Pagans good, Christians bad, say the Bbc.
It implies that Paganism is the ancient religion of Iceland until those beastly Christians suppressed it in 1000. They fail, however, to mention that Iceland was not settled until 874, and then initially by Gaelic Christians.
It claims also, rather absurdly, that those cuddly Pagans just wanted to practise their religion in peace, but after the evil of Christianity was adopted, all of their practises were banned. For some reason there is no mention of the fact that the practises in question were infanticide and eating horse meat.
They also don’t mention that while Iceland is certainly not the birthplace of Paganism, its emblematic status is because Iceland is by far the most homogenously white place on Earth, which is very appealing to all those Aryan nation David Duke neo- nazi types, who form a big part of the Pagan contingent.
Yes peter. And I know through a very good source that you will see plenty of pisssed beeboids standing outside a pub at 1 am plus waving an account docket at their designated taxi company that has a beeb account, to get them and their drunken buddies home at our expense.
The BBC simply won`t shut up about tax evasion/ avoidance.
As if any of us here on planet normal give a fuck.
Only the white guilt-tripping people with too much money-and clever accountants at one remove-exercise themselves over the “little people” paying for the license fee, the ENO subsidies and the Damien Hirst prints.
If anyone is STILL paying for Russell Brands pension, John Birts trouser press or for Boko Harams “diversity officer” c/o DFID…more fool them.
If I had that money, I`d make it a personal badge of honour NOT to pay taxes to keep Bercow and family in their grandiose splendour.
So much for the 68ers-those hippie rebels want no families, no whites and no prisoners.
Which is typical cultural demolition of all that`s holding this country together.
Yet-when it comes to the TV License or paying taxes-the rebels of 68 won`t countenance any opposition-pay your taxes to Bonnie Greer and STFU.
Some rebels!-when their big issues are returning us to the swamps and paying the State to send us back to a carbon-free caveman lifestyle-we kNOW that the rebellion is eating itself.
Time to stick the leftards in the barrels of the nearest Sherman tank…plant a lavender ribbon on the overdue cadavers by way of “tribute”.
What was it that first attracted the BBC to a disingenuous system that requires a vast, growing army of barely competent civil servants to selectively impose more on the hapless to serve those who are excused paying or can afford the expertise to ensure they don’t have to?
I see that the ‘odious’ favourite son of bbbc- Russell Brand (Football expert) is joining BT Sport from next weekend. I think that this is a good opportunity to show my disgust and cancel my subscription. If only I could do the same with bbbc.
Noted that the sad death of Sir Martin Gilbert has yet to make Last Word.
The man was a good Friend of Israel, an honourable historian who served both Major and Brown-even in that Chilcot crap until his death at the start of the month.
Safe to say that he is and was one of the historians that will count, as we lose links with decent history-and will be getting our take on past events from the likes of Tristram and the Mitchell brothers.
Maybe he`s not as rated re historical relevance as-say River Phoenix, Lynda Bellingham or Steve Strange-but I expect the BBC to bring him out for Last Word very soon.
And it had better be good-none of that “critic of the Occupation” crap they assign to anybody with constructive views on Israeli policy.
Thank YWH for Sir Martin-I rely on his work a lot, especially his “mapping of history”-excellent books on how Judaism spread and was persecuted.
Another murderous Jihadi Attack, this time in Denmark, but at least the BBC used the phrase “the Muslim Prophet Mohammed” which I’ve been pressing them to use for some time.
Using the title the prophet Mohammed implies that the person using it is a Muslim, or at least accepting that Mohammed was a prophet which is insulting to every other religion.
Sorry Thoughtful but good old dependable bbc R5 still goes with “the prophet Mohammed” , no qualification that he’s a prophet to some but never ever to any native born Briton who is not a beeboid turncoat. Mind they have a lot of previous of sucking up to pedo’s has the bbc.
Denmark: 3 cops shot at blasphemy debate featuring Muhammad cartoonist, one person killed
On this day in 1989, the Iranian regime first published its death fatwa on Salman Rushdie, and the West responded with robust defenses of the freedom of speech.
… Now Muslims are killing people in the West over Sharia blasphemy laws, and the Western authorities are rushing to censor themselves and accommodate the thugs.
This is unlikely to have been a random thing.
The subject matter and the presence of Lars Vilks,
who has a Sharia blasphemy death sentence on his head for drawing cartoons of Muhammad, make this likely to have been more freelance Sharia enforcement.
R Spencer
Of course, INBBC omits any reference to Islamic nature of the violent perpetrators, but INBBC does find space to put out its biased political standpoint on cartoonist, Lars Vilks by saying:-
“Lars Vilks stoked controversy in 2007 by drawing pictures of the Prophet Muhammad dressed as a dog.”
[INBBC ‘stoked controversy’ by not stating that perpetrators of violence are Islamofascist.]
“Denmark: 3 cops shot at blasphemy debate featuring Muhammad cartoonist, one person killed”
“LIVE: Shots fired at Lars Vilks Copenhagen event”
“Update, 7.48pm: Police release physical description
Police have released a physical description of one of the shooting suspects.
“He is described as:
“’Male, 25-30 years old, around 185cm tall, athletic build with an Arabic appearance but with lighter skin than normal and with black, slick hair. He was wearing a black or dark blue ski coat with matching pants and presumably gloves. He had covered the bottom part of his face all the way up to the eyes with a guerrilla scarf in yellow/orange and red.’
“’He had a black black machine gun/machine rifle. Witnesses described it as 90-100cm long, completely black and plastic-looking’.”
5pm tonight. The BBC report mentions a blasphemy seminar, but then a witness to the shooting blows it and refers to men shouting in Arabic. Obviously UKIP, the EDL, Pergida, have been employing linguists.
Joke over. Its another attack on free speech. And this kind of thing is the extreme end of what the fifth columnists in the UAF, Left Unity, and Antifa Nazis are pushing across this country, with similar left no platform fanatics in Denmark.
Its as if the bBC is trying to downplay the incident. what a world we live in when the cock sucking arseholes at the bBC feel that 40 shots fired at somebody is downplaying.
What he omits is that the shelter was fitted with military Ariels and was being used as a alternative transmitter, honestly would you expect anything else from dear old Saddam ? Jeremy has another blub about the humanity but if these people has survived the war what then ? Killed in Sunni v Shia violence, killed by ISIS, killed by al – Qaeda, just killed by any local who liked killing for its own sake ? Bowen is suffering from ‘Stockholm Syndrome ‘ quite badly and ought to be pensioned off I think.
Islam-4% of the population?…40% of the news stories.
And neither in a good way-for as Islam increases, those stories will get reduced in the cause of “social cohesion”…of disapplying the pretext for any imagined charge of “Islamophobia”?
Time to draw the dragons teeth-but then again, that would be a crime given that to draw anything in the context of Islam is due to be a hate crime.
Got to the love the bbC: Copenhagen free speech debate shooting: One dead
Underneath the main picture Eyewitness Dennis Myhoff-Brink: “We heard…20 or 30 shots…and a person yelling something in Arabic”
Gee, I wonder what a machine gun firing terrorist who has just emptied a number of magazines into a cafe could have uttered in Arabic?
Answers on the back of a postage stamp to:
Islamic terrorist Whitewash Dept
bBC mosque
Sydney, London, Paris, Copenhagen…. everywhere there’s Islam there’s trouble. And yet still gutless lefty pricks bury their heads in the sand… ‘nothing to do with Islam’, ‘it’s just a few crazed individuals’ etc.
‘Controversial’ – that’s what the cowardly BBC dhimmis use to refer to a cartoonist who supports free speech… the BBC are nothing more than a mouthpiece for Islam.
I’m sure the mindset of those at the BBC generating this critical, treasonous and insidious commentary on what Britain did to end the war quicker and victoriously with the bombing of Dresden believe themselves to be exhibiting a greater humanity. Not for a moment do these armchair commentators and producers think for a moment that they owe the freedoms and comforts they enjoy to the pilots that risked, and many lost, their lives to this strategy.
Frankly, the Nazis were the vilest human beings on the planet up until that time. They would not have cared how many they slaughtered to achieve their goals. But as we see all too often with BBC reporting, they have no problem showing the good guys as the demons and the twisted vile beings as the victims.
The BBC are truly the traitors in our midst that do immeasurable harm to this country while believing themselves to be intelligent.
BBC coverage of Dresden bombings say Britain was ‘worse than the Nazis’
Corporation barely mentioned British airmen who lost lives in World War II
One presenter even referred to the Dresden bombings as a ‘war crime’
Former defence minister Sir Gerald Howarth blasts ‘one-sided account’
RAF veterans say the BBC’s coverage has left them feeling ‘incensed’
Within the article linked above, the name Victor Gregg is mentioned. and it is he who has stated that he thought it a “war crime”. This guy has a history. Google his name and you will see why the BBC were only to happy to use him. Oh so predictable of the BBC these days.
I’m sure the BBC wouldn’t have mentioned that Gregg, along with hundreds of other British prisoners there, had been sentenced to death by the Germans. That but for the bombing, after which he was able to escape, he would have been killed and not have reached the ripe old age of 95.
As with the failure to report the Sunday March last week the BBC is now demonstrating it’s real agenda. Suppression and distortion is the name of it.
In effect it is saying to us, the conservative English , just F off .We have the truth .We know the truth and get used to it.
What can you really say to those who equate the bombing of Dresden with the vilest regime in European history.?That initiated the systematic slaughter of millions.
These people are deficient in any moral sense. The bombing was dreadful and yet just. Sometimes the world is just that way.
So the BBC finds those who wish to apologise. What about the many many Germans- railwaymen, factory workers and the rest – who knew what was happening to the Jews and stayed silent. Jews worked to death like the lowest of creatures and transported to their deaths. No railwayman ever noticed? It makes me sick to my stomach and the BBC has got this very wrong indeed.
The BBC hypocritical lefty mindset want to convince themselves and others that they are caring and concerned – true humanists, regardless of what common sense dictates.
What we know from history, and can also see unfolding before our eyes today, is their mindset has made sure that there will far more deaths and suffering ahead to rid our world of evil.
dave s
Whilst I strongly agree with your comments, I just wonder what all the Conservative MPs and indeed our Prime Minister, are going to do about this bias?
Surely the must be aware of this.
Nothing. TheTory party is nothing to do with conservatism. It is just another facet of modern liberalism.
We are on our own in the culture war for the future of the West.
The new Pegida slogan is
“Wir vermissen unser Land’
Which roughly translates as-We miss our land.
I think it at once sad and so true.
Sent emails to the tory party,culture sport media minister,30 MP’s when they came to power.Told them that the BBC was and is Biased towards them and that when the time comes for the next election they will have to fight the bias. All i got was a email saying they couldn’t interfere with the BBC.I also told them that by getting payment from the EU the BBC are breaking their charter.Again nothing.
I hate the Bbc too , the tv tax , should go , & subscription introduced . As for GCHQ , well I can`t say , The Official Secrets Act comes into play , & I know nothing .
So, what do you think the Prime Minister and the Conservative MPs are going to do about Al Beeb and its bias ?- It’s going to cost them a load of votes in the general election ?
I am as fed up with the BBC left-wing bias as the majority of commentators on this site, however, I am also fed up with the constant sneering aimed at the Conservative element of this sites readership….
Newsflash: Just because you support UKIP does not make you superior to the rest of us mere mortals, all your sneering does is make you look as stupid as Scott the resident Labour supporter.
So Joseph , what is the Prime Minister and the Conservative government doing about this ‘left-wing bias’?
It is costing them a lot of potential voters ?
It has gone quiet, But you could try asking Philip Davies MP about investigations into things like Lord Hall and the Editorial Complaints Unit, but I think they are waiting till after the Election. And they may only use a threat to publish as a way to get the Labour members to give way on support for the BBC Licence fee. But I have only seen a bit about the make-up of the Editorial Complaints Unit not picked up by the right-wing press, and the Election would provide more useful material, even if Labour won. But at the moment there are two messages (1) The Licence fee will survive, and (2) The Licence fee will not survive.
Somebody who was invited to this event has written an article for the Spectator. This is how they described it: I was invited to Lars Vilks committee in Copenhagen to present Passion for Freedom London Art Festival. The committee is organized annually and happens on the anniversary of Salman Rushdie’s fatwa. The meeting started with a short introduction from one of the organizers followed by François Zimeray, the French ambassador, commemorating Charlie Hebdo and discussing the challenges that we face when it comes to the threats to freedom of speech and democracy in our countries.
So freedom of speech and democracy is what the BBC refer to as blasphemy. Notice they don’t even put the word in quotation marks so it’s really what they believe.
indeed, and the BBC is going with as their sole front page text
“Injuries in second Denmark shooting:
Several people are injured after shots are fired near a synagogue in Copenhagen, hours after another shooting at a cafe in the Danish capital.”
A shooting at a cafe? Was someone upset because they got a decaf?
Or do they actually mean an attempted Islamic massacre at a free speech debate.
No matter how the left try to tell me that Islam is a region of peace. The violent bigoted nature of the faithful keeps on barging through to the front of the queue. Be it rape gangs in the UK, shootings in Belgium, France, Denmark , bombs in London, Paris, Madrid, honour killings across Europe,
Yet the political elites instead of clamping down on the followers of Allah, instead target the victims.
The people have woken up and by trying to silence debate, the left have given birth to the rise of the intolerant right as they are the only people who are prepared to listen to the concerns of normal people who wish to discuss Islam.
I wonder how the left will react when Muslims carry out acts of terror in the Uk.
Silly me, they already have,they shed tears for the attackers.
The bBC the mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism
The leftards just cannot help themselves. We’ve had a series of left leaning BBC favourites, including A N Other MP (labour), Owen Jones and Armando Iannucci queueing up to make personal comments about peoples’ tax affairs, to large public audiences, in circumstances where the accused is not in a position to defend themselves.
Those who watched QT would have noted Armando’s verbal smear of a private citizen, Mr Arron Banks. What’s your angle Armando? Oh yeh, anti-UKIP. These BBC troughers are really clubbing together. Stick to the satire Armando, because you came across as a petty name caller on QT. You lowered yourself. It is grossly unfair for a private citizen to be drawn into the political soup, without warning, by professional screen monkeys and BBC fee recipients.
Will Mr Iannucci be apologising for his public smears on Mr Arron Banks and by association, UKIP? Will the apology be given the same, or greater, level of publicity? Or did the very intelligent Armando get his facts right, because Mr Banks certainly thinks not? We’ll have to wait and see.
The subject of the last five days of news surrounding tax avoidance and evasion has allowed the MSM to avoid and evade matters of much more pressing concern. Rotherham, Islamic demo at Downing Street and the application and execution of sharia law on European soil, to name but three. Yet the subject on tax is clearly a simple binary one and what is more, not new. Tax evasion is illegal, tax avoidance is legal. It’s really that binary. The tax book is an establishment con and a joke, yes, but we dumb c*^ts keep voting Tory and Labour governments in, so we get a tax book which keeps the rich richer and the poor enslaved. Perpetually.
By the way, I like ‘The Thick of It’ Armando, but a gentleman you are not. You are now on my ‘Leftard List’.
Wake up. Vote UKIP. Common sense, not Common Purpose.
Vote Ukip for Millipeed /SNP coalition . Ukip will have less than 4 seats ,in May . If you are so sure of them winning , put all your house & savings on them winning at the bookies . I`ve put a bet on that, Ukip, get 3 seats & no more , about 10k coming my way in May.
“Vote Ukip for Millipeed /SNP coalition ”
So what? how is that any different than Camaron/glegg?
to vote for cameron’s ‘labour lite’ tory party is deny any chance of meaningfull change -ever
Rember vote tory get labour (in one form or another)
Bbc breakfast hosts a serious discussion on the root causes of these atrocities just after 8am….
I know you dont believe me, but they brought on an ‘expert’ to share his knowledge with us. Who he I hear you ask….yes that’s right, a member of the MCB, yer actual Imam…..
As he proceeded to lecture us on the effects of such attacks being a rise in both antisemitism, and yes, you guessed it, a rise in attacks on moslems. And to prove his point he illustrated it with the synagogue attack….
Well, fuck me, the obvious logic had previously escaped me.
As he droned on and on…..Steph and Roger sat there in total awe at the inescapable logic of this genius, mouths agape, in that moment of enlightenment.
I really dont know if they moved on quickly out of sheer embarassment at their propaganda, or they really believed him.
Read the report well. The word ‘gun man’ is repeatedly used. Sure they describe a victim as Jewish, but nothing about the gun man. The article even refers to the Charlie Hebdo shooting with reference to a gun man. So where is all this stuff about context? Gun men just go around shooting. BBC is now quiet over eye witnesses who said the attacker(s) were shouting in Arabic.
Oh dear, I fear this is going to be underplayed whilst Cameron and May tighten up the laws against Islamophobia.
But Alex. To quote Malcolm Brabant, BBC News, Copenhagen in this article:
“…..It was always a case of not if but when. What’s surprising is that it has taken this long for Denmark to be scarred by a fatal terror attack…..” Ahhh, the BBC crystal ball.
So BBC staffers,who don’t wish to associate any of the barbaric murderous acts (the execution of Sharia Law on European soil) with Islam, apparently knew this was going to happen? Just waiting for it (why did it take so long)? But it’s nothing to do with Islam, the Religion of Peace, which begs the question Mr Brabant: Who were the BBC expecting, before now, to instigate a fatal terror attack in Denmark?
There is a word in the OED. Collaborator. A person who cooperates traitorously with an enemy.
About time an active meeja collaboraters list is compiled when it comes to the islamofascist war being raged against Britain, and friendly secular/christian western countries.
Yes, and this is typical of INBBC, with Brabant pointing the finger of blame for Islamic jihadi murders, not at Islamic jihadist perpetrator, but at publishers of cartoons 10 years ago, with Brabant using politically inflammatory language!-
INBBC Brabant-
“In September it will be 10 years since the Jyllands Posten newspaper inflamed the Muslim world with the publication of 12 cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, including one of him with a bomb in his turban.”
Classic FM news at 09.00 makes no mention that the Copenhagen shooting victims were jewish, nor that the attack was carried out by Muslim jihadists. Their BBC style “news” is like a riddle, or like a jigsaw with half the pieces missing. Astonishing censorship of basic facts. You have to go online to find the missing pieces they won’t report. Disgusting moral cowardice and dishonesty seems to grip not just the BBC but the wider journalistic community.
Al Beeb and the rest of the propaganda machine are indulging in a propensity of obfuscation, brainwashing, avoiding and masking the truth. All this is churned out by actors, entertainers and showmen masquerading as news reporters, all with their own political agenda. It becomes more transparent every day.
Thankfully we have sites like BIASEDBBC and social media to give us some of the real news.
”You can fool all of the people some of the time….. ”
Vote UKIP.
‘BBC style “news” is like a riddle, or like a jigsaw with half the pieces missing’
Nice analogy. I would go further and say despite the shape of the jigsaw pieces BBC-style news insists on trying to make a different picture to the one we all know is actually on the box.
The same is true of Sky and there are two reasons for it. The first is that news organisations in the UK are staffed by people who have been processed through universities run almost exclusively by Leftists. The second is because the BBC is so dominant that almost the only option for rival organisations is to hire BBC trained staff.
How true Truthdoctor concerning the news on “Classic FM”. I swear it is written by the Labour party.
And talking of such things, according to the BBC this morning at 09.25, the Labour Party *bus* was not pink at all but magenta. Of all the pictures I’ve seen, the damn thing is certainly pink and NOT magenta. Once again the BBC covering the Labour party’s arse.
I didn’t even realise from listening to Classic FM news that the cafe where the first shooting took place was hosting a free speech event organised by Lars Vilks, an artist who’s received death threats after caricaturing Mohammed. They just reported a shooting at a cafe. Police described the suspect as “of arabic appearance”, but that was not reported at all.
I’ve not seen such wilful distortion and censorship of news in my lifetime as we’re seeing now from mainstream media.
Surely the basic role of media in a free society should be to tell us what’s going on? Not conceal facts to further a political agenda.
When the proverbial shit hits the fan about Islime and the religion of peace it would be interesting to see how the BBC reports it…
Innocent Muslims attacked by white BMP,EDL,UKIP supporters in unprovoked attacks.Police from yorkshire drafted in to protect mosques …..
Islamic jihadist murderer in Copenhagen shot dead.
INBBC, in its composite reporting of the Copenhagen Islamic jihad, (echoing that of Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre last month) relegates, for Islamophilic political reasons:
1.) that the murderer was a Muslim Islamic jihadist, not a mere ‘gunman’;
2.) that the Islamic jihadist targeted and murdered a Jew at a synagogue.
Latest from the liars and traitors from No 10.
the untrustworthy “soundbite kid”, the #jesuischarlatan, strikes again
David Cameron on Denmark attack: “Free speech must always be protected”
David-Cameron-101. This has to be the most ironic statement of the decade. In June 2013, the Cameron government banned me from entering the United Kingdom for saying: “[Islam] is a religion and is a belief system that mandates warfare against unbelievers…” In other words, the Cameron government banned me for telling the truth. Then there are these recent news items:
Sharia UK: Police seeking man over derogatory Islam slurs on bus
Sharia UK: Police in 3 counties sought names of Charlie Hebdo buyers
Sharia UK: 19-year-old arrested for video showing him burning Qur’an
UK soccer fan who ripped Qur’an at match banned from every stadium
If David Cameron is so interested in defending the freedom of speech, let him hold a Muhammad cartoon exhibit at 10 Downing Street.
R Spencer
Latest from the liars and traitors from the BBC
Still up on BBC News … Gunman hits Danish “blasphemy” ? seminar
tentatively stating there were two attacks … why?
… the second was on a Synagogue
no problem elsewhere in the media … why BBC?
before they turn to “ambulance chasing” journalism
Audio of moment cafe gunman struck … Watch
‘They tried to shoot their way in’ … Watch
Another … Islamic attempted mass murder
Another … Islamic Anti-Semitic murder
Another … Islamic Sharia mandated attack
just the facts …
why does “the ministry of truth” find it so hard?
liars and cowards all
He claims his art is worth dying for. Brave man. Obviously, the journalist interviewing him, like so many other western journos, does not consider her profession worth a career risk
The swede’s have lost the plot and their country is collapsing under the weight of moral relativism. How can Sweden welcome people like the masked woman in this video clip to come into their country, she advocates the death of a Swede and threatens to kill him. And the government that represents him does nothing. What of the spineless American ‘journalist’ conducting the interview? Seems to have a problem distinguishing right from wrong.
Lars Vilks, abandoned by his own people to appease a death cult.
I decided to look up the Danish PM’s (The blonde with the mad eyes) details as I thought that she was the loony married to a Kinnock. And look what I found in her entry on Wikipedia:
“The Danish tax authorities (SKAT) investigated reports that Thorning-Schmidt’s husband, Stephen Kinnock, was guilty of tax evasion. ” Acquitted in 2010 but investigations continued. Hypocriticasl Labour? You bet.
Typical BBC twat. It’s more important to protect the racial identity of a murderer than to protect innocent people from being murdered. I make people like him guilty of aiding and abetting the terrorists or at least deliberately giving excuses to these men of evil..
“Copenhagen attacks and Western mixed messages.
After Copenhagen, we are tragically reminded that our leaders are sending mixed messages about terrorism both in their dithering about Islamist terror against Israel, and their absurd statements that Islam is an irrelevant factor.”
Copenhagen, an apparent lone wolf, nothing to do with Islam. But watch out for the backlash.
Says the BBC
‘The police appear confident that they have killed the perpetrator, an apparent lone wolf. But Copenhagen remains on a state of high alert.
Now the recriminations will begin.
The Danish chapter of Pegida – Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of Europe – is planning to march through Copenhagen on Monday evening’.
I’d hang slack on that for the moment because according to whatever report you read Argentina is buying:
The Swedish Gripen
The Su 24
The F1 as the report above states.
However and a big however Argentina is skint and the current President is only in power for another 7 months. If an opposition party to the current incumbents comes in, they may scrap that military purchase and concentrate on trying to govern the country
Danish shooting – BBC full text describes a “free speech debate at a cafe” but chooses the Sharia-compliant short headline “Gunman hits Danish Blasphemy Seminar”
Free Speech = ten letters
Blasphemy = nine letters and no space.
“Blasphemy” is an entirely religious concept that has no meaning other than a presumption of heresy from the viewpoint of religious bigots
Why would the BBC choose one description over the other to inform its license fee payers? Perhaps the Common Purpose trained sub-editor thinks “avenging blasphemy” is a more understandable motive for murder. Typed from the safety of his BBC office.
Just heard Mark Mardell-Fatwato on the Sunday World at One-TWICE mention the fact that the Danish Cartoons rumpus(2006), and the invitation to the Swede who drew them-were “some might say” provocative to the Muslim nutta that may have fooled him into killing blokes in wonderful Copenhagen yesterday.
“Some might say” eh Mardell?…with the poor Jewish bloke not even in his coffin yet?…did HE provoke the Muslimnutta by daring to defend a Bar-Mitzvah for a girl?
Did the Danish police provoke the Muslimnuttas by daring to defend the synagogue?…the community centre attached?
If only we`d all stop provoking Muslims like Lee Rigby did? Margaret Hassan, Ken Bigley and all the other agents provocateurs…who dare to hold down a job, go to school, not bear their necks for Allahs Satanic pork swords…if only we`d all do halal-kari and all kill ourselves, bleeding silently as we do so?
Fuck off Fatty Twatty Mardell-unless you DARE to tell us who these “some might say” suckups of Islamofascism are-i`ll just assume its you and your own sick fantasists that pump out TWATO lies as “analysis and comment”.
As was Paris, Brussels, Toulouse, Bali, Volvograd, Mumbai, Boston, Bali and all the other bloody battlefields of anti-Jewish pogroms, anti-human evils-Copenhagen is down to Islamic supremacists who use the likes of theBBC to lay the petals before their flipflops…and use the politicos of the EU/UN, the do-gooding oafs of the churches and their quangos-to propagate their sick Nazi wankfests.
No BBC-Mardell etc-YOU`LL be in the grave before we are.
This mornings Broadcasting House(Radio 4) told me that Caroline Lucas would be “reviewing the morning papers”, should I care to listen.
Let me see-a Green MP being free to review the Observer/Independent stories-and broadcasting those opinions of hers gratis, live and unfettered, unquestioned c/o the left-liberal cabal working 24/7 to get the Marxist utopia to be halal?
Nah, can`t possibly think what SHE might say on say-UKIP, HSBC, Climate Change or the EU!
Can you?
Bet old Nigel will be allowed to do the same by way of balance next Sunday then?
Lying biased sly leftards…our BBC?
“It will be interesting to see how the Conservatives bear up under the relentlessly hostile BBC campaign coverage. It is not that the BBC openly praises Labour and its policies. What the BBC does do is to follow the Labour agenda of the stories they wish to focus upon. One week it is continuous coverage for several days of alleged failings and deficiencies in the NHS, perceived as a Labour issue. The next it highlights for several days allegations of ‘tax dodging’ – a phrase they use to conceal the distinction between paying tax in accordance with the law, and criminal dishonesty in concealing earnings.”
I’ve been watching the BBC more closely than usual in the past week, almost mesmerised by the display of unmitigated bias. It is exactly as the Adam Smith piece above says, with the addition of successive salvos of ‘Labour pledges’ that seem to litter the ‘News’ website’s front page on a daily (if not hourly) basis.
Meanwhile, as this piss taking piece of green low life continues to syphon off our hard earned cash, earlier this week the BBC gleefully rolls out their favourite delusional climate change moron Harrabin to breathlessly announce that messers Camoron, Clegg and Miliprick have pledged to continue the fight against non existent global warming, regardless of who wins the election.
Common Purpose doesn’t care if the CAGW ‘consensus’ has been fiddling the figures, or endorsing the use of the term ‘Denier’ to describe anyone who dares dissent on the non-issue of ‘climate change’. Common Purpose doesn’t have to care, when it already has the UN, the EU and almost every ‘democratic’ government in the West under its spell. And paying its bills.
Climate change CANNOT BE DENIED. It is a fact of life since the earth was formed. That is why the global warming “debate” was moved to climate change as the wheels have steadily fallen off the “direct and undeniable” link between man made CO2 and rising global temperatures. For 15 years or so now the trends lines have been moving further apart.
What I always want the alarmists is to tell me what is causing “climate change”. That is when MMGW reappears in the discussion.
The BBC announced in November that 2014 was on course to be the warmest ever. Have they repeated that statement since all the data is in and failed to produce the desired result?
But the only way to do that is to offend the culprits relentlessly, not just talk about it.
We had Cameron supporting “Je suis Charlie”, followed a few weeks later by plod asking for names of Charlie Hebdo readers. Empty words, as usual. No cartoons in the UK, as far as I’m aware.
If Europe wants another Yugoslavia, it’s going about it the right way.
Around 28 thousand people are claiming asylum in the UK. They’re accommodated in some of the nation’s most deprived areas while their cases are considered. Now, with numbers on the rise, some communities say they’re struggling to cope. Allan Urry reports from the Northwest of England where, in some areas, there’s concern about growing pressures on health services and schools. In Liverpool the City’s Mayor, Joe Anderson, talks of an asylum “apartheid” and says other towns and cities need to take a fairer share. In Rochdale in Greater Manchester, there are more asylum seekers than the whole of the south east of England. The local MP Simon Danczuk says he’s worried the pressures could undermine the good community relations that have always existed in the town.
Recent stories of asylum seekers living in fancy hotels have led to outraged newspaper headlines but are they a symptom of bigger failings in the UK’s system for housing those who come here seeking refuge?
Anyone on here heard about the massive rise in asylum seekers coming because Cameron & Cronies have invited them in?
Remember the BBC moaning that there weren’t enough coming from Syria and we’re not pulling our weight with the numbers we were accepting?
Well now we are that’s not good enough either because they’re going to Labour controlled cities. Personally & think an asylum camp should be built in those leafy whites only villages in the South where Harriet Harman & Billy Bragg live, then they can experience all the vibrancy of diversity themselves !
I don’t know about asylum seekers going to Rotherham etc., but there is a strong case for members of the civilised world to recognise that many indigenous people of these towns ought to have asylum seeker status. What are the criteria for asylum seekers? Having your children raped with no chance of protection from the authorities and a government unwilling to defend their human rights?
Funny, down the bottom of the page you see supporting groups such as Hope not Hate (far-left extremist anarchist thugs) and some Imam group. This is evidence of the fascist Left thought police.
Tellingly, it states that it serves to remove ‘Islamaphobia and extremism’. No mention then of Islamic extremism or Islamo-Leftist anti-Semitism. These guys really are the diversity PC police squads.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:49 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The Health Pooled Fund (HPF3) will reduce maternal and under-five mortality rates in South Sudan, through (i) the delivery of…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bradford city of culture…. “For 30 years Muhammed Saeed was a well-respected GP with one of the largest patient lists…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:33 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Moments later – BBC change hat on grandad on first photo from Afghan hat to baseball cap – HA HA…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:28 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Merkel throws away flag…. is that Ursula von der Leyen in the background? Angela Merkel zanika Nemško zastavo
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Remove encryption from Apple. Point AI at comments. Empty the prisons of rapists. Fil the prisons with naughty tweets
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:25 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ANyone using Industrialised tech needs to pay into the British Wealth Fund – 800 trillion – then we can afford…
Lefty WrightFeb 23, 18:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Mark Were Britain daft enough to agree to slavery reparations who exactly would the get money? After all anyone who…
Fedup2Feb 23, 18:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Probably the biggest mistake – but even if she’d have set up a sovereign wealth fund her successors would have…
Up2snuffFeb 23, 17:45 Weekend 22nd February 2025 MM, Thatcher squandered our N.Sea oil & gas instead of doing the same as Norway!
Report of All-Party inquiry into Antisemitism adduces BBC content
Report of the All-Party Inquiry into antisemitism
Deserves an independent post at B-BBC? Must read.
Pagans good, Christians bad, say the Bbc.
It implies that Paganism is the ancient religion of Iceland until those beastly Christians suppressed it in 1000. They fail, however, to mention that Iceland was not settled until 874, and then initially by Gaelic Christians.
It claims also, rather absurdly, that those cuddly Pagans just wanted to practise their religion in peace, but after the evil of Christianity was adopted, all of their practises were banned. For some reason there is no mention of the fact that the practises in question were infanticide and eating horse meat.
They also don’t mention that while Iceland is certainly not the birthplace of Paganism, its emblematic status is because Iceland is by far the most homogenously white place on Earth, which is very appealing to all those Aryan nation David Duke neo- nazi types, who form a big part of the Pagan contingent.
BBC Spends £5.3m on Taxi Fares:
I wonder if they get a special deal on taxis in Rotherham?
Yes peter. And I know through a very good source that you will see plenty of pisssed beeboids standing outside a pub at 1 am plus waving an account docket at their designated taxi company that has a beeb account, to get them and their drunken buddies home at our expense.
The BBC simply won`t shut up about tax evasion/ avoidance.
As if any of us here on planet normal give a fuck.
Only the white guilt-tripping people with too much money-and clever accountants at one remove-exercise themselves over the “little people” paying for the license fee, the ENO subsidies and the Damien Hirst prints.
If anyone is STILL paying for Russell Brands pension, John Birts trouser press or for Boko Harams “diversity officer” c/o DFID…more fool them.
If I had that money, I`d make it a personal badge of honour NOT to pay taxes to keep Bercow and family in their grandiose splendour.
So much for the 68ers-those hippie rebels want no families, no whites and no prisoners.
Which is typical cultural demolition of all that`s holding this country together.
Yet-when it comes to the TV License or paying taxes-the rebels of 68 won`t countenance any opposition-pay your taxes to Bonnie Greer and STFU.
Some rebels!-when their big issues are returning us to the swamps and paying the State to send us back to a carbon-free caveman lifestyle-we kNOW that the rebellion is eating itself.
Time to stick the leftards in the barrels of the nearest Sherman tank…plant a lavender ribbon on the overdue cadavers by way of “tribute”.
‘white guilt-tripping people with too much money-and clever accountants’
What was it that first attracted the BBC to a disingenuous system that requires a vast, growing army of barely competent civil servants to selectively impose more on the hapless to serve those who are excused paying or can afford the expertise to ensure they don’t have to?
I see that the ‘odious’ favourite son of bbbc- Russell Brand (Football expert) is joining BT Sport from next weekend. I think that this is a good opportunity to show my disgust and cancel my subscription. If only I could do the same with bbbc.
Noted that the sad death of Sir Martin Gilbert has yet to make Last Word.
The man was a good Friend of Israel, an honourable historian who served both Major and Brown-even in that Chilcot crap until his death at the start of the month.
Safe to say that he is and was one of the historians that will count, as we lose links with decent history-and will be getting our take on past events from the likes of Tristram and the Mitchell brothers.
Maybe he`s not as rated re historical relevance as-say River Phoenix, Lynda Bellingham or Steve Strange-but I expect the BBC to bring him out for Last Word very soon.
And it had better be good-none of that “critic of the Occupation” crap they assign to anybody with constructive views on Israeli policy.
Thank YWH for Sir Martin-I rely on his work a lot, especially his “mapping of history”-excellent books on how Judaism spread and was persecuted.
Spot the missing word…
It can’t be the word that I first thought of – that’s a religion of peace isn’t it? Also, nothing is ever anything to do with it.
initiailly it was ‘blasphemy seminar’.
Another murderous Jihadi Attack, this time in Denmark, but at least the BBC used the phrase “the Muslim Prophet Mohammed” which I’ve been pressing them to use for some time.
Using the title the prophet Mohammed implies that the person using it is a Muslim, or at least accepting that Mohammed was a prophet which is insulting to every other religion.
Sorry Thoughtful but good old dependable bbc R5 still goes with “the prophet Mohammed” , no qualification that he’s a prophet to some but never ever to any native born Briton who is not a beeboid turncoat. Mind they have a lot of previous of sucking up to pedo’s has the bbc.
Denmark: 3 cops shot at blasphemy debate featuring Muhammad cartoonist, one person killed
On this day in 1989, the Iranian regime first published its death fatwa on Salman Rushdie, and the West responded with robust defenses of the freedom of speech.
… Now Muslims are killing people in the West over Sharia blasphemy laws, and the Western authorities are rushing to censor themselves and accommodate the thugs.
This is unlikely to have been a random thing.
The subject matter and the presence of Lars Vilks,
who has a Sharia blasphemy death sentence on his head for drawing cartoons of Muhammad, make this likely to have been more freelance Sharia enforcement.
R Spencer
Of course, INBBC omits any reference to Islamic nature of the violent perpetrators, but INBBC does find space to put out its biased political standpoint on cartoonist, Lars Vilks by saying:-
“Lars Vilks stoked controversy in 2007 by drawing pictures of the Prophet Muhammad dressed as a dog.”
[INBBC ‘stoked controversy’ by not stating that perpetrators of violence are Islamofascist.]
“Denmark: 3 cops shot at blasphemy debate featuring Muhammad cartoonist, one person killed”
Update for INBBC political censors:-
“LIVE: Shots fired at Lars Vilks Copenhagen event”
“Update, 7.48pm: Police release physical description
Police have released a physical description of one of the shooting suspects.
“He is described as:
“’Male, 25-30 years old, around 185cm tall, athletic build with an Arabic appearance but with lighter skin than normal and with black, slick hair. He was wearing a black or dark blue ski coat with matching pants and presumably gloves. He had covered the bottom part of his face all the way up to the eyes with a guerrilla scarf in yellow/orange and red.’
“’He had a black black machine gun/machine rifle. Witnesses described it as 90-100cm long, completely black and plastic-looking’.”
5pm tonight. The BBC report mentions a blasphemy seminar, but then a witness to the shooting blows it and refers to men shouting in Arabic. Obviously UKIP, the EDL, Pergida, have been employing linguists.
Joke over. Its another attack on free speech. And this kind of thing is the extreme end of what the fifth columnists in the UAF, Left Unity, and Antifa Nazis are pushing across this country, with similar left no platform fanatics in Denmark.
The bBC informs the world that only 40 shots have been fired .
The Daily Mails quotes 200 shots
The Guardian quotes: 50 gunshots, and the police here are saying 200.
Its as if the bBC is trying to downplay the incident. what a world we live in when the cock sucking arseholes at the bBC feel that 40 shots fired at somebody is downplaying.
Meanwhile here is what ABu Bowen is currently tweeting for Allah:
What he omits is that the shelter was fitted with military Ariels and was being used as a alternative transmitter, honestly would you expect anything else from dear old Saddam ? Jeremy has another blub about the humanity but if these people has survived the war what then ? Killed in Sunni v Shia violence, killed by ISIS, killed by al – Qaeda, just killed by any local who liked killing for its own sake ? Bowen is suffering from ‘Stockholm Syndrome ‘ quite badly and ought to be pensioned off I think.
Islam-4% of the population?…40% of the news stories.
And neither in a good way-for as Islam increases, those stories will get reduced in the cause of “social cohesion”…of disapplying the pretext for any imagined charge of “Islamophobia”?
Time to draw the dragons teeth-but then again, that would be a crime given that to draw anything in the context of Islam is due to be a hate crime.
Islamising TURKEY.
BBC-NUJ campaigns for admission of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U, regardless of the negative consequences-
“Turkey: Police use water cannon on anti-Islamization protesters”
Got to the love the bbC:
Copenhagen free speech debate shooting: One dead
Underneath the main picture
Eyewitness Dennis Myhoff-Brink: “We heard…20 or 30 shots…and a person yelling something in Arabic”
Gee, I wonder what a machine gun firing terrorist who has just emptied a number of magazines into a cafe could have uttered in Arabic?
Answers on the back of a postage stamp to:
Islamic terrorist Whitewash Dept
bBC mosque
“I wonder what a machine gun firing terrorist who has just emptied a number of magazines into a cafe could have uttered in Arabic?”
That’s easy:
Often mistranslated as “God is great”. It will be repeated by Cameron and the BBC, about this time tomorrow. Where else would they get it from?
‘I’m a victim’?
Sydney, London, Paris, Copenhagen…. everywhere there’s Islam there’s trouble. And yet still gutless lefty pricks bury their heads in the sand… ‘nothing to do with Islam’, ‘it’s just a few crazed individuals’ etc.
‘Controversial’ – that’s what the cowardly BBC dhimmis use to refer to a cartoonist who supports free speech… the BBC are nothing more than a mouthpiece for Islam.
And Canada.
Two reports:-
1.) Pamela Geller-
“Canada: Jihadists planned to attack in ‘public venue… with the goal of opening fire to kill citizens’
– See more at:
2.) INBBC-
“Canada Halifax: Police say they foiled shooting plot”
It doesn’t seem to be a jihad attack. The kid who shot himself was white and a photo shows he doesn’t look like a convert.Ditto the girl.
It turns out that it was going to be a Columbine style massacre by a bunch of Emoes.
I’m sure the mindset of those at the BBC generating this critical, treasonous and insidious commentary on what Britain did to end the war quicker and victoriously with the bombing of Dresden believe themselves to be exhibiting a greater humanity. Not for a moment do these armchair commentators and producers think for a moment that they owe the freedoms and comforts they enjoy to the pilots that risked, and many lost, their lives to this strategy.
Frankly, the Nazis were the vilest human beings on the planet up until that time. They would not have cared how many they slaughtered to achieve their goals. But as we see all too often with BBC reporting, they have no problem showing the good guys as the demons and the twisted vile beings as the victims.
The BBC are truly the traitors in our midst that do immeasurable harm to this country while believing themselves to be intelligent.
BBC’s insult to hero pilots: Veterans rage over Dresden coverage that attacks Britain as being ‘worse than the Nazis’ but ignores RAF’s sacrifice
BBC coverage of Dresden bombings say Britain was ‘worse than the Nazis’
Corporation barely mentioned British airmen who lost lives in World War II
One presenter even referred to the Dresden bombings as a ‘war crime’
Former defence minister Sir Gerald Howarth blasts ‘one-sided account’
RAF veterans say the BBC’s coverage has left them feeling ‘incensed’
Within the article linked above, the name Victor Gregg is mentioned. and it is he who has stated that he thought it a “war crime”. This guy has a history. Google his name and you will see why the BBC were only to happy to use him. Oh so predictable of the BBC these days.
I’m sure the BBC wouldn’t have mentioned that Gregg, along with hundreds of other British prisoners there, had been sentenced to death by the Germans. That but for the bombing, after which he was able to escape, he would have been killed and not have reached the ripe old age of 95.
As with the failure to report the Sunday March last week the BBC is now demonstrating it’s real agenda. Suppression and distortion is the name of it.
In effect it is saying to us, the conservative English , just F off .We have the truth .We know the truth and get used to it.
What can you really say to those who equate the bombing of Dresden with the vilest regime in European history.?That initiated the systematic slaughter of millions.
These people are deficient in any moral sense. The bombing was dreadful and yet just. Sometimes the world is just that way.
So the BBC finds those who wish to apologise. What about the many many Germans- railwaymen, factory workers and the rest – who knew what was happening to the Jews and stayed silent. Jews worked to death like the lowest of creatures and transported to their deaths. No railwayman ever noticed? It makes me sick to my stomach and the BBC has got this very wrong indeed.
The BBC hypocritical lefty mindset want to convince themselves and others that they are caring and concerned – true humanists, regardless of what common sense dictates.
What we know from history, and can also see unfolding before our eyes today, is their mindset has made sure that there will far more deaths and suffering ahead to rid our world of evil.
This mindset is the real enemy of humanity.
dave s
Whilst I strongly agree with your comments, I just wonder what all the Conservative MPs and indeed our Prime Minister, are going to do about this bias?
Surely the must be aware of this.
Nothing. TheTory party is nothing to do with conservatism. It is just another facet of modern liberalism.
We are on our own in the culture war for the future of the West.
The new Pegida slogan is
“Wir vermissen unser Land’
Which roughly translates as-We miss our land.
I think it at once sad and so true.
Sent emails to the tory party,culture sport media minister,30 MP’s when they came to power.Told them that the BBC was and is Biased towards them and that when the time comes for the next election they will have to fight the bias. All i got was a email saying they couldn’t interfere with the BBC.I also told them that by getting payment from the EU the BBC are breaking their charter.Again nothing.
What has Essex Man have to say on this ?
Awaiting instruction from CCHQ…
I hate the Bbc too , the tv tax , should go , & subscription introduced . As for GCHQ , well I can`t say , The Official Secrets Act comes into play , & I know nothing .
So, what do you think the Prime Minister and the Conservative MPs are going to do about Al Beeb and its bias ?- It’s going to cost them a load of votes in the general election ?
I am as fed up with the BBC left-wing bias as the majority of commentators on this site, however, I am also fed up with the constant sneering aimed at the Conservative element of this sites readership….
Newsflash: Just because you support UKIP does not make you superior to the rest of us mere mortals, all your sneering does is make you look as stupid as Scott the resident Labour supporter.
So Joseph , what is the Prime Minister and the Conservative government doing about this ‘left-wing bias’?
It is costing them a lot of potential voters ?
It has gone quiet, But you could try asking Philip Davies MP about investigations into things like Lord Hall and the Editorial Complaints Unit, but I think they are waiting till after the Election. And they may only use a threat to publish as a way to get the Labour members to give way on support for the BBC Licence fee. But I have only seen a bit about the make-up of the Editorial Complaints Unit not picked up by the right-wing press, and the Election would provide more useful material, even if Labour won. But at the moment there are two messages (1) The Licence fee will survive, and (2) The Licence fee will not survive.
The BBC never report the majority of demonstrations. They’ve ignored most of the TUC/NHS marches in the past year including one with 50000.
Oh and this one on Sunday.
Funny how all the bigots on this site have kept quiet as well as Pegeida implodes. Europe has looked at what the right offers and gone left.
This from the Telegraph:
“They targeted an artist and also France,” columnist Patrick Pelloux told AFP. “We must fight fascism at all costs. We are all Danish tonight.”
The poor chap hasn’t got the guts to even name the real enemy. ‘Fascism’? Give me a break. Someone needs to tell these people it isn’t 1943 any more.
we are all ….”men” tonight,
Obumma says “it coulda been me”
Today’s Attack In Denmark:
BBC Reports:
‘Gunman Hits Danish Blasphemy Seminar’
Sky Reports:
‘Deadly Shooting At Danish Free Speech Meeting’
Why does BBC use word Blasphemy? Is it the muslim view?
Somebody who was invited to this event has written an article for the Spectator. This is how they described it:
I was invited to Lars Vilks committee in Copenhagen to present Passion for Freedom London Art Festival. The committee is organized annually and happens on the anniversary of Salman Rushdie’s fatwa. The meeting started with a short introduction from one of the organizers followed by François Zimeray, the French ambassador, commemorating Charlie Hebdo and discussing the challenges that we face when it comes to the threats to freedom of speech and democracy in our countries.
So freedom of speech and democracy is what the BBC refer to as blasphemy. Notice they don’t even put the word in quotation marks so it’s really what they believe.
BBC = Dim and Dhimmi!
Latest news is, that they are still at it near a synagogue this time ?
indeed, and the BBC is going with as their sole front page text
“Injuries in second Denmark shooting:
Several people are injured after shots are fired near a synagogue in Copenhagen, hours after another shooting at a cafe in the Danish capital.”
A shooting at a cafe? Was someone upset because they got a decaf?
Or do they actually mean an attempted Islamic massacre at a free speech debate.
Just below that is still
“Gunman hits Danish blasphemy seminar”
No matter how the left try to tell me that Islam is a region of peace. The violent bigoted nature of the faithful keeps on barging through to the front of the queue. Be it rape gangs in the UK, shootings in Belgium, France, Denmark , bombs in London, Paris, Madrid, honour killings across Europe,
Yet the political elites instead of clamping down on the followers of Allah, instead target the victims.
The people have woken up and by trying to silence debate, the left have given birth to the rise of the intolerant right as they are the only people who are prepared to listen to the concerns of normal people who wish to discuss Islam.
I wonder how the left will react when Muslims carry out acts of terror in the Uk.
Silly me, they already have,they shed tears for the attackers.
The bBC the mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism
I only just noticed this on the Politics page of the BBC website:
The leftards just cannot help themselves. We’ve had a series of left leaning BBC favourites, including A N Other MP (labour), Owen Jones and Armando Iannucci queueing up to make personal comments about peoples’ tax affairs, to large public audiences, in circumstances where the accused is not in a position to defend themselves.
Those who watched QT would have noted Armando’s verbal smear of a private citizen, Mr Arron Banks. What’s your angle Armando? Oh yeh, anti-UKIP. These BBC troughers are really clubbing together. Stick to the satire Armando, because you came across as a petty name caller on QT. You lowered yourself. It is grossly unfair for a private citizen to be drawn into the political soup, without warning, by professional screen monkeys and BBC fee recipients.
Will Mr Iannucci be apologising for his public smears on Mr Arron Banks and by association, UKIP? Will the apology be given the same, or greater, level of publicity? Or did the very intelligent Armando get his facts right, because Mr Banks certainly thinks not? We’ll have to wait and see.
The subject of the last five days of news surrounding tax avoidance and evasion has allowed the MSM to avoid and evade matters of much more pressing concern. Rotherham, Islamic demo at Downing Street and the application and execution of sharia law on European soil, to name but three. Yet the subject on tax is clearly a simple binary one and what is more, not new. Tax evasion is illegal, tax avoidance is legal. It’s really that binary. The tax book is an establishment con and a joke, yes, but we dumb c*^ts keep voting Tory and Labour governments in, so we get a tax book which keeps the rich richer and the poor enslaved. Perpetually.
By the way, I like ‘The Thick of It’ Armando, but a gentleman you are not. You are now on my ‘Leftard List’.
Wake up. Vote UKIP. Common sense, not Common Purpose.
Vote Ukip for Millipeed /SNP coalition . Ukip will have less than 4 seats ,in May . If you are so sure of them winning , put all your house & savings on them winning at the bookies . I`ve put a bet on that, Ukip, get 3 seats & no more , about 10k coming my way in May.
ok if Ukip get 4 seats will you fuck off and stop posting here?
I doubt it Just Sayin’, he will probably ask us to have a whip round for the 10 grand he didn’t get.
Oh dear, did you do that in a double with Abbotpotamus winning the Miss UK title next year.
“Vote Ukip for Millipeed /SNP coalition ”
So what? how is that any different than Camaron/glegg?
to vote for cameron’s ‘labour lite’ tory party is deny any chance of meaningfull change -ever
Rember vote tory get labour (in one form or another)
This is disgraceful! The BBC are going out of their way to distance these Muslim fanatical attacks from Islam.
Maybe my eyes deceive me, but I cannot see any discussion of the religious motivations behind this attack:
Islam is to blame; around the world this religion is causing trouble but the stubborn and biased BBC simply will NOT accept this.
Bbc breakfast hosts a serious discussion on the root causes of these atrocities just after 8am….
I know you dont believe me, but they brought on an ‘expert’ to share his knowledge with us. Who he I hear you ask….yes that’s right, a member of the MCB, yer actual Imam…..
As he proceeded to lecture us on the effects of such attacks being a rise in both antisemitism, and yes, you guessed it, a rise in attacks on moslems. And to prove his point he illustrated it with the synagogue attack….
Well, fuck me, the obvious logic had previously escaped me.
As he droned on and on…..Steph and Roger sat there in total awe at the inescapable logic of this genius, mouths agape, in that moment of enlightenment.
I really dont know if they moved on quickly out of sheer embarassment at their propaganda, or they really believed him.
Read the report well. The word ‘gun man’ is repeatedly used. Sure they describe a victim as Jewish, but nothing about the gun man. The article even refers to the Charlie Hebdo shooting with reference to a gun man. So where is all this stuff about context? Gun men just go around shooting. BBC is now quiet over eye witnesses who said the attacker(s) were shouting in Arabic.
Oh dear, I fear this is going to be underplayed whilst Cameron and May tighten up the laws against Islamophobia.
But Alex. To quote Malcolm Brabant, BBC News, Copenhagen in this article:
“…..It was always a case of not if but when. What’s surprising is that it has taken this long for Denmark to be scarred by a fatal terror attack…..” Ahhh, the BBC crystal ball.
So BBC staffers,who don’t wish to associate any of the barbaric murderous acts (the execution of Sharia Law on European soil) with Islam, apparently knew this was going to happen? Just waiting for it (why did it take so long)? But it’s nothing to do with Islam, the Religion of Peace, which begs the question Mr Brabant: Who were the BBC expecting, before now, to instigate a fatal terror attack in Denmark?
There is a word in the OED. Collaborator. A person who cooperates traitorously with an enemy.
About time an active meeja collaboraters list is compiled when it comes to the islamofascist war being raged against Britain, and friendly secular/christian western countries.
Starter for 10.
Medhi Hassan
Any more suggestions?
Yes, and this is typical of INBBC, with Brabant pointing the finger of blame for Islamic jihadi murders, not at Islamic jihadist perpetrator, but at publishers of cartoons 10 years ago, with Brabant using politically inflammatory language!-
INBBC Brabant-
“In September it will be 10 years since the Jyllands Posten newspaper inflamed the Muslim world with the publication of 12 cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, including one of him with a bomb in his turban.”
Classic FM news at 09.00 makes no mention that the Copenhagen shooting victims were jewish, nor that the attack was carried out by Muslim jihadists. Their BBC style “news” is like a riddle, or like a jigsaw with half the pieces missing. Astonishing censorship of basic facts. You have to go online to find the missing pieces they won’t report. Disgusting moral cowardice and dishonesty seems to grip not just the BBC but the wider journalistic community.
Al Beeb and the rest of the propaganda machine are indulging in a propensity of obfuscation, brainwashing, avoiding and masking the truth. All this is churned out by actors, entertainers and showmen masquerading as news reporters, all with their own political agenda. It becomes more transparent every day.
Thankfully we have sites like BIASEDBBC and social media to give us some of the real news.
”You can fool all of the people some of the time….. ”
Vote UKIP.
‘BBC style “news” is like a riddle, or like a jigsaw with half the pieces missing’
Nice analogy. I would go further and say despite the shape of the jigsaw pieces BBC-style news insists on trying to make a different picture to the one we all know is actually on the box.
The same is true of Sky and there are two reasons for it. The first is that news organisations in the UK are staffed by people who have been processed through universities run almost exclusively by Leftists. The second is because the BBC is so dominant that almost the only option for rival organisations is to hire BBC trained staff.
How true Truthdoctor concerning the news on “Classic FM”. I swear it is written by the Labour party.
And talking of such things, according to the BBC this morning at 09.25, the Labour Party *bus* was not pink at all but magenta. Of all the pictures I’ve seen, the damn thing is certainly pink and NOT magenta. Once again the BBC covering the Labour party’s arse.
Oh dear, it looks like the Ukrainian Army have broken the ceasefire just two hours into it! I wonder how the BBC will report this?
I didn’t even realise from listening to Classic FM news that the cafe where the first shooting took place was hosting a free speech event organised by Lars Vilks, an artist who’s received death threats after caricaturing Mohammed. They just reported a shooting at a cafe. Police described the suspect as “of arabic appearance”, but that was not reported at all.
I’ve not seen such wilful distortion and censorship of news in my lifetime as we’re seeing now from mainstream media.
Surely the basic role of media in a free society should be to tell us what’s going on? Not conceal facts to further a political agenda.
A perfect example of what you are saying is the “non-existent” demo in Whitehall last week.
Still awaiting a reply to my complaint on that non-report Lobster.
When the proverbial shit hits the fan about Islime and the religion of peace it would be interesting to see how the BBC reports it…
Innocent Muslims attacked by white BMP,EDL,UKIP supporters in unprovoked attacks.Police from yorkshire drafted in to protect mosques …..
Islamic jihadist murderer in Copenhagen shot dead.
INBBC, in its composite reporting of the Copenhagen Islamic jihad, (echoing that of Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre last month) relegates, for Islamophilic political reasons:
1.) that the murderer was a Muslim Islamic jihadist, not a mere ‘gunman’;
2.) that the Islamic jihadist targeted and murdered a Jew at a synagogue.
Pamela Geller has-
“Jewish Man Shot in Head in Denmark Synagogue Shooting Attack Dies.”
– See more at:
“Police Say They Killed Suspect in 2 Attacks in Copenhagen”
Latest from the liars and traitors from No 10.
the untrustworthy “soundbite kid”, the #jesuischarlatan, strikes again
David Cameron on Denmark attack: “Free speech must always be protected”
David-Cameron-101. This has to be the most ironic statement of the decade. In June 2013, the Cameron government banned me from entering the United Kingdom for saying: “[Islam] is a religion and is a belief system that mandates warfare against unbelievers…” In other words, the Cameron government banned me for telling the truth. Then there are these recent news items:
Sharia UK: Police seeking man over derogatory Islam slurs on bus
Sharia UK: Police in 3 counties sought names of Charlie Hebdo buyers
Sharia UK: 19-year-old arrested for video showing him burning Qur’an
UK soccer fan who ripped Qur’an at match banned from every stadium
If David Cameron is so interested in defending the freedom of speech, let him hold a Muhammad cartoon exhibit at 10 Downing Street.
R Spencer
Latest from the liars and traitors from the BBC
Still up on BBC News … Gunman hits Danish “blasphemy” ? seminar
tentatively stating there were two attacks … why?
… the second was on a Synagogue
no problem elsewhere in the media … why BBC?
before they turn to “ambulance chasing” journalism
Audio of moment cafe gunman struck … Watch
‘They tried to shoot their way in’ … Watch
Another … Islamic attempted mass murder
Another … Islamic Anti-Semitic murder
Another … Islamic Sharia mandated attack
just the facts …
why does “the ministry of truth” find it so hard?
liars and cowards all
He claims his art is worth dying for. Brave man. Obviously, the journalist interviewing him, like so many other western journos, does not consider her profession worth a career risk
The swede’s have lost the plot and their country is collapsing under the weight of moral relativism. How can Sweden welcome people like the masked woman in this video clip to come into their country, she advocates the death of a Swede and threatens to kill him. And the government that represents him does nothing. What of the spineless American ‘journalist’ conducting the interview? Seems to have a problem distinguishing right from wrong.
Lars Vilks, abandoned by his own people to appease a death cult.
CNN true to form. This woman and all others should be deported out of the EU with a lifetime ban on re-entering.
I decided to look up the Danish PM’s (The blonde with the mad eyes) details as I thought that she was the loony married to a Kinnock. And look what I found in her entry on Wikipedia:
“The Danish tax authorities (SKAT) investigated reports that Thorning-Schmidt’s husband, Stephen Kinnock, was guilty of tax evasion. ” Acquitted in 2010 but investigations continued. Hypocriticasl Labour? You bet.
Islam is a religion of peace.
“The only peace Islam can ever bring, is the peace of absolute destruction.”
Meanwhile, across the bridge from Denmark, in INBBC’s
‘multicultural’ society par excellence-
“Sweden: Rape Capital of the West”
Listen to Dotun Adebayo absolutely disgusted that the perpetrator in last nights Denmark shootings described as ‘Arabic’
Approx 19 minutes in.
Typical BBC twat. It’s more important to protect the racial identity of a murderer than to protect innocent people from being murdered. I make people like him guilty of aiding and abetting the terrorists or at least deliberately giving excuses to these men of evil..
Goodness me, this ever-so-tiny minority of extremists certainly get around the place.
Tiny minority of extremists carrying out lone wolf attacks that are not part of a wider plot, nor do they represent the cult in any way.
‘The Commentator’-
“Copenhagen attacks and Western mixed messages.
After Copenhagen, we are tragically reminded that our leaders are sending mixed messages about terrorism both in their dithering about Islamist terror against Israel, and their absurd statements that Islam is an irrelevant factor.”
Mixed messages from our ‘leaders’? The very idea.
Copenhagen, an apparent lone wolf, nothing to do with Islam. But watch out for the backlash.
Says the BBC
‘The police appear confident that they have killed the perpetrator, an apparent lone wolf. But Copenhagen remains on a state of high alert.
Now the recriminations will begin.
The Danish chapter of Pegida – Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of Europe – is planning to march through Copenhagen on Monday evening’.
Once again – the victim card is played.
Well Llareggub, there are a lot of lone wolves running about Europe . I suppose Al Beeb would call them ‘a pack of lone wolves’?
An explosion of lone wolves? Or is that the other pack?
Expect more of this Islamic fascism eroding our freedoms…
Disappointment for Islam Not BBC (INBBC)?:-
“Copenhagen shootings:
Blasphemy debate attack is setback for ‘jihad rehab’ approach.”
Whose side are Beeboids on?:-
“Argentina’s president Cristina Kirchner formally accused of covering up Iran’s role in 1994 bombing that killed 85 people.”
Read more:
I’d hang slack on that for the moment because according to whatever report you read Argentina is buying:
The Swedish Gripen
The Su 24
The F1 as the report above states.
However and a big however Argentina is skint and the current President is only in power for another 7 months. If an opposition party to the current incumbents comes in, they may scrap that military purchase and concentrate on trying to govern the country
Lucky then that the UK is giving Argentina aid then via the EU.
Danish shooting – BBC full text describes a “free speech debate at a cafe” but chooses the Sharia-compliant short headline “Gunman hits Danish Blasphemy Seminar”
Free Speech = ten letters
Blasphemy = nine letters and no space.
“Blasphemy” is an entirely religious concept that has no meaning other than a presumption of heresy from the viewpoint of religious bigots
Why would the BBC choose one description over the other to inform its license fee payers? Perhaps the Common Purpose trained sub-editor thinks “avenging blasphemy” is a more understandable motive for murder. Typed from the safety of his BBC office.
It could be deliberate but more likely that the Beeboids don’t understand what words mean. Semi literate bunch of pods that they are.
Just heard Mark Mardell-Fatwato on the Sunday World at One-TWICE mention the fact that the Danish Cartoons rumpus(2006), and the invitation to the Swede who drew them-were “some might say” provocative to the Muslim nutta that may have fooled him into killing blokes in wonderful Copenhagen yesterday.
“Some might say” eh Mardell?…with the poor Jewish bloke not even in his coffin yet?…did HE provoke the Muslimnutta by daring to defend a Bar-Mitzvah for a girl?
Did the Danish police provoke the Muslimnuttas by daring to defend the synagogue?…the community centre attached?
If only we`d all stop provoking Muslims like Lee Rigby did? Margaret Hassan, Ken Bigley and all the other agents provocateurs…who dare to hold down a job, go to school, not bear their necks for Allahs Satanic pork swords…if only we`d all do halal-kari and all kill ourselves, bleeding silently as we do so?
Fuck off Fatty Twatty Mardell-unless you DARE to tell us who these “some might say” suckups of Islamofascism are-i`ll just assume its you and your own sick fantasists that pump out TWATO lies as “analysis and comment”.
As was Paris, Brussels, Toulouse, Bali, Volvograd, Mumbai, Boston, Bali and all the other bloody battlefields of anti-Jewish pogroms, anti-human evils-Copenhagen is down to Islamic supremacists who use the likes of theBBC to lay the petals before their flipflops…and use the politicos of the EU/UN, the do-gooding oafs of the churches and their quangos-to propagate their sick Nazi wankfests.
No BBC-Mardell etc-YOU`LL be in the grave before we are.
Well said.
This mornings Broadcasting House(Radio 4) told me that Caroline Lucas would be “reviewing the morning papers”, should I care to listen.
Let me see-a Green MP being free to review the Observer/Independent stories-and broadcasting those opinions of hers gratis, live and unfettered, unquestioned c/o the left-liberal cabal working 24/7 to get the Marxist utopia to be halal?
Nah, can`t possibly think what SHE might say on say-UKIP, HSBC, Climate Change or the EU!
Can you?
Bet old Nigel will be allowed to do the same by way of balance next Sunday then?
Lying biased sly leftards…our BBC?
Perhaps they could rip the front three pages of every paper off so there were no stories of muslims killing & raping.
“The BBC and the Election.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It will be interesting to see how the Conservatives bear up under the relentlessly hostile BBC campaign coverage. It is not that the BBC openly praises Labour and its policies. What the BBC does do is to follow the Labour agenda of the stories they wish to focus upon. One week it is continuous coverage for several days of alleged failings and deficiencies in the NHS, perceived as a Labour issue. The next it highlights for several days allegations of ‘tax dodging’ – a phrase they use to conceal the distinction between paying tax in accordance with the law, and criminal dishonesty in concealing earnings.”
I’ve been watching the BBC more closely than usual in the past week, almost mesmerised by the display of unmitigated bias. It is exactly as the Adam Smith piece above says, with the addition of successive salvos of ‘Labour pledges’ that seem to litter the ‘News’ website’s front page on a daily (if not hourly) basis.
For Radio 4 ‘PM’ daily programmes this coming week on cannabis?:-
“Scientists show cannabis TRIPLES psychosis risk:
Groundbreaking research blames ‘skunk’ for 1 in 4 of all new serious mental disorders”
Read more:
Meanwhile, as this piss taking piece of green low life continues to syphon off our hard earned cash, earlier this week the BBC gleefully rolls out their favourite delusional climate change moron Harrabin to breathlessly announce that messers Camoron, Clegg and Miliprick have pledged to continue the fight against non existent global warming, regardless of who wins the election.
Common Purpose doesn’t care if the CAGW ‘consensus’ has been fiddling the figures, or endorsing the use of the term ‘Denier’ to describe anyone who dares dissent on the non-issue of ‘climate change’. Common Purpose doesn’t have to care, when it already has the UN, the EU and almost every ‘democratic’ government in the West under its spell. And paying its bills.
Climate change CANNOT BE DENIED. It is a fact of life since the earth was formed. That is why the global warming “debate” was moved to climate change as the wheels have steadily fallen off the “direct and undeniable” link between man made CO2 and rising global temperatures. For 15 years or so now the trends lines have been moving further apart.
What I always want the alarmists is to tell me what is causing “climate change”. That is when MMGW reappears in the discussion.
The BBC announced in November that 2014 was on course to be the warmest ever. Have they repeated that statement since all the data is in and failed to produce the desired result?
I don’t suppose Harrabin will like this:-
“The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels.”
After this shooting, let’s fight even harder for the right to offend.”
By Brendan O’Neill.
“let’s fight even harder for the right to offend”
But the only way to do that is to offend the culprits relentlessly, not just talk about it.
We had Cameron supporting “Je suis Charlie”, followed a few weeks later by plod asking for names of Charlie Hebdo readers. Empty words, as usual. No cartoons in the UK, as far as I’m aware.
If Europe wants another Yugoslavia, it’s going about it the right way.
The envy of the world national broadcaster does appear too, not in a good way.
The lies we are told and the lies by omission:
Around 28 thousand people are claiming asylum in the UK. They’re accommodated in some of the nation’s most deprived areas while their cases are considered. Now, with numbers on the rise, some communities say they’re struggling to cope. Allan Urry reports from the Northwest of England where, in some areas, there’s concern about growing pressures on health services and schools. In Liverpool the City’s Mayor, Joe Anderson, talks of an asylum “apartheid” and says other towns and cities need to take a fairer share. In Rochdale in Greater Manchester, there are more asylum seekers than the whole of the south east of England. The local MP Simon Danczuk says he’s worried the pressures could undermine the good community relations that have always existed in the town.
Recent stories of asylum seekers living in fancy hotels have led to outraged newspaper headlines but are they a symptom of bigger failings in the UK’s system for housing those who come here seeking refuge?
Anyone on here heard about the massive rise in asylum seekers coming because Cameron & Cronies have invited them in?
Remember the BBC moaning that there weren’t enough coming from Syria and we’re not pulling our weight with the numbers we were accepting?
Well now we are that’s not good enough either because they’re going to Labour controlled cities. Personally & think an asylum camp should be built in those leafy whites only villages in the South where Harriet Harman & Billy Bragg live, then they can experience all the vibrancy of diversity themselves !
I don’t know about asylum seekers going to Rotherham etc., but there is a strong case for members of the civilised world to recognise that many indigenous people of these towns ought to have asylum seeker status. What are the criteria for asylum seekers? Having your children raped with no chance of protection from the authorities and a government unwilling to defend their human rights?
Look at this garbage which I found advertised on facebook…
Funny, down the bottom of the page you see supporting groups such as Hope not Hate (far-left extremist anarchist thugs) and some Imam group. This is evidence of the fascist Left thought police.
Tellingly, it states that it serves to remove ‘Islamaphobia and extremism’. No mention then of Islamic extremism or Islamo-Leftist anti-Semitism. These guys really are the diversity PC police squads.