‘right-wing nutjobs’ & ‘racist loons’.
You don’t think there’s a difference between characterising people on welfare because of your own prejudice, and referring to the prevalent Biased BBC groupthink based on the evidence of what Biased BBC commenters actually write for other people to read?
when the day of reckoning comes
Is that the day when Biased BBC commenters are proved right about everything? When they take responsibility for their own actions? When they realise that behaving like adolescent little schoolboys is perhaps one reason why nobody takes them seriously?
Remind me to pack my ice skates for the journey to hell…
I come from Northern Ireland chum. North Belfast as a matter of fact. I lived through the troubles, and was subjected to republican propaganda through their news reports through all of that time.
The bbc do have an agenda. I have talked to a lot of people over the years where i come from, and they agree with me. so maybe you share that agenda with the bbc, but a lot of people don’t.
By the way. Nolans show on city beat radio years ago used to be great, fair and balanced and hard hitting. A breath of fresh air, until the bbc poached him and turned him into a typical politically correct left thinking beeboid. Just like ‘Game show’ Campbell.I
I am also from Belfast, and I would dispute everything you say!
Republicans and loyalists would tend to think the media was against them, but otherwise none of what you say is my experience. Given that the BBC is a British broadcaster, operating out of NI during the troubles and trying to serve both communities in covering a controversial issue which the population was killing each other over….the BBC was remarkably uncontroversial here.
Well thats bollox Bbc belfast man. Bbc northern Ireland news got the nickname’ Sinn Fein Tv’ from a lot of people in my community. If i had a penny for every time the start of a sentence was ‘ Sinn Fein Says’ or said for years, then i would be able to buy a nice big fancy house where all the rich beeboids live, like upper malone rd, or cultra. I could get an expensive taxi back and forth to work each day, all paid for by us of course, even though i have 2 big brand new cars sitting in the drive way. Shall i go on?
The truth is that not many people watch bbc news ni, and have not done so for a long time. Most people i know watch utv news instead. Its a wee bit more fair and balanced.
Now, if you take a look at the ratings between the two. Utv trounces bbc ni news by getting double the amount of viewers on a consistent basis. If bbc ni were a private company they would’ve been bust a long time ago.
I guess it wasn’t mentioned as it shows no BBC bias, even if it happened as you described. Just a wild crazy guess that something showing no BBC bias would’t be mentioned on biasedbbc.tv .
Cameron suggests that Obesity Alcohol, and drug addiction are lifestyle choices made by people to live a life on benefits, and refusing treatment to get better.
So he is now commissioning a feasibility study into removing the benefits of those who refuse treatment.
Cue the outrage from those people who were outraged about mental health?
She’s a Tory so I suppose in some ways them attacking her was inevitable.
Perhaps they’ll be a lot happier if the Labour lot appoint Clair Short as head of the Trust.
The BBC just had to slip the ‘ethnically diverse’ bollocks into this artcle about boozing. In my opinion, I think the BBC want to credit this fall in getting pissed to the new enforced multicultural utopia…
I wonder if Mr Easton includes all those immigrants who have no problem drinking alcohol with the young girls they are intending to rape. Usually men called Mohammed for some strange reason.
Same here, “Hate” “Islamophobiabollocks” “Bigot”….sick of it….since when was it bigoted to want your own country to remain in the hands of your fellow countrymen, and not a set of progressive arsewipes & foreign invaders?
If what is happening in Europe, and England in particular, was happening in the middle east or Africa with the displacement & replacement of the indigenous hosts, there would be an international outcry….here…they call it multiculturalism & diversity…it stinks.
Easton has just been on the ten o clock news wetting his pants with excitement over it and how, in his view, the reduction in binge drinking is significantly down to diversity, particularly in London.
On a more serious note he’s managed to go 20 years without paying a penny in UK tax so he certainly deserves prosecution which for some reason didn’t happen.
“HSBC files: Rona Fairhead declines to answer queries about activities at Swiss bank.
“Chair of BBC Trust has been a director of HSBC since 2004 and headed
its audit and risk committee from May 2007, covering some of the period detailed in files.”
“New BBC chief being sued over allegations HSBC laundered terrorists and drug cartels’ money during her time as chairman of bank’s ‘risk committee.’
“Rona Fairhead is set to become the first woman to lead the corporation.
“Hours after MPs approved her appointment, details of the lawsuit emerged.
“The 53-year-old chaired ‘risk committee’ when bank was fined £1.2billion.
“It was a settlement over allegations they breached international sanctions.”
Canada Sun TV News going off air
Across the pond … sad … “news” indeed
Thankfully? … we have the “ministry of truth” media here
BBC and Ch4 .
… as a follow up
“This is the last video, as today Sun TV is no more. The enemies of the freedom of speech and foes of those who tell the truth about the jihad threat are celebrating today, but Kathy Shaidle explains that the fix was in:
“Canadian liberals are gloating this morning (actually, that’s an understatement) as word spreads that Sun News Network — dubbed “Fox News North” by those same detractors — has shut down.
I’ve posted numerous Sun News clips here at PJMedia over the years, particularly segments starring Ezra Levant and Brian Lilley.
They and their colleagues at Sun broke major stories, covered issues the country’s lockstep liberal media either wouldn’t touch or misreported, and interviewed guests you didn’t see anywhere else.
The problem was, cable providers weren’t required to carry Sun News like they are more established, mainstream news channels. Sun pleaded with the bureaucrats in charge for “must carry” status, and lost. After that, its shutdown was only a matter of time”
Google this if you can.www.thisismoney.co.uk/../dozens of bbc star presenters dodging full tax bills with legal loophole.
It will make your eyebrows raise. I think Stephen Nolan gets a mention as well, according to this paper.
The Charlie and Nana show is in full swing we’ve had nutty Roger on to tell us climate change is the most serious threat to all of us and dim Dave, Ed eyeballs and Nick no votes hope to close down all of our power generation in the next 5 years . Then we are onto the rubbish in our seas and apparently if I put my fag out on the pavement that is littering our beaches as it then walks to a river and travels to the seaside
It is interesting is it not, to watch how the BBC fawn themselves over the African Nations Cup (football) with much coverage throughout their media arms. The BBC have driven the multiculti meme in football for many years and if there is a sniff in the air of anything to do with any perceived “racism” they are there and all over it like a rash. Then why aren’t the BBC all over the coverage of the nations Cup telling the World just how racist this competition is, where upon its review of the football matches, not a white face was to be seen. I sincerely trust the BBC will abandon the coverage of this “racist” tournament next year and until Africa adopts multiculturalism in its sporting ethics. The BBC, supporting racists?
BBC Breakfast after nine this morning is particularly miserablist.
Into the slough of despond Charlie and Naga pour issue after iss-hue after ish-ooo – all mopped up with a tish-ooo.
Every campaign group, pressure group and health charity imaginable – and some new ones way beyond imagination.
Global Warming, Wimmin, 5-minute-hate for Putin, NHS with nobs on, ‘Cameron once said so-and-so – so there!’ and let’s not forget : ‘Tory plans = electioneering’
Apparently all three major parties are on board with the climate scam – they’ll support it come hell or high water (or new ice age) – no more burning coal, but it’s OK to import wood chips from the States and elsewhere, which is all still really carbon, at great expense (both to existing trees, and the economy), and stick windmills up everywhere.
BBC-lite Channel Four is doing a programme called Ukip-the-first-100-days. I can’t wait for the hatchet job they do on Nigel, trying to scare the gullible, They must really be desperate.
Meanwhile at the BBC proper Radio 4 The Moral Maze how difficult it is to be a Muslim in Britain today. Scene set with the introduction that its difficult because of islamaphobia etc etc and that was just an advert for the real programme so the outcome has been decided.
I have a different proposal to make. How great it is to be a Muslim in Britain today – Don’t have to obey our laws, rape and traffic schoolgirls without fear of prosecution and in fact get police protection whilst doing it.
Threat death without dear prosecution. Don’t like Pork? No problem we will ban it from school menus.
Worried you might eat non-Halal? No need, we will make sure everyone eats Halal by not offering an alternative.
Want 5 wives but under Islamic law can’t afford to treat them equally? It’s all taken care of, the British Tax Payer will fund them all so you don’t have to.
Want to leave and fight against your country of birth/residence? Carry on, there are Human Rights Lawyers funded by your enemy who have a ready made list of excuses that won’t be challenged, hell the tax pay might even pay you compensation if you get caught by their forces.
Yes it’s really bad to be a Muslim in Britain today.
It’s so bad to be a Muslim in the UK that the number of British muslims is plummeting as they clamour to leave and live in majority Muslim countries where they are safer, wealthier and free to practice their religion openly. Unlike racist Britain where many Muslims have been murdered for their religion.
“Islam was not a torch, as has been claimed, but an extinguisher. Conceived in a barbarous brain for the use of barbarous people, it was -and it remains- incapable of adapting itself to civilization.
Wherever it has dominated, it has broken the impulse towards progress and checked the evolution of society.” Andre Servier 1922.
There’s not much one can add to that really.
I don’t hold a torch for UKIP but I’ll admit to been flabbergasted at this programme’s gall, and before an election too! Even my Mrs, who pretty much despises UKIP was shocked by this. Are we going to get the same treatment meted out to other parties, like the Greens for example? I hope so otherwise C4 have some explaining to do.
Of course it’s a stitch up, but it’s representative of how clueless and desperate the liblabcon/msm elite are in the face of the populist support U KIP obtains.
I hope this exercise in defamation blows up in their sanctimonious patronising faces tomorrow ,when people make their feelings known .
It almost doesn’t matter whether you’re a U KIP supporter or not-they should not be allowed to get away with this kind of undermining of democracy.
Didn’t need to wait for the backlash tomorrow-B reitbart is reporting the ‘film-maker’ ,one Chris Atkins, is appearing before a court on charges related to a 5-year scam to cheat the taxman.
Talk about ‘shoot yourself in the foot’!
Channel 4 advertisers had better watch out to see that they don’t become associated with the ‘wrong’ sort.
I don’t listen to the Radio 4 Today programme much as it is now campaigning for a Labour election victory. Caught a bit this morning and the bias is so blatant.
Discussing political soundbites they had former assistants to Paddy Ashdown and Tony Blair, so that’s diversity right there representing the full range of BBC approved political opinion from A to B.
You’ll never guess which current politicians were described by one guest as ‘clown politicians’, a statement unquestioned by the other guest, and unchallenged by the interviewer.
Yes, Ukip’s Nigel Farage, along with the Tory Boris Johnson and the erratic George Galloway.
Bias, what bias?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Just to keep the pot stirring, Today brought on Keir Starmer (a Labour drone, a Labour candidate in the upcoming elections and, BTW, a former Director of Public Prosecutions at the time HMRC were made aware of possible tax evasion enabling at HSBC) and Patrick Stevens, tax policy director at the Chartered Institute of Taxation.
Why bring on a politician who has an agenda the size of Diane Abbott’s backside to “discuss” tax avoidance/evasion? It is typical of the BBC to stage a meeting between a Labour gobshite and an apolitical technical expert who cannot be expected to match the political grandstanding of a professional politician. Also the BBC fails to tell us that the “whistle-blower” hero – Falciani – is a crook who, before he fled to France and gave the relevant info to the French authorities was unsuccessfully hawking the info around Beirut. IMHO the most fruitful debate would be between the commentator and blogger Tim Worstall and serial moron and BBC favourite Richard Murphy of the Tax “Justice” Network. That way you’d at least get a clash of informed knowledge (Worstall) and palpable ignorance and incipient fascism (Murphy).
Furthermore, in its efforts to get Labour elected, the BBC is failing to inform its listeners/viewers or downplays relevant facts concerning Labour hypocrisy. For instance why isn’t more – or anything – made of Ed’s own tax avoidance (of IHT) involving the variation of his father’s will? I note that Labour is spinning this one as something purely concerning Ed’s mum. Unfortunately for Ed the law requires that potential beneficiaries of a deed of variation (in this case the brothers Miliband) have to sign on the dotted line to agree to the variation. It’s not something that Ma Miliband could do alone. Does the BBC tell us this on air – or anywhere? At least the Fink admits that “everybody” including him avoids tax when possible. But don’t expect the BBC to let this one go. After all, for the time being, it’s probably paying Labour (tax exempt) dividends in the polls.
I heard that interview. As a matter of interest, is it acceptable to those of you south of the border that such a major figure as the DPP can go on to stand as the candidate of a political party so soon after leaving that position? It seems to pass without question at the BBC but I’d have thought that the DPP must be seen to be, and to have been, impartial.
Mr Starmer was allowed to waffle about Ed’s “tax avoidance” by saying “he’d paid the tax due” (or words to that effect) and that’s as far as it went. Yes, well, the whole point of tax avoidance is that you pay the tax due, but arrange your affairs so that the tax due is less than it might otherwise have been. I don’t have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with hypocrisy and I also have a problem with the BBC, in cahoots with Labour, attempting to muddy the waters between tax avoidance and evasion.
Earlier on, we had the BBC’s business editor Kamel Ahmed telling us he’d shown the email to Mr Falciani and that he considered Mr F to be credible. It was then flung into the mix that this wasn’t proof that anyone at HMRC had read it. I deal regularly with HMRC and would agree that there can indeed be emails to nowhere with HMRC, but surely someone in Mr Ahmed’s position knows which are the addresses to contact HMRC and which aren’t? Or can use the not insubstantial facilities of the BBC to find out. So why hadn’t someone done just that before flinging out this uncertainty?
This article displays the email sent to HMRC.
Frankly, it looks to me like one of the 100+ spam emails I clear from my mail client every morning. That’s not to say it wasn’t sent – and received. However, HMRC probably receives (and consigns to oblivion) thousands of such ill-written emails every year. Moreover that HMRC email address (which is no longer operational) was for general enquiries: it wasn’t the whistle blower address (if there was one at the time). AFAIAA HMRC prefers whistleblowers to use the telephone or write at first instance and not to email. Accordingly, HMRC provides 0800 numbers and the appropriate postal address. The same page points out that you can whistlebow online.
Tangentially some of the eminent names on the HSBC client list released by the (left-leaning) International Consortium of Investigative Journalists are shown here. As you will notice and as one of the US commenters writes ‘[it’s] very curious that they “neglected” to include any high-ranking liberals on their list.‘
Thanks. It’s certainly an HMRC address, but whether it’s one that was in use in 2008, I couldn’t say. I can’t believe the BBC wasn’t able to ask, though.
If I’d been working at HMRC and received that, I have to say I’d have put it down to another nutter and ignored it.
And, of course, when Miliband and Benn got mentioned , Webb was quick to tell us all that “it was not about Miliband”.
Wouldn`t be-not when there`s a need to whitewash the Leftie hypocrites , what with an election coming up.
The BBC now smells like Saviles shellsuit.
Was it a hate crime? was it Islamophobia? drools the BBC.
Well, not quite –
Law of averages, probably.
An interesting line of thought is developing among the dhimmis of the UAF and Kenneth Loach’s roaches. Last night’s banners read ‘Muslims lives matter’, a slogan copied from ‘Black lives matter’. But some of the faithful are saying ‘All lives matter’. Boo. That is racist.
‘As one UAFer says:
‘Stating – forcefully and often – that Muslim lives matter is a shout in the face of western supremacy and a declaration of resistance. Shouting back that all lives matter is a gutless, racist reaction.’
No point is replying that Islam is not a race. Meanwhile coptic Christians are about to be slaughtered in Libya, whatever colour their skin happens to be.
Latest on the UK epidemic of orchestrated Islamic child rape gangs
on BBC?, don t be silly … Rotherham?
Rother? … where?, where s that?
I wish when Cameron visits other countries to advance his support for human rights that someone out there will call him out for doing sod all against these Labour officials and Moslems. I wish that the army is put in to replace the police forces in these towns, and that refugee status if given to some of the victims.
Sky’s Egyptian-born Middle East correspondent, Sherine Tadros, is beside herself today telling of the release of journalists pending a re-trial. She clearly believes it is a 100% good thing. Remarkable contrast with the treatment of Ched Evans where the media mantra was ‘Well, he was convicted, WELL HE WAS CONVICTED…’
Seems convictions are absolute when you’re not ‘one of us’ but need to be queried if the criminal is a progressive.
I didnt realise Ched Evans was a progressive. What has he done to warrant that title?
In respect of the Journalists you clearly dont believe in free speech despite exercising it on this site. Why is that ?
I suggest you read ~I can see clearly now ~post’s closely. Nothing written can lead one to draw your conclusions.
Pleas explain if you can.
Dave s nay bother the utter creep Morontrappedonaonibus is a fully signed up apologist he will forgive any crime no matter how disgusting ! well until the victim suits his masters cause !
That’s as may be Nick, but Red Ed’s media allies at the BBC are completely ignoring his crass comparison between a millionaire who avoids taxes by giving money to charity and a murdered teenager.
I can’t find the story anywhere on the BBC news website, although no doubt someone will pop up to show that it’s buried away in some dark recess…
‘like when that story broke’
Ernie Wise in da house?
Also, it was said; it got reported. And a few more than ‘media foes’ were unimpressed at the simple facts, Nick. So like when weaponising the NHS was wot you wrote, no need to atone if what happened doesn’t play as meant and a bunch of Labour activists start howling.
‘Mr Robinson subsequently used his Twitter account to…’, best I can judge, keep on digging with semantic explanations.
Not sure why, as he appears to have reported faithfully.
Still, the sophisticated political strategising by major party and national broadcast senior personnel really puts the discussions of ill-informed mere mortals on forums to shame, that is for sure
This… is to treasure for any who savour truthiness-flavoured benedictions… ‘Mr Robinson’s original blog gives the “correct flavour of the conversation”.
Stick to your wea… guns, Nick!
Muslim pupils ‘double since 2001′
which includes the usual “slanting” of the story to suit
‘Myths about Muslims’ (what myths? … it doesn t say)
“Dr Ali said there were many positives from the report “but also many challenges”. (what challenges? … it doesn t say)
“Omar Khan, from the race equality think tank the Runnymede foundation, said the report made it clear Muslims do not have a problem with “British values” or identifying with Britain.
and hilariously “Analysis” from ,
the BBC Asian Network … with “Dr Sundas Ali, analyst for the Muslim Council of Britain report, said it was a “frank snapshot” of Muslim life.”
“frank snapshot”? eh! … hmmm well here are the bullet points
the Al BBC doesn’t want to analyse
Is James Kirkup of the Telegraph having a laugh here?
‘Really, turn more Muslims into fully paid-up members of the Waitrose-shopping, Audi-driving, Boden-wearing middle-classes and their values will take care of themselves’
Where once it amazed me that liberal-minded social commentators missed elephants in the room – I now see it as wilful avoidance – or to borrow terminology – evasion.
The problem is mass-immigration still running at a scale outstripping the rate at which we can afford to keep up our basic public services.
Does he really expect Britain to hand out Audis, professional incomes, semi-detacheds in the Home Counties and Waitrose clubcards to all comers on arrival at Dover?
Real world James…. think about the real world! Too much to expect of a liberal?
What is is with these people and Waitrose? Does Kirkup believe the notion of a distinct people called the English is really just about shopping?
Probably he does lacking any real attachment to the land and the history of it.
I often shop in Waitrose. Cheap stuff if you time it right for the bargains. Much better quailty and a lot cheaper than Tesco
One of the managers asked me if I had a Waitrose card the other day and I told him I had been rejected as unsuitable- not the right type for Waitrose. Sadly he took me seriously and became very concerned. I then asked him if I could stay or should I leave. His face was a picture .
Alan Coren was once asked, ‘Which is your favourite supermarket?’
He replied in an instant. ‘Sainsbury’s. It keeps the riff-raff out of Waitrose.’
Suspect a few in Establishment top slots may be reaching for the PR dept’s direct dial for a ‘not representative’ campaign if that poll result so far is a guide.
What connection to Runnymede do these very recent immigrants have, I wonder? Certainly don’t want to respect the Magna Carta as the basis of Law in Britain! I think this organisation needs to change its name
Another day, another ‘unhelpful’ story buried by the BBC. This time it’s news that the Labour supporting Mirror was also up to its neck in hacking.
While any Murdoch rag implicated in the scandal was subjected to the howling abuse of the luvvy slime at Hacked Off and hauled up for the full treatment by the BBC at its hypocritical worst, the Mirror admission is a mere footnote among today’s salvo of ‘vote Labour’ stories.
What’s the source?
BBC News website; Business section.
Pretty obscure. Was I living in a parallel universe, or did the BBC lead the TV News with sensationalised stories about Murdoch newspapers for months?
Every news outlet led on the Murdoch story as it was it was a televised inquiry or have you forgotten as well?
And overlooked the exoneration of The Guardian of corrupt payments to public officials, because, umm, because, err… they were on the right side (which is the left side)
No idea why the Left had it in for Murdoch. His Sky News arm is utterly useless and indistinguishable from the BBC and ITV, spineless fellow-travelling journos.
It was the same time as Murdoch was trying to buy, lock stock the whole of Sky though wasn’t it?…the left were shit scarred that he was gonna bring Fox News to the massed proles of the UK.
Week’s end other news, bumper edition:
’a very naive piece of spending by TV Licensing – especially as we head to Charter Renewal’
Naive… or… vital? Critical Press Release follows.
Maybe TVL can deduct the cost from folks’ accounts direct, once they get access to personal bank pins by law?
’In a now-familiar piece of sophistry..”
How’s that rep for trust and transparency doin’?
’They noted that there seemed no evidence of any impact of the Referendum on usage of the BBC…
So there, Sturgeon.’
That’ll go down a treat North of the border. Some here may be conflicted, which makes me sad:(
Two reports on Islamofascism in LIBYA-
‘Pamela Geller’-
“The Islamic State Kidnaps 12 Christians in Libya”
“Egypt ready for Libya evacuations as IS hostage photos emerge”
Update for INBBC:-
“Libya: Islamic State of Tripoli murders 21 ‘humiliated followers of the Coptic church’
Friday 13th just after 7.30 am on the Today Programme a piece about how Polish immigrants can make a difference to the GE election in Southampton. Apparently the Labour incumbent has only a majority of 200. A young Polish woman was interviewed explaining her future was here in the UK and she is a Labour voter and she is encouraging all her Polish friends to register and vote. This was followed by a Polish radio presenter on community radio who has been broadcasting for the last 20 years and surprise surprise, he too is a Labour voter and encouraging all his listeners to vote. There may have been two Conservative Polish voters following on but by how the piece was going, I would be surprised. However I was feeling so cross by then, I switched the radio off and got up. Of course if you complain the BBC would explain that you cannot take one piece as evidence of bias and of course there are times when they have on Conservative voters. It is just I cannot remember when.
Maybe there arent any Polish Tory voters
Again, Head > Point > Over
How are Polish citizens allowed to vote in any election except the European? That’s incredible. My father didn’t take British citizenship until 1976 (38 years a resident and a tax-payer all his adult life) and couldn’t even vote in Council elections. That is as it should be.
EU residents are allowed to vote in local elections. but not in General Elections.
And Justin Webb seemed incredulous that the Polish Ambassador was telling him that Poles cover the political spectrum-and(who`d have thunk it?) some are Tories…and some are even UKIP!
Webb either feigned ignorance of these facts-or really doesn`t evel leave the confines of SW1, W1, NW3 or N1.
His continual mining of the Ambassador to tell us all that the Poles were progressive champions of the EU-and that no other opinion could possibly come from his builders/nannies/ houseboy-made for self-immolating radio.
The Left ARE genuinely like Webb! If the Tories and UKIP can`t disembowel these spongiform hypocrites on May 7th, maybe we deserve the cold shaft of Islam.
I recall there were only two types of Poles here – those that suffered more at the hands of the Germans than the Russians, and the other way around. All Poles detested Communism, which ruined their country. The idea they are natural Labour voters is La La land fantasy. Sounds like a couple of greasy-pole climbers ™ have chanced on way of climbing a dodgy ladder as “community organisers” – a successful scam that has many precedents among racial and ethnic minority chancers.
Notice the BBC is making a big deal about tax avoidance. Conflagrating avoidance with evasion. Yet the BBC are totally silent about setting up tax avoidence schemes for their employees.
Across the pond …
sad … “news” indeed
thankfully we have the “ministry of truth” media
BBC and Ch4 etc.
It’s a great pity, they covered stories and interviewed people (fairly) who you’d never (or very rarely) see interviewed on TV over here; people like Mark Steyn, Paul Weston, Peter Brimelow, Geert Wilders and Pamela Geller, also Robert Spencer’s slot Jihad Watch with Michael Coren on The Arena was excellent.
A great loss to freedom of speech.
Agreed-some good friends on this site have been good enough to give us these links-and we can see what a decent broadcaster could do, what reasoned people could yet say about the lunacies we are told are just fine-like Islam, Immigration and the EU.
In other words-everything that the BBC is not.
Thanks for the postings-and let`s hope the seeds are stored for the new flowering of anti-liberal fora.
Sun will be proved to have been instrumental in this.
Morning routine, check what community-cohesion crap the Beeb are throwing at you, then check the world’s remaining free media. Sun Canada, Fox, Breitbart, for a take on what’s really happening.
BBC: pay to be lied to.
Two headlines on aspects of ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’ in Luton-
‘Pamela Geller’-
“UK Islamic school limits girls to ‘knitting and sewing’ ”
– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/02/uk-islamic-school-limits-girls-to-knitting-and-sewing.html/#sthash.OSIZVocO.dpuf
Beeboids report-
“Luton Rabia School ‘undermining British values’ in treatment of girls”
Deborah @ 12.45pm
I heard that biased item. After you turned off, one Polish vox pop said Polish voters were quite varied and some might vote UKIP. The incredulous tone of the interviewer (?Ed Stourton) had to be heard to be believed….”REALLY? Some of them might vote for UKIP?” in tones implying they must have taken leave of their senses.
Not shocked the BBC loves diversity except in thought !
Margaret, there was something very similar on the “Today Programme” on Radio 4 (after the news headlines at ~ 07:30 and for about ten minutes) when Justin Webb interviewed the Polish Ambassador. Webb couldn’t believe it when the Ambassador said there were Poles who supported UKIP! Very revealing about the faux-liberal narrow mindedness of BBC types, who will not face certain truths.
Apologies to Deborah (above) who got there first!
Thanks Margaret, I really had enough of the Today by the time I got up! Friday 13th!
Poles are natural UKIP – they suffered 50 years of Communist garbage, and recognise Tory blue-Labour ruling class for what it is, more of the same. Check Croydon has an excellent articulate Polish would-be MP. That’s Croydon where Labour activists tried to smear UKIP hustings by pretending to be Romanians offended by UKIP policies, only to later admit they weren’t Romanians after all. Undetered their “demo” continued holding up signs “UKIP = racist homophobic scum” .
Not that it stopped the photo-opportunity being flashed around the media by leftist Getty Images Europe. If you say it you might get sued. If you show people holding up signs saying it, well, that’s just news reporting. Hand in hand, picture agencies and news editors with an agenda.
the more I hear about left wing Labour activists and their tactics the more disgusted with them I am. I really shouldn’t be surprised by now but they always seem to come up with some new way to shock me
A solicitor has won £8,000 in a sex discrimination case against her employer, the Northern Ireland Equality Commission.
Elizabeth Kennedy was not allowed to return to her permanent job after she took a five-year career break.
The tribunal found the commission had indirectly broken sex discrimination laws, albeit unintentionally.
It said the commission’s actions were “grossly unfair” and the injury to Ms Kennedy’s feelings “significant”.
You would need to have a heart of stone not to laugh!
Oh to work in one of these publically funded places like the BBC, quangos, local authorities etc. where one can have 5 year career breaks with guaranteed jobs, six months off with “stress” on full pay, gold plated final salary pensions, and – if you are really naughty – be suspended on full pay for years. Now remind me, who is it paying for all this?
I caught a wee clip of Thursday’s left-wing anti-Ukip ‘Question’ Time. That bold f**king ‘comedian’ Armando (comedian these days is another term for Left-wing, Labour-loving, pro-multicultural twat) really got on my t*ts with his pre-conceived agenda of ripping into everything Ukip. No balanced discussion, just the usual audience flooded with lefties.
No surprise there then.
Do what I did:
Stop paying the telly tax by giving up broadcast TV and sign up for Netflix.
It lowers your blood pressure.
Armando Iannucci – one time honourable comic writer, long since sold out to the Left-Wing Blob, way past his write-by date Armando, another shameless political prostitute.
You are lost Armando, and no longer funny. Ever wonder why?
Random drama bits on Radio 4 these last 24 hours.
1. last night (just before 8pm) there was some excuse for a drama telling us all that intersex/boys can be girls at nursery-and only a bigot or prude would dare say other.
The “playwright” gives us “The Message” and -we the people can just swallow same shit and pay for it.
2. Lamapadusa is the new Brussels-the only judge of EU policy.
This was the take today after Desert Island Discs. A Swede in the South of France writes us a letter to tell us this.
3. The Catholics caused the rise of Franco, or certainly could not have been on the cause of right-this despite Orwell telling us what the Left were doing out in Spain during the civil war.
Goes without saying that this slurry of lefty drivel isn`t contained in fiction-the BBC bemoans Dresdens bombing as if Coventry, Plymouth and London somehow didn`t merit this…and Desert Island Discs featured a bloke who went gay and found happiness-but only after he`d learned all that he knew about gardens from a bucket brigade of women.
As if men would know about anything…oh, and some 8.25 sports crap on Radio 4 tried to tell the women that they could get more than Harriets pink minibus for their games if the blokes got less money and less attention.
Poor footy lady was embarrassed-but the bloke who interviewed her said it for her, in case she was too shy or fragrant to speak on her own behalf.
Ceaseless bitching, stirring and advocacy for all who don`t need the BBCs help one jot-but will go on to screw us all over as the BBC does.
Time to sink this lefty deadnought we call the BBC.
Blairs pirate ship under an IS flag since 1979 though to the present.
On point 4 the Marxist in Spain admitted one of the reasons they lost the civil war was their policy of the extermination of the clergy. if they hadn’t murdered over 5000 bishops and priests, it would not have pushed the vast majority of Spaniards into the Nationalist camp.
Let’s put it this way if Labour Party goons in the 1930s went out and murdered 5000 Anglican Bishops and Vicars, what would most Englishmen think of them?
The BBC always takes the side of the Stalanists.
How many did Franco murder?
Up 4000000
Your analogy is utterly contemptable.
And your English is even worse.
Better English that yours as my sentences make grammatical sense you pedant!
‘Better English that yours..’
Given the context, irony (real one).
I was just talking about the clergy you commie rat. Your commie friends murdered far more.
Why don’t you just get back to your stinky kebab shop in Rotherham.
Been on your Mum’s sherry again?
Suggest you check out your facts about Spanish Civil war massacres (on both sides)
God knows how your sad little mine conflates Rotherham, kebabs, communism and Spain. Is it the disappointment of another Valentine’s Night alone?
Sorry mate your 4 million figure turns out to be a lie. And the four hundred thousand figure comes from a recent book written by a Stalinist. And we all know how Stalanists fake history.
So the accepted figure is around fifty thousand. And there is nothing wrong with fighting Stalinists.
Poor old +James.
Having been outed as having no Valentine he confirms it by posting a reply at 8.40 on Valentine’s and then shows that he’s actually a teen boy with repressed homosexual tendencies by posting a gay fantasy using my name at 8.53. Bless. Come out of the closet, you might find the happiness that alludes you in real life.
(I was having a meal at a top London restaurant looking forward to a great evening (and morning!) in the company of a beautiful woman. Something most posters here can only dream about.)
+James, loser of the year!
Wonder who else over uses that word….
Any guesses?
Perhaps, a little four eyed, toad resembling freak who claims not to use multiple logins?
Post some photos of yourself here in speedos.
Weren’t “Scotties” a brand of tissues in the 70’s & 80’s?
Seems, somehow, quite ironic.
Good old Chop. Always so keen to demonstrate that, no matter how hard Biased BBC commenters like to think they’re morally superior, at heart they’re just childish little wannabe bullies. Poor, pathetic souls who delude themselves into thinking that being rude about people will somehow make people think of them as a better person.
I’d suggest he deserves our pity, but really he doesn’t even merit that. I suspect he knows that, too, which is why he behaves as he does. A poor little man, acting out as a means of compensating for his own sense of inadequacy.
Look everyone, Scott is sooooo livid, he has become incoherent.
By the way, I do not believe I mentioned your name Scott….paranoid much?…I could have been referring to any repugnant, toad like looking poster….yet up you pop to attract attention to yourself….
If the BBC thinks women’s football is a viable sporting spectacle why doesn’t it start showing live league matches? I’m sure they’d get the rights for peanuts. Saturday afternoons and every Tuesday/Wednesday; they only show crap in those slots anyway. It would be a delight. Wouldn’t it?
Unless they are worried about the audience figures …
Manchester United don’t have a womens football team…that says all I need to know about womens football.
The women at Manchester United are to busy making tea for the players to play football.
I’m guessing someone else has pointed this out on here but I’ll post anyway..
thankfully someone is making a big deal of this as they should do and it is doubtful the BBC will cover it so it is left to the evil Daily Mail to look into it. The Mail is far from perfect but on this type of thing they are absolute gold and a million miles away from the disgusting bbc
Sources close the the BBC and Guardian suggest they are now jointly working on a perfect arrangement where staff are not responsible for their employer’s affairs, and employers are not responsible for their staff’s views.
A perfect storm of hypocrisy and irresponsibility, then. Quite unique.
The BBC seem obsessed with the Election countdown, I bet they will soon shut up if it is a Tory/UKIP Victory, but if Millipede and his bunch of clowns get in the wall to wall coverage will be endless.
Er UKIP is dying faster than Alan’s erection after a pint. 9%!
The Greens are closing in!
Bbc having a wank fest over the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Dresden, it’s been on the telly with the dummies on the sofa, it’s been on every radio headline today as either first or second story. Now they’ve dragged that gormless second rater Welby on to say his party piece. Endless pushing of the message the bombing was ” controversial” and killed 25000. Well excuse me, war is nasty and kills people where was the day of bed wetting about our bombed cities, London ? Coventry ? Liverpool? Manchester ? Belfast ? Dozens and dozens of smaller towns bombed to shit by the ” friendly” Germans, let alone Rotterdam, Guernica, , Warsaw, Stalingrad and hundreds of others. Where are the Germans coming over here and saying sorry, and how sad etc
Stuff the bloody German dead, they started it, I would rather a few moments spent thinking of the brave young boys and they were mainly very young boys flying and dying over Germany for years fighting for the beebs freedom. 25000 was very small beer, ask the Russians how many civilians they raped and murdered as they crossed into Germany in 1945, strangely we hear nothing of those dead, they made sure the post war DDR concentrated on the ‘crimes’ of the west, the west they demanded do something to help them in the fight. As usual the bbc and all the useful idiots of the left swallowed it after the war and still swallow it 70 years later.
I think Bomber Harris put it best:
“I do not personally regard the whole of the remaining cities of Germany as worth the bones of one British Grenadier.”
As a corollary, can you imagine a British commander using that type of language today? It would never happen; our armed forces are expected to fight, in places like Afghanistan, under such restrictive rules of engagement and with concepts of “battlefield restraint” which hinder their every move even when fighting for their lives.
As Diana West wrote –
“Politically correct Rules of Engagement are strategically unsuited to victory.” Commanders like: Bomber Harris, Patton, Montgomery, Le May and Douglas MacArthur would think it insane to go to war under such constraints.
George Patton put it more bluntly…
“The object of war isn’t to die for your country, but to make the other bastards die for theirs”
Harris became a little obsessed to put it mildly! He actually had to be ordered to suspend the bombing of Germany and provide air cover for the D-Day invasion. He refused to do so, in order to carry on flattening German cities, he was threatened with dismissal, presumably a dishonourable discharge, because he did as he was told.
With hindsight we are able to look at decisions made and unfortunately the Fascist left use that as an excuse to beat up whitey (yet again).
The strategic advantage of flattening Dresden is pretty iffy other than to weaken morale, which as Hitler had already found with the Blitz, doesn’t work.
The thing is that the Fascist who love to criticise anything the British have ever done have seized on this with glee as the BBC demonstrate.
I actually heard some insane leftist the other day tell me that the Allies should never have fought a war against Nazi Germany because ” they weren’t all like that” ! This is a standard left wing trope which is actually meaningless! You only need one per billion for it to be true, and bad people will do bad things in spite of what the good might think!
It is interesting that after the WW1 bombing raids on London by the Germans; by the time of WW2 they initially thought that bombing raids on cities would be ineffective but the British, after being on the receiving end, thought the opposite.
the national socialist blitz against britain didnt affect british moral because it “only” killed 70,000 ppl
the allied bombing of germany done the job destoying german moral, it killed 2 million of them. (not enough in my opinion). Research has shown by the end of 1943 the average german civvie knew they had lost the war because of the glorious bombing carried out by the RAF and USAAF
one of the the reasons why the allies bombed civilians was that the average german needed to know that they had lost the war so the “stab in the back myth” couldnt be used again like it was after the first war. Germany didnt feel defeated after WW!. The german armed forces not only had to be beaten, so did the civilian population, They had to know that had lost
Sadly, lawfare no longer allows the bombing of enemy cities. Which brings us a little problem. We can defeat Muslim barbarians who have guns, but so long as the civilian muslim doesnt feel defeated, hes ready to pick up the weapon of the fallen jihadist and carry on the fight, because he wont feel defeated.
luckily enough tho, nukes arent banned therefore we can get round the ban on bombing cities by nuking them instead.
Good post. There is nothing to talk about unless you are a self hating liberal. Nazi Germany all but destroyed Europe and we are still suffering from the effects . It helped usher in the age of the guilt ridden liberal.
Go and see the Russian war cemeteries and understand just how hard the Red Army fought and just how terrible were their casualties. Every bombing raid helped the war in the East .
WE and the USA lost many of our best young men. There can be no doubt that the war was just and that it had to be total. The crimes of nazi Germany made this inevitable.
al-Beeb are upset that the ‘final solution’ ended quicker than they would have hoped.
A few million more Jews would have made their day.
What pisses me off about the aftermath of the bombing of Germany is the fact that we rebuilt these cities and towns back to the state they were in before the war. The American Marshall Plan and British money restored the cathedral they had their remembrance service in.
Go to Koln, Leipzig, Hanover, Berlin, Munich or Dresden and its a wonder to behold.
Now compare the Stalinist hell holes Labour created in London, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield, Manchester, Newcastle, Bristol and Coventry. The money sent to Germany should have been spent there!
BBC = British Broadcasting Cannabis.
Radio 4 ‘PM’ has confirmed that all next week it will be devoting its attention each day to its beloved substance: cannabis.
“BBC branded irresponsible over Marley cannabis company story: Critics accuse corporation of celebrating drugs culture after light-hearted and uncritical report.”
(Nov 2014.)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2841901/BBC-branded-irresponsible-Marley-cannabis-company-story-Critics-accuse-corporation-celebrating-drugs-culture-light-hearted-uncritical-report.html#ixzz3ReCgwIaE
In amongst the usual colonial guilt-ridden agitprop third raters, the deadbeat generation hippie marxists and liberal peace artists who would have graced a Beeb Green Room under Milne or Birt-came a Charles Townes-a physicist who developed the laser no less.
And-by all accounts-a good singer , a family bloke and -God forbid-a man of faith!
This bothered Bannister who headed the 4.00 obits on the hopeless “Last Word”-what?…a scientist WITH a faith(Christian actually, not that the C-word gets a mention anymore)?
Bannister asks his contributor-did he get into trouble with the scientists?
And-of course he did-but absolutely NO context, no REASONS and NO judgement whatsoever of the Atheist Tufty Club small minded bores that scorned a great man because he actually had a mind of his own and a reasoned belief in Jesus Christ!
Typical lame brain craps from the BBC and the likes of Bannister, who`d no more think on all this than would Russell Howard-Brand.
On went the show-to the end of the pier and then over it, as per.
God Bless you Charles Townes…now if only you`d discriminated against Mick Jagger by way of door entry policy as did Steve Strange, you`d have been a REAL legend!
Well according to the BBC interns-Saviles lappers-you would!
Maybe one day, the oafs in charge of BBC Science will have to rewrite their slavering tributes to the Green Global Spuds in the “environmental, scientific and macademic/media” worlds of effluence-as confluence!…get those airbrushes ready-and thank Charles for the inkjets!
Lest we think that all Muslims are cowed and dare not stand up to IS-and where it really IS a matter of life and eath-here comes this clip from the Daily Mail.
A true “Charlie”…her God is with her, and her Koranic quotes will put the Islam quislings like Karen Armstrong and Medhi Hasan to shame.
BBC has run a pneumatic perv weatherman story on loop today,
… the latest on Rotherham?
… the reported 1000,000 victims of Islamic child rape gangs?
… the epidemic of in Islamic child gang rape in towns and cities all over the UK?
The BBC Dresden “Apology” Drive has been ramping up all day.
The Archbishop Cant was there, and had attended meetings on the rise of Anti-Semitism in Europe.
The shameless BBC 5Live news drone quickly twisted the story around to include Islamofauxbia, by continually “namedropping” it into the report.
Who is responsible for this “Rise”? … BBC?
utterly shameless.
Yeah, that prick fergal keane at it again. p
Fergal Sharkey only comes out to play 3 or 4 times a year , but only to slag off England & the English, in some made up anti English Bbc fiction .
Fergal Sharkey? I once beat his cousin at Subuteo you know …
Pesky edit malarkey … Subbuteo
I’ll bet you flicked some kicks that he didn’t know.
So one in five Muslims have a job in Bradford, whilst overall it’s a little under one in three Nationally….What a great source of hard working multiculturalism Muslims bring us, up and down this land..
The Muslims are the new JEWS.
For INBBC to relegate:-
“London jihadi in Syria ‘in possible link to footage of Jordanian pilot burned alive in a cage’, claims Portuguese terror unit.
“Nero Saraiva is believed to have become one of ISIS’s most senior fighters.
“28-year-old is thought to have worked with British murderer Jihadi John.
“There’s a possible link between Jihadi John videos and the footage of pilot.
“Saraiva converted to Islam, adopted extremist views and joined ISIS.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2952552/London-jihadi-Syria-possible-link-footage-Jordanian-pilot-burned-alive-cage-claims-Portuguese-terror-unit.html#ixzz3RebtDIdT
You may be pushed to find this good news on the BBC, hidden under ‘ The town bucking the trend’
A simple story of a town with soaring wages and shrinking unemployment hidden away in the Business section! Certainly not front page for the beeboids! Time for further education of Ian Pollock, Business Reporter.
Pollock clearly hasn’t been properly trained yet.
Pollock needs to watch it. All the faces in the article are hideously white and successful.
Tut tut Ian. Common Purpose course required.
Look North Leeds, Friday 6.30pm
It has to be the softest political interview of all time! Tanya Arnold interviewed Ed Milliband. Unbelievable. School chums! Fawning!You have to see it. Maybe it will be on iPlayer. Then it was followed it by a short piece apropos nothing that waffled about children who are cold because their parents can’t afford the fuel. Obviously meant to ram home the Labour good, Tories bad message. And no mention that one reason people are in fuel poverty is because of the money they have to pay to rich landowners for having windmills on their land.
Tanya needs to stick to the rugby league where her ‘matey’ style works quite well. If you need a few easy balls throwing, Tanya is the girl. Bless her.
It was almost impossible to avoid the bBBC’s revisionist view of Dresden bombing today. Peter Allen on bBBC 5-Dead, then TWAT-O on Radio 4, then bBBC TV News 24 … they were all trying to find British bomber pilots who would apologise for their atrocities, and leftie historians telling us how dreadful our leaders were for standing up for our country.
The lefties cannot comprehend that it was a war, and that nearly everyone thought it was important to avoid Great Britain being taken over by foreigners. Churchill must be turning in his grave at the way that Labour has given away our country, no questions asked.
How much attention will Beeboids pay to e.g. this, next week?-
“Battle of Iwo Jima”
(19 February – 26 March 1945).
I wonder if they tried to find any German pilots who would apologise for flattening Coventry?
All day long the hang wringing has gone on, the Dresden dead are obviously a higher class of dead. Probably because we killed them ( with the help of the yanks), other dead are nor so remembered, viz the dead of the Warsaw uprising, which killed around 16000 Polish Free Army and around 200, 000. Civilians, all whilst the Red Army put their feet up across the river and just watched the Germans do something which saved them the need to kill the poor Poles themselves.
But if we still need to forget the Poles and remember the dead Germans perhaps instead of the ones we bombed we ought to remember the German civillians killed in Czechoslovakia by the nice kind Czechs after their masters lost. Numbers are hard to pin down but somewhere between 15000 and 30000 were murdered because they were on the losing side and the locals wanted some revenge. In the months and years after the war many, many Germans died, 12 million were kicked out of where they lived and between 500,000 and 2 million died. Strangely these German dead are never remembered or talked about by the lefties and the beeboids, they were not the ‘useful’ dead like those who died in Dresden.
“Luton Rabia School ‘undermining British values’ in treatment of girls”
Ofsted said the school practised “unequal treatment of girls and boys” and teaching quality was “inadequate”.
older girls do not have the same opportunities to study science as “they do not have the same access to laboratory facilities that the boys have,” while a newly introduced design and technology curriculum “limits girls to knitting and sewing”.
Now imagine if this had been a Church of England School which had been doing this. The cries of the Fascists would be ringing out in every BBC program, and the Guardian would be having a meltdown !
The missing word in the article would be ‘Sexism’, but the only word to be found is ‘inadequate’. Were the school Christian there would be Labour MPs wheeled out to express their shock & disgust.
It’s happened in Tommy Robinsons town, and given the furore of the EDL it might have been expected the BBC might have had something to say, but no, they just stick to reporting the basic minimum facts.
News outlets report news. You are confusing a news story with a comment.
here’s an example of a rape case which covers up the religion of the scum involved. It just reports the news and judges comments.
I only wish news outlets did just report the facts of the news. Far too many “news” items on the bBC are really liberally-biased opinion pieces.
Heard two minutes of Alec Salmond and Hari Harman on Any Point( R4) a few minutes ago…then smiled as I reread this great article,
Why listen to their likes-this bloke says its all.
An eerie prophet is Ortega y Gasset…and all we get in comparison is Noam Chomsky and Russell Brand.
Boy we`re stuffed.
BBC Dresden Apology?
Strange that the Americans who took part equally with the RAF receive no criticism at home.
It’s the British Left bashing British history as ever.
Stalin called for the attack to assist his advance into Europe.
Post war it was Stalin who grossly inflated the casualties to hundreds of thousands rather than the actual 25,000 for propaganda purposes.
They had a young German historian in Dresden on the TV News this morning. My initial reaction was “Ahh, here we go” but he actually turned out to be quite reasonable. Can’t remember what he said word for word but the gist was that it was war, that’s what happens.
Started with Guernica; you reap what you sow.
Britains shrinking alcohol consumption portrayed as a good thing of course.
Towards the end there’s an admission that
“Changing attitudes to alcohol are also driven by diversity.
A little over 7% of young people currently describe themselves as Muslims or Sikhs, religions which largely forbid alcohol consumption.
Indeed, areas with higher levels of immigration tend to have lower levels of problem drinking. ”
Note the positive spin they put on it .
Any Sikhs want to contest this assertion? Got mashed many a time with Sikhs.
You know, the BBC are now getting very predictable in their news reporting and programme promotion. My dear lady has been complaining that next week it will be *Cannabis Week* on her favourite Radio 4 station. (I listened to it for one day and felt suicidal by 20.30, but that is another story). Anyway, I pointed out to her that wasn’t it Russell Brand the BBC were over egging their pudding with a few weeks ago? And didn’t I say to her why? She had no answer, but I informed her that something is up and we will soon know about it. The BBC are good at this sort of thing. So next week, we have a whole week about cannabis. I pointed out the connection, where she simply shook her head and said “unbelievable”.
How Did I Get Here? on Radio 4 today, billed as a comedy about dementure. What they don’t tell you is that the family’s daughter has found herself an immigrant boyfriend who is about to be deported. Naturally.
Equally naturally this crop-picker, who lives in a caravan, just happens to have a very specialist PhD qualification that is just the skill that is needed by the husband’s employer!
Behind every Roma ‘Big Issue’ seller is a brain surgeon just waiting to burst out!
Sure you are not suffering?
The BBC don’t like it up ’em!!
Have a look at this!!
For some reason this blog has not mentioned a major BBC PR disaster a couple of days ago, when a guest on a TV programme made remarks so offensive that his name was trending on Twitter for several hours afterwards.
This person suggested that mental disability was a lifestyle choice rather than a genuine affliction, prompting tweets like these:
Jesus Christ, David Vance is a wanker
David Vance is a disgrace! Disgusting man. Mental health disability again not properly recognised!
I simply can’t believe the #BBC gives David Vance a platform. His ignorance is gobsmacking
David Vance’s approach to mental health, as shown on @StephenNolan show epitomises just how out of touch he is
David Vance, I hope you step on Lego barefoot and get your car keyed.
I hope David Vance steps on a plug every day for the rest of his life. #nolan
If you search ‘David Vance’ on Twitter you’ll get some sense of just how badly his comments went down. The VAST majority of twitter users who saw that programme hold him in contempt. The sad thing is that this blog is basically right about the BBC. Unfortunately the man who runs it is a pathetic, petty little pipsqueak. If he loathes the BBC so much why does he keep taking their money? All of Belfast knows he’s a hypocrite and it’s no accident that his occasional ventures into electoral politics have resulted in humiliation for him.
So… in your words:
ALL of Belfast agrees with you…
The VAST majority of twitter users agree with you…
Are you sure?
Well, let’s put it this way.
On a day when David Vance’s name trended nationally on Twitter, there were a grand total of four tweets in favour of him. I think that counts as a vast majority, don’t you?
Try putting the words ‘David Vance’ into the Twitter search box and see how many positive tweets you find. Overwhelming disgust at his abhorrent comments is what you’ll actually see.
ALL of Belfast? Well, OK, maybe a little exaggeration. But last time there was a popularity contest, 95% of the local electorate chose not to vote for him. And that’s in East Belfast. If you take the rest of the city into account it’s well over 98% of us who’d be very happy if he didn’t bother to come back from Belgium.
Perhaps if you gave the full quote in context, you might get taken seriously. Any facts Belfast man, or just tweets from tw@ts?
Vance is desperate to be Ulster’s Katie Hopkins. Except he bottles out more than Hopkins as he is so desperate to get on the BBC. Hopkins realised that the more xtreme she is the more she is noticed. Vance is a worn out joker that Nolan uses to keep his listener awake.
Vance will have had the old todger out if he was trending. Success and recognition at last. Why on earth would anyone knowingly want to be so ostracised?
Vance is a considered a clown in Ulster. Had he not compromised himself so completely on his blogs, he could have been in UKIP. They will not touch him with a bargepole and his chance has gone./
One would pray for his soul. He is at the age when men’s health can suddenly decline. What’s he going to do in a NHS hospital when a muslim doctor attends him.
Die? Or repent? One hopes the latter for to go into old age with so much hatred towards your fellow man cannot be good for you.
My god, a couple of Belfast tossers have come to visit BBBC on their way from DV’s hometown blog. You aren’t welcome, go away.
I’m not from Belfast, but my family are from the South
The problem comes when we see people like ‘White Dee’ and her mates claiming she has a mental health problem like depression and agoraphobia, and then when the opportunity comes up she’s out in Spain partying like there’s no tomorrow.
That is what I would regard as mental health as a lifestyle choice, but I didn’t hear the comments so it’s difficult to respond.
The problem is that the number of mental health conditions are enormous and it really would be impossible to paint everyone with a broad brush. Even if a paranoid Schizophrenic with anger issues could work would you want to be a work colleague of theirs?
Or someone with memory issues who can’t remember what you just told them?
I could go on & on about the conditions. Some can work some can’t, some might be able to work, but there’s no way an employer would give them that chance. Since Remploy closed there are even fewer opportunities available.
As I said I didn’t hear the comments so I’m making something of a stab in the dark.
The show is on the iplayer – you can judge for yourself whether the complainants mental problems prevent them from doing any work:
The Nolan Show
Are you seriously suggesting that anyone with even half a brain gives damn what a pack of social inadequates on ‘Twitter’ think about anything?
In so far, of course, that they are capable of thoght at all.
Are you seriously suggesting that anyone with even half a brain gives damn what a pack of social inadequates on ‘Twitter’ think about anything?
Funny, you never seem to pipe up when ‘DB’, ‘Guest Who’ or any other of Biased BBC’s resident whingers start complaining about the content of tweets that go against the prevailing bigotries of the majority of this site’s commenters.
Why do you not object to those social inadequates? Or are DB’s and Guest Who’s social inadequacies excusable because they reinforce your prejudices?
In so far, of course, that they are capable of thoght at all.
“Dear Mr Kettle…”
I genuinely cannot understand why any half way normal human being would use Twitter. It is the epitome of mindlessness. The 21st century’s tribute to the inane.
It has added precisely nothing to the sum of human happiness.
Does that mean that the site owner is not a “half way normal human being”?
How typical of leftie agitators to deliberately twist the meaning of someone’s words in order to make a political point. This isn’t about the message, it’s about demonising opponents – pure Alinskyite tactics. They think by organising a Twitter storm they will gag the person whose views they hate. I know exactly what David Vance meant by “lifestyle choice”. I know someone who claims a fistful of benefits because of “Depression” – unable to work, can’t leave the house, unable to use public transport. Oh yes, it’s all worked out – yet this person often travels by bus to the next town to go shopping , takes six week caravan holidays in
Skegness, travelling by coach and train and has even admitted to both me and my wife that she plays the system. I’ve come across people like this all my working life. So yes, D.V. is correct in his assertions.
I know someone who claims a fistful of benefits… I’ve come across people like this all my working life…
As you’ve seen fit to fabricate stories in the past in order to back up your prejudices, how do we know you’re not doing the same this time?
Guessing that this is one of those, inevitably OT, instances when simply seeking to engage in civilised, intelligent discourse has again deserted you, and sniggering kindergarten playground wingman, with yet another irrelevant ‘But, but… why aren’t you… with them?’ actual whinge.
BBC staff tweet stupid things, Scott. This is a forum about the BBC. DB and me and others often find and share them, in their own words. Damning as they can be. Deal with it. If a Stuart Hughes or Jasmine let the side down, your issue should be with them.
Your personal obsessions and prejudices are made clear by the company you keep and how you try and impress them.
That does not serve the BBC well by the association. So keep up the good work.
I’m not here to defend other commenters (or the site owner, Albaman, you dimwit). I am here to express my opinion: which is that Twitter is a vapid world inhabited by the feeble minded chirruping nonsenese at one another.
I am sure you find it most congenial.
I don’t tweet and have no intention of doing so.
Many of the bBBC regulars do tweet and are no doubt pleased that you think they are “feeble minded”.
‘Many of the bBBC regulars do tweet’
Slightly intrigued as how you know that. I am sure some or indeed many do, but have you been out with your notebook elsewhere again?
And shoehorning the kindergarden ‘does that mean?’ generic conflation snipes out rather suggest you are having another off topic day.
As a BBC shill, what do you think of so many BBC staff forever finding themselves in the spotlight and often deleting tweets, despite ‘please do not be stupid’ emails from management paid a fortune to be ignored, and BBC-supplied ‘views my own’ disclaimers to excuse commentary that would get staff at a less uniquely unaccountable entity fired?
Oh my God, you mean a (usually) left wing BBC audience took offence at somebody giving the non PC view of our society. 🙄
Here’s what David wrote about what had been said on this programme about welfare reform for all to see just what his ‘crime’ was:
Yesterday, Stormont voted to bring in a form of Welfare Reform. And then a £500+ slush fund that can be used to ensure that “no one is worse off under Welfare Reform”. Now unless you create an incentive for some to work, they won’t. And that is why our pathetic smoke and mirrors approach to transforming welfare won’t work and will sustain that section of welfare parasites that feed off it here.
In tha audience, there were a few people who said they had “mental disabilities” which meant they could not work. I pointed out that was their choice. Cue mob hysteria. I was told that all those who do not work here are on sickness or have mental issues. This was the received wisdom of the baying crowd. My response – rubbish! My own brother has mental disability and has worked ALL his life. I suggest that we have a professional class of scroungers here who whilst unable to take a job can wobble their way into TV studios and boast of their awful yet unspecified illness. Welfare Reform in the UK involves an ASSESSMENT of people like this. Here in N.Ireland, there is no assessment. If you get a line from your GP, you are minted.
My lasting impression of the audience were that it contained a large number of youngish people who all DEMAND that they have a RIGHT to receive more monies in welfare than many people EARN by going out to work. Sorry, but I don’t agree and I hold that view in contempt. It insults hard working people, it encourages entitlement culture and it is WRONG. The mob can howl all they want, and jeer until they are blue in the face (possibly another raison d’être to get a different line from the doctor) but reform is fair, economically and morally.
Makes sense to me.
Listening here to some callers phoning in after the show even had Nolan defending David’s comments.
I pointed out that was their choice.
You mean, Vance has drawn a conclusion about all recipients of welfare, as if they’re a homogenous group who all think and act alike, based on flimsy-to-no evidence?
What a shocker! Nearly as surprising as the brown-nosed Teddy Bear falling for his “argument” in defence of his actions hook, line and sinker.
Still, Vance will still receive his appearance fees for as long as he continues to act like an ignorant shit-stirrer for any show willing to hire this particular professional troll. So I guess his lack of common sense, decency or political ability will remain lucrative.
Scott wrote:
“Still, Vance will still receive his appearance fees for as long as he continues to act like an ignorant shit-stirrer”
But Scott, we all know that you are the ignorant shit-stirrer with your use of so many different IDs.
You sad little man
These’ll be all the “so many different IDs” that I’m accused of having by the same people who accuse me/they of working for the BBC, won’t they.
Unlike, say, the pathetic individual or individuals who have attempted to pose as me, or as other people who disagree with Vance et al. Which gets overlooked by Biased BBC’s self-appointed moral guardians, for some reason…
“You mean, Vance has drawn a conclusion about all recipients of welfare, as if they’re a homogenous group who all think and act alike, based on flimsy-to-no evidence?”
Bit rich coming from you, Scott.
You love nothing more than collectively grouping those who criticise Muslims as ‘right-wing nutjobs’ & ‘racist loons’.
Your comments on this site are laughable, and when they day of reckoning comes, i’d take great delight in seeing yourself strung up by the very group of people you defend.
You love nothing more than collectively grouping those who criticise Muslims as ‘right-wing nutjobs’ & ‘racist loons’.
You don’t think there’s a difference between characterising people on welfare because of your own prejudice, and referring to the prevalent Biased BBC groupthink based on the evidence of what Biased BBC commenters actually write for other people to read?
when the day of reckoning comes
Is that the day when Biased BBC commenters are proved right about everything? When they take responsibility for their own actions? When they realise that behaving like adolescent little schoolboys is perhaps one reason why nobody takes them seriously?
Remind me to pack my ice skates for the journey to hell…
I come from Northern Ireland chum. North Belfast as a matter of fact. I lived through the troubles, and was subjected to republican propaganda through their news reports through all of that time.
The bbc do have an agenda. I have talked to a lot of people over the years where i come from, and they agree with me. so maybe you share that agenda with the bbc, but a lot of people don’t.
By the way. Nolans show on city beat radio years ago used to be great, fair and balanced and hard hitting. A breath of fresh air, until the bbc poached him and turned him into a typical politically correct left thinking beeboid. Just like ‘Game show’ Campbell.I
I am also from Belfast, and I would dispute everything you say!
Republicans and loyalists would tend to think the media was against them, but otherwise none of what you say is my experience. Given that the BBC is a British broadcaster, operating out of NI during the troubles and trying to serve both communities in covering a controversial issue which the population was killing each other over….the BBC was remarkably uncontroversial here.
Well thats bollox Bbc belfast man. Bbc northern Ireland news got the nickname’ Sinn Fein Tv’ from a lot of people in my community. If i had a penny for every time the start of a sentence was ‘ Sinn Fein Says’ or said for years, then i would be able to buy a nice big fancy house where all the rich beeboids live, like upper malone rd, or cultra. I could get an expensive taxi back and forth to work each day, all paid for by us of course, even though i have 2 big brand new cars sitting in the drive way. Shall i go on?
The truth is that not many people watch bbc news ni, and have not done so for a long time. Most people i know watch utv news instead. Its a wee bit more fair and balanced.
Now, if you take a look at the ratings between the two. Utv trounces bbc ni news by getting double the amount of viewers on a consistent basis. If bbc ni were a private company they would’ve been bust a long time ago.
I guess it wasn’t mentioned as it shows no BBC bias, even if it happened as you described. Just a wild crazy guess that something showing no BBC bias would’t be mentioned on biasedbbc.tv .
Cameron suggests that Obesity Alcohol, and drug addiction are lifestyle choices made by people to live a life on benefits, and refusing treatment to get better.
So he is now commissioning a feasibility study into removing the benefits of those who refuse treatment.
Cue the outrage from those people who were outraged about mental health?
Have to say, I did not see this one coming:
@BBCNews – Saturday’s Guardian: “HSBC files: now the trail leads towards the head of BBC Trust” (via @suttonnick) http://t.co/QbyggVBPE1
She’s a Tory so I suppose in some ways them attacking her was inevitable.
Perhaps they’ll be a lot happier if the Labour lot appoint Clair Short as head of the Trust.
The BBC just had to slip the ‘ethnically diverse’ bollocks into this artcle about boozing. In my opinion, I think the BBC want to credit this fall in getting pissed to the new enforced multicultural utopia…
This is Mark Easton pushing his usual multi-culti agenda.
I wonder if Mr Easton includes all those immigrants who have no problem drinking alcohol with the young girls they are intending to rape. Usually men called Mohammed for some strange reason.
Then there’s the huge Eastern European population who I’ve seen drinking at 6am on a bloody cold winters morn
Where’s your evidence for this?
Innuendo and falsehood typifies the posts on the site. Utter hate. You must be a very unhappy man as your posts attest.
Billabong wrote:
“Where’s your evidence for this?”
Why from the bBC of course….
Many of the victims were given alcohol or drugs before being forced to have sex in cars, rented houses or hotels across the Midlands……Abid Mohammed Saddique, 27, and Mohammed Romaan Liaqat, 28 – both married with children – were said to be the leaders of the gang..
Polish warning over drink driving
Oh and these news articles:
Police put up ‘no drinking’ signs in POLISH to stop boozy Eastern Europeans getting drunk in the street
Police forced to translate ‘no alcohol’ sign into SEVEN different languages because Eastern European migrants claim they ‘don’t understand’ the rules
Police clampdown on Eastern European drink-drivers on Hull’s roads
Oh and here’s a report on the drinking problems from..Eastern Europe
Europe is traditionally known for its high alcohol consumption, and central and eastern Europe (CEE) are no exception. In this report, countries of CEE refers to those countries that recently joined the EU or are candidate countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
You were saying ?
One word to Billabong:
Nice one Pounce 🙂
“Hate” just another common purpose inspired buzzword ,getting bored with it now
Same here, “Hate” “Islamophobiabollocks” “Bigot”….sick of it….since when was it bigoted to want your own country to remain in the hands of your fellow countrymen, and not a set of progressive arsewipes & foreign invaders?
If what is happening in Europe, and England in particular, was happening in the middle east or Africa with the displacement & replacement of the indigenous hosts, there would be an international outcry….here…they call it multiculturalism & diversity…it stinks.
Easton has just been on the ten o clock news wetting his pants with excitement over it and how, in his view, the reduction in binge drinking is significantly down to diversity, particularly in London.
BBC Agenda Feature re Tax?
Can anyone understand what the BBC are saying?
Or is it just a headline: ‘Very, very rich man has a bank account in Switzerland therefore we hate him’.
And he’s Jewish too ! Bonus !
On a more serious note he’s managed to go 20 years without paying a penny in UK tax so he certainly deserves prosecution which for some reason didn’t happen.
On HSBC and BBC Trust;
-and not to be concealed, Beeboids-
“HSBC files: Rona Fairhead declines to answer queries about activities at Swiss bank.
“Chair of BBC Trust has been a director of HSBC since 2004 and headed
its audit and risk committee from May 2007, covering some of the period detailed in files.”
Some context:-
‘Daily Mail’
(Sept 2014)-
“New BBC chief being sued over allegations HSBC laundered terrorists and drug cartels’ money during her time as chairman of bank’s ‘risk committee.’
“Rona Fairhead is set to become the first woman to lead the corporation.
“Hours after MPs approved her appointment, details of the lawsuit emerged.
“The 53-year-old chaired ‘risk committee’ when bank was fined £1.2billion.
“It was a settlement over allegations they breached international sanctions.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2750024/New-BBC-chief-sued-allegations-HSBC-laundered-terrorists-drug-cartels-money-time-chairman-bank-s-risk-committee.html#ixzz3Rfc87Bla
More context on HSBC, for INBBC to censor-
“HSBC maintained ties with one of bin Laden’s chief jihad bankrollers”
(July, 2012).
Note role of HSBC here-
‘Money Jihad’-
“Sharia banks that fund terrorism”
Canada Sun TV News going off air
Across the pond … sad … “news” indeed
Thankfully? … we have the “ministry of truth” media here
BBC and Ch4 .
… as a follow up
“This is the last video, as today Sun TV is no more. The enemies of the freedom of speech and foes of those who tell the truth about the jihad threat are celebrating today, but Kathy Shaidle explains that the fix was in:
“Canadian liberals are gloating this morning (actually, that’s an understatement) as word spreads that Sun News Network — dubbed “Fox News North” by those same detractors — has shut down.
I’ve posted numerous Sun News clips here at PJMedia over the years, particularly segments starring Ezra Levant and Brian Lilley.
They and their colleagues at Sun broke major stories, covered issues the country’s lockstep liberal media either wouldn’t touch or misreported, and interviewed guests you didn’t see anywhere else.
The problem was, cable providers weren’t required to carry Sun News like they are more established, mainstream news channels. Sun pleaded with the bureaucrats in charge for “must carry” status, and lost. After that, its shutdown was only a matter of time”
Google this if you can.www.thisismoney.co.uk/../dozens of bbc star presenters dodging full tax bills with legal loophole.
It will make your eyebrows raise. I think Stephen Nolan gets a mention as well, according to this paper.
The Charlie and Nana show is in full swing we’ve had nutty Roger on to tell us climate change is the most serious threat to all of us and dim Dave, Ed eyeballs and Nick no votes hope to close down all of our power generation in the next 5 years . Then we are onto the rubbish in our seas and apparently if I put my fag out on the pavement that is littering our beaches as it then walks to a river and travels to the seaside
Vote UKIP. At every opportunity.
It is interesting is it not, to watch how the BBC fawn themselves over the African Nations Cup (football) with much coverage throughout their media arms. The BBC have driven the multiculti meme in football for many years and if there is a sniff in the air of anything to do with any perceived “racism” they are there and all over it like a rash. Then why aren’t the BBC all over the coverage of the nations Cup telling the World just how racist this competition is, where upon its review of the football matches, not a white face was to be seen. I sincerely trust the BBC will abandon the coverage of this “racist” tournament next year and until Africa adopts multiculturalism in its sporting ethics. The BBC, supporting racists?
BBC Breakfast after nine this morning is particularly miserablist.
Into the slough of despond Charlie and Naga pour issue after iss-hue after ish-ooo – all mopped up with a tish-ooo.
Every campaign group, pressure group and health charity imaginable – and some new ones way beyond imagination.
Global Warming, Wimmin, 5-minute-hate for Putin, NHS with nobs on, ‘Cameron once said so-and-so – so there!’ and let’s not forget : ‘Tory plans = electioneering’
[Labour’s best election strategy is keep stum]
Predictable. Boring. Depressing. Biased. Destructive.
Switch off.
Money back, please.
Apparently all three major parties are on board with the climate scam – they’ll support it come hell or high water (or new ice age) – no more burning coal, but it’s OK to import wood chips from the States and elsewhere, which is all still really carbon, at great expense (both to existing trees, and the economy), and stick windmills up everywhere.
BBC-lite Channel Four is doing a programme called Ukip-the-first-100-days. I can’t wait for the hatchet job they do on Nigel, trying to scare the gullible, They must really be desperate.
Meanwhile at the BBC proper Radio 4 The Moral Maze how difficult it is to be a Muslim in Britain today. Scene set with the introduction that its difficult because of islamaphobia etc etc and that was just an advert for the real programme so the outcome has been decided.
I have a different proposal to make. How great it is to be a Muslim in Britain today – Don’t have to obey our laws, rape and traffic schoolgirls without fear of prosecution and in fact get police protection whilst doing it.
Threat death without dear prosecution. Don’t like Pork? No problem we will ban it from school menus.
Worried you might eat non-Halal? No need, we will make sure everyone eats Halal by not offering an alternative.
Want 5 wives but under Islamic law can’t afford to treat them equally? It’s all taken care of, the British Tax Payer will fund them all so you don’t have to.
Want to leave and fight against your country of birth/residence? Carry on, there are Human Rights Lawyers funded by your enemy who have a ready made list of excuses that won’t be challenged, hell the tax pay might even pay you compensation if you get caught by their forces.
Yes it’s really bad to be a Muslim in Britain today.
It’s so bad to be a Muslim in the UK that the number of British muslims is plummeting as they clamour to leave and live in majority Muslim countries where they are safer, wealthier and free to practice their religion openly. Unlike racist Britain where many Muslims have been murdered for their religion.
“Islam was not a torch, as has been claimed, but an extinguisher. Conceived in a barbarous brain for the use of barbarous people, it was -and it remains- incapable of adapting itself to civilization.
Wherever it has dominated, it has broken the impulse towards progress and checked the evolution of society.” Andre Servier 1922.
There’s not much one can add to that really.
I don’t hold a torch for UKIP but I’ll admit to been flabbergasted at this programme’s gall, and before an election too! Even my Mrs, who pretty much despises UKIP was shocked by this. Are we going to get the same treatment meted out to other parties, like the Greens for example? I hope so otherwise C4 have some explaining to do.
spotted an advert for the ukip stitch up tonight – can’t be bothered to watch it as we all know what it will be
Of course it’s a stitch up, but it’s representative of how clueless and desperate the liblabcon/msm elite are in the face of the populist support U KIP obtains.
I hope this exercise in defamation blows up in their sanctimonious patronising faces tomorrow ,when people make their feelings known .
It almost doesn’t matter whether you’re a U KIP supporter or not-they should not be allowed to get away with this kind of undermining of democracy.
F***ing Thought P olice.
Didn’t need to wait for the backlash tomorrow-B reitbart is reporting the ‘film-maker’ ,one Chris Atkins, is appearing before a court on charges related to a 5-year scam to cheat the taxman.
Talk about ‘shoot yourself in the foot’!
Channel 4 advertisers had better watch out to see that they don’t become associated with the ‘wrong’ sort.
I don’t listen to the Radio 4 Today programme much as it is now campaigning for a Labour election victory. Caught a bit this morning and the bias is so blatant.
Discussing political soundbites they had former assistants to Paddy Ashdown and Tony Blair, so that’s diversity right there representing the full range of BBC approved political opinion from A to B.
You’ll never guess which current politicians were described by one guest as ‘clown politicians’, a statement unquestioned by the other guest, and unchallenged by the interviewer.
Yes, Ukip’s Nigel Farage, along with the Tory Boris Johnson and the erratic George Galloway.
Bias, what bias?
Read this article and anticipate a sudden surge in support for UKIP from the Biased-BBC…